The Learning Experience free porn video

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Part I

Hi, my name is Lily Lessenaw; I’m a 19 year old student at U of A- University of Arizona, for those of you who care.   I’m half way through my first year here at school, and I’d like to tell you that I am doing great, but that would be a lie.   I’m not exactly what you would call a model student; I rarely study, I stay out too late, party too hard, and don’t pay enough attention in class.

Despite all of that, I am counting on finishing this semester with straight As.  

I know that it seems strange, and you might ask how I am going to get such good grades if I don’t study or pay attention in class.  

First, I should describe myself: I’m your typical all-American fantasy girl- I have blond hair, blue eyes, firm breasts and an ass to die for.   I’m only 19, so of course my body is tight in all the right places as well.   This has occasionally caused me trouble, as I get more than my share of men trying to hit on me at the wrong time and place, but it can be a real advantage in the right situation.

About a month ago, I started a new psychology class, with Mr. Edwards teaching.   Mr. Edwards is not your typical psychology teacher- or at least he’s not what I imagined the typical psych teacher would look like when I first started his class.   Mr. Edwards, who is 36, has dark hair, stands about six feet tall, and has a slim but muscular build.   He is always wearing a sport coat when he arrives to class, but immediately takes it off and rolls up the sleeves of his white or pale blue dress shirt.   It’s a ritual that he seems to use to allow everyone in the class to settle down so he can get down to business.

The first week in his class started in pretty much the same way that all of the rest of my classes did.   I came in late every day, didn’t pay attention, and generally didn’t learn much of anything.   Having arrived late to my first day of class, I didn’t get to sit in the back, where I normally like to sit, and had to take a front row seat right in the middle of the room.

It was the second week, on Wednesday when it happened.   Sitting at my desk, I was looking down at a flyer for an off-campus party that was coming up this weekend when I looked up and found Mr. Edwards standing directly in front of me.   “Miss Lessenaw,” he said looking down at me, “I have noticed that you don’t seem to find my lectures as enthralling as some of the other students.”  

Oh shit.   Most of the other teachers I have had seem to overlook my sub-par school performance, as long as I turn in about half of my assignments and don’t make a nuisance of myself in class.   It looked like Mr. Edwards was one of those teachers who was out to make sure everyone paid attention in class, something I wasn’t willing to do quite yet.   After all, I am young and I want to enjoy these carefree college years!

“Yes, Mr. Edwards,” I said, trying to give him my best wounded-bird look, “I’ve been having trouble sleeping, and my class load makes it hard for me to concentrate while I am here.”   I could hear some of the other students giggling and whispering behind me.

“Oh, really?” he said, not looking sympathetic at all, “Then how is it that you can go out every night and party until the wee hours of the morning?”

“I… uh…“ I said, looking back down at my books and the badly placed flyer for the weekend party sitting on top of them.

“That’s what I thought; you’re just another party girl here to waste my time.” He said, shaking his head, “Well, if you don’t want to take this class seriously, then I will have no choice but to fail you at the end of the semester.”

“But I need at least a passing grade in this class!” I exclaimed, jumping up from my desk in such a rush that the books that I had stacked on my desk when the class started fell forward towards Mr. Edwards’ feet.

“Hey!” Mr. Edwards shouted in surprise, jumping backward to avoid having his feet crushed by 25 pounds of flying textbooks.   I could hear the other students burst into laughter as my books flew away from me.

“I’m sorry!   It was an accident!” I said, as I knelt down to grab my books.

As I was gathering my books, I looked up to see Mr. Edwards starting down at me with a strange expression on his face.    “What is it?” I ask.

Mr. Edwards doesn’t answer me, he just blushes a light pink, and turns around and hurries back behind his podium.  

Feeling flustered, and realizing that I probably didn’t help my chances of getting a passing grade by dumping my textbooks on my teacher’s feet, I excused myself for a bathroom break and left the classroom, avoiding eye contact with Mr. Edwards.

I quickly headed to the nearest women’s bathroom- I’ve always had a pretty small bladder, and it’s hard to sit through even one class without going pee.

When I entered the women’s bathroom, I passed by the mirror on my way to the stall.   Glancing at myself in the mirror as I pass, I do a double take.   My brand new button down shirt has lost the top two buttons!   Looking at myself in the mirror, I can see what had Mr. Edwards so flustered- my shirt had fallen open to reveal the snow-white tops of my pert breasts, held in place by only a slim lace bra that my boyfriend gave me on my birthday.   I am practically spilling out of my bra, which doesn’t really leave much to the imagination.  

It was at this point that I realized that Mr. Edwards had probably rushed back to stand behind his podium to avoid showing off his growing erection to the entire class.

Standing there in front of the mirror in the women’s bathroom, I felt a rush like none I had ever experienced before.   My body felt hot and cold at the same time, and a tingling sensation ran from my somehow erect nipples down to my crotch, causing me to gasp in surprise.   I didn’t know that I could be so turned on by watching the effect my teenage body had on a much older man!

Turning, I entered the closest stall, sat on the closed toilet lid and shut the door.   I took several deep breaths, but the feelings of sexual arousal would not go away.   I didn’t even think about having to pee, in fact, the more I thought of what happened in the classroom, the more excited I became, until I could feel my panties starting to get wet with my juices.

Worried that I would not be comfortable sitting through the rest of my class if I had to sit there in wet panties, I quickly stood up and pulled my skirt up to the middle of my stomach, and pulled down my now soaking underwear.   I finally realized that I came into the bathroom for a reason, and I sat down to pee.   After peeing, I wiped myself hoping that I have sopped up all the wetness and I don’t drench my skirt as I sit on it.   All the while I am trying to keep my mind off of Mr. Edwards and his reaction to my partially exposed breasts.

Stepping out of the stall, I look in the mirror and realize that I am still showing my perfect tits to the world.   Thinking quickly, I pull my shirt up in the front, and down in the back, making myself a little more presentable.   I’ll have to live with the fact that I am still flashing quite a bit of cleavage, but at least it’s not as blatant as it was before.

Taking several more deep breaths to calm myself I turn and exit the bathroom, making my way back to my psychology class.


Part II

When came back into the classroom, Mr. Edwards had his back to me and the rest of the class while he wrote something on the giant blackboard in the front of the room.   I quickly made my way back to my seat, without attracting his attention.

When he finished writing on the blackboard, Mr. Edwards turned around, looking surprised that I was back in his classroom.   I watched his gaze drop to my breasts, and then snap back up to my eyes.   He started to blush again, probably remembering the up close and personal look he got at my tits just minutes earlier.

“Glad to see you could make it back, Miss Lessenaw” Mr. Edwards said, at which point he cleared his throat, walked over to his podium and resumed the lesson.  

After watching this somewhat smaller, but still noticeable reaction, I couldn’t help feeling aroused once more.   Just knowing that a 36 year old man standing in front of a class full of students could become so turned on that he had to hide his hard-on behind his podium was such a rush for me.  

As I sat there and watched Mr. Edwards speak, I start to notice that he is quite handsome, and seems much more in control and confident than any of the boys in my class, or even my school.   I started to imagine him touching me, rubbing my shoulders and my neck.   I could almost feel it.   Sighing, I unconsciously spread my legs just slightly, feeling myself becoming wet once more, only this time I didn’t have any panties to soak the wetness up.

Looking up, I could see Mr. Edwards staring at me, or more precisely, my crotch.   I suddenly realized that I had spread my legs just enough to allow Mr. Edwards to get a glimpse of my freshly waxed pussy.   Knowing just how wet I get, and the angle which he was given, I am sure that Mr. Edwards could see the glistening lips of my cunt, enflamed with arousal.

Knowing he was looking at me as he tried to maintain his composure while continuing to teach the class made me hornier than I have ever felt before.   I started thinking about how big Mr. Edwards cock was, and how it might feel sliding into my sopping wet pussy, or how it might taste in my mouth.

I stared directly at Mr. Edwards, watching him as he stole glances at me time and again.   I slowly inched my legs wider apart, giving him a better view of my now dripping cunt.   I imagined him on his knees in front of me, worshiping my pussy, licking me from the base of my hole, to the top of my slit.   I could almost feel his strong arms pulling me towards his hot mouth.   I thought of what his tongue would feel like on my clit… would he suck my clit into his mouth?   Would he lick me in fast short strokes?   Or would he tease me, licking me slowly up and down?

As these thoughts raced through my head, I surreptitiously slid my right hand down under my desk, after looking from side to side to be sure that no one was watching me.   Every student in the class had their eyes glued on the teacher, who was suddenly stuttering his way through the lesson.

My hand went down over the top of my skirt, which was short to begin with, and pulled it up further around my thighs.   Then, keeping my eyes locked on Mr. Edwards, I moved my hand down to my wet slit, sliding from the bottom to the top, gathering the juice that threatened to drip down onto my skirt.

Mr. Edwards, his wide eyes now firmly locked on my pussy, asked the class to turn to page 42 of their textbooks and read the chapter in silence.   As the students complied, Mr. Edwards, still standing behind the podium, reached down in front of himself.   I knew that he was touching his hard cock, while alternating long stares at my pussy, and glances at my face.

Still looking at Mr. Edwards, and not even pretending to open my book and read, I used two fingers to spread my wetness out over the lips of my cunt, making it glisten even more.    I see Mr. Edwards take a deep breath and watch as his left hand grips the podium until his knuckles turn white.

Looking into his eyes, I take a deep breath and plunge my middle finger all the way into my tight hole, biting my lower lip to stifle a moan.   I begin to slowly slide my finger in and out, feeling the ease at which it moves, due to my extreme wetness.   I pull my finger out, and move it up to my lips, watching Mr. Edwards follow it with his eyes the entire way.  

I slowly slide my finger into my mouth, savoring the tang of my juice, watching Mr. Edwards begin to tremble while gripping the podium.

After cleaning the sticky juice off of my finger, I move my hand back down to my pussy.   This time I slowly slide two fingers into myself, licking my lips and maintaining eye contact with Mr. Edwards.   I start to move my fingers back and forth in my cunt, imagining that it is Mr. Edwards inside of me, occasionally pulling them out to rub my swollen clit.  

After stroking myself this way for several minutes, I see Mr. Edwards shudder as he holds onto the podium for what seems to be dear life.   I watch, as alarmed, he looks down, and then back up at me.

“Class dismissed!” Mr. Edwards yells, “Please finish reading this chapter, and come prepared to debate the pros and the cons of diagnosing someone with an Oedipus complex tomorrow.”

Frightened, my hand slides back up, and pulls my skirt back down, while my legs snap shut.   The students start moving out around me; while I watch Mr. Edwards stand stock still behind his podium.  

I should have left the class right then, but I was not in a rational mode.   The only thing I could think of was Mr. Edwards’ cock; I had to see it, I had to touch it.   So I waited, sitting at my desk, moving my books around, trying to look like I was getting ready to leave.

As the last of the students left the room, Mr. Edwards stood still, staring at me as if he expected me to get up and run out.   Finally, he sheepishly inched out from behind his podium.   I could see the tent that his erection made in the front of his slacks, but I could also see a large wet spot spreading from the apex of that tent.

I had made my teacher orgasm simply by touching myself in front of him!

Mr. Edwards looked like he wanted to say something, but couldn’t seem to find the words.   So, I took the liberty of standing up and walking over to him, looking at his impressive bulge.   As I approached him, I thought it must be 8 inches long at least, and from the outline of his cockhead pressed against his wet pants, it looked very thick.   I could feel my pussy dripping; feel the juice threatening to run down my leg as I stepped closer and closer to Mr. Edwards.

“I don’t think…” Mr. Edwards started to say,

“Shh…” I say, stopping his protests before they can begin.  

Reaching Mr. Edwards, I slowly dropped to my knees, staring at his rather large cock outlined through his pants.   “Oh wow,” I breathed, as I slid my hand over the fabric covered penis.   Grasping the thick shaft of his manhood through his pants, I squeeze it, feeling how hard, yet soft, it is.   I squeeze harder, and watch a new, wetter, wet spot appear on his pants right at the tip of his outlined cockhead.

Taking a deep breath, I reach up to undo his belt, fumbling with desire.   I had to see this cock; I had to hold it in my hands.   Mr. Edwards makes some noise in protest, but I ignore him and continue to undo the clasp of his belt.

Finally, his belt falls open, and I make quick work of his pants button and zipper.   Grasping the waistband of his slacks, I slowly slide his pants down over his bulge.   With nothing to hold it back, his cock springs up and almost smacks me in the face… Mr. Edwards doesn’t wear underwear!

His cock is magnificent!   Shaved clean, his shaft is a solid bar of hot flesh twitching just inches from my face, my mouth starts watering as I think of what I am about to do.   I grab the shaft of his penis, which is still hard even after he has obviously blown a huge load in his pants, and I squeeze his cock again, watching as a pearl of cum seeps out of the spunk-covered head of his penis.

I inch my face closer to his hard cock, and then open my mouth and engulf just the head, swirling my tongue over the slit, tasting the salty remains of his explosive orgasm.

I hear Mr. Edwards sigh, as I slowly take more and more of his rock hard cock into my mouth.   Soon, I feel the tip of his penis hit the back of my throat.   I relax my jaw and throat, and push firmly forward, letting the last couple inches of Mr. Edwards slide into my throat.  

“Oh god, oh god…” I hear him moaning above me as he involuntarily thrusts his hips forward, making sure his cock is in my throat as deep as it will go; I can feel my nose pressing up against his pubic bone.   Mr. Edwards has his hands on my head, lightly touching me, stroking my hair.

I pull my head back, all the way until just the tip of his cock is still inside of my hot mouth, then I slide forward again, my throat already relaxed and prepared for his large penis, accepts it easily.   I slide all the way forward on him until I am once more swallowing his entire hard length.   I keep this going, back and forth, in and out.

“Oh, wait… don’t…” Mr. Edwards moans.   I can tell that he is close to exploding in my mouth, and I can’t wait.   I can feel my pussy juice dripping down my leg, and I can feel every breeze of air on my clit as if it were the most skilled lover, using the most gentle of touches.

I engulf his entire length again, all the way to the base.   I can feel his cockhead in my throat, beginning to grow as he gets closer and closer to orgasm.   I start making a swallowing motion with my throat muscles, encouraging him to let go and squirt his load directly into my stomach.

“Oh… oh!” Mr. Edwards exclaims, as his thrusts forward and his cockhead expands in the back of my throat.   I keep up the swallowing motions as his cock pulsates in my mouth; feeling him unload squirt after squirt of hot cum right down my throat.   Finally I feel his penis stop twitching, I keep his cock in my throat for another few seconds, thinking he might start to soften, but after a few moments there is no sign that he is going to go limp.   I start to pull back, feeling the hard ridge of his cockhead pass out of my throat and through my mouth.   When just the tip of his cock is resting in my mouth, I grab the shaft and squeeze the last couple drops out.   I taste his cum as I pull him slowly from my warm mouth, and it makes me even wetter and more aroused, if that was possible.

I look up at Mr. Edwards, and he is just staring down at me with a look of shame on his face.   I can’t imagine what was going through his head.   Here he is, in the middle of his classroom, having just received the best blowjob of his life from a 19 year old girl that he was supposed to be teaching psychology to.


Part III

“I think we’d better get-“ Mr. Edwards starts to say, as he pulls away from me.

“I’m not done yet.” I cut him off.

Standing, ignoring his shocked look, I grab his arm and pull him backwards towards my desk.   Turning around, I pull my skirt up around my waist, shove all of my books off of the desk, and hop up to sit on it, facing Mr. Edwards.

“Come here” I say, and he does, shuffling closer to me, his cock bobbing up and down, still hard as a bar of iron.  

I reach up and grab his shoulders, pulling him forwards, feeling the head of his cock brush the lips of my pussy.  

“Ahh…” I sigh in pleasure, as I reach down and grab the shaft of his cock, rubbing the head up and down my wet slit.  

I push down with my hips a little bit and feel the head of his penis come to rest at the opening of my hole.   I look up into his eyes and see a little bit of fear there, which for some perverse reason only turns me on even further.  

I slide my hips forward, straining to engulf the tip of his penis in my tight pussy.   His cock is so big, like nothing I’ve ever taken before.   I can feel the head of his penis stretching me, and I can’t wait until I can feel his entire length inside of me.  

I could see by Mr. Edwards’ expression that he wasn’t going to last very long, even having cum twice in the last few minutes.   “Fuck me” I say, leaning back slightly and wrapping my legs around his waist, urging him to push further into my wet pussy.  

As he enters me all the way for the first time, I can feel just how big he is, I can feel him stretching me open, right on the verge of being painful.   I look into his eyes, seeing the absolute lust there.   He pushes forward now, eager to bury the rest of his hard rod into my waiting teenage cunt.

Grabbing my waist with his strong hands, his penis slides forward into me for what seems like an hour, as he struggles to push further and further inside of myTo continue reading this story you must be a member. Join for FREE here.

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The Learning Experience

Part I Hi, my name is Lily Lessenaw, I’m a 19 year old student at U of A- University of Arizona, for those of you who care.   I’m half way through my first year here at school, and I’d like to tell you that I am doing great, but that would be a lie.   I’m not exactly what you would call a model student, I rarely study, I stay out too late, party too hard, and don’t pay enough attention in class. Despite all of that, I am counting on finishing this semester with straight As.   I know that...

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Learning the Lifestyle Pt 3 Learning

Introduction: Michael begans to learn about Silk, while Silk begans to learn the lifestyle Blaring music woke Silk up later. What a noise she thought to herself, such a change from the soft sensual music from the night before. She reached up and noting the time, turned off the radio. She then rolled over and found that Michael was still sleeping. Thinking it would please him greatly, she pushed him on to his back and scooted down under the covers. Once there she proceeded to orally excite him....

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Learning the Chocolate Life

We have a date set at a bar to meet but the bartender hands me a note. "Meet me at the hotel room 217." Here I am a little bummed that I didn't get to watch you walk into the bar but still excited about finally seeing you. I pay the tab and when I get to the car there is a note under the wind shield wiper. "Do what the fuck you are told. Nothing more and nothing less."The drive was pretty short and I walk up to the door which is slightly ajar. Another note taped to the door reads "You sure have...

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Learning to Spell Chapter 02

Learning to Spell Chapter 2 - Trickery, Thievery, and a Chance Encounter By GirlyCheerBoy [at] Kurt looked in the mirror the girls put before him. It was amazing, he'd almost pass for a girl if no one looked too close and if kept quiet. He smiled for a brief moment, trying to both relish the moment and not let it overwhelm him and keep him from keeping on course for his true objective - he needed personal effects, three, from Ashley. Still though, he felt odd in her...

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Learning the Lifestyle Pt 3 Learning

Afterwards she scooted back up his body and he lifted the covers for her. Then he pulled her down on top of his body and hugged her. Did she know how intimate and special to him, what she just did was? He proudly noticed that she swallowed happily though. “Wow,” he said a little out of breath. “I have to tell you that was a first for me. No one has ever been able to do that.” “Really,” she squeaked. “Yes, I am serious. You are going to be in so much trouble now. I may never let you...

4 years ago
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1964 The Dairy of DesireChapter 13 Learning the Milk House Rules

[A peek into the future as post first-fuck training commences and Lilly warns onlookers] Early afternoon, before milking, I just waited, laid out on the loading dock in the sun trying to do something about my glaring white skin. I wanted to look dark like Lilly if I was going to have to bare my entire body and soul all summer. I wanted to look natural instead of like a beacon. I lay there and played with my long penis as the sun shown down and it was very happy standing proudly on its own...

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Learning How To Recognize Your True Soul Mate

Learning How To Recognize Your True Soul Mate By Warm Hearted Nate a tall, slim, and slightly studious looking but handsome young man was parking his car near the florist in the middle of a big box strip mall. Nate was a Grad Student in Computer Design and was about to graduate with honors. He and his boyhood best friend and roommate for six years, Larry was graduating also. They both were head hunted by the same giant...

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Learning The Hard Way

Learning The Hard WayBy Maximillian Excaliber IntroductionThe Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, the DSM, is used by mental health professionals as a reference guide when diagnosing and documenting mental disorders.Included in the DSM is a condition known as Sexual Aversion Disorder. Sexual Aversion Disorder is commonly found in victims of rape, molestation or other forms of sexual abuse. This story does not contain any reference to rape, molestation or sexual abuse and...

Love Stories
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Learning To Be A Slut

"We expect your complete surrender and submission. You have agreed to become a sex slave and you remain one until we release you. For the duration of your time here you will do what we say, accept what we do to you, and cooperate eagerly. At times you may be bound and gagged. Your permission will not be required." I listened to these instructions in a state of fear and excitement. Maria, one of the other women in the room and a friend, was not new to this. It was she who had...

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SRU Learning French

SRU: Learning French By Demonn Hi, my name is Todd or should I say was Todd. I am, was 5' 10" and maybe just a bit of a geek. I wasn't ugly mind you but I wasn't all that incredibly strong. But that didn't stop me having friends like everyone else. It was a Saturday and like always, I was going to have some fun at my friend's house. I was a simple 15 year old guy, who enjoyed some R&R, when, my high school, Rivers High, was out. I mean who didn't. When I arrived at...

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Learning the Dance

Learning the Dance Learning the Dance by Archetype  The noblest of men have thoughts that would scare the Devil himself.  Prologue ?Christ!? thought Michael Sharpe. ?What do I do now?? Michael was watching the e-vids on his mail terminal. The face on the screen expressed sympathy but the words were clear -- someone else had been offered the teaching position at Oberlin College, and had accepted. Michael's last chance at an academic job had just disappeared. ?Fuck! Fuck!...

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Learning to Kiss and Other Stuff

“God these are ugly, I look like a freak.” My sister April was standing in front of fthe bathroom mirror inspecting her new braces. She turned to me “Do they look okay, I mean do you think they are ugly?” My fourteen-year-old sister was in shock while she poked at her new braces for the first time. “Nobody will like me, they’ll all laugh at me.” “Come on April, they aren’t that bad. I can’t even see them when your mouth is closed, no lumps or bumps to give you away. Why are you even...

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Learning Dizyntk 1Chapter 4 Raising Dizyntk

Ariarisha Michaela Feyalisa Zerleen was born three years, or two dizyntk cyankas, to the day of the crash that had stranded Feya and Michael. Feya saw this as a sign that her mother was watching over her and her child. She therefore gave her new daughter her mother's name, Ariarisha. However, while Feya's mother was known as Risha to her friends and family, Feya and Michael would usually call their daughter Aria. Aria was indeed a hybrid of her parent's two races. She had Dizyntk ears and...

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Learning through the Night

Learning through the Night This story may be reposted anywhere as long as proper credit is given, you inform me of where it?s being posted, and I am allowed free access to the web site where it is being posted. Learning through the NightBy Sbbe (Stillbehindblueeyes (at) yahoo (dot) com) Thanks to ZebI recommend you read his story before mine for background(Thanks for the Wedding Night story and encouragement)( Amy sobbed into the...

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Teaching and LearningChapter 4 Standard Grades

I had set up a work placement for Kirsty with one of my friends who was a senior manager with a local company. The placement was a little unimaginative - two weeks in the human resources department - but I knew the practical experience would be invaluable to her. The school looked to identify placements for as many students as possible and this one was easy enough. Before she went on the placement I had one more 'advisor' talk with Kirsty, this time she held back after class to initiate...

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Incredible ChangesChapter 512 Funding Learning And Giving Back

“David,” the principal said after the other parents left. “A moment of your time?” Why do I feel like a kid getting called into the principal’s office without knowing what I did to get in trouble? “Given what I’ve learned of your time here over the last few years, you were lucky you didn’t find yourself in my office regularly,” the middle school principal said and laughed. “I observed you mostly ignoring the students and teachers around you. I know that if your mother heard you were rude,...

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my young sexperiences

Everything that follows is a true account of what happened although I have changed the names of those involved. It was 1983 and I was 4 years old. My mothers sister had just got married for the second time and was on honeymoon. While she was away the youngest two of her five children stayed with us. James who was 8 and Natasha who was 11. My name is Gary and I shared a room with my younger brother Peter who was only 1.My older brother Malc had his own room next to ours, he was 7. It...

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A Revision Of Girlfriends First Domination Experience

"Of course I do, Felix. This is the stuff you're into, and I wanna make you feel good," my babydoll replied, now completely naked, her eyes and voice nervous; she sounded..breathy. I felt my dick get hard as I looked her up and down. Her platinum blonde hair reached her tight little ass, and she had this cute slightly trimmed pussy, and when spread, it was pink and obviously tight. She had C-cup tits, and her nipples were small, and a perfect pink, with a little barbell through each....

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28 October 2008 Currently 2.83/5 Stars.12345 Rate this article 5Comments | Comment on this Article Chrissie discovers a new skill Chrissie thought that Jake deserved something a little bit special after last night, after she tasted the delights of Jake's new found skill, . Chrissie realised after last night just what she'd been missing for several years... oral sex! Now she wanted Jake to feel that same intimate pleasure that she'd felt when he went down on her last...

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Elder Sister8217s BigAss Eexperience

Hi! Every body ok, I’m Arun Jezz. Here I’m going to tell you a very interesting story about my aunt’s hot and sexy daughter, also my sister; she is older than me about 12 years. Her name is sumadhi. This is happened to me when I was 24, then she is 36. Inda story Ennoda periyamma mahaloda enaku yetpatta anubavam. avaluku ennavida 12 vayasu adigam. enakku sina vaysula irunde avala romba piddikum. avalukum enna piddikum. avanga veetukku nan adikadi poven andha samyam ava ennoda irundu movies...

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The Unexperienced

It was a hot summer day and being so bored I decided to go to a friends house. When I got there we both just sat on his couch watching TV. His sister came in wearing a white tank top and cut off shorts. She was by far the women of my wet dreams, about 5'4, 120, 34 C cup, long blond hair, and beautiful blue eyes(every man's and some women's dream). When she walked in she smiled and said "Im going to my boyfriends! Be good!" To my disappointment she left. My friend who is about 5'8 athletic with...

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Learning How Part Two Learning the Ways of the World

My name is Donna, and you already know me if you read "Learning How - Part One." Then you know about how I was a young girl and gave myself to my employer while babysitting and became his little whore. I know some of you asked to hear more about my adventures, so here it is! Anyhow, after Ron broke my cherry, we had regular sex a couple of times each week, and I was making real money from him at twenty bucks a pop. I was so naive, thinking that I was doing well financially for that...

2 years ago
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Learning to Swim Part 2

I was seventeen and only just learning to swim. My parents were paying for me to have lessons but Miss Phillips, the attractive and very hot teacher, had the parent’s permission to spank me, Ed or any of the three girls if we did not do what she told us. We were all the same age but she had caned both Sarah and I on our bare backsides during this lesson and because I had been unable to control my erection she had given my cock six strokes with a bendy plastic ruler. Before leaving the pool...

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Her Faux Blown FuseChapter 49 The Learning Curve

Knowledge begets knowledge and once gifted with a few tricks by the sister nymphs giving me a leg up on being a god I was on my way to performing some pretty darned cool stunts. I would never use the term “stunts” around the sisters however. They would get very disgruntled with me and let me know I hadn’t the experience and/or the pain of gained wisdom to be so cavalier. So it’s between you and I but the stunts were cosmic joy, so fucking much fun. I thought I’d died and gone to heaven when...

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Learning CurvesChapter 42

The beds at the cabin were smaller than the one at the apartment but Phil didn’t mind. It just meant Hailey had to snuggle closer to him – which she didn’t mind in the slightest. She reveled in the closeness as she felt Phil come awake. His erection was pressed between her butt cheeks and his hand nestled between her bountiful breasts. She felt his warm breath on her neck and it caused her to shiver. “You OK?” Phil wondered. “I’m great,” Hailey said. She wasn’t joking. She felt wonderful,...

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A learning experience

I’ve never told anyone this story before. It still affects me.When I first discovered online chat, I was bored and a little horny and discovered there were people online who talked about everything, including a lot of things I knew nothing about (not that I know about many of them firsthand now). When I figured out the protocol, I started participating and sharing some thoughts and desires that I had never discussed with “real people.” One time I was in a chat room where I had become the focus...

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Learning Experience

© 2002 Chapter 1 I was feeling pretty relaxed as I wondered along the school corridor, my 'A' levels were over, the last exam had been the day before and now the long summer before starting University stretched before me. This was my last day of school, a time to clearout my locker, hand in my textbooks and say goodbye. I headed down the fourth floor corridor to classroom D2 and stood outside waiting for the bell to go that would call forth the chattering horde of third years that at...

2 years ago
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A Learning Experience

Copyright © 2000, Jack Spratt. ALL Rights Reserved Date of first publication Sunday A.M., May 7, 2000: Special thanks to my Proof Reader, George Davis Waiting for the axe to fall, wasn't what I had planned to end my day. I am in the principal's office for a prank I thought was great at the time. Putting a container of dish detergent in the school fountain created the most suds this school had seen in its life time. Now having time to contemplate my sin, it doesn't seem so...

4 years ago
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Family Learning

It was another lazy summer afternoon as Brianna and Courtney relaxed by their pool, soaking up some sun and having some girl time. They were sisters and even with their age gap, Brianna being sixteen and Courtney being 12, they were easily each other’s most trusted friend. Their brother John was upstairs in his room, on the computer. “Bri?” Courtney asked, stretching her short, slim body out on the deck. “Yeah Court?” Brianna responded, turning over to face her sister. Brianna wasn’t as slim...

3 years ago
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The Learning Curve

THE LEARNING CURVE This is a largely true story. The two people are known to us and have asked us to write it for them. They want to let others know that if you focus on exactly what you want, and are patient, it can happen. We have obviously changed names and one or two other details to protect their identity. There is more which we are allowed to tell if readers would like it. We needed your feedback: tell us what you like about the story (if you do) and what it does for you. If there is the...

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Learning From A Movie

Learning From a Movie----------Amanda, my Uncle Tim's daughter, and her brother Aiden, had only been here just over a week before I really had time to talk to Amanda. While we had spent some quality time in the shower to get 'acquainted', the remainder of her time had been spent showing her the ropes of the farms operations. Learning the feeding and exercise routines for the horses was perhaps the most taxing for someone that had not been around horses much. She was a quick learner however, and...

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The Learning Curve

THE LEARNING CURVE This is a largely true story. The two people are known to us and have asked us to write it for them. They want to let others know that if you focus on exactly what you want, and are patient, it can happen. We have obviously changed names and one or two other details to protect their identity. There is more which we are allowed to tell if readers would like it. We needed your feedback: tell us what you like about the story (if you do) and what it does for you. If there is the...

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Learning to Spell Chapter 4 Total Eclipse of Reality

Learning to Spell Chapter 4 - A Total Eclipse of Reality By GirlyCheerBoy[at] It had been almost eleven weeks since Kaitie had been "born" into her new life. Every day was a reminder of how things had changed so drastically, literally over night. Sarah was immensely helpful in her time of need during this adjustment - when she needed it. It wasn't but a few days that all of the girls, who began to meet weekly at the very least, noticed that it was hard to remember certain...

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Learning Her Place

Learning Her Pl ace By: DonnerTie He had found her cold and shivering. Her coat he noticed was much too short and skimpy, revealing much of her bare skin beneath. He watched her try and entice any man that passed. Lifting her skirt or presenting her backside. When he pulled up in his car she appeared friendly enough. Happy to finally have a potential client the girl approached his cars window. He surmised she had run away from her home or perhaps been abandoned for no collar was around her...

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Learning to Cum for Master

The new slave did not yet fully know her purpose. She sat on the floor writingto her diary while her master was watching his football game. She wasn't interestedin football, but she liked to keep him company. She was glad he never madeher watch the games or try to get into them, and she did realize that he foundhis pleasure in her so much more interesting in other ways. She felt his eyes on her, even though she did not lift hers to meet his gaze.He was studying her as she tried to concentrate,...

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Learning the Ropes

Learning the Ropes By Deputy Duffy People call me, Deputy Duffy. I work for the Vermont State Police. I onlygot this job because my father is the sheriff. (I don't like "cops" that much,either.) I've been working for many years and have had my share of adventures,but I guess I should start at the beginning. After I graduated from high school (I went to an all boys boarding school),my father sent me, kicking and screaming, to the police academy to follow inhis footsteps. (I wanted to be a rock...

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