- 3 years ago
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"First of all, we have house rules." Allie said, wagging her finger under my nose in mock-seriousness.
"House rules?" I thought to myself. We just got here for a visit, and already our hostess is telling us there are rules? What is this, reform school?
"Rules?" I prompted, cautiously.
"Yes." She said, crisply. "One, we are nudists, so no clothes are allowed inside the house."
Oh, okay. That one I’m good with.
"How about jewelry?" Eve asked. She likes to wear a ton of jewelry when she’s naked.
"Jewelry is not clothing." Allie pronounced, and then got a thoughtful look. "Seductionwear is okay, as long as it comes off eventually."
"Okay. And…?"
"Second, we are eroticists. Everything we do is erotic, so no one can pass another at any time without touching each other in an intimate way. The more intimate and erotic, the better."
My eyebrows shot up. That sounds like an interesting rule in itself. "What else?"
"Pursuant to rule two, you are not allowed bathe yourself. You must always have someone else bathe you. No exceptions."
I could feel my loins stirring. There were two of them, and only one of me. Girls, that is. These were the best rules I ever heard of.
"Lastly, jealousy is forbidden, as is straying, and the word `no’ is frowned upon. Are we agreed?"
I gave a look to my woman, Eve, who shrugged her shoulders, nodded and said "I guess so."
Damn straight. She was the one who thought of making the trip to visit Allie in the first place. Both women turned and looked quizzically at me. Like they had to guess.
"I’ll..try to be a good boy." I said with mock-piety matching Allie’s mock-seriousness. "Now what?"
"Let’s get naked!" Allie squealed, and began to pull her tight T-shirt over her head.
A little background here. Eve and I have been together for years, and have the perfect marriage. Both of us are nymphomaniacs, although the proper term for a man is "satyrisis." We just like to fuck. Allie is an old friend from when we all lived together in another time and place. Just out of college, we all lived together in this one huge attic room of an old house that had been converted to an apartment. Clothing was optional in those days too, and we just lived a lotus-eating existence.
Allie was such a nympho in those days too, and she used to spin her tales of sexual adventure for us to pant and drool over, stories of threesomes, foursomes, sixsomes…boys, girls, boys and girls, girls and boys, she liked it everywhichaway. Eve and I were a little more into each other at the time, but every so often we took a lover together and gorged ourselves on sex, sex, and more sex while it lasted.
Times change, though. We all got jobs, then the jobs got better, or in distant cities, and our little commune eventually dissolved. Allie moved to the southwest, while we moved first to the west coast, then back east, then south.
One night, after a particularly fine one-on-one session, Eve suddenly sat up (after her legs quit trembling), and said: "Why don’t we go visit Allie?"
She knew there would be no argument from me. Our last lover had been a wonderful man, as bi- a boy as I, but he found a woman and fell in love, and she wasn’t into multiples. You get the picture. We were both horny for some more group-gropering, and for Eve to pick Allie could only mean that she had a taste for girl-girl.
Eve and Allie had been together once way back when. Eve told me about it later, that she and Allie had gone out shopping one day while I was at work, and had come back to the attic and taken a shower together, with more in the bedroom later. When I heard about it I was pissed. Not because she had gone behind my back, but because they hadn’t included me!
Allie is a dark-haired woman with a rather voluptuous build. She liked to tan at a nudist resort, and would always get dark all over (yes, even there) every summer, with no tan lines. Eve, on the other hand, is more petite-slender, almost paper-white, as true celtic redheads are. It makes her nipples sooo pink! Allie was voluptuous, Eve was slender and girlish. Allie had jugs, Eve had perky titties. Next to them (a place I like to be), I have arms that tan brown to just above the elbow where my shirtsleeves end, and around my face and neck where the collar of my shirt lies. What can I say, I work a lot and don't have the time or patience to lie out in the sun. Besides, if I did tan I wouldn’t want tan lines, but I don’t have a nearby place to do it in the buff.
"STOP!" I commanded, and Allie paused, with her shirt up around her shoulders. She looked at me with a frown.
"Five point penalty for removal of your own clothes. If you can’t bathe yourself, you can’t remove your own clothes either." I crossed my arms across my chest in a "cop" pose and acted like I had a "gotcha," which I did.
Immediately seeing my point, Allie dropped her shirt back down and held her arms straight up like a child waiting to be undressed.
Slowly, I moved behind her and slipped my hands under her shirt, and against her sides, just below those stupendous tits of hers. Ever so slowly I slid my hands up her skin, cupping her fine jugs and pulling her back against me. Allie purred like a cat and melted to me like butter. I slipped her shirt off and repeated the action with her satiny red gym shorts, making sure to get a good feel of her fine ass and thighs in the process.
Standing again behind this naked dark-skinned goddess, I took her shoulders and whispered in her ear: "Your turn." And pushed her gently toward Eve. Shit, what a mistake!
I’m a guy, right? And what is it that we guys like to see more than anything else? Two girls getting it on, right? Only now I had made it illegal to pull off my own clothes to get at my stiffness, which needed immediate adjustment NOW! I’ll never make that mistake again!
Allie slowly approached Eve, who was also wearing a T-shirt and shorts with nothing on under them. She cupped Eve’s breasts, and gently kissed her on the lips. Eve has always said she preferred men over women, and to be sure I’ve never kissed a guy myself, although I’ve certainly sucked and jacked a lot of cocks. Their first kiss was close-lipped, but then Allie opened hers and began to tug at Eve’s lips with her teeth. Eventually, Eve opened hers and the two girls went full-in with each other.
Eve began to squeeze Allie’s breasts, as Allie slipped Eve’s pants off, letting them drop to the floor, then she began to finger Eve’s bush, as the two embraced each other tighter and tighter.
I’m dying here. I can’t just take a "five-point penalty," they’d never let me live it down! But all I can do is watch! Eve was beginning to heat up, and I could now smell the two girls’ bouquets. Eve’s breathing became more rapid, and she began to grunt and bite her lip, but I knew she wouldn’t cum, because I knew how she liked to sequence her first climaxes.
Eve backed away from Allie suddenly, then embraced her and turned her face towards me. "Let’s get him!" she said.
Uh, oh. I’m about to get sexually assaulted. Cool!
Both women were Cosmo-reading "fashionistas" in "real" life. Both knew how to "cat-walk," that strutting way of crossing each leg in front of the other when strutting, the better to make the hips (and tits) sway. When it’s done like a predatory cat closing for the kill it’s irresistible. They circled me and pressed against me, making me the meat in a girl-girl sandwich. Okay!
Eve worked at my shorts, while Allie pulled my shirt, and in a second I was naked too. Allie reached for my cock and experimentally stroked it a time or two.
"What’s it like to ride him, Evie?" she asked.
"Oh, he usually rides me." Eve replied. "I like it on my back."
"What, no doggiestyle?"
"I’ve always been too small for that."
Allie looked at me. "You poor boy! How long has it been since you took a woman from behind?"
It had actually been longer than Eve and I had been together, which is to say a very long time. She didn’t like it, and I had quit asking long ago.
"Well," Allie said, "I just love it from behind! You’ll have to give it to me hard, understand?" She gave my cock an extra squeeze when she gushed the word "hard."
"Yes, ma’am!"
"Hey, Evie," she said, "let’s suck him up good and hard and ride him `till he pops, whatcha’ say?"
"Okay. What technique do you like to use when you’re blowing a guy?"
"It’s a combination of mouth and hands." Allie replied. "Watch!" And with that she shifted around in front of me, knelt down and took my whole package in both her hands. Eve knelt beside her, like an attentive student.
Eve had actually already learned from a master. Yes, that’s master in the masculine sense. That lover we had that found a woman? He was a wizard of cock! Nobody knows how to blow you better than another guy, because we have the same set of buttons. After a couple of sessions watching him she could suck as well as the best of them, all the way down to the base. Whatta woman!
When Allie began to slide her lips down one side of my shaft, Eve began on the other. Soon, their lips met over my cock and I was in the middle of their making out. I looked down and could see hands exploring tits and slits. Soon, they both slid off the end (whew!), and began to kiss, stroke, and fondle each other for real. Gladly, I took over operation of my twang and watched the show.
They both raised up on their knees and twined in embrace, their breasts pressed tight together. Few things in this world are so beautiful as two beautiful women, naked, and making love. I knelt beside them and stroked their backs and behinds as they kissed, gently working my fingers between their legs.
Both were moist with feminine honey. They started a little as I touched their labia, but opened wider to allow me access. I had to move so close that my cock pressed against their hips to reach both cunts, but I soon had a rhythm going, and both girls began to grunt and moan as they began to heat.
Suddenly, Eve broke away, which mystified Allie. "It’s okay." I said to her. "This is how she gets her motor running. Watch!"
I brought Allie under my wing, and she wrapped her arm around my back, as Eve took a towel and lay on her back, very stiff and still, eyes closed. She put the towel over her slit and began to rub her nubbin through the cloth. Mesmerized, Allie reflexively reached for my cock without taking her eyes from the scene before her. Naturally, I took one of her fine boobs in my hand and pulled her tighter. Little by little, Eve began to stiffen and stretch like a cat as she reached her first peak, then relaxed on the downslope. Allie looked at me in wonder, but I only gave her a smile and a wink that said "Keep watching."
I disengaged from Allie with a brief kiss and a tweak of her nipple, then lay close to Eve and gently laid my hand around her throat. "As if you were going to choke me." Were her original instructions about this, which I found frightening at first, but which later became such a charge once I learned how to do it right. Allie moved around to the other side, watching intently.
I felt Eve begin her rhythm again, and ever so slowly I began to stiffen my hand around her neck. Not tighten, stiffen. There was actually very little pressure on my woman’s neck, rather it was the tension in my hand against her collarbone she was feeling. She began to make little kitten-mewing sounds as she neared the top, and at last arched her back off the floor as she climaxed. Still, she made no move or sound, her eyes still shut.
Allie began to stroke her breast as she began again. Both of us could feel the power that was building. "Come on, baby, cum for me. Rub that cunt. Get it good and wet. I want to dump a load in you. Come on, baby, cum on…cum on…cum on.." I matched her tempo with my whispers, my lips now close to her ear. Allie moved her lips to her nipple.
Allie erupted in a monumental climax, moaning out as if she had been struck, then curled tightly into a fetal ball. Gently, I stroked her side and legs while she recovered.
"Wow!" Allie said, thunderstruck. "Does she always do this?"
"Every time." I quietly replied. "Now, get ready."
After a moment, Eve came suddenly out of her ball and attacked us both like a cat in heat. She grabbed my cock and wrapped her arm behind my head and started frenching with a vengeance. I reached blindly for Allie, who joined us, and we three locked lips, our tongues dancing together. She opened her legs a little wider to allow me access, and her smooth-shaved slit was wet with her juices.
I could tell that Allie was fingering Eve, and both were beginning to heat up from the stroking. Fortunately, I don’t easily cum from someone else stroking me, so their grunts of pleasure only heightened my own excitement, without bringing me too close to the edge. Both girls reached the peak together and ran over the top, collapsing onto each other, and sinking to the floor. It’s MY turn now!
Gently, I parted Allie’s legs and positioned myself to feast on her cunt. From the way she moaned and arched when I landed, I could tell that this bitch was in serious heat. I looked up to see Eve feeding her one of her breasts, and Allie’s hips just wouldn’t hold still as I licked her. I had to grab her velvet-silk thighs to hold her steady, and locked onto her clit. She rocketed over the top, screeching her climax loudly, and then lay still, panting.
Eve’s turn, except I used my fingers. I crawled up next to her and laid her down. We necked for a few minutes, and I used the opportunity to feel her fine little body up, her tits, her cunt, her thighs, her belly…I like to feel up naked girls!
She liked it too, judging by the increased speed of her breathing. Finally, I parted her nether lips with my finger, laying it on her like a hot dog in a bun and gently sawing back and forth. She was gushing wet, and I slipped my middle finger in, curling it up to reach her G-spot. Eve stiffened and arched, and grabbed me even tighter, holding on for her dear life as I finger-frigged her, then I switched to flicking that little volcano inside with my fingertip. That did it. She blew up like a bomb and began thrashing her arms around as she came.
Allie to the rescue. My cock was throbbing now, visibly twitching from my excitement. In one gulp Allie deep-throated me and put on the suction. Sure, tear it out by the roots, I don’t care! She maneuvered over me and smashed her messy cunt hard into my face, all the time without letting me out of her mouth. I grabbed her butt cheeks and pulled her even more and began to eat her box as hard as I could. Soon, I felt another pair of lips begin to suck at my nutsack. "If a woman wants your cock, give it to her!" suddenly flashed through my mind. Yup!
Before long, Allie shuddered and climaxed, then lost steam and dismounted. I wondered what to do next, but Eve took her place. Eve was a little harder to get to, since she was shorter than Allie, and her sweet slit was out of reach unless I held my head up off the floor, which I knew I couldn’t do for long. I thrashed about for a pillow, but all were on the couch, out of reach. Allie took a minute to comprehend, but saw what I was pointing at and came to the rescue.
Now, I ate pussy! Eve got her pussy eaten. See Dick eat Jane! Eat, Dick, eat! Jane likes Dick. Jane likes Dick to eat her pussy. Dick likes eating Jane’s pussy. Jane likes getting her pussy eaten, but she likes Dick (dick?) more, and with that, she changed position and impaled herself on my cock (Hah! Bet you thought I was going to say "dick" again, didn’t you?), riding cowgirl-style. That was a switch! That’s just how excited she was, I thought to myself.
I brought my knees up behind her for support and let her slide up and down on my rod herself. Allie joined in, squeezing Eve’s tits and frenching her. Eve quickened her pace, and I had the time of my life trying to hold off. After all, I have TWO women here.
This time I was lucky, and Eve peaked quickly. I was right on the edge and holding on for dear life. The thought of mounting Allie like a stallion and slamming my cock into her from behind was in my mind, but it wasn’t helping things while Eve was riding me. Normally, if I’m in a woman that’s it, that’s the end of the evening. Soon, Eve got off, and Allie looked at me to see if it was her turn now.
"Take me and ride me hard. Now!" She hissed. "I need cock!" She turned and dropped to all fours, her bare ass blatantly displayed for me, her jugs dangling straight down. How does she know that I like this most of all? Of course, of all women in this world, a nympho like Allie would know what signals sexual readiness to a male, or female for that matter.
I mused for a moment, and admired the view. The most submissive pose possible. Her legs slightly apart, her bare cunt completely exposed to view, her funbags swaying gently with the slightest of movement. The flare of her hips signaling "FEMALE" at the top of the evolutionary scale…gotta love that in a woman!
Apparently I was taking too long for her, for she began to beg me: "Mount me! Take me! Please take me now! I need you, I need your cock in my cunt! Pleeeze!" All those exclamation points only made it better. I love it when a woman gets desperate.
I took my time, feeling her up. I crawled around her, squeezing her tits, stroking the inside of her thighs, fingering her pussy and bung. Made her cum again with my fingers, fed her my cock and fucked her mouth for a minute or two, just to show her who was boss. I tortured her with this game of "keep-away." I treated her like a prize cow at the State Fair judging ring. Her pleas only got louder and dirtier: "Goddamn it, why won’t you fuck me? I need you to fuck me now! I gotta have cock! Gimme that stallion cock of yours! I need you to ram it in my cunt and pound my ass! C’mon boy, fuck my cunt! Fuck my cunt! Fuck me-fuck me-fuck me!!!"
And with that I grabbed two handsful of her fine wide brown ass and mounted her, thrusting in to the hilt which turned her last word into a scream, and she collapsed her head and shoulders onto the floor, thrusting her ass skyward to receive me. I paused for what seemed an eternity. She turned her head and looked back over her shoulder to see why I was waiting. Only then did I begin the rhythm.
Ever so slowly did I withdraw, and ever so slowly did I thrust back. Allie groaned from the depths of her being as I pushed back in. Eve sat up and watched the show intently as I withdrew and thrust again, a little faster this time, like a steam locomotive starting up. Allie was so slick inside I could barely feel her, and she wasn’t as tight as Eve, but so what? My cock was sliding in and out, and what with the heat my balls were hanging low, swinging back and forth, slapping her mound with each stroke, until…
A hand slipped between my legs and cupped my balls. Eve came close against me and kissed me on the cheek, her signal that she approved. Then she squeezed my nuts hard and I jerked stiff and slammed even harder into Allie, who cried out again in passion. I became a wild man and all but lost control, mating with this female like a lion and his queen. I jerked Allie’s ass against my crotch as hard as I could, shoving my cock into her cunt as hard as I could. I was lost in the moment, a tiny being attached to a penis the size of a rhino as I fucked Allie like a wild animal. Higher and higher, harder and harder, I felt the juice rising in me, and grunted through my clenched teeth like I do when I’m bench pressing my limit. Finally, I let go and began shooting what seemed like gallons of hot, white cream into Allie’s cunt, which sent her screaming over the top as well. Even Eve was making noises, the electricity of our cumming flowing through her as well.
We all collapsed in a pile together. Amazingly, we didn’t give off any steam or smoke. There was free-for-all kissing, hugging and stroking, then a lot of giggling. At last, Eve raised herself up above us, hands on her hips.
"Now," she said, "who wants to wash me?"
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group sex – bisexual – tranny – strapon – harness – anal – nipple play – bdsmWe were having such a wonderful time sitting together on the beach and watching the sun begin to set. The weather only changes a few degrees between morning and night and the evening breeze brought in the fresh smell of the ocean, crisp and clean. We gathered our belongings and walked towards the house. I was holding Emily's hand as our arms swung between us with a lilt of happiness. Jess and Chrissy followed close...
Busted Nikkie Silk“Happy is what happens when all your dreams come true," Stephen SchwartzSandy came into the bedroom where I was still dozing, holding a pair of tights in her hand.‘Babe, I wouldn’t ask, but I’m so pushed for time and I’ve just laddered my last pair of clean tights. I desperately need some before I go to this client meeting.’She held them up as if to prove what she was saying.‘OK,’ I said, still half asleep, ‘what can I do about it?’‘Can I borrow a pair of yours, pretty...
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(Continued from Busted 2)My mind was swirling and I felt the nervous feeling rising in my stomach. How much did Donna know? Surely since she saw my wife’s video she must know everything. Had my wife shown her my X-Hamster profile? Had Donna read my posts and stories? Oh hell, this was overwhelming me!Fortunately I had the radio droning on in the background, if it had of been silent I might have fainted. I felt nervous. I knew I looked nervous. I was riding a crazy wave of emotions that I...
(This is the continuation of "Busted With My X-Hamster Account", it's probably better to read it first.)It’s amazing how things can go from insane, wild and crazy to as plain as things ever were. The next morning we did all the same things we ever did when we are at the coast house. We got up slowly, made some coffee, watched a little morning news on the T.V. and I went out on the deck to enjoy a smoke with my coffee. Like normal I took my laptop out with me and turned on the radio for...
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I was in that misty place between slumber and full consciousness. I knew it was early morning and the memories of last night had me aroused back to complete stiffness. I was laying on my belly, my cock pressed hard on the soft comforter. I felt two hands spreading my ass apart and a wet tongue lick my hole. It was quickly replaced by a finger. The tongue again and then the finger. Then it turned into fingers massaging my prostate and opening my man cunt for an eventual pleasure probe. But...
I was supposed to be working on a research paper for college on my new computer my parents bought me but instead I was tossing off to two hot blonds playing with each other's fake tits. I thought I had locked the door to my room but I guess I was wrong. Just at the point of no return I heard the door open. I couldn't stop it, having built up this climax for over an hour watching porn and pleasuring myself nice and slow. I expected a huge load, which usually happens after playing for so long and...
Busted Once Again By Paul G. Jutras It was a hot 95 degree at the start of summer and Joe was suffering in the heat at the local supermarket. He took a hanky and patted his forehead with it as he gathered the shopping carts together. He strained every muscle as he pushed 14 carts inside and checked the full coffee pots. With not a sign of a customer, Joe was sent home early with a smile on his face. Joe felt some relief as he came home and found his sister Emily was still at school...
Hi my name is Jason. I was eighteen years old when I was busted by my sister for sniffing a pair of her panties. According to Donna I was a huge pervert, and I really can’t dispute her assumptions in this matter nor of the morality factor of being so attracted to a family member. Being an average guy my age I was constantly jerking off every chance I had. One day when I was around sixteen I found a pair of Donna’s panties on the bathroom floor. They were silky and soft, and when I brought them...
Busted I live for feedback Nikkie Silk "Happy is what happens when all your dreams come true." Stephen Schwartz Sandy came into the bedroom where I was still dozing, holding a pair of tights in her hand. "Babe, I wouldn't ask, but I'm so pushed for time and I've just laddered my last pair of clean tights. I desperately need some before I go to this client meeting." She held them up as if to prove what she was saying. "OK," I said, still half asleep, "what can I do...
Busted by sister part 1. My name is Alice, I'm 18, and have a 21 year old brother named Andrew who works at a grocery store. I'm home for summer break. We live with our dad, and step mom named Angie One night I stayed at a girlfriends house, and came back first thing in the morning. While brushing my teeth the door opened and there was my older brother with a pair of my pink panties in his hand... "OMG!! Why do you have those???" I asked him. He just looked at me and took off...
BustedBy RockbohunkKristy and Amanda were best friends enjoying the summer after their high school graduation. Amanda's father owned a cabin on a lake in Minnesota and Kristy was staying the weekend. Both girls were enjoying the sun and water when Amanda's boy friend showed up. Kristy decided to give the two a break and go watch a little TV. Kristy walked through the kitchen and into the living room where the TV was already on. She gasped out loud and stood frozen as if time had stood...
Author's note: Another quickie story from a reader request. This one came from a police officer. He wouldn't tell me where he lives, but I kind of hope he lives nearby and wants to do this to me one day. Once again, please feel free to leave comments here or at [email protected]. As a submissive sissy, I love any and all comments, no matter what! Busted! I had just cracked a beer and was sitting down to watch a little porn and unwind from a hard day at the office when I heard a...
Copyright© September 2004 - all rights reserved They say there's a first time for everything. Damn right, they are! Here I am, locked up in a police cell for the first time in my life. Busted. Possession of drugs. Drunk and disorderly. Failure to provide proof of identity or age. "I'm afraid you'll have to accompany me to the police station," that bitch said in her self-important tone of voice. That really rubbed me up the wrong way. Resisting arrest. Insulting a police...
Mike and Kirsten had planned to make their move the second week of June, but when the papers got signed earlier than they expected, they were ready, and Memorial Day weekend was handy. Reasoning that the sooner they moved, the farther they would be from Kirsten's due date, they decided to get on with it. Mike was going to be happy to move. Kirsten had pretty much gotten over her scare from the snake, back in April, but she still made Mike check the bathroom before she used it, every time,...
Negative results. Pam had worked hard every day since she'd brought her stuff back from the dorm in Athens, and even after ten days, it was getting dull, not finding much of anything. At least it was good exercise, she thought. And, she got to sleep in a little. After getting up and getting around, she got out into the swamps about nine or ten, when the sun was getting up a little, and the snakes were getting out. It wasn't as if she saw a lot of snakes, maybe three or four an hour on the...
"God, is she going to be in there all day again today?" The Inside Hollywood producer that Jennifer thought of as "Weasel-face" actually had a name; it was Lenny. The cameraman, who she thought of as "Greaser", tried to use a tough-guy image to overcome a name of Sherwin. "Yeah, is this going to be the most interesting footage since Snake River Canyon, or what?" he snorted. Both Lenny and Sherwin were lounging on a bench in the shade of a small tree in the parking lot across from...
November, 1987 A couple of weeks after the Halloween Party the annual miracle occurred, creeping in silently in the early hours of a Saturday morning, transforming the barren ugliness of the late fall litter, the dead weeds and barren trees, into a sparkling wonderland of white, pristine and clean even in the gray light of a November sky. The miracle couldn't last; early November snow rarely does, even in the northwoods country of Spearfish Lake. There would be snow enough in the next few...
In an instant, twenty dog legs were transformed into an instrument of pure rocket power, blasting off up the slight hill. "HAW! HAW! Mike ordered, and Ringo took the team in a broad turn around the house, and out into the driveway. Mike was so excited at the sensation of running on the snow that he forgot to give Ringo the command for the Gee turn onto the road, but for more than a month, every training session had started with a turn up the road to Mark's house, so Ringo made the turn...
George Lindquist was just getting ready to leave the Spearfish Lake Cafe when Mark and Mike came in, and he didn't need explanation of what had happened; he could tell from the big grins on their faces. "Been out mushing?" he smiled as he paid his tab. "Yeah," Mike admitted. "A little. Nice morning for it." Though it may have been near lunchtime, Mark and Mike both ordered big breakfasts. "Too bad I wasn't there to see Tiffany run your team," Mark said. "I'd have liked to have...
It was midafternoon in Spearfish Lake when Jennifer and Blake were opening their Christmas presents in California. Mike was sitting in the office, almost alone in the building. Nothing was going on, and most of the staff was out doing their last minute pre-Christmas things, whatever they were. The weeks just past had been hectic ones, and they always were for pulling the Christmas issue together, but now that the issue was out, there wasn't much to do. The next week's paper, right after...
About the only thing that Tiffany Langenderfer-McMahon didn't like about living in the country was the long bus ride to school. She and Henry were about the first children to be picked up in the morning, and that meant a long bus ride to school. For whatever reason, the bus driver ran the route backwards in the afternoon, so they were about the last ones off, too. That meant for a lot of riding the bus, almost two hours a day. Some days, if her father's schedule worked out, he'd take the...
Claire's Aunt Delia, who lived some way out of the city, had to go to City General Hospital for the day for a barrage of tests. Claire had arranged to transport her there and back and give her moral support throughout the day, as there was no other family member available to do it. Then, a couple of days beforehand, the company Claire and I worked for announced an important budget meeting for Office Managers on the day in question. I readily volunteered to take Claire's place. I worked for...
Claire's Aunt Delia received a morning appointment with a hospital consultant to discuss the results of the day of testing she had undergone. To my surprise, she expressly asked for me, rather than Claire, to transport her and give her moral support. The reason she offered was that Claire was too much of a worrier. That I could understand. So I ended up taking the morning off, and drove Aunt Delia to the hospital. The appointment was quite early but the consultant kept us waiting nearly an...
I am 22 and have enjoyed wearing pantyhose for a number of years. I used to take my mom's out of her drawer and wear them and beat off while in them. I did not consider myself gay but I became curious about anal play. I began playing and sticking things in there and loved it. Since then, I have dreamed about sucking cock. But I had no way to try it. Until one day.... I was at home while my parents were out so I went to get some pantyhose out. I got some coffee colored sheer to waist and put...
Gaytranny – bisexual – anal – strapon – busting cherry – lingerie – mmf – seduction – first time – threesomeI was in a deep sleep dreaming about Jessica and Chris, our naked bodies intertwined. I wanted to play more but the ringing in my ears kept getting louder and louder. My eyes flew open as it registered that the phone was ringing. I sat upright in bed and fumbled for the phone on the nightstand."Hello?" I managed as I put the receiver to my ear."James did I wake you again? My timing is...
Act one.The players. You; Femdom Hotwife. Me; Pervert Hubby.Wardrobe. You; Mid-thigh blue satin robe, black cotton panties with tiny rose print, and my favorite fuck-me heels. Me; Naked pervert!Props. Handcuffs within easy reach of the bed.Action; You burst through the bedroom door, bust me jerking off with some dirty magazines, and irately scold, "What in the fuck are you doing! That's my cock, and I didn't give you permission to touch it... Did I?""No, Mistress. I'm sorry."You...
WatersportsI have seen this woman, a massage ther****t for some time, on this occasion it was not just a regular massage. I was laying on my back near the end of my 90 minute massage when she asked me if there were any area's I wanted further attention to. I just somehow got the nerve up and asked her that if she new the Thailand testicle massage that would be great. She looked me square in the eyes and one word came from her, REALLY? I replied, well it doesn't hurt to ask. She then smiled and looked...
If there was one purely social event in Spearfish Lake that got talked about, planned for, rumored over, recriminated as a result of, or preached against, it was the annual Halloween Party at the West Turtle Lake Club. In other words, it was usually far and away the most memorable social event of the year. Like many things that get a reputation all their own, it started innocently enough, when Gil and Carrie Evachevski decided to have a few friends over for a little party the weekend before...
My In Laws, Jan and Dave have a nice house, with a pool outside in the backyard. My wife and I would go over sometimes to kick back and relax in the pool with the kids and her parents. I always noticed what a great ass Jan had. So while I am working on some outside trim, sanding, prepping the wood for some stain, Jan comes out and offers me something cold to drink, asking me what I would like. As I looked at her, I noticed she was wearing some short shorts, a very tight t shirt,...
I cleared my throat and asked, "Miss Scott. Why are you in my office today?" You went an even deeper shade of red, but didn't answer. In all honesty it made me want you so badly. "Well Miss Scott?" Quietly but audibly you said, "Coach Tibber caught me touching myself in the change rooms, Sir." My dick twitched at your words. Oh this was perfect! I knew I shouldn't go there, but you were just so perfect, so hot and sexy and I had to have you. " "Touching yourself?" You...
After our golf game few weeks later, Rudy ask if I’m comeing to dinner again? Knowing why I say yes, but tell Gina, I want a shaved pussy and her wearing no panties. 7 oclock I walk in, giveing Gina a kiss, feeling her ass in tight yoga pants. Are you wearing panties? Gina says find out! I run my hand down her pussy, feeling nothing but bald wet pussy. I start fingering her, 2 fingers,ramming her hard. Rudy is watching, strokeing his little cock, as Gina cums all over my hand. I dont want...
Im Jim, and my friend is Rudy. We have been golfing friends for 10 years now. We golf on the weekend, cause Rudy works out of town and comes home Friday night. His wife is Gina, 43 120 pounds with an ass to die for. Rudy asked me when we were golfing that Gina wants you to come to dinner tonight? Ok, im free. As I knock on door with a bottle of wine,Gina answers the door. She is wearing a tight t shirt that is so tight her C cup tits are pokeing out. And a pair of tight shorts.
I just found out that my daughter told my husband of 19 years that I have had numerous affairs with co-workers while we lived in West Virginia and that I had not stopped cheating on him after we moved here to Florida. I feel so betrayed by my daughter that she would tell him about more than 10 affairs that she knew of while we lived in West Virginia. She even told him that she knew that I never stopped screwing around on him when we moved here to get away from what I had done in West Virginia....
To me, the sight of my cum leaking from my mother’s bush covered pussy, was one of the most pleasing things of my entire life. The only thing that would have made it better is if she’d been as excited about it as I was. Her date had gotten her drunk, and the drugs I had given her had kept her knocked out all night. That little white stream was the third load I had filled her with, and if I could get hard again, she’d get number four before she would start coming out of it. This was the ninth...
The party was in the phase where only the hardcore are still left drinking and playing cards. I was drinking right along with everyone else this was 1989 small town, and was feeling a good buzz going. Stacey was wearing a tank top with a plunging neckline, her hair was 80's perm big and dirty blond, and those innocent doe eyes looking at me from across the table started to have an effect. I decided I had enough cards and wanted to get some before Stacey had to go home with her parents, so I...
I woke up the next morning knowing I had to get stuff done. In the summer heat if you don’t keep an eye on the pool you’ll have algae and all the pain that goes with it! I’m still clinging to that job for some reason. I can afford a “pool boy”; I mean service. Only after years of my friends making fun of me did I get a lawn service guy. I stubbornly would keep the pool job despite my erratic summer schedule.I’ve always done laundry and cooked and cleaned house. I didn’t do it all the time but I...
CuckoldThe next morning, I could hardly walk. When I awoke it was morning, and bright sunshine had replaced the moonlight. The windows were open, and a pleasant breeze was blowing throughout the house. I staggered out of bed, and headed for the kitchen. Somehow, we had forgotten all about food last night, and I was starving! My girls were out by the pool, slathered in coconut oil and glistening slick and shiny. They lay in the morning sun, side by side and head to toe, so that each could stroke the...