Neighbours Replacement
- 3 years ago
- 34
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This story is complete fiction. I have a very sick and twisted mind and I am the girl I write about in this story. This is one of many of my complex fantasies! If you enjoy it or hate it, please feel free to comment. I am a relatively new writer... in fact the only other piece I have ever written is on this site (My Kidnapped Hell) I hope you enjoy reading this as much as I am enjoying writing it! – Liz.
Neighbours From Hell
Thump. Thump. Thump.
Thump. Thump. Thump.
I threw my quilt over my head, my eyes stayed shut. I was totally used to my neighbours banging constantly throughout the night. They had moved in to the house next door six months ago and there was no reasoning with them. Of course I let them off though. One of them was drop dead gorgeous, 6’4 and obviously worked out daily. That was Jon. Since he moved in I had made loads of excuses to go round... ‘have you got any sugar I can borrow?’ He always smiled at me, retrieved the goods, then sent me packing. I guess I liked him more because he didn’t seem too interested in me. The thrill of the chase. I had always been that way. Once I got them I quickly lose interest.
His friend was less of a catch. Although not ugly, there was something less appealing and a little weird and creepy about him. He was built like a rugby player, a little shorter than Jon. Adrian never answered the door when I called, but I could always see him watching me closely when I made small talk with Jon.
Thump. Thump. Thump.
Thump. Thump. Thump.
‘Fucking hell!’ I whispered to myself. I reached over for my phone on the bedside table and lit it up so I could see the time. 03.30am. I lit myself a cigarette in bed and considered going downstairs to the kitchen to get a drink of water. It was a really cold night though and I didn’t want to get out of bed. I ended up going anyway. Throwing my dressing gown on over my night dress and stumbling out of bed in the dark. I was 23, living on my own with my dog in my mid-terraced house.
Plodding down the stairs, I stumbled down the last few and squealed out loud. Turning the light on in the kitchen, my dog started to whine to be let out of the back door, so I reluctantly opened it for him, still half asleep. He immediately started barking, which I ignored, too tired to care. I left the door open slightly so he could come back in. The freezing cold air touching my legs and travelled upwards, making my 34D nipples stand on end.
My kitchen sink faced the window. As I turned the cold tap on, I vacantly stared at my own reflection. Tall and thin with big boobs. ‘Why am I still single?’ A question I ask myself a lot. I consider myself pretty, 5’11 with long legs, slim build and biggish tits. The next time I look up at the window, I see a figure who I instantly recognise as Adrian standing only inches behind me... I blink – expecting to have imagined this.... Spinning round, my mouth opens to scream, but he has already looped a belt around my neck and my screams are gasps of air trying to get out of my lungs.
‘Stop! Stop!!!!’ I am trying to scream, but only whispers come out. My hands are gripping the belt, trying to free it and let me breath, but Adrian tightens it so much.... the dog is barking.....I stop fighting.... I am going to die.....Blackout.
My eyes open and I am gasping for air. Confusion washes over me, for a fleeting second upon regaining consciousness, I believe I am back in bed with my warm duvet wrapped tightly around me. Reality hits hard as I realise that I am laid on my front on my cold tiled kitchen floor. I feel a clothe in my mouth, taped into place securely. My hands are tied tightly behind my back and my ankles together. I can no longer hear my dog, and given my situation, I was surprised to find myself worried about weather Adrian had hurt my pup.
The belt was still around my neck, only looser now. I strained myself to look for Adrian who was sat at my feet waiting for me to wake up. ‘Mmm mmm mm!!’ I manage to say. Adrian smiles and stares at my helpless bound body. I squirm and struggle against the ropes. My wrists have been tied way too tight and I can already feel pins and needles stabbing them all over. I hear my dog give a small bark in the next room. Adrian stands up and grabs the trailing end of the belt, pulling the loop tight around my neck again, but not so much as it makes me pass out. I can feel the blood trapped in my head and wheeze for air as he buckles it to keep it in place.
Fear is starting to creep in now the initial shock is passing. I’m a young pretty girl, nobody is going to call me for at least tonight, what will he do to me? As I begin to panic, Adrian senses it.
‘That’s right girl, we’ve got you all to ourselves. And you’re really fucking in for it. We’re gonna really fucking hurt you! Fucking tease! You’re ours now’
His words brought on a torrent of tears. My face was pressed into the floor and I was shaking all over. I tried to beg, but the stupid gag was there for a reason. Adrian’s hand entwined itself in my hair and grabbed. He then dragged me thoughtlessly along my hard kitchen floor towards the back door by my hair. He was taking me outside. My garden was open, but next doors garden had been converted to a garage with filthy little windows. As Adrian picked me up almost effortlessly, I suddenly kicked out with my legs to give at least some fight. It was almost un-noticed though given his strength, and he lifted me through the window, dropping me onto the other side onto the cold stone floor of his garage. I hit my head pretty hard and was too dazed to notice being dragged into a little out-house made of stone.
The door was bolted shut and terror filled my whole body. I scooted over to the nearest corner, feeling the cobwebs in my hair was the least of my worries as Adrian approached me, clinking on a filthy bulb in the small stone room. Before I had a chance to look at my surroundings, a black bin liner was put over my head. Panic really set in then as I struggled and bucked my whole body in protest. The gag wasn’t stopping me from screaming now, I was using everything I had. These fuckers were going to touch me and I had to do something! My new found adrenaline rush was short lived when I received the first punch in the face, sending my head back into the floor. I groaned and didn’t try to get back up.
Adrian turned me onto my front again and untied my wrists, giving me some relief. He then pulled me up by the wrists and placed handcuffs on them, attaching them to a chain on the ceiling as high as he could get me to go. My dressing gown had come off at this point and only my night dress stood between me and my madman next door neighbour. He then untied my ankles and attached them to other cuffs attached to the floor, spreading them as wide as my legs would open, causing me to grunt in discomfort. My now outstretched body was aching within seconds of being put into position. I knew my fate was now inevitable.
He didn’t take his time, he didn’t string it out, a pair of scissors quickly and expertise cut off my night dress, exposing my tits and still erect nipples, then my knickers were sliced off. Adrian pulled the bag from my head so he could look into my fear filled eyes. Fresh tears met his cold pair of evil eyes as he gazed into my soul.
His fingers were soon at the opening of my pussy. All the while he looked me straight in the eyes. I looked away and shut them tightly, squeezing more tears out of them. This made Adrian angry. He jammed two fingers into my pussy making me gasp. Two fingers turned to three, three turned to four, and as I writhed around in pain, I saw him kneel down and cover his hand in lube. Knelt between my legs he worked his thumb inside me with the rest of his fingers. His hand kept getting completely stuck at the widest part, so he resorted to quick, sharp thrusts to try and get it all in. The whole while I was completely stuck in position and in white hot agony.
Adrian was soon grunting with me as he tried his best to ram his huge hand inside my vagina. I felt his hand get stuck yet again at the widest part, he then kept it there and pushed as hard as he could. I could feel his whole arm shaking with the fight my pussy was putting up. He didn’t give up though, I went shaky and weak, my legs buckled and all my weight fell on my wrists and Adrian’s supporting hand, but it helped him and his hand suddenly popped all the way in. Some initial relief for me as I felt his hand squirm inside me. I shut my eyes feeling so utterly violated. Adrian pulled his hand out quickly before ramming it straight back in, then out, then in. His hand was soon balled into a fist as he punched my insides with no mercy. I had stopped trying to scream by this point. My whole world was collapsing and I didn’t know how to take it in.
It felt like at least an hour of cruel fisting before he finally stopped and stood looking squarely at me. He showed me his dripping hand, my blood and juices covering it, but mostly blood. He smeared it all over my face as an extra insult. I could feel blood running down the insides of my thighs and suddenly felt like I would pass out. ‘Be back in a bit Bitch’ Adrian snarled. What had I done to deserve this? He left me in the freezing cold stone shed. My pussy throbbing intensely, and this was just the beginning.
Adrian returned, this time he had a big knife in his hand and my eyes grew wide with fear. As he approached me and i began to shake my head almost hysterically, convinced he was going to kill me. He undid the chain attaching my handcuffed hands to the ceiling, letting my still bound hands fall in front of me. As he undid my ankles from the floor my legs gave way and I fell to the floor, which was an invitation for him to kick me as hard as he could, winding me severely. Gasping for breath I lay on my side as Adrian grabbed the cuffs and dragged me out of the little out-house and into his house. Pushed into a corner, I curled up to protect myself, only daring to keep an eye on Adrian to see what he was doing. We were in the dining room of their house. It was set out just like mine and more tears escaped from my eyes just thinking about this. I watched Adrian as he moved the big dining room table to one side, and lifted the rug up to reveal a little trap door. My house definitely didn’t have one of these. As he opened it, I knew where I was going. ‘would I ever come back up alive?’
This thought spurred me on to struggle and try and fight off Adrian as he dragged me across the floor where the hatch was. He immediately held the knife under my chin, digging it in till I felt the skin break. I gasped in shock and relented, allowing him to carry me into the dark hole in the floor. Inside the hole was something they had obviously been working on. The first thing I saw was Jon, sitting patiently on a comfortable looking sofa. The modern leather was in contrast to the rest of the room. The walls were covered in thick black foam... soundproofed.
There was a huge metal cabinet in the corner. A metal table with straps, chairs with chains hanging off them, but I was led past these implements to a wooden beam spanning the width of the room, a little lower than waist height. Adrian pushed me so I stumbled forward and the beam hit my thighs. He then bent me over it so I was almost doubled up on myself. My handcuffs were attached to a D ring on the shiny tiled floor. My legs were once again spread and ankles chained to more D rings on the floor. At least I could rest my hips on the wooden beam. My ass and pussy were now completely exposed to these madmen. ‘Have fun then!’ Adrian spoke and then left the room. I was now alone with Jon. For at least 10 minutes, Jon continued to sit and watch my situation as I squirmed and tried to get comfortable in this position. The blood had rushed to my head as it was hanging upside down and the belt still wrapped around my neck wasn’t helping.
I was wheezing and groaning when he finally got up and walked towards me. I could only see his feet now as he stepped over the beam and stood so his feet were directly below my face. The anticipation of what would happen next was unbearable for me. I began to beg as best I could with the gag. I was surprised when he ripped it off and I could finally breath through my mouth and not my nose. ‘Please... please! What are you doing! Why!’
‘’No, please don’t hurt me, please! I’ll do anything, please let me g...’ He brought his fist down so hard on my back all the air ran out of my lungs.
‘I said: Shhh’
I began openly sobbing, wails that would cut through any normal person, but not Jon and Adrian. Cold and uncaring, they had obviously planned this for me all along. All feelings of lust I had felt for Jon had vanished.
‘We really don’t care what you think. We’re gonna really hurt you, because... well because we want to! You only made it worse for yourself coming round those times and flirting with me. You asked for this....’
‘No Jon, you can’t do this to me, I thought you were nice!’
‘You definitely got that wrong, now SHUT THE FUCKING FUCK UP!!!’
I shut my mouth but carried on crying silently in disbelief to my situation. Jon went over to the metal cabinet and started taking some stuff out and placing it on the table behind me. I could barely make out what he was getting. Firstly a ball gag was placed in my mouth. It was way too big and it only just squeezed between my teeth, my jaw was stretched to the limit and I protested best I could, which resulted in Jon buckling it as tightly as it could go around my head. ‘At least with this my screams might be heard?’ I thought, before remembering the soundproofing I could see on the walls. I hung my head silently as I watched a sliver of my drool reach to the floor. Bent over double as I was, my head wasn’t too far off the floor, but to save all the blood from rushing to my head I kept lifting it up so I was directly facing the floor. If I wanted to watch Jon, I could let it hang down and look through my spread legs.
Jon approached me again and as he did so my breathing quickened rapidly, panic rising. His hand rested on my ass cheeks and stroked it gently, I could feel he had rubber gloves on and my body tensed up when he ran his finger over my anus. Jon didn’t bother with lube, just pushed a finger right up my ass sharply and suddenly. I remembered Adrian fisting me and prayed to a god I had never really believed in that my ass didn’t have the same fate as my pussy. Jon seemed happy to see me squirm in discomfort for a time with just his one finger, wiggling it around inside me, almost testing how tight my ass was.
He withdrew his finger and collected some more items I couldn’t see from the cabinet. It was fair to say this cabinet wasn’t going to contain anything I might like. And I was right. I flinched as I felt something a little sharp and plastic inserted into my anus. Jon fed the tube into me for what seemed like forever until I felt him push in a wider part. This wider part turned out to be some kind of tough balloon which Jon didn’t hesitate in inflating. After around three pumps, the pressure on my sphincter was making me gasp. He didn’t stop at three pumps though, he carried on until my gasps turned to piercing cries. I started to struggle so much I felt my skin tare around my wrists and ankles where the cuffs kept me locked. They were metal and I knew I would be very bruised in these area’s. Jon didn’t even stop pumping when I began to convulse in agony, my piercing cries had turned to low moans of defeat and agony. When he finally stopped, I couldn’t move without the searing white hot pain shooting in my anus, so decided it was probably better to keep still. I couldn’t stop the low groaning though, agony wasn’t the word for it. It was about to get worse.
I didn’t know exactly what was inside my ass as I couldn’t see, but the tube and the inflatable keeping it there suggested to me that I was about to receive some kind of enema. My suspicions were correct, but it was going to be far worse than any normal enema. The inflated balloon was impossibly lodged inside my ass, no amount of pushing would budge it and trying caused me so much pain that I didn’t for long. ‘You’ll probably push that out eventually.’ Jon laughed’ I doubted that very much! It felt like the size of a football! ‘You’ll have to push it out, or you’ll explode or something!’ Jon was giggling now. I didn’t understand but was quickly filled with dread. ‘I’m not entirely sure what’s going to happen to you actually, we’ve never done this before, but its gonna be real fun finding out!’ I looked through my legs. I could see the end of the tube dangling from my ass which the balloon was keeping in place, it was so long it was trailing n the floor. When Jon picked it up and inserted what looked like a football pump into the tube, my immediate thoughts were: ‘What the fuck?!’
Jon began rapidly pumping air into my bowels, the sensation was indescribable, and unpleasant. As I felt myself filling up from the inside, I could hear Jon humming a song I had heard earlier on the radio. I tried my hardest to concentrate on the song and not the evil violation I was now suffering. When the discomfort became painful, I was once again thrashing around to no avail. Jon wasn’t about to give up, intent on seeing me try to push the huge ball out of my ass. I felt like I was going to explode with a strange full feeling which just kept growing with every pump Jon gave me. I tried and strained to force the ball out of myself, but the pain in my bowels had become too great to push, and now I was screaming and begging him to stop with everything I had in me. My pleas fell on deaf ears as Jon continued, still humming. I didn’t know what song now, and I didn’t care, I couldn’t think of anything else and just when I thought I might pass out, he finally stopped filling me with air. ‘Please, please!’ I tried to say. With the ball gag in though it sounded more like: ‘aeeh, aeeh!’ ‘Fucking please stop and get this air out of me!’
Jon felt my stomach. It was swollen and hard, like I was pregnant. He tapped on it producing a hollow sound, and was soon patting it harder and harder, giggling like a kid while I cried in agony. My tears mixed with a pool of drool on the floor beneath me. Jon was prodding and poking me, seemingly enjoying something he had never played with before. Like a kid with a new toy. Soon Jon had both his hands on my stomach, pressing it and squeezing it, enjoying how I reacted to it. As his hands reached down to my tits, he soon forgot about my stomach and began playing with my breasts. I couldn’t care less about him touching my breasts, I was in absolute agony, still attempting to push the ball out of my ass so the air could be released. My groans became so desperate in my agony as my bowels began to cramp, with each cramp I was virtually growling with pain now. I hadn’t even noticed that Adrian had now joined us again. Jon stopped playing with my tits and huge inflated stomach, got off his knees and filled Adrian in on what he had done to me. They were both laughing at me and I felt my face prickle with humiliation and rage at what they were doing to me. I tried to take my mind of the pain by listening to them.
‘I kinda hoped the air would push out the inflatable ball in her ass, but I guess I blew it up too much’ As Jon was saying this, Adrian grabbed the pump attached to the ball inside my ass and unexpectedly gave it a few more pumps. The shock of this made me want to scream so hard that no actual sound came out of my mouth. The two of them laughed a little more before Adrian said: ‘I have had a great idea!’ I tried to see what they were doing, but the next thing I felt was the ball gag buckle being undone. I sighed with the relief it gave to my jaw, but was soon overcome with racking sobs, begging with them to stop now. Jon bent down so I could see his face though my legs. ‘Do you want us to let the air out of your ass? I mean its been there quite a while now and we’re not sure we want to smell your shit’ As he said this I had not even thought of that. I had just wanted them to let the air out, the thought of having to fart in a room with these two men was degrading and repulsed me. I knew though that it was inevitable. More tears escaped my eyes as Adrian stepped over the beam and lifted my head up with my hair. I barely got chance to see the gas mask before it was shoved onto my head and strapped into place. ‘oh god no.’
The football pump that had pumped massive amounts of air into my colon was pulled out of the tube travelling inside my ass. The pump was quickly replaced by the tube hanging off the gas mask attached to my face and I almost immediately gagged with the strong smell and taste of my own shit. The pressure from inside my stomach was easing quickly though as I breathed all the air into my lungs. The air I breathed out was filtered outside of the mask as any air I breathed in was being directly fed to me from my own ass. The humiliation was too much to bear and I was soon heaving. ‘Don’t be sick Liz, because we’re not taking the mask off you till your tummy has gone back to being its normal flat self! If you puke, you’ll just have to deal with that too.’ I swallowed down rising bile to prevent this. ‘I wish I was dead’ I thought.
I don’t know how long I had been breathing in my own smell of shit for when they detached the gas mask tube from the one violating my ass, but I had started to feel the huge intrusion that was the inflated ball now the pain from my bowel had subsided. God knows if all the air was out. It helped if I pushed a little so more air would escape. Jon and Adrian made no move to let the ball deflate though, and I was hoping against hope that that would be their next move. I couldn’t see very well with the gas mask still covering my face, but I was soon engulfed in an incredibly over powering smell. Jon had opened a bottle of alkyl nitrites – otherwise known as poppers – and was holding the opening right underneath my breathing tube. I quickly felt the effects, blood rushing to my head and the room spinning. I had tried these before and not enjoyed the effect. Completely out of control and dizzy, the world spinning away from me.... I welcomed it this time. I breathed the poppers in and was soon on another planet. Any planet was better than this one. My body was limp and I was moaning softly as I lost control and everything faded to black.
My banging heartbeat thumping inside my head brought me round, as my confusion subsided I soon realised my ass was being filled with liquid this time. A hose attached to a tap on the wall was slowly feeding freezing cold water into me. ‘Right Liz, we’ve put the tap on slowly, so filling you up is going to take a good while...’ Adrian was smirking ‘We’ll let you have some rest now, just let us know when that water pushed the ball out of your ass. In fact you’ll probably wake us up with your screams when the water starts to come out. We’re going to bed, when we get up and you’ve shit out the ball... and the rest of the water inside you, we’re gonna fuck you up even more!’ I was shaking violently now, ‘No! Please don’t leave me like this, please, I’ll do anything you want, please fucking please don’t leave me like this...’ I was cut off in mid-plead by Adrian cruelly pumping the balloon up twice more before they retreated up the stairs and left me alone and helpless, slowly filling with water that would either kill me by perforating my bowel, or actually pushing the huge intrusion that was now actually the size of an oversized tennis ball.
Before they left the room completely I suddenly felt a wave of defiance: ‘No!, You can’t do this to me. You have to fucking stop before you kill me Adrian’ Jon left the room via the stairs as Adrian stepped down the steps towards me. I flinched, anticipating some form of pain to hit me in the next few seconds. Adrian simply grabbed a roll of duck tape and wound it round my mouth, he kept winding it round my mouth and the back of my head until he reached my nose... I quickly moved my head so the tape wouldn’t cover my nostrils but he grabbed me and kept me still enough, soon I couldn’t breath in or out and I was terrified. ‘Mmmm! MMm, m, ....’ My whole body shook with lack of air, my lungs ached within me, and within seconds the panic I felt was inexplicable. Adrian stood and watched my helpless form as the lack of air grew painful. He watched as I started to give up the fight, and he watched me go limp in front of him while I slipped into another world. This world of black wasn’t so bad.
The real world returned. My bruised wrists ached and the position I was in was becoming unbearable. The wooden beam was the only thing holding my weight and my hips were aching and sore, unbeknown to me, they were cut and black with bruises from the struggling I had done. My ass throbbed more than anything and every move I made helped me remember how large that inflatable was in my ass. Adrian had cut a tiny hole in the tape, allowing me to breathe through one nostril. My mouth and my other nostril were taped up tightly. This was a struggle in itself.
‘I’m not waiting for you to fill up, I’m just going to help this along.’ Adrian called Jon and told him he was going to do this now. He walked over to the tap on the wall and twisted it, opening the faucet to let a stronger jet of water out. I felt the pressure change immediately and my breathing became erratic as I felt my insides filling fast. As the water ran down the tube into my bowel, Adrian jiggled my stomach, squeezing it, feeling it fill up and grow hard. The ball was still stuck fast. I didn’t notice Jon watching too as my struggle became more advanced. The cramps had started in waves, each one worse than the last. My lungs were aching more now with the struggle to breath though only a tiny hole, and in the end it was too much for me again as I passed out for the third time in as many hours.
When I woke up the pain was excruciating. I was thrashing about violently and making inhumane noises, unable to control myself. At least the tape had been ripped off my nose so I could breath better. My insides felt ready to burst any second. The pressure was massive and I’d only been conscious about 2 minutes when I felt myself begin to fade again. When Jon and Adrian realised I had stopped moving they turned the tap right down to a dribble. They were disappointed the flow of water wasn’t pushing the ball out of me like they had hoped. I was barely conscious at this point. I could still feel the cramps and the stretching of my insides, but the pain was way beyond anything I had experienced before.
I felt my handcuffs being undone from the floor. My ankles were released too and I was dragged heavily. Through a blur of agony, I just made out Jon removing the bottom of the wooden chair I had seen when I first entered the room. It was now just the frame of the chair and I was dropped into it, my ass complete with tube hanging out of it, stuck fast in the little square. Gravity was their next tactic. I had been trying to shit the huge ball out while upside down, so this made sense, even to me in my dazed state. My wrists and forearms were strapped to the arms of the chair, as were my knees. Jon placed a bucket underneath me.
‘Liz? Liz, can you hear us?’ My eyes were rolling into the back of my head now and my head lolled around. I was in a world of pain and no one could reach me. Adrian resorted to slapping my face, and after five or six hard slaps, the world came rushing back to me and I was conscious enough to feel what happened next.
The position I was in now could only be described as what looks like when I child accidentally falls into the toilet. I was strapped into this position and my expanding stomach was pressing into my upper legs, I actually did look like a pregnant woman at this point. Adrian and Jon continued to prod it and marvel at it, causing the cramps to rip through me. It felt like my insides were now tearing. I began to push the huge ball with every wave of cramp I got. It was the only way I could save myself now. ‘Fuck this’ I heard Adrian say. He turned the tap on full. It took only seconds. The ball flew out pulling the tube with it, and the water that had been inside me rushed out of me, along with blood where the ball had completely torn my ass on its quick departure. The relief was so much I actually burst out laughing, to Adrian’s and Jon’s horror. It took a while but I expelled the water and the bucket was quickly taken away. I was silently glad they didn’t make me drink it or anything, that would have been possibly the worst thing.
I was exhausted now, I hoped they would let me rest now that was over. I couldn’t take anymore. I was barely registering as they led me over to the steel frame that was once a bed. There was no mattress and I was thrown onto it. My wrists and ankles tied tightly with rope to each corner. I lay facing the ceiling and closed my eyes.
When I opened them again, the room was completely dark. I had been asleep but I didn’t know how long for. I couldn’t feel my hands and feet they had been tied so tight. Bare sharp steel springs dug into my back and I tried to move to feel more comfortable. The tape gag was still sealing my lips firmly shut, but I still made soft noises in the darkness. When would they come back? What will they do? More tears came. It felt like I was crying for the next hour or so, but I had no concept of time now.
I don’t know how long it was before I jerked awake by the sound of footsteps closing in on me. Adrian and Jon were hovering over me staring intently at my naked helpless body. I squirmed a little under the scrutiny of their eyes, not knowing what to expect now. Adrian started playing with my clit softly while Jon squeezed my tits. His squeezing soon turned to gripping and awful pain as he twisted them as hard as he could. Adrian was digging his finger into my clit and slightly moving it around. I tried to shake off the feeling of pleasure it was giving me. Soon he was rubbing furiously and I was gasping in pleasure. Half of me wanted him to stop, but now I knew I really needed to come, and it was going to be hard. This was such an odd situation at which I felt utterly humiliated and degraded. How can these psychos put me through this and now make me cum? Jon’s hand wandered up to my neck and squeezed around it, restricting my breathing as Adrian continued to rub my clit to oblivion. I was so turned on from it that I didn’t even try to stop my orgasm, which was indeed a huge screaming affair, only stifled from the soft choking Jon’s hand was doing to me. My back arched, my insides tensed up and I felt my thighs shaking as my orgasm subsided. Adrian didn’t stop though now. Pleasure was now replaced with discomfort as he grinded my swollen clit till I came again, and again, and again. I was soon struggling and begging him to stop, but every time I got loud Jon would cut off the air in my windpipe and I would be forced to lay there and take it. My clit was now so sore and sensitive that I was receiving no pleasure whatsoever. Tears ran down my face as another orgasm ripped through me, and eventually Adrian stopped.
My clit felt huge and I could feel each throb like a knife. When Adrian grabbed what looked like a glass tube, and placed it over my huge clit, I immediately realised I wasn’t going to be having anymore fun today. The glass tube was dug into the base all around my extremely sensitive clitoris, and a little pump attached to the end withdrew the surrounding air, creating a vacuum and drawing up my clit as far as it would go. I screamed so much that Jon had to choke me with extra strength, but Adrian continued to pump until I thought my massively stretched clit would tear off. It didn’t, but it was now protruding nearly 2 inches from my pussy, resembling what looked like a small penis. I was horrified, and terrified that I would be permanently disfigured. When Adrian was happy he couldn’t make it look any bigger, he stopped, leaving the glass tube cruelly bobbing around with my swollen and stretched clit inside it. He then stood up and began to take off his trousers. Jon moved out of the way as Adrian climbed on top of me and sat on my tits, his huge hard cock was now pressing into my chin. I felt Jon flick the tube around my clit making me yelp and jump. He started to finger my pussy, with each movement I could feel the excruciating agony my clit was now emitting.
Adrian was now positioning himself over my face, his cock was in his hands and he was aiming it at my mouth. My reflex action was to purse my lips tightly together, which earned me a swift back hander round my face. I opened my mouth and let in this cock that I didn’t want. I only had to open it a little, but Adrian quickly rammed it all the way down my throat. My gag reflex kicked in, and while it did, it made my clit hurt even more with each gag. Adrian fucked my throat as hard as he could, not caring that I was gasping for breath as I choked heavily on it, my saliva covering his cock, he occasionally withdrew it to wipe the gunk all over my face. It was in these instances, that I realised being tied up was more annoying than ever. You take for granted that when your wrists are not bound above you, you can brush the hair from your eyes, or in my case, wiping away my own saliva and trying to stop it from going up my nose.
Eventually Adrian came down my throat. As he juddered into his orgasm, he kept his cock all the way down, not allowing any air to enter or escape my lungs as he emptied his load down me. My throat could feel his cock pumping it into me, but thankfully I never got to taste it. I was so relieved when he pulled out and climbed off me. Of course he climbed off me, only to be replaced by Jon, who took his place within seconds. I was mortified and shook with panic as Jon’s penis violated my throat.
When the two of them were done fucking my mouth, they turned their attention to my ever protruding clit, still captured in its own hell. Adrian used a thin twine to loop around the base of the tube, he then pulled the twine as tightly as he could, cutting off the blood supply to the rest of my clit and tied it as tight as he could. I was almost delirious with the pain by this point, but I was shook into fighting again as they tried to remove the tube and break the suction. I was inconsolable and Jon’s hand was now firmly clamped over my mouth in an effort to quiet me a little. When it finally came off, my clit was unable to retreat to its home due to the twine wrapped around the base of it. The blood was trapped inside it and it had gone beyond sensitive to touch. Jon stood and I lifted my head to see my once tiny clit, now a ball of swollen flesh, deep purple and hard.
Adrian put a strip of tape over my mouth before he began flicking my clit as hard as he could. The agony was unreal. Adrian had been wise to gag me before inflicting his latest sadistic techniques. I didn’t know if I wanted to cum or die. When the flicking of my monstrous clit ceased, I was suddenly rather more panicked by the fact both Adrian and Jon had now turned their attentions to applying more straps to my body to hold me more steadily. Along with my wrists and ankles, my spread eagled form was now being fixed firmly down at nearly every point. My thighs, hips, stomach, tops of my arms, forearms, even my neck. Each strap attaching me to the bare metal frame I was stretched out on. My breathing was now becoming quicker through my nose, with added grunts with each wave of fear washing through me. I was also starting worry my clit would fall off.
Jon went to work first, applying the same little glass tubes to each of my nipples. I watched in horror as my nubs were sucked up and into the tube till it felt like they would be ripped from my breasts. They were left like this and my attention was soon on Adrian, who had started to giggle. I suddenly realised why. In his cruel hands, he held a pair of pliers. He was snipping them rapidly, occasionally pinching at the skin on my stomach, pulling it upwards and twisting and squeezing harder. My screams were muffled by the tape. Each time he let a piece of skin go, he would begin on another part, travelling further and further down my stomach until he finally reached his goal. My disfigured clitoris. As bound and as helpless as I was from avoiding what it knew it couldn’t avoid. I squeezed my eyes so tightly I saw stars. I felt the cold metal jaws slide onto each side of my clit. The pliers were actually struggling to surround the mound of flesh in their wide open state. As he began to squeeze I began to buck my whole body in protest, my wracking screams were now easily penetrating the tape as it slipped off my mouth through sweat and drool. Jon held his hand over my mouth again, one hand on my mouth, one hand on my windpipe, pressing hard. I could hardly breath at all. The pliers closed further and Adrian pulled my clit and twisted it sharply to the side. I blacked out. There was no fading out, just instant darkness.
There was no pain here. I wanted to stay. The real world was too painful to go back to, but I couldn’t argue, and I was thrown back into it.
When I came round, Adrian had put the pliers down and was now tying more cord around the base of my nipples. I could feel my clit throbbing so much I wondered if it could explode. I hoped not. When both my nipples were given the same preliminary treatment my clit had been given, the glass tubes were roughly pulled off to reveal the sensitive purple mounds that were now my nipples. Jon’s hands were soon clamped over my mouth and neck as the pliers met my nipples. One after another.
With each of the cords tied around my nipples and clit, a long piece had been left trailing. Adrian quickly tied all the cords together, ensuring there was enough tension to pull my nipples towards my clit, and my clit towards my nipples. It was straight away after that I saw the long wooden cane he had retrieved from the cabinet. I was lost for sound. My rapid breathing was sending me dizzy as I tried to calm myself. Floods of tears escaped my eyes as Jon forced what seemed like a large amount of material into my mouth, stuffing each of my cheeks before ensuring the duck tape was wrapped firmly around my mouth. My screams would now be useless, but I already knew it would not stop me from screaming.
The first blow hit my stomach. Before I even had the chance to scream another hit just above the first. Adrian wasn’t holding back, he was bringing the blows down as hard as his own strength would allow him. I was wrong about the screaming. Right now I was in too much pain to make any noise at all. It was all I could do to try and cope, but the pain was too much. Not so much though that I would be granted my wish to pass out. No. This I had to stay awake for, and I did. Adrian made sure my whole stomach became an array of lined broken skin. The impact left immediate bruises, and the force of the blows tore my skin open. I tried to make my mind wander. Think nice things, think of anything! I couldn’t. Adrian sensed my efforts to take my mind elsewhere, and his aim was directed at my once perfect clitoris. The direct hit sent my body into spasms. Adrian and Jon watched as they witnessed a young girl in the most horrific torment.
Adrian put down the cane. Not that I noticed. I was in some other place, delirious from torture. The twine was finally untied from my clit. It was now at least 4 times its usual size and black and deep red. My nipples, it was decided, were not damaged enough to be freed just yet. By now I was passing in and out of consciousness. I woke up at one point to find Jon pressing a glass of water to my lips. I drank it and passed out again. The next time I woke up I felt the freezing bag of peas that had been placed over my pussy. My clit was damaged beyond repair though. It was now so swollen that Jon and Adrian daren’t touch it. Of course it never occurred to them to take the string from around my swollen nipples. I already knew they had the same fate as my clit. For now though they were left to throb and swell more as Adrian and Jon left me alone with my thoughts. Still strapped to the metal bed frame, shivering from both fear and cold. I shut my eyes and hoped they would kill me.
Standing in my usual position on the landing, I had been watching the mum of my neighbours household, who was simply sitting in the chair opposite the window, enjoying a cup of tea and watching the telly. It was a mid week afternoon and I wasn’t particularly expecting to see much, but ever hopeful! She was dressed rather casually in blue jeans and a simple white top and looked pleasant enough. After some time of this, she suddenly got up and left the room. When she came back in, she had another...
Well, ..I am a happily married wife of 21 years to a husband whom gives me anything I want. We have a very strong sex life and fantasize quiet a lot about all the things we would like to try. We have an understanding that if our fantasy can be fulfilled then go along with it and I did just that. A few years ago while on holiday while in the shower we had an amazing time and I managed to experience sex with another woman for the first time. I really enjoyed the little fling but didn’t really...
When I used to live at my old place I had some very good neighbours who would help me out with any things I needed doing as well as get me down for coffee and a chat on an evening. Both were in their early 60's and kept very active for their ages. The husband, Roger, used to work at the local airport while the wife, Carol, stayed at home and did odd-jobs.One day I was working out in the yard and saw them both just as they'd got back from a function. Carol was wearing a black and white polka-dot...
The older I get, the more I think back on my life. At 55, I wonder about how I would do things again if I had the chance. I certainly would tried to have experienced more beautiful pussies for sure. I have not lost the urge to admire women discreetly but, having being married for almost thirty years, I never actually pursue them. That changed when new neighbours moved in next to us a couple of years ago. Erica and Bob are in their late thirties and have a couple of young kids. They are a...
Straight SexThis won't make much sense if you haven't read Unexpected Consequences and the previous chapters of Neighbours. To those of you who have enjoyed my stories and know this plot: read on and enjoy! Neighbours Chapter Five I awoke in some discomfort and went to rub my crotch. The hard casing of the chastity device that I felt through my nightgown chased away the last vestige of sleep as I realised that my usual morning erection was being prevented from happening. However I needed to...
Standing in my usual position on the landing, I had been watching the mum of my neighbours household, who was simply sitting in the chair opposite the window, enjoying a cup of tea and watching the telly. It was a mid week afternoon and I wasn't particularly expecting to see much, but ever hopeful! She was dressed rather casually in blue jeans and a simple white top and looked pleasant enough. After some time of this, she suddenly got up and left the room. When she came back in, she had another...
Hi all Its been a while since my neighbour has passed on and his son and family have moved into his house, i doubt i will have the same fun with him as i did with his dad sorry to say but you never know.He has now seen my wife naked and i got a good telling off from her about it. Here's how it happened.I had been chatting to him over the fence about a week ago discussing the condition of the panels and it was suggested by him that a couple are replaced i agreed and offered to split the cost he...
It was about four days after seeing my new neighbour have his little daughter that I was treated again to a show of f****y ‘love’ although this time with a bit of a twist! I was standing in my usual place on the landing (it had become a bit of a habit to stand by the window in the hope of seeing some more action) It was around 4pm when I noticed movement in my neighbours living room, the younger of the two daughters had clearly just got home from school as she was in her school uniform. Just...
It was about four days after seeing my new neighbour have his little daughter that I was treated again to a show of family "love" although this time with a bit of a twist! I was standing in my usual place on the landing (it had become a bit of a habit to stand by the window in the hope of seeing some more action) It was around 4pm when I noticed movement in my neighbours living room, the younger of the two daughters had clearly just got home from school as she was in her school uniform. Just...
Emma opened the front door to see her neighbour, Madge, standing there looking quite flustered.Madge asked, "Is you’re Mum in? I need her to do me a huge favour as I'm in a rush to get to the theatre."Emma was twenty-two-years-old and smiled at Madge who she knew was forty-five-years-old. "Sorry but I am afraid that Mum has gone shopping and will then be going to friends. She won’t be back until late tonight. Is there anything I can do?"Madge bit her lip before asking, "Well, I wouldn't...
SpankingBy: Suman Hi, ISS readers this is my third imaginative story. I am male but from my email Id a number of male send me the emails. I am writing this unreal story for just to attract women near Patna. Rajesh was residing with his wife Rakhi in a flat in a very good apartment in Patna. Rajesh is in a government Job and married to Rakhi 12 years back. Rajesh is handsome man of 34 years and Rakhi is sexy lady of 32. Even having son of 6 years she is looking very sexy. Rajesh and Rakhi is enjoying...
Tony couldn’t resist it just as he had been unable to resist talking to Angela whenever he saw her. They were long-standing neighbours. Tony was fifty-four-years-old and Angela lived next door and was now thirty-two-years-old. It had started as flirting between the two of them, except it was Angela doing the flirting. When Tony visited some years earlier and they played cards it was Angela who would steal glances at Tony and when Tony caught her eye it was Angela who blushed. That carried on...
SpankingAuthors note: This won't make much sense if you haven't read Unexpected Consequences and the first two chapters of Neighbours. I apologise for the delay of this chapter, too many other things demanding my time! To those of you who have enjoyed my stories and know this plot: read on and enjoy! She picked up the phone on the third ring. "Claire speaking." "Hello Claire, this is Tanya Darlington. I wonder if you have a few minutes for me?" "Tanya! Good to hear from you again,...
Neighbours Chapter Four Over Sunday morning breakfast Claire and I chatted about how successful yesterday afternoon had been with the sudden liberation of Brit. I was mid-sentence in something when I saw the light-bulb flash in her eyes. "Let's get her and Zoe to come out somewhere for lunch," she interrupted. "You've just said how important it would be to increase her confidence in her looks!" Her infectious grin made me smile and I happily agreed to her great idea. "Phone them...
Having recently moved to a new house, it didn’t take long for me to discover that the little landing window on the side of the house, overlooks the back of a row of houses, giving a clear view into thier living rooms and rear bedrooms, only being a distance of around 30 feet away. Once I had moved in I would casually glance through the window, into the houses, as I went up or down the stairs, but there was nothing really to look at. Nothing that is, until a young f****y moved into the middle of...
5.01 Dianne: 5.02 A Pleasant Sunday Visit: 5.03 The meeting of two Hermaphrodites: 5.04 Jenny and Dianne: 5.05 Dianne's Hair Removal, First Orgasm: 5.06 Dianne's first Deep Throating: 5.07 Dianne and Jenny, First Mating: 5.08 Jenny and Dianne, Second Mating: 5.01 Dianne: Dianne's mother had been on a prescription testosterone supplement for over a year and as a result she was diagnosed at birth with a congenital condition known as 'True Hermaphroditism'. Her vagina, penis...
3.01 Neighbourhood Sex Therapy: 3.02 Consultation: 3.03 Ian meets Aron: 3.04 Ian Enema, Hair Removal, Rectal Preparation: 3.05 Ian loses his virginity: 3.06 Ruth and the Recliner: 3.07 Epilogue: 3.01 Neighbourhood Sex Therapy: John had moved in with Mary and Sara and was leasing his house to a co-worker. They were relaxing on the front porch enjoying a nice Saturday morning and Sara was in her room doing her normal thing on the internet. They were discussing an email that they...
2.01 Mary, Sara and the Neighbourhood: 2.02 Mary, Sara, The reception: 2.03 Jessie and her Sybian Lover: 2.04 Jamie and the Semen Extractor: 2.05 Susan and her Robotic Lover: 2.06 Daniel, the Harness and his Sybian Lover: 2.07 Michelle and the female Canine: 2.08 Michelle and the male Canine: 2.09 Sean, the Harness and the Heifer: 2.01 Mary, Sara and the Neighbourhood: To the daily commuter, Willow Falls appears to be a nice, quiet suburban neigbourhood. Single-family homes,...
It happened when i was 16 years old one summers day . School was over and vacation was starting. I live at the end of the block cottage style house where our neighbours is on the other side of the wall. Next door lives my friend Eve she is my age blond hair and smashing body. As for me im just like her just i have dar hair. Few days ago i noticed one interesting thing … phone rang ant Eves place and after few minutes she is off somewhere. last day the same . So i decided to track her coz she...
I’ve just finished the washing and my phone goes off. I carry on, making sure all of the chores are completed which ends up taking longer than expected and its more or less an hour later, I returned to the kitchen and notice a message on my phone. I pick it up and my heart stops beating. A tingle shoots down my back, between my legs and straight to my pussy and it feels like it is on fire. I open the message and hold my breath in anticipation of what it reads……‘I will pick you up at 2pm….be...
Neighbours ToyBy WVNE-mail ideas / comments to [email protected] I had always cross dressed, staring when I first noticed stirrings in my cock and then relating the feel of my mothers and sisters underwear to increased arousal and stronger ejaculations.When I moved into a flat of my own my wardrobe increased as did the length of time I could spend dressing up and dressed up. I had become very proficient with makeup, had removed all traces of body hair and although I was the judge, made a...
I live next to my neighbours mr and mrs Cho. They are both great people their k**s are grown up and left home. But they both look great for their age. They had k**s when they were young.I lived next to them for 12years and my bedroom was pretty much located next to mr and mrs cho's bedroom. At least twice a week I would hear the thumping of the bed against the wall and slow moans of mrs cho and the grunts of mr cho next door. I tried to control my self but I would get a hard on just by...
My girlfriend and I have just moved from our flat into a semi-detached house. The house is great. Our long garden has a summer house at the bottom, and it was while I was clearing it up that this incident happened.Our neighbours are a middle-aged married couple, dull and unremarkable (church going, Volvo driving etc.), with an 18 year-old daughter, Kim. There is nothing unremarkable about her. She is tall and slim like a model, with a tanned and toned body and blonde hair. We had only said hi...
This won't make much sense if you haven't read Unexpected Consequences and the previous chapters of Neighbours. To those of you who have enjoyed my stories and know this plot: read on and enjoy! "So where are we going for this holiday, Darling?" I asked Claire. She shifted slightly in her seat, her yellow cotton skirt riding up her thighs a little further as she did so. She smiled at my question, checked the rear-view mirror again then swung her eyes towards me in the passenger...
I folded the newspaper and laid it on the table, all bad news I thought as I drained the last half-inch of coffee from my mug. Gail was at the sink washing the breakfast dishes. I never tired of looking at my wife; it was always a good sight, particularly the way she was dressed now, in shorts and a t-shirt. I gazed at her shapely legs and lovely ass and felt a twinge in my loins. She had splashed some water onto her shirt and I could see the profile her large, left breast and hard nipple...
Erotic FictionThe ending of Chapter 14 as a lead in: "Ray standing there getting hard watching his wife on her knees swallowing my cum and some on her face and chin and Rachelle just smiling and smirking and saying, "Laura, you and I know better and we were not raised like this!" Laura embarrassed said, "I know" and at that time I told Ray and Laura that Rachelle and I were going out for breakfast, then shopping, then for a day of play at a hotel room. We would be back late that night. Laura was not happy,...
To set the stage, starting with the ending paragraphs of Chapter 13:"As we fucked Laura, Rachelle, watched in envy and fingered herself, she cum again as Laura cum. Soon Ray filled his wife's ass with his cum and then we switched positions, and I took her ass hard, pulling hair, calling her "our slut" and I used her and degraded her in front of Ray. The things I made her say. Soon she was Cumming again and again. Next she collapsed, used and spent with a stretched ass with cum dripping from...
The towers were all burning, their thick walls of stone. Burning and crumbling. Strong and proud battlements, subtle and delicate spires, they were all perishing. Below them the city of Maurur was dying as well in smoke and fire. The dwellings of the people those towers had been erected to protect. I admit there were tears in my eyes as everything I had thought so powerful, so eternal, so beyond the reach of others, was reduced to nothing more than a huge bonfire obscuring the morning sun with...
Introduction: Encounter With Wifes Boss and His Wife I had known about Sues office escapades for several months now and still kept it a secret. I had seen Bill and Michelle several times and no one acted strange in any way, although I secretly had a massive desire to have sex with Michelle. We were invited to a cocktail party at Bill and Michelles house, with some of their friends and neighbors. Sue was the only person from the office invited and the party was a semi-formal get together that...
This chapter won't make sense unless you have read the previous one and, ideally, the 'Unexpected Consequences' series which laid the foundations for this story. Zoe was waiting for Brian as he arrived home that evening. She rushed to hug and kiss him. "Hello Brit, I've had such a long day waiting for you to come home again - how was your day?" They made their way inside. Chatting and sharing trivial events with Zoe had Brian in wonder at how good life had become now all his stress...
PART 1 *** BEST BUDDIES ***Matt's mum and dad owned the first video store in our little town. Matt and I would stay either after school or Sundays in this bed-sit unit above the shop and watch videos until our perants finished work. The first time I stayed overnight it started, Matts mum closed store at 8pm then came up to fetch us.. We begged her to let us stay the night. In the end she agreed saying she would see us with...
Emma was furious as she glared at Madge. How dare she play her? Well she was going to pay the penalty for doing that. A bare bottom spanking was definitely called for. Madge was still blushing as she stood up and went to exactly where Emma pointed. She was forty-five-years-old but had been caught out so easily by her much younger neighbour and now the sensual spanking she wanted was more likely to be a discipline spanking that would really hurt. Twenty-two-year-old Emma demanded, “Get...
SpankingMy wife comes across a very uptight and frigid type however when she is horny she is insatiable and normally stops in that state for a long time. She is only 5ft tall with massive tits and she has one of the most sweetest and nicest fannies I’ve ever seen or tasted. The only problem is that she is so bloody frigid, and It could be months between sex sessions which tends to lead me to shag around where and when ever. Again this stems back to my youth when sex was literally chucked at me and I’ve...
Hayley knocked on Jack’s frontdoor. Fifty-two-year-old Jack opened the door and blushed as he saw his eighteen-year-old neighbour. Jack was wearing a short-sleeved blue shirt and jeans. He wasn’t wearing any socks but had on slip-ons. Hayley wore a red vest top and a very short cream mini-skirt. Jack thought she looked really lovely; in fact as stunning as usual actually. “Come in, Hayley,” Jack said standing aside to let Hayley through. Hayley didn’t look very happy as she stomped in passed...
SpankingJack knew it had been wrong. It was just that he had been taken by surprise. He had stood looking at the girls playing in the park and as usual he had his hand inside his trouser pocket and was playing with his penis. His now erect penis. Jack was fifty-two, single, and worked at the local shopping centre in the department store. He was a manager in the men’s clothing department. As he stood watching the girls Hayley saw him and went over to have a chat. Hayley was eighteen-years-old and lived...
SpankingRaj went back home thinking about how he can get rid of Vijay for good. “Patience Raj, he will come again, but now the ball is in your court”, he said to himself. He visited his neighbour’s mom Rashmi from time to time trying to create a stronger bond with her so that she can be more comfortable around him while he waited for Vijay to visit her again, which he did. By then, Raj had already figured out exactly which day of the week he visited Rashmi. Raj was on his balcony when he spotted...
It was a beautiful sunny morning and I was at home revising for my exams. This was my last set of exams before I finished college and went to university. I decided to go and sit outside in the garden as it was so warm.It was lovely and quiet and the garden was not overlooked by any neighbours, so I had no distractions. After about ten minutes, I heard Jackie and David in the garden next door quietly chatting and laughing, then it went all quiet. I assumed they had gone back indoors. But...
VoyeurJanine Thomas sat bewildered. Thrown. Here she was, dressed for a peaceful Saturday of shopping, VCR movies, and relaxing. Her slightly faded jeans were pressed. Her tennis shoes a relatively new white and her blue polo shirt neatly pressed. Then this happened. She sat with her right leg tucked under her rear, her left on the floor as she leaned forward to her friend Mitchell Conners. Mitchell had that bleary eyed look that one gets when they have spent the better part of an early...
4.01 Lisa: 4.02 Lisa, Video Preparation: 4.03 Lisa, Basement Session Room: 4.04 Lisa, Hair Removal: 4.05 Lisa, Harness, Sybian: 4.06 Michael and Lisa Meet: 4.07 Michael and Lisa Foreplay: 4.08 Michael and Lisa, First Mating: 4.09 Lisa, Michael Deep Throat: 4.10 Michael, Lisa, The Dark: 4.01 Lisa: John was talking to Mary about Lisa, a secretary in his office. She was about to resign and no one really knew why. John had checked her employment history and found that Lisa had...
1.01 Mary, Sara and John: 1.02 Sara and John, Seduction, Handjob: 1.03 Sara and John, Seduction, Deepthroat: 1.04 John and Sara, Seduction, Mating: 1.05 John and Mary, Doggy style mating: 1.06 Mary and Sara, The Cleansing: 1.07 Mary and Sara, The Fisting: 1.01 Mary, Sara and John: Mary, a widower, and her daughter Sara live next door to John, who is still recovering from a three year old failed marriage. Their relationship is close but not intimate. Sara is a promiscuous 16 year...
Shannon was a beautiful, fit girl. She was very well known in school; she amazed people by her naturally straight blond hair, her firm B cup breasts, her athletically built body, and her nice ass. Apart from her alluring looks, she was also a very smart student, who managed to get A’s and B’s on her report cards. Shannon’s parents were pleased with how well she was doing in school. Shannon was also an only child, so her parents tended to dawdle with her. She lived in a nice, medium size...
This hot little teen drove me wild with everything she did and said and I slid my hands up under her school blouse, flipped her little bra up over her tits, and thumbed her pert nipples which brought them to hard points straight away. Her hands were not idle either, as she undid my belt and zipper and dropped my trousers to the floor to release my pulsing cock into her warm little hands. “At last” she purred, “I’ve been thinking of this all afternoon at school and now I’m going to get this...
I was working from home one Friday when Sarah breezed in and said “Hi Tom, are you busy?” “Hi Sarah, not really seen you since your party, how are you doing? Shouldn’t you be at school today?” “No it’s OK, the school is shut today so we get extra time off. Thanks for coming to my party, didn’t you think it was great? Everyone there just for me and trying to make my party so good for me!” It was then, looking into those sparkling wide eyes that I was reminded again just how young Sarah...
“Why in particular do you hope Hassan will be there?” I asked, knowing his particular talent and wondering if Sarah just wanted to jerk me off or whether she had time for me to fuck her. As I spoke to her I slid my left hand inside her shirt and under her bra to feel her pert little tit whilst my right lifted her school skirt and I moved her pants to one side to allow me to slide my finger into her. This was the funny thing about having sex with this girl, and with Lizzie as well come to...
Sarah was my friend’s wife. She was in her early 30s, fair, buxom, full of fun. My friend was a boring man who viewed life very seriously and was regularly traveling. I have no idea how they were in bed together but watching her I think she would be the more active partner. My friend’s travels drew me closer to Sarah. There were weekends together and even a few weekdays. I could not put my finger on it but I thought she had the hots for me. Our friendship was platonic and we had many good...
Introduction: Shannon and Robert find that they have a passion for each other and do some dirty things together. Most, if not all teenage girls were curious about the opposite and even their own sex and would sometimes wonder, what would it be like to see them naked? As most girls wonder, some have experienced in their teenage years. Some knew what it was like to have a deep, dark secret with someone. This is the story of a girl who has one of these experiences. Shannon was a beautiful, fit...
From my usual vantage point on the landing, I was looking into my neighbour’s house and all there was to see was the daddy, sitting on the chair opposite the window, watching the telly. Nothing terribly exciting there then, but I knew it was nearing the time for the daughters to arrive home from school, so decided to stay put. As expected, after about a quarter of an hour, the younger of the two daughters came into the room, in her little school uniform, which comprised of a sweet lilac school...
Well, after getting back from shopping. I struggled with the bags into the kitchen and threw the car keys on the table. I walked into the kitchen and I could still smell the scent of sex in the air. My cock twitched as it recalled the scene I had seen earlier that morning. I could not see Claire anywhere and called out to no reply. I went to the bottom of the stairs and called out again“Claire, are you up there”“Yes. Just hanging some washing up” was a muffled reply like she was a great...
It was hot, unusually so for the temperate marine climate of Seattle, and so she was as naked as could be without being fully so--stripped down to her pink and black lace bra and matching tanga cut pink and black lace panties. Still, at ten o’clock at night, with the house a balmy 75 F, that wasn’t enough. She needed to go outside, needed to feel the cooling night air against her skin, needed to feel the breeze coming off of the Sound reminding her body that sooner rather than later, this heat...
Straight SexA couple of weeks ago Anne from a few houses down came to me all in a panic, she had dinged her car in a car park and really needed it sorted quickly before her husband found out.You see she had a history of banging and crashing her car and her husband was really getting fed up having to keep paying out to have it repaired, but she promised me if I could fix quickly in secret, then she would pay for it as soon as she could.Well, as I said, that was a couple of weeks ago and she still hadn't...
Whilst out in the garden the postman called and delivered the usual utility bills . I went in and threw them on the table to be opened later . I returned to my front garden to dig out those pesky weeds that had been annoying me for so long. "Excuse me" a voice called. I turned round and it was the postman waving a large jiffy bag at me. I had not ordered anything I mused . " I have tried delivering it across the road but no-one is home, If you can take it for me it will save me having to take...
My name is Sue and I want to tell you a ture story. I'm a married women in my forties and I love my husdand fucking me. I love watching spunk pump out of his cock and rubbing it into my pussy. About 12 months ago a young couple, Tim and May moved in down the road from us and both of them seamed nice. Tim was nice looking and cycled to work everyday so he was quite fit. Tim and husband had been talking and Tim invited us round for drinks the following friday night. It got to Wednesday and as I...
Her heart pounding with uncertainty, Zoe held her faith as she shouted in her sternest tone "Listen to me, Brian! You are destroying yourself. And you are destroying me and what was our wonderful marriage. "I love you and that is why I have taken all your shit for the last couple of years - but it stops right now! Look at you, in your pretty lace bra and panties, feeling so sexy and whole until you cum. OK, so now you've finished, why should you stop being that lovely person? Why do...
Those two weeks spent in Tanya Darlington's basement-dungeon will remain in my memory for ever, although I may have forgotten some of the details of the things that didn't appeal to us. We loved the opportunity to try so many things to find out what really turned us on. We found lots that either one or both of us didn't like, but did get the chance to explore ourselves and each other. However we did find many things about ourselves that just really appealed and satisfied us deeply. Both...
"Do you remember what you said about that summer evening?" “When?" said I. "When you were home alone all summer and there was a party and… with the neighbors?" "Oh yes, that night I remember very well." "When you were fucked by all the neighbors on the couch." "Yes, I remember.” "Dad and I have talked to the neighbors, and they are ready for a new round." "What do you mean?" "We have planned for the four ladies, Helen, Maryan, you and I to stand on the sofa and guess who...
Raj, 27 years old, returned from Bangalore and had just started living in Navi Mumbai. His parents were usually out of town for work so he often used to have his friends come over to party and enjoy. Raj and his family had good relations with their neighbor Priya who had lost her father 3 years back. Priya was 23 years of age and had recently started working in an IT firm for which she used to travel 2 hours daily. Priya’s mother, Rashmi used to stay at home; spending her time watching...
We traveled by taxi to our old neighborhood and arrived early afternoon as requested. There was already some of our old neighbors there along with some we did not know. Within an hour the drink was flowing and the guests had moved around talking some outside as the weather was good. It was a large house and in the theatre as they called it was a porno movie showing and a few had started to watch it. I then realized it was one made by our hosts and the sight of Sue bouncing on a hard dick made...
Drunk sexWarning: This story is a work of fiction and contains descriptions of explicit sexual acts between men and women. If this type of content offends you or you are under the age of 18 do not read it. Author's Note: This story is the property of the author. It can be downloaded for personal reading pleasure or sending to a friend, but if you wish to re- post them at your own site, please contact the author for permission. Copyright 2011 Feb, All Rights Reserved. Introduction to real...