My Life As A Fetish Model free porn video

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Disclaimer: This story is purely fictional and any resemblance to anyone dead or alive is coincidental. I welcome comments (and suggestions for future chapters!) so please feel free to email me – kace.lee at gmail. Thanks! Kacey.


My name is Christine Lee, and this the story of my life as a fetish model.

Coming out of school as an 18 year-old was a liberating feeling, and it wasn’t long before I had to move away from home to go to college. I wasn’t sure exactly what I wanted to study – my grades in school were pretty good, but I had no idea exactly what it was that I wanted to do. In school I had been known a little bit as a dancer, and so I enrolled in a performing arts college, and moved out of home.

The classes weren’t particularly interesting, but one day, I saw an errant piece of paper fluttering around in the courtyard. Going to pick it up, I saw that it was an adult flier – probably straight off some porno magazine. As I read it, though, I saw it was more of an advertisement. Some fetish magazine was looking for new models, and the money they were offering seemed quite good. In particular, they said they were looking for Asian girls – bingo.

I’m your typical Asian girl – petite, about 5’2, with long black hair, and a small, tight butt. The magazine wasn’t looking for naked pictures, and the flier assured me that it would just mean provocative poses in some rather interesting clothing, with no nudity involved. Harmless enough. So I gave the number a ring, and arranged a coffee meeting with a ?Max Hugo?, the photographer and supposed man in charge of this division of the magazine.

?You’re beautiful,? Max complimented me as we shook hands and sat down. He ordered himself a coffee and opened a business folder. He was well-dressed in a suit, a man in his mid-forties. He was a big man – I guessed at least 6’5, and his frame was filled out with plenty of muscle. A fitness trainer in a former life, probably. He wasted no time in getting to the point.

?So we’re not asking you to pose naked; you’ll just be wearing a few different costumes. If the section is received well, we might want you back, and then you can decide what you want to do.?

?What sort of costumes are we talking about?? I asked.

?I thought you might ask that.? He withdrew a magazine and slid it across the table. ?This is last month’s issue.?

I leafed through it, and shivered a little with excitement. There were girls here in impossibly-tight latex corsets, high-heeled boots, French maid outfits, scandalous schoolgirl uniforms. I was no stranger to sex – I expect I’d had as much action as any of the other cheerleading girls in my last three years at school – but those experiences paled in comparison to the kinky eroticism of these photo shoots. There was a bondage section as well, showcasing girls in tight hogties, or spread wide with metal bars.

?I’d like to do it, if you’ll have me,? I said, firmly.

?Excellent.? Max handed me his card. ?How about we schedule for a shoot in a couple of days’ time? Don’t worry about what you wear – we’ll have all the costumes there for you, although you’ll need to give me your measurements so we can tailor them just right.?

After these details were fixed, Max paid up for his coffee (and mine), and we shook hands again. ?Look forward to it!? he said. As I mumbled something along those same lines, I turned to go – and before I knew it, he’d reached out with a cheeky hand to squeeze my right buttock. It wasn’t just a pinch, it was a full-on gratuitous ass-fondle. Deciding I couldn’t really object and have the possibility of losing this new stream of income, I forced a smile and continued on my way.

?Christine! Good to see you.? It was Max, and I had just arrived at his studio apartment. There were a couple of other people there with him, another guy who I assumed to be an assistant photographer, and a girl who must be the wardrobe lady. ?That gorgeous ass is still looking as deliciously tight as the last time I saw it,? Max winked, mischievously, and as he came to help me with my bags, he gave my butt another squeeze. This Max was definitely an ass man, the way he was lewdly looking at me and groping my bottom when I didn’t even really know him.

?Alright, Christine,? the lady came over to introduce herself. ?I’m Jessica, and I’ll be helping you with all your clothing. Nothing too adventurous today – just a little latex ensemble to get you started.?

Thankfully there was a makeshift dressing room, where I could flee from the prying eyes of Max and his assistant. Jessica explained the items to me and helped me fit them on. First came some boots with skyscraper platform heels – they laced up to my mid-thigh, and were apparently a 6.5? heel. Asian girls aren’t the tallest going around, so this was definitely a new viewpoint for me.

There was also a black g-string, and black PVC gloves. They also wanted me to wear a cute little rhinestone collar. The corset took the longest to get on – Jessica insisted on lacing it as tightly as she could – and it was already tiny. The cups hugged my breasts and squeezed my waist to uncomfortably small proportions. This was verified when Max came over, and clasped my waist in his big hands – and his hands nearly met!

?Now that’s a petite, corseted waist,? he remarked. I felt like a tiny doll in his hands, and his large frame seemed to block out everything else. ?Alright, come on over and strike a few poses. Let’s see what material we can get.?

The first few poses were nothing special; sitting seductively across a couch, posing upright on a stool. Then came the more risqu? instructions.

?Let’s see you fondle your tits?that’s right, cup them, hold them up.?

?Get down on your hands and knees, and look back over your shoulder. That’s it. Push your ass up higher. Good.?

Max looked across to his assistant, whose name I had recently gathered was Andrew. ?Now let’s see how flexible you are. You said you’re studying dance?so maybe we can get this shot. The last few girls couldn’t do it.?

I was intrigued. ?What do you want me to do?? I asked him.

?Can you lock your ankles behind your head?? Max said.

I jumped up on the couch, and after a little bit of manoeuvring, had assumed the pose that he wanted. I was flexible and limber, and petite girls don’t have much trouble doing these especially if they’re dancers. I had drawn my long legs up, until my ankles were right up by my ears, and then I pushed a little further and locked them behind my neck. The latex thigh-high boots were straining, just as their cameras started clicking away.

?That’s excellent,? Max said, and Andrew nodded. ?Possibly even cover material. Which would mean more money for you.?

More money? That sounded good. ?So am I done?? I asked. He nodded. The photo-shoot had only taken thirty minutes altogether. Not bad for the agreed sum of $1000. This must be a really high-class magazine to pay that much for so little work.

?Do you want a lift home?? Max said, as he gathered up his equipment. ?I don’t live too far from you, if I remember your address correctly.?

?Sure,? I said, as I hadn’t really thought of transport on the way back. ?Let me just get my stuff.?

?Why don’t you stay wearing that costume?? Max said, again with that mischievous tone. ?No one will see you?and it’ll be fun. I’ll let you keep the clothes if you wear them until you get home.?

I did like these clothes. And I’d be in a car, going straight to my place. No one would really see me. So I recklessly agreed, and after a few more minutes of packing up, I wound up in the passenger’s seat of his car. In an erotic latex outfit. But his windows were tinted, so no one really noticed on the journey.

As we got closer to my place, he made a wrong turn. I pointed this out. ?Oh, no,? he said, ?I was meaning to drop by my place first, if that’s ok with you. I need to pick a few things up before I run some errands, I’ll drop you on the way then if you don’t waiting a little while.?

This was getting a little dicier, but I didn’t really have any choice but to agree. ?In fact, why don’t you come up and see my apartment? It’s a pretty cool place. And you can get a drink there.?

I was thirsty, come to think of it, and so, in line with my reckless behaviour so far, I followed him up to his apartment. He was predictably in the penthouse – clearly this magazine was doing well. Max gave every indication of being a successful forty-something year-old businessman.

?Make yourself comfortable,? he said, gesturing to the couches. ?I’ll be back in a second.? Still in my skyscraper platform boots, I managed to make my way to one of the couches without falling over. I had gradually adjusted to breathing in the corset, at least. I considered taking the elbow-length gloves off, but they made a nice look with the rest of the outfit, so kept them on in the end. Trying to think of small talk, I called after him.

?So how long have you been in the magazine business?? I asked.

?Only the last few years, actually,? came the muffled reply from the bedroom. ?A few years ago I retired from my old job, did a course in photography, and then came across to the magazine.?

?What was your old job?? I said, taking the bait.

And that was his cue to step out from behind the bedroom door and back into the lounge room. He was stark naked. ?I used to be a pornstar,? he grinned. And I could believe it. He was stroking one massive hardon as he said it, stepping closer into the lounge. I wasn’t quite sure how to react, and I was a little bit mesmerised by the sight of this gigantic penis. I’m not very good at guessing, but this was definitely the biggest I’d ever seen, probably about ten inches long, ramrod straight, and fearsomely thick.

?Christine, you’re a beautiful young girl, and I’m sure you’re not a virgin. Not with a body like that. And I’m head of the photography department – I could get you that cover shot you want, and all the money that comes with it.? That was his pitch. And now he’d closed the gap between us until he was holding me again, his huge hands enveloping my tiny waist. His huge cock slapped up against my corseted stomach.

Meekly I followed him into the bedroom. I couldn’t resist, and I couldn’t think of any salvageable way of extricating myself from the situation. I’d only sleep with him once, it’d be over soon, then I could go home, and I’d have him doing me favours afterwards. He pulled my g-string down and tossed it away. ?The great thing about your latex outfit?is that you can have sex in it, while I still have access to everywhere I want.?

He was a big man, and I was a small Asian girl, so he had no trouble manhandling me into whatever position he wanted. Soon I found myself under him on his bed, my legs spread obscenely high as he aimed his enormous erection against my pussy lips. ?They call this the ‘squashing of the deckchair’,? Max noted, and I could see why. I certainly felt like I was being squashed. He pushed, and soon his cock was forcing its way in between my lips, a warm, thick snake slithering up my tight love tunnel. He was so big, I couldn’t resist moaning. No one had filled me up this much before. All the while his shoulders were pressing down on my outstretched legs, so that my ankles were resting on either side of his head as he pumped. He was so forceful and violent that my little body was bouncing beneath him with every thrust, and I was unconsciously crying out with each new pounding.

After ten minutes of this non-stop action, he finally came, shooting deep within me. Lucky I had taken my birth control pills. I was exhausted. He had ridden me like I was some sort of brood mare. ?Ok, so you’ve slept with me, can I?? I began to say, but he put a finger to my lips, silencing me. With growing realisation I noticed his cock hadn’t softened. It was still rock hard. No doubt being a male pornstar had honed his libido to a razor-sharp edge.

?I want you to suck on it, Christine,? he said. It seemed like an order. I gingerly picked myself up off the bed, and knelt before this massive cock. I could feel some of his cum dripping down my inner thighs. The head of his cock was so huge I could barely fit it in my mouth. I sucked on the first few inches, while pumping the shaft with my right hand. It was more a handjob with me kissing the head rather than a blowjob. But after he came a second time, he still wasn’t done.

?That position we got you in for the final photo?? Max began to say, and I knew what he wanted me to do. ?It’s called the Viennese Oyster. I’ve known very few girls who are talented enough to actually do it?? He could see I was reluctant. ?I’ll pay you a thousand dollar bonus, and I’ll get you that cover shoot bonus as well on top of that,? he promised.

Now I felt a bit like a prostitute. Having sex for money. But he’d already fucked me once, and I’d already sucked him off, so what was the harm in one more time? He found a chair for me, and positioned it perfectly. It had arms, so I wasn’t going to lose my position and fall off to either side – which would have definitely put a dampener on things. I hooked up my legs like I had before, and locked them behind my head.

Before I knew it, Max had snapped some ankle cuffs around behind my neck, securing my ankles in that position until he chose to release them. ?Hey!? I said, surprised, and now a little scared. He laughed as I struggled, but couldn’t budge. I was locked into this stupid Viennese Oyster position.

?Relax?by cuffing your ankles, you don’t have to strain to keep them there.? He reached for a bottle of lube. Almost tenderly, he knelt by the chair, and began to stroke my pussy with his fingers. ?Shh. Relax. You’ll love it.? He continued stroking, before unloading some lube on his index finger.

Without warning, he slid a finger down to the exposed crack of my ass. ?Christine, I’ve wanted to fuck this little ass of yours ever since I laid eyes on you that day in the coffee shop.? I started to protest.

?Wait?I never said yes to anal sex.?

He stopped stroking, and withdrew another item out of a nearby bag.

?You’re too big?it’s going to hu-?

A bright red ball gag was now in my mouth. He strapped it firmly behind my head, and resumed his stroking of my poor little asshole.

He stroked my ass for another ten minutes. He was good, I’ll give him that. His fingers rubbed lightly around my pucker, teasing and lubing it up, fingers dancing across my butt and spreading my cheeks wide. Cuffed and gagged as I was, there was nothing I could do to stop him.

He stood up, and his glistening cock came into view. It was so big. And my ass was so tight, even after he had loosened it up. ?Christine,? he said, ?Your gorgeous butt is mine.?

And he pushed the first two inches in. I cried out from behind my ball gag.

?I’ve fucked lots of girls in the ass. Some pornstars are real anal sluts. But your ass has to be one of the tightest and most delicious asses I’ve plundered.?

Three more inches in.

?You could go far, Christine. Stick with me, and I’ll have you earning bucketloads.?

Three more inches. Eight inches so far.

?Quit your college course and move in with me. I’ll support you. I have millions of dollars in assets. We could just fuck all day.?

All ten inches were in, and his balls were resting up against my butt. My legs were hurting from the strain of this outrageous sex position I was finding myself in.

?With an ass like yours, Christine, I would just want to fuck all day?? and he presumed to pound me. I had never had anal sex like this before – surrendering all control to my male partner, who was disregarding me completely and just taking what he wanted. It was strangely erotic, if a bit demeaning. His huge tool pistoned in and out of my buttcheeks, which were uncontrollably clenching around him, and it was not long before he let a warm stream of cum spurt up my tight anus.

He released me from my ankle cuffs and unlocked the ball gag, handing me a towel to clean myself up. ?I suppose I’d better take you home now,? he said, with that silly little grin of his again.

A few days later I had to collect a few things from the studio like my payslip. Jessica let me in, and I wandered on down to the office where I could get it. I heard some raucous laughter coming from another room – at least four or five different male voices – and curiosity got the better of me. It was the boardroom across the corridor, so I could only steal a surreptitious glance, but Max was unmistakeably there, as well as another six executives of the magazine. They appeared to be watching something on the TV. I managed to find myself a small corner window to peek in – they all had their backs to me, watching the TV, so I wasn’t going to be spotted.

?I’ve now broken in every single model that this magazine has had in the past three years,? Max was saying. What was this?

?I saw that new girl the other day – Christine Lee,? one of the executives said. I just managed to stop myself from gasping and giving myself away as an eavesdropper. They were talking about me as if I were meat. ?Great ass on her.?

Another agreed, ?But the bitch has no tits. We need to get her some plastic tits. Max, you can tell her that we’ll pay for them. DD-cup knockers on a girl of her size would look fantastic.?

Max nodded thoughtfully. ?Then she’d be perfect. Oh, by the way, I sampled all of her holes the other day. She isn’t that great a cocksucker, but that can be trained. By far the best ass I’ve ever had, though.? He hit a button on the TV remote, and a video came up on the screen.

It was of us fucking. The bastard had taped that whole encounter!

?Look at the little whore,? he said, smiling. ?I plundered her poop chute like nothing else. I’ll be surprised if that little bitch can walk after the pounding I gave her.? The executives smiled as they watched the homemade film. ?However innocent she may be, I’m going to turn her into a pure anal slut by the time I’m done with her.?

?I’m going to get her to move in with me,? he continued to boast. ?I’ve always wanted a live-in anal pet. She’ll get those big tits, I’ll train her as an obedient little cocksucker. Maybe she can come to some of the conventions. I always like showing off an 18 year-old slut on the arm of a 48 year-old executive!? They all laughed.

I was fuming on the inside. But why was I also getting a bit wet? I had to get away. I hurried off out of the office, out of the studio, and back onto the street. I needed to think about this job real hard.

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Millie found the perfect partner to fulfil her handcuff fetish

Millie is a plain girl-next-door you would not notice twice. Though she had a petite and attractive body, she hardly ever found a guy to her taste. Most thought she is a too shy and introverted. But in reality, Millie had fetishes including handcuff fetish that often threw regular guys off-track. So, every time she started dating a guy, eventually they would run away as soon as she disclosed her kinky side. It was getting frustrating for her so she decided to look for guys specifically based on...

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The International Nylon Fetish Club

The International Nylon Fetish Club or INFC was formed at the beginning of the new millennium. In order to be a member you must be a married male with a provable intense fetish for nylons about which your wife is fully informed and regularly indulges your nylon desires.The club was formed to provide a means by which members can meet online and arrange face to face meetings with other couples. These meetings provide a way for men with an desire to see other nylon fetish men ejaculate semen on...

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Indian CrushFoot Fetish

I was part of a normal family and I was the only child. and both my parents worked so it didn't make much difference during school days but when it came to vacation time, I proved to be a real havoc to my parent's concern. luckily we had a neighbouring family. there were two people, the mother who was in her 40's (widow) and her daughter nithya (23 at that point). nithya chechi was working as a receptionist in a firm so being well groomed was no problem. she was attractive by any standards...

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My New College Fetish Smoking

After I graduated High School in Tampa Florida, I decided to take a trip over to the east coast of Florida and go to college over there. In college is where I met my dream guy. His name is Michael, he is 22 years old, he has short brown spiked hair, gorgeous blue eyes, great build, nice tan and a tattoo on his groin area that reads (YOUR HOT ROD) Oh my god every time I suck his cock it makes wanna cum just looking at it. (Really girls you would have to see it to understand what I am...

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My Creampie Fetish with White Women

I never had a creampie fetish as a teen. No condom? No go. Babies scared the living shit out of me. In my household having a baby at a young age symbolize failure! But from my c***dhood into my adulthood that changed overtime in the interracial dating pool. You see, I always dated within and outside my race. No big deal right? Wrong! Because dating white women from plenty of fish and tinder to social media sites like Facebook and Instagram made it obvious overtime that even if they wasn’t on...

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My First Jacket Fetish Firetrap Harrie Jacket

Back in 2005, the British TV Program ‘Doctor Who' was re-launched on TV. There came an episode where Billie Piper playing Rose Tyler wore a Firetrap Harrie Jacket. Essentially this jacket is slightly puffy, slightly cropped and has a large ribbed/ felt lower half which compliments the figure, a nice big hood which can be split into two. It looks really shiny when on certain lights and still to this day, I love these episodes in which she wore this jacket. The jacket in question can be found on...

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How my pantyhose fetish started

Birth of a pantyhose fetishPart of what I find erotic is the pursuit of the feeling you got in your belly those very first times you were sexually turned on. What was turning you on and how intense and erotic it was as your hands were shaking and you were all nervous and aroused. Probably similar to d**g addicts always trying to get that first buzz feeling. For me it was, and always has been, pantyhose. Not stockings and that, but nude or suntan pantyhose. Probably a symptom of growing up in...

4 years ago
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Step MomMum Foot Fetish True Experience

I've read quite a lot of true foot fetish experiences and they turn me on so I'd like to discuss mine. Hopefully some of you will enjoy it and get as turned on as I did at the time. I'm not great at writing and because it's true and in retrospect it might not be very detailed. I can't remember every event detail for detail but I can do my best.When I was young I always had a slight obsession with womens feet, I would sit around or by feet and if we had any visitors I'd sneak into the hallway...

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The Evolution Of My Sex Life And Latex Fetish

This is the story of the development of my fetish and my sex life.One of my very earliest memories, probably around the age of four, involved rubber gloves. My Mom had a pair of household latex gloves she kept in a drawer in the bathroom. Now, these gloves were not the regular colored ones with the rough surface and flock lining. Naturally, they didn't fit my little hands that way but, they were fairly tight fitting, natural transparent latex and smooth and shiny inside and out. Although...

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Indian CrushFoot Fetish

hello to all readers.. my name is kuttan and im from south india. this story i write is a true incident and not a narrative. this incident is a collation of many small ones and all adds up to make me one hell of a lucky bastard.i was part of a normal family and i was the only c***d. and both my parents worked so it didnt make much difference during school days but when it came to vacation time, i proved to be a real havoc to my parent's concern. luckily we had a neighbouring family. there were...

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The Fetish Club Part 1

The Fetish Club - Part One By Pia Briesbois This is a true story. All of the events in this story did actually happen and I have tried to portray the scenes as accurately as possible. The names have been changed to protect the naughty. Actually, there are no names in the story. There is however a naughty story. I had been dating a very sexy blonde woman for several months. She was an absolute knockout. Blonde, about 5'10", slim with fantastic legs. All eyes...

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Bimbo Fetish

Reddit Bimbo Fetish, aka r/BimboFetish! Bimbos, the hottest thing in the world that no man can resist. If you say you can resist seeing a bimbo and drooling over her, then you’re probably lying. What constitutes a bimbo anyway? It’s pretty simple, really. Bimbos are women who have gone to great lengths in order to present themselves as nothing more than sexual objects. Now, when it comes to showing off what they have to offer, bimbos have always been there with their huge tits, faces with a lot...

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Banging the Girl of my Dreams and Satisfy my Fetish Desires

I had been planning a trip to Japan for a good while. I had saved money, booked tickets and made bookings at hotels. But maybe it wasn’t in my destiny because at that time, the covid pandemic struck and everything was put on hold. I had booked my stay such that I had an opportunity to court some local ladies. I had a thing for Asian women and I was super attracted to them. I have many kinks but wanted to satisfy my fetish desires with them. I found them to be dainty and polite. They weren’t...

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I finally got to fulfil by fetish for leather Fetish Sex Stories

Hi, I am Tim- a guy at 45 years age, I am at the verge of mid-life crisis. I am married to my beautiful wife for almost 20 years now and we even have two wonderful kids. But when it comes to our bedroom romance, I am far from happy. There is nothing wrong with my wife though. She is loving and caring and enjoys sex. But to a certain limit only. You see, she is a pious Christian and believes any experimental approach to sex is sin. So, for twenty years we had been practicing completely...

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Smoking Fetish

First off, let me preface by saying that I am not a smoker (Not in “Real life” anyway). I do, however try to indulge a man's fantasies when we're together. I have, of course, turned down some of the more bizarre requests, but smoking for fetish purposes, is pretty benign. I have been surprised by how many men have this fetish. I don't know if it adds to the air of sluttiness that men who are into CD's prefer (Men don't want us dressed and acting like church ladies), but a lot of men love to...

4 years ago
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Mistress Sydney Spoils Her Sugar Fetish Daddy

Sydney Sunshine was an exotic dancer and prostitute.  She was young and beautiful.  She was one of the headline dancers at the Red Zebra Club.  She did lap dances on the side and for the right client she would prostitute herself.She made good money dancing.  Sometimes she would have three lap dances scheduled for the night.  They were three hundred dollars a dance.   If they wanted a sexual experience, she would provide that too.  Having sex with the dancers was expensive.  A night with Sydney...

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My pantyhose fetish origin

Part of what I find erotic is the pursuit of the feeling you got in your belly those very first times you were sexually turned on. What was turning you on and how intense and erotic it was as your hands were shaking and you were all nervous and aroused. Probably similar to d**g addicts always trying to get that first buzz feeling. For me it was, and always has been, pantyhose. Not stockings and that, but nude or suntan pantyhose. Probably a symptom of growing up in the 70's. I don't even really...

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Fetish Encounters With Tanuja

Hi, readers…I have been a regular reader of sex stories on ISS and was waiting for my turn to share my true experience. The main character in this story is TANUJA who is my colleague at the office. About myself, I am Rohit working at a decent designation in a private company in Bangalore. This incident happened after Tanuja joined as my junior in office. She is married for around 10 years with one child.The day I saw her for the first time, I admired her beauty and treated myself lucky to get...

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Birth of a pantyhose fetish

Part of what I find erotic is the pursuit of the feeling you got in your belly those very first times you were sexually turned on. What was turning you on and how intense and erotic it was as your hands were shaking and you were all nervous and aroused. Probably similar to d**g addicts always trying to get that first buzz feeling. For me it was, and always has been, pantyhose. Not stockings and that, but nude or suntan pantyhose. Probably a symptom of growing up in the 70's. I don't even...

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Gayatri fulfills Rahul8217s long hair fetish 8211 Part 2

Now that my fetish was not hidden from Gayatri anymore, my load of burden was gone. She and I became even closer and used to have sex almost daily. She had become a very close friend to Kavita. At night, Gayatri showed me Kavita’s long hair pictures while she caressed my dick. I don’t know how she used to manage to get such pics of her, but I was enjoying it very much. Gayatri even used to give me a hairjob most days. She took care of her hair very much after knowing I had a hair fetish. I...

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The Species Fetish Catalouge

We Join Farah with her rift gun , expedition gear, humanoid notes, and crew as we set sail. We will dive into the deepest depths of the ocean and depravity as we write the sexual exploits of the crew as we tackle mythologies, fantasy's, Universe to find what gets each species of each sexuality off. But first we have to meet the core crew members of the Catalouge Explorers(Name Pending but you all can suggest here)don't we? Farah Gates-Explorer whose idea it was to get down with what existence...

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Foot fetish fetched me more than I bargained for Fetish Sex Stories

My name is Jordan. I am 38-year-old male, living in Los Angeles. Being an introvert, I always had difficulty meeting women I love. Moreover, I could hardly ever tell them about my fantasies. You see, more than anything else, I get turned on a woman’s feet. Small, pinkish and plump feet are my favorite. Now this is not something you tell a woman without getting slapped, can you? So, I ended up looking for solutions online. I met many women at various online platforms to dating websites. It has...

4 years ago
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Choose your fetish wisely

“What delightful housework is my sweet cuckold doing on his day off work?” Mary said, surveying the mess of clothes spread across the children's beds. “Packing the kid's stuff.” “What for?” “I’m taking them to Disney.” “Come again?” “You’re seeing Leonard, so I thought I’d take the kids to Disney.” “That’s crazy. There’s no point in going there and back in a day.” “We’re going for the week.” “What?” This time there was an edge of anxiety in her voice; the mocking curiosity had gone. ...

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OHGIRLs Fetish Party

I got a call during the week from an older gentleman named Logan. He was the proprietor of a local neighborhood bar in which he wanted to stage an after hours fetish party for him and two of his friends. This was the bachelor party that Lou had told me about and apparently all three of the friends decided to throw a bachelor party that catered to the special fetish that they all enjoyed. Logan explained to me that he and his friends were into bondage and some light S&M and wondered if I...

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A School Girl Fetish

A School Girl Fetish By Kachakali Read this and other stuff on my hobby site I have a schoolgirl fetish. I'm not afraid to admit it. I love their long hair and girly uniforms. I was very jealous of my sister. She got to go to a private school and I just went to public school. I would have loved to see all those cute girls in their uniforms. For me, it went from lusting over them to actually wanting to try on their clothes. But I can't...

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How I got my cum fetish

So guys always ask me about my cum fetish, why I love cum so much. When I first started being sexual, cum sort of grossed me out. It wasn’t until I graduated high school, started dancing and explored my sexuality more to learn what I really loved. It started when I met a black man named Deshaun at the club, I remember the night we met like it was yesterday. I just turned 18 a few months ago, I remember because that’s when I went through my fishnet phase. I was up on second stage in a black...

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The girl who fulfilled my fetish for foot Fetish Sex Stories

It has been a while since I was with someone. After my last breakup, I did not have the heart to pursue anyone else. Breakups were always hard for me, especially because I knew why they eventually left. My love her feet and would occasionally masturbate watching her. Soon, we connected on chat and slowly we started spending hours talking about our fantasies. It was hard to believe our fantasies were so similar. I would invite her over but she tactfully avoided the discussion. After a few months...

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My first fetish

I don’t know exactly when this strange fetish of mine began but it’s been a haunting of mine ever since. It’s more then just a sneaker fetish. I have had the urge to be with a woman who would wear my sneakers. I haven’t found any info on the web about this so I must be unique. So here’s the my story of my first time ever with a woman and the end of that darn fetish. When I was in my early teens I saw my best friend’s older sister wearing his...

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A business woman becomes obsessed with dirty sex and goes out on a limb for her fetish

I know that this story is going to sound really strange to you but I couldn’t help myself. From the very beginning I was lost to the sensations that controlled my actions. It all began one day when I was on the road as a sales rep for my company up in the Seattle area. I have to pay my own expenses so I’ve learned to trade quality for price. Even though most women won’t stay at cheap hotels because of the safety issue I do because I need to save money. Anyway, I stayed at a...

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My FetishSex With Older Men

My name is Riley and I am twenty-three years old. I know that I have a strange fetish but I love sex with older men between the ages of forty and sixty. In fact, I lost my virginity the summer I turned seventeen to my neighbor who was fifty years old. His name was Ben and there was nothing really sexy about him. He had a small beer belly and a stubby four-and-a-half-inch cock. Why I chose him to take my virginity I have no idea. If I could do it over I would but there are no “do-overs” in...

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Foot Fetish Fridays

I was so excited! Who would have ever thought that only one month after graduating from college, I would land such a great job? Even though my starting position was to be one of the receptionists at a growing internet fashion company, it was still such a lucky break for a twenty-two-year-old to get her foot in the door. After a week of training, I was ready to report and when I entered the large building, it was so modern and revolutionary. Huge flat screen computers filled the tables and very...

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My smell fetish

Hi everyone! My name is Juliana, I'm eighteen, bissexual and decided to share with you something that happened to me when I was sixteen! I haven't changed much since that time, I'm shorty, white, thin, brown hair (like to make ponytail). I don't have big boobs, but I kinda like my ass. Sorry about my english, I know it's not perfect. I've always been very interested in the smell of things and sex wasn't different. A few years ago I found out that I liked my own smell. I used to smell my panties...

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Its Not a Fetish

I tried to look away, I really tried, but my eyes kept sneaking between my best friend’s legs. She had slumped back in the comfy chair, her legs pulled up, her knees slightly splayed, and beneath the hem of the white nightie I could glimpse the neon green yumminess of her thong crying out at me. I took another glance while she told me something about one of our classmates. Yes, it was a unicorn, small and cute and done in orange stitching, that sat right in the middle of Alice’s crotch. They...

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my hair fetish with friends sister

am a long hair lover and I love braid more. it is my real life play withlong hair and my fetish I have posted for you see and enjoy.fetish with my friends friend named raju. he is my best friend from long day when we started our schoolings. he has a younger sister named pavitra. she is very beautiful her mother also has very long hair. she likes growing very long hair since her schoolings. she is elder to raju. pavitra hair was about her hip and still more than that. she always like...

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Marys Furtive Fetish

Mary was feeling a little worried. She was due to go to college in a couple weeks, which meant she had to move into the dorms. "Can't I still commute from home?" Mary asked her parents."Oh no!" They said, "You wouldn't be getting the full college experience." They explained. "Well," Mary tried, "Can I at least have a single dorm? How will I have any privacy if I share room with someone?""That's more expensive," They said, "And unnecessary, you'll make more friends and socialize more if you...

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Who else wants to join the prolapse fetish army

Hello guys and gals! I’m here to tell you about a fetish I’ve just discovered that is so exciting that it actually revolutionized my sex life with a mind-blowing new level of cumming. I’m talking about women [URL][/URL] their asshole in an unbelievable manner that seems to give them totally shattering orgasms and sends me into a sexual frenzy that I couldn’t believe how intense it was.QueenPanther...

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