Accidents Will Happen - Sweet Revenge free porn video

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Accidents Will Happen - Sweet Revenge
By Maximillian Excaliber


"Please, Baby, fuck me now!"

I couldn't believe she had just said that to me. Hell, I still have trouble believing that Kelly, the most beautiful woman I have ever seen, and my childhood friend, was lying naked on my bed when she said it.

But wait, I am getting ahead of myself.

Chapter One "Coming Home"

You see, it all started last Friday when our bosses had thrown us one of those few bones that the Corporate Demi-Gods, in their infinite charity, bestow once in a while upon their lowly minions. They had decided to be magnanimous and let us off two hours early for the upcoming Christmas Holidays.

Kelly gave me the "Good News" while she drove us home, home being a house I had inherited from my grandmother and was sharing with Kelly, her low-life boyfriend Billy and my now ex-girlfriend Sherry.

"Oh, I almost forgot to tell you Jim," (that's me by the way) "Billy proposed to me last night and I have decided to accept. I am going to tell him when we get home and make it my own special Christmas present to him."

Great, this was going to be some vacation! Last week Sherry informed me, quite un-expectantly, that things were not working out between us. And now, not only was I going to be helping her move her stuff into the spare bedroom, but Billy was also going to be gloating over his conquest of Kelly until they are married.

I had decided not to kick Sherry out but instead took pity on her, as she was a college student with just a part-time fast-food job.

Oh, did I mention that I really dislike Billy? I had always had a feeling that he was sleeping around on her and I think he suspected it. But that's okay, because the feeling is mutual and neither of us make any attempt to hide it.

Thinking of the joy I was looking forward to over the Christmas vacation, I considered whether it was less painful to jump out of the car and into the path of the oncoming bus in the other lane, or just call in a bomb threat to the local Post Office so I could spend some quality time at Guantanamo Bay. Guantanamo Bay was, after all, away from home and all the "Holiday Joy." I decided that the way my luck was going, all I would probably be likely to do is break my leg, send up my insurance rates and incur a lot of co-pays.

It occurred to me that perhaps I should have used that pirated copy of Rosetta Stone I downloaded from the torrent networks to learn Farsi instead of Japanese if I were going to try and pass myself off as a terrorist, so I could use Guantanamo Bay as my vacation spot. Eventually, I decided to stay in the car.

When we pulled into the garage, I wondered if we still had any rat poison in the house. While pondering whether I should use it on Billy or myself, I immediately noticed that Billy's Harley was already parked there. Now this seemed a bit odd, but I just disregarded it. After all, Kelly and I had gotten off early from work ourselves hadn't we?

When Kelly saw Billy's bike, she went all giggly and bubbly. "Cool, He must have gotten off early too. This is going to be a great vacation!" she said.

'Hmm... maybe I could learn enough Farsi to...' I thought and began to reconsider my options once again.

Kelly unlocked the door to the kitchen and walked into the house, with me trailing not far behind her.

The first thing we both noticed were the unmistakably loud sounds coming from the living room... sounds of a man and a woman having very vocal, if not passionate, sex.

As Kelly and I walked into the living room, I braced myself for what I was sure was going to be a most ugly scene, only to find that the erotic symphony was emanating from the stereo attached to my large-screen TV. It was obvious now that someone was playing a DVD that surely was in violation of every prudish state's pornography law. I knew this for sure since I had seen it many times before.

Kelly looked at me with a somewhat embarrassed expression on her face as she picked up my multimedia system remote and said, "Billy must have been watching one of his porn DVD's." Then she pressed the power button turning everything off.

We both stood there in shock. We were expecting all the sounds of carnal delights to cease, but they did not! Emanating from the direction of Kelly and Billy's bedroom, over what sounded like Dueling Banjos from the soundtrack of the movie Deliverance, was the sound of bedsprings, bodies slapping together and the unmistakable voice of Billy saying "Baby, make the pig noise for me again. It really turns me on!"

It was followed by a somewhat familiar female voice saying, "Weeee, Snort, Snort, Snort, pound my ass farmer boy!"

I didn't know whether to laugh aloud or grab Kelly and my laptop and drive as fast as I could to the nearest Starbucks, just so I could use their wireless hot-spot to search eBay for a Buy-It-Now price for a couple of chastity belts. Instead, I just stood there and turned to look over at Kelly, only to find her already headed down the hall to their bedroom.

I followed her, all the while wishing I had not helped her buy the 9mm Beretta I knew she was caring for protection. She threw open the door just as I caught up to her and there was a scene that I can only describe as coming right from one of those 70's porn novels. The ones that had such titles as "The Farmers Daughter" and "Cousin's Barnyard Fun."

Up on the bed, on all fours, complete with pigtails, cut-off denim shorts around one ankle and wearing a pink and white Polka dot halter-top, was my not so loving ex-girlfriend, Sherry. Behind her, wearing a pair of denim overalls with a flap down the front, a dirty white T-shirt and a straw hat, was Kelly's soon to be ex-boyfriend Billy, with his dick buried hilt-deep in Sherry's ass. Yee-haw!

Well, to make a long story short, for the next several minutes there was a lot of screaming and yelling from Kelly with words like "Bitch, Whore and Slut" being tossed in about every sentence.

I decided that to avoid a catfight, and potentially Billy's homicide, both Sherry and Billy would have to stay at a hotel and pick up their things from the lawn the next day.

Kelly, once they had left, tossed both Sherry and Billy's things on the lawn. Then, still pissed and crying, she decided to sleep in the spare bedroom. She told me it was too painful to sleep in her old room that night.

I, on the other hand, chose to dwell on the more pleasant thoughts provided by the knowledge that the weather report indicated there was a 99% chance of rain both that night and all the next day. While not happy that Kelly had been hurt, things were looking up for her now that "Farm Boy Billy" was finally proven to be the jerk that he really was. I was sure Kelly would be better off without him. Though I had no illusions that I could ever hook up with Kelly, I did hope that perhaps I could find a way to save the holidays for her.

Chapter Two "Shopping"

The next two days, Kelly moped around the house, crying every time she saw something that reminded her of Billy and what he had done to her.

I, for the most part, was numb and really didn't want to talk about it with Kelly, for fear of setting her into another crying spell. I actually welcomed the call I got from my aunt, asking me if I could come over that afternoon and help her with her computer. As I headed off to my aunt's house, I knocked on Kelly's door and told her where I would be and to call me if she needed anything but to not worry about supper, as I would be bringing it home with me.

During the drive, I couldn't get the picture of Sherry with her hot ass on Billy's prick. Her voice kept echoing in my mind reminding me, "Things were just not working out between us."

As I tried to suppress the feelings of betrayal and anger that finally started to surface, I laughed aloud when I realized that Billy was indeed a literal pain in the ass. Ouch!

My mind turned to more pleasant thoughts of Sherry and Billy stranded in the middle of the ocean, on a cargo ship with nothing to eat but rump roast, corn-on-the-cob, potatoes deep fried in KY jelly with chocolate pudding for desert. Yeah, I know, everybody else says it too... I need help.

It turned out that my aunt had not quite figured out the need for anti-spyware and her Internet connection was running like a pregnant turtle with one leg, going nowhere fast. I fixed her problem in no time, using some really nice freeware utilities I knew about.

Seeing the coffee cup on top of her computer and "rack" on her monitor, I tried to explain to her that perhaps the top of her desktop computer was not the best place to set her coffee cup no matter how convenient it was, and that even though they may sell those neat plastic trays that turn the top of your monitor into a nick-knack shelf, she might not want to put her favorite house-plant on top of it as it might leak and short out the monitor. She frowned at me, seeming somewhat unconvinced and as I got a mental picture of her, both watering her plant and monitor, I asked her how good her home owner's insurance policy was.

On the way home, I stopped at one of those fast food sandwich shops and picked up a veggie combo for Kelly and roast beef for myself.

I walked in just in time to see Kelly standing over the answering machine. She was listening to a message. The voice on the recording belonged to Farm Boy Billy. He was trying, very badly, to tell Kelly how sorry he was and that it was just a one-time thing between Sherry and him. That he had been lucky enough to get a fully furnished apartment with Internet access and would she please call him at his new number.

Kelly did not look convinced as she hit the delete button on the phone. Then she picked up the phone.

"What are you going to do?" I asked.

"I am going to tell him he can take his apartment and his apology and shove them up Sherry's ass," she said as she started dialing.

After about thirty seconds she put the phone down having not said a word and just stood there. "What's wrong?" I asked.

"It was Sherry!" she said and burst once again into tears.

I told her that everything would be all right and held her in my arms as she cried.

After she stopped crying, I got her to eat something and asked her if she wanted to watch TV to take her mind off of things.

She agreed. But, when I saw what she picked out to watch, I thought it might have been a bad idea after all.

The movie was entitled "The Art of Revenge" and was a slick little "B-movie" about a woman who's husband lets her work while he finishes his college education and starts a potentially lucrative business. He dumps her when she says she wants to stay home and have a baby, as they had agreed, while he works for a change. While not a bloody revenge movie, it was messy for her victims and well worth watching. It really just doesn't pay to have a resourceful and determined woman mad at you!

At first Kelly cried as she watched the woman in the movie being screwed over by her husband but then, as the woman began to take revenge, Kelly became engrossed in the movie.

After the movie was over, she told me she really didn't want to watch TV any more but was going to hit the Internet for a while. She asked me if I didn't mind watching TV by myself? I didn't and I told her so.

I was glad to see that she seemed to be trying to take her mind of the unpleasantness of last night.

At about 8:00, she came into the living room and said to me, "Let's get the hell out of here for a while."

"Okay. Where do you want to go?" I asked.

"With everything that's been going on lately, I completely forgot to finish my Christmas shopping. Want to hit the mall?" she asked. So off we went to the mall.

On the way, she said to me, "I have been so selfish lately and completely ignored the fact that you must also be hurting after Sherry dumped you," paused a bit and then continued, "I know I never asked and if you don't want to talk about it I will understand, but why did she dump you anyway. If you don't mind my asking?"

"No, I don't mind. It will probably do me some good to talk about it," I said. "All she did was ask me why I couldn't be more like Billy and tell me how you were such a lucky girl. Now that I think about it, she was really jealous of you."

"Last week, she asked me to kick you out and got really pissed when I refused to. The next day, she told me things were not working out between us."

"You know, Billy used to piss me off all the time by telling me how hot Sherry was and what a cute little ass she had," Kelly said while changing lanes. "Every time I would call him on it, he would accuse you of putting ideas into my head. Do you even have any idea how much he really hated you?" she asked.

"Yeah, I kind of figured that out," I responded.

"Then why in the hell did you let him stay?" she said almost angrily.

"Because I didn't want to hurt you. I thought if I kicked him out, I would end up losing you as a friend," I answered.

After that, we both sat quietly for a while.

Finally, she broke the silence and changed the subject by saying, "Who is on your Christmas list this year?"

"No one but you now," I replied. Then I added, "But I've already gotten your gift."

We were sitting at a stoplight and she just looked at me for a few seconds deep in thought.

Finally she asked, "What do you want for Christmas?"

I thought of telling her the truth, that what I really wanted was her. I decided it was not the best time to confess my true feelings for her. So instead, I said, "Just once, I would like to stop being a doormat and get a little payback. But I would settle for dinner with you."

I think that actually surprised her a little, because she waited a few seconds to respond, "Well, think you can help me pick out the last few items on my Christmas list? I have decided on something special this year."

"Anything you want Kelly," I told her as we arrived at the mall.

When she showed me the list, I was surprised to see what she was buying. It turned out the list included a digital video camera that could auto-zoom, had automatic motion-tracking, and USB-PC link capabilities. The last items on the list were from Victoria Secrets and turned out to be a really sexy red and black teddy, matching stockings, bra and panties.

Having finished our shopping, we stopped at one of those wannabe Japanese fast food places at the mall and went home to wrap our presents.

A short time later, I found myself at home wrapping the Planet Hollywood jacket I had gotten off eBay for Kelly, when she knocked lightly at my door and asked if she could talk to me.

"Of course," I answered then added, "I'll be right out in a second."

I finished rapping her present and decided that, even though it was a bit early, it might help cheer her up a bit if I gave her the jacket now.

I knew she had been eyeing that particular jacket on eBay but would not have spent the money on herself to get it.

With box in hand, I went into the living room, where she was waiting for me on the couch. I handed her the box and said, "Merry Christmas Kelly! Go ahead and open it now if you want."

Thanking me, she took the package me and began unwrapping it.

"How did you ever find one? It must have cost quite a small fortune," she said when she saw what it was.

"eBay," I told her, and then added, "Don't worry about the price. You're worth every penny."

I instantly felt awkward from my overly honest choice of words.

She started to tell me how I shouldn't have spent so much money on her, that I was too good to her, and that she would always cherish it. Then she gave me a big hug.

When she stopped hugging me, I sat down and asked her, "What do you want to talk to me about Kelly?"

She began, "Do you remember what you said you wanted for Christmas?"

"Yeah," I replied, "but we already had supper."

"No," she smiled, "what you said you REALLY wanted for Christmas!"

She saw the confusion on my face and said, "A little payback!"

"Well, I have an idea how we can both get a little payback," she said.

My brain was not working really well because all I could say was, "Huh? How?"

"Well, I guess you are just going to have to fuck me," Kelly said with a wicked smile on her face.

Chapter Three "Stop Feeling Like A Doormat"

"What?" I was shocked. Not that the idea didn't appeal to me, but this was somewhat out of the blue.

Seeing the perplexed look on my face, Kelly began to explain her plan.

"Look, Billy hates you and, despite being an asshole, is really jealous when it comes to me. And from what you told me, Sherry felt pretty much the same way about me. I can think of nothing that would piss them both off more than if they thought that you and I had hooked up together. So, why don't we broadcast a live video of ourselves making passionate love and send them a link to the feed by email?"

Shattering my illusion of finally being with her, she said, "Oh, we wont be doing it for real. But we will be the only ones who know that. This way we can both get some revenge and you can stop feeling like a doormat."

"So that's what the video camera and sex gear were for?" I asked after my brain had finally connected the dots.

"You got it!" she said.

Kelly had apparently given this quite some thought and had come up with a script. We had decided that to really sell it, we would both have to be completely naked. There was no need for a condom, as we weren't actually going to have sex and Billy knew she was on the pill anyway. The script included lots of foreplay and when the time came to simulate the dirty deed, I was supposed to lay on top of her with my penis actually on her belly and there was to be no real penetration. We would not record it, but would instead send a live feed, just to be sure that nobody ever got a copy of it.

And so, after about thirty minutes, I found myself standing in my bedroom and wearing just my under shorts. The video camera was set up and rolling the live feed to my computer.

Kelly had already sent Billy and Sherry the link to the live feed. When she was sure that they had started the feed and were in session, we began our little show.

Looking even more beautiful than I had imagined she would, Kelly stood before me dressed in a bra, panties, stockings and a negligee. Slowly, she slipped off the negligee letting it fall to the floor at the edge of the bed.

I came over to her and took her into my arms and, as I began kissing her neck I asked her, "Are you sure you really want to do this?"

"Yes," she replied and kissed me passionately on the lips.

For some reason, I was embarrassed as the blood began collecting in my penis and I was beginning to grow a raging hard-on.

She lowered her hands to cup my ass and kissed me. I decided I might as well demonstrate the same commitment and while kissing her on the neck, lowered my hands gently and cupped her soft round bottom with both hands, which elicited a moan from her.

Damn, I thought, she is really trying to sell this. She kissed me again deeply and then pushed me back gently and said, "Let me give you a little show, baby." With that, she unclasped her bra and one at a time slowly lowered each strap until her beautiful breasts were fully exposed before me.

Then she looked up at me and said, "Do you like them, honey? They are all yours now. Now, I am going to unwrap your Christmas present for you, darling." Then, she slowly slid down her panties, revealing her beautiful trimmed pussy.

By this time, my hard-on was straining against my under-shorts, trying to burst free.

"Let me see what my man has for me," she said as she reached out and gently pulled down the sides of my underwear, until it fell to the floor at my feet.

My now raging erection sprang straight towards her. For a second, I could swear I saw lust in her eyes.

She wrapped her arms around me, pulling me toward the bed. Then she pulled me tightly into her and kissed me passionately on the mouth once again. I decided that she was a natural actress. I landed partially on top of her and she kissed me even more passionately. At no time had she kissed me with her open mouth.

She wrapped one leg around me. She released the kiss then gently pushed my head towards one breast putting her nipple into my mouth while whispering into my ear, "Make it look good for the camera."

What else could I do? I took it into my mouth and ran my tongue around it only to discover that it was already quite hard.

She moaned once again and her mouth remained open as she grasped the back of my head, firmly pulling it to her breast. I heard the zoom of the camera and could see out of the corner of my eye that it was aimed straight at her head. I had to use one hand to hold her breast centered in my mouth.

As she took her hand and moved my head to her other breast all, I could think of was how she was really getting into our little play-acting.

After a few minutes, she kissed my neck and said to me "Please, Baby, fuck me now!"

So that's how we got where we are now. I climbed between her legs, as we had planned, and pulled the sheet partly over us. She reached down between us, as though she were helping me enter her, but instead placed my penis on top of her belly. With the sheet covering us from the waists down, the camera would not see that I was not actually in her. She looked me in the eye and we began our simulated dance of love.

Everything was going as planned, until I noticed that it was becoming difficult to keep my penis on her belly, partially because of her simulated erotic movements and also because it seemed to be getting wet on the bottom. I also noticed that every time I pulled back, she seemed to jump just a little, and her breathing was becoming more excited.

Then it hit me. I had been rubbing on her clit with the top of my penis and each time I did, she was arching her back just enough to cause me to slide across the furrow of her now wet pussy. She must have realized what was happening, because she pulled me to her as though she were going to kiss me on my neck and whispered, "I'll fix it."

The camera was fully focused on our faces at the time she kissed me on the mouth. With that, she raised both knees and planted her feet on the bed and attempted to arch her belly towards the bed.

That's the point where the script got changed.

First, when she raised her knees, the sheet fell completely off of us leaving us fully exposed to the camera. Secondly, her timing couldn't have been worse, because at the moment she tried to arch her pelvis downwards, my penis had just rubbed the tip of her clit, causing her to jerk up just a bit before arching her pussy downwards.

"Oomph," I said into her now open mouth, as I slid hilt-deep into her wet and warm pussy.

Chapter Four "One Hell of A Show"

She seemed to spasm for a several seconds and held me tightly in her arms. To make matters worse, I heard the wheeling sound of the camera's motor and realized that it was now focused directly on our fully joined and totally exposed pelvises.

I pulled my mouth from hers and started to say, "I didn't mean to..."

She cut me short, pulling my head to her neck as though offering it to me for a kiss and whispered in my ear, "It's alright. It's not your fault."

I turned my head to the side of her neck that was away from the camera and said, "But the camera! It's focused down there."

Lifting my head, she looked me straight in the eyes and said, "Well its done now. We might as well give them one hell of a show!"

And with that, she wrapped both legs around me and pulled me tightly into her embrace, as she kissed me passionately with her open mouth. Letting her tongue explore mine, she began massaging my penis in and out of her pussy.

I needed no more urging, I reached up and cupped her right breast with my left hand and began gently fondling the nipple, causing her to writhe even more, as I began a slow and steady pace of strokes to my own orgasm.

I angled each stroke upward, hitting her G-spot each time I entered her. Each time I did, she would spasm and moan, "Ahhh... Ohhh... Ahhh..." into my mouth and tighten her grip on me, then loosened it again slightly as I pulled almost all but the crown out of her.

"That's it, fuck me like that, baby," she said as she turned her head to the side and began kissing gently on my neck.

I began quickening my pace as I took one of her nipples into my mouth. This caused her to arch her chest upward, feeding me more of her breast.

"Oh, My God!" she said. "Yes, that's it! Just a little more... Almost there. Uhhhh."

I quickened my pace knowing that the dam was about to burst for both of us.

Just when I thought I could not hold out any more, she screamed in ecstasy as wave after wave of orgasm struck her, causing her to push herself hard onto my penis. Feeling her caught up in the sweet spasm of orgasm was too much for me, and as I plunged deeply once again into her, the flood gates holding me back opened and my seed flowed into her voluptuous body. Riding the wave, I continued stoking into her, each stroke causing her to writhe and spasm until finally it was past for both of us.

I looked down at her and she kissed me tenderly and said, "I have been such a fool! Why did you put up with me all these years?"

"I think you know, don't you?" I answered.

"Yes, I do," she said to me while stroking my back gently with her fingertips.

"What are we going to do about it? You know this kind of thing really messes up friendships," I said.

She thought about it for a second and then said, "Yes, it does complicate things between friends, but not between lovers," and kissed me passionately.

After we broke our kiss, it occurred to us both that we had forgotten about the camera and in unison we both looked over at it. The battery had run down and it was off. I then realized that we had forgotten to fully charge the battery before using the camera. I told her so and we both laughed.
She looked thoughtful for a second and then said to me, "Hey, how about we call our next session Oral Delights?"

"But with a full battery next time?" I asked with a big grin.

"Who cares?" was her response, and with that I kissed her again and led her by the hand to the shower.

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Sweet Revenge

They say that little boys pick on the girls they like. If a boy steals your favourite dolly, he's really trying to steal your heart. Ash Carlyle wasn't the kind of boy to steal your doll. He was the kind of boy that would take the doll, burn it and hand back the smoking remains. I find it easier not to speculate on how that corresponds to his heart-related intentions. He and I first met in school at the tender age of five. Even then he looked like trouble, all tousled dark hair and wild grey...

Love Stories
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Sweet Revenge

Sweet Revenge By Wendae This is the final saga of Lola's Resort The cast characters: Lola is a transsexual dominatrix and creator of Lola's Resort. Wendae is also a transsexual dominatrix and Lola's second in command. Michelle is a cross dresser and recent resident of Oral Services. Gwen is a latex clad assistant that was captured by slavers years ago and had his face altered to a cunt. Regina is a cross dressing sissy that was once trained at Lola's. Doc is the...

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Ravage Revenge

“Hey Ryan, Tammy is so white, I can see the blue veins in her boobs!” said the man in the untidy suit as he took his seat beside me in the glamorous Christmas party at the deluxe ballroom. “Tyler, no one cares about some blue veins!” I responded, “did you see a bit of her nipples? I bet they are so pink, just like that grapefruit shake!”. To that Tyler added “Oh they’ll come out clamato juice out of my mouth!”. We chuckled while looking at the huge party of some 500 well-dressed people. Though...

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The Misfortunes of Twinks I Part 4 A Neighbors Sweet Revenge

Billy Minh steps out of the driver's side of his black BMW smoking a cigarette. He inhales deeply and flicks off the ashes. It's still dark out and the sun has yet to rise. With his trusted box cutter in hand he walks around to the back passenger door that's facing the forest. Minh opens the passenger door to reveal blond twinky boy Mark Williams being sucked off by the red-headed girl from the county fair. Mark is still clad in only his cum-soaked tight white briefs. His dick and balls have...

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Sweet Revenge

Hello all. When I posted the grudge, I asked my readers if they would be interested in a revenge story with a similar theme. After receiving a favorable response to that question I decided to go ahead and write the one I had in the back of my mind. I would again like to thank my editor, Bachgen, for putting forth his time to help make this story a much better read. I hope you all enjoy Sweat Revenge. Sincerely, Double_entendre. William Randolph Sutton Junior was always considered a good boy by...

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AWH Sweet Revenge

Chapter One "Coming Home" You see it all started last Friday when our bosses had thrown us one of those few bones that the Corporate Demi-Gods in their infinite charity bestow once in a while upon their lowly minions. They had decided to be magnanimous and let us off two hours early for the upcoming Christmas Holidays. While she drove us home, home being a house I had inherited from my grandmother and was sharing with Kelly, her low-life boyfriend Billy and my now ex-girlfriend Sherry,...

1 year ago
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Sweet Revenge

I am Charles Brown a 40-year-old black man with an build and I coach High school football. I have had my eyes on one of the school cheerleader for some time now. Her name is Tasha a 16-year-old black girl with a small frame and big breast, the kind of body you dream of. She has caught me staring at her on several occasions but just smiled at me. She was with a white girl on the cheerleader squad named Joan. Joan was also 16 with long blond hear and blue eyes, small breast, the typical...

Group Sex
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Sweet Tasting Revenge

Introduction: A Bi-curious wife catches her husband cheating and sleeps with her lesbian neighbor. This is my first first time publishing, but I wrote this story while I was still in high school. Any constructive criticism is welcomed. Enjoy! My name is Emily. I am 26 years old and I live in Madison, Wisconsin. I have been married to my high school sweetheart, Tyson, since I was 18 years old. Everything was good and our life was perfect until about 6 months ago when I found out Tyson had been...

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A Coachs Revenge

I was your typical highly skilled but too small basketballer. Destined to a coaching role and wishing I’d been blessed with another foot of height so I called make the most of the game I loved best. I had been an assistant and had a couple of fitness and rehabilitation roles but wanted to move on to a senior coaching role. I asked around and looked at the want ads but with no real luck apart from one gig coaching a girl’s college team that was not to appealing to say the least. Not that...

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Seeking My Revenge

The spark of a lighter wakens me. I allow my eyes to only open slightly, letting out a groan. The memories of last night start to flutter my mind. A warm glow pushes through the closed curtains. The ugly furniture is a reminder of where I am. What the hell did I get myself into now, I can’t help but think. The man I’m sharing the bed with speaks deeply. His voice is thick, like a heavy smoker would sound like. “Last night was fun, Doll-face. You’re one hell of a fuck,” he chuckles and smacks...

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Leprechauns Revenge

Leprechaun?s Revenge By [email protected] This is an adult story. Charming Leprechauns are not always charming and in this case you need to be over 18 to read about them. This story is in chapters 1-5. It?s posted in chapters to make on-line reading easier. Depending on what on-line site you are using, it may or may not be posted in chapters. This version is the complete story. CHAPTER 1 She looked down at the massive expanse of her cleavage, and watched her large breasts...

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Madisons Revenge

Catherine saw the offer on the local community website. A family said they were going away for three weeks and offered the services of their two maids to anyone who could house and use their services. What really surprised Catherine was that one of the maids, until just last year, had been one of her teachers at sixth form college, the dreaded and hated Miss Dawson. None of the classmates liked her because she used to happily spank any of them for even the slightest misbehaviour.It wasn’t so...

5 years ago
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Revenge By Margaret Jeanette Mary Benbrooks just completed another deal. She just bought Henry's, an up-scale men's store. It complimented her Dorothy's, an up-scale woman clothing store, and Discount Dress, another women's wear store. Since she also owned the most popular diner in town, she felt she was set. That night she told her husband, Greg, about the deal. He was happy for her. He had a small accounting business that just covered the rent of the offices he leased. He...

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Bahu8217s Sweet Revenge

Anjali and Anup had been married for two months now and she had met Anup’s father Hari Mohan only on the day of her wedding. Hari lived on his ancestral farmhouse away fron the town. He was 6 feet tall, muscular and balding. Now he invited his son and bahu to his farmhouse. He was talking to his bahu on the phone” Beti, tum log yahan honeymoon mana lena aur iss boodhey baap se bhi mil lena. Mujhe bahut khushi hogi” Anjali was excited at the thought of visiting her”Daddy”.” OK Daddy, hum kal...

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Sweet Cruel Revenge

I am Munna,29 yrs old,6 ft tall, little bit extra sex drive. I work as a manager of a indo-Chinese company that runs a couple of knitting and garment factory. I don’t want to name the city for obvious reason. We have labor problem like, indiscipline, strike for no reason, theft etc. Most of the labors are involved with union, that prevents us to take any stiffer action. In a junior management level meeting, I asked the dept managers and supervisors to personally contact me if they had any...

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Harry Potter and the Spellbook of Desires Chapter 37 Malfoys Revenge

Chapter Thirty-Seven – Malfoy’s Revenge Disclaimer: This story does not reflect the attitudes or characters in the Harry Potter series, nor does it have any affiliation with its author. Story Codes: mmf, mf, mmmf, x-gang, anal, cream pie, exhib, grope, hp, inc, magic, oral, preg, spank, unif, voy Hermione Granger was being followed. For the last month, she had been sure that Draco Malfoy and his cronies had been following her before, between and after classes. She knew only one...

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A Girlfriends Revenge

Kate gently stroked Rick's cock through the thick fabric of his jeans. The movie they were watching had not raised their interest enough not to be interrupted by her groping his package as a sign of lust. Boring or not, rare were the occasions where a movie would keep them from fondling each other after more than twenty minutes.Kate unbuttoned Rick's jeans and freed his growing manhood from its cotton confinement. She laggardly pumped it, clenching her fist around it harder each time. They...

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I know, this is a very fast moving story, but I hope you all enjoy it anyway. Revenge By Morpheus I stared into my empty shot glass for several minutes, before finally asking the bartender for "Another one" I was sitting in a smoke filled, half empty bar, determined to drink myself senseless. An overweight, balding man sat farther down the bar, looking just as miserable as me. I couldn't help but wondering what his story was, though I honestly didn't give a damn. I was...

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Carlas Revenge

I've found out that my wife is cheating on me and so far she and Josh don't know that I know. Josh by the way is – or was – my best friend. I know, I know, it is a cliché, but clichés get to be clichés because they happen so often. I had no idea of how I was going to handle it. The thing was that I couldn't understand why he was fucking my wife. Don't get me wrong here; my wife is definitely a hottie. She is in her mid-thirties and even after three kids she looks hot as hell in a bikini,...

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500 Time Revenge

500 Times Revenge Caution, there is a brutal revenge section in this story, and for those of you that say it can't happen or it's over the top…I beg to differ. In fact, the punishment I describe was reported in the Phoenix Times back in 2019, and was an actual event. Beginnings We met in our last year at university when I was out with friends. Sara was celebrating her 21st birthday when I met her at a local club in Nashville. I literally bumped into Sara as I walked by her table, knocking her...

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The Sweet Taste Of Revenge

“What the hell is going on in here?”Those are the words I utter as I walk into our living room and find my husband with a girl I have never seen before.They both look surprised to see me. She’s brushing her hair, which seems a strange thing to be doing in an unfamiliar house. He’s red in the face and looking like a cat caught with a canary. I am just thankful that our daughter went straight upstairs to call her friends and is oblivious to what is happening in the front room.He’s fucked her, I...

4 years ago
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Accidents Happen

There are some things in life that are not planned. They just happen! My sister Donna is 4 years older than me and we have never been real tight. We were just typical siblings with an age difference. We would fight all the time over just about anything, but as we got older we managed to become friends. My sister was a wild c***d; I caught her more than once having sex with her boyfriends at our parents' house. I never said anything but she knew that I knew. There were times, and I am sure it...

3 years ago
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Accidents happen

There are some things in life that are not planned. They just happen! My sister Donna is 4 years older than me and we have never been real tight. We were just typical siblings with an age difference. We would fight all the time over just about anything, but as we got older we managed to become friends. My sister was a wild c***d; I caught her more than once having sex with her boyfriends at our parents' house. I never said anything but she knew that I knew. There were times, and I am sure it...

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Revenge Gone Wrong 8211 How My Ass Was Destroyed Because Of My Revenge

My name is Shikha.I am a sexy,slim,fair and hot girl of 25.Have got a slim figure but have a nice pair of boobs and round ass.I have this bad habit that I am more interested in having sex with boyfriends of my friends.This makes me feel more sexy and hot. The story started when I was in Delhi.It had been about 6 months in my new job and about the same time for my breakup with my boyfriend.My bf broke up with me due to friend kritika(girl) who told my bf about my past affairs.And from that...

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Revenge The idea of this story came to me while I was writing the Escape series. So I thought of giving it a shot. Please be informed that I'm still trying to improve on my English and I'm relatively new to fiction writing. This would only be the second ongoing series (only if you guys wanted it to be continued) that I've done. Comments and feedbacks are very much appreciated. I hope you guys like it. Thanks. WARNING: This story contains TG, violence and surgery. The vengeful...

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Slow Smoldering Revenge Helen was my boss. Around two years ago I had reason to question some tax advice she had provided to a client. At the time I was 59 and was a senior tax adviser for a major firm of accountants. To ensure accuracy it was necessary for advice to be checked by a second person, in my case by Helen, and in her case by the tax partner. Although I was Helen's junior I had considerable more experience than she did having worked for many year for a major bank and having...

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Timestoppers Revenge

The memory of myself as a toddler, playing with a balloon, and then BANG – it was gone. I guess it was the shock of the bursting balloon that had startled me into my reaction, but I felt something tense just north of my stomach, and everything went quiet. Looking around I could see everything was stopped. My parents were in the process of turning towards me and the family dog’s head was just starting to come up from its paws where it was laid by the fire. There were still some remnants of the...

4 years ago
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Time stop Revenge

I had a memory of myself, as a toddler, playing with a balloon, and then BANG – it was gone. I guess it was the shock of the bursting balloon that had startled me into my reaction, but I felt something tense just north of my stomach, and everything went quiet. Looking around I could see everything was stopped. My parents were in the process of turning towards me and the family dog’s head was just starting to come up from its paws where it was laid by the fire. There were still some remnants...

3 years ago
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A Tale of Revenge

"So I wasn't sure why Vito Corleone stabbed that old fat Don," Tricia said in her English accent. She put down the spindle of yarn and rubbed her neck. "I know it was supposed to be for revenge, the old Don had killed the rest of his family, but he'd gotten away from Sicily. What would he gain by killing the man?" Kit Cameron listened to this with an amused smile. "You don't understand what revenge is all about, do you?" she asked with her soft southern accent. Like her friend...

2 years ago
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Forgiveness Is the Sweetest Revenge

My night's sleep was interrupted at 5 a.m. by the couple next door. Their bed's headboard was banging against my wall; the mattress was squeaking rapidly, and the woman was screaming, "Oh, yes, fuck me!! Fuck me harder! Oh!!! Oh, my God!!! Don't stop!!!" This went on for half an hour. It got me so damn horny, I felt like beating off; but I decided to save it for my wife when she got home. I waited for them to finish because I was enjoying the thought of her getting a royal fucking,...

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Sweet Revenge

My very good friend and neighbor, Vicki, and I found out that both of our husbands were cheating on us. I will not go into the BS of or the how we found out, I will just cut to the juicy part. By the way, this a true story and I did change the names to protect the guilty SOB that could not keep it in pants! Vicki and I decided that it best to get some revenge by way of getting laid, a couple of one night stands with maybe some photos of a strange dick stuck in my pussy. We got all dolled up in...

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Sweet Revenge

Sweet Revenge by Kristen Kitty Alan, a 15-year-old, sat alone in the den, fuming at what had just transpired. His sister had just managed to excuse herself from all of her chores for the week, at HIS EXPENSE. It had started when his 14-year-old sister, Karen, had her first stupid period while she was in school last month. She was in English class, and was totally embarrassed when it happened. Alan did not believe that it was that big of a deal, and he let his sister know about...

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Sweet Revenge

This has been written by me for a very close friend , as I can not express how bad I feel so he Mister Mick has tried -- hopefully I will get some closure after reading this on line !!.... I was gutted and sick to my stomach the day I heard my husband Charlie had been fucking my son’s friend’s mum --- not just fucking her but he had fucked her virgin bum hole!!!!! We have an open relationship but this takes the piss.....Tasha the stuck up designer bitch walks round as though she has a dildo...

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Sweet Revenge

This has been written by me for a very close friend , she can not express how bad she feels so i have tried -- hopefully she will get some closure after reading this on line !!.... I was gutted and sick to my stomach the day i heard my husband Charlie had been fucking my sons friends mum --- not just fucking her but he had fucked her virgin bum hole !!!!! We have an open relationship but htis takes the piss .....Tasha the stuck up designer bitch walks round as though she has a dildo up her....

4 years ago
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Sweet Revenge

My very good friend and neighbor, Vicki, and I found out that both of our husbands were cheating on us. I will not go into the BS of or the how we found out, I will just cut to the juicy part. By the way, this a true story and I did change the names to protect the guilty SOB that could not keep it in pants!Vicki and I decided that it best to get some revenge by way of getting laid, a couple of one night stands with maybe some photos of a strange dick stuck in my pussy. We got all dolled up in...

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Kims Sweet Revenge

Once in a while, Kim had suggested to Mike that he should just go and sleep with an escort when he was too demanding, or constantly badgering her to fuck or dress up, while she felt overwhelmed with work and kids. Yet, she was pissed when she saw the suspicious charge on their credit card bill after he’d returned from his latest business trip to St. Martin. He had mentioned how the Island is the sin city of the Caribbean and told her about the Cigar Bar, where they’d go after meetings to smoke...

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Diwali Rockets 8211 Part 7 Sweet revenge

Welcome back to the next exciting part of the series. Hope you have enjoyed it so far. So going back to the story. After Banerjee uncle left, Das uncle, aunty, and I were sitting on the sofa. Das uncle – So Rimi, when should I send our son to you? Aunty – What are you talking about? Das uncle – We were discussing Rimi giving tuition classes. Aunty – Oh, that would be great. Me – Uncle, send him tonight after 8. Das uncle – Great, I will tell him Aunty – You take a rest. We should leave...

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Morphic Adaptation Unit Sams Revenge

Morphic Adaptation Unit: Sam's Revenge A man finds a strange alien device, and after tinkering a bit, discovers that it allows him to change his body. He comes up with a great idea to get back at a pair of friends. ********************************************************************** Morphic Adaptation Unit: Sam's Revenge Prologue First Tm'skor was having a bad day. This had started as a very routine day on another routine freight run on just one more routine Fwirthian...

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Jealousy and Revenge

This story is my own Work though originally posted on another site. I have used it to open my account and hope to have a completely new story for this site shortly. Till Then I hope you enjoy my work. The story is completely fictional. ____________________________________ As I sit listening the songs on my media player the words "Sometimes all I need is the air that I breathe and to love you" echo into my head phones. Tears start down my cheeks as I recall our argument...

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A Cross Dressers Revenge

CROSS DRESSERS REVENGE BY JANICE I was fifteen years old when I was beaten up and raped by three big adults. I was on my way home from Martial Arts school when it happened. I was pretty good, tops in my class, but that was little help to a teen age boy against three big drunks, aside from being beat up, I was also sexually assaulted. The three of them were arrested a few days later but not for what they did to me,...

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Victorias Revenge

Victoria’s Revenge This story is one possible sequel to ?Recruiting Victoria?                                          by Gina Hoisington.Author:  Ivan Wilson                Story codes:  nc, mf, ff, fd, snuff, torture.Victoria, or ‘M’ as her master called her, was worried.  It had been more than three years since she was kidnapped by her current master, Wolfgang Bernhard Spring (Wolf), & trained as a sex-slave.  At the end of her training she had been brought to his island Estate & had lived...

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Mandys Revenge

Please note -: This story is written for Adults Only. It contains acts of non-consensual sex and some mild violence between females, if this is likely to offend you please do not continue to read it. This story is entirely fictional, including the characters in it. All comments welcomed and encouraged either through this website or direct to [email protected]. Hope you enjoy it!MANDY’S REVENGEMel grunted in pain and disgust as her face was forced down onto Mandy’s stinking feet. The...

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School Day II Susans Revenge


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Kellys Revenge

Kelly’s revenge. Five years in a Mexican jail had given Kelly plenty of time to plot her revenge on her former employer, Sharon James.  Kelly knew her rich employer used recreational drugs within her circle of other local wealthy wives, but was unaware that Sharon had concealed a large stash of cocaine in her suitcase during the annual family vacation.  She would never forget how she pleaded with Sharon to tell the immigration officers that she was the children’s Nanny and the drugs were...

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The Perfect Revenge

The Perfect Revenge by Eric Based On Donnie's HT 207 This is dedicated to Donnie for all his splendid work on his great site. My special thanks to the great Steve Zink for his peerless editing! It was the best of times and the worst of times for the beautiful Britney Dodge. It should have been the happiest day in young Britney's life. It was her twenty-first birthday and she would gain control of her huge trust fund. Britney Dodge was beautiful, rich and social. Was she...

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Dreamscape Torture can be fun 2 Dear Hearts revenge

Composed and written by Dear Heart “Hmm I think I will teach him a lesson which he won’t ever forget.” She says to herself while cleaning the mess on the bed and thinking about the last night. After spending a lot of time in cleaning the bed and washing the bed sheets, a smile plays on her lips when she at last gets the idea to punish her beloved man. The next moment she is on the phone talking to him, informing that she will not be able to visit him today as she isn’t feeling well...

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