The Plumber And The Slut Are Lovers - Nick And Sam's Story. free porn video

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It hadn?t been a great day really. No, in fact that wasn?t strictly true; in fact she?d arrived at her friend?s house that evening in a fabulous mood. Even though she?d had to walk around the block twice in the cold because she was early, still she?d felt great. In fact she?d been singing ?I?m on Top of the World? by the time she rang the doorbell. But her mate hadn?t really been in quite as good a frame of mind and all she?d done all evening was nag and nag and nag. So now she just felt lousy.

Her first instinct was to run for home and curl up in bed. Just shut out the whole world and go to sleep but even as the tears began to well in her eyes she had another thought. She didn?t want to run home, no what she really wanted was to talk to him. Shit, if only her phone battery hadn?t run out when she was texting him earlier.

She buttoned her coat against the cold wind and headed for the tram. She?d only gone a little way however, when she passed the pub.

?Sod it,? she thought ?what I need is a good drink.?

So she turned on her heel and headed back the way she?d come. Pausing at the door to undo her coat again, she shook her head, took a deep breath, pushed open the door and stepped into a warm and comforting fug.

?At least there are some places where you can still smoke in peace,? she thought as she confidently strode up to the bar and ordered herself a whiskey and American.

As she sat down on a bar stool, she glanced around the small room. There wasn?t much in the way of prospects, she decided looking at the paltry selection of bored and boring middle aged men.

?Oh well, never mind.?

She decided it was probably for the best. Ending the evening up a dark alleyway with some strange man was quite possibly the last thing she needed right now. Nonetheless, it might have been nice to have flirted with one for a while, just to cheer herself up a bit.

As the bar gradually filled, the average age decreased slightly but not all that much and there was still nothing whatsoever there to tempt her, except maybe the little brunette barmaid who?d served her, she might have been worth a go under different circumstances. But not right now. No, right now he was the only temptation for her.

Suddenly a vivid image flashed across her mind. It was her with him, at his place, tied hands and feet to his bed, blindfolded and gagged to stop her from crying out as he softly, oh so softly kissed her from head to toe, pausing only occasionally to bite those particularly sensitive bits of her pale, slim body. Arching her back up to meet his lips, she strained at her bonds; knowing full well that they were more than secure enough to hold her yet still determined to test them.

In her mind?s eye she watched him lift his head from her skin and gaze at her struggling beneath him. He smiled as he allowed his fingers to trace a path around her taught, sensitive nipples. Then he studied her face as without any kind of warning he pinched them hard between his finger and thumb and twisted, making her cry out in pain, despite the gag.

Almost instantly his hand flew back and the nerve-endings in her cheek seemed to explode with the bitter sting of his open palm where he?d slapped her.

?You promised me that you wouldn?t make a single sound, wench,? he reminded her harshly.

Suitably chastised but unable to speak through the gag, she nodded an apology as his strong fingers trailed down from her cheek to her throat. Her breathing quickened noticeably as his grip tightened just a little around her slim neck, sending one urgent sensation after another through her body.


?Oh Christ? she thought to herself, suddenly remembering where she was sitting before she got totally carried away sitting in a public bar.

Clearly the whiskey was already having an effect, but then she hadn?t really eaten that day so it wasn?t all that surprising. She quickly looked around her to see if anyone had noticed what she?d been doing but they were all engrossed in conversations of their own. Then she crossed her legs and noticed that her feet had gone numb, definitely a warning to stop drinking but then she?d only drunk about half of her glass. Surely she couldn?t be getting drunk already? So she leant back against the bar and let her mind wander back to her daydreams.


He let his tongue slide languidly down her body, between her breasts and then down over her belly to the very edge of her silky knickers where he paused for what seemed like forever before heading back up again. Her disappointment was obvious and she could do little to disguise it. Of course that was the whole point and he laughed as he slapped her face again for showing such insolence. Trouble was, each time he did so it only served to heighten her already raging desire.

By now she was so deeply immersed in this fantasy that despite sitting at the bar in a suburban pub full of people and just as many women as men now (which was normally her cue to leave,) she hadn?t noticed that she was in danger of hyperventilating. Her eyes were also giving the game away to anyone who cared to look. Although she?d kept them open she?d been staring off into the middle distance so hard that every now and again they crossed over and ended up so far out of focus that she had to make herself blink hard once or twice to clear them. It was as if everyone else had disappeared and she was alone in the place watching, just in front of her, a live action sex show, but one in which she was playing the lead role.

She absent-mindedly attempted to re-light her cigarette only to discover that it had burnt away long ago and she was left with nothing but a pile of ash on the bar counter beside her. She moved to brush it away and noticed that her arms had become quite unresponsive and that they were starting to get that familiar weightless feeling that definitely meant it was time to go home. But she was enjoying herself; she didn?t want to go home yet.

Hell, she didn?t want to go anywhere, unless it was to his place of course!






Suddenly, her phone sprung to life and his name flashed across the screen for just a moment before the battery died again. Her heart leapt. He wanted to talk to her; he wanted to talk to her right now, right this minute. Quickly she gathered up her belongings and draining her glass she headed for the phone in the pub?s entrance way. In her semi-drunken state she almost tripped over her own feet in her haste to hear his voice but then she was there, picking up the receiver and dialling his number. The phone had barely rung twice before he answered it, sounding almost as desperate as she felt.

?Is that you?? he said urgently.

?Yes? she replied, ?it?s me.?

There was a pause for a moment as they both savoured the sensation of hearing the sound of each other?s voice. It was her who broke the silence first,

?Thanks for ringing. Are you ok??

?I am now,? he answered ?now that I?m talking to you.?

He sounded more relaxed now, as if the tension had been building since they had last spoke and now it could all drain away again.

?Mmm,? she murmured, ?me too.?

She tried to control the smile that was spreading over her face.

He asked her where she?d been and what she?d done and she resisted the urge to let all the evening?s disappointments come tumbling out. It would all have sounded so needy somehow and besides now that she was talking to him none of it mattered any more; so instead she asked him about his day.

He started to tell her about the jobs he?d had and some mix-up there?d been and the conversation he?d had with some relative or another and although she listened politely and made all the right noises in all the right places there was a voice inside her head that was getting louder and louder and it was all she could do to stop herself from telling him to shut-up, she didn?t care about any of it.

?I just want you to tell me what you?re going to do to me when I see you. Just talk dirty to me,? she thought, almost out loud.

It occurred to her that the last part of the sentence had sounded like a prayer, but then in a way it was.

When they reached an appropriate junction in the conversation she changed the subject abruptly.

?So,? she said trying to sound husky and sexy but aware that she probably just sounded drunk, ?tell me what you?ve got in store for me on Friday then.?

He laughed at her desperation in that careless way that he did. Somehow it always made her feel just a little self-conscious, as if he knew something she didn?t. Deep down though she kind of liked that, it made her feel inferior to him and that was certainly a nice feeling.

?Well,? he said purposefully, ?that really depends on whether you?ve been a good girl or not, doesn?t it??

?I have,? she answered, a little too quickly to be decent which made her blush slightly.

She soon shook it off though and continued with more decorum, ?I have been a good girl, Sir honestly,? she said meaning every word of it.

?So, are you actually telling me that you haven?t touched yourself at all??

?No Sir, of course not, Sir? she answered, shocked that he could even suggest that she would have disobeyed a direct order that he?d given her.

However, she did feel compelled to make a very slight confession,

?It?s not been easy though. Every time I think about you I get so turned on that I can hardly stand it but whenever it almost gets too much I put my hands behind my back and close my eyes and imagine us together until I manage to ride out the temptation to do anything physically.?

?Oh, I see,? he replied abruptly, ?so not only have you actually been tempted to disobey my instructions but on top of that you?ve been fantasising too. I could have sworn I said that you were not to do anything even vaguely sexual.? By now his voice had acquired a cold edge that made her nervous. ?You really expect me to believe that in all this time that you?ve been fantasising about us having rampant sex together you haven?t so much as once let your hand rest gently between your legs or secretly tensed your thigh muscles on the bus or yanked your jeans up into your crotch so you can feel the seam pressing against you? Go on, tell me you haven?t done any of those things. I dare you.?

She couldn?t speak. Not even to answer this man who?d so quickly come to rule her entire life (as well as her body and definitely her mind.) It had never occurred to her that his orders had included any of these things and indeed she had done all three of them and more besides all within the last twenty-four hours. She could have cried with the crushing disappointment she felt and the guilt. Oh God the guilt. It hit her like a tidal wave and left her struggling to breathe.

Before she knew where she was she was gushing out apology after apology and begging him through the tears and half-choked sobs to please forgive her for being so greedy and selfish. He?d wanted her to save herself for him, mind as well as body, so it would be all the more special when finally they could be together but she?d been so wrapped up in her own needs and desires and hadn?t seen it as anything other than a challenge to be overcome, she?d badly misunderstood what he?d wanted from her and why. And now she just wanted to curl up and die, how could she have got it so very, very wrong?

With what felt like a Herculean effort she tried to pull herself together. He was waiting. She couldn?t leave him waiting now too.

She heard herself speak in a small and strained voice that sounded as if it belonged to someone else;

?Please Sir, please. I?m so, so sorry. Please forgive me Sir, please.?


She swallowed hard and listened for the sound of him breathing, then tried again.

?Sir? Please??

Still nothing.

Oh God, what had she done? What if she never heard his voice again? She started to panic.

?Please Sir, please, please??

But there was nothing but silence at the other end of the phone.

She couldn?t think straight anymore, yet a thousand thoughts seemed to be rushing through her head at once. What if she?d really made him angry this time? What if all this had been a test and what if she?d failed it? What if he?d gone?


Oh God, it felt like her whole world had fallen apart in a single moment and again she was having trouble catching her breath.

?Sir? Please, Sir. Say something. Speak to me. Please; you can?t do this to me?.?

The receiver in her hand suddenly seemed to explode in her ear;

?I CAN?T DO THIS TO YOU?? he thundered, clearly furious.

?I can?t do this to you? How dare you say such a thing to me, you selfish little slut.? The venom in his voice made her blood run cold and she whimpered very softly to herself.

Not softly enough, however. He had heard her.

?Shut up, slut!? he exclaimed, incredulous at her gall. ?I can?t believe you. I asked you to do one tiny little thing for me and obviously you took it upon yourself to refuse me and then you?ve got the front to keep on talking, even when I?ve already told you to be quiet. You?ve really let me down, girl. I?m not happy at all.?

He stopped speaking and waited for her to respond. She tried to fight back a fresh wave of tears and took a deep breath.

?Please Sir; I really am so very, very sorry. Please, let me try to make it up to you. I can learn to be better, honestly I can.?

There was silence for a minute and then he said quietly,

?I?m not sure that you can, you?ve really wounded me. I imagined that if I gave you an instruction you would carry it out to the letter?

She started to say that she could, she would, if only he would give her another chance but then stopped abruptly as he interrupted her angrily.

?I don?t believe it, you?re incredible. Shut the fuck up, slut. Why would you still be talking, why??

Then without taking a breath he demanded to know where she was.

?I?m, I?m in a pub? she stammered.

?Where?? he persisted.

?Um?, she hesitated for barely a second before he said,

?Tell me exactly where you are, now slut.? He said coldly and very slowly.

Confused and frightened, she almost whispered,

?Croydon, I?m in Croydon, East Croydon. In the High Street. Um, the pub?s called The Blue Anchor, I think.?

?You think? You think. Well, is it or isn?t it?? he snapped.

She could hear him moving about as he talked and then, as she was frantically looking around for some kind of confirmation of the name of the pub, she distinctly heard a car door slam shut and the engine start and suddenly she knew?

?I?m waiting,? he insisted, although quite clearly he was doing nothing of the sort.

?Yes Sir, sorry Sir.?

She was starting to babble now but just then her eyes landed on a sign over the door. She gave a sigh of relief and said,

?Yes Sir, I was right, it is The Blue Anchor and it?s in East Croydon High Street.?

?Ok, fine, but you, woman, are very rarely right,? he replied hurtfully. ?Now stay where you are and don?t move until I get there. Do you think you can manage that alright??

Utterly dejected, she replied in a voice that was barely audible,

?Yes Sir, I?ll be here.?

?Good,? he answered abruptly and then the line went dead and she was left holding the receiver in the darkened hallway.

She felt utterly bereft. She?d let herself down and much, much worse she?d let down the man she had already come to think of as her Lord and Master. A pretty impressive achievement considering they had barely known each other for more than a few weeks and had yet to consummate their relationship. Yet somehow he knew her, he knew exactly how to affect her in ways that no-one else had ever managed before, he knew what she wanted and what she needed and he wasn?t afraid to give it to her.

She realised she was still holding the phone to her ear, that the droning sound had become strangely comforting but now she was gripping hold of it so tightly that her hand was aching. She knew she should put it down but for some reason she couldn?t quite manage to do it.

?For Heaven?s sake? she thought to herself, ?this is absurd. Put the phone down and try and pull yourself together.?

She had no idea how long she?d been standing there but she was freezing cold and the thought occurred to her that perhaps she should go back into the warm bar. Slowly she was able to make her arm move and put back the receiver in its cradle.

?So far so good,? she thought, but then she was lost, she had no idea what to do next.

However, she did remember that he?d told her to wait where she was and she had no intention of getting it wrong again. She was already in enough trouble.

She struggled to pull her coat tightly around her and managed to wrap her scarf around her neck against the cold. Then she told herself that he had said to wait so that was what she was going to do, no matter how long it would be for. Then she leant against the wall and slowly slid down to the floor in the dark corner beside the telephone. The minutes began to tick by and in an effort to protect herself from the cold draught she pulled her knees up tightly to her chest and after a while she started to drift into a fitful sleep. It didn?t take long for her to stop fighting it. At least if she slept she wouldn?t have to feel the gnawing emptiness she had in the pit of her stomach and that would be a relief at least.

Had she been a bit more alert of course, she might have realised that this was probably not such a good idea but as it was she soon fell asleep and slept in fits and starts for over an hour.






She was woken at last by an angry voice whispering insistently in her ear but before she could quite register what it was, it had gone again and for a split second she thought she had dreamt it. Then in a blinding flash of realisation all hell seemed to break loose. The first thing she felt was a heavy boot kick her square on her hip and only a fraction of a second later a strong hand grabbed a handful of her hair and was all but lifting her to her feet.

?What the hell do you think you?re doing, slut? Get up on your feet this fucking instant.?

Without waiting for her to do so however, he was already dragging her out of the door by her hair. She screamed in pain and he wheeled around to face her. He was still holding her fast by her hair so she could do nothing to escape the backhanded blow that would have easily knocked her off her feet had he not been holding her up. Pulling her head backwards he told her to stop crying at once and then waited calmly until she did.

She knew of course exactly what had happened. He?d arrived and she?d not been there to greet him and by the time he?d tracked her down he was furious again, (that was if he?d ever calmed down in the first place.) It all seemed like a bad dream, how could she possibly have been so stupid as to anger him twice in only just over an hour.

The roots of her hair were screaming in agony but she was finally able to control the sobs that were wracking her body. She desperately wanted to say something, to apologise again and again for what she?d done, she wanted to just throw herself at his feet and beg him to forgive her and how she longed to hear even just one kind word from him. However, even she wasn?t as stupid as that, so she held her tongue, determined that she would give him no further reasons to be angry with her, she couldn?t stand it anymore. He bent down to her level and brought her head up to face him.

?Look at me slut. I want you to look into my eyes and listen carefully to what I?m about to say. Ok? Can you manage that, little slut; can you do that for me??

His voice had softened now and she managed to stop crying and do what he?d asked.

?Ok now?? he asked her gently

She nodded as best she could considering he was still holding onto her hair.

?Good, now listen to me carefully. I am taking you to the van and then we are going home, ok? Do you understand so far??

Her heart leapt at this news and she nodded eagerly as he continued in the same gentle tone of voice,

?I?m saying this very slowly and carefully because you are quite clearly completely stupid and I don?t want you to get anything else wrong.?

She felt utterly crushed and could do nothing more than blink back a fresh batch of tears.

?I need you to be calm because I want you to understand me ok??

She bit her lip to try and stop herself from crying and began nodding, whatever he said.

?I have had a very long day and I am tired and now because of you, slut, I have had to drive for over an hour to come and fetch you and now I will have to drive another hour to get home again before I can even think about getting any sleep or anything to eat and I am not happy about that, do you understand??

Again she nodded.

?So, the point I?m spelling out for you here, is that I don?t need to be hearing any more of your whining and whingeing. Ok??

Again she nodded, but she wasn?t really listening to him anymore. She just wanted it all to be over as quickly as possible so they could get back to the way it had been before.

?Right then, if you?re sure that you understand these very simple concepts, we can get moving but I?m warning you, if I hear so much as a gasp from you for the next couple of hours, you will suffer the consequences for it. Ok? So, in words of one syllable that even you can cope with; noise means pain. Have you got it??

She nodded miserably once more and almost immediately he marched off towards his van, practically dragging her behind him, stumbling as she tried to keep up with his long strides.

When they reached the van he shoved her, face first against the side and held her there while he opened his door. Reaching inside he grabbed a roll of tape and a length of rope from the seat.

?Put your arms behind your back whore? he said; stripping off her coat and forcing her arms high up her back until her hands were between her shoulder blades.

Then he began tying the rope around both arms so that they were completely bound together from her wrists to her elbows. It was agonising, the pain shot into her upper arms and shoulders which were now held in such an unnatural position that the muscles began to spasm. The pain was making her feel sick but she just kept biting down on her lip to stop herself from crying out. Even when he pulled on her wrists to test that she couldn?t escape the only sound she made was a sharp intake of breath as the shock registered but she manage to stop herself from crying out.

He still wasn?t happy though.

?I?m warning you, slut, don?t start with me or you will pay for it later, I promise.?

He roughly spun her round to face him again, squashing her bound arms against the van behind her. She flinched but kept silent, unsure of his next move but then out of the blue he just stopped and looked at her, his head tilted to one side. Then he sighed quietly and gently brushed back a strand of hair from her face before tearing two pieces of tape from the roll and sticking one of them gently but securely over her mouth.

?There you go,? he said, patting her on the top of the head like a small child, ?at least that will stop you answering back and getting into trouble, won?t it slut??

As she nodded sadly, he paused and somewhat unexpectedly said,

?I had such high hopes for you little wench. I really thought you might have worked out, it?s a shame really, such a waste.?

Then he looked into her eyes and gave her a rueful smile, the last thing she saw before he stuck the other length of tape over her eyes making sure that she couldn?t see anything at all.







She stumbled again as he manhandled her around to the rear of the van and havingopened the doors, gave her a shove so that she landed in a very undignified heap on the bare floor inside before pushing her feet in after her.Despite all her promises, she was unable to stop herself from crying out as her bound arms twisted painfully beneath her. However he seemed to let it ride this time and simply slammed the doors and laughed as he walked away, banging on the roof of the van as he went and telling her to keep quiet until he returned.

Now she was scared, alone in the cold and dark of the empty van, she wondered what was going to happen to her. Was this really what she?d wanted? Was this even consensual anymore? If she was completely honest with herself, she wasn?t really sure that it was. Had it crossed the line between acceptable fantasy and role-play on one side and violent kidnap and rape on the other? But then where did she draw the line? She?d never met anyone who could take her anywhere even close to any sort of line before, so the question had never come up for her. Until now it had always been safe. It had always been her who?d been pushing for more or further or harder or whatever. This was new. This was beyond anything she?d experienced before. She was having to ask herself questions she?d never needed to ask before.

How much could she take? How far did she really want to go? What if he wanted to go a lot further than that? How could she back out without losing her last remaining trace of self respect?

She almost giggled out loud as that one crossed her mind. Here she was, tied up, blindfolded and gagged in the back of a van belonging to a man that let?s face it she hardly knew. It was a bit late to be worrying about her self-respect? ?Was she insane?? she caught herself wondering.

And really there was only one answer to that, ?Quite probably.?

?But? she thought in her own defence, ?until tonight, things had been ticking along nicely.?It had all been great fun, flirting with him by text, the odd sexy phone call and they?d both been looking forward to being together, their first date, so to speak.

Ever since he?d made his move, barely a month ago (although it seemed an awful lot longer,) she?d hardly been able to focus on her work, her studies had been left to pile up, she?d barely done any housework and for what exactly?

For the promise of a bit of rough sex with a plumber, that?s what. She giggled again. She did every time she remembered the first time they?d met. It was all such a cliché really. He?d come to fix leak in her airing cupboard that the chap downstairs had been complaining about for weeks but which turned out not to exist. He?d been on his knees rummaging about at the bottom of the hot water tank and she?d been standing beside him making small talk. Totally unaware of the effect she was having on him. It was only later, much later that she discovered that he?d been so drawn to the way her T-shirt had clung to her breasts, the angle he was at giving him a particularly good view. Apparently she?d made some jokey comment, another cliché that she used frequently. Something along the lines of, ?While you?re down there?said the actress to the bishop.?God knows why but for some reason, he?d been impressed by her cheek. She hadn?t notice though and it wasn?t until the next time he came that things progressed.

This time they?d been alone in the flat and after he?d finished the job he?d come to do, he sat himself down on her sofa and demanded a coffee. She was impressed enough at his cheek that she made it for him and then for some strange reason, that she still couldn?t quite fathom, she?d practically told him her life story. It had all just come spilling from her lips as he sat there watching her and drinking his coffee.

By the time she?d finished talking she was a bit embarrassed at telling a stranger so much about herself and she apologised for taking up so much of his time. The only thing he?d asked in return was whether there was anything wrong with the central heating and if not then why was she wearing quite such a thick sweater. Thinking back on it now, she realised that was the first time she?d noticed that he was being more than just friendly but it still didn?t really sink in until he got up to go and as she signed his job sheet and went to give it back to him.

Then out of the blue he?d bent down and kissed her.

To be honest it had all been a bit of a mess really, she?d been so shocked that she?d pulled away from him, so it wasn?t quite the Valentino moment it might have been. But still, he?d kissed her!

After he?d gone she stood and stared at the back of her front door for what seemed like forever, her mood swinging wildly between disbelief and elation. Over and over she repeated out loud, ?Oh my God, he kissed me. Did he kiss me? I didn?t imagine that did I? No, he did. He kissed me. Oh my God, he kissed me??

Her first instinct had been to phone someone and tell them, her Mum? A friend? But then, again it was ?OH MY GOD! HE KISSED ME!!? She?d jumped up and down and skipped around the flat before she realised that he was still sitting outside in his van. The very same van she was lying in now. Suddenly she was desperate not to let him go without letting him know how she felt. Not that she was entirely sure about that herself really, but she had to let him know that she was pleased and that she wasn?t going to be ringing his boss to complain about it, at the very least. So she stood by the window and prayed that he?d look up before he drove away. She stood and waited and waited and still he just sat there. By now though she was praying that he?d find some excuse to come back in but he just sat there.

Remembering what he?d said about her sweater, she quickly ran into the bedroom and put on something that he?d be able to see was a bit more alluring, even from where he was. Then she rushed back to the window and waited until he started the engine. Then just before he pulled away from the kerb he glanced up at the window in which she had framed herself in what she hoped would be a provocative pose. She waved to him as he left and he waved back and she thought she?d probably never see him again.

But she did, he came back, unexpectedly, twice more but there was nothing more than hurried whispers and longing looks on both occasions until she finally said,

?Look, if you let me know that you?re coming next time I can arrange it so I?ll be here alone.?

He replied that he would have done if he?d had her number, so she hurriedly scribbled itdownon a piece of paper for him and he gave her his mobile number in return and yet still she didn?t really expect anything to come of it, until a few days later when she was on the bus and suddenly there was a text from him, asking how she was and how her day had been and saying that if she?d give him a couple of days notice he could get the day off work so that they could be together.

Ever since then she?d had butterflies in her stomach and now it had all gone wrong before it had even started.






Suddenly he was back. She heard him open the door then felt a thud as he threw her bag, coat and umbrella into the van somewhere to her right. She whimpered behind her gag when she felt the van lurch slightly as he got in and heard the door slam shut behind him. Then he was there; beside her. She could feel the heat of his body against hers and the warm breeze of his breath on her neck.

?God, that feels good? she started to allow herself to think before she heard a distinct ?click? close by her right ear and then his voice, now soft and gentle again, whispered,

?Right then little one, any idea what that could be??

She was barely breathing now; the tension around them was overwhelming. She had no idea what it was and managed to shake her head to say so.

Almost at once she froze as she felt the shock sensation of cold metal against her throat. She knew at once that it was a knife, a large knife. She tried not to let the panic she was beginning to feel get the better of her. Surely he wouldn?t really hurt her, would he? Would he?

?Christ? she thought, ?how do I know if he would or not. He might. He could easily kill me right now and no-one would have any idea what had happened to me.?

She tried to take a deep breath to calm herself down without letting him see she was worried. She didn?t really want to make the situation any worse by having him know that she didn?t trust him.

The cold sharp tip of the knife began to move softly from her throat, down over her collarbone, across her trachea and on towards the neckline of her blouse. But then he abruptly dropped the knife on her chest and its cold metal blade and handle almost seemed to scald her as it landed on her skin, her sensations were so confused.

Before she knew what was happening, he ripped open her blouse sending the small buttons flying around the inside of the van and then he let the two halves of her torn blouse fall with her cardigan on either side of her body, exposing the lacy bra she wore underneath. He picked up the knife again and allowed the tip to press into her skin for just a moment before deftly slicing through the front of her bra and watching as the cold night air came into contact with the soft pale flesh of her breasts. He smiled to himself as he saw her nipples stiffen further, despite them already clearly betraying her advanced state of arousal.

Loosely holding the knife by the very end of its handle between his thumb and middle finger, he trailed the tip across each breast in turn and traced the circle of her nipples once or twice before twisting the tip in the centre until she cried out again from behind the tape covering her mouth. But he let it go this time and simply laughed at her discomfort as she squirmed in a futile attempt to escape from the blade.

For a few moments, he let himself enjoy the way he could control how she moved by simply adjusting slightly the angle or direction or pressure he applied with the knife in his hand and the way that sometimes she wriggled beneath it?s touch and other times, when he reached somewhere sensitive she?d freeze, hardly daring to breathe in case she made the knife slip.

Of course the knife was nowhere near as sharp as it felt to her and most of the time he used the back of the blade but in her confused and frightened state of mind, heightened by the blindfold and her bindings she had no chance of realising that. He was aware that her mind could be a very powerful ally to him if he could use it in the right way and it was clear that he had every intention of doing just that?using her own mind against her.

But that would have to wait for now, at the moment he had still only half undressed her. He adjusted his grip and pulled the knife down across her belly in a straight line towards the waistband of her skirt. She tensed in reaction to this new direct approach after the random doodling in which he?d been indulging for the past five minutes or so. He slid the blade under the fabric of the waistband then paused for a moment to let the tension build a little for her, before abruptly slicing through the material, making her tense up again. Then he gathered up the cut fabric in his hands and she heard more than felt him rip the remainder of her skirt from top to bottom, before pulling it out from beneath her so that she was lying directly on the cold floor, exposed and shivering.

Now she was only wearing a pair of tights and a small pair of knickers. He frowned slightly as he slipped his finger beneath the top of her tights and pulled them taut before allowing them to snap back again. He hated tights, they were such ugly things compared to the elegance of a pair of sheer stockings. But he would deal with that issue later. For now he wanted to go back to teasing her with the knife. He picked it up again and slid the back of the blade from her waist, down over the gentle curve of her pubic bone and then down between her legs. She shuddered as it passed over the most sensitive and intimate parts of her body and once again her mind started to wonder if she was really safe with this man. Unfortunately she let her guard drop for a second and the slightest of frowns on her face had alerted him to the way she felt.

?Ahh, what?s the matter little one??He asked in a soft low voice that was anything but reassuring.

?Are you feeling a tiny bit nervous about all this? There?s no need to be scared yet. I won?t hurt you sweetheart, not in a bad way, at least!?

Her frown deepened and she whimpered behind the gag that she was now rather glad to have. At least it meant that she didn?t have to answer his questions and that meant she couldn?t get them wrong so often.


As if to disprove what she was thinking he said,

?Right then little slut, now for the fun part. If I were you I would keep very, very still right now. We wouldn?t want this nasty old knife to slip now, would we??

All the while he was speaking he had been gradually increasing the pressure with which he was pressing the tip of the knife against the flesh covering her pubic bone and now it was starting to sting and throb. Then he lifted it from her skin and replaced it about an inch lower down and began to increase the pressure again as he waited for a response from her.

?Well?? he said ?would we??

She managed to shake her head just enough to indicate her response and immediately he lifted the knife away again.

?Oh I see,? she thought, ?it?s a game.?

?I mean,? he said, ?if it were to slip when I had it?let?s say?here, for example?? he moved the knife so that it was resting directly on her clitoris, ?then obviously that would be very unfortunate indeed , wouldn?t it??As he spoke, he again increased the pressure and continued to do so as he waited for her to reply.

She could feel the coldness of the metal forcing it?s way through both layers of fabric and she was ashamed to admit that despite everything, despite the agony in her shoulders, despite the fear and despite the worseningpain he was causing; despite all of these things or maybe because of them, she was so aroused that she was having trouble focussing on what he was saying to her and although she had just figured out the rules of the game she was so distracted with the mounting pain in her clit that she forgot all about answering him. It had seemed to be a rhetorical question and it hadn?t occurred to her at first that it needed a response. It was only when the pressure and so the pain had reached the point where she could no longer ignore it that she remembered what she was meant to be doing and then she shook her head as vigorously as she could manage. Immediately the pain subsided as he removed the knife from her clit but it left behind a dull ache and a somewhat unnerving pulsating sensation.

She was just trying to get to grips with this feeling, when she suddenly felt him cut away her tights and then without hesitating, he sliced through her knickers at each hip before pulling them out from between her legs. The next thing she felt was more painful than anything else she?d dealt with so far, he ripped the tape from her mouth, taking what felt like half of the skin from her face with it. She cried out and gasped for air while she had the chance and he took the opportunity to force her ruined underwear into her mouth and then stuck the tape back in place again.

Then leaving her whimpering to herself, he moved down to her feet and unzipping her boots, he pulled them off and flung them aside.

?I am quite sure, slut? he said coldly as he peeled of what was left of her tights, cut them in half and tied them around her ankles, ?that I must have told you how much I dislike these hideous things??

He grabbed her left ankle and yanked it across to the side of the van, where he tied to a fixing in the floor.

?So why is it?? he continued as he dragged her right leg to the other side and tied that in a similar fashion, ??that the very first time I see you, you?re not wearing the stockings you must surely have known I would have preferred?? He knew it was an unfair question, she could never have known she was going to see him tonight but it made him smile to put her in such an impossible position.

Having completed his task, he returned to lie beside her,


Clearly she was unable to answer him so she merely whimpered an apology and tried to edge a little closer to him. Partly for warmth but more for some sense of comfort, just to feel him against her now all but naked body. A feeling she?d been craving for so long. He was having none of it though and roughly pushed her away, his hand once again squeezing her throat.

?Get that whore?s body away from me, you ungrateful slut, you?ll not be getting any closer to me until you?ve learned to do exactly what you?re told. Do you understand that slut, do you? Do you really??

Once again she nodded, sadly and silently for what seemed like the thousandth time that night and then he released his grip and was gone. Almost as suddenly as he?d arrived he?d left her alone again. She hadn?t expected such an abrupt departure and it left her feeling bewildered and ashamed. Had she done something wrong again? Had she upset him somehow? Had he not liked what he?d found when he?d removed her clothes? Maybe he was disappointed in her in some way or in her figure? Maybe she wasn?t what he?d been expecting? Maybe he?d changed his mind now he?d seen her properly?

She really didn?t know what to think, so she tried to listen for some clue from outside the van but there was no sound from him for what seemed like forever as she waited.

Then the driver?s door opened and she felt a blast of cold air rush across her body. She realised that she should have felt one when he?d got out of the back but she had no memory of it and could only put it down to the shock of him leaving so suddenly. Clearly her mind had been so overwhelmed with her confusion that it had failed to register the cold air at all.

?How bizarre!? she thought ? and then the engine started.








He drove for about an hour, carefully avoiding going too fast around corners so as not to throw her about in the back of the van too much. Yet it seemed to her that he was going out of his way to drive over every single speed bump in the entirety of South London. Nonetheless, she eventually found herself starting to drift off to sleep from the gentle hum of the engine and the movement of the van.

Although it occurred to her at some point that maybe he might not like it if she slept, there was nothing she could do to stop it happening. After everything she?d been through tonight, she was exhausted and it was clear to her that there would be much more to come later, so it seemed sensible to sleep a little while she could.

However, when she awoke to discover that the van had stopped and that he was seemingly no longer in the front seat, all that common sense and reasoning disappeared and was immediately replaced with sheer panic at the memory of his reaction when he?d found her asleep earlier that same evening. Desperately she tried to listen for some clue to his whereabouts but there was nothing but the sound of traffic passing some way from where the van had stopped.

?Where am I?? she wondered. ?And more to the point where?s he??

It occurred to her for a moment that maybe he?d gone off somewhere and just abandoned her but then she realised that to do that he would also have to abandon his van and he was presumably unlikely to do that.

As she lay there shivering slightly from a combination of cold and anticipation, a million questions seemed to run through her mind but one kept returning to the forefront, ?What was going to happen to her tonight??

He had said how tired he was, so did that mean that nothing would happen? If so why did he bring her here? Assuming that ?here? was indeed his place.

She was excited about the prospect of seeing his home though. She?d always thought that people?s houses gave away so much about their personality and as yet she really knew very little about his.

It would be good to gain a few insights into what was going on behind the persona that he showed her. Not that she didn?t like the persona that he showed her, she adored it but she knew that it wasn?t all there was to him. He?d revealed that much when they?d first met at her place, before he knew what she liked, how she liked to be treated, before they?d started this game.

Back then he?d been polite to her, keen but cautious, almost nervous. She supposed that he?d been worried that she might not be interested or worse might have reported him to his company for making inappropriate advances towards her.

Of course she hadn?t dreamed of doing such a thing, not even for a moment. She?d been so flattered by his interest in her back then that she soaked up his attention like a sponge. Those first few days she?d been walking on air, in fact to be honest she still was. Or at least she had been earlier that evening, until it had all gone wrong and she?d ended up here, like this.

Again she wondered how long she?d have to wait. She couldn?t feel her arms anymore, which was a relief in a way, at least they didn?t hurt so much now but she was freezing cold and her legs were starting to fall asleep, stretched apart into such an unnatural position, as they were. She still couldn?t hear anything that would give her a clue as to what he was doing or where he was, no matter how hard she listened.

All of a sudden a light came on inside the van and she jumped as the central locking clunked off and then on and then off again.

?Well? she thought ?that?s one way to get my attention!?

There was a pause, then she heard the doors at her feet opening, then felt another blast of cold air across her naked body and she knew he was there. In silence he began to untie her ankles, first the left then the right. Then he pulled her towards him and sat her up at the back of the van, the balls of her feet lightly grazing the rough pavement beneath her as she struggled to steady herself, the blood falling from her head to her legs, making her feel light-headed.

He gave her a moment to get her balance then bent down, swept her up in his arms and carried her towards the house. He manoeuvred her through the front door and into the living room before setting her down on the floor with a bit of a bump but still, reasonably gently compared to the way he?d been treating her earlier.

She was left breathless and tried to get her bearings as she listened for clues to what he was doing but he moved silently about the room as he prepared things. Then she felt him beside her. He knelt down close to her and she heard the gentle chinking of a light chain. He gently lifted her hair and fastened the chain around her neck before attaching the other end to the leg of a heavy wooden table behind her.

Although the chain was long enough for her to be able to sit upright if she wanted to, she couldn?t really move about but it was comfortable enough and she was grateful for that at least.

Then he pulled the tape from her eyes, leaving her blinking in the light as she tried to focus on what was in front of her.

What was in front of her was him. Gradually his attractive masculine features began to resolve until once again she could pick out the details of his face. He was beautiful, like a statue.

?Like David? she thought.

He had thick brown hair that tumbled around his face framing his clear smooth skin. It almost seemed to glow in the soft light, highlighting his cheekbones and giving him a certain feminine quality.

Not that it detracted in any way from his masculinity; rather it heightened it in some way. It made him not any less of a man but somehow more than just a man. He had something extra, over and above other men. She couldn?t put her finger on exactly what it was but it was definitely there.

But right now it was his eyes that were mesmerising her. They were deep pools of chocolately brown with a soft grey ring around the edge and they had a spark, a little flash that illuminated his whole face when he smiled at her. Like he was doing now. He held her face in both hands and spoke to her softly.

?Right then, my little one; you are in my home and you will remain here until I choose to release you. Do you understand that so far??

She nodded.

?I?m going to remove the gag from your mouth now so you can have some water, which I?m sure you?d appreciate by now.Clearly you realise that you are not going to scream or anything silly like that, are you??

She shook her head, incredulous that he would even suggest such a thing. Why would she scream? What for? She hardly wanted rescuing? She was just exactly where she wanted to be, where she?d dreamt of being since they?d first met.

?You will remain perfectly silent unless I ask you a direct question, at which time you will answer me immediately and honestly and you will address me always as ?Master? From now on that is what I will be to you. I am your Master and you are my slut and that is how it will be. Are you following me??

Again she nodded, more eagerly this time, her heart beating faster in her chest at the prospect of him being her Master.

She was still thinking about it when he gently took the tape from her mouth and carefully eased out her damp underwear and she was suddenly desperate for the water that he brought her in a little bowl and set down in front of her.

She looked up at him puzzled, her hands were still bound behind her back, how was she supposed to lift the bowl to drink from it and why was it in a bowl not in a glass? What was she a dog?

Then she realised what he meant her to do and although it felt utterly demeaning, she was so thirsty that she didn?t care. She managed to struggle up onto her knees and bend her head down towards the floor before eagerly lapping the water from the dish.

?So?, she thought as she drank, ?this is how it is going to be.?

She couldn?t have been happier than she was at that moment. Kneeling at her new Master?s feet, lapping water from a dish like his pet. Suddenly her life seemed very simple. She felt calmer than she?d felt in years and she was overwhelmed with gratitude towards him for making it happen.












After she?d drunk the water he gave her, he slowly and purposefully began to unbind her arms. After undoing each twist of the rope he paused to examine the impressions it had left behind, tenderly tracing over the lines with his fingers, seeming to marvel in the perfectly parallel quality of the marks.

It was quite some time before he was finally done and she sat motionless until he was. She was fascinated by the way he could be so tender towards her now when he?d been so violent earlier that evening.

?What had changed?? she wondered. She was sure that it wasn?t anything she was doing differently, her behaviour was completely governed by his actions. Everything she was doing now was merely a reaction to him.

When he had finished, he left her there on the floor while he went into the kitchen She was naked and chained but unbound, with no gag or blindfold, so she was able to stretch out her aching limbs and rub her shoulders while she looked about the room at her surroundings.

It was a modern house like so many others in South London, with a front door that opened into the living room like in an old cottage. The room wasn?t exactly large but it had plenty of space despite there being a large pile of what looked like plumbing supplies in one corner.

?Oh great, ?she thought, ?He brings his work home with him! ?

There were also two large sofas at right angles to each other at one end of the room, a television on a low square travel trunk and the dining table to which she was chained at the other end nearest to the door to the kitchen. She was sitting on a soft carpet that she noticed ran all the way up the staircase and presumably into the bedroom. That was what she wanted to see most of all. Where she wanted to be.

The house wasn?t quite what she?d been expecting but then she wasn?t really sure what that was.

?I suppose things never are how you picture them in your mind are they?? she pondered to herself.

The feeling was starting to return to her arms now and she rubbed them vigorously to try to take out some of the aching sensation from her joints. She looked at the marks that had seemed to fascinate him so much when he?d untied her before. She could see why they had. They were perfect, each one symmetrical, parallel to the next with a slight lift at the back where the rope had crossed over before retuning to the front again, where it lifted once more, then back, then front, then back and so on. She could follow the line of the rope from the top of her arms all the way down to her wrists, where there was a neat impression of the knot he?d tied to secure her.

She traced the lines with her finger like he had done and was surprised to be able to feel every twist of the make up of the rope, like a spiral.

?God? she thought, ?The detail is incredible. It?s so beautiful. A real work of art. No wonder he was so proud of his handiwork. I would be too.?

Then she noticed that she had marks around her ankles too, from where her tights had cut into her while she was tied up in the van. These were different though; there was none of the beauty of the ones on her arms. Instead they were just rough grazes around each ankle from where she?d pulled against the fixings as they drove, just in order to steady herself rather than in any attempt to escape.

She absent-mindedly rubbed her hands over the marks on her ankles as she wondered what he was doing in the kitchen. She assumed he was getting something to eat and she suddenly realised that she was famished. She hoped he?d bring her something too but she knew better than to ask, so she just sat back against the leg of the table and waited for him.

After a while, he came out from the kitchen but what he had in his hand wasn?t food but a pair of leather cuffs, which he attached around her wrists, once again fixing them behind her back. Then he returned to the kitchen and brought out a glass of wine and a plate of cold chicken and pasta for himself. He sat on one of the sofas and put his feet up on the arm of the other, resting the plate on his lap as he started to eat. All the while he was watching her in complete silence.

In return she watched him eat every mouthful. Slowly and deliberately he placed each forkful into his mouth and it seemed to her that he was smiling as he chewed.

?Bastard,? she thought, ?He?s laughing at me. He knows I?m hungry and he?s just going to sit there and stuff his face without offering me any of it. I don?t believe him, it?s not fair. I?ve tried to be good, why is he doing this to me??

She could feel the tears starting to prick at the back of her eyes, when she noticed that he had stopped eating and was tearing the chicken into small pieces. Then he placed the plate on the floor where she could just about reach it and sat back in his seat without saying a word.

What was she supposed to do now? Was she allowed to eat or not? Was it a test?

She hesitated, unsure of what to do but unable to look away from the food that was now so close to her. Eventually she looked up at him coyly.

?You hungry, little one?? he asked mockingly.

?Yes Master, very much,? she replied with what she hoped was a pleading look.

In response he closed his eyes and put his feet back up on the arm of the chair. She waited. For a moment she thought he?d gone to sleep, after all he had said how tired he was but then he looked at her again and said,

?Ok then baby, you can eat if you want to.?

Her first reaction was to dive for the food but just in time she remembered her manners and thanked him. He nodded his appreciation and gestured towards the plate, then watched her as she struggled to get up onto her knees once more and shuffle over to the plate before bending her head and hungrily eating the chicken he?d left for her.

When she?d eaten everything he?d given her, he let her sip some of the wine from his glass and again she thanked him gratefully.

Then he unchained her and led her upstairs, still with her hands cuffed together behind her back. Her heart pounded in her chest as they reached the top of the stairs and he told her to go into his bedroom and wait for him beside the bed. She did so as he went into the bathroom and began to run a bath.

Her eyes quickly scanned the room before he returned, it was sparsely furnished. A bed, a chest of drawers, a television and a large built-in wardrobe which took up one entire wall.

?Must have a passion for clothes that I haven?t seen yet,? she figured.

The only other things she could see made her heart race again, the fear building inside her. There was a long leather horse whip like the ones used by someone driving a carriage and a large shiny silver sword propped up in the corner behind the television.

?Interesting decorative scheme!? she mused but she didn?t have time to give it any further thought as he returned from the bathroom and she immediately lowered her gaze to the floor.

He stepped past her and opened a drawer in the chest in the corner. He pulled out a silk scarf and tied it around her eyes before leading her into the bathroom and helping her to climb into the bath and sit down in the warm water.

She wondered why he?d blindfolded her again now but when he got into the bath with her she realised it must have been because he hadn?t wanted her to see his naked body yet.

?Ahhh, bless,? she thought, amused. ?He?s shy!?

Slowly and tenderly he washed her body all over, carefully soaping every part of her and then rinsing her off again with water he wrung from a flannel. The water helped to ease her aching muscles and gradually she allowed herself to relax into what was happening to her. She let him lay her back against the end of the bath while he washed himself and she tried to picture what he was doing from what she could feel as he moved between her feet. After a little while he gently pulled her upright by her hair and helped her to get out of the bath again before wrapping her up in a huge fluffy towel and just holding her still for a few minutes.

She was utterly bemused by such tender behaviour from him but she was starting to understand that she couldn?t predict what he was going to do next and in a way that was exciting for her. She would never know what to expect next.











As if he?d read her mind he suddenly let the towel drop to the floor and pulled her by the arm back into the bedroom. He hadn?t said a word to her since they?d come upstairs and now it was starting to unnerve her. She longed to hear his voice, even just for its own sake, for the sound itself. She loved the sound of his voice. It wasn?t particularly deep but it was rich and soft, and smooth like honey, even when he was angry at her.

The sound of his voice was a big thing for her, blindfolded as she was, it was all she had, the only other connection to him apart from his physical presence and she needed to hear it often but still he said nothing though as he led her to the bedroom.

She stood beside the bed where he?d put her. Her hands still cuffed behind her back pulled her shoulders back and made her small firm breasts appear much more prominent than usual.

He gently kissed her lips and she relaxed into his touch. His tongue probed, searching out every nook and cranny, every tooth as if he was examining every inch of her mouth.

He ran his hand up her spine, making her shiver and then there they were again. His hands in her still damp hair. He let it run over his fingers and gently fall back down onto her shoulders. Then he dug his fingernails into her scalp and raked them lightly back from her forehead to the nape of her neck before beginning to massage her head in tiny circles, all the while still kissing her so passionately that she was soon almost purring.

His nimble fingers worked their way around behind her ears and down towards her neck again until she arched her back and moaned softly.

?Oh God, that?s so good.?

The next thing she knew he?d grabbed her hair in one hand and was holding her tight by the throat with the other, high up under her chin, forcing her head back and to one side. She gasped from the shock of this abrupt change of mood and struggled to keep her balance. The relief surged through her as the adrenaline flooded her system after such a long slow build-up. Her knees buckled and she could feel her heart racing as she noticed that she was breathing very erratically, fast and heavy one moment then barely at all the next.

He held her in this position for what seemed like ages and all she could think was,

?Yes, oh God yes! Oh my God! Oh my God! Oh my God! Yes! Thank-you, thank-you, thank-you.?

Any more rational thought simply refused to form in her mind. The perversely pleasurable combination of the gradually heightened sensuality and this sudden onset of fear and pain were almost too much for her. She couldn?t move, couldn?t think clearly and was having trouble focussing on the situation.

He knew it too, he was playing her like a fiddle, gently taking her off into some nice sensual, romantic ?floating on a cloud? feeling then violently pushing her off and watching her trying to get to grips with the sudden freefall and the terror of the inevitable impact.

Just as her head was starting to swim, he leant in close to her ear and whispered,

?Is there a problem??

Shocked, she tried to shake her head.

?Oh God, no Master, anything but.?

She had no idea what he was talking about. Why would he think there was a problem? Then she realised that she must have made a mistake, done something she shouldn?t have done but what? She came back down to Earth with a crash.

?Oh God, I?ve upset him again. What did I do wrong??

?When I was talking to you downstairs earlier,? he continued, still whispering, ?I was speaking in English, wasn?t I??

She took a deep breath to try and calm herself while she racked her brain for what he?d said then that was relevant now.

?Yes Master? she said cautiously, ?definitely English Master.?

?I wasn?t speaking Swahili??

?No Master.?

?Or Serbo-Croat??

?No Master.?

?I see. Right. And you can actually hear me clearly enough, can you??

Now she was really starting to get panicky. She was totally lost. What the hell was he on about?

?Yes Master, I can hear you perfectly well. Thank-you Master.?

?Then presumably the problem must be occurring between your ears and your tiny brain??

There was a pause and she whimpered ever so slightly as he shook her head a little as if to see if there was some loose cog or screw in there somewhere?

??because if you heard me telling you that you weren?t to make a sound unless I asked you a direct question and you understood me telling you that you weren?t to make a sound unless I asked you a direct question??

Another pause and the realisation of what she?d done began to sink in?

??then I fail to see why you are making so much noise now??

Now she remembered. But now it was too late.

?Oh God. I?m sorry Master, I forgot. I?m sorry, I?m sorry. I?m sorry Master. I?m so very sorry Master. It just felt so nice, what you were doing and I got carried away and I forgot. I?m so sorry, I?m sorry, I?m sorry, I?m sorry??

She repeated the words over and over until finally he stopped her.

?Enough.? he said, ?Just try?to get?it?right.? He jabbed his finger into the centre of her forehead to emphasise the words.

?Yes Master,? she whimpered, ?I will Master, I?m sorry Master.


He pushed her back onto the bed and knelt astride her stomach, crushing the air from her.

?Be sure that you do.? he said. But by now he was only half interested. His attention had been diverted by her breasts which were jiggling in a particularly attractive manner now that she was having trouble breathing due to his weight pressing on her belly.








She lay there breathing fast and shallow for several minutes with him sitting astride her stomach before she began to question what was happening. Then she felt his finger tracing over her breast.

She knew he loved her breasts, he?d said many times how it was them that had first attracted him the first time they met. The way that her T-shirt had clung to them and the shape of their outline had mesmerised him then and it seemed they still did. He?d said once that it was then that he?d decided that he was going to have her, that she was going to be his, no matter what it took. He had to own her, so he could stroke his fingertips along the exquisite curve that ran from just under her arm up to her nipple whenever he wanted.

For her part though, she found it strange. No-one had ever taken any notice of her tits before. They were certainly nothing to write home about. They hadn?t been even when they were pert, firm eighteen year old tits and now that they were slightly-sagging-after-a-baby, thirty-six year old tits they were even less impressive as far as she was concerned.

But she loved the way that he looked at them rather than at her face when he spoke to her sometimes, like other bigger-chested girls often complained about men doing. It had never happened to her before and it made her feel special.

He licked his finger and wet her nipples, then softly blew across them until they stood firm and erect, smiling to himself as she squirmed beneath him. She sighed quietly,

?Clearly, being silent is something I?m going to have to work on with her some more later? he remarked to himself but he let it go this time.

?Enjoying yourself are you?? he asked her gently.

?Oh yes Master, very much so.?

?Well that?s all very nice,? he continued ?but it?s not really why you?re here now is it??

She frowned a little, confused for a moment. Then screamed as he grabbed her hair, pulled her onto her feet and snapped,

?You are here, little slut because you disobeyed my instructions. Or have you forgotten that so soon??

?No Master? she replied quickly, panting from the shock of his sudden aggression. ?Of course not Master.?

?You are here, you will remember, to be punished.?

?Yes Master, I remember. Thank-you Master.?

She was trembling now as she stood before him and it amused him to see it. This was all still pretty new to him too and he was discovering things that he liked as they went along. He loved the way he could make her dance to his tune with a mere word or movement. He was amazed how easy it was to make her do anything he wanted. All he needed to do was say the word and she?d respond.

All he had to say was, ?stand up, lay down, turn over, open your legs, touch yourself?? and he had every confidence that she would do whatever he said without hesitation. There was no real need for any of the physical force that he?d been expecting to have to use, although he liked using it nonetheless. For now at least he liked the feel of his hands on her. There was something primal about it, although it went against everything he?d ever been taught. ?You just don?t hit a woman, no matter what.?

But here she was begging him to hurt her, to do precisely what he?d always tried so hard never to do. It was a strange feeling and it wasn?t easy but he was starting to enjoy the contradiction. It was precisely because it seemed so wrong that it was such a rush. He was rebelling against years of social conditioning and it felt great.

As yet though, he couldn?t just hurt her for the fun of it, there had to be a reason to do it. So he?d set her this first task knowing that she?d fail. She had no chance of doing anything else. He?d been deliberately vague with his orders and had completely neglected to mention half the conditions she was supposed to stick to but he?d wanted to see how she?d react. Would she realise she was being set up and not even bother to try to do what he?d asked? Or would she be as obliging he thought she wanted to be and do everything she could to comply with his instructions?

He was pleased when it turned out to be the latter. She?d tried so hard to get it right that he almost felt bad when he had to tell her she?d failed. He knew she was devastated, he could hear in her voice that she was torn apart at letting him down so early on. She?d obviously wanted so much to make a good impression on him and pass this test so he?d see what a good girl she was.

But he couldn?t let that happen. She had to fail from the very start so that she?d understand that he was in control and that no matter how hard she tried she could never succeed if that was what he wanted. He needed her to know that if he wanted her to fail she would and then she?d be punished for it. She?d already admitted that she?d never been punished before and he was eager to see how she would cope with it.

He led her to the end of the bed from beneath which he pulled out a small box for her to step onto. Then he said,

?Right then my sweet, I want you to climb up onto the box in front of you and then you will step daintily up onto the end of my bed. Do you understand??

She understood the words clearly enough but the reason behind them was a total mystery to her. Nonetheless she did what he asked the best she could considering she was still blindfolded and cuffed.

He positioned her so that she was facing the wardrobe doors with her back to the rest of the bed and balanced on the three inch wide wooden shelf that ran along the top of the footboard. Then he uncuffed her hands and clipped them together above her head to a short chain hanging from a hook in the ceiling.

Next he reached under the bed and took out a metal bar, about three foot long with leather cuffs attached to each end with a ring and catch. He fitted them around her ankles, so she was forced to stand with her feet apart. Then he fastened the bar to the bedstead so that she couldn?t slip.

He stood back and admired his handiwork. She looked beautiful standing there, her legs spread just that little bit wider than was comfortable, making her constantly readjust her position. Although the spreader bar clearly made this all but impossible, she instinctively fidgeted her feet, attempting to find some purchase on the shiny wooden board.

Her arms were stretched taut above her head, emphasising the line of her muscles, their shadows shifting in the light from the lamp to her side. He loved the way her hands betrayed her fear by grasping first at the chain to which they were fixed, then onto each other and then back at the chain to steady herself.

?She must feel so vulnerable,? he mused. After all she was still blindfolded and would have had no idea how safe she really was. He reached out and lightly touched her calf making her jump and cry out as she wobbled and desperately grabbed hold of the chain above her.

?Sorry Master,? she said hurriedly when she?d got her balance. ?I?m sorry, I?m sorry, I?m sorry.?

?Ok, ok enough apologies, ?he replied, laughing at her predicament. It occurred to him that she was probably apologising for apologising out loud, after she?d said sorry for crying out in the first place. She couldn?t win, poor thing.

Excellent. That was just how he wanted it to be.

He smiled and nodded approvingly to himself as he ran his hand very slowly up the inside of her left leg, noticing that she relaxed slightly as he did so. By the time he reached and pinched hard several times at the top of her thigh, she was breathing hard and fast and her legs had started shaking but she was managing to keep quiet. He forced his hand between the lips of her pussy and was reassured to find that she was already very wet.

He wiped his hand backwards, covering it in her juices, then reached up and pushed his fingers far into her mouth. She took a deep breath, inhaling the combination of her scent on his skin, then eagerly set to work licking and sucking his fingers until she?d eaten every last trace of herself from him. Then he abruptly pulled his hand away, leaving her grasping at thin air and whimpering quietly in frustration.

?Hush little one,? he said ?Patience now. Remember you?re not supposed to be having so much fun; this is meant to be punishment not pleasure.?

She hung her head and reluctantly nodded in mute submission.









Although she knew that he would never let her come to any real harm, she wasn?t happy about being up at this height.

?If I was to fall?? she started to think but then told herself that she couldn?t fall for Heaven?s sake, she was chained to the ceiling.

?But what if the fixing came loose?? the voice in her head pressed, ?Then what? I could break my neck or at the very least my nose, I?m bound to land face first.?

God that voice was annoying. It was the same voice that always demanded to know what would happen if a bolt came loose whenever she was on a fairground ride.

She tried to shake it off. She was perfectly safe, she told herself. Nothing would go wrong. He wouldn?t hurt her, well not in a bad way at least. She smiled to herself.

Suddenly she felt something brush against her thigh, making her jump. She tried to work out what it was. It felt soft, like a piece of fabric maybe. He trailed it up over her hips and lower back before letting it tumble gently down between the cheeks of her arse.

She arched her back and sighed. It felt so good. Then he pulled it through between her legs, gently at first, then firmer, then the third time he held each end and pulled it hard up into her crotch and held it there for a second or two before sliding it slowly through again.

Suddenly it wasn?t so soft anymore; it was rough and harsh against the delicate folds of skin of her pussy. She felt it starting to burn from the friction and squirmed to escape it.

But he wouldn?t let her get away; he just kept holding it tighter against her skin, pulling it through faster, from the front then from the back, building up the heat until she was going with the movement, desperately rubbing herself against this new instrument of torment.

Just when she didn?t think she would be able to take much more it was gone and she was left gasping in frustration again. Then she felt the bed lurch slightly as he climbed up behind her before lightly tickling her face with the fabric, now slightly damp from being rubbed against her eager pussy.

He held it to her lips and told her to kiss it; with respect. She did as he said, although she was unsure just how to kiss something with respect but when her mouth made contact with it she immediately realised that it wasn?t a piece of soft fabric after all but thin strips of suede. He trailed them across her face once or twice and moaned softly under his breath, apparently enjoying the way they looked as they splayed out over her pale skin.

He wrapped the strands of suede around her throat, twisting them together and holding them tightly at the back while he kissed her neck, nuzzling under her hair and breathing deeply to inhale its scent.

?Oh my God, this is gorgeous? she thought but it was hardly the punishment she?d been expecting. Was he trying to lull her into a false sense of security? Had he been carried away with the moment and forgotten? Would he actually punish her at all tonight? Or maybe this was her punishment? Perhaps he was punishing her by not giving her what he knew she wanted?

?Stop it!? she snapped at herself, ?For God?s sake woman, just enjoy what?s happening to you and stop analysing everything. You?ve got to learn to relax and just trust him to??

He?d abruptly pulled away from her neck, as if he?d heard what she?d been thinking and been offended by it. Once again he grabbed her by the hair and pulled her head backwards towards him.

?Open your mouth, now,? he instructed his voice suddenly cold again.

She quickly did so and felt him push something hard between her teeth.

?I strongly advise that you do not let that go. Do you understand me??

She nodded.

?Good. Now I want you to listen carefully. What you have been enjoying is called a flogger. It is made of many thin strips of suede, bound together into the handle which you are currently holding in your pretty little mouth.?

The mention of the word flogger had got her breathing hard, she?d seen them before, in films, online in magazines and she?d always wanted to know what it felt like to be on the receiving end of one. Now it seemed she would find out.

?Oh God, am I ready for that?? she panicked. But it was too late to back out now, she?d given him permission to use her however he wanted, so she could hardly start imposing restrictions now, could she? She was so desperate to experience this, she had been for so many years but now that it actually came to it she was scared about whether or not she?d really be able to handle it. It had always looked easy enough but it had to hurt, that was the point after all and real pain was going to be a lot harder to deal with than the fantasy kind.

He bit her ear to get her attention again.

?You still with me are you?? he asked with a touch of impatience in his voice.

?Try to pay attention to what I?m saying, it will make it easier for you later.?

That did nothing to reassure her at all. What did he mean exactly?

He continued in the same low, threatening tone, very close to her ear.

?The flogger will become an important part of your life from now on. It will be used to punish you when you do something wrong, it will be used to test your resolve and build up your resistance to pain and it will often be used just because I feel like it. So you will quickly learn to respect it a very great deal indeed. Won?t you??

She nodded enthusiastically but that wasn?t good enough this time.

?Well? Answer me correctly then.?

Unable to speak properly with the flogger?s handle clamped between her teeth, she replied as clearly as she could,

?Yesh Mashter, I will.?

?Right then, let?s see what you can cope with shall we??

A shudder ran through her as he removed the strands from around her neck but left the handle clenched between her teeth and stepped down onto the floor. He was gone for barely a moment before climbing back up behind her again and she didn?t have time to question why he?d done it before he started to untie her blindfold.

?This is coming off pretty one, because I want you to see for yourself how beautiful you look when you are being whipped. I want you to see the way that you react to each stroke, the expression on your own face and the look in your eyes as you suffer for me.?

As he took away the scarf from her eyes she suddenly understood what he meant. The curtain covering the wardrobe in front of her had been removed revealing two floor to ceiling mirrored doors, all but spanning the width of the room. She was horrified to see herself perfectly framed in the reflection, the black and purple of the flogger?s suede strands contrasting dramatically with her pale flesh. Standing in the position she was, she was so exposed. Nothing was left to the imagination at all.

Instinctively she held her stomach in when she saw how it looked but when he caught her doing it he slapped her backside hard and then caressing her belly he admonished her firmly,

?Don?t do that. Don?t you ever do that when you?re with me. Do you understand? It?s a part of you, part of what makes you so attractive to me. If I wanted a girl I?d go and get one but I don?t. You?re a woman with a woman?s figure and it?s beautiful. So never try to hide anything from me like that again. Alright??

?Yesh Mashter, sorry Mashter.?

She blushed at hearing such tender words from him and felt foolish for doing it. She was frustrated at not being able to answer him properly because of the handle still in her mouth. It was just humiliating and she tried to look away but her eyes were drawn back to the image in the mirror in front of her. She found it hard to recognise the woman she saw there as being herself and she had to admit that there was something strangely fascinating about the sight of the body she knew so well being held in such an unnatural position.

She was still staring at her reflection when he suddenly jumped down from the bed and as he left the room he laughed out loud, calling to her over his shoulder,

?Stay there, don?t move!?

She had to smile at that, as if she could go anywhere!!

Then suddenly there was music playing, loud music, seventies glam rock. It wasn?t a song that she recognised but he clearly knew it well as he returned singing it to himself before climbing back onto the bed and taking the flogger from her mouth. He looked at her in the mirror, gave her a cheeky wink, raised his arm and then hit her for the first time.

As she cried out she realised what the music was for. Obviously he didn?t want the neighbours getting concerned about hearing screams coming from his place and calling the police.

He raised the whip for a second time and instinctively she tried to dodge the blow but it was hopeless, she couldn?t escape the thing?s stinging tail.

?Mind you? she thought ?it?s not as painful as I?d imagined it would be.?

Then a third stroke and a fourth came in quick succession, before she?d had time to recover.

?Ok, ok, I can handle this, it?s not so bad.?

She started to relax a bit and enjoy the sensations he was creating. Yes, it smarted a bit but it was bearable and she was just beginning to think that she might not make a fool of herself after all when he hit her harder than he had done previously and this time it was agonising. The blow seemed to explode on her skin making her cry out again and squirm to get away from him.

?Keep still child or you?re going to hurt yourself,? he said perfectly matter of factly, as if he had forgotten that it was him that was doing all the hurting here not her.

It seemed to her that he was experimenting, varying the pace and force with which he hit her in each place, her back, her arse, her thighs, her calves. He was judging each by her response before moving on to the next location.

Some places hurt more than others and some strokes hurt more than others. Sometimes it landed with more of a thud and other times with more of a sting. That was worse, much worse and it made her yelp in pain and writhe away from the next one.

Before long he realised that the best way to get the reactions he wanted from her was never to do the same thing twice in a row. Despite his intention to have her watch herself, she had her eyes tight shut so she never saw the blow coming.

When he realised this though, he pulled her head up by her hair until she looked in the mirror at her reflection. Then he kept pulling with one hand as he hit her again and again with the flogger in the other, seeming to revel in her horror at seeing herself abused in this way. The more she watched, the more distressed she became until the combination of the pain and the sight of her humiliation became too much for her and the tears began to spill from the corner of her eyes.

As soon as he saw the first tear fall, he stopped, dropped the whip to the floor, undid the straps that held her feet in place and then reached up to unfasten her hands. She crumpled into his waiting arms as soon as she was freed and flung her arms around his shoulders, sobbing for all she was worth.

?I?m sorry Master, I?m sorry, I?m sorry, I?m sorry,? she whispered over and over as he held her tight to his chest, gently stroking her hair. Eventually, when she showed no sign of stopping, he said quietly,

?Hush, little one, you did very well. I?m so proud of you, you were such a brave girl. You?re my brave girl. Well done baby. Well done.?

As he smothered her with gentle, little kisses she felt herself drifting off into a sleepy sort of trance, his words swimming around her head.

His brave girl, she was his brave girl, he?d said she?d done well and he was proud of her.

?He?s proud of me,? she thought as she dozed off, ?he?s proud of me, he?s proud of me, he?s?proud??

And then she was asleep in his arms. A contended smile on her face. He laid her down on the bed and pulled the quilt over her reddened backside.


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The Lady Plumber

The Lady Plumber My wife had been complaining about a drip in the kitchen faucet. Of course I kept ignoring her. So one day I came home from work, walked into the kitchen, and saw what I thought was my wife lying on her back under the sink. She had on a pair of black high heels, a tan colored miniskirt, and a bright yellow T-shirt that showed off her belly button piercing. When did she get her belly button pierced? Why was she dressed to impress? Why was she under the sink? She...

2 years ago
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Gunther The Reindeer Handler Does Candy Claus

Let me say right up front that Gunther was definitely not a young man.I knew he had been around the Santa operation at the North Pole long before I arrived with my bright ideas for cost reduction. I was called in to promote increased toy production by the easily distracted Elves. Those little imps preferred being silly rather than busy little workers focused on their quotas like dedicated employees. As a small-sized human male, I was able to relate easily to the female Elves because they liked...

Fantasy & Sci-Fi
3 years ago
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Mikey the Plumber Part 2

The next afternoon, I was busily working away in my home office, making up for not having accomplished much (at least workwise) the previous day. Slowly, I realized that the room was getting chilly again. I put my hand on the radiator and, just as I expected, the boiler had conked out again. There was only one thing I could do: call Mikey the Plumber! The phone answered on the fourth ring. “Mikey, it’s Dave. The boiler has broken down again. What time can you come back to fix it?” I asked....

2 years ago
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Ana enjoys the plumbers company

Anita enjoys the plumber`s companyThat morning Victor left early on a business trip and I stayed at home waiting for the plumber, because something was wrong in the kitchen’s sink.Around eleven there was a knock at the door and I let him in. He was a young, handsome guy, athletic, huge, with a strong shaped torso. I showed him what the matter was in the kitchen and then left him to work on it. I went to my bedroom and changed into a black skirt and white blouse, no panties at all; I had a...

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The plumber

My name is sandeepa. I live in delhi. I’m married to a very successful business man named gaurav, who travels a lot. I’m 36 years old, very petite 5’1” tall weigh only115 pounds. Nearly everything about my body is very small except my boobs. I’m a generous d cup, my boobs look very large on my otherwise small body. My sexual appetite is best described as voracious! My husband is a good lover and we always enjoy sex when we are together, however he travels a lot and is frequently gone for a week...

1 year ago
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Nick loves bareback banging

Nick was bored, and horny. A deadly combination for him. He needed something to do, so he phoned his friend, Garret. Nick and Garret have had past sexual encounters before, but Garret didn't know Nicks' intentions for tonight. He called Garret and asked him to come over and hang out for a bit, which Garret gladly agreed to do. After they hung up the phone Nick hopped into the shower, washed himself, and brushed his teeth. He wanted to be clean for tonight. Nick is the athletic type, with an...

4 years ago
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The Cunt Plumber

Mrs. Jacobs was dry again. Her husband, Harold, rubbed her pussy with his thumb while gliding his other hand over her tits and belly. "How's that, honey? Do you like that, huh Gloria?"Gloria was in her late 30s, had a big, round ass, a wide set of hips, a pot belly, and a large set of tits that Harold loved to see bounce around while he fucked her. Gloria had a mature face. She was not a beauty queen or a fitness model. She looked more like a teacher, or a maid. She had a body that was not...

2 years ago
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On the phone with the plumber

I was out of town for the day, having a meeting a few hours away, I would get home that same day but in a very tired state. While I am bunking down for lunch, after the first part of the meeting my phone rang, Kiara, my girlfriend calling. “Uh, Andy, did you take all the cash..?” She asked, and she sounded genuinely worried. “Yeah Hun, I just took my wallet.” I explained to her as I sipped my glass of water. I heard her gulp. “Well, I called the plumber to fix the bathroom sink, and he already...

2 years ago
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A Cougar and a Plumber

What a shitty way to start the weekend! She had had a hectic work week, and then the latest guy she had been seeing had been fucking around on her, not even having the balls to dump her in person, but over the phone. Marla was looking forward to the weekend, maybe going to a club or two that night. She needed to cut loose and relax. Even if she was a forty something woman, she still had the sex drive of a teenager and usually slept with mostly younger men after her sexual encounter with the...

4 years ago
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A Cougar and a Plumber

What a shitty way to start the weekend!She had had a hectic work week, and then the latest guy she had been seeing had been fucking around on her, not even having the balls to dump her in person, but over the phone.Marla was looking forward to the weekend, maybe going to a club or two that night. She needed to cut loose and relax.Even if she was a forty something woman, she still had the sex drive of a teenager and usually slept with mostly younger men after her sexual encounter with the young...

5 years ago
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How I Seduced And Got Fucked By The Plumber

Hi guys. This is my first story on ISS. I am a regular follower of all the stories here, especially the crossdressing ones. So….my name is Raju and I am 19. I stay in Mumbai and am an engineering student . My parents are working, so i get a lot of time at home alone. From the time I was 18 i liked to cross-dress especially in skimpy sarees and short skirts. Crossdressing in public was always my fantasy but i could never have the courage to do so. My body is always clean shaven and my ass is...

2 years ago
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How I Seduced And Got Fucked By The Plumber And His Friends

Hi guys, This is rajni (real name : raju) , again …. For those who haven’t read my previous story, i suggest you read it …. In case you are a bit lazy, here’s what it was about. That day in the morning I had seduced the plumber dressed in a skimpy orange saree and a hot sleeveless black blouse and had given him a hot blowjob. hehe . Any man who has seen me dressed as Rajni and knew that i stayed alone (my parents had gone to my cousin’s marriage) would not be able to resist my round and juicy...

4 years ago
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Mo bia bhitare pua banda

Kali ratire genhi genhi raju mote kundhei soila. Sakhalu sakhalu sea mo pachare lagichi genhiba genhiba boli. Maa bia ku genhichi aau seea chadiba. Hau taku rati ku karibu boli kahili. Rati belaku raju banda ku dhoi room re basithila. Mu fresh hei hasi hasi room ku gali. Mo maana bi genhena khaibaku heuthila. Swami two month re thare asanti. Bia galu hua. Jaha heu raju kama chaleideba. Mu khata ku asiba matre raju mote bhidi nela. Hau aji masti kari heba. Dekhi khulilu. Mu dekhe kemiti achi....

2 years ago
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The Plumber

Hello again every one.A girlfriend and i were talking 2 weeks ago about how we have all read how the ups man showed up and had crazy sex with them and the mailman all that stuff. We said that it wouldn't ever happen to us because it just doesnt happen. Read On.I was told i had to be in Tx and to leave as soon as i got everything packed.Well i had to have a plumber come over and fix a leak or replace my toilet before i could go. He had said that he would be here first thing in the morning when i...

4 years ago
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The Plumber

This story starts with the new house I was working on, you see I am a plumber and were fitting out a new house with all the plumbing you know putting in the taps and building the new showers. Any way it started with the house next door it was also a new home that had just been built, I had been on the job a few days before a bloke from next door asking if the was a plumber that could take a look at a problem he had with the double shower and felt that there was a leak. I told him that I would...

4 years ago
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The Sister in Law episode 2 enter the plumber

This story continues from episode I (nice underwear) , you may wish to read that first!That evening after hiding the now dry sticky panties in my attic I attempted to phone Henry the plumber. He was a young lad in his twenties who I knew from the pub. He apprenticed with a big firm, did two years with them after qualifying and then went out on his own. He'd done a good job with our radiators so I was happy to recommend him. The problem was, I couldn't find my mobile! Had I left it at Alison's?...

3 years ago
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Plumbers Helper

I took a deep breath, screwed up my courage and knocked on thedoor. It was like seven-thirty in the morning, but if this was the rightaddress, then.... "Who is it?" came the female voice, faint through the closed door. "Roger!" I called back. "Roger! Come on in!" I turned the doorknob and walked in. I'd never been to this housebefore, but this was going to be the first of a long series of suchmornings if this worked out. But the living room was deserted. "Hello!" "In the...

3 years ago
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Never Ending Sex With A Plumber 8211 Part II

Uss din Junaid jab gaya, mujhe kuchh samajh nahi aa raha tha ki kya karu. Maine socha ki main chup chap nikal ke dost ke ghar jaati hu aur seedhe raat ko aati hu parents aane ke baad. Jab main ghar par hi nahi rahungi toh woh kar hi kya lega? Ya main mere cousin se keh dungi, jo gunda hai, ki Junaid mujhe blackmail kar raha hai. Mera cousin sab dekh lega. Main yeh soch kar sab saaman samet kar nikal gayi. Around 7 bake mujhe mere bhai ka phone aaya. Maine uthaya toh usne puchha,”Didi kaha ho?”...

3 years ago
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Nandita Boudi Becomes A Slut

I put the razor to my face, sliding it over the remaining patches of beard that had grown over the winter. This New Year’s Eve I wanted to look smart for the ladies at the party I was going. I have been going out with Shalini for some time, but I was getting tired of her. I even let Ayan (a dear friend of mine) fuck her brains out in a threesome with me. We fucked both her holes all night long till she could not scream or fight anymore. She couldn’t walk for days after that and stopped speaking...

3 years ago
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Andersonville 12 The Day Linda Anderson Came To Town

I slid the report into the proper file just as he walked into the room. Dennis Butz stood there wearing his three-piece suit, looking as handsome and charming as any man could. But I was not to be tamed by his charm. "Hello, Linda," he said with a friendly grin. "Judge Herns isn't in today," I replied back in a frosty tone. "I'm not here to see her." "My plane leaves in less then an hour Dennis, what do you want?" I slammed the file drawer shut and walked past him to my desk...

3 years ago
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Catching up with my lover Nick

The winter months seemed like they were just getting colder and colder. It was a Tuesday night after my husband left for a 3 day business. My daughter was already asleep and I was laying in my bed when I decided to msg My younger lover Nick.I asked him what he had planned for tomorrow as my husband was away. He replied saying that he has class at 14h00 the afternoon but free the entire morning. I replied saying awesome and asked if he wants to be by me by 8h00 then we could spend a few hours...

3 years ago
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The Plumber and his Helpers

You are having a little problem with one of your toilets. You have called a plumber and I have just arrived at your door, tools in hand. You are dressed in a low cut t-shirt with no bra, a little knee length skirt and you're barefoot. I’m in my plumbing company coveralls with company insignia. I can see you have beautiful large breasts and I start to produce a bulge in the crotch of my fairly tight fitting coveralls. You take a quick glance but don’t initially seem to notice.You tell me the...

Group Sex
2 years ago
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Nandini Deshpande 8211 Part 1Introduction

This introduction story is based on true events. All the characters mentioned are above the age of 18. For personal reasons, the names of the characters have been changed. Any resemblance to any person, living or dead, is purely coincidental. The writer does not believe in any kind of discrimination or disrespect towards women. The story has been written for sexual satisfaction and should be held in the same regard. “Aah!” Nandini moaned as my thick member entered her...

3 years ago
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Nandini Deshpande 8211 Part 1Introduction

This introduction story is based on true events. All the characters mentioned are above the age of 18. For personal reasons, the names of the characters have been changed. Any resemblance to any person, living or dead, is purely coincidental. The writer does not believe in any kind of discrimination or disrespect towards women. The story has been written for sexual satisfaction and should be held in the same regard. “Aah!” Nandini moaned as my thick member entered her...

3 years ago
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The Plumber

It all started one ordinary morning,i had just finished breakfast & was about to wash the dishes when it happened,disaster! I put the tap on to run it so it would get nice & hot & went to make sure there were no more pots lying around in the other room,when i came back water was leaking from under the sink every where the floor was flooded,so i quickly turned off the tap & opened the cupboard & more water ran out,so i started to empty the cupboard & could see where the...

2 years ago
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I had to go out this Monday Morning and left Donna waiting for the plumber. Around 10:30 there was a knock on the door and she let him in, showed him what the problem was and then left him to it. Twenty minutes later she went to see how he was doing, as she looked in the bathroom he was laid on his back under the bath, with his legs apart.Donna went in the bedroom and changed into a black skirt and white blouse, she touched the front of her knickers as she changed, she was so horny. As she sat...

4 years ago
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The Plumber Calls

Paul is a happy go-lucky Plumber with no job too big, no job too small. He is fixing an old lady’s rusty old soap covered taps, which from the look of things had been dripping for months. He receives a call on his mobile. It’s a distraught woman crying and sobbing down the phone. She has a burst pipe and water is going everywhere. “Now, try and be calm. Are you able to turn the water off?” he said, explaining where she should find the stopcock to isolate the water. “Yes,” she replies, “I...

Straight Sex
2 years ago
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The Plumber

This story starts with the new house I was working on, you see I am a plumber and were fitting out a new house with all the plumbing you know putting in the taps and building the new showers. Any way it started with the house next door it was also a new home that had just been built, I had been on the job a few days before a bloke from next door asking if the was a plumber that could take a look at a problem he had with the double shower and felt that there was a leak. I told him that I would...

4 years ago
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A black plumber in our bathroom

Early morning my loving hubby had woken up early and he was getting ready for his office. I went to the kitchen to prepare a nice breakfast.Our pleasant chat was suddenly interrupted by the ringing of the doorbell.Victor went to answer the door.A minute later he came back, followed by a tall black man in overalls who stood a pace behind my husband.It was the plumber, he announced and I asked if something was broken.Victor said one of the pipes of our bathroom needed some attention.Then I went...

4 years ago
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My old neighbor the plumber

My old neighbor, the plumber When living in Atlanta, we had several good neighbors. One of them was Jack O’, a giant black man in his mid fifties, a widower, who lived alone in a nice house around the street corner. One morning I was arriving home when he passed along and I invited him in for a beer.We were sitting at the kitchen counter joking and telling some stories when my sweet Ana walked in wearing nothing but a short transparent black night gown, tight high stockings, stiletto heels and...

2 years ago
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My Buddy the Plumber 10

My best buddy, Kevin is a plumber and recently was doing some work for me inmy basement, which was being made into a gameroom and powder room. Kevinworks as a maintenance man/plumber for a local university. He had comeright from work and was still in his uniform. Let me tell you a little bitabout him. He is a very good looking guy and stands at 6 feet tall. He isvery solid and masculine with short brown hair and a mustache. His has anice build and solid muscles, without being overly...

4 years ago
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Walter the Plumber

My husband is often away on business and that leaves me with plenty of lonely nights on my hands to fantasize about sex. …and boy do I have a vivid imagination.I’ve needed some plumbing work done on my kitchen sink. My kitchen is large with granite countertops and a sizeable island. Walter, the plumber, is a tall, well-built man in his late-40s with graying hair and blue eyes – a total looker. I’ve thought about him since his first visit to give me a work estimate.When Walter arrived on the...

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