Lust For Marie's Daughter, Part 3 free porn video

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I drove the short distance to Jake’s house and parked in front.   Walking up to the door I could her Marie’s moans as once again he filled her with pleasures.   I knocked to interrupt them as they apparently fucked in the living room one last time before her entry to blessed wedlock.   After a few moments Jake appeared at the door in a robe that barely covered his aroused cock as it formed a tent before him.   “Morning Gerrel, I didn’t expect you quite so soon, I hope you’re not in a hurry, Marie is unquenchable today for some reason.   If that’s okay with you that is, that I take care of her one last time before you steal your bride away.”


I grinned and stepped inside his home.   I knew where Marie was and found myself aroused at knowing she was in the mood. “Sure Jake, in fact, I’d love to see her cum for you, or maybe we can get a start on those three ways we discussed since she’s obviously in the mood for love” and chuckled lightheartedly.   His expression turned an odd shade of awe at my candor and replied “Guess it wouldn’t hurt to ask her” and chuckled with a lecherousness I could easily identify with.


We walked in to the living room where I saw my bride sitting haphazardly on a large leather couch; her juicy snatch had left a trail over it that was plainly the result of more than one climax.   I smiled as I walked over to her and leaned to give her a kiss.   Her mouth smelled of cock, and her body was coated with a glistening layer of sweat as if she had fucked all night long and cum a lot with her anal lover. “Morning sweetie, I see you have really enjoyed your night, I am so happy we all decided on you two getting together.   In fact, I think with your current need, maybe this would be a good time to join together as a threesome.   If you’re willing and able to try it that is Marie” I added in tones that said I really wanted her to take us both.


Her eyes glistened with her needful thoughts as she had barely ebbed from the tumultuous climax Jake had just brought her to, her lips turned into a devious smile as she spoke “Oh baby, you are so good to your wife, how could I refuse anything you want of me?”


I kissed her again as I pushed the robe from her shoulders and exposed her bare sweat coated flesh.   Her pussy reeked of her nectars, and I knew that Jake had probed its walls at least once with the puffy petals that she bore so well. My smile was filled with want as she reached up and unzipped my fly to release the even now engorged instrument that would fill her once or more depending on her needs. I slipped of my shirt and tossed aside as Jake watched our brief foreplay.   She pushed my pants down and I stepped from them, my proud meaty tool stood erect before her as she slid her lips over the head and sucked half of the shaft into her mouth greedily.   I knew it was a possibility, but my fears were now realized as she tasted the sweet cum of her daughter on my flesh.   Her eyes flared with jealousy as she continued to suck my shaft like the wanton woman she had always been.   I was now fully hard and lifted her from her seated pose and drew her into an embrace as my lips pressed against her neck below the ear.


“Marie, later I can tell you about my wedding night, just as you can tell of yours.   For now, allow your two lovers to fill you with the wonders only a woman like you can enjoy fully” and guided her to the center of the lushly carpeted room.   Our dance was simple for starters, I held her close and kissed her as my hands caressed her pert breasts while Jake pressed against her back and caressed her buttocks to spread them open for his invasive tool for probably the tenth time or more.   She melted between us as first Jake found the mark and slid his cock’s head into the well worn sphincter muscle and then the broad head of my cock slid inside her sopping wet cunt.   Fortunately we were adept at adjusting our heights to match her shorter stature and soon she felt our cocks sliding gracefully in synchronized moves with her two cavities.   It didn’t take long before her gasps of pleasure turned to screams of delight as her orgasms came in continuous waves through her body.   I could tell that Jake was getting the short end of the deal as he was only able to get a couple of inches inside her ass with our current pose.   I nodded and he withdrew his anxious cock for the moments it would require to relocate.


At his withdrawal Marie shuddered and thrust her hips even harder against my mound, impaling all she could of the ten inch dick she had married me for. I lifted her off the floor and impaled her further as I took a seat on the floor and pulled her atop of me as I reclined.   Her hips thrust up and down as another wave passed through her and she came swiftly over the hot velvet rod she loved to have inside her gash.   Jake took his opportunity and mounted her from behind and thrust his cock into her slick rear entry with grunts of pleasured joy streaming from his gasping mouth.   Marie screamed again as she felt filled so completely not knowing which way to thrust her body to take the greatest joy…six inches in her ass and ten in the cunt she screamed out climax after climax that seemed to never end as her two lovers neared our time of ejaculation.   Jake strained to withhold his climax until we could both fill her simultaneously, I nodded in accord and we allowed her to pound us both for another minute until she cried out again with a massive orgasm that drained her of all else.   I grunted out my need as did Jake and she felt her womb and anus filled with our seeds.


Jake lay atop of her as he ebbed from the draining climax; I supported them both as she fell into a bliss she had never known possible.   We lay together for about five minutes and then Jake rolled off to one side and Marie to the other.   We each laid in our contented post climactic bliss on our backs, side by side for another five minutes before Jake excused himself to go to the bathroom and clean up from the wondrous threesome’s joys.   Marie’s eyes turned to mine as he left the room and she whispered “Did you fuck Sandra last night?” without a hint of the expected motherly concern other than a bit of jealousy that her daughter had consummated her marriage vows for her.   “Yes…” I replied in a calm voice “…She and I had wanted to join as more than simply father and daughter.   In fact she wants and has done so much more than you know Marie.”


She sighed at the loss of her little girl, but smiled as she spoke again to her new husband. “Gerrel, I hope you were gentle with her, she’s only a kid after all.”


I rolled onto my side facing her and cupped her jaw in my palm. “You know I was baby, and yeah, she’s only a kid in years, but a full fledged woman in so many ways.   I think we may have the makings of a wonderful family if we can simply relax and enjoy it.   You know our love for each other extends to Sandra as well, and she wants to be close with her mother as much as I do.”


Her eyes filled with tears as she found a joy she had never hoped, that a man could bring she and her daughter closer together, more than mother/daughter, but as lovers as well. A daughter that would find joys with her shared love and passions, and all for the caring love of a man who gave so much more than he wanted in return.   She rolled over and planted a kiss on my lips as she groaned with happiness and then whispered “Let’s go home Gerrel.”   I sighed at how easily the confrontation had gone and rose to my feet and helped her weary body to her feet.   She would likely be sore for a day or two after the pounding Jake had given, and then taking two cock’s severe punishments simultaneously would surely make her think twice of her energy’s desires when it came to pass again.   She picked up the robe and slipped it on as she walked from the living room to find her clothes.   I picked mine up and dressed while I waited for one or both to reappear.


Jake had done a nice job of decorating his brown stone home, he apparently liked nice things and spent his wages wisely at acquiring them a piece at a time.   I looked around and found Jake to be a better friend than I had thought possible before asking him to be my best man.   I knew that he and I would enjoy more play time as the weeks, months and even years went by.   He walked back into the living room and stood just in front of me with a broad smile. “Gerrel, I still have a hard time with the idea that you were willing to give me your wife on your wedding night, I owe you big time.   Did Marie enjoy our threesome, she didn’t say anything to me as she got in the shower, and just a smile was my only clue to her mood.”


I chuckled at his attempts to know whether he would get to pound his stiff into her ass again any time soon and so I reassured him as best I could. “Jake, you saw and heard her orgasms as well as I did, no way will she let that kind of joy go unrepeated.   I think we may have created even more a monster than the two of us can handle, but only time will tell.”   I extended my hand and shook his as a friend as Marie walked back into the room, dressed in the same gown she had worn to our wedding; it was all she had brought.   My eyes sparkled at the sight of how beautiful a bride I had married and swept her up in an embrace and kiss that took our breath away. “Let’s go home sweetie” I murmured “our daughter is waiting, and likely will need more explanation of why we were apart on our wedding night.”   Her eyes sparkled as she heard me say the words, she blinked away tears of joy even at the reminder of me plunging my huge cock into her little girl and bringing her to joyous climax.   Little did Marie know there had been several of them over periods of hours, and even just before I came to pick her up.   She would eventually find out, but before that the three of us had some serious fucking to do as a family.


Jake showed us to the door and we bid farewell to our new friend.   We both knew that it would not be the last time we shared passions together. I could see in my mind’s eye when Marie would deep throat my engorged cock as she got rammed from behind with Jake’s ever hard youthful shaft…likely in her tight arse rather than her snatch…she really does love to be fucked up the ass and his dick is just the right size for her to take it all and love the joys it brings. I opened her car door and she sat in the passenger seat, it was only then I could see the true weariness of her escapades, but she glowed with the completion a fully sated woman carries only after such passions are given and taken.   I closed her door and walked around to the driver’s door, opened it and climbed in.   I waved good bye to Jake who was still standing in awe of his new found friends, and a woman he’d likely never forget.


I pulled from the curve and looked over at Marie; she had already drifted off to a peaceful slumber as her body quivered with the internal memories causing mini waves to flow through her sated core.   I parked in the driveway as usual and leaned over to kiss my bride.   She stirred and looked up to see we had already arrived home, her smile painted her face with untold joys and she cooed “Let’s go in and cuddle up with our baby and rest a bit honey; that be okay with you?”


“Sure honey, we can sit and put a movie in the DVD and cuddle up as a family, unless Sandra has something else to do today, after all it is Saturday.   We’ll just have to see.”

I got out and walked around to her door, opened it and extended my hand to help the weary soul of my bride from the car.   I was proud that she could even walk after the workout she had found with Jake, not to mention her first time being double dipped with such ferocity, or truly, at all, but she did, and made me proud as we walked in the door to find Sandra sitting on the couch waiting for us.


She gushed out “Hi mom, I hope you had fun last night” in a tone that belied her own efforts with me.   I nodded as Marie replied “Yeah baby, Jake is one heck of a good man, you should be so lucky…oh wait, you were” and laughed at opening the stream of knowledge for her daughter to flounder over.   Sandra’s eyes found mine as she gasped at me having told her mother of our lust filled night. Marie calmed her quickly and gently as she said “Sandra, he didn’t have to tell me anything.   No matter how well he washed I knew your scent on his cock when I sucked him at Jake’s place a little bit ago.   We’ll all be the better for being open about what we want and how we want it baby.   I don’t have a problem with you wanting him, he’s a hell of a man” and reached over and patted my soft lengthy cock inside my pant leg.


“Oh momma, I hoped you would understand; I want so much for us to be a close family.   I am not sure, but I think you can teach me as much as he has already; if you’re willing to that is.”


I held up my hand and beckoned Sandra to come over and join us.   As she came close enough I wrapped one arm around Marie and the other around Sandra as we enjoyed a group hug to seal the inevitable fate of our little family, joined in love, joined in desires, and to be joined in so many ways as time went by.   My lips pressed to Marie’s cheek and then to Sandra’s, they both smile and kissed me back with the same sincere caress and I whispered “you must kiss one another as well” and watched as their lips pressed together in sweet caress, though Sandra did get a little carried away when her tongue invaded Marie’s mouth.   Marie was cool though, she sucked it lightly in reply and pressed her body closer to that of her daughter’s.   I sighed in peaceful content; even a plan of extreme measures could not have fulfilled my wishes with greater result.   We moved over to the couch and sat, well in truth, they sat next to each other in tender embrace and I sat on the floor between two sets of wonderful limbs as they tussled my hair and each took a turn kissing my head as we watched “Sleepless in Seattle” to set the romantic mood to even greater heights.


Marie soon fell into slumber, her body well worn to be sure.   I turned my head over my shoulder as I heard the tell tale breaths of her sleep and winked at Sandra.   She leaned over to me and we kissed as my hand slid between her thighs to touch the wonderful warmth of her loins again; I found her not only warm, but moist as well and chuckled at her obvious desires so soon.   She was dressed in a night gown still and raised it up for me to take a taste, which I did and loved the resulting surge of creamy juices she gave forth as she leaned back and enjoyed what wonders she had found with the newly bonded family unit we shared everything in.   Marie stirred as my lips suckled gently on Sandra’s pussy and clit, she turned in her seat to bare a tit and suckle on her daughter for the first time with unselfish love.   The movie ended with the happily ever after that was meant to be, not only for the characters portrayed, but for the three of us who would live out a dream CUM true.   Sandra groaned as she let loose with her third climax of the movie just as the titles rolled.   I allowed Marie to suck the juices from my fingers and lips her daughter had given without hesitation.


As I got up to turn off the TV I saw them embrace and kiss and then heard Marie say “Baby, you are so tasty, I may have to let him give me the chance to get you off with my mouth too.   I haven’t been with but one other woman, but I know what I like, and am pretty sure I can show you how to please me as I bring you to thunder.”


Their lips met more heatedly as Sandra enjoyed the new bond with the woman who had given her life and now so much more.   Her hand slid between her momma’s thighs and probed the inside of her panties, already soaked with cream from earlier and what joys she had found while working on herself as she sucked Sandra’s tit to help get her off.   I stood and found myself in awe and would have joined in, but it was their time, mine would come when it was right; oh my, I thought, would I cum when the time was right.

I interrupted only long enough to say “I’m going to go take a shower, you two have fun while I’m away” and chuckled as I turned and walked to the bathroom and stripped myself naked to shower; I had thought alone.


I had barely climbed in and slid the curtain closed when I heard the door open and two sets of footsteps come in.   Moments went by and I was invaded by not one, but both of my lovers naked bodies. One older and more experienced before my chest, and the other youthfully exuberant behind me, both pairs of hands lavishing my body from knee to shoulder in caressing touches that brought me again to full arousal in short order.   I felt Sandra’s hands slide around my hips as she pressed her worthy breasts against my back, her hands surrounded the base of my cock as Marie lowered herself to suck me willfully to a hard thick mass of trembling flesh as my mouth let forth groans of pleasure that echoed from the porcelain tile walls.   Marie was eager only to arouse me it seemed as Sandra jacked me off to help with the efforts of bringing me to climax, or so it seemed until Marie stood up and asked me to turn around, that her daughter wanted me first.   I grinned as I faced Sandra who smiled and raised one leg high enough and place her foot on the tubs raised edge for her mother to push my eager meat to the portal of heavenly bliss I had already found more than once.   Marie pushed at me to enter the teen with needs, I helped and soon found her eager hips thrusting along the thickened shaft as Marie wrapped her arms around us both and quivered with the resounding joys of our bond.   My hand swept behind me and I found Marie filled with cream already as Sandra came for the first time with me accompanied by her mother.   Marie anxiously turned me around and said “My turn Gerrel as she climbed over my shaft and impaled herself on it as the water began to chill.   Her aggression was supreme as she fucked me hard and deep and found her climax forthcoming.   I had not busted my nut yet as I asked that we find a bed to continue.


Marie slid her sweet wet channel from the stiff velvet pole and found the bounding flesh a delight as she said “Oh yeah, let us find somewhere to continue” and slid the shower curtain open as I turned off the water.   So much for a refreshing shower I thought silently as I stepped from the tub and found myself being dried by both lovely ladies,   Each wanted to dry off the shaft, but then each took a taste of it while performing the task, so who would I be to complain.   My arousal continued to grow even though I had found more delights since my wedding than ever before in my life.


We adjourned to the master bedroom, a place larger than where Sandra had found herself thrust into over the long night’s lust filled desires, one that had a larger bed, Queen Size should be just right for the three of us I thought as we climbed in over the comforter’s smooth cotton surface.   This was still rather new to me, so I wasn’t quite sure how to proceed, but thankfully the ladies had their own ideas of where to begin.   Marie lay along side of me as her hand gently grasped the base of my cock and began stroking its length.   Sandra at the same time pressed her lips to mine and we started making out hot and heavy as Marie made sure my aroused cock did not diminish in the least.   Sandra came up for air as her mother cooed “Baby I need to get off, can I take him this time?”


“Oh yes momma, I’d love to watch you ride him like a cowgirl” and again kissed my lips along with a thrusting tongue to invade me ruthlessly.   Marie straddled my hips facing me and beckoned Sandra to get closer to the action; she wanted her little girl to help her along the path to orgasm by playing with her mother’s clit.   Sandra sat down beside me an pressed her face to her mothers breasts and then as I coaxed her to she straddled my face and let me nibble on her clit and petals while she nursed on her mother’s breast and caressed Marie’s swollen eager clitoris.   I felt Sandra draw tight just before her second climax of our gathering came flooding over my face, I gulped as much as I could but was distracted as Marie finally found the pounding rhythm she enjoyed so well and thrust her hot wet pussy down to the base of my cock time and time again without mercy for their shared fuck toy.   Sandra ground her cunt down onto my face and I had to hold my breath as she came again just as Marie sent a wave of creamy nectar over my hard unsatisfied shaft.   Marie raised herself from my cock and traded places with Sandra who more than willingly climbed on for a ride to the peak of orgasm town.   Marie took pity on me and licked all of the nectars from my face, neck and chest as Sandra rode me like a champion bull rider and brought me to the brink again.   I cried out my need and by some twisted fate Sandra rose from the lengthy tool and dropped herself onto it mouth first as Marie joined her in licking me to completion.   My first load of cum spewed forth in an arched stream hitting Sandra on the cheek, and as Marie attempted to clean her daughter’s face another stream coated their joined mouths.To continue reading this story you must be a member. Join for FREE here.

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We will now relate what was passing in the house of the king's attorney after the departure of Madame Danglars and her daughter, and during the time of the conversation between Maximilian and Valentine, which we have just detailed. M. de Villefort entered his father's room, followed by Madame de Villefort. Both of the visitors, after saluting the old man and speaking to Barrois, a faithful servant, who had been twenty-five years in his service, took their places on either side of the...

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Futa Daughters Naughty Temptation 15 Futa Mommy Saves Her Daughter

Chapter Fifteen: Futa Mommy Saves Her Daughter By mypenname3000 Copyright 2020 Note: Thanks to Alex for beta reading this! Sky Marlow “She's mine!” Spice hissed. Her voice was that same melodic one I remembered from the video I'd watched in the church's bathroom a few days ago. The futa-demon held me tight, her futa-cock buried in my ass. “I won't let you have her.” “What the fuck is going on here?” I asked, standing in a dark void. Just moments ago, Mrs. Matthews, the reverend's...

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Dads MindControlled Daughters Chapter 6 Best Daddys MotherDaughter Consult

Chapter Six: Best Daddy's Mother-Daughter Consult A Belt Buckle Mind-Control Story By mypenname3000 Copyright 2021 Notes: Thanks to WRC264 for beta reading this! “The doctor's running a little bit behind,” the nurse said as we sat in the waiting room of Dr. Sharma's office. She was my daughter's OB/GYN. Since they were all pregnant, they all had to go see her. But never at the same day, of course. Dr. Sharma was too busy to get them all in at the same day. I had been here two days ago...

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Daddys MindControlled Daughters 5 Daddy Daughter Orgy

A Story of the Institute of Apotheosis Research Chapter Five: Daddy Daughter Orgy By mypenname3000 Copyright 2017 Note: Thanks to wrc264 for beta reading this! “Eager to find out the next way cheating wives are punished?” asked Deidre Icke's ex-husband, something almost malicious in his grin. He sat naked on his office chair, cradling their eighteen-year-old daughter Alexis on his lap, her pussy leaking with the incestuous proof of his passion. Deidre swallowed, her ass still...

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Father Daughter And Daughters Girlfriend Bonding Take 2

Introduction: FAMILY GUY Part 5 FAMILY GUY Part 5 Father, Daughter And Daughters Girlfriend Bonding – Take 2 Note for readers This carrys on from the end of part 3 Peter awoke later in the night to the sounds of his wife and daughters steamy love making and the sound of the family bed creaking it was such a still and silent night you could hear a pin drop and they where getting so carried away with what they where doing that they didnt know how much noise they where making and how loud they...

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The Count of Monte CristoChapter 74 The Villefort Family Vault

Two days after, a considerable crowd was assembled, towards ten o'clock in the morning, around the door of M. de Villefort's house, and a long file of mourning-coaches and private carriages extended along the Faubourg Saint-Honore and the Rue de la Pepiniere. Among them was one of a very singular form, which appeared to have come from a distance. It was a kind of covered wagon, painted black, and was one of the first to arrive. Inquiry was made, and it was ascertained that, by a strange...

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Super Bowl Forfeit Mother Daughter

Introduction: Continuation of Going (On My) Back to School. Cheryl, a sexy older woman again meets up with her young lover, who is now dating her daughter and brought him home with her. Her hand moved across her body, washing and caressing the soapy body wash against her skin, but soon that wasnt enough. Her nipples were hard so she pinched at one gently and teased it fully erect while her other hand moved down to her groin. It was wet from more than just the hot water from the shower spaying...

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Daughter of the Forge

SIMON Upon my fifteenth birthday, four years ago last month, I became apprenticed to mine own father, an innkeeper of some repute. For four years, I plied his trade, learning nuance and routine, doing all that seemed to him to please our boarders, and then some. After four years at this station, I was given the rank of journeyman to him, and in that promotion increased in terms both of authority and responsibility, with only three more years before my name would join his on the...

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Dads MindControlled Daughters Chapter 5 Bratty Daughters Hot Mom

Chapter Five: Bratty Daughter's Hot Mom A Belt Buckle Mind-Control Story By mypenname3000 Copyright 2021 Notes: Thanks to WRC264 for beta reading this! Best Dad's Daughter Services, “Showing young girls how to love their daddies!” was going great. Three months into it, and I had quit my job and was enjoying life. With three lessons a day, an hour or so each at $300, and I was making $27,000 a month. That was $324,000 a year. I was making $90,000 at my day job. So it was an easy...

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Father Daughter And Daughters Girlfriend Bonding Take 2

Father, Daughter And Daughter's Girlfriend Bonding - Take 2 Note for readers This carrys on from the end of part 3 Peter awoke later in the night to the sounds of his wife and daughter's steamy love making and the sound of the family bed creaking it was such a still and silent night you could hear a pin drop and they where getting so carried away with what they where doing that they didn't know how much noise they where making and how loud they where. He was lying...

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Daddys Mindcontrolled DaughtersChapter 5 Daddy Daughter Orgy

“Eager to find out the next way cheating wives are punished?” asked Deidre Icke’s ex-husband, something almost malicious in his grin. He sat naked on his office chair, cradling their sixteen-year-old daughter Alexis on his lap, her pussy leaking with the incestuous proof of his passion. Deidre swallowed, her ass still burning from the spanking her daughter administered earlier. Her eyes flicked to the monitor showing the feed from the spy cams planted at the Alamogordo Church of Christ where...

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Daughters Slut Training 3 Daughter Trains with Daddy

(An Incestuous Harem Story) Chapter Three: Daughter Trains with Daddy By mypenname3000 Copyright 2017 Note: Thanks to wrc264 for beta reading this! Leyla Umayyah My pussy boiled beneath my dress, juices dribbling out of my shaved snatch and down my thighs. I felt Daddy's eyes on my ass as I led him up the stairs, the steps creaking beneath my bare feet. Nervousness twisted about my stomach. It was time to put all I learned from Mom with my younger brother Jalal to the test....

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Futa MILFs and Their Hot Daughters Chapter 3 Futa the Latina Daughter

Chapter Three: Futa & the Latina Daughter By mypenname3000 Copyright 2020 Note: Thanks to Alex for beta reading this! Jolene Harland shuddered as she injected herself with the solution she and her mother had been working on. Pheromones. Lesbian pheromones. To Jolene, those were the greatest type of pheromones. A heady aroma that would arouse and entice other females. Awaken them to all sorts of possibilities that existed. All sorts of heady delights that Jolene could share with...

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A tale of forbidden love between Mother and Daughter

Donna Hartley was no shrinking violet. She had the kind of job many men would have envied; she was a sports commentator for super bike racing and loved every minute of it. She presented the image of a tall confident woman in her late thirties, not frightened of the world and what it had to offer. She began commentating fifteen years ago because of her love of motorbikes coupled with her journalistic training, and now worked for the major sports station as their “star reporter” on...

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Lustful Misadventures 8211 Part 2 My Neighbor8217s Daughter

Before we start, I would like to thank everyone who read part one and sent me their valuable feedback. I will try to be more regular with my stories, and I look forward to your emails. If you’re a shy woman looking for an open partner that can hold a naughty conversation, or if you’re looking for a break from the monotony of your daily routine; email me at I had just made my neighbour’s daughter Shreya cum while we hid under the bed. Her parents argued right outside her door, and then things...

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Massage To Mom And Daughter Part1

Hi guys, thanks for all the feedback that you have provided to me in my earlier sex story, search and read “lonely wife wild sex fantasy with a masseur” to give me more comments. For people who do not know me, I am Karthik, 26 from the city of pearls (Hyderabad), professional masseur. Send in your comments on I am here with my next experience that I had last month and to be very honest it was an amazing experience with mid aged women of late 30’s and a young girl in young 20’s turning out to...

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Futa MILFs and Their Hot Daughters Chapter 2 Hot Daughters FutaMommy

Chapter Two: Hot Daughter's Futa-Mommy By mypenname3000 Copyright 2020 Note: Thanks to Alex for beta reading this! Autumn Holt I swallowed as I held the syringe full of the pink liquid in my hand. The cum in my pussy slowly leaked out of me, matting my red bush. It wasn't a man's cum. That was a woman's cum dripping out of me. It trickled out of me, this thick flood. It felt so naughty. The woman who fucked me, the futa as she called herself, was at my eighteen-year-old daughter's...

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Futa Milfs and Their Naughty DaughtersChapter 3 Futa the Latina Daughter

Note: Thanks to Alex for beta reading this! Jolene Harland shuddered as she injected herself with the solution she and her mother had been working on. Pheromones. Lesbian pheromones. To Jolene, those were the greatest type of pheromones. A heady aroma that would arouse and entice other females. Awaken them to all sorts of possibilities that existed. All sorts of heady delights that Jolene could share with them. Just like her mother had shared with her. But she had no idea just what the...

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The Snake Bite Victims DaughterChapter 4 Virginity Foregone

"You know, dear, that Chloe is more determined than ever to give you her virginity" Katherine whispered in her husband's ear a week later. They had just finished enjoying their first sexual intercourse since the nasty incident, albeit a very gentle lovemaking as Katherine was still a bit sore down there. But she was determined to thank her man for saving them in the only way she knew how. Mind you, it was a way in which she knew that she would get a lot of pleasure as well. Stephen was...

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Daddy Comforts His Daughter

Almost from the time that he arrived at his daughter's house, Vic Seppitano knew that his Angela was unhappy. The plane landed at 10:45 AM, and in less than two hours, he was at her front door. Her smile was as beautiful as ever, but there was an odd sadness in her eyes. Angela had married only four months earlier. Her husband was a Canadian and his job and house was up there. "Daddy!!! Oh, it's great to see you," she beamed as she rushed into his arms. "I love you so much!" Father and...

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Lust for Maries Daughter Part 4

I must have dozed of, as had Marie, we had each had a triumphant day, our wedding day. It was her day to become my wife and the best man’s lover, my day to make love with and find sated glorious sex with my step daughter. All in all the word spectacular comes to mind as I recall the multiple means to the ends of sensuous orgasms shared; now even with both my wife and her daughter openly without reservation. Somehow in my slumber I felt the bed move or a stirring of the covers beneath me so...

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The Real Stepford Wives Lizzies Story

The Real Stepford Wives: Lizzie's Story By Emma F Author's Note: This story is a prequel to my prior story, "The Real Stepford Wives: Sophia's Story". Both stories are based on Sarah Barndt's original story "The Real Stepford Wives: Only Women Have Babies" and "The Real Stepford Wives: Sugar Plum Fairy" written by VI several years later. Sophia, along with some of the characters in the other two stories make cameo appearances here. *************************************** I...

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The Real Stepford Wives Vickys Story

The Real Stepford Wives - Vicky's Story By Emma F Author's Note: This is my third entry in the Stepford Series. This story is a prequel to my prior story, "The Real Stepford Wives: Lizzie's Story". Both stories are based on Sarah Barndt's original story "The Real Stepford Wives: Only Women Have Babies" and "The Real Stepford Wives: Sugar Plum Fairy" written by VI several years later. Lizzie, along with some of the characters in the original two stories make cameo appearances...

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The Real Stepford Wives Sophias Story

The Real Stepford Wives: Sophia's Story By Emma F Author's Note: This story is based on Sarah Barndt's original story "The Real Stepford Wives: Only Women Have Babies" and "The Real Stepford Wives: Sugar Plum Fairy" written by VI several years later. Some of the characters in those stories make cameo appearances here. ********************** I was four years into my career as a Big Four accountant. Two years ago, I had been promoted to senior associate and was hopeful about...

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Lust in the Forest

The silence of the 100 acre woods near Ocklawaha was broken by a steady cool breeze from the north which rustled the drying leaves on the elm tree that Jerry was sitting in. The breeze smelled like winter was on its way as Jerry shivered in the makeshift tree stand he was sitting in. The clearing that Jerry was staking out was empty with no sign of life. All of a sudden a doe glided into the clearing and she commenced nibbling at the lush green grass that was covered with morning dew. Jerry...

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Comforting My Neighbors Daughter Ch 03

This story is fiction and all the characters are fictitious in the story. Hope you will love the story. This is 3rd part of the series so requesting you to read the previous parts . Dinner with my neighbor.Later that same day I knocked on my neighbors' door, clutching a bottle of wine and some freshly purchased flowers. It was early evening and I had come round to visit Debbie as we had agreed earlier, but I wondered what was in store for tonight. I understandably felt like a fraud considering...

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Daughter Comforts Her Divorced Daddy Fiction Incest

Would you say that a sweetheart romance is one of the sweetest, purest form of love? I used to. Brenda and I dated since high-school. I went through uni with her, and when she decided she wanted to be a nurse, I took a shitty job, and I funded her through that. We made it, though. And I never felt more certain about anything in my life. We married, put a mortgage down on a house and started a family. I thought we’d build a life together forever. How wrong I was. Brenda wanted a...

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Tenant Marie and Daughter Part 2

They had given John another pain killer and put him to bed. It was early so the girls went out to get clothes for morning. Marie stayed to watch John. She went into the bedroom and looked at the man that had probably saved her life and was hurt because of it. She went over and bent down and kissed him softly. She whispered “Thank you John Johnson for everything”. She pulled up a chair and sat there looking at him. Then she remembered the looks on her daughter faces and some of the...

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Forbiden fruits in the forbiden forest

Introduction: Harry, Ginny, Hermione, and Ron get lost in the forbiden forest and finaly let their feeling for each other show. Ron and Hermione were strolling around the black lake, they werent actually dating but they were doing all the normal couples stuff except for the kissing and sex. They saw two people in the distance walking towards them. Is that Harry and Ginny Hermione asked. The red hair was unmistakeable and ten minutes later they sat down on the bank as Harry and Ginny (who were...

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Step Daughter Part1

Step DaughterShe walked into the house early in the morning. It was around 1:30 and she was well beyond her curfew. I didn’t know if she was home or not. I had gone to sleep but woke up and was wide awake and couldn’t get back to sleep. I got up while Carol slept soundly. Carol is my girlfriend of several years. A petite blond, well -built and pretty. As she slept I went downstairs and watched some porn. I sat in the living room with my laptop. I wore my briefs and white tank. Deanna is...

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The Real Stepford Wives Sugar Plum Fairy

The Real Stepford Wives: Sugar Plum Fairy By VI This story is based on my favourite piece of TG fiction, which was written by the author Sarah Barndt. If you have never read 'The Real Stepford Wives: Only Women Have Babies' then please do so, as it is an imaginative and well told story. Thanks very much Sarah. ************************ I had been performing ballet since I was eight, and for the last six years had been with one of the American ballet companies. I think the fame...

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Lust for Maries Daughter Part 5

Chapter 5   We all awoke in mid afternoon, my bride and her daughter sitting on the side of Sandra’s bed talking in low voices to not awaken their sleeping man whore.   They giggled like school girls as they discussed a few very naughty ideas they had in store for me.   I laid quietly listening without moving, I really wanted to know just what they had in mind, curiosity may well be my downfall, yet I wanted to be prepared for whatever their intent.   I had done the deep throat...

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Forbiden fruits in the forbiden forest

The red hair was unmistakeable and ten minutes later they sat down on the bank as Harry and Ginny (who were dating) walked up to them. "Hey guys" Ginny said in a bouncy giddy voice she always used now it got even giddier when she was with Harry. "Hey" Ron replied "we were just heading back to school for lunch" "Bah that's dull" said Ginny almost actually bouncing now "come with us we're going to the forbidden forest" "You know the forest is forbidden for a reason" Hermione...

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The Chelmsford Stalker

The Chelmsford Stalker By Michele Nylons The man sat at a corner table in the coffee shop surreptitiously eyeing off the woman sitting on a stool at bar. She was dressed in a navy blue suit; her jacket was open, revealing well-formed breasts swelling her white satin blouse, which opened to the second button so that a hint of lace bra was displayed. Her legs were crossed and her skirt had ridden up revealing most of her well-formed thighs atop long legs encased in sheer...

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The Stepford Children

Once upon a time.... All my life I had always feared God. Growing up I thought he personally stared down at from Heaven watching my every move, listening to my every thought. It was this fear that has always kept me on the straight and narrow and given me my morale courage. My only sorrow is that I was unable to pass this fear down to my children and from this, there will be no retribution. I am surely damned as if I had spent a lifetime of murder and greed. With this knowledge I don't...

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Love Your Uniform Fantasizing Over Daughter8217s Hot Mature Friend

It was a quiet afternoon. An obese bald guy was sitting in his electronics hardware shop. He was sitting behind his cashier counter. There seemed to be no work to do so was checking his smartphone. He seemed dull and bored as he slid through the homepage of the social networking website Miss Me. “Boring.” Suddenly there was a notification beep sound. He slid it down to read ‘Ruhi updated her profile picture’. He followed the notification to her profile. It was a high angle photo of looking down...

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Stepford Meat Swap

Introduction: Jessaica and her father take a road trip to the small california town Stepford to try a special kind of exotic meat, Bassed on a fictional town (Stepford) in the game SecondLife. Stepford Meat Swap Story: #47 Copyright 2010 Written: October 02 2010 A story By: KaosAngel Proofed by: KaosAngel Please send any comments about this story to ([email protected]) ********************************************************* ~~!! NOTE !!~~ This story is bassed on a fictional town within the...

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Daughters Slut TrainingChapter 15 Daughterrsquos Incestuous Delight

Note: Thanks to wrc264 for beta reading this! Mrs. Umayyah The next day, my ass still hurt from my discipline. I couldn’t help but squirm as I sat in the back seat of my husband and Master’s car. My rump ached and throbbed. The longer the car ride went, the more my discomfort grew. The ache grew with every moment and I embraced it. I deserved this pain. I had become a slut. A whore. A depraved woman who violated her marriage vows. I sold my body to my students. I turned my daughter into a...

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