Racial Profiling 101
- 3 years ago
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While I am not a fan of racial prejudice in real life, it can be a
stimulating and erotic force in not only fantasy, but also in sexual
activities. This very story was commissioned by an African
American who wanted a follow up to a story I wrote a while back
called Enslaved. Every story pushes buttons for those who are
inclined toward what is in that particular work and turns off those
who find the content repulsive. That is the nature of this sort of
stimulating and erotic force in not only fantasy, but also in sexual
activities. This very story was commissioned by an African
American who wanted a follow up to a story I wrote a while back
called Enslaved. Every story pushes buttons for those who are
inclined toward what is in that particular work and turns off those
who find the content repulsive. That is the nature of this sort of
They deposited him on my doorstep and that's how I
came to write the Enslaved story in the first place. He was a young
nigger, eighteen or so, and damn fine looking although you
couldn?t tell that from his condition when he was dumped onto my
living room carpet by the three hunky Southern college boys. I was
really afraid the black, sweaty, bloody, greasy mess would ruin my
The rednecked college boys were nothing to sneeze at
either. I would gladly have thrown a fuck into anyone of their hot,
young asses, but I don?t think they would have taken kindly to the
suggestion. They were muscular animals, all three of them,
encased in ass hugging jeans with baseball caps hiding their short
jock hair. They had muscles bursting out through their tight tee
shirts, and one could see their pouty nipples on their hard pec
mounds through the thin, sweat soaked material. They slammed
their shitkickers into the black body on the floor, and their strong,
athletic young bodies strained in all the right places. Yes
sir...those spoiled southern white boys would have made
fine slaves themselves, but that was not possible, at least not
"Sorry if he?s a little fucked up, we got a little
rough with him. But it was his own fucking fault," the jock who
seemed the leader explained, removing his baseball cap and
running a hand over his short choppy blond head. "You see, we
had stopped at a fast food place for lunch yesterday and allowed as
the nigger needed to eat too, we should get him something.
That was our mistake. Cal here, scooped some garbage out of the
Dumpster, and we took it into the men?s room and threw it into the
pisstrough and pissed all over it and told the jig to chow down.
Well, he was eating his slop out of the urinal just as nice as you
please when the bathroom door opens and this preppy fag white
boy nigger loving activist walks in. You know the kind I mean.
The fucking world is full of them now.
the nigger needed to eat too, we should get him something.
That was our mistake. Cal here, scooped some garbage out of the
Dumpster, and we took it into the men?s room and threw it into the
pisstrough and pissed all over it and told the jig to chow down.
Well, he was eating his slop out of the urinal just as nice as you
please when the bathroom door opens and this preppy fag white
boy nigger loving activist walks in. You know the kind I mean.
The fucking world is full of them now.
? His eyes get as big as Jazzbo's here, and his face goes all pale.
'Oh my God?Oh My God...what are you doing to that poor
man...? he screams..making all kinds of Christ fucking unholy fuss.
Well sir, we knew right then, we wasn?t in the good old
South no more. Times has changed for the worst! So we locked
the toilet door and beat the shit out of the nigger lover to vent our
anger and disappointment a the condition of our once great Nation
today. We kicked him in the nuts and guts, and had him crawling
across that toilet floor, mewling like a fucking tortured kitten. I got
to admit it was kind of fun. Then since he was such a nigger
loving college preppy...we stripped him totally fucking bare assed,
revealing his thin, pale, smooth girlie/boy body and made him spit
kiss and suck cock with the nigger. We made them
roll around on the tiled bathroom floor like rutting farm
animals, while we hauled out our fat dicks and pissed on them. The
white trash nigger lover kept crying that he wasn?t gay..that he was
straight. Shit, we didn?t believe that load of crap for a second, and
we forced him to suck the nigger's asshole. We made him work his
tongue way up into that nigger shithole. There was the nigger
kneeling and crying, while the white boy crying even harder,
sucked his black ass. Then we made the niggerboy shove
his foot long fuckmeat down the kid?s throat until the asshole
passed out from lack of oxygen. You can see the sambo has a huge
hunk of jungle bunny fuck meat on him. We took the white kid?s
face and smashed it real good on the rim of a toilet...broke all his
teeth and stuff, then we shoved one of his fancy dress loafers up
his own asshole. It was a tight fit...guess maybe he
never had had anything up there before.
ers up
his own asshole. It was a tight fit...guess maybe he
never had had anything up there before.
?Then we dumped the kid?s bloody head into one of the toilets
and were about to take a shit on him when all this
knocking starts at the bathroom door. The manager is shouting
that he's called the police. So we had to hightail it out the rear
?Now I know you are wondering how this incident led to the
nigger being all beat up. Well sir....it turns out that Cal had been
washing the blood off his hands and had put his good wristwatch
on the sink when we hightailed out of there. And Fuck Me, he left
it there. We were so Godamned angry, we just had to let
off steam. So we parked in the woods and beat the shit out of the
jig. You might say we got a little carried away. "
I thanked the boys and sent them on their way, trying to
control my hard on watching those hunky well packed asses retreat
from my home. They would take the money I had given them and
spend it on fucking cunts. What a fucking waste. They would sidle
up to fresh teenage pussy meat in some dance bar or club...acting
all boysish and shy and coy, and really only thinking of one
thing..dumping their cumloads in some dickditch twattrough.
You've all seen straight boys in bars playing that game. Shit,
maybe you are one. Talking about everything under the sun and
agreeing with the cunts about the most preposterous, stupid things,
acting all sensitive. While they were really only thinking with
their fuckslabs and where they wanted to ram them.
I turned to the beaten heap on my floor. "What's you
name?" I demanded.
"Ashanti...sir..." came the thick deep voice, clogged with
swollen glands and lips and tongue, heavy with spittle and blood
and snot.
"Shuck out of your clothes Ashanti, and let me see
what I just bought."
of your clothes Ashanti, and let me see
what I just bought."
You could hardly call them clothes. A wifebeater
undershirt, all stained with sweat and cum and piss and blood and
God knows what else, and a torn pair of Fruit of the Loom
underpants. I could see how much it hurt him just to move the
slightest bit, so I kicked him to hurry him along. Soon he was bare
assed naked on the floor and I got my first glimpse of the
magnificent nigger dick and balls.
They'd obviously used a vacuum pump on his dick as well as
lots of weights cause it hung a good ten inches flaccid. The piss
hole was the size of a dime. His nuts hung halfway
to the knees and I could tell from the way they swung that his
college boys buddies had put ball bearings or weights of some sort
actually in the scrotal sack itself. I knew if I checked behind the
ball bag, I would find a tiny scar. The sight of that freak dick and
those grotesque stretched sagging nuts was awesome. I made him
kneel in front of me, his fat long dick scraping the
I held his face in my hands, and that was when I really noticed
how handsome he was. He must have once had bright intelligent
eyes, now dull and almost thoughtless of course. His nose was fine
and the nostrils flared in true nigger royalty fashion. His lips were
thick and rich and full, swollen from all the cocksucking. He had
been forced to sometimes suck twenty to thirty white dicks in a
single day.
I was very impressed not only with his muscular
chest, but also with the big nipples which had obviously been
worked on for weeks or months. They stood out from his chest a
full inch like fucking sow teats.
I circled him to get a look at the high tightly muscled well
rounded ass slabs. I knew already that his asshole would look like
a cunt, the ass lips themselves stretched and hanging like the folds
of a fucked out whore cunt. He'd been fucked hundreds of times
with every thing including the kitchen sink.
of a fucked out whore cunt. He'd been fucked hundreds of times
with every thing including the kitchen sink.
I stood before him. His lips moved but no sound came
out. His eyes pleaded with me, the whites yellow from pain and
abuse, and they had red veins trailing through them. The thick
cocksucker lips moved once again, "Help me..." he whispered.
I leaned down and took one thick nipple in each hand and
yanked. His chest rose. His eyes met mine.
"Ashanti...I am not here to help you, but to hurt you.
Those boys are amateurs. After months of keeping you in their
dorm and abusing you, they couldn't think of anything else to do to
you. So, they sold you to me, a professional. I am a professional at
pain and humiliation and abuse. They beat you down to size and
worked you over, I read a full report. But even the Southern Police
lack subtle technique. They lack creativity.
?Take these big fucking sow tits of yours. They stretched the
fuck out of them all right...made them all rubbery and long like
huge pencil erasers, but I will inject them with liquid, so that when
they are squeezed they will drip and squirt titty-milk. Think how
funny that will be, especially in public.
?They put a padlock through your foreskin and stretched it
all the fuck out of shape. Well the first thing we will do tonight is
have a circumcision party. Of course, I use no anesthetic.
?You see Ashanti, I am going to fill your body with such pain
that you go blind and can?t see...with such pain that you go deaf
and cant hear?with such pain that you go numb and cant feel.
That's what they want...that's what they paid me for. Now if you
can convince me to do otherwise, I'd be glad to entertain your
argument. "
It took him almost a minute to realize that I was allowing
him to speak. him to speak.
"Please...I was a straight A student. I was a good person. I
am a good person. I never hurt anyone."
I stroked his nappy head. "But you didn't keep your place.
That's what I hear. You stepped into a white university. They
don't want niggers there. "
"Let me go sir. I?ll be a good nigger and go home. I just wanna
go home."
"Get a proper job as a bathroom attendant or something, is
that it?' I asked.
?Yes sir....." he began to lick my hand. He had been well
worked over by those boys. Why waste it on my hand. I unzipped
and took my juicing dick out. He began to lick my cock all along
the stalk and around the wet head just as nice as you please. He
had had lots of training.
"But what's to keep you from telling the authorities about the
abuse you suffered. What's to keep you from opening your big
nigger mouth for something other than dick?"
"I learned my lesson Sir I learned my lesson.? he licked
down under my bloated nuts to get at the sweat.
"Well, lets just see how well behaved you have become.
Maybe I wont have to hurt you so much after all. Go over there on
the wooden kitchen floor and squat and take a shit." He crawled
over on all fours his big muscular black ass globes up in the air.
An eighteen year old fuck animal.
He had also been taught to shit in public for the
entertainment of others. He squatted and then lifted his ass toward
me, spreading the cheeks, the huge balls hanging onto the floor.
Then he grunted and a long black turd snaked out of the asshole
which was as large as I had expected. It plopped onto
the floor. Then a second. Then a third. He twisted around to look at
me, hope flickering in his tired eyes.
entertainment of others. He squatted and then lifted his ass toward
me, spreading the cheeks, the huge balls hanging onto the floor.
Then he grunted and a long black turd snaked out of the asshole
which was as large as I had expected. It plopped onto
the floor. Then a second. Then a third. He twisted around to look at
me, hope flickering in his tired eyes.
"Good boy, Ashanti. Now, eat the shit." The black fucker didn?t
even hesitate. He had been trained very well. He knelt down and
put his face to the pile of shit and took one turd into his mouth. He
chewed the shit, lifting his head so I could watch. He opened his
mouth to show me shit on his tongue and between his teeth.
"Most impressive, Ashanti. Tell me, when was the last time
you fucked a girl?"
"Bout a month ago sir," he said his mouth full of
shit. ?They made me...they made me.." he shook his head as if to
clear it.
"They made my fuck my little sister pregnant. " He could
hardly say the words.
"Well that was nice of them, encouraging your family
to grow. And it must have brought you and your sister closer
together. I bet she loved your big black fucker up her little nigger
girl cunt. I heard you raped a white woman in one of the dorm
"No sir.." he gobbled up more turd. "She made me do it
sir. Honest. She wanted my big black snake." sir. Honest. She wanted my big black snake."
?Are you saying I should believe a dirty filthy nigger
above the word of a nice white college girl?"
?No sir." he said, averting his eyes, and finishing the
last of the shit.
?And how did the nice white southern college boy jocks
punish you for raping the white girl?
He started to tremble at the memory. His thick lips
quivered. It was so fucking hot. "They..they...had me fucked by
a....by a ...horse sir. "
If one looked closely, one could see the stitches where the
doctor had sewed up his asshole. "My insides will never be the
same again.."
I smiled. "Who gives a fuck. It must have been fun for
The guys to see you taking a huge horse dick up your black hole.
Now crawl into the bathroom and shower and wash the shit out
of your mouth and gargle and brush your teeth. '
Later that night I injected Ashanti's tits and dick
head with something to make them swell and become terribly over
sensitive. He could hardly stand to even have them touched, so of
course I worked them vigorously. I leisurely fucked his face and
ass switching back and forth. He really enjoyed the gentleness...it
was like being in Heaven for him. Then, I explained to him his
"You see Ashanti, I make videos, underground videos you
can?t buy in any store. I make alot of money selling them to special
buyers. You are going to star in some videos for me. In the videos,
you will fuck young white girls...very young, very white girls. You
will fuck them in the ass and mouth and cunt. Sometimes, the girl
will be a just turned teenage slut hot for nigger cock. Sometimes
she will be younger and more innocent, and you will rape her. It
will depend on the film scenario. After you fuck the little bitch,
you will be caught by the police, or by a gang, or by the girl?s
brother and his friends, again depending on the story. You will be
tortured for your indiscretion. The torture will be lovingly captured
on film.
can?t buy in any store. I make alot of money selling them to special
buyers. You are going to star in some videos for me. In the videos,
you will fuck young white girls...very young, very white girls. You
will fuck them in the ass and mouth and cunt. Sometimes, the girl
will be a just turned teenage slut hot for nigger cock. Sometimes
she will be younger and more innocent, and you will rape her. It
will depend on the film scenario. After you fuck the little bitch,
you will be caught by the police, or by a gang, or by the girl?s
brother and his friends, again depending on the story. You will be
tortured for your indiscretion. The torture will be lovingly captured
on film.
?None of this fake SM stuff like the mainstream movies have.
No Sir. You will be thoroughly whipped until you are bloody,
have pins stuck in your ballbag and have large objects thrust up
your pisshole and your asscunt.
?You will be forced to do a nigger jig dance in your bare feet
on broken glass. You will be mated with every conceivable kind of
beast and human. You will be forced to fuck little black boys and
girls. You will be burned and tattooed by skinhead
gangs. You will feast on the raw castrated cocks of various
animals. No sense in wasting those animal parts. You will suck the
shit out of the asses of derelicts, diseased bums and animals.
?Grade school boys will practice kicking you in the nuts to
develop a healthy racial attitude. You will suck the snot from the
noses of high school gang members and tell them how good it
?We will film you fucking your little sister in the mouth
while she delivers her baby, and a month after your sister delivers
her new baby, we will film you fucking her pregnant again. And all
of this you will do because you have been broken. Because you
don't know how to refuse anymore. You have no will of
your own . Now thank me for what I am going to do to you and
kiss me."
at I am going to do to you and
kiss me."
"Thank you master," he whispered, and opened his big black
lips for me to thrust my tongue down his throat. I spit gobs into
his throat and watched him swallow.
I felt his smooth black body beneath me like velvet, like
Chinese silk. I twisted his big nipples, and he kissed me harder.
"Time for me to cut your dickskin baby..." I whispered. "After
I am through, I will have you eat it."
"Yes sir..." he answered in the sweetest, softest way, and he
kissed me harder.
"You know nigger, I think you are going to turn out all right."
He smiled and I smiled with him, imagining his future pain.
Chapter 7 Nina Marsdale received Eddie and Alyce Frampton at the door of their magnificent home with grace and tact, not revealing for an instant her wild adultery with Eddie. Her restraint was remarkable. She knew that she would get him into bed again before the night was over. She knew also that her husband, Clay would have Alyce. Where it would go from there was anyone’s ballgame. They moved easily into the crowded game room and were served drinks by the bartender that Alyce had seen...
Chapter 3 Clay Marsdale arrived home after just having beaten the pants off one of his new pros. The competitive older man was ecstatic when he could still slaughter a much younger man on the courts. He’d done everything else now in life and tennis had become his passion. He parked his Mercedes in the large garage and went directly to his screening room. Clay was a gadget fanatic and his newest craze was having all matter of video equipment. He had a screening room size video screen and...
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Chapter 1 Eddie Frampton folded his tall but lithe and muscular frame into the brand new Porsche, started the motor, jerked it into reverse gear and rocketed the machine down the drive into the quiet street. Tires squealing and engine reving like mad, he headed toward Manna Avenue and back to the club. The ache in his loins and his feeling of sexual deprivation told him, only too clearly that there was a big void in his married life although in almost every other direction, his life had ...
Chapter 7Nina Marsdale received Eddie and Alyce Frampton at the door of their magnificent home with grace and tact, not revealing for an instant her wild adultery with Eddie. Her restraint was remarkable. She knew that she would get him into bed again before the night was over. She knew also that her husband, Clay would have Alyce. Where it would go from there was anyone's ballgame.They moved easily into the crowded game room and were served drinks by the bartender that Alyce had seen at Nina's...
Chapter 5Eddie drove to his afternoon group unable to concentrate on anything but the memory of the wild night of uninhibited sex with Sally Dunn. She could still feel her lips around his cock sucking him dry as he parked his car. She had sucked every last ounce of sperm from his cock like she was dehydrated in the desert.Suddenly the woman that he could see in his mind's eye stuck her head out of the rear of the pro shop and called, "Eddie, you're wanted on the telephone.""Okay, Sally,...
Chapter 3Clay Marsdale arrived home after just having beaten the pants off one of his new pros. The competitive older man was ecstatic when he could still slaughter a much younger man on the courts. He'd done everything else now in life and tennis had become his passion. He parked his Mercedes in the large garage and went directly to his screening room. Clay was a gadget fanatic and his newest craze was having all matter of video equipment. He had a screening room size video screen and his...
Chapter 1Eddie Frampton folded his tall but lithe and muscular frame into the brand new Porsche, started the motor, jerked it into reverse gear and rocketed the machine down the drive into the quiet street. Tires squealing and engine reving like mad, he headed toward Manna Avenue and back to the club. The ache in his loins and his feeling of sexual deprivation told him, only too clearly that there was a big void in his married life although in almost every other direction, his life had changed...
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Clay Marsdale arrived home after just having beaten the pants off one of his new pros. The competitive older man was ecstatic when he could still slaughter a much younger man on the courts. He'd done everything else now in life and tennis had become his passion. He parked his Mercedes in the large garage and went directly to his screening room. Clay was a gadget fanatic and his newest craze was having all matter of video equipment. He had a screening room size video screen and his camcorder...
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Eddie drove to his afternoon group unable to concentrate on anything but the memory of the wild night of uninhibited sex with Sally Dunn. She could still feel her lips around his cock sucking him dry as he parked his car. She had sucked every last ounce of sperm from his cock like she was dehydrated in the desert. Suddenly the woman that he could see in his mind's eye stuck her head out of the rear of the pro shop and called, "Eddie, you're wanted on the telephone." "Okay, Sally,...
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Nina Marsdale received Eddie and Alyce Frampton at the door of their magnificent home with grace and tact, not revealing for an instant her wild adultery with Eddie. Her restraint was remarkable. She knew that she would get him into bed again before the night was over. She knew also that her husband, Clay would have Alyce. Where it would go from there was anyone's ballgame. They moved easily into the crowded game room and were served drinks by the bartender that Alyce had seen at Nina's...
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Premium Interracial Porn SitesDr. Omar King addressed the Black Panther army about the new White girls that had been captured in the battle at the last university protest. Over 50 eager White girls who all wanted a Big Black Cock. “MY brothers! WE have defeated the racists. But did you know! We have also captured 200 White bois, who we can prove are all addicted to interracial sex!” A roar of crowd from the strong Black Men in thr crowd greeted Timoth’s ears as he was shoved to his feet becoming very conscious again...
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I have watched porn before. Not once and certainly not twice. I can't say that I've enjoyed it — how many women out there would ever profess that they do? But since Brad and I hooked up, that's all he's been getting me to watch Porn.Not just any type of porn. I won't be writing this if it was the garden variety type of porn. You know, like the ones that comes with a story (a Pizza-delivery guy knocks at a door. A buxom blonde bimbo opens and invites him inside. He opens the Pizza box and she...
The engine was still running as she sat parked in her Ford Focus in the hotel car park staring ahead deep in thought. Tamzin was still unsure, still uncertain the she was doing the right thing. Most other women in her place would describe what she intended doing as sheer madness. It was, she had to admit that, but there was something inside driving her onwards. Most other women would be screaming at her ‘Go. Just drive off and go’. What is that saying about fleeing from the devil? Her own...
InterracialInterracial Sissy Story(Some prior notes about me, this story and my writings: If MALE bisexuality, crossdressing or interracial sex bother you, don't even bother reading this further, much less commenting. Many have had secret fantasies about what it would be like to be the opposite sex, during sex. Some of my influences for writing this story were things like those fantasies, straight interracial gangbang porn flicks, a strong fetish for female cigarette smoking, strip clubs, hard rap/rock...
I've always appreciated the aesthetics of interracial sex. The contrast of skin tones, and all the taboos as well, which increase the excitement factor. Doesn't matter which way, I love black guy on white girl and white guy on black girl porn alike. I'm a thirty-one-year-old white male, so looking for black girls was the easiest way for me to dabble in the scene. On dating apps, I tried to match with the ebony goddesses in particular and eventually started talking with a nineteen-year-old. She...
InterracialDanielle stood in front of the full length mirror in her neighbor’s bedroom frantically trying to zip up the new dress she brought. “Macy. This dress is extremely tight. Help me zip it up!” Macy crossed the room and finished zipping up Danielle’s dress, bringing relief to her blonde neighbor. “Danielle. What size is that dress anyway?” “It’s a size three but I guess my boobs must have grown a bit since this morning.” “Danielle....
Brutus Bull pressed his big Black Hands around her shapely ivory thighs, her beautiful derriere coming full into view. Her thrust his huge ebony god cock in her sweet pink pussy and asked her softly, “What’s inside your cunt?” Brutus continued to thrust passionately smiling at the beautiful white wife on her hands and knees on the bed, “What’s inside your cunt!” he commanded. Bella Everett replied, “A Black Cock.” She stammered as he thrust, her shoved down in the pillow. It was a wonder if...
wrote this a while back(Some prior notes about me, this story and my writings: If MALE bisexuality, crossdressing or interracial sex bother you, don't even bother reading this further, much less commenting. Many have had secret fantasies about what it would be like to be the opposite sex, during sex. Some of my influences for writing this story were things like those fantasies, straight interracial gangbang porn flicks, a strong fetish for female cigarette smoking, strip clubs, hard rap/rock...
The interview with Harold was very boring, but perked up considerably, when the audience learned that Harold was 6% Black. A fact he was very proud of. His great-great-great-grandmother had once had sex with a Black man during the Civil Rights era. “What are you acceptance levels for Interracial Sex and Black Breeding like right now?” “Acceptance levels are very high, with over 90% of White boi’s reporting that they are actually very turned on by interracial sex and completely accept it, as...
Interracial Lovin: Ebony Chandice couldn’t figure out what was wrong with herself. The start of the lawnmowers engine just seemed to send chills through her body, right to the special spot between her legs. No she didn’t have a lawnmower fetish, but she did seem to have a thing for the landscaper that was using it. She just couldn’t understand it, she had never been attracted to a white guy before this. Chandice looked over herself in the mirror and she fluffed out her raven colored...
All stories in here should be about people of different races, anything else goes, you may have a single couples or contain multiple partners as long as one is of a different race to the rest. Human, Monster or Furries will be allowed if you want to start a story concerning them. Remember; all stories contained in here are fiction and the author does not condone or encourage any illegal activties.
InterracialAt the party, alcohol and drugs were swimming through my veins, I started to get loose. Im a very blunt person, I'm direct, straightforward, however you want to put it. A guy named Lamar was here, he was 6'4, muscular, and he had a huge cock from what I've heard. Keep in mind, im 5'2, 110 pounds, he's huge compared to me. So, I thought it was a good idea to see this cock for myself. "Lamar, I'm horny" I whispered in his ear. He looked at me with his brows raised, and immediately grabbed my...
InterracialYour name is Jane Doe, and you are a recent high-school graduate (and even more recent college dropout) from a small town middle-class christian upbringing. You were spoiled by family, teachers, friends and acquaintances devoted to keeping you from needing to rely on wits or whatever intelligence you have to get ahead in life due to your obvious attractiveness: long naturally honey-blonde hair, sparkling blue eyes and fair creamy white skin, as well as long legs (toned by years of cheerleading...
Ally, a woman where I work, would often come in on Monday mornings looking happy but pretty well used.This one Friday when we were getting off work l saw this buff black guy pick her up. It was rather clear that they were more than just casual friends.Ally is white, married, in her 30s, and this definitely wasn't her husband.The next time I had the chance I asked her, "So who was the black guy that picked you up on Friday?""My weekend date."She saw the look on my face. "My husband got me into...
This is a contrast story.... Read it and the one before similarly titled to understand.Toni Smith looked out over the darkened city. The Eastern horizon was just beginning to lighten. It had been 19 hours of sweat, but it was over. At least it was over until Monday. She glanced at her desk behind her and thought, “I have 51 hours to relax until I have to explain to the board what went on the last 19 hours with the failed software deployment. She had warned them that she did not like the...
A successful, law-abiding black man get's fed up with being racially profiled and goes off the deep end.I'm a black man. I'm not a thug. I don't sell d**gs. I won't hurt you.I'm actually a doctor. Went to college and medical school. I help people.But none of that matters when you're a black man, you see. White people only see you one way.I've been pulled over by the cops too many times to remember. Questioned. Harassed. It's humiliating.And it's not just the authorities. It's regular...
So recently I was out having a drink, when I received a message on here asking to meet up, so after a couple of days talking on here. I finally decided to go and meet this gorgeous blonde milf with a big arse and nice sized tits. We had arranged to meet at a hotel not to far from me. So as I get to the hotel I start to feel a bit nervous, luckily for me I was a bit early so I quickly had a few drinks just to gain some confidence. There I am checking my phone, wondering if she is going to turn...
My name is Alex, and I'm a small, girlish boy. I've always been short, feminine and kept to myself. I've had a girlfriend since high school, but just recently graduated college. We've been together about six years. Her name is Cassidy, and she's always been more outgoing than I. She's honestly a bit out of my league. She's a bombshell blonde with delicate curves. She's always been modest, however. She's liked guys like me, so I got really, really lucky. The world we live in has changed over the...
InterracialI sat on the couch of Mr. Thomas’ house watching TV. I wondered to myself where Mr. Thomas was, since it was already 11:30pm and he had told me he would be home 2 hours ago. I didn’t really care though. The kids had already gone to bed hours ago and I had pants in the dryer. I had accidently spilled some tea on my pants a little while ago and so I threw them in the dryer. I didn’t have any underwear on so I just picked a pair of Mr. Thomas’ basketball shorts out of the clean laundry bin and...
I sat on the couch of Mr. Thomas’ house watching TV. I wondered to myself where Mr. Thomas was, since it was already 11:30pm and he had told me he would be home 2 hours ago. I didn’t really care though. The kids had already gone to bed hours ago and I had pants in the dryer. I had accidently spilled some tea on my pants a little while ago and so I threw them in the dryer. I didn’t have any underwear on so I just picked a pair of Mr. Thomas’ basketball shorts out of the clean laundry bin and...
The girl I was dating was at her college Open House or whatever, and the tour guide was a "cute, charming" black guy with an apparent great body... They were giving each other looks the entire tour...By the time it ended, they were talking about the school, likes and dislikes etc... He claimed to know just about everyone in the school and she didn't believe him... So he said "ok, lets make a bet" She said alright, "what kind of bet?" He said..."if the next person out of...
My name is Alyssa. I am 23 years old. I’m 5 foot with, blonde hair and around a hundred pounds. Men say I am very pretty for my size and very sexy. Kind of built like a gymnast. I don’t feel my breasts to be very big, but boyfriends in the past have liked to rub on them. My friend works at a local restaurant and of couple guys she works with, detail cars. I was interested in getting my car detailed and she said that she could probably help me out. So I took my car to the restaurant...
Kim had married Joe right out of high school. They had been married almost fifteen years now and Kim felt like their marriage was in a rut. They seldom had sex and when they did it seemed more like a chore than pleasure. While Joe was an energetic lover he wasn’t much on the preparation and foreplay. Looking back she didn’t know if she ever really felt love for Joe or if he was just a way out of where she was at the time. She had thought him and his family had a little money but...
“No, I’m not doing it, now please shut up,” said an exasperated Sally Collins to her husband who for the hundredth time that day had asked her to fuck a black man so he could watch. “You’re fucking sick, do you know that, now leave me alone and let me get on with dinner.” Sally was a very attractive thirty four year old housewife, she was married to Bruce, a successful businessman, they had two children, Aaron fifteen and Annmarie, fourteen. Sally and Bruce...
1. Black men have the ABSOLUTE and inalienable right to have sex with you. It is your natural duty to sexually satisfy the Black Man in any way possible. It is your duty to perfect the art of fellatio, and practice vaginal muscle control to please a black man’s penis. It should be your PRIMARY purpose in life to sexually serve the superior Black Man. 2. White men are always, ALWAYS, ALWAYS second to Black Men. If you happen to be in love with a white man it is still your duty to always put...
This is a true story that happened around two months before I graduated from university. When I was a freshman I lived in an all-male dorm. I made lots of friends and I also had one gay sex encounter with my roommate Jamal. He was black, tall and gorgeous and he had a 10 inch dick. He caught me staring at his dick in the shower a few times, and one night he came back to our room, a little drunk, and offered his dick to me. But only once and only if I promised never to tell anyone about it. I...
"Mmm yeah just … like .. that. " Sarah moaned. I stood in the hall way listening to my oldest sister Sarah instruct them on the art of eating pussy. Sarah was home from Victoria University for the holidays. "I'm coming Michelle." Sarah screamed. Nobody was supposed to be home. Wait. What. Michelle is my sisters name. I walked to the door and peeked in. "What " we all shouted in surprise they as they rested on the bed facing the door seeing me. Me at seeing my older sister naked and my step...
I had just gotten out of the Army, been through a divorce and gotten my first civilian job. I’d been hired as a Plant Industrial Engineer at an automotive plant in the Mississippi Delta. The first assignment I had as a new hire was to work on the factory floor as a general laborer so I could become familiar with all the jobs. I was assigned to work under a floor Supervisor who was a fairly attractive married black female in her mid-thirties named Tiffany. Most of the workforce was female and...
Jan awoke late next morning. She found herself with her head resting on Ben’s chest; his arm was around her shoulders. She glanced up at him. He was awake and smiling at her. He shifted his body slightly and she felt his penis was pressing into her thigh. It was hard again. “Morning,” he said. She smiled. “Morning,” she replied before kissing his chest. “Sleep well?” “Once the stiffness went down, yes,” he told her. She giggled. Ben had fucked her six times last night. It was well into the...
CuckoldRichard stood by the bed watching Jan as she stood in front of the wardrobe mirror looking at her reflection. She wore a long white silk chemise which gave her a virginal look and although not see-through it didn’t leave much to the imagination of the delights waiting underneath. “What do you think?” she asked him as she ran her hands down the sides of her body. “He... he’ll go nuts when he sees you in that,” Richard responded. “You mean he will give me both nuts in quick succession,” she...
CuckoldBen had told her that the twelve days to the end of her cycle would soon pass and it did quickly pass. Ben helped it pass by spending a lot of time with her, all but three nights of it, practising, as he called it, impregnation techniques. Jan was amazed at his stamina. As well as their night time fucks there were also the morning ones, not just the ones when they first awoke but also the ones just after showering. The hot water seemed to refresh and invigorate him; helped also by the thought...
CuckoldHalf an hour later Jan left with Ben for his flat. During the journey Jan asked him about his cuckolding experiences. He told her about his first experience while he was serving in the USAF. There was an officer's wife who had taken a fancy to him and he began fucking her regularly. Married women were supposed to be off limits, especially senior ranks wives, but they were a magnet for the likes of Ben. Her husband was regularly on manoeuvres and he spent many a night in their marital bed. One...