The Gigolo free porn video

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Laura puckered her lips as she applied the eyeliner. For years she’d had no idea why she puckered up when she put on eyeliner until a friend had questioned her about it several months ago. It had taken her three weeks of casual pondering before she suddenly realized there was no real reason for it. Her mother had always pouted when she put on makeup and she had passed the habit onto her only daughter. Laura in turn had passed it onto her three daughters.

Her long blonde hair was beginning to turn gray around her ears, but a trip to the hairdressers had seen highlights taking care of the gray. She loved her hairdresser, he was young, sophisticated and every time he bent over she could see the imprint of his underpants. Sadly Michael was as gay as they come, something she had almost shed a tear over when she found out. Why were all the nicest looking men gay, married or otherwise indisposed?

She checked her reflection one last time as she heard the tires crunching over the gravel driveway. The peach-colored, silk charmeuse blouse was immaculately cut, the billowing sleeves fastened with deep cuffs. The black slacks clung to her tight buttocks, childbearing had done its damage but a vigorous exercise regime had kept the pounds off. Her face was almost free of blemishes, her blue eyes were clear and bright and if not for the chapped fingers and crows feet, she could have passed for thirty eight instead of forty eight.
The phone rang and she picked it up.

“Laura McMartin speaking.”

“It’s Raoul,” the Spanish accent brought a smile to her lips.

“Michael’s friend?”

“Si,” he replied.

“The door’s open,” she tugged at the collar of her blouse, “I’m in the bedroom.”

Laura stared at her reflection one last time. Raoul was Michael’s friend, the next best thing to perfection, according to Michael. She doubted him but after an afternoon at the local tennis club where she had kept him in drinks she had finally agreed to meet his friend, Raoul.

“He’s broken my heart,” he confessed drunkenly, “I thought there was a chance I could turn him, but he’s straight, can you believe that? How could any man resist me?”

“I’m glad some can, darling,” she patted his wrist gently, “you can’t have every man you meet.”

Michael just pouted into his Chablis, leaving Laura to ponder the mystery that was Raoul.

“Tell me about Raoul,” she ran her finger around the rim of her goblet, “I mean, if I was to ring him and offer him money to shag me senseless, what would he say?”

“For a start you wouldn’t say that,” he cautioned her, “you would say that Michael had referred you to him because he would be able to fix a minor plumbing problem for you, if you come right out and say it without him knowing who you are, he might think it’s a sting.”

“So what’s his situation?”

“He’s a student,” he shrugged, “studying art, new media, and photography, and working part time as a waiter; he worked in salons for a few years but decided that art was more enjoyable than fussing with people’s hair. He does a bit of relief work at the salon now and then but I don’t think he’s been there at the same time as you.”

“And he can be trusted, he’s not,” she stared out the window of the café, trying to find the words.
“He’s not the clichéd gigolo,” he smiled, “I suggested he get into this line of work after seeing how the women melted under his hands, it earns him a sizable income and Raoul is without a doubt one of the nicest men you could ever meet. I don’t know who his clients are, but he moves in your kind of circles though.”


“I don’t know about that, but I suspect he’s had a few high flying businesswomen along with politicians, I could swear he’s done some of my clients, and you know I only deal with the rich and shameless,” Michael fluffed out his hair and smiled.

“Such a waste that he will never warm my bed, but we can always hope can’t we?” he patted her hand and his bottom lip dropped.

“Please put in a good word for me?”

“Of course,” she stared past him smilingly her mind in a whirl as she contemplated the act, a Latino lover, now that would put a spring in her step.

“How much will this cost?”

“Standard rate is three hundred,” he replied, “an hour.”

“Sounds good,” she swilled the wine in the goblet and sniffed it, the wine was expensive but it was her own money she was spending. She could afford to spend money on expensive wine and sex, her personal income from the string of magazines and publishing companies she owned meant she didn’t have to work ever again. Laura however was a workaholic, one of the reasons her marriage had broken down. She had tried dating recently but it was hard to find the right man; they either turned a whiter shade of pale when they discovered her bank balance or latched onto her like a drowning man clings to a lifesaver. So difficult to find the man who would treat her like an equal.

Michael had left shortly after, the number written on a piece of paper was an East End number. She had called a few days later and waited with bated breath for the phone to answer.



“Speaking,” he replied.

“It’s Laura McMartin, a friend of Michael, hairdresser Michael.”

“I see?”

“I was wondering,” she held her breath.


“Michael said you might be able to help me with a small plumbing problem, I need someone with a little discretion.”

“I see,” he replied, “my standard fee is three hundred pounds, but discretion carries a twenty five percent increase.”

“Three hundred and seventy five pounds, and is that for an hour?” Laura stroked her hair, “I’m sorry but I’m a little new at this.”

“No problem,” he reassured her, “I did not know that, let me suggest we drop the twenty five percent and make it for fifty minutes instead of the usual hour?”

“How very generous of you,” she smiled.

“It makes for good repeat business,” he paused, “now, you have a time in mind?”

“Tomorrow afternoon, between three and half four?”

“Perfect, I had to cancel a booking this morning, you will save my bacon as they say.”

Laura had fantasized about the exotic accent that next morning as she sat in Michael’s salon and let him go to work on her hair.

“I want to look twenty years younger,” she had told him.

“And here was I thinking it was going to be a miserable day,” he fluffed out her hair, “my job has never been easier.”

“I called Raoul last night,” she casually informed him a few minutes later.

“I know,” he teased out a lock of hair, “he rang last night to check you were a friend of mine, I put in a good word for you.”

“I’m so nervous,” she patted her breasts, “what do I do when he comes?”

“Scream for mercy?”

She giggled.

“Sorry,” he snipped carefully, “it is your fantasy, the role of a sex worker is to fulfill your fantasy, whatever that may be, if you want to be spanked like a naughty little girl he will do it, but he will charge extra for the privilege,” he plucked at another lock.

“Oh,” she gulped, “I’ve never been spanked before.”

“You should try it,” he sighed, “I was spanked last night, it was sheer,” he stared into the mirror and smirked, “bliss.”

He smiled warmly.

“Look at you, you’re glowing already, this could be the start of a brand new phase. If you give me a full report of his vital statistics I’ll do your hair for free next week.”

Laura had slapped his hands playfully.

“Shut up or I’ll tie you to the bed and spank you.”

Even Michael had winced at that.

It had seemed perfectly okay to sit and talk about it a few hours ago but now that the time had arrived, Laura had found her courage beginning to evaporate. She could hear him ascending the stairs and her heart skipped a beat as she heard him stop in the hallway. For a moment she considered changing her mind but then she set the brush down and called out softly.

“In here.”

Laura had fantasized about Raoul for the last few hours, but nothing could prepare her for the sight that greeted her eyes a few seconds later as the tall, handsome man stepped into her bedroom. His eyes were a soft brown and expressive, his cheekbones wide, leading to a firm chin and gently curving lips that looked almost feminine; when he smiled his teeth were dazzlingly white. The coal-black hair just nudging the collar of his white shirt had been recently styled. Her eyes fell to his crotch and she managed a smile, he looked to be well hung and when he stopped at her side she caught the aroma of expensive cologne. In his hand he held a single rose and she smiled as he advanced towards her and dragged the petals across her face.

“A rose for a rose?” Long, dainty fingers slid up her neck to her cheek and she shivered, “Michael said you were a beauty but he did not mention you were a goddess as well.”

“Stop,” she smiled.

“You have the money?”

“Yes,” she glanced at the envelope, “you can count it if you like.”

“We usually do,” he picked up the envelope, “some clients get upset, but it is not as if we can appeal to the authorities if we are short changed, prostitution is illegal in the United Kingdom.”

“A shame,” she pursed her lips as he checked the money, “I think it would save a few marriages if we were able to satisfy our urges with prostitutes.”

“You have a husband?”

“Ex husband,” she smirked, “we’ve been officially divorced for the last four years, but the last time we made love was about eight and a half years ago and I was too drunk to remember it.”

“A shame,” he slid his fingers behind her collar and caressed her neck and throat, “such a beautiful woman, such a woman should be loved as if there were no tomorrow.”

He stopped at the top button and looked down at her.

“What is your fantasy?”

She stared at her reflection as he undid the button, her mind had gone blank.

“We will start the clock now if you like,” he parted the blouse, “some clients for the first time are unsure, so I play a little game,” he tickled her skin.

Laura swallowed.

“I ask what turns them on and we just go with the flow as you say here,” he slid his fingers up the blouse to her collar and inched his fingers under her blouse and began stroking her shoulders. Laura murmured with pleasure as he worked her shoulders.

“Funny you should say that,” she murmured, “a blank canvas is what springs to mind right now.”

“I know about blank canvases,” he bunched his fingers up and tickled her with spider like movements. A shiver ran down her spine as he walked his fingers back and forward along her shoulders, his featherlight touching stimulated the delicate nerve endings in her skin. Her eyes closed in bliss as she leaned back and let him work. The next button came undone and she felt his fingers sliding further down, breaking free of the blouse and circling her breasts, which soon cried out for release as he gently tweaked them.

She sighed heavily as he undid another button and parted her blouse a little more. The silk was now stretched tightly as he worked it over her shoulders. His teasing fingers danced up and down her front, her sighs grew deeper, she longed to be free of the blouse, her nipples were hardening and she suddenly exhaled.

“Oh God, oh God.”

The button popped loose to reveal her ivory-colored basque, bought that morning on impulse. He undid another two buttons ever so slowly and let the blouse fall down to her waist. She opened her eyes and looked up soulfully, unable to cry out as he massaged her shoulders with soft, sensual movements that started as circular strokes, becoming elongated and extending across her shoulders, down her back and up over her sides to her front. Her breasts were gently kneaded and she leaned back and sighed blissfully as he undid the last few buttons and inched the blouse out from her slacks. His cock was pressed against her back as he worked her breasts through the viscose blended material of the basque, using the material to aid his passage over her front. She was sighing deeply now, letting the feeling take her as he slowly spun her around to face him.
She slid her hands up his front and he kissed her hands, drawing her fingers into his mouth as he undid the four buttons on each cuff, the sleeves slid down her arms and he began kissing her wrists with soft, sucking kisses. Laura shivered with delight and dropping her hands, let the blouse fall to the floor.

Laura looked up in awe at his muscular body. God, she had not seen such a magnificent specimen in years and definitely not like this. She ran her hands down his torso and explored his muscles, the pectorals were firm, his nipples hard and that six pack, did such things exist? She popped the buttons free one by one, a stupid grin on her face as she opened up his shirt and tickled his smooth well tanned skin.

“You like?”

“I love,” she slid her hands up to his shoulders and taking them firmly, he sucked her fingers one by one, savaging her wrists with soft, biting kisses that sent her senses reeling. The last man to even come close to this kind of foreplay had been an old friend, if he hadn’t been married to one of her closest friends, she would have considered his generous offer of a regular gig. She rose and putting her arms around him, kissed his chest daintily.

“Is this allowed?” she suddenly pulled back.

“If it is your fantasy then yes, it is allowed.”

“I heard somewhere that it isn’t.”

“You have seen too many bad movies,” he turned and taking her hand, led her to the bed. Laura stared at his buttocks, and when they reached the bed, she grabbed them firmly and bit his shoulders gently.

“Oh God,” she murmured, “you are exquisite.”

“Your pleasure is my command.”

He swung around behind her and sliding his hands down her front, massaged her labia firmly through the slacks, she squirmed with pleasure, feeling his cock against her back passage and then she felt the button pop loose and the zipper sliding down.

“Go down on me,” she whimpered as his fingers slid down over her panties. She was getting moist and he tested her delicately and satisfied she was not needing assistance, pulled the trousers over her hips and down her legs. She stepped out of them and unsnapped the suspenders. She felt his breath against her pubic mound as he knelt in front of her and then he was tugging her panties down to expose the black patch of hair between her legs.

Laura’s eyes widened with pleasure as his tongue flicked over her engorged lips and a primal grunt escaped her pounding throat. A moment later he placed her hands on his head and moved closer. His tongue started at her clitoris and sliding the hood back, he grasped the delicate little organ between his lips and pulled at it. His tongue flicked over with firm brushing strokes that sent her into a momentary blackness. The delicious sensations surging through her body brought a shudder to her spine but before she could cry out, he was sliding his fingers up and down her labia, parting her lips and sliding inside. She cried out with pleasure as he kept working her clitoris, keeping up a rhythm, only pausing to let her collapse onto the bed, her legs had become like jelly, she felt her pussy walls constricting and then she was pushing in and out, her fingers wrapped firmly around his head as she began to climax. The warmth spread through her belly and moved upwards and downwards at the same time as her breathing became ragged and uncontrolled, he was driving her higher and higher until suddenly she cried out.

“Oh fuck, fuck, fuck, oh fuck, oh you are so fucking beautiful, oh fuck, fuck, fuck.”

The obscenities kept raining down on his beautiful head as he attacked her clitoris mercilessly until she finally pushed him away, her heart was pounding, white spots swam before her eyes and she pushed herself backwards and collapsed onto her back.

“Oh fuck, fuck, oh you are fucking beautiful,” she panted.

“You are satisfied?”

She stared into his angelic face and grinned.

“Very satisfied, you’ve definitely got repeat business.”

“There is just one eensy weensy problemo,” he smiled as he moved onto the bed beside her and began to untie the basque.

“What?” she looked over her shoulder.

“We still have twenty minutes to go.”

“Oh,” she stroked his face, “well there is one fantasy I have been saving for a special occasion.”

“What is that?” he loosened the basque enough to slide it over her head.

“I’ve always fancied rear entry, but never managed to do it like that.”

“Oh,” he grinned, “now that we can arrange.”

He undid the rest of his shirt and let it fall to the floor. Laura’s eyes were fixed on the bulge between his legs as he undid his trousers and let his penis stand erect. It was big but not too big and she managed a chuckle as he stepped out of his trousers and worked his boxer shorts over his cock. The head was glistening with pre cum and she whimpered with anticipation.

“Be gentle?”

“Always, my little English rose,” he leaned forward and kissed her vulva gently, “you would like to play with a dildo while I do the bucking bronco on your ass?”

Laura sighed with pleasure.

“Top drawer,” she nodded at the bedside cabinet, “there’s condoms in there as well as lubricant.”

“I have my own heavy duty condoms for rear entry, we will use the lubricant though.”

Laura took the dildo from him a minute later and knelt on all fours, but he forced her to turn around and grab the bedhead.

“I can do it for you,” he bit her shoulders, “just relax your muscles, I have to stretch them.”

Laura had always thought the doggy position would hurt, but Raoul knew his stuff. He worked her back opening slowly with plenty of lubricant, until she began to move up and down. The dildo started up and began teasing her lips while he painted her anus with his cock. She closed her eyes and let him slide the dildo inside her pussy. Her legs turned to jelly and then she felt something large sliding up her back passage. She tightened up at first but then she felt lubricated fingers working her lips and instinct took over. She parted her legs wider and then he was sliding further in. A grunt escaped her lips, and then she felt pain, he was trying to split her in two. She tried to scream but then he removed his cock and began moving his finger in and out, slowly opening her while he masturbated her with his fingers and the dildo. She was beginning to climax once more and then she felt the cock sliding up her, she screamed in agony and then he rammed it home and she gagged. It slid out a moment later and then in again, slowly upwards while the dildo worked its effortless magic on her pussy. She felt her legs weakening and the shudder went through her body and then he was inside again and this time she cried out.

“Don’t stop, don’t stop, don’t stop, fuck me harder.”

He obeyed.

She was vaguely aware of something dripping down her thighs and she grabbed the rails tightly and let go, allowing him to fuck her back passage. His breathing was getting labored and then she was quivering and shaking uncontrollably, salty tears ran down her cheeks as the pressure on her rear passage increased. She felt him pumping harder and harder a few moments later, but by this time she was floating as her orgasm started and kept going and going. Her heart was pounding, thumping violently against her chest cavity. Her legs were shaking, her body was going into spasms and she screamed with pleasure. He was breathing heavily as he dumped his load into the condom and then suddenly relaxed and withdrew slowly. She grabbed the dildo from him and fucked herself harder and harder, bringing on two more subsequent orgasms while he held her tightly stroked her buttocks and drawing against his body, rubbed her lips and bit her shoulders gently. She felt like she was floating on a tidal wave, spots swam before her and then there was nothing.

The tidal wave abated slowly but eventually he was laying her onto her back while she stared at the bed. Her body was covered in sweat and she patted her chest as she caught her breath, a solitary tear ran down her cheek.

“So, how am I compared to other clients?”

“You are much better looking than other clients,” he smiled.

She frowned, was he telling the truth?

“I am supposed to say that,” he traced his finger up to her pubic hair, “but in your case you are quite good looking, I am surprised that one as beautiful as you pays for sex.”

“Let’s just say,” she sat up and sliding forward, picked up a packet of cigarettes, “that right now it’s convenient, I can enjoy sex without having to worry about cleaning up a man’s dirty toenail clippings in three months time.”

“Ah,” he smiled, “now that I understand.”

“You mentioned repeat business,” she lit a cigarette, “how much do you charge for repeat business?”

“It depends on the fringe benefits,” he replied, “for straight sex it is three hundred an hour, but if dinner or a night in a hotel is included then it can go lower but no less than two hundred.”

She frowned.

“I have to see one of my daughters in Edinburgh next weekend, what would you charge for a weekend in a hotel?”

“Hmm,” he leaned on the bed and stared at the wall, “a whole weekend?”

“Yes,” she stroked herself absently, “it includes dinner, you have to wear a kilt but I’d hire that for you, and we have a function to attend. My daughter’s graduation dinner, lots of potential clients there, let’s just say that I can see your talents and am prepared to recommend you to some of my other friends.”

“Five hundred,” he eventually replied, “although if I can meet more clients I’ll drop it by twenty percent for each client.”

“Interesting proposition,” she giggled, “okay, I’ll be your pimp and customer, as long as we’re discreet,” she stroked his face, “and what about those little gifts.”

“Gifts,” he stared straight ahead.

“Yes,” she replied, “like if I take you shopping.”

“We can negotiate,” he squeezed her leg, “I am not exclusive but as long as the money is there, I am your man as they say.”

“I hope so,” she mused and sat up, “meet me here at midday Friday, we fly up and we’ll be back on Monday morning.”

“Deal,” he kissed her gently.

He left soon afterwards and Laura sighed blissfully as she stared at the ceiling. Five hundred pounds for a weekend of sex? It was small change for her but at least she wouldn’t have to worry about cleaning up his dirty toenail clippings.

Michael answered on the second ring and she smiled as she sat up and spread her legs seductively.
“Oh it’s me, your favorite sexpot.”

“Laura,” he gushed, “I thought it was my beau.”

“Fat chance,” she rubbed herself, “well, he’s about six inches long, very firm and he has a six pack to die for,” she smiled.

“Oh my,” he sighed, “would he ever consider a threesome?”

“Maybe,” she settled into her pillows, “we’re heading to Edinburgh for my daughter’s graduation party, five hundred pounds and he’s all mine for the whole weekend.”

“So,” she continued without drawing breath, “I gave you his dimensions, do I get my hair done for free this week?”

“I’ll book you in first thing in the morning,” he replied, “I’ll give you a whole year of free haircuts if you can convince him to do a threesome.”

“Let me work on it,” she picked up her dildo.

She closed her eyes blissfully as she farewelled him and put the dildo down. She had all she needed, financial freedom, no husband, a hot Latino lover and a gushing hairdresser; it was time to explore her newfound freedom.

Woo hoo! Let the good times roll!

Written by Alastair Rosie

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Teachers Made Me Gigolo

Hi readers I am male 19 yrs from HYDERABAD which is capital city of the Andhra Pradesh,India and now and doing my degree. But the truth that I am going to narrate you is the truth of my life. All r welcome to comment n im always at ur email is kanthalav at . So without wasting your time I am going to narrate my truth of the past which is following me till date. Well I was very much of fond of sex when I was in 10th standard. My Height is 5 feet 7 inches and well slim body...

1 year ago
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The Golf Gigolo

Since I was working in the Tucson, Arizona area, I decided that I would visit my cousin, Jason, whom I had not seen since we graduated from college. I found him on Facebook; he was living in Phoenix. Soon we were on the phone catching up. During the conversation he said that he had an extra ticket to an LPGA Golf tournament, the JBTC Founders Cup, and invited me to accompany him the next day, which I did. We met for breakfast on the grounds and I was impressed that he was recognized in the...

Oral Sex
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First Time As A Gigolo

Well, I’m Abhi from Hyderabad. I’m 22 years old tall(6.1ft) slim fit guy with a 7- inch black drilling tool. I’ve been reading stories on this site for a long time. I never expected that I would write a story. But here I am with the real experience that I had.  I’m the type of guy with wild sex fantasies and loves adventures. I always loved the concept of a male gigolo but never expected that I would become one. This story is really long because I want to share every detail so please bear with...

4 years ago
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The Kings Gigolo

I have always been a little keen on medieval times. I am by no means what you will call a history buff, I enjoy the primitive fashion especially the low neck lines and heaving bosoms and the barbaric behaviour but mostly the romantic interludes that are linked with so many hero’s and legends. On a smaller scale I have always been let’s say amused more than interested in the idea of time travel and teleportation from a very early age from the time I started to read The Chronicles of...

2 years ago
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Aunt Cathys Gigolo

AUNT CATHY’S GIGOLO I served my country honorably until I took a shot to the hip. Not much an Army Ranger can do without a useable hip. I was patched up pretty well, but still given a medical discharge, some very nice VA benefits, and decided to go to college full time. In my four and a half years of active duty I managed to get a full year of college. My Aunt Cathy runs a hair salon from her home about four hours from my parent’s place. About ten minutes from her house is a university I’d...

1 year ago
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Jack the BigDick Gigolo

My name is Jack, and I’m here to tell the story of how I got involved in the business of being a gigolo, male escort, social companion, or whatever you wish to call it.I was twenty three years old when it first began. I was a regular guy; I had a regular job working at the airport. I had a girlfriend. Nothing special.Except in one area, I have a very big dick. Almost nine inches long when I’m fully hard, and two and a half inches wide. Girls seemed to like the width more than the length I...

4 years ago
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Hi, my name is Al Whitley. Now that may not seem important to you right now. However, I think as you read this you may want to change your mind. I am your average personal trainer, working at Cindy’s Spa and Health Studio here in town. Not much of a job, you might say? Well, in a way your right; and you’re also very wrong. I call the place Cyn’s (sins) meat market and sweat studio. Ladies flock to the Spa looking to lose a few pounds and to get out of the house and away from the curtain...

1 year ago
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How Sex With Boss Made Me Gigolo

Hi, ladies, bhabhies, aunties and girls. My name is Rahul(name change) I am from Noida. I am a call boy. Today I’ll tell you how I became a call boy. First, let me tell you about my self. I am 26years old. My height is 5.5”. I don’t have a physique like that of a stud. I am a normal looking boy. My dick is 7” long that can satisfy any lady/ girl. So now without boring you much let me come to the story. I’ll tell in Hindi now. Me ek MNC me kaam karata hun as a Manager. Meri boss Kolkata ki rehne...

2 years ago
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My First Massage Experience Made Me A Professional Gigolo

Hello all ISS readers. My special warm greetings to Girls/Bhabhis/Aunties, all female ones/House wives from #Odisha and #Chhattisgarh. Please give me feedback at “” after reading my experience. I’m Amitav aged 24 years, 5ft 8inch height, grey complexion and handsome athletic body. Now I am going to tell you how my body massage experience with my Aunt made me a professional gigolo one. I am from RAIGARH, CHHATTISGARH and had completed my B.Tech in 2015. Now I’m preparing for job staying away...

2 years ago
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Majburi Ki Chudai Majburi Me Bana Gigolo

Hi….. Readers this is my first story on Indian sex stories … I am interested to write this story in Hindi.. Mera naam sagar hai aur main up ke ncr area se attech area se belong karta hu aur mai college student hu. 25 yr young handsome and tall boy With a average tool.. Ek din hum sabhi college ke dosto ka plan bana kyu na aaj raat ko party ki jaye kisi disco me jaker, aur hum sabhi ne decide kiya hub sab friends club me hi millenge. Time ke according hum sabhi dost club gye aur drinks ki aur...

3 years ago
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Me And Aunty Sonia Made Me A Gigolo

My name is Tarun, I am a resident of Gujarat. I am a handsome guy to my height is 5.6 Feet. This story is a true story of how my boy, my aunt made me call. My aunt’s name is Sonia, their age 29 years, when they are very beautiful and sexy. Their butts are raised upwards to see if anyone stands Lund, the figure is 36 32 38. Aunt lives in Rajkot, he is a boy of 5 years. My uncle is a military, they remain out of the house. He visit 2 time a year. Join the paper after I got 12th, I was bored at...

3 years ago
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Aunt Cathys Gigolo

AUNT CATHY’S GIGOLO I served my country honorably until I took a shot to the hip. Not much an Army Ranger can do without a useable hip. I was patched up pretty well, but still given a medical discharge, some very nice VA benefits, and decided to go to college full time. In my four and a half years of active duty I managed to get a full year of college. My Aunt Cathy runs a hair salon from her home about four hours from my parent’s place. About ten minutes from her house is a university I’d...

Straight Sex
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NRI Lady Sex perience of Gigolo

Hi friends im back once again with real gr8 experience with NRI lady who kalp me for 24 hours Not wasting much time let start the story baat yeh november end ki hai i was just chatting on yahoo i met one lady from USA her name was Kajal we just chatted normal things then she asked me what u do i told her that i m gigolo by profession she asked me kahan se ho tum maine kaha mein gujarat mein rehta hu tho ek dam boli arre mein bhi abhi india mein aayi hu she came to bardoli phir mere se poochi...

3 years ago
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Mom Fucked By A Gigolo

It was hard, long, thick, and black. I had never seen a cock this big before. He was tall, dark, and muscular, maybe a gym freak. Or maybe this was just a job requirement for him. But mom loved it. She bent down and kissed the head of his throbbing fat cock. Then sat on her knees and took half of it in her mouth. It was so fat that she had to open her mouth wide to take it in. She looked up at him with a naughty look on her face while there was just a slight smile on his face. With his hands on...

2 years ago
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The Gigolo

I hire out from time to time to a dating service. The clients are for the most part are 40+, and a tad on the bulky side.The women call a dating service for a number of reasons, some of which are, single, lonely and don’t do the bar scene, or husband has lost interest and they desire sex so they slip into a motel while the husband is working or it makes them feel young and attractive yet because they have caused the date to orgasm. Some are recent divorcees and desire to experience what sex...

2 years ago
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The Golf Gigolo

Since I was working in the Tucson, Arizona area, I decided that I would visit my cousin, Jason, whom I had not seen since we graduated from college. I found him on Facebook, he was living in Phoenix. Soon we were on the phone catching up. During the conversation he said that he had an extra ticket to an LPGA Golf tournament, the JBTC Founders Cup, and invited me to accompany him the next day, which I did. We met for breakfast on the grounds and I was impressed that he was recognized in the...

2 years ago
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The Gigolo

Laura puckered her lips as she applied the eyeliner. For years she’d had no idea why she puckered up when she put on eyeliner until a friend had questioned her about it several months ago. It had taken her three weeks of casual pondering before she suddenly realized there was no real reason for it. Her mother had always pouted when she put on makeup and she had passed the habit onto her only daughter. Laura in turn had passed it onto her three daughters. Her long blonde hair was beginning to...

1 year ago
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Antheas baby 1

“What’s wrong? What’s wrong?”Anthea looked up at her mum as she sat down at the dining table. “Nothing is wrong,” Anthea responded watching as her mum hurriedly dried her hands with a tea towel.“Is the baby okay? Are you okay? Is Jack okay?” she asked as her husband came into the room and pulled up a seat at the table.“We’re all fine Mum,” she responded exasperated with her mum’s anxiety. “I have something to tell you.”“Sit down Helen,” her dad snapped. “Give the lass a chance to speak.”Anthea...

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There is a proverb that girls and ladies behave in strange ways; rather nobody can predict how they would behave. I am going to describe it in one of my experiences, being my second and last incident during train journeys. Once, I was coming back from my hometown. As it was Deepawali season, there was heavy rush in the train. I boarded the train around 12.20 AM (midnight) and went looking for my lower berth. In the dim light of night-bulb I found somebody sleeping on it with a bed sheet...

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Carolyns Spanish Gigolo

It was a must attend event for anyone who was lucky enough to have been selected by Exyberkraft’s board of directors. Carolyn was justifiably proud to have been named as one of only a handful of company executives chosen to attend the International Conference. This year, the conference was going to be held in Madrid, Spain. Carolyn had been with Exyberkraft for only seven years and to be selected to attend such a prestigious event, as their representative, was a dream come true. She’d never...

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It was a different Judy I held in my arms. She was not the loving, sweet, and cuddly Judy tonight. She had changed to a voracious female animal that demanded to be possessed. There was a wildness about her that I had never experienced. I had felt it as she walked in the door. She didn’t close it, she slammed it shut. She did not wait for me to embrace her and welcome her back from her sightseeing tour, instead she crushed me to her, practically ripped my clothes off me. She wouldn’t let me...

3 years ago
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my gigolo

i was just surfing a gay dating site & chatting & suddenly this dude popped up on my screen. i quickly checked his profile & imagine my surprise when i saw a hot huge chocolate cock. he was very dark-skinned & his cock had 2 be at least 12 inches long & super-fucking thick. i didn't realize just how long or thick, until i finally met him face 2 face.he & i start 2 chat & find out we had things in common & we both were looking 4 what the other had 2 offer.....he...

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Real Life Of Young Gigolo

My parents died when I was 8months old and I lived with my grand parents in Hyderabad as I was the only grand son they took care of me very well and had given me everything I need until teenage years. We had a very bad life after my 14th year as my grand father died with a heart attack leaving me and my grand mom from the day my grand father died our financial situation has become worse and I was in my 10th standard. We do not have any other income source apart from my grand father pension;...

2 years ago
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Fulfilling Madam8217s Sex Desire Made Me A Gigolo

Hi readers, This is Ram from Hyderabad. I’m a regular reader of Indian Sex Stories but never posted a story, this is my first narration so please excuse me for any mistakes and encourage me with your feedback on This is a true incident happened in my life. I’m a student and no money. So I do part time job in free time in Chennai. At that time I met my madam (name not revealed for privacy so let’s call her madam only) This story may seem boring in the beginning as I’m explaining true...

3 years ago
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Ek Bhabhi Ki Akelapan Aur Santusti Made Me Gigolo

App logo ne pehle meri stories padhi. App logo ko pasand aayi, uske liye khub khub dhnyavad. App logo ko sex ke liye kuch jankari leni hon, ya tips leni hon toh mail kijiye. ya fir “ ”. Kisi ladies, aunty ya bhabhi kuch pareshani hon toh batayein, sabhi baatein secrecy mein rahegi. App log muje jante hi hain. Mera naam Tarun hain, 25 saal ka hun. Aur ahmedabad mein rehta hun. Chalo ab bina bore kare mein appko story ki aur le jata hun. Meri stories padhke, muje bahut saare mail mile, unme se...

3 years ago
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How I Became A Gigolo

Hi, everyone my name is Rohan from Hyderabad ,5ft 8in,athletic body, any unsatisfied women can contact, I can assure you complete privacy!!Can mail me at Coming to the sex story!!It happened a couple of months ago .If you have read my previous stories you can know that I am having affair with a mature lady who none other than my friend’s mother. I used to have sex with her twice a week .She had many friends because she lives in a very posh community’s. One day I got a call from her that she...

4 years ago
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Journey Of Virgin Teen To Best Gigolo

Hi everyone, myself XXX 24 years male and lost my virginity for a Aunty. And I am regular reader of ISS. Firstly i will introduce about myself am very fair and 5’6″ tall and all suggests to try for acting as they feel that I got good looks and physics and all . And even am well educated graduate and got many proposals in my college girls and I rejected them as I don’t like to waste time in love but being 20+ year old teen its very difficult for any one to be Virgin and OMG wait wait let’s start...

4 years ago
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Majburi Ki Chudai Majburi Mein Bana Gigolo

Hello friends aap sabhi ka itna pyaar aur response mila meri pehli story ko jiski mujeh itni umeed nahi thi ki aap logo ko meri ye story itni passand aaygi… Lets start the story now… Main sagar friends 22 yr young handsome boy. Pichli story mein maine apko bataya tha ki kis tarha se susma madam aur mere beach mein sex hua aur susma lady police officer jinhone mere sath us din jabardasti sex kiya tha. Kuch din to tik thak guzre the uske baad fir ek din mujeh ek unknown number se call aai mai...

1 year ago
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My Experience As A Gigolo

Hi this is Arun 26 years of age from Chennai. This is my first story on ISS and I decided to post this was very excited and wanted to share you people about my experience. I came to Chennai for my studies. During my college time I was athlete so I had a good physic. I still remember when girls and aunties stare at me at my physic as if they want to feel my body. I use to stay in a rent house with 2 other portion with tenants and the house owner. I had sex with the 1 aunty who was my neighbour;...

4 years ago
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Gosh Im now a gigolo

Hey, I want me a story about sexual experiences, I first intercourse with Mama masi age 39 years (high 160/60kg BH 36B) and my aunt called Auntie April 30tahun new age (Bh high 162/55kg 36B) this story ... At that time my Dad a new service out of town for a week and adek my brother to go to grandpa's house for 5 days due to school holidays fit again, Mama said goodbye that afternoon would go gathering and he said he might come home late, I'm getting bored at home and I went to my friend's house...

2 years ago
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Sex With Gigolo

I am Rahul from Bangalore. EMAIL ID—- Today i am going to describe my real sex story with a girl in Bangalore. Her name is Reena. She got my email id from this website and send me a mail by giving her cell number and asking me to call her up. I called her. We talked few days. In those few days we just know each other. She told that her husband was in dubai and he is also having an affair their. She was all alone and was having no one to share her feelings. She lived with her mom, dad, son,...

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Adventures Of Celeb Gigolo

By : Hotty.Akshay This story is a pure work of fiction and does not intend to malign the image of any person or profession involved. Please take this story as it is meant to be, a pure sexual adventure, a pure fantasy. So, enjoy! I opened up my e-mail inbox to see a mail addressed to me by some guy in Mumbai seeking my services for the night. He introduced himself as a TV. Actor and said that he saw my profile through some escort-providing company and he found me rather hung and very nicely...

Gay Male
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"Richard, we need to talk. Right now, before your sisters get home from School; do you hear me?" Oh shit, I could smell trouble. With a fucking big T! "Right there, Mom, I'll be there in one minute." There was no way to escape it; somehow she had found out. Still, I was holding our family together and banking enough to send my sisters to University, and I had cleared up our near Bankruptcy because of our drunken father, a pedestrian crossing, and an old lady who had the green light, and...

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Over the Hills and Faraway Book 4 Soldiering OnChapter 22 Just a gigolo

"There's many a good tune played on an old fiddle." Gervase Brazen had made this pronouncement when he heard I'd joined the firm. "Well, I'm not looking forward to have to kiss some leathery old cheek, or waltz around a dance floor with a partner on a Zimmer frame." Gervase laughed. "The women you will be escorting may be in their sixties, and older, but over the years they have looked after themselves. They have been pampered by the best cosmeticians, beauticians, and plastic...

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Uther By Ellie Dauber (c) 2006 Introduction According to the legends of King Arthur, Merlin changed Uther Pendragon into a double for Duke Gorlois, so he could spend the night with Ygraine, the Duke's wife. Ygraine and Gorlois had three daughters: Elaine, Morgause, and Morgan le Faye. During their time together, Ygraine became pregnant with the child who was to become King Arthur. Uther's men killed Gorlois that same night. This is my TG (of course) version of what...

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Carruthers Bride

The the wind howled around the quayside as I stepped onto terra firma for the first time in weeks, the wind threw sharp shards of ice to sting our faces as we looked up at the sails as they were finally furled and stowed as our captain grinned at our discomfiture, "Au revoir!" he joked as if he knew we should soon be recalled. Those such as were left, and we were few enough, I shuddered. My best uniform packed securely in my Valise, awaited me, and just a few more duties before I...

1 year ago
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Motherless Vintage

Do you know of the porn site You should. I’ve reviewed it a few times on my site, The Porn Dude, although it was for different genres every time. This time around, I’m going back to this place and looking at a specific and niche little category many of you are just begging me to cover. We’re looking at vintage porn today. While it doesn’t have the same resolution and quality as the porn you can find today, it’s definitely a genre of porn that has a lot of personality to it and...

Vintage Porn Sites
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I should have known better. I should have remembered that old saying, "If it looks too good to be true, it is." I was in love. She was damned near all I thought about with the exception of my studies and it didn't make sense to me. I prided myself on my intellect and my ability to think logically, but there wasn't anything logical about the way I felt about Althea. She was beautiful, smart and very popular and I was not. I wasn't a bed looking guy, but I was nothing exceptional. I was...

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Motherless Images

Motherless. A one-word website title that says everything it needs to say. This is a site where the rules are, more or less, completely thrown out the window, morality means absolutely nothing, and there is nobody to save you from it. Hedonism is God here.The site likely is also called this due to the fact that the girls who end up on likely have no positive female influence in their lives to keep them from it. Motherless is the place parents spend their whole lives fearing that...

Porn Pictures Sites
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Motherless Amateur

I always considered Motherless the “4chan” of porn. Not only because Motherless was somewhat popularized there, but because Motherless also encourages users to share their own content in a very open way. This means minimal bullshit like moderation and censorship, and a strong “anything goes” attitude that leads to free and extreme content. It encourages people to create and upload their own homegrown content, like videos of their girlfriend pissing or spycam videos of their cousin....

Amateur Porn Sites
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Motherless BBW

What is it about Motherless that makes me fucking cum every time? Maybe it is how raw and amateur the porn on the site comes across as, or the content is just that fucking hot. Perhaps it is the fact that there is an astronomical amount of pornography just waiting for a dumb fuck like you to beat off to! I really don’t know, and frankly, I’m not going to pretend that I do.But what I do know is that if you love BBWs, the homepage will not be of much use! Preferably, head on over...

BBW Porn Sites
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Motherless Voyeur

Have you ever heard about a website called Motherless? Home to all kinds of kinky porn niches, with a side of the mainstream crap? If you are into some questionable fap content, you might want to check this website out. Plus, Motherless is a free porn website, so you can browse as much as you fucking want. Now, I am not really here to talk about the website in general… I am here to tell you about their amazing category, called voyeur porn.The world of voyeur fucking is a rather interesting one....

Voyeur Porn Sites
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Aether Guardians

The Five Kingdoms of Arstoria had been embroiled in the Great Ancient War for centuries. The war came to an end when Kalace, the Wizard King conquered the five lands and brought them under his rule. Kalace, the Wizard King of Arstoria, conquered all of his opponents who were unable to deal with his overpowering magic. When Kalace had united the five kingdoms, he brought peace to the warring kingdoms and was revered and celebrated by his later generation. Kalace, however, had a dark weakness in...


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