The Headmaster
- 4 years ago
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"A Most Wicked Headmaster"
Jay Merson.
Copyright Jay Merson. The right of Jay Merson to be identified as the author this book has been asserted in accordance with section 77 and 78 of the Copyrights and Patents Act 1988.
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The little slut was simply delightful. Her crisp white school blouse pulled tightly around her slim waist and harshly under the swell of her ample breasts. At the open neck and front, the blouse buttons were pulled under pressure by the thrust of her orbs creating tempting little peepholes of firm cleavage. Through the thin material the outline of her lacy black bra showed as a pretty little harness about her lovely slim body. Her short pleated skirt in navy blue finished high up her slender thighs to show her lean legs to best effect and at the back it hung teasingly from the jutting rounds of her taut buttocks. She arched her back and held her head high to further emphasise the swell of bust and her backside, so aware of her body and the effects it could have on men. The little bitch had styled her blonde hair to fall around the sides of her cheeks, framing her face as a mask of child-like innocence tinged with a raw sexual alluring. Her full and red-painted lips however, belied this appearance, they seemed designed especially to fit around a stiff cock and her wide blue eyes held a hidden knowing.
The headmaster sighed inwardly and his cock stirred into life within the confines of his trousers. He looked down on her as she stood in the grounds at the front of the school, watching the games session and blissfully unaware of his secretive ogling. His thick and long cock hardened as he imagined the little slut naked, her silky youthful skin would be a delight to touch and to press his cock against. Beneath her little panties her pussy was sure to have a downy covering of wispy blonde hair and he sighed wistfully as he visualised the slut bent over and ready to receive the cane. He gripped his hardening cock through his trousers and squeezed it in several long and lust filled grasps, he looked longing down from the first floor widow of his study at the teasing little slut below. A wicked smile creased his face and he began to chuckle softly.
The beginning.
The entire school was gathered on the sprawling lawns at the front of the building in welcome. All girls were in full uniform and lined up in their forms and year grades; they wore white blouses, navy-blue pleated skirts and polished black shoes with white ankle socks. Staff members stood close to each form of girls in supervision as they all awaited the arrival of the new headmaster.
The rambling Victorian building, set in the huge estate grounds was a most ideal setting for the school. Private but costly, the school attracted only the best of pupils, if not academically then certainly from high income parents that paid heavily to give their daughters a worldly-wise education. Previous reputations though had not been maintained and both standards and results at the school had slipped to a most worrying level. The Board of Governors had at last acted and pinned their faith now in the new headmaster that they had appointed.
The car swept majestically down the long driveway and swung noisily on the gravel of the turning circle and halted. The driver alighted and dutifully opened the rear door to allow his passenger to step out.
Tall and thin, the man stood erect and confident, his piercing black eyes and hooked nose giving him a strict and slightly evil appearance. About him he carried a most commanding air that transmitted itself over the distance to all present, this aurora of self-confidence preceding him. He silently and quickly scanned over the girls of the lower forms and moved his gaze rapidly to the older sixth form girls. He stared at the eighteen-year old beauties; the horny little sluts that had the fully developed bodies of women yet were so wonderfully inexperienced in knowing about and using them. That then, was his mission, to educate these little sluts, to help them to know and to come to terms with their developing bodies. He felt his cock jerk and he broke a wry smile, it was a challenge that he relished very much - oh, how he loved his work.
Twelve staff members sat in the common room, seated in a semi-circle facing his chair. Three male and nine female but only four of those could be rated as fuckable the headmaster thought as he was introduced to his staff. Two were very nice but couldn't even begin to come close in comparison to the delights that the young girl pupils could hold for him. He contented himself with ogling their legs, their thighs and breasts as the mundane speeches of welcome droned on.
At last it was his turn, he had listened to the drivel and the many weak excuses offered in defence of their failure for long enough. He stood to assert his authority and pushed his chest out, the headmaster paced back and forth in a slow and deliberate pacing.
"I have listened to much this morning, of reasons and excuses as to why the standards here have dropped and I have to tell you - that I accept none of them."
He turned to face them, fixing the group with a withering and set stare that simply challenged disagreement.
"Things will change and change swiftly," he said in a low and even tone. "The sixth form groups represent the final stages here - and the examination results by which we are gauged. I will, as from today, take over control of all sixth form groups and add my teaching experiences to them."
He turned back and began pacing the room, his impatience and displeasure obvious in his manner.
"All staff in turn will meet with me in a private interview during which I will assess you and your abilities. Afterwards, I will repeat the same with each and every pupil of the sixth forms groups."
His voice rose both in volume and in venom.
"I am a strict disciplinarian - both with my pupils, and with my staff. Failure should be rewarded I believe, with the most severe punishment."
Silence filled the room, not one dissenting voice was heard as the headmaster looked at each of them in turn. His manner and stare defeated all and pre-empted any objections.
His voice rose and his mood brightened.
"Good! Now I will settle into my study and will see the first of you later this afternoon, the others will be seen over the coming days. Times will be issued for you to attend your assessments."
He walked to the door, paused and turned.
"Be warned though, I am a stickler for punctuality."
He pulled the door open and walked out, his cock beginning to rise to erection at the prospect of the pleasure to come.
About twenty-eight he guessed her to be, a fairly recent addition to the staff there and certainly a good-looking young woman with a slim and shapely body to match. She wore her black hair down the sides of her face as he liked and her full red lips were painted with a bright and glowing red lipstick that highlighted her mouth as the focal point of her face. The sluts dressed well too, sober enough to be acceptable in her teaching position but had chosen tight-fitting clothes that left no doubt whatsoever as to the shape of her body beneath. Her tight skirt hugged her narrow hips and thighs beautifully, the hem ending a little above the knee to show a tantalising hint of thigh when she sat. She was a teaser; a wanton whore that led two lives he felt, one life a fa?ade for the school days and another in private. In that private life he could imagine her as a sex hungry slut that enjoyed flaunting her looks and body to gain her thrills. She looked demure enough now before him, but experience told him that she would like nothing better than to offer her body to tease and taunt men. The bitch was aware of her looks, of her body and the fact that men wanted what she had between her legs. She was unsure of herself in her work though, in awe of her seniors and pliable, on a probationary period and anxious to succeed, simply perfect as his first conquest. He would enjoy playing with the slut, verbal fencing at first, taking control and then making her squirm, now in embarrassment and later in pain.
He stared silently at the woman as she sat on the dining chair placed a little back from and in front of his desk, she fiddled nervously with her fingers as his gaze roamed her from head to foot. He made much of the fact that he was inspecting her, using long and slow leering gazes and pausing on her thighs and the points of her thrusting breasts as they pushed against the inside of her thin jumper. He delighted in the way her face flushed knowingly as he mentally undressed her but she was too polite and nervous to object.
It was right, he felt, to instigate command and control from the outset and not always via words, for looks and silences could achieve much, words then were far more effective when added later.
"Stand up please," he said with a firm but inviting tone.
Her eyes flicked up to his face momentarily and then she returned her gaze to downcast and to her knees, after a moment's hesitation she slowly stood.
An electrically charged atmosphere hung in the room as he ogled her, she knowing that he was looking and leering, him knowing that she knew. His cock stirred and hardened as the little slut stood passively with her hands clasped behind her back, her head down and cheeks flushed red.
"You are inexperienced," he stated to further her submissiveness and his command over her.
Her big brown eyes flicked up again to note his leering smile and stare then she instantly averted her gaze.
"I've only been here for three months," she pleaded in a little soft voice that further portrayed her nervousness, "it's my first teaching post since qualifying."
"Is that why you were late for this interview? I warned that I punish such laxness and discourtesy."
"Only by a minute or so," she protested weakly.
She started in shock as his great hand slammed hard down on the desk to rattle the penholder and to spill the paper clips.
"Don't argue with me," he growled in a menacing tone.
Her bottom lip began to quiver; the young woman was shaking visibly and close to tears.
The headmaster softened his tone to one of soft reassurance and coaxing.
"From reading your personnel file your early days here have not been a huge success have they?"
"No," she said almost inaudibly.
His tone lightened again, filled with certainty.
"But, I think that you hold much potential as a teacher and in time will progress to become one of the best teachers at this school."
Her head lifted and she broke a smile, her eyes sparkled hopefully like a little puppy seeking praise from its master.
"You will need much guidance and tuition to achieve it though and that, I am ready to give. For your part though, to retain your post here and to become a fully fledged and experienced teacher, I need total commitment and loyalty from you."
"Yes," she said instantly and took a half step forward, her hands now clasped in front of her, "I will be... I am loyal and I am committed.
The bitch was hooked, it had been easy and now he intended to further his entrapment of her. His cock attained a full and pulsing erection beneath the desk, as he looked at her little pleading expression.
"You live in staff quarters I understand?"
"Yes, the old groundsman's cottage at the back of the stables - now the garage for the mini-bus."
He nodded.
"Very well," he then paused for effect, "I will visit you there three evenings a week and instruct you, beginning this evening at eight."
Her face beamed her delight and the woman couldn't contain herself.
"Thank you, thank you," she said with deep sincerity.
He felt his cock jerk within his trousers.
"Be warned though that I teach by reward, show no progress and punishment ensues."
"Yes," she said firmly, "naturally it should."
"Our arrangement will be in the strictest of confidence, not a soul is to know of it."
"Of course, I prefer it that way too," she said almost too readily and blushed again at her impulsive reply.
The headmaster stood. Arching his back to allow her to note the bulge in the front of his trousers. He groaned inwardly as her eyes flicked down to his crotch and then quickly back up to his face. She blushed a deep crimson at his awareness of her secretive glance.
"How do you punish your pupils here? Physically I mean."
The woman hesitated and then said.
"The slipper, the cane."
He nodded and moved slowly around the desk.
"And you? What method should we use on you as punishment for your lateness?"
He walked slowly to the door, allowing her to stand in silence as he locked the door of his study.
", have never...don't know...must we?" she muttered fearfully.
He walked back to stand beside her.
"We must," he said in a soft but firm tone, "Which is it to be?"
"The slipper," she blurted, her voice cracking with emotion and fear.
He walked around the desk, opened the draw and pulled out a large man's sized plimsoll.
"Bend over the desk then."
"Oh God," she whimpered and stepped forward. Her hands were trembling as she placed them on the flat top of the desk and hesitantly bent over.
"Not too hard, please not hard," she begged pathetically.
The clinging skirt pulled harshly across her presented backside as she bent, pulling tightly over each contour of her rounded mounds and her panty line showed clearly through the material. The headmaster looked her over silently for a moment, savouring the wonderful sight of her firm young backside facing him.
Her head threw back and her body arched as the plimsoll slammed hard down her buttocks.
"Aaargh!" she cried out and straightened to stand, both her hands clamping over her stinging buttocks to soothe the affected area.
"Get back down," he snapped.
A little fear-filled whimper escaped her lips and then she bent again and braced herself.
Her whole body jolted under the impact of the second blow, the air forced from her lungs and her head dropped to hang down between her outstretched arms.
"Christ! That hurts," she muttered through gritted teeth and then bucked again under the third hard swipe.
"Just six today," he said excitedly, "next time I will be more severe with you."
He loved the heavy thudding sound that the slipper made on her taut buttocks but better still was the way her slim frame shook and tensed as the pain burned deeply into her body. The warmth would be spreading down between her thighs and to her pussy lips. He imagined the sweet fresh folds of vaginal flesh and groaned his excitement as he pictured himself licking it.
On the fifth stroke he came in his pants, his cock jerked rapidly to emit his thick come into the inside of his trousers. He stood silently savouring the last jerks of orgasm and then composed himself.
"Tonight at eight," he restated and dismissed her.
The woman straightened and with face red and eyes filled with tears she rushed to the door, fumbled with the key to unlock it and ran from the room sobbing.
The games session was well in progress, the sixth form sluts squealed excitedly as they ran back and forth on the hockey pitch. The light grey gymslips flicked up pleasingly as they ran and stooped to give tantalising glimpses of upper thigh and navy blue knickers. Of strong muscular thighs and firm rounded buttocks, taut and silky. Their ample breasts jiggled delightfully within the tight restrains of their blouses to add another cock-stiffening dimension to the wonderful scene. The ones with the long, over- the-knee socks appealed greatly, the gap of bare thigh between the tops and the hems of the gym-slips held a horny fascination all of their own. The others though, with their socks rolled down around their ankles showing their long, lean legs produced mental images of them bound and struggling. With their hair tied back in either ponytails or in pigtails all of the maturing sluts held a childish look of innocence despite their beautifully developed bodies. It was difficult indeed to decide and to draw up a short list; all of the sluts were lovely, some more than others.
Best of all though was the fact that they knew, were aware of him standing watching and they played it to the full. The little sluts would pose and strut, offering their bodies in profile and sticking their chests out, bending and stooping more than was necessary simply to display themselves to him. Like the little slut that sat to tie her shoelace, she positioned herself with her legs toward him, her knees drawn up and parted deliberately to show the dark gusset of her knickers to him. They were whores, teasing little harlots that were becoming aware of their sexuality, their bodies and sexual needs awakening and he intended to aid them every step of the way.
His cock jerked in involuntary reaction within his trousers as he made his selection, much as he would like, he couldn't possibly fuck them all. Only the ripest, the most likely and the most tempting would go on his list to begin with and then, as the year progressed, who could tell? Perhaps he might just get to make every single one of the sluts squeal in pain, to revel in the heady feelings as their sweet little pussies and backsides were being violated. At that thought the headmaster pushed his hands deeper down into his trouser pockets, gripped his cock and groaned his need for the dirty little bitches flaunting themselves before him.
At precisely eight o'clock he arrived at the young teacher's cottage door, knocked and waited impatiently for her to answer, tapping his foot and sighing loudly. The cottage wasn't that large and she could now only be hesitating or double-checking her appearance before answering the door, either way it reinforced the fact that she was nervous and wary of him, that pleased him much.
As the door opened he was most pleasantly surprised, the bitch had gone to much trouble to dress and present herself for him and the results were stunning. Her hair had been styled with care to the way he liked, her face was made up and blood red lipstick, glossy and sensual, coated her full lips. A tight and long sleeved blouse hugged her slim waist and pulled harshly over her thrusting breasts with three buttons open at the neck to give the faintest hint of the beginning of her firm cleavage. The skirt was tight and short, finishing mid way up her slender thighs to show the beginnings of the tops of her black stockings. The woman bathed in his obvious delight, beaming back a smile as his eyes roamed her body greedily. That smile dropped from her face as the headmaster pushed past her and stepped into her lounge without speaking. She in turn eyed nervously the long thin can he carried in his hand as she closed and locked the door.
"Stand here," he commanded in a firm and masterly tone. The headmaster pointed with the cane to the spot on the floor that he required her to move to and waited as the woman meekly complied.
"Shoulders back, head up and chin out," he snapped in irritation.
A little involuntary gasp escaped her lips and she straightened her body as ordered.
"You want to learn, is that right?"
"Yes," she said a little too eagerly.
He broke a grin and leaned close to bring his face close to her ear, a moved designed to intimidate and to threaten.
"Your instruction begins tonight then, learn well my teasing little harlot for I am a most demanding taskmaster when imparting knowledge."
He paused and moved around to her front, standing close and commandingly before the smaller woman. His tongue licked over his lips greedily and his eyes searched the open neck of her blouse lustfully. His tone was now one of teaching and assessment.
"You like to be controlled, is that right?"
She tried to speak, her lips moved but no words came.
"Answer me!" he shouted angrily.
The woman started at the suddenness and venom with which his words were delivered.
"Yes," she stated nervously and flicked her eyes up momentarily to gauge the depth of his anger.
He paused and his smile broadened to a knowing grin.
"I thought so. You like to be ordered around and instructed to fulfil menial tasks, is that right?"
She nodded her agreement.
"Does it excite you sexually to be manipulated?"
"Yes," she croaked in a nervous little voice.
He paused again, watching the woman blush at her admission that she was subservient. Her experiencing shame at admitting that she became aroused by being controlled.
"Did you enjoy the spanking I gave you earlier today?"
She swallowed and half-nodded.
"It was embarrassing," she squeaked hesitantly, "particularly within the school..."
"Did you or did you not?" he raved impatiently, his face flushing in anger at her inability to give him a direct answer.
"Yes," she almost shouted back in her nervousness.
The headmaster stood silently, furthering his command over her and revelling in her trembling fear of him.
"Learning comes in many forms and punishment always follows failure to comply fully with my instructions," he cautioned.
She nodded her acceptance, her wide eyes staring up at him and filled with worshipping awe.
"I will train you, teach and guide you, all you have to do is absorb that knowledge and comply with everything that I tell you to do. Is that clear?"
Again the woman nodded, her reply was little more than a soft whisper.
"Yes," she said.
He nodded and grunted his acceptance.
"Undo the next few buttons on your blouse, show your breasts to me bitch."
Again she gasped, his words, the insult and the demeaning way he was treating her struck accord deep within her.
Slowly her hands came up to her blouse, hesitating tantalisingly at the join at the front. Her fingers trembled, shaking in her nervousness and excitement; the long red-painted fingernails eased the buttons slowly open to part the front of her blouse. As the two halves of her blouse were pulled open the full beauty of her firm breasts was revealed, the silky swelling orbs pushed up and together by the little lacy black bra to form a tight cleft of most appealing cleavage. She stood passively as he ogled her mounds, his eyes seemed to bore down through into her body so intense was his interest in them.
When he spoke again his voice was thick with arousal, his throat dry and his need great, it was portrayed in the way his deep voice cracked.
"The first lesson and the subject tonight is posture. Correct posture will increase your commanding air and help to build confidence in you that others will recognise. Remove your blouse and skirt."
It took a moment for his last instruction to register in her brain; the woman only began to comply as his threatening body movement prompted her to do so. Under his scrutinising stare she slipped the blouse off her shoulders and threw it aside, instantly her fingers moved to release the catch on the waistband of her skirt and it slipped down her body to crumple around her ankles.
She stood now in just her underwear and black hold-up stockings, the sensual black lace and thin wispy nylon contrasting wonderfully against her pale creamy skin. The thin black bra strap across her back and shoulders formed a most appealing little harness that restrained her breasts, the black three-quarter cups constricting the swelling orbs most delightfully. At the back, the single thin thread of her panties pulled harshly down between the cleft of her buttocks, separating them into two most tempting firm mounds of desire.
The headmaster drooled over the swelling mounds as he moved around behind her and to her side; he delighted in the way she gave an involuntary little shiver of fearful expectation.
"What are you?" he demanded.
The woman turned her head to look at him questioningly.
"Why, a teacher of course."
Her hips jerked forward under the impact, her back arching as the thin cane stung across the taut mounds of her buttocks. The thwack of the cane on her skin resounded around the otherwise silent room and she cried out as the burning pain seeped deeply down into her flesh.
"A slut!" he raved loudly, "a teasing slut that is worthy only of being abused and used."
She didn't reply but rubbed with both hands at the angry red welt forming on her buttocks.
"Stand still," he shouted, "hands by your sides and head up."
She complied, arching her back and standing like a soldier at attention. Her body jolted under the next cruel lash of the cane that stung at the top of her buttocks, slicing down from above to cut painfully across both at cheeks at the same time. The woman began to cry, tears ran down her cheeks, streaking her mascara in long black lines.
The cane sliced hard in again and again.
"What are you?"
"Aaaah! A school teacher," she uttered defiantly.
Swish - thwack.
"What are you?" he repeated.
The woman hung her head and sobbed, her shoulders heaving as she cried her misery. Her head hung down and the volume of her sobbing became louder, her body jolting under the impact of each hard lash. Her backside had turned a reddish-mauve under the brutal lashing. Finally she broke, blurting out her words in an effort to avoid further punishment.
"A slut. I'm a worthless slut."
"That you are, bitch."
"And a whore."
"Yes, a whore and a slut but please...ouch!"
A last he relented and paused, his throbbing cock pressing uncomfortably against the insides of his trousers. The headmaster was panting hard in his excitement, his face flushed and eyes blazing sexual need.
"Take the rest of your clothes off but leave the shoes on."
The woman bore the sting of the cane on the outsides of her thighs, the ceaseless cutting lashing continued as she removed her bra and then slipped her panties down to her ankles. She kicked them aside and then once again stood to attention as was required of her, whilst he beat at her thighs alternately. Naked and proud, she flinched only now as the burning pain warmed her outer thighs and radiated down into her muscles.
He could sense her excitement through the pain, it added to his own to raise the level of sexually charged thrill higher still. The bitch was building, heading toward an orgasm as she stood naked and crying whilst he beat her. He had been right in his judgement of her, she was every bit a slut but better still, she was a submissive slut.
"Walk," he commanded and lashed at the backs of her legs.
The woman began walking, in long loping strides with her head up and back straight. She proudly displayed her body, her jiggling breasts and rolling hips, the fact that her hairy covered pussy was now fully on displayed seemed to add to her own excitement.
"Turn," he instructed.
She did so, facing him now and shuddering as the waves of pre-orgasm gripped at her insides. The woman tottered unsteadily, her eyes half-closing as her climax rushed toward her. The savagely hard swipes with the cane to her already bruised and beaten backside seemed now to have little effect on her, sexual pleasure overcoming even pain. Her legs tensed, slowing her walking, and stiffening her thighs to seem as though she wanted to pee. She gave a great sigh as the thunderous jolts of pre-orgasm gripped her and she cried out. Her head threw back and her hips thrust forward, the woman screamed as she came. She stood as she was, her naked body jerked and convulsed like a puppet on strings as the tremors tore through her.
The effect that the sight of her in orgasm had on the headmaster was profoundly thrilling. He dropped the cane and ripped at his trousers in heated urgency to free his pulsing erection. In two long strides he was behind her, pressing is hard cock into the warm firm cleft of her buttocks. One hand gripped her hair and pulled her head back onto his shoulder, the other hand circled around her front to cup her pussy and to rub frantically at her hard clitoris.
The young woman cried out as she was lifted onto tiptoe, the head of his cock slipped up between the backs of her thighs and up into her wet pussy from the rear. Her whole body was bucked and jolted upward as he lunged frantically into her, ramming his cock hard into her body and slamming his hips hard against her buttocks in his urgency. She was battered and buffeted, forced again and again up onto tiptoe as his cock slid back and forth inside her wet, warm pussy. She cried out on each inward thrust as the head of his cock rammed far up toward her cervix in a brutal race to sate his need inside her. The woman screamed as the pounding became more frantic; his orgasm approaching seemed to increase his strength and passion. Her hair felt as though it would be ripped from her head under the powerful grip and the crushing fingers on her delicate clitoris was bordering on painful.
They danced around the floor, her little naked body pummelled upward unmercifully from behind by the force of his thrusts, her screams were loud and pitiful as she endured the ferocious assault.
At last he tensed and came, squirting his hot seed far up inside her youthful body, emptying his ball sac totally into his latest conquest. The headmaster groaned aloud in pleasure as he slowed his thrusts and lengthened the strokes of each to inject every last drop of his come into her. His vice-like grip on her relaxed and when finished, he eased out of her and pushed her away like a cast-off rag. He then used her blouse to wipe his softening cock clean and threw it at her as a sign of his displeasure.
"Lesson number two is Wednesday evening at the same time and you will perform much better than you did tonight," his voice dropped to a low and threatening tone. "Or suffer for it you most certainly will."
He left her, curled up on the floor, naked and sobbing her misery into the carpet.
He sat in on the class, assessing the woman teacher's abilities and taking the opportunity to ogle the giggling young sluts of the first stream sixth form. From his seat at the rear of the class he was treated to a row of tempting backs, through their thin blouses he could clearly see the tight bra straps that hugged their wonderful bodies to support the delightful array of firm, billowing breasts. Lower down as they sat were the swelling buttocks and hips as their little skirts pulled harshly across their backsides and when each of them stood in turn to say her piece he was treated to a cock-jerking display of long legs and the backs of their slender thighs. The hems of their little skirts rose teasing high at the back, some even to show the beginning of the swell of their buttocks. He sighed inwardly, imagining himself feeling up the little skirts, touching their youthful flesh and slipping his hand inside their tight little knickers. Of his fingers stroking the silky smooth skin on the pubic arch and then onto the soft downy pubic hair and...
"Headmaster?" the teacher repeated to break his thoughts.
"Sorry?" he muttered and looked to the front of the class.
She was blonde, with a well-maintained body and looks for a woman in her early forties.
"Would you like to comment on the geography lesson so far?"
"No thank you, my task to day is simply to observe."
She was a tart, an over-dressed ageing tart that applied her makeup far too heavily to try to retain her youth. She had the body that was for sure and in her time must have been a most attractive woman but now those looks were fading and she knew it. The slut would be easy, a different approach with her would be needed, one of flattery and coaxing reassurance, but get her he would. She would be grateful, extremely so, for few hot cocks came her way these days that much was certain. He contained a smile as he imagined her tied to the bed, with pillows pushed up under her backside and a huge dildo sticking out of her pussy as she wailed in pained pleasure. The woman would serve as light entertainment and nothing more, the younger sluts, the pupils, were his goal and they simply had to take preference.
The headmaster sat out the lesson, ogling his intended prey and mentally forming his plans to ensnare and to abuse the tempting little harlots seated before him.
She stood before his desk, the bright-eyed little slut that he had looked down on in the grounds and she was delighting in his hungry looks. The teasing little slut pushed her chest out to emphasise the swell of her breasts and her knowing smile acknowledged his lustful gazes. The tall blonde stood with her hands clasped behind her back, confident and a little too self-assured. She was pretty and knew it; she was using her looks and body to try to gain control of the interview.
The headmaster referred to the notes in the manila folder on his lap, snapped it shut and threw it casually onto the desk. He lounged back crossing his legs lazily in readiness. This was the part he loved, deflating the little sluts' egos and bringing them down to earth with a thumping crash. The beginning of the process whereby he would turn the tables on them, bring them to heel and eventually, punish them for their wanton ways. This one however, the first pupil, he would deal more directly with. Straight for the throat and no messing, his full ball sac and stiff, aching cock made it necessary for it to be that way.
"Your course work and exam results are abysmal," he stated in a cold and disinterested tone, "there is no place for you here any longer, you will leave forthwith."
Her face dropped and her bottom lip quivered, tears welled up in her eyes and she fought back the urge to burst into tears. The girl stepped forward placing her hands on the desk, her manner one of imploring and begging.
"But sir," she pleaded mournfully, "my parents will be devastated. They will...the shame...the..."
"My mind is made up, all failure should be rewarded with punishment, and this is yours."
"Please, no. Please," she wailed.
She began to cry, her slight body shaken by the heaving sobs, a wonderful performance designed to tug at his heartstrings.
He sat watching her impassively as she went through her act; once her sobbing had reduced he spoke again, a deliberate entrapment that he felt sure she would walk into.
"I will not change my mind," he hesitated and then added with a hopeful air, "unless..."
Her head whipped up, her pleading eyes searched his face and waited for him to continue.
"Unless?" she prompted hopefully and sniffed heavily as she dabbed at her tears with a tissue.
"Unless you prefer to accept the cane, twelve of the best, and then continue in your studies here as normal - but with better results."
"Yes!" she almost shouted and then straightened hesitantly, her expression one of questioning. She pondered a moment, her eyes flicked to meet his, her look one of sexual knowing. "Yes," she said softly, "I accept the cane."
"On your backside?"
She nodded slowly her acceptance.
She was hooked and committed, now he would push further.
"Your bare backside?" he asked in a thick and excited tone.
Her stare and expression were now serious, transmitting to him her understanding of his hidden meaning, her voice cracked as she replied.
"Yes, on my bare backside." She hesitated and then asked in a simpering little voice. "Does it have to be the cane?"
He gave a wry smile.
"Over my lap then."
Her knowing smile and look were all the answer he needed; he felt his cock jerk within his trousers at the simpering little half-smile the slut gave him.
"Lock the door," he said and moved his chair back a little from the desk.
The headmaster watched as the long-legged girl walked to the door swinging her hips, she turned the key and then faced him, a broad smile now creasing her face. He gave a low groan as she walked back toward him, hoisting her little skirt up around her waist to stand dutifully by the side of his chair. The slut was delightful, the way her little panties pulled up into her crotch to make her slender thighs seem even longer than they were and the way the gusset of her panties pulled up to part the lips of her pussy; the shape of it beneath clearly defined beneath the thin material.
"Lay across me then," he instructed her.
The girl paused only to hook her thumbs in the side-strings of her panties, to slide them down to her ankles before laying face down across his lap.
The warmth and feel of her youthful body was transmitted instantly through his trousers and onto his thighs and cock as her bodyweight added the pressure so necessary in sexual contact. The little bitch wriggled her hips to become comfortable, drawing attention to her rounded buttock cheeks at the same time. He groaned softly as he viewed them, so silky and firm, so soft and pale, he felt his cock leak pre-lubrication at the thought of simply touching her.
Her arms and legs stiffened as one, splaying out to beat wildly in the air as the flat of his hand slapped hard down to make her backside quiver under the force of it. Her back arched and her head lifted, turning wide eyed in shock at the stinging pain she had received. It was on the second slap that she cried out; even in her pain she had the presence of mind to bite her lip and to stifle any scream.
With each slap that landed her body jolted pleasingly, pressing down harder still on his throbbing cock, the firm mound of her pussy pressed hard into his upper thigh to add a further thrilling dimension to the situation. Six slaps he gave her before pausing, the headmaster stroked his hand reverently over the contours of her reddened buttocks, trailing his fingers to feel and to savour her vibrant young flesh. He stroked and felt, roaming his hand freely over her mounds before edging toward the tops of her thighs.
"Yes," she whimpered as a whisper, "yes, there."
"Where?" he asked, "your pussy?"
Her voice was thick with arousal as she confirmed.
"Yes, please there."
The girl yelped as his hand slammed down again, spanking hard again on the enflamed areas of her cheeks. Again and again the hand slammed down, the fingertips now edging toward the puffy lips of her labia as they peeked out between the tops of her thighs. The first slap on her pussy lips sent her into a wild thrashing of her body, her arms and legs flailing as the excruciating pain and pleasure mix tore through her. On the second the same was repeated, her mouth open and gaping, sucking in air to feed the mix of sensations rushing through her inexperienced body. The third slap made her whimper and grunt, her body now building toward her peak. She tensed, her whole body locked rigid and the breath left her body in one huge sigh, she convulsed and shook and then came to orgasm on his lap.
Instantly he pushed two fingers up inside here sodden pussy, feeling her warm interior and her juices as they flowed from her body. The headmaster shifted his hips, angling them upward to press his cock hard against her lower belly and then came to orgasm as she wriggled down on him. Powerful spurts of his come jetted out into his trousers as he fingered the slut to a finish, he remained with his fingers up inside her for long afterwards. This was one dirty little slut he felt, one that he could train and use to good effect. The cock-hungry slut would be putty in his hands from now on and he would ensure that she provided him with many hours of delightful pleasure in the future. The headmaster pulled his fingers out of her pussy, pushed them into his mouth and sucked greedily on them to taste what would surely become, a familiar flavour to him in the coming term.
He stood in the gymnasium, a clipboard in his hands scribbling make-believe notes as he watched them. The little sluts were a true delight to behold, the athletic young bodies twisting, turning, bending and leaping to bring his cock to a firm hardness. It was his favourite session, the one in which they wore the tiniest of little grey pleated skirts, so small that they covered just their hips. The frequent flashes of panties beneath, at the back as they clung to the girls' shapely buttocks and at the front as they pulled across the mounds of their pussies were the real bonus. The white ankle socks and the long lean legs were his favourite and the headmaster busied himself making his selections from the third stream of the sixth form.
On the beams, the springboards and on the wall bars, the little sluts flaunted their bodies under is watchful gaze, bending, stooping, squatting and more, all for his benefit with each of them trying to out-flash the next girl.
He chuckled to himself as he imagined their little pussies moistening and their sweet little clitorises firming as their bodies discovered sexual feelings. The rosy pink nipples hardening to stand out in most desirable attention; simply waiting for his mouth to cover them, to suck and to bite on the tender buds. His mirth grew as he imagined the shock they would experience when bound and helpless, tasting the bite of the cane for the first time in their pretty, naive lives. Of the way they would gasp and whimper as he pushed his enormous cock up inside their tight little tunnels. The real joy for him though was in fucking the slut's arses, the shock, revulsion, disgust and discomfort they showed when he did so excited him more than anything else. The headmaster completed his list and retired, his pounding erection would surely be seen if he remained. Not that he minded the sluts seeing it, that aided his cause but staff members gossiped, that he knew and he had a position to maintain, he was after all, the school's headmaster.
The male members of staff had all been interviewed, as too had the non-fuckable female members. He had worked through the list of them with rapidity, conducting simply a courtesy meeting so as to be seen to be impartial. He had encouraged and praised, commented and cautioned but his interests did not lay with them. The next one on the list was the youngest, another trainee and ripe for the taking.
The headmaster stood and positioned himself at the window as the knock on the door announced her arrival.
She was young, not much over twenty he guessed, a delightful little thing, pretty, petite and so very fearful, it showed as she entered. The girl was athletic, her body honed by constant exercise, it showed in her developed thighs beneath the tight Lycra shorts. Her breasts thrust out pleasingly, not large but ample, the shape of them clearly defined beneath the thin tee shirt. Her hair was tied back in a ponytail, mousy brown and not over-long it formed a pleasing tail at the back, just right to grip on and to gain purchase he fucked her he mused.
"Ah, Caroline isn't it?" he greeted warmly to put her at ease.
She confirmed it and sat, wriggling slightly uncomfortably under his critical gaze.
The headmaster lounged back again the window frame eyeing her bare thighs and shapely calves.
"The games mistress," he stated.
"Trainee, actually, not fully qualified as yet."
He nodded.
"Yes, working under Mr. James the physical training instructor."
He walked slowly to his desk and sat down, crossing his legs casually.
"A great interest of mine, physical activity, it is how I started out teaching - just like you."
"Really?" she beamed and straightened, her interest roused.
"Quite an athlete in my time but sadly that is now past. I am however well qualified to assess you, along with Mr. James' recommendations naturally."
"Of course," she confirmed with a hint of hesitance in sounding in her voice.
"Not going well with him?"
She shook her head.
"Could be better."
He used a low and coaxing tone to reassure.
"You will gain nothing other than a fair assessment from me, please be assured."
Her mood brightened and her eyes sparkled to send a ball-quivering jerk in his groin.
"Thank you," she said with sincerity.
The headmaster opened the folder on his desk and read the contents silently for a minute or so.
"Stand please and turn around several times."
She did so, without hesitation, proud to show her physique.
"My!" he complimented, "you certainly are in top shape."
She blushed red but turned around, shifting her weight onto one leg and pronouncing the shape of her hips. The skin-tight black shorts clung to her body like a second skin, hugging every contour of her firm buttocks and pulling harshly up into the cleft between them.
"Face me," he instructed.
She did so, holding her hands at the front to cover the prominent mound of her pussy, conscious that the shape was so clearly visible beneath the hugging shorts.
He ogled her slowly and deliberately, his gaze beginning at her ankles and moving up over each part of her in turn. His stare fixed and paused on her hips and then the points of her breasts before lastly moving up to her face. It thrilled him to leer, when the young women knew of his thoughts and yet did or said nothing but stand dutifully as he mentally undressed them. All his looks were sexually loaded, his expressions deliberately complimenting as he fixed on each part of her body.
"I should like you to perform a few exercises, simple ones, so as to gauge your flexibility and stamina."
"Fine with me," she responded brightly.
He smiled reassuringly.
"Very well then, press ups please."
The girl got face down on the floor, raised her body on her arms and began a steady and rhythmic pumping up and down.
His cock rose to full erection as he watched her, the hem of her tee shirt had pulled up to reveal the soft but muscular shape of her waist as bare flesh. The firm bulge of her buttocks was a true delight to see, the dual mounds and the taut black rounds rising and falling in a wonderful pumping of sheer sexual invitation. Her thigh muscles tensed, sculptured muscles standing out to portray the power that lay within them. Beneath her chest her breasts hung down delightfully to jiggle and swing in a hypnotic dance of the sweetest temptation.
"Enough," sit-ups please now."
The girl changed position, her little pleading expression seeking praise and reassurance from him and she received it.
"Marvellous," he complimented, "I love the way your body moves with such a natural ease."
That comment pleased her much and it showed. She positioned herself facing him with knees drawn up and parted as her upper body lifted and rested back as she complied. The girl rose and fell in a great effort to please further, her face flushed and her sensual lips parted slightly as she grunted softly in her efforts.
He was as thrilled as her for the presented tight mound of her pussy was fully displayed to him, the thin material outlining the shape of her labia and the slit of her pussy. The slut would be well aware of her offering and of his fixed stare between her legs, he thought.
"Stand please for the last exercise, and have to say that I am most impressed with what I have seen so far."
She bathed in the praise, standing slowly with her hands now by her side and no attempt made to cover the firm mound of her pussy.
"Turn please with you back to me, part your legs and touch your hands to the floor."
The girl swallowed hard, her eyes met his fleetingly in a knowing glance and then she turned.
The headmaster felt his pre-lubrication ooze out of the eyehole of his cock as the girl bent as instructed. Her slim legs and thighs were braced, tapering up to the 'V' at the top where her shorts had pulled even more harshly across her public mound. He couldn't stifle a moan of pleasure that was greeted with a little gasp from the girl. She knew, she could feel the heavy sexually charged atmosphere too and remained there in the full knowledge that he was inspecting her crotch.
"Stand up now please, the assessment is over."
She straightened and turned, her face now bright red and her gaze away from his knowing face.
"You are quite lovely," he said.
"Thank you," she answered coyly.
Her interest in him was obvious; she was smitten, taken in both by his ability to assess physical education and by his hungry, lustful looks.
"You are ideal, should you need my guidance, the benefit of my past experience in..."
"Yes! Please."
He smirked at her impulsive response.
"Mr. James mustn't know or he will feel..."
"He won't know," she offered hopefully.
The headmaster paused.
"Very well, do you live on the grounds?"
"No, I have a flat on the edge of the town."
"Excellent, shall we say Sunday - at about eleven?"
"Yes," she answered readily, stumbling her words in her urgency to confirm the appointment, "Sunday is is eleven."
He gave a last long sweep of his eyes over her trim frame, ensuring that she knew he was looking at her crotch more than her overall body.
"Until Sunday then."
As the girl left and closed the door the headmaster gripped his throbbing cock through his trousers and squeezed it luxuriously slowly several times.
"Another one hooked and just needing the final coaxing," he muttered aloud and then turned his thoughts again to the insides of her tight shorts. They would be wet with her juices, the gusset of her knickers beneath soaked and musky smelling, that thrilling odour of sweet fresh female sex. He sighed wistfully and then consulted his growing list and the prospects still to ensnare.
He stood at the head of the class of sixth formers, aiming his gaze beneath the desks facing him and delighting in the display of long legs and thighs his position at the front offered. He loved the way the loose pleated skirts fell away to show the backs of their thighs and to give sight right up almost to their hips. Some of the little sluts were even parting their legs to show the tight triangle of their panties as they pulled down over their sweet little mounds and between the tops of their thighs. They would cross their legs, seemingly casually but looking up secretively to assure themselves that they had gained his attention. The little sluts were well aware of their bodies and enjoyed immensely showing them off to him, he made a mental note to establish the skirts as all-time school uniform, never to be changed.
The headmaster sat down on his desk at the front, more to conceal his growing erection than for any other reason. Some of the girls had their blouse buttons undone, indecently low so as to offer a glimpse of their swelling cleavages. All though had firm thrusting breasts that pushed most temptingly against the thin material of their blouses, on some the hard buds of their nipples were clearly defined.
He was and had been taken by a petite little girl with long dark hair falling to her shoulders. She had the face of an angel that held an aurora of innocence, one that appealed very much to him and the big brown, cow-like eyes simply offered simmering naivety with sexual undertones. Her slim little body was a delight, firm and shapely in all the right places and with such wonderful slender legs that he felt his cock jerk as he imaged her thighs wrapped around his head. She was next on his list, at the games session he had decided on her and had put her name as next to attend his private interviews.
He eyed them all, mentally giving them marks out of ten for suitability to his plans, some ranked far higher than most but the list was growing longer by the day. Percentages had to play a part he told himself, select ten and two are sure to fuck, handle them correctly and that percentage rose dramatically, it always had in the past. The headmaster sat spellbound. Flicking his gaze from one girl to the next, mentally undressing them and imagining them naked and in pain, screaming for mercy and knowing that they would receive none.
The tall blonde that he had spanked and fingered sat at the back, her knees parted and smiling broadly at him whenever his gaze moved to her. He resolved at that moment to fuck the lovely little slut that very night, to lick her pussy and to experience the warm feel of her young body around him. The teasing little bitch had opened her legs wider for him now, offering the firm mound of her pussy in secret offering, she smiled temptingly too, pouting her full red lips in mimicry of oral sex. Yes, he restated silently to himself, she would scream tonight for sure.
He stood up, holding a folder down over his crotch and walked slowly down the main isle between the desks. His eyes searched the open necks of the little sluts blouses as the hunched over the desks writing frantically to finish the essay. He took in the many tight cleavages and the hints of lacy bras as he inspected the firm cleft of breasts in turn as he moved from desk to desk.
At the back of the class he moved behind the blonde's chair, standing close and secretively pressing his hard erection into her back between her shoulders. For many minutes he remained there savouring the warm feel of the bitch as she deliberately pressed harder back against him, the tempting little slut needed it now but he could nothing but resist and to wait. The headmaster dropped the note over her shoulder and onto her lap before moving to the front of the class and ending the lesson, he looked to the blonde and groaned inwardly as she read the note, looked up at him, smiled and nodded slowly.
His inspection of the outbuildings was a necessary chore, an inventory had to be made and others could perform that duty, he had though to familiarise himself with the layout of each building and its use. It was then, a less than content headmaster that used his lunch break to perform the routine necessities of his new appointment.
As he entered the old stable block, the huge wooden doors creaking noisily on the rusty hinges there was a scrabbling activity inside. As he stepped forward a young girl and a youth tried to break from the dark shadows and to rush past him. Swift action though and strong hands halted their flight instantly, he grabbed the youth by the shoulder and the girl by the wrist.
It was a little redhead from the sixth form, a cheeky little slut he knew her to be. Even in his short time at the school her name and face had been made known to him on more than one occasion. Her blouse was open at the front and she made no attempt to try to cover the swelling mounds of her breasts. Bits of straw littered her cropped red hair and her face was flushed with sexual excitement.
"You, boy, who are you? The headmaster demanded, "For no male pupils exist at this school."
The boy refused to answer but busied himself instead trying to get free of the grip on his shirt.
"He's my boyfriend," the girl said haughtily as though that explained and rectified all.
The headmaster released the boy and the frightened youth fled from the building like a scalded cat.
"This area is out of bounds to pupils and you know it," the headmaster stated releasing his grip on her wrist.
"So?" the girl replied, brazenly standing with her chest pushed out and aware of his frequent glances at her exposed cleavage.
He liked her; despite the cheek and disrespect that she displayed he found that the slut had a certain appeal. Not just her obvious state of sexual arousal, nor the way she was standing defiant and offering her breasts to him. She was a knowing little thing, a sexually experienced one too he guessed and at this moment hot and ripe for the taking. He felt his cock stir in his trousers, hardening at the thought of fucking the little bitch and of giving her a real man's cock. The girl would be used to a boy's dick, inexperienced fumbling and groping with sex simply as put it in and rut until he came. This little whore would wail well with a sizeable cock touching the tender parts of her soft interior. She was a challenge, a teasing and irresistible challenge that simply had to be met and conquered.
"Were you engaged in sexual activity?"
"What if we were?"
"Full sex or simply groping?"
He felt his cock jerk as the smiling girl continued to counter his questions.
"You spoiled the best bit when you came in, we were just..."
"Breaches of rules warrant punishment."
"So? Punish me then," she responded cheekily. "If that is, you can take your eyes off my tits for long enough."
His reaction was swift and positive, a stunning speed from a man of his age; it took the girl by complete surprise. His left hand gripped her hair at the top and pulled her head toward him to double her over backward, his mouth covered hers and his eager tongue forcing far down into her mouth. At the same time his right hand slid down inside her bra to cup her left breast and to squeeze it in a passionate fondling of high arousal, his fingers gripping her erect nipple between them.
The girl, once over the initial shock responded with equal passion, her arms circled his shoulders and she met his kiss with a fervent hunger of female sexual need. She whimpered softly as his tongue explored the inside of her mouth and she felt the size of his hard erection pressing against the outside of her thigh. She gave no protest as his right slipped out of the bra, travelled down over her stomach and cupped her pussy mound through her clothing. She began panting into his mouth, her own hot breath coming in jerky heaves of high passion as the wonderful sensations of the pressure on her clitoris and pussy lips coursed through her.
The headmaster ended the kiss but held her as she was, bent back with her hips thrust forward, he slid his hand down, up under her short skirt to again cup her pussy through the thin material of her little panties. He rested his middle along the slit of her pussy, pressing the material in and testing her wetness.
"Could you take a real cock I wonder?" he panted excitedly.
The girl maintained her defiance.
"Try me," she breathed urgently and tried again to kiss him.
She gasped as his fingers slid under the side elastic of her panties, the fingertips teasing at her hard bud and her enflamed labia. The girl gave a huge sigh of pleasure as his thick long finger slid up inside her wet love tunnel to explore her soft, warm interior. She was like a dog on heat, breathing hard now in loud laboured gasps, her whole body tensed and relaxed as his finger slid easily in and out of her body, lubricated by her copious juices. She shuddered in involuntary spasm as his thumb rubbed back and forth over the tip of her hard clitoris and she cried out as the wonderful feelings tugged at her very insides.
Her hands now roamed his body, caressing passionately her older seducer, trying to slide down between their bodies and to take hold of his pulsing erection. To feel for the first time a fully developed cock, an older man's cock, a rampant and throbbing cock.
"Too eager, you little bitch" he cautioned and withdrew his fingers, "too eager by half."
He shoved her by a hand in the centre of her back, toward the old wooden stalls that once served to house coach horses. One hand slipped up the back of her skirt to fondle the taut, silky rounds of the slut's buttocks. The headmaster pushed her, face against the wooden stall wall, lifted her skirt at the back and pressed himself hard against her backside, his hard cock laying flat along the tight cleft that her cheeks formed. For many minutes he held her there, rubbing himself against her warm little body, his hands circled her waist to cup her ample breasts and to knead them as he moaned his pleasure.
This girl was a delight, why she aroused him so he didn't know. She wasn't that pretty but she held a thrilling excitement for him, perhaps it was her youthful defiance that excited him so. Her body though and the way the slut was simply begging to be fucked thrilled him, to give her a good sized cock, to push it up inside her tight little pussy would be heaven itself. He would revel in her reaction to the unusual size of his member, as it travelled up inside her body and produced the sweet sensations of sex.
His hands dropped down, over her hips and to the side strings of her panties, he breathed in hard excited rasps as he slid the little garment down and then pressed his cock back against her, this time pulsing flesh on young naked buttocks.
The little bitch extended her arms, gripping the wooden rail above her and preparing herself to receive him. Her back arched and she shifted her feet apart to allow him access. The girl cried out as the head of his great cock slipped up between the backs of her thighs and pressed against the soft, moist inner lips of her pussy.
Her back arched and her head slunk back, she cried out as the head of his huge cock entered her tight little pussy. Her inner lips stretched to receive him, expanding around the great bulbous head and gripping it tightly.
"Aaaah...oh God!"
Her grip on the rail above her increased, her knuckles bled white as her tension and hesitant fear increased. She lifted herself up onto tiptoe as his full length was pushed up inside her to the hilt. The girl rested there, breathing hard as her body adapted to the enormous size of the warm invader.
"Is that good, you teasing little bitch? Like a real cock do you?"
The girl whimpered and gasped as he began thrusting, her body crushed against the wooden wall of the stall as he pounded against her to ram his cock hard up into her. Her little body was slammed time and again, her mound and clitoris rubbed against the rough wooden wall as he rutted into her in a heated and lust-filled pumping. His hands pulled now at her rubbery nipples, pinching them hard in his wild excitement as his climax steadily built. The headmaster was panting hard, grunting loudly in pleasure at the feel of the tight grip of her internal muscles around his cock. He loved the sweet feel of her firm tits and the warmth that her body radiated over to him, both were a true delight; but best of all was her discomfort. The bitch didn't know what had had hit her, the size of his cock, the brutal fucking must have come a total surprise to her and he rutted harder as she whimpered fearfully to the wall.
Her head jerked and her body jolted, faster and faster as his excitement increased. At last he came and she cried out, a gurgle emitted from her throat as she felt the hot spurts of his come jetting far up inside her little body. She slumped to her knees as he pulled out of her, his thick warm seed dribbling from her sore pussy lips.
The headmaster stood over the sobbing form crumpled on the stall floor; he held his softening cock in one hand and gloated.
"That was a proper fucking, you little bitch. Report to my study tomorrow at five o'clock, then I will decide on your future here."
He had found it by chance during his inspection, the little janitor's cupboard next to the shower block on the edge of the playing fields. It was ideal; bushes and trees concealed his entry and exit screening the door at the rear of the block. It had a lock on the stout door and better still, the hole in the wall that peeped through into the showers and changing rooms themselves. He smiled as he thought of caretakers past that had use the peephole to view and to lust over the naked girls in silent secrecy. The headmaster checked his watch, the games sessions would begin at two o'clock and he had half an hour to wait, he settled himself on the rickety old chair and lined his eye at the hole in readiness to gain the best possible view.
Shrieking and giggling the sixth form girls filed into the changing rooms and began to undress, some sitting on the long, low wooden benches and others standing next to a locker.
The headmaster felt his cock rising and hardening as he watched the display of firm young flesh, tight clinging panties and restricting and supporting little bras. He freed his cock from his trousers and gripped his pulsing shaft, sliding his hand slowly back and forth as he watched through the peephole. He gasped and quickened his pace as the array of breasts became revealed, the sweet little orbs dancing delightfully as the girls played and joked with one another in high spirits. He ogled the differing sized of nipples and the way the rosy pink buds stuck out in firmness, he sighed inwardly and increased the pace of his wanking again.
Panties now, slipping down over their slim shapely hips and thighs to reveal many differing colours and quantities of public hair, some of the gussets clinging between the folds of their labia until pulled free. The little sluts bent and sat now in a naked display of their bodies as they put on the little socks and sports shoes. He felt himself coming as one girl parted her thighs, raising one leg idly up onto the bench to tie her shoelace. Her slim legs, long and elegant, looked so inviting and her thighs, creamy white and tender made him shudder involuntarily. The headmaster imagined himself, with his head between her thighs and licking at her sweet little pussy. He grunted, tensed and then came, spurting his sperm out in excited jerks as he watched the slut displaying herself. She, although she was blissfully unaware of it, had just been added to his list.
The cheeky little redhead from the encounter in the stable block entered his study in a theatrical gush, her sensual red lips were parted sexily in a huge smile that creased her face in joy. At a nod from the headmaster she locked the door and walked across the room to stand before his desk. Before he had time to speak she gathered the hem of her skirt and hoisted it up around her waist holding it there brazenly as he ogled her. The girl wore wispy little panties, the white material so thin so as to be almost transparent, the bush of her red pubic hair clearly visible beneath.
Quite why this little slut excited him so he still couldn't fathom but that she did was certain.
The way the little bitch offered herself so willingly, defiant of his authority and revelling in offering herself and her body for sex. The little slut would have to be tamed that was for sure, brought to heel and made to fall in to line but the thrill of the challenge exited him beyond all else. Pain and punishment would alter her ways but inwardly he liked her rebellious and carefree attitude, it gave him a harder erection that he had attained before and his cock throbbed incessantly its need for the game to continue.
The headmaster stirred his finger lazily in the air to instruct her to turn and the slut did so, presenting her back and arching it so as to offer her taut buttocks in wonderful full glory. He groaned aloud at the sight, the thin material was hugging her firm buttocks to emphasis further their shape and the cleft between them before disappearing down between the tops of her slender thighs. He fumbled to release his trousers and gave a relieved sigh as his pulsing shaft sprang free of the restricting clothing.
He took his camera out of the draw and snapped off two shots, got her to turn and face him and then several more as confirmation of her willingness should it ever be needed.
"Come here slut," he ordered her.
Once the girl was standing by his side he slipped his right hand up inside the back of her little panties, two of his fingers slipping easily up into her wet pussy and his thumb pressing on the tight little ring of her anus. He delighted not only in the feel of her but her expression of marvelled amazement as she looked down at his stiff cock.
She gasped and gave an involuntary little shiver as the pressure on her anus increased. The girl bit her bottom lip and then cried out as the head of his thumb forced the tight circle of muscles apart and slid up inside her back passage.
He loved the way the little bitch simply stood there, her hands holding her skirt up around her waist whilst he fingered her. Further up he pushed, her face creased in a pained expression of great discomfort mixed with pleasure to thrill him more so. Up and up he pushed the thumb until his hand prevented any further intrusion into her little body. He wriggled his fingers and thumb in tandem, feeling her insides and the thin separating membrane of her body.
The girl tucked her skirt into the waistband so as to hold it up and to free her hands, one placed on the desk to steady her and the other reached out to grasp his big cock.
The headmaster watched in fascination as her tiny hand and fingers circled his thick shaft, closing slowly around it to draw a huge sigh of pleasure from him at her hesitant touch. He shifted his hips and moaned aloud as she began slowly wanking his throbbing member. As his excitement built he began pumping his fingers and thumb in and out of her, increasing the pace and force used as he muttered his delight at her wanking of him.
The girl was lost in a heady world of sexual discovery and experimentation. Her mouth hung open, her eyes were wide in awe and her body pulsed its need as she panted heavily in her high state of arousal. The fingering of her two passages at the same time was alien to her, thrilling, so exciting and yet naughtily so.
Harder and faster still be pumped into her, forcing her up onto tiptoe as his inward thrusts became more urgent. The headmaster was panting hard also now, his climax building and moving rapidly toward the point of no return. His other hand reached up and grasped her hair, his strong hand pulling her little head down to envelope the head of his cock with her soft, wet mouth.
The girl struggled and tensed as she sensed him coming, she tried to pull back but his grip on her hair was simply too strong. The relentless and painful fingering in her arse and pussy was jolting her body hard to make maintaining her balance a difficult thing. The pressure on her head, pinning her down and the hot throbbing cock in her mouth all served to prevent and to stifle any resistance. She gagged in revulsion as he came, her body locking rigid to clamp her internal muscle tightly around his fingers and thumb up inside her. She choked and gagged again, muffled protests she uttered as the thick cream spurted excitedly into her mouth and throat in forceful jets of ejaculation. On and on the spurts went, filling her little mouth easily and the surplus come dribbling out to drip down her lips and chin. Try as she might not to swallow, it became necessary and her body shuddered in disgust as the thick seed slid down her throat. When at last he released and withdrew his hands, she fell face down on his desk, gagging and vomiting to clear the foul tasting liquid from her throat.
"Not so sure of yourself now are you, bitch?" he gloated, "Now get out of my sight and report back here on Friday at five."
The tall blonde girl reread the note as she stood waiting in the gardens at the rear of the school in the darkness. She had concealed herself behind the greenhouse, close to the high surrounding wall just as he has instructed her to do in the note. She felt not some little disappointment at the ending part of his note, the part that had instructed her to strip naked and to wait for him. The girl had dressed to thrill in a tight hip-hugging Lycra skirt and a shimmering red blouse that clung to her body like a second skin. She had styled her hair and applied her makeup to excite and entice and now, she had to strip.
Despite her disappointment she felt a certain thrill, not only that she had easily seduced the older and wiser headmaster but at undressing in the open air in the secretive and blanketing night air. It felt naughty and nice to be secretive and to do what was generally accepted as not socially acceptable behaviour for a young lady. Her nipples firmed to a jutting hardness and her clitoris hardened within its hooded covering as she slipped her clothes off and folded them neatly. The building excitement coursed through her entire body and she felt her pussy moistening at the thought of him touching her again. She recalled the heady sensations and the wonderful explosion of sweet feelings when she had climaxed. Feelings so powerful and exciting that she wanted to experience them again and again.
The girl slipped off her wristwatch before laying it carefully on top of her pile of clothes, then stood erect with her hands by her sides and closed her eyes - exactly as she had been instructed to.
She waited, silently listening to the rustling leaves of the trees around her and the distant hoot of an owl. Her body pulsed with sexual excitement and she imagined at times that she could hear him approach but nothing happened. It thrilled her to be left waiting so, uncertain and expectant, hopeful and yet fearful, the feelings accentuated her sexual arousal to a terrific height. The thought of discovery, by another member of staff perhaps, instant expulsion for sure should that happen but it simply added to the thrill and the danger element.
She cried out softly at the feel of the hand suddenly touching on her backside, a large hand, his hand, the fingers stroking and feeling with a calm reverence. The girl stood still, her eyes still closed, bathing in the sensations as his hand roamed all over the mounds of her buttocks. She whimpered her pleasure as the long fingers teased at the backs of her thighs, edging slowly downward toward her sex. She shifted her feet apart to allow him access and gasped as the fingertips brushed against the puffy lips of her pussy.
"Dirty little slut," he hissed, his face close to her left ear, "you dirty teasing little slut."
She almost came; the situation, the words, dirty words and insults pushed her level of sexual arousal higher still and that increased more so as one of his long fingers wormed its way up into her wet pussy.
"Touch your toes, whore," he breathed excitedly.
The girl, with his finger still up inside her pussy complied, whimpering as her internal muscles clamped around his thick digit as he moved her body. She remained there, bent over at the waist whilst he pumped his finger in and out of her pussy.
"Mmmm," she muttered and sighed, "so nice it feels."
"Grasp your ankles," was his gruff reply.
The girl pressed her breasts against her knees and gripped her ankles. She cried out as the palm of his hand slapped down onto her bare buttocks to send a slapping sound echoing between the high wall and the gardens buildings. Again the big hand slammed in and then again, building a steady rhythm as he spanked the girl's bare backside hard. Her body jolted under the heavy impact, the searing pain burning deep in her flesh and down between her thighs to further enflame her pussy lips.
Fifteen times he spanked her, moving to differing parts of her buttocks on each time he landed his hand on her. It reddened and warmed her, increasing her arousal and his, ready for the sex to come. The headmaster allowed himself a long and luxurious feel of her ample breasts with one hand and a stroking of her enflamed pussy lips with the other before kneeling down behind her and kissing at her moist inner lips.
The girl grunted and shivered as the feelings rushed through her, the heady feel and the tingling sensations she experienced were out of this world to her. She gasped as he began licking, running his tongue up and down the slit of her pussy and dipping the tip of his tongue up inside. She shuddered in pre-orgasm as he formed his tongue into a soft firm wedge, gripped her hips with his hands and then pushed fully up inside her wet tunnel.
The girl came, gurgling and shuddering as her orgasm ripped through her, intensified by the tip of his nose pressing against the puckered ring of her anus. Throughout her orgasm and for long afterwards he licked and tasted her, dragging the flat of his tongue, cat-like, over the tip of her throbbing clitoris at times to send to even higher planes of sexual delight. It was oral stimulation of the most wonderful kind; his expert tongue had worked its magic to convince her that in future, sex without being licked simply wouldn't be sex.
The headmaster withdrew and stood up, straightened the girl to stand also and slipped a hand under her buttocks to cup the warmed mound. He manoeuvred her to face the high brick wall and a little back from it, pressing his naked cock hard again her buttocks.
"Hands and arms outstretched and lean on the wall pressing your palms again it," he aid excitedly, "and spread your legs."
The girl leaned forward as instructed, her lithe body bent and her back arched to present her buttocks high. She was stretched, up on tiptoe and angled out to reach and press her hands against the cold brickwork. She gasped as he entered her and pushed fully up inside her pussy, feeding it in inch by inch until fully home. She whimpered and panted as he fucked her, her head nodding in time with his urgent thrusting. The girl pushed back against his lunges to accept the whole of his great cock up inside her.
"Awww," she moaned in disappointment as he slowed and pulled out of her pussy. Then she tensed and cried out as he gripped her hips, pressed the head of his cock to her anus and forced brutally up inside her.
Her back arched like a bow, the breath left her lungs in one great shocked sigh and then she screamed as the wide girth ripped her sphincter apart. The excruciating pain burned deeply through her insides, a most terrible burning discomfort and raw rubbing pain on her previously unexplored rectum. Her cries were reduced to muffled protests as one of his great hands came around to clamp hard across her mouth. She wailed pitifully into his smothering palm as he rutted hard into her, slamming his hips against her on the inward drives of his cock.
Frantically, maniacally almost, he fucked her arse hard, with a heated sexual passion rarely found within even him. The headmaster came, squirting his warm come deep up inside her backside, emptying himself into her soft warm body. He grunted in satisfaction, good sex with a young and beautiful girl but the thrill had been defiling her most secret of places, hard and roughly.
As he pulled out of her she dropped to her knees, her face pressed against the brickwork and sobbing her pain and misery to the moss-covered bricks. The girl, even in the darkness, covered her face to try to hide her shame as he stood over her wanking every last drop of his sperm onto her naked body below him.
"A more civilised way to conduct business don't you think?" he commented to compliment, "Worthy of such a good looking woman as you."
The geography teacher blushed despite her forty years.
"Thank you she replied coyly, and gave him an admiring glance such as a love-struck teenager would give.
They sat at the back of the vast dining hall, at a table far away from the serving women preparing for the coming lunch break. When the now silent hall would once again become be a noisy chatting and eating place rather than the quite emptiness that existed during their meeting.
"Let me be direct with you, Dorothy isn't it?"
"Yes, but you can call me Dot, most friend's do."
He paused and looked deeply into her eyes, transmitting desire, sexual need and hunger.
"I find you a most attractive woman Dot. I respect you as a teacher, as a member of the Board of Governors and as a woman."
She giggled shyly and then swallowed hard, her expression became serious again as his piercing stare didn't waver or relent for a second. She was flattered it was obvious, interested too as the give-away little smirk portrayed. She was a teenager again, being propositioned by the boys, playing coy but beneath it all totally lost to his charm.
"I like the way you dress, wear your hair, I like your legs, your..."
"Please!" she protested weakly, "You're embarrassing me."
"Because I think of you sexually?"
She flushed.
"Yes, a bit."
He paused again and rested his elbows on the table, leaning closer over to her and lowered his voice. Conveying to her is interest and desire to be close to her, his tone one of experienced knowing.
"But it excites you also."
The woman hesitated and replied cautiously.
"A little, yes."
"My lusting for you is not offending?" he probed more deeply.
She swallowed hard and coughed, glancing nervously around her lest she should be overheard.
"No, it doesn't offend me...and yes, it does excite me - quite a lot actually."
"Excellent," he stated firmly.
"Are you married? I see no ring on your finger."
Her expression dropped.
"Yes, I am married, does that make a difference?" she said in a hopeful voice and looked up with pleading eyes.
He gave a broad smile.
"Not to me," he said easily and felt his cock beginning to harden. "When?"
She hesitated momentarily in confusion and then said as a hushed and secretive whisper.
"The laundry rooms at the back of the kitchens, no one goes there after 3pm."
He smiled again and felt his cock jerk in his pants.
"Except us eh? We have a three."
The bitch was hooked, utterly smitten and ensnared. His approach had been right he felt; compliment the ageing woman and she would be putty in his hands. The headmaster was late, deliberately so, it was twenty past three was he walked along the corridor toward the laundry rooms. Humiliation was his aim with her, to subject the woman to sexual and mental humiliation, that thought made his already stiffing cock firm to full erection and to rub pleasingly again the insides of his trousers.
"I didn't think you were coming," she gushed, the relief she felt obvious in her nervous voice and her manner.
He closed the entrance door of the laundry rooms and locked it, turning slowly to face her, a sardonic grin etched on his face.
"I command," he stated forcefully, "Always, and most certainly when sex is involved."
She stood shocked by his abrupt and direct manner but mutely nodded her agreement.
He circled her, deliberately silent, looking her up and down, his expression set and giving no hint as to his mood.
"Is it sex you want?" he asked and then added, "slut."
"Unnnh," she uttered, gave an involuntary shudder and nodded her head rapidly several times.
He chuckled.
"Like the man to be in charge do you? Bitch."
The woman gave a whimper; her voice was a throaty whisper as she replied.
"Yes, very much so."
He pushed his chest out and moved to her front, commanding and all-powerful, staring critically at the trembling woman.
"When were you last fucked, slut?" he said the last word as though it was bitter in taste and had to be spat out rather than spoken.
"Oh God," she muttered, "No one has used such words for...well, for so long now."
He chuckled mockingly.
"In need of a cock are you?"
She hung her head and flushed red but nodded slowly.
"My husband and I...we don't, haven't for some long know..."
"Yes or no?" he shouted loudly to make the woman start in surprise.
"Yes!" she shouted back in nervousness, anxious not to incur the man's wrath.
The headmaster leaned close to her face, his voice low and threatening, a mocking sneer that increased his sense of command over the nervous woman.
"If you want my cock, you slut, then beg for it - on your knees."
The woman hesitated for a couple of seconds and then slowly lowered herself to kneel before him. The stupid bitch even put her hands together as if in prayer and looked up at him with pleading eyes and a hopeful expression on her face.
"Please," she pleaded softly, "please."
The headmaster unzipped his fly and eased his stiff cock out of his trousers, gripped it with one hand and offered it before her face.
"Good God!" she gasped, "I never thought...knew that one could be so..."
"Like it?"
She swallowed hard and her eyes bulged wide in amazement.
"Yes," she said firmly and in the most decisive tone he had heard from her to date.
"Want it do you, bitch?" he teased and began slowly stroking his hand back and forth to first roll the foreskin over the bulbous head and then back to stretch the foreskin along his huge shaft and to again expose the big head.
He threw his head back and laughed loudly.
"But you haven't begged for it."
"Please, please!" she pleaded, "let me have it - give to me."
"Where? In your pussy or up your arse?"
She looked up at him, her expression one of utter disgust.
"Well?" he asked impatiently, "Which is it to be?"
"," she said and moved her gaze down once again to his pulsing cock.
The woman looked longing at the huge cock, marvelling at the size as the headmaster stood before her wanking himself slowly, displaying his cock that she needed so very badly.
"Not good enough on the begging, slut. You will have to do much better then that. Get on all fours, like a dog, and beg some more."
The woman didn't hesitate; she dropped forward onto her hands and knees and began her pleading once more.
"Please let me have it, give it to me. I need it, please."
It pleased him much to see the desperate woman grovelling, he gyrated his hips, thrusting them out to tease her more with his hard erection.
"Oh God," she whimpered, don't taunt me, have me."
The headmaster paused, gripping his cock harder as the excitement pulsed through him. Her pathetic pleading, her mournful expression and the fact that she was willing to grovel so in order to have his cock delighted him.
"Okay," he said finally to break the electrically charged silence. "You can have it if you agree to two things."
She looked up questioningly and then back down at his cock.
"Firstly you have to pee for me, squat and pee."
She looked up in revulsion, hesitated, looked again at his cock and then slowly nodded.
"Secondly you have to let me thrash your backside."
Her gaze didn't move from his cock, she paused silently for a moment and then nodded.
"Okay," she said in a thick and excited voice.
The headmaster pushed her further still. The excitement he felt showing both in his thick voice and the way his cock had taken on a purple hue as the blood pumped rapidly into it.
"Only if you please me will I fuck you. Are we agreed, slut?"
He could sense her nervousness and hesitation but her great need was overriding all else, her dignity included.
"Agreed," she said.
"Very well then, let me see you pee."
The geography teacher Dorothy got to her feet walked over to the grating in the floor and prepared herself. She wriggled her skirt up around her waist, her black hold-up stockings contrasting harshly against the pale flesh of her upper thighs. She hooked her thumbs into the side strings of her panties and slid them down to her ankles.
"Right off," the headmaster prompted, "take your knickers off completely."
She kicked them side, standing with her skirt rucked up around her waist and her thick mat of public hair nestling between her thighs. A true blonde she certainly was not. The woman squatted, an almost obscene position with her thighs spread wide and her unusually long clitoris jutting out from the tops of her pussy lips. She blushed bright red, humiliated and shamed but so in need of sex that she would do anything to comply and to sate her gnawing ache.
Her face contoured in a mask of pained pleasure as she grunted and strained, squeezing her bladder to empty its contents. It began as a trickle, growing in strength and flow to a thick stream of hot yellow liquid. She closed her eyes so as to hide her shame as she peed before the watching headmaster. On and on the flow went, steam rising as her body fluid jetted out to be lost down the drain grating below her. Finally the flow subsided and she opened her eyes, accepted the offered towel and wiped her pussy lips dry.
It was a non-erotic sight to the headmaster, the bitch stood, her legs parted wide and her knees bent to spread her thighs wider still. She wiped back and forth with the towel in a grotesque cleaning of revulsion, he decided at that moment that the bitch would suffer for reducing his excitement.
"Enough!" he barked. "Strip now and take your beating."
The woman undressed, her head down and uncertain of her ageing body as her breasts and oversized belly came into view.
"Seen better days haven't you?" the headmaster stated with a hint of disappointment in his voice.
The teacher averted her gaze but nodded her acknowledgement.
He pointed to a stack of white tablecloths to the side of the room.
"Place your hands on the pile and bend over."
Whilst the woman assumed the position, the headmaster took a linen pillowcase and wound it into a long and thick flexible club. He slapped it several times into the palm of his hand to test it and delighted in her fearful whimper in response to the wicked dull thud it produced. He positioned himself to the side of her, weighing the flexible club threateningly and ogling her backside. The headmaster had to admit to himself that apart from her sagging breasts and her wobbly belly that the woman was actually possessed a neat naked form. Her buttocks were tight and firm enough, her waist and narrow hips a delight to see and the large labia peeping out between the tops of her thighs made his cock jerk in urgent need for her.
The dull thud echoed around the silent room as he swung in with the rolled pillowcase to land a brutal lash on her backside.
The woman squealed and cried out, her whole body jolted under the impact and her buttocks tensed as the burning pain seeped deeply down through her body.
"Oh Christ that hurt! No more please," she said between gulped breaths as she coped with the agonising pain.
"Silence slut," the headmaster hissed venomously and then struck again.
Again and again he whipped her, aiming the blows so that the tailing end of the knotted pillowcase flicked around to sting at the side of her outer thigh. The bitch would take it; she would endure the pain, suffering and humiliation simply to receive his cock up her. He lashed at her harder for it, turning her backside into a mass of red blotchiness with deeper red contusions to mar the otherwise pale flesh. At length he paused, panting hard in his excitement and steadying his rising climax so as to prolong the pleasure.
"Lay on your back on the tablecloth stack," he instructed.
The woman straightened cautiously, tentatively touching at her sore backside but moving over the to waist high pile of white tablecloths. With some difficulty in her discomfort she mounted the wide stack, turned onto her back and lay back.
"Spread you legs then slut," the headmaster snapped in irritation.
The teacher did as she was bid, drawing up her knees and parting them wide to offer her gaping sex to the man. She rested her head back, closed her eyes and prepared to accept the long-awaited hot cock up inside her.
He lashed down with the knotted pillowcase in an overhead swipe of tremendous force. Lashing it down to strike hard on the jutting bud of her erect clitoris and her enflamed pussy lips.
Her upper body jerked up, her eyes locked wide as the searing pain registered in her brain, her mouth gaped open and a gurgle came from her throat.
"Good?" he chuckled, "I lied, I'll whip your pussy too."
Again he struck and then again, the headmaster's excitement went to fever pitch as the bitch began to moan and groan in pleasure, the initial shock over she parted her thighs wider still to accept the sweet sensations of pain. Five times he struck her before he could hold back no longer, he cast the pillowcase aside, moved in and pushed his cock up into her wet pussy in one forceful heated lunge.
The woman sighed and grunted, bucking her hips hard back against him in a frantic rush toward her peak as he pumped his cock in and out of her. She was like a woman possessed, her hands gripped at the edges of the stack to grip handfuls of linen, her back arched and her mouth opened and closed as the heady feelings rushed through her. She planted her feet firmly on the stack, using her braced legs and thighs to lift her hips and pussy to gain more of his cock inside her. She was grunting, animal-like in her high state of sexual bliss, urging him harder into her on each inward thrust. The woman cried out as she felt the warm jets of his sperm being injected up inside her and came to a crashing orgasm, wailing her pleasure as the tremors of climax ripped through her. She tensed and flinched, shuddered and groaned before slumping back fully sated onto the soft linen surface.
"Fantastic," she breathed, "simply fantastic."
The headmaster slowed his strokes, finishing his orgasm in a deliberate slow pumping and revelling in her obvious delight at the feel of him. She looked pathetic, grateful and so very pliable, he would use her again, if not for sex then simply as a toy to abuse and to endure pain. She would serve him well now as a devoted and compliant slut that he could abuse and humiliate all he wished - and the slut would take it all.
His two guests sat back smugly in the deeply upholstered Chesterfields in his private study, cuddling their brandy glasses and grinning at his request.
"But we cannot possibly influence the decisions on the board of governors," the ageing and balding man protested.
"Oh but you most certainly can," the headmaster countered and gulped at his brandy. "I have known you both for years, it was both of you that recommended me for the post here and now I want my appointment made permanent."
"Impossible," the taller man stated flatly and helped himself to another brandy from the decanter on the coffee table between them.
The headmaster shook his head.
"There are, as you know, six seats on the board of governors and I have gained two votes there already, add your two, and I am head of this school for evermore."
By their expressions and the way they shifted uncomfortably in their seats both men though the idea less than exciting.
"We have already helped you in gaining your appointment," the fat man said and shrugged his shoulders to further display their unwillingness to assist.
The headmaster gave a wry smile and topped up his own glass.
"Perhaps an incentive is required?"
"You can't bribe me," the taller man spat in disgust, "no amount of money will sway me."
"I wasn't thinking money," the headmaster countered acidly.
An uncomfortable silence followed before the fat man broke it.
"So what then if not money?"
The headmaster sat back in his armchair and crossed his legs casually.
"You Henry - and you John, both have certain sexual preferences. Young girls I believe?"
"Blackmail is it?" the taller man shouted angrily and stood up.
Unruffled, the headmaster continued in a calm and controlled tone.
"No, not blackmail, an incentive, a sexual incentive."
The taller man sat back down, his interest now roused, the fat man edged to the front off his seat, his face flushed and eyes blazing excitement.
"The pupils here..."
"But they are under age," the tall man protested weakly.
The headmaster smiled and said in a low and teasing tone.
"Not the sixth formers though, they are all above the age of consent."
The fat man was sweating, wringing his hands and breathing hard.
"You Henry," the headmaster stated, "you'd like to get into the knickers of some of the older girls here - wouldn't you?"
The man swallowed hard.
"I've seen you," the headmaster continued, "the way you leer and ogle those fresh young legs and try to see up their skirts when they are sitting. You'd love to get inside some of those fresh young pussies wouldn't you?"
The man cleared his throat and nodded.
"I can make it happen," the headmaster said and paused.
The taller man spoke first.
"You mean can actually...with those young beauties?"
The headmaster gulped at his drink and spoke with a casual ease.
"I can. And with some of the female staff if you wish."
The two men looked at one another, the taller man again spoke.
"My!" he sighed wistfully, "That new staff member...the little petite brunette, now she would be..."
"She's an excellent fuck," the headmaster stated loudly and then sat grinning. "Had her only last night and what a pretty little body she has on her too."
The two men stared incredulously, searching his face for signs of jest and found none.
"You mean that we can..."
"Fuck the little sluts if you vote for me? The answer to that is an emphatic yes. Get my position made permanent and you can have lots of fresh young girls to sate your sexual needs."
"And the brunette?" the taller man asked greedily seeking confirmation that she would be included in the deal.
The headmaster smiled.
"I am even willing to offer her as a taster tomorrow evening, as a sign of good faith shall we say."
"Yes!" the taller man blurted, "we have a deal."
The headmaster looked to the balding fat man, Henry.
"And you?"
The man was almost beside himself with excitement.
"Done! Count me in."
It was the tiny little brunette, the one with such wide pleading eyes that her expression seemed permanently one of innocent naivety. She was flouncing along the corridor ahead of him, turning her head slightly at odd times so as to assure herself that her display was being noticed. The slut wiggled her cute little backside to make her pleated skirt swing from side to side and to give fleeting glimpses of her upper thighs.
"What are you doing here?" he called after her, "This corridor is out of bounds to pupils."
She halted and turned, her expression one of joy and was trying hard to contain a smile.
"Taking a short cut sir."
He moved close, towering over the tiny child and looking down into her watery dark eyes. The headmaster felt his cock stir within his trousers and as he caught the scent of her perfume and his cock pulsed in excited little jerks.
"You are next for the interview aren't you? When is it?"
"Yes, tomorrow sir, at five o'clock."
He held her gaze silently for many moments, transmitting his need through his gaze and she responded likewise, a deep and longing gaze filled with mischief. He started back to the present and broke the sexually charged spell.
"Don't be late then," he cautioned and smiled.
Without breaking her stare up at him she said brightly.
"I won't be, sir."
The girl turned and walked away, swinging her hips more since she had achieved her aim.
He watched her until she turned the corner at the end of the long corridor, then adjusted his erection in his trousers and went into the study muttering softly to himself.
She was naked and waiting for him inside the open cottage door, as she had been told to be. The young teacher watched the headmaster place the holdall on the table and the then closed the door.
"Close it but don't lock it," he said simply and busied himself with the contents of his bag.
She stood ready and to attention in the centre of the room, totally naked but still wearing her high-heeled black shoes. She gave no protest as from behind he took one of her wrists and began binding the thick cord around it.
"Did you learn anything from the other evening slut?"
"Yes," she said nervously, "I have learned to obey you. That punishment is pain and that it follows failure."
"Indeed it does and so it should. What else did you learn?"
He bound both her wrists together, crossing them over one another behind her back.
"That the sex...well, brutal and rough though it was..."
"But you enjoyed it," he said as he began tying a second cord around her arm just above the elbow.
"Yes," she admitted softly.
"And the caning?"
She gasped in pain, as her elbows were pulled sharply in together behind her back and tied securely.
"The caning I didn't like, but the way you control me, order me around and..."
"That's because you are a slut," he stated simply. "Now kneel down bitch."
The young teacher knelt and waited, she turned her head to watch the headmaster undress, the main of her interest in his long and rigid cock as it became exposed. She had had it up her but hadn't actually seen it, her eyes widened as the thick shaft jutted out from his black thatch of public hair.
The headmaster, now naked, took the camera from his holdall and snapped five photos of her from different angles, ensuring that her face was captured clearly in each of them. When he spoke the warning contained in his words was all too clear.
"A little insurance in case you should, at some future, date seek to betray me. The staff and the newspapers would have a field day with you if they were to receive these."
He replaced the camera in the holdall and pulled out a multi-stranded lash before walking slowly over to stand in front of the kneeling woman. The tall headmaster towered over the cringing girl, exerting his power and authority over the slightly built young woman, his erect cock level with her face.
Her eyes flicked back and forth from the engorged head of his enormous cock to the long leather strands of the lash. Her nervousness and fear of both items clearly showed in her expression, but his cock held a fascination all of its own for her.
"Now slut, you will suck my cock. You will do it well and with pleasure and you will please me or suffer. Is that clear?"
She swallowed hard and nodded.
"But...I've never...well, done that sort of thing before."
He chuckled.
"It seems then that you are doomed to suffer much this evening."
She whimpered and cowered back, her buttocks now resting on her heels.
"The lesson for tonight," he said evenly, "is respect, you will now refer to me during training sessions as 'Master'."
"Okay," she said easily.
The move was so fast that she had no time to react and to try to avoid it. His arm rose and then fell in a savage overhead lash of the strap, his hand passing over her head and the strap swinging down onto her buttocks from above. The tails of the strap stung in multiple agonies on her backside, each of them introducing a separate burning pain of their own.
"I said, call me master!"
"Yes," she blurted, stunned by the sudden pain, "master."
He grunted his approval.
"Now suck me, slut."
She leaned forward, craning her neck and closing her eyes, she pouted her lips and kissed the tip of his cock, shuddering in revulsion as she did so.
The headmaster swung down with the strap to land a cruel lash of the leather strands on her presented buttocks, some of the strands whipping down onto her exposed pussy lips.
The woman yelped and recoiled, her face a mask of pained confusion.
"I said suck not kiss, you disrespectful little whore."
This time she was more eager, her head dipped in, her mouth open wide and covered the head of his cock with her soft lips. She whimpered her revulsion and disgust but maintained the grip with her lips for fear of another hard lash from him.
Again he lashed her, hard overhead swings of the strap that slapped hard against her firm buttocks and her soft puffy pussy lips.
Her mouth slid further down his thick shaft in a greedy sucking to avoid further pain, her head bobbed back and forth in a natural oral stimulation. Her lips gripped around his shaft and her tongue worked to rub the sensitive underside of his cock at the same time.
"Better, bitch," he moaned and half-closed his eyes as the warm, wet mouth enveloped his pulsing shaft.
The harder he lashed her the more greedily she sucked, her mouth working like a ravenous animal in an effort to please. Faster the pace increased, both his lashing and her sucking, the woman began to moan in pleasure as she became accustomed to the taste of hot cock. Her backside reddened under the thrashing, the pain giving way to the warm sensations of sexual pleasure that only pain can bring. Hungrily she devoured his hard member, slurping noises punctuated by little sighs of delight came from her as her soft mouth pleasured her master.
As he built he moaned constantly, thrusting his hips to meet her welcoming mouth and to force his cock further down the slut's throat.
"I will soon come," the headmaster muttered, "maintain your position so that I shoot onto your mouth or it will be the worst for you should you move."
The woman hesitated.
"Oh God not that, please not that," she said as a muffled plea with the cock still in her mouth.
She shuddered and swallowed hard, gulping his thick seed down as it shot to the back of her throat. Copious quantity jetted in hot spurts to fill her wet warm cavern and she gagged at the taste and act of him emptying his seed into her. She did however maintain her position, the excess sperm oozing out from between the seal of her lips around his cock. The woman whimpered her shame and disgust as he pumped his thick come into her.
On and on the spurts went until finally he was finished, the headmaster put a hand on her forehead and pushed her roughly away from him.
"No good bitch," he gloated, "not by half, you failed and now..."
She was on her feet in a second, attempting to break and run, to where she didn't know but the certain lashing to come she didn't want.
With her hands and elbows still strapped behind her the woman was easily caught. One of his hands gripped at the back of her hair and swung her around like a rag doll.
"Too late bitch," he chuckled and dragged the screaming woman over to the dining table. With a sweep of his left arm he cleared the few items on the table and placed his holdall on the floor then lifted the struggling woman up onto the hard polished surface of the mahogany table. He rolled her, onto her back and pressed down on her shoulders to pin her at his mercy and dipped his head to take one of her pert and firm nipples into his mouth.
The woman's struggles lessened as the wonderful feelings coursed through her. The warm, wet tongue flicking her tender bud and the light grip of his teeth were sending shards of electric sensation dancing through her entire body. She lay passively now, mewing her contentment as his mouth worked his magic on her, all fight now gone and pleasure her only thoughts.
The headmaster paused in his sucking and licking of her breasts to mutter in a low and reassuring tone.
"Close your eyes bitch and don't look up."
She did as instructed, waiting patiently for the wonderful mouth to return and to restart the wonderful sexual feelings that excited her nipples to aching point. In her dreamy state of high sexual arousal she was aware of him crossing the room and the door being opened and then closed. The woman was too far-gone, too wrapped up in her coming pleasure to even question his actions. It was great bliss she felt when two hands grasped her left ankle and pulled her leg high and wide, it too a moment to register in her brain when a second pair of hands gripped her other ankle and hoisted her leg in a similar fashion to the first.
She lay there for a moment, on her back, her arms bound painfully tightly behind her and her legs held up and apart to expose her pussy. When the realisation dawned on her that more than one man was present she began to scream. Her screaming was renewed with enthusiasm as eager hands felt at her gaping pussy, thick fingers forcing roughly up into her moist warm interior. Her shoulders lifted and her head strained forward, she opened her eyes and then groaned loudly in deep shame and embarrassment. She saw two of the board of governors, one holding each of her ankles in one hand and their other hands fumbling between her parted thighs. Their faces were flushed in high excitement and their eyes blazed sexual need, both were naked and breathing hard as they ogled her naked body.
Between her open legs and at the end of the long table stood the smiling headmaster and in his hand he held the multi-stranded lash.
"Sing well you little whore, for your failure is about to be rewarded."
Scream she did, for the groping hands withdrew and an overhead lash of the strands stung down on her exposed pubic mound, some striking her erect clitoris and others sending searing pain through her puffy labia and soft pink inner lips. Her body bucked and jolted, her mouth gaped wide and little trickles of remaining sperm dripped from the corners of her mouth.
"Good God!" one of the men shouted excitedly above the woman's wailing, "this is most thrilling, hit her again."
He did so, the headmaster struck again and then again, lashing hard on the woman's exposed sex to bring scream after pained scream from her tortured throat. The woman's back arched and her hips bucked upward time and again in a sensual dance of agonised reaction as her sex was mercilessly beaten.
He was hard again, his cock jutting out now in stiff arousal. He moved closer, lashing now down on the soft mounds of her breasts and positioning his cock at the entrance of her reddened pussy. He pushed up inside her in one great thrust and remained there, savouring the feel of her body gripping around his cock as he beat her breasts unmercifully. At length he came; groaning loudly as he shot his load up into her moist interior, the headmaster gave several low finishing strokes and then pulled out.
"Be my guests gentlemen," he offered will a wave of his hand to her dripping pussy, "but just remember my promised vote."
Both men, Henry and John, pushed and shoved to be first but henry won, his bulk nudging John's lighter frame easily aside. The tall man resigned himself to holding her ankles from the side and watching her expression as the rape commenced. The fat man pushed his cock up inside her wet pussy and began a frantic sexually fuelled pumping into her body. So engrossed was he that he didn't note the flash of the camera as the headmaster gathered more evidence and insurance to ensure that the men kept their word.
The grunting and panting fat man came, bellowing like a water buffalo as he injected his seed into the wailing woman. His body shuddered and jerked, his hips pumping like a rabbit mating during his orgasm and then he pulled out of her dripping pussy.
"Fantastic!" he enthused, "so warm and so tight."
The taller John now took his turn to nudge his companion aside. He retained his hold on the woman's ankles and lifted them, one over each of his shoulders. He levelled the head of his cock at the tight entrance of her anus and applied pressure.
"Ever been buggered, bitch?" he chuckled sadistically and pressed in.
"Nooooo!" the woman wailed as the tight ring of muscles surrounding her secret entrance was forced open and the great head of his cock slipped in. She screamer even more loudly at the feel of his long cock moving up inside her previously unexplored back passage.
Her body jolted and jarred under the battering of his hips as they slammed against her buttocks, her anal ring wrenched and stretched to tearing point.
The man held her ankles tightly, gripping them and pulling on them to add purchase as he defiled her backside. He too gave no heed to the clicking of the camera as the headmaster busied himself. At last the man came, giving a long pleasured sigh as he reached his peak and shot his seed into her warm rectum. The man took a long time to rut slowly in and out of her to bring himself to a gloriously slow and prolonged finish.
"Excellent, both men complimented the headmaster afterwards, "our vote is yours at the next meeting."
When both men had left, the headmaster moved close to the table and cupped the sobbing woman's left breast; his fingers kneaded and stroked the firm orb as he talked.
"Was that nice, slut?"
She replied between heavy sobs, her head turned away so as to try to hide her shame.
"No, it wasn't, I don't want this."
"Too late slut, you are mine to do with as I wish."
"I want to the control over me, but in hurt, it's sore."
His finger and thumb gripped her nipple and he twisted the tender bud cruelly to draw a cry of pain from he "Master," he prompted.
"Master," she uttered and then broke down completely.
It was a time for review, the end of the week was drawing near and the delightful little brunette slut would arrive soon for her interview. He sighed wistfully and eased his stiffening cock to a different angle, even the thought of her made him hard. She looked so young and fresh, much younger than her actually age, years younger in fact and that held for him a temptation all of its own.
He sighed again, a long and deep sigh as he switched his thoughts on his progress to date. Things were going rather well, complimented himself, better than at any other school he had run. The sluts here were ripe, the ripest yet and here in quantity too. The lower forms, next year's sixth formers too were blossoming nicely, one or two of the younger sluts were already beginning to flaunt and tease for him. Three teachers gained and several pupils, he had also gained another two votes on the board of governor's and with that, his permanent position would be a certain.
The headmaster sat back, lounging lazily in his deeply upholstered swivel chair, self-satisfied and content with the way things were going. The vote was yet to be taken, the board meeting not for another two weeks and he had a dilemma, perhaps he had made that move a little too soon. Both henry and John were hooked and committed, yes he had photographic evidence but it would be folly to use it unless he had no alternative. They had tasted the delights of the young teachers body and it all depended now on the promise of them having sex with the pupils too. He could feed them one or two to keep them on the boil until the board meeting but then again they might just have a change of heart thereafter. He slipped into a deep thought train, trying to decide on the best course of action to take with them.
The headmaster's private room was attached to his study and accessed by a single door between the oak bookcases that lined the wall. It was in his private lounge that he sat now, on the long settee, a cool drink placed on the long coffee table before him and a smug grin on his face. He checked his watch, readjusted his semi-erect cock and rested back. The next ten minutes could be used to fantasise and imagine, to feed the thrilling sensations beginning in his cock. Visual images of the little brunette bound and sobbing, crying out as he forced his cock up her tight little arse.
He pondered and mused, awaiting the slut's arrival, his level of sexual excitement growing by the moment.
"Come through," he called loudly in response to the girl's knocking.
The teasing little slut, when she appeared in the doorway, had gone to great pains to look her best for the interview - and had succeeded. In full school uniform still the little bitch looked lovelier than he had ever seem her, pleasingly lovelier. Her hair was tied at the sides in pleasing little pigtails and her face made up to highlight her full brown eyes and her succulent red lips. She had the most appealing look of a very young girl, an innocent and sexually unaware little slut just finding her sexuality. Her blouse was opened three buttons down at the neck to show the pale firm skin of her upper chest and pulled tightly around and under her thrusting bust. Her usually short pleated skirt had been altered and raised even more, the hem now finishing indecently high up her thighs, barely concealing the beginnings of the swell of her lower buttocks. And at the front the skirt stopped just short of her crotch, displaying her slender thighs and at the top the gap where they tapered out to form her groin area.
The girl walked in and posed with her weight resting on one leg, she beamed her delight at his reaction and remained there bathing in his hungry leering looks. The little bitch licked sensually at her red lips, passing her tongue back and forth in a most erotic display of sexual teasing. She was flaunting, offering and well aware of his interest in her.
From his lower position on the settee he could just see under the front of her little skirt and make out the lower part of her pure white panties as the stretched across the firm mound of her pussy. The headmaster gave a low groan and felt his cock jerk up to full erection, a pulsing hard erection that throbbed its great need for the little slut. This one knew the score all right, he thought. He would be direct with her, go straight in and ensnare her; he could afford to be a little more reckless with this one. He beckoned her forward with one finger and watched as the little slut strutted like a photographic model toward him.
With hips swaying and head up, her back straight and chest pushed out she came to a halt before him and on the other side of the coffee table. She stood erect, the veins in her neck pulsing fast to portray her wild excitement that she was fighting to contain.
It was then that the idea hit home to him, he could achieve two tasks in one here and gave a wry smile as the idea developed rapidly in his mind.
"Have all the staff locked up and gone for the weekend?" he asked in a deliberately suggestive tone.
The girl beamed a smile back at him and again ran her tongue over her full red lips to further tease and excite.
"Yes, only the two female duty staff, but they are in the dormitory block keeping a watchful eye on the girls."
He nodded and smiled at the irony of her statement. The headmaster crossed his legs to ease the throbbing pressure on his cock.
"You are a most attractive young lady," he said and looked into her eyes, "a potential photographic model if ever I saw one."
She broke a huge smile at the compliment, her painted lips parted to show her sparkling white teeth in stark contrast to the blood red lipstick.
"Thank you," she said knowingly and return his sexually loaded stare, "Actually I hope to become a model, once my studies are finished."
He fell silent for a moment, the verbal fencing arousing him to the point where he felt his cock ooze lubricant.
"You could do part-time and begin to build a portfolio in readiness."
She gave a little pained expression.
"Photographers cost - lots."
He smiled; she was taking the bait and feeding herself to him readily.
"A hobby of mine - photography," he said and paused to allow her to respond.
Her voice was low and thick, excitement and sheer sexual thrill altering the usual high-pitched tone. Her words came out like a temptress, an older and wiser woman offering herself to her lover.
"I could model for you if you like," the girl said brightly and then her expression changed to one of serious hopefulness, "to help me to gain practice and to build a portfolio."
He sighed, deliberately displaying uncertainty.
"But would you be prepared do the type of modelling that I require I wonder?"
She flushed slightly, the excitement sparkling in her big brown eyes. Her gaze flicked momentarily to the bulge in the front of his trousers.
"Yes," she said simply.
The headmaster nodded his acknowledgement.
"Is the outer door locked?" he posed and fixed her with a knowing look.
"Yes, did it on my way in," the little slut answered cheekily.
The headmaster stood and walked to the bureau.
"Stand by the window and pose, your modelling session begins."
He loaded the instant Polaroid camera and moved closer.
The little bitch was in her element, lounged back against the window frame with her hands clasped behind her head and a broad smile on her face. Her legs were crossed casually and her hips thrust out to show the white covered crotch of her panties below the short hem of her skirt.
The headmaster snapped one photo, knelt and took another, aiming the camera at her crotch and at an upward angle beneath her little skirt.
"Little bitch," he breathed excitedly.
The girl responded by lifting one leg and resting it on the window sill, the whole of her leg and thigh exposed right up to her hip and her panties now fully on show. Her legs were open and parted, giving full sight of the tight gusset of her panties as the pulled between the tops of her thighs and the swell of her buttocks at the back. A damp patch stained the white material below her pussy slit to portray her high state of excitement where her juices had leaked from her pussy. She posed there in the full knowledge that she was both displaying herself and exciting him in the process.
"Oh yes! Bloody marvellous," he gushed and snapped off two more of her thighs and of her thinly veiled pussy before standing up. His hard cock pressed his trousers out at the front to form a tent in the thin material, a fact noticed by the girl and registered in her delighted smile.
"Stay as you are and undo your blouse."
Her fingers trembled as she released the buttons in turn, her red painted nails bright against the pure white material. She pulled the two halves of her blouse apart and proudly offered her firm swelling breasts for his approval. The little black bra, tight and lacy formed her orbs into a tight and appealing cleavage of wanton temptation.
"Fantastic!" he praised to encourage further and moved in to take a close up shot of her breasts. He could smell her scent, the musky thick smell of sexual arousal that sent his cock into a series of uncontrollable involuntary spasms. His was beside himself with excitement, the way the little slut was complying so readily, the way she was pleased to flaunt her body and to pose thrilled him immensely.
"Sit on the settee and cross your legs now."
For twenty full minutes she posed, adopting teasing poses in her uniform, lifting her skirt, bending and squatting to display her body from all angles. Finally he got her to resume her previous pose at window, with her leg up and was treated to a further display of her tight little crotch.
"Now without the bra."
He watched in silent fascination as she stripped to the waist, her firm rounded breasts jutted out with the rosy pink bud of her nipples firm and tempting. He groaned longingly as the bitch arched her back and thrust the swelling orbs toward him.
"Wonderful! Wonderful," he praised, "now the skirt, get rid of the skirt and kneel on the coffee table."
The girl lowered her leg, slipped of the skirt and in just her panties strolled casually over to the coffee table. She mounted it, kneeling on all fours, her back bowed and head up looking back at him with her buttocks presented toward him. Her pert little breasts dangled delightfully beneath her slim body to make it a most erotic of poses. The girl smiled and winked sexily at him, wriggling her backside in pure sexual offering.
"Christ! You teasing little slut," the headmaster gasped and moved close to take several of her thinly covered backside and pussy.
"Unnnh!" she responded and gave an involuntary little shudder as the waves of sexual excitement surged through her entire body.
He ran his hand reverently over the round curves of her backside, trailing his fingers to savour the feel of the vibrant young body. He muttered continually to himself as he stroked and felt her firm backside.
The first slap was a light one and drew no reaction from her. The second was harder and drew a gasp, the third slammed down in heated excitement to sting her backside painfully and to cause her to cry out. The girl however didn't protest but simply accepted the hard slaps of his hand onto her buttocks. Ten he gave her, ten slow and wonderfully noisy slaps with his palm before he paused, breathing hard and more excited still.
"Turn and lay back," he instructed, adopting a kneeling position at the end of the table in readiness.
The girl turned over and lay back on the long coffee table, her feet on the floor at the end and her knees bent over the end of the table. The position pushed her hips and pussy mound high to stand prominently, the shape of her labia clearly defined beneath the tight covering of her little panties.
"Part your legs," he said urgently and snapped off two as she eased her thighs apart to offer the tight wad of her gusset to him.
The headmaster took three more photos, two close ups of her pussy mound and one standing over her to cover the whole of her gorgeous body.
"Now nude," he said trying to control his hard breathing. He gripped his hard cock and shifted it to an upright position within his trousers.
The girl raised her hips and slid the little panties off, kicking her legs in the air to free her feet from the tangling wisp of material. She resumed her initial position of knees hanging over the end of the table and her feet on the floor.
She was a delightful sight to behold, her public hair, soft and dark coated her pretty little pubic mound and the tip of her little clitoris jutted out expectantly from between the tops of her pussy lips.
"Oh Yes!" he enthused excitedly, "perfect, simply perfect, you teasing little bitch."
The head master took three snaps from differing angles and then ordered her.
"Draw your knees up and part them."
The girl complied, drawing up her knees and planting her feet on the end of the table with her thighs stretched wide open to expose and display her pussy in all its glory. She lifted her hips slightly and angled them up in further offering of her sex. The sweet puffy lips of her pussy were parted to show the soft, pink inner lips, moistened and glistening by her lubricating juices. Below it was the tight little ring of her anus, dark around the ring of muscles but wonderfully pink in the inner part.
Two snaps he took before kneeling between her open thighs and taking a third close up. Unable now to contain his excitement the headmaster set the camera to auto and placed it on the seat of the settee. He fumbled urgently with his trousers, snagging the zip in his haste and cursing loudly at his ineptness. At last he freed his huge cock and pressed the head against the welcoming soft lips of her pussy, he gave a low groan of deep pleasure as he pushed the head of his cock up inside her tight little pussy. Her little moan of delight excited him further and he slid his huge cock fully up inside her little body, he rested there savouring the warm, wet feel of her around him. The camera clicked and flashed, then he began thrusting into the slut. His hand reached over to cover her breasts, his head slunk back and he moaned aloud as he slammed his hips hard against her to drive his cock in and out.
The little bitch was delightful, warm, pliable, willing and so very young looking. Her soft skin, her firm orbs and her sweet little pussy thrilled him like no other had. He pumped harder into her as his arousal increased to lead him toward orgasm. Frantically he lunged into her, so hard that the coffee table was inched along the floor by his powerful thrusts. The way the little slut thrashed her head from side to side, her red lips parted and little whimpers escaping her lips spurred him on to batter her harder still. His hands caressed, squeezed and kneaded at her breasts, urgently encouraging his explosive orgasm to ward him. Never! Never had he experienced thrill such as this, the long build up, her excitement and her youth all combined to make it an experience to be remembered.
The headmaster gave a low growl, tensed and then bellowed like a water buffalo as his come jetted forcefully up inside her soft interior. In wild excitement he pounded into the young girl's pussy to eject his thick come into her. He pumped for a long time to ensure that every last drop of his come was squirted up into her, the feelings simply too good to want to end it too soon.
"You my little slut," he panted as he withdrew, "are simply delightful and destined to stay on after the end of the sixth form as my aid should you wish to."
The girl raised herself sleepily up onto her elbows, her expression one of dreamy deep satisfaction and she gave a cheeky grin.
"Yes sir, I would like that, very much indeed."
Henry, the fat balding governor sat trembling and sweating as he looked through the photographs. He took three great swigs of brandy, going through the set of photos time and again and inspecting each one most carefully. The shots of the brunette in uniform particularly took his eye and the man positively dribbled as he leered over the young form of the posing girl. Finally he looked up and passed the photos over to the equally interested John.
"My God!" He gasped and sighed, "The little slut is a wicked little whore and nothing less."
The headmaster sat confidently and easily watching the man extol his excitement and pleasure.
"But a most willing and fuckable little whore wouldn't you say?"
"Indeed!" he agreed enthusiastically and edged to the front of his seat. "I must have her - when can I have her?"
The headmaster stood up and walked to the window, anticipating the protests that would surely come.
"As we agreed, once the vote is taken and my position confirmed."
The fat man was on his feet in an instant, his trousers pushed out at the front by his erection.
"But that isn't for nearly two weeks and..."
"I've already given you a free taster with the young teacher."
"Not with the pupils though," the fat man protested and gained a grunt of agreement from the engrossed John as he studied the photos.
"You could have a change of heart and back track on our agreement," the headmaster countered.
"We wouldn't," Henry pleaded and sought confirmation to aid his cause, "would we John?"
It amused the headmaster to see the flushed man so desperate in his begging to be let loose on the girl. He strolled casually back to his seat and sat down crossing his legs lazily.
"I might consider allowing you to be present at a session..."
"Thank you," the sweating henry interrupted.
"To watch but not participate."
Henry sat back deflated and seething, he could see that he wouldn't be able to sway the headmaster and opted for the lesser of the favourable options.
"Very well, then," he said icily, "Your vote is still assured, I hope you would bear that fact in mind as you are enjoying yourself and we are simply spectators."
The headmaster was unmoved.
"I most certainly will, I would hope in turn that it would strengthen you resolve to ensure that the vote goes my way."
The young games teacher answered the door of her flat that Sunday morning in a simple grey sweatshirt and tight, black leggings. Her hair was tied back in a ponytail to give her the appearance of a young pupil rather than that of a teacher. Like a little girl trying to be a woman but failing to hide her youth and innocence. She gave a nervous but excited smile as she stepped back to allow the headmaster to enter, and wiggled her pert little backside sexily as she walked through to the lounge. The girl led him through to the spare bedroom and proudly showed off her exercise bike and rowing machine, the sit-ups bench and the weights.
She was nervousness and it showed and yet within her eyes sparkled devilment and willingness, a knowing willingness that hinted at sexual undertones. The girl knew the score all right, that he was here not simply to assist and guide her but to have her.
"I like to keep in shape for my work," she said and stroked her hand idly over the padded seat of the exercise bike.
"And that you most certainly do," the headmaster complimented and ran his gaze slowly down over her entire body.
The compliment pleased her and it showed in her smile.
"Would you like me to demonstrate?" the girl asked brightly, anxious to display her physical skills to the man.
He paused to slip off his jacket and sat down on the end of the press-ups bench. His tone when he spoke was one of low and reassuring coaxing.
"Very well, begin with the exercise bike."
"I rather thought that the weights..."
"The exercise bike," he restated with a hint of irritation in his voice.
The girl hesitated momentarily and then complied, lifted one leg and eased herself expertly up onto the saddle of the bike. She located her feet on the pedals and began a slow and rhythmic peddling.
The way her thighs pumped delighted him, the straining muscles clearly defined beneath her thighs leggings and the tight mound of her pussy on show as the thigh closest to him fell on the downward stroke. The tight black leggings hugged her slim frame beautifully to show the wriggling buttock cheeks as her backside moved and clung to her body to show lithe shape to wonderful effect.
The girl was flushed, becoming more so as she displayed herself to him and as her pussy and clit rubbed incessantly against the hard point of the thick saddle. She began grunting softly, pleasingly, in little gasps of her parted lips as she pumped the pedals around. Her hips and buttocks swayed hypnotically and her upper body swung from side to side in a most erotic movement of sheer sexual teasing. Several times the girl pulled the hem of her long sweatshirt out from under her buttocks as the material became trapped.
"Take it off," the headmaster said casually, "the clothing is too restrictive for good physical exercise."
The girl stopped peddling and gave him a questioning but knowing look. She hesitated and then crossed her arms over her body, gripped the hem of her sweatshirt and in one move pulled it up over her head and threw it aside. She began again, her face flushed more now in excitement than from effort, she pumped her legs and looked straight ahead of her, aware that his leering gaze as firmly fixed on her chest and almost naked upper body. She was aware too that his gaze moved frequently down to her thighs and buttocks and searched between her legs to ogle her mound before returning to her semi-naked breasts. It thrilled her so to display herself, it produced such terrifically strong sensations deep inside her vulva and made her pussy moisten so very readily.
He watched as she peddled, her swelling little breasts bounced most delightfully within the half cups of her little black bra. As her body moved the orbs jiggled and shook, one rosy pink nipple became half-exposed as the little harness slipped down slightly with her movements. The headmaster groaned and eased his erection to one side in his trousers and noted the girl peddled faster as she noticed his arousal.
"The legg..." he croaked excitedly, cleared his throat and repeated the instruction, "your leggings."
The girl gasped at the intensity of the sensations rushing through her body. Pulsing sexual excitement fed by being in a state of partial undress before the watching headmaster. The thought now of showing her legs and lower body pushed the heady sense of thrill higher still. She slipped easily down off the bike and wriggled her leggings down to her ankles, kicked them free of her feet and remounted. Electric blue panties she wore, tight and small the side strings were cut high on the hip to show her full legs and thighs to best effect. The panties pulled harshly in between her legs and little more than a thin string pulled up between her firm buttocks.
The headmaster gave a low groan of appreciation as the bitch resumed her peddling; her body so pale and her face red as she pumped her legs round in a frantic peddling of sexually charged exercise. He gripped his hard cock through his trousers and moaned constantly as he watched her.
The girl was alive with electric sensations, sweet tingling feelings were rushing through her entire body to funnel down and to end powerfully inside her pussy. Her clitoris throbbed and her pussy moistened more to soak the gusset of her panties as her pussy lips rubbed against it. Her expression one of wild delight as she offered herself so blatantly and yet under the loose guise of being assisted in her studies. It was all so innocent and yet so naughty, so excitingly naughty but simply too powerful in sense of thrill to even consider wanting to stop.
"Does it excite you to be semi-naked before me?" he asked in a thick and low voice.
She nodded several times as she peddled, her soft little reply coming out with difficulty as she tried to stem her rising emotions.
"Excellent," he moaned, "then let us dispense with the last vestiges of clothing and see your naked body in all its wonderful glory."
The girl stopped peddling, released her grip on the handlebars, sat back and then stood upright on the pedals to slip her little panties down. The girl wriggled them down over her thighs and knees, lifting one leg as she sat again to take them off completely, her bare pussy now pressing down on the leather saddle. She slipped both hands up her back to release her bra, fumbling in her haste at the catch at the back.
"Wait," he said urgently and stood up.
The headmaster moved behind her and slipped her both hands up inside the tight bra strap at the back.
"Like that," he breathed in high arousal, "it gives the appearance of you being tied."
She gave a little whimper of delight and allowed her hands to remain as he had placed them, hooked up and held in place by the thin strap.
The headmaster took his seat on the press-ups bench once again and watched again as the near naked girl peddled on. His interest fixed instantly on the brown thatch of her pubic hair as her thigh rose and fell to give tantalising glimpses of her pussy before it was again snatched from his view. He unzipped his fly slowly, ensuring that the little slut was aware of his actions; he smiled as he saw her casting sideways glances down at his crotch.
The girl was seated and peddling still, her head up and back straight with her hands entangled in the back bra strap with her elbows sticking out to the sides. She gasped and stared wide-eyed as the headmaster's thick, long cock sprang free of his trousers to stand up hard in erection.
"Does it feel nice to have the saddle rubbing your pussy and clit?" he asked and grasped his throbbing cock with one hand.
"Yes," she whimpered and sucked in breath.
"The peddle faster, bitch or I'll slap your backside to assist you."
"Unnnh!" she uttered and gave an involuntary shiver of delight.
"Ah! I see that the though of being encouraged appeals to you."
The girl muttered and shivered again but nodded her head and half-closed her eyes.
The headmaster stood up, his hard cock sticking out of the fly of his trousers. He landed a stinging slap with the flat of his hand on the side of her buttock, the echo resounded loudly in the small room.
"Faster I said," he snapped at her.
The girl cried out and increased the pace of her peddling; she was thrilled, lost in a heady world of rapidly growing sexual excitement. She gave pleasured little whimpers as the hand slapped down on her again. The harder and faster the headmaster slapped her the faster she peddled, grinding her pussy and clit hard down on the horn of the saddle as the wonderful sensations of pre-orgasm rushed headlong toward her. Her thighs pumped, her breasts wobbled and her backside began to take on a reddened blotchiness that both warmed and excited her further.
"Faster, bitch!" he shouted and slapped her again, a savage and brutal slap born of high sexual thrill and longing.
The girl began grunting softly, nodding her head in acceptance of the waves of orgasm washing through her. She tensed, her peddling slowed and her knees drew in together. Her back arched and she cried out before her body began to spasm in shuddering convulsions. Her thighs opened and closed in involuntary convulsions of pleasure as her orgasm ripped through her slight frame to jerk it like a puppet. Then the girl screamed, a long and satisfied wailing of the deepest pleasure as she came to orgasm on the bike.
Even before her orgasm was finished, the headmaster dragged her from the saddle and pushed her face down over the press-ups bench. He mounted her unceremoniously and pushed his prick straight up inside her pussy from behind. He grunted loudly as he rammed into her body, one hand clamping her wrists to hold her hands up between her shoulder blades. His other hand gripped her ponytail and pulled her head back toward him to gain extra purchase and to add to the sense of command over that he felt. He rode her hard, like a horse, a dirty randy mare whose jockey was spurring it on toward the final fence.
"Teasing little bitch," he muttered as he pumped hard into her little body, "teasing, teasing bitch."
The girl's whimpering urged him on, adding to the feel of her and to the high excitement he was experiencing. He slammed his hips hard against her in an effort give pain as well as pleasure. The headmaster was amazed as the girl cried out and came for a second time, her body brutalised by his frantic thrusting. He couldn't hold back any longer, his cock jerked in rapid little spasms to spurt his thick, warm seed deeply up inside the frail little girl's body. A most wonderful of sensations that seemed to go on and on, fed by her little moans of ecstasy and pleasure. For many minutes he rubbed in and out of her in slow and deliberate finishing strokes of deep sensual feeling.
"Told you I was an athlete," he crowed triumphantly, "More lessons will follow this one - that is for sure."
The time was right now to begin to make his move. To set in motion the preliminaries of his plan that would secure the vote for him for sure. His favourite pupil, the wide-eyed little slut with brown hair would be ideal but he wanted to keep her for himself. His chosen girl had to be not only good looking and sexy but able to carry out his wishes and instructions to the letter, he wanted nothing to mar his bid to the board. The headmaster decided instead on the tall blonde girl that he had fucked up the arse in the kitchen gardens; he picked up the receiver on his desk to summon the girl to his office.
She had run up along side him as he walked around the side of the school toward the games field on his weekly inspection. The young brunette teacher had to continue running to keep pace with his long lopping strides.
"Please," she begged and looked cautiously around her lest she should be overheard. "I need it - want it, please visit me again at the cottage. Since you ...well brought the two governors along..."
"Since they fucked you," he corrected.
The woman hesitated.
"Yes, since that. I miss the control, the abuse that you subject me to."
"And the sex."
"Yes, that most of all. Please visit me, please."
It pleased him to have the little slut beg, it made his cock stir into life and harden nicely, he slowed his pace to prolong the excitement. They passed through the gap in the hedge and then through the small wooded copse to the rear of the changing rooms and then he halted.
"You need to receive orders eh?"
"Yes," she said softly, "I need to be controlled."
He landed a stinging slap on her cheek with the flat of his hand that jerked her head to the side.
"Master," he reminded firmly.
The woman accepted the pain, her cheek was blotched red from the slap but she smiled and nodded her head in acceptance.
He grunted and walked on, around the side of the building and up the steps of the changing rooms. The headmaster unlocked the door and walked in holding the door open until she was inside also and then he locked the door again.
"Strip off you worthless slut," he snapped and peeled of his jacket.
The headmaster undressed, his back presented to her in a show of disinterest in her naked form. Nothing was further from the truth actually but it paid to keep the sluts guessing and unsure of him. Without turning to face her he barked his next command.
"Follow me, slut - on your hands and knees."
The young woman literally ripped at her panties to complete her undressing, fearful of his wrath should she delay. She scrabbled on her hands and knees like a dog, following her master obediently through into the shower area.
The headmaster, naked and with his cock sticking out hard in erection, entered a shower cubicle and turned on the spray. He stood under the cascade of water droplets soaping his body as the woman knelt there in awe staring longingly at his long cock.
"Soap it," he instructed and offered the bar of soap to her.
The woman crawled in to join him, readily accepting the soap and her hands immediately closing around his thick shaft to rub the water and soap along it. Her fingers circled his shaft, sliding back and forth to produce thick slippery suds that increased he pumping action.
The headmaster rested back against the tiled wall, his feet parted and legs braced with his hips pushed forward. He closed his eyes and moaned as the sweet little hands soaped and rubbed his cock to a thick creamy lather. Her light and angelic touch was a sheer delight to experience, the little bitch even flicked her thumb back and forth across the eyehole of his cock to draw loud moans of appreciation from him.
Eagerly the slut rubbed and wanked him, one hand cupping his balls and her mouth closing often over the huge bulbous head of his cock. Her need was great, desperate even and it showed in her greedy fondling and sucking. She knelt before him, hungrily devouring his thick shaft with her mouth before pulling back to wank for a moment and then to resume her sucking again. Faster she wanked and sucked him as her arousal grew, the slut whimpered contentedly as she felt and held his heavy cock.
"Enough," the headmaster said at length and pushed past her to walk out and back into the changing area. He pointed to a long wooden bench and issued the command.
"Face down on it slut, grip the end with your hands and be quick about it."
The young woman hurried to comply, straddling the low and narrow bench close to the end with one leg on either side. Her hands gripped over the end and she lay face down with her breasts pressing down on the wooden slats, her arse presented high and buttocks stretched wide. The girl laid there, like a rider on a motorcycle her public mound pressing down on the hard surface.
The headmaster took a cane from the staff cupboard at the end of the line of lockers; he swished it menacingly in the air several times before the slut's face.
"Count the strokes loudly, slut. Fail and we start again from the beginning."
The whole bench jolted as he lashed in and the woman screamed, the cane cut down harshly down across the swelling rounds of her buttocks.
"One!" she wailed in pitiful agony.
"Slut," he panted excitedly and raised the cane again.
Swish, thwack.
"Aaagh! Two."
"Louder you little whore."
The headmaster slashed in again with the cane in a brutal assault on her soft flesh, smashing the thin cane down hard to raise thin red welts on her pale skin.
The woman screamed loudly under each hard lash of rattan on her soft body. Her hands gripped hard on the end of the bench and her body jerked forward under each stinging lash to scrap her clitoris over the grainy wooden bench.
Swish, thwack.
"Oh God! Three, four...aaaargh, five!"
The headmaster lost control; he launched a most ferocious and sadistic attack on the wailing girl, lashing rapidly in his high excitement to beat her backside and back with savage lashes of the cane. He was flushed red and panting hard as he swung down time and again. The swipes began more brutal as his climax built and her pitiful wailing pushed his level of excitement higher still.
The woman's cries lessened, turning more to grunts of acceptance as she ground her aching pussy harder down onto the bench to gain the heady sensations of the pain and pleasure mix.
Eighteen lashes stung her little body before he tensed his whole body and lowered the cane to his side. He stood motionless, savouring the sensations as his thick sperm jetted out to splash down over her reddened back and shoulders. He grunted his satisfaction and used one hand to milk his cock of every drop of his thick come and to add to the sense of command he felt over her.
"Perhaps you are right," he panted, "maybe I should visit the cottage more often."
In the late evening in his private quarters the headmaster read the agenda of the coming Board of Governor's meeting; the proposal to make his position permanent was clearly typed in and topped the list of subjects to be voted on.
"Does that reassure you enough to let us join in tonight?" Henry asked hopefully.
The headmaster glanced briefly at the two men, Henry as usual was sweating profusely in hopeful anticipation and John, whilst equally excited at the prospect of shafting a pupil, was a little more controlled.
"It certainly helps but it hasn't yet carried the vote and until such time..."
"But the meeting is next Wednesday," Henry protested, "surely as we are so close to it you could have a little faith in us."
The headmaster countered smugly, knowing that he held all the aces.
"Then as we are so close to the meeting it won't hurt you to exercise a little patience will it? To ensure that the vote is carried and so as to get your goodies with young girls."
Henry sat back fuming but controlled his anger.
The headmaster clicked his fingers and looked to the connecting door from his study.
Both of his guests gasped loudly, their full attention on her as the tall blonde stepped into the room and posed, model-like, in the doorway.
Her long blonde hair was bunched at the sides in little pigtails, black mascara highlighted her eyes and blood red lipstick coated her lips to make them stand out as a most sensual focal point of her face. The girl wore full school uniform of a short pleaded skirt in light grey and a starched white blouse that hugged her figure to leave nothing at all to the imagination. Her long, lean legs showed clearly her true height and the little white ankle socks that she wore gave them a tanned and healthy appearance.
The girl looked radiant and so young and fresh, she beamed her delight at their reaction in a broad smile and looked to the goggle-eyed men in a most teasing and sultry expression.
"My Christ!" Henry uttered aloud and then dropped his tone to one of a low lecherous growl, "What an absolute beauty."
At the signal from the headmaster the girl strode confidently into the middle of the room, swaying her hips and came to a halt between the seated men. She stood proudly, displaying her body and spun around to allow her little skirt to billow out and to show her white panties beneath. She turned as planned and took up a dutiful position close to the side of the seated headmaster, the side of her leg touching against the high-backed dining chair.
Henry and John sat open-mouthed staring at the girl, their eyes roamed hungrily up and down her lithe shape, focusing on her breasts and on the hem of her skirt. The fat Henry gave an envious little whimper as the headmaster's hand slipped up her little skirt from the back.
"Tell my guests what you like," the headmaster said and eased his fingers under the elastic of her panties to stroke her taut buttocks.
The girl began her practised speech, using all of her sexuality and facial expressions to add emphasis to her words.
"Cock," the young girl said in a husky tone, "I like men's cocks, both to suck on and to fuck me."
Henry gasped and edged to the front of his seat.
She gave a little sigh as the headmaster's two middle fingers slipped up inside her moist pussy, his thumb pressing against the entrance of her anus. She shifted her feet apart to aid his progress and to draw and envious groan from the watching Henry.
"I like my pussy being licked," she said with some difficulty as the thumb began to force the tight puckered ring of muscles apart. "To have a man's tongue pushing up inside...mmmm, my pussy.
A little gasp escaped her lips as the whole of his thumb pushed up inside her tight tunnel.
Henry was beside himself with excitement, he eased his hard erection to one side to ease the strain of it against his trousers.
The headmaster was delighting in his guests' obvious excitement and began fingering the girl to add to their discomfort.
"Show my guests your tits, you little slut."
The girl unbuttoned her blouse, her red painted nails teasing slowly at each button before opening it to reveal more and more of her swelling cleavage. Gradually she pulled the two halves apart, slipped the blouse off her shoulders and dropped it to the floor. Immediately she slipped her hands up her back and released her bra strap, shrugging her shoulders forward to allow the little harness to drop to the floor.
"Wow!" John uttered and received an accompanying exclamation from the red faced Henry.
The girl cupped and weighed her breasts as the headmaster fingered her. She gripped her long rubbery nipples between finger and thumb, rolling and pulling at the firm buds.
"I simply love," she said in a thick and excited voice, "Have a cock between my breasts and fucking them until the man shoots all over my face.
"Please!" Henry called out in urgent need, "you can't subject us to this taunting and not allow us to do anything. It isn't fair."
The headmaster withdrew his hand from under the girl's skirt.
"Help henry ease his discomfort, bitch."
The fat man's face lit up, a huge smile creasing his face. He fumbled at his fly to release his aching cock and sat in readiness and proudly with his erection sticking up from his lap.
The girl stepped forward to stand before the perspiring Henry, both her hands still massaging sensually at her ample breasts.
"No touching Henry," the headmaster cautioned. "Just one touch and the girl will leave us."
The man was staring greedily at the girl before him; he swallowed and nodded his agreement without looking away from the naked tits in front of him.
As rehearsed, the girl began her routine. She parted her feet and lowered her hips, pushing her knees out and gyrating her hips in a lewd and crude offering of her body. Her hands slid down over her stomach and hips. Stroking sexily down onto her thighs. There, she began drawing them slowly back up toward her waist, trapping the hem of her little skirt and lifting it as her hands travelled.
"Oh my!" Henry muttered as the firm mound of her white panties came into view.
He began breathing hard as the girl lifted her skirt up to her waist and then straddled his thighs. The man cried out as she lowered her hips further to lightly touch the firm gusset of her thin panties onto the head of his cock. He groaned aloud constantly as the bitch began jerking her hips to rub the slit of her thinly veiled pussy back and forth over the head of his cock.
"Nice?" she teased and winked at him.
Henry came instantly, his thick seed jetting onto her crotch to soil her pure white panties with thick globules of his seed. He cursed loudly at his inability to control himself and wanked himself to a finish as he ogled the soaked crotch of the girl.
At the command, the girl removed her skirt, slipped the little panties off and stood naked in the centre of the room. She faced the excited John, offering her pussy close to his face and stood erect as the man sniffed hard at her sex. For many minutes he looked and sniffed, at times his hands instinctively moving to touch her but he checked himself and was content to smell her.
On the second command she straddled the headmaster on his chair, lowered herself down to locate the head of his cock at the entrance to her pussy and then sat fully down on him. She cried out as his cock pushed fully up inside her and gripped his shoulders as he began an urgent thrusting up inside her. The girl bounced herself to aid him, impaling herself harder down on his rigid cock in a heated riding of raw sexual need. Her head rested back, her sensual red lips parted and little moans of deep pleasure emitting from her throat.
The headmaster kissed and felt her tits as he fucked her, slurping noisily as he sucked on her long nipples and jerked his hips up hard to drive fully into her again and again.
John watched the bouncing naked body, the way her buttocks shook under the impacts and the way her luscious breasts giggled and swayed. Best of all for him though way her expression of sheer bliss and the way she was grunting to urge the headmaster faster. John stood up and released his cock, he moved to stand along side the bucking girl and offered his throbbing cock hopefully.
She reached out and grasped it, drawing him in toward her. In one excited little gasp she opened her mouth and took the head of his cock into her wet cavern.
All three came at the same time, the girl receiving sperm into her soft mouth and up inside her warm, wet interior in tandem. The tremors of orgasm that ripped through her body added to the thrill and the feelings. She grunted animal-like as the sucked and gripped her internal muscles to take every last drop of the men's sperm into her body.
Henry sat spellbound and envious but more determined than ever to sway the vote and to bring forward the time when he could have one slut such as her all to himself.
In the private gardens at the back of the school, within the high concealing walls, the headmaster sat in a deck chair awaiting the news from the Governor's board meeting. He checked his watch and sighed, the time was two thirty, lunch would be over and the meeting should have resumed. His mobile phone was switched on in readiness to hear the result and a young slut stood attentively at the side gate of the gardens ready to implement his instructions.
The plans had been made and the preparations made. Once his position had been confirmed he would hold to his part of the bargain and provide pupils for Henry and John to sate their sexual needs. Once his obligations had been fulfilled he could milk the pair for other benefits, an on going supply of girls to them deserved rewards for himself.
Dorothy, the ageing geography teacher, would get her rewards in similar fashion, if a little more painful for her than for the men. The thought of the middle-aged woman naked and begging to be fucked amused him much and his mind moved to possible scenarios in which he could further use and humiliate the stupid slut.
The telephone's shrill ring broke his thoughts and he let it ring three times before responding.
"Henry! What news do you have for me? Good I hope."
The voice on the other end of the phone was thick and excited.
"Vote was passed and your position as headmaster confirmed as permanent, they are drafting a letter to that effect at this very moment."
"Excellent!" the headmaster exclaimed.
Henry's voice lowered to a serious note.
"John and I will bring it with us, we will be there in about two hours - to gain our promised rewards."
The headmaster paused to add to the tension that sounded in Henry's trembling voice.
"And have them you shall," the headmaster replied and waved the signal at the waiting girl.
He led the two men up the stone steps of the science block to the rear of the school. In the late evening twilight the outside wall lights were casting and orange glow over the whole of the back yard. The school was closed up and silent, the only noise was music drifting out from the dormitory block in the distance. The headmaster asked the men to close their eyes and guided them by the arm through the narrow doorway and into the classroom.
"Open," the headmaster instructed and then chuckled at the men's stunned reaction.
Behind the lines of desks facing them stood eight young and pretty girls, all fully dressed in school uniform with broad smiles on their faces. The tall blonde, the little brunette, the redhead from the stable and even the games mistress and the trainee teacher from the cottage dressed as pupils. All of his recent conquests were present and ready to aid their master in fulfilling his quest.
"Good evening sirs," the girls chorused loudly before breaking into excited little giggles.
The headmaster took the lead to break the heavy silence, as Henry and John stood speechless, ogling the girls and hard lumps forming in the front of their trousers.
"Yours to command," he said with a smile, "Henry first I think as his need appears to be greater."
The headmaster pointed to the cheeky little redhead.
"Get out here girl and be quick about it."
The girl scurried down the isle to stand beaming her delight at the three men.
"Turn your side to the class and touch your toes," the headmaster instructed and offered a cane to the sweating Henry.
The fat man declined, shaking his head and struggling to get his words out.
"No, I prefer to use my hand."
The girl bent, touched her forehead to her knees and gripped her ankles.
The headmaster stepped back and watched as Henry moved in on the girl. His hand trembled as he lifted the back of her little skirt and placed it on the small of her back to show her full backside and her little navy blue knickers. The man gave a great groan of appreciation and stroked his hand reverently over her taut silky panties. Spellbound and detached, he stood silently caressing the young girls backside, feeling all over her buttocks and down between the tops of her thighs. In the silent classroom only his heavy and laboured breathing could be heard, punctuated by his soft moans of delight.
His hand rose and then slammed down hard to slap loudly on her right buttock. He rested there again groping the rounded mounds of her backside before delivering a second hard slap to her left cheek. Again her paused to feel her, on long and slow gripping of her firm mounds, his fingers training to savour the warm firmness of the girl. Henry was quivering with excitement, his face full red and his eyes glazed as he slapped the girl for a third time.
The man knelt behind the girl and ran both hands up over the outside of her slim thighs to grip the sides of her knickers. Slowly, ceremoniously even, he slipped the thin material down and kissed greedily at her pale buttocks when they became revealed to him. Henry licked and kissed with a fervent hunger, sliding his tongue up and down the slit of her moist pussy and up the crease of her arse to flick lightly over the puckered ring of her anus. He sucked at her pink inner lips and chewed on the little bud of her clitoris to bring little whimpers of delight from the bending girl.
Several of the watching girls had their hands covering their pussies, gripping their mounds and squeezing their pussies through their clothing. One, the tall blonde, was feeling her neighbour's backside with the other hand to add to her arousal and to that of her friend.
At length Henry stood and slapped her backside once more, the stinging slap of his hand on bare flesh echoed around the hollow sounding classroom.
Again and again he slapped her, angling his hand downward so as to stick her pussy lips with his fingers. Ten hard slaps he gave the girl before he could resist no longer. He ripped at his trousers to free his pulsing cock, guiding it immediately to the entrance of her pussy and pushing straight up inside her in one great thrust. Henry groaned aloud, gripped her hips with both hands and began a frantic pumping up inside her. The little excited gasps from the watching girls spurred him on and he pounded into the little girl's body with a surprising force and stamina. She was jolted and buffeted as he drove hard into her time and again, pulling hard back on her hips to add purchase and to force his cock even further into her warm body. Henry cried out and tensed, he shuddered several times before shooting his load into the girl, moaning his pleasure as he did so.
The session over, the girl walked back to take her place behind her desk, henry retired to the corner of the room to sit down panting, pleased with himself and feeling so very satisfied.
John, the tall thin man, needed no prompting, he pointed to the wide-eyed little brunette and beckoned her to him with his finger.
"Not her," the headmaster cautioned severely, "she is mine."
The man made to object but the withering stare from the headmaster halted him. He simply shrugged and chose another, pointing to the young games mistress and waving her to come forward.
It was as though he and his chosen girl were somewhere else, alone and unobserved. He seemed lost in a distant world of fantasy, acting out his desires and quite oblivious to all around him.
"Naughty girl," john snapped, "You naughty, naughty girl."
The games mistress fell into the part, acting her half of the scene with expert conviction.
"Sorry, sir," she pleaded and hung her head; she clasped her hands behind her back and dropped her shoulders forward to portray shame.
John swelled his chest out, revelling in her compliance and admission of guilt to feed his sense of command.
"You will be punished you naughty little girl."
"Yes, sir," the young games mistress muttered meekly.
He grunted his approval and unzipped his fly. John eased his long cock out and held it proudly in one hand, offering it to the little slut and delighting in her shocked reaction.
"Kneel and suck my cock."
The girl lifted her head to look up at him, her face containing a hint of pleasure but feigning fear and revulsion.
"Oh please, sir," she begged in a pathetic little voice, "your cock is far too big for me."
"Do it," he hissed venomously and grasped her hair at the top of her head. The man forced her down onto her knees and pressed the head of his cock again her lips.
"Open your mouth your little slut and take a real man's cock inside it."
He moaned triumphantly as she complied, groaning his pleasure as her soft, warm mouth covered the bulbous glans of his cock. With the grip on her hair he held her fast and force the whole length of his cock far back into her throat in one forceful lunge.
The acting was over now for the young games mistress. Her hands pressed against his thighs to try to prevent the invader forcing any farther to the back of her throat. She gagged and choked, muttering her protests and struggling to break free of his grip. Terror filled her eyes and her and tears formed in them as the thick long cock pressed hard into her wet cavern. Her little head bobbed back and forth as he thrust in an out of her mouth, a brutal battering fuelled by long held and suppressed sexual need that now was displayed in his frantic thrusting.
"This will teach you, you dirty little girl," he moaned and pounded his cock still harder into the girl's mouth.
The hard slamming of his hips rocked her head and body, her eyes bulged wide and her fists hammered at his thighs in a desperate effort to try to stop him.
All present were stunned by the ferocity and brutality of the attack on the young girl, so much so that even the headmaster made to halt him but checked his movement in favour of his own ends. The watching girls were shocked but morbidly interested, staring spellbound as their friend's mouth was defiled so very brutally. A perverse sense of pleasure came to them on seeing a sexually heated man take his pleasure by abusing a young girl. The girls all gave a little gasp as the thin man tensed and shuddered. They watched in stunned amazement as he pulled his cock out of her mouth and jetted his thick seed onto her face in excited little spurts of forceful pleasure.
The girl gagged and vomited, sucking in air and clutching at her bruised throat when the grip on her hair was finally released. She slumped back on the floor, sobbing and spitting to clear the foul tasting liquid from her mouth. Her whole body shook, racked by heaving sobs as she wailed her misery to the hard floorboards.
The three men sat in the garden under the patio lights in the warm evening air and a brandy in their hands as they chatted, extolling their satisfaction of the session just passed and of the arrangement they had come to with the headmaster.
"My! But was the slut a good fuck," henry stated and belched loudly.
"That little slut's mouth was simply heaven itself," John added, gloating still at the way he had abused the young games mistress.
The headmaster listened to it all, deliberately silent as the men strengthened his case for him and he was happy to let them do so.
"When?" Henry said excitedly and licked his lips, "when can we get to grips with the little sluts again?"
The headmaster sipped his drink and sat pondering, a deliberate tension filled silence to add emphasis to his coming statement.
"You held to your part of the bargain and I held to mine, the deal was done and is over and finished."
"What?" henry blustered, "You mean that we can't have a repeat with the girls? I thought this was to be ongoing!"
The headmaster smiled.
"Oh but it certainly could be gentlemen, a continuing supply of fresh young bodies as and when you want them."
"Could be?" Henry asked suspiciously.
The headmaster nodded and swigged at his drink.
"Just a little matter first of getting the Board of governors to vote to increase my salary."
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This was written by my wife and she assures me it is based – loosely on a genuine experience she had with the headmaster at her school when she was only 16. “Come in” “Ah … hello, headmaster, Miss Price told me to come and see you.” “Yes, I know. Come in Monica and sit down. You’re in trouble again aren’t you? What was it this time?” “Ah … well, I don’t really .. I mean ….” “Perhaps if you have forgotten I can remind you, as Miss Price has already informed me. She caught you performing...
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The Venus Academy for Girls is, unfortunately, neither as divine nor as stellar as its name implies. Although once unquestionably the best girl's finishing school in the state for the 18+ woman, it's fallen far from grace. Today, you can see girls doing cocaine in the washrooms, or wearing skirts that end halfway on their calves. Others party late into the night, then skip class. Grades have been dropping. The best teachers have all quit. In fact, the only thing stopping the state's education...
TeenMy main problem in school was talking in class, I don’t know why but I did every time even though the teachers warned me, this particular day was no exception, the teacher warned me again, but because I was stupid I carried on, but he’d had enough.“Donna OUT” as I stood up embarrassed, I left the classroom and stood outside. At the end of the lesson when everyone had gone Mr. Kay came out and said “We’re going to see Mr. Cole, our headmaster. As I sat outside his office Mr. Kay knocked and went...
I am sitting at my desk in our home office. I hear a little tap on the door frame. "Mr Headmaster, Sir?" "What in the...?" As I start to look up from my paperwork, I see the patent leather shoes with the silver buckles, the white knee socks. Your beautiful bare thighs. The shortest, sexiest little plaid skirt. A crisp, white button-down shirt, tied just above your naval. The top two buttons of the shirt are unbuttoned, revealing the white lace bra underneath. Judging from the amount of...
Straight SexA warning first: This is not a sweet or sentimental story; it's a sex story. It also involves some crass stereotypes and naughty language. If you're looking for a story where the main character becomes a beautiful woman with the body of a stripper then this isn't it. This is something else. Enjoy! Blue Wicked By Miriam Grey The Ship squatted in the middle of the estate like a concrete toad. A single storey pub with a flat roof and no redeeming features whatsoever it looked...
The PE teacher had buzzed ahead telling me to expect you. She had not however, prepared me for exactly what I was to be punishing you. I could easily have lost my job for the punishment I chose for you. Christ, I really should lose my job for the punishment I chose for you. There was a knock at the door… “Come!” I shouted. You stepped inside. You were still wearing your gym clothes…a tight, powder blue top, showing-off those incredible, juicy tits to perfection. Below…you were wearing a tiny...
I'm never sure why the thugs think it a good idea to use their fists to wake you up. I could hear the soft thuds before I actually felt them. I was spiralling up from my unconsciousness and the sensation from the burly ape who was having fun with my face only began to register as I neared the surface. I was immediately struck by the thought that this was a tremendously bad thing. A voice, obviously in command, ordered the attack to stop and a sudden cold shock of water finally woke me...
It's was my last summer before I was supposed to start college. I had the house to myself most the time and had been wasting my summer playing video games. My dad was always gone on business trips, and my stepmother was usually out shopping, or at the gym where my dad met her.On the Saturday afternoon in question, my stepmother had just gotten home from whatever or 'whoever' she was doing, and my dad was out of town on 'business' again. I didn't really care how screwed up my dad and...
Taboo(An Incestuous Harem Story) Chapter Five: Twins' Wicked Evening By mypenname3000 Copyright 2018 Note: Thanks to wrc264 for beta reading this! “This is going to be an amazing dinner,” my twin sister said as we walked up the street with our mom to Clint's house. “Minako thinks so, too,” I answered, the pair of us speaking our native Japanese. Kimiko gave me a naughty grin, a smile spreading across her delicate lips, the corners of her mouth spreading wide. She gripped my hand,...
Kathy and I were always friends. We grew up together. She lived next door. She was the first girl that I had a crush on when I was in kindergarten. Back then before I allowed mass marketing, advertising, commercials, Playboy Magazine, and Miss America Contests to alter my definition of beauty, I saw her for the person she was kind, personable, and smart. If a boy could have a girl as a best friend, then she was mine. Through the years we stayed close, walking to school together and coming home...
She sat on the couch, her hands trembling, staring at her purse. Her purse held a little bomb, the clock ticking down. Escape seemed unlikely. Looking quickly at her watch, she hoped with all her heart he would be late. Please please please... That might save her for a bit. They had dinner plans with several friends, and if he got home too late, the bomb wouldn’t go off until after dinner. And then, if dinner ran late, maybe she’d put it off until morning. There wasn’t much hope beyond that. ...
SpankingChapter Three: Naughty Teacher's Wicked Exam By mypenname3000 Copyright 2019 Note: Thanks to Alex for beta reading this! Characters Main Characters Corey Derrickson: College senior, friend of Kyle Unmei, given the chance to marry one of four genie, each from a different tribe, if he can find them at St. Maria Theodora Catholic School! Aleah Buckley: Corey's first sex slave. College senior. He claimed her after Kyle suggested she'd be a good canidate for starting Corey's...
Part 1 Princess Cassandra Orsini smiled wickedly at Dina, as Dina was repeatedly whipped. Not permitted to punish Cassandra physically the school master had to resort to whipping Dina. It had been 10 years that Dina had been whipped mercilessly almost every week. It had never gotten easier. Her knees pressed up against the marble floor of the grand palace of Cephalonia. She was completely naked, her hands properly folded behind her own head. She let out sniffles and...
Book Two: Magic's Clash Chapter Three: Wicked Conjurings By mypenname3000 Copyright 2016 Journeyman Mage Faoril – Esh-Esh, The Magery of Thosi I strolled through the docks of Esh-Esh, the cool breeze blowing in off Lake Esh. The blue waters sparkled as the wind rippled waves across the surface. The smaller boats of fisherman with their triangular, ribbed sails bobbed in the waves churned by the larger merchant boats that sailed up the Roytin River from the Free City of Raratha. Only...
A (((((Re-written))))) I thought that a brief break from writing my 20 Years of Infidelity series of stories would do me good. I've had an occasion lately to remember a man I spent time with who had a rather strange... Kink? An unusual request? A taste for something different? Describe it as you will after I relate my experience... I'm not going to give a history. I don't want in any way to ruin the ending to my above mentioned series of posts. Suffice it to say that at the time of this story I...
The bathroom door opened right as I reached for the doorknob. I froze. A cloud of steam washed over me as my eighteen-year-old daughter stepped out, still damp from her shower, her brassy hair wrapped up by one towel, another towel wrapped about her budding body. I blinked at the sight of her swelling cleavage and then noticed how sleek her legs were.They glistened.The towel hardly fell down low enough to cover her rear. Up until that moment, I had seen Tiffany only as my daughter. Now she...
God, I want him. I want him so badly my nipples were hard even before I even left my apartment. Up the elevator to his office in one of the glass towers downtown. Short skirt, spiky heels, garter belt - the outfit was his call. *** We had met on one of those dating websites another lifetime ago. I was new in town, young and starry-eyed. He was more established, older, ambitious and an idealist. I was hopelessly hooked. Weeks of heated e-mails were exchanged without a photograph on either of our...
Hardcore{Revised from the original} “Gwen? Where are you? I got the mail.” “I’m back here Nelson. I’m online with one of our Lush fuck-buddies.” Nelson, 52 years old, lean and well muscled, wandered into the “office” of their small house in Texas. “Gwen, it looks like we got confirmation of our hotel in Amsterdam. Any word on the plane tickets?” His wife, a youthful-looking 40, was sitting at the computer, her lovely hair in disarray, her blouse open, her skirt pulled up to her hips. Her husband looked...
IncestChapter One: Wife's Wicked Plan By mypenname3000 Copyright 2016 The bathroom door opened right as I reached for the doorknob. I froze. A cloud of steam washed over me as my eighteen-year-old daughter stepped out, still damp from her shower, her brassy hair wrapped up by one towel, another towel wrapped about her budding body. I blinked at the sight of her swelling cleavage and then noticed how sleek her legs were. They glistened. The towel hardly fell down low enough to cover her...
My hands gripped the bathroom counter like my life depended on it, my very sore ass pressed into the sharp edge of that same counter, which hurt. I’d just taken a bunch with the ‘Wicked One’, Hatch’s thick leather belt. I’d deserved it, I’d been bad, gotten another speeding ticket, and Hatch hadn’t been happy about it. I was due for another spanking with the Wicked One after dinner. Hatch had sent me and my dear friend Lucy to the downstairs bathroom to get me cleaned up and presentable for...
SpankingWendy’s eyes opened slowly in the pre-dawn light coming through her window. Her first thought was, “oh my god, I sucked my uncle’s cock! He came in my mouth!” Her second thought was, “oh my god, that was so fucking incredible!” The memories flooded back, the silky feeling of her lips sliding along Nelson’s penis, the spongy cock head mashing against her tongue, the sudden presence of warm, thick, salty fluid filling her mouth. She remembered her sense of awe and panic at the realization that...
IncestMy wife and I were getting ready to celebrate our fifth wedding anniversary. I wanted to do something a little different and something that we would remember the rest of our lives. I just didn't realize then just how much it would change of lives. Jennifer is a teacher at the local elementary school. We have two little tow-headed boys, Timmy & Andy. They are two and four. It's the end of summer just before school starts. We had always wanted to go to Jamaica for a vacation but couldn't...
Rachel Ray’s emotions were in an uproar. She’d only been married about a year and was finally getting to where she enjoyed sex but never initiated it. When she learned about it in school her biggest question was how she ever got conceived since the subject seem to be taboo at home. Her mother was overly religious and overly protective. Thank God her five-year-older husband had hidden his limited experience from her parents so somebody knew how to make the wedding night anything but a...
Everyone says you should not travel these roads alone, but I am not a helpless old fool. In fact, I am shy of 20 cycles old. They say these parts are ridden with trolls and goblins. I have also heard stories of a wicked witch that lives in the woods beyond. All tales told by old fools to frighten children. I have seen some truly beautiful things on this journey to and from the dwarven kingdom. Mountains that touch the sky, valleys that go on forever. Sunsets that fill the sky with color. And...
The Wicked AngelsKeri(1)Part-1As everyone knows one of the easiest things to find on the Internet is porn. I happen to like reading the wide variety of erotic stories that can be found on the Internet, and one day I came across a website that was nothing BUT stories. As I began to read, I realized that I had stumbled across a BDSM story site. I had always been fascinated with BDSM and I never failed to get excited by the graphic descriptions of torture, punishment and sex. My favorites were of...
Chapter Two: Futa's First Wicked Speech By mypenname3000 Copyright 2018 April 17th, 2047 “What was your favorite part of campaigning for president?” Adelia Tash asked me. I shivered, and the answer came immediately to my lips. “The rallies.” It was so interesting to talk about the most public part of my life: my bid to become the first futa-president of the United States. I was popular. Almost every woman in America wanted to have my daughter. The all loved me. I just had to keep them...
Chapter One: Futa's First Nubile Intern By mypenname3000 Copyright 2018 April 17th, 2047 “I love it when you just demand my cock,” I moaned to my pregnant, young wife. I was twice as old as her and so lucky to have found her. All those years aching for that relationship her parents had, the one I almost had before my transformation. I never thought I would find it with Kurt's daughter. “Mmm, I know,” Sharron said as she grabbed my futa-dick had hiked up her own skirt, revealing her...
Chapter Two: Becca's Naughty Promos By mypenname3000 Copyright 2017 “What are you doing here, Jenna?” I gasped, staring at my twenty-year-old daughter as she sucked the last of my futa-cum out of my new clit-dick. I shivered, her lips drawing up it, her sandy-blonde hair spilling about her face. Jenna's mouth popped off my dick. Her cute, pixyish face stared up at me, her blue eyes twinkling. “Well, I'm your fluffer, right? I keep your futa-dick nice and hard, and let you cum...
‘What the….?! You question, raising your hand up to uncover your eyes. She slaps the back of your hand and grips your wrist pulling you out of the kitchen. Being blindfolded you’re disorientated and loose your balance, almost tripping up as she drags you up the stairs. Your girlfriend’s snappy conversation and rough attitude leaves you apprehensive as to her intensions. You hear the bedroom door creak as she pulls you inside. ‘Now strip naked!!’ she tells you, you’re surprised at...
Introduction: A follow-on from CHAT ROOMS, as a girlfriend finds out her husband has played away…. Its been a week since you played away with a hot girl you met via the internet chat room You get home after a long day at work, you take your coat off and head to the kitchen for a beer. As you open the fridge door, your girlfriend approaches from behind covering your eyes with a blindfold. She ties it tight being a little rough Ive got a bone to pick with you!! she snaps at you. What...
The small alarm clock buzzed insistently and Wendy’s eyes opened. Her first thought was, “oh my god, I let my uncle masturbate me!” Her second thought was, “oh my god, that was so incredible!” Her third thought was the awareness of the gathering wetness in her panties. She always set her alarm ten minutes fast, so she could attend to her morning ritual of masturbation. On this particular morning, she needed it desperately. She clicked on her bed lamp, flipped the covers off and doubled a...
IncestWicked Ends, Fucked Up Means - Part I (Prologue) Her insides were soft, warm, and damn tight... But what was really making me crazy was her shaking body... Or her whimpers, her wails, I couldn't say for sure. Nah, it was the way she was helpless, the way I was the master of her body. The way I owned her. The only two things she could do, the only things I allowed her to do, were scream and feel what I wanted her to. Erika's little body was squirming under mine. Her thin wrists were cuffed...
Wendy got a thrill out of calling herself “Wicked Wendy”. She’d been married seven years. It was that mythical time when folks strayed. It hadn’t taken nearly that long for her. She’d married after a wild post-prom night when her date and his two buddies took her virginity with repeated copulations and she’d loved it. In spite of birth control, she’d gotten pregnant and her date, Warren, stepped up to that responsibility. Months after they married she miscarried but they decided to stay...
A Story of the Institute of Apotheosis Research Chapter Four: Daughter's Wicked Command By mypenname3000 Copyright 2018 Note: Thanks to wrc264 for beta reading this! My thoughts whirled as I squirmed atop my cousin—my sister!—bound to her body. Her eyes danced wildly from the revelation that she was my father's daughter. She moaned about the dildo gag. Our flesh rubbed together. Daddy's cum ran out of my pussy and dribbled to hers, my clit caressing hers, my nipples kissing hers. The...
Disclaimer: All active characters are legal age, but no ones age will be mentioned, so you can imagine anything you want. As for me, I like to watch horror movies, but it does not mean I want to hurt anyone. After all... in our minds we are all free... Chapter 2 After morning shower, Tom entered kitchen. Besides the table were sitting his father and both of his sisters. His mother, Joanne, was cooking breakfast. Tom looked at her. As always, she was wearing mini bathrobe whitch was...
She was really horney at the moment and hoped that her friend and lover Jenna would be home alone so she could get off. Kelsey knocked on the door then took a step back. Some moments passed before she heard Jenna's mom call out "Just come on in." Kelsey reached out and opened the door, then went inside, closing the door behind her. She headed for the stairs, and then went upstairs. She was going to Jenna’s room looking forward to her kiss her fingers in her tight pussy. As...
Introduction: Mom seduces her daughters teen fuck buddy to get to her daughters cunt. Kelsey was a teen knock out. A gymnast since she was six, Kelsey was the hottest girl on the Junior Varsity Cheer team. She had short ginger hair and brown eyes, she had a perfect tight little body, that was so flexible and in balance she could do a split head stand like no bodies business. Her bubble but was a head turner and her tities were firm and stood straight out form her body, she never saw a need to...
I know that you know what it’s like to have wicked thoughts. The ones that run around in your head, constantly popping into your conscious mind when you know that you can’t act on them, or worse, shouldn’t. You know all about those thoughts that start as a trickle and grow and grow until they hurt so much.I’m talking about thoughts that are wrong, in some ways. Well, perhaps not wrong just downright dirty. But the more you think about them, the more they grow inside. You know you are going to...
WatersportsI know that you know what it’s like to have wicked thoughts. The ones that run around in your head, constantly popping into your conscious mind when you know that you can’t act on them, or worse, shouldn’t. You know all about those thoughts that start as a trickle and grow and grow until they hurt so much.I’m talking about thoughts that are wrong, in some ways. Well, perhaps not wrong just downright dirty. But the more you think about them, the more they grow inside. You know you are going to...
WatersportsSonya was receiving the most unusual introduction to a professional partnership in history. Not only has she been well not quite seduced but invited to sleep with he younger of the partners but was now sitting wearing just knickers and blouse with the said partners mother and sort of mother in law. “This is somewhat surreal though I am finding it rather fun. As I suspect you know I am bi and the idea that you all seem only bothered by what is legal rather than what society thinks is moral is...
Ella got to St Pancras station with her passport, ticket and a small bag of clothes. When she boarded the train the seat beside her was empty. Ella felt nervous as to whether Anna had been caught and intercepted however shortly before the train left a dark haired girl politely asked for her to move so she could get the inside seat.Now the trick was to strike up a conversation and ever more interesting insert the phrase 'Wicked step-mother.' Bloody Quentin she thought trust him to be clever...
Chapter 10 -The Wicked Weasley Witches Coven Hermione sat at her desk reviewing a thick case file when there was a knock at her door. Mundungus Fletcher had been picked up the night before, and this time he had stolen goods on him. She was trying to decide which one of the prosecutors under her would be the most appropriate to handle the case. “Come in,” she answered as she closed the folder and set it in the center of her desk. The tall woman who entered her office was striking and...
Chapter Twelve: Futa Mommy's Wicked Discovery By mypenname3000 Copyright 2020 Note: Thanks to Alex for beta reading this! Sky Marlow I had done it. I had fucked the reverend's wife, and my mom had no idea. The proof was smeared over my futa-cock stretching out my black miniskirt. Mrs. Matthews's cream drenched my cock. I felt so naughty as her daughter, Georgia, held my hand as we left the house for our date tonight. I was hoping by the time we got back, Mrs. Matthews would be dying...
Chapter Thirteen: Futa's Wicked Mommy Plan By mypenname3000 Copyright 2020 Note: Thanks to Alex for beta reading this! Madeline Marlow I ripped my cock out of Mrs. Spencer's pussy, anger boiling through me. I felt so hurt. Betrayed. Sky was lying to me. I didn't know why that was shocking. She had been lying to me since Sunday while I had believed that she had changed. That things were different now. That we were finally close. Bonding. That she could trust me. “What's wrong?”...
Note: Thanks to wrc264 for beta reading this! “This is going to be an amazing dinner,” my twin sister said as we walked up the street with our mom to Clint’s house. “Minako thinks so, too,” I answered, the pair of us speaking our native Japanese. Kimiko gave me a naughty grin, a smile spreading across her delicate lips, the corners of her mouth spreading wide. She gripped my hand, squeezing it. We both wore dresses, mine sleeveless and blue, the skirt falling down to a few inches above my...
ZARDOZ CHAPTER FIVE OZ THE GREAT AND POWERFUL ‘A long night Culane?’ I asked sarcastically when that wicked man entered the dining hall in the morning. ‘We had a rather painstaking job before us,’ he replied breezily. He looked well rested, the bastard, and he was kitted up ready for battle. Galinda trailed in behind him looking very smug and more relaxed than I had ever seen her, obviously she had been fucked good and hard, and had betrayed her oath just like the rest of us. ‘Don’t forget...
Chandra was so excited to finally be able to go to the prom that year. She was 16 and just a junior but, got asked to go to the prom by senior Daniel Kentwood, who was not only popular but a major babe. Chandra lived with her elderly father and her three brothers, Mark, Andrew, and Jared. Her mother had passed away when she was just twelve in a car accident. She grown up alone not knowing many things that woman should know. This was going to be her first date ever. She was nervous and tense....
Chapter Three: Becca's Wild Talk Show By mypenname3000 Copyright 2017 “I just can't believe it,” my twenty-year-old daughter Jenna moaned as we lay in bed. “That's me with your cum running out of my cunt, Mom.” “I know,” I groaned, my pussy so wet, my clit itching and throbbing, wishing it were a futa-cock right now. But the sun had set hours ago, returning my dick to the little bud peeking out of my soft petals. “You just look so yummy. I'm gushing out of you.” “Want to know how...
(An Incestuous Harem Story) Chapter Two: Daughter's Wicked Education By mypenname3000 Copyright 2017 Note: Thanks to wrc264 for beta reading this! Leyla Umayyah I...wanted to be a slut. To please Mom. She was so right about me. I had all these whorish desires bursting through me, inspired by Clint's antics with his girlfriends, his cousins. The way he strutted around college. The way he enjoyed his cousins and other girls. I wanted to be one of those girls. I masturbated my...