The Old Hooker
- 2 years ago
- 29
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Keywords High Heels
Categories Bondage Transgendering
Synopsis I was getting too old to hook, profitably?so?.
This is really a love story.
The Old Hooker
By Janet Baker
The flight to Amsterdam was uneventful, I laid back in my first class seat and let the handsome young attendant serve me champagne -- glass after glass. He was a darling. This old hooker would have gladly given him a freebie. I was only fifty but business was slowing down and I could see the handwriting on the wall. I was still attractive in a somewhat hardened and experienced way but the years were passing and now and then I felt the need to leave the profession and do something else.
I realized around the age of seven that I was different, that I really should have been a girl but had been born with the usual male equipment. I went through therapy, was certified by psychologists as being a candidate certain for transgendering and started to travel the road to womanhood. The road was easier for me than for most transgenders because, I believe, I was endowed with a promiscuous turn of mind and enjoyed being treated like a girl in heat or easy or a hooker. Most likely just a born whore.
I had been a prostitute even before my SRS. I was a pretty boy on my way to womanhood since I was a teen. I looked enough like a girl at fourteen to attract men but I held them off until I reached eighteen and then started ?dating? for money. My expertise at oral sex became widely known and I had more business than I could handle. A few years later I had my SRS and I branched out into vaginal, anal and of course oral services. This activity put me through college, my grades were at the top, aided of course by special instruction and tutoring by several eager and compliant professors.
In short I learned at a very young age that men could be had with trivial ease. After all, a smile at the cabin attendant gave me much personal service. I learned that he was based in Amsterdam. Fluttering eyelids and the admission that I had not yet visited the city elicited an invitation for a tour and ?possibly? dinner. Good! He can buy dinner and I?ll enjoy screwing him out of his mind later. This old hooker can out screw any ten women even on a bad day.
We did tour and we did dine and oh yes we did screw -- oh did we screw!
He was out of his mind with ecstasy - he had never been so well screwed, he said! He was a bachelor, took me to his apartment and we made love a good part of the night. We did things he never thought possible.
?Janet, you are an incredible lover, wherever did you learn all those tricks -- all those techniques??
?Oh Hans, I am older than you and I have had some little experience but I tell you my darling man that you are also an incredible lover. I have never experienced someone like you, you are so passionate yet so tender and considerate yet powerful and virile. I just melt into your arms with a joyful submission. Let?s rest a while Hans, and then we?ll resume and tomorrow I want to see the red light district, I understand that it is interesting and yet respectable. I am curious about how the other half lives.?
?Alright Janet, we?ll do that but will you stay here with me for a few days until you are ready to leave??
?Sure.? I caved in quickly, cute apartment, good sex, good place from which to reconnoiter, ?I?d love to Hans, that is so kind of you.?
Hans was off work the next day and toured me all around Amsterdam. We took boat rides, visited a couple of museums and also quickly passed through the red light district -- I just wanted to know where it was located.
Hans was scheduled to fly the day following but asked if I would like to stay in his apartment until he returned two days later. I gratefully accepted, promising him pleasure on his return. I had plenty of money having saved and invested throughout my working life and since I was an ?upscale?, that is, a high priced ?business woman? I had earned a considerable amount, most of which was salted away in three banks in the Cayman Islands. However staying with Hans offered fun, food and a good guide. I hoped that he would not learn of my intentions here in Amsterdam.
I saw Hans off at the airport after he gave me a cooks tour of the airfield. I was pleased since I looked young enough not to embarrass Hans and have him be accused of escorting his visiting aunt or some such.
I returned from Schipol and took a cab to the ?entertainment? district and started to search for a live show business. My intention was to develop a sex routine that might pay more than simply entertaining individual clients. I had no intention of simply hooking; I was past that but I liked to keep busy and an animal show intrigued me.
I visited the porn shops searching for some sex toys and more importantly some sex tapes showing interaction between women and dogs and ponies. I wanted to see how well the women and their animals actually performed. Because of the obvious physical differences I was concerned about the showmanship aspects.
Discussions with several live show impresarios finally yielded leads to dog trainers who had supplied the porn industry with suitably trained dogs. I visited two of them. They advised me to buy dogs that had not reached puberty giving me time to bond with the dogs and commence their training. Both dealers recommended having not more than two to train since training the dogs for sex was rather specialized, difficult and time consuming. I decided to take a Great Dane puppy once I had found suitable lodging. Housing in Amsterdam was quite expensive and land almost unavailable so I was forced to look outside the city for proper lodging.
Suffice it to say, I eventually bought a house and barn on two hectares of land.
It was perfect for my plan to train and perhaps even show. In the interim before I acquired a base, Hans and I had a most wonderful time together fucking like mink. He was sturdy, imaginative and I loved fucking with him.
?Hans, I?m gong to put a dog collar on you, attach a leash to it and pull you to me. I?m going to pull you to me and kiss you while you ram your prick into my pussy then later when my pussy is full of juices, I?m going to pull you down to my pussy and let you clean me out. Fun! Right??
?It sounds kinky Janet! Lets do it! But Janetttt?. I think I?ll do it to you also, OK? ?
?Ooooo, Hans, yes, please, I want you to pull me all the way onto your cock -- I want to feel it going down my throat. But Hans, you first! Come here and accept your collar?. your collar of submission??? your slave collar my sexy darling man. And then fuck me hard my darling man.?
And he did -- oh! did he now?he did indeed?he fucked this old hooker long and hard -- very hard. He made me feel like a young innocent girl again. I think I?m falling in love again. Or maybe really for the first time. H?m, he?s a nice guy, if I should fall in love with him what would he think about my show plans? Oh well, whatever -- que sera, sera.
I continued to live with Hans while the farm purchase was being completed. It took a couple of months because the family occupying it had to relocate and that took some time. I was not impatient since I was having fun with Hans and I was waiting for an appropriate puppy to become available. Meanwhile Hans and I had a ball during his off time in Holland.
I didn?t want to bring him into serious bondage games too quickly since he might wonder about my experience and also gradual increases in the BD level always works better than shocking ones? partner. So far we had only collared each other and I had worn nothing erotic except that perhaps my lace bra might be considered somewhat erotic. Hans, I believed, was largely normal and not affected by eroticism apparently having no fetishes. I decided to try to appear to Hans as a normal woman with normal but eager tastes. Thus I reconstituted my wardrobe with chic but conventional clothing and heels high but not fuck me pumps. Once I acquired the farm I would buy all the erotic and show costumes I would need. Of course I realized that if the idea failed I could do whatever I pleased since I was really independently well off -- almost wealthy.
Over my thirty some years of hooking, I had invested prudently and had also bought some real estate thus I was very comfortably well off.
?Hans darling, I have never visited Paris, would you like to go there with me sometime for a few days or even a week? I would love to visit the Louvre and perhaps a nightclub like the Crazy Horse or Maxim?s. I could buy a nice dress and we could have a really ?good time? mon cher Hans.?
?Love to Janet. I didn?t know you could speak French.?
?I can?t, I just watch an occasional French sited movie but some things, some little phrases stick.? I though to myself that if I wanted to learn the language I should find a handsome Frenchman to live with for a while. That idea has possibilities -- lots of screwing in another language! After all I am learning a little Dutch.
A week later, Hans gave me the good news.
?Janet, I have three days off next week, lets fly down to Paris, get a good hotel, play tourist and make lots of love. OK??
?Oh Hans?, I gasped, ?Oh wonderful, I can?t wait! I?ve read so much about Paris. Is it really a city for lovers? Where will we stay? What will we see??
?Janet darling, I have booked the George V and we will visit at least two museums and two night spots. I don?t want to wear you out -- we do want to save some energy for lovemaking.?
?Good thinking, mon cher Hans. I?ll take comfortable shoes for sightseeing and heels for the night and at least a couple of outfits. I?m getting hot just thinking about it, let?s make love!?
?Ah Janet, you are so insatiable! I love it!?
And so it was that Hans and I flew to Paris, city of light, city of love. Our first contact was a cranky cab driver but he did get us safely to the George V. The
room was elegant but costly so I resolved to make it worth his while by screwing him out of his mind which of course I had been doing ever since we met. I was a little -- but not too much -- concerned that he might fall in love with me and thus unravel my colorful past. I had just reached fifty and he, I judged, was a little over thirty. OK for the present but certainly not in twenty years. I had to limit myself to enjoying the present.
That night we went to a little bistro on Montmartre named Au Lapin Agile.
This is an historic little cabaret made famous by, among others, Picasso and Toulouse-Lautrec. It is recalled that during the occupation that patrons occasionally had to remain all night due to the curfew. It is small but quaint.
The staff seated us around the perimeter of the room on a bench against the wall and as more patrons arrived we were squeezed together. This was fine since I slumped against Hans, he put his arm around me and with my sweater covering my lap he entertained my clit. The show was fine with poets, musicians, and singers. One could separate the French speakers in the audience from the non-French by the laughter. They served a concoction named Cerise a l?eau, part of the prix fixe. By the time the evening was over I was ready for sex having been diddled through most of the show. We left, took the metro back to the hotel and did our best to destroy the bed. In the morning the bed looked like the ?champ de bataille?.
Next morning we went to the tourist office on the Champs-Elysees procuring two museum passes that permitted us to bypass the long lines at the museum ticket booths. Armed with these passes we charged into the Louvre, walked until our feet were tired, passed time in the cafeteria, managed to find the restrooms (WC) and finally left, returning to the George V to rest before attending a show at the Moulin Rouge. Not wanting to dine at the theatre, we stopped at one of the Hippo restaurants located not far from George V, enjoying steak, salad and a couple of drinks. Of course we played footsie while dining. Needless to recount, we screwed passionately after returning from the theatre.
?Janet, tomorrow evening we have tickets for the opera. They are performing a love story by Puccini. I have seen it before and I think you?ll love it -- I did -- it was enchanting and the music is so passionate and endearing. Interestingly, they are mounting it at the old opera house, the Palais Garnier, not the Opera Bastille?
?Wonderful, Hans, a chance for me to get dressed. I?ll have to buy something new and I?ll need some accessories, evening bag, sandals -- can we take a cab Hans, I really don?t want to do the metro in four inch heels??
?Certainly my sweet lady; let us to bed my love, for tomorrow we shop.?
Hans is so adorable, he treats me like a lady. Considering my past and profession I am thrilled to be treated so well, so courteously and yet when we make love so passionately I am still treated like a lady in love, not just a screw or an object. Oh, my God, am I falling in love? Can I love? Can I be loved?
Oh?my?God?.I am so confused.
We made the rounds of a few dress and shoe shops, buying the necessaries for the opera and toured most of the ?Champs?, up and down, from the Arch to the Place de la Concorde, then lunch along the rue de Rivoli, sampling perfumes along the Faubourg Saint-Honore where I renewed my supply of Chanel No. 5.
Hans is so much the gentleman, taking my arm, holding doors for me -- I?m in heaven. We returned by cab to the hotel, made frantic love and rested until an early dinner. We dined lightly, knowing we had an evening of opera ahead of us. A half hour before eight we arrived at the Garnier. Hans wanted me to have time to savor the beauties of this awesomely beautiful opera house. He had me look through his opera glasses at the top of the building where the Liberty sculpture stood enshrined for all to see. Upon entering my eyes were taken by the grand marble staircase and banisters and then the gold leaf accenting the magnificent baroque architecture.
Our seats were fine. The opera -- stunning. I wept, identifying myself with Magda, thinking of how she found true love with Ruggero but had to return to her master, Rambaldo since she could not reveal her past to Ruggero. After the opera I could barely speak, I was so emotionally overwrought -- I could see myself as she.
Hans asked me what was troubling me.
?Darling, what is the problem? I also loved the opera, I cried a little too. Lets stop at a bar for a drink to settle us down.?
?Oh Hans, it was so moving, so tragic, so?.?
?Darling Janet, no one died in this opera, it is a love story.?
?But Hans, she couldn?t marry her true love, Ruggero.?
?Cherie, pourquoi pas? They had his mother?s blessing.?
?Hans, don?t you understand? Magda had?a?past!?
?Oh?.oh?.oh?, he mumbled, dire thoughts trembling through his mind. We walked on a few blocks coming to Harry?s bar, saying no more.
A couple of Bloody Marys at Harry?s bar at Cinq Rue Danou calmed me down
enough to hold a conversation with Hans.
?My darling Hans, what shall we do tomorrow? It is our last day in Paris??
?Tomorrow, my sweet, we?ll visit the Musee D?Orsay, the impressionist collection is most impressive and if the weather is suitable we?ll take lunch out on the terrace. Then we?ll do a tea dance, return to the hotel to rest, make love, shower and dress for the evening. I have an extraordinary dinner planned. We are going to one of the most famous restaurants in the world, La Tour d?Argent overlooking the Seine. Then some more lovemaking and packing for the flight home.?
?Oh Hans, my darling man, may I buy a dress for the dinner? I want to look my best for you.?
?Surely my sweet, we?ll shop just after we visit the museum.?
I bought a black satin sheath dress, discrete but leaving nothing to chance. I wanted it to be revealing but dignified. I especially did not want to embarrass or offend my darling Hans. The sandals I bought for the opera were fine but I wanted a new pair of patterned pantyhose to show off my legs (still shapely in spite of my age). I also splurged on a diamond necklace and bracelet and a diamond accented wrist watch paying for them myself insisting to Hans that I could not possibly let him pay for something so extravagant. Fortunately my hair was perfect.
The evening was most memorable, we had the pressed duck the ?Tour? was famous for, appropriate wines and a cr?me caramel for desert. The service was excellent -- of course. I have never in my life been so well, compassionately, served, escorted by someone like Hans. I was really falling in love. As we walked along the quai after dinner I held his hand then took his arm, then kissed him and kissed him again. I was so?so? happy. Hans was also thrilled. I looked rich, elegant, the perfect date. And by damn I did look rich and elegant, I had been practicing that look most of my working life. That?s why well-to-do gentlemen had no qualms about paying me thousands of dollars for an evening at the ballet and?. But I had never felt like this before. This man was not a client. He was a real man, a date, a lover, and? I loved him?
I burst out, ?Oh Hans, forgive me but I love you -- I really do love you -- I?m sure of it -- I know it -- I have never in life felt this way -- I love you Hans!?
?Lets hurry to the hotel Hans, I want to feel you close to me, feel you in me.
Oh, God Hans, I want to make love with you -- I?m so much in love with you.?
We hurried. We reached the hotel, dashed for the elevator, started undressing as the elevator rose, fled into our room, stripped leaving a trail of clothing behind us as we dashed for the bed. We didn?t quite make it. He grabbed me, bent me over the sofa and thrust home! Hours later, spent, we held each other close together, finally falling asleep.
In the morning we had petit dejeuner served in our room. We made love again, dressed and set out for Orly to return to Amsterdam. What a trip! What a holiday! I was walking on air! I was in heaven! I was with a man I loved desperately! In time we reached Schipol, took a cab to Hans? apartment and changed for dinner.
?Hans my darling man, I am putting on a gold collar. It looks like an ordinary gold choker but it is symbolic. I put this on for you as a symbol of my status -- my submission to you; my vow to you that as long as you want me I will have no other lovers -- in short Hans, I am yours and yours alone, if you will have me.?
?Janet, you make me so happy -- I love you, yes I do. You are everything a man could want, beautiful, intelligent, passionate, and funny. You are so much fun to be with. Then you?ll stay here with me??
?I?d love to!?
?H?m, Janet, you said ?no other lovers?. I take it that you have had many other lovers. How do I stand vis-?-vis these ?other lovers??? he asked, frowning.
?My darling Hans, not to worry. I am older than you, I believe and I have had a career in securities trading. Along the way I have met and bedded a few men -- some became short term lovers. But that is in the past. I don?t want to ever talk about it again. You are my life, my love and that is all the counts.?
We kissed.
?But Janet, you seem so experienced, I can?t help but wonder...?, he trailed off.
?Believe me darling, what is past is past?completely past and will never be discussed again. Do you understand me darling? Believe only this my darling Hans, I love you dearly and you alone. Do you believe me Hans? If you don?t, we may have to part because our love must be without suspicion -- without doubt.?
We stared at each other for what seemed to be eternity. Hans broke the silence.
?Janet, yes, I believe you, I love you. Stay with me. I will be true to you also. If you wish I will also wear a collar for you.?
?Oh Hans, darling, thank you so much. It means so much to me. But Hans, wearing the collar is up to you, not to me. In a symbolic sense these collars are like wedding rings although more meaningful. They are an absolute commitment to one another. Removing the collar also signifies a complete break in our relationship.?
?I want to wear one for you, my sweet.?
?Oh my man, my loving man, I am so happy. I?ll help you pick one out. It must simply look like an ordinary necklace as men wear. I don?t want you to be embarrassed or have to answer awkward questions. But my sweet, if we want to play ?games? we?ll take it off and replace it with something more sturdy. Hans -- wouldn?t it be fun for both of us to wear steel collars and link them together to keep us close for the night??
?Jan, darling, I?m getting an erection, stroke it please, and?.?
The rest of the night was filled with sex, no, not just sex but raging, frantic, frolicking fucking. We fucked like teens, hour after hour, without letup.
Yet I was terrified that my past might catch up with me and he might learn of my former profession. And the farm I just bought; and the contacts I made for the puppy? Oh crap! What to do? I must think. Think.
The Old Hooker - Chapter Two
Oh, those halcyon days -- and nights -- with my beloved Hans! We fucked ourselves silly -- every which way we could think of and then a few more besides. I was still reluctant to bring Hans further into bondage and/or domination games since it might off put him thus damaging or even ruining our love. He was so precious to me -- he gave me new life. He was so sweet and yet? and yet I had to test him? I had to see whether he could be brought further into my lifestyle (which most would consider somewhat depraved). I dared not to reveal too much lest he cast me aside consigning me to a loveless existence. Men like Hans come once in a lifetime.
?Oh my dear Hans?, I thought to myself, ?I would be content with a cottage in the country, a little garden to live upon the fruit and herbs it yields -- what greater happiness is there in the world to have the company of one that loves to make your happiness complete.?
Many of the men I met during my ?professional? years were less than satisfactory. Some either had psychological problems or were physically repulsive. Those I did not see a second time. Even the more satisfactory men were married or had social positions that precluded a close relationship -- a public relationship -- with ?the likes of me?.
Some of my clientele were women. Very few since there was little ?cross talk? between the sexes but I did develop a small clientele of devoted female
followers. Some were lesbians desiring a warm erotic non-binding lesbian friendship. I liked them -- most of them -- since part of our patron/client relationship frequently included luncheons, dinners, theatre and the opera. In fact one of my clients was an opera singer -- a well known mezzo-soprano. They varied across the spectrum of desires; some simply wanted a woman to woman strictly vanilla lesbian get together; some wanted a sub/domme affair.
Some simply wanted an escort to fend off too attentive males and frequently someone with taste with whom to shop.
Generally the clients were the submissive and I of course the domme. I had a fair sized room in my large apartment equipped for domination scenes. No pain offered or desired for the most part but there were a few who wanted a little discipline -- some wanted severe discipline.
Depending on the client I would dress accordingly. For women who wanted domination -- by a woman -- I would dress in knee length patent boots, four inch heels, patent corset with crotch, the corset supporting my breasts just showing my nipples. I would wear a patent collar and satin over the elbow gloves. If I had to do an insertion I would put latex gloves over my satin gloves.
There was Angela. Married, bisexual somewhat unhappy and frustrated in her marriage. She came to me through her friendship with Raquel, a lesbian. We had such fun together. She liked to be chained to a cross and flogged gently at first then increasingly harder. The scene would go like this:
?Angela, strip, completely, then hold your wrists out while I put these leather cuffs on them.?
Somewhat reluctantly she stripped completely urged on by my tapping a crop impatiently against my thigh. The reluctant stance was part of her shtick.
?Stand against the cross, facing it. I?ll lock the cuffs to the cross arm of the cross. That?s good Angela. I understand that you have been naughty. I was told that you refused to suck your husband?s cock. Is that true Angela??
?Yes Janet.?
?Angela, you will address me as mistress!?
?Angela, back away from the cross, spread your legs, I?ll cuff them and link them to the floor rings.?
?Yes mistress.?
?And now Angela, your punishment. A little flogging may improve your wifely conduct, don?t you think so??
?Yes Mistress, please Mistress!?
Whack! Whack! Whack!
?Hard enough, Angela?? Whack!
?No, harder Mistress, I?ve been a bad girl.? Whack!
?Harder Mistress, Please.? Whack!
?Harder Mistress, Please.? Whack!
?Harder Mistress, Please.? Whack! A scream followed, she had had enough.
A relieved gasp followed, ?Oh, thank you Mistress, I have been such a naughty little girl.?
?Angela, what will you do for your husband the next time he asks??
?I will drop to my knees in front of him, Mistress and suck his cock until he explodes into my mouth.?
?Good girl, now I want to turn you around facing me.?
I unlocked her, turned her, relocked her. She now faced me with her belly thrust outward, her wrists cuffed to the cross, her ankles chained about three feet from the cross in a somewhat uncomfortable and stressed posture but perfect for me to flog her breasts and groin, another of her favorite submissive positions, something she would never want her husband to do with her. I flogged her until she screamed, indicating she had had enough. She was tough and determined to take much punishment. Sometimes I had to flog her much harder than I liked -- I really did not want to ?damage the goods? or leave marks that her husband would find. Frequently after our session, she was so sated that she declined sex except for sucking him off.
I would change her position. I placed a leather covered bench under her, between her legs, lowered the chains to her wrists and seated her on the bench. I took the links off the floor ring and linked them to the bench legs. She now had a fair amount of movement which she needed since she was about to thrust herself violently about as I vibrated her without mercy. She adored this treatment which again she never wanted her spouse to know this secret part of her being. She wanted to keep this passionate part of her character a secret from the world. I was privileged to be the only person who knew her so intimately. I presented my breasts to her. She suckled one then the other. I loved it.
?I am going to use the vibrators, Angela until you faint from exertion and passion. Scream, cry out as much as you want, as loud as you want. I?m going to use them on your nipples and your clit. Enjoy, my little one, enjoy!?
Orgasm followed orgasm as she cried out, screamed, mewed, thrust herself about, straining against her chains. Different vibrators, different attacks, unending stimulation finally made her collapse in a faint. Revived, she asked for more? and much more. Lastly I thrust a vibrator into her and a butterfly onto her, keeping them both held tightly by a vinyl retainer. She squirmed, gyrated, screamed with ecstasy, collapsing again, utterly fatigued, exhausted this time not to continue.
There were many scene variations.
?Angela, strip, keep your heels on then go to that pole, reach up way above your head and fasten your wrists in those stainless steel handcuffs. You will notice that they are the finest custom made cuffs for elegant bondage and domination. I?ll not have my submissives restrained by anything shabby. I will then put leg irons on you. Face me! You have very pretty, generous breasts, Angela. Do you have any idea what I?m going to do with them??
?No Mistress, but please be gentle Mistress.?
I took many yards of white nylon rope, looping the rope around her chest, circling each breast tightly making the breasts bulge out and color with restricted blood flow. This made the breasts more sensitive and when I started to flog them, Angela would cry out and even scream -- with pain -- with joy?
I released her wrists, brought her arms down and tied her wrists together behind her with some of that same white rope then I tied her arms together above the elbows very tightly causing her to cry out. I tied them even tighter.
I applied a pair of little toys to her breasts. They were vacuum cups with rings and bells hanging from them. With her leg irons still on her, I made her walk back and forth, the bells tinkling merrily. A truly erotic scene I?m sure would engender erections on all the male audience and possible some of the women.
One of my male clients told me that in Paris in a ?live? theatre at number 5 rue Des Ecoles on the left bank, there were women who became visibly excited over the sexual exploits by the cast.
As I reflect on those days with Angela I thought that she would be an ideal performer in Holland with me. We could do the same routine as before. H?m.
H?m, she?d have to wear a mask of sorts. H?m, then she could kneel before her ?husband? and suck him to climax. Many men would be delighted to participate.
Angela or someone with her talents and capacity for abuse would be ideal for my show plans. In addition to being a submissive, Angela also liked to be fucked by me using a strap-on. I had a special bench built for the purpose. I didn?t need one but strapping a submissive to the bench was erotic and Angela just loved it. She would walk in to the room and gaze upon it longingly. She would lie upon it with her rear at fucking height and also with her mouth at sucking height. Strapped down on it with her legs strapped apart and her wrists also cuffed in place she would watch me slowly disrobe and put on the enormous dildo she loved so well. A little KY lube on the dildo and I would thrust home, a gasp of surprise and pleasure escaped her lips.
Vigorous thrusting and rummaging would bring orgasm after orgasm accompanied by much squealing, squirming, screaming and demands for more! more! more!, harder, faster Mistress, please!
Angela was most inventive in her own right. She asked me to suspend her upside down, legs spread with a vibrator inserted and resting in her vagina. I even have a short filming of her violent gyrations as she orgasm?d repeatedly, the eroticism and the vibration causing multiple orgasms as she screamed aloud. I attached a rope to her wrists, pulled her up to sucking height allowing her to suck on the dildo. Satiated, she became quiet and I let her slowly down onto the floor.
My opera singer client and I just made vanilla lesbian love, digitally, orally with hugs, kisses and quiet times together. So far as the public knew, we were only good friends. I was a good friend, not demanding but good company. I could go shopping with her, have lunch and if she needed a woman escort for an event, I was happy to help. Frequently I made a fourth where men were involved. I was not in the public eye and was generally ignored. Perfect. I wanted to remain anonymous. Occasionally a male escort would indicate a personal interest in me and there were times when we would date. Yes, dates generally ended in bed unless the date was gay and wanted ?cover? for his appearance at the opening or whatever. I was simply introduced as friend who did well in the stock market. True of course and it allowed me to speak knowledgably about various securities and corporations. The specialized attention I received from certain professors greatly aided my knowledge of economics and as such I graduated high in my class at Harvard. Crimson was most appropriate for ?the likes of me?. Law school followed and again I graduated high in my class having received very, very personal instruction from many instructors but I did learn and passed the bar exams forthwith with high marks. My instincts though, led me into my profession. I guess I really was a born whore.
In many respects my former life was very pleasant. Since I was always in control, I did not feel like a victimized street walker or a piece of cheap meat.
I traveled in the best circles, dated the wealthy and in my other life charged substantial prices and judging from repeat business I was very successful -- I know I was successful -- and I came out of New York healthy (no STD) and wealthy.
Most of my clients were men. They represented a plethora of sexual problems, desires and variations of many themes. I had to keep records of who wanted what including how they wanted to see me dressed. I had a cornucopia of costumes both for myself and for the clients. A favorite male fantasy is that of a French maid, dressed to the nines, forced to do meaningless cleaning, prancing around in ultra high heels. Some men liked the school girl or nurse fantasies, dressing accordingly eventually submitting to sexual abuse with my wearing and using a strap-on dildo. One fellow had me anesthetize him, put a ring in his penis and hang a bell from it. Then he dressed as a maid, prancing around, bell ringing merrily. I never saw him again and often wondered how he ever resolved his tinkling condition.
There were times when I needed a male counterpart to fill a woman?s fantasy needs. After some searching I located a male prostitute, a gentleman who was also a leading male model and as such was extraordinarily handsome. While I could have dressed as a man, the client preferred a real man with whom she could identify and before whom she could disport herself wantonly and become enormously sexually aroused, climaxing the session with utterly frantic fucking. My role was to ?force? her to be bound, flogged, erotically dressed, paraded in front of him watching his erection grow and at some point where her desire was overwhelming and she might orgasm by herself, we would stop and he would take her as she wished -- brutally -- again and again until she was exhausted and totally spent.
One such session had her dress in a half bra and heels -- fuck me pumps with locking ankle straps, a g-string and steel locking collar with a leash ring. I hung bells from her nipple rings (they had been attached some time ago) cuffed her arms behind her at the elbows, forcing her breasts outward. She then strutted back and forth in front of the man while rotating her hips, grinding her pelvis, wantonly demanding he become erect and fuck her all the while the little bells were ringing daintily. He would then force her to her knees presenting his cock to her waiting and willing mouth, something she could never do with her husband. Happily for my cash flow, she needed this pleasure at least biweekly. The male model was content to participate for far less than his usual fee.
More often than not, the woman client had an older husband who could no longer perform adequately or simply wanted oral sex. In cases like this she would come to me asking for a suitable man to pleasure her. Over time I had developed a ?stable? of eager healthy men willing and most able to provide whatever the lady needed. I of course was present whenever the client wished. A few women clients entertained themselves watching the man and myself perform for her. Frequently this excited the woman so much that she ended up with both the man and I screwing the woman. Once Jules (one of my favorites) and I suspended a special woman by her arms, spread her legs and fucked her for and aft taking turns at both ends. We developed a rhythm, in - out, in - out, and on and on until she could take no more. When Jules faded, I put a strap-on on him and we continued to ravage her until she finally called a halt, breathing heavily, totally exhausted, dripping, and with a sore ass. She would never ever do something like this with her husband, a religious leader but she had this compulsion to be bound and fucked to the point of pain. I often wondered what she told her husband, if indeed he saw the marks left on her.
Raquel arranged a session that included myself and Jules. We strapped her to a tilting table, stretched her to the corners, flogged her and then Jules played a rape fantasy for her, gagging her, covering her eyes then fucking her while she was completely helpless. While Jules rested I brought her to more orgasms by using vibrators on her, touching her on all her pleasure points while she squirmed passionately. Raquel also liked to be moved from one position to another, enjoying all the bondage utilities I had available. I stood her on a small cushion, fastened a wooden yoke on her neck, tying her wrists to the yoke ends. The yoke was suspended and she was forced to stand while being flogged. She presented a pretty picture, standing naked, gagged while being flogged.
Jules and I tied Raquel to the wall, spreading her arms and legs. We placed a vibrator mounted on an stand against her, pulling it tightly against her vagina with stretching cords. While she squirmed, screamed with delight, Jules and I would entertain ourselves, fucking away in front of her. Eventually she would sag, the vibration simply numbing her genital area. Untying her then tying her flat on a bondage table enabled her to regain feeling in her groin. We stretched her out on the table, wrists tied together, and legs strapped together. Now that she has recovered from the vibration, we strapped the vibrator to her legs again with the vibrating head against her genitals. More screaming, howling, yowling squirming ensued. Finally she screamed ?enough -- enough -- enough, please stop, I can?t take any more?! We knew she had had it -- we stopped -- completely. The customer is always right!
We changed her position and she did look so cute, lying on her back with her hands and feet strapped to a spreader bar preventing her from touching her genitals.
These were good memories of my profession and the pleasure I brought to many, many clients, both male and female.
Life took a new turn now, I was in Amsterdam and in love with a flight attendant, a man, oh! What a man is Hans!
?Hans darling, I have an erotic idea in mind!? I gushed, ?Let?s sleep naked tonight wearing only steel bondage collars linked together by a two foot length of chain. I?m getting hot just thinking about it. Will you do it with me Hans, pretty please??
?Love to, my precious little hotsie. I?m always amazed at your continual supply of new and unusual ideas. Your mind is? is something else. I love it! I love it! I really love it! What next, joy of my life??
?Thanks my sweet man, I do try. I want to keep you happy and fulfilled and mine alone, I am wearing my collar of commitment.?
?Janet?, Hans remarked thoughtfully, I would like to visit some of the small establishments in the red light district. Perhaps we can find something of interest and possibly some new ideas, some new games.?
?Surely Hans, let?s, but it doesn?t mean you are tiring of me does it??
?Are you kidding? Never! Not at all! I just thought it might be nice to see someone else do it while we watch.?
I mulled this over, commented, ?Yes Hans, yes.. yes? I would like that a lot. In fact I think that?s a very good idea. Yes. Great! It could be very useful, very informative. I would like to see what Amsterdam offers in eroticism and sex. What do they have here, Hans, theatre?, individual offerings? But Hans, do you think any of these people could teach us anything? After all my sweet, we have been fucking six ways to Sunday ever since we met.?
?Huh, ?six ways to Sunday?, that?s a new one on me Jan baby.?
?Try this one Hansie?, ?I could have fucked all night? I could have fucked all night and still have fucked some more? I could have spread my wings and done a million things and still have wished for more??
?Oh Hansie, my sweet, I love you so??.?
?OK Hans, when and where? I?m ready! I want to see how the other half lives -- or fucks. It should be fun!?
?Hans darling, before we go into those places I think we should be somewhat disguised. I?ll wear a wig, you can too and we can wear glasses, tinted for me and horn rim for you. After all, you never know who might be there in the audience.?
The day after Hans returned from his New York flight we journeyed into the famed Amsterdam red light district. We looked carefully at the ladies displaying hints in their windows. Sometimes very explicit hints were shown the passers-by.
?Hans, I?ve seen nothing yet to intrigue me, the girls obviously can?t perform in their window boxes and I?m not sure we should sample their wares. I have nothing against them but I don?t think we?ll learn anything. Hans, how about their live shows, their theatrical performances? Would they be better? At least we could see some action, some actual performances.?
?Yes?, he replied, ?Good idea, lets see what?s available as we stroll along. We might find something worth while.?
We entered a small theatre type place advertising ?live sex?. What other kind is there I wondered? There were six rows for spectators, a small stage and a net suspended above the audience. The performers were attractive young folks, two man and one woman. The man and woman started with a little cuddling when the second man walked onstage, whispered to the other guy and they advanced toward the woman who sensed that there would be trouble. They grabbed her, she screamed, they gagged and stripped her, tying her hands behind her back.
The men stripped, revealing a pair of very large cocks which they quickly massaged into formidable erections. I gasped -- quietly -- I hoped and watched while the men took turns fucking her standing up, bending her over with rear vaginal entry, holding her by her hips, thrusting, thrusting, slamming against her buttocks while she lifted one foot after the other, shifting her weight.
?Lady, we?re going to take your gag off. If you scream, we?ll gag you again and hurt you. Understand?? , said one the men.
She nodded. (Of course, it was a play, a show).
They untied her wrists, put suspension cuffs on her and hoisted her arms until she stood on her tiptoes. The men still had not had orgasms, obviously waiting until the show was ready to be terminated. They brought their cocks to erection, put new condoms on and lubed them, also inserting KY jelly well into her vagina and anus. The audience squirmed as they anticipated the next round. One man knelt, pulled her leg aside, his partner inserted his cock in her vagina. The other man wrapped her legs around his partner then went behind her and rammed his cock into her anus, causing her to squeal loudly and plead to be released. The men started an in-out, in-out routine which lasted a full twenty minutes. They stopped, withdrew, still erect and told her that she would now suck while she was being fucked. She dutifully howled in protest but let them bend her over. She performed well. She took his cock in her mouth to where his balls rested on her chin while his partner rummaged her vagina and then her anus. As a team, they performed very well. The timing was such that the audience never tired of watching and the performers, still not reaching orgasm, would be available for a subsequent show. The woman also did not evidence an orgasm.
?That was very interesting, Hans, but you know, I think we could do better unless of course, fucking for an audience might diminish our ardor. But they were good, Hans, let?s find another show.?
?Interesting comment, Janet, you?re not thinking of doing that, are you??, he asked, glancing at me searchingly.
?It?s most intriguing, honey, most. Do you think we could choreograph a show like that? Hire performers? It might be fun. H?m, let?s try another show.?
We strolled along the street, came to another ?live? show, paid the entrance fee, walked in and seated ourselves and waited for the next performance.
This show featured a girl purported to be a captive who was brought out to the audience by two strong men. They held her arms apart, displaying her nakedness to the crowd and asked if there was volunteer in the audience who would like to fuck her -- for a fee of course. An enormous man emerged from the back of the theatre and said, ?How much??
A fellow replied, ?fifty?.
?OK, I?ll take her.? He stripped, quickly -- he was part of the show -- came to the girl playing with his cock, making it hard. It was enormous. The girl looked at it with terror in her eyes and screamed, ?no! no!, please no!? He just smiled and told the men holding her that he wanted her hands restrained so he could freely enjoy raping her. They put a leather harness on her which tightly held her arms behind her.
?I want a wide leather collar on her?, he added. He picked her up by her crotch and her harness, carried her to a bench, laid her face down on the bench and strapped her legs to the bench legs, forcing her legs straight keeping her ass exposed and in the air. He lubed a finger, inserted it in her anus, added another finger, then a third as she whined and cried. Finally with her anus prepared he thrust his enormous cock into her rectum as she cried out and pleaded with him to stop, crying out that he was too big -- he was hurting her.
?Please stop?, she screamed, ?I never agreed to this -- this is too much -- I want you to let me go.?
The audience wasn?t sure whether this was part of the act or not. Many were looking rather distressed, wondering? wondering.
The ?rapist? told one of the men to gag her, he didn?t want to listen to a lot of crap from someone he paid for. The man brought out a penis gag and forced it into her mouth by holding her nose, making her open her mouth for air. He buckled the gag behind her head and the ?rapist? continued to ravage the girl.
?You, girl?, he said, ?I?ll pull out of your ass but you?ll then suck my cock. understood? It?s either that or I?ll ream your ass again.?
?Please, don?t. You hurt me!?
?That?s not an answer, girl.? ?It?s suck or fuck, girl -- which is it??
?Please, I?ll do it.?
He pulled out of her ass, went to her face, pulled her up by her collar and presented his cock to her lips. She looked in horror at it -- it was sooo big.
?Kiss it girl!? She kissed the tip.
?Open up girl, take it in.? She opened her mouth, took the head in, licked the underside, then took more. She gagged, withdrew, apologized, pleaded inexperience and tried again and again, finally taking the entire cock into her mouth, down her throat until his balls rested on her chin. He grabbed her head literally fucking her face and finally came with a grunt and a groan. It was not a fake orgasm, the ejaculate filled her mouth and spilled out dripping onto the floor.
The ?guest? volunteer dressed and returned to his seat while the men took the girl, seated her on a chair, strapping her firmly onto it with her legs strapped to the chair legs so she could not move. Her arms were still strapped behind her and they tormented her by putting clamps on her nipples then pulling them outward and holding them there with some kind of restraint fixture. They left her there for the audience to enjoy.
?Ladies, you saw the magnificent performance delivered by that gentleman in the back row. Would any of you like to engage his services if we could persuade him to give a repeat performance??
A lady stepped forward. She said, ?does he pay me or do I pay him??
The man in question stood and announced, ?madam, one as beautiful as you may have my most attentive service free -- any time -- any place.?
She came forward, as did he and they chatted quietly for a few moments then announced to the audience that they would discuss between themselves exactly what they would do and in a few minutes they would be ready to perform. She said, ?I have never seen a cock so large and I want it in me -- now.?
The two of them went off stage.
The Old Hooker -- Chapter Three
?Hello, Angela darling, this is Janet. How are you my dear friend? It?s been months since I?ve seen you. Angie my darling I meet you in every dream.?
?Oh God, Janet, I am so frustrated, angry, lonely since you retired and left New York. Where are you? I miss you so?! Oh if you knew how much I sigh to see you.?
?My dear Angela, I am in Amsterdam living with a darling man. A man who fulfills ALL my needs. Angela, this darling man of mine and I want to explore a new venture. I can?t describe it over the phone of course but Angela, I would like you to fly over and stay with Hans and myself at a little farm I purchased not far from Amsterdam. You may be interested in what we are proposing and possibly participate on an intermittent basis. That would give us dear old friends an excuse to see each other more than just occasionally. I?ll pay for the flight! Just say yes Angela, please.?
?I?ll try! I do have to persuade my husband that I?ll be alright and safe with my old friend Janet! He is such a straight laced old wuss, you know. You really do know!?
?Try hard, Angela, I really need you -- I miss you. By the way, Angela, my darling man does not know of my past and I want to keep it that way.?
?Hans, darling! Good news! My old friend Angela is flying over to stay with us for a few days. I think that she will fit in perfectly with our schemes.?
?Well my sweet Janet, I hope so, our plans and discussions are far advanced and I am quite anxious to start working. By the way, Jan, the kennel people called and your Great Dane pup is ready to be delivered. I verified that he is to be used for stud purposes and is not, absolutely not to be castrated. Well Jan, now you have someone else to feed.. and water.. and walk and clean up after. I hope it works out.?
?So do I hon, and if it doesn?t, we?ll sell him! No problem!?
Hans and I had gone on a spending spree buying all sorts of cuffs, chains, hoists, clothes and more clothes and -- happy days -- a few state of the art fucking machines. We had carpenters altering the barn for show purposes and had them build the tables, benches, etc. for various show tableaux. We arranged stadium type seating, a box office and rest rooms for ladies and men.
We also installed special lighting and closed circuit television systems to display close-ups of activities of the performers. We even had welders build a cage for caging games. I envisioned at least three cameras focused on a girl reclining on a gynecological chair masturbating herself using rabbits, vibrators and various dildos -- big, bigger, and biggest, of course. One of the fucking machines would be used in conjunction with the chair although the performer -- male or female -- would also demonstrate the machine on which one impales oneself. This machine gave some of my New York clients exhausting pleasure, as evidenced by the screams and fainting spells.
The pup was delivered as promised and attached himself to us immediately.
He had his own quarters in the barn but we also allowed him in the house. He was going to be an important part of the show, I hoped and he had to be trained and made to feel a part of the family. Since I fed and walked him and played with him he recognized me as the leader, the alpha male in his world. Should we ever acquire a pony, we allocated space for a stall. In the interim we?ll use the space for storage or a spare dressing room.
Hans and I disguised ourselves somewhat and made the rounds of the sex shows and some of the ?window box? ladies searching for potential cast members. We entered one of the ?live shows?, took our seats, waiting for the show to begin. With nothing to do but wait, Hans and I started to play with each other. He fingered my clit, fondled my breasts while I stroked his cock, engendering a very respectable erection. I unzipped his fly, withdrew his cock, leaned over and started sucking him off. Not too many slurps and gasps later, Hans? cock exploded in my mouth filling it with ejaculate.
I tried to swallow it all but some still escaped and dribbled out and onto the floor. Now I knew why the theatre smelled like a well used bedroom -- I wasn?t the only cocksucker in the place.
The lead player had been watching and asked if he could borrow me for a scene. I demurred, explaining that I was loyal to my lover, sitting next to me. The fellow explained that he was also the owner of the production, renting the theatre for his shows and again asked if he could use me. Again I demurred, but suggested that my lover and I might want to speak with him later since we had a few ideas of our own. He agreed to chat, asking us to remain after the show, which would take about 45 minutes. His was an SM show where he suspended his girl by her wrists and flogged her very hard while she spun around, kicking her legs trying to avoid the strikes. She could not avoid him and there were many hard hits causing her to cry out. She put on a good show, convincing the audience that she was indeed an unwilling victim. When he stopped, he gagged her and asked the audience if anyone wanted to flog her or fuck her. One fellow stood up, took the flogger and whaled away at her much harder than her partner, causing her to scream loudly through her gag, screaming and shouting, ?Stop! Stop, damn you! Stop it now!
I mean it! Stop it! Stop! Stop!? Her partner took the flogger from the fellow and rubbed some soothing ointment on her now striped body.
?Folks, maybe she?d rather be fucked. Any volunteers??
A massive black man stood up saying, ?Hell yes, I?ll fuck her and she?ll know how a real man fucks.?
The girl took one look at him and screamed, ?No, hell no, I can?t take a cock that big, those guys from Africa are just too big for my poor pussy.?
?No backing out, dammit, I want my fuck!?
The owner thought for a few seconds, said, ?OK, you win, help me restrain her. You want her hanging like this or spread on a bed??
?I think that we?ll spread her legs right there, hanging, and I?ll prong her standing. Lets hoist her up a bit, I?m pretty tall, then tie her legs apart? to those posts over there??, he pointed to a pair of posts positioned for that very use. It was apparent to me, an old pro, that these folks were all part of the act and it was a pretty good act at that.
So they spread her, lubed him, lubed her and he rammed that enormous cock into her vagina, grunting as he rammed, she screaming and crying all the while.
After a while his thrusting subsided as her desire increased and she started to thrust back, calling for more. ?Oh God, fuck me, fuck me, fuck me hard. Don?t stop! I?ve never had such a cock in me before! Again! All the way! I want to feel it in my throat! Fuck me please! Please!?
?You know Hans, they?re pretty darn good. Nice show, good performers, well done. I?ll applaud at the end.?
They let her down partly, the m/c put fuck me pumps on her, locked them on and hung bells from her ears and nipples. He let her down farther, unstrapping her wrists, bringing them behind her and cuffing them. He added cuffs to her arms just above the elbows and pulled them tightly together forcing her breasts outward.
?Walk! I want to hear the bells girl, walk!? as he urged her on with a riding crop applied to her ass cheeks and thighs.
?Alright ladies and gentlemen, what shall we do to her now? Any good ideas??
?Hans?, I whispered, ?Volunteer to put a collar and leash on her and lead her back and forth.?
?OK, might be fun.? He called out, ?Volunteer here, I can do some things with her. I?ll put a collar on her and lead her around the stage, maybe in a circle as if I were training a dog or horse.?
?OK fella, c?mon. Here?s a collar and leash for her, help yourself.?
Hans approached the girl, placed the collar about her neck, locked it on and attached the leash to a ring on the collar front. While taking his time and obvious pleasure he whispered to her, ?You?re a good performer, my friend and I are thinking of doing some shows also. If you would be interested in working with us a day or so a week, let us know. You can tell your manager if you like, we?re not trying to pirate anyone?s employees. Please see us after the show if you are interested in talking.? She nodded affirmatively.
Hans walked her ?round and ?round in a circle while her bells tinkled merrily. He walked her to me and asked if he could fuck her if she and her manager were willing. I said sure, just be sure to use a condom and better yet -- do a proper job of fucking the lady.
She looked at my handsome Hans and said, ?I would love to have that handsome stud put his cock in my pussy but he?ll have to pay.?
?Oh no?, said Hans, ?I am a volunteer, you don?t need to pay me but I won?t pay either.?
?Well then?, said the manager, ?You don?t fuck.?
This was getting sort of silly so I chimed in and said, ?how much will you pay for my handsome stud and I to fuck for your audience??
?Hey audience,? I turned to the crowd, ?would you like to see us amateurs fuck for you??
Some fellow in the audience spoke up and said, ?that would be great, we could take up a collection for you!?
The manager, seeing things getting out of hand, decided to let Hans fuck his girl saying, ?OK, ok, I know when I?m beaten! Fuck her, fuck her, she loves to fuck.?
Hans really enjoyed it. He stripped, grabbed her by the arms, bent her over, way over and fucked her from behind. As he was thrusting, he pulled her more upright and whispered to her, ?you can make all the noise you want -- the audience will love it.? She fell into the spirit of things and started writhing, howling squealing and yelling ?more more, fuck me harder, ohhhh God, fuck me damn you, fuck me?, her bells tinkling merrily. When Hans came with a loud shout, the audience applauded, the performers disengaged, bowed, and the girl kissed Hans and thanked him for giving her such pleasure.
The show over, Hans and I took phone numbers from the performers and the manager and wandered down the street until we came upon another live show.
We paid and entered, finding the show already in progress. The principals were two very attractive women. One of the women and a male assistant ?forced? the other woman onto a padded table. They put padded leather cuffs on her wrists and ankles and chained them to the corners of the table. The assistant left and the dominant woman proceeded to ?entertain? the ?victim? -- the restrained lady. She was gagged, loosely and her domme started to ?entertain? her with vibrators while she squirmed and squealed and howled with abandon. This went on for at least thirty minutes. The two women were outstanding performers, providing a very realistic restraint and bondage show.
After those two performed, two more women came onstage. One lay down on a convex curved padded table. The restrained woman wore a head harness with bit gag and a collar which was chained down to the table thus preventing her from rising. Her partner put leather cuffs on her ankles and wrists and chained the right to the right and the left to the left with one foot long chains. Thus restrained the domme took a vibrator, dragging it across the ?victim?s? tongue and then using to great effect on her cunt as the ?victim? entertained us with numerous outpourings of exaltations.
Again as we left we took a couple of phone numbers and I asked one of the women if she had ever been in a ?dog and pony show?. She replied that she did not know what that was but that perhaps her colleague might know. We asked the other woman the same question. She indicated that she was familiar with the concept but had never done either. ?Would you be willing to try a dog?? I asked. She reflected a bit and replied, ?maybe -- how much??
?Negotiable?, I replied, ?Certainly more than normal fucking.?
?Ya know Hans, this doing live shows might be a lot of fun. We?ll have to wait and see what Angela thinks. She might want to participate. She?d have to be disguised as would you or even me if we were to partake in any performances.
?Oh darling Janet, it sounds like so much fun and think of all the sex!?
?Just wait until you meet Angela, she?s great! A great fuck and loves bondage, humiliation, and a little flogging besides. Most importantly though, she must not NOT be revealed either visually or by name. She has a ?sensitive? situation back home and we must protect her anonymity. The trouble will be worth it because she has been a great performer -- privately -- and might possibly be a great performer for us. If she performs for us it will be because of our former connection and our guaranteed discretion. If she does half the things she and I used to do, a show will be a hit. She?ll be arriving tomorrow at Schipol. If you are available, we?ll both meet her. If not, I?ll meet her and bring her to the farm, show her the barn and, knowing Angela, we?ll probable fuck for a while. Yes, she is a woman but that?s no problem. You?d be surprised at what we do to each other.?
?Sounds great Jan, but is it going to impact on our fantastic sex life or even our love? You are making a really big deal over this lady.?
I thought a while -- pursing my lips thoughtfully -- and replied carefully, ?Angela was a client who became a friend. She has ?needs? that I fulfilled. We became very close. We were both saddened when I decided to move to Holland but we vowed to try to remain in touch and visit when possible. And now, with our show interest, there is a way for Angela to fill her special ?needs? and continue our relationship. I suspect that you -- if you?re interested -- can participate. Not to be obscure -- there?ll be lots of wild sex.?
?I?m flying tomorrow, Jan and won?t be back for a couple of days. You?ll have to pick her up. Jan? are you really suggesting that I have sex with your friend?.we do wear our commitment collars you know. I love you Jan and I don?t want anything to change.?
?Good point Hans, we?ll try to avoid any personal or emotional conflicts. What I envision with Angela will largely be professional -- i.e. performances. You may or may not participate. You are right though, we must be careful -- we must maintain our love and commitment and not allow ?fun and games? to interfere. I do bear much affection for Angela but there is no comparison to my love for you. My feelings toward Angela are totally different from the love I have for you.?
?Angela darling! How sweet! How lovely you look!? I exclaimed as we made a spectacle of ourselves kissing madly at baggage claim.
?Oh my dear Janet -- I need a handkerchief -- I missed you terribly?, she sobbed.
?Come with me to my little farm, we?ll rest, then renew our more intimate desires. I?ve been so anxious to see you, not only because of some business possibilities but also since I love you and want to play with you. But one thing you must understand -- that my love for you is different from that of my man -- my wonderful man -- Hans. In him I have at last found true and enduring love. Angela my sweet, I?m going to introduce you to a world of new and erotic pleasures. You? are? going? to? be?really pleased! Wait ?till you meet Duke, And you?ll be most entertained by the ?toys? we have in our staging all
for public shows -- bondage benches, crosses, a cage and more.?
?Oh Janet, this is a charming little place you have here. When will I meet the Duke? Is he handsome? And where does he fit in with your love Hans??
?Come in Angela, I?ll introduce you.?
?Duke!! Here boy!? Duke came bounding into the room to greet me and as usual with a kiss -- yuck -- and with his paws on my shoulders.
?Yes Ang.. Duke is our Great Dane stud for whom and from whom we expect great things -- great fucking, actually!?
?Oh my God, Janet has he been broken in yet? He?s so big! I?ve never done that, Jan -- I don?t know if I could. You haven?t either then, have you??
?No, not yet and I don?t know that I want to for various personal reasons -- mostly because I am so much in love with my glorious man Hans. I don?t want to endanger our passionate relationship.?
?However Angie, there are women in the trade who will. I?ll likely have to pay a higher performance fee for such but?. you know Angela that you are very much inclined to be outrageously experimental. We could develop a scenario where you are masked and restrained and raped by Duke. Just ruminate over that a while -- the experience of a lifetime, n?est-ce pas? Or perhaps a scene where you and Duke stroll in the park then enter a barn to consummate your growing passion? We could film the walk in the park, disguising you of course, then use the film as background in the theatre prior to your coupling. You would lead him into the barn -- he is collared and leashed -- drop your dress, strip off your panties -- if you were wearing any -- you would wash his growing penis with warm water then assume the position over that low bench, reaching behind yourself to guide him -- willing and ready now -- into your waiting cunt.?
?Oh gawd, Jan, I?ve never done that but your description is making me hot?
but the thought of fucking a mutt -- or being the fuckee -- does not fill me with joy. Do the women that do it like it??
?I really don?t know, Ang?. but we?ll talk to some girls -- when we find them -- and ask whether they really liked it or was it just a performance. Personally I see it as erotic entertainment? less fun than using a rabbit on ones? self? a lot less fun since I can drive myself nuts with a rabbit. Look at him though, he is cute and so willing??
?Yeah Jan, cute and willing but I want a guy who?ll fuck for hours. You know how horny I get. The mutt will probably hump for a few seconds then spurt until his sack is drained and go sleep. H?m, like my hubby, the useless twit.?
?Angela, lets rest, get ready for dinner and I?ll take you to one of the better restaurants in Amsterdam, then we?ll cruise the red light district. We?ll see a couple of live shows and get some ideas and when we return home, we?ll play!?
Dinner was superb, we had wine with our wiener schnitzel, cr?me caramel for desert then took a cab to the red light district. The driver wondered aloud why two such proper appearing ladies wanted to go there. We simply told him that we wanted to learn something new to please our husbands and lovers. He chuckled and remained silent. In the ?district? -- which was becoming somewhat depopulated as a result of the city administration -- we visited a couple of live shows that Hans and I had not seen.
Angie and I, looking considerably more elegant than necessary for the venue entered, took seats and waited for the show to begin. The announcer walked on stage and said, ?Ladies and Gentlemen, tonight we have a slight change in our schedule. Ilsa, a guest performer, brought her partner with her and the two will perform something you have probably never seen or imagined.?
Ilsa entered the stage, leading a pony. We gasped! ?Angie, this is too good! I wanted to find someone who could do a dog or pony show and here she is!?
Ilsa led her ?partner? to a narrow bench, carefully guiding the pony over the bench, straddling it. She then took a washcloth and caressed and washed the pony?s testicles and prick. The prick became erect. My pussy twitched. Angie grabbed my leg whispering, ?holy shit, Jan! It?s big but I could take it? all the way! Now -- watch!?
We watched with amazement even though we thought that we knew everything and had seen everything but this was new! And great!
Ilsa slid herself carefully onto the narrow bench, positioning herself under the pony and took his cock in hand and guided it into her cunt, gradually moving herself along the bench until the cock filled her pussy. The pony reacted and started to hump her keeping all hooves on the ground -- damned well trained.
I?m not sure when he came but Ilsa prolonged the event by displaying all the emotions one expected from being impaled by such a lovely cock. She squealed, howled, cried out for more. This went on for 12 minutes after entry -- I timed it -- she threw her legs up and around the pony and urged him to move away from the bench. When she was clear, she dropped her legs, extracted herself from his cock, signaling the end of the session. She stood up and took her bow to the audiences? delight. The pony had evidently had an orgasm since Ilsa dripped a copious amount of fluid when she stood up.
?Well ladies? -- she looked at us -- ?would any of you like to experience Juno, my partner? You? -- she looked at Angie -- ?your legs are spread. Does it mean what I think it means??, asked Ilsa.
Angie breathed heavily and whispered, ?Jan, oh my gawd, Jan, we must talk to this gal later.?
I smiled at Ilsa, nodded and mouthed ?later?. Ilsa nodded back and announced to the crowd that she had a special treat. ?I brought a friend who always travels with her bodyguard. Let me introduce Annamarie and Prince!?
Annamarie entered the stage with a very large dog of indeterminate ancestry.
?Good evening ladies and gentlemen. This is my collared lover and protector Prince. He is a very good lover. He is always ready. He never cheats on me. He is faithful to a fault and I love him dearly. If someone were to approach me
he would growl, signifying possession and guardianship. He is mine and I am his. He is also an exhibitionist -- he, like me loves to fuck. I trained him from a puppy and he knows only me as his fuck buddy.?
?Now? Prince and I will demonstrate the approved methods of fucking with your dog. This also applies to you men -- alternate hole of course.?
?Come Prince! We fuck now!? She lay down on her back and a bench that positioned her at the correct height for her large dog. She was at a slight angle,
enabling her to control Prince as he entered her. He put his paws on her shoulders and let her guide his cock into her -- obviously used to it. He humped away for a while, finally rapidly increasing his speed and thrusts, then with a grunt he had his orgasm and leaned down onto Annamarie?s chest keeping his paws over her shoulders while he spurted from his enlarged penal sack -- the knot containing his ejaculate. They rested in that pose while he drained. When he finished, the knot shrank and he withdrew and started licking his cock. What else would anyone expect the dog to do?
?Well ladies, would any of you like to take my place and entertain my Prince??
?Don?t all answer at once.?
?No one??
?No one??
?OK, I?ll return later during the show to see if anyone is interested and if not I?ll let Prince fuck me in the ass. I love the feeling when his knot expands in my rectum and then he spurts into it, filling my bowel.?
?Don?t go ?way folks!?
Annamarie returned later on after a few other performers had done their athletic displays and demonstrated anal sex with her dog Prince. She had a bench prepared such that when she lay across it, her anus was at the right height for Prince. Then she washed his cock again and since it was not yet erect she sucked on it, bringing it to readiness. Lying on the bench, she took his prick and led him into position. A little lube applied and off they went. Prince was a fine performer -- whether he knew it or not -- and humped away until he finished with a yelp and a final thrust. Then he relaxed -- held by Annemarie -- until his sack had drained.
?You notice, Angie, that she has no problem in sucking his cock, and Prince seems to like it. I?ll tell you what, Ang, if I do it will you? Suck it I mean??
?Janet!! You mean suck Prince?s cock or Duke?s??
?Well Duke?s of course. Let?s talk with the girls after the show is over.?
?Ladies, my friend and I want to do something like your show and we?re wondering whether you had any problems in getting over the idea of fucking animals. Oh yes, and also whether you might perform for us in a show we are
contemplating starting.?
Ilsa spoke first, ?Juno is my pet pony and my affection for him led to our sexual
relationship and I decided to make some money from it. I get paid a few times more than the usual fuck show. The biggest problem was training him to remain still while I was wriggling down onto his cock, and then obeying my command to leave the bench so I could ?dismount? -- and of course I could not get that lovely pole of his into my mouth so I caressed it and washed it with warm water. He liked that treatment and became quite used to performing and indeed do repeat performances. He could do at least three orgasms per night. Oh! was my cunt sloppy by the end of the evening even after I drained myself at the end of a session. If you do start a show, I could work one or two days a week. I currently have many customers. At the evening?s end I have to walk him back to his stable, which is a good distance away -- inconvenient but necessary.?
?Ilsa, I bought a farm outside of Amsterdam with a barn. If we come to an agreement, we might include stable space for Juno and do you think that another girl could learn to fuck with him? Or would he not permit that? Oh, by the way, I?m Janet, this is Angie.?
?Janet! You?re not thinking of me under that horse are you? My God. What do you think I am??
?Angie darling, we know what you are -- what we are -- we?re just speculating
now. I could envision myself, or you, squirming, wriggling, thrusting onto that formidable pole and entering fuck heaven accompanied by suitable sound effects. Do you recall the sounds you made when we had you suspended while I was flogging you? Yeahhh! By the way, Angie, he?s a pony, not a horse!?
?Annamarie. Same question. Animals are not human partners. Did you have any problems in coming to grips with fucking with non human partners??
?In my case, no, since I had seen many exhibitions like mine. My concern was improving the presentation such that we minimized the panting, huffing, and puffing from the dog that tended to detract from the actual fucking. I worked with Prince a long time to bring him to the state that you saw, wherein he readies himself and fucks with the least amount of thrashing about while readying his entry. That is why I lean back and guide him by his prick directly into my cunt. He has become quite adept at giving me a good fuck and also we do get paid a lot more for the performances. You could try him if you?d like.? Annamarie paused, waiting for my answer.
?I?m interested. Let me have some phone numbers and we?ll be in touch. Angie, I?d like to see you try Prince.?
She gasped, saying, ?I?ll think about it. It?s too much to just jump into without thought. Anyway hot stuff, how about you first??
?OK! Now! Or later? Annemarie, is Prince able to do another and can we do it here now that the show is over??
?He may not do an orgasm but it?s likely you could get an erection and insertion -- possibly -- Prince is ?mine own and only? and trying a new person might work, maybe not, but let?s try. I?ll have Jens lock up.?
?Oh! Janet, you?re not going to? are you??, Angie asked with asperity.
?Well, why not? If I can ask you or an employee to do it, I should know what it?s like. Anyway I?m not going to make a practice of it.?
?OK?, said Annamarie, ?I?ll introduce you to Prince. Pat him, then move your hand slowly down under his belly and back toward his genitals. Talk to him, croon a little -- you know, a little humming -- I?ll get you a warm washcloth and give it to you so Prince will know what?s coming. Strip and lie back on the ?dog bench? I call it. I want Prince to have a full view of your crotch. Now guide him to you and say ?come Prince -- we fuck now?, he knows the meaning of those words. Now take his prick, gently pull and guide it to you and into you. He?ll feel when it is in and he?ll start to hump you. Encourage him, thrust back.
Good! Do you feel him in you now??
?Oooo, yes, not bad, not bad at all. Good boy, Prince, faster boy, faster. That?s it Prince, fuck me hard. OH!!! He?s coming, I feel it! I feel his sack growing -- now I feel him spurting -- he?s still thrusting. Relax boy, wait ?till it?s drained -- good boy Prince! Well! That was new!! That took some doing! It was worth it!
I liked it! No dammit, I really liked it! Angie!! You?ve got to do it too! You?ll love it! And no kiss and tell -- or kiss and brag!?
?Welllll, welll, we?ll seeee?, she said, without any enthusiasm.
?Angie, you don?t have to? it?s not necessary for you to fuck the dog if you don?t want to. If we use a dog and I think we will, we can hire girls who are willing. I spoke with one a few days ago when Hans and I were touring the red light district. She was interested -- her concern was compensation. I just did it and it?s really not bad -- if anything, a light weight screwing. The problem of course is that he is a dog and not everyone likes bestiality. However, people that attend our shows will know what they are going to see and should be content, not off put. But if Duke comes around and is pleasant to live with -- I might try him out.?
Angela and I wandered on down the street to another ?live? show, entered and watched the performance that had already begun. The guy was gorgeous and very well endowed -- hung like a horse. Angie gasped and whispered to me
?Oh my God, Janet! what I wouldn?t do to have that cock stuffed into my cunt!
He is? awesome! Janet! I need a fucking now!?
?Hold your water, Angie, I?ll do you at home.?
?I want him Jan!?
?Shhh! After the show! Be quiet!?
After the show we collared the man, Phillipe, and asked if he would service my friend Angie. He looked her over, agreed to fuck her for fifty euros. Angie nearly tore her purse open getting the money. Phillipe took her to a private room and I waited outside. And waited -- and waited -- listening to the usual screams and other noises of pleasure so familiar as Angela?s. A full hour later a disheveled Angela and a worn looking Phillipe emerged from the room.
?Oh my freaking gawd, he is awesome Janet, plumb awesome -- bigger than that pony we saw.?
?Phillipe, I?m setting up for shows myself. Would you like to earn some extra money and also have Angie at your disposal??
?Absolutely -- she is a great fuck. But how much, how often and where??
?At the place I?m readying for shows. But I think that I?d like to try out a scene with you and Ang that could be done right here as part of your evening. Tell you what -- I?ll bring some props tomorrow. I?ll need you to provide a chair and a cover large enough to cover Ang as she is sitting in the chair. This is to tease the audience. They will only see her feet in her FM pumps and leg irons. And then?. I?ll explain later. See you tomorrow at 1800 hours, OK??
?Janet! What do you have in mind for me??
?I?ll explain when we get home and we?ll do a dress rehearsal. I?ll take Phillipe?s part. Phillipe, we?ll need a few minutes to rehearse before the show, OK??
He indicated agreement and Angie and I returned to the farm, where we reviewed the scene I envisioned.
?Angie, I don?t want you identified so this scene will have you covered and almost speechless. We?ll put a vinyl hood with eye and mouth holes on you, locking it in the back to keep audience members from removing it. Strip! Naked! Your body and breasts are firm enough for nakedness. Now the head harness with bit gag. Again I?ll lock it. The bit gag will permit some amount of talk but lots of screaming and inhibit cock sucking. You?ll wear fuck me pumps and we?ll lock them on. Now! A collar with cuffs attached by chains keeping your hands away from your clit and leg irons giving you some latitude for walking. I?m going to wear a strap-on and play the guy. Come with me.?
?Stand up! I?m going to strap a butterfly vibrator to your clit. While you are covered waiting for your rapist you?ll squirm and moan, teasing the audience.?
?Now sit, I?ll cover you, leaving your feet showing. Now we start the play.?
?Here she is ladies and gentlemen, our latest acquisition. We call her Petra. We don?t know her name, she speaks little English and no Dutch. She wandered in from, I think, Eastern Europe looking for a job. She?s not happy about this job but we are going to pay her something because she will put on a show for you -- whether she likes it or not.?
?Voila!?, as I pulled the cover off her revealing her hooded and restrained body.
Embarrassed, she tried to cover her privates, failing that she tried to cover her breasts, this time with more success. I pulled her upright, walked her to a hanging chain, linking it to her collar. She moaned and tried to speak but nothing intelligible came forth. I said to her, ?You are going to be fucked, understand??
Responses were only mumbles.
?See this?? I asked. ?It is a dog whip. You will be whipped until you decide to fuck. Do you understand??
Howls and moans -- she held her hands in a supplicating way. I struck a bench with the whip making a loud crack! She shuddered with fear. Fear showed in her eyes. I pinched a nipple. She squealed, tried to pull away but could not.
I whacked her derriere with the whip -- she screamed.
?Are you ready to fuck??
She shook her head no.
Another whack -- another scream, louder than before.
?Well? Shall I continue??
She shook her head no, gave up easily.
?Phillipe? -- first name that came to mind ? ?come, she is ready for you. Bend her over the bar, link the chain to the floor, spread and chain her legs and fuck her -- fuck her hard.?
I bent to the task with a will and a very solid strap-on cock. Angie (Petra) accepted this cock in silence then as her passion rose so did her response, changing from negative howls to squeals and screams of delight.
?Glad you liked it Angie or should I call you Petra?? I asked as I removed her gag and hood.
?Ohhhh yeahhh, Jan I liked it but use a flogger instead, that dog whip was too much and if an audience member uses it I could be hurt. That was fun, I liked being bent over the bar and getting fucked. In the next sequence flog me then take off the bit gag and make me suck cock.
?Remember Janet how you used to suspend me and flog me harder and harder until I cried uncle??
?Of course!?
?Lets do that routine for an audience, they?ll love it.? she asked eagerly.
?Ang, shall we use Phillipe with the big cock for you??, I smiled.
?Ohhh yess, Janet, Phillipe ?the hung? will be great. I?ll fuck him for free -- I?ll even help pay his fee. Oh God, my pussy is twitching just thinking about him and that horse cock of his. Oh God, Janet, I want you to hoist me then lower me, legs tied apart onto that magnificent tool.?
?OK Angie, if you like cock that much I want you to try the dog and maybe even the pony. I have a new idea for you also. I?m going to dress you in some exotic black vinyl garments including a very restrictive corset and a head harness with reins. I?ll immobilize your arms and hands and let the dog lead you to the dog fucking bench and watch him fuck you. I may even have you wear ballet boots. The audience will go wild over watching the dog lead you, strutting carefully in your boots toward the bench and then fuck you.?
?I?d love to try?, she said, but ?we?ll have to do something different with the dog. Remember that Annamarie had her hands loose to guide Prince into her cunt and I think it might be better to wear fuck me pumps -- very high heels --
with shoe locks. I may need some flexibility dealing with moving around with the dog. I?ll wear ballet boots but for a different show routine. I?m not enthusiastic over the pony suggestion. Anyway, the owner does a good job herself. We don?t really need you or me to fuck the pony but?. It is tempting.
The idea of that cock buried deep in my cunt is appealing but I?ll settle for Phillipe ?the hung?. I could do as many shows with him as he could tolerate each day. Oh, damn! Do I want him in me!?
?It sounds as though you are interested in joining us, Angie, c?est vrai??
?Yeahhh, I?ll do the dog if you promise me Phillipe, but no pony -- it looks like more trouble than it?s worth.?
?More trouble for you but you?re looking at it from your perspective only. The audience will love it!?
?No, if you hire the Pony, hire the girl, Ilsa. She?s experienced and its her damn pony. H?m, I just had an idea. Suppose we put a strap-on on the pony where a saddle would be placed and lower me onto the dildo and walk the pony while I supply sound effects. Or? attach a big dildo to the saddle and force me to sit on it. Picture your sex slave girl being hoisted by her wrists up off the floor then lowered with her legs pulled apart and helplessly dropped onto the big dildo. Then tie my legs together under the pony and chain or tie my wrists to my neck collar. It?ll be one fine show and Ilsa can run the pony in a circle while I again, provide sound effects.?
?It could work Angie, lets wait until Hans returns from his flights and we can discuss the business. We must look at costs, revenues, performers, advertising, etc. We can?t really go into this enterprise as a hobby -- we should know what we are doing and where we are going.
In the meantime, Angie baby, lets go to the farm and have some fun.?
The Old Hooker -- Chapter Four
Lisa hung there naked, suspended by chains attached to her wrist cuffs fruitlessly trying to kick her tormentor who stood back laughing as she waited for clear shot at Lisa?s naked body.
Whack! Scream!
Whack! Scream again!
?Scream all you want Lisa, no one will hear you. I?m going to flog you until you confess that you were a bad girl and did not satisfy your husband. Your screams are but music to me. Your husband is paying me plenty to ?educate? you in the ways of wifely conduct.?
Whack! Whack! Whack! Screams! ?Please stop! Please!?
?I?m tired of hearing you plead. The minute I stop you?ll forget!?
Whack! Whack! Screams!
?Want more? I?ll try the dog whip now, the flogger doesn?t seem to convince you to behave!?
Crack! Whack! ?Yeeow!!! Please don?t, I can?t take any more!?
?If I stop and let you down will you suck him off as he requests or do I continue??
?Oh, please, I?ll do it -- I?ll do it!?
Janet, the Mistress of Discipline lowered Lisa to the floor, knelt her and chained her into position for pleasing her husband. She called to him -- waiting in an ante-room -- and asked him to come in and greet his wife.
Rolf entered, opened his trousers, produced a hardening prick and advanced toward his now compliant spouse Lisa.
?Lisa my darling, I?m so happy that we?re going to expand our lovemaking into oral sex. Suck me off, darling, I?ve waited so long for the pleasure.?
?Go to hell! Rolf! God damn you. I don?t want to suck cock -- yours or any other cock!?
?Well Mistress, you haven?t convinced her. You?d best repeat the lesson. This time don?t be so gentle.?
With chains still attached, Lisa was hoisted up until her toes were off the floor and the whipping resumed.
Whack Whack Whack Whack!!! Scream followed scream as whip marks started to appear on Lisa?s body.
?Well Lisa. Enough?? the Mistress asked with a mixture of fatigue and asperity.
?No! God damn you no!!! Goddamn you you bitch! How would you like it??
?Oh Lisa, I?m getting tired, I think I?ll just let you hang there until I?ve had dinner and then we?ll resume. Rolf is paying me by the hour so I?ll be happy to continue your ?education? into the evening. In the meanwhile just a few good whacks.?
Whack!! An unearthly tortured scream came forth from Lisa and she fainted.
The concerned Mistress took smelling salts and a wet cloth, reviving her.
?Did it hurt Lisa? You seem to have fainted or was that just an act? Shall we continue or wait until after my dinner??
?Stop! I?ve had enough! I?ll suck the bastards cock but he?d better watch out! He better never go to sleep without locking his bedroom door or he may wake up with no cock to suck! I am furious! The bastard can buy all the whores he wants but no, he picks on me, his wife who he knows does not want to suck his fucking cock for him. I?ll do it, but God help him!!!?
?Rolf!?, Mistress shouted, ?Lisa is ready for you -- enjoy!?
Rolf re-entered and Lisa sucked him to a climax, reluctantly, without pleasure and swallowed most of his stored ejaculate. He wiped himself off, removed Lisa?s cuffs and the three of them bowed to the audience for rounds of applause.
?Good job, Angie, well done. You played Lisa to the hilt.? She whispered.
?Now for your reward.?
?Folks, she played that so well that I?d like to reward her. What would be a good reward for someone who loves cock? Yessss! Cock! Does anyone in the audience have a cock big enough to satisfy this horny girl? Don?t all answer at once.?
A fellow stood up and shouted, ?Me. I can satisfy her!?
?What?s your name guy??
?OK Phil, but you have to do in public. Right here. Right now. In front of everyone and you must use a condom. OK??
?Sure if you have plus sized condoms.?
?I?ll show you!?
?Of course you will. Strip and wheel it out!?
?Oooo well!, I?m impressed. What do you think Angie??
?Ohhhh? ahhhh? lets get to it. Over here my friend! What?s your name??
?Phil, I told her -- the mistress girl!?
?OK Phil, lets stiffen it up a little and have at it. That means lets fuck!!!?
Angie jumped up onto the bed, spread her legs wide and high, inviting him in. And yes indeed they fucked a while. Janet had seen and done so many in her lifetime she had to resist looking bored as her good buddy Angie and the hired stud fucked as though their lives depended on it.
Angie came first, then Phil and in turn they took their bows before the appreciative audience.
Janet announced, ?ladies, it looks like the men are having all the fun. I can offer some pleasure for one of you ladies. Any interest??
One lady piped up timidly and asked, ?what would you do? to me? or for me??
?A special little vibrator exhibition. Every lady who has done this has been well pleased. If you?re displeased, we will stop. You will be on display. It?ll be a nice chance to show your acting ability and show off your body. Not only that, you will be on display for the whole show and have a great view of the evening?s proceedings and we will refund your entrance fee if you wish.?
?How long will the show last??
?About two hours and I guarantee you you?ll love every minute of it. I can use one or two ladies but no more.?
Two volunteers stood up and came to the stage. They were both young adults appearing to be sisters. The mistress showed them the apparatus they would use.
?Girls, as you can see we have a round plastic pipe horizontally attached to two uprights. You will straddle the pipe and we will raise the pipe until it is snugged up against your crotches. Fortunately you are about the same height making it easier for us to adjust. Now girls -- strip -- all the way! Now straddle the pipe and we?ll lift it as far as possible, lifting you on to your tiptoes. Now we?ll strap you to the uprights and strap your ankles to the pole and your hands cuffed above you. Good! Now the vibrators. I?ll fasten each one to the pipe pushing it firmly against your clit. You won?t be gagged so you can emote as much as you want and also tell us to stop or speed up or whatever. Remember, I said this would be for pleasure. You will enjoy it. If you don?t, tell us and we?ll stop.?
The girls looked at each other grinning with anticipation. Mistress turned on the vibrators and the girls started squirming and mewing.
?Fun girls??
?Oh yeah, they answered in unison.?
?Well girls, get comfortable, you have a couple of hours to watch the show and be watched. There are more things we can do for you if you wish. Just ask.?
?Oh wow!, this is great! What more can you do??
?Oh my God girls, you?d be amazed! This is your time to fantasize girls, tell me what you?d like.?
?Can you tie my breasts??, asked one.
?No dear, yours are very cute, perky but not big enough for tying but I can attach nipple clamps with bells.?
?Oooo, that might hurt.?
?It might? a little? and you have to shake them to make them tinkle but it?ll be so cute -- the audience will love it.?
?OK, let?s try it! I can tell you what my sister likes.?
?Shut up Cindy!?
?She likes to be spanked. She won?t admit it but she does like it.?
?Well! Young lady, I?ll not do anything you don?t want. You?re here as a volunteer but many people like to be spanked as part of a sexual experience. I?ll be happy to do it for you. You must tell me each time to hit you and then thank me for doing it.?
?A little later perhaps, this vibrator claims all my attention -- however, I have rings in my nipples, maybe you?d like to hang bells from them and each time you spank me the bells will tinkle merrily.?
She punctuated that comment with a loud cry as she had her first orgasm.
The girls added so much to the show that the performers were miffed.
Janet mollified them but asked the girls if they would be interested in performing as part of the show? for money this time. The two sisters indicated they would but wanted to be disguised for fear of discovery if they performed for a long time. Janet said, ?Certainly, there are many ways we can disguise you and make it part of the show. You could be leaving a masquerade party, still dressed and ?accidentally? become part of the show. Volunteer appearances, to be believable should have you use some facilities yourself or yourselves without the staff ?coercing? you. For example, I could ask for a lady from the audience who would ride the ?machine?, i.e. the fucking machine. You would approach, still masked and enjoy yourself very noisily on the machine.?
?I?d like to have one more lady volunteer for a light bondage display. Anyone interested? It?ll be fun -- I assure you.?
A nubile young woman, well endowed timidly stood and asked, ?what do you have in mind??
?We?ll take your top off, bind your arms and have you walk around a little, showing off to the audience. You?ll keep your bra on and your skirt. You need more sexy shoes -- I?ll see what we have for you. OK??
?Uhm -- OK!?
?Go back behind the screen and look for a pair of fuck me pumps, take your top off and return. Then in view of the audience I?ll tie your arms and hands and you will simply be on display for the evening or as long as you wish. If the bondage becomes too stringent, we?ll change or loosen. We want you to have fun waggling your boobies in front of the men who?ll drool but not touch.?
While we?re waiting for her to appear and do her erotic strut ladies and gentlemen, it?s my turn now for some pleasure.
?Angie, bring out the mechanical pony for me, please, I feel like having a good ride.?
?You see, my friends we have here a mechanical pony. It looks realistic -- so realistic you might want to have a photo of yourself taken while you are riding it. It has a special feature. Projecting through the saddle is a dildo!
Yes! A dildo. The dildo is controlled by machinery that projects it, rotates it and vibrates it, all under the control of the rider. You can mount the pony for a ?little ride? and have the ride of your life. Don?t all volunteer at once -- I?m first!?
I pulled down my panties, put my foot in the stirrup, swung myself up and onto the saddle, putting my other foot into the remaining stirrup, carefully lowering myself onto the dildo then I wiggled myself into a comfortable position. The controls on the saddle horn allowed me to start the dildo. I selected an automatic sequence that would take me through all the functions so I could enjoy to the uttermost. Twenty minutes later I dismounted, disheveled, gasping, throat raw from screaming. I turned to the audience -- transfixed, finally applauding.
?Well!?, I gasped, ?anyone? It?s free! Ill put on fresh condoms for you.?
Two women lined up, took their place on the pony one by one and treated the audience to a true masturbatory spectacle replete with much screaming and moaning.
That night after the show, Janet and Angela returned to Janet?s home outside of Amsterdam. The hired stud lived in the city.
?Have you had enough for one night Angie? How was Phil the stud? Shall we hire him again or try someone else?
?Jan, he was quite satisfactory but I think we should have at least two studs.
I could take one after the other if for example you have a bidding contest awarding a first and second winner. Alternatively I could have both together -- oops, my cunt is twitching just thinking about it.?
?Ya know Angie, we still need to break in the mutt as part of the show. I think that he would be great for an interlude between studs. I also think that the young ?volunteer? girls will also add a lot. They were young and pretty and quite willing. I might be able to use them in other ways -- for example they might like to fuck the mutt or be flogged -- who knows.?
?Good idea Jan, but let?s try to find Phillipe the hung. If you can get both those guys to fuck me, I?ll try anything for you -- even the mutt or the pony.?
?Deal Angie, a deal!?
Hans returned from his flight tour -- Janet met him at Schipol and brought him to the farm and updated him on the show progress.
?Sounds good, my sweet Janet. I?m anxious to see your dog and pony show. Is Angela interested in participating??
?Yes, but only if I can guarantee her both Phil and Philippe simultaneously.?
?Shouldn?t be a problem Jan, they work for money. If Angie is ready and willing, call them up and see if they are available for a private session. Then after she?s been well fucked, we?ll spring Duke on her. If that works OK, then the next time we?ll invite Ilsa and Juno and have Ilsa teach Angie how to fuck the pony.?
?I have a scenario for her, Hans. It goes like this?.?
?Ladies and gentlemen tonight we are pleased to introduce Petra, a charming and demure lass from Eastern Europe. She will demonstrate things you may never have seen. She is young and pretty and hopes someday to break into the cinema or theatre so we are protecting her identity by partially masking her face. Petra is unique in that she is insatiable, that is, she can?t get enough cock. But tonight we will try to test her limit of endurance. We have a few special studs and some surprise extras. Settle back and relax -- if you can -- because this show will last about three hours.
From time to time we ask for audience participation so we ask you gentlemen not, repeat not, to have orgasms in case we need you to help test her limits.?
?Ladies and gentlemen! Petra!?
Angie walks out onto the stage, tests the bed and calls ?Phil?, komen sie hier bitte -- fuck time!
Phil enters the stage and Angie removes his briefs -- that?s all he wears -- sucks his cock to erection, lies on her back, legs in the air and cries ?fuck me stud.?
Since this is Phil?s first fuck of the evening, he is good for a good thirty minutes during which they have used almost every position possible.
He leaves, she looks at the audience, shrugs and calls for the next stud, Philippe. The event is repeated. Philippe lustily fucks Angie who shows no signs of fatigue. He finishes in less than twenty minutes, Angie calls for a volunteer from the audience. Receiving no response she calls out ?Boss girl, bring me the Duke!?
I bring out Duke, Angie pets him, talks to him, leads him to the ?dog bench?, squats down beside him and washes his testicles and his prick. His erection grows and she lies down on the bench and guides him into her pussy. Duke has been well trained, loves Angie and mounts her enthusiastically, humping vigorously, finally having an orgasm, relaxing, spurting, finally withdrawing. Angie retreats behind a screen to douche herself, preparing for the next round. She reappears looking refreshed. She has attached bells to her earlobes and put on her patent FM pumps. The jarring of her walk causes the bells to make noise. She parades in front of the audience and asks again for volunteers, explaining that she has a compelling need for continual cock. She says ?I can?t pay you, I have so little money but please, please, one of you fine gentlemen, please fuck me.?
With that impassioned plea from Petra, three men stood and volunteered.
They were asked to strip and were given condoms which Petra quickly slipped onto the growing erections. These men, however wanted to fuck her one by one and alone on the bed. Angela responded vocally, screaming, screeching, squealing, thrusting herself mightily against her delighted volunteers.
An hour later the three men were played out and returned to their seats after having been washed off. Angie again cleaned herself off and presented herself to the astounded audience looking as though she had just left her morning shower.
?Well gentlemen! Who?s next? Personne? Well! Now what do I do? Where are Phil and Philippe? No? Oh well, I guess it has to be Juno.?
?Ilsa, bring Juno in please, he and I have needs. He wants to fuck -- I want to be fucked and those lazy buggers Phil and Philippe are still soft -- cockwise -- that is.?
Ilsa leads in Juno and positions him over the pony bench. Angie washes his cock with a warm washcloth preparing him for fucking. She then lies down on the bench, slithers down the bench until Juno?s cock touches her cunt lips. Angie spreads her legs, wiggles farther down the bench as Juno?s cock is entering her vagina. Finally she has bottomed herself on his cock and he starts humping. She wraps her legs around him, thrusting against him, his cock splitting her cunt while she howls with ecstasy. He comes, grunting with effort -- she cries out -- more! -- more!. She orgasms, thrusting madly against him, her arms wrapped around his chest. She signals she is finished and Ilsa carefully leads Juno from the table, Angela still wrapped tightly to her latest conquest. She lets go, drops off and stands shakily,
her cunt dripping copious amounts of ejaculate both man and animal.
Applause follows, Angela retreats to clean herself yet again. In the interim another lady fucks the dog.
After that interlude, Angela reappears leading Phil and Philippe by their cocks. She reaches upward, holds onto a suspended bar and says, ?OK guys, who wants front and who wants rear? I want you both in me at the same time and I want you to alternate thrusts -- you know the drill boys.
Get to it! The evening?s not over yet and I?m still not satisfied. C?mon guys! Lets FUCK!?
?I like that scenario, Hans. What do you think??
?I?ll let you know tomorrow after I?ve had a chance to review it. In the meantime let?s go to bed. I want to make love with you.?
The Old Hooker - End
A few days later Angela was in the barn giving Duke a blowjob when Hans
returned to our farm and entertainment center.
I was in the farmhouse anxiously awaiting the love of my life.
?I?m so glad you?re back Hans, I missed you so much. I wanted cock but I waited ?. I had to my darling -- I?m wearing your golden collar of ownership and submission. Every time I finger it I recall our solemn vows to each other. That night -- a night of love -- of commitment -- of ecstasy.? It wasn?t quite true, and Hans probably knew that, but it was what he wanted to hear and what I wished were true but it was a very good night.
?Janet, you are enchanting, a surprise every day and especially every night. How has the business been going? Successful? I?ll be back for a week now and I can help.?
?The business has been going quite well and I?ve had offers to sell the entire affair. Frankly, it?s getting somewhat boring. We?re doing about every thing we can think of. Lesbian trysts, homosexual displays, animals and everything in between. The customers seem to like the animal shows and also the two men, one woman fuckings. They get a big kick out of the woman being hung and then ?raped? fore and aft by the men. The women performers love it too.?
I paused, then said it straight out. ?If we were to sell, we could get enough money to buy a place in southern France on the coast. We could keep your Amsterdam apartment and yet enjoy the Mediterranean.?
?Well Janet, I?m a little surprised that after not too many months in business, this business especially, you find it boring. It still excites me though and I?d like to continue for a while. I think Angela will still participate -- when I arrived she was blowing Duke in the barn -- and I?m not sure that she would welcome your disappearance from the scene. She clearly loves you and what she does. She?s a born actress -- a born performer.?
Hans doesn?t know that I retired from my career as a hooker and that I?ve seen and done almost everything conceivable and that yes, I?m getting tired of it all again and would like to retire again -- but?
?You?re right, Hans my darling. Angela is actually a born exhibitionist. She loves to strip and fuck in public. You?re right in that she would miss me -- her old friend -- and her public. But even if we do sell, she could still visit occasionally and do her thing. Not only that, I -- we -- could come north whenever she wants to appear.?
His face fell. I decided to let it go for now. ?But if you wish, we?ll continue. Come to the show tonight. I?ve rearranged the skits a little so that we have performers working simultaneously in different areas of the stage. The result is that we can do more shows per night and still offer the same number of skits.?
?OK Jan, when?s the first show tomorrow? Tonight it?s just you and me. Let?s have glass of wine and cuddle a while before bed.?
?I thought you?d never ask! Red or white? Or how about a brandy? We still have a little Napoleon left over from the last party. Remember that party? Where Angela sat in the salon riding the mechanical pony? That was before she screwed Juno. She was soused that night.?
?Yeh, she had a hell of a time getting herself up to his cock. She wrapped her legs around him and pulled herself up and wriggled onto it and then couldn?t stop screaming. What a sight!?
?Hans, I think that alone would make a good performance. Maybe Ilsa would like a break and it would really please Angela to replace her. Yeah Hans, the more I think about it, the more I like it. The sight of Angela wrapping her legs around the pony and pulling herself up was priceless -- and then her scream as she forced herself onto his cock! What a show!?
Hans was now listening attentively. Getting back into the groove. ?Hans, we need to try a submissive man and his dominant companion. It would be fun for the audience to watch as she put him over her knee and spanked him or? she could have us strap him to the cross for her to flog him. H?mmm.?
?Oh God, Janet, you?re making me so hot talking about that. Do you think we could find audience members who would do that or might we have to hire a pair of plants??
?Either way Hans, either way!?
His imagination began to work. ?Oh yes, Jan and suppose when she took his trousers down, we discovered black satin panties. She could make good sport over that revelation. She could make him undress to his panties and there are so many erotic things -- games -- she could play with him. She could make him kneel, call him her bitch -- her sissy -- and make him lick her pussy. She could humiliate him by making him cuff himself to a pole and beg her to flog him. Janet! This is making me so hot!?
?Yes Hans, it is good erotic fantasizing. Would you like me to do that to you my darling Hans? Would you like to be my little submissive sissy, Hans?? I smiled at him seductively. ?Would you like me to make you dress as a woman and play erotic games? Perhaps I could dress you and we?d go out on the town as two girlfriends.?
Then I came to my senses. ?No? it wouldn?t work Hans, your face is too masculine, shoulders too broad.. All the reasons I was attracted to you negate any possibility of your passing as a woman. But? you could put on panties and I could spank you.?
?Oh no Janet, I am the man in this relationship. If there is to be any spanking I?ll do it. In fact, come here -- now -- and bend over my knees while I administer some husbandly training to my darling and submissive wife. How many spanks would be sufficient to persuade you that I am your dominant man -- your alpha male, Janet??
I hadn?t felt like this ever! My mind exploded! My God! What is happening to me?? I was thinking. ?This is soooo erotic. Suddenly I want my man to possess me -- to own me -- to spank me hard -- to let me know of his power and his love.?
He sat down -- watching me -- as I fought with myself. I had always been -- was always the domme -- secure in the knowledge of my position. I had always controlled the men in my life and my profession. Even when I was performing fellatio I was still the dominant partner. My shoulders sagged, I walked to him, put my hands on his thighs, lowered myself to my knees and draped myself over his legs.
?Janet?, he commanded, ?Pull up your skirt. Pull down your panties. When you can stand it no more, beg me to stop!?
I lost count. I refused to cry. Perversely I wanted more and more. I wanted him to control me, yea, to punish me -- yes -- a catharsis of my past. He continued to spank me. I started to cry. I started to beg -- beg forgiveness -- begged him to stop.
?Hans!? I wept, ?please? please stop? I?m sorry? I?m so sorry Hans, will you forgive me??
I didn?t know what I was saying but I suddenly realized a monumental truth -- I wasn?t a dominant with him any more. I couldn?t ever be with Hans ever again. What I was really doing, from a deep need, was asking forgiveness for having been a hooker. I was ashamed of it. But even more ashamed that he didn?t know, and that I could never tell him. That this had to be my secret from him forever.
That sordid realization shattered my usual equanimity -- destroyed my self confidence. I suddenly realized that I must get as far from my past as I could. And from my present. I must leave this sex business forever and live a decent life.
?Hans, my darling Hans, I have just experienced an epiphany. While I was over your knees. I can?t explain it. But I can?t help it either. I must sell the business and buy a home in the south of France, as I mentioned earlier. It?s no longer an option for me. It must be done! There is no alternative if I am ever going to be a happy normal wife. I hope you will understand and not question me.?
I?d fallen to my own knees now. Praying! Weeping! Looking up at Hans desperately!
?Oh Janet, my dear Janet,? I heard him say through my sobs. ?I love you and I want what?s best for you. What you know is best for you. Sell it. Sell the business. I know we?ll have a good life without it.?
And hearing that, I truly wept. Joyfully.
? Janet Baker - 2009
Most of my life, I always figured hookers were druggies. Never even questioned it, a hooker, must be that she's an addict that can't function in the real world and just fucks to get more drugs. Makes sense, right? Well, not really, but that didn't matter because I never really cared to think about them. Unless I was roleplaying as one for my husband, but that's different. I'd dress up for him and we'd pretend that he was picking me up off the street and I was just some college girl trying...
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Cuckold Porn SitesDaddy's Little Hooker© Shyblueeyes1968 2006-2009MF, teen(18+), i****t, spank, anal, oral.Summary: the Father, Mike, feeling frustrated, goes in search of young whore, and ends up having the shock of is life when the girl he tries to pick up, turns out to be his 18 year old daughter, unleashing his repressed i****tal desires. This story is based upon a series of chats and cyber chat with women, and incorporates various ideas from chatting to several women. However, it is fiction and none of the...
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Mike was feeling increasingly restless. Susan, his 18 year old teenage daughter was staying at her friends, and he had the house to himself. Just him; all alone. Just him and the computer, with only his frustration and loneliness to keep him company. He was flicking through some teen porn pics, the one’s he liked, the one’s that he secretly knew, but his conscience self denied; most resembled his Susan. For a brief, unguarded moment, he allowed her to slip naked into his mind, his cock...
Introduction: How my wife turned into my Hooker Let me start off my saying my wife Aimee is absolutely stunning. She is 58, 105 pounds, dark brown hair, full C and a complete slut in bed. Aimee will do anything I can possible think of and she has a most twisted mind then I. Like last week I came home and she was in her old catholic school girl uniform (which she still fits in from 7 years ago) with a ruler in one hand and and a 12 inch dildo in the other. She said to me, Which one do you want...
Introduction: MY first be easy ******************************* Mike was feeling increasingly restless. Susan, his 18 year old teenage daughter was staying at her friends, and he had the house to himself. Just him, all alone. Just him and the computer, with only his frustration and loneliness to keep him company. He was flicking through some teen porn pics, the ones he liked, the ones that he secretly knew, but his conscience self denied, most resembled his Susan. For a brief, unguarded...
It was 1986 and I was 21 and had been married for less than a year when my husband, Steve, came to me with a problem. Steve owned a painting business and had a crew of 6 mMexicans working for him painitng a new apartment complex here in town. Steve told me that if he could finish the contract a weeek early, he would get a huge bonus. He had promised his crew that if they finished early, he would rent a hotel room, buy them a few cases of beer and whiskey, and hire them a hooker for a party....
One night sophomore yr I decided it was time to lose the V-Card, and I decided it the only guaranteed way was with a hooker. Just riding around with friends nights before I kind of had an idea of where there may be hookers. I ride around town looking for hookers. My idea of what I would find was based off Pretty woman and HBO specials, women walking around half naked. After 2 nights of no luck i do some research and find out that's not how it is. After research I had a good idea of where to...
Grew up in a small town. In high school I was on the football team, had friends, was a bigger guy, but not obese. i was naturally shy when it came to women so I was a virgin all through HS.Fall 2005 I move to a mid-size town for college. Still naturally shy when it came to women. All of freshman year I remained a virgin. Lame, I known. What kind of guy can't get laid in college.One night sophomore yr I decided it was time to lose the V-Card, and I decided it the only guaranteed way was with a...
Jon Douglas had been married for almost twelve years. He was pretty happy; he had a decent job, enough money to support his wife, whom he loved. But their sex life wasn’t great.To be honest it had never been that good at the start of their relationship. She was a bit too timid, even shy. This was why he had, for the past four years or so, visited hookers on a fairly regular basis.He liked to act out his fantasies with a really filthy-minded woman, and this was the perfect way to do it. Around...
Cheatingthe first and the last time i ever picked up a hooker , if you know me you know i love panties and bras and underwear in general . i was driving through the what you call the redlight district of the east end of vancouver bc when i saw a few hookers . observing them i take notice of what they are dressed in more than what they look like . there was this one in particular i had noticed , she was a bit heavy set and had big boobs and a fat ass . in one of my times circling around i noticed she...
“Thank God they don’t know!” she thought with a blush. What they didn’t know was that they were ogling a pair of crotchless pantyhose, with a tiny little pair of panties over them. And that for a few hundred dollars, any one of them could be fucking her. She leaned over to kiss Robbie and Alicia good-bye, careful to keep the back of her flared skirt in a respectable position. “Where are you going today, mom?” Alicia asked. “You smell really nice!” “The agency called last night,” Lori...
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I’d been working with this technology firm about 6 months after graduating from the university. Traveling from one state to another wasn’t my idea of a ‘plum’ position, but the job certainly paid well. I was currently on a 2 month road trip and since all of the locations were close, the company provided a car. My responsibilities were to provide expert technical support for our company’s products and training the customer how to use them. When I’d first applied for this position, it had been my...
By Dina PetroMy Name is Mira, I was in My early twenties when this happened, being a good looking woman, with very sexy body, I had many options by then, my best female friend, Tina, was living a very comfortable life, although her family wasn’t so rich, Tina is a real gorgeous looking girl with super sexy, curvy body, we almost looked alike at that point of time, I did not think of asking her how did she manage to get the money, she was spending like crazy, although she was my best friend, but...
my wife was a part time hooker *disclaimer* this story is the product of a horny and slightly perverted husband, and unfortunately, is purely fiction. If there is anyone out there who gets off on it I would love to hear from you.There was a time back a few years ago, when the economy was in the shitter, when my wife and I had fallen on hard times financially. She was unemployed and we were over extended on our bills and could barely make ends meet. I am hoping this is why things ended up like...
I had called up maintenance to have one or more of the guys come up to my condo, under the pretenses of doing some work, so that I could get fucked. I was stoned and horny and I hadn't seen my neighbor or boyfriend in weeks. Shawn was gone as usual, since we had been fighting, along with my car, so I was relegated to being by myself. The guy who answered was new and he explained that the staff had recently been let go. He didn't go into detail, but he kind of let me know that other tenants had...
-------- Billiards and the Hooker --------I was sitting at the bar in a rock and roll club not far from the traffic circle just outside Fort Benning. I'd been there for a little while, sipping a beer. The band wasn't too bad, but the crowd was small, not much going on.A skinny little guy, younger than me, long hair, worn clothes, your generic weasel type, had come in and sat down at the bar a couple chairs down. When the bartender came to serve him, he ordered a draft beer and dragged out...
Another poem originally posted under the screen name BrianDamage...and not a true story, btw...I Married A HookerI met a girl who walked the street,I have to say she really looked sweet,Tight skirt of leather and lace,Long hair framed a pretty face,Didn't take much more than a glance,To realize I wanted to get into her pants,Next time I saw her walking by,I chugged my beer and went over to say 'Hi,'She asked me if I wanted to go out,What she did for a living, there was no doubt,Just to make...
I was quite depressive for some time after the abuse I endured in the strict female highschool and I didn't turn myself into a woman for at least two weeks. Then an order from eBay arrived that I ordered almost a month ago a crotchless full body fishnet stocking and a pair of black satin crotchless thongs.That gave me an idea. It was time for me to get a revenge and destroy some dreams as mine were destroyed. I will dress as a hooker and let guys pick me up and then I shall fuck them in their...
OHGirl:“Me and a few guys from the frat were thinking about taking a roadtrip to Boston next week.” James said as I rode his hard, black cock. I had been fucking him on a daily basis for the last three weeks and he was lying on his back, his hands behind his head while I slid on his shaft like a carousel horse. “I heard your sister was dancing at a club there this weekend.” I stated, while I held onto my tits to keep them from bouncing. “She’s there for a week and I sent a text to see if she...
True story from back in the craigs list days:Their add was looking for a MMF threesome. It was blunt and had no photo. At the time CL was wide open and a fairly good source to meet like minded sexual freaks. Later it turned and then finally went away with gvt regulations. They were at a King Motel. I knew they were not fake and not cops. Cops will go to a better hotel. If you have never been to a King Motel... You can almost just drive up and find a hooker. I have. It is dirty. It is not a safe...
Chapter VII George had been sitting on the front stoop, nursing a bottle of Boh when Terry pulled up. He stood up and walked toward the car. Sticking out his hand, he said, “Hi. I’m George. Welcome. Bob said you were making hay today. There’s a hose ‘round back, if you wanna knock the dust off.” Terry shook hands and said, “Name’s Terwilliger, but everyone calls me Terry. A hose doesn’t do very well. I was thinking maybe I’d run over to Mago Vista and jump in the river.” He cocked his head...
NovelsChapter XV They were all sitting at the breakfast table, having a second cup of coffee, when Isolde spoke up. “I have an idea,” she said. “On those nights when I don’t feel like shutting one of you out, would you both mind coming to my bed with me, and just snuggling, and going to sleep that way?” George and Terry looked at each other. “I’m game, if you are,” Terry said. “Okay,” George said. “We can give it a try.” He wanted to say that things might be moving a little too fast, but he...
NovelsMxyzptlk, fifth dimension imp of tremendous power and professional trouble-maker by trade, was bored. Bored bored bored. So bored that he sometimes turned into a wooden board, which also got him annoyed. His normal activity, harassing Superman, had lost its flavor. The boyscout had gotten too good at tricking him into leaving. He had tried switching opponents, going after Wonder Woman for a while, but each time he tried she set a new speed record for tricking him into leaving. The FLASH...
Chapter IV When they got to the gig, Will, the drummer, was just setting up. He nodded to George and Isolde as he fiddled with his equipment. The bass player hadn’t arrived yet, but that was no surprise. He had told George three months ago that he was playing a wedding in Ocean City “on a Friday afternoon, for God sakes! Doesn’t anyone get married on a Saturday anymore?” he had rhetorically asked. “Maybe they got a three-day weekend special,” was George’s laconic reply. “Yeah. So now they are...
Novels“What’s wrong? What’s wrong?”Anthea looked up at her mum as she sat down at the dining table. “Nothing is wrong,” Anthea responded watching as her mum hurriedly dried her hands with a tea towel.“Is the baby okay? Are you okay? Is Jack okay?” she asked as her husband came into the room and pulled up a seat at the table.“We’re all fine Mum,” she responded exasperated with her mum’s anxiety. “I have something to tell you.”“Sit down Helen,” her dad snapped. “Give the lass a chance to speak.”Anthea...
Rick Jones, friend to all superheroes, woke up thinking nothing was wrong. He woke up alone, as he had recently broken up with his longtime lover and wife Marlo. He sighed, the handsome youngish man going to make some coffee. He shook his head, musing on his lot in life, heading over to computer to check the news. For kicks, he went to the Daily Bugle website to see what new bullshit editorial J. Jonah Jameson was putting out about Spider-Man. The headline featured an editorial, all right. But...
As time passed and the urge to fuck kept growing he started surfing around the internet, as it turned out it wasn't very hard to find a hooker, even though it was illegal in his state. Of course they marketed themselves as "escorts" with the implication being that sex was off the table even though everyone knew that was the whole point. He wasn't sure what was the straw that finally broke the camel's back, but something in him snapped and he made the call. After a long conversation on...
Chapter X George woke up full of welts, and itching all over. His back and neck were stiff from sleeping hunched over. He scrunched up his face, and could feel the dried salt on his cheeks. He rubbed his chin and cheeks with his right hand as he turned his left arm toward the light filtering through the front window, and peered at his watch. It said 3:15. He got up and walked into the house as he tipped the bottle up and chugged his now warm beer. He set the empty bottle on the kitchen...
NovelsChapter V Isolde woke up drenched in sweat. The sun was beating down on her and her hair was plastered to her forehead. Her hip ached and she had a crick in her neck from lying on it wrong. She looked at her watch. 9:00 it said. “Damn,” she thought. And then, “I really have to pee.” She sat up and looked around. She was in a field that had recently been mowed. The stubble was about four inches high. There was a woods line about 100 yards to her left. To her right, she could see houses in the...
Chapter V Isolde woke up drenched in sweat. The sun was beating down on her and her hair was plastered to her forehead. Her hip ached and she had a crick in her neck from lying on it wrong. She looked at her watch. 9:00 it said. “Damn,” she thought. And then, “I really have to pee.” She sat up and looked around. She was in a field that had recently been mowed. The stubble was about four inches high. There was a woods line about 100 yards to her left. To her right, she could see houses in the...
NovelsChapter VIIISunday morning, after they had all had coffee, Terry and George took the canoe out to go fishing, and Isolde wandered around inside the house, exploring. She found the pull down attic stairway in the upstairs second bedroom, and went up in the attic, just to see what was there. She found several rolled up rugs, and assumed they were in storage until winter. There was an old Electrolux tank vacuum cleaner, and she hauled it, and it’s attachments down into the main house. Maybe I’ll...
NovelsMy name is Mark Woods and the story I'm about to tell you is true. It happened about five years ago now... I was twenty years old and fresh out of a two-year technical college with a brand new Associates Degree in Computer Sciences.I was in Philadelphia on a job interview–my professor told me of a new company opening up and put in a good word for me, so I was following up on it. I wanted to get into the whole computer security field as my professor told me that was where the good money was and...
MoneyI was quite depressive for some time after the abuse I endured in the strict female highschool and I didn’t turn myself into a woman for at least two weeks. Then an order from eBay arrived that I ordered almost a month ago a crotchless full body fishnet stocking and a pair of black satin crotchless thongs. That gave me an idea. It was time for me to get a revenge and destroy some dreams as mine were destroyed. I will dress as a hooker and let guys pick me up and then I shall fuck them in their...
Early Morning Hooker In the nineties, I carried on an erotic pen-pal correspondence with a woman who earned the name DG late in her high school years. She had fantasies of being turned out as a prostitute and liked having her breasts slapped. I wrote this for her. This is my only story in first person present. I usually don’t like that, but it seems to work here. Enjoy. – Paddler You and I are on the road, traveling across country. It’s summer and hot, so even in the early morning you wear...
Introduction: I push my wife to explore her darker fantasies and take her to back room of a sleazy adult bookstore. My wife and I had reached a point in our relationship where we needed to find new sexual territory. We started to play around with domination fetish stuff. After a while we found that she really got off on humiliation and being degraded. So I started giving her orders to tell me her fantasies and she did her best to obey. At first it was all tame and some of it for my amusement...
I was out of town for work. Had the day off. So I just was chilling in my room. I heard a women laughing. I went to check it out. I had room over looking the pool. As I looked down. I seen her. Sexy black women. Her big tits seem to almost burst out her swim suet. She had guys all around her. Seemed like everyone was flirting. I watched her for a while. Every now and then. she would look up and wave. I did not know why but it made me feel sexy. After a while. she went to her room. I went back...
A few years ago I was driving to work just before 8:00 A.M. I was stopped at a light while crossing a small bridge and saw a beautiful young black woman (so I thought) in a sundress. I had my windows down and happened to make eye contact with her. She came right out and asked me for a ride about a mile in the opposite direction I was going. Even though I am about as gay as a man can get, as she was so young and innocent looking I said ok. She got in my car and I headed where she directed me....
The construction company i work for in Las Vegas sent me to Reno to do a small job for a couple months. I found a place to live and hired 4 guys and went to work. the wife came up to spend the last week with me. it had been over a month since we fucked so the first night we spent fucking like rabbits. My wife likes to pretend she is a hooker and i am her john. on the weekends she will get all dressed up and go walk the streets for an hour or two then i pick her up at a bar. she has had a...
My dad had been sick in cancer for a long time.I drove by his house everyday to give him something to eat.This day was like every other day.I finished work and drove by the grocery store.As i parked outside his house, i noticed a old european car outside his house.Didnt think much about it as a walked to dads front door and rang the doorbell.I just heard dads voice "Come in , son!! "Entered the old house and walked in the kitchen.I put the beers and the chickenwings in the fridge.- Come in son,...
Early Morning Hooker In the nineties, I carried on an erotic pen-pal correspondence with a woman who earned the name DG late in her high school years. She had fantasies of being turned out as a prostitute and liked having her breasts slapped. I wrote this for her. This is my only story in first person present. I usually don’t like that, but it seems to work here. Enjoy. - Paddler You and I are on the road, traveling across country. It's summer and hot, so even in the early morning you wear...
Straight SexMy lovely little brown Filipina wife is very attractive and loving caring person. Ella is 5'5'' - which is very tall for a Filipina - and she has a firm slim sexy body with long flowing black hair. I married my wife in Philippines four years ago now and in spite of the twenty years age difference - my wife is 29 years old - we have had a very good marriage. Apart from cooking, my wife enjoys sex every day and she is a very good lover. She even had her tongue and pussy pierced to be able to...
Chapter XVIII Wednesday morning, they all three awoke at the crack of dawn. Isolde wondered if their new-found camaderie, or maybe love had recharged all of them, and made them want to wake up early, to be together.George spoke first, saying, “Good morning, you two. I love you guys.” Then, springing out of bed, and turning toward Isolde, he said, “If you don’t mind, I’m gonna hop in the shower first, so I can get my ass off to Glen Burnie.”“Are you sure you don’t want company?” Isolde asked,...
NovelsChapter XVI While they were sitting out on the porch, George started having second thoughts again. He was sitting in one of the rockers, with his feet up on the crossbar, and suddenly sat forward, and planted both feet on the floor. He stood up and turning, said over his shoulder, “I gotta got to the bathroom. I’ll be right back.” He went through the front door and down the hallway. After he left, Isolde said to Terry, “I think he is having some approach-avoidance issues with this whole...
NovelsUther By Ellie Dauber (c) 2006 Introduction According to the legends of King Arthur, Merlin changed Uther Pendragon into a double for Duke Gorlois, so he could spend the night with Ygraine, the Duke's wife. Ygraine and Gorlois had three daughters: Elaine, Morgause, and Morgan le Faye. During their time together, Ygraine became pregnant with the child who was to become King Arthur. Uther's men killed Gorlois that same night. This is my TG (of course) version of what...