A Routine EnslavementChapter 32 The Fate of A Dancer
- 4 years ago
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The Dancer.
In the summer of 2006 The ‘Upstairs Downstairs’ was one of the most popular nightclubs in London. The ground floor level hosted the dance floor and was furnished as smartly as some of the best clubs. The drinks were very expensive, a bottle of lager would set you back ?8 and spirits even more.
However the entrance fee was relatively very low, ?3 in fact. This resulted in young working class people coming in to dance rather than drink. It still had an exclusive feel though, as over half of those who queued to get in were turned away by the door staff. No reason was given but it seemed apparent that only physically attractive customers were allowed in. Of course this made it even more popular.
Upstairs was a very different story. Here customers paid ?100 to get in, making it the most expensive club in the capital. A bottle of Crystal champagne cost ?200 and a meal could add up to three or four hundred per head. However the furnishing was probably the most opulent in Europe. The chairs were covered in velvet, the tables made of mahogany and golden chandeliers gave a gentle lighting.
Here the clientele didn’t worry about the exuberant prices; they were wealthy people to whom a thousand pounds for a night out meant nothing. Should they wish, they could go down the sweeping staircase to the dance floor, but few did proffering to watch the attractive youngsters dancing the night away. Needless to say; those who had entered the club at street level were not allowed to make the opposite journey upstairs, least not without a specific invite.
And amongst this was the vip area, where only the truly elite dined. The furnishing was even more sumptuous and the cutlery was made of gold. Here there was an excess of waiting staff who somehow managed to remain out of sight whilst not required but there in an instant when so.
There were only a dozen tables here and all were being used, mostly by couples. There were Lords, Ladies and the very rich. Two of Hollywood’s finest were there as was an oil billionaire Arab with the most beautiful English girl one could imagine.
At the table with the clearest view of the dance floor sat three of the most elegant Ladies. They were superbly dressed in silk gowns and adorned with jewellery, the combined value of which was over a million pounds.
Two waitresses and a waiter were in exclusive attendance to this table. In truth this made them a little nervous. These Ladies were up near the top of the list as far as regular customers were concerned and the club’s manager acted upon their whims as if they were law. Unfortunately some of these whims could backfire on the staff. A month earlier a waitress had been dismissed on the spot for spilling wine on one of the lady’s hand. When the girl tried to explain it had been the lady’s fault she was marched out of the club by security and informed she would not receive a reference. The Ladies had laughed about the incident afterwards, they could never fathom why some of the lower order became so attached to their jobs.
Tonight they were in good spirits having enjoyed a splendid meal washed down with vintage champagne. The youngest of the group at 47 was Elizabeth; an heiress who had inherited a world famous shoe company. She took little part in the day to day running of the firm but enjoyed in excess of ten million pounds per annum profit from it. She was a petite blonde who could have had any man she wanted even if she had been poor. However, after two divorces she had developed an interest in girls, particularly the two Indonesians she currently employed as maids.
Sitting next to her was the oldest of the group Elise. At 52 she was married to her third husband, Chris. He was twenty years her junior yet was often warned that one wrong step would result in him being replaced by a younger model. Having signed a pre-nuptial barring him from any of his wife’s fortune, Chris was careful not to make any wrong steps.
Then there was Melanie, who at 49 was probably the richest of the threesome. She had been born wealthy, had married into more wealth and through wise investments was now a billionairess. She had been divorced for eight years and now led a lifestyle most couldn’t even dream about. Fundamentally, Melanie did whatever she liked.
For now she was content to sip at her ‘Remy Martin’ and chat to her friends. However, her blue-marble eyes occasionally strayed towards the dance floor below. Elizabeth was explaining she had, had a report that one of her factories in the north was yielding little or no profit. Laughing, Melanie suggested in her cut glass accent, ‘close it! Or at least have your lackeys close it for you.’
Offering an alternative Elise tried, ‘couldn’t you cut the employees’ wages?’
Elizabeth smiled, ‘not really, most of them are on minimum wage anyhow.’
‘Damn Labour Government!’ snorted Elise, ‘in that case, as Mel says close the place down!
Elizabeth nodded in agreement and withdrew a cigarette from her gold case. Within an instant a waitress rushed forward and lit it for her before withdrawing from her eyeline.
Melanie flickered here eyes at her glass then at the waiter. Grasping what she meant he hurried to the bar and returned with three fresh cognacs. As he deftly placed them beside the distinguished clientele, Melanie received a light for her cigarette from the other waitress. She drew sensually on it and calmly blew smoke towards the waiter’s face. This was not an offensive act, she had been brought up to disregard the presence of servants and so had exhaled the smoke in the direction she would have done had he not been there. For his part the waiter took no offence, to keep these ladies happy was his only thought. They could have him dismissed in an instant and he knew it.
The ladies continued to chat about recent trips abroad, between them they’d been to four continents in the past month. Melanie revealed she had bought a holiday property on The Seychelles, ‘just a little place’.
‘How many bedrooms? Asked Elise.
‘Oh just five, or is it six?’
The others smiled, though Elizabeth excused herself to visit the bathroom. The waiter quickly withdrew her chair to ease her departure but was ignored.
The bathroom at ‘The Upstairs, Downstairs’ was an ornate affair. Gold plated taps and marble sinks set off by an ornamental fountain in the middle. Elizabeth glided past the two African girls who worked in the toilet and into a cubicle. Having had her pee she opened the door and stepped back out into the washroom. One of the girls immediately went in to clean the toilet. Elizabeth smiled to herself when she heard the girl flush the toilet, she hadn’t done so herself, why should she when these peons were here to do it for her.
She then approached the sink where the other girl squirted scented soap into her soft manicured hands. Having rinsed she allowed the girl to carefully dry them with a cotton napkin. Elizabeth was about to leave but noticed the large leather throne-like chair provided for patrons who required a shoe shine. Smiling to herself she sat upon the chair without speaking and glanced at the girl and then down at her own feet.
As expected the girl knelt to clean her shoes, not an easy task as they were open toe sandals with very thin strips of soft leather. The difficulty was ensuring she did not touch the skin of Elizabeth’s pedicured feet with the fresh lint cloth. Actually the shoes were not in any way dirty, but Elizabeth enjoyed having the girl grovel before her struggling not to offend.
Fortunately for the girl she managed to complete her task without touching the superior skin before her. Elizabeth pouted a little as she would have liked to have had reason to call the manager to the girl, but decided against fabrication. Instead she took out a two pound coin from her purse and tossed it onto the floor. Retrieving the tip, the girl humbly said, ‘thank you madam, thank you very much’. Elizabeth smiled smugly, rose and left the washroom to rejoin her friends.
Back at the table the other two were discussing the attributes of some of the young dancers below, ‘Mel seems to have taken a shine to that one,’ Elise informed Elizabeth pointing, ‘the black boy with no shirt.’
Elizabeth saw who they meant, a young slim black man who had taken off his shirt and danced superbly. She smiled, despite her recent change in leanings she found the youth attractive and noticed Melanie slowly lick her lips in a predatory manner.
Down below the young man was seemingly oblivious to his gallery as he danced in part with his pretty young partner but mainly solo.
Melanie had always considered the working classes to exist for her use; waiters, drivers, shopgirls, playthings, they were all the same to her. She turned to the waiter and ordered him, ‘fetch me the maitre d’.’
‘At once Madame,’ he stated with a curt bow before departing.
Within a minute the Maitre D’ was at the table, ‘may I be of assistance Madame?’ he asked in an obsequious tone.
‘Yes,’ replied Melanie firmly, ‘you see that boy dancing shirtless?’
Peering over the balcony the Maitre d’ replied, ‘yes Madame.’
‘Good. Have him brought before me. Immediately!’
‘Yes Madame at once.’ He bowed again and left to despatch a member of security on this unusual errand.
Elizabeth and Elise watched in amusement as two strapping doormen practically manhandled the confused youth from the dance floor. They couldn’t help but laugh when they saw the girl he was with begin to cry. Melanie on the other hand didn’t bother to look; she’d given an order and knew it would be obeyed.
Presently the young man, now wearing a white shirt, was brought before them. ‘No, no,’ insisted Melanie waving her hand, ‘I want the shirt off!’
The youth paused as he looked at this Lady feeling nervous. He guessed she was late thirties, forty tops. He could see she was certainly a beautiful woman, a superbly dressed and made up woman. She was obviously very rich, but what made up his mind was a simple fact; she was his better. And so he took off his shirt and stood bare-chested.
Elise reached out and gently squeezed his stomach muscles, ‘mmm, nice and hard,’ she commented. As Melanie watched, she took a long all-white cigarette from her case and placed it between her luscious lips. The waiter stooped to light it for her but her attention was focussed on the half-naked youth before her.
She curled a manicured and bejewelled finger and commanded, ‘here!’
The boy stepped before her, sweating both from his exertions on the dance floor and his nervousness in front of such an elite audience. Melanie took a relaxing pull on her cigarette and confidently exhaled the smoke over the boy’s chest. He disliked the smell of smoke but the mouth watering scent she wore more than compensated.
She took a long look at the boy; he was very handsome with a slim but athletic body. She also enjoyed the apprehension which generated from him. Socially he was utterly inferior to her, but the fact that she sensed he knew that produced a lovely tingle within her. She placed her hand on his chest. He looked down, appreciating that any one of the half a dozen rings which adorned her fingers could have more than paid for the terrace house in which he lived with his parents and siblings. Yet that was not what caused him to shiver; instead it was the silk like softness of the beautiful fingers upon him.
These were hands which had never washed a dish or done an ounce of menial work in the Lady’s life. She momentarily fondled his nipple, producing a slight gasp, then ran a finger down his dark brown torso gathering a fresh trail of sweat. Looking into his eyes she lifted this finger to her mouth and tasted the sweat. Enjoying the taste she smiled, mistakenly he thought she was smiling at him and returned the compliment revealing straight white teeth.
Melanie took another drag on her cigarette and dismissed the bouncers with a nonchalant wave of her hand. She relaxed in her chair and ordered the boy, ‘dance for us!’
He was now too entranced to feel self conscious and began to slowly gyrate. All three ladies watched intensely, enjoying the private show, but Melanie viewed possessively. After five minutes the youth came to a natural climax of this particular dance and so stopped. However Melanie was in control now and ordered, ‘you’ll stop when I tell you to!’ Again he danced, trying with all his might to please this magnificent Lady and her friends.
Elizabeth’s attention strayed somewhat when she noticed the waitress lighting her cigarette was quite pretty. Confident of her standing in the nightclub she slowly ran her petite hand up the back of the girl’s skirt and fondled the top her leg. The waitress almost recoiled but thought better of it. Though she was heterosexual and engaged she knew this Lady held the power of dismissal over her, so submitted like a docile animal.
When Elizabeth had had her fill she withdrew her hand and sucked sexily on her cigarette, smiling as she blew a stream of smoke towards the embarrassed underling. The girl politely and respectfully withdrew to her position in waiting.
As Melanie now accepted a light from the waiter she put up her hand and told the youth to stop dancing. However she still ran her gorgeous eyes over him and asked, ‘how old are you boy?’
Nervously he answered, ‘eighteen Ma’am.’
The ladies laughed in delight at both his young age and his respectful address. Melanie took a long slow drag on her cigarette and spotting the Maitre D’ from the corner of her eye, snapped her fingers at him. He quickly came over to the table and asked, ‘may I be of service Madame?’
Allowing smoke to seep through her immaculate lips she answered, ‘have this boy escorted to my car, it’s just up the road.’
‘Yes Madame.’ Within seconds a member of security was guiding the youth downstairs and out of the club. Everything was happening so fast he didn’t have time to think, let alone ask any questions.
Just up the road, Melanie’s chauffer opened the back door of her Bentley and allowed him to enter and sit down. The doorman gone, the driver sat back in the driving seat but did not speak to his passenger.
As she popped her diamond encrusted mobile back into her bag Melanie noticed the youth’s shirt on the floor. ‘Throw that away,’ she ordered the waiter, ‘and fetch us coffee!’
The conversation turned to a house party Elizabeth was holding later that month. ‘I’ll need to hire some additional staff,’ she commented.
‘Why not borrow a couple from here?’ suggested Melanie, ‘I’m sure they won’t mind.’
Eyeing the pretty waitress, Elizabeth replied, ‘hmm, that’s an idea.’
The coffee and chat continued for another hour or so before Elise suggested going home. The others agreed, and Melanie gave a quick signature on the bill without bothering to check the price. The cloakroom staff rushed to bring their jackets to the table before assisting to put them on.
Staff were on hand to open doors for the trio before they departed into the warm night air. Three cars awaited them, each with a chauffer standing to attention beside them. Elizabeth’s ‘Silver Seraph’, Elise’s ‘Phantom’ and finally Melanie’s ‘Bentley’.
They all kissed each other goodnight and promised to call soon before entering their respective cars. As Melanie sat on the fine leather seat she viewed the youth who sat bolt upright, ‘straight home Taylor!’ she ordered the chauffer before switching off the intercom.
As the huge car rolled off the youth asked coyly, ‘please Ma’am do you have my shirt?’
‘Why, are you cold’ she asked feeling his chest.
‘No but?.’
‘You won’t need it where we’re going. How much was it anyway?’ Melanie was gently stroking his chest now and he felt his manhood stiffen.
‘F-fifty pounds Ma’am.’
Melanie chuckled, ‘crikey I didn’t know one could still get a shirt so cheap. I’m sure I pay more than that for my servant’s clothes.’ Stroking his face she added, ‘I’m sure if you’re a good boy I can fix you up with something much nicer.’
‘Thank you Ma’am.’
‘That’s ok, as I say; I provide all my servants’ clothes.’
So she appeared to rank him on the level of servant. Looking into her piercing eyes he didn’t care, he’d never dreamt a woman like this existed. And then she kissed him, true, she tasted a little of tobacco and alcohol, but her mouth was so warm and soft. As she slipped her tongue into his mouth he knew he would do anything to be hers.
At first Melanie kissed him gently but soon became more forceful. As she lapped away with her tongue, her hand moved to his crotch. Discovering his cock was now in full erection she kneaded it playfully, pleased with the size and firmness.
The youth almost gasped into her mouth, though he’d been with women before he was completely out of his depth with such a superior being. Coyly, he began caressing her leg but she slapped his hand away.
Melanie knew what she wanted to do; she knew how she wished things to unfold. If she had wanted him to touch her she would have told him to. Time enough for that later. She began stroking his earlobe with her tongue. Taking it into her mouth and gently sucking.
As he felt her warm breath in his ear, he felt his body shake with desire, and then ‘oww!’ she’d nipped his lobe quite hard with her teeth.
She laughed girlishly and stroked his cheek, ‘ah, did that hurt?’ she asked in a sympathetic tone.
‘Yes Ma’am.’
‘Surely you wouldn’t begrudge me a little fun at your expense?’ she pouted.
He looked at her beautiful face and answered earnestly, ‘no Ma’am, of course not.’
Stroking his lips with her elegant forefinger she asked, ‘can I do anything I want with you?’
Infatuated, he answered meekly, ‘yes Ma’am, anything.’
Melanie smiled and kissed him full on the mouth. She took out her cigarette case and slipped a long white between her fingers and then between her lips. She raised an eyebrow at the youth when he didn’t instantly reach for a lighter. Realising his error he quietly admitted, ‘I’m sorry ma’am I haven’t got a lighter.’
Melanie tutted slightly but smiled all the same and reached into her bag for a gold and diamond lighter. Actually she hardly ever used it, 99% of the time there was a servant, a waiter or a fawning admirer on hand to perform this task. Idly she tossed it onto the floor and smiled smugly as the youth scrambled to his knees to pick it up and ignite it for her.
She accepted the light and drew seductively on the filter. The youth made to get back onto the plush seat but she nudged him back down with her foot on his shoulder. ‘No, I require a foot rub, take my shoes off.’ Obediently he removed the expensive footwear which revealed her perfect feet. He looked at them and realized that just as the rest of her they were beautiful; slender, curvy and flawless. Her nails were freshly pedicured and as he began to rub her left foot he found the skin as soft as silk.
He shyly glanced up to see if his massaging met with approval. However Melanie paid little attention as she reclined imperiously above him watching the London streets turn into motorway.
I n time though she gave him a little nudge and he looked up again. She blew a long stream of smoke down towards him and said, ‘you may kiss them if you wish.’
‘Thank you Ma’am,’ he croaked sincerely as he began to press his lips to the wonderful feet in his hands. Soon he was kissing them passionately, lavishing kisses on every square inch of flesh.
Above him Melanie smiled contentedly, she’d never had any difficulty in making a man grovel at her feet, but this black youth attracted her more than anyone else had in a long while. She stubbed out her cigarette and commanded, ‘lick them.’ As he licked away the sweat she closed her eyes and gently dozed away the rest of the journey.
As the Rolls drew into the driveway of Melanie’s Hertfordshire Mansion she allowed the youth to replace her shoes and sit back on the seat. He looked in wonderment at the sheer size of the grounds. ‘Blimey’ he thought to himself, ‘they could house the country’s homeless here.’
The chauffer pulled up to the marble stairs which led up to the grand entrance; quickly he alighted the car and held the door open for Melanie and her guest. Lined up on either side of the stairway were her staff. Though it was 2 o’clock, it was customary when she went out for the evening that all the servants were woken to ‘greet’ her homecoming. The butler, footmen, maids, kitchen staff, stable boys and gardeners, 30 in all stood to attention awaiting their mistress’s safe return.
As she passed them on the stairs each servant curtsied or bowed in deference. Melanie didn’t acknowledge any of them; to be fair there were few she could put a name to anyway. The youth followed her in awe; awe at the spectacle of the manor house, but also the way Melanie’s bottom moved as she glided up the stairs.
Ordering the butler to have a maid fetch up champagne, Melanie led the youth upstairs to the master bedroom. On entering, he was again stunned. Not only the size of the room but the pure luxury of it. Silk sheets, velvet chairs trimmed with gold and a carpet one might lose a small dog in.
Melanie lay on the bed but gestured that the youth should remain standing. When the maid came in with an ice bucket containing champagne and two flutes her mistress laughed; ‘no, just one glass, vintage is too good for him.’
‘I’m sorry my Lady,’ answered the girl removing one of the glasses with a curtsy.
She poured a glass for her mistress who told her, ‘take this boy to a guest bathroom and bathe him.’
As the maid curtsied and opened the door for the youth her mistress snapped her fingers twice and added; ‘oh and don’t dry him, bring him back wet!’
As the youth was led into the largest bathroom he’d ever seen he tried to inquisite the maid, ‘please tell me what is her name?’
‘Please sir,’ she answered in a whisper, ‘don’t ask me any questions I need this job.’
He let the matter drop, instead allowing her to draw a bath before getting in. The water was lovely and the bath so large and deep. He was a little uncomfortable with the girl remaining there but still took the soap she offered and cleansed himself.
A few minutes the two of them returned to the master bedroom though the maid was dismissed with a languid wave of her mistress’s hand. The youth now stood, still damp from the bath and with just a towel wrapped around his middle. Melanie had changed into a negligee and looked ravishing
She lay on the bed, reclining on her left elbow watching him and smiling predatorily. She clicked her fingers and pointed to her cigarettes. He quickly opened her case, allowed her to take one and lit it for her. Exhaling a long stream of smoke she told him to kneel by the bed. Here she ran her fingers into his wet hair and pulled his mouth towards her own. Probing his mouth with her tongue, she caressed his trim, muscular body with her hands. Their skill and softness ensured he was filled with lust and desire.
She pulled away from him and told him to stand up. Watching him, she took another drag on her cigarette and commanded, ‘lose the towel!’ The size and hardness of his manhood caused her to gasp slightly, but she smiled and beckoned him closer with a curl of her finger.
As soon as he stepped forward she took a hold on his erect organ. This time it was his turn to gasp, again the softness of her hand had bewitched him Melanie found his cock so appealing she almost licked it, but no, this was not a favoured practice of hers. Instead she took one last long pull on her cigarette before slowly blowing smoke all over his manhood.
With a click of her fingers she gestured to him to remove the ashtray, ‘are you dry now?’ she enquired.
‘I-I think so.’ He answered.
Smiling, she gripped his cock and pulled him onto the ‘Empress’ sized bed. Skilfully she manoeuvred him so he was laying on his back; kneeling up between his legs she slowly removed her negligee. His mouth fell open as he took in the sight of her delectable body. Large round breasts set against the backdrop of a perfect collarbone. A curvaceous waist and long shapely legs. All covered in the most exquisite pale skin.
The youth had always considered himself as good as anyone, but no more. ‘This lady is my better’ he thought to himself. She was now slowly caressing his legs and licking his smooth chest, trying to avoid the massive presence of his cock for now. Again she kissed him on the mouth, enjoying herself but realizing what an enormous moment this must be for him.
Melanie rolled onto her back and made herself comfortable on the oversized silk covered pillows. ‘Now then boy,’ she asked in a sexy voice, ‘are you going to do whatever I tell you?’ he looked into her eyes and nodded, feeling both frightened and excited. She smiled, ‘good. Now kiss my naval.’ He did so, slowly and lovingly. On her command he began to lick, gently at first then passionately. Her body tasted as good as it looked and soon he was joyously tonguing her all over her stomach.
‘My breasts,’ she called, ‘but not my nipples!’
Oh how he kissed those perfect mounds and licked with true devotion. Up until now he had viewed sex as a means to gain personal satisfaction. Now he found more joy in pleasing this imperious beauty than ever before. He was deliriously happy licking away at the soft flesh though his eye flickered upon the glorious erect nipples so close by.
After twenty minutes of devoted licking Melanie decided to reward. ‘You may lick my nipples.’ He stared at them for a moment, large without being too large, perfectly formed a darkish pink colour. And so erect. He managed to catch his breath before lapping at the one on the right. It tasted delicious, and when he heard her gently moan and felt her caress his head he felt supreme. With her guidance he began to gently stroke one nipple as he sucked the other. And then swap over.
Melanie was truly enjoying this devotion, part of her felt like letting it continue for hours, but the tingling in her vagina was getting the better of her. After another few minutes she lifted his chin with her finger so their eyes met. ‘Well now boy,’ she asked him with a haughty smirk, ‘are you enjoying yourself?’
‘Oh yes Ma’am.’
‘I think we can dispense with the Ma’am now, don’t you?’
The youth nodded, ‘at last she’s going to tell me her name’ he thought to himself.
‘You may call me Your Highness!’
He looked at her in wonderment, ‘I-I’m sorry Your Highness, I didn’t know you were royalty, but I should have guessed.’
She laughed, throwing her head back onto the pillow. When she raised her eyes to him again she informed him, ‘strictly speaking I’m not, but let’s face it, compared to you I certainly am.’
He nodded humbly in acceptance of such an undeniable fact. Happy in the knowledge each knew their place, Melanie pulled his head towards her mouth for a long steamy embrace. She smiled as she felt his huge shaft graze against the top of her leg. Placing her hand firmly on top of his head she declared, ‘between my legs boy!’
He slithered down the bed before gently parting her silky thighs, firm from hours of horse riding. ‘Ok boy,’ she ordered, ‘you may tongue the Imperial clitoris.’
‘Thank you Your Highness,’ he managed before slipping his tongue into the most exalted of places.
Melanie covered him with the gold, silk top sheet so he was in near darkness. This served to heighten his other senses which were given treats he had never dreamed of. The softness of her legs and silkiness of her womanhood. The taste and smell of her and as he licked the sounds of her sighing and moaning.
When she came he hungrily licked up the wonderful juices offered him and then relaxed. ‘Though she was gasping in delight she commanded, ‘did I tell you to stop?’
‘No Your Highness.’ Came a muffled reply.
‘Then get on with it!’
Although she was treating him quite badly he couldn’t help but obey. The fact was he was completely and utterly in love. And so he licked and lapped and sucked for all he was worth. The second orgasm was even stronger and he felt it surge through her delectable body.
Again he gladly swallowed her juices but carried on tonguing her, but again he was contradicted. ‘’up!’ she ordered whilst tossing off the sheet. He coyly raised his head and saw that in post orgasm her face was more beautiful than ever.
Reaching for his organ she began stroking it gently, ‘now then boy, this cock of yours, it’s certainly big and hard but do you know how to use it?
‘Yes Your Highness, I-I mean I think so Your Highness.’
‘And do you think you’re worthy of such a privilege, to fuck such a superior as me?’
‘I’m not worthy Your Highness, but please let me.’
Melanie laughed and stroked his face, ‘perhaps,’ she said, ‘but let’s hear you beg.’
The youth swallowed at his Adam’s apple and any pride he had in tact. ‘Please, please Ma’am, please Your Highness, please may I enter you?’ As he begged, his manhood strained, bobbing up and down grazing Melanie’s thigh in the process.
‘Carry on!’ she instructed Imperiously.
‘Please Ma’am; please let this unworthy boy make love to his better.’
Melanie decided to tease him further, ‘So, you want to be my lover?’
‘Yes Highness.’
‘And you’d be my plaything?’
‘Oh yes Ma’am.’
‘You’d be my servant?’
‘Oh yes Ma’am.’
‘And would you be my slave?’
‘Oh yes Mistress.’
Melanie was enjoying this, ‘and you’d worship me?’
‘Oh yes Goddess.’
This made her laugh and she so enjoyed the pleading look in his eyes. Four or five hours earlier he had been the King of the dance floor at The Upstairs Downstairs Club, full of confidence. Now he was grovelling, begging to copulate with her.
‘And you’re going to devote your life to me from now on?’
‘Yes, Mistress, oh yes Goddess. Without you I am nothing.’
‘Very well slave. Fuck me for all you are worth!’
‘Thank You Your Highness, thank you Your Majesty, thank you Goddess,’ he cried and then slowly but surely entered her.
Melanie instantly realised this was by far the largest cock she had ever encountered. Only just did she manage not to squeal with delight, instead giving a low sigh.
For his part the youth was in ecstasy as he slowly thrust himself backwards and forwards inside this living Goddess. His greatest fear was climaxing too soon especially as he couldn’t tear his gaze away from her. Her face contorted with the utmost pleasure as she licked and bit her luscious lips. She also gently caressed her marvellous nipples to add to the stimulation she was receiving, a sight which further excited the boy.
On her command he started to make his thrusts longer and faster and so felt every nerve end in his body tingle. Then as she became more and more animated she gave the order he had dreaded; ‘don’t cum until I tell you to!’
He was now going at full pelt, causing her back to arch with each powerful thrust. She became more and more audible as her inevitable orgasm loomed large. And then she was screaming and shouting; ‘Yes, Yes, Yes!’
He himself was so close to the edge he began to beg, ‘please Mistress, please give me release.’
This only added to her lust and she began thrashing about on the bed until the most splendid climax she’d ever experience went through her entire body like a powerful, pleasurable electric shock. Quite still now, the youth began to cry with joy as she lay there uttering, ‘wonderful, wonderful, wonderful.’
For a few minutes the twosome lay motionless yet still intimately attached. Then to his great joy she commanded, ‘again!’
This time he picked up speed from the off and made up his mind that nothing could prevent him from coming this time. Melanie deftly manoeuvred them both so that she was laying on her side and allowed the youth to fuck her quite brutally. Within a few short minutes she felt herself close again and just as she was on the verge shouted through clenched teeth, ‘shoot you black brute shoooot!!’
And so he shot and shot and shot as they both came to glorious climax simultaneously.
As he began to soften he fell out of her and collapsed, sobbing by her side. They lay in silence except for heavy breathing for a few moments. He then gingerly began to stroke her back, and buoyed by her acceptance of this leant over her to kiss her gently. Melanie was not having it though and pushed at his chest, ‘put your trousers on.’ She ordered.
Though crestfallen, he obeyed at once as obedience had served him so well so far. He failed to notice her press a selection of buttons on a remote as he swiftly zipped up his trousers
As daylight began to creep through a small gap in the curtains he looked lovingly at her face and into her eyes. Recovering now she snapped her fingers twice and demanded, ‘cigarette!!’
In an instant he had retrieved her case and lighter and lit her cigarette as it protruded from her delicious lips. She drew slowly and provocatively before blowing a long stream of creamy smoke up into his face. Within a few short hours he had learnt to love this smell. As though it was still smoke it was her smoke.
Melanie smiled at him as she took another deep but elegant puff before releasing more smoke through impeccable lips. He smiled back, a smile of true love and devotion just as the bedroom door opened. He looked round in shock to witness three servants enter, one petite female and two burly males.
The maid curtseyed before her Mistress who instructed her Imperiously, ‘run me a bath. And whilst I am bathing come back and change these sheets!’
The girl curtseyed again and with a ‘yes my Lady’ was gone.
Melanie now addressed her male servants, idly gesturing towards the youth she commanded, ‘throw this nigger off of my estate! And if you see hide or head of it again, set the dogs on it!!’
‘Yes my Lady,’ affirmed the senior of the two as they roughly grabbed the confused youth and hauled him towards the door.
Frightened out of his wits he caught one last glance at the object of his love as he was bundled out of her boudoir. She was not bothering to look but smiled contentedly as she gently exhaled smoke towards the ceiling.
DANCER by Jacki Pett This was absurd. They had made him get out there and audition every day now, for a week. He was obviously better than the rest of these awkward excuses for dancers. They were amateurs compared to him. He was the best they had, man or woman. Why did they waste his time like this? He had better things to do. Brian had quite an ego. He was elated to have finally made it to the stages of San Francisco and was looking forward to landing the part. He was...
Jefferson Darcy could not believe it. He was at the nudie bar while Marcy was at work, like usual. When a new dancer came out on stage. The new stripper was his gorgeous, blonde, teenage neighbor, Kelly Bundy. Jefferson had seen Kelly in various states of un-dress since he had moved in with Marcy, but never like this. The music blared from the sound system as she stepped out onto the tiny stage in the middle of the bar. This was not the usual bar that he would frequent with his best friend and...
Chapter 1 Jennifer DiGregorio was bored. She was still taking a few college courses at night, and working at her step-father's bank in southern New Jersey, mostly saying no to poor Mexicans who were applying for loans. She sat across one swarthy laborer who had the papers to prove he had immigrated to America legally. He spoke in broken but understandable English. His name was Miguel Perez. "I need to pay off my wife's hospital bills," he explained. "We have very big bills. She...
I had my first son when I was just fifteen years old. My second was born a year later. My husband left when I was only twenty-five and I had to finish raising my sons by myself. When my oldest son, Mark, was seventeen he moved overseas to work on an off-shore oil rig in Europe. He writes regularly, but he hasn't been back home since he left four years ago. My youngest son, Jim, graduated from high school two years later and went off to college in New York. We can only afford for him to come...
My Mother, a Pole Dancer? By Reeb In my early years growing up, I always knew my mother was attractive by the comments my friends made about her. When I was 16, that was when I really began to take notice. My friend’s made comments like, “You’re mom is so hot.” Or “Jeez, your mom has nice tits.” Or “God, Ronnie, your mom has a great ass.” I guess after hearing things like that all through high school, you tend to look and take notice. My mom and I live alone as my dad was killed in a race car...
IncestI was a shy woman with glasses in my early twenties working as my Daddy’s assistant in the office of his hotel called ‘The Springs’. It was a posh hotel in Beverly Hills, California with an enormous pool, inside, and out. I always wore my long frizzy blonde hair back in a plait and wore as my uniform a long grey skirt and frumpy sweatshirt. One bright sunny day, Daddy came into the office in a navy blue suit looking all cheerful and dapper about something. ‘Clarie, honey, make more of an effort...
I was a shy woman with glasses in my early twenties working as my Daddy's assistant in the office of his hotel called 'The Springs'. It was a posh hotel in Beverly Hills, California with an enormous pool, inside, and out. I always wore my long frizzy blonde hair back in a plait and wore as my uniform a long grey skirt and frumpy sweatshirt. One bright sunny day, Daddy came into the office in a navy blue suit looking all cheerful and dapper about something. "Clarie, honey, make more of an effort...
Straight Sex‘NO!’ ‘John, please…’ ‘NO! How many times do I have to say it? NO… NO… NO!’ ‘John, I’m in a bind,’ my sister, Lana whined. ‘I don’t care. There’s no way, I’m not gonna do it, so you may as well save your breath.’ ‘But you’ve done it before,’ she reasoned. ‘No I haven’t, besides, that was over eight years ago.’ When I was younger, and much stupider, is stupider really a word? Anyway, when I was younger, I thought I was hot shit. As a hot shit young stud, my not so developed brain told me...
AKA AND THE DANCER By Jason 1 He said his name was James and that he was a dancer. AKA was able to verifyboth facts later, but when they first met--around about midnight in the smalltriangular park near the old Greyhound Bus station--AKA had to take the youngman's word for it. Not that AKA really gave a shit either way. James. Lonnie.Robert. J.R. It was all the same to AKA what handle they used when hustling.Nor did it much matter what they did when they weren't hovering under the...
There were only eight people at the shower, the bride, the matron of honor and the six brides maids. The male strippers/dancer had been hired at the last-minute when we found out there was to be a female stripper at the groom's bachelor party. The customary bridal shower gifts and games were rapidly dispensed with to increase the time allocated for the dancer. He arrived promptly at 9 P.M. Boy, was he handsome. Tall and muscular, with long black hair, wide shoulders trim thighs and hips and a...
I slipped forward and half bowed to the master before shifting my weight. The attack came suddenly and I slid to the left as I pulled both short curved blades and deflected one of the master’s. I continued moving as I slipped his next strike away and sliced with my other blade. It was deflected up and out and I brought my other blade in and turned to block a strike. This was not the first time we had faced one another and I let the motions flow through me. Block, slide, slash, shift, turn,...
Dancer by A.J. BakerChapter One A Villain Meets a GoddessI turned fifty-nine and did not blink an eye because I thought all of my good years were long behind me, the eye blinking happened when I was about forty-five. For the last f******n years I have just gone through the motions, really not caring about getting laid, I ended up being the primary care giver for my younger brother who is nuts. Sorry for that, but he is bipolar, and he plays it up and gets everything he can out of it. I...
This is an account of a young girl from Thailand, who met an Indian man in a third country and how they got into a relationship and their erotic sexual experiences. The story below is narrated by her. Hello Indian Sex Stories readers. I am not an Indian national. I got introduced to this platform by an Indian friend. I read a few stories here which reminded me of my relationship with my ex-boyfriend who happens to be an Indian. The relationship was quite close to my heart and I really cherish...
There are lots of ways for a flashy blonde to make money in Tampa, but a drug problem reduces the choices to just a few. When cocaine smiled at me, I smiled back. When she grabbed me by the soul, I became her slave. "Martinez, I need something bad. You've got to help me out man." "I don't got to do nothing, Mary Kay. You the dumb cunt who couldn't get her ass out of bed and now you got no job. Hey, bitch, it's not my fucking problem, you know what I mean?" "I'm starting work...
On a very boring evening in the middle of a very hot summer, the heir apparent of the throne of upper Rhineland was surfing on the palace Wi-Fi connection with no set objective in her young mind. She always used a false name on the site because she did not want any media people using her to get an exclusive. She was known in royal circles as Princess Anne Von Trappenstein and was reputed to be a "cold fish" in matters of the heart. Anne knew that was simply a false rumor probably planted...
I just got done remodeling my basement. I already had a full bar. Some nice video games. A big pool table. A huge flat screen and some leather couches on one side. I put in some new carpeting. Made the small bathroom much larger. Add a huge bathtub and glass shower to make it nicer. I even built a better entrance from the back yard. I put in a poker table and some nice chairs and bar stools for the roomI had seen a movie last week. That made me think I needed to add something more to my man...
The music was loud and pulsing as the DJ announced her. She stepped through the black-light back lit threshold, through the colourful beads, and onto the stage. The crowd was good and through the smoke, into the darkened room, she saw her. The men waving their Euros and Pounds and Dollars faded as her focus honed in on the woman on the side of the stage. She liked it when women were there. Men, bless them, can be such mindless c***dren at times. But, stripping for other women made her hot and...
"B" IS FOR GIRL Chapter 5: "B" is for Ballroom Dancer I didn't have to wait until the following Wednesday to find out what "ballroom" was. On Saturday, after breakfast, mummy told me we were going shopping in town. "We're going to get you a lovely new dress," she said. "For your ballroom dancing lessons." "Ballroom... dancing?" I said. "But mummy, I already do ballet dancing." "I know you do," mummy replied. "And now you're going to do ballroom dancing as well. I hope you're...
“What’s wrong? What’s wrong?”Anthea looked up at her mum as she sat down at the dining table. “Nothing is wrong,” Anthea responded watching as her mum hurriedly dried her hands with a tea towel.“Is the baby okay? Are you okay? Is Jack okay?” she asked as her husband came into the room and pulled up a seat at the table.“We’re all fine Mum,” she responded exasperated with her mum’s anxiety. “I have something to tell you.”“Sit down Helen,” her dad snapped. “Give the lass a chance to speak.”Anthea...
Uther By Ellie Dauber (c) 2006 Introduction According to the legends of King Arthur, Merlin changed Uther Pendragon into a double for Duke Gorlois, so he could spend the night with Ygraine, the Duke's wife. Ygraine and Gorlois had three daughters: Elaine, Morgause, and Morgan le Faye. During their time together, Ygraine became pregnant with the child who was to become King Arthur. Uther's men killed Gorlois that same night. This is my TG (of course) version of what...
I have spent the last fifteen years trying to be the perfect wife for my husband and I think I have pretty much succeeded. He has never gone without sex when he has wanted it; I have never used the old headache excuse, or "I'm on my period", or even the old standby "I just don't feel good tonight." I've always been ready and willing. And my husband is no slouch in bed either; he has always been able to bring me to multiple orgasms and he has always said that taking care of my wants and...
The the wind howled around the quayside as I stepped onto terra firma for the first time in weeks, the wind threw sharp shards of ice to sting our faces as we looked up at the sails as they were finally furled and stowed as our captain grinned at our discomfiture, "Au revoir!" he joked as if he knew we should soon be recalled. Those such as were left, and we were few enough, I shuddered. My best uniform packed securely in my Valise, awaited me, and just a few more duties before I...
I was down in the Low Country on a working vacation. My partner and I had been invited to a New South/Woodstock kind of party. This was an annual affair, combining the best of Old South gentility with the finest of modern food and drink, not to mention the three excellent rock'n'roll bands, playing outdoors to several hundred madly happy fans. So it didn't last three days, big deal. It was pretty damn fine for a tiny Antebellum fishing village stuck in the middle of a swamp on a bypassed...
Do you know of the porn site Motherless.com? You should. I’ve reviewed it a few times on my site, The Porn Dude, although it was for different genres every time. This time around, I’m going back to this place and looking at a specific and niche little category many of you are just begging me to cover. We’re looking at vintage porn today. While it doesn’t have the same resolution and quality as the porn you can find today, it’s definitely a genre of porn that has a lot of personality to it and...
Vintage Porn SitesI should have known better. I should have remembered that old saying, "If it looks too good to be true, it is." I was in love. She was damned near all I thought about with the exception of my studies and it didn't make sense to me. I prided myself on my intellect and my ability to think logically, but there wasn't anything logical about the way I felt about Althea. She was beautiful, smart and very popular and I was not. I wasn't a bed looking guy, but I was nothing exceptional. I was...
Motherless. A one-word website title that says everything it needs to say. This is a site where the rules are, more or less, completely thrown out the window, morality means absolutely nothing, and there is nobody to save you from it. Hedonism is God here.The site likely is also called this due to the fact that the girls who end up on motherless.com likely have no positive female influence in their lives to keep them from it. Motherless is the place parents spend their whole lives fearing that...
Porn Pictures SitesI always considered Motherless the “4chan” of porn. Not only because Motherless was somewhat popularized there, but because Motherless also encourages users to share their own content in a very open way. This means minimal bullshit like moderation and censorship, and a strong “anything goes” attitude that leads to free and extreme content. It encourages people to create and upload their own homegrown content, like videos of their girlfriend pissing or spycam videos of their cousin....
Amateur Porn SitesTHE DANCER BY JANICE (1) I am Dwight Johnson; I am the only child of professional ballroom dancers who also teach dancing. For most of my fifteen, almost sixteen, years I remember them dancing professionally and teaching. My mother taught me to dance as a youth and I enjoyed it. They have a dance studio across town in a one floor building which houses several other studios which teach other types of dance. I...
What is it about Motherless that makes me fucking cum every time? Maybe it is how raw and amateur the porn on the site comes across as, or the content is just that fucking hot. Perhaps it is the fact that there is an astronomical amount of pornography just waiting for a dumb fuck like you to beat off to! I really don’t know, and frankly, I’m not going to pretend that I do.But what I do know is that if you love BBWs, the Motherless.com homepage will not be of much use! Preferably, head on over...
BBW Porn SitesHave you ever heard about a website called Motherless? Home to all kinds of kinky porn niches, with a side of the mainstream crap? If you are into some questionable fap content, you might want to check this website out. Plus, Motherless is a free porn website, so you can browse as much as you fucking want. Now, I am not really here to talk about the website in general… I am here to tell you about their amazing category, called voyeur porn.The world of voyeur fucking is a rather interesting one....
Voyeur Porn SitesThe Five Kingdoms of Arstoria had been embroiled in the Great Ancient War for centuries. The war came to an end when Kalace, the Wizard King conquered the five lands and brought them under his rule. Kalace, the Wizard King of Arstoria, conquered all of his opponents who were unable to deal with his overpowering magic. When Kalace had united the five kingdoms, he brought peace to the warring kingdoms and was revered and celebrated by his later generation. Kalace, however, had a dark weakness in...
FantasyWoah, did Motherless.com get a facelift? I know I suggested it in my review, so I guess they listened to me! Well, I’m not going to brag too much about it, and instead, I’m going to focus on what I’ve set out to bring you today. We’re looking at an amateur website, and I just know that many of you are begging for amateur creampie content, so that’s what we’re looking at. I know how much you think Motherless can look sickening and pretty gruesome at times, but the creampie content can be quite...
Creampie Porn SitesNo matter what type of porn you may be in the market for, Motherless has an ample supply of it, and cucking is no different. Actually, this might help to explain how you ended up being such a pussy little cuck.The journey that brought you to my website reading cuck porn reviews started in your childhood. A fair portion of my readership is actually motherless. Why, you ask? Your guys' moms chose a life of cucking and riding cock instead of raising you fucks properly.Don't worry, gents. I'm in...
Cuckold Porn SitesI browsed the horror stash at Motherless all morning, and now I don’t know if I should jack off or go hide in the closet until the danger has passed. Then again, hiding out might give me the perfect opportunity to rub one out in the peace and safety of the dark. Who knows who—or what—might be peeping in the windows with nefarious intent if I sit at my desk and shake my dick at the screen. Just like when I masturbate at the local Starbucks, I’ve got to be sure to balance the potential pleasure...
Extreme Porn WebsitesIncest porn has been a staple of pornography since the very first incel caveman realized that he couldn’t find fresh pussy out and about. He resorted to sniffing a whiff of his mother’s loincloth when she wasn’t looking, and beating his old cave meat into a leather sock.Now personally I’m not into the whole mommy-son dynamic – I’m a classy guy. But it’s no secret people like to get freaky when the lights go out, and if you’ve got a stiffy in your hand and you’re on Motherless, you gotta go...
Incest Porn SitesThanks to my usual cast and crew of Editors and Advance Readers, most of whom prefer to pretend that they don’t know me and wisely wish to take no responsibility for any part of my addled writings... Il n’est rien de réel que le rêve et l’amour - Nothing is real but dreams and love (from Le Coeur innombrable, IV, Chanson du temps opportun by Anna de Noailles) She was my one true mistress and ever faithful lover, my Green Lady and guardian of my dreams and now that I was back home...
When the car with Jake in it became a dot on the horizon, Thea turned to go back in the house. Suddenly Floyd appeared. “Mrs. Thea, how you be?” Smiling, she knew immediately what he wanted. He had that look and a glance at his crotch confirmed it. The imprint of his cock was prominent as it pushed against the material. “Looks like everyone is gone.” Floyd said. His eyes looking out over the farm. “Yes, I am by myself for at least the next few days.” She replied in an...
“Well, hell,” Thea said as she wiped the beads of perspiration from her face. “I guess ‘spring’ is here, huh?” “Yeah. It’s supposed to be cooler at higher elevation,” I replied. We took a few minutes in the shade by the rocks before rejoining our boyfriends. The four of us had driven up into the pass to hike. According to the weather report, the last coolness of a fading winter was supposed to continue through mid-week, but they were wrong. Actually, from our view from Eagle Point, where we’d...
Motherless.com! What an original name for a porn site, don't you think? The title doesn't fuck around: your mother would never allow you to watch the kind of filth they’ve got on tap. They pride themselves on being a moral-free zone for sick fucks, where you can find damn near anything. I’m talking about desperate chicks fucking anything that resembles a dick and crazy bitches literally eating shit. When you’re done fapping to the weird vids, you can even find "normal" porno to pass the time....
Free Porn Tube SitesAh, motherless, here we are again. A site known for offering such a variety, that no matter how fucked up your needs are, there is a high chance that you will fulfill them here. However, I am not here to blab about the site in general; I am here to talk about one particular category, interracial. As for those who want to know more about the site, there is a whole different review on my website instead.As for those who came here to learn more about that interracial lovemaking, I got your back....
Interracial Porn SitesThere we were standing center stage dressed in saloon girl costumes. Four high school junior boys performing the cancan. Our costumes were satin dresses, trimmed with lace, corset, and lace petticoat. We had stockings, a choker and feathered headpiece on. A pair of 2 1/2-inch heel boots completed the costume. We looked like four girls so much that our mothers could hardly tell. How did four guys become beautiful cancan dancers? It all started when Miss Moss called us into her office...
"Let me off here," Lynn said quietly.Dutifully, I pulled over the SUV. The afternoon Tennessee sun baked the dusty asphalt and brightened the lush greenery to either side. But to me, there was a darkness around Lynn, as if she were fading into the coming night."Are you sure?" I asked softly."Yes." She got out, pulling that ridiculous case out of the back seat.I gave her one last look: a thin young woman, just 5'3" and 105 pounds. Her low-waisted, destroyed cut-offs revealed lean, tanned legs,...
LesbianIt was Valentines Day and my husband, James, had told me to arrange a babysitter for the evening as he had booked ticket to a show as a surprise. I was very excited at the thought of a romantic night out, just the two of us. We didn’t get to spend as much time alone as we would both like as he worked long hours and I stayed at home to care for our three young c***dren, so I decided I was going to make an extra special effort this evening. James was going to pick me up at seven, so I dropped...
The Guitarist – The Dancer.I’ve been with this rock group for just over a month and the music is great. I’m happy playing rhythm. Not being lead is easy for me which allows plenty of time to watch the great looking, scantily dressed girls. They are all colours – hair and skin- , tall short, skinny plump, big tits to flat chested; they’re just enjoying themselves. One girl with outrageously large boobs is dancing with her boyfriend just below my position. When her hands are raised high only her...
It was a chilly night on a beautiful, secluded, space of beach, only known to local's eyes. A gathering had been announced among the young. Kimberly had received an invite from a close friend. She was in need of a night of fun. Upon arriving her eyes lit up with wonder. As she walked along, she saw many young adults laughing, chatting, smiles all around. Romance, love, lust. The aura of the beach seemed to seduce many souls. Near a large bonfire, a young woman caught her eye. Tall, slender,...
LesbianCheryl and Mike watched as the girls danced, tipped them when they came around, and had a good time whenever they went out to the strip clubs together. They usually had a few beers, allowed themselves to be entertained by the half naked girls for a while, and then went home and had great sex, which is why Cheryl came to the clubs with her husband of 5 years, instead of demanding that he never enter one again, as some of her friends had done. It was fun, and it made him horney! Tonight there...
IllustratedTheo had been changing into the squirrel too much, he knew that now... as a pulse of heat raced through his body from his groin. He realized that he shouldn't have come to the office.He had been spending most of his days at the squirrel in his home deep in the countryside. Teleworking most of the time, as the squirrel he felt no need for clothes, his heavy furred balls resting between his thighs as his paws raced over the keyboard. The sharp claws on his paws clattering loudly as he typed,...
Fantasy & Sci-FiJane and the Belly Dancer We resumed fucking and for the first time in my life I began to feel sick to my stomach while having sex. It was time to resume my self coaching. ‘This is how I’m gonna someday make THE BIG BUCKS! Just a few more minutes. Oh shit look at those tits bounce! The way she’s moving her legs. OMG OMG OMG! *********************************************************************** I gazed into the full length mirror inside the dressing room and admired my new makeover. There...
I loved dancing. At my local bar, they had a dance floor in their upstairs section, where I spent many happy hours boogie-ing to my heart’s content. The upstairs section also had its own bar area, smaller than the bar downstairs. The large square bar counter downstairs and the surrounding area was mainly for socializing.Both floors in the bar had its own toilet section. Downstairs, the lavatory had three cubicles with no gloryholes and a long steel urinal. Upstairs, the far larger latrine had...
Gay MaleMy sweet Ana had started to take classes in salsa. She said every Latin woman would learn such a wonderful hot rhythm. She even tried to drag me with her; but my schedule was really busy and I also had been always a lousy dancer; so I declined the idea…After many classes, Ana said she needed a new skirt for dancing; so I offered to go with her to the shopping mall and purchase something nice.The next afternoon we finally ended in a small store for salsa stuff. The owner was a filthy old man,...
The wife and k**s travelled to an unnamed resort in Central Florida a few years ago because one of the k**s was performing there with her dance troupe. Typical family fun, but after the performance we bumped into one of the dance teachers as we were leaving for the day. We invited her to join us as she was by herself and didn’t want to do rides by herself. I love rides but the wife really doesn’t like them very much. We were having a great day. It was nice to have the company of a really nice...
“Okay now, Bonnie asked for the last time, you got everything under control!?! Uh, yeah, he replied, I’ve got the boom box, the CD’s, my wardrobe, and the address, I think that’s it! Good, she answered, make sure you give them a good show, now the deal is they give you five hundred up front, and you get to keep two, any tips you make are all yours! What if they pay me by check, he questioned?!? It doesn’t matter how they pay you, you bring back either the check or cash to me and I’ll cut you a...
September 03, 2010. Friday. Its the date on which I turned a fully adult Eighteen. And you bet I had plans for that day.I frequented my Mom’s Night Club with her since I was a k**. She had danced at various clubs as a stripper, but now for a few years worked in the finance department of Skin Gentlemen’s Lounge in Los Angeles. She was on the threshold of entering her forties and yet had the looks and figure to die for. During my visits with my Mom to her club, I got rather friendly with Tom,...
Jane and the Belly DancerWe resumed fucking and for the first time in my life I began to feel sick to mystomach while having sex. It was time to resume my self coaching."This is how I'm gonna someday make THE BIG BUCKS! Just a few more minutes.Oh shit look at those tits bounce! The way she's moving her legs. OMG OMG OMG!***********************************************************************I gazed into the full length mirror inside the dressing room and admired my new makeover. There was...
Sassy Dancer This is a semi true story, more of a fantasy about real characters Alice loved to dance. Its all she ever really did since she was 17. Now that she was almost 30 she still looked good, her breasts werent quite as firm as they once were but still perky. Her boyfriend loved to watch her dance. She would put on some dance music while she modeled and danced for him, he would often take pictures of her. He was always bringing panties or shorts for her to...
I have always loved the stars. On a clear night, like that night, I can watch the universe in its slow eternal dance. Sometimes, as I sit and watch the light from distant suns, I wonder where she is, how she is doing. I will never know what really happened that night. I will never understand who, or what, she was. I will never see her again I fear, but sometimes it is enough just to remember. It was here that we met, outside my little house in the hills. I was sitting on my front porch, lost...
Immediately after the jury retired to deliberate Stephanie's case, the SlendaBond attorney and I retired to the VIP club in the courthouse to await the verdict. We discussed the fact that the longer the jury was out the better our chances of achieving at least a partial enslavement of Stephanie. If the jurors were having trouble reaching a verdict they would probably settle on a compromise verdict where at least we would have Stephanie under an indenture for 5 or 10 years. That might satisfy...
It’s time to go to the land of chocolate fountains and golden showers. That’s right. Scat, piss, shit, and every fluid in between. Ever fuck a chick in her ass and freak out when you see that little bit of shit on your dick? Then I’m sorry to say that scat isn’t for you buddy. Were you the only one of your friends that saw two girls one cup and didn’t get grossed out? If so, it’s time to celebrate it! Don’t get pissed off, get pissed on! Scat porn has the craziest, kinkiest chicks and dudes...
Scat Porn Sites