THE COUSINS free porn video

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Author’s note:  Clearing my computer space while wrapping up my writings, I found this little one chapter story I roughly put together early on.  Cleaning it up a bit, for what its worth, here it is.

Girl cousins spending a night together decide to get the younger a tattoo and maybe a couple piercings to match the older’s.  After sending him images over the camera phone, the older girl’s boyfriend agrees to offer his services? With a twist.

Chapter One

       Snapping the photo as Cyl bares her breasts, Meg nods as she glances down toward the small phone screen in her hand, smiles.  ?Everything this time C? Everything? Like me!?  Glancing back toward Cyl, nodding toward her jeans, she continues.  ?Take ‘em off!?

       Bending, stripping her blue jeans and panties together, quickly straightening upright, Cyl smiles for the next pose virtually naked as Meg quips.  ?Turn? Show your butt for the camera.?  Yet another picture’s quickly snapped and her likeness again locked into the phone camera for the fifth time since talking to her boyfriend.  Meg nods approvingly as she glances at the still.

       ?Done!... Another one now.?  Meg grins again as she lowers the camera, squatting as she speaks.  Her substantial bare breasts swaying, the nipple rings glisten as does the matching ring dangling from her clitoris as she leans forward and instructs.  ?Spread that tight little pussy; show your clit for the camera? C.?

       Turning, spreading her hips while slipping her thumb and forefinger apart between the puffy folds of her shaven labia, Cyl poses inches from the phone camera as the bud of her clit protrudes from between the pink lips.  ?How’s this Meg?... Spread enough??

       ?I bet it’ll be tattoo time now girlfriend!... Yeh? Great shot!?  Meg grins as she stands, presses transmit on the phone.  ?You can leave the panties and bra off for now.?

       Stepping beside Cyl, helping slip her jeans and tank top back on, Meg also slips her own jeans on.  Hearing the phone buzzing, she begins an almost instant conversation.  Glancing toward Cyl, nodding with a smile as she holds her hand over the phone, she whispers.  ?I knew it C? He really likes the pictures!?  Glancing away, smiling as she talks while turning her back, nonchalantly massaging a nipple ring dangling off her bare breast, after a couple secretive minutes she finishes her conversation.

       Turning back facing Cyl, she grins.  ?I told you? With those big ‘ol titties of yours, they think you’re eighteen!... Now, it’s about time to go get you that tattoo? And a piercing or two, Cuz!... Just like I have!?  In a more serious tone, she continues.  ?But listen? He wants to video doing it C? He wants to make like a little documentary or something to show his work!... You know, to make a few bucks, Okay??

       Glancing toward Meg’s bare breasts, the nipple piercings, then cupping her own breasts Cyl lowers her head as she tweaks her own nipples through the tank top.  ?I? I guess its okay? Yea, if you’re with me, I guess.?

       ?Cool!?  Meg giggles as she picks up her shirt off the floor.  ??I’ll be there the whole time Cuz!... He’s got a place where he does his thing? He said to come right over.?

       Slipping a plain white t-shirt over her head, stretching it down across her arched shoulders across her thrust out breasts, the outlines of the nipple rings stand out as she tucks the shirt in. Grabbing a coke from the fridge, picking up her purse and slipping it open, Meg fingers through, pulls a couple tablets out.  ?Here? Take one? You’ll thank me later!?  Handing Cyl a Zenex, taking one herself with a sip of coke, she hands the can to her.  Popping the pill, taking a sip of the cola, Cyl sets the can on the table as she wipes her lips, anticipating the coming evening.

       Leaving the apartment for the car, Meg drives as a sporadic rain’s just begun to fall.  Fifteen, twenty minutes later and they’re approaching a shabbier part of town.  Dark and now more of a steady rain, Meg glances through the blurry windshield as the worn wipers scrap across the streaked glass.  Finally recognizing a couple convenient stores close to their destination, she realizes they’re just a couple streets away from where he likes to set up shop, away from where he lives.

       The neighborhood rundown, besides the two or three occupied houses, the rest of the buildings on the street seem to be a mixture of unfinished rehabs and vacant shells.  The alleyway behind the houses dark and dirty as they drive through, a couple overfilled dumpsters take up parts of the alley along with an abandoned truck rusted with the glass broken out, making it difficult to maneuver.  As they approach the overgrown weeds and brush in the rear yard of the last house, light glares down from its second floor window, reflecting out into the drizzle of rain as Meg turns her car into the yard, parking next to an older light colored panel van.

       ?This is it!?  Meg smiles toward Cyl as the silhouette of her boyfriend glances out from the lighted window, waves.  ?That’s him? Up there!... Come on.?

       Jumping out from the car, waving back toward her boyfriend as he shuts the curtain, Meg swings the door shut while turning and waiting for Cyl.  A dog barking from somewhere in the background, the steady patter of the rain on the warped tin awning hanging at an angle from the sloop outside the peeling rear door of the aging red brick tenement break the silence as Cyl carelessly slams her car door.  Walking together up the several crumbling concrete steps, swinging the already partially door open, they enter the darkened hallway with a set of worn out steps to the second floor to their left.  Tugging her along, Meg notices the effects of the Zenex already on Cyl as she’d stumbled across a couple of the wet steps, now practically staggering.  Some of the railing’s spindles broken or missing, the girls lean toward the wall as they climb the thirteen steps to the second floor.

       A single light glares from the hallway as they reach the landing, the door to her boyfriend’s apartment open for them.  A few steps down the hall and Meg enters first, tugging Cyl by her wrist.  The apartment’s an odd mix, shabby but with a closer look, pretty clean.  Meg closes the solid metal door, double locking it before they walk toward the hanging curtain separating the next room.  More of a drape, Meg swings the dark heavy material open as the obvious odor of marijuana whiffs through the dimly lit room.  A haze hanging in the air, Meg’s shirtless boyfriend steps toward her with a grin as a couple other guys slouch on an old, but yet again, clean sofa.  Dressed in faded jeans and biker shirts, passing a joint back and forth, they glance toward the girls as the curtain swings shut behind them.

       ?So beautiful, welcome to my studio, out of the way enough??  He smiles as he nods around the room.  Glancing back toward Meg, then Cyl, he smirks.  ?This is our little model huh?... Don’t know which one of you is prettier!  Wants a tatt? And maybe a couple piercings like yours??

       ?Yeh!?  Meg answers with a nod.  ?The works? I told her you’re the best!?  Nodding toward Cyl, still smiling, she turns toward the boys, reaches for the joint and takes a toke.  Turning toward Cyl, reaching it out as she exhales, she nods.  ?Here? This’ll relax you? Like you need it? But then again, you will, C? Go ahead? It’s cool!?

       Almost mechanically, slowly reaching out, Cyl takes the bud and raises it to her lips.  A long slow toke and handing it back, she holds it in her lungs momentarily as Meg takes another draw.  Finally exhaling, Cyl feels the added effects almost instantly.  Meg’s boyfriend chuckles as he whispers toward her.  ?Shit’s good? Laced with acid!... Damn, I mean really laced? Give her another hit.?

       Handed the laced weed a second time, Cyl takes another long draw, coughs as she hands it quickly back.  ?One more C!?  Meg grins as she shoves her hand palm up toward her, refusing the bud.  ?One more good one, girl? To mix with the Zenex!?

       ?Okay? Yea, okay!?  Keeping the joint, taking another long draw, Cyl again slightly coughs as she holds her spread fingers over her mouth before finally handing the joint back as she stutters.  ?That’s? That’s enough, okay??

       ?Damn right, girl!?  Meg’s boyfriend grins as he takes the joint, gives it a long draw, looks at it and realizes it’s out.  Catching a lighter tossed from one of the guys on the couch, a couple flicks and it’s lit enough to take another toke.  ?Damn? Like I said? Really good shit!?

       Glassy eyed, smiling toward Cyl, he nods his head as his dark hair brushes across his eyebrows.  ?Let’s see those tits now!’’  Stepping toward her with the nearly spent roach still held in his hand chest high, glancing toward Meg, he adds.  ?Step behind her? Yank that top down and bare those titties of hers for us, Meg?

       Stepping behind Cyl, Meg grips her tank top, tugs it down as she whispers toward her ear.  ?Raise your arms? He needs to see these tits, girlfriend!?

       ?Wha? What?... Yea, okay.?  Cyl mumbles, almost not understanding, her thoughts blurred as she barely raises her limp arms outward, Meg jerking the top down across her stomach.  Both breasts bouncing, spreading across her bare chest, the areolas flat and smooth, Cyl nonchalantly holds her arms out from her sides as Meg slowly turns her around, the three guys suddenly giving their complete attention.

       ?Damn? That’s even a better rack then the phone photos Meg? She could pass as your big tittied little sister!?  The boyfriend blurts out as the other two guys stand, step toward the girls.  ?They’re my camera guys, don’t worry.?  He nods.  ?Go ahead, drop her pants too? Let’s see her pussy now!?

       Kneeling, quickly jerking, Meg tugs Cyl’s pants down toward her knees leaving a clear view of her slick, shaven vagina.  Reaching up, even as Cyl keeps her arms spread out from her sides, Meg jerks the tank top down across the pants, tugs both to Cyl’s ankles. Smirking toward her boyfriend, she asks.  ?How’s that??

       ?Have her step out of them? Yea, then bring her with me!? The boyfriend nods as he glances a second time at Cyl’s breasts, then toward her shaved pubic mound.  ?I’ve got the room ready? She can be mounted!?

       Stripped naked, almost indifferent, Cyl’s led to the side room’s door by Meg and her boyfriend’s two acquaintances.  Not very spacious, kind of unkempt appearing and obviously not very often used, it too actually has been well scrubbed.  In the center of the room’s rough uneven floor a couple of wooden sawhorses are nailed down into place.  Positioned side by side, parallel to one another, the bottom’s of their wooden legs touch leaving just a couple of feet or so separating the tops of the wooden two by four rails.  Positioning Cyl in front of the first sawhorse, Meg steps beside her, rests her hands on the edge of the second as the boyfriend approaches. 

       ?Okay Cyl.?  The boyfriend directs as he stares toward her.  ?It’s all free, but it gets videoed? That’s the deal, understand??

       ?Yeh? Yes, I understand, she told me.?  She nods toward the sawhorses, lowering her head.  Feeling more then a little lightheaded, she asks.  ?But? But what’s this for??

       ?Well, I don’t want you jerking, so Meg will help get you ready? You’ll have to thrust her and follow her directions? Okay??  Seeming to ignore her question, finally nodding toward the pair of stands, he answers.  ?Those?... Oh, it’s like part of a play act bondage scene? Once you’ve been prepared? Just play acting to add to the background, that’s all? Okay??

       ?Yes? Yes I guess!?  Cyl answers, glancing toward Meg, back toward the sawhorses, not quite understanding what they want her to do.

       ?Good... That’s settled!...I’ll get the tray and cameras then!?  He smiles as he steps toward the door.  ?Go ahead Meg, get her ready.?

       ?Bend over C, time to begin? You need to let me get you prepared like he said so you won’t move while he does his thing with you!?  Meg exclaims as she pats the wooden rail while resting her other hand on Cyl’s shoulder.  ?Lean across here.?  Guiding her to bend forward, forcing her flat tummy across the top of the first sawhorse, Meg presses her down across the wooden slat as she grips her wrists, tugging her arms behind her back.  Not struggling, letting herself be manipulated as the drugs dull her senses, her breasts hang down, gently swaying as the men each grip an arm, straightening them out behind her; forcing her to bow lower.

       ?You’re doing good C, that a girl!?  Meg smirks as she steps around the sawhorses, ordering the guys to twist Cyl’s arms higher, bowing her naked body even further forward across the narrow edge of the first sawhorse.

       Forced to tiptoe, her buttocks humping upwards directly above the narrow wooden rail, she’s forced to bend her head lower, sliding her shoulders beneath the second sawhorse.  Her arms manipulated and tugged past the crossing wooden two by four, her back scrapes across its bottom edge.  Continuing to work her relaxed body, the small of her back’s forced to press against the bottom of that second rail as her shoulders are lifted up as her back bows, her head rising.  Her youthful but substantial bare breasts stand firm, not hanging down but spreading apart, firmly jaunting outward, the symmetrical rounded globes almost appearing solid as her dark thick nipples twitch beneath her slumping head.

       Arms tautly stretching straight out and back from her arched shoulders; her gripped wrists are tightly bound to the outer corners of the first sawhorse’s wooden mounts behind her.  Her ankles tugged apart, they’re likewise bound to the bottoms of the mounts forcing her to remain on her tiptoes, her legs to spread into a wide split.  A taut rope tied to an eyelet on one end of the first sawhorse is wrapped around her thick single braid of dark hair and stretched to a matching eyelet on the other side of the same rail, firmly holding her head upright and in place.

       Finally in position, almost rigid while taking on an erotic, overstated serpentine stance, her naked body bends over the first, then winds under the second of the sawhorses, the rounded curves of her buttocks above the first sawhorse practically the same height off the floor as her bare breasts that’s forced to thrust straight outward.  Completely exposed and vulnerable from the laced marijuana, mixed with the Zenex leaving her barely cognizant or responsive, she stares blankly forward toward the boarded window. 

       Standing beside the sawhorse, Meg wads a cloth rag into a ball, stuffs it between Cyl’s drooling lips, deep into her stretching mouth knowing there’s going to be screams soon.  Smiling toward her boyfriend, Meg watches as he’s wheeling a silver tray around Cyl’s backside.  Various instruments for tattooing and piercing fill the tray along with clamps and twine.  A handheld video camera operated by one boy, the other’s now busy taking stills as the boyfriend begins to sort through the tray.  Slowly stepping around her mounted body, snapping pictures while also videoing her, the cameras center on her thrust out breasts and the gapping slit between the cheeks of her butt, her shaved vagina glistening, totally exposed from between her spread thighs.

       Stepping beside Cyl, glancing directly into her dilated pupils, Meg smiles as she slides her fingertips across her cousins’ thickening left nipple.  ?These titties look even bigger all pushed out like this, girl!?  Giving a squeeze as the firm globe quivers, giving a slight tweak of the jiggling nipple, Meg grins.  ?Damn, are they firm, hard as rocks, C!?  Leaning her face above Cyl’s breast, smiling as the video cam closes in on her, she flicks the stud piercing her tongue across Cyl’s nipple, sucks it seductively between her parting lips.  Softly moaning, her cheeks puffing, sucking inward, she manipulates her swelling nipple as she sucks even more of her firm titflesh into her mouth while reaching up and squeezing her free breast with her left hand.

       More flashes of the camera, the video cam circling closer, taking in the expressions of both Cyl and Meg, the boyfriend picks out his first instrument, a packaged needle.  Tearing the clear cellophane package, slipping the needle out between his thumb and forefinger, he gently pushes Meg’s face aside and steps in front of Cyl, holding it in front of her widening eyes.        

       Cupping her left breast, letting it gently bounce in the palm of his left hand, he slips the tip of the sterile needle around the puckering edge of her areola.  Glancing into her hazed eyes he softly, almost soothingly asks.  ?Want your nipples pierced first, or your clit, Cyl??

       ?Do her nipple first!... Like mine!?  Meg smiles while reaching across and slipping her fingernail across Cyl’s uplifted nipple.  ?Pierce it first, okay?? Right now!?  She blurts, sliding her other hand across her own hardening nipple pushing out against the stretched t-shirt covering her breasts, she tweaks the stud between her finger and thumb.

       Smiling first at Meg, then toward Cyl even as she’s attempting to mutter from her mouth gag as she barely senses what’s happening to her, he squeezes her bare breast in his hand, forces the areola to swell as he slips the tip of the needle against the inner edge of her left nipple, just in front of the thickening areola.  Again softly speaking, he orders.  ?Move your hand away Meg!?  Glancing toward his pair of friends, carefully positioning himself, he squeezes even firmer, Cyl’s breast bulges outward between his fingers and circling thumb as he adds.  ?Each side, pictures and video close-ups as I do this? Get a couple shots of her face too, her eyes? As I shove it through, okay?... On three!?

       ?Ready Cyl?... One?  Two.?  He slowly counts as her breast quivers in his palm.  Grunts emit from the wash cloth stuffed between her lips as the needle pricks against the side of her nipple, the sharp tip pressing into her flesh but not yet puncturing the dark nub.  ?She’ll really feel this Meg, be ready!... Three!?  A harsh jab as he holds her breast firm.

       ?Aaaggghhh!?  Cyl’s shrill grunt emits from the wadded cloth in her quivering mouth, her hair jerking in the taut rope as the needle probes into her tender flesh, sinking into but not yet breaking the skin of the thick nub.  ?Aaaggghhh!?  A second curdling muffled scream as he pushes a second time, the needle ‘plopping’ into, but not completely through the nipple.  Even the drugs don’t shield the pain as the needle pierces her flesh.

       Forcing, twisting, probing the needle, her nipple flexes, stretches as the razor sharp tip probes outward, shoving the nipple’s flesh outward across its tip.  Squeezing her breast harder as it discolors and bulges, the tip of the needle finally plops through.  ?Aaaaaggggggghhhh!!!?  Her loudest shrill yet as the tip of the needle slides across the front of her stretched areola, a trickle of blood dripping off her impaled nub, onto the floor.

       Tears streaking from her welling eyes, her torso trembles, her bare breasts quivering as he steps back a step, allows room for the boys to zoom in with their cameras.  Meg steps beside Cyl, slips her index finger across the stained nipple as another drop of blood drips from the tip of the needle.  ?Hurts, huh C?... Just think if you weren’t stoned!?  She smiles as both her own nipple studs are obvious under her stretching white t-shirt. Tweaking Cyl’s other nipple, she adds.  ?Hurt like hell when I got it done? I wasn’t high? I waited at least another month to do the other? I think we should go ahead though and get yours over with today, don’t you??

       Momentarily glaring toward Meg, Cyl grunts through the wadded cloth as the tears continue to stream down her cheeks from her swollen eyes, dripping across her still trembling torso as her mind scrambles, her eyes darting around the swirling room.

       ?Oh come on C? Damn!? You had to know it will hurt? Anyway, your clits next, Cuz!?  Meg grins.  ?Hell, after the piercings, you’ve still got to get that tattoo, too!? Glancing toward her boyfriend, she grins.  ?Good thing she’s spending the night with us, huh?... She’s got time to get everything done? And you’ll have it all on lots of video, like you want!?

       Reaching toward the tray and selecting another cellophane package, opening it and removing the fresh needle, he steps in front of Cyl and cups the bottom of her right globe, again with his left hand.  Feeling the firm flesh between his fingers, realizing at her age her nearly solid melons aren’t even done growing, he takes a moment to just meld the warm supple flesh between his fingers and thumb as he watches her areola and nipple swell, hardening in front of his eyes.

       Letting the cameras get positioned on either side of him, he glances up into her reddened eyes and smiles.  ?Cyl, we’ve just started with the piercings? When we’re done with you, you’re not only going to have pierces, but a nice tattoo displayed across your tits or ass!... You’ll love it!?

       Leaving the needle glistening from Cyl’s quivering nipple as she’s forced to remain stationary, her twisted body noticeably trembling, he parts his friends and slowly steps behind her and kneels, sliding his index finger into the crack between her butt cheeks.  Slipping his stiffened fingertip back and forth across her smooth, soft labia folds he circles up over the sphincter of her puckered rectum as her thigh and calf muscles noticeably quiver.  Glancing toward M, almost for approval, he hesitates.

       ?Hell, go ahead? It’ll get her mind off the piercings!?  Meg nods back.  ?Shit, I think I’ll even suck on her titties some more too!?

       Touching the nub of her hardening clit, slipping his thumb into the outer edge of her even tighter vagina, he smiles as he realizes he’s manipulating a virgin’s orifices.  Glancing again toward Meg, getting a returned smiling nod, he leans, presses his face forward while letting the tip of his tongue glide across the inner curve of her trembling butt cheek.

       Reaching out, handing the needle to Meg, spreading Cyl’s butt cheeks with his now free hand as he continues to masturbate her clit with his forefinger while probing the outer rim of her vagina with his thumb, he laps his tongue upward across her vulva, across the stretching narrow flesh separating her tight orifices.  Reaching her rectum, circling, flicking across it with his stiffening tongue, he feels her body quivering now instead of jerking.  As her stomach sporadically spasms, barely flexing up and down across the wiggling sawhorse, he senses her pain’s turning to pleasure.

       Groans turn to moans as Cyl’s whimpers escape the wadded cloth in her yawning mouth with each rasping breath.  Camera and video cam flashing and rolling as the two men circle the sawhorses, catching every angle as her youthful but exotically matured naked body gyrates, the lighting reflects off her glistening bare flesh and occasionally off the single stainless needle quivering from her nipple.     

       Meg gripping the fresh needle in her left hand and leaning over, licks then sucks Cyl’s bare nipple into her mouth as she also gently twists the needle in a half circle impaling the other breast.  Feeling both breasts quivering, the nipple hardening between her lips, she gently slides her free hand up across Cyl’s cheek.  Tilting, slipping her face up toward Cyl’s, pressing her open mouth across hers, licking her parted lips surrounding the dampening rag with the tip of her tongue, she reaches for the cloth and drags it away, dropping the white cotton material across the floor.  Cyl’s body stiffening, tiptoeing on the balls of her feet, her fingers and toes flexing as her arms and legs lock, her grunts grow even louder as the dreamlike manipulation of her naked body continues.  Her firm, almost solid breasts barely flinch, much less bounce off from the front of her trembling torso thrusting outward from her arching back as the ropes holding her curved body tautly stretch.  Eyes glazing, the tears dried, she stares straight ahead, past Meg, past the cameras circling her as she also feels both orifices between her straining legs lapped and fingered.

       He gently strokes, caressingly masturbates Cyl’s youthful body while Meg also continues to press her mouth across her trembling lips, slide her moist tongue across her quivering tongue as more time’s allowed to pass while being videoed.  Tasting her juices starting to ooze as his tongue again laps back and forth across her slit, he slowly flicks around her rectum, down the puffy flesh of her vulva before barely entering the tight outer edges of her vagina.  Feeling her engorging clit lightly pulsing under the touch of his forefinger, he continues the soft massage as she softly whimpers. 

       Her thighs trembling as they press against his face, the tremors becoming even more apparent as she squirms across the sawhorse while rasping for breath between hoarse moans, he reaches up and taps Meg on the thigh, retrieving the needle.  Slipping his thumb and forefinger together, tugging downward on her stretching clit while still gently manipulating the moist flesh, he hesitates momentarily as Meg slides her lips from Cyl’s while gripping her cheeks with both hands.  Her body continuing to tremble, Cyl gently gyrates across the sawhorse as her clit’s being stroked, the sexual pleasure overshadowing her impaled nipple’s pain that’s all but faded away.

        Twisting and tugging downward, he holds the tender skin taut.  Hesitating for a brief moment, glancing toward Meg, he gives a final jerk.  Jamming the needle firmly through Cyl’s clit, he feels her naked body bounce.  ?Aaaaaggggggghhhh!!!?  One long scream as her entire bending body jerks against the pair of sawhorses.  Quickly grabbing the rag, stuffing, cramming it back into her mouth, the muffled screams subside as her impaled clit visibly pulses, traces of blood dripping down her inner thigh.

       Again her mind races, the dream now again a nightmare as the pain tears at her naked body.  The pain resonates from between her thighs as her stretched clit sears from the piercing. ?Aaaaaggggggghhhh!?  Another muffled scream as the rag chokes at her throat as he releases the needle, its point scrapping, pricking into her inner thigh as her clit springs back between the folds of her labia.

       Standing, stepping toward the front of the sawhorses, he retrieves a third packaged needle from the tray.  Ripping the cellophane, fingering the needle as he reaches for her right breast as M stands beside him grinning, he orders.  ?Hold her tit Meg? Squeeze it tight so the nipple swells.?

       Grabbing, squeezing, Meg quickly follows his directions as Cyl’s breast trembles, bulges, the areola and nipple swelling outward.  Pressing the edge of the needle across her areola, letting the sharp tip press into the inner edge of the hardened nub, he slowly flexes his wrist letting the needle’s point disappear into the tender flesh.  Cyl rasps for breath, her naked body shaking as she clenches her fists, tiptoes on her spread feet as her bare butt thrusts higher off the sawhorse, the lower needle probing into the sensitive flesh of her upper thigh.  Grunting, moaning as tears drip off her cheeks from her reddened eyes, she tries to plead through the stuffed rag as he sinks the third needle into her tit flesh.

       ?Aaaggghhh!?  A muffled grunt mixes with the ‘plop’ of the needle ramming completely through the hardened nub, a dribble of blood tracing off her rounded globe.

       As he steps back, Meg releases the impaled breast and also takes a step back.  The pair of cameras continues circling the sawhorses, continues rolling and capturing her pain wracked expressions along with her crimson tinged breasts and vagina.  The pair of needles in her breasts twitches with the tip of the needle impaling her clit also pricking into her quivering thigh as she struggles to remain motionless.  Gripping, centering the pair of needles in her breasts, he kneels and centers the third needle impaling her clit, bending the glistening metal downward into a gentle loop, tilting it away from her thighs.

       Nodding toward his friends, slipping his arm around Meg, he walks into the other room toward the couch as they follow, with the last flipping the light switch and closing the door.  ?Let her alone in there for awhile.?  He speaks as he begins rolling a fresh joint.  Glancing toward Meg he smiles.  ?Tattoos next? After we place the rings? But first let her stay stretched across the sawhorses for awhile? Come down a little.?  Flipping open the tattered cover of his folder, glancing through a couple pages, he starts his search for Cyl’s tattoo as Meg sits next to him on the sofa.  ?Okay, help me out, Meg? Which one’s for her??

       Alone in the room, mind not quite as hazy, her arched body remains twisted and bent around the sawhorses, the rope binding her hair keeping her facing forward.  The minutes slowly pass as she hears the voices in the other room, the occasional outside sounds of the night being smothered as the rain picks up.  Wrists and ankles practically numb in their affixed ropes, another half hour or so passes as the storm’s intensity continue.  Squinting toward the uneven wooden slates nailed across the window frame behind the shabby dark curtain, she watches the water trickling down the sill from a crack in the outside glass, a puddle collecting on the floor as the continuous sound of the downpour rattles off the metal awning around the corner of the house below the window.

       Cramping, aching all over, barely able to tilt her face, glancing down between the twin mounds of her thrust out breasts with a drool of her saliva tracing across her sternum, Cyl catches the glistening needles reflecting what little light there is as they quiver in her jiggling, separated  nipples.  Hearing the door open, glancing back up as the bare bulb hanging from the swinging electric cord in the ceiling flickers on, her neck can barely crane as she attempts to catch a glimpse of her cousin.  The rag still stifling her, the damp cloth crammed deep into her throat, her whines are barely audible above the storm.

       Stepping beside the sawhorse, patting Cyl’s rounded rump with her right hand, she leans her face toward her ear as she tugs the rag from her mouth.  ?Time for the rings? How yah doing girl??

       Without awaiting a response, rather easily Meg slips first one needle, then the next from Cyl’s nipples as she quickly follows by placing silver rings in their place.  Stepping around, kneeling behind her, a little more carefully tugging the bent needle from her clit, Meg slips a matching ring through her moist flesh, then stands and motions toward the open door. ?There? That wasn’t so bad, huh Cuz??  She adds with a smile.  ?Tattoo time Cuz? Think you handle it okay??

       ?I? I don’t know, Meg? God I hurt?  And I? I feel strange!?  Cyl rasps, trying to clear her throat. Twisting, tugging at her straining bindings, she grunts.  ?I guess? But? But I want it to hurry? Get it over with, okay Meg??

       Patting Cyl’s butt, smiling, Meg answers.  ?Sure C? You’re doing good? It won’t take a lot longer.  I’ll be right here with you? Okay?... Now? Across a tit or your ass? have you decided??

       Glancing toward Cyl’s face, barely able to get a glimpse of her welling eyes, Meg again asks. ?Now, like I asked? Tits or ass?... Which is it??

       ?No? Not? No more on my breasts M!?  Cyl hoarsely rasps, still trying to clear her throat, still forced to face forward, her naked body noticeably trembling as her numb arms and legs stretch in their bindings.  ?My? My back? The small of my back!... Like yours? Okay??

       ?Sure!?  Meg answers, sliding her fingers gently through the crease of Cyl’s butt cheeks, up into the hollow of her back, just above the set of dimples above her hips.  ?Right here it is then!?  Glancing toward her boyfriend, taking the crumpled page from his hand, she holds it in front Cyl’s eyes.  Again leaning beside her, she whispers.  ?This is it? Your tattoo!?

       Glancing toward the artwork, a tribal type display, she barely whimpers, nods as the aches and pains of her bondage and pierces mix with the still mind altering drugs.  ?That’s? That’s okay Meg?. Okay!?

       The tray slid up behind her, the boyfriend retrieves his tattooing instrument as the other two position themselves with their cameras.  Swiping the pattern across her back after wiping the alcohol soaked cloth back on forth on her bare flesh, he positions himself across her outthrust rump and begins his work.  Standing in front of Cyl, Meg cups both bare breasts in the palms of her hands as she leans over, presses her lips against hers.  Feeling Cyl’s body trembling, jerking as the needle buzzes, the firm globes jiggling in her cupping fists, Meg slides her tongue gently between Cyl’s moist lips as she carefully, gently manipulates the pair of ‘O’ rings piercing the thick nipples.

       Arms stretching, legs quivering, Cyl’s naked body gyrates as the instrument painfully glides across the small of her back.  Unhesitating, wiping and pricking, he continues nonstop as everything continues to be videoed and photographed.  Bending forward, Meg continues to lick and probe her tongue across Cyl’s quivering mouth as the session drags on.  Cyl’s grunts, shielded by Meg’s pressing mouth continue as areas of the rotating soaked rag in the boyfriend’s fist slowly turns toward a pinkish cast.

       The tattoo a solid, single dark ink color, the image takes on its professional shape, filling in from one side to the other.  Pressing, swiping, cleansing as he continues, breaking only occasionally, his hand’s kept firmly pressed across her quivering buttocks as he works, forcing her stomach down across the two by four, the silver ring embedding her clit glimmering from between her damp, spread thighs as she continues to tiptoe in sequence with some of the more painful jabs.

       The angles continue to be collected on the video with the photos mounting as Meg continues caressing and manipulating Cyl’s breasts while tonguing her trembling lips.  The tattoo finally in its finishing stages, as she slumps exhaustedly in her restraints he swipes another clean clothe across her inked flesh, leaving the fresh tattoo.  Meg steps back, smiles toward her boyfriend as she leaves the room.  Walking back in a couple minutes later, stripped completely naked, kneeling down, slipping her boyfriend’s jeans down across his hips, she slips her lips around his already thick shaft.

       Stroking, sucking on his shaft as he slides the tattoo instrument across the tray and drops the rag, she reaches up with her left hand showing a condom.  Slipping her lips off his swollen cock, she smiles up toward him and surprisingly blurts.  ?Might as well break her cherry too!? Grinning, unrolling the latex across the hood of his pulsing shaft, she rolls it upward, tugging it, stretching it until it’s completely stretched around his pulsing shaft.  ?Let me help!? She grins as she holds his cock at mid length in one hand and pinches the glistening ring downward with her thumbnail and fingertip of the other.

       Pressing forward with her hand, tugging at his shaft, his hips are forced to follow.  Giving another tug, the head of his shaft presses against Cyl’s puffy labia folds as Meg glances up, grunting.  ?Push? Pop that cherry!?

       ?Oomph!?  Cyl’s squeal resonates as his shaft rams against her damp vulva.  ?Oomph!? Another squeal from her as the engorged head of his shaft ‘plops’ between the spreading folds of her labia.  ?Oomph!!!?  Her body flexing, another loud grunt as Meg releases her nipple, slips her hand up across Cyl’s butt cheeks, plopping her thumb into the puckered rim of her rectum in sequence as half his shaft’s forced into her stretching slit, her labia folds gripping, stretching inward across the stretching latex as her thighs, legs arch against the sawhorse.

       Leaning her head around the first sawhorse, releasing his shaft as he again strokes in and out on his own, Meg pinches the ring, twists Cyl’s clit while tugging it downward while ramming her thumb deeper into her quivering anus.  ?Oomph!? Again a grunt as her contorted body spasms across the rails.

       ?Like this C?... Like being fucked?... Feel that cock ramming inside that tight little pussy of yours while your asshole’s being rimmed?... Yea? Like losing your cherry, C??  Her voice raspy, her own breasts bouncing, swaying as she kneels, her nipple rings, her naked flesh glistening, Meg continues thrusting her thumb in and out as her boyfriend buries his thick shaft to the hilt, his scrotum slapping against Meg’s crimson tinged fingers manipulating Cyl’s clit.

       The light from the camera flashing, the video cam rolling, Cyl’s evening’s being well documented while her jerking head remains forward as her braid of hair stretches at the taut rope.  Feeling the thick shaft pounding inside her, her tight vagina walls stretching like a glove around his pulsing shaft, gripping and being tugged with each deep thrust, the unfamiliar stirring in her womb confuses, yet excites her as she barely hears the muffled voices, the sounds surrounding her.

       ?Ohhh!!!... Ahhh!!!... Ooohhh God!!!? She hoarsely rasps with each thrust, each impalement stretching the insides of her youthful, tight body as her eyes glazes.  ?Aaaggghhh!?  Another curdling grunt from her parted lips as she feels him leaning across her back, gripping both her out thrust breasts at their base, stretching them outwards toward her sides as he rams his hardest thrust yet.

       Still rimming her anus with her thumb, manipulating her clit with her other hand, Meg Grunts.  ?Want him to keep fucking you C?? Do you?? Tell him? Beg him to keep fucking you!?

       ?Oh? Oh? Oh yes? Yesss? Keep fucking me? Fuck me? Oh fuck me!?  Cyl rasps for breath between grunts as she jerks her hips, arches her back as her breasts are twisted, tugged, the needles gleaming off her jiggling nipples.  ?Oh Please? Yes!?

       Feeling her tight vagina pulsing, his thick shaft engulfed in the smothering orifice between her spreading thighs as it grips, stretches as he continues to thrust and pound, he feels his scrotum slapping back and forth between his legs, against Meg’s fingers.  The surge from his groin mounts, his shaft twitching as the rush deep inside explodes through his thumping, pulsing rod, gushes into the stretching latex.

       Cyl’s vagina quivers, the first time feeling that incredible sensation as a tingling warmth spreads from deep inside her womb, spreads between her thighs as she feels his cock pulsing, expanding inside her tight walls.  Her body shaking, her flattened stomach, abs flexing as she bends even further back, the fronts of her legs bounce against the wooden rail as her head jerks back, her naked body bent, twisted, bowed against the harsh wood.  ?Aaaaaggggggghhhh!!!? The orgasm explodes, her vagina jerking with spasms as Meg’s thumb’s completely buried deep inside the trembling sphincter rimming her anus, pressing against his shaft.

       Holding still after another couple less forceful thrusts, the tops of his thighs press against Cyl’s trembling butt cheeks.  Finally slipping his milky latex covered shaft out, he slips his hands on either round rump of hers while Meg stands, slipping her thumb out from Cyl’s anus, her other hand patting Cyl’s clit.  Gripping his shaft with one hand, sliding the condom off as his semen drips to the floor, watching her bound body still quivering, the cameras still rolling, she gives him a quick kiss, glances toward her backside.  ?Good fuck huh?... Let her suck you dry now!?

       Stepping around, untying Cyl’s hair and tugging her head forward, Meg forces Cyl’s face against his shaft.  ?Open your mouth C, suck him dry? Now!?  She orders as she pinches Cyl’s left nipple, gives a sharp twist.

       ?Oomph!?  Yelping, her mouth opening, she feels his shaft slip forcefully between her lips as he rocks forward.  His thick shaft grinding across her tongue, the still swollen head pressing against the roof of her mouth, practically pressing against her tonsils, she gags as the sticky fluid oozes between her stretched lips, trickles down her throat, the unexpected taste salty, bitter.

       ?Swallow it? All of it C!?  Meg scolds as she gives the pierced nipple another firm twist.  ?Lick it clean and swallow!?

       Grunting, feeling her face forced downward between her thrust out breasts, his cock sliding, beginning to pump and swell inside her mouth, she struggles for breath, her arms stretched tautly back, her pubic mound grinding itself raw across the sawhorse as she stands on the balls of her feet. ?Aauugghhh!... Uumph!?  Grunting, rasping as her head’s jerked by her hair, his shaft sliding deeper into her throat, she sucks, swallows between gags.

       Smiling, Meg slides her open hand across his flexing stomach, pushes back.  ?Good job C? Now you not only got fucked, but learned to suck a cock too!?  Stepping back, his shaft still half stiff, he grins as he watches the cum drooling off Cyl’s chin, her glazed eyes staring straight ahead as Meg holds her head up by her hair.  ?That’s it for tonight? All done Cuz? Let’s unbind you now.?  Meg addresses Cyl as she begins unbinding her left wrist. ?Get you off these sawhorses.?























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Honeymoon At Goa With Two Cousins

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A Week At My Cousins

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The Case of the Kissing Cousins

By the time spring break came around, everyone was ready to party. The weather had been unseasonably warm for March in Alberta, and everyone had come home from the schools they were away at. My cousins, Eliza and Michael, had just come over to stay, visiting from their family farm in Manitoba. They, like me, had just graduated high school this spring and were taking a bit of a year off to work, and do things, and just relax. When Auntie Sherry and her family had lived in Alberta, they’d been...

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Kissing Cousins

"Hurry up! Just stick it in already," Katie said impatiently. "It won't go in. It's too big for the hole," Mark replied. "Here, give me a try. My arms are getting tired." "Just be gentle with it. It's the only one I've got." "Yes! It's in. Knew I'd get it to fit." The key turned in the lock and Katie and Mark Fletcher were finally into their brand new rental. The cousins were excited at finally having a place all to themselves. Katie was the older of the two at 19. She'd been forced to leave a...

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Lewd Tales 8211 Part 2 Meeting My Aunt And Two Cousins

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Moving in with Cousins

Your name is John. In the settings bar, you can change your first and last names to whatever you want. You can also change most other characters names as well. You live in Michigan with your two parents, and are 18 years old. You are about to start your last year of high school--they held you back in Kindergarten because you were bored and never paid attention. You never really got to know your parents well; they both liked to party with friends, and never had much time for you. So when they...

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Girlfriends cousins

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Playing With Cousins

Hi indian sex stories dot net readers Please reply if you like my sex story to As this is part of a series, the story is long and request you to read it with patience. I assure you that it will make your dicks hard and pussies wet while reading. Thank you. It was a vacation where I and my mom went to our uncle’s house in the village. Uncle was a farmer and his wife was a housewife. They had 2 kids Ritu and Shivu. Ritu was same age as me and Shivu was 2 years younger than me. We reached the...

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Kids Growing UpChapter 8 Cousins

Mom, dad, Sarah and I went to visit with our Aunt Betty at her farm a few miles west of us. We arrived at the farm mid afternoon and were greeted by our Aunt Betty and Uncle Robert. They gave us a tour of the farm and house and gave us a little history of the place. It was a big farm with lots of livestock. The house was an old Victorian building with four bedrooms and three baths. It had been remodeled some years ago by my Uncle Robert and had all the amenities you would expect in a newer...

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Antheas baby 1

“What’s wrong? What’s wrong?”Anthea looked up at her mum as she sat down at the dining table. “Nothing is wrong,” Anthea responded watching as her mum hurriedly dried her hands with a tea towel.“Is the baby okay? Are you okay? Is Jack okay?” she asked as her husband came into the room and pulled up a seat at the table.“We’re all fine Mum,” she responded exasperated with her mum’s anxiety. “I have something to tell you.”“Sit down Helen,” her dad snapped. “Give the lass a chance to speak.”Anthea...

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Tagged Teamed by Cousins

It was on a Saturday as I was walking from town, as I passed by the government projects, Bruce called out to me. I tried to act like I did not hear. Bruce ran through the complex and headed me off at the next corner. Popping from between two buildings, Bruce caught my elbow and asked '...where you going, I called you...' I tried to pull my arm free only to have Bruce grab hold to my hand also. I defiantly growled '...I didn't hear you, I need to get home now...' Bruce twisted my wrist slightly...

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Kissing Cousins

I think a lot of people's first sexual experiences come from family interaction. This doesn't mean all families have sex together. What i am saying is that being in close proximity we see each other naked (down south nek**) or hear sex occurring through parents door or catch your sibling masturbating. Curiosity with our bodies also makes it easy for family to be our first sexual experience. This is where my story starts. During the family reunion of my 14th year our family hosted the reunion....

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Sexy Night With Lesbian Cousins

This is story about my lesbians cousin’s how they enjoyed each others company. After reading my story kindly leave your feedback on my personal email address . My father have 2 elder brothers each have one daughter. I am the only son of my father. My elder cousins name is Archana next is Aparna and my name Abay. We three cousins very close to each other. We use to meet every summer holidays and use to stay 15 days in each cousins place. This routine was from child hood. We all use to play with...

4 years ago
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Threesome With My Cousins

Hi indian sex stories dot net readers This is a story about a threesome with my cousins.I have already fucked my elder cousin when my younger cousin gave birth to a baby. I was sex starved for 4 months and dying for sex. Before going to the story I’m Sidharth from Chennai tall guy with an average cock. Ping me for sex at Coming to the story my elder cousin was a sex bomb and I have fucked her 5 months ago. Those who haven’t read my previous story read that story. I was waiting for another...

2 years ago
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Cruisin Cousins

I'd married young and divorced young, and I'd never learned the trick of travelling alone. I felt as if I must be the only woman ever who actually dreaded her annual two weeks' vacation from the big corporation where I work. It probably sounded pitifully tedious to my co-workers, but I jumped at the chance to share my vacation with my cousin Jenny, who wanted to take a Caribbean cruise. "If both of us share a cabin, Lisa, it'll be almost as cheap for two people as it would be for just...

1 year ago
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Teenage Cousins

Note : This story is completely fictional! I have pretty hot cousins. Of course I fantasize about them, but if I ever told them, I have no idea how they would handle it. My hottest cousins are in their 20's, so they would be harder to get for myself, who am only 18. I go over to one of my cousin's house quite a bit, not to just hang out, but to check out his sister, who is my cousin, and the current hot friends she has over. Of course I had never tried anything with her before, because I was...

2 years ago
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Camping Cousins

other weekend are whole family go's out camping. Now i am a big fan of camping however if you go every other weekend it can get rather boring, and this weekend was no different. My family is made up of me my sister, Dad, uncal and two cousins. My one cousin, me and him are like brothers we do everything together we are even in a band togeter. Now this story is about my other cousin Jill. Now I must confess that i all ways had a little crush on Jill she is one of the most astonishing bodys...

2 years ago
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Pervert cousins

Sue twisted strands of her shoulder length brunette hair around and around her finger as she talked on the phone. “A movie and then something to eat? That sounds nice Jim.” She listened for a second and then said, “Cool, I’ll see you at six-thirty then.” Sue hung up the phone and then fell back on the bed, staring at the ceiling. She had an honest to goodness date with a hot guy. A car date. She jumped off the bed and looked at herself in her bedroom mirror....

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Loving Cousins

**Contains some Spanish dialogue!! Translations will be inparenthesesafter quotes! Story is a work of fiction** Hello, my name is Ian and I am a 16 year-old, half-white half-Mexican, teen. I also have a mild form of muscular dystrophy that weakens my muscles. My upper body strength is probably at 75% compared to a person who does not have this disease, and my leg strength is at around 30%. This means I use a powered wheel chair to get around, as I can't walk. I can go a few steps if I had...

4 years ago
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Kissing Cousins

Kissing Cousins I was forced to go with my parents to a New Year’s Eve party at my Aunt Mildred’s house because she couldn’t trust me to stay home alone. Well the truth was I got caught kissing Jimmy and he had his hand in my panties at the time too. Hell I was thirteen years old and damn good looking. I was tall for my age, a bit too skinny, and I had tits. They weren’t much but Jimmy sure liked them and I liked him. He would let me hold his cock if I kissed it first and sucked on it...

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3 Cousins

3 CousinsI was rather young when my family and I went to a birthday party at my grandma’s house. All of my cousins on that side of the family are girls, and most of them are extremely attractive, Samantha included. She is around the same age as me, so we naturally always hung out during these family get-togethers. At that time she had long, blonde hair flowing down her back, usually in a ponytail, and I remember that she was wearing a white tee-shirt and shorts.She and I had retreated to the...

1 year ago
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Nate and Dancelle are cousins

Dancelle and Nate are cousins in mother's side. It was long ago when Dancelle loose her parents in car accident together with Nate's father, so Aunt Liza(Nate's mom) were obligated to take care of Dancelle. They only have small house with only two bedroom, one for Aunt Liza and one for Nate. Dancelle shared room with Nate. It was ok for Nate, they had been sharing room for 6yrs now but unfortunately he had to study abroad due to scholarship and he grab the chance. Aunt Liza at Dancelle are left...

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Sexy Cousins

I’m Rick, 39, single, and a year removed from a twenty year stint in the US Marines Corp. I went in when I finished high school, and loved my position so much, I stayed the required twenty for retirement. I left as an E-7 Gunnery Sergeant. Loved my time in the service, although there was a few times it got harry out in the field. I am 5’ 10, 175 pounds, brown hair and eyes, and in good shape, even today. When I got out, I landed a job at this company that manufactures products for the...

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So found myself visiting cousins at their campsite near my home. We stat around camp fire getting pretty loaded. Both are recently divorced. The conversation turned to sex lives while married and how they liked it. Did it . toys used . locations. You name it we covered it. I then proceeded to admit mine when I was married was less than good and that I check out strip clubs on occasion. Hit the local sex shop regularly and even got it on with 3 women I used to work with. (Not at same...

4 years ago
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Uther By Ellie Dauber (c) 2006 Introduction According to the legends of King Arthur, Merlin changed Uther Pendragon into a double for Duke Gorlois, so he could spend the night with Ygraine, the Duke's wife. Ygraine and Gorlois had three daughters: Elaine, Morgause, and Morgan le Faye. During their time together, Ygraine became pregnant with the child who was to become King Arthur. Uther's men killed Gorlois that same night. This is my TG (of course) version of what...

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Jenna and John Kissing Cousins

From as far back as I can remember, my cousin John and I were inseparable from at least the age of 5. We spent a lot of our summers together, my aunt and uncle had an in-ground pool at their house and my parents often let me spend weeks at a time there. I loved those summers, and being a kid I was completely infatuated by John. He was just two years older than me, but he didn't treat me like he was. John included me in everything he did weather it was watching TV or hanging with his friends;...

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Wild Things With My Sexy Cousins

This dates back on to 2010. My name is Vikram. I was an engineering student back then. It was New Years Eve. All of my cousins came to my place. So my cute little cousin Manvi also came. Let me describe her, she was 18 years old, a virgin, big tits, apple bottom and a nice pout, white complexion and five feet tall. It was one a.m. it was very cold and dark. After a great deal of party we all were tired. We all decided to go to sleep. Luckily Manvi was on the right side of mine and to my other...

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Carruthers Bride

The the wind howled around the quayside as I stepped onto terra firma for the first time in weeks, the wind threw sharp shards of ice to sting our faces as we looked up at the sails as they were finally furled and stowed as our captain grinned at our discomfiture, "Au revoir!" he joked as if he knew we should soon be recalled. Those such as were left, and we were few enough, I shuddered. My best uniform packed securely in my Valise, awaited me, and just a few more duties before I...

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Accidental Cousins

It seems that all stories like this begin when we are young. But probably not now you are thinking. I have 2 female cousins on my mom’s side, Tina and Cara. They are 2 and 4 years younger that I am. When I was 9 my parents moved from the Mid-West out to California. I saw my cousins for the last time the year after we moved. So the last time I saw them they were 8 and 6 and I was 10. When I was 13 my folks got a divorce and we lived with my mom. When I turned 18 I joined the...

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