Sperm Donation 5 free porn video

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The next day was Saturday and soon after he got up Jack received another call from the clinic. Jack was asked if he would mind coming in to the clinic as soon as was convenient that morning. Since Jack didn't have any plans for the day he quickly agreed. They didn't go into any details about what he would be doing but Jack was sure it would be a very fun and interesting experience for him. Jack quickly dressed, ate a hasty breakfast, and was out the door on the way to the clinic.

After a few short minutes of driving Jack arrived at the office building which housed the clinic. He quickly pulled into a parking space, locked his car, and walked into the office. This was the first time Jack had been called in on a weekend so he was thinking this might be a longer session than he had experienced before.

Jack announced himself to the receptionist and was told he would have to wait a few minutes until they were ready for him. He sat down and picked up a magazine from the table next to his chair to help pass the time. Jack waited for about five minutes until he heard a door in the treatment room area open and a woman briskly walked out toward him down the short corridor.

Jack immediately recognized Mei walking toward him as he dropped the magazine back on the table and stood up. She was wearing a very short, tight mini-dress and as Mei drew closer Jack noticed her nipples pressing through the thin material.

"Welcome back, Jack!" the Asian woman said as she again greeted him enthusiastically. “I’m glad you could come today.”

“Sure, I’m always happy to help here,” Jack replied truthfully.

“I’m sure you are.” The Asian girl replied with a knowing smile. “Please follow me.”

Mei led Jack back to the same room she had just came from and he found himself once again in the same type of treatment room he had been in for his previous visits.

“Please remove your clothes and have a seat on the table,” Mei instructed as she sat down in the rooms only chair. Jack quickly removed his clothes and sat down on the table and waited to see what would happen next. Mei spent a couple of minutes writing on the small desk in front of her and then swiveled her chair around so she was facing Jack.

“Jack, can you stay with us for the entire day today?” Mei asked. “We have several different activities today in which we would like you to participate if you are interested.”

“Sure, I don’t have any plans for today; I can stay for as long as you want me to.” Jack replied.
“Great!” Mei exclaimed with a smile. “First we will need you to give us another donation just like the first time you were here. But this time we will be combining that with one of our educational classes so you will be our live model for the class. The class is male sexual function and the students are all young females. Would you like to help us with this, Jack?”

“Sure! It sounds like fun!” Jack replied.

“Thank you for agreeing to participate in our class. You will be providing much needed sperm for one of our clients as well as providing a big help in our education program at the same time. But it is very important during the class to not say anything or do anything other than what you are instructed to do. You’ve been very good with that up to now; will you be able to continue the same way?” Mei asked.

“Sure, I don’t have any problem with that. Just tell me what you need me to do,” Jack replied. “I’m ready whenever you are.” During the short conversation Jack’s penis had awakened and he was already sporting a firm erection. Mei did not fail to notice this as she was explaining what would be happening to Jack.

“Ok, then let’s get started,” Mei said, rising from her chair. “Please come with me.”

Jack got up off the table and followed Mei out the door, his erect cock bobbing in front of him. He followed Mei further down the hall to a room that he had not been in before. Mei opened the door and held it open for Jack to enter and then followed behind him, closing the door behind her.

Inside Jack found a somewhat larger room than the ones he had been in previously but this one still contained the same paper covered examination table as the others. Also inside the room Jack found two more women who he already knew from his previous visits, Karen and Carol. In addition there were five younger girls who Jack assumed to be the students for this session. Karen silently indicated that Jack should take his place on the examination table which he did. Jack could feel the eyes of all the females in the room on his nakedness and especially on his hard, throbbing cock as he walked to the table.

“Our subject has arrived and everything is ready for our session to begin.” Karen began who would be acting as the main instructor in the session. “In this session we will be demonstrating the male sexual function with the help of our volunteer here on the table. As you can see his penis is already fully erect which is to be expected from the situational stimulation he has been receiving. Please come closer so that you can all see clearly what is happening.”

The five girls who were there to learn shyly moved closer to the table. The other two older women, Mei and Carol, gently chivvied them all up until they were standing right next to the table, with Karen on the opposite side. This allowed the five a clear view of Jack, his cock, and anything that might happen with it while at the same time Karen had plenty of room to do whatever she needed to do.

“As you can see our subject’s penis has been circumcised which means the head is fully exposed at all times.  Since he is already well aroused our subject will orgasm pretty quickly so you will need to pay close attention so you don’t miss anything. When he does his semen will be captured for later insemination of one of our other clients.” Karen continued.

“When orgasm occurs I will capture his semen using this special container,” Karen told the group as she picked up and displayed the special glass container the clinic used for capturing semen. “You will notice the open end of the container has a wide flared opening which is large enough to receive the head of the penis when ejaculation occurs.”

Karen reached down and gently took Jacks cock in her right hand. “As you know there are two very sensitive areas of the penis, the head and the frenulum on the underside.” Karen touched both areas of Jack’s cock as she lectured. The assembled girls could see his stiff penis jump with each touch. “You can see at the tip the urethral opening from which the semen is emitted upon ejaculation,” the woman continued, gently squeezing the tip of Jack’s penis to cause the slit to open.

“I will now begin to stimulate our subject’s penis.” Karen continued as she closed the fingers of her right hand around Jacks cock and began to slide her hand up and down. Jack’s cock responded immediately to the added stimulation and Karen felt his cock stiffen even more in her hand. “Since our subject is already well aroused it will not be long before this added stimulation will cause him to reach orgasm. Carol, please hold the container and be ready to catch his semen. I think he will reach orgasm very soon,” Karen said as she handed the container to the black woman.

All this was becoming too much for Jack and he could feel the orgasmic tensing starting in his cock and inside. He was getting ready to cum and it sure felt like it would be a strong one.

“I can tell by the way our subject’s penis is tensing that his orgasm is imminent. Please watch closely and Carol get ready with the container!” Karen warned. Carol brought the open end of the container to the head of Jack’s tensing cock and the watching girls leaned in for a closer view.

Just as soon as the black woman had the container securely over the end of Jack’s cock his orgasm cut lose. The five young girls watched in awe as a strong jet of thick, white semen spurted from the end of Jack’s cock, splashing against the end of the container. For Jack it was one of the strongest orgasms he’d had for a while and each new squirt of his semen into the container brought a new wave of pleasure. Karen’s experienced hand milked his cock expertly, milking out as much sperm from Jack as she could which also just happened to give him the most pleasure.

“You can see our subject’s semen is a sticky, thick white fluid that contains millions of sperm. Normally these would be ejaculated directly into a woman’s vagina but some of our clients prefer artificial insemination. Carol will now leave and carry out that procedure while our subject’s semen is still fresh.” Karen said as Jacks orgasm faded and the last drops of his semen dripped into the container. Carol quickly capped the container and left the room, taking the container of Jack’s semen with her.

The powerful orgasm left Jack spent for the moment and he just collapsed back onto the table. Mei bent down and quickly licked off the last drop of semen that clung to the tip of Jack’s cock. Karen quickly ushered her five young female students out of the room leaving Jack and Mei alone for the moment. Jack was so spent from his orgasm that he actually fell asleep for a time laying there naked on the exam table. Mei worked quietly for a few minutes letting Jack rest to recover so that he would be ready for the next event they had planned for him.

Jack dozed on the table for quite some time until suddenly he was awakened by a soft hand gently shaking him. For a moment Jack was disoriented and couldn't figure out where he was then he opened his eyes and saw Mei just withdrawing her hand from his shoulder.

"Hello, did you have a nice nap?" Mei said with a smile.

“Yes I did,” said Jack.  

“Good,” said Mei. “Are you ready for your next job?”

“Sure! What’s next?” Jack answered.

“If you are rested enough we have a patient here for a natural insemination. It is the same one you inseminated previously; she is here for another session.” Mei told him. “We have found that repeated inseminations by the same donor over a two week period are the most effective method for impregnation.”

Mei’s words sent a nice thrill down to Jack’s cock and the Asian woman could see it responding already. She could still remember vividly the feel of that cock as it slid in and our of her own pussy and she smiled to herself knowing she would be feeling it there again later.

“I’m ready to get started whenever you are,” Jack replied.

“Yes, I can see you are,” Mei replied with a smile. “But remember this patient must remain anonymous and you are not to speak in her presence. Otherwise feel free to enjoy yourself as much as you want to.”

“I remember that from before it won’t be any problem at all,” Jack told her.

“Would you like me to take my panties off before we go in, Jack?” Mei asked.

“Please do, that’s a great idea!” Jack answered.

“Ok, off they come.” Mei said as she slid her thong panties off and down her legs. She stepped out of them and then bent over to pick them up. As she did so her short skirt rode up giving Jack a clear view of her ass and shaved pussy as she did so. “All right let’s go,” Mei said as she set the discarded panties on the small desk and then turned for the door.

As the Asian girl headed for the door Jack got up off the table and followed her, his hard cock bobbing in front of him as he walked. Mei led him deeper down the corridor to another door on the same side. The woman opened and then held the door for Jack as he went inside and then followed him into the room.

Inside Jack found a treatment room of the same type as the others with the same table as the other rooms he had been in up to now. He recognized Karen and Carol standing beside the table upon which was the woman Jack would be inseminating. However unlike the previous session she was in a different position this time. Her head was still covered to hide her identity; but this time the woman was on her hands and knees with her ass up and open. This gave Jack an excellent view of her pussy and ass, both open to him very invitingly.

Karen walked up to Jack and reached down taking his cock in her hand. She stroked his penis a couple of times which sent a thrill of pleasure through Jack. “Jack, I can see you are ready to begin the insemination process so we will get started immediately.” Karen said as she indicated the nude, kneeling woman on the table with the hand that was not holding Jack’s penis. “Our patient has been prepared for insemination and is ready to receive your penis. I will guide your penis into her vaginal opening and after that please feel free to enjoy yourself until you reach orgasm. When you orgasm please try to ensure all of your semen is deposited completely inside her vagina. You may hold the patient’s hips if you like but please do not speak while you are inseminating her,” Karen instructed as she led Jack to the waiting woman.

Jack was quickly led to the woman on the table that knelt receptively on the table waiting for his cock. Her pussy glistened with the moisture of her arousal for she had already been well prepared for Jack’s penis before he had entered the room. As Karen maneuvered the head of his cock toward the woman’s waiting pussy could see how her inner lips were swollen with arousal and her anus was a cute little star above winking at him. As the head of his cock reached the kneeling woman’s pussy Karen rubbed the head of Jack’s cock around her opening a bit to moisten the tip. Then she set the tip of Jack’s penis right at the other woman’s vaginal opening which Jack took as his signal to start. He grasped the kneeling woman’s hips and slowly pushed forward.

Jack sighed in pleasure as his hard penis slowly sank deep into the woman’s vagina and he could faintly hear the woman make a similar noise. When his cock was completely seated in the woman’s pussy Jack slowly withdrew until just the head of his penis was inside her. Then Jack pushed inward again a little faster this time until his hips lightly slapped against the kneeling woman’s buttocks. Jack worked his cock in and out a few more times until the woman’s vagina had completely opened for his penis. As he did so Carol at the side of the table reached under the woman on the table and started to play with her nipples.

As Jack began to fuck the kneeling woman in earnest she began moving her ass to meet each inward thrust of his cock into her pussy. Soon the sound of Jack’s hips slapping against the woman’s ass as he fucked her deep and hard filled the room and Jack wasn’t going to last long until he reached orgasm and filled the woman with his sperm. The view of the kneeling woman’s ass and her pussy lips clinging to his deep and hard thrusting cock added to the pleasure he was feeling from the inside of her vagina. Jack could feel the final sweetly pleasant tensing of his cock and prostate gland just before orgasm.

As Jack was pushing his cock into the woman’s pussy the final bit of sensation pushed him over the edge and he began to cum in the woman. A thick jet of semen shot out of Jack’s cock and splashed the silky walls of the woman’s pussy. Jack’s movements quickly grew uncoordinated as the strong pleasure of shooting his sperm into the kneeling woman filled him. The woman gave a muffled moan as she felt Jack cumming in her. Jack kept his cock deep inside her as he inseminated her until finally the force of his orgasm was spent and he slowly pulled his cock out of the kneeling woman.

Now that Jack was finished Karen gently pushed Jack a couple of feet back from the table. Mei quickly slid in front of Jack, knelt down, and took his shrinking cock in her mouth. The Asian woman licked off every trace of remaining semen from Jack’s cock and then stood up again. Then Mei took Jack’s hand and quickly and quietly led him out of the room and back to the room where he had been previously.

“Jack, why don’t you take a rest for a few minutes? We have a little time before the next thing we would like you to do for us,” Mei suggested as they entered the room. Jack almost staggered to the table as a sudden wave of fatigue swept over him and suddenly the paper-covered treatment table looked very inviting. He quickly climbed up upon it and then collapsed as Mei sat down in front of the small desk. Almost as soon as he came to rest on the padded table Jack fell asleep.

Jack slept for about an hour and during that time Mei and several other women came in and out of the room.  Jack was allowed to rest for a time to recover his energy and become ready for the next thing they had for him to do that day. As the various women came in and out of the room they took in and enjoyed the sight of Jack laying there naked on the table as he slept.

Jack came back to awareness slowly and it took him a couple of minutes to remember where he was. Finally he realized he was still at the clinic and he opened his eyes and looked around the room. He noticed that Mei was no longer in the room but instead Karen was sitting at the small desk against the wall. After a couple of minutes Karen glanced over at Jack and noticed he was awake.

“Hi Jack; are you ready to get back to work?” Karen asked him with a smile. Somehow referring to what Jack had been doing as “work” made it more exciting.

“Sure! What do you want me to do next?” Jack answered.

“We have another class scheduled and this class requires a live demonstration of sexual intercourse. We would like you to be the male participant in this demonstration and I will be both the instructor and the female participant. Do you want to help us with this?” Karen asked.

Jack quickly realized this would mean he would shortly be fucking Karen. “Sure! I would be happy to help,” Jack replied with a smile.

“Great! I would like you to just like still and let me do all the work and please do not say anything during the class it will distract the students. Just concentrate on enjoying yourself and let everything come naturally. At the end I want you to orgasm and ejaculate inside me.”

“No problem, I’m ready when you are,” Jack replied. Karen smiled as she saw his cock harden to prove it.

“OK, just wait her while I got get the others and then we can get started,” Karen said as she stood up. She quickly walked to the door and left, leaving Jack alone on the table. He lay there quietly for about two minutes and then the door to his room opened again. As the door opened Jack was reminded he was laying there naked on the table with his hard cock rampant and easily visible.

When the door was fully open Karen walked back inside the room followed by the same five girls who had watched Jack earlier in the day and then Mei and Carol. Jack watched silently as the women moved up to the table where he was laying and his hard cock jumped as he realized every girl now had a close up view.

“For this session we will be giving a live demonstration of sexual intercourse.” Karen began when all the women were in position around the table. “Jack here will have the male role and I will be the female. Mei and Carol will assist as needed. In order to continue I will need to remove my clothes.”

Karen quickly unbuttoned her blouse and handed it to Carol who set it aside before unzipping her skirt and letting it fall to the floor. Since she seldom wore underwear this left Karen nude and ready to continue. She stepped out of her skirt and turned back to the table while Carol picked up her discarded skirt and set it aside.

“To continue, I will be demonstrating today human sexual intercourse. During this session you will be able to see in practice what you have learned about in previous sessions.” Karen continued as she turned back to the table where Jack lay. “For this demonstration I will be using the female superior position which as you know has the male on the bottom and the female above him. We are using this position today because it will allow you to easily see every detail of the penis entering my vagina and it’s movement inside me.”

Karen fell silent for a moment as she started climbing up on the table where Jack lay. She swung one leg over his body until she was straddling him with Jack’s cock head a couple of inches away from her pussy with one leg on either side of his body. The five student girls could clearly see the man’s erect penis and Karen’s anus and vaginal opening and since Karen was completely shaved they could see every detail of her sex. Karen’s position caused her pussy to open which exposed everything to the student’s view.

“I will now begin sexual intercourse, Mei please guide his penis so that it enters my vagina correctly,” Karen instructed as she slowly slid her body back toward the waiting cock. Mei reached down and grasped Jack’s penis in her hand and guided it into the other woman’s waiting vaginal opening.

The student girls watched in fascination as the head of Jack’s cock spread the opening on Karen’s pussy and then slowly slid inside. When the head was fully inside her pussy Karen stopped for a few seconds and then pushed back a little more, driving Jack’s cock a little deeper into her pussy. The woman slowly impaled herself on Jack’s penis until it was fully inside her vagina. The five girls watching could see every detail of how Jack’s penis filled Karen’s vagina.

“As you can see Jack’s penis is now fully inside my vagina. Even though his penis appears quite large when erect it will still fit inside me quite easily. The feeling of it inside me is quite delightful,” Karen said as she held herself still while fully impaled upon Jack’s cock.

“Now that the penetration of my vagina is complete I will begin the in and out movements of sexual intercourse. Since I have the most freedom of movement I will move my hips and body so that Jack’s penis is moved in and out of my vaginal opening,” Karen continued as she began to move on Jack’s cock. The five girls watched fascinated as the woman’s hip and body movements caused Jack’s cock to move inside her pussy. For Jack Karen’s every word and movement sent a new thrill of pleasure through his cock and into his body.

Karen fell silent as she started getting into the work of sexual intercourse with Jack and the five girls were just left to watch. Karen quickly found a very pleasant rhythm to ride Jack’s cock and was soon lost in the wonderful feeling of Jack’s cock moving inside her pussy. The five young girls watched entranced as the older woman fucked herself on Jack’s cock. They all stared raptly at the way Karen’s movements caused Jack’s cock to first withdraw almost completely and then drive deep into her pussy. Occasionally Karen would vary her movements, changing from and up and down movement to a front to back movement which allowed her to rub her sensitive clitoris on Jack’s body.

Since Jack had already had two orgasms so far that day he was able to enjoy the experience for quite some time without any danger of cumming too soon. Jack resisted the urge to push up into the woman riding his cock, he did his best to let her move and just enjoy the feel of her on this cock and the view of her face and body. And the 5 young girls and the other two older women were still watching every detail which gave Jack an added pleasure.

“This is feeling really good!” Karen said, her words broken between moves of her body. Her breathing was very rapid now and she was fucking Jack as fast as she could. The woman could feel her orgasm rapidly approaching and in truth she really got off sexually on this exhibinistic instruction. “It’s coming now! Ohhh!” the woman exclaimed as her orgasm blossomed from her pussy throughout her body.

The five young girls watched in fascination as Karen squirmed in ecstasy on top of Jack. Jack when he had sensed the woman was about to cum abandoned all efforts to hold back his own orgasm and let himself enjoy fully what was happening. As Karen’s orgasm started to fade Jack launched into his own orgasmic pleasure.

“The male has now reached orgasm and he is ejaculating inside my vagina,” Karen said, panting from her exertion as she felt Jack begin to cum inside her. Jets of thick, white, warm semen shot out of Jack’s cock and splashed the walls of the woman’s pussy. Karen relished the feel of the warm sperm shooting into her unprotected vaginal passage. Like all the women who worked at the clinic Karen had a strong fetish for unprotected vaginal sex. The feel of Jack’s sperm shooting into her pussy quickly triggered another orgasm for the woman and the 5 girls watched wide eyed as her body squirmed and bucked again in orgasmic ecstasy.

Karen finally collapsed exhausted on top of Jack’s body, his cock still inside her but softening slowly. The five girls started quietly at the connection of male and female sex organs until finally Jack’s penis softened enough to slip out of the woman’s vaginal passage. As the head of Jack’s cock slipped out of Karen’s pussy a thick blob of their mixed fluids followed and dripped down onto Jack’s testicles. With this Mei started to usher the 5 young girls out of the room and Carol moved in closer to the table.

The black woman quickly climbed up onto the table and moved her head up behind Karen’s bottom. Carol first started to lick up the fluids that were dripping out of Karen’s pussy, even pushing her tongue inside the other woman’s vagina to get more. Then she took Jack’s penis and licked away the sheen of sexual fluids that coated it. It was only a few minutes until she had both Jack and Karen’s genitals clean.

After a moment longer Karen stirred and smiled at Jack then lifted herself up and then she and Carol were off the table and immediately left the room without a word. Jack was left lying naked on the table and he soon fell asleep once again.

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Sperm storage with mom help part 1

It all started when i was a teen. I was living with my mom and my older sister in a quiet small town. My dad was dead for a year now. I discovered masturbation a couple of years ago and I enjoyed it a lot like any boy. I had one girlfriend but it did not last very long. My only concern at this time was girls and women. I was having erection 5 times a day without any stimulation and I was jerking 2 or 3 time per day. We lived in a small house but very decent. I and mom got separate room on the...

3 years ago
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Sperm storage with mom help part 2

On Sunday my s*s was back home so I jerked off into my room alone. I jerk off before breakfast looking at my favorite pornstar Bobbi Star. In the scene she got gang bang by a bunch of guy on a sofa, we can see her getting ass fucked like crazy and she almost faith. She looked a little bit like my mom but mommy got bigger tits and was a little fatter. But the smile was identical. I was looking at the scene and thinking back on the day before when mom was blowing on the tip of my dick to make...

1 year ago
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Sperm Donor For My Aunt

Dear Indian sex stories readers this is Akshay from Chennai. This is the first time I’m narrating my experience so please pardon me is I have done any mistakes. I’m 21 year old guy who studies final year in Chennai at a well reputed college. I’m virgin with 5’8 inch average dick. This story is about my aunt Priya who is 37 years old with assets 34-36-36 who got married some 7 years ago and still hasn’t given a birth to a child since his husband is physically challenged and due to which his...

2 years ago
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Sperm Donor In Bangalore

Hi to my all sweet iss readers this is your ravikrishna going to narrate a awesome experience.my name is ravikrishna aged 21 with a height of 6 ft and I have a hard rock penis with a size of 6 inches which can satisfy all types of women.any girls ladies or aunties in and around Bangalore wants to get sex pleasure can drop a mail on sweet friends this story will make the girls to feel their wetness on the pussy and their boobs hard after feeling all those things mail me babies am waiting to...

3 years ago
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Sperm Donor And An Unsatisfied Woman

Hello everyone, I am Mr. X (name changed) back again on this wonderful platform to share with an unsatisfied woman. This happened in January 2020, just before the pandemic. The story revolves around a lady who had a very unsatisfactory married life. Due to the premature ejaculation, he was unable to make her pregnant. Let me introduce myself. I work in an MNC in Kolkata aged 25 with a height of around 6 ft tall and of normal shape and size. My dick size is around 5 inches. When a bhabhi or...

1 year ago
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Sperming Megan

She was flaky, dangerous, and irresistible. From the moment he saw her at the lunch, he knew three things: she'd fuck him; the sex would be incredible; and he might regret it. He escaped lunch safely, and then the email arrived. All that he needed to do was hit the delete key. Instead, he replied. Great to hear from you. Sure, coffee, why not? They met. She had the free spirit that sucked middle-aged men in, despite the danger. The peasant blouse, the unadorned hands, the tight waist and slim...

2 years ago
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Sperm Donor in the Philippines

My work takes me around the world but I found myself on repeated trips to Manila which eventually grew into a year long assignment. After getting accustomed to the country and settling into life a bit I couldn't help but notice Filipina women were very much into western men like myself. I also found them to be attractive, with their petite frames and tan skin. A very attractive woman named Rosa was actually the manager of the building I stayed in and I began to hit on her a bit. She was...

3 years ago
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Sperm Donor

I sat there and listened to my wife and her sister talk. They had come up with some hair brain idea of starting a sperm donor club. Women would join this club and they would have a list of sperm donor that would donate sperm free of charge. "So this is a swingers club?" I asked them. "No, we would set up a time for the man to be ready when the woman is ovulating, her husband would get her ready and the donor's wife would get him ready and then he would ejaculate into a tube and then it would be...

3 years ago
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Sperm Party The Cuckold 3

Caroline and Jenny sat side by side on the sofa. M looked at them longingly as they studied the notebook and talked and giggled sometimes at some memory."Do you remember when he went off as soon as you touched him Jenny?" Caroline reminded her of an encounter with one of the men in the notebook, "He was so eager, his sperm just splashed right through your fingertips. It went everywhere!""Mmm, I do remember very well. He was a spermy one that one. Quite young too, I suppose that's why he...

1 year ago
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Sperm Mania

SpermMania! Not many people know that your old friend The Porn Dude actually studied psychology for a while before breaking into the smut review business. I had a few specialties in the field, including using vibrators to treat hysteria and seeking a way to intensify the symptoms of nymphomania. It’s my background in that big-brain mental shit that got me so interested in SpermMania, one of today’s leading causes of creampies, gangbangs, and devastating outbreaks of bukkake.SpermMania.com is a...

Premium Creampie Porn Sites
2 years ago
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Homecoming Donations

Margaret handed a small paper bag to Brandon and Shelly. “Put anything valuable or that you might lose in here, keys, id, cellphone. And don’t worry, we’re going to return them later. You both have to unlock your cells though. We need to be sure to let your friends know where to find you.” Shelly looked at Brandon, wondering if she should hesitate or hold back anything. He just looked back and shrugged. They were outnumbered. So they both just did as they had been told. “Now what?” Shelly...

3 years ago
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Sperm Count Matters Part 2 Trying To Conceive

Since this story is more about Madhavi, we’ll be considering more on her character. After leaving the coffee shop, Madhavi felt a lot positive. She left for her home, deciding even she needed the day off as she was trying to conceive. After a short afternoon nap, she felt all her worries had drained out. She quickly freshened up and left for her parlor appointment. She had decided that she should now live for herself and be happy and stress-free. She had a full-body rejuvenating pack to glow up...

3 years ago
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Sperm Donation 8

Jack woke up the next morning to find Lorie still sleeping beside him. Ever since Jack had answered the sperm donor ad his life had been getting more interesting and fun with each passing day. Jack found himself wondering what today would bring, and if he would receive another call into the clinic. If that were to happen he wondered what Lorie would decide to do while he was there.Jack got out of bed and went into the bathroom, taking care of business and then going into the shower, leaving...

1 year ago
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Sperm Donation 3

Two days later Jack received anothercall to return to the clinic. Again hereturned to the non-descript buildingin the industrial park. He went insideand was told to wait once again.After a few minutes of sitting reading amagazine Jack noticed a woman approaching.He immediately noticed it was not Mei thistime but someone different. This woman waswhite and maybe about 30 but still veryattractive. Once he was sure she was comingto him Jack set down his magazine and stoodup."Hello, I'm Karen. You...

2 years ago
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Sperm Party The Cuckold Finale

"Feel the bump M" Caroline purred at him.M ran his palm over his sister's swollen Tummy with wonderment."Now Claire's" Caroline urged him.Claire's tummy was naked. She had decided to wear only a crop top and cargo pants. M's hand could take in the texture of Claire's stretched skin and traced the dark line of her line nigra that ran from her navel to her cunt. Not that M could see Claire's cunt that is; cunts were sort of off the radar as far as M was concerned.Caroline sensed that M's hand was...

2 years ago
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Sperm Count

Sperm Count By Margaret Jeanette Toby and Linda Taylor had a good marriage. In the five years they had been married his business had taken off and he was very successful in the consulting field. He had ten full-time employees and he treated them well. They were on their way home from the doctor's office. For five years they had been trying to have children with no success. The doctor had done some tests to see if he could figure out why they couldn't have children. Linda said,...

4 years ago
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Sperm Donation 1

Jack found the small advertisement in the localnewspaper. "Sperm donors needed. To apply please come to…"with the number and street of a local address. Intrigued, Jack decided to godown and check it out since the next day was his day off. The address brought him to a nondescript office in anindustrial park with nothing special to distinguish it from any other. He wentinside and introduced himself to the receptionist sitting just inside the door.He was directed to wait and someone would be...

1 year ago
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Sperm DonationChapter 5

The next day was Saturday and soon after he got up Jack received another call from the clinic. Jack was asked if he would mind coming in to the clinic as soon as was convenient that morning. Since Jack didn't have any plans for the day he quickly agreed. They didn't go into any details about what he would be doing but Jack was sure it would be a very fun and interesting experience for him. Jack quickly dressed, ate a hasty breakfast, and was out the door on the way to the clinic. After a...

1 year ago
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Sperm Roulette

Several weeks had passed since Barb’s ‘date’ with Tom’s black friend and it turned out that she did not get pregnant from her first interracial fling. After Barbara’s black lover left that night, her mind in a turmoil with the possibility that she might well end up pregnant with a black child. It was the next day before she told Tom of the potential pregnancy. As the days wore on, both found themselves becoming more and more turned on by the thought. They...

3 years ago
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Sperm Slave to Any Mistress

There I was dozing in my cage, when the young guard came round. She opened the door, grabbed my chain and jerked me upright.I knew better than to protest. She was only a young slip of a thing compared to my physique but she held the whip hand quite literally. Also her other hand now firmly gripped the chain that was attached to the fastening on my chastity cage and with a sharp tug she reminded me of the power that gave her. Anyway, I had been trained over the last year to be obedient, any...

2 years ago
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Sperm Salad

When I was an office junior in my twenties I had a female boss and I suppose I suffered sexual harrassment from her although we didn't call it that. She called me into her office soon after she'd hired me and made it quite clear in our conversation that my job depended upon pleasing her in every way."So," she said quite openly, "drop your pants and get your cock out."I blushed and stammered but her gaze was commanding and so eventually I did unbuckle myself and dropped my underpants too."In...

2 years ago
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Sperm Party The Cuckold 2

M arrived home from work one evening soon after his first experience with Caroline's cum fest, to find his sister Jenny's car parked in his driveway. There was also another car parked up behind her's, a dodgy old red reck. Leaking oil all over the block paving he wouldn't be surprised he thought."Oh, here's M," Jenny called as he entered and she got up to kiss him in welcome.The sight that met his eyes was quite startling. Caroline was relaxing on the big soft sofa, looking as sophisticatedly...

3 years ago
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Sperm Donation with Nicola

Nicola had a young builder guy working on her house. She admired his physique through the window appreciatively. She took him a cup of tea."Thank you Ma'am." he said.That's good Nicola thought, a young man with some respect. She brushed against him and ferltg him tense up. That's good too she thought, he's interested. She touched his upper arm, her delicate slim perfectly manicured fingers spanning his bulging bicep."My," she purred at him, "you are a well developed lad, aren't you?"He blushed...

3 years ago
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Sperm Bank

Sperm BankN... is about fifty years old. She is five feet six inches tall, and has a good figure, with ample breasts, and a nicely rounded firm ass. She has excellent legs, and works out three days a week. We used to work together, and I had the hots for her, even then. She is married. She has a quick wit, and can come out with some surprisingly sharp-tongued remarks sometimes. She is college educated with a degree in English Literature. P... is also very intelligent and well-educated. She is...

2 years ago
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Sperm Donation 7

Jack stopped dead in his tracks. As the girl drew closer he felt a bit of a dilemma because the rules he was given for the clinic seemed to limit the contact he was supposed to have with the clients. But thinking about it a bit more he realized that he had never been told anything about relations with clients away from the clinic, only what she should do inside. He relaxed as Lorie came to a stop right next to him.Now that Lorie had brought Jack to a stop she was a bit at a loss for what to say...

1 year ago
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Sperm Donation 4

The next day Jack receivedanother call from the clinic.Would he be able to come infor another donation? He told themhe would stop by the clinic afterwork.After work he again found thenon-descript building in theindustrial park. He went in thefront door and was again told towait. He sat down in the waitingarea and grabbed a magazine.He spent the next few minutesidly leafing through magazineswhile he waited.After a few minutes of waiting Jacksaw Karen come out of one of thedoors down the hall....

3 years ago
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Sperm DonationChapter 8

Jack woke up the next morning to find Lorie still sleeping beside him. Ever since Jack had answered the sperm donor ad his life had been getting more interesting and fun with each passing day. Jack found himself wondering what today would bring, and if he would receive another call into the clinic. If that were to happen he wondered what Lorie would decide to do while he was there. Jack got out of bed and went into the bathroom, taking care of business and then going into the shower, leaving...

2 years ago
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Edited by: Madrox13 Whatever it was it felt good. As if there was something flowing through my very being, some orgasmic bliss dominated my dreams. I don't know when it started, but I didn't want to it stop. I couldn't place why, but for some reason I felt cold... wet. This feeling soon distracted me. I... This must be a dream. My eyes fluttered open through the usually tired fog and what welcomed me was a sight I'll never forget. My bedding was wet, completely soaked through. It was only after...

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Panspermia is the notion that life exists everywhere in the galaxy and that it arrived on Earth via an asteroid. One variant of this idea is the notion that aliens seeded life on Earth for some reason. Most reject the very idea, but a few find merit in such a concept. These people also believe that those same aliens have been messing with human life for thousands of years. They claim that aliens continue to control the flow of human evolution to this day. You would never have believed this...

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Spermbank Creampis

My husband and I had a really good sex life, but we often fantasised out load about wanting more. We toyed with the idea of having others joined in as well as multiple sex partners for me. My husband James loved the idea of some other guy cream pieing my pussy but he wasn’t sure he could handle another guy’s cock inside me. I have been working in a Cryobank as an admin officer for about 3 years. My role notifying donors of the disposal of their donations that weren’t used and then disposing...

4 years ago
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Hyperspermia Daddy Chapter 01 Lusting After My Teen Daughter

“Hey Bill, watch it!”“Shit, sorry, mate,” I called down from the roof.That was the second tile that slipped and went off the side today. I did not have my head in the game. Not that I was pissed or anything.It was my dick.The fucking thing was sporting a chub, and I had to stuff it down the left side of my jeans. Being on the roof, trying to nail down slates, wasn’t the best possible angle for it either. Fucking jeans were tight enough as it is.I didn’t know what was going on. For years I...

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Hyperspermia Daddy Chapter 01

“Shit, sorry mate,” I called down from the roof. That was the second tile that slipped and went off the side today. I did not have my head in the game. Not that I was pissed or anything. It was my dick. The fucking thing was sporting a chub, and I had to stuff it down the left side of my jeans. Being on the roof, trying to nail down slates, wasn’t the best possible angle for it either. Fucking jeans were tight enough as it is. I didn’t know what was going on. For years I seldom had to sort...

4 years ago
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"Oh god, yes, yes, yes," says my boyfriend Justin. He's on top of me thrusting in my pussy. I, Kandace, and my boyfriend are in my college dorm room on my twin bed. My roommate Kristin is out so Justin and I are taking advantage of the alone time. We've only been dating about a month but I can tell from his sounds that he's about to cum. I'm not close enough to cum but that's okay, it still feels very good. Next time I'll try to make sure I get the big O also. "Oh, fuck!" he says...

3 years ago
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Spermbank Adventures

Hardcorps: Storming Ashore at the Fertility Clinic An Exercise in Futile Pleasure Guys ask me all the time if I'm really into this stuff, or if I'm just fooling around. I'm not fooling around. Let me tell you about my husband. We've been married for 15 months now and I love him. But I didn't always. Hmmm ... let me back up. Introductions are always a good place to start. My name is Rachael and I'm Amerasian, even though I like to pretend I'm not. At least online. But this is a true...

1 year ago
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With a name like Sperma Studio, you already know these guys aren’t putting out family flicks you can watch with the rug rats in tow. It’s kind of ironic because sperm’s primary purpose is making new babies, at least if you’re the kind of person who believes in science. Me? I think the sloppy white stuff is just as valuable for the world of adult entertainment, where the gangbang and bukkake outfits are hosing bitches down with it. Just thinking about it makes my dick hard, my body preparing to...

Premium Creampie Porn Sites
1 year ago
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Sperm Hospital

She gazed out the hospital window at the familiar scenery below. Vast fields of green and gold sprawled out to the horizon. The August sun beat down upon the asphalt of the highway running in the foreground; the radiating heat turned passing cars into mirages. The hospital was always cool; conditioned to a comfortable 72 degrees, but she could feel that unforgiving heat through memories of hot and humid Missouri afternoons, and it spread down from there to all of the parts of her body. Today...

3 years ago
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Sperm Donation 1

Jack found the small advertisement in the local newspaper. ‘Sperm donors needed. To apply please come to…’ with the number and street of a local address. Intrigued, Jack decided to go down and check it out since the next day was his day off. The address brought him to a nondescript office in an industrial park with nothing special to distinguish it from any other. He went inside and introduced himself to the receptionist sitting just inside the door. He was directed to wait and someone...

3 years ago
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Sperm Donation 8

Jack woke up the next morning to find Lorie still sleeping beside him. Ever since Jack had answered the sperm donor ad his life had been getting more interesting and fun with each passing day. Jack found himself wondering what today would bring, and if he would receive another call into the clinic. If that were to happen he wondered what Lorie would decide to do while he was there. Jack got out of bed and went into the bathroom, taking care of business and then going into the shower, leaving...

1 year ago
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Sperm Bank

Sperm Bank N… is about fifty years old. She is five feet six inches tall, and has a good figure, with ample breasts, and a nicely rounded firm ass. She has excellent legs, and works out three days a week. We used to work together, and I had the hots for her, even then. She is married. She has a quick wit, and can come out with some surprisingly sharp-tongued remarks sometimes. She is college educated with a degree in English Literature. P… is also very intelligent and well-educated. She is in...

2 years ago
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Now in my seventies Inhave to rely on my memory as to what my sex life with wife Sarah was like as due to poor health she,s lost all sexual desire, won,t even give me the occasional blow job which she once loved and was very good at performing. She Always swallowed as her reasoning was that if one sucked a cock one should taste the semen it produced because each tasted differently. Even more amazingly was that the night I popped the question to her I discovered she Wasn,t lying and that she was...

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Sperm eater

I am a 47 year old male and am married to a 39 year old conservative girl for the past twenty years. In my wildest dreams I could not have dreamt what she was like. Our sex live is pretty good but in the last couple of years I have neglected her a bit, because it became actually boring to screw her. Because of her conservative upbringing she did not want to give me blow jobs or any other kinky stuff. We are not actually party a****ls and does not drink often. But one night, about two years ago...

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