Wifes a drunken slut
- 2 years ago
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My Wife's Fetish.
Copyright YEOWCH.
Well what ?"
"Well, are you going to or not ?"
"Going to what ?"
"Stop being so bloody daft Ian, you know what I mean !!"
"I do?"
"You sod, you're doing this on purpose aren't you. Just to get me bloody riled."
"Do what?"
"IAN !!"
Confused ? Let me explain....
My wife Mandy has a fetish. Spanking. Come to think of it, you'd better add slippering, belting and caning to that as well. Now don't ask me where it comes from because I've got no flipping idea. Even while we were courting she never mentioned a thing, though come to think of it, looking back whenever (read: as often as I could) I was giving her one doggy-style in the backseat of my mini she would always go off like a fucking rocket whenever I patted and pinched her bum. Besides, how was I to know? I was well out of it at the time with my brains being in my dick.
It was on about the third night of our honeymoon when she finally told me in a veeeeeeery round about way that she liked getting her arse smacked. Basically, she was sitting on my face when she asked me if I thought she had a nice bum.
"Do I?" she giggled as I diddled her clit with my tongue making her whimper and paddle her feet against the seat.
"Mfmmffffffffffffmmmmmott?" I mumbled as I rubbed her with my finger.
"Do you like my bum ?" she asked out of the blue.
Now what sort of stupid fucking question was that?
Course I did. It was a beauty. Big, firm, round with just the right amount of bounce. In other words my Mandy had a nice fucking arse - literally (but that's another story). "Uhhuh." I replied, admiring her shaved fanny from close quarters. That's another thing I love about my missus, she's a stickler for cleanliness and prefers to keep her naughty bits totally bare which was fine by me. There's nothing worse when giving your better half the benefit of your oral technique (cough) than to suddenly find yourself with a mouthful of fuzz - yuk !!
"Really ?" she sighed. "Can you, will you, would you slap it a bit ?" she asked, suddenly reaching forward to grasp my upright prong giving it a hard squeeze that brought tears to me eyes.
Do what ?
Gripping me in her fist, she slowly eased her hand up and down making my toes curl. Me, all I could see was the orange glow of her backside in the lamp light as she squeezed my nose between her arsecheeks. "Well, will you, you know....spank my bum. I've always wondered what it would feel like. Go on Ian. Just a bit pleeeeease." she simpered as another noodle of dewdrop dripped from her spongy wet hole.
Number one rule in life lads - keep the little woman happy, especially when she has your be all and end all firmly in her grasp. So, anyway on that fateful night I found out that my little bunny wunny had a secret kink and liked getting her big bum thoroughly smacked until it was hot and sore.
Big time.
"Well ?" she asked again, standing with her hands on hips looking down at me as I read the paper.
"But luv, I've only just got in from work." I muttered, knowing by the look on her face she wouldn't take no for an answer - she never did. "Besides, where's my tea?"
Mandy went bright pink. "Tea, TEA?!" she gasped darkly. "You're not getting any bloody tea until you take care of me!!"
"But, but...I just spanked you a couple of days ago, wasn't that enough for now?"
"No it damn well wasn’t; besides that was just a quickie. Pleeeeeease sweetie, you know what I'm like. I can't think straight until I get a good seeing to and believe me dear, I really, really DO need it......right now, so c'mon the sooner you get cracking the sooner I'll make your tea." she ordered, lifting up her skirt and coming to stand by my side waiting for me to take her over my knee.
Christ what is it with women eh ?
You spend all day working your bollocks off and you still get an earful when you get home at night too knackered to think straight...women aren't from Mars they're from Alpha fucking Centauri. Well cuddles, if its a sore arse you want its a sore arse you're going to get.
Anything for a quiet life.....and some tea.
Pulling her white panties up into the crack of her bum, I raised my hand, sighed, took aim and gave her white cheeks a hefty wallop.
"Like that ?"
"Uhh huh, bit harder dear especially on the left ok ?"
After 5 minutes of alternative spankings, slappings and wallops Mandy's bum was a rather fetching shade of red that looked as sore as buggery. "Hurt ?" I asked.
"Oh, oh, hmmmmmm a bit, God do I need this!!" she laughed, brushing her long brown hair from her face as she squirmed across my lap rubbing the bulge of her crotch against my thigh on the sly. "Aoooowwwwwww, what did you hit me that hard for Ian?!! " she hollered as I fondled her glowing butt having delivered a juicy 'un right across both cheeks flattening and pancaking them together.
"Quit rubbing your fanny against my leg you randy bitch!!" I laughed as she turned her head and looked at me over her shoulder blushing hotly.
"Was not !!" she gasped as she turned a redderer shade of red. "Eeeeeeeeeekkkkkkkk!!"
"Was too, besides you're leaking. " I said as she squeaked with surprise as I ran my finger up her white pantied covered crotch. Who was she trying to kid ?
"But I can't help it !!" she gasped as I had a bit of a fiddle around enjoying myself. "AAarrrrrrrooooooowchie, oh yuuuuuuuhesssss I'll have some more of that dear !!" she squealed as I slapped her hard again and again in quick succession while she kicked her bare legs in the air and bounced around on my lap.
"Like that ?"
"Oh hmmm hmmmm, you have no idea how much Ian ." moaned Mandy rubbing her thighs together sexily and drumming her white shoes on the carpet that had me grinning from ear to ear. From past "coital/spanking" experience it was a sure sign that she was about to pop her cork and scream the bloody house down - as she always did when she went ballistic. Yep, not only did my main squeeze sport a decent pair of knockers but she also had a helluva pair of lungs on her as well. I should know, many is the time she's nearly deafened me with her "orgasmic" shrieks whenever I've managed to rub her up in just the right way.
Its all in the wrist action you know chaps.
"Fancy anything else while we're at it Mandy?" I asked, sitting on my computer chair trying not to burst out laughing as she did the quick step around the room furiously rubbing her bright red backside. Blimey, I bet that fucker didn't half sting. Maybe now I'd finally get something to eat. Or, perhaps not.
"Be right back !!" she called out as she ran from the room, thump thumping up the stairs into our bedroom where I could hear the tell-tale squeak of our wardrobe door being opened and quickly closed. Looked like the fun and games aren't over yet !!
You never know, I could get to really like this spanking lark.
"You sure luv ?" I asked, taking the cane from her and swishing it through the air, watching as she bit her lip staring round eyed at the bendy rod. Unable to take her eyes off it, she nodded her head quickly.
"Uh huh, give me six with that honey, think that should sort me out." she whispered, kneading her still sore spanked bum wondering if this was such a bright idea. Taking charge, I pointed the tip at her.
"Skirt, knickers off....right now."
Quick as a flash, Mandy whipped off her skirt, pulled down her panties and handed them to me. Grinning, I sniffed the crotch making eyes at her as she stood with her hands on her hips scowling and pouting at me. "Hey, you silly bugger, that's disgusting !!" she scolded before breaking into giggles and slapping my arm.
"Yum, yum, yum I can smell the juice of an Englishwoman's cum !! "
Poetic huh ?
"Hurry up or else I'll change my mind Ian, hurry pleeeeeeease before I wet myself !! " urged Mandy as she knelt on the stool and bent further over across the desk.
"Sure thing sugar, get ready." I warned her. Drawing a bead, taking aim I gently sawed the length of the wood across both rosy hued cheeks giving her an opportunity to call it quits. To be honest, she only asked for me to use the cane on her on rare occasions, usually if she felt she'd done something wrong or we'd had a stand-up row and she wanted to make things up if she decided she was the one at fault. Guess she saw it as a quick way to make amends and get rid of any tension between us. As I've often said - women, go figure.
"AAAAAAAGHHHHHHHHHHHHWWWWWWCHHHHHH !! " screamed the wife as I zipped in the first of six sizzlers across the circumference of both her wobbly cheeks causing her to rear up onto tippy-toe trying to shake off the sting.
Whistling as I watched the line burp up a particularly evil looking welt, one thing I've learned is that Mandy has a pretty high tolerance to pain, a fact I found out when I first used my slipper on her. Boy, was that a session and a half, I thought I'd been whacking her pretty hard but she kept on saying "harder, harder, c'mon hit me HAAARDER!!" By the end of it I wasn't holding back like I'd done before so I was really laying it on something rotten.
I think it was about the fiftieth wallop when she squealed really loudly, tumbled sideways on the bed and screamed her way through a humdinger of a climax that left her panting and groaning on the bed. I was scared shitless, I didn't know what the hell was going on, should I call for an ambulance or fuck her silly seeing as my pecker was ram-rod stiff ?
Fortunately the later was the solution...much to our mutual enjoyment.
"Owwww, oh fuck, that really hurts honey." gasped Mandy as purple welt number five surfaced looking like a mini Grand Canyon. Whoa, she swore!! Must have really been a stinger that one for she never swears normally, only when she's pushed to the limit that is. In fact, its a bit of a bug bear of mine I guess, you see Mandy's a bit of a prude, all prim and proper normally which is fine by me but when we're at it hot and heavy and I'm banging away at her beaver like my life depends on it she still finds it hard to let rip even when I whisper in her ear stuff like "C'mon lady, tell me what you want, tell me what you really, really want." I'd urge as the bed would rock and squeak under us as we pounded away like a pair of bunnies on heat.
"Uuugh, ughhhhoaaaaahhhhhh, n..no...I, I caaaaaaan't Ian, purlease doooon't ask me to say those things, itssssss naughtieeeeughhh !!" she'd shudder as I'd lick her ear and tweak her inch-long nipples which I knew got her jungle juice flowing.
"Fuck me, say it......go on luv say FUUUUUUUCK MEEEEEEE." I'd pant, teasing her.
"N..Neeeeeeernooooooo, pleeeeasssseeeeohhhhhhhhh hmmmmmmOH!! "
"Yes you can wife, go on tell me you want me to give you a good fucking."
"Agh, oh..aghhhhhhhhh ooooooooof........f......fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuckkkkkkking hell !!" she'd finally whine, always giving in to temptation just before she went off like a firecracker and tossing me around the bed trying to hold on like I was on a bucking bronco.
Personally, I think she loves it.
Its like chalk and cheese, it really is. Its like I'm married to a whole new, different woman after she's had a session. I think its a deep rooted thing, kind of like a cleansing of the soul, an act of submission, of renewal so to speak. Who knows ?
One things for sure, as I sit and watch her pick her things up walking bare, red-striped and sore arsed around the room in front of me and into the kitchen to put the kettle on its a wonderful thing to marvel at. She's bright, perky, chatty and got a beautiful smile on her face and acts like alls now right with the world.
The power of love ?
Nah, more like the power of a sore arse.
"Honey, what would you like for your tea hmm?" she called from the kitchen.
No answer.
"Sweetie, I asked you what you wanted for your tea ?" she called again, louder.
No answer.
Coming into the room. "Ian dear, didn't you hear me, I was asking what do you want for your........oh OHHHHHHH !!"
Sitting stark naked, grinning like an idiot and holding my outsized willy in my hand, I pointed it in her general direction.
"How about I make YOU something nice and tasty instead honey..."
Hah, men - predictable. Go figure !!
The End.
Hope you enjoyed this story.
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Introduction: Promiscuous wife forced to let her boss have fun Wifes boss sexual harassment For most of my wifes life and most of our relationship, my wife Karen has had an undiagnosed medical condition that caused her to be promiscuous and to drink alcohol excessively, only adding to her promiscuousness. On days when her medical condition got bad she would say yes to any guy who asked for sex, when her condition got worse she would end up at some sleazy bar drinking way too much self...
Introduction: A wife gets horney and it turns into a no holds sex romp The day began as most Saturday mornings do. Coffee for me and Decaf Tea for my wife Andrea to background county music playing. After we finished breakfast Andrea informed me that a friend of ours was flying in from Texas this evening and wanted to get together. His name is George, and he is an averagely built man with dirty blonde hair and a boyish face. She looked up at me with her girly brown eyes, over her steaming cup of...
My name is Frank and my wifes name is Patty. At the time we were in our late 20's and had been married for 8 years. We had started to experiment a bit and talk about watching her get fucked by other men. She understood it was my turn on and she was also a bit excited about the thought of it all. One night we were in bed fooling around and I wanted her to give me head. She was good at it but the past year she had been refusing to do the deed. We talked and talked and then I told her that if she...
Cheating WifesIf you ever wondered how a real fetish-driven website should look like, just explore DefineFetish. This place is dedicated to all kinds of dirty acts, from hardcore tortures pleasures to some softcore BDSM. It all depends on the video you choose to view, as I am quite sure you will find whatever the fuck you are looking for on definefetish.com.Hardcore fetish site.The first thing you obviously need to know is that definefetish.com is a hardcore fetish site, and you should probably not visit...
Pornstar DatabasesIntroduction: wife is suspected of gross cheating and help is coming Part2 Pam wakes after a long sleepless night. She spent the night contemplating her dilemma hoping she still has a marriage. She listens for Jack, hearing him in the kitchen and pots rattling. Pam slowly makes her way to the kitchen after her morning routine. She rounds the corner to the kitchen good morning babe, smells good. Jack has his back to her emptying the contents of the frying pan onto a plate. Hope your hungry? I...
My name is Michelle I'm 19 and just started college. I'm not exactly sure how to start my story. I could start with the experience that made me into what I am today but I figure that can wait for now. Maybe it'd be better to give you an idea of what I look like. So lets start with the basics. I'm short... very short. Its the first thing people notice about me when I walk into a room. A few weeks ago I was walking by a group of sixth graders that were out on a field trip and as I went...
Introduction: Just a little something you can beat off to, if you happen to have a foot fetish. This isnt exactly a story. Its something i wrote for my boyfriend who happens to have a foot fetish and he came quite a lot to it. So if you happen to have a foot fetish, enjoy! Imagine this. Were hanging out in your room, sitting on your bed, you offer to give me a foot massage and i accept it, i take off my socks, now both my feet are out, they have a really nice tan, and my shiney hot bright...
It had been a long day and the thought of a nice cold drink before dinner was rather appealing. The unusually hot weather had brought out the crowds on Ocean Boulevard, most of them, no doubt, heading for an early evening stroll along the beach. I decided to stop in at the Grill to sit outside and watch the world go by. Well, mostly to watch the many scantily-clad young women go by or as they stopped at the light, waiting to cross over Ocean on their way to the shimmering sands below....
FetishI suppose my fetish with underwear and fun with crossdressers really started when l was in my teens, l had a friend Jay who liked dressing in his mothers underwear and we would role play which always involved us on the bed with him in knickers and bra stuffed with socks and me on top, my cock would be up one of the knicker legs so our cocks were sandwiched between us, l would be sliding myself up and down as if l was fucking him, when we climaxed the spunk l shot was a mear teaspoon compared to...
Tina/Suzy painted there pedicure nails in Red which I loved. As they both wore a pair of sheer 15 dernier stockings there feet were accentuated by there high heeled mules. I adore shoes like this particularly when they walked, the sole flicking her heel, making the quiet swishing sound I heard so often at work. Just the sound was enough to give me an erection but added to the glimpse of her soles they gave or even better when she dangled them from her toes then flicked them back up to slap her...
Before I knew I wasn't alone in the world with the pee fetish, Here's one of the episodes I had.It was summer time, a bunch of guys and girls from my high school planned a party out in strip pits. We all brought alcohol and plenty of it. As we gathered around a fire, and drank and talked, I found myself watching everyone and trying to figure out it thier bladders were also full. I was also watching to see people sneeking off to relieve themselves. After a while, I got lucky, I saw one of my guy...
I have been reading ISS for quite some time and would like to share my life experiences with this community. I would like to share the sensuality of my experience initially to help the readers understand the course of events leading to the sexuality in my life. I am Karthik, 32years old now. This happened about 10 years ago. Back then I was fresh out of college and got a job in Chennai in a reputed MNC. Initially, I stayed in a PG. But PG life did not suit me well as I have always been...
Gay MaleHere we go again. I'm hoping that this one will make you all happy. It's the best I could do. If it doesn't work for you I'm sorry. I hope that you enjoy...hell I hope that you can READ it to begin with. But anyway I hope that you are going to enjoy it and if you find anything similar to this or you get the urge to write ANYTHING like this then send it my way PLEASE!!! But anyway I hope that you enjoy it and e-mail me back with any comments, questions, or suggestions. Thank you and...
My Fetish I am kneeling here all in black lingerie, a bra, panties, garterbelt stockings, heels, short skirt, sheer blouse, with a long wig, makeup, hoop earrings, jewelry, hands cuffed behind my back and with a big hard dick stuffed into my mouth causing me to gag. My ears are being held to shove it in and out, all the while being laughed at and called a cock sucking whore. This Probably unusual, but even more so in the fact that I am a man, or use to think I was! This all...
Val felt it approaching. Sitting at his computer, next to his sleeping wife, Val's body was firming for the pending eruption. On the screen before him was the most beautiful ebony female – sucking a white cock while halfway through a Newport. He’d paused the video at the part where she’d managed to get her amazing glossed lips over the cork of her cigarette and the tip of the guy’s cock at the same time.The Nubian beauty made a tight seal around both, and was in the middle of the strongest part...
FetishI thought I would share something that happened to me when I was 16, that has stayed in my memory for years. We lived in the north of England when I was growing up. And although not rich we had a cleaning lady who came during the week, she looked after me during the school holidays while my mum and dad were at work. I thought things might change as I got older, but they didn't trust me to be in on my own all day, probably get into trouble or something. I was an only child, and I've always...
FetishEROTIC ESSAY 2: FOR FINDING FAVOURITE FEATURES & FETISHES OF READERS' CHOICESI FIND FINDING by SEARCH, Even I try find back certain Story, I Wrote Myself, NOT EASY Here.I FOUND FINDING a Single STORY, rare only one, with Unusual Feet FETISH Particularly HARD.I only remember HER NAME But Not Sure if I Use In that Story Lost From my Sight. She Tried. I APPLY ALL TRICKS & TIPS I know. She 'Dresses': 'Short Sexy Skirt' 'Net Nylons' 'High Heels'.I TAKE An HOUR @ Each SERIOUS SEARCH. TOOK ME...
I guess this is what you would call a “Confession” of sorts. Not that I am a Roman Catholic or anything like that. I am a good Church of England girl and I was brought up real strict by my mum who constantly reminded me every school day to wear clean knickers in case I got hit by a truck on the way to school.Knickers!Whenever I start to think about knickers or even bras my mind just goes right into the gutter and all I can imagine is being forced to take them off by nasty men who want to get...
BisexualI guess this is what you would call a “Confession” of sorts. Not that I am a Roman Catholic or anything like that. I am a good Church of England girl and I was brought up real strict by my mum who constantly reminded me every school day to wear clean knickers in case I got hit by a truck on the way to school.Knickers!Whenever I start to think about knickers or even bras my mind just goes right into the gutter and all I can imagine is being forced to take them off by nasty men who want to get...
Bisexual“Step right up! Step right up and experience the greatest show on earth. Go though the maze of mirrors or visit our special barn. Experience the worlds greatest hypnotist or meet the incredible Mistress Selena. Help wanted as well. All this and 10 times more at Cirque de Fetish! It is even free of charge 3 nights only!” The barker is yelling out over the crowd as you approach the front gate with all the other people. You can feel the excitement, anticipation and smell the sex wafting though the...