Lovey came with me
- 2 years ago
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Story 01 – Gambling Debts
Please take note! Adults Only Literature
The text in this story contains erotic material and is expressly writtenfor adults only.
If you are an underage minor or offended by such material -or- if viewingthis file is illegal in your locality, then leave, close or delete this file-storynow.
This is a work of fiction, any resemblance to persons living, dead or otherwiseis purely coincidental, etc.
Copyright 2004
"Mary Cahill," said someone behind me. When I turned around, a fist slammedinto my stomach. Air exited my lungs with a whoosh. I grabbed my gut and bentdouble. My mind was so focused on the pain and trying to breathe I didn't registerhands grabbing me under my armpits and dragging me across the pavement. Ina couple of blinks, I was thrown into the back seat of a black sedan that spedout of the parking lot of the Trump Marina Casino.
"Watch it asshole, you made me spill my beer," spoke a female voice whoselap I had landed in. I looked up into the face of a plump fiftyish woman withplatinum blonde hair who was busily dabbing the front of her blouse.
"Fuck you Mabel, you shouldn't be here in the first place," said Ed whohad piled into the back seat further forcing me across Mabel's lap.
"Mabel's here because I said so, you don't like it, get the fuck out," saidsomeone from the front seat.
"Ron, I'm just saying we got a job to do and we don't need her," said Ed.
"I need her," said Ron with a tone of finality.
My head was still in Mabel's lap and my legs were across Ed's knees. Mydiaphragm had returned to working order and I could breathe again.
"What's this about?' I said as I struggled to pull myself into a seatedposition. I asked the question although I had a feeling I knew the answer.
"You're the Mary Cahill that has a $20,000 marker out from Bally's?" saidRon.
"I don't know anything about a marker," I lied. Three months ago I wentup $100,000 at Bally's roulette table then down to zero in the course of threehours. I asked for as much credit as they would give me. They must have confusedme with a high roller because the pit boss handed me $20,000 in chips and apiece of paper to sign. I promptly lost the $20,000. I didn't have $20,000so I decided to forget about it and gamble elsewhere. One of my fellow gamblershad told me you could not legally collect gambling debts in New Jersey so allthe Atlantic City casinos can do is bitch.
I took that as gospel until last month's group session at Gambler's Anonymous.One of the women had talked about her experiences ignoring a marker.
"The casino sold the $15,000 marker for twenty percent to this bunch ofthugs, AAA Debt Retrieval Services. They keep eighty percent if they collectit all," said Myrna the chain smoking forty-year-old nurse who admitted togambling since she was sixteen.
"Were they rough on you?" asked Carl, the group's moderator. He was theleader of the local chapter of Gamblers Anonymous. He claimed to have won andlost several million in his gaming days. Carl also claimed not to have placeda bet in ten years.
"I won't tell you everything they did. It's too embarrassing. But I'll showyou these, said Myrna pulling up her slacks to reveal two long ugly scars downthe length of her shinbones. "The scars are where the doctor had to operateto pin my legs after they broke them," added Myrna.
That scared the shit out of me. But I'd not gambled since I gave that markerand thought if I just stayed out of the casinos I'd be all right. My problemis that compulsive gambling is a sickness and I hadn't been cured. Somewherein the back of my mind, I was already planning another trip to the tables.
A distant uncle had died and left me $5,000. I didn't tell my husband aboutit. It sat in my account for weeks untouched. This morning the gambling demonwhispered to me. I went to the bank and withdrew the whole $5,000. I told myselfthat I would give gambling one last shot. Maybe I would win enough to buy backthat marker. That's the kind of stupid logic that people with a gambling problemlike me come up with. I hadn't even made it into the casino.
"She's the right Mary Cahill," said Ed. He had gone through my purse andwas looking at my driver's license. He was comparing it to a piece of paperhe had in his hand.
"You're sure?" asked Ron. "Wouldn't want to make another mistake like wedid with the Windsor kid."
"Who would have thought there were two fuckers named Doug Windsor livingat the Bradstreet Apartments?" laughed Ed. "Address is right. Even got thesame Social Security Number."
"So you are the Mary Cahill that signed a $20,000 marker at Bally's. Yougot $20,000?" asked Ron.
"I got $5,000. It's in my purse in an envelope," I said. I was frightenedand if giving up the $5,000 got me them to leave me alone then so be it.
"She's right, Ron," said Ed pulling the envelope out and thumbing throughthe hundreds.
"Good, that's a start but $5,000 ain't $20,000," said Ron as he turned thecar into the entrance of a rundown motel and stopped the car in front of registration.
"Usual deal?" asked Ed before exiting the car.
"Sure, tell Billy we don't want to disturb anyone."
"Look I can get the other $15,000," I said to Ron.
"We'll see what we can work out when we get to the room," said Ron.
I didn't want to go to the room. For that matter I didn't want to go anywherewith Ron and Ed or Mabel who was sitting quietly sucking on her beer.
"Billy gave us No. 125. It's in the back. He said the motel is vacant," saidEd getting back into the car.
It was as cheap a motel as you can find in Atlantic City. Foam mattresses,stains on the carpet, plastic furniture, cigarette burns on the coffee table.It was a dump.
"Look, there's no need to get so damn rough," I yelled when they pushedme into the room. I was still under certain illusions about how far you couldgo collecting a gambling debt.
Ed stepped forward and delivered a bitch slap that sent me sprawling acrossthe bed. I saw stars and felt blood in my mouth. He straddled me and punchedme in my right tit so hard his fist went down to the bone. Then he did theleft tit. He got up off me as I rolled over clutching my chest and screamingin pain. My chest was on fire. Ed was smiling when he hit me in my boobs. Icould tell he was enjoying himself.
In a panic I tried to escape. I struggled to my feet clutching my chestand ran toward the door. Ed grabbed me by the arm and spun me around so hisbig fist could make contact with my chin. I saw stars then watched the carpetrise up to meet me. Things turned black as I landed.
I had no idea how long I was out but someone pouring ice-cold water overmy head brought me awake with a start. I was lying on the bed hurting likeall hell. When I looked up, Ron was slowly squeezing one of those sports bottlesof Poland Springs on me.
"Wake up Mary, time to pay the piper," said Ron tossing me a thin bathroomtowel to dry my face.
When I glanced down I understood why the water had felt so cold. I was naked.The bastards had undressed me while I was out. My clothes were in a pile bythe bed. The very real possibility of rape came front and center to my brainand terrified me. At this point I realized I was into something far deeperthan I had expected.
"How old are you, Mary?" said Ron pulling up a chair beside the bed.
"She's twenty seven," said Ed reading my DOB off my driver's license.
"I didn't ask you, fuck head," barked Ron.
"What you do for a living?" asked Ron looking over at Ed like if he answeredthat question there would be hell to pay.
"I work in retail," I replied. What other kind of job can you get with atwo-year degree from a community college?
"Ann Taylor, I'm the store manager."
"Nice store," said Ron. "Mabel, you ever buy anything at Ann Taylor?"
"Once or twice, kind of expensive," said Mabel who appeared behind Ron.The fact that I was naked and they were clothed was scaring the shit out ofme. However there wasn't much I could do about it. The realization had alreadyhit me that they had not undressed me to look for birthmarks. I was going tobe raped.
"Look, you've made your point. Let me go so I can get you the rest of yourmoney."
"Somehow I just don't think you mean it. What do you think Mabel?"
"She's lying," said Mabel sitting down on the edge of the bed and puttingher fat hand on my ankle. I automatically moved my leg but Mabel grabbed myankle and pulled it back. I left it there.
"I don't think she likes you Mabel," said Ron.
"Give me my clothes," I said fighting panic.
"What's the matter, Mary? Mabel not your type?"
"Please don't rape me." My mind was turning over possibilities and eachone was getting worse.
"Rape, who mentioned rape? I once read in my wife's Cosmopolitan that rapewas the number one fantasy of women. Are you fantasizing that we're going torape you?"
"But you brought it up. None of us had mentioned the word rape. Somewheredeep down you want us to rape you. Is that true, Mary Cahill?"
"No, please I can't handle this. Let me go. I'll get the money. I swear." Istarted to bawl. I was at the end of my rope. Ed was standing behind Ron slowlyrubbing the front of his trousers. I wasn't going to get out of that room withoutbeing raped and I didn't think I could handle being assaulted.
"Are those real tears or are you role playing as part of the fantasy?" saidRon.
"Huh?" I didn't understand. Later I realized that Ron was a pretty cleverbastard. He did a good job of raping my mind as well as my body.
"Ed, do you want to be part of Mary's rape fantasy?"
"Yeah, but first how's about Mabel and her getting it on? Girl on girl actionalways get my cock hard," said Ed.
"I bet deep down Mary was hoping you'd say that," said Ron.
"No, please don't." I'd started crying harder.
"Now you're going to tell us you've never done anything with a woman andit's against your religion," said Ron.
"Yes, I've never touched a woman," I said. That wasn't a lie. I hated dykesand wanted no part of sex with another female. For that matter, I wasn't tookeen on sex with men either.
"This is really coming together," said Ron. "Mabel, subconsciously Marydesires you. You're the key player in her rape fantasy. She's never toucheda woman but she's become bi-curious. Let's satisfy her curiosity."
When I looked at Mabel I saw she had already started to unbutton her blouse.I lay there trembling as she stood up finished unbuttoning and slipped it offher shoulders. Ron stepped behind her to unhook her brassiere. When the bracame off, he put his arms around Mabel and placed his palms underneath herboobs and hefted them then pulled on her nipples as he kissed the top of hershoulder.
"Mary's thinking about it's going to feel when she's sucking these, rightMary?" said Ron.
Mabel was leaning back on Ron obviously enjoying what was happening. Herbreasts were huge, fat and ugly with stretch marks and visible blue veins.I glanced toward the door but Ed was between it and me. What was I going todo, run outside naked? Hell yeah, I would have done that if I could.
"I don't want this," I sobbed.
"Mary is getting deep into the fantasy. Mabel, let's show her your cunt."
Mabel kicked off her shoes as she unzipped her skirt and let it drop. Pantyhoseand panty came down in a wad. I could see the elastic marks on her white skin.Mabel was not a woman who took care of herself. She was forty pounds overweight,enough that a thick fold hung over her pubic region. She wasn't a shaver eitherand her full dark pelt hadn't been trimmed recently. Collar and cuffs didn'tmatch that was for sure.
"Look at her ass, Mary," said Ron turning Mabel around so I could gaze attwo large globes of cellulite dimpled flesh. "Is your mouth watering and yourpussy wet?"
"I'm not doing anything with her," I said determinedly. I didn't reallythink I could. She was disgusting and for that matter I'd never done any thingsexual with a woman.
"I can see you want us to make you. It's critical to your superego thatyou don't have a choice. Besides, it's not really rape unless they make youdo it. Ed, show Mary your persuader."
Ed placed a small canvas bag on the coffee table. He took out two woodenblocks that were formed into half circles and a piece of iron pipe.
"You know what that is, Mary?" said Ron.
"No, I replied although I had a good idea.
"It's a bone breaker. We'll put one block under your knee and the otherunder your ankle. Ed will hit you right on the shin with the pipe and yourleg bone will snap right in two, like a matchstick."
"Oh Jesus," was all I could manage. I pictured the pipe landing on my shinand the bone cracking and making a jagged exit through my flesh.
"We'll break your right leg to start. If you still object to Mabel as asexual partner, we'll do the left. After that you still got two arms for Edto work on."
"Ed, anything else you'd like to do to Mary if she doesn't cooperate," saidRon.
"Pull her teeth," said Ed reaching into his bag to extract a pair of dentalpliers.
"Oh yes, Ed should have been a dentist. He loves to pull teeth. And he'spretty good at it, aren't you Ed?"
"Damn straight," said Ed.
"You want a demonstration, Mary? If you're having a problem with one ofyour teeth, Ed will be glad to help you out."
"No," I said.
"So what's it going to be, lesbian rape with the lovely Mabel or brokenbones and home dentistry? I might add that a full set of caps is going to costyou more than $20,000 so if you are a person who decides based on the numbers,take that into account."
"I'll do what you want," I said giving up any idea of further resistance.No matter how disgusting, sex with Mabel was better than the alternative.
"And the fantasy lives on, Mary hasn't got a choice so she must allow herselfto be raped. The lovely Mary faced with horrible possibilities reluctantlychooses the only path open to her. None of this death before dishonor for ourgirl Mary," mocked Ron.
The bed sagged as Mabel lay down beside me. I could smell her cheap perfumeas she rolled over on her side and put her arm around me. I stiffened up whenher arm rested on my breasts.
"Kissee, kissee," said Ron from the side of the bed.
I guess Mabel was into the lesbian scene because she wasn't just going throughthe motions. We tongue kissed as her hands played with my nipples. Mabel wasin no hurry. No one was. Ed and Ron took seats beside the bed and watched.
Mabel started moving her mouth between my lips and my nipples. She had bigsoft lips and they were all over me. Her tongue worked its way into my earcanal as her hand slid down my belly to my vagina. Mabel hooked a foot aroundmy ankle to spread my legs further. Then her fingers slipped into my slit andbegan a slow massage around my clit.
Mabel's tongue found its way to my armpit. That was something I had notexpected; but I didn't know squat about lesbian sex. Maybe all the dykes sitaround licking each other's hairy armpits but I'd never heard that. Mabel'stongue started at my bicep then stopped dead center in my armpit and swirledaround. From the way she was breathing I could tell she was getting turnedon.
"Suck my fingers," said Mary placing two of her French manicured nails inmy mouth.
I did as instructed and sucked on her fingers as she buried her face inmy armpit. All that stimulation was getting me turned on. I don't mean sex-crazed.It's just that I have my sensitive areas and if you tweak them right I reactlike any normal woman.
Her hand on the back of my head pulled me toward her boobs and once againI did what was expected. I'm thin, Size 6, 5'7, and 115 pounds. Ann Taylordoesn't hire store managers who look bad in the clothes the store sells. I'dguess Mabel as Size 16, a size my store didn't carry. My face sunk into thetoo soft mound of her breast. I parted my lips to take in the spongy nippleand flicked my tongue across it.
"Suck harder," whispered Mabel.
"Fantasy is truly a powerful thing. Mary's repressed libido probably startswith a lesbian rape and goes on from there," said Ron who I figured had atleast completed Psychology 101.
"Suck that tit, bitch," added the always more graphic Ron.
I can't say anything other than I was doing what I had to do. I admit thispart wasn't all that bad and Mabel's mouth was arousing me sexually. Stillmy primary motivation was fear. There were two blocks of wood and an iron pipewaiting if I didn't cooperate. I put my hand around her areola placed my lipson her nipple and sucked hard. Like the rest of Mabel, it was pliable and agood inch came into my mouth. I must have moaned or made some kind of noisebecause Ron made a comment.
"Mary's in her fantasy world," said Ron in a quiet voice. "She's a Cosmogirl."
"Lesbo sex makes my dick hard," said Ed.
"Is her pussy wet, Mabel?" asked Ron.
"Yeah, check the oil in her transmission," added Ed.
I felt Mabel slide a finger in my vagina. It slipped right in.
"Wet and warm," replied Mabel. "She's ready."
"Let's get ready to join Mary's fantasy," said Ron standing up and pullinghis sweatshirt over his head.
I glanced over to see that Ron and Ed were undressing. I pushed the thoughtof what was going to happen to me out of my mind. I'd never been involved withgroup sex or even came close to it. I'm one of those women who don't enjoysexual intercourse. My husband Sam is a driver for one of the big long haultrucking firms. He's gone for weeks at a time. When he gets home, I act thegood wife and let him screw me. Sometimes I get by with jerking him off. ThankGod he's not into oral. Sam's fifteen years older and not very demanding. That'sprobably why we get along okay.
Sam was not my first sexual partner. He was my third. Curiosity broughtabout the first. It hurt like hell and I threw up afterward. The second servedto confirm my first experience. Sam's a hell of a nice guy so I accommodatehim. I lie quietly while he gets on top. I'm small down there at least that'swhat Sam says and I need a lot of lubrication. As soon as Sam shoots, I runto the bathroom and douche. I suppose I'm not any man's idea of a dream sexualpartner but Sam doesn't complain.
When Mabel reported my vagina was wet I was surprised. It must be the stressI was under. My body was reacting differently.
Mabel's finger went into my vagina then came out wet and took a swirl aroundmy clit.
"Munch Mary's rug," said Ron.
Mabel left a trail of kisses down my belly her mouth landing on my clit.There was skill and experience in the way Mabel performed and it made me forlack of a better word, hot. Mabel reached up to grab the pillow my head wasn'tresting on.
"Raise your butt, honey," said Mabel.
I planted my feet and Mabel wedged the pillow under my rear.
"Grab under your knees and pull them back toward you, honey," said Mabelpushing my legs up. I'm pretty flexible so it was easy for me to put my handsin my knee pits and pull them back. The thought occurred to me that they wereforcing me to acknowledge that I was available to the three of them.
"Ed, did you ever see a woman who needs a good fucking more than our Mary?" saidRon.
"The cunt needs it, that's for sure," said Ed.
"Did you know we were going to fuck you when we grabbed you, Mary?" askedRon.
"No, I didn't know who you were," I replied. Mabel's mouth and fingers werestimulating my vagina and clit. It was hard to concentrate.
"But you'd glad we're just fucking you instead of breaking your legs andleaving you here for the EMTs?" said Ron.
"Give me a complete sentence answer," said Ron.
"Tell me you're glad we fucking you in a complete sentence," said Ron.
"I'm glad you're fucking me instead of breaking my legs," I said in answerto Ron's mind game. It was true. It is better to be fucked than have someonebreak your legs with a length of pipe. Rape lasts for at most at matter ofhours. I'd be walking in a cast for weeks if they broke my legs. Plus the painwould be terrible. I'd probably lose my job too. Rape was my lesser of evils.
"She's all yours Mabel," said Ron. "Mary has made her peace with what'sgoing to happen to her. From now on, she's going to relax and do what we want."
"Suck her ass. I bet she gets off having her backdoor rimmed. All cuntsdo," added Ed.
That's when things got nastier. Her tongue took a long wet lick of my butthole.These people are perverted white trash I though to myself as Mabel's tongueformed a seal around the pucker of my anal opening. She did some things withher tongue and lips that caused me to relax my sphincter. Before long I felther tongue slip inside my butthole. In spite of my feelings of degradationand shame I couldn't suppress a moan.
"Mary's like all them whores who love to gamble. She loves having her buttrimmed," said Ed. "Remember the one we packed her ass with chips from the Bogotá.Cunt must have shit chips for a month."
"All part of the fantasy. She needs to be forced or this wouldn't work forher," said Ron ignoring Ed's memory of some recent atrocity committed in thename of debt collection.
"Ron, you know a lot about how the female mind works," said Ed.
"Mabel loves butt work. See how she's got Mary to open her asshole so shecan tongue fuck it," said Ron. "Mary, how does it feel having a tongue in yourass?"
"Good," was all I could manage.
"Damn straight it's good," said Ed. "I like to eat ass myself before I fuckit."
Mabel pushed the tip of her finger in my ass and returned her mouth to myvagina and clit. A finger on her other hand went into my vagina, hooked upwardand found a sensitive spot. I endured it as long as possible then I lost controland had an orgasm. It was different from the ones I infrequently give myself.It went on longer and had a more profound effect. I let out a little cry andtwisted from side to side as Mabel kept up her efforts until I slowly camedown from the high.
"Did you see that? The whore dumped her wagon," said Ed with a sneer. "Shefucking loved it."
"You're an artist, Mabel. Mary needed that. Didn't you Mary?" said Ron.
"Yes, I needed it," I said. Going along seemed the only way to travel.
"Now you get me off," said Mabel moving up toward the top of the bed.
I knew what Mabel was expecting. I wasn't sure I could do it. I'd nevereven considered having oral sex with a man let alone a woman. The thought ofputting my mouth on another person's sex was disgusting. People get all kindsof horrible diseases from oral sex. I glanced around looking for a way out.My eyes came to rest on those two half circles of wood and the iron pipe restingon the coffee table. I envisioned what it would be like when that pipe slammeddown on my shinbone. How it would look and feel when the skin split and thebone cracked. When I was little, one of the neighbor's boys had a bike accidentand broke his leg. I remember seeing the jagged tip of the white bone stickingthrough the side of his leg. I also remembered he walked with a limp afterthat, a limp he never got over.
I scooted down the bed and on Mabel's instructions I wedged the pillow underher butt. Mabel spread herself open to me with her fingers.
"Do my clit, honey," said Mabel. "Lick the little man in the boat."
I placed the tip of my tongue on the nubbin of flesh and licked it. I triednot to think about the feminine aromas that entered my nostrils. Mabel smelledclean but very much like a woman whose sex was stimulated. When I parted herinner labia, I could see that the entrance to her vagina was glistening withmoisture. I moved my finger around the edges causing Mabel to moan.
Somewhere in my mind I remembered reading that the entrance to the vaginahas a host of nerve endings. The nerves radiate downward from the clitoris.I used my tongue and forefinger to stimulate Mabel and it worked. Mabel beganto talk dirty as I ate her. Some women are into that sort of thing. I've readthat men like sex with women who talk that way during intercourse. The hairsalon where I go is full of magazines with articles on how to turn a man onby using profane language. I had even considered trying it with Sam thinkingit would cause him to orgasm quicker and put an earlier end to the unpleasantness.
"Eat my dirty hole, your filthy whore, that's right, suck my slimy twat," seemedto be Mabel's favorite. She had plenty of others.
"Now, Mary, its time to eat her asshole," whispered Ron. "You know you'vefantasized of the moment when you put your mouth right on the shitter and suckthat motherfucker."
"That's right, honey, do my ass, tongue Mabel's shithole," breathed Mabeladding her encouragement to Ron's.
I did it. I'd gone this far. What was the logic for objecting now? I keptmy fingers working Mabel's clit and vagina as I lowered my mouth to performan act that I considered utterly depraved.
Mabel had a prominent anal ring. I placed my lips on it, feeling the circularmuscle that kept her sphincter closed. I could sense the band pressing againstmy pulsing lips. I ignored the faint smell of shit as I massaged the musclewith my lips and tongue. Her anal muscle relaxed under my assault. I pointedmy tongue and pushed it against the center. The center parted. I did the hithertounimaginable and forced the first inch of my tongue inside Mabel's rectum.
"Suck my shit, swallow my turds," breathed Mabel her mind focused on theinteraction between my mouth and her butthole. She was able to contract hersphincter then relax it as I slipped my tongue in and out. How utterly degradingto be sucking the ass of an armpit licking asshole-tonguing fat queer as shemouthed filth.
I ignored the gritty flakes of shit that coated my tongue. It smelled likeshit and it tasted how I imagined shit would taste. So this is what it's liketo eat shit I told myself. I could tell Mabel took pleasure in what I was doing.She raised her legs and grabbed the soles of her feet pulling them backwardto give me better access.
"You're at the tipping point, Mary. This is where the fantasy gets real," saidRon grabbing my hair and twisting my face toward his. He was holding the dentalpliers only inches from my mouth.
"I'm doing what you ask," I replied terrified of the shiny metal instrument.I could imagine it clamping down on a tooth and slowly pulling it out. I'dhad my wisdom teeth extracted a few years back. That had been done as a hospitaloutpatient under general anesthesia and I still popped painkillers for a week.I couldn't imagine the pain of having someone yank a tooth out.
"Mabel's is going to give you some shit to eat and you're going to eat itor be swallowing soup for the next month. Your choice, eat Mabel's shit orlose your teeth," said Ron emphasizing his point by grabbing one of my nipplesin the dental pliers and squeezing it. I screamed in pain as my nipple wasflatted to the width of a piece of paper.
"I'll eat it. I'll eat it," I sobbed my breast a fiery throbbing mass ofagony.
"Good, Mabel, give Mary a sweet little turd to eat. You want to eat it don'tyou Mary?"
"Yes, Ron, I want to," I said not quite making a complete sentence.
"Ask Mabel real nice to give you a turd to eat,' said Ron.
"Mabel, can I please have a turd to eat," I said.
"You sure can, honey, put your lips around my asshole and I'll push outa hot one," said Mabel.
I felt her strain and a soft turd eased past her sphincter and into my mouth.I had to use every ounce of self-control to keep my gorge down. Ignoring thesmell, the awful taste and the sheer thought of what I was doing, I chewedand swallowed. I justified what I did by declaring that gambling had broughtme to the point of accepting another woman's shit in my mouth. I was gettingmy just desserts.
It was hard to argue that I didn't deserve what was happening. If I hadn'tasked for credit and signed that marker I wouldn't be here with Mabel's shitin my mouth. I wouldn't be facing the possibility of having my teeth rippedout or my bones broken or being raped by Ron and Ed. I could be enjoying theday off, shopping at the mall or going to the spa for a facial. But my outof control urge to gamble had brought me to this cheap hotel to be degradedand used by the three of them. I chewed and swallowed as Mabel's stick of shitslowly emerged. The last inch fell in my mouth as Mabel's sphincter closedit off. I quickly swallowed it down.
There are depths of degradation and degrees of humiliation but swallowingseveral mouthfuls of someone shit has got to be the nadir of human depravity.
"Mary, I'm impressed with commitment to your fantasy. Here, wash Mabel'sturd down," said Ron handing me a bottle of Poland Springs.
"First, clean my ass with your tongue," demanded Mabel.
And I did. I served as her human toilet paper.
"As a reward being a good girl and eating all your shit you may go in thebathroom and wash your mouth out," said Ron.
I could have kissed Ron's ass right in the center of Bally's casino fortelling me to clean out my mouth. I stumbled into the bathroom, rinsed, andgargled with a bottle of mouthwash someone had left.
"Hurry up, Ed's horny," yelled Ron from the other room.
When I came back, Ron was lying on his back stroking his cock and Ed waskneeling on the foot of the bed. Mabel was sitting on the edge of the bed fingeringher pussy.
"Come here, Mary, and let's see how well you give head while Ed fucks youdoggie fashion," said Ron.
No choice I told myself as I climbed between Ron's legs. I placed one handon his shaft and put my mouth on the end. I'd never done oral but I had watchedenough porn with Sam to know what to do. I encouraged Sam to begin our lovemakingby watching porn together. It shortcut what I had to do to get him to climax.
I felt Ed's hands grab my hips and position his cock at my entrance. Edpushed in and I grunted. He was much bigger than Sam and it felt like somethingfar too large was wedging its way past the entrance. I felt Ed pull out, heardhim hawk a gob on spit on my vagina and smear it inside me with his fingers.
"Tight little twat you got there, Mary," said Ed grabbing my hips and slamminghimself in me.
I saw stars. It felt like someone had rammed a baseball bat up my cunt.
"Oh shit, take it out," I pleaded.
"Sure, Mary," said Ed pulling almost all the way out before ramming it backin with all his might.
"Keep sucking," said Ron oblivious to my pain.
"I'll lick her clit while you fuck her," said Mabel sliding under me fromthe side.
I was in sexual hell. Ed was slowly fucking me from the rear. Mabel's mouthwas working my clit and Ron's cock was in my mouth. And just to make mattersworse, Ed stuck two spit-slickened fingers in my asshole.
"Let's change positions," announced Ron after a while. Get on top of meMary. Ed come up here and let Mary suck your dick."
I straddled Ron managing to slide his cock in my vagina as Ed stood on thebed so I could suck his cock.
Mabel's mouth went to work on my tits.
"Lube up Mary's ass, Mabel," said Ron.
Mabel got off the bed, walked over to the king size purse she was carryingand pulled out a half used tube of K-Y Jelly. She squeezed some on her fingersas she walked back. I felt the cold lubricant being rubbed on my sphincter.Mabel applied some more K-Y as she worked first one finger then a second intomy asshole.
"Mabel's doing you a favor, Mary. Tell her thank you," said Ron.
"Thank you, Mabel," I said feeling her fingers squirming around in my rectum.Ron and Ed were playing with my tits as we fucked. Ron put his hand on my crotchand started rubbing my clit.
"Her backdoor ready?" asked Ron.
"Yeah, she's grabbing my fingers with her shitter. She needs a good buttfucking," said Mabel.
"Go to it, Ed," said Ron. "Edward has been contemplating sticking his cockup your ass since we found you at Trump, Mary. Now his own personal fantasyis going to be satisfied."
Ed had stepped behind me. I was still on top of Ron in what I recall asthe cowgirl position. I felt Ed's hard cock between my butt cheeks. I feltMabel's hands grasp by buttocks and spread them apart. Next a very blunt objectpushed against my anus. Involuntarily I clinched up which probably made ithurt ten times worse than if I had relaxed. Ed's hands grabbed my hips andI felt him push hard. For a second or two I kept him out then my asshole partedand I felt a very large column of male flesh enter my rectum.
"First time for anal, honey?" asked Mabel.
"Yes," I said grimacing.
"Hear that, Ed, you took her butt cherry," said Ron.
"She's fucking tight," said Ed pushing in deeper.
"Take it out, please," I whined.
Ed laughed out loud as he plunged in to me I felt his balls slap againstmy pussy that still had Ron's cock in it.
"Pound your ass till it bleeds," said Ed holding my hips and slamming intome.
For the first dozen or so strokes I was out of my mind with pain. Ever soslowly my bottom relaxed and accepted the unwelcome intruder. Having two cocksinside you is an incredibly weird sensation. You can feel them rubbing againstone another separated by a thin wall of tissue.
Mabel's hand was working my clit as she went back to licking my armpit.It wasn't very long before Ed ejaculated in my rectum. After that, Ron rolledover on top of me and finished.
"Call Billy," said Ron getting off me.
Ed picked up the phone, punched a button and spoke.
"We're done. She's all yours," was all he said before he hung up.
The trio started to dress. I was hoping we were through and they would letme go when I heard a knock on the door. Ed opened it and this greasy longhairedkid who worked the registration desk stepped inside. He had a camera in onehand.
"She's not too bad," said Billy raising the camera to take a picture ofme lying there with cum leaking out of my vagina and anus.
"Hurry up, we got another collection to do," said Ron.
"Did you break anything?" asked Billy as he snapped off several images ofme on the bed.
"Not this time," said Ron.
"Shit, it's so cool when their legs are bent funny," said Billy. "The onelast week looked like a rag doll."
"She owed a lot of money to some bad people,' said Ron.
"Pulled your legs up," said Billy to me.
"Do as Billy says. You're paying for the room," said Ron.
I grabbed the soles of my feet and pulled them up and back. Billy got onthe edge of the bed and took close-ups of my orifices.
"You guys get one of her sucking my cock," said Bill handing the camerato Ron as he unzipped his fly and pulled out his cock.
I rolled over on my side and put my mouth on a very smelly and unclean penisthat almost made me gag. It was almost as bad as eating Mabel's shit. Ron tookphotos of me with Billy's cock in my mouth. After that, Billy dropped his jeansand mounted me. He pumped away for a few minutes before releasing a secondmeasure of semen into my vagina. I was about as degraded and humiliated asa woman can possibly be as he hurriedly dressed and left.
Ron came over to the bed, sat down and put his hand on my breast.
"Mary, you caught us in a good mood and you had it pretty easy today. Nexttime we may not be so nice. How soon can we expect the other $15,000?"
"A week, two at most," I replied.
"Here's my number," said Ron handing me a business card. "Call when yougot the fifteen large."
"I will," I said.
"You better or you'll be learning to walk on crutches," said Ron.
They left me there. I dressed and walked up to the front where Billy calledme a cab to take me back to my car.
When Sam my husband got back the next day, I had all the paperwork readyfor a second mortgage on our house. We had enough equity to cover $15,000.I had to tell him about the marker and the fact that some seriously bad peoplewere trying to collect it. I didn't tell him about what happened at the motel.
He reluctantly agreed provided I promise not to gamble ever again. I hadto meet Ron and Ed once more to hand over the $15,000. Ron jokingly asked ifI wanted to go back to the motel and fuck some more. I said no.
It’s been some time since I wrote about my crazy life as a slutty crossdresser so with some free time right now I thought I might tell you about Ricky, one of my early boyfriends when I was a teenager…. Ricky moved into our neighborhood when I was 17 and he was 18 and I had a crush on him right away. He was so damn good looking with dark brown hair, brown eyes and strong athletic body and fantasizing about his cock between my lips made me dizzy every time I saw him. It...
CrossdressingLove's Journey -------------------------- The flowers are in bloom In the early weeks of May The little boys chase frogs The girls just sing and play. Above a field of green Beneath a tree of pine Two friends sit side by side Two lovers intertwined Moral laws be damned Let only God lay blame Love shall rule the day Though chromosomes the same. Years and years as brothers Divide by hate and pain Wandering the desert Stuck out in the rain. Separate bearing...
This is the third and final part of my story about my unexpected love for my beautiful neighbour. Links to the other parts are available on my profile page as usual. Love's Awakening A warm wetness was working it's way up my legs. Although I knew I was dreaming, I savoured the sensation as it paused. Roughness followed on from the slippery heat and in my dream, my skin tingled. Again the wetness, higher this time it caressed my thighs both inner and outer. I could feel small fingers grasping...
Straight SexCopyright© 2004 Kyle was having a very sexy dream, one more exciting and vivid than he had ever imagined. Brianna was romping naked and dancing with him in passion and delight. The flashing curves of her breasts and legs, her joyful laugh and bright smiling eyes filled the dream. Kyle gasped as Brianna dominated him for coupling, gasped again as she rolled to let him mount her for a short while, gasped a third time as she turned and reclaimed the mount position. It all seemed so...
Disclaimer: This story is for adult entertainment! So, ensure you are 18 years of age. Author's Note: Once again, I've delved into the Spells R Us is my third story with this setting. (Lust Potion '69' & Womanizer, and now Lover's Desire) Anyway, this is a fantasy, and contains a lot of female-female......Enjoy! Oh Yeah: My new e-mail address (lower case): [email protected] "Lover's Desire" by J.R. Parz I. Jess Parker was browsing...
I'm awakened to the feel of the silk blindfold being lowered over my eyes. I mumble and stir, and my lover's quiet voice hushes me. "Shh, just you relax. We're going to play another little game this morning," he tells me. "mmmmm" is my sleepy reply. His games are always exciting, and through my grogginess I feel a spark of interest and excitement kindle inside. He shifts on the bed, pulling the sheets from over us. I try to curl up into a warm ball, but his strong, confident hands take hold of...
BDSMMy Mistake While I was getting dressed I started to think about what Jay said to Chris. I was to scared to even admit the truth to my self, I really didn’t think that Jay told him. Obviously we didn’t argue, so what the fuck did he tell him I thought. I was completely confused, so I decided that I would try to fool Chris into telling me what Jay said. I sat on Jay’s bed and sighed. ‘I wish you were here,’ I said aloud then walked out of the room On my way down stairs I started devise a...
Warwick Castle, Lancaster Estate England 1815 Kelloch Havisham, Duke of Lancaster, sat on the settee across from his bed and stared at it hard, as he swallowed another mouthful of the rich brandy. There was something wrong with him, he thought. The same dream, over and over again, it wasn’t normal. Not in the least. It wasn’t supposed to happen to him. He was the bloody Duke of Lancaster. Everyone in the Ton trembled when he passed them by, and he was having a bloody reoccurring nightmare. ...
My name is Sarah Case and I live in lower Manhattan, with three guys, Chris Cline, Jason Reed, and Jay Haze. About 10 months ago we opened a club in Queens called M57. It was a big hit and we started to make a lot of money. So they were all pretty happy, but I was miserable. I bet you are wondering why? Well, Chris has been my best friend since we were in grade school. Chris and Jay were lovers for about 3 years, until they decided that they didn’t want to be intimate anymore and became...
Please do not read if you are under 18 or if reading this story is illegal where you live! This is not a quick sex story, if you are looking for that, you will be disappointed. This is a romance story that will eventually lead to sex. This is my first submission, so please be kind! Comments and constructive criticism are welcome. *********************************************** Chapter 1 JOEL Sometimes I think about the images that will flash back to me when that moment comes that I’m...
My absolute best friend, ever. She was, well, perfect. We’d known each other since we were kids, everyone always said we’d end up married with kids of our own, well, they said that till I came out that is. She was the first person I plucked up the courage to come out to, of course. I remember it as though it were yesterday. I was so nervous. We were sitting together on her bed after school watching a movie, I had been planning to tell her for three week, plucking up the courage, then suddenly...
Sometimes in life the actions we take set in motion forces that lead us in some unintended directions. It’s like entering a maze, you go in innocently enough, but you never know where or when you’re going to come out. Carrie Kruger walked into one of these mazes once, and eventually came out somewhere where she never expected to be. It all began when she went to a dinner dance her company held every January, it was supposed to help alleviate the post-holiday depression that seems to affect...
Copyright 2014 by robindavisfiction. This story may not be republished or reposted on other websites without written permission. ***** He warmed the lotion in his hands before spreading it gently on her swollen feet and rubbing each cold toe carefully between his fingers until the chill was gone. Gently, but firmly, he massaged each foot before working slowly up her calves and shins, steadily increasing the pressure with each upward stroke. He lightly caressed her cool, smooth skin with each...
Sirens filled my ears with their screams of urgency. Through the wails and horns I could hear voices, harsh, barking voices. I could not discern the words they spoke through the chaos of sound around me. Slowly the sensation of cold began to flood over my body, cold and wet. I felt wet. A sharp pain from my shoulder jerked my body, my head rolled to the side, my ear being crushed against a cold hard surface. I felt the sterile touch of latex gloved hands roll my head back and lift it slowly...
She should have known better than to trust him, he had done nothing but lie to her from day one. Of course she hadn’t been aware of this fact until it was too late. Way too late. John had asked Melissa out on a magical first date and had completely bowled her over. A whirlwind romance that turned into roller coaster ride that had stopped abruptly, leaving shattered dreams and broken promises. He had made so many promises to her, and had seemed to mean each one. She had lived for those promises...
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Kurt is back in town and coming to visit and fuck his wife My wife Gerta had baked chocolate cookies, my favorite, and they were now on a plate on the kitchen table, still nice and hot, their fragrance filling the room. She was sitting there in just a low-cut top that barely contained her huge bust, and shorts that looked ready to burst from the size of her double-wide butt. I had just finished washing all the dishes, which is one of my regular chores, and thought I deserved a reward, so I...
Rhonda felt dizzy, short of breath and incredibly aroused. She clung to her boyfriend Eric as they kissed on his couch. He had her pressed back against the arm rest, one hand on her hip the other on the back of her neck as if afraid she was going to pull away. His tongue was deep in her mouth and Rhonda could hear soft little grunts of pleasure coming from deep in his throat. Eric finally broke their kiss but immediately moved his lips to her neck. Rhonda took advantage of the break and...
Love StoriesSo here I was on X hamster not feeling great, having a bout of depression, when I find a post from a guy not far from me. He happens to be on line so we start chatting as you do, swap the odd photo, turns out he likes to take photos, is open minded and likes my nylon pics with me in stockings. Asked if the wife is free which she not as working.We swap a few more comments when he asks if I was free and fancied popping round for a coffee.Well to be honest, I kinda wanted some company, the 3 weeks...
Pale moonlight filtered through the trees, and I sniffed the light breeze that brushed my face. Moss, pollen and the other smells of the forest registered, but I ignored them. I caught the faint traces of something flowery, something that had no business being here. The source was upwind, and I made my way along a low spot in the forest where a small stream ran in the rainy season. This was elven territory, where I was not welcome, so I moved carefully through the trees and brush. I gripped my...
The Dog Days of August were finally at an end. Dave let out a sigh as he stepped off the jetway. He was finally on the journey home. It felt like he'd spent more time on business trips than in Colorado during the past month. After doing a quick mental calculation, he chuckled and shook his head. He had, and it wasn't even close. It'd been over six weeks since he'd spent three consecutive nights sleeping in his own bed. And the days he'd been home hadn't been all that great either, he...
Copyright© 1996-2003 "There once was a lady named Carter, Fell in love with a virile young Tartar. She stripped off his pants, At his prick quickly glanced, And cried: 'For that I'll be a martyr!'" -author unknown "Love Eternal" Those were the words we spoke to each other on our wedding day. In fact, standing at the head of the church, we had almost a hundred witnesses to those phrases, including the priest who pronounced us married. I can still remember the echo from...
The windshield wipers on the black SUV swept frantically back and forth, valiantly fighting a losing battle with the ever-thickening snowfall. Jennifer Love Hewitt brought the overmatched vehicle to an abrupt halt in the middle of the road; or at least she thought it was the middle of the road, the blizzard conditions made it nearly impossible to distinguish anything outside the truck. She turned on the interior light and reread her directions for what seemed like the hundredth time. The...
Sometimes in life the actions we take set in motion forces that lead us in some unintended directions. It's like entering a maze, you go in innocently enough, but you never know where or when you're going to come out. Carrie Kruger walked into one of these mazes once, and eventually came out somewhere where she never expected to be. It all began when she went to a dinner dance her company held every January; it was supposed to help alleviate the post-holiday depression that seems to affect...
I spent less than twenty minutes on the phone with my dad as we came up with a plan. He was very happy to hear from my mom I was free of the commands Father Xavier had given me, and even more pleased to hear I was interested in going to the Crow Academy, a coed boarding school for teens with the telepathic ability. Troublesome telepathic teens from all over the continent were sent to the Crow Academy to knock off their rough edges and learn self-control, coexistence and humility. Weekly...
After spending Friday cleansing seven girls, I had the rest of the weekend off as the rest of the girls weren’t ready. So what did I do with my time? I spent part of Saturday afternoon haggling with my parents about the future of the Hamilton mansion. Like my father, I had formed a sense of resentment towards the south wing out of what I had done there. When my dad suggested tearing down the south wing, I was perfectly okay with it. My mom didn’t like the idea, but she really didn’t have a...
That Jack would actually call her within a week was really surprising to Ariel. He called her three days later and they met at a local coffee shop called Café Z. They sat at a corner table drinking coffee and talking about many topics, the weather, sports, music, current events, and their families. They were there for 3 hours enjoying each other's company when Ariel asked him to come to her house for dinner the next night. He accepted right away, saying, "I'll even bring the wine,...
Ariel went into the kitchen to stir the pasta, which was almost done. She put the wine in the freezer to chill. Jack came into the kitchen and placed the long white box on the table. He walked up behind Ariel and slid his hands around her waist, pulled her close and kissed her neck. Ariel laughed and gently pushed Jack away, saying with a laugh, "Dinner's gonna burn if you continue doing that! Here, make yourself useful and toss the salad." She handed him the salad tongs and he took the...
Making love to an eighteen-year-old, a seventeen-year-old and three fifteen-year-old girls was, for the first time, not a chore for me. Belinda Graves, the junior, was especially fun. My first titty fuck. I thought about having a painting made up for it, but later decided it would be kind of creepy. I was using the RVs again since the south mansion was now closed. Adam and Jessica helped out at the RV, but my mom was pretty much running the show. Jessie was there too, though she wasn’t aware...
Ariel stepped away, took Jack's hand and grabbed the wine bottle. He grabbed the glasses and they went into the kitchen, then Ariel led him up the stairs to her bedroom. She placed the bottle and glasses on the dresser. Then she walked over to her bookshelf and turned on her stereo to some soft rock music. When she turned around, Jack was sitting on the bed smiling at her. She smiled back at him then walked to the bed and sat beside him. He leaned over and kissed her tenderly. Jack...
The twins were at the airfield in their new white convertible limo. That limo was a sweet ride, especially from all the buttons. I love buttons. The twins had been using my dad’s convertible while I had been gone, so having the top down was nothing special for them or our friends. I was momentarily a little jealous of how they had spoiled our friends with that without me, but it was to help cheer them up rather than show off. We rode with the top down. I thought it was cool, and not just...
"Are you ok, honey? Am I hurting you?" Jack asked. Ariel said, "I'm fine, Jack. It doesn't hurt at all. In fact, it feels wonderful! Love me Jack! NOW!" Jack smiled and kissed her as he started moving inside her, slowly in and out, almost withdrawing all the way before plunging back into her completely. Ariel drew her legs up, wrapped them around his waist and locked her ankles behind his back, giving him deeper penetration. He leaned down and took one of her nipples into his mouth,...
Sunday afternoon, I said a tearful goodbye to everyone before leaving for the airport with only the twins going with me. Hanging around my neck was my mother’s quarter, Suzi’s heart necklace she had worn to school, and Joey’s new necklace with my coin. When Joey insisted I take it, I said, “No, Joey. You keep it.” Joey shook his head and said, “You’re going to need it more than me. I have Suz. You won’t have anybody. Just don’t let them take it away from you.” I had left a little earlier...
So Jack went to the refrigerator, took out what he needed to make breakfast, and sat everything on the stove. He opened the cupboard to get 2 frying pans, putting them on the stove. He opened the package of bacon that he took from the fridge, separated the slices and put them in one pan over low heat to cook. While the bacon was cooking, he poured a cup of coffee and sat at the table, looking out the window at two horses grazing in the pasture behind Ariel's house. He glanced toward the...
Suddenly, Jack's mouth was on her left breast, sucking hungrily upon her sweet, tender nipple. He gave equal attention to the right breast and nipple as his hand caressed her tummy in slow lazy circles, moving slowly toward her secret treasure hidden beneath that patch of dark curls at the juncture of her thighs. His fingertips grazed over the soft silky curls and he heard her gasp. He smiled as his hand cupped her treasure trove of sweetness. His fingers gently opened her, then slid into...
Cajun's ears swiveled forward as he slowly walked toward Jack, who had stopped walking. As the horse approached, Jack held his hand a little closer to himself so Cajun would come close enough to hook on the lead rope. As Cajun took the carrot, Jack hooked the rope onto his halter. The horse jerked his head but did not try to run away. Jack gave him the other carrot half and led him to the barn to be saddled. As he led Cajun to the barn, he saw that Ariel had Lady saddled already and was...
Jack grabbed the saddles and carried them into the lean-to, placing them in the corner. Ariel came in and bent over the cooler bag, about to unpack the lunch she had brought. Jack stopped her. He was breathing hard and Ariel could see the rather sizable bulge straining against the front of his jeans. She smiled at him as he said, "Lunch can wait, baby. I want you right now!" She put the cooler aside and stood up. Ariel slowly took the braids out of her hair, tossing the hair bands to Jack,...
Ariel smiled at Jack and he could see his seed running down her chin and dripping onto her chest as she sat up. He reached over and unzipped the backpack, removing the roll of toilet paper. He smiled as he handed it to Ariel and she unrolled some of it, using it to wipe her face and chest before tossing it aside. Then she climbed up on top of Jack, her legs straddling his stomach, her breasts hanging over his chest as she leaned down and kissed him. Jack could taste himself on her tongue as...
They stood there in the water for a while, still joined together intimately. Ariel could feel him softening inside her vagina. Jack pulled himself out of her and carried her to the shore of the pond. He bent down and Ariel grabbed the towels, then Jack carried her back to the lean-to. He laid her on the blanket and dried her off. He handed her clothes to her and then dried himself off while she dressed. While Jack dressed, Ariel straightened the blanket and set out the picnic lunch that she...
They walked inside hand in hand and Jack closed the door behind him. Ariel took the flowers into the kitchen, pulled a large vase out of the cupboard and put water in it. She removed the plastic and tissue paper from the bouquet and put them into the vase of water. She carried the vase into the living room and placed it on the mantle above the fireplace. Jack was sitting on the couch looking at one of Ariel's horse magazines. When she turned around after putting the vase on the mantle, she...
Jack pulled his now soft shaft from her dripping love nest, rolled off her and looked at the clock on the night stand. It said 8:45 pm. He turned to her and said, "Honey, we better get cleaned up and dressed if we're going to arrive on time at the restaurant where I've made dinner reservations. The reservation is for two at The Dream Scape Restaurant for 9:45 pm. I've arranged for a private candlelight dinner in one of the small private dining rooms, complete with wine and dessert if you...
Ariel stared in awe at the gorgeous fountain garden where little orange and white Koi fish were happily swimming in the pond. She turned to Jack and said, "Oh Jack, this is so lovely! Thank you for bringing me to this beautiful restaurant. I love you so much, Jack." He got up from the table and walked over to her by the garden, wrapped his arms around her and kissed her deeply, then said, "You are so welcome, baby. I knew you'd like this place." As he spoke, his voice turned husky. He...
He wrapped his arms around her, pulling her tight against his body, his arousal very evident against her tummy. She slid her hands around his waist as he kissed her, then she moved them down to his hard firm butt and squeezed hard with both hands, making him grunt and growl. He picked her up and tossed her onto the bed. He unfastened her garter belt and tossed it to the floor, her panties following quickly. He spread her legs and lay between them, kissing her deeply, his tongue engaged in a...
BUZZZZZZ!!! BUZZZZZZ!!! BUZZZZZZ!!! Ariel slowly woke up to the sound of her alarm clock going off. She looked at the clock: 7:30 am. She reached over and turned it off, then stretched her arms and legs out. She rolled over to look at Jack, but she was surprised to see that he wasn't in bed beside her. She yawned and looked around. His clothes were still on the chair by the dresser where he had left them. All that was missing was his underwear. Her clothes were sitting in the laundry baskets...
Jack pulled the picnic basket out from under the kitchen counter and took the picnic blanket from the closet after he put on his boots. Ariel looked at him curiously and he said, "The picnic is part of my surprise, baby. I packed it when I came downstairs this morning. And if you look outside by the barn, you will see that the horses are both saddled and ready to go too, baby." She looked out the kitchen window, and sure enough, there were Cajun and Lady, all saddled except for their...
Jack told her to open the bigger envelope first. She did so, removing some papers and reading them. She looked at Jack and said, "Mine?? This land is mine? Ohhh Jack! Thank you so much, darling!" She was crying happy tears as she leapt up and hugged him tightly. "Hey now, baby! No crying allowed until after you look in the other envelope and the little box that are sitting on the table!" he said as he handed her a tissue. "Now I know why you had the tissues in there, baby." she said...
Ariel was laying on the bed, completely naked except for the ring on her finger and a small necklace around her neck. Her hair was loosened from its braid and cascaded over her shoulders, covering her lush breasts. Her perky little nipples were temptingly peeking out from between strands of her chocolaty hair, like tan buttons on brown silk. His gaze slid down over her breasts, across her slightly curved belly and down to the delectable dark curls that hid her sweet tangy secret spot that he...
He went to the pond with the other two buckets and filled them with water. He carried them to the corral and dumped the water into the barrel for the horses. He went to the back of the shelter and scooped some grain into each of the two tubs for the horses to eat, carried the dishes out and placed them on the ground in front of the horses. He watched the horses eat, but his mind was not on the magnificent animals before him. Jack kept glancing over at the door to the cabin where his beloved...
Jack dried off, then slid on his underwear and boots. He wrapped Ariel up in the blanket, then laid the towels and his jeans on her lap. He picked her up, blanket and all, and carried her back into the cabin, laying her gently on the bed. She unwrapped the wet blanket from her body and gave Jack the towels and his pants. He took the blanket and the towels outside and laid them on the wood pile to dry. He came back inside and pulled back the other blankets so Ariel could get under them ... He...
"That's just fine baby." he replied as he slowly began moving within her again. Jack bent his head down to her breasts and suckled hungrily on her hard protruding nipples. Ariel lifted her legs up and wrapped them around his waist as he thrust deeper into her hot wet sheath, moving harder, deeper, and faster within her. Moments later, Jack felt her muscles tighten around him as the orgasm hit her. The juices flowed from her wet sheath to cover his shaft and leak down over his testicles,...
He looked into her eyes and saw tears forming as she said, "Ohhh Jack, that's the nicest thing anyone's ever said to me in a long time. I am yours forever, my love, and I will be a great wife to you and a great mom to our children. I love you with all my heart and soul forever and ever, Jack." He reached up and wiped the tears from her cheeks before he laid her back on the pillows and kissed her deeply. He broke the kiss when he heard Ariel's stomach growl. She giggled, he laughed and...
Ariel gave Jack a towel and they both dried off, then got dressed. "Well honey, I think we should pack up and head home so we can get rested up for the work week ahead of us. I'll bring the table and chairs back inside while you tidy up and pack our dirty laundry into the picnic basket. I'll also roll up that blanket outside so we can take it home to wash, ok honey?" he said. Ariel agreed, then began packing up their dirty laundry into the basket. She made the bed, swept the floor, then...
He checked to make sure Ariel was alright, then removed her from the table, laying her gently on her bear-skin rug in front of the fireplace. "Ohhh Jack, take me, my love! Take me now! I want to feel you inside me, filling me with your hard cock!" she whispered urgently. He kissed her deeply then quickly shed his underwear and knelt between her legs on the rug. He teasingly rubbed the head of his throbbing shaft up and down the lips of her wet mound. He pressed the head into her then...
Jack went out of the office, clocked out, then went to his car. He looked at his watch - 4:45 pm. He picked up his cell phone from the center console of the car and dialed Mr. Williams' number. He told the older man that he would be there in about forty-five minutes to get the puppy. Then he called Ariel. He knew she was still at work at the daycare center so he left her a message on the answering machine. "Hi honey, it's me. I just wanted to let you know that I will be about a half hour...
Jack set the table, placing the yellow taper candles beside the flowers in the center of the table. Dinner was almost ready so he went upstairs quietly to wake Ariel. When he went into the bedroom, Precious was looking at him. Ariel was still asleep. Jack sat on the edge of the bed and brushed a strand of Ariel's soft silky hair back from her face. Precious stood up, stretched, yawned, and walked to Jack. He picked her up and took her downstairs. He took her leash from the bag on the chair,...
He slipped a third finger into her sheath, and stroked her faster, feeling the muscles start to quiver. Her breathing was coming in gasps, and low moans were coming from deep down in her chest as the speed of his fingers thrusting within her increased. Her hips raised with each thrust to meet his hand, as he slid his other hand to her breast, and squeezed her nipple between his thumb and fore finger. Her breathing increased and the moans sounded more like tiger growls now, as he thrust faster...
They fell asleep there on the bed, and slept until Precious started whining to go outside. Jack woke up, carefully got out of bed and slid on his underwear, jeans and boots. He let Ariel sleep while he took Precious out for a walk around the cabin and barn area. They walked around the pond and Precious stopped to take a drink of water while Jack sat on the bank. The pup came up to Jack and sat beside him with her paw on his leg while he was petting her. Jack looked at his watch. It said 6:00...
After they ate, Ariel and Jack cleaned up the cabin, then left to go back to Ariel's house. They put the horses out to pasture then went inside. Ariel sat on the couch, clutching a small pillow to her chest, tears streaming down her cheeks. She was very depressed and Jack knew it would take a while for her to come to terms with her unemployment because of the fire. He went in the kitchen and got her a glass of water and some aspirin. He sat on the couch beside her and made her take the...