The Crush The Crunch
- 4 years ago
- 30
- 0
By Velvetglove
Copyright and Disclaimer
‘Credit Crunch’ is an original work of fiction and neither events nor characters portrayed are based in reality. Any resemblance with actual persons is entirely coincidental. This is a short story in two parts: ‘Credit’ and ‘Crunch’. It contains bdsm and sex but it is primarily a psychological mind-fuck. Story Codes are: M/f, M/mf, D/s, blackmail. Copyright is asserted by the author and no reposting to other sites or commercial use whatsoever is authorised.
Part One: ?Credit?
?Mister Glover will see you know.?
The secretary ushered the couple from the waiting area into his office.
Vincent Glover nodded curtly at his secretary. She was stunningly beautiful and provocatively dressed in a short grey skirt and tight cream blouse. She sashayed her hips as she turned and closed the heavy oak door behind her.
He gestured at the two chairs in front of his desk.
The husband and wife looked nervously at him and at each other. They slowly sat down facing him. They were both in their late twenties. The man was tall, fair-haired, wearing a suit and tie. The woman was chestnut-blonde, with shoulder length hair set Farrah-Fawcett-style, very pretty, wearing a black dress and a cardigan covering her shoulders.
The tick of his antique grandfather clock echoed in the silence. He caught a whiff of the woman’s musky perfume as it wafted across his desk.
?So.? He said, finally flipping open the file on his desk. ?You’ve been well and truly fucked, haven’t you ??
He had already crunched the numbers. Their names were Mike and Melissa Merrill. They had a $1.2 million mortgage. It had been affordable at the initial subsidised fixed rate for the first two years, and so long as Mike held down his fancy job and pulled in a decent annual bonus.
But now the ‘hook’ interest rate had expired and his employer wasn’t paying bonuses. Mike had even been considered lucky to hold on to his job in the latest wave of redundancies.
?So why are you here ??
They glanced at each other again. Mike coughed and spoke.
?We saw your bank’s advert and made some enquiries. We’re here to apply for a re-mortgage ? Sir.?
Vince Glover nodded. There was no beating around the bush. They all knew the score. His private bank was called the Bank of Land and Realty, abbreviated to BLR. But most people who knew of it called it something else; the ‘Bank of Last Resort’ !
?It would be easier to just hand back the keys and give the place up.?
The woman let out a small squeak. ?We couldn’t do that ? Sir.?
He let his eyes rest on her again. The file had her birth date at 1980. She was 28 but could have passed for 23. Her complexion looked creamy in that way chestnut-blondes have. Her perfect teeth were shiny and her lipstick had obviously been applied with extra precision that morning.
?Why not ??
Her blue eyes filled with tears. ?It’s our home. We have two kids. Please ?? she began crying. Her husband leaned across and squeezed her hand.
?It’s her dream, Sir. Loved that house the moment she set eyes on it.?
Vince stared at him. This guy was clearly no wheeler-dealer. No wonder they’d gotten themselves in such a deep pile of doo-doo.
?How much is the house worth, you reckon ??
?One and a half million plus, Sir.?
Vince snorted. ?In this market ? Eight, nine hundred thousand tops. Your equity’s all gone, son.?
?The agent said we’d get ??
?Agents don’t know jackshit. You’d get what a bank says it’s worth.?
?I think ?? the man’s voice rose.
?You know so much then fuck off out of here. I’ve got other wannabe customers to see. People living in the real world.?
Melissa Merrill glared at her husband. ?Please, Sir. My husband’s very emotional at present. Can we apply for a re-mortgage ??
?Sorry.? Her husband mumbled.
Vince slowly sat back in his chair, appeased. The woman was not only tidy, she had a nice manner. He pointed to her cardigan.
?Take that off.?
She shut her eyes, blinked and steeled herself. It was obvious she’d been waiting for this moment to arrive. They clearly knew the score. Her husband sat, visibly shrinking in his chair. The dynamic between the two of them was interesting.
?Here’s the deal. I’ll consider giving you a re-mortgage. But the terms will be ? tough.?
He watched her lay down the cardigan in her lap. He winked and she understood. She stood up and placed the cardigan over the back of her chair.
?No, you,? he pointed, ?help her remove the dress.?
Mike took a deep breath and rose out of his chair.
Vince watched him unzip and slowly peel the black dress down over his wife’s shoulders. She was wearing a lacy black, ?-cup bra. Her cleavage was full, probably D. Her stomach came into view. It was toned, flat except for the slight telltale mound that betrayed the fact she’d had two children. She stepped out of her dress and her husband held it in his hand. She was wearing black stockings, heels and a thong.
?Sit down.? He said to her. ?You stay standing.? He ordered Mike, ignoring him and ogling Melissa’s assets as she retook her seat in front of him.
?There’s an application fee. To prove to me you’re both serious.?
She blushed. ?Yes ??
?A blowjob. And it had better be good.?
He looked at her and then up meaningfully at her grim-faced husband.
?And six of the best for you on your naked backside.?
?What ?!? Mike’s hand flew up and gouged his fringe of fair hair in shock.
?It’s a joint application.? Vince replied, starting to enjoy himself. ?You both have to show similar commitment.?
?Then ?? she asked.
?Then I mull it over a day or two. I approve about one in three applications.?
They both dry-swallowed. ?And if we don’t ? pass ??
Vince flipped the file closed. ?No mortgage.?
She leaned forward. ?And if you decide to approve us ??
?We try and hammer out a deal. That can take a while.?
?We don’t have time.? Mike interrupted. ?They’ll foreclose and throw us out within seven days.?
Vince shrugged. ?I can maybe lend you a couple of weeks interest to buy some time. Secured on those titties there.? He winked. ?Lose the bra.?
She sat back and unclipped her front-loader, then pushed the cups away from her pendulous breasts. Her neck was pinpricked by an embarrassed, scarlet flush.
?How do we know you’ll ? you know ? do us a deal ??
?You don’t.? he said to Mike, steepling his fingers smugly. ?I might just hose your wife’s throat, thrash your butt and forget about you. Frankly it depends on your good lady’s blowing technique.?
?We don’t have a choice, darling.? She muttered to her husband.
Vince gave an exaggerated glance at his watch. ?Time is money, folks.?
There was a long silence. ?Okay.? They both said at once.
?Go sit outside in the waiting area.?
He watched Mike walk slowly over to the door. Vince caught his forlorn glance back into the room as he closed the door behind him.
?You like giving head ??
She made a face. ?Not really.?
?You know how ??
?I’ve done it. Er ? sucking and licking. Nothing much. Just, you know, foreplay.?
Vince curled his finger at her. ?Come here.?
She walked round the side of the desk to face him. He sat back in his chair and opened his thighs. ?Kneel. Then take my pants down.?
On cue, Vince’s phone rang. He loved talking on the phone at moments like this. His secretary had waited thirty seconds. Her singsong voice came on the line.
?You need anything, Sir ??
?Nope. Just read me today’s profit figures.?
He listened as he watched Melissa’s elegant fingers clumsily unbuckling his belt, top button, his fly. He lifted his hips so she could ease his trousers down his legs to his ankles.
?Take my shoes off.? He whispered.
She unfastened his laces and eased his leather shoes off in turn, then pulled his pants off over his socks. He threw his legs open wide again.
He made occasional noises of approval at the figures. It had been a good day. His bank had actually cleared more in profit today than this couple’s entire mortgage. Not bad. Vince was only a few years older than the Merrills but through his drive, ambition and ruthlessness he’d built up his own private bank specialising in distressed debt, bankruptcies, junk bonds, that kind of stuff. Mucky work but somebody’s gotta do it !
?Kiss my balls first.?
He watched her pink tongue snake out and slowly dab at his scrotum. Nowadays, he could have his choice of a hundred women to blow him; his mistress, other girlfriends, plenty of hookers and desperate debtors like this dame. But his favourite was always a new one. The moment of conquest.
?Now my asshole.?
She baulked momentarily then lowered her face to his bottom.
?Get Manny on the line.? He said to his secretary. ?Ask him to pop up here in fifteen minutes.?
He placed the phone down and looked at her. ?Better hurry lady. My attorney’s coming by in quarter of an hour. He’d like a BJ too ! Mmm.?
He savoured her hot wetness burrowing deeper into his anus. His erection was hard now; engorged and raring to go.
?Okay, lady. Show me your tricks.?
She moved her mouth up to his hairy groin and curled her fingers round his shaft.
?No, no !? he laughed. ?No hands. That’s cheating. Oral means oral.?
She looked up at him. Her nostrils flared indignantly. But she put her lips round his helmet.
?You must love your family.? He mused. ?Your home and kids. You on the PTA ??
She paused her head mid-bob, then nodded to signify she was.
?I wonder what all the teachers and soccer moms would say if they could see you now ??
He sat silent a while, savouring her unsophisticated but rhythmic slurping. Her lips kept making obscene glugging noises round his shaft.
?You have two kids, right ? Four and two. Nice ages. I’ll bet they love their bedrooms, the den, the yard.?
Her blue eyes glanced at him but she stayed concentrated on her job. He winked and shut his eyes, feeling the pressure building. He’d already toyed with his dick a few times that afternoon, almost to the point of orgasm, then stopping. Made him trigger-happy and that helped with new dames. Otherwise it all sometimes took too long.
But, better still, it stimulated his balls into full production mode. Gave them a big mouthful to cope with. Truly a bitter pill to swallow.
?Not bad.? He encouraged. ?You realise you swallow it all, right ??
She didn’t speak, just turned her pretty blue eyes up fully to look at him. He reached down and put his fingers to her earlobes, guiding her head up and down in rhythm. Her neck muscles had to be hurting.
?Mmm ?? he chuckled, ?? let’s sign that application form.?
Her eyes widened as hot spurt after thick spurt cascaded over her tongue and splashed the roof of her mouth. He pushed her head back slightly so as not to make her gag and also so that his chewy jizz didn’t bypass her taste buds.
After all, it might be the only time she got to savour his flavour.
Her husband accepted it like a lamb.
Vince’s specially built, huge walnut desk contained built in shackles that flipped out from secret compartments. In just a few moments, Mr. Merrill’s taut, bare buttocks were stretched tight over the near edge of the desk, his ankles chained to the legs, and his wrists chained to the opposite end.
Vince swung the brutal bamboo in an arc, making the air whoosh. Like golf, he always took a couple of practise swings.
He winked at the wife who was now dressed again, sitting, watching.
He lashed the first stroke down with a satisfying splat. One !
The husband howled, rattled the shackles, hissed short, fast breaths.
Two !
Three !
The wife’s watery eyes pleaded with Vince to show some mercy.
Four !
He whapped the white, clenching butts harder than ever.
Five !
Six !
He laid down the cane and wiped his brow.
?Come here.? He said.
She rose and walked over to him. He pushed her down so she was sitting directly on top of her husband’s scalding, striped buttocks.
?Kiss me.?
She hesitated, leaned forward, parting her smudged lips.
Vince used his tongue to possess her.
?Think hard.? He said. ?It really would be so much easier to give up your home.?
*** *** ***
A week later, it had cost him a couple of thousand bucks, but they were hooked. Their existing bank had accepted the payment and given them an extra two weeks grace to re-mortgage, instead of foreclosing.
Vince was fucking Melissa on his desk.
She was face up, her bra askew, skirt riding up, heels locked round his waist. Her enthusiasm was almost convincing.
He let rip, emptying his balls inside her married, maternal vagina. She was pretty tight for a mom but he’d mainly use her mouth in future. And her asshole.
But best get the paperwork signed before the buttfucking began !
It was 10.15 in the morning. He pushed himself up off her body.
?Lie there.? He said. ?Don’t move. I like watching my cum ooze out.?
She didn’t budge. He even thought he detected a little frustration, as if she’d maybe been building towards a climax herself.
This was a private meeting. Just the two of them. To see whether they could ‘advance negotiations’. Her husband had dropped her off then gone to his own office.
?I don’t see any short term fixes.? He said, idly fingering her labia open. ?It will be fifteen, twenty years. That’s how long it’ll take.?
She turned her head slowly to look at him. ?Fifteen years ??
He clicked his teeth. ?You’d still both be only mid-forties. You’d have your home. Your kids would have grown up in it.?
?Please ?? she looked away. ?I’ll do anything. Within reason.?
?You bet you will. I could buy the best hookers in town for what I’d effectively be paying you.?
He idly watched his white slug emerging from her well-fucked rose petals.
?Tell me what’s required.? She whispered.
?I have around a dozen women like you. My debt sluts. You are at my beck and call seven days a week. You fuck me, you fuck my friends. You suck, fuck and take it up the ass too. You do other stuff too. Not all the time, of course. But whenever you’re told.?
Her face froze, absorbing his crude words one at a time. Then slowly, she ran her tongue over her dry lips, her voice breaking.
?And ? my husband ? What would he have to do ??
?Not so much. Babysit your kids, keep in the background, jack himself off if he’s horny. You’d be mine, not his. You would never have sex of any kind with him without my prior permission. Hidden cameras will be installed in your ? I mean ? my house to monitor you all.?
She stared at him, the merest flicker of a relieved smile passing across her lips.
?And that’s all ? If we agree to that, then you’ll approve the loan ??
He frowned. Most of them went sobbing from his office at this point. It usually took 48 hours or so before they came round to his way of thinking. Maybe he should strike a harder bargain ??
?Well, there’ll be some small print.? He added. ?A few surprises. But you’ve heard the most of it.?
His semen was trickling into her anal cleft. Maybe he should ass-fuck her today ? This one was going to be a whole lot of fun.
?I agree to your proposal, Sir.?
?And what about your husband ??
Her mouth tightened determinedly. ?Oh, he’ll agree too, Sir. I promise.?
*** *** ***
Mike knelt, with his head just inches from his wife’s pussy. He could smell the heady, fishy aroma of stale sex.
?Don’t touch.? Melissa warned. ?I gave my word. Though I will miss your tongue ? cuck.?
He looked longingly at the heart-shaped tuft of downy pubes on her mound, finding it all hard to absorb.
Between fifteen and twenty years ! He was going to spend up to two decades as the wimp husband of a hot wife.
It had all been Melissa’s brainchild. Throughout their marriage he’d suggested swinging and then, when she wouldn’t go for that, he’d mentioned his true fantasy, cuckolding.
He’d shown her porno movies, websites, magazine letters and, gradually, she’d expressed mild interest in the idea. They’d started playing at fantasies and a bit of domination, but never actually plucked up the courage to turn cuckolding into reality.
And then Melissa had heard rumours about the Bank of Land and Realty, or the bank of last resort, as it was known ! She’d spied on Vince Glover, the CEO, and she’d hatched this plan to get them out of their financial crisis in the only way possible.
?He’s not bad looking, actually.? She said, closing her bathrobe. ?I nearly reached a climax today. I could get to like having sex with him. Who knows ? I might even like his friends too, if they’re like him.?
Mike shivered, watching her walking to the shower.
?Do you think he suspected anything ? You know, that this was actually what you ? we ? planned ??
She hung her robe and turned her head.
?I don’t think so. And so what if he did ? It’s a contract. I shall keep my end of the bargain and I’m sure he’ll keep his.?
She frowned. ?What are these footprints ??
Mike shrugged. ?A surveyor came from the bank to measure up and value the place. He looked everywhere, checked everything. I left him to it. He seemed satisfied when he left.?
She turned on the water jets and waited for the water to heat up.
?We’ve got it darling. We’ve got our re-mortgage, our home. And you get to live out your weird fantasy too. Everybody wins. Now, go and feed the kids.?
*** *** ***
In his office across town, Vince sipped his bourbon, listening to the sound of the shower over his PC’s speakers. He scrunched a square of yellow notepaper and played her words back in his mind.
?And so what if he did ? It’s a contract. What we planned. We’ve got it darling. We’ve got our re-mortgage, our home. And you get to live out your weird fantasy too. Everybody wins.?
Not so fast, little lady.
His surveyor had installed a few hidden microphones, before the proper CCTV system went in. It was surprising what you could discover when people didn’t know that anybody was listening.
So, the guy actually enjoyed Vince banging his missus, huh ? And the trollop actually fancied being a hot wife ? Well, nothing wrong with either of those things in normal circumstances.
But they were getting a new and flexible mortgage at a special rate. They were meant to be suffering for it, not getting their kicks. They’d pulled a fast one on Vincent Glover.
Everybody wins ?
End of Part One
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Since surviving the terrible erotic activities, Molly had been tricked into participating in that night on the Island off the Brazilian Coast; the unpleasant memories had eventually faded with the passing of time. Molly was still happy she had done it for Antonio. However after—both knew they never wanted to attend any other of the Group's harsh and cruel activities. Molly, greatly relieved, had settled back into her comfortable familiar routine. She thought happily to herself, I love Rio de...
It was a Friday night and I was home alone. My mom, ant, and cousin had all gone to disney world. They had been saving up for this trip for the last 7 months. They had all tried to persuade me to go, but I steadfastly refused. Disney world held no appeal for me. They had finally given up and they just told me to be good and not to burn the house down.It was about 6:00 in the evening and I was floating around our pool in the back yard, with my friend josh. smoking a cigarette. Josh was a 18 year...
Loving Erica By SpectreOfHell Part 1 Sometimes you have desires you didn’t know you had. My daughter, for instance. She was f******n and gorgeous. I thought she was the loveliest girl on the planet. The kind of girl I’d wished I could have hooked up with when I was that age. Long limbs and slender body, a cheerleader, no less, with darkly tanned skin and black hair dyed with streaks of blonde. Exotic and stunning was what she was, with her B cup breasts and smooth, supple skin. I admired her...
Richard relaxed in the big old bath after the harrowing day. It brought comfort to be back in familiar surrounding and the bath brought back happy memories of bath time with his sister, and Mum, whom they had buried today, scrubbing their backs. He could hear his sister downstairs and was glad that she had also come down for the funeral, it felt such a long time since he had seen her, yet it couldn’t be more than 6 months, since their Mums cancer had first been diagnosed. As he thought about...
My name is Anna. I am a 18 year old girl who loves canines. I started liking them when I was eight and have grown into a real K9 nymphomaniac. I now have two big dogs of my own and my parents wonder why I let them sleep with me. I wouldn’t want them to know that I love doggie cock! When I was a lot younger, I had a girl friend named Susy, who was two years older than me. She had a pretty little puppy that followed us everywhere. One day as we were in our playhouse, Susy started to talk to...
It was the perfect time of winter when those two bodies in heat collide. Two stranger gays, from two different cities with the feeling of getting lost in each other met in Delhi. It all began in my mind when I was asked to visit Mumbai for an official work. I had to book a flight from Ranchi to Jaipur which had a stop in Delhi and the halt was almost 21 hours long, demanding me to stay in Delhi overnight in a hotel. It was all normal until I got struck by a brilliant idea of fulfilling my...
Gay Malei was in my room, masturbating to some random hentai. suddenly i heard a knock at my door. i quickly get dressed and go to see who it is. i open the door and see it is a woman with long purple hair and a huge bust. she was wearing a shirt that covered her breasts, but did little to cover her midsection. she also wore pants that were tight on her, so i could catch the slight view of cameltoe. my eyes widened and my dick hardened. then finally she spoke. "hello. i am new to the neighborhood and...
How can I ever thank you but to continue the story in part 3? **kiss** my darling Amanda ‘May I have this dance?’ I ask. Your eyes smile as you reach up and take my hand. The electricity of our fingers touching causes jolts to run up my arm. Oh how much I love this man. I hear the music you’ve picked, a salsa, and my hips begin to sway seductively. I see your expression change to one of surprise and pleasure. ‘Dance for me, darling,’ you tell me. With a smile in my eyes and my heart pounding,...
My heart was beating as I walked up the front steps of the house. I went to ring the door bell, but hesitated for a second and looked around. It looked like any other house. Mini-van in the driveway, freshly cut lawn, flowerbeds. Just another piece of suburbia. Slowly, Ireached up and pressed the doorbell.I could hear the bell resonating from inside the house, followed by a pleasant, feminine voice.“Coming,” she yelled from within.A few seconds passed before the door finally opened. Sandhya...
My name is Tere and my story is about the night I met Walter. Anyway, to start out a night of horror, I had a blind date and it turned out to be really bad, the guy being shorter than I am and bigger around then he was tall, with a roaming eye. We had agreed to meet at a restaurant and then follow each other to a club where we were to meet some of my friends. After meeting him at the restaurant I was trying to figure out a way to dump him, but couldn’t think of a way not to be mean, so he...
Serendipity Park – Georgia As told by Emily We went back to our respective motor homes and had breakfast. I told Mike what I had told Doris at the barn. I was still puzzling why I had outed Stefan to his parents in the first place. I don’t think I was trying to get him in trouble. I didn’t understand why I was trying to help them understand and accept his interests either. I am a teenage girl. I suppose I am expected to not always understand why I do the things I do. “You need to learn to...
Story by LesLes. Concept by Solddate. Art by Oo_Sebastian_oO Five Years After Syndrome's Attack "Honestly, sweetie, if there's ever a type of villain you don't want to go solo against, it's a mind controller." The villainess Mezmerella leaned against the top of a classic ball chair as she spoke. The smooth white plastic of the chair was a half-sphere sliced at a steep angle, the inside filled with red cashmere and soft red cushions. Mezmerella was in full costume, the figure-hugging white...
LesbianBeth excused herself and went to the bathroom, where she cleaned up and returned. She had taken the time to fix herself up, straightening out her sweater, refastening her bra, and pulling her skirt back into place. I started to get up, but she knelt beside me for a briefly and whispered in my ear, “You’re not done yet.” Her breath smelled of mouthwash.I turned over on my back, wearing only my shirt, my cock at half- staff. She smiled as she cradled my head in her right arm. “I’m not done yet,”...
Short ... and busty. Children’s suit with added chest room. Maria presented me with three cards ... lawyers ... all three. So ... I take the three suits out into the burgeoning storm. The weatherman quit trying to predict ... now he goes with the Window ledge Rock theory. (If you don’t know the theory ... I’ll be glad to tell you.) Last look, the rock was gone. That kind of storm. “Everybody hold hands,” I said, “Don’t lose your grip ... if you do, we’ll try and find you ... in the...
From where I sat in my own wardrobe looking at my wife and her black lover passionately kissing after their mammoth violent fuck in my bed, I had to come to terms with the facts that this was my fault, a massive turn on and that our lives had changed dramatically for ever. The emotions swirling in my head meant that the uncomfortable position was the least of my concerns. Carefully I took out my phone and started to film the two canoodling on my bed, just so that I could be sure when I viewed...
I woke up in a pleasant daze, a bit later than I usually would, confused in that wonderful morning way about why the light through the windows was so bright. I made a guess that I must have been pretty tired last night to have forgotten to even close the blinds in my bedroom. I became even more aware of the open blinds as I realized that I was naked under my heavy comforter and soft sheets. Why did I sleep naked? I stretched, and remembered. It all came rushing back as felt the touch of...
Hi to all. Eroju nen naa life lo jarigina oka incident rasthunaa. Idi nen recent ga chasina sex with my facebook friend. Nenu banglore lo b.E chasthunaa. So evarina girls and aunties unte can contact me, nen epudu free ae epudina vastha. Me comments ni mail cheyandi Inka story lo ki velthe naa age 25 height 5.9 with good body. Nen ekuva ga basketball adathunta so I m always fit. Nen epudu clg ki ekuvaga ponu . Oka roju fb lo oka request vachindi accept chesa peru pooja . After sometime thanu...
The overhead bins on the plane were already getting full, including the one over her row. Errgghhh… fuckin’ frustrating. She opened a bin across from her row and there was space for her suitcase. That’s when she noticed him. He was sitting in the aisle across from her row. He looked up at her as she was re-organizing the overhead to make room to store her roller-board. Their eyes briefly met and she smiled, feeling a flutter in her stomach. He quickly stood up and grabbed her suitcase. She...
[Attachment(s) from kimberly ott included below] "Chat-Room Impersonation" A Story by Kim Ott The internet is a strange place. When surfing it, participating in it, you can lose your identity, you really can become anyone. The anonymity of a chat-room is liberating, but what would happen if pretending had some sort of consequences? Little did I know, but I was about to find out. About a month ago I found out my kid sister was pregnant. I call her that, but in reality she's...
I can never forget the summer of 2005. Like every year, I paid the customary visit to my parents, who were staying all alone at Madurai, my hometown. The only difference was I was alone this time. My wife and kids could not make it because my son was taking a college entrance exam. Usually there was nothing much to look forward to in that silent village, where it was customary for people to get into bed at 8:00 pm sharp. I reached home from the railway station at midnight and slept immediately...
TabooYour a new student at kuoh academy and you see a lot of gorgeous and sexy women going to this school and you see a crimson haired girl walk passed you and see a black haired walking next to her and they both have amazing bodies but judging them from their looks and their bodies, one could say that the two of them would make prefect porn stars "the transfer student then broke out a rather sadistic smile" then the other students saw it and it cheeped them out, how you did not care you kept...
BDSMI was eight when I was kidnaped with my twelve year old sister. When they tried to cut off my finger she fought and was killed. They left her body in a park as a sign of what they would do to me. I had been frightened and slowly it became anger. My parents paid the two million crown ransom. Only I knew they would not let me go. I had seen their face and they had killed. I was tied to a chair in a storage room while they went to get the ransom. I bounced and jumped and broke the chair to get...
My son and I are lovers. Not that we make love - we fuck. Or rather my son Simon fucks me, his 43 year-old mom, and I can't get enough. Never before had I been a physical object of desire - accepting any act a man demanded of me, responding willingly and anxiously. Yet, never before had I felt so sexy, so happy as when my son is inside me slamming away or when his hands are groping me in the back of an elevator. I grew up believing the lies that my mother sold me - about marriage and love...
It started out with some late night visits from an older man. Being so young and inexperienced, his unexpected touch brought very unexpected, dizzying feelings. He could make me, there in the silence and darkness, tremble and quake with explosive orgasms. I began to crave his visits, his touch, his mouth. I could have never of guessed how good it could feel and soon was introduced to the erotic thrill and pleasure that sucking cock could bring, also. How good it could feel, how lusty it was to...
This is the story how my sexual life started and and ended for a while. It was the last summer before leaving home . I was 18 years old, but didn't have any sexual experiences with anyone. My friend was already 19 and lived near me and we would often hang out at his place, because his mother was at work in the evening and he had much faster internet than I did. He was the only c***d and lived with his single mother so it would be just the two of us most of the time. We would play games, watch...
"Fuckin' Bitch!" My mind screamed as the axe fell once again. "Dirty whore!" as the blade bit deep into its target. I kept swinging the axe again and again as every name I could think of went through my mind. At least she would never do this to me again. By the time I had finished the job my arms were aching, and my mind was not as clouded. I still had to clean up what remained from all my labor. I set the axe down and bent over to pick up the pieces closest to me. After several trips, I...
"Watch out!" It was close to noon and the sun had been up seven hours at least. The field should have been safe enough: no visible shade for miles. Hearing Jex's shout, the woman stopped digging, turned to see the lumbering beast approaching and ran. At the sound of the call, the abomination turned and began shuffling in Jex's direction. He had his shotgun pointed at it just in case but there was no point in risking a shot when the sun was doing the work for him. Wisps of smoke were...
SupernaturalHi friends kase ho hmmm me junaid :-) dosto men aap ko aj garib par bohot sexy hot girl ki real story suna raha hun ji ka nam sadia tha sadia mujhe bazar men mili thi men bazar apni choti car core kay kar gaya tha or apne dost ki shop ka bahar khada tha sadia usi shop men khadi saman ly rahi thi or mujhe dakha ja rahi thi men bhi use dakhne laga woh mujhe apni tarf dakte hun muskurai men samajh gaya ka chidya jal men phanse gi or woh to phasne ka liya taiyar thi sadia aakali us shop par aai thi...
There was a local adult bookstore in town and I had drove past it many times. Today, I finally decided to stop in. I really didn’t know what to expect. I opened the door and saw the private booth area on my right. I opened the door and walked into a dimly lit area. There was a hallway without about fifteen separate booths in it. Each booth had a door with a chain on it. I walked past a few booths and looked in. I saw a few guys stroking their cocks to porn. This turned me on. I found my own...
My Little Sister's Pantyslave (part 4) So I ordered the pizza. It would be 45 minutes. Until that time, I was told by my dominating little sister to stand at the full-length mirror in the hallway and tell the girls exactly what I saw and be convincing. In my wavering new girl voice, I began: "Yes miss Madison. I see a sissy wearing a pink jean skirt and white top that says 'girls rule' on it. I can see my pink training bra showing through it. I have a shiny pink purse and I'm wearing...
My name is Christian. I guess people would describe me as a twink. I’m boyish looking with blonde hair and blue eyes, and a thin toned body. This is a story I thought I’d share with you guys about my cheating experience.I was in a relationship for a year with a lovely guy. His name was Lucas. He was very handsome and had a lovely personality. We were incredibly close, and had a great relationship. But deep inside me there was this dark desire to meet other men behind his back. At first I tried...
Carly stared straight ahead. The sheer lace of the veil covered her face as she considered her choices. With one month until her wedding, she had to choose one.Mariah saw the struggle on Carly’s face and it was clear it wasn’t about her dress choices. “Carly, are you okay? Look, I like you and I think you make my father really happy, but if you’re having second thoughts…”“I’m sorry, I just have a lot on my mind,” Carly apologized“Thinking about Mark?” Mariah asked.“You mean Marcus,” Carly...
HardcoreAlura Jenson is taking care of her son’s sick friend Lucas, who’s been staying with her ever since her son shipped out for his tour of duty. Alura’s been enjoying his company so much that she spills the beans to him and tells him tales past of his mom and dad and how they would really “party” with her and her husband. Not one to be shy, Mrs. Jenson even reveals how she fucked Lucas’s father, with his mother right there banging Mr. Jenson! It was the days of swinging, she tells him, and those...