TECHNOSEXUAL free porn video

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By Dorothy Strangelove

He was more than an ordinary man. He was far, far more than an ordinary man.

One thought about the soft warmth of his skin and what lie beneath it made my heart beat faster and every nerve in my body tingle. I was sure as I was briefed on my latest patient my pupils had started to dilate but this was a busy place and no one would have bothered to check me for outward signs of arousal the way I was checking me.

"He's a 20-51." My supervisor told me, "I thought you might like to experience knowing one of the earlier models. He's not a cyborg or an artificially enhanced robot, he's a genuine hybrid."

And she thought I was excited because I would get to work on a hybrid instead of the usual machinery that I fixed. My thoughts were leaning towards everything that could make me tingle until she told me more.

"He's a legally recognised 'humanised' hybrid, looks human, has artificially replicated human skin, on the outside he looks like one of us. He was created in 2051 as a protection agent for a political leader and he served in battle during the desert conflicts of 2110. He's got medals for valour in battle and he's almost a hundred and fifty years old but he doesn't look a day over forty. While his skin will never age his inner workings will, and parts are becoming impossible to find for replacement now. He was working in military intelligence and was involved in an explosion. He has a ninety-year-old power cell that can't be replaced. It was cracked so we had to remove it. He's plugged into a battery device but we only have one left and when that runs out, that's it unless we can find another power cell to implant, and it's extremely unlikey."

"So he will die?"

My supervisor rolled her eyes and shoved his notes at me.

"He will shut off, Clara. His name is Blaze, by the way. Oh, and don't get too attached to him!"

I felt my cheeks growing scarlet. If only she knew the real reason why I'd become a technician and nurse to the cyborgs and human-type androids that came to this hospital to get fixed, get parts mended or replaced...I had grown up seeing the development of cyborgs and real warriors, combinations of man and machine that had been developed with the natural evolution of our human intelligence, seen some of them come back from war and the very thought of running my hands over a real hero, a man who had even the tiniest bit of metal attached to his bones, buried in his flesh, making him a real man of steel, made my heart pound and my juices run...a man couldn't get any more special than that for me. I had lost my virginity to a man with very obvious cyborg implants that had shown over the surface of his skin, from that day on there had been no looking back. It was my dream to find a lover who was outwardly human in appearance but almost or even totally machine beneath the surface. Blaze fascinated me already and I hadn't even met him yet. It saddened me to think he would soon shut down forever, but with the hope that a replacement part could be found I had to think that the outcome may not be as black as it seemed.

I made my way to his room. As I walked I thought some more about the 20-51. I'd read about his kind in history books but never thought I'd get the chance to meet one. His was a model no longer made because this type of android had been considered so human in appearance and intellect that eventually they had been legally considered as human, this bringing the production to an end because it had been decided that it was 'unfair' to create a machine that would effectively understand and feel suffering when sent into a perilous situation. Clearly Blaze had thrived on his abilities. A man of steel and a true hero. I was captivated already.

I paid no more attention to his file that had every page marked Classified, thinking only of the curiosity and desire building up inside me. I went into his room and closed the door behind me. Here at this facility I knew I would not be disturbed, I was assigned to this patient and no one else would bother me at this time. I left the notes on the table and went over to his bed.

Blaze was nothing like I had imagined - he was even better than that. I had seen many cyborg men who were more machine than man, pumped up powerhouses of muscle and hydraulics, too big and unattractive to my taste. Blaze was nothing like this. He was handsome, slender and athletic, and looked completely human. He looked at me with eyes as blue as a summer's day.

"Hello Blaze." I said, "My name's Clara, I'm here to take care of you."

Blaze was lying in bed with sheets folded down at his hips. He was half sitting up supported by pillows and I could see bruises and cuts that were starting to heal on his synthetic human skin. Just below his ribs on the right side a plug connected with a socket and the skin that had been peeled back to connect him was protected with a dressing. Around it I saw metal beneath, the only clue that said this man was anything other than human.  The plug ran to a black box that showed a pulsing green light, so far so good, this battery had a lot of life left in it, maybe another two weeks.

"Clara, I have some discomfort in my shoulder, it goes three layers deep into the skin. My outer structure is completely human in design meaning that I not only sense touch as a human, but I also feel pain."

He felt pain? This gave me a bit of a jolt. I was used to seeing men with artificial skin who could feel cold and heat and pressure, but not a man like Blaze who could feel pain.

"Please don't be concerned about this as my bone structure is metal and feels nothing, I term this as surface pain but it would be wise to clean my wounds again to enable my healing process to begin, even if it is only for a limited time, as this will improve my comfort."

And then he smiled.

"Which is your reason for being here, I believe."

I smiled back at him. I felt my cheeks growing hot, he was so attractive, he was so charming, he was so handsome, he was a machine too! He was everything I'd ever wanted. I wanted to take him home with me. But then I remembered the battery he was plugged into. Blaze was still functioning because of a temporary replacement for his damaged powercell, and that was all.

"I'll take a look at your wounds." I told him.

I bathed his wounds and applied antiseptic cream, once when I touched a deep bruise on his shoulder he tensed a little, again this was new to me and I said sorry.

"Don't be sorry," He told me, "I am much more comfortable now. Thank you, Clara."

He took a deep breath and rested more comfortably.

"I really do feel much better," He stated, "If I was not missing a vital component I'd take you outside and show you why hybrid machines put the sex into sex machine."

I looked at him sharply.


He smiled again and my heart melted.

"Humour is not out of place in this conversation and due to my weakened state I can't run a scan but based on your reactions to me I would say there is an attraction, both to me and to my composition.."

I laughed. He was looking at me playfully with sparkling eyes and the thought was running through  my mind that he was the most charming man I'd ever met. Not the most charming machine, or cyborg, or anything like that at all, simply the most charming man. It was almost as if I was trying to wish him human. My cheeks were burning and I was feeling like a teenage girl with a crush.

"I like your kind of man, yes, it's true I like you very much, I would say there is an attraction too."

Then Blaze closed his eyes and tensed, as if a wave of pain had gone through him. He breathed out heavily.

"Power surge...inevitable consequence of battery device..uneven power flow. Temporary override, shutdown.."

And Blaze fell still, his eyes closed, as the lights on the black box shot upwards sharply and changed to red, then blinked low before returning to green and a steady flow continuing.

I was not alarmed by this. I had seen androids use these power boxes while waiting for replacement power cells and often the flow of power was not enough and the robot's power point would try and draw out more input to compensate, leading to a kind of short circuit. Occasional events like this were harmless as their built in safety program would shut off the harmful current and work to regulate the flow, but a regular occurrence would lead to internal damage that could not be repaired. But in his case, Blaze had no other options right now.  I watched him, the power flow was back to normal but after five minutes, which was average for this kind of shut down, he had still not started up. I started to feel anxious, a strange kind of fear was creeping up on me and in that moment I knew I couldn't deny I had feelings for him that had begun the moment our eyes met. The thought that he was a machine beneath his skin had no bearing on my emotions right now. I just wanted him to come back to me.

I sat beside him on the edge of the bed, stroked his face, spoke his name softly.

"Come on, Blaze," I said quietly, "Come back, wake up."

I was speaking from my heart, certainly not from my commonsense, he was not human and would not respond as a human, but all the same it didn't stop me from trying. I stroked his arms, ran my fingertips down his body.  He was still off. The longer he stayed shut down the more it said to me his system was struggling to correct itself. I blinked away tears. I had spent years looking for my ideal man of steel and now I could not bear to think he would never start up again.

"Blaze, please.." I whispered.

I heard a faint beep. He opened his eyes.

"Power at forty percent. Closing down non-essential applications. Running Program 'Blaze'."

And then he was back. He smiled at me.

"If I was not missing a vital component -" Then he paused, said, "Error...Did I just shut down?"

"For about seven minutes. What did you mean just now when you started up? What's program Blaze?"

"When I am not running other modes I use Program Blaze. I designed it over a number of years, to use to interact with humankind."

He had created his own personality? I felt that warm feeling flowing through me again.

"You do it very well."

Blaze had obviously got his systems up to speed now, he recalled where we had reached in our conversation.

"I would be happy to oblige you further regarding our conversation about attraction, but my power levels are running too low and I must lie still to conserve energy."

"Yes, I know."

"Do you have a Virtual Pleasure System?"

I felt myself blushing again. Of course I had one! It was a device that relaxed the user and sent them into a realistic dream scenario, of course it hadn't been long before users had realised it was the ultimate virtual sex toy and started writing their own programs.

"I do have one."

"What kind of preferences do you have? Do you like the image of an aggressive machine or do you prefer romantic love?"

Now I was really blushing!

"Depends on the situation. I like romance but sometimes I like to think about other things."

As I stopped right there, Blaze seemed to understand. He knew how to read people and he could tell I was shy to say something.

"You have fantasies involving the aggressive potential of androids. Also you have thoughts leaning towards enforced sex to demonstrate the power of the machine."

"Yes..sometimes. I hope you're not offended."

"Your reasons do not amount to causing offence,"He told me, "You are a technosexual female - definition - technosexual is a term which loosely describes those who find the thought of androids and cyborgs sexually exciting. Therefore I must diagnose your attitude as a compliment, the ultimate admiration for my kind."

I laughed. I blushed.

"Thank you, it was meant as a compliment."

"Turn the battery up by four percent. I only need it adjusted for thirty minutes. My calculations tell me I will not have another system failure within this time."

"Why do you need the power increase?"

"I have a removable spare chip that will fit your fantasy device. I will write you a program, it will be an effective way for you to experience sex with me in the virtual world, and at this present time it is the only way you can experience it."

I turned the battery up. Androids often knew more about what was going on inside them than technicians did and I knew he was quite safe because he had run his own analysis.

"You may leave me now." He told me, "Return in thirty minutes and I will have it perfected and ready.Then you can go home and use it. I will be comfortable until your next shift, my systems are not malfunctioning. You can go home and have some fun."

"Thanks." I said, giggling at the thought and wondering what he would be writing on that program.

I left him to it, the next half an hour was the most frustrating of my life as I wondered what he was dreaming up. I went outside and sat in the garden, watched as the sun shone down and the flowers bloomed and the whole place seemed to radiate peace. I thought of Blaze and made a wish that he would get a replacement cell before it was too late. I knew I was falling in love with him. Knowing he was so much more than a mere mortal made me want to love him for eternity. I wandered through the rose garden, looking at the crimson blooms with petals like folds of silk, all deep red and smelling like perfumes, wishes and dreams all mingled together. I saw one high up, petals just unfolding, it's beauty yet to reach potential. I reached up and closed my fingers around the stem, snapping it midway down and feeling a thorn bite my finger.  The pain should have made me cry out, but it felt painless somehow, maybe because my thoughts were with Blaze and my own wishes and desires, and the seriousness of his situation. I raised my hand and saw a drop of blood run down my thumb, it trickled in a neat line and ran onto my hand, the stain the same crimson as the rose petals. I wiped the blood away and headed back up to see him, excited as I wondered what kind of program he had created for me.

When I returned I fetched a vase from the kitchen and filled it with water, placed the rose in it and hoped an android could understand what I was trying to say by giving it to him. Blaze was still lying on his back supported by pillows, but as I approached the bed he turned his arm over and indicated to a small, almost hidden panel just below his wrist.

"Open it." He told me.

I placed the vase beside his bed and sat down, carefully peeling back the layer of non-human skin, the only one on his body I had so far noticed, and revealed a gleaming metal compartment beneath. I hit a tiny button and it slid back. Inside was a minature silver disc.

"You can keep it." He told me, "It's just a spare recording device. I have compiled a list of scenarios for you, with multiple versions and possibilities for outcome so the program will never be the same twice and never be unable to interact with your responses."

All this in half an hour? I was amazed. I knew he possessed superior intellect and abilities, but I was truly amazed at this, a single scenario program took at least a month for the average human programmer to build.

"What kind of scenario is it?" I asked him.

His reply stunned me.

"The main menu consists of one thousand possible scenarios. Each theme has a sub-menu and everything is alphabetically listed. I have divided themes into a main menu so you can choose according to your mood. Each program runs for one to three hours depending on how you play it out, unless you choose to end it. Is this what you wanted?"

I nodded, looking at that tiny disc and wondering how something so small could be the key to my dreams.

"Thank you." I told him. As I spoke my fingertip was brushing against wires that led from the metal compartment. He laughed.

"I can't feel that, Clara."

And he flicked his wrist and the compartment slid shut, the cover folding over and melted back seamlessly into his skin.

Blaze settled back.

"I am now setting myself to sleep mode for sixteen hours. This will conserve my energy and slow the demands on the battery supply."

And with that, he closed his eyes.

I glanced at the rose beside is bed. Maybe he would notice it later. He looked as if he was human, lying there in a deep sleep.

I leaned over him and kissed his cheek.

"See you tomorrow." I said softly.

When I got home I showered and didn't bother to get dressed again, I slid naked into the leather reclining chair in the corner of my livingroom and impatiently adjusted the screen in front of me, then slipped in the disc. At first the screen flickered, I had learned a long time ago that the experience was more 'real' if I took in the flickering right at the beginning, it made the trance deeper and the virtual experience so much more lifelike. I was slipping into blackness, like a soft, soft cushion of night on an invisible cloud and I knew it was already starting.

A menu appeared in front of me, white lettering against the black background :

'Sexual Fantasy List by Blaze, for Clara.'  Then the themes came up, among them : Love and Passion Scenarios(Romantic Love), Forceful Male Scenarios, Dominant Female Scenarios, Bondage Scenarios, Role Play a-z Scenarios, Technosex Scenarios. The list went on and on. I was too excited to read through it all (I had forever to do that in my spare time), so I hit the first that excited me, added a plus and hit the Technosex option. Another category came up, Romantic Love/Technosex - options, Clara as nurse Blaze as hero with battle damage, bedroom, repair, tenderness. I hit that one because it was the first one on the list that excited me greatly, although there were many more. Another category came up and I smiled. Sexual activities? I hit several buttons, giggling as 'role play' and 'oral sex' were highlighted, along with 'intercourse' and 'heavy passion'.

RUN??? The screen was asking me. I hit SAVE, then carried on searching through the menus.

I found a listing that simply said Blaze. I chose it and found no sub menu. RUN?? the screen asked me. I hit YES. And the world shifted.

I was standing at the edge of a meadow. The grass was brilliant green and the sun shone clear in a bright blue sky. Little flowers dotted the meadow and Blaze was standing beside me.

"What is this?" I asked him

Blaze smiled.

"This is a quiet place where we can talk and enjoy what humans describe as togetherness. Am I still functioning in the real world?"

I nodded.

"Then I do not need to switch to alternative mode."

"What's alternative mode?"

"A possible situation where you may feel distress and need comfort."

I looked at him. This projection of Blaze was as I'd never seen him in real life, here he was strong and looked entirely human. The thought that he had provided a program to help me get over his loss was quite moving.

"I think you're more human than most men." I told him, "And quite remarkable."

"You may say to me what you wish to say to Blaze," He told me, "In this reality, I am Blaze, remember he is the one who wrote the program."

There was so much I wanted to say. It all condensed to three words.

I put my arms around him and looked into his eyes.

"I love you." I told him.

We embraced for what seemed like forever.

"Yes, I know." He told me, "It is in the programming that you have a strong attachment to Blaze. And that attachment is appreciated and returned, in other words, I am programmed to tell you that I love you too."

Tears stung my eyes. This was Blaze's way of telling me he felt the same, by giving me this massive virtual world to make up for the reality of the real world.

He held me and gently kissed my cheek. I reached for him but he stepped back.

"You will have to exit and try another program, this one is for verbal interaction and non-sexual contact only."

I laughed. Fine. But at least I knew I would always have a place to come and visit the closest I would ever get to the real Blaze when his broken system finally shut down forever.

"Stop and Exit." I stated.

The world grew black and I knew I was back in that virtual menu again.

The saved scenario was next. I told it to Run and found myself in a light, airy bedroom with  a soft, carpeted floor and a big, soft bed with white sheets. It was a beautiful room, relaxing, but I was very much alone. I looked down and realised I was wearing a long, sheer gown that was almost transparent, beneath it my breasts were prominent, nipples showing beneath the fabric. The neckline was low and plunging, my tits looked as large as they really were, and it made the most of them.  On the table beside the bed was a bowl of warm water and some cream for his wounds, this was a scenario not unlike the real one I'd had with him, except here, he was capable of anything. The door opened and Blaze came in. As I looked at him my heart missed a beat, he looked totally human, strong and flawless. He took me in his arms, it was a literal steel embrace where he swept me close and held me, his eyes locking with mine.

"I'm back from the war,"He told me, "I'm back for good this time."

His lips touched mine. As we kissed my head swam with desire and my legs grew weak. I wanted him to throw me on the bed and hold me down with force while he simply took me, but there would be more to come before that happened.

He pulled back for a moment.

"Clara I have sustained some damage in battle and I need you to tend to my wounds."

He took off his shirt and sat on the bed. He had a wound to his shoulder rather like the real one I had treated. I gently bathed it, dressing the wound so that the gleaming metal visible beneath was covered once again with skin which would now heal rapidly. As I  pressed the skin together and covered the wound, I gently kissed it.

"Thank you." Blaze said, then he stripped off his clothes and lie back on the bed. For the first time my eyes wandered over his body. I wanted to kiss every inch of him, but he had ideas of his own.

"I have some pain here,"He told me, running his hand just above his pubic hair, "I require some special attention to this injury..attention that only you can give. With your mouth."

I was down on him at once, sucking and kissing  and taking him all the way down, deep in my mouth, feeling him growing harder as I sucked.

Then he stopped me.

"I am fully recovered from my damage." He stated, and grabbed hold of me and pushed me down on the bed. He ripped my gown all the way from the bottom to the top, completely in half so my naked body was exposed,  spread my legs forcefully and slid his hardness inside me, it filled me up and made me cry out. For a moment I wished this had been in the real world, but then I remembered this was the next best thing and just went with it. He pumped hard into me, whispering, I love you, Clara, while I lie there on my back spread wide and giving him the deepest penetration possible. He thrust into me so sharply my body shook, then he came hard inside me, giving a gasp as he felt a rush of pleasure and his synthetic but very human sperm filled me up warm inside. He drew me into his arms and kissed me again.

"I love you, Clara." He told me again.

I held him tightly. He felt so warm and solid in my arms. Then I Kissed him one more time and whispered, "Stop and exit."

Coming back to the menu, I still felt as if I was floating and I studied the screen as I chose my options: Male Domination, Enforced Sex, rough penetration, female submission. I chose additional options and hit RUN, desire making me impatient for more.

The scene changed fast.

Outside bombs fell and android soldiers fired blaster guns at their human enemy. I was in a bombed-out apartment block, in a room with plaster shaken from the walls and bullet holes punched through the windows and into the door. There was a single bed with a worn mattress, with an iron frame and chains that hung from the bedposts, ragged curtains hung at the windows and I was in a pale, stained, light blue dress that barely covered my thighs.

He kicked the door open so hard it slammed against the wall, the sheer force sent up a flurry of dust and chunks of plaster fell from the wall.  Blaze was dressed in battle armour and carried a heavy gun. A graze across his cheek showed a glint of the metal that lie beneath his skin. There was no trace of the man I had fallen in love with in this version of him. He trained the gun onto me.

"The androids are the true supreme rulers." He stated, "You humans will submit to our will. All captured females must be inseminated with cyborg sperm to infiltrate your race."

He threw down the gun and began to loosen his clothing.

"Get on the bed, human virgin female."

I got on the bed, my heart racing as I marvelled at his imagination to think this one up! He chained my hands and then my legs so that I was spread wide and helpless. . part of me was loving this but at the same time I was a little apprehensive. I knew it was only an illusion but it felt so real, also I had no idea what else would happen.  He pushed my dress up to my hips and roughly spread me open with his fingers. Then he licked me hard, the length of my slit, enough to taste me. He said nothing, simply shoving his cock in me forcefully and pounding hard into my body like a machine, over and over, until once again he filled me with cum. He pulled his cock out and I saw a trace of blood. He spread me wide again and looked at me down there.

"You're definitely not a virgin now." He remarked, "I've ripped you right open."

Then he straightened his battle armour and leaned out of the window.

"Men!" He called, "Human female up here.."

And I realised, what came next was a gang bang..if I wanted it. I didn't, I was into one-to-one in many games, but  only with the man of my choice and no other.

"Stop and Exit." I said.

I felt wet and fucked even though it was just my body's reaction to mental stimulation. I took a few deep breaths and returned to the menu. I chose more options, Romantic Love, role play Nurse/Patient, Uniform, sexual options, oral sex, intercourse.

Then I took a very deep breath as I tingled with excitement as my finger hovered over the virtual button that was asking RUN??? You bet, right now, this minute, I thought, and hit it fast.

The setting threw me a bit at first - I was in a replica of his hospital room. I took a step forward and realised my clothing felt tight and restrictive, one glance down told me why - I was wearing a skin-tight PVC dress, it was white with a zip down the front that ran from the bottom of the skirt to the low cut cleavage. It was so short my stocking tops were exposed, white fishnets and I was wearing a pair of white, high stiletto shoes. I smiled as the thought ran through my mind, Blaze, you have a liking for human females - and their sexy clothing too! He was lying in bed but any signs of his real damage was absent.

"Have you come to give me my medicine?" He asked me.

I smiled.

"Oh, yes I have."

I leaned over him and straightened up his pillows, making sure my cleavage fell straight in his face. Then I straightened the covers on his bed, giving him a good view of all I had on offer.

"Can I get you anything before I give you your treatment?" I asked him.

"No," He said, just open your legs a little wider."

I did, and he slid his hand between my thighs, stroking me, feeling my dampness grow wetter as he touched me some more, loving the fact that I had no knickers on.

"Now I'm ready for my medicine." He told me, sliding the covers back. He was hard and ready for me. I kissed him gently, a light trace of kisses across his hips, downwards slowly into his pubic hair, I stroked his balls and paused to suck them, then kissed his inner thighs, my lips brushing against his skin so gently and slowly as I felt his excitement building. I took him in my mouth and let my lips slide up and down his length, working slowly to please him, taking him deep and slow, taking my time as his pleasure built up. He felt rock hard in my mouth by the time he stopped me.

"I need some more medicine." He told me, "You'd better sit on top for me."

I sat astride him and lowered myself down, taking his length and letting it slide all the way in. I remained passive and let him thrust into me until he needed to feel me thrust too, he placed his hands on my hips and I was moving with him, as our bodies met he was in me so deep his thrusts hit my cervix, then he suddenly gave a gasp and shot me full of cum, slamming his cock into me one final time as he flooded me. His eyes met with mine.

"That was wonderful, nurse."

I leaned down and kissed him, vowing to give Blaze all this pleasure and more in the real world. No matter how I managed, it didn't matter - I would give him this.

"Stop and Exit." I said.

Back in the reclining chair, I felt amazing. I hit the OFF button and the screen paled, flickered and went dark.

My thighs were sticky and although I knew it was purely my own arousal, I closed my eyes and drifted off to sleep, as images collided in my mind I imagined the wetness I felt really was his cum running out of me. I slept naked in that chair for the whole night.

In the morning I thought of him while I showered and dressed. The virtual world seemed to be begging me to return, but I wanted the reality, I wanted the real Blaze. My head was full of erotic thoughts about him as I stood in front of the mirror and smiled back at my reflection: This was my way of thanking him for his gift - a gift of my own. I had put on a scandalously short white mini dress. It was not PVC but the next best thing, the closest I could get to the outfit I had worn in the fantasy. I wore white hold-ups with lace tops that were barely hidden by the hem of my dress. My heels were not very high but added grace to my legs. I pulled down the zip a fraction to show more of my cleavage. Then I was ready to go.

I didn't care that my colleagues stared, noticing I looked rather sexual today. I smiled sweetly at my supervisor as I passed her and didn't look back. I no longer cared what others thought - I was not playing around any more, I had feelings for Blaze. He happened to be an android. So what? He was a hybrid. Considered as human as a person of flesh and blood. I considered him more human than most people I knew. And I knew I was now in love with him.

Then I walked into his room, and reality swiftly kicked in. Kicked in like it had thrown me on the floor and kicked me in the guts with size nine boots with steel toe caps.  Blaze was lying in sleep mode, still resting to preserve what precious energy he had left. He was plugged into that battery and the pulse was slow and steady, feeding him energy to power the whole of his android body, the same body that had been so powerful in the virtual world was so weak in reality. Tears stung my eyes. It was insane that he was going to go into terminal system failure because of one tiny component that was impossible to locate. Blaze could live forever if he had that power cell replaced. He deserved to live, he was a true hero and an amazing person. And I wanted him to live! That was when I decided - I would do all I could to find him that power cell.

He opened his eyes.

"Power at thirty-two percent."He said, "Closing down unnecessary functions. Running Program Blaze: functional."

And then he looked at me. I hoped he didn't notice my eyes had glazed over as I tried not to cry.

He took me out of that mood right away.

"I see you have been running the program. Nice outfit. Did you just run the one scenario?"

I felt my cheeks burning again. No, many, I thought, You've come in me and over me so many times I could take a bath in your cum!

"I ran a couple of them, yes. I enjoyed it very much, thank you, it means a lot to me."

Blaze glanced at the rose beside his bed.

"I do appreciate the romantic gesture. I would demonstrate my urges physically but I am running on low power and it is not advisable. How ever I do appreciate your visual appearance."

My heart sank, I had wanted to live out this fantasy, but I guessed I'd been spending too much time playing in the virtual world. This was the reality and he was running on lower power than he had the day before, always a bad sign.

"I'm going to speak to the director of this facility and find out if there's any way I can try and trace a power cell for you. I know it's already been done but I just want to try myself."

"Statistically there is a 94.6% chance you will fail." He advised me, "Based on current information."

That was the downside to having a conversation with an android. No matter how human he looked, he was a machine that made calculations. Accurate ones.

"Just let me try. I'm human, I need that space to hope and dream."

Blaze made a decision.

"I shall come with you. If I drain the remainder of this battery it will give me extended life providing I don't overstimulate my system."

As a technician I knew what he was talking about. If he took in all the power it would keep him going longer, but at a price, the power surge would cause a series of breakdowns. He would shut off and restart, maybe even damage his system irreparably.

"That's dangerous."

"It is my decision and as you humans would say, there is nothing to lose." He told me, "Switch the battery to drain option."

I walked over to the machine beside his bed. I leaned down and reached for the switch.

"Could you lean further down?" He asked me.

He was looking at my short PVC dress, as I bent over the equipment I felt the PVC ride up, exposing me.

"A little more."

I leaned lower.

"Perfect," He said, "Now I can see everything. I'll think about that while you throw the switch. And stay back, don't touch me."

I flicked the switch.

The lights flickered red. I stood up again. Blaze was flat on his back, twitching and rigid as the power surged through his android body.

Then the lights went dark on the box. Blaze blinked, I heard a hum of power and a brilliant arc of white current shot around his pupils.

He sat up.

"Power transfer successful." He stated.

Blaze had got up and dressed quickly, as I looked at him I found it hard to believe that he had temporarily fixed himself so well. He had put on black jeans and heavy boots and buttoned up his white shirt, then thrown on a black jacket, pausing to pull out a handgun which he checked, then tightened the silencer and slid it down the back of his jeans.

"What's that for?"

"I am always armed, I work in security and my weapon is part of me. Also I am aware that this facility has been investigated and it is the last place I wanted to end up after the explosion, but it was the nearest and I had no option. We will see your director and then leave."

I felt a sense of bewilderment creeping over me, I had not known Blaze was usually armed. I certainly didn't know he had a weapon in his possession. And as we headed up to the director's office on the top floor, as the lift doors closed and we began to go up, I had questions I needed answering.

"Why has this place been investigated?"

"A number of valuable and rare android and cyborg components have gone missing from this facility. It is suspected that there are illegal dealings taking place, mainly in the stealing and selling of parts from non consenting androids and hybrids with human status. I can only guess they are being shipped to wealthy human clients who want to use them to extend their own lives. It's not my investigation, but I heard about it a while ago. This facility is one of the places involved."

My head was spinning.

I had fallen in love with a patient, made a choice to help him and suddenly I was in the middle of something else. I knew Blaze had connections and moved in dangerous circles but this was unbelieveable! I'd only wanted hot sex with an android, and look where it had got me!

The doors slid open at the top floor. Blaze walked up to the closed doors that bore a sign that said, Director.  He paused, fingers hovering over the numerical keypad. Then he began to type, keying in a rapid sequence of numbers.

"Security over ride." Stated an automated voice, and the doors slid open.

The room we stepped into was vast, with dark walls and a wide window that looked out  across the horizon and to the city below.

Blaze went over to the desk and sat down, tapping information into the keypad. I stood back and watched. He worked so fast my eyes couldn't keep up. The screen moved as a blur, reeling off information in seconds.

"We need to report this." He told me, "This is a list of parts allocated to false locations, they are being shipped illegally. The person shipping them is Roberta, your boss."

I leaned against the wall and gave a heavy sigh. Trouble was coming, I felt it in my bones. I never should have got involved, it was my fault, me and machines..they always led to trouble, especially when they had been programmed with military intelligence and battle modes..what a price to pay for wanting a quick thrill, now I was in love with him, too. So what ever happened next, I knew I wouldn't walk away.

"We need to leave," Blaze said, "Forget my power cell, this is too important."

"No, we have to find you one, you'll shut down forever without it!"

She walked in quite unexpectedly, a tall woman in a black business suit that flattered her curves.

"What the devil are you doing in my office?" She demanded, and hit the security call button beside the door.

And I stood there, thinking, This is all I need. I'm standing here in a PVC dress that belongs in the bedroom, I've broken into the bosses office, I'm out of a job and security is on the way. Oh, and Blaze is armed..where did all this go wrong?

"Careful." I whispered to Blaze.

But he was running another program now, the warm and charming Blaze had switched into another mode.

"Scanning." He stated, his gaze fixed on Roberta.

She glared at him as she approached him.

"You can't scan. You can't function. You're broken.."

Blaze stepped forward and as she came up to him, he smashed into her with a swipe of his arm, sending her body crashing into the wall. I stared, this was the first time I had seen him use brute force and his strength was astounding. Roberta was lying motionless, her body a twisted and broken mess on the floor.

"You killed her."

"No,  not kill..kill..kill..kill..kill...kill..killl.."

Blaze fell silent and motionless, frozen in sudden shutdown, standing over her body, his head half turned towards me.

That was when panic set in. Security had been alerted, there was a dead body in the room and Blaze had shut down. I was helpless in this situation without him.

"Blaze!" I yelled, trying to shake him, hit his arm, wake him up. I may as well have been knocking on a statue for all the good it did me.

"Blaze, please.." I begged him.

There was a beep, he blinked, relaxed his posture.

"Running Program Blaze." He stated happily. Then he paused as memory banks began to work.


I had no time for this.

"My dead boss? You just killed her?" I prompted him.

"Oh yes." Blaze said quickly, " Your boss. No, not killed. Destroyed."

He reached down and ripped her blouse, used brute force that seemed like no effort at all and tore away artificial skin.

Beneath metal gleamed, wires and circuits showed and in the the centre of her body, there was a small chamber. He released the cover and drew out a tiny cylinder. It was clear, inside it danced a sparkle of shifting gold that shimmered as if a genie was trapped in a bottle.

"She's a series twelve worker drone, loosely based upon my model but lacking sophistication, intellect and absent of all human based structure. But she does run on a power cell identical to mine. "

Blaze smiled.

"My missing component."

And he held it up and I watched as the light inside it danced.

"What is that?" I asked him.

"An artificial spark of life. The spark of life to those of my kind."

Blaze put the cylinder in his pocket and turned back to her desk.

"What are you doing?"

He was working on the keyboard again, too fast for me to follow.

"Sending copies to the relevant authorities, advising military intelligence of the implications, sending with my pass code so they know it's authentic..and that's the end of the matter."

There was a hiss as the lift outside opened up.

Blaze stood up and grabbed hold of me.

"Apart from security. We will have to shoot our way out of here. Don't be afraid, I will protect you, Clara."

As the men stormed into the room, all I saw was guns, heard shouting, heard someone yell Drop your weapons. They fired. Blaze pinned me behind him and took out the gun, a movement so fast his hand was like a blur, he fired three muffled shots from the silencer and dragged me down behind the desk as bullets peppered the wall.

"Stay down on the floor." He told me, and returned fire again. A bullet hit him square in the shoulder and he pulled back, feeling pain as his skin was punctured, then he straightened up, stood up and fired accurately aimed rounds, seeming oblivious to the bullets that were coming in his direction.

He grabbed me and pulled me up.

The men who were shooting at us lie motionless on the floor. Blaze dropped the silencer and picked up a heavy gun, checked it was loaded then took me by the hand.

"We are leaving." He told me, "Once we are out of this facility we are safe, the authorities know by now and will soon intervene. The rest is not our concern."

We took the stairs to the ground floor. Blaze carried the gun until we reached the bottom, then he scanned the exit.

"Clear." He stated, and left the gun in the stairwell.

We walked out of there, Blaze with his arm around me.

He made me smile as we left, he had whispered,

"Act normally."

We did, but it amused me to think we were walking out of there like any normal couple when his jacket was torn and if anyone had looked closely they would have seen the exposed metal, seen the bullet lodged in his shoulder. But he assured me he was in no pain. He called it 'surface damage only'. But all the same, when I took him home I knew I would more than make him feel better after all this..

I took him straight to the bedroom. He stripped off his jacket and his shirt and lie back while I took the bullet out. The damage was minimal, a small puncture in his steel but he told me to cover it up and dress the wound.

"I have many puncture wounds." He told me, "They are unimportant."

"Are you in pain?"

"Minor discomfort." He replied.

Then he reached up and pulled down my zip. The PVC fell loose and revealed my body, naked except for my stockings. He ran his hands down me, caressing my flesh with a touch so warm and soft I forgot for a moment he was a machine..then I remembered something.

"We should fit your power cell."

"I have enough energy to satisfy you first." He told me, "More than enough."

He drew me down into his embrace, I kissed him deeply, then kissed every bruise and wound on his body from the gun battle. He grabbed me by the hair and pushed me downwards, I needed no words to understand his wishes and obediently sucked his cock, as he grew harder I recalled the scenarios from the virtual world and I longed for him to penetrate me, but he made me suck for a long time, until I pulled back and stopped.

"Blaze," I whispered, "Please, just take it now, please..I'm begging you."

Blaze rolled on top of me, pinning me down. He held my wrists and looked into my eyes.

"I will take you."He promised me, and slammed into me so hard I cried out. This was better than illusion, better than any program I could have run. This was real. He held me down, taking me hard, with passion, as he thrust into me I found myself thinking I loved him as a man, not a machine, I simply loved Blaze. He took me hard, harder still until I was clinging to him and yelling his name and telling him I loved him. Then he buried himself deep inside me and gasped and shuddered as his near-human side took over and he reached orgasm.

He held me in his arms afterwards, kissed me and welcomed a lasting embrace.

As soon as I had recovered from it all, I said:

"Blaze, we should fit that power cell."

Blaze sat up and took the cylinder from the bedside table. He looked at it for a moment and took off the top. The golden spark flew out of the bottle and danced like a fairy before my eyes.

"What are you doing?"I asked him.

He reached out and caught it in his hand.

"It's a piece of magic." He told me, "A genie from a bottle. And genies grant wishes."

"Are you referring to human mythology?"

Blaze smiled and his eyes sparkled.

"No, Clara. It's a genie and they grant wishes. Do you love me enough to wish me human?"

I stared at him.

"Yes." I said honestly, I had thought as I had fallen in love with him that I was loving him as a human man, seeing him as more human than machine, he seemed to know that.

He pressed his hand into mine and the magic spark glowed between us.

"Then kiss me." He said softly, "Kiss me and wish me human."

I leaned forward, my hand tightening in his as the golden light shimmered in our linked hands. Our lips touched, as I kissed a man who was metal beneath his skin, I felt the glow expanding between us, into a shimmering light, our kiss grew deeper, his touch crew warmer, until we were locked in an embrace, mortal to mortal...

And then, I opened my eyes.

I sat up, drew in a sharp breath.

"Blaze?" I said aloud.

Above me the screen was darkened with the words 'Program Ended' fading away.

I sat up.

And Blaze was beside me. I hugged him, kissed him, my Blaze. My human lover. My human lover and genius erotic programmer.

"Did you like it?" He asked me.

I was blinking back tears. Back here I felt as if my wish had really been granted.

"Clara, did you like it?"He repeated, "I gave you everything you asked for, you said you wanted me as the hero, as an android, you wanted sex and action and danger..was it alright?"

I smiled and nodded.

"It was amazing."

"I can't believe you spent so much time having sex with me!" He exclaimed, "I had a lot of other choices in the program but you kept going for the sex option! I like the way I got you to wish me human again at the end. Did you like that?"

"Yes, I did."

I hugged him again and he kissed me gently.

"So it was a nice birthday present?"

I laughed.

"The best!"

"So it's back to the real world now, you'll have to put up with me being an ordinary man."

I kissed him again.

"That," I promised him, "Is something you will never be, my darling."

And as I looked into his eyes, I knew I was right - my Blaze was remarkable. He was inventive, imaginative and adventurous. He was everything I had ever wanted and could ever wish for. He was far from an ordinary man.

The End


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My only wonder was whether Michelle had similarly set a trap for me, since she knew that the house was monitored by my computer system. Regardless, I told her I had a two-day conference and that I would fly out early the next morning. I allowed her to sleep in, for her sake, I said, and drove myself to the airport. I did take a flight, but only a lesson with a friend of mine who was still trying to help me get enough hours to complete my license requirements. When we landed we went to...

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Family NightChapter 6

Rick listened, his eyes becoming round saucers of shock and amazement as his sister sat opposite him in his room, telling him what she had made Don do to her in the movie theater. When she had finally finished the entire story, Rick realized that he had a raging hard-on. He could hardly contain himself. Far from being jealous as he would have thought he'd be, he found that the entire story had stimulated him no end. It opened up all sorts of possibilities that he had never dreamed...

2 years ago
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A Pleasant Surprisenbsp

I really do enjoy my swing life style. Here is an example of one of those times. My lady has this friend, "G" and I wasn't to keen on her. But thank god she lives 4 hours away. I usually bail out on my lady's visits and she is cool with it. But then once my lady begged me to go with her on the next visit. I declined. A few days later she asked me again but said she would make it worth my while. Besides it was a huge cook out that we were going too. -fast forward to the weekend-My lady and I...

5 years ago
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Throwing You a Boner

I hit send and wait. Ding.You roll over to read your message. But, it isn't really a message now, is it? It is a video - of my glossy red lips, sucking on a candy cane.I see your brows furrow in confusion, followed by a smile as your brain registers what you are seeing. You bring your screen closer to your face for a better look. My tongue curls around the crook of the candy cane, pulling it inside my mouth. In and out the candy cane goes as your hand snakes under your covers to find your...

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Elizabeth Grey Part 15 I Am Faithful To My Team

Elizabeth Grey - Part 15: I am faithful to my team. By Carmenica Diaz We had arranged to meet the next morning for brunch to discuss our plans and, as usual, I was running slightly late, so the others were already at a table. I had taken time to ring my mother, Sylvia and Janet to let them know what happened when I revealed myself to my friends. 'Your friends sound like marvellous people.' 'Yes, Mum, they do and they are. I'm very lucky.' 'So are they,...

4 years ago
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Caught with his Pants Down Ch 02

Chapter 2: Surprise! With Roger gone, Katie and Tony knew that they would have the house to themselves for a week and a half. They didn’t waste a moment of it. As the cab was pulling out of the driveway to take Roger to the airport Tony stood behind his father’s incredibly built wife and pressed his rapidly hardening cock against the crack of her heart shaped ass, dry humping her through their clothing. He reached around in front of her to fondle her massive tits asking, ‘So, when do we...

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Jessie is pregnant Jessies revenge

(5th in a series)I had by now excepted the fact that my wife, (Jessie) was going to get or already was pregnant with my bosses (Frank) baby. I was partially to blame for encouraging her to fuck other guys but I didn’t expect her to take their semen. Not only was she letting Frank fill her with his semen but Jessie wanted to have Frank’s baby. Jessie’s once tight pussy was now always gapped open her pussy lips stretched and loose from taking Frank’s BBC almost daily and sometimes multiple times...

2 years ago
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Brandy Returns to the Ranch

I have several Doms I see often and even now two Femdoms that I visit infrequently. But I like variety and my sexual appetite is almost insatiable so I need to see different people for different experiences. I am upfront with them and my Doms all know about the others. Everything in my life was fine until one of my Doms contracted COVID-19, so I had to quarantine for 10 days and get tested regularly; well guess what even though I had no symptoms I tested positive...

3 years ago
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Caught Masturbating

Caught MasturbatingThe house was empty and I was the only one at home. Dad was out and my older sister was about to leave to go visit a girlfriend. It was 10 am and I slept in and got up just as my sister was about to leave for her girlfriends place. She told me dad had gone out to town and I said ok and headed off to the bathroom. When I went in, I knew my sister just finished having a shower, as her hair was still a bit wet. Having a fetish then of wearing panties, I looked in the clothes...

4 years ago
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Cheating Girlfriend And Loving Mom

Hi, this is Ajai from Vijayawada. Everything was going according to the plan in my life – highly paying job, good friends and a beautiful girlfriend. But all of a sudden, my life took a U-turn when I found out that my girlfriend was cheating on me! Whenever I call her in the evening, she would talk to me panting and sometimes with small moans. I was a little aware of that tone as she would talk to her friends in the same way while I was fucking her. Usually, I used to go crazy and fuck her...

4 years ago
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Lady Fucked At Home

Hi friends, Rinku once again with a new real story. This is my 13th story on this site. I am again thanking you for your warm welcome, love, appreciation and suggestions. So now I am taking much time to write new stories. I want to fulfill your expectations. This is the story of that time when I and my cousin went to Chennai for a test of one competition last year. There we fucked a 38 year old lady at her home. She was very beautiful and having a nice figure. Her size was 40, 32 and 38. We...

2 years ago
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Threesome Now we both Love BBC

"Hey, Marcus, you know Sarah, right?" "Who?" he asked. "My girlfriend..." "Oh... yeah?" "Well..." I hesitated, then just blurted it out. "She wants a threesome." "Cool." "With a guy..." He just looked at me. "With you." "Oh." He smirked. "Very cool." "For her birthday, this Saturday. You down?"The day arrived, and Sarah and I went to Marcus' dorm. It was more secluded than mine, and as we walked in, I noticed it was nicer, too. I guess it pays to be a highly sought after recruit. Douchebag. We...

3 years ago
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Trying Something New0

* * * * * Frank, the division manager, called me into his office. He and I had gotten fairly close over the years. My wife, Julia, and I had gone out to dinner with him and his wife a few times, and we had been to parties at each other's houses. “Shut the door,” he said. “Come, sit down.” I did, and he just stared at his desk. This wasn't good. “Frank, what's ....” I began. “Look, Mike, I don't know how else to tell you this. I just got off a conference call with...

2 years ago
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SOFIA Dating Delinquency Prt 3

To sneak out of my parents’ house, I removed the screen from my bedroom window, crawled up through the window well, and pulled close the glass behind me. Keeping to the shadows, I chugged down the street toward Suave’s house. I quickly located his vehicle that was parked on the curb beside his home and found the doors unlocked. With a quick search of the interior I located the spare key that was found hidden in the ashtray. The car started right up and I swiftly drove it out of the...

5 years ago
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Nick and Logan Adventures First time 1

Buzz! Buzz! Logan's phone buzzed furiously in his pocket. Picking it up and discovered it was from Nick. Nick and Logan were best buds even though they were two years apart.The two were neighbors and had been best buds for as long as they could remember. Nick's parents just broke up sadly and Nick had to move to another neighborhood, they were still friends though. Nick was a skinny brunette, while Logan was muscular with blonde hair. It happened to be Martin Luther King Day and the two...

4 years ago
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Gorgeous Jeany Chechi

Jeany chechi was staying at our neighbor’s house for rent. She was at the age of 35 when this incident took place. Her husband was in gulf and his name is Francis. She had two children, a girl at the age of 17 and a boy aged 10. This happened in 1999 December when I was studying for Degree.I was having pretty decent relationship with her till I saw her in birth suit. This happened on mid November 1999 when Francis (husband) came for 1 month leave after 3 yrs. It was on a Saturday and I came...

2 years ago
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The British Sea WarChapter 7

HMS Tenacious Goes to War It had been a wet Autumn, and true to form, the heavens opened just as Lieutenant Commander Mike Smith DSO, the newly appointed Captain of the "T" Class submarine HMS Tenacious, was having his first coffee of the day, in the wardroom at the Royal Naval Barracks at Devonport. Once again, it had been a noisy night with another raid on the dockyard. All the warships that were in Devonport, had added their weight to the anti-aircraft barrage, but as usual it was...

4 years ago
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Jogging with cum on my hair and face

I went jogging in a tight fitting T-shirt, why?My breasts were small, so my nipples were large, and that showed through the tight fitting cotton, two peaks of erotic flesh yearning for a mouth to be suckled.The thought made me wet, and as I jogged without panties, I was interested in having sex, the further away from the relative safety of home, the hornier I felt, two thin layers of clothing clinging to my form, I was a fuck machine, looking for a cock, and one was sitting as I approached, a...

3 years ago
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She Loves My big Black dick

The last few months, my life had hit rock bottomMy wife kicked me out of the house and filed forA divorce, you can say I was up shit’s creek.After two weeks of living in an extended stay hotelI decided to pack my things up and find a New place to live, I got inside of my car and Just drove. After two plus hours of riding I cameTo Birmingham Alabama. I needed access to the internetSo I could search for extended stay hotels. I drove for a few Minutes and I came across a local library. I walked...

4 years ago
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The miracle of the night

Well lets start this from a point of my belief. After reading numerous stories from ISS I alawz believed that some woman is alwaz their who wants to get laid by me and it will happen someday in a very unusual manner, whether a married lady or a maid servant does wants me to screw her wildly and with that hope i kept on tryin hard to get attention either by looking at my neighbor’s maid servant constantly (she is hot by the way) or by looking at the aunties at various places. But my tryst never...

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OpportunitiesChapter 7

When I got to the dining hall for breakfast, my two cheerleaders were already there with an empty chair between them for me. A few minutes later, Sarah and Adrian entered deep in conversation. Sarah came over and gave me a kiss on the cheek, gave a quick hug to the two girls, and then sat next to Cherry. The still sleepy group took up all eight tables with more and more folks sitting at tables adjacent to us, participating in the conversations. The usual loud ruckus was considerably quieter...

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Seminar Day 2 Meeting James

I was running behind this morning, I had overslept which never happened. I blamed it on being totally relaxed when I went to sleep last night from my time in the tub. Had not even heard the alarm. I stopped in the door to the room where the training seminar was being held, I was about ten minutes late, so I was hoping that I would not have to sit up front. There was nothing worse than being late and then having the whole room watch you walk to the only empty seat, the long walk of shame. As I...

2 years ago
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Hidden Fantasy Of Women

Some fantastic reply from readers encouraged me to write one more true story in my busy schedule also. Well I am seema raut with my third story on ISS. Recently there was tension in that couple. Meena and Sahil were married in 2005 and living some distance away from my house. Meena is my friend some 6 months ago. She is complete funny character has no tension of anything happening surrounding and always smiling. She is very close friend of me and shares lot of secret. She trust me well. One day...

3 years ago
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My Kathy

Introduction: She was my biggest fantasy untill that night that it all came true. I was just an ordinary 16 year old boy and she was tthe most beautiful women that i have ever known. Well to be honest she was very beautiful but definently not the hottest girl in the world. But for me there was just something about her that drove me crazy. I wanted her more than any other girl in the world. Her name is Kathy and she was the mother of my two best friends that lived across the street. She is 34...

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Uncle Toms Desire

Uncle Tom barely has a chance to get out of his car before his niece Lilly wraps her arms around his neck and hugs him tightly."I have missed you, Uncle Tom!" He had been gone for a year on business and during that year his niece had on into a fine young woman...very fine. He puts his arms around her has he feels her large DDD breasts press into his chest, he tries hard to keep from getting hard, sure she'd feel it with her body against him as it is.She lets go of him and takes a step back...

2 years ago
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Out of the Past

I am an old man whose eyes have seen much. As with many of us who reach their sixty-fifth year, I live in the past, in ways that perhaps you cannot imagine. This is my story. If ever there was a man who went through life nostalgic for a place that he has never called home, it was I. Having grown up in California, I eventually become an executive at Bio-Rad, a company that markets research equipment. But my heart lay elsewhere. My grandmother Vera, who lived in Merced, was the one who set me...

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