A cold Cottage with Mum
- 3 years ago
- 50
- 0
My 22 year old daughter Clare had just got home from her new friend Sally. They had met at a local evening for young singles and got on well. Sally asked Clare to stay over for a couple of nights and she must have had such a good time she didn’t once phone home.
She enthused about her new friend, and strangely enough also about her Mother.
"Sally's Mum is so cool. She let’s Sally have all her friends around whenever they want and she makes sure everyone is enjoying themselves. She's very calm and is just fantastic."
How nice, I thought. Just what I needed. My 22 year old daughter who isn’t the most diplomatic person in the world, and is argumentative to say the least, prattling on about how great one of her friends Mother is. It makes me feel really good I don’t think.
Her continuously flowing praise did get a rather annoying but the last thing I wanted was a blazing row. Her praise for Sally’s Mother continued unabated though.
"Everyone helps whenever she asks us."
Now that was surprising.
I exclaimed "What, you help as well?"
Surely not I thought, not my lazy 22-year-old daughter who won’t help me at all around the house.
Clare said almost mockingly "She just asks nicely and everyone mucks in."
I thought, good for her. She must be some woman. Mind you, if she actually gets Clare to help around the house maybe I need to meet her and find out just how she does it. She must be wonder woman at least.
“Anyway Mum, I asked Sally over for Saturday afternoon. Is that OK?”
"Clare, why don't we ask her Mum over as well so I can get to know her?"
"Cool Mum, it would be really great if you were just like her."
Ouch. That hurt I thought. Still at least I will get to meet this woman and maybe find out how she can get my quarrelsome daughter to be so helpful when I almost have to pull my hair out to get her to put her clothes away.
On Saturday afternoon Sally and her Mum, Susan, came over. We all sat in the lounge and had tea. Susan came across as a very nice woman who seemed to have a firm way about her, but it still wasn’t clear to me how she exerted so much influence. I knew the two girls wanted to get upstairs away from us, so I decided to broach the subject of how come she got all the kids to help her.
"Well, Susan, Clare tells me how everyone helps at home. What's your secret?
Susan laughed and glanced at Sally, who strangely enough was blushing.
"Well, at the first sign of any messing around, or slackness, or any back chat which I really do hate, it’s really quite easy, I give the offender a spanking."
Clare gasped. I looked at her, and then turned my gaze on Sally who was blushing an even deeper red.
Susan didn’t help the colour of her daughters face when she continued. "I spanked Sally on Saturday because she came home very late from shopping without telling me, and was then very short with me when I asked her about it.”
Then Susan seemed to remember something else about the event. She turned to my daughter and said “actually, Clare, you met her in town and came home together and were also a bit abrupt with me.”
Susan turned her gaze back to me and continued “anyway, I waited for Clare to go home and then took Sally’s knickers down, put her across my knee, and gave her a good hard spanking."
Susan turned to he daughter and said “didn’t I Sally” with a smile, not a malicious one, just as though it was a fond memory.
An even redder faced Sally said “yes Mum, you did, a very hard one I seem to recall.”
I looked across at Clare and fought to keep a straight face when Susan asked her "You do remember being rather abrupt with me Clare?"
Clare looked intently at her feet as did Sally. I glanced at Susan and we exchanged smiles.
I hadn’t seen my daughter so quiet in a long time and said “so what you are saying is that if Clare had been your daughter she would have got a spanking for being rude to you?”
“Exactly. There’s nothing like a reddened bottom to get a naughty young lady back on track.” She then looked across at Sally and asked “you apologised afterwards didn’t you Sally?”
“I always do Mum don’t I?”
“Yes dear, I know. It’s just that I want to make things clear.”
Susan asked me “I take it you don’t give Clare any discipline.”
“Well I wouldn’t say that, it’s just that she is very strong willed you know.”
“I think strong willed is good, but if that turns in to rudeness it is not acceptable and earns Sally a spanking, every time.”
I looked across at Clare who winced, and glanced at Sally. They exchanged looks. Interesting.
The discussion was entirely matter of fact, two Mothers discussing permissible behaviour and what needs to be done in response to bad behaviour. It was quite strange bearing in mind we were both discussing our 22 year old daughters.
It was unlike Clare to be so quiet, although that changed when Susan looked across at a blushing Clare and said "You know Clare, it is becoming clear that you should get a spanking too for being rude to me.”
Clare did not move, but bit her lip. I sat there dumbfounded. It was quite a jump to make, and obviously one Clare wasn’t at all happy about.
Susan continued “Clare, please answer me. You have earned a spanking from your Mother and as I am here, I can give her some pointers. Go on, get across her lap."
I decided to keep the conversation flowing as I was getting quite excited about the prospect of where this might end up. "Clare, you told me you do everything Susan says. Were you lying?"
“I didn’t realise that you spank Sally” she said looking at Susan.
“Well I do dear, and always have done. Sally and her two brothers.”
I added “come on Clare, you said how much you wanted me to be like Sally’s Mum. Here I am offering to be just that and you are baulking.”
She looked at Susan, and then at me and said “but I’m 22 Mum.”
Susan said “so is Sally. Her brothers are older.”
We all looked at Sally who was clearly uncomfortable but knew she had to back her Mother on this one. “I know it isn’t very nice Clare, being spanked, but it will do you good. You will think twice before being naughty I can tell you.”
“It must really hurt Sally” Clare asked, rhetorically, and everyone knew Clare was coming to accept the inevitable.
“Yes Clare, but the pain and the red marks go away after a while.”
Clare scrunched her face up as she realised she was going to have to agree and got up.
Susan said “it's best if you slip your skirt off Clare because then it won’t get in the way.”
We all watched as Clare, now very much the centre of attention, unzipped her skirt and let it fall to the floor. She walked over to me.
“Let your Mother pull your knickers down Clare, as a sign of respect. It’s your signal that you are under her control.”
Clare nodded and I lent forward to take down her knickers and she held on to my shoulder as she lifted each leg out, embarrassed because the others saw her private hair mound, but knew she could do nothing about it.
I took her arm, pulled slightly, and guided her across my lap. I looked down at my daughter’s bottom. I had seen it before in this exact position, but not for many years. She was much longer now, her bottom and thighs slightly wider, so the target bigger. I looked across at our two guests. Sally was looking embarrassed for her friend, but Susan smiled at me. As soon as I heard how Susan maintained control in her house I was certain that reintroducing spanking in our house was exactly what my daughter needed. Well she will be getting one spanking, right now. Maybe more will follow.
I started to spank her. Clare was squirming around on my lap and I thought was struggling to cope. I was so surprised when Susan told me "I spank much harder than that. Let me show you.”
Susan walked over to me and pointed to Clare’s bottom. “You see all of this area has to be bright red when you have finished so you will need to spank much harder. Susan put her hand on Clare’s bottom and Clare let out a “don’t.” I knew Clare would be thinking perhaps Susan was treating her too much like a little girl.
“Do you mind young lady” Susan snapped, and then looked at me and asked “may I?”
“Of course.”
With that Susan lifted her hand and brought it down hard on Clare’s right bottom cheek and was rewarded by a loud gasp, followed by five more hard spanks on alternate bottom cheeks and five more gasps.
Susan said sternly “Please don’t speak whilst you are under punishment Clare as it invariably gets you a second spanking later on.”
Clare sobbed, but accepted the instruction.
Susan continued “OK, why don’t you spank her like that. Make it really count.”
I took up the cudgels and spanked Clare much harder than before and I had to admit I was getting a huge amount of satisfaction from punishing my daughter, rather more satisfaction than she was getting I reckoned.
I stopped after a few dozen spanks only for Susan to say “that’s not nearly enough. Her bottom needs to be really red. I spank Clare for a good 15 minutes. I also find that 15 minutes corner time afterwards is good thinking time."
Nodding I spanked her hard for the 15 minutes suggested and her bottom really was very red. Clare was crying loudly. At the end I rubbed her bottom to help calm her down, and whilst Clare was still crying I asked Susan “What other reasons do you spank Sally for?”
“Oh I don’t have set reasons. I adopt the true mother daughter relationship and simply decide when she needs to be spanked, and then spank her. There is no discussion, just knickers down and away I go.”
When Clare’s crying reverted to sobs I told her to get up. She stood in front of me, her hands by her side as according to Susan rubbing was not yet permitted until she was told she could.
Susan and I were talking about her, not with her though.
Susan said “it’s important to me that friends of Sally are well behaved. I think discipline is a very important element of that.”
“So are you saying you would prefer to know that Clare is subject to proper discipline?”
Susan nodded, turned to Clare and said “so Clare, do you like being Sally’s friend?”
Clare looked up. “Yes I really do, and Sally likes me, don’t you Sally” she said, turning to her friend.
“Oh yes Clare I do like you, a lot. Mum’s right though, it will be best if we are both subject to the same discipline.”
“Yes Clare. I love my Mum and wouldn’t have it any other way. I know if I am naughty I get spanked, and it’s as straightforward as that.”
Susan said "Clare, why don't you ask your Mum to do the same with you?”
Wow, this is some special woman I thought. Clare was sobbing and rubbing her bottom, looked at Sally and knew she wanted to stay her friend, and managed to nod in agreement.
That’s agreed then I said “well Susan, how about a coffee?”
“Sounds good. Clare can stand in the corner in the kitchen with us so we can see her red bottom.”
I sent Clare to face the wall and I made coffee. Susan Sally and I sat at the table, glancing over to Clare whose back was to us, her hands on her head, her shirt having risen up and her red almost glowing bottom staring back at us.
“You did a good job” Susan said. “Look, I know my hand hurts after a while so I use this” she said, taking a wooden backed hairbrush out of her handbag. It looked wicked.
Susan continued “you know Sally would definitely have got a few dozen with this for snapping at me as she did.”
“Do you think Clare should be given them whilst the kettle is boiling?” I asked.
“Great thinking. You know, you must feel free to spank Sally if she is naughty whilst here. I only ask you tell me afterwards.”
“No problem, so I guess you should spank Clare when she is with you.”
We smiled at each other, I was picturing two 22 year old girls being spanked one after the other by this rather strict but friendly and warm woman.
Susan handed me the hairbrush. Clare sobbed by the wall but didn’t look round. I knew she was embarrassed by the conversation happening around her but reckoned this would enforce the new regime.
“Clare, over here please” I said sternly.
Clare walked over.
“Hands above your head please young lady” Susan snapped.
I could tell Clare was distinctly uncomfortable. She looked at me, begging with her eyes. I knew she was self conscious that she was naked below the waist and Susan would have a close up view of her private area.
Susan caught on and said casually “don’t worry Clare, I have one of those, so does your Mum.”
Clare still blushed. She looked at Sally who smiled in support, probably knowing that it wouldn’t be long before she will be in the same position, waiting to be ordered across her friend’s Mother’s lap to be thrashed by the same brush, or one like it.
I said “Oh my, your face is almost as red as your bottom, but don’t worry, once I have used this on your backside it will be as red as your face.”
I patted my knee and Clare obediently bent down so her unprotected bottom was again perched in position, allowing me the perfect angle for swinging the hairbrush. Twenty four hard swats later and Clare was sobbing and crying like she hadn’t done ever before.
“I think this young lady might have learnt her lesson now, don’t you?” Susan said to me.
She directed the question to Clare who said “yes Mum, sorry Mum.”
“You really are sorry are you Clare?” I asked.
“Yes Mum, really really sorry.”
“That’s new” I said to Susan.
“It happens like that” she said, smiling.
“OK Clare, back facing the wall while we have coffee.”
We had a pleasant coffee. After a while I said “OK Clare, corner time is over so you can rub now.”
Clare thankfully rubbed her bottom feeling more relaxed. She put her skirt and knickers back on and joined the others for her own coffee, back in everyone’s good books.
“Well Clare, a lesson well learnt.”
“Yes Mum, it’s just I was embarrassed to be spanked in front of Susan and Sally.”
Susan said “oh that’s nothing Clare, Sally gets spanked in front of the whole family. I am sure knowing she will suffer the humiliation reduces the number of times she gets spanked though.”
I asked “how often do you need to spank Sally then?”
“It’s usually 4 or 5 times a month, that’s all.”
Clare gasped.
“It was far more in the early days of course, before she learnt it was better to be well behaved.”
“Of course” I said, smiling at Clare’s obvious discomfort.
Susan said “why don’t you two girls go upstairs so we can chat” she said smiling at me.
“I tell you what” I said, “why doesn’t Sally sleep over here tonight?”
“Yes please" Sally said quickly. Susan smiled in agreement.
As the two girls walked out Susan said “stay up there until we call you, or else.” They both knew what that meant.
Sally said “come on Clare, why don’t I rub some cool cream on that sore bottom of your.”
The two girls went upstairs hand in hand.
“Don’t forget, any noise and you both get this hairbrush” Susan shouted after them. The comment was met by giggles from the girls as they disappeared.
“Thank you Susan.”
“No problem” she answered and without any warning she leant forward to kiss me. I thought she was going to kiss my cheek but she kissed me on the lips. It was no mistake as she made no effort to withdraw but instead pressed her lips harder. I put my hand behind her head and pulled her in even harder and as she opened her mouth my tongue found hers and we kissed merrily, playing with each other’s tongues.
Susan took my hand and in a whisper said “I was so turned on by watching you spank Clare” as she put my hand under her skirt and left me to feel between her legs. It was clear she really was turned on and I quickly edged my hand inside her knickers and felt just how wet she was.
I didn’t resist when Susan put her hand inside my knickers and felt my own wet hair mound.
“That rug looks welcoming” Sally said as we both removed our tops, bras, skirts and finally our knickers, lying next to each other on the rug.
“What about the girls?” I asked.
“They won’t dare, not knowing they will both get the hairbrush.”
“Should we be turned on by spanking our daughters?” I asked.
“Well I can tell you both my sons get turned on when I spank them. They might have been naughty but that doesn’t stop their erection pressing down on my thighs and a stain on my skirt.”
“And Sally”
“I don’t think so, but it’s possible.”
“How come your kids are so happy when they get spanked so often?”
“It’s quite straightforward really” Susan said. “It’s only the one being spanked who isn’t enjoying it, judging by the amount of crying they do. On the other hand the boys get erections whilst they watch, even when they are being spanked, and Sally is smiling as she watches and when she is spanked she gets over it very quickly anyway.”
“Look, the important thing is they only get spanked when they earn it and their behaviour is far far better than other families where the parents just allow their kids to run all over them. But enough of the kids. Now it’s you and me.”
We wrapped our arms around each other, caressing each other’s bodies, Susan’s soft breasts, her thankfully slightly podgy stomach, her silky thighs and then we each slid down to the others wet hair mound and brought the other to a glorious orgasm.
We lay in each other’s arms and talked. We agreed to meet on Saturday to go shopping together, then have some lunch and go back to hers. We would spank both girls in the morning to get us in the mood “whether they deserve it or not” Susan said with a wicked laugh. It wouldn’t be so bad I thought.
Afterwards I walked Susan out to the door. "Thanks for coming. An unexpected outcome, though."
She smiled. "I’m glad I could help you. Us Mum’s need to stick together sometimes. Sally used to be a terror, but is a nice young woman now."
I went upstairs and knocked on Clare’s door. I could hear movement inside before she called out I could come in. I saw their clothes were not straight and their hair was dishevelled. Had they made out whilst we made out downstairs I wondered?
I ignored it for now and said “What a really nice Mum you have Sally.”
Clare came over and gave me a kiss. “I’ve been talking to Sally and you are right. I am not well behaved enough nor nice enough to you and want you to be strict so I can change.”
“That’s fine with me Clare but you realise that will mean lots of trips across my lap for a spanking.” Wow, not just fine but exactly what I wanted.
“I know Mum, just like Sally’s Mum does but if it works then it’s worth it.”
I put the hairbrush on Clare’s chest of drawers and saw her looking warily at it. “It’s a reminder for you to behave Clare” I said.
“Good idea Mum” she said, swallowing hard but then looking at me, smiling. “So can you be strict with me Mum?”
“Yes, it’s a deal” I said and kissed her on the cheek. I added” right, it’s tea time, so Clare can you lay the table please?" for the first time ever I thought.
"Sure Mum."
"Do you know where the cutlery is?" I asked.
"I'll find it." Both girls went downstairs.
I looked at her bed and spotted something just poking out from under her pillow. I picked it up and realised they were Clare’s knickers, the ones she was wearing downstairs. I felt them and they were wet. So they did make out up here, and now my daughter isn’t even wearing any knickers. It made me feel even more positive about the new discipline regime, and one I will fully enforce.
I went downstairs and found both 22 year old girls had almost finished laying the table. I heard them giggling as I walked downstairs but they stopped when they saw me. Instant respect I thought. It’s funny what the threat of a spanking can do.
“Come on girls, lighten up. We are going to have a nice evening.”
Clare smiled and said “yes Mum, until one of us gets a spanking.”
I laughed, “Yes, but even so the only person not having a nice time just then will be the one I am spanking.”
That got them both laughing.
We played cards and board games for a couple of hours and we were all having fun. Then I said it was time for bed. I saw a reflection of Sally in the glass front to the sideboard just as she pulled a funny face at me, and then blew a kiss at Clare with a broad smile. I thought it was rather disrespectful.
I snapped “that’s so rude Sally.”
Sally froze then blustered “how did you see, I mean I didn’t do ..”
“Don’t lie Sally, that’s even worse.”
Both girls froze, staring at me, holding their breaths. They were obviously apprehensive. I just wondered at how much respect they were showing me. The power was gripping. I was so excited.
I said “well you wanted me to be strict” and I looked at Sally and said “Sally you have earned a spanking so please go to Clare’s bedroom and get the hairbrush I left on her chest of drawers.”
Sally groaned.
I added “by the way, Clare left her knickers on her bed so you may as well remove yours as well and leave them there also as you won’t be needing them for a while.”
Sally groaned again but turned and scampered off, obviously used to going quickly when she is about to be punished. A 22 year old doing what she is told quickly because she knows she is going to be spanked. Intoxicating.
“Sit down and watch Clare” I said shortly to my daughter. I smiled as she sat down, her thighs tight together. I don’t suppose she even realised her hand was between her legs, touching herself I reckoned. She was going to enjoy watching I thought.
A few moments later Sally returned and handed me the hairbrush and a few moments later I put her across my lap and her smooth bare bottom was staring up at me. She gasped as I rested the hairbrush on her bottom.
I looked at Clare who was grinning. “You see Clare I did say that if I spanked one of you the only unhappy person would be the one I am actually spanking.”
Clare didn’t answer but I can see her thighs tighten further with her hand still touching herself so I imagine she will be well aroused soon. I look down at Sally’s bare bottom knowing I will not be letting her up until it is burning red and she is crying her eyes out. I fully expect her to part her legs whilst she squirms around during the spanking and I will then feel her hair mound and suspect she too will actually be aroused.
I know I felt wonderfully alive. Previously if Sally had been so rude I would have got myself in to a state and become very tense. Now though I was confident, in control, had the respect of both 22 year olds, and knew my anger will be quickly released as I give Sally the thrashing she deserves. 22 years old or not, I am going to so enjoy giving her this thrashing.
I was also aware my knickers were wet and I realised how aroused I was just at the thought of what lay ahead tonight. I smiled, lifted the brush and brought it down on Sally’s bare bottom. She gasped, Clare jumped at the sound of the slap, and my knickers got even more moist.
I looked again at Clare and said with true conviction "You know Clare, this is such a great idea of yours. I promise to be very strict just like Sally's Mum from now on, exactly as you asked."
“That’s great Mum” she replied happily whilst wincing at the same time, probably conscious of the fact it won’t be too long before she is naughty again and ends up across my lap for much of the same.I set about thrashing the 22 year old with relish. Clare’s eyes were agog at the sight of the hairbrush, her hand still between her legs. I had the chance to feel Sally as her legs parted and found she was moist, somehow whilst being thrashed so hard. I knew my knickers were wet and had to make sure the girls didn’t find out.
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"Well, are we going to the movies or not?" Helen asked, It was Friday night and Helen and Mark her 15 year old Son were going to the movies. They normaly did this or went out for supper on a Friday night.At the movie theater they got some popcorn then found a seat near the back row. Since the movie had been out for a while, the theater wasn't crowded. They practically had the theater to themselves.The movie was funny and light, making them both laugh. About midway through the movie, Mark...
I came home to find mum crying. It was a surprise because I had never seen her crying before."What's wrong, mum?" I asked, putting an arm round her shoulder."It's nothing. I'm just being silly.""Come off it. Mum, it's obviously not nothing ... you never cry.""Well, it's your father and me. We had an argument." I knew that wasn't all because they had argued before and mum never cried. She saw my distrust and smiled nervously. "It's nothing really. Just ..."I waited, but mum didn't seem to want...
IncestRemembering back, It's hard to believe it really happened, and, of course, I still get a hard-on recalling those great days. When I was foureen, my mum slipped and sprained her right wrist rather badly, and, being right-handed, this made her life somewhat difficult, especially since my dad had left us. The doctor put my mum in a cast on her lower right arm. It allowed her to move her elbow and use her fingers, but the wrist was immobilized. The doctor told her not to get the cast wet, or it...
It was the 70's and I was t******n at the time. My dad had just bought a Polaroid camera that would self-develop pictures just after taking them.He took several pics of the family and told my mum to put on a mini skirt and took a picture of her showing plenty of very shapely leg. He stopped taking pics and said that he was going to save the rest of the film for later so excitement over us k***s went back to our usual activities.We lived in a three bedroom house in London and a few weeks after...
I was away on holiday with my parents to a friends villa in Spain. We was only away for a few days so I took advantage of a free relaxing trip with my parents. We was a couple of days into it and was a bit bored of the pool and as we had hired a car dad said he would take us to the local beach 15 minutes away. We had a cool bag packed and our towels and we set off mid morning. I didn't no until we pulled up that dad wasn't actually coming to the beach with us he said that he had things to do....
Dad had left us when I was five years old. We owned a three bedroom cottage on four acres of land that sat well off of the road and was bordered on one side by a river. The road was in reality a dirt road and we sat far back in the North Wales hills. So we had our privacy. I kept my I did all of the outdoor work, cutting the grass, repairs as needed. Mum always found the time to make things fun for me to, to keep me occupied. She would invent games inside when it was raining or snowing and we...
It was a nice sunday afternoon and me and mum had taken a drive out to a shopping centre which was a good hour away. We had set off about midday and I was driving. We had never been to this shopping centre so we was driving blind, just on rough directions. I was quite close with mum, we got on really well. Little did she know I did like to spy on her every now and then. Tina my mum was in her early 50's small, brown hair brown eyes. slimish build with a large busty chest, 34dd as I had...
My name is Mark and I have a secret, or had a secret. My wife knows all about it.SO HERE YOU ARE.I guess you could say it started the winter after my 14th birthday and it was all so innocent at first. Dad and Mum split up when I was 5. I was an only c***d because mum had problems during my birth and could not have any more k**s.As I said, it started the winter after I turned 14. We experienced particularly harsh freezing weather and the bedrooms in the house were particularly cold. So it was...
My name is Mark and I have a secret, or had a secret. My wife knows all about it.SO HERE YOU ARE.I guess you could say it started the winter after my 14th birthday and it was all so innocent at first. Dad and Mum split up when I was 5. I was an only c***d because mum had problems during my birth and could not have any more k**s.As I said, it started the winter after I turned 14. We experienced particularly harsh freezing weather and the bedrooms in the house were particularly cold. So it was...
my mum was 5 foot 6, size 14, blue eyes, dark brown hair, She has 38C breasts (I know, I've seen her bra's), I would peek a glance at her any chance I could; I had seen her nude many times around the house, She had a lovely hairy vagina that I had started to notice more latly These images and would flood into my head when I'd jerk off, and it disturbed me. At first. I shouldn't think about mum that way, it's gross and wrong, she's my mum. But the more I thought about it, the less inhibitions I...
It was a bank hoilday weekend and me and mum was traveling up to her sisters. We had gone about 100miles before we stopped off at a service station to get some food. We'd gone into the station and had our break and decided to cut it short as we wanted to get going before the rush hour traffic had come round. I'd always looked at mum and thought she was looking well for her age, size 12 34dd small brown hair brown eyes and slimish. Id always been teased she was a milf. So on this day it was no...
Can I have a quick word with you Mum? Or how I came out to my mother. By Maria Ski. As I look back over my life I have begun to realise that I have reached a lot of milestones. Some were passing exams, others achieving a personal goal in a hobby related activity. But I think the major milestone in my life was when I took the major step and chose to come out to my mother and tell her about my secret desire. So if I may I'd like to take you back on a little journey. It was the year I...
My Fit MumI'm 31 years old and my dad is probably about 50 by now, we haven't been in contact since he left us for some little Asian slut he met on a job in Singapore twenty or so years ago.Mum was clearly devastated but I stood by her and, despite my young age, provided encouragement for her when she felt low, old and unwanted.A very attractive woman at 49, mum has always had a petite, tight little figure, no doubt due to being very active during her younger years. Swimming, running and...
Jack was almost seventeen and lived next door with just his mother mostly, as his father worked away for months at a time. According to stuff my mum gossiped about to her friends, Jack’s mum had always struggled to ‘control’ him but she said it’s worse now that he was in the sixth form. My name is Alison Davies and I used to hear loads of interesting stuff by listening in on Mum’s coffee mornings. Once or twice she told her friends how Jack’s mum, Mrs. Moore, threatened to get my mum to punish...
SpankingHelen and Mark were returning from a two-week visit with her friend, Joyce who lives in Cornwall. They had gotten a late start and now it looked like they were going to have to pay for it."The storm is approaching Bristol. It should arrive within the next half-hour. All persons should take shelter as soon as possible. You can expect strong winds and heavy rain with. Travel is not recommended!" the radio blared as Helen drove along looking at the dark cloud approaching from the west."I guess...
I came home from school, and mum had left me a present. As I entered my room, my eyes immediately focused on the lacy black knickers that were on display upon my pillow. As my school bag hit the floor, my cock was rock hard. My heart pounded as my eyes focused what a wonderful present. She knew what it would do to me, and I was eager to comply.Since I'd been caught by my Mum, our dynamic had changed, and my deepest fantasies now seemed within reach. As I walked to my bed, my mind swirled...
It started off as just another weekend. My mother had asked me to help her move furniture around the house. Mum was wearing navy-blue shorts and a white T shirt. Her long brown hair was tied back in a pony-tail.Mum was a real knock-out. Her breasts were large 38C. Her eyes are light blue and her long dark brown hair.Mum walked into the living room just as I was finishing moving the sofa to a new location. She watched me silently for a few moments as I grunted and strained and finally...
Susan had already decided that if her 22 year old daughter Sally doesn’t have a good enough reason she is going to be put across her lap and given a spanking to remember. In fact Susan was worried. Sally was at the shopping mall and had promised she was going to be back by 3 O’clock. It was now 4 O’clock and no phone call. She had even tried to call her daughter’s mobile but it went to voicemail. It was so unlike Sally as she knew the penalty for being late without reason. Just then...
SpankingI was playing the new video game that had just come out. I had no idea what was to be in store for me besides playing the new game. I was a 15 year old. And I got nothing else to do! But enough about games. Lets get to the good part. My mother, what this whole story is based upon, is extremely nice with dark brunette hair. She is a size 12, 38C breast that go perfectly with her figure. Nothing much happened in the line for the video game. Later that night I was playing this game "Now Mark, get...
Note : This story is completely fictional! Just to set the scene, I am Kyle, a 25 year old man from England. My mother Margaret is 67 and I lived with her since birth. There is often a stigma attached to incest. If it is between two consenting adults and no abuse is involved what is the problem? We are ordinary people, not freaks. I have a university degree and work in a well paid job. I have a great social life with my mates and play a lot of sport. Without being arrogant, I am quite good...
IncestI knocked on my mum's bedroom door."Mum, can I come in.""What do you want", my mum called back."I just have to get something from your bathroom.""Come in, but make it quick."I opened the door and entered her room. My mum was in jeans that covered her belly button. On top she had nothing on but a white lacy bra. Mums tits were 38 D. My mum was no skinny lady. She was a size 14, so she still looked good. I loved what I saw but did not stare. I went to the bathroom in her room, got my hair...
My name is Mark,. My father left us 10 years ago. Mum ended up renting a small two bedroom cottage for us. You see dad was the main bread winner in our family but mum also worked at a part time job so we could go on nice holidays and put some money aside for my. Well that fund disappeared quickly enough so here I am at 14, living with just my mum. I go to high school and work a part time jobs after school and weekends.Since money is tight she has us counting every penny. I love my mum to death,...
Mark was a typical teenage boy. Ever since his hormones took over, most of the time, all he could think about was sex. In the last year, he had found that he was growing like a beanstalk and was rapidly approaching the six-foot mark. Though still thin, he was starting to fill out but not just his body. His cock had somehow turned from a small worm into a fat slug overnight. And that was when it was soft. Fully erect, it stuck out like some curved pole. He was quite proud that when he had a...
It had been months since the second encounter. Mum and I felt distant as we were not conversing as we used to. I was getting frustrated and wanted to talk but due to mum’s shift pattern changed and my college schedule changed. It was near impossible to be alone in the house or even be in the house at the same time as my mum. My answer came in the form of mum’s holiday request at work not being approved, which meant dad and the rest of the family would be gone for two weeks, leaving mum and me...
IncestWhen dad died my mother sort of went to pieces for the next six months, I ended up doing everything around the house on top of my school work and had it not been for the insurance money I would have had to find a way to earn money. As it was we were comfortably off, though by no means wealthy, even so I had virtually no time to call my own for the entire period. Gradually the strain began to tell on me and it began to show in my schoolwork, my grades started to fall and it looked as though I...
My mum is in her late 50s about 4’9’’ and slightly overweight but with massive breasts and my sister is 5’6’’ and slim with firm breasts and a nice arse. We said our hello’s at the door and went into the hall which led to the kitchen at the far end of the house. “Kettles on who wants a cuppa” mum said. So we all settled down and chatted for a while mum and Kirsty were getting on really well when mum suggested that Kirsty might like to try some summer dresses on as she was looking a little hot...
This story is fictional, and is inspired by the video 'Wendy Taylor Role Play' which you can find on xhamster....Back in 1984, we were having an unusually hot, humid couple of weeks at the tail-end of the summer. I was 23yrs old then, and still living at home with my Mum, who had been widowed about 5 years earlier, but at the age of 59, she looked at least ten years younger and - thanks to all the walking exercise she took - had a very well toned body despite having had three k**s.I was engaged...
It had been a bit of a dry spell for me, I decided to start checking out online dating and to see if there were any women out there that were up for no strings attached fun. I didn’t want to settle down I just wanted a bit of fun now and then. Once I started looking I was surprised how many sites were available and that there was quite a few after the same as me. I started talking to a few women, but nothing seemed to be coming forward from it. Being a guy aged 28 I have always had a thing for...
I was naked sitting at my computer looking at porn, and of course giving myself a lovely wank in the process, the woman turned me on so much I didn’t realise till it was too late that my mum had come to the door and was watching me, I quickly tied to hide my erection but I knew it was too late, she had seen all of me in that instance, “Playing with yourself again” she remarked coming into my room, “Mum, you should knock, I could have been doing anything” I said trying to hide my cock, “I don’t...
(All of the events described in story took place after my 16 th birthday.) It was some time after mum and dad separated before mum started dating and a while longer before she felt comfortable enough in a relationship to bring her boyfriend, Mark, back to the house to stay over. The first time was awkward, to say the least. We sat around the table having dinner and trying to make inconsequential small talk whilst all I could think about was, ‘this guy’s going to be fucking my mum anytime...
ExhibitionismMy name is Mark, You see my father ran off when I was 4 so we've had to lean on each other with out a dad around. It was hard, but we managed. My Mother was great. She taught me everything, fed me cloath me, everything, all on her own. We ended up renting a small two bedroom cottage that mum could afford. Since money is tight she has us counting every penny, trying to save enough to find a better place to live. I love my mum to death.So its one of those hot, sweaty nights where there is no...
100% fiction! It was the weekend. dad was away fishing & mum & i were home alone. Mum was feeling a little down. Since turning 50 mum said she had become increasingly frustrated with dad sexually & that she was considering having an affair. I was 18,full of hormones & feeling very naughty. "Why not take your sexual frustration out on me" i said boldly. Mum almost dropped her wine. She looked at me,then stood up. "I have something to show you,wait here". She went to her room. I thought i was in...
IncestThis is a true story About a month back I went on holiday with my mum debbie and I took my mate kyle with me.We went to turkey for a week , the hotel was really nice and because I had kyle with me I wouldn't get boredThe first 2 days we just had a good look round the hotel and just chilled out reallyMy mum would just go down to the pool and read her books all day working on her already dark tan My Mum Is 48 and looks quite good for her age she is around 5 ft 8 , a little chubby but not big she...
Note : This story is completely fictional! I ran into mum in the mall. She was doing what she loves best, shopping for highheeled shoes. Her collection is huge, at least 100 pairs, with nothing under a 5 inch heel. We started talking. "Would you like to join me dear" mum said. I was pretty bored so i decided to join her. She was dressed very hot, in a shiny pink silk blouse, black satin skirt, nylons & pink strappy sandals. Her fingernails & lip gloss matched her blouse & heels. Watching her...
IncestEver since my dad and mum divorced, I had grown closer to my mum. We spent a lot of time together, shopping, cooking, vacationing we were use to seeing eachother naked or walking around in our underwear. I guess I became the friend my dad never was to her. Mum taught me about the birds and the bees, and I found myself better prepared when I started puberty. But preparation could only do so much for me, at 13 I found myself becoming a man. I masturbated for the first time in my bedroom,...
Ever since my dad and mum divorced, I had grown closer to my mum. We spent a lot of time together, shopping, cooking, vacationing we were use to seeing eachother naked or walking around in our underwear. I guess I became the friend my dad never was to her. Mum taught me about the birds and the bees, and I found myself better prepared when I started puberty. But preparation could only do so much for me, at 13 I found myself becoming a man. I masturbated for the first time in my bedroom,...
It was a beautiful, long, slow and very tender coupling. We wrapped our arms around each other and just sat there with mum's breasts squashed against my chest, our mouths occasionally touching whilst I told her my thoughts and desires!"If he really loved you mum, he wouldn't be fucking her would he?""Well I'll tell you something you don't know Jamie," she said and squeezed her vaginal muscles around my cock. "But you must never, ever let you father know that I've told you.""Of course I won't...
IncestMum is 32 years old. Her hair is nearly black and long, it drops almost to the middle of her back, and she has 38D tits.I am f******n year old and also have dark hair like Mum hair. I am in high school and there is nothing special about me. Just a typical teenager, and my cock when it's hard is 6' and is a little thicker than my mates in school. Yes, we all look just to compare our dicks in the showers When I was young, my mum would come into my bedroom and tuck me in. She always gave me a kiss...
My name is Mark, You see my father ran off when I was 4 so we've had to lean on each other with out a dad around. It was hard, but we managed. My Mother was great. She taught me everything, fed me cloath me, everything, all on her own. We ended up renting a small two bedroom cottage that mum could afford. Since money is tight she has us counting every penny, trying to save enough to find a better place to live. I love my mum to death.So its one of those hot, sweaty nights where there is no...
It was a Saturday evening and I was planning on going out for a few drinks to see some old friends. Being cold and frosty outside I couldn’t actually be bothered to bring myself to get ready and go out in the cold. Id not long had my shower and was lying in my towel when mum came past my door. ‘What are you doing hunny, are you out tonight?’ she said asked. I told her that I didn’t really fancy it and that I was staying in. ‘that’s great you can keep me company, your fathers working late’ she...
Note : This story is completely fictional! I am 19 and live with my family and i had not had a girlfriend for a few months as my last relationship had ended badly, i was in need of some TLC and decided to get it. One drunk saturday night i see my sexy neighbour pull up in her car from work .. My neighbour was a mum herself and was about 5ft 11 and had medium length brown hair slim and a nice rack .. so me in my wisdom decided there and then that i wanted a piece of that action . Living next...
IncestMark rolled out of bed, took his shower and dressed for work, all of which he managed to do while still half-asleep. He stumbled blindly to the kitchen where his Mum stood at the sink rinsing off a few of the morning's dishes. Helen was also in the process of getting ready for work, and was dressed in her usual business suit, skirt together with crisp white blouse. Her jacket was hung on a nearby chair. Unknown to James, under her skirt she wore black lace knickers and a pair of black silk...