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       "It's been two days and I've had no word from him.  I don't know what I am supposed to do.  Shouldn't I have heard from him by now?  Shouldn't I be getting him an advocate?"

       The two officers behind the desk looked me over.  One, a chubby man, blond with brown, unintelligent eyes, grinned at me.  It was a big, goofy grin.  The other man's uniform looked crisp and well attended.  His dark red hair and steely blue eyes looked familiar to me.  It was familiar in a deja vu sort of way, the way something you know you've never seen can seem familiar.  He spoke first.

       "You have any idea what he was arrested for?"  Something about him terrified me.  Something about him cowed me.  The blond guy was looking over my body like he would a succulent meal after a long fast, but any discomfort I felt originated in those blue eyes.

       "I imagine it has something to do with his writing," I said, not wanting to implicate my husband but also not wanting to seem deceitful.  I made a snap judgment to tell the truth.

       "You realize he may not have been charged with anything, yet.  We can keep him for a year before we hafta press charges."  The blond guy said to my breasts.

       "Yes.  I just wanted to find out if there is anything I can do."

       The two officers looked at each other immediately, meaningfully.  Goofy grin on his face, never taking his eyes off of my breasts, the blond guy, pressed an intercom button.  A man barking the word "yes" came through it.  It must have beeped on his end or something.

       The red head, the scary one, put his arm across the other's chest, stopping him from speaking.  He said, "Sergeant Murond.  I have a woman here inquiring about her recently arrested husband."

       "So?  I don't have time for this shit."

       "Sir, this is the sort of thing you usually make time for."

       "Right.  Right.  Bring her."

       The red haired officer walked out from behind the desk and tool my upper arm.  He was tall and lean, almost gangly but for some impressive shoulders.  He lead me down a hall, two toned, a darker red on the bottom and a muted pink on top.  It was the same color scheme in the office, where a portly man with huge, hairy hands sat behind a desk.  The red head placed me in a chair in front of the desk.

       The portly man said, "Check her for any contraband first, Detective Darns."  He said this to the red haired man. I thought, his name is Darns.  Remember that. 

       I made to stand but Darns pushed me back in the seat gently.  He kneeled before me and unbuttoned my blouse.  He pulled it down, behind my shoulders.  Then, gently, gently, he pulled each breast out of the bra so that it hung over, exposed and lifted.  I sat in a rictus of fear and confusion.  Any reaction at this point could be the wrong move and the knowledge of this rendered me immobile.  Darns stood aside and Murond spoke.

       "Good.  I'll need you to remain this way as we have our little discussion.  It's for your safety, really."

       I clearly wasn't meant to believe this lie.  I sat wishing my breasts were smaller, knowing what a spectacle they were.  I took a deep breath.  I had expected this.  Not exactly this.  But I had expected they might offer some sexual trade.  And I had decided that this was a fair one.  I would have sex with them if it came to that.

       The door behind me opened and the blond man entered, handing a folder to Murond.  Murond opened it a read through it as I sat with my large breasts getting cold, my nipples hardening.  "Subversive literature.  That is what he was arrested for.  He's not been charged yet.  Interrogations have not yet begun."

       "Yes, sir," I said, still paralyzed, afraid even to ask the question I'd come to ask.

       He stood with the folder in his hand, circled his desk and sat on it right in front of me.  He lightly flicked my nipples with the edge of the folder and I squirmed, immediately regretting having done it. 

       "The interrogations don't have to be difficult for him.  We could break him completely or just ask a few questions.  The discretion is entirely ours."  The folder edge kept moving over my nipples, it was maddening.

       "Yes, sir."  I forced myself to look in his eyes.  I forced myself to say, "I intend to be very cooperative."  The Sergeant and Darns exchanged a look and a derisive laugh.

       The Sergeant said, "The cooperation we want from probably goes much further than what you are imagining right now."  He smirked as he spoke, like he knew a secret joke.  "But first, let me make one thing very clear.  Interrogations can be intense.  Accidental deaths are fairly common and all authority is understanding when that happens.  You know, if a few die to protect the peace, even if they're innocent, it's the greater good of society that we ultimately care about."

       He never stopped moving the edge of that folder over my nipples.  They were protruding out, now.  At attention.  "I see," I said.  My heart was sinking.

       "I'm not even convinced that subversive literature is something we need to be worried about.  Not to be doing the sort of interrogations we do, where death is such a common happenstance.  The morale of the police force.  Now, that is something I find much more important.  Life is about trade offs.  It's about compromise.  You  need to offer something for our morale, that would make it worth my while to ensure your husband survives this next year."

       Dread and certainty washed over me in hot waves.  He's saying that he will kill my husband.  And I've already offered my body.  Why, then, the need to leverage my husband's life?  "Of course, sir.  Anything to help our men in green."  I blinked and felt a tear fall down my cheek.

       "The whole year, at any time, he could die.  We have a whole year to interrogate."

       "I understand, sir.  A whole year."  I felt another tear drop.  My nose was filling and I sniffled.

       "So, just to be perfectly clear, you are offering yourself for a year in exchange for your husband's life.  You can back out of the deal at any moment if you feel the life of this man is not worth it.  And you will.  You will want to back out and run away many times.  But, remember that a man's life is at stake."  This whole thing was moving so fast, but this man was so comfortable with his speed.  It was as though he did this every day.

       "Yes.  I don't think I'll forget that."

       "Do you have a job?"  He took a pair of scissors from his desk.

       "I'm a math teacher."

       "Not any more.  You'll start work here tomorrow."  Darns sat at the desk and took a pen.  Murond kneeled in front of me and spread my legs apart as far as they would go, pushing my skirt all the way up .  The third man stood behind me and held my arms back.  "Don't contact the school.  We will let them know you are needed here."  He cut the crotch of my panties in half and pulled my pelvis to the end of the chair.

       Darns said, "Tell me your full name."

       I could hear how erratic my breathing had become.  "Danny...I mean...Daniel Havershad."  Darns wrote it down.

       Murond pushed a finger inside me.  "You will answer to the name Cunt when you are here.  Cunt or Tits or Ass or Mouth.  These are your names.  It's almost always Cunt.  Just get used to Cunt.  The pussy is wet.  This bodes well for you.  Cunt knows its place.  It prepares itself for use and service.  That is a lesson we may be able to skip."

       "Identity number?"  Darns waited, pencil poised.

       I could feel myself quivering.  "7653832."

       Murond pushed his finger into my anus.  This was a sensation I had only felt alone, defecating.  It was a complete invasion to be forced to feel this in front of complete strangers.  "Oooh, too tight.  We'll need to work on this."  His thumb wormed into my vagina.  He was holding me like a six-pack while he leaned over and began sucking my nipple.  My vagina throbbed and engorged and pulsed.  The worst rape of it was that my body responded.  I hated it, despised it and needed it to continue.  

       Murond stood, unzipped his pants and took out his penis.  The bald man pulled me upright.  Without using his hands, he slapped my face with his penis.  He poked my breast with it.  "I'm just getting you acquainted with your new boss.  He wants to suss you out."  Darns laughed, watching.  I felt myself redden.  He poked it in my eye.  "Got to check your sight."  Both other men laughed at that.   His voice changed.  It became commanding and dominating.  "Okay now suck it."  I went for it hungrily, desperate to please.

       I moved my whole head back and forth, his penis deep in my throat as he spoke the whole time.  "Yes, that's good.  Get it all the way in there.  Suck it like the little suckling piggy you are.  No, no, keep your legs spread.  Nice and wide.  No, keep going, you can gag but don't let it stop you sucking on your teat for your milk, yeah you want your milk, don't you you little piggy, piggy whore cunt, yeah suck with all you've got....."  He convulsed, grabbed the back of my head and held it has he came in my mouth, right down the back of my throat.

       From behind me, "You should have shot it on her tits, made her go home with it on her."

       "Aaaaauuuuuhhhhh.  Shut your fucking mouth when I'm coming, Boon."  In the back of my mind, I thought,  That's his name.  It's Boon.  Now I know.  "Why don't you come on her tits, you gotta sit there like a dumb fuck and critique my orgasm.  Know what, you don't get to fuck her today.  That's what you get for being a dumb ass.  Get out of here."  Boon released my arms and left, wordlessly.  "Darns, have a go."

       Darns stood and removed his clothes.  He stood me up and undressed me, as well.  He was all efficiency and purpose.  Both of us naked, he lay down on the floor, on his back, his huge, erect penis resting on his stomach.  "Ride it," was all he said.

       I straddled him, guiding his penis inside me.  I rode it slowly, up and down, my hands on his chest.  "Grab your tits and bounce them around.  Yeah, that's good.  Slap them together, like you're clapping.  Yes, like that."  I felt obscene.  "Turn around.  Other direction."  I faced the other way, keeping him inside me the whole time, afraid not to.  "Good, now fuck me and suck my toe."  He bent his knees to bring he feet to me.  A whimper of humiliation escaped me as I complied.

       I felt a finger invade my anus.  "Now put your tits between my feet."  But I didn't have to do anything.  He bent his knees further and squeezed my breasts between his feet.  It forced me to move my legs back and lose some leverage but he held me in place with one hand pushing on my buttock with a finger in my ass, the other hand holding my thigh and pulling it back.  I was pinned down and could now only manage to writhe.  He suddenly threw me off him.  "This isn't working.  Fuck my toe."  I gasped and looked at him beseechingly.  "You heard me.  Put my toe inside your cunt."

       I did as best I could but he wasn't satisfied.  "No, I want to see.  Lean back and spread your pussy."  I leaned back on one arm, legs spread on my knees and spread my labia apart.  He stuck his big toe inside, moved it in and out, stuck it in and moved it around.  I squeezed my eyes shut and he immediately barked, "No!  You watch."  I looked down at his foot, visible but for the toe vanished inside me.  He was masturbating his penis.  "Grind on it."  And I did, hoping he would orgasm soon, before the next idea hit him.

       He suddenly reached his arm far behind him and grabbed his sock.  He jammed it inside me with two fingers, toe end first.  He kept ramming it in until the whole foot part was inside, as I moaned pleadingly.  "Okay, now suck me, keep your pussy over my head and put your finger in my ass."  I moved to the 69 position, one arm under his leg to insert my finger in his anus.  I sucked him harder than I had Murond, desperate for him to finish.  My nipples were rubbing on his stomach and his fingers were again pushing into my ass, two this time, pulling it open.  My moans and pleas muffled by his cock, I tried to rub his balls, beg for mercy that way.  He came as I did, grabbing my thighs and digging his fingers into them deeply and painfully.  Then he threw me over like so much trash.

       Darns dressed.  His clothes on, he looked around a bit confused, then suddenly remembered what he'd done with his sock.  "Oh, right," he said, pulling it out of my vagina. 

       After a few moments, Morund said, "Leave us, Darns."  When he was gone, "Kneel next to my desk, right here next to me and lay your tits on it."  I did this, feeling my brow furrow.  I thought it was over.  It guess it was, sort of.  He worked on papers and on his computer.  Occasionally, deep in thought about who knows what, he would play with my breasts, tweak my nipples, lift them up and let them drop.  Like it was helping him think.  He didn't seem to enjoy doing it at all.  I did what I could to stifle my whimpers. 

       After a couple of hours, he told me to get dressed and return the next day at 8am.  He handed me a sheath of papers and told me to familiarize myself with the instructions they contained.  He made special note of a store I would have to visit, to outfit myself.

       When I walked out, every man stopped what he was doing to appraise me.  The one man I did not want to see was Darns so, of course, I immediately made eye contact with him without meaning to.  He looked deep in thought, composed, together.  I knew I didn't .  I felt abject shame.  I expected him to feel that way, too.  Don't people with sick desires feel shame after climax?  No.  Not him.  He held my gaze with strength and command.  I couldn't look away.  I felt myself stop walking.  As he looked at me, I felt his stare was telling me something.  And some part of me I couldn't get to was listening.

       Another officer came behind me and lifted my skirt.  Darns looked down at his desk.  A hand rubbed my ass then fingered my pussy roughly.  "Not ready to go, yet?  You want some more?  I can give you some more."

       "Bud, leave it."

       It came from Darns, who didn't look up from the paper on his desk to say it.  The man behind me left and I walked out as quickly as I could.

       Once I was out the door, I could hear a sudden, muffled explosion of conversation.  I wanted to wet myself from fear.  I only wanted to go home but I had to go to this store, first.

       It was a sex store, of course.  There were a couple of men browsing the pornography aisles.  A skinny, greasy looking kid was behind the counter.  He looked like he could be sixteen but he would have to be at least eighteen to work this job legally.  He could be eighteen but no older.  I went to him and he looked at me questioningly.  "I was sent here by Captain Murond.  I don't know what I'm meant to get."

       A calm look, almost pitying, almost wise took over his face.  For a second I thought he could be eighty, just going by that look.  The term 'old soul' popped into my head.  He pressed a button next to him and spoke in a voice that was transmitted loudly over speakers in the store.  "Gentleman, we need to close the store early.  I'm sorry for the inconvenience.  I have a coupon at the front desk with my apologies but I'm afraid you must leave immediately."

       The men scurried to the desk, collected their coupons and left.  They looked unsurprised.  From their reaction, they could have been waiting around, browsing the porno, just to get their coupons.  The boy locked the door behind them.  Suddenly dark panels descended over the windows, leaving the store dimly lit.

       He stood in front of me and slowly unbuttoned my blouse.  As he did this, he softly said, "I'm sorry.  I have to do these things to you.  They have cameras in here.  They're watching."  He reached behind me and unclasped my bra faster than I've ever been able to.  He slid it off, my breasts hung, exposes again.  He softly cupped and lifted them.  He reached around again and released my skirt to fall to the floor. 

       Producing a small measuring tape from his pocket, he took my measurements.  They were like no other measurements I've ever had taken.  He measured the circumference of my neck, wrists, upper arms.  My ankles, above my knees.  He ran it from the small of my back, through my crotch and to my belly button.  He saw that this made the tape moist and he said, "I know this embarrasses you.  It's better this way, though.  They give you injections, otherwise.  And there are side effects.  They are worse for the women.  You don't want to know.  It's better this way."

       I had to be ten years older than him but I felt twenty years his junior.  He took my hand and led me to a back room.  There was a gynecological chair.  He had me sit in it and he strapped me down, my legs secured in the stirrups, my waist secured to the chair.  Last, he shackled my hands to a ring just above my head. 

       He turned on what looked like a crock pot in the corner then sat between my legs, pushing them as far apart as he could then securing the stirrups so they were immobilized in this splayed form.  There were various odd sound as I stared at the ceiling when something cold and wet pushed into my anus.  "Relax.  You have to relax for this.  We have to stretch this.  This will make it less painful for you when they fuck it, which they will."  I tried to relax but I'd never tried to relax that muscle.  It didn't seem possible. 

       He came to stand next to me.  I felt more pressure on my anus.  That thing in it was getting bigger!  The pain got steadily worse until I felt I couldn't stand it anymore and, somehow, it magically stopped.  I moaned, pleading moans.  I wanted to say, please, take it out.  I only managed, "Please" before he put his hand on my mouth.  I felt his mouth on my nipples, the warm, wet, invading pleasure of it.  His hand on my pussy, tickling my clitoris.  I felt the pain and the pleasure, both forced on me, helpless to stop any of it.  I could hear the sounds coming from my mouth but was unaware of making them.  The building orgasm slowly overtook the pain in my ass until it exploded in an electrifying force through every cell in my body.  I could hear the screams, just that one word, that one word that summed up everything I felt and feared and wanted and couldn't take.  Please, please, please, please, please. 

       He didn't stop licking my nipples or playing with my little bump, so sensitive now that my whole body shuddered at his touch.  When I finally came out of the haze of it, I could feel his firm manhood on the side of my body.  He gave no other indication of his arousal.  He cleaned me up and went to the crock pot.  It was wax.  He removed my pubic hair.  The sharp pain of it was a relief against the now constant, uncomfortable ache of my anus.  Done, he massaged some sort of oil into the skin, now so naked, so impossibly exposed. 

       "Try to relax.  It's almost over.  I just need to put together a couple of suitcases for you.  I'll be back in a moment."  And he left me there.  I tried to squirm a bit to relieve the discomfort but any little movement only made it worse.  I lay my head back and thought of my husband, of his life, how this and so much more was worth his future existence.

       The boy immediately deflated that thing upon his return and removed it from me.  I let out a loud, voiced sigh.  The boy was naked, still quite erect.  He had welts and rope burns all over his body.  It hadn't occurred to me before but his nudity revealed that he and I were in the same predicament.  No wonder he was so gentle.

       "Okay, you have to have anal sex with me, now.  Do you want me to do it or do you want me to let you do it?  I can just lay on the floor and let you take your time with it or I can get it done.  I can do it quick or slow.  We can do it however you want it but we have to do it."

       I thought for a moment.  He was such a sweet kid.  If it were Murond or Darns, I'd have chosen the former option.  Though I'd not be given an option, to be sure.  With this boy, I felt safe to take my time, do it myself, minimize the pain.  I said, "I'd like to do it, thank you."

       He released me and lay on the floor with a tube of lubricant, applying it generously to his penis.   

       I straddled him, grabbing his shaft and guiding it into my anus, stretched and sore.  Once I had the head inside, I let go and paused.  "You have to get the whole thing inside.  Take your time but it has to go in all the way."  I nodded, slowly lowered myself on it, stopping, then easing myself down until I was fully sitting.  "There you go.  That's very good.  It'll get better.  You have to ride it now.  That's good.  Look at those beautiful tits.  So lovely.  That's good.  Up and down.  You're doing so well.  Okay, that's good.  You've done very well.  You can stop."

       "Don't you want to finish?  I want you to finish."  I kept rising and lowering, softly touching his horrible welts.  He had been in such power over me, had treated my with only humanity, I wanted to give him something.  I said it again, "I want you to."  He grabbed my breasts, kneading them, something like a worried expression on his face.

       "Oh, god, you're so hot."  He seized, a pained look on his face and I felt him shoot into me.  "Thank you.  Oh god, thank you so much," he said, melting into the floor as I pulled myself off.

       He sent me home with my suitcases.  He said, "You'll return for further waxing, or any other treatments they may choose for you.  I can answer any questions you have.  You'll be fine.  Just follow orders.  It's only a year."  There was such sorrow when he said the last sentence, I wondered if perhaps, his time line was quite different from mine.

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After Party With Sapna

Hello Friends, I am Sandy based from Mumbai working in Bengaluru, I am a typical techy guy working with an IT giant and I love my profession for a lot of reasons. 1 big reason is the crowd I get to work with, beautiful girls and Bhabhis. So coming straight to the sex story, Sapna too works for my company based in Noida, we were in the same project and our project went on for 2 years so we knew each other a bit closely be working with each other for 2 years. I friend her via facebook and kept...

3 years ago
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Cold Wind Up Main Street

It was just something I did. Just a sideline, an amusement to satisfy the voyeur in me. Usually on a Thursday afternoon, when it was quiet, so I could see her without disturbance – no customers moving in the way of my desire and interrupting my current fantasy image. ‘She’ was in her forties and beautiful – always in a business suit, always looking immaculate and always incredibly sexy. And then there was me. A student in his 30’s who really should not be pretending to browse the...

1 year ago
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It Started with a Coach RideChapter 2B

My mother lived in a small-town three hours drive away, so I loaded my travel bag with what I would need for a few days and drove north. My married sister stayed in the same town almost next door to each other. My mother lived alone after my father was killed in a mining accident about five years ago. It was then that I decided to move away from mining, granted the pay was good but one was always dirty and everything was covered in the red dust. That was when I moved to the city not to get...

4 years ago
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The morning after

I awoke to the soft rumble of thunder. The window was open and I could hear it raining outside. It did not surprise me, since it had been forecast, but had hoped it would not rain. I looked at the clock and saw it read 6:30 AM. It was about my normal time to wake up so again, not a surprise. I looked at my girlfriend, Ann, lying beside me. She looked so beautiful sleeping there. We had made love for the first time the night before, and it had been amazing. I wanted to touch her, caress...

3 years ago
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A note to all who read this, all of it except the delivery guy part did happen... That part is pure fantasy, except I might have had him carry me half naked and squirming out to his truck, but that's another fantasy for another day.Lori was in the ladies room, touching up her eye makeup when the fire alarm buzzed and the PA ordered the building cleared. She finished the job in the employee parking lot. She used a friend's truck, which had big mirrors, and big everything else for that matter....

2 years ago
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The Anomaly Volume Three Into the UnknowableChapter 3

Intrepid - 3755 C.E. As a woman outnumbered by men in the Intrepid's senior staff, Second Officer Sheila Nkomo made a special effort to befriend her fellow female officers. She wasn't in a position to get to know Captain Kerensky particularly well. This was partly a consequence of relative rank, but also because her captain was a lesbian. It wasn't that Sheila held any prejudices against homosexuals, but she did feel nervous given that the captain was so obviously attracted to...

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Teacher Ki Girfriend Ko Pata K Choda

Hi guys! This is Paras from Delhi…Ye meri ek sachi kahani h jo ki aaj se 1 saal puraani hai…Is kahani mein mai aapko bataunga ki kaise maine apne teacher ki gf ko pata k choda…Sabse pehle aaplo apne barey mein batata hu mai dekhi me rehta hu or ek naami institute se ek animation ka course kar raha hu or jis ladki ko maine choda uska naam hai anamika… Ab aapko bore kiye bina kahani pe aata hu… Hua kch aise ji mai delhi me naya tha or apne institute me bhi…Kch din baad ek ladki kisi doosri branch...

2 years ago
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Desperate Indian Housewives 8211 Part 2

Yasmin walked towards Shalini, stark naked. Their bodies touched, Yasmin’s breasts crushed against Shalini’s back while her crotch touched her ass. Shalini’s body trembled immediately, and her pussy began pulsating. Yasmin’s dusky skin contrasted perfectly with Shalini’s fair skin as their bodies wrapped around each other. Yasmin pressed Shalini’s breasts with her slender hands while Shalini explored Yasmin’s meaty thighs with her soft hands. Their souls intermingled as their auras hugged....

1 year ago
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Demons to SlayChapter 3

Cautiously I approached. It would be folly to assume that she would want company under these circumstances, yet if she had seen me, turning around to walk away could be viewed as uncaring or rejection. She had seen me and lifted her tear-stained face, the distress changing to confrontation. I spoke before she could. "It doesn't get any easier, does it?" "What does?" She was perplexed. "The unhappiness, the sorrow, the feeling of failure." "You know it?" "Yes." I replied. "I...

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The workmen

So here I am stuck at home waiting for the guy to come and fix the boiler. No idea what time he will be here so kettle on, settle on my leather sofa and stick on some porn!! After watching about an hour of two hot guys going at it I was a little turned on I must say, sitting here rubbing my hard cock, fingering my ass and squeezing my hard nipples when the door bell went!! Fuck I was so close to cumming!! So top back on jeans zipped up and looking slightly flushed I opened the door. Morning the...

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It started one hot summer night when I was staying at my friends house and I was sharing the room with his black friend Lacey one night I was sleeping on my belly with just my underwear on no sheet to stay cool and suddenly I wasn't alone in my bed he was on top of me and was pulling my underwear down he whispered into my ear "Don't say nothing!" I just lay there I knew what he wanted he wanted to fuck me! I had never had a black man before the only cock I had had before was my best friend...

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Zeus and Io Book 3Chapter 2 5225 HQ

Meoldy A. clicked off the monitor on her 'source' – a dying man kept alive on glucose and vitamins pumped in to his right arm, and slowly killed by a toxic cocktail of psychotropic drugs of Melody's formulation that induced him to have visions of the future. His sole task in recent months has been to find and isolate his replacement as Melody's 'source.' Lately, he's been rattling on about the Indians, and coming to Washington. Probably it's baseball again. Peter was a big baseball...

3 years ago
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Stranger In The Night

Stranger in the Night I had fallen asleep in my bed, waiting for you to come over and play. Suddenly,a noise woke me, and I realize that the light I left on in the bedroom is nowout. My eyes can't make anything out in the gloom, when suddenly a shape movestoward the bed. I call your name, but there's no answer. Frightened now, Ifumble for the bedside lamp, but I suddenly find a wrist manacle strapped toit, while I am pressed back onto the bed by the weight of the mysterious stranger.I know...

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TeensLoveBlackCocks Skylar Snow Find My iBone

Skylar Snow likes to party hard. The only problem is when she starts to have too much fun, she sometimes gets a little irresponsible. This time, she left her phone at a party she went to the night before. Luckily, our stud was the host, and he is more than willing to help a hot, thick redhead like Skylar look for it. He even finds the phone for her, and she could not be happier. To thank him, she does a little dance on the stripper pole he has in his living room. He becomes enraptured, and...

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I Am Missing You

I am missing you. You are far away and it will be a while before I see you again. Thoughts of you run through my mind constantly. I am distracted. I cannot focus. I feel a need for you that aches and burns inside me. I plague myself with memories of the beautiful, sensual times we have shared. The way you look at me when we are in bed. That hungry look in your eye that makes me feel like the prey of a masterful predator. It makes me want to give myself to you, to offer myself as a sacrifice at...

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Best Friends Forever III RubADubDub

Amanda and Alexa were having a wild weekend at Alexa’s parents house while they were away for the weekend. Alexa had secretly planned, and hoped, to try and seduce her best friend Amanda. It all was going to plan as she fingered her friend to begin with, before Amanda had just eaten out Alexa’s wet pussy. The two were sat at the edge of the pool, with the night drawing in darker. ‘I think we should move on inside!’ Amanda said, as she slipped up and out of the pool. The water dripped from her...

4 years ago
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In the Bathroom Stalls Chapter 1

I'm Nick. I have auburn hair and hazel green eyes. My best friend is Chris. He has light brown hair and blue eyes. Our story started when we were sixteen. We had a similar build. We both had creamy skin and stood tall at 5'8" (tall for sixteen anyway). We had other friends and all, but we were always inseparable. We both had six packs, and as far as I was concerned, fairly endowed dicks. From what he told me, his was 7.5 inches. I was guessing he was a grower because he had about four inches of...

Gay Male
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LANewGirl Mimi Monet 22 Years Old Model

We are back with Blondes this week. This new sensation is eager to be booked as a Model. She has all the physical attributes, but no experience. As our Producer directs her to give the best poses, he gets aroused and his cock becomes hard as rock. When placed with a hard cock in front of her face, she just cannot resist – and pushes it inside her mouth. She wraps her lips around the cock, and pumps on it a few times – going back and forth on it. She decides to ride the cock to make herself cum....

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Three Generations Bertha

Chapter 1 "Whoa?!" Jessie said as she sat by her desk, holding the bundle of papers that she'd just read through, not believing that her grandmother Dannie had been completely crazy. She'd always been a little mysterious and as she'd gotten even older she'd talked mostly in riddles but Jessie would never have guessed that she was crazy-crazy. The reason as to why Jessie was sitting there reading these notes was because my mother, "Granny Dannie" as we called her, had just...

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Collision Course and AfterChapter 30

For two years, Tom Spathsky had been traveling the country, stopping only to work and to move on. He started out touring the US on his twenty-fifth birthday. He had bought a small RV and was self sufficient, for the most part. He ran out of money two months into the trip and decided to work his way across the country. He had the occasional breakdown he had to pay to get fixed when he couldn't do it, himself. Sometimes, those took a lot of money. Still, over all he was having a good time....

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ldquoLingerie Lovingrdquo extract Layla and Marnie

Marnie was my age, eighteen, but looked a lot younger: she had barely any boobs, which I noticed when we showered after lacrosse. She didn’t have many hairs down below, either – just like me. Maybe that’s why we clicked: we both looked younger and more innocent than we really were. Because Marnie certainly was no innocent: one night I caught her in an empty classroom frigging herself as she looked at a lingerie catalogue. I closed the door and we never mentioned it again, but nor did I mention...

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Married Crossdressing Fun Ch 2

Caz and I had been living in our new home for about two months. Our life was wonderful. We loved each other more deeply every day. Caz enjoyed her new job and she was really good at it. She was a beautiful, sexy woman and in the field of international finance surrounded by mainly middle-aged men, she had the advantage and wasn’t ashamed to use it to further her cause. Her company was making record profits and she had already had a pay rise. She was also in line to get a huge bonus at the end of...

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My Sister Served Me Heavenly Dinner

My parents were to attend a close relative marriage in a city. If they left, they might return after 3 or 4 days. I am working in a corporate office. Usually I go early to office and return around 9’clock. My mom is concerned about me for my food in the morning and night. Lunch I used to take at office canteen. My distant sister is married newly and she is residing in the same area where my family resides with her husband. Her husband is a tele-caller and attends night duty also. My mom asked...

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For Sale Brown Loafers mens

It had been six weeks since I had sold the Camry.Six weeks since I had fucked that beautiful young mom in the garage.Six weeks since my wife had watched me cum on that lovely ass. She had stood in the open doorway, in silence, and watched as I fucked another woman on the trunk of the car. Six weeks since she slapped my face, hard, and then made me fuck her on our bed in the same manner. From behind, hard and fast, and finishing with my load sprayed across her back, hips and ass.Six weeks of...

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Me my wife and Sonia 4

She pulled her mouth off my erect penis and still breathing heavily, disengaged from me. Prema turned around and told me to lay down on my back, which I did. Prema then mounted me, making my cock slide up and down her slit. Letting out a deep sigh of contentment, she slipped down onto me, my cock head teased her clitoris. She leaned back and lay full length upon me. I had a close-up view of my cock teasing Prerna’s clitoris. Sonia moved over and sat on my face, urging me to tongue fuck her. I...

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housewife bobby fucked by a black guy

Hi readers it’s me Bobby (not real name just a fake name) again withanother experience. Again I am introducing myself am 36 year oldbeautiful housewife with white color huge sexy boobs and nice curvedass. My body size and structure is similar to Tamil actress Namitha.Those who are reading this first time please go through my otherposts housewife bobby fucked by young guy and bobby again fuckedby young guy. Please forgive my mistakes. Thanks for your feedback’u can mail me at [email protected]...

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The Party

The PartyI had a couple of good mates when I was a student in my early twenties.There was Roger, who had a reputation of shagging anything. When we were in clubs on the lookout for girls, we would often split groups of girls and he would always end up with the ugly one but he always managed to shag her. It wasn’t that he was particularly bad looking himself, it was just that he found the ugly ones willing and grateful.Then there was my house mate Tim, who was no great looker but had a great...

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Just Full Porn is honestly the only thing that will do sometimes, when those 12-minute sample clips and 30-second GIF loops just ain’t going to cut it. Sometimes, you just really want to settle in for a nice, long fap, and what better way than with a full-length porno that ain’t going to cut out right as you’re getting to your favorite part. Let’s face it: blue balls is a serious medical condition that requires immediate masturbatory attention, and some of those short scenes only manage to make...

Free Porn Tube Sites
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Full Circle

Thirty-nine years ago I met Darian while attending college with his fiancé. They were childhood sweethearts and had become engaged prior to her first year of college. They decided to delay their marriage until she had finished her college degree. Taryn, Darian’s fiancé, and I hit it off the college from day one. Essentially, we had the same sense of humour and got on famously. It was, however, clear that she was totally in love with Darian and that our friendship was purely platonic. Later that...

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Fucked Mother In Law During Her Sleep

I am Roban Verma, 29 yrs of age with a thick penis of 6″ length. I married at the age of 27. My MIL is a busty woman very fair in complexion with big round ass which looks extremely sexy. She is around 48yrs of age and a mother of 6. She is very dominating woman and rules her family. My FIL obeys her as she is 15 yr younger to him. That’s why she is habitual in ordering and dominating everyone, even her sons in law and near relatives. I sometimes retaliates her because of which she does not...

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Baseball Season Opening Day Starts With a Bang

My girlfriend Tanya is kind of a Sports nut. She can tell you who plays for almost any team and what their Batting Average is. I used to think it was so funny to see her reading the sports pages every morning. I, on the other hand, am kind of a Baseball dumb blond. No, I am not blond. At least, not right at this moment. My name is Linda. I am almost 20 years old and I go to a State College for a business degree. I am only a freshman because I got a late start. With 4" heels, I stand 5' 10"...

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Second Time Through Book IVChapter 6 Pearl Harbor

Sunday, July 11, 1971 Of the forty-seven people on board the Tri-Star (not counting me), I can safely say that the vast majority of them were, to some extent, unhappy with me. While I’m reasonably sure that the four guys, Robert, Jimmy, Kip, and David, as well as the pilot, co-pilot, and flight engineer, were not on that list, I wouldn’t bet either way on the two stewardesses. As for the other thirty-eight passengers, there was one toss-up and one that just didn’t care because she loved me...

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Masseuseinlaw Part 2

I had been working out in the gym, trying to get myself into shape. I had a golf tournament coming up, and with all the work I was doing in the gym, and the extra time I spent hitting balls, injury was bound to happen. I was getting ready to play a practice round of golf and was doing my stretches when it happened.As I was stretching my legs, I felt something in my groin give. It hurt like hell, taking me to my knees as I tried to catch my breath. I knew I was done for the day, but what worried...

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My First Visit at a Swing Club Part 1

My First Visit at a Swing Club: Part 1 - IntroductionDuring one of our holidays the things we did was visiting a swing club, only a few km's away from the naked resort in Croatia where I had my first experience in “running around without textile all day”... One day I saw the board with that name along the road when we passed it while riding bike.My boyfriend told me it was a swing club but he honestly needed to explain me what it was coz I never heard of it. When he told me in short that...

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Going HomeChapter 3

Acknowledgement: Let me just say this, I am not a police officer, I don't know anything about police procedures, methodology, ranking, or anything else about the police systems. I am making this up as a fantasy; anything that I have done to counter true police methods is my fault and mine alone Any angry letters about said discrepancies should first be taken with a grain of salt and cut me some slack on it, ok? It was Friday morning, bright and early when Anita and Diane woke up...

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Baby Girls Social Media Upset

Baby Girl stood in the kitchen wearing a short flowing skirt and a tank top. She had started dinner, so it would be ready when her Daddy came home. She hummed a tune as she stirred and simmered. She had no idea of the incoming storm. Daddy busted in the door and ran right to her, but instead of the hug and kiss she had expected, he bent her over the counter top and smacked her hard on her ass. "Daddy! What did I do?" Baby Girl cried out. Daddy grabbed a fistful of her hair and yanked her...

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Losing Pounds Gaining a Cuckold Chapter Three

Chapter Three I gingerly walked back into the living room sipping on a Mimosa my husband had made for me. Sunday mornings are usually my favorite time of the week, sleeping in and just cuddling with my hubby. Well this Sunday I didn’t cuddle with Doug but with Russ. I was with my second lover in just seven days. My new cuckold life was getting interesting and I was getting drawn in like a swimmer caught in a riptide.  I had become the dominant partner and was now a cuckold wife. But I also...

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Magic Ink V The Third RealityChapter 36

We all transferred to Lexington after that. Our Sisters all knew where to go as there was only one real jewelry store in town, and all of our female relatives had been there multiple times. The manager was a French gentleman and smiled as we all entered. The store only had a limited selection of engagement and wedding rings. The engagement rings were mostly wide rings that were engraved but had no gems set in them and certainly no diamonds. They were, however, made of 20 carat gold. The...

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Mama Lina Hot Latin MilF

So umm... this is the first time I'm posting a story about myself. I was sexually active from a young age as a lot of sexual things happened and was done to me when I was a k**. I was pretty shy, and I'm still kinda shy now but not as shy as I use to be. Although I was shy, I guess because I was sexually active since I was a k**, I was umm... I guess you could say sexually incline. When I think back about some of my encounters, I don't know if it was because I was attracting that sort of...

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The Bullet Train Girl

Good sex life to all the Indian sex stories readers. This is Robin from Chennai bringing up a new sex scene in words exclusively for you. Hope you like it. My sex partner in this fucking story is my college mate Heena (sorry name changed- privacy first) from Bangalore. She is same as old as me- 19 with a very pretty face and sexy curves all over her body. She is 5ft8inch tall with a medium colour complexion, her boobs are the pair of best melons which the whole college use to stare on top of...

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UnitedFutures Ch 02

Personal Assistant Brooklyn, New York 20 minutes into the future To Eva, the workshop reminded her of her father’s workstation in the UnitedFutures San Francisco basis of operation. There were no clear surfaces and everything seemed to either hum, whir or buzz. She stood near the door with a briefcase in hand, dressed in a smart black business suit. Her ash blonde hair teased into an intricate bun as she stood patiently by the door, her dark eyes taking in everything in the utilitarian...

2 years ago
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The Strawberry Patch Book 2 Lost and FoundChapter 2 A Life To Love

July – August – Year 1 We got the whole family back home, had the welcoming party and then we settled down into as normal a life as a man with two wives and two sets of twins can have. The nursery was perfect. The four bassinettes fit just right and the station I had built to change diapers was a great help. The girls were all happy babies and slept a lot. They never slept through the night, but they did all sleep and feed at the same time. It was uncanny that they never varied. They all...

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The Way BackChapter 31

I didn't have long to be astonished. Within five minutes Geoff rang to say the Newcastle lot had asked to see me to discuss their ideas. I was testy. I asked if they'd never heard of conference calling, or emails. He apologised and said they had plans on paper, and would I go the next day, early. "How early?" "There's a train from Piccadilly at just before seven, get in about ten. They'll pick you up." I went to bed and woke when I needed to, but long before I wanted to. I woke as...

4 years ago
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My first time with Robby chapter 2

"baby, can I stay home from school today?" I say, grinding my hips hard against him. "alright, but don't get used to it. This is only because you have a legitimate reason to be sore, it isn't because I got laid." Robby said sternly. I knew he still had to be fatherly with me, and that was fine, but right now what I really wanted was a romantic partner laying under me. "can you be romantic with me today Robby? I've never really had a boyfriend before." he stared at me for several...

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