Penny's Ordeal free porn video

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This was not just another day for Penny. Today she would be doing what her Master had told her, and to be honest, she was both excited and fearful of it.

It had started, she thought, as a joke on her Master’s part, but over the ensuing days she realised that He had meant it, and today, she was going to do it.

A chance remark that He would love her to be tied up, and walk back to her house, in the night, naked and tied, no release until she arrived home. They had both laughed, but He had meant it, but it was only later that Penny realised this.

She lived in a large City, and to walk around naked could be fatal, but to do so tied up? She had begged Him to change His mind, but He wasn’t going to do so, and the more Penny thought about it, the more frightened she got.

She knew that she could not disobey Him, that was an unthinkable idea, but, to walk naked and tied through the city, was also unthinkable. But Master was Master. Not to be disobeyed. His word was law, no matter how humiliating it was. This was to be a true test of her submission to Him, and she knew that even with all her fears, she would do it.


Penny met her Master, as directed, in a car park close to the City centre. He was in his own car, though she had been told to get there on foot, so she would not be able to cheat, and get in her own car and drive home.

Without a smile or a hug, Master told Penny to strip off all her clothes. Slowly. Reluctantly, she did so, standing naked in front of Him. Being naked in front of Master ws nothing new, whenever she was at His house, or He visited her at her own house the rules were that she would be naked. But this was a public car park, and anyone could drive in and see her naked. Maybe this was her Master’s plan, that she would be seen naked, and humiliated.

Once undressed her Master pulled a bag from the boot of His car.

?You know the rules, slave? he spoke softly. ?You will be tied up here, and then you will make your way home. You have been given a route to follow, and any deviation from this will be punishable.?

?Yes Sir?, she replied.


With this He opened the bag and pulled out a ball gag, and without a word, He forced it into her mouth, opening her mouth wide to do so, before fastening the straps behind her head, and placing a small padlock through the hasp so she would not be able to remove it. Penny saw Him place the key to one side, before He picked up the black leather chastity belt.

The belt had been made specifically for her, and was very tight fitting, with two dildos on the inside, one for her pussy, and one for her arse. The pussy one was large, larger than she was comfortable with, and her Master knew this, the other dildo completely filled her arse, and both knew she would get cramps before she arrived home unless she hurried.

Penny felt the twin dildos enter her pussy and arse, and immediately started to squirm about. Her Master slapped her and told her to stay still. The keys to the chastity belt were then placed to one side with the key to her gag.

Pulling Penny’s wrists behind her, her Master proceeded to tie them together, so that she would not be able to use her hands, and could not use them to cover herself up, her breasts already showing signs of excitement, though that could have been the slight breeze hardening her nipples. Picking up another rope her Master then tied it to pull her elbows together behind her back. This was no an easy tie to spend time in, as Penny was aware, it would pull on her shoulders, and would make any movement of her arms or hands impossible.

?Okay, slave? said the Master in His soft voice. ?One more thing to do. I am going to tie the keys to the gag and belt on a thread around your neck. This means that if anyone catches you, they would have access to you. I don’t really expect anyone to catch you, but if they do, then that’s fine as well. Understand??

Penny looked her Master in the eyes, and simply nodded her head.

?Right. I will be leaving now, and all you have to do, is find your way home. When you arrive home, I will release you, but if you arrive home after I have to go to work, then you will stay tied until tomorrow evening when I come round.?

Penny’s eyes opened wide at this. He had not mentioned any time limit, and she had thought that He would tie her in such a way that when she arrived home she would be able to free herself, but now that had changed, and if she didn’t get home in time, she would be tied and helpless for almost 24 hours. Small tears started to form in her eyes, but her Master didn’t see them, as He was already in His car, and the engine running.

As her Master’s car started to drive away, Penny first tried to get her arms free, but they would not budge, and she could already feel the pressure on her shoulders. Elbows were never meant to meet behind the body, and yet hers were, though not of her choosing.


Penny looked around the car park to see if anyone else was there, but there was no-one. She was tempted to wait a few minutes to see if her Master would come back for her, but she knew that to do so would be a futile measure, He wouldn’t come back. She was fully aware that the keys around her neck, out of her own reach, was an indication that to some extent He was hoping she would get caught out.

Staying in the shadows, Penny made her way slowly to the car park exit. Having done this trip on foot during daylight hours, it had taken Penny around an hour and a half to get home, but then she had been fully dressed and not tied up. Even the walk to the exit seemed to take forever, and the twin dildos were making themselves felt.

Looking for the most shadowed areas, Penny started her long journey home. Under her breath she was cursing her Master, never before had he done anything this extreme, in fact, anything that had endangered her. it crossed her mind that perhaps He was now tired of her, and by doing this to her it would make her hate Him, and ask to be released, but she knew that no matter what happened between the car park and home, she would not do so.

The street was silent as she moved slowly from doorway to doorway, forever keeping in the shadows, but wary of the fact that by doing so, she risked the chance of not getting home in time. She had no idea what the time was now, but was praying that she could get home in time.

In front of her she heard voices, male voices, and finding a dark passageway, she pulled deep into the shadows. The voices seemed to be arguing, and Penny prayed that they would soon end, and move on. Even more, she prayed that they would not come near her passageway and find her.

For what seemed an eternity, the men argued. It was if they were in it for the night, but then she heard a raised voice as one man told the other he was leaving, and they would sort this out later. Relieved, Penny heard footsteps walking away from her vicinity, and slowly moved closer to the street again. She could see dark shadows moving away from her in two directions, but decided to give them a few more minutes, just in case either of them turned around, and spotted her.

Penny wasn’t sure how long she stood silent, but eventually she knew she had to make a move, and slowly, still keeping to the shadows, she moved closer to her objective. The route her Master had given her was not the easiest route home, in fact, it led her past the railway station, and the shopping centre. She guessed He had chosen this route in the hope she would be spotted, and someone would take advantage of her.


After an hour, she reached the first major obstacle, the railway station. The front of the station was well lit, and she knew that should she attempt to go past it that way, she would most certainly be spotted. The other way was around the back of the station, no lights, but sometimes occupied overnight by homeless and those too drunk to find their way home. Neither route actually appealed to her, but she had to choose, and decided to go behind the station and hope she could get through unscathed.

Keeping deep in shadow as much as she can, Penny made her way behind the station and carried on her Master’s wishes. Under a bush she could see someone, though she couldn’t decide if it was male or female, wrapped in a blanket asleep. On her tiptoes she moved past as quickly as she could. It dawned her afterwards that going on tiptoes would make no difference, as she had no shoes on, but. It made her feel better.

Further on she could hear voices, both male and female, and looked hastily for somewhere to hide, but now, there was nothing but the shadows to hide her, and she wasn’t sure they would be enough. She stopped in her tracks and waited, realising that less than three feet away from her lay a sleeping figure that she had not noticed earlier. If the figure awoke, she would be discovered, but to move forward would mean she would be closer to the voices, and could be discovered. Again, she cursed her Master for doing this to her. she wanted her hands free, but she knew that if they were free, they would not really do any good, she may be able to cover her breasts and her pussy, but her nakedness would still be evident.

Footsteps moved her way, and she shrank back as far as she could into the shadows. The footsteps came closer, and she knew that very soon, she would be discovered. She prayed as she never had before that the footsteps would stop, but they didn’t.

How the man didn’t see her was beyond her comprehension, but the guy walked straight past her as if she wasn’t there. Perhaps he was drunk, or lost in his own world, whatever the reason, Penny gave thanks to every deity she could think of.

The voices further on seemed to be dying down a little, but she still dare not move, not until she was sure they were asleep. Her wrists were now hurting her, and the twin dildos were starting to annoy her very much. She kept asking herself why she had agreed to this, but she knew the answer, He had wanted it, and He was Master. For a moment she wished they could swap places, but admonished herself for this thought.

For another half an hour Penny stayed still, until she was sure that everyone else was now asleep. Gingerly she made her way forwards, watching carefully in case anyone was still awake. At the far end of the path she breathed a sigh of relief, as she shrank back into the shadows of the street. From here to the shopping centre she was pretty sure no-one would be on the streets, except perhaps the local police patrol, but she guessed that they too were one of the possibilities that Master had considered.

It took her another hour to reach the shopping centre, an hour of dodging into doorways at every sound she heard. At one point a dog had come over and sniffed at her, but had wandered off uninterested in her, but it had taken her some minutes to stop shaking, and build up the nerve to carry on.

By the time she reached the shops the clock displayed 4.00 am, she had less than two hours in which to get home before Master would leave for work. Normally she could get from the house to the shops in less than half an hour, but tonight was anything but normal.

Looking across the centre, she could see a number of shops with lights still on, not that she expected anyone to be inside, but it would make getting across in darkness impossible, and anyone passing either on foot or by car would see her. of this she was certain. But there was no other way around, no passage behind the shops where she could use the darkness as an aid, as she had done at the railway station. Here it was straight across in front of the shops, and risk being seen.

Knowing she couldn’t stay where she was, she decided to make a dash for it across the centre, until, that is, she had made the first five steps. It took that long before she felt the pain from the twin dildos. They had been fine while she was walking, but they hurt when she tried to run, and again she silently cursed Master. She was sure He would know the effect they would have.

Slowing down to a walk, Penny’s head moved constantly from side to side, ever watchful of anything that would catch her out. One shop, almost half way across was in total darkness, and she rested in its doorway for a few minutes. Much as she wanted to stay in the relative safety of the darkness, she knew she must go on, and reluctantly leaving the doorway, she continued her journey.


She was just passing the last shop when a voice she recognised spoke out to her

?Hello Penny, I see you are making good time?

Penny’s Master was leaning against the wall of the last shop, a grin on His face.

?I have watched your progress, from a distance of course, to make sure you followed the route I set out, and being a good slave girl, you have kept to it. But you also cheated. You were told to arrive here via the railway station, and although you did go there, you went behind it, away from the lights. Had I wanted you to avoid the lights, I would have said so.?

Penny’s eyes filled with tears, Master was upset with her, and that was not what she wanted, she had wanted Him to be so pleased with her.

?Get in? Master said, pointing to His car at the kerb. ?I will take you home, but, there will be a forfeit.?

Penny walked over to the car, and waited for her Master to open the door for her, but instead, it was the boot he opened. Helping her inside the boot, Master closed it and walked to the driver’s door. Seconds later the engine roared, and the car moved off.

Penny had no idea where He was taking her, but she guessed it would not be to her house. She was right.

For over an hour the car continued moving, and then Penny could hear gravel under the wheels, before it slowed down and finally came to a stop. She heard Him get out, and his footsteps across the gravel, walking away from the car.

A little while later she could hear footsteps again, but this time more than one set. Minutes later and the car boot opened, and her Master told her to get out. When she finally managed to climb out, not as easy as she would have wished, but with her hands and arms held behind her, it was very difficult, she could see who the second set of footsteps belonged to.

The woman next to Master was tall, slim, and had long dark hair, almost black. She wore a thick leather collar around her neck, but nothing more. Even her nakedness looked elegant, and if she worried about being naked in front of others, she was not showing it.



Without saying anything, the woman took hold of Penny’s arms and guided her across the gravel drive, towards a large house. She couldn’t help but think that this was a stately home, but had no idea to whom it belonged.

Behind her, she could hear the car start up, and drive away. Whatever was going to happen, her Master was not going to be involved.

The woman guided Penny inside the house. Her thoughts that it was a  Stately home seemed well founded, ad the hallway into which they entered was oak panelled , with suits of armour standing around the edges, eight suits, each looking as if they had just been taken off and stood against the wall. The woman led Penny across the hall and towards a door at the rear, which she opened with a key that had been hanging on a hook by the side of the door.

Once through the door all signs of elegance vanished, as they went down a stone stair case, dimly lit, and colder that the hallway had been. At the bottom of the stairs was a corridor with steel doors leading off, and the woman guided Penny through one of them. It was a cell. Stone walls, no window, just a dim light overhead. In the poor light Penny could just make out chains hanging from the walls, but there was no sign of a bed.

Taking the keys from around Penny’s neck, the woman proceeded to remove the chastity belt. As the belt came loose, and the dildos were removed, Penny breathed a sigh of relief. She had not forgotten they were there, but now, she sort of missed them, and had a strange empty feeling. She waited, expecting the gag to be removed, but the woman ignored this, and turned the hapless girl around, and untied her hands and elbows.

Immediately Penny felt the pain in her shoulders. Being held so long in the one position, it seemed her arms had locked, but no they were free, she could feel them, and the pain was like nothing she had felt before.

The woman had still not spoken to Penny, and even now she did not do so, she simply guided Penny back towards the wall. And took one of the chains hanging from it, and locked it around one wrist. In seconds, she had done the same to the other wrist, and Penny knew she would be there for some time, but how long?

The woman then repeated the act with both of Penny’s ankles, ensuring that her arms would stay above her head, and her legs would remain open until she was released. Penny wanted to ask about toilets, as she really needed to go, but the gag ensured she would ask nothing, and say nothing.

Able to move her head, but unable to move away from the cold wall. She waited to hear what the woman had to say to her, but as yet, she had not uttered a syllable. Had Penny known why, she would perhaps have not been as calm as she was. The woman had had her vocal chords surgically removed, and was unable to speak, not that she cared, her own Master had forbidden her to speak long before her vocal chords had been removed.

Leaving the cell the woman smiled at Penny, and then closed the door. Leaving her to wonder what would happen next. Her Master had never mentioned this was going to happen, not that she would have refused, but previously he had always discussed things, even if He had then made the final decision. This had not been discussed, and Penny was fearful, though she didn’t know why.

With only the dim light in the ceiling, Penny had no idea what time it was, or how long she had been held. She guessed it had been hours, but she also knew that when held in one place for some time, time meant nothing, what felt like hours could actually be only minutes, a trick of the mind.


Eventually the door opened, and Penny expected the woman to return, but instead there was a man. He was wearing leather trousers, no top, but a hood on his head, he could obviously see through the hood, but Penny could not see His eyes, which made her even more fearful. She wanted to ask what was happening, what was going to happen, but the gag still held her mouth wide open, and speech was impossible.

When the man spoke he had a deep voice, but not disturbingly so.

?You have disobeyed your Master?, he said. ?He has brought you here to be taught the value of being obedient, regardless of the personal cost. I am told that when asked to do something last night, you chose a way of doing it that would help you avoid being seen. Had your Master wished to avid you being seen, he would not have sent you on that expedition?.

Penny wanted to defend her actions, but even had she still not been wearing the jaw aching gag, she knew she would not have spoken. The man had told only the truth, it had been her own decision to go around the back of the railway station, perhaps thinking her Master would never have found out, but obviously, he had been watching her.

?You are to receive 50 strokes of the whip for your disobedience. You are also to be displayed publicly at a party I am giving this evening. You will, in fact, be a service maid, wearing only a bow tie and stockings, and of course, your gag.?

Penny grimaced at this thought. She was always naked in front of her Master, it had been a rule since they first met, but, until the previous night’s episode, he had never attempted to show her naked in front of other people. Now, not only had she been sent across town naked and bound, but she was also to be exhibited in a place she was certain to be seen, and inspected.

The man then left the room leaving Penny to consider her fate, She wondered if she had done anything to upset her Master to make Him want this from her. previously all their play had been private, and now He had chosen to make things public, very public. She assumed that the party guests would be people from within the bdsm lifestyle, pr at least she hoped to. Not that she had choices whoever the guests were. The woman who had brought her down to this room had also been naked, and Penny assumed that for her to walk around in that state, with no concern about who could see her, she had been displayed often in front of others. She had shown no hesitation, and acted as anyone else would have done dressed. The collar, it would seem, was sufficient clothing for her.

Penny had no idea of how long she was left alone, there was no clock, and no window in the room, the light coming from a bare bulb high above her head in the ceiling. She had already ashamed herself, being unable to prevent the call of nature, as the wet concrete between her legs would testify to. She had tried to hold it back, but with her legs held splayed as they were, it was an almost impossible task, and eventually she had to submit to her needs.

She heard footsteps coming down the stairs on the other side of the door, and soon the woman appeared, in her hand was a flogger, and Penny recognised it as one of her Master’s, the silver tip engraved with His name.

Still without speaking, the woman stood directly in front of Penny, and then moved one step to the left. Without warning the flogger was raised, and brought forward, landing with a heavy slap across Penny’s front, the tails spreading on impact, the flesh reddening immediately. A gurgled scream escaped her mouth, but the woman ignored it, and raised the flogger a second time. Almost without feeling, the woman laid the second stroke across Penny’s thighs, watching as Penny tried to move away from the pain. But that was never going to happen, and Penny would receive the full 50 strokes.

Penny was used to being flogged by her Master, though he had never done so as hard as this woman was doing it. He had always been tender, almost gentle when He flogged her, but this woman was holding nothing back, as stroke after stroke thrashed out the disobedience that Penny had shown.

Her whole body shook, tears flowing freely as the woman pounded away at Penny’s body, the gurgled screams making no effect on the woman. Penny’s whole front was bright red, her breasts, stomach thighs, no part was ignored, though she had long ago lost count of how many strokes she had received, and how many to go. She prayed silently that it would end soon, or that she could pass out and feel no more. But she didn’t pass out, but instead, suffered each stroke as it came, some, harder than others, or was that just Penny’s imagination?

By the time the woman stopped, Penny was racked with pain, was sobbing heavily through the gag, tears streaming down her face. She expected the woman to say something, to show some remorse, to show any feeling at all, but as the last stroke fell, she simply turned on her heels, and left the room, closing the door behind her.

Penny sagged in her chains, unable to stop crying, unable to do anything to salve the pain her body felt. One thing she vowed to herself, she would never disobey her Master again. Had the Man been the one to flog her, she could have accepted that, though she was sure it would still have hurt as much, if not more. But a fellow submissive had beaten her, and that seemed to make things even worse, harder to accept.

Eventually, after some time, the pain started to fade slowly away. She kept telling herself that it had been her own fault, that she had chosen the easy way, the way where she could hide from the light, but the thought repeatedly came back to her that by doing so, she had disobeyed her Master, and for that, she had been beaten, and still worse to come, the naked display at the party that evening.

The light in the ceiling suddenly went out, leaving Penny in total darkness. Even as her eyes became accustomed to the darkness, she could still see nothing. This wasn’t the normal darkness, this was total. Even when blindfolded, there was always a slight trace of light from somewhere, but not now. Now there was nothing, just the pain and the darkness, and her sorrow.


When the light eventually came back on the woman came through the door, carrying a silver tray with a black velvet bow tie and a pair of hold ups. Stopping in front of Penny she laid the tray on the floor and picked up the bow tie. Deftly, she fastened this in place around Penny’s neck. It wasn’t too tight, but did fit quite snugly, as if it had been made especially for her. The woman then bend down and unfastened one of Penny’s legs, and taking one hold up from the tray, helped to get if over her foot, and pulled it high on her thigh. Once the stocking was in place, the woman again chained Penny’s foot, before repeating the process on the other leg.

This was going to be it, thought Penny. No other clothing, just the tie and the stockings. The stockings ended high on each thigh, inviting people to look just above, and see her shaven pussy. This was another of Master’s rules. She was never to have pubic hair, and between them they had raised enough for a specialist to permanently remove it using laser treatment. The stockings would draw attention to this region of her body, causing Penny to shiver a little.

The woman then picked up the tray and Penny could see it had leather straps on each end of the tray. Stretching up, the woman passed on of the straps around Penny’s right wrist, before fastening it in place. There was a sudden click, and Penny realised the strap had been locked in place, and that when she had the other strap eventually fastened, the tray would become part of her until she was released.

The woman again walked away and out of the door, the tray hanging from Penny’s wrist. Moments later the hooded man re-appeared.

?In a few moments I am going to release you from your chains. You will kneel before Me with your hands extended. I will then chain your other wrist, and you will then be as fully dressed as you are going to be for the duration of the party. If you are seen using the tray to attempt to cover yourself up, you will again receive 50 strokes, but this time, at the party, watched by everyone. Nod your head if you understand?

Penny slowly nodded her head and the man began to unchain her, first her feet and then her hands. Immediately Penny fell to her knees before the man, as instructed. Without a word the man took the loose strap and fastened it around Penny’s left wrist, and again the click resonated through the room as it was locked in place.

?One other thing? said the man. ? you will see no faces this evening, as all My guests will be hooded. Some male, some female. But be aware, they can all see you, there will be no hiding in shadows this time, and remember what I said. Any attempt to cover yourself, or hide behind tales or chairs, will result in your public flogging. There will be no excuse, and no hesitation.?

With that the man signalled her to rise to her feet. Standing in front of him she suddenly felt more naked than ever before, and very self conscious of her body. The man inspected her closely, before signalling her to follow him from the room.

Each step on the way upstairs made her more nervous, she wanted to go back to the safety of the dungeon, but she knew she would not be allowed that pleasure. Tonight, she would fulfil her Master’s wish, and be seen by unknown people.

It was only as she walked through the door at the top that another thought dawned on her. Her master had tied the keys to her chastity belt and gag around her neck, so that had anyone discovered her and wanted to do so, they could have had sex with her, and she would have been incapable of stopping them. Was that now a thing of the past? Or was anyone who wanted to do so, going to be allowed sex with her?

Reluctantly, Penny entered the hall again, accepting her fate, but not knowing what it would entail.

The hall was well lit. Chandeliers hung from four parts of the huge painted ceiling, and threw light into every corner of the room. The tables standing at the far end of the room were covered in white linen cloth, gold and black serviettes folded neatly towards one end. There was no food, but many bottles of Champagne, and other fine wines. Towards the other end of the table were the spirits, the two separated by many crystal glasses, each rimmed with gold.

?You will approach anyone who appears to have an empty glass, and will fetch them a refill. If I spot anyone with a glass not being refilled, it will be classed as disobedience. You will indicate to the barman which drink it is you are getting, and they will fill the glass up and place it on your tray, and you will then convey it back to the correct guest. You may now go and stand next to the table and wait for the guests to arrive?

Walking slowly away, Penny realised now that the chance of her getting more punishment, was great. All it needed was for someone to be kept waiting for a drink, or should she be holding the tray in a position that would suggest Penny was trying to conceal herself. She would have to be fully aware and concentrate on making sure she could be seen at all times, and yet, be watchful of anyone emptying their glass.

Penny hadn’t noticed them earlier, but in the corners stood two other girls, both naked and gagged, both with bow ties and trays. At least she was not going to be expected to serve every single guest, which made her feel a little easier, though not about her nakedness.

As the first guests started to arrive, Penny could see that most of them wore leather, latex or rubber outfits, but all wore hoods concealing their faces. The guests ignored the three maids, and sat or stood at tables in the centre of the room. Penny made the first move by walking to a group of three men and a woman close to her, and held out the tray, already loaded with filled champagne glasses. it had not taken her long to realise that carrying the tray all evening was going to tire her arms quickly, and that she would have to use more energy to prevent her arms drooping, and allowing the tray to cover her.

As soon as her tray was almost empty, Penny moved back to the white coated man standing behind the drinks table, and using just her fingers, indicated that he should refill the tray with more champagne. If she needed to get any other drinks, she would come back for them, but the guests seemed to be happy with the bubbly at this point.

A muffled scream followed by loud laughter came from another part of the room, and as she turned her head, Penny saw the red haired girl surrounded by a group of guests. Glasses and pools of liquid were by her feet, and her tray was empty. Apparently, one of the guests had tweaked one of her nipples, and she had dropped the tray, or at least, allowed it to turn in her hands, sending the glasses crashing to the floor.

Penny then knew that her Master was going to get his wish. He had placed her chastity belt keys around her neck the previous night, to allow anyone who wanted access to her, and it seemed that at this party, the guests were free to touch, stroke or play with the maids. She wondered of her Master was aware of this before He had brought her here.

This thought was brought home a few minutes later when, whilst taking a drink from her tray, a man in leather trousers, crossed leather straps on his chest and a tight black hood, ran his hands over her breasts, hesitating on her nipples, and seemed to be watching her eyes, though as Penny couldn’t see his eyes, this could have been imagination.

With supreme effort Penny managed not to move as the man fondled her, moving to stand begin her and running his hands over her back and arse.

?Nice? she heard him tell the other man standing watching. ?I think I want her when the games start?

this was new to Penny. What games? No-one had mentioned any games, just that she was to serve drinks to the guests. But she guessed she should not have been too surprised, and when the men walked away, Penny continued her rounds with the drinks.

About an hour later the woman who had beaten Penny appeared through one of the doors, dressed, if you could call it dressed, in a see through veil covering her from neck to waist. From waist down she was, like the maids, naked. She walked over to a gong and struck it once.

The man of the house then called out.

?Ladies and gentlemen, the games will start soon, we have to take the maids away to get them ready, so you will have to get your own drinks for a while. Will all the maids please follow My slave?.

Penny and the other three maids moved to where the woman in the veil was standing, and when they were all present, she led them through the door from which she had come.

She led them to a room in which they would be prepared for the party games.

There were already three other ladies in the room, each wearing hoods, so Penny guessed they were three of the guests, and four white coated men. The men were already preparing the three guests, their hand tied behind them, and large ring gags in their mouths.

Of the maids, the red headed girl was first in line. The tray was removed from her wrists, and they were quickly tied together by one of the men. Another man stood behind her and released the straps of the gag she was wearing, and removed it. Even before the girl could close her mouth, a ring gag was inserted, and fastened behind her. Penny could see how far this kept the firl’s mouth open, and also realised that should anyone want oral sex, they could not be refused, the mouth was already open far enough to accept it.

Only the blonde struggled as the maids were all readied. Penny had forgotten, or at least gotten used to the gag in her mouth, and as it was removed felt her jaw hurt. Even replacing the ball gag with the ring gag didn’t stop the ache, but there was nothing she could do about it, her own hands, unlike the other girls. Had been tied at her side, so effectively that she could not move them at all. This made her the most defenceless of all the girls.


The veiled woman who had beaten Penny earlier in the day was also prepared ready for the games, her veil removed, her hands tied, and a ring gag applied. At least the Master of the house was putting His own slave into the games. Whatever they were. Penny had her own ideas, but she was about to get a surprise.

As the re-entered the party room she could see that in their absence it had been transformed. In the centre of the room now stood eight leather benches, and the guests were standing around the sides of the room. The Master of the house was standing on a platform where earlier there had been a drinks table. The girls were lead towards this platform and told by one of the white coated ment to wait until called.

?Ladies and gentlemen? said the host. ?The games are about to start. The usual rules apply, you may bid as single people, as  a couple, or as a consortium. Penetration in all pussy arse or mouth is permitted, but, and we stress this, you may not cum internally, unless its in the mouth. You will be bidding on one hour with the slave you have won, if you decide to end your session early, there will be no refunds.?

At this point the red headed girl was led onto the platform where she stood, head down, waiting.

?Okay?, said the host. ?I will open the bidding on this slut at ?50. who will open the bids??

A man in a latex hood put his hand in the air, and his bid was accepted. Over the next few minutes the room was wild as bids were made from all corners, and eventually, the red haired girl was sold for ?300. and was led off to the highest bidder.

Penny was fifth in line, and by the time they got to her, over ?1500 had been raised.

?This slave? started the Host,? was disobedient in a task set by her Master. For this she was placed in our care, and received 50 strokes of the flogger, and submitted to the Party. Her Master could not be here tonight, but had allowed full penetration, and would wish her to be sold to a consortium, so for this auction, single and couple bids are not accepted. However, we shall give you a chance to form your consortiums, by moving her to the back of the line, and continuing as normal with the other two.?

The next up was a dark haired girl, her hair had fallen to her waist before the white coats had tied it back and up, presumably to keep it out of the way during the games.. she managed to raise ?150, and then the Host’s slave was sold for ?200.

This just left Penny. Who now knew that no matter what happened, her Master was going to get his wish, and she would be forced to have sex with a number of men at the same time.

She was led to the stage, and felt very self conscious about herself now. her hands tied at her sides prevented her even attempting to cover herself up, and she could feel they eyes of everyone in the room on her. The aching in her jaw had again receded, but she was still unable to close her mouth.

?Right!? Said the host. ?time to start the bidding. Consortiums only, and we are going to start the bidding at ?200. who is going to meet that??

A hand went up from a group of five men standing at the back of the room. When the host asked for more money, another hand was raised. It took ten minutes for the host to get what he thought was the right amount for Penny, and it was only when the guy who had opened the bidding actually won, that the host gave Penny the worst news of all.

?Gentlemen, congratulations on winning this wonderful girl. There is one other proviso from her Master, and this is why He stressed consortiums only. You have purchased her for the usual hour, however, unlike the other girls, you arte allowed to cum inside this one. Her Master has not only given permission, he has asked that it be a provision that at least one, preferably more, will finish deep inside her. this is, as you know, against our normal rules, but for this one time I have accepted her Master’s demands.?

Penny visibly shrank into herself as she heard this. It was not bad enough that she had walked through town naked, had been brought here where she had been flogged, had served as a naked barmaid, and humiliated by being put in an auction, now she was told that at least one of the men was going to finish inside her, something even her Master had not yet done, respecting her wishes to prevent pregnancies. She guessed that this was why her hands were tied at her sides, so she would not be able to push anyone off if they appeared to be about to cum. Under her breath she cursed her Master, but knew that she would obey his wishes, and would submit to this game. But, if He were able to do this to her, what else was He capable of doing to her? Only time would tell.

Penny was led over to the winning consortium by two white coated men, and laid on her back onto one of the leather benches. The bench supported the back of her head, and was just long enough to reach the backs of her thighs. Penny knew that this would make her totally available. She half expected her legs to be tied down, but they were left free.

A bell rang, which was to presumably start the orgy, as no sooner had it sounded than one of the men came and stood by the end of the bench where her head was, and a cock was pressed into her open mouth. She had no idea who it belonged to, as, like all the other men, he was hooded. The man’s cock was flaccid, but as he pressed it in and out of her open mouth, she could feel it getting harder, and longer. Soon he was able to press it into the back of her throat, almost at the same time Penny felt her legs being pulled open, and someone moving between them. Seconds later another man was pressing his cock towards her pussy, the head opening her lips as he moved forward, forcing himself deeper into the waiting flesh.

There was no gentility in their actions, both cocks were being driven hard and deep into her, the cock in her pussy larger than her Master’s caused her some slight pain, but her mind couldn’t focus on this as the cock in her mouth was forced deep, and she felt a gagging, choking feeling. Minutes later the man drove his cock as deep as he could, his balls slamming against Penny’s chin, as she felt his cock pulse. And shoot out its hot cum, not into her mouth, but deep into her throat, holding himself there, forcing the girl to swallow. Gagging, retching, Penny had no choice but do as wanted, she couldn’t close her mouth and spit, and the man’s weight could not be shaken off without the use of her arms.

Even as the man finished and pulled out, a second cock, already hard, was thrust into her mouth, and the thrusting resumed. The man between her legs had lifted her thighs of the bench. So he could get closer, and drive his cock all the way into her. his pace speeded up, and his breathing became more rapid. Penny knew it would be seconds now before he came, and just as this thought crossed her mind the man drove his cock all the way into her, and erupted, deep in her pussy, the cum filling her, and seeping out even before the man had pulled away from her.

Tears filled her eyes as Penny was used time and time again. She lost count of the cocks that had filled her mouth, and her pussy. She was ignorant of the sound of other girls going through the same as her, though they were not getting heir pussy filled with the stuff.

What happened next took Penny by complete surprise. The last man had cum in her mouth, and pulled away. She could see two other girls standing above her, leaning forwards. Before she could move her head, the first of the two girls opened her mouth. As if to kiss Penny, but instead, allowed the cum she had been holding, to fall, holding Penny’s head still, so that it fell into her mouth. Penny wanted to retch, to throw up, to move, anything to avoid what was happening to her, but she was defenceless, as the second girl now leant over her and spat the cum from her mouth deep into Penny’s throat.

For a girl who, until tonight, had never had cum inside her body, she could feel it dripping from her pussy, and rivulets on her cheeks. She wante to get away. But that was not possible.

She barely heard the bell which called an end to the orgy, Penny was crying, sobbing hard, and waiting for what would happen next.

Two white coated men came over and carried Penny from the bench, and forced her to her feet. Her thighs were bruised, and she could now feel the cum from all the men starting to run freely down the insides of her legs. They guided her from the hall and down a set of stone stairs. Penny recognised the room they took her to as the one she had been kept during the day. The men first untied her hands, and then removed the gag, before leaving her to herself.

Penny fell to the floor against the wall, and cried as she never had before. If only she had walked past the front of the station, this would never have happened. Or would it?

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Stephanies Ordeal

Stephanie had it all planned out, she was going to get drunk tonight with her boyfriend and his friends, and then later that night she would fuck her boyfriends brains out. She got all prettied up, did her hair, shaved her legs, and got ready to go. She arrived at her boyfriends place that night and proceeded to get drunk, by the end of the night however, everyone else was drunk, but she only had a buzz going on. With everyone else drunk, soon the jokes and sexual humour began to arise. One of...

2 years ago
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My sexy Ordeal

Everyone was working that day so I decided to have a lie in, I vaguely remember my husband getting up and going to work. I must have fallen back to sleep as I was awakened by someone knocking on the door. I quickly threw on my dressing gown and went down stairs, I finally found the key and unlocked the door. Four men were stood there one holding a clip board, "good morning madam" he said, we are in the area and wondered if you had any work for these three. I can't go into too much detail but...

3 years ago
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My Ordeal

I live in a small town about an hours drive from the city where I work. My wife and I have lived here all of our married lives, about 12 years. What my wife does not know about me is that I have a fetish. I am a submissive and I like to be dominated and dressed up in woman's clothing and makeup. I go see a professional Dominatrix in the city where I work about a dozen times a year. For some reason, for about the last year and a half I have been having more and stronger needs to be...

2 years ago
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A Wonderful Ordeal

Part 1Don and I had met on the internet in a chat room. Over the course of a month we had gotten to know each other and had shared our fantasies. Don was very dom and enjoyed the fact that I was very sub. I had shared with Don one of my favorite fantasies in which I'm a*****ed and forced into sexual servitude.Don was a cross country trucker and came through my city very often. We had talked about meeting and living out our fantasy. He was married but was interested in being with a sub TV. ...

3 years ago
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Mother and Daughter Punishment Letter Ordeal

This continues the story of the mother and daughter caned by Mrs. Denver together called Mrs. Denver Spanks Mother and Daughter. Eventually Jenny had recovered enough from the caning to phone her Mother. She still didn’t want her to spank her, and even knowing the argument was useless she was again the arrogant 42 year old who had survived a caning and expected to convince her Mum not to spank her but to just sign the letter. Olivia listened to her Mum as she phoned Grandma to explain she...

2 years ago
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Fitness Freak Ordeal

Chapter 1 Chapter 01 ?Waking To Rape ???? ??I had a very normal reaction when the drug wore off and I woke up with a stranger on top of me pounding away.? I started screaming my head off.? His reaction was normal, too.???? ?Shut the fuck up, bitch,? said Oscar delivering an open palm slap to my face stunning me.? ???? The whole side of my head went numb and I tasted blood in my mouth.? I inhaled to resume screaming, causing Oscar to draw his fist back threatening me.? ?You don?t...

3 years ago
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Hannahrsquos Knicker Wank Ordeal

Purely Fictional Unfortunately!I’m busy doing what I enjoy best. I’m at my neighbours while they’re on holiday and I’ve got daughter’s knicker drawer open and my knob in my hand. The only sound is the slap slap slap of my wet foreskin as I beat it back and forwards (actually so far true ?)Then… I hear something behind me. I look round and Hannah is there, just come home from college. I’d assumed she was on holiday with her parents but obviously not. What are you doing? she said, you shouldn’t...

4 years ago
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Jenny and Her Ordeal

Jenny entered the room as the instructions had told her, she walked to the table and immediately began to undress; in front of her on the table she noticed the items she was supposed wear. She shuddered inwardly as her eyes took in the items on the table, she wondered how the hell the purchaser of these items had managed to find her size and if indeed the items would actually fit. As she let her blouse drop into the basket, a strange thought ran through her mind, would she ever see these items...

3 years ago
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Olivias Ordeal

So many things were going through Olivia's young mind as she rode in the back of the van. Though she was uncomfortable from the cuffs and leg irons digging into her lovely olive skin, this was barely a distraction as she replayed the recent events of her life over and over in her head. It was dark in the back of the transport van, and the 20-minute ride gave her plenty of time to think. How could she have not known her boyfriend Kenny was dealing drugs? He seemed like a nice guy and always...

3 years ago
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Army Captain Language Barrier Ordeal

I am a translator with the UNHCR in macedonia. I've done all sorts of jobs here. Two days ago I was called to one of the nearby refugee camps to help an army captain who was having some problem with the Macedonian police. When I got there I had problems finding him as the camps are a mess of makeshift tents, trailers, boxes, you've all seen the pictures on tv it's a mess. Anyhow after about an hour I managed to get there. Imagine my suprise when the Captain was a woman of about 5'10", a...

4 years ago
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Kellys Ordeal

Kelly Monaco's Corvette screamed down Interstate 10 through Mississippi at well over 100 MPH. She was in a hurry to get to New Orleans and complete her five hundred plus mile journey and get into bed at the plush hotel she had booked for the night. It was a steamy night in the south and she kept the air conditioning on high trying to beat the heat and humidity as she listened to a CD of her favorite music. It seamed like forever ago that she had left Jacksonville Florida after attending a...

3 years ago
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Brendas Ordeal

When she was selected to be the office manager at Lynwood and Beams, Brenda Powers, was only 31 years old, still she was the oldest girl in the office, most of the others being in their early to middle twenties. She also wasn't the most popular employee either. She had worked hard for the promotion but because of her close friendship with Jack Parker, the Managing Director of the firm, most of the girls felt that Brenda had 'slept her way to the top' and they were jealous of her. It wasn't...

3 years ago
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Dance of a LifetimeChapter 151 Jessies Ordeal

The Kellehers took a few days to fix up their new home. They hadn't heard from Jess, so Sophie called her. She invited Jess over to see the new place. Warren and Sophie were alarmed at how bad she looked. She'd lost weight. Her face was mottled. Her eyes were dull and lifeless. And she threw up, twice, while she was there. She was putting on a good act, but there was something seriously wrong. "My God," Warren said, after she had left, "she looks like death." "I know," Sophie...

2 years ago
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TimepieceChapter 7 After the ordeal

Mother mostly satisfied ... mostly, and Daddy certain that he needed no wedding shotgun, Wendy ordered me a new breakfast ... and helped me eat it. Evidently, her developing teen body had yet to catch her 18 year old frame. Not to worry ... mom is hot ... smoking ... blazing ... the perfect mother I'd like to fuck. Want to know what a girl will look like in 20 years? Look at her mom. Understand one thing though ... if her mom is a domineering bitch ... she will be too. Beauty is skin deep...

1 year ago
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Janet in TrainingChapter 9 The Ordeal

Janet looked outside her bedroom window at the dark winter sky. She had been sleeping in Erica's bedroom now for months, and fortunately Tiffany had not made an issue of it. But it still felt strange sleeping in Erica's bed, wearing her clothes, and living her life. It had been six months since her death last summer, and the time had gone by quickly. She rose from bed, and decided not to go through the ritual of having Tina bathe and dress her. It was a nice luxury, to be sure. And she...

3 years ago
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The Knight and the Acolyte Book 2 Magics ClashChapter 4 The Mages Ordeal

Fireeyes – Southern Edge of the Deorc Forest, The Kingdom of Valya I smiled as I watched my fire, witnessing what the wyvern's saw dancing amid the red-orange tongues. My three wyvern slaves had tracked down Angela and her party. The first wyvern dived at the naked Angela. She was a ravishing creature: red hair, large breasts, flawless skin, tall and sexy. She stood over the bound form of the acolyte, Sophia, a nubile beauty. My cock hardened. I seized the smooth head of my simulacrum—an...

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