John Joins The Company free porn video

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I was working my way through college when I came across the "Company" which seems to run this town, my girl, Sarah Lou was a waitress at Turtleback?in the evenings and weekends, but something seemed wrong so Steve and I went there one night.

The only evidence of Sarah was her picture behind the bar, I asked , "that girl"

"Sure thing" said the guy behind the bar?" she is free right now, Cubicle 7 its two fifty, pay the maid, oh and use a rubber, house rules."

My knees buckled but between us we scraped up two fifty and I went down the corridor as instructed, the maid took the cash and directed me to the cubicle. It was about ten feet long and six wide, a small room, bed, like a wide single, metal frame with a white cover over the mattress, lockers down one side and room to walk down by the bed to the other door at the far end.

I walked in and Sarah Lou's life fell apart, she lay on the bed wearing a black brassiere with pink trim, a black corset and black stockings and was working lube into her bare shaven vagina when I walked in.

I never seen her vagina before, it was beautiful, I wanted it so bad.

She looked up coyly and half smiled before she realised, "Oh John, Oh my god no," she wailed, I took off my pants and boxers, rolled the condom on and two goons came in.

"What's the problem Miss,

"He's my boyfriend" she replied.

"Hey man I just want the fuck I paid for."?I explained reasonably

"Ok, but we stay here in case ."  the larger goon replied.

"Fair enough" I climbed on the bed parted her unwilling thighs and took her, she was too slippery with lube to resist but she was real upset, but I was mad and I just fucked her and killed our friendship, she was up tight and unresponsive but I just kept riding determined to get my monies worth, she started crying quietly then it turned to loud sobbing,

A Goon touched my shoulder, "You are causing our colleague distress sir, please disengage, we can discuss a refund if you feel aggrieved."

"Yes of course," I said, to be honest I was hating what I was doing to  her, it hating myself,  I climbed down stripped the condom off and tried to stuff my erection in my Boxers, Sarah Lou laughed through her tears, well it was funny.?

The mouthy Goon said "Would you please come to the managers office sir so we can discuss this and hopefully resolve any issues, Will you come too please Miss Sarah."

Sarah whipped on a dressing gown and the four of us headed for the managers office.

The Goon with the talking part knocked, "Mr Julian, sir, an issue, Miss Sarah her boyfriend, he was not aware, perhaps we can resolve matters."

"Ah Thomas, I have Mr McGuire here so."

McGuire cut him short,  " No send the kids In, Thanks Thomas."

I went in, McGuire was calling the shots "Julian you do that IT thing please," then "Sarah my dear and I don't believe we have met."

"John ,Sir, John Evans," I answered.

The big guy continued, McGuire, although he was not that big ,?five eleven perhaps, one fifty pounds yet he filled the room with his presence, "I am Norman McGuire from Head Office, people round here call, me sir," he chuckled, "now sit down and tell old Norm what the problem is, Sarah."

"He is my boyfriend." She admitted.

"And you did not tell him about your role change?"

"No sir," She spoke quietly.

McGuire continued  "And you know company policy is you should get boyfriends agreement before undertaking this work?"

"But we never."  She faltered.

"We were friends sir, not lovers," I explained "Jees I wanted, to marry this lady, I wanted her so much then I find anyone can have her, it is hard to take in sir."?

"Company policy should have avoided this" said McGuire, "Sarah, get your street things from the cubicle tell the maid you are sick and come back here." She left,

McGuire looked me straight in the eye, "Look son these things happen" he?picked up some money "here is your two fifty back, now lets talk about this, you are either lovers or I guess you two are finished."

McGuire glanced at a computer screen "say you are uni shooting champ and no slouch over five thousand metres," he had me on the computer, "Mr Julian looked you up and put it on my monitor."

Sarah Lou returned in waitress mode, "Sarah, I have had a word with John and am prepared to offer him some contract work with company benefits if you two are to be boyfriend and girlfriend, Ok, but, kids, you can be faithful when you have left Uni, and left here but you will both be having sex with others if you agree," He looked from her to me and back again, "Now I expect you to discuss this so I will let you out after an hour, Ok." he continued, "Oh and Julian has detained your friend Steve, credit card check, so Discuss."?He left locking the door behind him.

I asked quietly, "Sarah Lou how did we get here."

"Do you still want me John, as a friend, cos you can be my lover if that's what it takes."

"Do you want me as a lover?"  I asked'

She spoke earnestly and quietly.

"I want your babies one day, but not just yet." she smiled and held a condom between thumb and finger, "Unfinished business."

She undid my belt and soon she had the Condom on me she lifted her waitress skirt and peeled off her panties and pantyhose, "Table or floor."

"Floor" I replied, and we lay in the deep pile rug and I slid in to her and entered paradise.

"You know he wants you for a stud for the ladies, don't you" she said.

"What?" I said confused.

"The Goons watched you screw me for over ten minutes before they intervened, if you can live with me working here I can live with you screwing other girls, as long as it's girls not boys, that is."

"Ok deal," I agreed and I concentrated on making her feel real special and I felt real special and I came, I felt I would be pumping her full of cum for a week it was so good.

We were respectable when the McGuire guy came back, I kissed her and she kissed me back,

"Hi are you Ok?" McGuire queried.

"Yes sir" we said together.

"Tomorrow night, cubicle 7 Sarah," McGuire ordered.

"Yes sir."?

"And John will you consider a position here?"

"Yes sir," I replied and Sarah Lou slipped away left and McGuire and I spoke,

"Look John, we have your details on our computer system, your finances are shot, no way can you get through the next few months let alone the final year, and I need reliable guys, people who can keep their mouths shut, I like what I seen of you but you need cash, your dad is just about bankrupt so he cannot help you, so how about a thousand dollar a month retainer, guaranteed after the first job is delivered,"?

"That would be fantastic." I replied."

"Well its a good deal for me too" he said "how about your friend Steve."

"Yeah top man," I assured him,

"Ok but confidentiality is paramount, if he comes on board it will be on five hundred as your assistant, don't tell him, Ok, and you drink Coke now, no alcohol or drugs."

"Yes sir" I said.

"Wait for a call tomorrow he warned," and he ushered me out. He saw Steve next and suddenly we were Company men, well subject to completing the first job in a satisfactory manner,

We were moderately shocked at our first job, I had a high powered Air Rifle with telescopic sights and tranquilliser darts which Steve carried in his Trombone case, and a photograph of a Simone Mignon, our target for today We found a position in the John Glen municipal park hidden by trees yet with clear view of the path from the Library to the Halls of residence where Simone lived, we were given to understand she walked this path alone each evening,

Someone approached, she had long brown hair, she was the one in the photograph, she passed within ten metres,?I waited and fired hitting her cleanly in the buttocks, she reacted as if stung then she walked on slower perhaps, We returned the gun to the case and walked behind her, she stumbled, we rushed to her side and helped her to her Apartment, opened the door and helped her in we took her to the bedroom and after pulling on masks to protect our identity we set up the Camcorder.

She struggled to remain conscious, but we undressed her, carefully, placing her clothes neatly on a chair stripping her down unbuttoning her shirt, pulling her dainty panties down so gently, easing an exploratory finger up her as her eyelids closed and her little mouth seemed to say a soundless Yes, then using condoms and plenty of lube, we took her in turn,?me first, and finally as a finale using?copious amounts of lube Steve forced himself up her Anus while I serviced her front passage. We packed the Camcorder and cleaned her up so no one would guess before leaving her lying on her bed asleep. I dropped the Camcorder off at the Turtleback as agreed and laid low.

My check arrived within the week,

Poor Simone had no idea what had happened to her, she felt ill, very sore and very confused, she woke in the darkness and went into her bathroom and had a bath, it was only when her father, a competitor to the Company received the details of the website with her defilement clearly displayed that she heard of it, and her fathers company came to an arrangement.

I had no Uni lectures one Thursday so I attended a company training day, I was ferried in from the Turtleback in an SUV and after coffee with a big black guy called Trev and his sidekick Louis, we went to a medical inspection room it had a metal frame bed and lockers like a Club Cubicle but was maybe three times as big also a Doctors chair like gynaecologists use and a work bench with tools, Trev spoke into the intercom, can we have Mr Martinez please,

The Guy entered the 38 jabbed into his back clearly apparent,?"Cover him Mr Jones if you please,?"Mr Martinez has engendered displeasure indeed has threatened an associate with a firearm and has been offered this course of therapy, Mr Martinez, the sheet says two teeth and a four finger snap to be shared between you and your wife, shall we go fifty, fifty,"

"No leave her" Martinez, wailed.

Trev continued "Ok symmetrical then, observe John", he selected a steel tube and slid it over Martinez middle finger, then holding the hand down he pulled the finger upwards, with a quick snapping sound and screams from Martinez.

Trev turned to me. "You Try, no the smaller one, take a smaller Tube, slide over , press down on the hand and a quick pull up Snap."

I tried and Martinez screamed again.

"Say its easy," I said in surprise,  I did two on the other hand, as he screamed and behaved like a baby.

Trev looked pleased "and now the eeth front uppers most accessible, so hold the nose until the mouth opens, insert the spreader", it was like a small automobile scissors jack, "Crank it open", I wound the Handle, "and well Mole wrench, front teeth not rocket science."

I clamped up the wrench and pulled, soon two bloodied teeth were on the desk and Martinez was screaming obscenities through his bloodied jaws,.

"Ask Mrs Martinez to join us," A thirty something peroxide blonde bimbo with silicone tits minced in "Oh Marty,"  She exclaimed.

Trev spoke to her seriously, "We need to do a medical on you Mrs Martinez, to make sure you can look after old Marty here, In the chair please," she climbed in uncertainly and seemed surprised when it lifted to five feet off the floor, her pink Mini dress left little to the imagination.

Trev saw straight away " hey you ain't shaved today, John get the knife."

Trev pulled up her dress and pulled down her panties and I carefully cut away at the forest of black curls with a craft knife blade till it was smooth, Louis gave me some depilatory cream and some gloves, "dont get it on yourself, it burns, Its for Horses see,"

I applied it to the shorn area, "now Mrs Martinez, feet in stirrups please," Trev handed me a dildo with a foot long handle, "Use some grease, show some consideration" and he placed a tub of automotive Fluid grease on the floor by me, I dipped the end of the dildo in the grease and slid it easily up her vagina.

Trev saw it was all too easy, " OK try this," he handed me a larger dildo, perhaps twice the diameter, then a bigger one still, she gasped and struggled but we got it in, somehow.

"Pleasure her then" Trev suggested, and I moved it around a while then she screamed probably in pain and I yanked it out with an audible plop. "Serial 42 dash 3564"?Trev wrote it down, "and the ass."

We raised her feet some more and Trev inserted the smallest dildo in her anus, she was reluctant and she screamed, but we got it in somehow,?"The Bitch needs training, see," he pulled the dildo and selected a black plug "Ass Training Butt plug" was written along it, and after wiping away the grease he engaged it and forced it in using a two handled applicator, her eyes were wide like saucers, Trev helped her from chair "Thank you for your help kindly wait outside" she waddled inelegantly from the room.

Mr Martinez was severely wound up so Trev pushed him over the table, took down his pants lubed a plug and rammed it straight in his ass, "Closet Gay" ,he sure loves that. "OK Mr Martinez, that's it have a nice day," and a chastened Martinez rejoined his distraught wife.

Trev  was keen for me to have a further hands on  role in the next  guys attitude realignment, "Hey John, you got a feel for this, the next guy needs subtlety, Sabrina,an associate has collected Mr Petersens little girl?from school and she believes him to have had an accident so I wll leave you to it, Doctor John."?

Trev continued "The guy and his wife will be watching through the Two way mirror, the?girl wont see them,"

She was a sweet little thing, Sarah, "Hello little Girl" I said, "Ah Sarah look I want you to see your father but he is very ill so I have to check you have no infections, do you wash your bottom every time you pee," she shook her head " Oh dear we had better have a look then,"

She squealed  "He is not my Daddy, Mommy threw Daddy out,"

"Ok on the chair" I said and she raised her skirt and lowered her panties like she was used to doing it.

Sabrina whispered "He is out of danger" The guy had told us where he had hidden one hundred thousand just to save his daughter.

"Sarah you look sore, have you been doing naughty things."

"My new daddy puts his thing in me sometimes, he says It is what Daddies who love their little girls do but it hurts me, and Mommy wont stop him,"

"Nurse a second opinion," I asked.

Sabrina checked, "Yes she has been abused, bastard."

We had a quick conference and the guys decided on an RTA, now an RTA Road Traffic Accident, is where a vehicle impacts a person, in this case a one ton block on a chassis with a late model Buick hood attached is released and runs down a ramp to 30 mph where it impacts the subject, in this case already positioned against the rear portion of a Mitsubishi SUV.

We frog marched the guy to the RTA facility and stood him against the SUV and while Trev and Louis aimed their 38s at him to ensure he remained stationary, Trev nodded and I flicked the release and the trolley slowly trundled and accelerated to 30 mph and bang he got impacted, we left him to writhe in agony for a while, while we changed the front of the trolley for Ford Ranger parts, and straightened the Mitsubishi Towbar, we guessed he had a smashed legs and pelvis so Trev and I grabbed a leg each and Louis his shoulders and we carried him screaming to the SUV and then we drove him to the Pine Lake Private Hospial where we left him and they refused admission, We heard he got to a Charitable Foundation Hospital about two days later.

The Wife was real upset but as the Kid wanted to stay with her we could not do much, but Mr McGuire got the Kids real father moved back in with her that same evening and arranged for the woman to do a couple of shifts in a cubicle at Minski's and about then she realised that it did not matter too much who she slept with.

The final major operation was a Hispanic guy who had gunned down an associate, we took him to the plant room where a large Industrial machine like a chipper for making branches into mulch was standing below a gantry, "Custom made, said Trev, supposed to be for animal carcases, but this is a GTI version."

We pushed the hispanic along the gantry, hands secured behind his back, "Mind you don't fall in" we pushed him and his legs went into the machine.

Louis was grinning wickedly, "Now sometimes we do a leg-optomy?like instant paraplegic but this is a complete minced shark bait order so hit the switch my good man.

The Hispanc was frenzied desperately trying to escape but there was nothing to grip on, I punched the green button, machinery whirred and his screams reached a crescendo as the bloody mulch started to fill the output hopper,he sunk lower and lower then crumpled like a rag,?Trev handed me an all metal sled hammer ,"skull might be too thick might need a tap", but it was fine and we mixed it up?to even out blood and bone splinters and fat and made 20 or so bags of shark bait for the fishermen.

Last one was an old lady 70 perhaps, very upright, refined, but she was reluctant to pay her debts, her son was a lay about parasite, and she had covered his gambling but now was crunch time, Trev suggested that I "Use the side office with the big couches which folds into a bed, and sit behind the desk, and get a promise to pay or a reversion so sonny boy pays."?

I acted the part, "Ah Mrs Sunningdale, your debt", she got belligerent, I had not expected this I calmed her down walked behind her put my hands on her shoulders then I was undoing her coat and the belt on her skirt then the big silk french cami knickers,I pulled the lever and the couch backrest flopped down, she went sprawling and the cami knickers and panythose were on the carpet, her saggy tits were out an I was dropping my pants, "I'll sign" she said " pleasure before business" I replied and thrust in to her, she screamed like her hole had healed over then it went easy and she went all quiet and thoughtful,

"Young Man", she said as I slowly fucked her "My late husband died eight years ago and this is the first sex I had since then, and do you know I kind of like it."

"Pleased to be of service Ma'am," I said, "I or one of my colleagues can be made available for a modest fee if Madam wishes further delivery of this service but just now I ain't had a fuck all day so lets enjoy it.?She signed that she revoked her son's debts and walked away with a smirk on her face.

That evening they took me back to the Turtleback to unwind, Sarah Lou had been asked to cover an absentee and waited in the staff room, I walked in she jumped up and we embraced, the duty manager came in, "You can use the penthouse suite if you like then go home whenever you are through."

I smiled at her, knowing I could never tell her what I had seen today, "Shall we" "Yes please" and soon we were making love and she was wonderful and tight yet slippery and the days work drifted from my mind.

Couple of weeks on we were told to sort out a Charity fraud, this guy in a wheel chair begging in the day walking round clubs at night, this was unacceptable so Steve and I outed him by pushing he chair over and he stood up, then I got him with a tranquilliser and we tenderised his kneecaps and feet with a sled hammer, couple shots of liquid Narcomix and he was back begging again, for real this time and paying the 20% concession fee the Company required from Charitable collections.

Time went on, Mr McGuire offered Sarah Lou an admin job, the Company liked to get high performing people but for Loyalty preferred to take them before the final examinations so they did not have a degree to use for new employment if they left.

Sarah wanted to continue so the College was told she was whoring and threw her out, she went home, in disgrace, Mr McGuire rang me and said sort it, bring her back or leave her, he offered a good job, house whether she came or not and guaranteed her admin job if she returned with her choice on the Cubicle work, otherwise she owed three months 24/7 cubicle work.

I borrowed two thousand and bought an old four twenty eight Mustang and headed for Sarah Lou's folks home down south, I went to the Porch and knocked.

"I ain't got no daughter of that name" said her father but I heard whimpering and headed for the barn, she was bent over a rail, hands tied to feet and her naked arse a mass of angry red stripes, Her mother wielded a horse whip.

"Hey leave my Fianc?e alone." I yelled.

"She ain't no Fianc?e she's a whore." Sarah's mother yelled

"She made good money whoring, if you had give her enough she would not have needed to work, now, lets go inside and sort it.

We left her in the barn,  and went in the House, "this is our Sarah Lou's new husband"l the old woman announced to her fat lazy husband as he sat smoking in the parlour.

"Look she is healthy" I said " She fucks like a dream, and she owes thirteen thousand, and you guaranteed it, and with the mortgage you got there is no way you can pay so that means you are out on the street, and what about your other kids. surely they will go to high school and then Uni."

"Carly, she ain't got the brain, we keep her home to look after the Chickens, school is wasted on her", The guy whined.

"So she stays home with you?" I asked incredulously.

"Yeah when she is busted we can get twenty or twenty five a time for her from Truckers, we got a guy paying three hundred to have first go."

"So why you upset about Sarah Lou."

"She the Brains, she was going to be someone, send handouts home when we are old."

"So this Carly?" my question hung in the air.

"Hey Carly get in here," A shy young version of Sara Lou in a simple cream knee length dress appeared and curtsied. "This is her, prime, got her kept safe see, show the man girl," Carly raised her skirt, showing a thick belt round her waist connected to a wider strap between her legs and a catheter bag was strapped to her thigh, the tubes disappearing under the belt.

"That's barbaric," I yelled.

"Just protecting the investment son, she gets ten minutes to evacuate the bowels every night and we ties her hands to stop her sticking anything up herself and most times we leave the bag off and she dribbles but she goes barefoot and bare leg so it don't matter."

"How do you feel Carly?"  I asked.

"I just want someone to bust me open so as I can get on with my life". She looked at me with pleading eyes,

"Tell you what," I said "I will take Sarah and the thirteen thousand debt,for my wife, but I want Carly throwed in so she do some whoring as I intend to breed Sarah Lou,"

"No I need that three hundred cash so you can have Carly when she is busted," he offered.

I had five hundred left so I peeled off three fifty, "here he bin gazumped now get that thing off of her, I got a Hymen to bust" Carly bushed as her Pa unstrapped her and deflated the catheter and extracted the Tubes, she stunk, "Shower," I ordered.

"No we use the creek,"  she said.

" Hosepipe,"

"By the Barn," I led her round there, Carly took off the dress and that was all she wore and as Sarah Lou looked on with her head upside down I hosed her sister off, then I stripped and hosed myself down,

"Say son, that's a mighty fine tool you have there, you go easy on my little girl do you hear."

Hell he cared, We went upstairs to a bedroom and I laid Carly down and kissed her. "No need that she running like a river" said her Pa, old Country custom the whole family watch defloration, I guess, even little Ely Carly grabbed my manhood and guided it into her Vagina.

"Come on Push Damn you I pushed and Pushed, an thought I would never get in then suddenly It gave a bit then some more and I was right inside".

Hey your bare back." he realised.

"It's Ok I ain't diseased and we got people to take care of mistakes " She was hurting but I came and flooded the hurt with soothing Juices and she started cooing like some little bird, I pulled out wiped the Blood away and plunged back in again, "This one is for you, sweet girl, enjoy," and we rocked gently for ages, she wrapped her legs around me.

"You are the sweetest brother law a girl could have."

"And you are the nicest sister in law, hell if Sarah says no I'll marry you."

"No, I don't want to breed yet." I kissed her and we accelerated to Climax.

I dressed and went to find Sarah Lou, she was still tied, "Busted your sister, very smooth" I hit her with the whip. she cried out, "Ok you don't like it, I found her cunt was available so I slid my length in with no preliminaries, Carly looked on .

"Nice and loose from, Whoring Sarah Lou do you take me John for your Lawful Wedded husband."

"Oh Yes , please," she cooed.

"And I already took you so see here folks we are now man and wife so I owns her not you."

We all had a big meal of Roast duck for supper and the Old folks gave up their big bed to Carly, Sarah Lou and I and I rationed them to three fucks each, they blindfolded me and asked me if I knew which was which but I knew Sarah was looser but used her muscles, Carly tight inexperienced, but both top grade pussy.

And that's how come I graduated with a wife and a career, and my gorgeous little Carly all due to the Company, and I don't see any reason to want anything more.

Well a Late model Harley and a Helicopter perhaps.

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Late in the evening, when it is getting colder, they move inside. The moment they are inside, John grabs Brianna's ass and pulls her close and kisses her. Brianna pushes him away."Sorry John, I guess the pool made my pussy a bit sore, so I am afraid it won't happen again tonight." She kisses him, but he looks quite disappointed.Now Brianna lets her hand slide over his dick. "Don't look like that, John. I know what you want, but I might have something else for you."Brianna pushes him...

Straight Sex
3 years ago
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John is surprised by sexy new redhead assistant

John was 21 and worked alone most of the time. He worked in a village, on the outskirts of Bournemouth for a business ‘troubleshooter’ who spent most of his time at companies around the country. The office was spacious, and well positioned in the village. It was the top floor of an old baker’s shop; an architect took up the bottom floor. John wasn’t the best looking man to grace god’s earth, but he still managed to find women on the odd occasion, though probably not as often as he would want....

4 years ago
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John and Leah

"You got it, babe. Come on!" Leah shouted as she saw her boyfriend shake hands and then tackle his opponent to the ground.The crowd was going wild, only a few more points until their high school wrestling team won the regional title. Everyone was sure it was going to be John, the best wrestler on the team, to make them win. He was a senior at 5'11, and 170 pounds of mostly muscle so everybody expected it."John, you can do this!" Leah shouted even louder even though her boyfriend couldn't hear...

First Time
2 years ago
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John Mayers Real Talent

The crowd had died out and the people were leaving the concert hall. R&B artist Ashanti, pop singer Michelle Branch, and Amy Lee from the band Evanescence were already backstage in Ashanti's dressing room sipping on some champagne. They were looking through the monitors watching all the other artists leave. It had been a big festival combined with different musical guests in New York. One of the guests was John Mayer. The three girls watched him get off the stage take his guitar with...

3 years ago
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Mothers Helping Hand Part 2 Sister Joins In

Mother’s Helping Hand Part 2 Sister Joins In By Reeb   This story is a continuation from my previous story titled “Mother’s Helping Hand” where a mother helps her son with his voyeur obsessions over his younger sister and her friends.   “Ummmmmmmmmmm yessssssssssssss baby!” mom hissed.   I couldn’t take anymore as I arched my back and dumped my hot load deep inside my mom’s pussy. I nearly blacked out as my mind raced and my body shook all over. I could feel our juices mingle as they...

4 years ago
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John and Brianna Just Your Normal Neighbourhood Couple

John and Brianna are just a normal couple, living in a suburb of a small town. There is nothing special about them. They are living in a normal house, both have a job and they both have a car, which they can park on the driveway of the house. They have a nice lawn in the front and a large fenced-off garden in the back with a small swimming pool, which was not used very much.Both are in their late forties. They have two kids, both of them are in college now quite some distance away. They come...

Straight Sex
4 years ago
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John CarterChapter 10

The funeral had been a very private affair. It had been held in a small chapel in the Arizona town they called home. The body had been laid to rest in a small corner of the local graveyard. Beth’s mother and the Carter Clan were the only ones in attendance. The rest of the town respected their wishes and did not attend. The public memorial service would be held when her father left the hospital. The entire town would be invited as well as her colleagues from the hospital. In the mean time,...

4 years ago
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John Nee Rosy Kee Dhkadhak Chudayee Kee

Hi! Mera naam Vinod haa par mee apnee nickname Suckhot01my email se apnee nett dostto see chat kartaa huu. Voo apnee chudeeyee kee story mujhee brief mee batatee haa ferr mee us chudeeyee par ek spicy story develop kartaa huu. Meree saree stories sacch haa readers manee yaa naa manee ye un par nirbhar kartaa haa. Meree abhee ek nayee net frend baneee haa.Uskaa naam ha- Rosy. Ab aagey kee story Rosy kee Shabdoo mee-Hiee , mee Rosy Mumbai see huu.Meeree hott nd horny frends ek hott gal readers...

2 years ago
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John CarterChapter 13

John leaned against a boulder watching the evergreens sway in the breeze. Occasionally, handfuls of snow would cascade down from a tree. The snow in the area was over two feet deep and powdery. The footprints that Rover made when he had charged into the woods were visible as dark spots in the snow. He could hear the few birds left in the woods singing. It was peaceful and as quiet as nature allowed. It was never perfectly silent in the woods. Leaves rustled, birds sang, the wind blew, and...

3 years ago
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John CarterChapter 4

Doug strode into the room with an undisguised sense of authority. He was a short man, with a neatly trimmed mustache that exaggerated his frown and short black hair that gave him a distinguished look. He looked around and noticed a man changing the sheets on the only bed in the room. He cleared his throat and asked, “Where’s John Carter?” Nurse John turned and examined the intruder. He didn’t know what to make of the man. He answered, “He’s in the next room reading to the Wilson girl. She...

3 years ago
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John Carol Ch 02

Author’s note:This is the second part in a three part trilogy. I usually try to make each part stand alone but in this case it’s better if you’ve read part one. This is a long story about the beginning of a relationship between two unlikely people that find each other and live through some trying times. There is sex sprinkled throughout but it’s not your typical stroke story. If you like the story and want the concluding part three please let me know. This story is intended for adults over 18...

3 years ago
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John CarterChapter 6

John stood in line at the cafeteria with his tray full of food on the waist high shelf in front of him. It was a standard southern cafeteria where you push your tray along a shelf, selecting the items that you wanted to eat. The person behind the counter would serve up a single portion. At the end of the counter, you paid for your meal based on what you had taken. More often than not, a person would select a lot more food than they could eat. John looked at his tray and wondered how he was...

2 years ago
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My Golden Summer with Blythe Ch 02

My Golden Summer with Blythe – Part 2 Josh’s childhood dream girl visits him in San Francisco. The Return of Blythe Coming from a small farming community, San Francisco proved to be everything Josh had ever imagined – and then some. He loved the freewheeling atmosphere – the friendliness – in short, he fell in love with the city by the Bay. Because of early retirements, and dedication to his work, he had advanced much quicker than he had ever expected. Arriving at his chic little Apartment...

1 year ago
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John CarterChapter 18

The wedding ceremony was a quiet affair, attended by the parents of the new bride and groom. Linda and Leroy glowed with happiness. Linda looked gorgeous in her white robe, the white contrasting nicely with her dark skin. Leroy looked handsome, but felt a little uncomfortable wearing a white robe as it raised thoughts of racist organizations. Ling wore a white robe and shifted nervously, as this was her first time through the ceremony as well. John wore his brown robe and looked impressive...

3 years ago
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John CarterChapter 9

John wandered down the hall of the Burn Unit carrying two books. The books had been delivered to him by the owner of the local bookstore that he visited almost daily. The owner gave him the books free, with the promise that he would donate the rest of the series to the burn ward when he was able to locate them. John was about to protest, but the owner told him that it was a good tax write-off. John thanked him for his charity. The day nurse, Nurse Betty, was at the other end of the hall and...

3 years ago
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John CarterChapter 14

Rover lay on his back, sleeping. His tail thrashed and his paws clawed the air. John was asleep on his sleeping bag. His sleep was not peaceful. They weren’t bothered by heat. It was early spring and the weather was wonderful. The front and the back doors were open. A wonderful breeze blew through the house keeping it cool. The screen doors kept the bugs and wild animals out of the house. It was the time of the new moon, so it was very dark outside. The darkness tended to make the...

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John CarterChapter 4

John sat on the steps of the porch that was part of a beat up wooden house. It hadn’t been painted in years. What little paint remained was cracked or peeling off. The windows hadn’t been cleaned in just as many years and were covered on the inside with newspapers taped to the glass. A casual passerby would have sworn the house had been abandoned for at least a decade. The only external sign that someone lived there was the oil drippings on the dirt driveway and the fresh refuse beside the...

2 years ago
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John CarterChapter 3

John, Ed, Beth, and Kelly sat on one side of the conference table in the library. John, dressed in his robe, held his hands in his head and groaned occasionally. Beth and Kelly, dressed in their work clothes, kept looking at each other and giggling. Ed, dressed in his normal blue jeans and work shirt, did his best not to look across the table. The staff filled the other side of the table. All of them were naked. Cathy was saying, “From my discussions with Marguerite, it was my understanding...

4 years ago
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John CarterChapter 20

The middle of the afternoon is a quiet time in the living quarters of the President of the College. John, the President, was on his back, in the middle the living room. Little Beth, now four years old, was curled up inside one arm and little John, now three years old, was curled up inside the other. All three of them were asleep. Ling and Kelly stood at the door watching them. Ling whispered, “It’s hard to be a mother when the fathers spend all their time with the kids.” Kelly giggled, “Yes,...

1 year ago
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John Skype idol

I have lived a hetrosexual life for all my years but when I struck my thirties my curiosity began to nag away. When much younger, I had lived in Amsterdam for a while and frequented the red light district often. At first, the excitement of the women on view drew me in but then I became aware of the gay scene and in particualr the S&M scene. I became absorbed in watching films, videos and flicking through magazines portrayig extreme gay S&M but never ventured further. Worrying for me...

2 years ago
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John Millie Pete Allison

It was at the beginning of the summer, circa 1985, and Pete had just returned home from university. He would have enjoyed spending the entire summer lazing around and taking it easy, but he needed a job. University was expensive and although his parents helped out with the bulk of the cost, they didn’t have the money to allow for anything other than the essentials. He wanted to earn some extra cash for clothing, movies, social events, and a myriad of other things that you can’t get without...

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John knew from a young age he liked cock. When he was young he always was rubbing his and playing with it. In his teens his friend Mike and he would get together and suck each others cocks and jerk them. As they learned more they would fuck each other in the ass. They lived in Las Vegas and when they started driving they would go to a male sex club. The men there loved the young guys and every Saturday they would suck cock and get their asses fucked many times. One Saturday as Mike was sucking...

4 years ago
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John And Brianna Part 4 Swinging Hot

A few weeks after the sauna adventure, the school holidays are over. This is something both John and Brianna had been looking out for, as they were not used to having the kids in the house anymore, although they loved to have them around.They are picked up by some other students, and Brianna and John kiss them and wave them goodbye. The moment they are out of sight and the door is closed Brianna almost jumps onto John and he grabs her and pulls him hard against his body."This was such a long...

2 years ago
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John CarterChapter 2

John sat in his Jeep staring at the main entrance of the Federal Building in Phoenix. He didn’t want to enter, but knew he couldn’t postpone it any longer. For the past three days, he had been driven by the urge to come to this place. He got out of the car slowly and looked at his walking stick. He thought he wouldn’t be allowed to bring it through security, but decided to try it anyway. Rover leaped out of the car and stood next to him. He closed the door. People stared at him as he walked...

1 year ago
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John and Jenny Part I

The moment Jenny knocked on the door she immediately felt her pussy flush. Despite the incredible amount of detail with which she and John discussed everything, she still felt she had no idea what to expect. She stood patiently, her bag full of clothing weighing her shoulder down – and waited. When he finally opened the door, he stood there in his loose-fitting sweatpants and tight T-shirt. He smiled knowingly at Jenny but didn’t move or say anything. Jenny sensed some slight awkwardness and...

4 years ago
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John CarterChapter 22

Kelly dreamt that she was riding in a small fishing boat in the middle of a massive storm. The boat was purple. The waves were pink and they seemed to reach the sky. Her stomach tightened as seasickness threatened to overtake her. She was trying to find a life preserver that fit her, but her breasts were so huge that all of them were too small. Throughout her search, the boat seemed to rock in every direction. She was shaken awake by Ed. He was shouting, “Get up, Kelly.” She sat up thinking...

2 years ago
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John Smiths Space Diary

Chapter I , Year 1, CARGO HAND There was a low hum, there always was. It was constant to the point that you simply stopped hearing it. What was slightly harder to ignore was the constant drips on ice cold water that fell every where. Third or fourth hand water that comes from the condensation of constantly re-breathed air. The walls were rusty with it, the thin mattresses damp with it, and the skin clammy with it. No electric lights, or rather there was electric light that had to be...

4 years ago
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John CarterChapter 7

John parked his car in front of the Sheriff’s office. He had no idea why he had returned. There was only a singled-minded urge to come to this place. He got out of the Jeep followed by Rover. From experience, he was sure that he would be the subject of curiosity, but people walked by without taking much notice of him. He looked around the town and felt that something was subtly different. He entered the Sheriff’s office with Rover following behind him. Rover sat down in a corner to watch. He...

3 years ago
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John CarterChapter 22

John stared at the cream colored envelope as if it were a serpent about to strike. He knew the gist of the contents. It was an invitation to spend the night with one of the staff. The only question remaining concerned the identity of the individual who had sent the invitation. Each staff member was allowed to issue an invitation once a month to one of the family members. Since the extended benefits program had gone into effect three months ago, he had not received an invitation. This was his...

3 years ago
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John Carol

Note from Author: It’s been a while since I’ve posted anything. This story is a relatively long romance story about the blossoming of love between two unlikely characters. There is sex in it but if that’s all you want look in the latter pages. I hope you like the story, I’ve lived vicariously through it while writing it. If you like it or not please let me know. As always this is a work of fiction, any similarity to any persons is purely coincidental and this story is intended for adults, and...

2 years ago
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John CarterChapter 8

John sat at his desk in his laboratory at the University of Texas. He examined the blueprints that he had created for his device very carefully. He then examined the part that he held in his hand. Using the calipers, he double-checked the dimensions for a third and final time. He was now satisfied that all parts were within the tolerances specified in his design. He assembled the device and held it up to examine the final product. It was about the size of a walnut and cost close to two...

1 year ago
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John CarterChapter 20

The incessant ringing bell was an irritation that could not be ignored. John woke wondering why he had set the alarm clock. He felt Beth stir beside him. He looked at the clock and saw that it was only three in the morning. It then dawned on him that the alarm clock was not making the ringing. He sat up and said, “Shit.” He shook Beth gently and then a little rougher. He hissed, “Wake up! Wake up!” He climbed out of bed and then turned on the light. Beth complained in her sleep. John shook...

3 years ago
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John CarterChapter 17

Ed drove the Jeep into the driveway as the garage door opened. He pulled into John’s normal space. Turning off the Jeep, he sat back in his seat and rubbed his eyes. He and Leroy had taken turns driving home while John slept in the back seat. Leroy stretched and yawned. Ed looked in the back of the Jeep at the sleeping form of John. He reached back and shook John awake. “We’re home, John.” Yawning, John sat up and stretched his arms, as much as was possible within the tight confines of the...

4 years ago
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John And Brianna Part 6 Swinging Again

A couple of months after their visit to the swingers club they get a text message from Luke asking them if they want to join him and his wife, as they will be visiting the club during the weekend. They both like the idea, so they make arrangements to meet Luke and his wife at the club on SaturdayWhen they arrive the parking lot is almost full and after dropping their clothes in the lockers they enter the bar area. Luke is already there and they go over to his table and are greeted by his wife,...

Straight Sex
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John And The Goddess

He watched with trepidation as she fiddled with the last morsel of her dessert. It was almost a cliché; a cherry, as red as her painted lips, and a perfect match for her striking dress. She twirled the ripened fruit on its stem, and placed it between her teeth. Her amused eyes were on his, gauging his reactions, as she bit through the skin, making him wince.His anticipation had been growing ever since they had arrived. Admiring glances had been cast toward the beautiful woman in the stunning...

Strap-On Sex
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John CarterChapter 6

Ed’s living room was furnished for comfort rather than appearance. There was a green fabric covered couch, a brown leather chair with footstool, a coffee table in front of the couch, and a TV tray next to the chair. An old broken console television sat in the corner of the room. A portable color television sat on top of the console. The carpet was yellow. The windows were covered with simple white curtains. There weren’t any pictures on the wall. Despite belonging to a man, the room was neat...

3 years ago
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John and Alex Part 4

Introduction: First fight, first makeup, now a triple. I have an idea. Im going to do this story from Jakes point of view. If I am correct it is Christmas eve today so yeah should be fun. In the beginning is extreme drama, as a few have wanted. Then fun ^_^ Last night with John was awesome. Him and Alex welcomed me in with open arms and John opened his hot ass up for me to have fun with. As I sit on the couch bed with him asleep next to me, I look back on it and I think I made the right...

1 year ago
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John and Alex Part 4

Last night with John was awesome. Him and Alex welcomed me in with open arms and John opened his hot ass up for me to have fun with. As I sit on the couch bed with him asleep next to me, I look back on it and I think I made the right decision coming here. John is crazy hot. I don't find gingers very attractive but if John likes Alex too I can live with it. "John wake the fuck up." Alex stormed out of the room. Groggily, John mumbled something and got up to say hi to alex. "What's...

4 years ago
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John CarterChapter 13

A large crowd was gathered in the meeting hall talking to each other and generally having a good time. A month ago, the same gathering would have been split in their opinions about John Carter. Today, they were much more united. The council of elders had come up with a gift that was much more acceptable to everyone. Almost everyone in the tribe had contributed to it in some fashion. Linda Redman stood in a corner looking around nervously, thinking that this was the big public ceremony; the...

1 year ago
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John CarterChapter 11

Midwinter’s day was rapidly approaching. John had been working in the FBI office in Phoenix every day. He was investigating a pattern of abductions that looked suspicious to him. He was pushing himself as hard as he could to identify what was going on. The urge to solve this case was pushing him to work day and night. He stared at the bank records of a number of individuals that had been arrested for abducting young kids and women. They all had significant deposits about every three months...

3 years ago
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Uther By Ellie Dauber (c) 2006 Introduction According to the legends of King Arthur, Merlin changed Uther Pendragon into a double for Duke Gorlois, so he could spend the night with Ygraine, the Duke's wife. Ygraine and Gorlois had three daughters: Elaine, Morgause, and Morgan le Faye. During their time together, Ygraine became pregnant with the child who was to become King Arthur. Uther's men killed Gorlois that same night. This is my TG (of course) version of what...

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John CarterChapter 18

Tired from the party, Betsy and John came home and fell asleep. In the morning, they woke with limbs entwined. Waking was followed by soft tender kisses. When lips touched lips, the whole world disappeared. They made very slow and passionate love. It was special and reminiscent of their first time, but with much deeper feelings. Both of them surrendered themselves totally to the other. This was that rare occasion when neither thinks of their individual pleasure and yet doesn’t dwell on...

2 years ago
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John CarterChapter 12

It was sunrise and John lay beside a large rock. He was hidden under his cloak and blended into the background perfectly. The desert dawn this morning was glorious and cool. Winter in Nevada wasn’t as bad as winter in the north. As he watched the sunrise, he performed his morning ritual of offering two drops of blood, one to the Gods and the other to the Goddesses. Somehow, he felt reassured by that one simple act. John was twenty yards from the house. This was where he expected everything...

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John Jon Whats the difference Part 1 The Term Project

John? Jon? What's the difference? Part 1. The Term Project By Akkano Synopsis: John Smith is a well adjusted, happy, prosperous businessman. In an alternate universe (which is identical to the first universe), his parents name him Jon, instead of John. Because of his being named Jon, his life takes a totally different track in the alternate universe and he becomes transgender. The change of name is largely responsible for his turning transgender, if he had been named John, very...

3 years ago
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John and Becky

John found Becky quite wild, and he had to admit it, some of the things she was into he found a little scary. But most of it he was cool with, and didn’t have a problem with being introduced to new and exciting things. They had known each other through mutual friends for about a year before they started dating. The first time anything sexual had happened between John and Becky, they had spent the evening with their friends in the pub. After a few lagers, he noticed how hot she looked, and...

2 years ago
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John CarterChapter 17

Shirley wiped the counter in front of John. She looked like she wanted to ask something, but was too nervous to come out and ask. John sipped his coke and ate some popcorn. The room was cool and he enjoyed the quiet of the early afternoon hours in the bar. When business picked up later, he would return home and prepare dinner. Shirley finally asked, “What did you do to Ed?” “Pardon?” “What did you do to Ed?” “Nothing. Why?” Shirley dropped the rag she was using and leaned against the...

2 years ago
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John CarterChapter 1

... to open that door behind which lies a frightening strength. All he knows is what all people know. He knows the strength that flows into the body when pushed into a rage. Fearlessness comes and allows him to lash out at all around him. He knows the regret following devastation and hates the harm caused by such an unthinking fury. There is the guilt that comes afterward. Rage is not the only key that enables the power to escape. Fear for others allows one to perform heroic feats of...

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