Eric or Erica
- 3 years ago
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Eric Erica (en francais)
Eric, 18 ans depuis trois semaines, bon c?ur mais incurable r?veur et incorrigible romantique, ne faisait rien de sa vie. Rien de rien, incapable de se fixer ou de fixer son attention, archi largu? au lyc?e, non pas stupide mais jamais pr?sent, toujours r?fugi? dans son monde imaginaire. Eric ?tait diff?rent. Cette diff?rence, son p?re, ancien officier reconvertit dans l’industrie et sa m?re, une catholique bigote, tous deux issus d’une stricte bourgeoisie conservatrice, ne l’admettaient pas et ne l’admettraient jamais.
Son p?re - ? l’instinct?? – avait aussi senti chez son fils une autre diff?rence?: Eric, adolescent pas encore totalement fig? dans ses choix sexuels, ne regardait pas toujours seulement du cotes des filles. Ce ??reproche?? ?tait formellement injuste, Eric n’?tait plus vierge et c’?tait bien une jeune fille qui, l’?t? pr?c?dent sur les deux heures du matin d’une soir?e de fin d’ann?e, avait ouvert ? Eric la porte des plaisir charnels partag?s. Mais l’ancien officier avait senti autre chose chez son fils. Et il avait raison?: M?me s’il n’?tait jamais encore pass? ? l’acte, Eric r?vait aussi d’?treintes romantiques avec des gar?ons, acteurs ou artistes offrant ? son esprit mati?re ? des fantasmes nocturnes quasi quotidiens.
Cette homosexualit? latente chez son fils ?tait pour un homme comme lui proprement impensable, impossible, d?shonorante. Il aurait tu? son propre enfant s’il en avait eu une preuve formelle. Cette horreur en lui, coupl?e ? un ?ni?me bulletin scolaire catastrophique, fut la goutte qui fit d?border le vase familial. Une engueulade m?morable, un mot de trop en r?ponse de la part d’Eric, et l’adolescent, d?sormais majeur comme venaient de lui rappeler ses deux parents, s’?tait retrouv? sur le trottoir avec un sac de sport contenant quelques affaires. Tout le reste, ses parents l’avaient pass? par la fen?tre devant ses yeux. Il ?tait d?sormais maudit chez eux. Et Eric, m?me r?veur, savait que son p?re ?tait mortellement s?rieux dans ses menaces si jamais il tentait un jour de revenir ? la maison.
Plus de famille, plus de toit, pas de fric. La merde totale. Eric tourna dans la ville toute la journ?e, ne mangea pas et trouva ? dormir un peu ? m?me le b?ton dans un parking. A l’aube du lendemain matin, reparti ? marcher droit devant lui, il se rappela le chantier du nouveau m?ga centre commercial sur le chemin du lyc?e et le panneau ??Recherche man?uvres de chantier – CDD – Embauche sur le site?? clou? sur la porte du bungalow ? l’entr?e du terrain. Arriv? l? et trouvant la porte ouverte, il passa la t?te. Un vieil africain la barbe blanche en tenue de chantier lui demanda?:
??Qu’est ce que tu cherches toi????
??Du travail. Tout de suite si possible...??
??Qu’est ce que tu sais faire sur un chantier??
??Rien, mais???
Le vieux le coupa?: ??Restes la, je vais voir si c’est possible???
Et le vieux sortit sans qu’Eric ne per?oive la lueur qui venait de s’allumer dans les yeux du vieux black. Eric, fr?le adolescent, au corps fin et mince mais peu muscl?, la frange sur les yeux, n’avait pas le profil du travailleur de force. Il n’aurait pas du ?tre l? et, sans le savoir, un pi?ge vicieux se refermait sur lui?
Le vieux revint. Miracle?! C’?tait d’accord. Il pouvait commencer tout de suite. On pouvait m?me le loger temporairement au foyer des ouvriers le soir apr?s le travail. On lui donna un casque, des gants et chaussures de s?curit? et il fut affect? aux mouvements des ?l?ments d’?chafaudages.
Rapidement bien sur l’adolescent s’?puisa. Il dut s’arr?ter ? r?p?tition pour souffler un peu et s’asseoir. Tous ses muscles lui faisaient mal. Jamais il ne remarqua toutefois l’observation vigilante, dont il ?tait ? distance l’objet de la part du m?me vieux du bungalow, ni le signe que celui-ci fit ? un jeune et grand ouvrier noir pour venir ? lui, ni enfin les ordres que le vieux lui donna en indiquant Eric.
Epuis?, Eric ne remarqua rien du tout. Ni qu’il ?tait apparemment le seul blanc au milieu d’ouvriers et de contrema?tres tous africains, ni que personne ne semblait se soucier de sa faible efficacit?. En tous cas, aucun reproche ne lui fut fait. Il eut seulement la bonne surprise de voir un gars, ? peu pr?s de son age mais plus grand et fort, et venu dit-il rapporter une planche, s’arr?ter pour lui parler un peu. Tr?s amical et bient?t m?me il commen?a ? l’aider ? charrier planches et piliers? Ils engag?rent la conversation et Eric eut le sentiment de se faire un ami de N’Djili, dont la beaut?, faite d’un corps puissant et svelte, des gestes souples et d’un visage harmonieux, triangulaire avec des pommettes marqu?es, fascina rapidement le jeune adolescent perdu.
La journ?e passa ainsi et, ? la sir?ne marquant la fin de journ?e, N’Djili amena Eric aux douches avant le d?part vers le foyer. Il choisit l’une des cabines et y poussa Eric avec lui. Assez spacieuse mais vide avec seulement des crochets pour les v?tements un peu ? l’?cart des jets. La porte verrouill?e, N’Djili se d?shabilla int?gralement et Eric admira int?rieurement ce corps parfait, ? la musculature puissante et harmonieuse sous une peau sombre et magnifique. Eric n’en pouvait plus et c’est N’Djili qui le d?shabilla et le poussa sous les jets d’eau chaude. N’Djili encore qui entreprit de le frictionner de gel douche, massant avec science ses muscles endoloris.
La chaleur de l’eau, le bien-?tre du massage, l’intimit? pour la premi?re fois avec un corps masculin aussi beau que dans ses r?ves nocturnes, firent sur Eric un effet puissant et il eut rapidement une belle ?rection.
N’Djili sembla trouver cela tout ? fait naturel et il commen?a ? masturber doucement le membre d’Eric, lui massant alternativement la nuque et les seins de son autre main libre. Les deux corps se frottaient de plus en plus intimement et Eric, timidement, s’essaya ? rendre les caresses savantes par lesquelles N’Djili enflammait ses sens.
Si Eric avait eu encore un peu de lucidit?, il se serait s?rement ?tonn? du regard fixe et lointain de N’Djili pendant que celui-ci d?ployait un art consomm? ? exciter l’adolescent europ?en. Pas un baiser non plus. Mais lov? contre ce corps puissant qui le dominait d’une t?te, le nez dans le torse muscl? de celui qui le prot?geait depuis le matin, Eric s’abandonnait compl?tement ? la fi?vre de l’instant, d?sormais chauff? ? blanc et les testicules lourds d’un d?sir juv?nile.
A son tour en ?rection, N’Djili fit allonger Eric sur le dos sur le sol, lui ?carta les cuisses et commen?a ? lui masser d?licatement l’anus avec une noix de gel douche. Un doigt, puis un deuxi?me, d?licatement, prirent place dans son conduit anal.
??Tu veux???? demanda le black.
????? Eric ne sut que dire, pris entre la peur de l’inconnu et son d?sir d?sormais br?lant.
N’Djili prit cela pour une acceptation, retira ses doigts et commen?a ? appuyer la t?te de son sexe circoncis sur l’anneau brun de l’anus vierge. La p?n?tration fut lente. Une pouss?e imp?rieuse mais tr?s progressive, accommodante pour Eric, qui, sur le dos et les genoux ramen?s sur les ?paules, s’offrait comme une femme ? ce magnifique ?talon noir.
D’Njili gardait la t?te haute. Il regardait droit devant lui, au loin, pendant que les sphincters d’Eric s’ouvraient et lui laissaient l’acc?s des entrailles de l’adolescent. Eric ne remarqua pas cette absence de son amant?: il mangeait des yeux le corps superbe et chaud auquel il s’abandonnait d?sormais compl?tement, vivant enfin dans sa chair quelque chose de bien au del? de ses plus beaux r?ves nocturnes.
Plus il sentait ce barreau de chair noire ?largir son anus, plus le pouls d’Eric s’acc?l?rait. Apparemment infatigable, le pieu de chair allait et venait maintenant et chaque enfoncement ouvrait Eric un peu plus. Ouvrait physiquement son cul certes mais aussi ouvrait son esprit a cette ?vidence?: il voulait ?tre pour toujours la femelle de cet ?talon d’?b?ne...
Sous l’effort, la sueur perlait sur le torse puissant de N’Djili et tombait en gouttes sur Eric. Puis il sentit le corps muscl? qui l’envahissait se t?taniser en un bloc durci enfonc? en lui au maximum. Le sperme chaud qui frappa ses intestins fut comme une br?lure bienfaisante et il laissa son amant injecter son flot de sperme au plus profond de lui.
La vue des muscles puissants de N’Djili jouant sous le satin de la peau noire pendant qu’il se faisait d?foncer, la sensation r?che des poils pubiens venant frotter contre son intimit? ? chaque enfoncement, la chaleur du foutre ? l’int?rieur de lui, ? l’int?rieur de sa ??chatte??, tout cela emporta instantan?ment la jouissance d’Eric. Son anus fut pris de spasmes forts, massant la queue enfouie en lui, et il cracha ? son tour son sperme en longs jets ?pais qui retomb?rent sur son ventre et jusque sur sa poitrine.
Eric ?tait au ciel?
Toujours sans un mot, N’Djili se retira et, du cul ouvert d’Eric, un trop-plein de sperme commen?a ? s’?couler en un gras filet blanch?tre. Le black s’avan?a et pr?senta son mandrin de chair encore semi-rigide devant la bouche d’Eric.
??Nettoies-moi?! Suces et que ce soit propre?!??
Eric ouvrit la bouche et, encore emport? par l’exaltation et malgr? l’?coeurement d’avoir ? avaler les traces ses propres excr?ments, il l?cha et su?a jusqu'? la satisfaction de son amant. Sans relever le ton devenu dur et imp?rieux de la voix de son nouvel ??ami???
Eric suivit N’Djili dans la camionnette qui ramenait les ouvriers vers le foyer. Loin, hors de ville, les champs, un passage ? droite apr?s un bois, encore quelques kilom?tres d’un mauvais chemin de terre et voici le foyer. Eric fut surpris en ne voyant devant lui qu’un groupe d’une douzaine de bungalows dans une clairi?re et des fils de fer pour s?cher le linge apr?s les lessives. Lui, il avait envisag? cela un peu comme une sorte de r?sidence universitaire? Alors que l?, Eric ne pouvait m?me pas dire o? il se trouvait? Mais il ?tait si fatigu? qu’il ne discuta rien et suivit son ??homme?? dans l’une des baraques. N’Djili lui indiqua le matelas o? ils allaient dormir ensemble, et ce verbe au pluriel et ce ??ensemble?? suffisaient au bonheur de l’adolescent ce soir l?.
La nuit, Eric la passa dans les bras de son ??homme?? dans sa chaleur, nu contre lui. Bien. Heureux. Il ?tait apparu en lui le besoin d’appartenir ? son amant, d’?tre sa ??chose??, d’?tre au service de cette masculinit? triomphante et de tout lui sacrifier. Si il avait su?
Au matin N’Djili, r?veill?, lui demanda une fellation, puis une fois bien en ?rection lui dit?:
??Mets-toi ? quatre pattes, ?cartes bien les fesses et donnes moi ta ??chatte???!??
La p?n?tration fut brutale, douloureuse car cette fois non pr?par?e, mais Eric passa outre, emport? dans son r?ve de soumission f?minine. Le massage interne de sa prostate par le pieu noir, qui le d?fon?ait de nouveau, lui procura une agr?able excitation et, si il ne parvient pas ? jouir, il fut heureux. N’Djili ne lui fit pas de cadeau, s’enfon?ant ? fond en lui des les premiers moments et maintenant cette cadence tout le long. La ??machine N’Djili?? s’acharna longtemps sur lui, l’assouplissant, le fouillant au plus profond, avant de cracher sa semence dans ses intestins. Pas de pr?servatif entre eux, tout comme la premi?re fois, et l? aussi il fallut qu’Eric nettoie son amant avec sa boucle une fois la saillie fine. Mais qu’importe. Il le faisait pour son ??homme??. Il ?tait heureux d’?tre la ??femelle?? d’un aussi bel ?talon et Eric savait d’instinct qu’il lui fallait tout accepter pour esp?rer le garder pour lui, pour lui plaire et l’exciter toujours et se l’attacher comme protecteur.
C’est exactement ce type de sentiment que le marabout, qui gardait l’entr?e du chantier, avait voulu voir se d?velopper dans l’esprit de ce jeune blanc en d?route, dont il avait vu passer la t?te dans la porte du bungalow d’embauche hier matin. Venu de loin, tr?s fin connaisseur des hommes, il avait compris imm?diatement le parti ? tirer de ce cadeau du ciel. Pour l’attraper, pour le pi?ger, il avait donn? l’ordre ? N’Djili de faire le n?cessaire. De se sacrifier en fait. Un bon musulman, ce N’Djili, chez qui l’ob?issance aux ordres du marabout s’impose malgr? son d?go?t pour les homosexuels, conform?ment aux bonnes r?gles de l’Islam.
Il le fallait pour le bien ?tre de cette communaut? d’une trentaine de Maliens, vivant si loin d?sormais de Bamako au fond de ce pays si froid. Sans femme depuis des ann?es. Sans papiers et donc obliges de vivre ? l’?cart, sans contact, avec au ventre la peur de l’arrestation et de l’expulsion. Victimes du racisme. Travaillant pour des salaires de mis?re et dont la plus grande partie partait de plus vers les familles du pays natal. Le marabout savait qu’il fallait un moyen, un canal, ou pourrait s’?chapper le feu de cette frustration sociale et sexuelle qui mena?ait sa petite communaut?. Eric ?tait la solution?: ce jeune blanc serait, par sa bouche et son cul, ce canal?
Quatre ans qu’il ?tait au foyer.
Eric avait compris d?s lendemain de son arriv?e ici qu’il avait ?t? pi?g??: quand on lui a pris ses papiers et son t?l?phone portable, quand il s’est vu enferm? pendant la journ?e dans une des barques du camp sous la garde des ouvriers de repos (plus jamais de travail au chantier pour lui, le premier jour avait ?t? une mascarade), et enfin quand N’Djili lui a fait comprendre sans douceur que sa bouche devait aussi s’ouvrir sur les queues de certains des autres ouvriers. Et avaler leur semence grasse et sal?e. Puis quelques jours, plus tard sur celles de tous les autres ouvriers, le vieux marabout compris. Puis quelques semaines plus tard, c’est sa ??chatte?? qu’Eric a fini par mettre ? la disposition de tous.
Cependant il ?tait heureux. Tout avait ?t? fait pour enflammer son fantasme de soumission f?minine ? ces hommes qui le dominaient physiquement. Il portait d?sormais en permanence et uniquement string noir, nuisette et talons hauts et on s’adressait ? lui exclusivement au f?minin (??Erica?? ??Suces plus profond ma ch?rie?!?? ??Tu es bonne??? ??Tu es belle Erica. Laisses toi doigter la chatte??, etc?). Une vieille africaine ?tait venue au camp lui tatouer le contour des yeux et les sourcils. Un peu grossier peut ?tre, mais f?minin et ind?l?bile en tous cas. On lui avait tress? les cheveux en nattes, des nattes ramen?es en un court chignon au dessus de sa t?te. Deux larges boucles d’oreille dor?es et du rouge ? l?vres compl?taient l’illusion.
Le marabout le ??chargeait?? aussi. Il connaissait les produits traditionnels. Il s’en servait sans mesure sur Eric, dont en quelques mois la personnalit? s’?tait un peu effac?e. L’id?e qu’il ?tait l? pour servir, pour s’offrir, que c’?tait l? son but et sa r?compense dans la vie lui avait ?t? impos?e. Une sorte de lavage cerveau d’autant plus facile qu’il dormait peu toutes les nuits. Et pour cause? Les produits traditionnels servaient aussi ? entretenir son envie sexuelle. Et plus Erica ?tait ??chaude??, plus les hommes ?taient contents. Aussi le marabout ne se g?nait pas beaucoup sur les doses.
Le marabout lui faisait enfin prendre des hormones f?minines. M?decine occidentale cette fois. Massivement. Sa voix ?tait devenue plus aigue, ses fesses plus rondes, ses hanches plus larges et ses seins, bien que toujours trop modestes au go?t des hommes, avaient notablement grossi. Et ils ?taient devenus furieusement sensibles des extr?mit?s. Ainsi sa position favorite ?tait la ??levrette?? quand son amant utilisait ses mains libres pour tirer sur les bouts maintenant tr?s allong?s de ses seins. Erica jouissait alors litt?ralement sur commande et dans la seconde, comme avec un interrupteur. Malheureusement cela n’arrivait pas tout le temps, car les africains pr?f?raient la prendre par devant, ??? la missionnaire??, une position qui renfor?ait leur illusion de faire l’amour ? une femme.
Erica ?tait heureuse. Elle avait tous les jours des orgasmes inou?s, seule femelle ? la disposition de tant de queues, de tant de boules si pleines. Son anus, d?sormais plus que souple, recevait sans peine tous les hommages. Apres chaque d?ner, elle ?tait mise au service pour la nuit enti?re de l’un des hommes du foyer, un homme par nuit, jour apr?s jour, jusqu'? que chacun ait eu son tour. Et la s?rie recommen?ait. Sans cesse. Comme ils ne disposaient d’elle qu’une fois par mois environ, les africains se pr?paraient longuement ? cette nuit particuli?re et Erica devait recevoir chaque fois des assauts gonfl?s par quatre semaines de frustration et d’anticipation. Erica se donnait ? chacun. Elle ?tait leur femelle, sans honte ni sans besoin de plus de contrainte, presque fi?re d?sormais en fait. Et chaque soir elle prenait par la main l’amant qu’on avait pr?vu pour elle et elle l’amenait dans le bungalow, qui avait r?serv? en permanence pour son service, offrant ainsi de l’intimit? aux deux amants nocturnes.
Tous les mois elle retrouvait N’Djili, le plus beau de tous, qui la prenait en r?vant aux belles et fi?res femmes d’?b?ne laiss?es au pays, alors qu’Erica sans rancune, mais transport?e de bonheur offrait tout et s’offrait comme jamais pour faire jouir son amant.
Le ramadan ?tait l’exception ? cette rotation mensuelle des amants. Pendant ce mois particulier, du coucher au lever du soleil, Erica ?tait offerte ? tous. L’orgie durait toute la nuit. Bouche et cul. No limit. La premi?re nuit de son premier ramadan, Eric s’?tait r?volt?, mais seul face a tous, il avait ?t? submerg?, pris de force et pli? ? leur volont?. L’Erica d’aujourd’hui subissait sans un mot l’orgie et le gangbang de ces nuits de f?te, prenant son plaisir quand il venait.
Il y avait d’autres gangbangs?: Le marabout avait convaincu les autres qu’Erica pouvait leur rapporter beaucoup d’argent en ?tant mise ? disposition des hommes en manque dans d’autres foyers d’africains. Ils ne payaient pas beaucoup certes, mais le nombre de passes compensait cela en partie. Les autres avaient accepte le jour ou une s?cheresse s?v?re au pays avait conduit a un appel de fond aupr?s de la communaut? ?migr?e en France. Louer Erica ?tait apparu comme un moyen raisonnable de trouver des fonds. On ne pouvait pas le faire trop souvent car il fallait rester discret et aussi parce cela perturbait le cycle mensuel, d’autant plus qu’Erica devenait ??inutilisable?? pendant une ou deux journ?es apr?s de telles ??sorties??. On avait n?anmoins pu trouver une sorte d’accord durable avec un groupe de Ghan?ens et Erica leur ?tait amen?e tous les deux mois environ. Ils ne lui faisaient pas de cadeau ceux l?, de vrais salauds en fait, et plus d’une fois elle leur avait ?t? rendue l’anus en sang. La seule concession qu’ils avaient accept?e, c’est d’utiliser des pr?servatifs, au moins pour son cul. Pour la bouche?
Erica n’avait plus de place dans la soci?t?. D?figur?e, f?minis?e, prostitu?e, personne n’aurait jamais plus voulu d’elle. Le savait-elle?? Cette inqui?tude ne traversait jamais son cerveau.
Le marabout avait eu des projets pour elle, mais le manque d’argent l’avait oblig? ? y renoncer. Des vrais et bons seins de femelle d’abord. Et puis la castration avec ablation de la queue pour ?liminer dans l’amour ce f?cheux rappel de son ?tat masculin. Avec peut ?tre m?me un vagin, pour pouvoir la prendre ? trois hommes ? la fois. Mais tout cela ?tait beaucoup trop cher pour le budget de sa petite communaut?. Il n’avait par contre pas renonc? ? lui faire injecter un jour du silicone?: les seins, les pommettes et de bonnes l?vres de suceuse. Il avait d?sormais accumul? presque assez d’argent pour le silicone. Encore quelques soir?es de pr?t d’Erica ? ces pourceaux de Ghan?ens et le compte serait bon?
I was home alone playing my favorite video game when I heard the front door slam shut. I knew something was wrong because Erica had classes the whole afternoon and Angela was at cheer-leading practice. A moment later I saw Erica rush past my door. Concerned I followed her and found her lying on her bed crying into her pillow.Over the last few weeks Erica and I had masturbated together a number of times, either after school or late at night once Mom was in bed. It was not as steamy as the...
IncestIntroduction: impromptu toying and anal fun Mf, anal, oral, incest, vegetables Erica, Ranch Wife, Ch 7, cucumber incident Yes, shes 14 now. Consider it a flashback or STFU. Erica carefully guided the big dually pickup through the parking lot and into the drive-through lane. She had been wanting to drive the previous summers here. Now at 14, she wasnt the youngest driver on the road, especially in farm and ranch country. Erica had never driven so much as a go-cart until she got to me. Big...
Erica, Ranch Wife, Ch 7, cucumber incident Yes, she's 14 now. Consider it a flashback or STFU. Erica carefully guided the big dually pickup through the parking lot and into the drive-through lane. She had been wanting to drive the previous summers here. Now at 14, she wasn't the youngest driver on the road, especially in farm and ranch country. Erica had never driven so much as a go-cart until she got to me. Big city life had her well adept at hailing taxi's and hiring cars. That's...
Erica opened the car door and carefully stepped out, stretching as she gently closed the car door. She shook her now shoulder length blonde hair, seeing Liam smile in response. He then opened his own door, and looked around for the machine so he could pay is parking fee. Spinning, he finally found it, about 5 cars down the road. Flashing his smile in Erica’s direction, he said, “be right back”. Erica gazed at him as he was walking, enjoying the view. He was wearing a light pink collared shirt...
Love StoriesErica was a chubby sexy slut who lived in a small town. In high school she was skinny and quite promiscuous. 10 years after high school she has been through bad relationships. After a while she grew a few pounds but that didn’t stop guys from wanting to titty fuck her or get a great blow job from her. Erica was about five foot three and had really big tits. She was chubby but fit her curves well. She had a decent sized ass. Her eyes were so incredibly sexy and she has a “fuck me face” that you...
Group SexIt never rains but it pours mused Erica as her phone rang. She was hot, flustered, in a rush, dirty and driving but she knew she needed to answer it. She pulled into the nearest parking space which was a handy parking lot, that was beside a neighbourhood store. It was her husband, frantic to do well in his newly promoted job. He'd left a document in the boot of her car and needed to check the date on it. She slid out of the car and checked the date for him before he ended the call. As she stood...
Erica woke up and looked to her right. She smiled as she saw Liam, still sleeping on the bed where he had flopped after their love making in the morning. “Poor guy” she murmured, reaching over to stroke his leg. He was completely naked, and she reached over and grabbed his cock, lightly touching the head with the tip of her finger. Pausing, she tapped his cock again with her finger, then clutched it with just the tips off all her fingers, and started moving her hand up and down his cock, softly...
Love StoriesIntroduction: not exactly in order, let me know if you want more or the gaps in the timeline filled in. Erica at 14, Ranch wife I was excited in several senses of the word. My niece Erica was going to stay with me for an indefinite time. I live alone on 110 acres of prime horse prairie in Wyoming, the company would be good. The best. Erica has stayed the summer several times since she was a teenager. Now, with her having graduated High School a year and a half early, she had time to kill and...
Introduction: a little harder than normal, might not be for all tastes I think I want a tattoo, Erica said. I dont fucking think so I replied. She looked hurt. Why she asked. Well, I didnt mean it THAT way, I just think you should wait until youre older. I said. I dont see why, Im learning to drive, I can cook and sew, I have a BOYFRIEND…That I have SEX with… lots and lots of SEX with… she said teasingly. With that she sat next to me at the desk and slid her hand onto my leg and grasped...
I was excited in several senses of the word. My niece Erica was going to stay with me for an indefinite time. I live alone on 110 acres of prime horse prairie in Wyoming, the company would be good. The best. Erica has stayed the summer several times since she was a teenager. Now, with her having graduated High School a year and a half early, she had time to kill and bugged her parents until they let her come back. There was no plan on when this would end. All of her previous trips were...
"I don't fucking think so" I replied. She looked hurt. "Why" she asked. "Well, I didn't mean it THAT way, I just think you should wait until you're older". I said. "I don't see why, I'm learning to drive, I can cook and sew, I have a BOYFRIEND...That I have SEX with... lots and lots of SEX with..." she said teasingly. With that she sat next to me at the desk and slid her hand onto my leg and grasped my cock through my jeans. "So, you want to play ? I asked. "No,...
The curtains were drawn in Ben's living room, ensuring any passers by in the village wouldn't be able to see the 9 naked men drinking, chatting and watching the old television set while they tugged on their pricks.It wasn't very often that his parents went away and left him alone in the house, and Ben, who was 23 and not too happy about living at home anyway, had decided to make the most of it and invite some friends around. He'd asked Mike, who knew a man who sold porno VHS tapes in the nearby...
It was a steaming hot Sunday morning in the little village of Great Tyteslove, home to the famous (or at least notorious) Cock & Ass Tavern. The sun was shining down on the playing fields, where some of the local lads were just finishing up a friendly game of rugby: farmers vs postmen. They had played a hotly-contested match, and by the time the whistle blew and the farmers were declared the winner with a narrow victory. Sweaty and exhausted, the men all shook hands and congratulated one...
Erica was sitting at one of the rubber tables outside the main doors of the high school. Her two girlfriends were sitting there with her. They were all drinking Raspberry ice tea and talking amongst either, enjoying their fourth period free period and the nice warm sun that shown down upon them. Just as Erica finished her ice tea she suddenly felt the need to go potty. Standing up, she told her friends she’d be back shortly. She threw away her bottle in the nearest trash can and walked through...
Erica screamed at the top of her lungs, “HELP!!! RAPE!” The boys placed a piece of duct tape over her mouth before she could say much else. She kicked with all her might, so each boy held one of her limbs down. Kyle quickly threw a piece of duct tape over her eyes as a makeshift blindfold and opened the door to the boy’s bathroom. 24 hours ago Erica Lee was Chinese and a freshman at her high school. She’s absolutely adorable and popular, but people in her class knew her as a little...
Erica stood outside the train station, waiting for Liam to pick her up. She stood on the side of the road, her bags sitting on the curb. Picking them up, she walked over to the bus bench, where she sat down, and placed her sunglasses on the top of her head. She had to come visit her best bud Liam, whom she had not seen in almost three months. Luckily, she had managed to free enough time to spend a month with Liam. He had a place, just on the outskirts of town, where they would be spending their...
NovelsShe just couldn't get it out of her mind.She wasn't really sure when it started or why, but she thought about it everyday.Erica wanted to be with another woman, experience the taste of another woman.She knew what she herself tasted like but she was consumed with the idea of a different taste, a different person, a beautiful, tender, passionate, horny woman she could eat and who would eat her!When she first started thinking about it, it was "another woman."But she had fantasized for so long that...
Group SexIntroduction: After some hesitation , Erica finally tries anal Erica was pretty adventurous during our playtime. She had made suggestions about anal sex and offered none of the upturned-nose type behavior some people have with it. She had taken a rather vigorous anal fingering and had no problem with analingus when I performed it on her. In fact, she had motioned my head towards her butt,when I ate her out on several occasions. She was concerned about cleanliness and seemed pretty aware of...
It had seemed like a good idea when Darren, Simon and Wayne decided they would trek out to the forest to do a bit of winter fishing together. None of them had banked on there being the kind of snowfall you didn't often see in England, blocking off access to the road and snowing in the Land Rover they had brought with them. Under the circumstances, they had been quite fortunate. The cabin they were stuck in was heated and had plenty of food, so they weren't in any real trouble. It had a ham...
"So you're just gonna jam a waterhose up my ass and hope for the best ? she asked. "Well.." I started. "I could spew water out of my ass and fly across the yard, that'd be cool" she said. I knew she was joking. I needed to educate her. But I had no enema bag. I made a point to buy one from CVS the very next trip into town. I purchased a water bottle/ fountain syringe/ enema-douche bag kit from CVS. It had several attachments for all the possible needs you might have. I...
Erica batted her long eyelashes and smiled as she placed her customers orders on the table. It was chilly inside the crowded restaurant and her long nipples strained against her uniform top. She had small, perky A cup breasts and she rarely wore a bra to work because she'd learned over the years that her tips were much better when she didn't."Is there anything else I can get you gentleman?" Erica asked in a pleasant tone. She had a sexy southern drawl, pretty brown eyes and a warm smile. She'd...
Introduction: story continues, comments if you want more, or to fill in gaps. Erica at 14, her first time. Erica was an enthusiastic learner and would anticipate questions and seemed to be instinctive on every level of the horse ranching business. We were like peas in a pod. We would share the work that needed to be done and enjoy it. The first time we had sex was after the first few days together of settling in and catching up on work. The Timothy was coming in and the lease needed to be...
The football captain ran to the bathroom stall where he heard the voice and opened it. There he saw an adorable Asian freshman girl with her hair stained in cum. The semen pooled underneath her butt too. She was sitting on the ground with her head leaning against the wall of the bathroom. He took off her blindfold and stared at her large sparkling eyes in silence. The rest of the players had followed him in and saw the helpless young teen with tearful pleading eyes staring back at...
Erica's first year after State U. had turned out to be very disappointing for romance. She'd made friends, but just hadn't found any guys to play with. She went through her wardrobe and selected an outfit for anight on the town. First the black stockings attached to a satin garter belt. Next a pair of almost luminescent white panties, followed by a loose silk blouse and an above-the-knee skirt. Lastly, some medium heels, a tailored jacket, some light makeup and perfume. Erica decided to...
Steve had come home from college for the weekend and was just about to go out with some friends when he heard his stepmother's cell phone ringtone. Thinking it might be something important, he ran to answer it since his stepmom was in the bathroom at the time.It stopped ringing just as he got there, and whoever was calling had been sent to her voicemail. Steve waited for a few seconds so whoever was calling could leave their message, then he opened up her voicemail to see who had called."What...
VoyeurErica was an enthusiastic learner and would anticipate questions and seemed to be instinctive on every level of the horse ranching business. We were like peas in a pod. We would share the work that needed to be done and enjoy it. The first time we had sex was after the first few days together of settling in and catching up on work. The Timothy was coming in and the lease needed to be baled after having been cut and left to dry. I drove to the lease in the flatbed loader to where the baler was...
Introduction: Erica and Uncle try out some toys, this is the first of many Ericas first toy. I decided to break in Ericas first toy session with my choice of the various speculums I had purchased. I set the three different sized toys out and called Erica in from outside. I led Erica into the kitchen where I had set up my equipment. Erica was wearing her shorts and a t-shirt and had been riding her horse earlier. The combination of her overactive sex glands and the leather of the saddle from...
Erica was dripping with anticipation. Every so often a client came along that would excite her more than others. This was one of those times.Watching this inexperienced young man stroke his cock was turning her on immensely. His cock was rather large. This thought excited her, the thought that someone so young and obviously well-gifted desired her made her feel very sexy. And his dominating her had pushed that to new and infinitely more arousing levels!She didn't hear the car backfire, partly...
VoyeurIntroduction: jumping ahead, hope each one reads OK, comments for more or to fill in gaps. Erica at 16. (Back to the airport) Erica had gotten taller. Probably 57 now and about 135 pounds. She had grown into a full B cup, almost a C. Her butt was no longer cute and pudgy, but had matured into a sleek, smooth beautiful ass worthy of any model. She no longer looked like a teenager passing for an older woman, she looked like she was 22 or 23. She carried herself like an adult and was treated like...
Erica vs. Cindy death matchI had met Cindy on-line and we became friendly and messaged each other often. We both had some interest in extreme fighting, and each of us was proud of her abilities. Well, we were friends but one thing led to another and I began to feel that Cindy was a bit too cocky for my tastes. So I challenged her and she took me up on it immediately. More trash-talking between us, and I suggested that it be a match to the death and be conducted in public and Cindy readily...
Erica had gotten taller. Probably 5'7" now and about 135 pounds. She had grown into a full "B" cup, almost a "C". Her butt was no longer cute and pudgy, but had matured into a sleek, smooth beautiful ass worthy of any model. She no longer looked like a teenager passing for an older woman, she looked like she was 22 or 23. She carried herself like an adult and was treated like one. In one of her letters, she described having to drive her fellow interns home after a night out. Today...
Steve had little time to dwell on the duality of the situation as she started to bob up and down his shaft. Frankly, it didn't matter to him whether it was Erica or Diane who was sucking his cock at that moment. All he knew was that whoever was doing it was doing a marvelous job!But Steve wasn't the only one enjoying this sexual union. Erica was herself more aroused than she had ever been. It was hard, at times, to differentiate his moaning from her own. Erica sucked on his cock as if she was...
VoyeurI decided to break in Erica's first toy session with my choice of the various speculums I had purchased. I set the three different sized toys out and called Erica in from outside. I led Erica into the kitchen where I had set up my equipment. Erica was wearing her shorts and a t-shirt and had been riding her horse earlier. The combination of her overactive sex glands and the leather of the saddle from her bouncing horse will make her pussy pretty interesting, I thought to myself. All the...
Erica just started the third week of her new job. Her first since dropping out of college. Just twenty-one, with only another year needed to finish college, her husband Rob lost his job. They had just purchased their first home when the company he worked for went out of business. He had been out of work for six weeks before finding a job at a much lower salary. When Erica saw the advertisement in the school paper for this job, she applied for it. She was interviewed and when the job was...
I never dreamed I would be able to write about the fulfilment of a fantasy of mine. For years I, that is James, have secretly wanted my wife to have sex with another man. Erica my wife is 36 years old. She has an attractive figure with firm stiff breasts, with large nipples that she loves having sucked and tweaked. She has always been able to keep herself in good shape, as when I met her she was a cheerleader in school and college, she still visits the gym most days.Although she now works as a...
For my entire life, I've always thought it was so unfair that girls gotto wear all the really cool clothes. They were softer material, better color choices, and looked so much better. In fact, when I was very young I wore dresses whenever I got to play with the girl next door, but that was always for the tea parties and such we liked to have. But by the time I discovered sex and masturbation I really did want to wear a dress and not just for a tea party. When I was sixteen, I began wearing...
CrossdressingErica lounged out by the pool, considering her options. It was a hot Sunday afternoon and she was wondering what the day had in store for her. She reached down to stroke her smooth, shaven pussy, she was in the mood for a good fuck by some young, yet unknown, stud. Erica set down her tea and strolled into the bedroom to get dressed. She removed her robe and admired herself in the full length mirror, at 32 she had already been divorced, had no k**s, but still had a fantastic body. She touched...
I've long fancied Erica, ever since I saw her dropping off her children at school a few years ago. She's in her 40's and we've often met since and socialised occasionally, politely kissing on the cheeks. I saw her on Thursday at the Rugby Club. She was wearing a white sweat shirt and skin tight leggings! We meet at the Rugby Club by chance in the middle of the training pitch. I slip my arm around her slim waist and we kiss politely on the cheeks as usual. We talk briefly - she's moving to NZ...
Quickie SexI woke up alone on Saturday morning in my nylon blue g-string and nothing more. I wanted to feel it the instant I woke up, my sexually charged femininity, I wanted to feel it all day. Today I'm not a man, today I'm the girl every man wants. Today I'm a slut, your slut. I showered and shaved myself smooth. Ridding myself of body hair was always the first step. Nothing could make me feel more feminine than smooth skin from head to toe. I plucked my eyebrows and moisturized. I moisturized...
CrossdressingErica and Pete arrived after a short drive at his hut high up Snowy Mountain."You told me you want to be my personal whore, dear beauty", Pete reminded her smiling. "But let me first lecture you a bit more about love, my dear Erica"."Please teach me, Pete. I want to learn as much as I can during the few daysbefore I´ve to leave you!" With a sadder look, Erica added. "Erin was right. I couldn´t afford to let slip of my chances down South, starting classes at UCLA.""Yes, you´re right, my smart...
Steve watched over his mother as she came back to earth after the mind-blowing orgasm he had given her. He was proud and quite pleased that he had been able to give her such pleasure. But his work wasn't yet finished. And so, after a very brief respite – only long enough for her to regain her wind a bit – he smacked her on the hip."Roll over and get up on all fours!" he barked his command."Please, Steve, let me have a few minutes to rest... you really made me cum hard, baby!" she said...
Voyeur"Be mine, beautiful baby", Pete whispered to Erica´s ear, while she eagerly pretended to be tied to Pete´s bed in his hut at a mile high up Snowy Mountain. "Pete, please take and make into your woman", Erica begged Pete to finally let her feel love by a real man. Real love. How she longed to feel his strong hard-on slowly pop her pink cherry. She knew she might bleed red, while he´ll might shot his white blood deep in her wanting pussy.Like her best friend Erin, Erica got sometimes lost in...
Rex Schwartz, now fully aware of his ancient dual personality, known as Invictus Rex had, of course, witnessed the approach and the initial attack of the Tomradi. He was confident, that the latest TransDim shields would hold against anything these aliens could throw at them from surface weapons. The appearance of these huge disc-shaped battleships however caused great concern. He brought along a sizeable army of Seenian Sentmacs. Cloned humans that had been altered to be the perfect...
Shea tried to catch her breath, her suit was in restore and repair mode and the system assured her that it would be fully functional in less than an hour. Krabbel was not so lucky and her Archa friend was missing a leg. Hans and the Y’All and the marines were unharmed, except for a few bruises. The island was destroyed, and the shaft leading into the deep had collapsed. Hans was sitting by Krabbel who assured her that the Auto-Doc of his suit kept him pain-free and that losing a leg was not...
As I ran along Har-Hi barefoot and still wearing something akin to a hospital gown. “You know that I never flew a Dai fighter and I am also a tad underdressed.” He stopped at a bright red hole that opened in a wall. “You can fly my Wolfcraft and we acquired a few Auto Dressers.” He pointed at the hole. “Jump in, feet first preferably.” I did and found myself on some sort of metal slide, that went almost vertical increasing my speed to something unhealthy if the end was solid ground. It...
"Hi there Mr. W, how are you doing today?" the girl asked as she danced into my office. I looked up as she spoke and saw her short-cut blonde hair that surrounded her face and big blue eyes. "Mr. W, my daddy can't come get me today, he had an emergency and I have no ride home. Frolic said that maybe, if I asked you nicely, that you might give me a ride ?""Well," pausing looking at her trying to remember her name since apparently she was one of my daughter's friends, "I am not sure if it would...
Erica Meets Tony By Erica Wright 03/02/03 - 08/01/03 After months of teasing, Tony and I were finally meeting. I booked the room for the weekend, and checked in around eleven am. I left word with the front desk that a friend would be stopping in to visit and that it would be fine to give him the key to the room. As soon as the door was closed and locked I opened my overnight bag and lay out my clothes on the bed. I opened the double pack of enemas and dropped them in the sink....
Erica was 33 and had a nice ass, she had a Korean mother and some actually thought she looked slightly like Kelly Hu. One Sunday evening Dave, her neighbour from before she moved to a bigger apartment, had showed up in front of her door, saying he had no place to spend the night. The first night together she had served Courvoisier VSOP Exclusif in brandy glasses and showed him the new hot porn movie she had downloaded. Their relationship pretty much followed that road, the road that had been...
FetishMy Sister-in Law After 23 years of married life, and my wife with a new lover, I moved out of home to live with my brother-in-law. His wife had moved out some time ago, and he'd found himself a new girlfriend. Consequently, he wasn't spending much time at home, electing to spend his nights with her. This left me to fend for myself, something that in my current mood suited me. This night I had been at the pub longer than I should have, and I came home a little the worse for wear. As I pulled...
The king had been an important person all his life, yet standing in the back of the alien ships bridge e felt very small and insignificant. There was a huge spider, a humanoid covered from head to toe in mirror-polished metal. A giant with only one eye and a host of other beings behind elegantly shaped consoles; and at the center on a raised seat sat the female he knew was the Captain. She managed to sit relaxed and yet there was no doubt in the king’s mind that she paid the greatest...
The words of the Pale Ones almost seemed to linger as a hushed silence took hold of the assembled Dai. It appeared everyone was waiting for the Cam’s response. Completely out of character for a usual stern and serious Dai Than, Elf-Na grinned. It was an evil smile no doubt. “And I intend to do just that, but not in the arena. The Arena is sacred and for Dai Than only. You question my word calling that traitorous Hi tribe, Okthi and reject it. I reject his declaration that this Union female,...
(Not quite) the beginning...“Ooh! Oh, fuck, baby! Like that! Yeah! Harder! Uhr! Oh, god! Oh, god! C’mon, baby! Fuck me! Like that! Yeah! Uhr-uhn! Huhrr! Oh, shit! Fuck!”Eric sat quietly on the sofa across from the television, unable to find a comfortable position on the beaten cushions. With his fingers interlocked on his lap, he melted against the cushy, round arm of the old sofa, keeping a wide gap between him and Millie seated by the opposite arm.Every few minutes, he shifted his eyes to the...
Straight SexERIC Eric had just turned 14 in June. As with most 14 year old males, Eric was small and thin, a boy growing into a man's body. Confused about who he was and what he had changed into. Puberty does that to young males. He liked girls but was he was very confused. One of his best friends was Joey, or as she preferred to be called now Mary Jo. Again puberty does that. Confusion reigned in the lad's life. Eric lived at home with his parents. His mother was a homemaker, his dad...
“You are allowed pets in your apartment?” Eric’s father asked as he emerged from the bathroom.Eric, seated with his mother at the table, frowned and asked, “What are you talking about? What pet?”“There is a small black and furry creature crawling around behind your toilet,” Father grunted. “Must be a rat.”“Oh my God. You have rats?” his mother exclaimed.Eric smirked. “I don’t have rats. Dad is just making it up.”“Just because you don’t see rats, it does not mean that there are no rats,” Father...
Straight SexI'd first like to say a big thanks to the person that gave me this idea for my story. Although I can't remember their name for the life of me, I have borrowed some ideas and situations from their original. It was from a story I read a while ago. I can't find the story now and if anyone has a clue as to who it was, please let me know so I can give them proper credit. [email protected] This story deals with adult situations and subject matter. If you are not of age, do not...
It is late evening; Eric approaches the hotel room door, key in hand, and opens it into a lit room with Shelly passed out on the bed. An empty bottle of wine and a glass are on the night stand; Shelly is half under the covers with her legs sticking out and her shod feet hanging over the edge of the bed.“Holy fuck!” Eric says under his breathEric ducks back out of the room, closing the door gently, and retrieves his cell fone from his pocket. He dials Jim on the phone and says, in hushed...
Eric: Agent of Allies An Axis and Allies Story by Chrissy and Caleb Jones Part One: Somewhere in the Atlantic... by Chrissy Eric sat at the main ops of the Allies base somewhere in the middle of the Atlantic. It was a quiet day and he had spent it going through some reports whilst listening to serene classical music. He thought back to those few months ago when Chrissy, his 1st Officer had left on extended holiday. He wished she would return. Then she could fill out these...
Eric and I had worked for the same company for 10 years and hadsurvived several retrenchments, down-sizings, and reductions in force,probably because we were very good at our jobs. Company politics beingwhat they were, only our competence kept us employed, because we weren'tattached to any of the power cliques that seemed to determine companypolicy. In short, we were too low on the totem pole to be chummy with theexecutives who decided the future of the company. We were both field...