Jean Black Cock Slut
- 3 years ago
- 375
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Chap 1.
As Jean and Ray Howell pulled into the driveway of their Virginia home, they both seem to be deep in thought and looked tired.? They had just dropped their youngest son, Brad, off at his freshman dorm at the University of Pittsburg.? He received a full scholarship and looked to be on the way to becoming an engineer.? Their oldest son, Jake, was already out of school, working in Buffalo and seemed to be in a good relationship with a girl named Beth.? All in all, it looked like the couple that had been married for 26 years was finally into their empty nest phase.??
Ray was wondering how his wife, who had been home schooling their boys for the last ten year was going to react to being free of that responsibility.? Teaching the boys had been her passion and kept her busy.? Now that she was free to do what she wanted, he wondered what she would be taking up.? Jean was a lovely, 46 year old, blond lady, still with a good figure, 36DD tits, with just a beginning of a mid bulge.? She had commented on the trip home that she was now going to take better care of herself with her newfound time.?? Ray, was also a good-looking guy at 46 year old.? He weighed in at 230lbs, 6'1" tall and worked out regularly at work.? He had retired from the military and now worked as a government contractor.? They were comfortably secure financially, and even had some new found cash now that Brad's college fund would not be needed due to his scholarship.?? Looking at the couple, one would think that they had it all together, but there was anxiousness just under the surface that was to bring drastic changes into their lives.?
The first couple of weeks with no kids around the house were like a second honeymoon for the pair.? Ray chased Jean around the house naked initiating some very fun bouts of sex.? But even though they enjoyed their new freedom to have sex, what they did together just was not enough for either to get off.? They had always enjoyed sex together, but Jean being very conservative had never allowed them to have sex when the boys were in the house.? They had always slept with their doors open, so she would never let them hear anything close to sex coming out of their bedroom.? That plus having the kids home schooled, made it hard for afternoon sex when Ray could sneak home early.?? If they were lucky, the two maybe had sex twice a month, but there was a problem there also.?
Jean enjoyed sex with her husband, but she knew that over the years, with her cunt birthing two big boys, she just wasn't getting the kind of friction needed to get off.? Top that off with Ray having only a 4-inch dick and she looked at their sex as more of a bonding time then sexual relief.? Ray on the other hand was also having troubles when he had sex with his wife.? For a combination of reasons, he had not come in her juicy pussy in years.? He could stay hard, but just could not get stimulated enough to shoot.? The main reason for this was his overactive jack off session and addiction to internet porn.? For years, to make up for the lack of sex available from his wife and having a strong sex drive, Ray spent every weekend night and a couple during the week jacking off in his computer room, while the family thought he was playing one of his computer war games.? In truth, he was spending hours, stroking his little penis while browsing his favorite sites, Karenkayonline, Dark Wander, and Cuckold Place looking for the hot story that would get his mind and dick hot enough to cum.?
An unexpected result of this play time was that Ray's dick now took a good amount of stroking from his tight fist to come.? This just was not available when he screwed his wife, as she was not into long foreplay and her pussy could not squeeze his little dick to get the feelings he needed.? He also missed the mental stimulation the stories provided when he made love to his wife.? He loved her and he still thought she had a hot body, but after 26 year of marriage, there was not much more to think about or try during sex.? She adamantly refused to try anal sex, which might give the tightness he needed.? His recent porn fantasies had revolved around hot wives being taken from their wimp husbands and made into black cock slut slaves.? He often imagined his little wife with a big cock giving her the pleasure his lacking equipment could never produce.? He would love to see her really enjoying sex and coming like they did a few times when they were young.? He really loved his wife and wanted her to let loose and get the pleasure she desired.? He knew this was only a dream as her only black girl friend was divorcing her asshole husband and he was not the strong type.? He could just not see Jean in a situation where this type of relationship could form.? Nor did he really think he wanted to be made the wimp in his wife's eyes.?
So, after two months home alone together, the two settled down into a comfortable existence.? Jean had taken the time to begin a good exercise routine that was paying off with toning her legs and stomach.? She was looking better every day, but there was still a hole in her day that she was getting more and more restless to fill.? Ray also saw that his wife needed to get some kind of mental activity, as this had always been a part of her talent and joy.? He wondered what Jean could do to fill up her day.? He did not want her to get a job, for selfish reasons.? He liked having her home when he got there and wanted her to be available to him when the mood struck.? He also liked the way she kept the house and she now had more time to cook great dinners.?? What she needed was a part time job or volunteer work that would keep her mind active but still get her home to meet his needs.? He knew this was sexist, but hell, he enjoyed his life and did not want anything to rock his world.?
Jean had developed over the years of teaching her boys into a very good teacher, even though she had no teaching degree.? She did hold duel majors in biology and chemistry and wanted to be a pharmacist before she married Ray and became a housewife.? She had even helped other home school mom's with their kids, advising them of books and teaching styles.? Ray knew of Jean's skills in this area and thought that if she found some work that allowed her to tutor she would get the mental stimulation and contact with kids that her present lifestyle now lacked.?
Over dinner one night, Ray brought up the subject to see how Jean would react.?
"Jean, baby, I know you are missing something in your life, now that the boys are gone and it's just the two of us.? You are a great teacher as our boys successes have shown.? Maybe you should look to do some volunteer work over at the high school to keep your hand in and help out."
Taking his wine class in hand he looked at his bride for a reaction.? She looked up and seemed to be thinking hard.? Shaking her head after a moment, "I don't know.? I don't have any teaching degree and while I liked teaching my kids, I don't know about going into a high school environment.? They won't need someone like me."
Ray knew she needed some prodding, so he spent a couple minutes stoked her ego and skill at teaching and then came up with a suggestion.? "Why don't you just call the high school office and see if there is any program that they have for volunteer tutors.? If they don't then we will look elsewhere, but if they do, promise me that you will go over and see if it fits your time and skills."
Exacting a promise from Jean to check it out, he continued to enjoy his meal and then spent a nice evening watching the tube until Ray begged off to go play his computer 'war game'.? Hours later, after shooting two small puddles of his spunk on his stomach reading a great story about Corrupting Carol on Karen Kay, he joined his sleeping wife.? He already knew through research online that the local high school had a volunteer tutor program so he was pretty sure his wife would be keeping busy.? What he did not know was that the program was run by the assistant principle, Mike Steel, a 38 year old black buck who would soon be enjoying pleasures that only he had tastes for the last 26 years.??
Chap 2.
The next morning, after getting Ray off to work, Jean changed into shorts and a tee shirt and went for her morning power walk.? She was now able to cover the two miles around her sub division in good time and worked up a good healthy sweat.? Once home she did some sit ups and a little dumb bell work to help here middle age muscles.?? Finishing up and getting ready for her shower she took a second to look at herself in the mirror as she passed by.? Her butt was still nice and her tits, while no longer perky, were still firm and full on her chest.? She had always thought herself pretty in the face, so all in all; she gave herself a smile as she evaluated her body.? The last couple months of activity with Ray still proved that she was desirable to him, but she was very concerned that Ray had not been able to cum during sex in years.? She just did not know what the problem was.? Yes, she did produce a lot of juice when they got going, and maybe she was not the most active participant during sex, but that had been the way they had been having sex for years.? Of course, she had to admit that she had not come in years from Ray's lovemaking and had relied on a quick humping against a pillow to get off when the urge got to great.? She thought maybe she would go online after her shower to see what could be done to help Ray get some relief.???
Sitting down at the computer in her towel, she booted it up and started going into Google.? Looking up orgasms was like opening up a porn bonanza.?? She saw in the first couple sites, more cocks then she had ever seen in all her early dating.? Ray was the first guy to make love to her and took her cheery, but she had felt and seen a few dicks in high school.? None of them, especially Ray's, could come close to the whopper shlongs she saw as she waded through the many sites looking for something written about achieving orgasms.? After ten minutes of looking at all the fuck scenes and even daring to click on some of the free video feeds, she had forgotten about Ray's problem and become aware of another between her own legs.? She quickly shucked her towel, found her favorite pillow and humped herself to a nice warm come, visualizing some of those big cocks working into her hot pussy.? She knew this was wrong, but when the mood hit her she could be a very sensual person.? She pulled herself together and remembered her promise to Ray to call the school to see if there were any volunteer tutor positions.? Dressed now in a summer dress, she found the schools phone number and dialed.
The receptionist in fact did confirm that they had a volunteer program and said she would connect her with the assistant principle in charge.? When a deep male voice answered,? "Hello, Mike Steel, how can I help you?" she started to explain her situation.? "Hi, my name is Jean Howell, and I was wondering if you could use a volunteer tutor?? I do not have any teaching degree, but I have gotten two of my boys accepted to college with my home schooling them.? I now have time on my hands and was wondering if I could lend a hand to any of your students that need a little help."
"Miss Howell, thank you for your interest.? I think we could use someone with your experience.? We do require a minimal training and screening period before you can work with the kids, but I am sure we can work that out.? Do you think you could come in and see me so I could explain the program and we can see what you have to offer?"
Jean was very happy that there seemed to be a place for her talents, so she agreed to come in that afternoon to see Mr. Steel.??
Hanging up, the two had very different ideas about what the upcoming meeting was going to produce.? Mike Steel had always had a thing for married women who he could take to places sexually that they had never reached with their white-bred husbands.? Having a nice 10' long, 4-inch diameter cock, he had always pleased the women he took possession of.? He thought of them as his possession, once he made them come and shot his thick load deeper then any had before.? He started the tutor program in order to meet parents who might fit his bill as attractive conquests for his use and abuse.? To date, he had only met women that were not his type.? He got them tutoring in the classrooms, but did not take the effort to tutor them in the bedroom.? He hoped that this Mrs. Howell might be attractive and be his first conquest.
Jean looked at the upcoming meeting with a mixture of anticipation and fear.? She had not been in any work environment since getting married and was a little afraid about meeting new people and fitting in.? She also was not sure her teaching skills would be up to the schools standards.? So, trying to look nice in a conservative dress and 2" heels, she went off to meet with Mr. Steel.
The receptionist at the school gave her a pass and instructed her how to get to Mr. Steel's office.? The instructions were not to the main office area, as Mr. Steel had his office near the gym.? Mr. Steel was the coach to the football team before he took this assistant principle job.? Now he pulled double duty and decided to keep his previous office as he enjoyed being near the locker rooms.? In fact, he had keys to some storage areas that allowed him some interesting viewing pleasures of the girl's locker showers.? He passed some quality office time scoping out the young talent.? He knew better to get involved with underage girls, but their mother's were another matter.?
Jean found the office with Mr. Steel's name on it and knocked.
Again, the deep voice she had first heard over the phone made her heart skip as it responded, "Come in."
Getting up from his chair, Mike took in the pretty blond lady that now entered his domain. Mike shook the lovely lady's hand and looked down from his 6'3" height evaluating the 5'5" blonde's body.? She definitely had potential.?? Feeling her soft smooth white skin, with a creamy complexion, she had his cock twitching in his shorts.?? The large black man that now filled her vision and kept hold of her hand as they went through their introductions took Jean aback.? They quickly agreed to call each other Mike and Jean, and soon Jean was seated in the chair in front of Mike's desk while Mike sat on the edge of his desk.?
Asking about here past teaching skills and realizing he could use her lack of qualification to his advantage, Mike came up with a plan to get together with Jean in a more relaxed environment, away from prying eyes.? He began to lie out his plan. "Jean, you look to be just the choice of volunteer I have been looking for.? You know how to motivate kids, one-on-one, and seem to have the desire to get results.? What you do not have unfortunately is the credential to do this sort of teaching."?? Jean had thought she would not make the cut so expected a quick departure.? What she got was something that would change her life.? "The school realizes that many of the volunteers that come to us will not have these credentials, so we came up with a program, given over weekends that will get you up to speed and ready to teach our kids.? Someone with your academic merits and personal experience will not have any problem getting through this program and it is given in a relaxed environment so don't feel you will be under any stress to perform.? In fact, since this is the middle of the term, and we conducted most of the volunteer training this past summer, you will be the only trainee.? I hope that does not bother you."
Jean was now thinking of whether it was worth losing some weekends to get this qualification.? She knew her husband would not like her being away during the weekends, but they were only for a couple of weeks.? She would make it up to him somehow.? She really had missed teaching and now wanted to get started.? Sitting in the chair in front of Mike, she could not help but being eye level with his midsection.? What caught her eye and she had to make a conscious effort to raise her eye to meet Mike's, was his large package straining the confines of his shorts.? It looked like a large sausage was working its way down his thigh.? The combination of this morning's Internet research and now this visible example of real male sex muscles was not helping her concentration.?
Pulling herself back to the matter at hand, she finally agreed to go through the training. Mike quickly stood to end the interview, not wanting to give her too much time to ask questions, he told her his plan for their first session.
"Jean, since you will be the only trainee, do you mind if we don't make this too formal."
Jean readily concurred.? "Great, then I will see you at my home on Saturday, say around 10AM.? I have work to do around the house and you can study and ask question while I get some work done.? This way we both won't lose our weekends.? By the way, I have a pool, so if you want, we can study and stay cool.? Here's the address.? Again, thanks for volunteering and I know we will be learning a lot together.? I am anxious to hear your experience at home teaching, and I hope my skills will teach you a few thinks also."
Ushering the stammering women to the door, his firm hand on her back made her body warm all over. Why does this man make me so uneasy, she thought to herself?? And why did she not object to conducting the training at his house.?? How was she going to explain to her husband that she was taking training at the black principles home, sitting around the pool.? Considering all these thought walking to here car, she knew that she would go.? She would tell her husband the truth; just not include all the details.? She had no reason to think anything inappropriate was going to occur, and she thought that she could keep herself in check.? This might be fun after all.? Jean was always a person who tried to look for the silver lining and tried to think the best of people.? She would soon learn that she was quickly entering a side of life that she never knew existed.?
That night when Ray got home, Jean met him at the door and in short order had gotten the always-randy Ray into bed.? While it felt good to have Ray saw his little dick into her warm wet pussy, she could not help but think what it would be like to have a cock the size of Mike's between her legs.? The visualization actually got her hot enough to enjoy a small orgasm, but Ray could not get the same relieve.? He loved having his wife initiate sex, but just could not get the right kinky thought together to get off.? After their fun time, they enjoyed a good dinner and Jean broke the news about the volunteer program.?
"Dear, I took your advice and looked into the tutor volunteer at the high school.? It turns out they do have a program that I fit into.? I will have to take some training and they will have to do a personal screening, but in a few weeks I will be able to tutor."
"That's great baby, I knew you would find a place at that school.? They would be fools to not see your talent and make use of them. What kind of training program will they be putting you through?"
Jean knew that this was the right time to break it to Ray.? She had given him a good romp in the hay, a good dinner, fine wine and now was the time to slip in the gotcha.
"Well, the leader of the training has to do it over the weekends, as he teaches all day at the high school.? So, unfortunately, I will have to be gone for a couple hours each Saturday, until they say I am ready.? I know you do yard work and stuff on Saturday, so having me gone should not be too much of a problem.? It will only be for a few weeks and then you will have me back again."? Jean could have not been more wrong in her assessment.? Ray would never have Jean back after Mike trained her as his slut. But they did not know what was to come, so, with a little feeling of being cheated Jean's presence over the weekend, he agreed that it was a small price to pay to get Jean back to teaching.?
Enjoying the rest of the night, they both slept well.? Ray was now confident that Jean had found a project to fill her time. Jean was looking forward to a new adventure, with the added benefit of having a hunky teacher to look at while she prepared to get back into the classroom.? Both had willingly opened a door that would change their lives.?
Chap 3.?
When Saturday arrived, Jean got her things together for her visit to Mike's.? She did not think that she would go swimming, as she rarely sat out in the sun due to her white complexion. ?So she dressed in shorts and a cool top, conservative bra and panties.? Ray was out in the yard working when she called from the door that she was leaving.? She told Ray that she had made a sandwich for his lunch and did not know when the training was over, so she would call if it were late.? Ray was busy mowing and just waved his wife on her way.?
The drive to Mike's house was easy, as she had looked up his place on Mapquest.? It was out of the town a little, but easy to find.? When she pulled her van up Mike's driveway, in a secluded wooded area, she saw Mike in the yard.? He had his shirt off, wore tight sweat shorts, and was working on his hedges.? Jean had to stop herself from moving her hand to her pussy as she looked on this black man's physique.? He really was built, and his obvious male appendage filled his short to the breaking point.? Mike stopped his work and came over to her door.
"Hey Jean, glad to see you found the place.? Hope my directions were OK."
"They were fine Mike.? You have a lovely place here."? Jean climbed down from her car with Mike's hand helping her out.? Together, they strolled around the yard until they came into the back yard and a nice area that had a shaded area next to the pool, with a table with a stack of books.? Lounge chairs and towels were close by and the pool looked nice and cool.? The day promised to get warm.?
Mike offered Jean a drink and she accepted an Ice Tea.? As Mike went to get it, she offered to help and followed close behind.? "If I am to take classes here, I do not want to be a burden. Please show me where things are and I can make myself to home," the blond stated bouncing behind Mike's broad back.? Mike smiled, knowing that soon she will be right at home here in his house, in every way a couple should.
Giving Jean a tour of the house, that included his bedroom, she quickly adjusted to the lay of the house and armed with her drink stated, "Well, I guess its time to start my training.? What are we going to learn today?"? Mike wanted to burst out with a curriculum of fucking and sucking but kept a straight face and took her to the table to go over the subjects he had arranged.? The first hour or so was going to be on teaching styles and different approaches.? After lunch he was going to get into some of the classroom dynamic sessions, dealing with discipline and sexual harassment.? He hoped to get into some interesting hand's-on experiments as the afternoon developed.
The morning went quickly and she went through the readings with ease.? Mike came and went as she read, and she enjoyed looking at his body as he puttered around the yard.? She caught herself asking questions she knew the answers to just to get Mike to stand over her and talk about the subject.? She would pretend to listen but was captivated by this hunks body and swaying package so obvious in his shorts.? Over the course of the morning she had determined that he was not wearing any underwear under his shorts, and at times she could clearly see the large ridged head of his cock against his shorts leg.?
Jean offered to make lunch and they had a nice talk about their families over the sandwiches Jean made.?
Mike learned all about Jean, her boys and her husband.? Jean learned that Mike was a bachelor, inherited some cash to buy this nice house and was comfortable in his lifestyle.? Jean could not help but ask, "So, what's a gorgeous guy like you doing being single?? I would think some nice girl would have taken you off the field long ago."? Mike sensing an opportunity, stared into her eyes and responded, "Jean, I am not the kind of guy who is looking for a 'nice girl'.? I enjoy my life and I think the women who have been with me come away very satisfied.? I know that I am attractive.? You know you are a beautiful women.? We should live life to the fullest as it presents itself and that has always been my motto."?
The intensity of Mike's words made Jean uncomfortable.? He found her attractive and he was a very vital man.? She would have to be careful to keep this in the friendship mode and not get too hot and heavy.?
The air was thick with sexual innuendo as the two finished their lunch in silence.? Mike returned to his work and Jean to her reading.? The day was getting hot and Jean was starting to perspire.? Mike had come out of the house wearing a tight pair of swim trunks and dived into the pool to cool off.? Swimming over to the side of the pool he noticed Jean succumbing to the heat and made an offer.? "Jean, you look hot, why don't you put your swim suit on and come into the pool?"
Jean remembered she had not brought a suit.? "I would love to Mike, but I did not bring my swim suit.? It looks so cool, and it is getting warm out here."
Mike smiled, "That's OK, I have a few ladies swim suits that have been left here over the year that I know you would fit into."? Climbing out of the pool, with the wet suit leaving every inch of Mike's cock and balls for her to see, he took her hand and led the protesting mother of two into the house.? When Mike laid out the three sets of bikini swimsuits on the bed for her to choose. She got self-conscious and began to protest, "Oh Mike, I could never wear bikinis like those.? I'm an old married woman.? Don't you have a nice one piece I could wear?"
Mike shook his head, "Nope, this is it, and you should not be saying you are old or that you would not look great in any of these suits.? Here wear this one for me.? There is no reason for you to be hot and sweating as we go through this training.? We are both adult, so put this on and I will see you in the pool in five minutes."? Taking the two suits that were a little less revealing then the one he picked, he turned and walked out the door.? Jean just stood there with her mouth open.? She had never been talked to in that strong dominant way and just could not get a grip to continue her complaint.? She had not worn a bikini in 15 years, but looking at the patches of cloth in her hand she now felt she had no choice.? She did not want to appear a prude to Mike and his forcefulness put her into slow motion action.? Closing the door for privacy, she began to strip out of her cloths.? She was glad that she always kept her bush trimmed short so when she pulled up the bottoms, none of her hair stood out.? The bottom barely covered her butt and she felt like she was totally on display.? The top piece barely covered half her full tits and she would have to be careful not to fall out of her top while in the water.? She did not even want to look in the mirror, because if she did she would lose all her nerve.? Walking slowly out to the pool, she felt like she was a total slut in this outfit.?
Mike was in the water watching the blond walk to the steps of the pool and begin to enter, step by step.?? The water slowly covered her and as the suit got wet, all of Jean's charms became apparent to his gaze.? It was at this moment, watching the women obey his instructions and present herself to his lustful gaze; he knew she would be his toy.
The two swam side by side for a couple minutes, not saying a think. Just enjoying the cool water caressing their skin and steeling looks at each other's bodies.? Soon they knew it was time to get out of the water, and they moved to the steps.? Mike took Jean's hand to steady her as she walked out of the water.? Standing just behind the blond, Mike saw all of Jean's body as she ascended to the deck.? He quickly went and got a towel and wrapped it around her shoulders and began to guide her to the lounge chairs.?
"Jean, its time for some training in classroom dynamics.? Its just discussion, so lets sit in these loungers, enjoy the sun and talk. Here let me put some of this sun screen on your back as we don't want your white skin to get burnt."? Sitting down on the lounger, Jean was on autopilot, following any request Mike made.? She soon felt his strong hands rubbing the cool lotion into her back.? His hands working dangerously close to her ass as he covered her.? Giving her the bottle he went to his chair while Jean continued to put the lotion on the rest of her body.? She had never been a sun person, so the lotion was needed.? Mike lay back and watched Jean spread the lotion over her tits and down her belly to her legs.? He had to admire the fine shape Jean had kept her body.? For a 46-year lady, she could easily pass for late 30s.? He hoped she also had the stamina to withstand his sexual assaults once he had broken her defenses.?
He began to talk to Jean of school policy about what was appropriate and what was not when it came to contact between students and teachers.? He was being vague and Jean began to ask questions.? "Mike, how do you know when a kid is just being friendly and when he is trying to get fresh?"? Jean had really never considered any problems cropping up in the sexual realm as she had been teaching her own kids and it never crossed her mind.? Now Mike was proposing scenarios where she might be confronted with unwanted advances and what she should do.?
Mike thought it was time for a demonstration to help their discussion.? "Here Jean, lets go the table and I will play the student you are tutoring and I want to see what your reaction will be to some of the actions you will probably see.? You have to expect some of this as you are a very hot lady and some the kids are in their prime and will screw you in a second."? Jean did not know weather to be flattered by that statement or run home to Ray.?
Mike sat down and opened a book.?
"OK, come up to me and act like you would when answering a question about something in this book."?
Jean came up to Mike's right side and just like she did with her own boys, put her hand on Mike's shoulder and leaned over to read what Mike was pointing at.?
Mike took this opportunity to bring his right had up the back of her leg and slowly trace a finger up her thigh.? Jean froze at the touch and Mike kept up a slow motion trace until his fingers were only inches from her wet bikini bottoms.?? Mike broke the trance; "You know that if you do what you just did during a tutoring session, you could get yourself in trouble.? I know my fingers must have startled you, but by not moving and keeping your hand on by body you are just asking for a horny kid to do this."
Mike pushed with his right hand on Jean's legs until she felt herself begin to bend forward. With just a pull and a twist, Jean was sitting on Mike's lap with his arms wrapped around her and pulling her in for a quick kiss.? Letting her go, she was so stunned that she just sat there and looked to Mike's strong face.?
"You have to be very careful around rowdy horny guys, Jean.? You are not strong and will be easy to get the better of if you let yourself get into a compromising position.? You should have come from the front and looked over the desk, avoiding any contact.? You touched me first, so I naturally took it that you wanted me and took what I wanted.? You have to expect that kind of treatment.? Some of the guys I will be having you tutor are not from the best backgrounds and need a strong hand.?? Think you are still up for the task?"?
Jean could not believe she was still sitting on Mike's lap listening to him talk about horny teenagers.? She could not get over her own lack of response to his kiss and now the growing warm log that was poking her in the ass.? Mike had begun to use his strong hands to touch her back and ass as he questioned her about her ability to handle situations like this.? She finally got her wits about her and struggled to stand.
Mike let her and kept right on talking like this was still a training situation. "If you are ever in this situation, you will probably notice the boy getting excited being near such a desirable women as you."? Reaching up, Mike used the back of his hands to run them over her rock hard nipples that were sticking thought the thin material of her suit.? "If the boy sees that you are also excited, he might take more advantage.? At the least he will try to understand what your obvious excitement means for his chances for further fun."?
Shifting in his seat so he now sat with legs spread and centered directly at the standing dumbstruck blond, Mike continued.
" Jean, now there will also be times when boys will try to show themselves to you to see how you will react."? Mike took his time looking right into Jean's eyes knowing that his own hard cock stuck out a good six inches below the edge of his swim trunks.? He purposefully twitched his hard cock to make sure she knew it was there for her viewing pleasure.? He continued his instruction.? "Boys will be looking for your reaction.? You can handle a situation like this two ways.? You can make a scene, and try to get the boy in trouble or you can just ignore his attempt to fluster you.? In fact, I have seen some teachers turn the tables on the young showoff and make a comment about his size.? Of course if he really is big, it will do no good trying to burst his bravado, but you might think about that approach."? Mike knew he only had to wait and sure enough Jean's gaze slowly shifted down until she was staring directly at his huge throbbing cock.? Jean had never seen a cock in person this size and was mesmerized.? Mike felt like he had found a deer in the headlights.? Jean could not take her eyes off his midsection.? Slowly standing up her reached down and peeled his suit off.? Letting it drop to the ground he stepped out of it and stood before Jean in all his manliness.? Moving to within a foot of the terrified women, Mike smoothly reached for Jean's hands and pulled them onto his rampant cock.? Jean could not help but to take the giant cock and begin to feel its size and weight.? She moved her left hand down and cradled his large ball sac.? It filled her hand to overflowing.?? She took a second to stop looking at Mike's cock and to look up into his face.
Mike smiled and said, "Jean, baby, I know you have been wondering about my package all morning and if we are ever to get any work done and get you trained, I thought we should just get this out of the way.? Take your time and see what a real man's cock feels like and when you are done, we can continue."? Stepping back, making sure Jean kept a hold of his cock and ball, Mike sat back down at the edge of his chair.? Jean had to kneel down to keep holding his cock and now was eye level with his weapon.? Mike leaned back and with a sure smile on his face, closed his eyes and relaxed.? The ball was totally in Jean's court.?
Jean could not seem to let go of this cock even when all her thoughts were screaming at her to run.? The size and power that this cock represented was too much of an attraction. Considering the lackluster sex she had for many years, she just had to know what a cock like this would do to her. She slowly began to fist the cock, not being able to reach all the way around with her slim hands.? Her diamond wedding band sparkled in the sun as she worked the object of her obsession to its maximum length.? Jean could not imagine what a cock that long would do to her.? In a moment of craziness, she instinctively lowered her head and licked a big drop of precum that had oozed from the tip of Mike's cock.? Once started, she worked the length of his cock with her tongue and spent a good five minutes giving his cock and balls a nice tongue bath.? No longer fighting the urge, she spread her mouth and took the giant head of Mike's cock into her mouth and began to suck it as deep as she could.? She had never been into oral sex, but one would not know this from the effort she was putting in to please this black Adonis that was letting her service his mighty tool.?? Mike finally could not take much more and after fifteen minutes more of her slobbering over his cock reached down and held her head close as he shot his load down her gullet.? Coughing and sputtering the pretty blond tried to pull up, but Mike would not let her mouth leave his cock head uncovered.? He fired blast after blast of his rich load and Jean had to swallow time and again to keep from chocking.?? When Mike was sure he was finished and Jean was now just slowly sucking his slightly deflated cock, he let go of her head and she seemed to collapse to the ground between Mike's legs.? Mike smiled down at her and said, "Now that you have gotten that out of your system we can continue on if you are ready."
Jean hearing Mike so casually talk about her carnal act of cheating on her husband could only shake her head and sit there.? "Give me a minute.? I have never done that in my life and you have to understand I am not this type of women.? I do not cheat on my husband. I love him.? You have to understand. I do not know what came over me."
Mike nodded his head and played along.? "I understand Jean.? Your husband must not be anywhere near as big as me for you to be so excited by the sight of a real man's cock that you had to show your desire by giving me such great head.? It's only natural for a sexy women like you to know that when you get a chance to experience a cock like this you can't pass it up.? In fact, you probably were hoping that I would do more for you.? I know you must be terribly frustrated now, as your soaked crotch clearly shows.? But I think we need to wait for another time to see if you really are ready to take your training to the next level.? For now, lets enjoy the afternoon by the pool, forget about the tutoring studies and just relax and get to know one another."? Mike reached down and picked up the quivering lady like she was a sack of flower and effortlessly carried her into the pool.? He was still naked, and he did not try to take Jean's suit off as they swam together.? Jean could not help reaching out and touching the black man whenever she could and often had his cock wrapped in her hands.? They talked about their previous sex experience, with Mike extracting all the details of Jean and Ray's sex live, including his inability to come.? Jean could believe she was swimming with a naked black hunk in a see through bikini, and that she was touching and caressing his huge cock.? She had such mixed feelings about here actions this afternoon.? To suck his cock and swallow his load was so dirty. She had never swallowed Ray's load.? How could she ever come to grips with her actions, but her body and ego were loving that fact that this vital black man was attracted to her and was enjoying her company.?
As the afternoon was ending, Mike lead Jean back into his bedroom, laid on his bed and told Jean to take a shower, dress and go home to her husband. ?"Jean, I hope to see you back here next weekend.? Same time and we will continue your training.? I will also be in my office each afternoon at 1300 for an hour if you want to drop by and visit.? I know I would love to have your loving mouth give a return performance anytime you get the urge." Not knowing how to respond to this brazen statement she just shook her head.? Jean took her cloths into the bathroom, showered dressed and came out to find Mike asleep on his bed.? She just could not help reaching down one last time and hefting his cock.? Even flaccid, it was larger then Ray's hard.? She leaned down and gave the head a soft kiss.? She mumbled to herself, "I think I will have to be seeing you again, big fellow."? Slipping out and driving to her home she could not believe what had transpired.? She had blown a black guy she had only met a day ago.? She had spent the day telling him her most intimate sexual history.? She had all but promised that she would be back to continue her training.? How could she face Ray??
She parked the car in the driveway and quietly slipped into the house, not wanting Ray to see her in her agitated condition.? She wondered where Ray was, as she had not seen him outside and his car was still in the garage.? Tiptoeing up the stairs, she saw that Ray's computer room door was closed, but she could hear voices from inside.? Putting her ear to the door she froze as she hear what could only be the sounds of a girl getting a sexual pounding.? Pushing open the door to peak in, she was surprised and then revolted at what she saw.? Ray was naked in his chair looking at a movie being shown on his computer.? On the movie, a buxom blond was getting royally screwed by two built black guys.? What got her flustered, was that their cocks were just smaller then Mike's and from the way the blond was creaming and screaming to be fucked it was obvious she was not faking.? The two guys were calling her all kinds of names and she was readily agreeing with them that she was their slut.? She declared she would be their slave for as long as she could make them happy.? They taunted her about her husband and she told them that he was a pencil dick and she would never let him near her holes again.? All through this Ray was pounding his little pud.? He had even gotten a big black dildo from somewhere and was slowly working in and out of his asshole.? To see her husband engaged in beating off while watching such degrading movies stopped Jean in her tracks. How could Ray like watching stuff like that.? What was with him using a dildo?? Was he gay?? She moved back from the door but could still see into the room.? She watch another ten minutes until her loving husband beat himself to the point of shooting a small load on his stomach.? Jean could not help but compare the difference in size and consistency between Ray and Mike's seed.? Seeing Ray slowly remove the slick black dildo from his ass, she quickly went back down stair and out the door.? Once in her car, she let gravity move her van down the driveway and out onto the street.? Starting the car, she drove around the block for about ten minutes and then returned home.? When she entered she heard Ray in the shower and quickly went into his computer room.? Ray's screen saver had not kicked in and she hit his history button and found where Ray had been getting his porn.? Ray's history was full of porn sites, but since Ray kept his profile password protected, she had never been able to see where he went.? Thinking quickly she hit the export button on the browser and sent his whole Internet favorite files to her as an email.? Hearing the water turn off, Jean went into the bedroom and waited to talk to her husband about their day.
Chap 4
Jean's mind raced as she sat on the bed and watched her husband go about drying off.? She had moved so far in one day that she needed to take a time out to figure out what was happening in her life.? As Ray noticed his wife sitting on the bed in her shorts and shirt, he smiled, dropped his towel and started to move towards his bride. Jean was mad at Ray for his recent jack off session.? She had always suspected that Ray was doing some jacking off when he was up late at night, but with her not wanting to have sex with the kids around, she just let it go as normal male hormones. Now she began to wonder how much he beat off and was could that be a reason for his lack of coming when they made love.? Remembering the intensity of that movie, she could understand how Ray would get off on it, as it has gotten her juices going from just watching for ten minutes.? Of course her afternoon with Mike might have had something to do with her seeing it as more sexual then disgusting.?
Jean wanted to see what Ray would do if she came on to him.? Standing up she moved to her naked husband and gave him a soft kiss.? "Hey babe, I missed you today." Ray said as they broke their kiss.? Jean hugged him and responded, "Me too, the training was fun, but now I could use a little lovin from my man."? Ray was always up for sex, but he was pretty sure he would not come after his afternoon of fun jackin off to some hot videos.? Being a good husband, he was always ready to try and please her when she showed interest.? "Oh baby, you know I love to make love to you.?? Let me undress you and we can have some fun."?
The two went through their normal lovemaking rituals.? Ray kissed and tried to get Jean to let him eat her cunt.? Jean held him off, not wanting him to wonder why she was so wet.? Jean gave Ray a minute of sucking his cock.? It was during this time that she was both ashamed of herself for comparing Ray and Mike's cocks and knowing that Mike was going to be the winner in every category.? Laying back she pulled Ray up to mount her.? She enjoyed his fucking, but with her very moist pussy, and Ray's recent jacking off, they both called it quits after about ten minutes of fruitless humping.?
Jean caressed Ray's back as they lay together.?
Ray mumbled, "That was great babe.? You have a fine pussy.? Sorry I couldn't get you to come, I guess I am tired from the yard work today."? Jean now knew the real reason for his lack of coming.? "That's OK baby.? I know you love me and want to see me happy.? I just don't know what we can do to get you to come.? Why do you think you can't anymore?? Is it something about me that no longer gets you hot?"
Ray pulled up and looked down into his wife's face, "Jeannie, I love you so much.? You are my soul mate.? I don't know what the problem is but it has nothing to do with you.? You are just getting sexier and better looking.? I enjoy these love sessions even if I don't come.? What I worry about is that you never come anymore.? I would do anything to get you to enjoy sex more and have climax's each time we have sex.? I know my equipment isn't the best so I don't know what we can do to get each other off.? Whatever it is, as long as we are together, I know we will be happy."
Jean was taken back by his confession and smiled up at him.? "I love you honey.? We will get through this.? I guess we each will have to come up with ways to get off to keep our sanity.? I know you want me to be happy, so I guess I will just have to try things until I find the right stuff to make me come."? Jean was trying to be supportive of Ray's hopes, but she was thinking of one big black cock way of coming that she knew she had to try.? Ray would understand.? After all, he seemed to like watching blonds get fucked by black guys.? Maybe he wants to see her find a black boyfriend.? They spent a nice weekend together and Ray was off to work on Monday.? Jean was a mass of feelings and desires as she went about her day.? She knew she should not think of Mike, but he was constantly on her mind.? When Ray went to work, she went into the computer room and started to go through the sites from Ray's favorites.? She was amazed at what she saw and read. She started to enjoy the stories and the ones about cheating wives that find black studs to take them to new sexual thrills had her hand down her panties as she fingered herself to a good come.?? Pulling herself together, she showered and dressed and was outside Mike's office door at 1300 on the minute.?
Mike was not sure if he had scared the blond wife away over the weekend, so when he heard the soft knock at 1300 he knew that she was hooked and it was time to start reeling her in. In a loud, stern voice he called, "Enter"
Jean pushed open the door and walked in.? She closed and locked the door trying to insure some privacy.? Walking up to the front of Mike's desk she looked down into his face and smiled.? "I thought we could continue my training this afternoon, if you have the time.? I was especially interested in learning more about what to do in compromising positions."
Mike loved the way Jean was trying to be cute, but that was not the role he intended to have Jean perform for him.? He could get cute girls to bed him easily. What he wanted was a devoted slut that would be at his beck and call to do whatever his deviant mind wanted.? He wanted to possess this lovely wife and mother so her family would always know that she was his.? Today would be the start of that transformation.
Leaning back into his chair, he put his hands behind his head and spoke, "Mrs. Howell, how nice of you to come in for a training session today.? Yes, I do have about an hour or so that I can devote to your education.? But first, I think you need to get more comfortable if we are to progress.? Saturday, you were privileged to see me in all my glory, and if we are to proceed, I think it is only fair that you come over her beside my desk and strip off that dress so I can see what we have to work with."?
Mike did no more and just waited for Jean to decide if she was going to be unfaithful again.? What Jean did not know was that the principles offices had been equipped with a video tape system in order to protect teachers should any kids try to cry assault or rape during discipline sessions.? As Jean walked around Mike's desk, she did not see him flip a switch under his desk to start the recording.?
Jean looked so nervous as she slowly tried to look sexy and started to unbutton her sundress.? She had only worn a dress, panties, bra and heels as she knew here tanned legs looked good without stockings.? Mike for his part tried to look like he was shocked by her sexual strip show.? He knew that without the audio, it would seem that she was coming on to him in the most flagrant way.?
Once she was down to her heels Mike said, "Stop.? Stand there and take your big tits and hold them up for me to see how excited you are.? Take your fingers and squeeze your fat nipples hard.? That's it.? Get them big and hard.? Now pull those big mommas up and give each nipple a lick. Have you ever sucked your own nipples?"? Jean nodded her head no as she followed every one of his commands.?
"Do it now.? Suck them hard. That's it.? Oh, you look so sexy.? I think we will be able to get some great training done today.? Now, I want you to get down on your knees and crawl over to me, push back my chair, undo my pants and take out the cock that you so desperately need to pay homage to.? Do it slow and sexy so I know you really need to have it deep in your throat."?
Jean was startled by the bluntness, but she could not deny the need to feel and suck Mike's oh so superior cock.? Following the letter of his commands, she was soon fumbling with his belt and zipper.? Mike made it look like he was trying to stop her, but Jean prevailed and soon had his semi hard cock in her hands.? Mike looked like he was shocked but being only human, let the sex crazy lady spend the next twenty minutes learning all the details of his cock and balls.? During Jean's performance Mike had commanded that she reach down and start playing with her hot pussy.? He said he wanted her to come when he shot his load.? Again when he was close to coming he held her head tight and filled her full of his seed. Knowing better what to expect, Jean was swallowing fast with the first shot in order to keep all his spunk in her stomach.? Jean also started to really plunge her fingers deep into her gash and was able to get a good orgasm just as the first shot hit the back of her throat.
Once the two got their breathing under control, Jean kept his deflating cock in her mouth, suckling on his softening flesh.? Mike closed his eyes and enjoyed the devotion Jean was showing his cock.? She would be doing this often and while she did give a good blowjob, she had not been able to get near enough down her throat to please Mike.?
"That was a good beginners effort at pleasing my big black cock Jean, but before you can move to the next level of enjoying him in you hot little pussy, you will have to do much better.? I want you to practice until you are able to take my cock so my hair tickles your nose.? When you can do that I will let you feel this monster deep in that little white cunt of yours.? That's what you have been dreaming about all weekend, isn't Jean."
Jean turned red but kept her face close to Mike's crotch, kissing and cuddling with his cock and balls.? She had never deep throated anyone, so she did not know how she could do it, but she desperately wanted to feel this cock deep in her cunt.
"Mike, I will try, but how can I practice."
Mike ran his hands through her hair and stated, "There are two ways, and I suggest you do both.? One, you will be here every afternoon to practice on the real thing.? And the second is to find a big black dildo and use that for practice when you are home. Do you have a toy that fits that bill?"? Jean thought of Ray and his black dildo he used to fuck his own ass and she shivered in disgust.? Mike noticed the reaction and followed up. "You do have a dildo don't you, you little slut."
Jean shook her head and over the next ten minutes explained the dildo she pictured was her husband's.? It just seemed to pour out of her mouth the story of her arrival home to find Ray watching black porn and fucking himself while jacking off. Mike was overjoyed that Jean's husband had a thing for blacks on blond loving.? He started to think how he could make both Ray and Jean his possessions.
Seeing that the hour was almost up, Mike pulled the blond up and sat her down on his desk.? He spread her legs.? "As a reward for telling me your story, I will show you some of what you can expect as my women.? While I don't usually go down on women who have a hairy pussy, I will make an exception just this once.? But the next time I see you I expect this pussy to be as clean as when you were 5 years old."
Mike's expert tongue and fingers soon had the inexperience white mother creaming all over his face.? Leaning back he smiled and said, "Delicious, just the dessert I wanted to end my lunch hour.? Now get your married ass dressed and out of here.? Go practice on your husband's sex toy and I want to see some improvement tomorrow."? Spanking her ass, Jean jumped to his command and in short order was kissing him goodbye at the door.
Flushed and excited, Jean drove home wondering where Ray hid his dildo.? Ray went to the video system and after some nice editing had the first tape to a collection he would label, 'Jean, my black cock slut."
Chap 1.
As Jean and Ray
Howell pulled into the driveway of their Virginia home, they both seem to be
deep in thought and looked tired.? They
had just dropped their youngest son, Brad, off at his freshman dorm at the
University of Pittsburg.? He received a
full scholarship and looked to be on the way to becoming an engineer.? Their oldest son, Jake, was already out of
school, working in Buffalo and seemed to be in a good relationship with a girl
named Beth.? All in all, it looked like
the couple that had been married for 26 years was finally into their empty nest
Ray was wondering
how his wife, who had been home schooling their boys for the last ten year was
going to react to being free of that responsibility.? Teaching the boys had been her passion and
kept her busy.? Now that she was free to
do what she wanted, he wondered what she would be taking up.? Jean was a lovely, 46 year old, blond lady,
still with a good figure, 36DD tits, with just a beginning of a mid bulge.? She had commented on the trip home that she
was now going to take better care of herself with her newfound time.?? Ray, was also a good-looking guy at 46 year
old.? He weighed in at 230lbs, 6'1"
tall and worked out regularly at work.?
He had retired from the military and now worked as a government
contractor.? They were comfortably secure
financially, and even had some new found cash now that Brad's college fund
would not be needed due to his scholarship.??
Looking at the couple, one would think that they had it all together,
but there was anxiousness just under the surface that was to bring drastic
changes into their lives.?
The first couple
of weeks with no kids around the house were like a second honeymoon for the
pair.? Ray chased Jean around the house
naked initiating some very fun bouts of sex.?
But even though they enjoyed their new freedom to have sex, what they
did together just was not enough for either to get off.? They had always enjoyed sex together, but
Jean being very conservative had never allowed them to have sex when the boys
were in the house.? They had always slept
with their doors open, so she would never let them hear anything close to sex
coming out of their bedroom.? That plus
having the kids home schooled, made it hard for afternoon sex when Ray could
sneak home early.?? If they were lucky,
the two maybe had sex twice a month, but there was a problem there also.?
Jean enjoyed sex
with her husband, but she knew that over the years, with her cunt birthing two
big boys, she just wasn't getting the kind of friction needed to get off.? Top that off with Ray having only a 4-inch
dick and she looked at their sex as more of a bonding time then sexual
relief.? Ray on the other hand was also having
troubles when he had sex with his wife.?
For a combination of reasons, he had not come in her juicy pussy in
years.? He could stay hard, but just
could not get stimulated enough to shoot.?
The main reason for this was his overactive jack off session and
addiction to internet porn.? For years,
to make up for the lack of sex available from his wife and having a strong sex
drive, Ray spent every weekend night and a couple during the week jacking off
in his computer room, while the family thought he was playing one of his
computer war games.? In truth, he was
spending hours, stroking his little penis while browsing his favorite sites,
Karenkayonline, Dark Wander, and Cuckold Place looking for the hot story that
would get his mind and dick hot enough to cum.?
An unexpected
result of this play time was that Ray's dick now took a good amount of stroking
from his tight fist to come.? This just
was not available when he screwed his wife, as she was not into long foreplay
and her pussy could not squeeze his little dick to get the feelings he needed.? He also missed the mental stimulation the
stories provided when he made love to his wife.?
He loved her and he still thought she had a hot body, but after 26 year
of marriage, there was not much more to think about or try during sex.? She adamantly refused to try anal sex, which
might give the tightness he needed.? His
recent porn fantasies had revolved around hot wives being taken from their wimp
husbands and made into black cock slut slaves.?
He often imagined his little wife with a big cock giving her the
pleasure his lacking equipment could never produce.? He would love to see her really enjoying sex
and coming like they did a few times when they were young.? He really loved his wife and wanted her to
let loose and get the pleasure she desired.?
He knew this was only a dream as her only black girl friend was
divorcing her asshole husband and he was not the strong type.? He could just not see Jean in a situation
where this type of relationship could form.?
Nor did he really think he wanted to be made the wimp in his wife's
So, after two
months home alone together, the two settled down into a comfortable
existence.? Jean had taken the time to
begin a good exercise routine that was paying off with toning her legs and
stomach.? She was looking better every
day, but there was still a hole in her day that she was getting more and more
restless to fill.? Ray also saw that his
wife needed to get some kind of mental activity, as this had always been a part
of her talent and joy.? He wondered what
Jean could do to fill up her day.? He did
not want her to get a job, for selfish reasons.?
He liked having her home when he got there and wanted her to be
available to him when the mood struck.?
He also liked the way she kept the house and she now had more time to
cook great dinners.?? What she needed was
a part time job or volunteer work that would keep her mind active but still get
her home to meet his needs.? He knew this
was sexist, but hell, he enjoyed his life and did not want anything to rock his
Jean had
developed over the years of teaching her boys into a very good teacher, even
though she had no teaching degree.? She
did hold duel majors in biology and chemistry and wanted to be a pharmacist
before she married Ray and became a housewife.?
She had even helped other home school mom's with their kids, advising
them of books and teaching styles.? Ray
knew of Jean's skills in this area and thought that if she found some work that
allowed her to tutor she would get the mental stimulation and contact with kids
that her present lifestyle now lacked.?
Over dinner one
night, Ray brought up the subject to see how Jean would react.?
"Jean, baby,
I know you are missing something in your life, now that the boys are gone and
it's just the two of us.? You are a great
teacher as our boys successes have shown.?
Maybe you should look to do some volunteer work over at the high school
to keep your hand in and help out."
Taking his wine
class in hand he looked at his bride for a reaction.? She looked up and seemed to be thinking
hard.? Shaking her head after a moment,
"I don't know.? I don't have any
teaching degree and while I liked teaching my kids, I don't know about going
into a high school environment.? They
won't need someone like me."
Ray knew she
needed some prodding, so he spent a couple minutes stoked her ego and skill at
teaching and then came up with a suggestion.?
"Why don't you just call the high school office and see if there is
any program that they have for volunteer tutors.? If they don't then we will look elsewhere,
but if they do, promise me that you will go over and see if it fits your time
and skills."
Exacting a
promise from Jean to check it out, he continued to enjoy his meal and then
spent a nice evening watching the tube until Ray begged off to go play his
computer 'war game'.? Hours later, after
shooting two small puddles of his spunk on his stomach reading a great story
about Corrupting Carol on Karen Kay, he joined his sleeping wife.? He already knew through research online that
the local high school had a volunteer tutor program so he was pretty sure his
wife would be keeping busy.? What he did
not know was that the program was run by the assistant principle, Mike Steel, a
38 year old black buck who would soon be enjoying pleasures that only he had
tastes for the last 26 years.??
Chap 2.
The next morning,
after getting Ray off to work, Jean changed into shorts and a tee shirt and
went for her morning power walk.? She was
now able to cover the two miles around her sub division in good time and worked
up a good healthy sweat.? Once home she
did some sit ups and a little dumb bell work to help here middle age
muscles.?? Finishing up and getting ready
for her shower she took a second to look at herself in the mirror as she passed
by.? Her butt was still nice and her
tits, while no longer perky, were still firm and full on her chest.? She had always thought herself pretty in the
face, so all in all; she gave herself a smile as she evaluated her body.? The last couple months of activity with Ray
still proved that she was desirable to him, but she was very concerned that Ray
had not been able to cum during sex in years.?
She just did not know what the problem was.? Yes, she did produce a lot of juice when they
got going, and maybe she was not the most active participant during sex, but
that had been the way they had been having sex for years.? Of course, she had to admit that she had not
come in years from Ray's lovemaking and had relied on a quick humping against a
pillow to get off when the urge got to great.?
She thought maybe she would go online after her shower to see what could
be done to help Ray get some relief.???
Sitting down at
the computer in her towel, she booted it up and started going into Google.? Looking up orgasms was like opening up a porn
bonanza.?? She saw in the first couple
sites, more cocks then she had ever seen in all her early dating.? Ray was the first guy to make love to her and
took her cheery, but she had felt and seen a few dicks in high school.? None of them, especially Ray's, could come
close to the whopper shlongs she saw as she waded through the many sites
looking for something written about achieving orgasms.? After ten minutes of looking at all the fuck
scenes and even daring to click on some of the free video feeds, she had
forgotten about Ray's problem and become aware of another between her own
legs.? She quickly shucked her towel,
found her favorite pillow and humped herself to a nice warm come, visualizing
some of those big cocks working into her hot pussy.? She knew this was wrong, but when the mood
hit her she could be a very sensual person.?
She pulled herself together and remembered her promise to Ray to call
the school to see if there were any volunteer tutor positions.? Dressed now in a summer dress, she found the
schools phone number and dialed.
The receptionist
in fact did confirm that they had a volunteer program and said she would
connect her with the assistant principle in charge.? When a deep male voice answered,? "Hello, Mike Steel, how can I help
you?" she started to explain her situation.? "Hi, my name is Jean Howell, and I was
wondering if you could use a volunteer tutor??
I do not have any teaching degree, but I have gotten two of my boys accepted
to college with my home schooling them.?
I now have time on my hands and was wondering if I could lend a hand to
any of your students that need a little help."
Howell, thank you for your interest.? I
think we could use someone with your experience.? We do require a minimal training and
screening period before you can work with the kids, but I am sure we can work
that out.? Do you think you could come in
and see me so I could explain the program and we can see what you have to
Jean was very
happy that there seemed to be a place for her talents, so she agreed to come in
that afternoon to see Mr. Steel.??
Hanging up, the
two had very different ideas about what the upcoming meeting was going to
produce.? Mike Steel had always had a
thing for married women who he could take to places sexually that they had
never reached with their white-bred husbands.?
Having a nice 10' long, 4-inch diameter cock, he had always pleased the
women he took possession of.? He thought
of them as his possession, once he made them come and shot his thick load
deeper then any had before.? He started
the tutor program in order to meet parents who might fit his bill as attractive
conquests for his use and abuse.? To
date, he had only met women that were not his type.? He got them tutoring in the classrooms, but
did not take the effort to tutor them in the bedroom.? He hoped that this Mrs. Howell might be
attractive and be his first conquest.
Jean looked at
the upcoming meeting with a mixture of anticipation and fear.? She had not been in any work environment
since getting married and was a little afraid about meeting new people and
fitting in.? She also was not sure her
teaching skills would be up to the schools standards.? So, trying to look nice in a conservative
dress and 2" heels, she went off to meet with Mr. Steel.
The receptionist
at the school gave her a pass and instructed her how to get to Mr. Steel's
office.? The instructions were not to the
main office area, as Mr. Steel had his office near the gym.? Mr. Steel was the coach to the football team
before he took this assistant principle job.?
Now he pulled double duty and decided to keep his previous office as he
enjoyed being near the locker rooms.? In
fact, he had keys to some storage areas that allowed him some interesting
viewing pleasures of the girl's locker showers.?
He passed some quality office time scoping out the young talent.? He knew better to get involved with underage
girls, but their mother's were another matter.?
Jean found the
office with Mr. Steel's name on it and knocked.
Again, the deep
voice she had first heard over the phone made her heart skip as it responded,
"Come in."
Getting up from
his chair, Mike took in the pretty blond lady that now entered his domain. Mike
shook the lovely lady's hand and looked down from his 6'3" height
evaluating the 5'5" blonde's body.?
She definitely had potential.??
Feeling her soft smooth white skin, with a creamy complexion, she had
his cock twitching in his shorts.?? The
large black man that now filled her vision and kept hold of her hand as they
went through their introductions took Jean aback.? They quickly agreed to call each other Mike
and Jean, and soon Jean was seated in the chair in front of Mike's desk while
Mike sat on the edge of his desk.?
Asking about here
past teaching skills and realizing he could use her lack of qualification to
his advantage, Mike came up with a plan to get together with Jean in a more
relaxed environment, away from prying eyes.?
He began to lie out his plan. "Jean, you look to be just the choice
of volunteer I have been looking for.?
You know how to motivate kids, one-on-one, and seem to have the desire
to get results.? What you do not have
unfortunately is the credential to do this sort of teaching."?? Jean had thought she would not make the cut
so expected a quick departure.? What she
got was something that would change her life.?
"The school realizes that many of the volunteers that come to us
will not have these credentials, so we came up with a program, given over
weekends that will get you up to speed and ready to teach our kids.? Someone with your academic merits and
personal experience will not have any problem getting through this program and
it is given in a relaxed environment so don't feel you will be under any stress
to perform.? In fact, since this is the
middle of the term, and we conducted most of the volunteer training this past
summer, you will be the only trainee.? I
hope that does not bother you."
Jean was now
thinking of whether it was worth losing some weekends to get this
qualification.? She knew her husband
would not like her being away during the weekends, but they were only for a
couple of weeks.? She would make it up to
him somehow.? She really had missed
teaching and now wanted to get started.?
Sitting in the chair in front of Mike, she could not help but being eye
level with his midsection.? What caught
her eye and she had to make a conscious effort to raise her eye to meet Mike's,
was his large package straining the confines of his shorts.? It looked like a large sausage was working
its way down his thigh.? The combination
of this morning's Internet research and now this visible example of real male
sex muscles was not helping her concentration.?
Pulling herself
back to the matter at hand, she finally agreed to go through the training. Mike
quickly stood to end the interview, not wanting to give her too much time to
ask questions, he told her his plan for their first session.
"Jean, since
you will be the only trainee, do you mind if we don't make this too
Jean readily
concurred.? "Great, then I will see
you at my home on Saturday, say around 10AM.?
I have work to do around the house and you can study and ask question
while I get some work done.? This way we
both won't lose our weekends.? By the
way, I have a pool, so if you want, we can study and stay cool.? Here's the address.? Again, thanks for volunteering and I know we
will be learning a lot together.? I am
anxious to hear your experience at home teaching, and I hope my skills will
teach you a few thinks also."
Ushering the
stammering women to the door, his firm hand on her back made her body warm all
over. Why does this man make me so uneasy, she thought to herself?? And why did she not object to conducting the
training at his house.?? How was she
going to explain to her husband that she was taking training at the black
principles home, sitting around the pool.?
Considering all these thought walking to here car, she knew that she
would go.? She would tell her husband the
truth; just not include all the details.?
She had no reason to think anything inappropriate was going to occur,
and she thought that she could keep herself in check.? This might be fun after all.? Jean was always a person who tried to look
for the silver lining and tried to think the best of people.? She would soon learn that she was quickly
entering a side of life that she never knew existed.?
That night when
Ray got home, Jean met him at the door and in short order had gotten the
always-randy Ray into bed.? While it felt
good to have Ray saw his little dick into her warm wet pussy, she could not
help but think what it would be like to have a cock the size of Mike's between
her legs.? The visualization actually got
her hot enough to enjoy a small orgasm, but Ray could not get the same relieve.? He loved having his wife initiate sex, but
just could not get the right kinky thought together to get off.? After their fun time, they enjoyed a good
dinner and Jean broke the news about the volunteer program.?
"Dear, I
took your advice and looked into the tutor volunteer at the high school.? It turns out they do have a program that I
fit into.? I will have to take some
training and they will have to do a personal screening, but in a few weeks I
will be able to tutor."
great baby, I knew you would find a place at that school.? They would be fools to not see your talent
and make use of them. What kind of training program will they be putting you
Jean knew that
this was the right time to break it to Ray.?
She had given him a good romp in the hay, a good dinner, fine wine and
now was the time to slip in the gotcha.
"Well, the
leader of the training has to do it over the weekends, as he teaches all day at
the high school.? So, unfortunately, I
will have to be gone for a couple hours each Saturday, until they say I am
ready.? I know you do yard work and stuff
on Saturday, so having me gone should not be too much of a problem.? It will only be for a few weeks and then you
will have me back again."? Jean
could have not been more wrong in her assessment.? Ray would never have Jean back after Mike trained
her as his slut. But they did not know what was to come, so, with a little
feeling of being cheated Jean's presence over the weekend, he agreed that it
was a small price to pay to get Jean back to teaching.?
Enjoying the rest
of the night, they both slept well.? Ray
was now confident that Jean had found a project to fill her time. Jean was
looking forward to a new adventure, with the added benefit of having a hunky
teacher to look at while she prepared to get back into the classroom.? Both had willingly opened a door that would
change their lives.?
Chap 3.?
When Saturday
arrived, Jean got her things together for her visit to Mike's.? She did not think that she would go swimming,
as she rarely sat out in the sun due to her white complexion. ?So she dressed in shorts and a cool top,
conservative bra and panties.? Ray was
out in the yard working when she called from the door that she was leaving.? She told Ray that she had made a sandwich for
his lunch and did not know when the training was over, so she would call if it
were late.? Ray was busy mowing and just
waved his wife on her way.?
The drive to
Mike's house was easy, as she had looked up his place on Mapquest.? It was out of the town a little, but easy to
find.? When she pulled her van up Mike's
driveway, in a secluded wooded area, she saw Mike in the yard.? He had his shirt off, wore tight sweat
shorts, and was working on his hedges.?
Jean had to stop herself from moving her hand to her pussy as she looked
on this black man's physique.? He really
was built, and his obvious male appendage filled his short to the breaking
point.? Mike stopped his work and came
over to her door.
"Hey Jean,
glad to see you found the place.? Hope my
directions were OK."
"They were
fine Mike.? You have a lovely place
here."? Jean climbed down from her
car with Mike's hand helping her out.?
Together, they strolled around the yard until they came into the back
yard and a nice area that had a shaded area next to the pool, with a table with
a stack of books.? Lounge chairs and
towels were close by and the pool looked nice and cool.? The day promised to get warm.?
Mike offered Jean
a drink and she accepted an Ice Tea.? As
Mike went to get it, she offered to help and followed close behind.? "If I am to take classes here, I do not
want to be a burden. Please show me where things are and I can make myself to
home," the blond stated bouncing behind Mike's broad back.? Mike smiled, knowing that soon she will be
right at home here in his house, in every way a couple should.
Giving Jean a
tour of the house, that included his bedroom, she quickly adjusted to the lay
of the house and armed with her drink stated, "Well, I guess its time to
start my training.? What are we going to
learn today?"? Mike wanted to burst
out with a curriculum of fucking and sucking but kept a straight face and took
her to the table to go over the subjects he had arranged.? The first hour or so was going to be on
teaching styles and different approaches.?
After lunch he was going to get into some of the classroom dynamic
sessions, dealing with discipline and sexual harassment.? He hoped to get into some interesting
hand's-on experiments as the afternoon developed.
The morning went
quickly and she went through the readings with ease.? Mike came and went as she read, and she
enjoyed looking at his body as he puttered around the yard.? She caught herself asking questions she knew
the answers to just to get Mike to stand over her and talk about the subject.? She would pretend to listen but was captivated
by this hunks body and swaying package so obvious in his shorts.? Over the course of the morning she had
determined that he was not wearing any underwear under his shorts, and at times
she could clearly see the large ridged head of his cock against his shorts
Jean offered to
make lunch and they had a nice talk about their families over the sandwiches
Jean made.?
Mike learned all
about Jean, her boys and her husband.?
Jean learned that Mike was a bachelor, inherited some cash to buy this
nice house and was comfortable in his lifestyle.? Jean could not help but ask, "So, what's
a gorgeous guy like you doing being single??
I would think some nice girl would have taken you off the field long
ago."? Mike sensing an opportunity,
stared into her eyes and responded, "Jean, I am not the kind of guy who is
looking for a 'nice girl'.? I enjoy my
life and I think the women who have been with me come away very satisfied.? I know that I am attractive.? You know you are a beautiful women.? We should live life to the fullest as it
presents itself and that has always been my motto."?
The intensity of
Mike's words made Jean uncomfortable.? He
found her attractive and he was a very vital man.? She would have to be careful to keep this in
the friendship mode and not get too hot and heavy.?
The air was thick
with sexual innuendo as the two finished their lunch in silence.? Mike returned to his work and Jean to her
reading.? The day was getting hot and
Jean was starting to perspire.? Mike had
come out of the house wearing a tight pair of swim trunks and dived into the
pool to cool off.? Swimming over to the
side of the pool he noticed Jean succumbing to the heat and made an offer.? "Jean, you look hot, why don't you put
your swim suit on and come into the pool?"
Jean remembered
she had not brought a suit.? "I
would love to Mike, but I did not bring my swim suit.? It looks so cool, and it is getting warm out
Mike smiled,
"That's OK, I have a few ladies swim suits that have been left here over
the year that I know you would fit into."?
Climbing out of the pool, with the wet suit leaving every inch of Mike's
cock and balls for her to see, he took her hand and led the protesting mother
of two into the house.? When Mike laid
out the three sets of bikini swimsuits on the bed for her to choose. She got
self-conscious and began to protest, "Oh Mike, I could never wear bikinis
like those.? I'm an old married
woman.? Don't you have a nice one piece I
could wear?"
Mike shook his
head, "Nope, this is it, and you should not be saying you are old or that
you would not look great in any of these suits.?
Here wear this one for me.? There
is no reason for you to be hot and sweating as we go through this
training.? We are both adult, so put this
on and I will see you in the pool in five minutes."? Taking the two suits that were a little less
revealing then the one he picked, he turned and walked out the door.? Jean just stood there with her mouth open.? She had never been talked to in that strong
dominant way and just could not get a grip to continue her complaint.? She had not worn a bikini in 15 years, but
looking at the patches of cloth in her hand she now felt she had no
choice.? She did not want to appear a
prude to Mike and his forcefulness put her into slow motion action.? Closing the door for privacy, she began to
strip out of her cloths.? She was glad
that she always kept her bush trimmed short so when she pulled up the bottoms,
none of her hair stood out.? The bottom
barely covered her butt and she felt like she was totally on display.? The top piece barely covered half her full
tits and she would have to be careful not to fall out of her top while in the
water.? She did not even want to look in the
mirror, because if she did she would lose all her nerve.? Walking slowly out to the pool, she felt like
she was a total slut in this outfit.?
Mike was in the
water watching the blond walk to the steps of the pool and begin to enter, step
by step.?? The water slowly covered her
and as the suit got wet, all of Jean's charms became apparent to his gaze.? It was at this moment, watching the women
obey his instructions and present herself to his lustful gaze; he knew she
would be his toy.
The two swam side
by side for a couple minutes, not saying a think. Just enjoying the cool water
caressing their skin and steeling looks at each other's bodies.? Soon they knew it was time to get out of the
water, and they moved to the steps.? Mike
took Jean's hand to steady her as she walked out of the water.? Standing just behind the blond, Mike saw all
of Jean's body as she ascended to the deck.?
He quickly went and got a towel and wrapped it around her shoulders and
began to guide her to the lounge chairs.?
"Jean, its
time for some training in classroom dynamics.?
Its just discussion, so lets sit in these loungers, enjoy the sun and
talk. Here let me put some of this sun screen on your back as we don't want
your white skin to get burnt."?
Sitting down on the lounger, Jean was on autopilot, following any
request Mike made.? She soon felt his strong
hands rubbing the cool lotion into her back.?
His hands working dangerously close to her ass as he covered her.? Giving her the bottle he went to his chair
while Jean continued to put the lotion on the rest of her body.? She had never been a sun person, so the
lotion was needed.? Mike lay back and
watched Jean spread the lotion over her tits and down her belly to her
legs.? He had to admire the fine shape
Jean had kept her body.? For a 46-year
lady, she could easily pass for late 30s.?
He hoped she also had the stamina to withstand his sexual assaults once
he had broken her defenses.?
He began to talk
to Jean of school policy about what was appropriate and what was not when it
came to contact between students and teachers.?
He was being vague and Jean began to ask questions.? "Mike, how do you know when a kid is
just being friendly and when he is trying to get fresh?"? Jean had really never considered any problems
cropping up in the sexual realm as she had been teaching her own kids and it
never crossed her mind.? Now Mike was
proposing scenarios where she might be confronted with unwanted advances and
what she should do.?
Mike thought it
was time for a demonstration to help their discussion.? "Here Jean, lets go the table and I will
play the student you are tutoring and I want to see what your reaction will be
to some of the actions you will probably see.?
You have to expect some of this as you are a very hot lady and some the
kids are in their prime and will screw you in a second."? Jean did not know weather to be flattered by
that statement or run home to Ray.?
Mike sat down and
opened a book.?
"OK, come up
to me and act like you would when answering a question about something in this
Jean came up to
Mike's right side and just like she did with her own boys, put her hand on
Mike's shoulder and leaned over to read what Mike was pointing at.?
Mike took this
opportunity to bring his right had up the back of her leg and slowly trace a
finger up her thigh.? Jean froze at the
touch and Mike kept up a slow motion trace until his fingers were only inches
from her wet bikini bottoms.?? Mike broke
the trance; "You know that if you do what you just did during a tutoring
session, you could get yourself in trouble.?
I know my fingers must have startled you, but by not moving and keeping
your hand on by body you are just asking for a horny kid to do this."
Mike pushed with
his right hand on Jean's legs until she felt herself begin to bend forward.
With just a pull and a twist, Jean was sitting on Mike's lap with his arms
wrapped around her and pulling her in for a quick kiss.? Letting her go, she was so stunned that she
just sat there and looked to Mike's strong face.?
"You have to
be very careful around rowdy horny guys, Jean.?
You are not strong and will be easy to get the better of if you let
yourself get into a compromising position.?
You should have come from the front and looked over the desk, avoiding
any contact.? You touched me first, so I
naturally took it that you wanted me and took what I wanted.? You have to expect that kind of
treatment.? Some of the guys I will be
having you tutor are not from the best backgrounds and need a strong hand.?? Think you are still up for the
Jean could not
believe she was still sitting on Mike's lap listening to him talk about horny
teenagers.? She could not get over her
own lack of response to his kiss and now the growing warm log that was poking
her in the ass.? Mike had begun to use
his strong hands to touch her back and ass as he questioned her about her
ability to handle situations like this.?
She finally got her wits about her and struggled to stand.
Mike let her and
kept right on talking like this was still a training situation. "If you
are ever in this situation, you will probably notice the boy getting excited
being near such a desirable women as you."?
Reaching up, Mike used the back of his hands to run them over her rock
hard nipples that were sticking thought the thin material of her suit.? "If the boy sees that you are also
excited, he might take more advantage.?
At the least he will try to understand what your obvious excitement
means for his chances for further fun."?
Shifting in his
seat so he now sat with legs spread and centered directly at the standing
dumbstruck blond, Mike continued.
" Jean, now
there will also be times when boys will try to show themselves to you to see
how you will react."? Mike took his
time looking right into Jean's eyes knowing that his own hard cock stuck out a
good six inches below the edge of his swim trunks.? He purposefully twitched his hard cock to
make sure she knew it was there for her viewing pleasure.? He continued his instruction.? "Boys will be looking for your
reaction.? You can handle a situation
like this two ways.? You can make a
scene, and try to get the boy in trouble or you can just ignore his attempt to
fluster you.? In fact, I have seen some
teachers turn the tables on the young showoff and make a comment about his
size.? Of course if he really is big, it
will do no good trying to burst his bravado, but you might think about that
approach."? Mike knew he only had to
wait and sure enough Jean's gaze slowly shifted down until she was staring
directly at his huge throbbing cock.?
Jean had never seen a cock in person this size and was mesmerized.? Mike felt like he had found a deer in the
headlights.? Jean could not take her eyes
off his midsection.? Slowly standing up
her reached down and peeled his suit off.?
Letting it drop to the ground he stepped out of it and stood before Jean
in all his manliness.? Moving to within a
foot of the terrified women, Mike smoothly reached for Jean's hands and pulled
them onto his rampant cock.? Jean could
not help but to take the giant cock and begin to feel its size and weight.? She moved her left hand down and cradled his
large ball sac.? It filled her hand to
overflowing.?? She took a second to stop
looking at Mike's cock and to look up into his face.
Mike smiled and
said, "Jean, baby, I know you have been wondering about my package all
morning and if we are ever to get any work done and get you trained, I thought
we should just get this out of the way.?
Take your time and see what a real man's cock feels like and when you
are done, we can continue."?
Stepping back, making sure Jean kept a hold of his cock and ball, Mike
sat back down at the edge of his chair.?
Jean had to kneel down to keep holding his cock and now was eye level
with his weapon.? Mike leaned back and
with a sure smile on his face, closed his eyes and relaxed.? The ball was totally in Jean's court.?
Jean could not
seem to let go of this cock even when all her thoughts were screaming at her to
run.? The size and power that this cock
represented was too much of an attraction. Considering the lackluster sex she
had for many years, she just had to know what a cock like this would do to her.
She slowly began to fist the cock, not being able to reach all the way around
with her slim hands.? Her diamond wedding
band sparkled in the sun as she worked the object of her obsession to its
maximum length.? Jean could not imagine
what a cock that long would do to her.?
In a moment of craziness, she instinctively lowered her head and licked
a big drop of precum that had oozed from the tip of Mike's cock.? Once started, she worked the length of his
cock with her tongue and spent a good five minutes giving his cock and balls a
nice tongue bath.? No longer fighting the
urge, she spread her mouth and took the giant head of Mike's cock into her
mouth and began to suck it as deep as she could.? She had never been into oral sex, but one
would not know this from the effort she was putting in to please this black
Adonis that was letting her service his mighty tool.?? Mike finally could not take much more and
after fifteen minutes more of her slobbering over his cock reached down and
held her head close as he shot his load down her gullet.? Coughing and sputtering the pretty blond
tried to pull up, but Mike would not let her mouth leave his cock head
uncovered.? He fired blast after blast of
his rich load and Jean had to swallow time and again to keep from
chocking.?? When Mike was sure he was
finished and Jean was now just slowly sucking his slightly deflated cock, he
let go of her head and she seemed to collapse to the ground between Mike's
legs.? Mike smiled down at her and said,
"Now that you have gotten that out of your system we can continue on if
you are ready."
Jean hearing Mike
so casually talk about her carnal act of cheating on her husband could only
shake her head and sit there.? "Give
me a minute.? I have never done that in
my life and you have to understand I am not this type of women.? I do not cheat on my husband. I love
him.? You have to understand. I do not
know what came over me."
Mike nodded his
head and played along.? "I
understand Jean.? Your husband must not
be anywhere near as big as me for you to be so excited by the sight of a real
man's cock that you had to show your desire by giving me such great head.? It's only natural for a sexy women like you
to know that when you get a chance to experience a cock like this you can't
pass it up.? In fact, you probably were
hoping that I would do more for you.? I
know you must be terribly frustrated now, as your soaked crotch clearly
shows.? But I think we need to wait for
another time to see if you really are ready to take your training to the next
level.? For now, lets enjoy the afternoon
by the pool, forget about the tutoring studies and just relax and get to know
one another."? Mike reached down and
picked up the quivering lady like she was a sack of flower and effortlessly
carried her into the pool.? He was still
naked, and he did not try to take Jean's suit off as they swam together.? Jean could not help reaching out and touching
the black man whenever she could and often had his cock wrapped in her hands.? They talked about their previous sex
experience, with Mike extracting all the details of Jean and Ray's sex live,
including his inability to come.? Jean
could believe she was swimming with a naked black hunk in a see through bikini,
and that she was touching and caressing his huge cock.? She had such mixed feelings about here
actions this afternoon.? To suck his cock
and swallow his load was so dirty. She had never swallowed Ray's load.? How could she ever come to grips with her
actions, but her body and ego were loving that fact that this vital black man
was attracted to her and was enjoying her company.?
As the afternoon
was ending, Mike lead Jean back into his bedroom, laid on his bed and told Jean
to take a shower, dress and go home to her husband. ?"Jean, I hope to see you back here next
weekend.? Same time and we will continue
your training.? I will also be in my
office each afternoon at 1300 for an hour if you want to drop by and
visit.? I know I would love to have your
loving mouth give a return performance anytime you get the urge." Not
knowing how to respond to this brazen statement she just shook her head.? Jean took her cloths into the bathroom,
showered dressed and came out to find Mike asleep on his bed.? She just could not help reaching down one
last time and hefting his cock.? Even
flaccid, it was larger then Ray's hard.?
She leaned down and gave the head a soft kiss.? She mumbled to herself, "I think I will
have to be seeing you again, big fellow."?
Slipping out and driving to her home she could not believe what had
transpired.? She had blown a black guy
she had only met a day ago.? She had
spent the day telling him her most intimate sexual history.? She had all but promised that she would be
back to continue her training.? How could
she face Ray??
She parked the
car in the driveway and quietly slipped into the house, not wanting Ray to see
her in her agitated condition.? She
wondered where Ray was, as she had not seen him outside and his car was still
in the garage.? Tiptoeing up the stairs,
she saw that Ray's computer room door was closed, but she could hear voices
from inside.? Putting her ear to the door
she froze as she hear what could only be the sounds of a girl getting a sexual
pounding.? Pushing open the door to peak
in, she was surprised and then revolted at what she saw.? Ray was naked in his chair looking at a movie
being shown on his computer.? On the
movie, a buxom blond was getting royally screwed by two built black guys.? What got her flustered, was that their cocks
were just smaller then Mike's and from the way the blond was creaming and
screaming to be fucked it was obvious she was not faking.? The two guys were calling her all kinds of
names and she was readily agreeing with them that she was their slut.? She declared she would be their slave for as
long as she could make them happy.? They
taunted her about her husband and she told them that he was a pencil dick and
she would never let him near her holes again.?
All through this Ray was pounding his little pud.? He had even gotten a big black dildo from
somewhere and was slowly working in and out of his asshole.? To see her husband engaged in beating off
while watching such degrading movies stopped Jean in her tracks. How could Ray
like watching stuff like that.? What was
with him using a dildo?? Was he gay?? She moved back from the door but could still
see into the room.? She watch another ten
minutes until her loving husband beat himself to the point of shooting a small
load on his stomach.? Jean could not help
but compare the difference in size and consistency between Ray and Mike's
seed.? Seeing Ray slowly remove the slick
black dildo from his ass, she quickly went back down stair and out the
door.? Once in her car, she let gravity
move her van down the driveway and out onto the street.? Starting the car, she drove around the block
for about ten minutes and then returned home.?
When she entered she heard Ray in the shower and quickly went into his computer
room.? Ray's screen saver had not kicked
in and she hit his history button and found where Ray had been getting his
porn.? Ray's history was full of porn
sites, but since Ray kept his profile password protected, she had never been
able to see where he went.? Thinking
quickly she hit the export button on the browser and sent his whole Internet
favorite files to her as an email.?
Hearing the water turn off, Jean went into the bedroom and waited to
talk to her husband about their day.
Chap 4
Jean's mind raced
as she sat on the bed and watched her husband go about drying off.? She had moved so far in one day that she
needed to take a time out to figure out what was happening in her life.? As Ray noticed his wife sitting on the bed in
her shorts and shirt, he smiled, dropped his towel and started to move towards
his bride. Jean was mad at Ray for his recent jack off session.? She had always suspected that Ray was doing
some jacking off when he was up late at night, but with her not wanting to have
sex with the kids around, she just let it go as normal male hormones. Now she began
to wonder how much he beat off and was could that be a reason for his lack of
coming when they made love.? Remembering
the intensity of that movie, she could understand how Ray would get off on it,
as it has gotten her juices going from just watching for ten minutes.? Of course her afternoon with Mike might have
had something to do with her seeing it as more sexual then disgusting.?
Jean wanted to
see what Ray would do if she came on to him.?
Standing up she moved to her naked husband and gave him a soft
kiss.? "Hey babe, I missed you
today." Ray said as they broke their kiss.?
Jean hugged him and responded, "Me too, the training was fun, but
now I could use a little lovin from my man."? Ray was always up for sex, but he was pretty
sure he would not come after his afternoon of fun jackin off to some hot
videos.? Being a good husband, he was
always ready to try and please her when she showed interest.? "Oh baby, you know I love to make love
to you.?? Let me undress you and we can
have some fun."?
The two went
through their normal lovemaking rituals.?
Ray kissed and tried to get Jean to let him eat her cunt.? Jean held him off, not wanting him to wonder
why she was so wet.? Jean gave Ray a
minute of sucking his cock.? It was
during this time that she was both ashamed of herself for comparing Ray and
Mike's cocks and knowing that Mike was going to be the winner in every
category.? Laying back she pulled Ray up
to mount her.? She enjoyed his fucking,
but with her very moist pussy, and Ray's recent jacking off, they both called
it quits after about ten minutes of fruitless humping.?
Jean caressed
Ray's back as they lay together.?
Ray mumbled,
"That was great babe.? You have a
fine pussy.? Sorry I couldn't get you to
come, I guess I am tired from the yard work today."? Jean now knew the real reason for his lack of
coming.? "That's OK baby.? I know you love me and want to see me happy.? I just don't know what we can do to get you
to come.? Why do you think you can't
anymore?? Is it something about me that no
longer gets you hot?"
Ray pulled up and
looked down into his wife's face, "Jeannie, I love you so much.? You are my soul mate.? I don't know what the problem is but it has
nothing to do with you.? You are just
getting sexier and better looking.? I
enjoy these love sessions even if I don't come.?
What I worry about is that you never come anymore.? I would do anything to get you to enjoy sex
more and have climax's each time we have sex.?
I know my equipment isn't the best so I don't know what we can do to get
each other off.? Whatever it is, as long
as we are together, I know we will be happy."
Jean was taken
back by his confession and smiled up at him.?
"I love you honey.? We will
get through this.? I guess we each will
have to come up with ways to get off to keep our sanity.? I know you want me to be happy, so I guess I
will just have to try things until I find the right stuff to make me
come."? Jean was trying to be supportive
of Ray's hopes, but she was thinking of one big black cock way of coming that she
knew she had to try.? Ray would
understand.? After all, he seemed to like
watching blonds get fucked by black guys.?
Maybe he wants to see her find a black boyfriend.? They spent a nice weekend together and Ray
was off to work on Monday.? Jean was a mass
of feelings and desires as she went about her day.? She knew she should not think of Mike, but he
was constantly on her mind.? When Ray
went to work, she went into the computer room and started to go through the
sites from Ray's favorites.? She was amazed
at what she saw and read. She started to enjoy the stories and the ones about
cheating wives that find black studs to take them to new sexual thrills had her
hand down her panties as she fingered herself to a good come.?? Pulling herself together, she showered and
dressed and was outside Mike's office door at 1300 on the minute.?
Mike was not sure
if he had scared the blond wife away over the weekend, so when he heard the
soft knock at 1300 he knew that she was hooked and it was time to start reeling
her in. In a loud, stern voice he called, "Enter"
Jean pushed open
the door and walked in.? She closed and
locked the door trying to insure some privacy.?
Walking up to the front of Mike's desk she looked down into his face and
smiled.? "I thought we could
continue my training this afternoon, if you have the time.? I was especially interested in learning more
about what to do in compromising positions."
Mike loved the
way Jean was trying to be cute, but that was not the role he intended to have
Jean perform for him.? He could get cute
girls to bed him easily. What he wanted was a devoted slut that would be at his
beck and call to do whatever his deviant mind wanted.? He wanted to possess this lovely wife and
mother so her family would always know that she was his.? Today would be the start of that
Leaning back into
his chair, he put his hands behind his head and spoke, "Mrs. Howell, how
nice of you to come in for a training session today.? Yes, I do have about an hour or so that I can
devote to your education.? But first, I
think you need to get more comfortable if we are to progress.? Saturday, you were privileged to see me in
all my glory, and if we are to proceed, I think it is only fair that you come
over her beside my desk and strip off that dress so I can see what we have to
work with."?
Mike did no more
and just waited for Jean to decide if she was going to be unfaithful
again.? What Jean did not know was that
the principles offices had been equipped with a video tape system in order to
protect teachers should any kids try to cry assault or rape during discipline
sessions.? As Jean walked around Mike's
desk, she did not see him flip a switch under his desk to start the recording.?
Jean looked so
nervous as she slowly tried to look sexy and started to unbutton her
sundress.? She had only worn a dress,
panties, bra and heels as she knew here tanned legs looked good without
stockings.? Mike for his part tried to
look like he was shocked by her sexual strip show.? He knew that without the audio, it would seem
that she was coming on to him in the most flagrant way.?
Once she was down
to her heels Mike said, "Stop.?
Stand there and take your big tits and hold them up for me to see how
excited you are.? Take your fingers and
squeeze your fat nipples hard.? That's
it.? Get them big and hard.? Now pull those big mommas up and give each
nipple a lick. Have you ever sucked your own nipples?"? Jean nodded her head no as she followed every
one of his commands.?
"Do it
now.? Suck them hard. That's it.? Oh, you look so sexy.? I think we will be able to get some great
training done today.? Now, I want you to
get down on your knees and crawl over to me, push back my chair, undo my pants
and take out the cock that you so desperately need to pay homage to.? Do it slow and sexy so I know you really need
to have it deep in your throat."?
Jean was startled
by the bluntness, but she could not deny the need to feel and suck Mike's oh so
superior cock.? Following the letter of
his commands, she was soon fumbling with his belt and zipper.? Mike made it look like he was trying to stop
her, but Jean prevailed and soon had his semi hard cock in her hands.? Mike looked like he was shocked but being
only human, let the sex crazy lady spend the next twenty minutes learning all
the details of his cock and balls.?
During Jean's performance Mike had commanded that she reach down and
start playing with her hot pussy.? He
said he wanted her to come when he shot his load.? Again when he was close to coming he held her
head tight and filled her full of his seed. Knowing better what to expect, Jean
was swallowing fast with the first shot in order to keep all his spunk in her
stomach.? Jean also started to really
plunge her fingers deep into her gash and was able to get a good orgasm just as
the first shot hit the back of her throat.
Once the two got
their breathing under control, Jean kept his deflating cock in her mouth,
suckling on his softening flesh.? Mike
closed his eyes and enjoyed the devotion Jean was showing his cock.? She would be doing this often and while she
did give a good blowjob, she had not been able to get near enough down her
throat to please Mike.?
"That was a
good beginners effort at pleasing my big black cock Jean, but before you can
move to the next level of enjoying him in you hot little pussy, you will have
to do much better.? I want you to
practice until you are able to take my cock so my hair tickles your nose.? When you can do that I will let you feel this
monster deep in that little white cunt of yours.? That's what you have been dreaming about all
weekend, isn't Jean."
Jean turned red
but kept her face close to Mike's crotch, kissing and cuddling with his cock
and balls.? She had never deep throated
anyone, so she did not know how she could do it, but she desperately wanted to
feel this cock deep in her cunt.
"Mike, I
will try, but how can I practice."
Mike ran his
hands through her hair and stated, "There are two ways, and I suggest you
do both.? One, you will be here every
afternoon to practice on the real thing.?
And the second is to find a big black dildo and use that for practice
when you are home. Do you have a toy that fits that bill?"? Jean thought of Ray and his black dildo he
used to fuck his own ass and she shivered in disgust.? Mike noticed the reaction and followed up.
"You do have a dildo don't you, you little slut."
Jean shook her
head and over the next ten minutes explained the dildo she pictured was her
husband's.? It just seemed to pour out of
her mouth the story of her arrival home to find Ray watching black porn and
fucking himself while jacking off. Mike was overjoyed that Jean's husband had a
thing for blacks on blond loving.? He
started to think how he could make both Ray and Jean his possessions.
Seeing that the
hour was almost up, Mike pulled the blond up and sat her down on his desk.? He spread her legs.? "As a reward for telling me your story,
I will show you some of what you can expect as my women.? While I don't usually go down on women who
have a hairy pussy, I will make an exception just this once.? But the next time I see you I expect this
pussy to be as clean as when you were 5 years old."
Mike's expert
tongue and fingers soon had the inexperience white mother creaming all over his
face.? Leaning back he smiled and said,
"Delicious, just the dessert I wanted to end my lunch hour.? Now get your married ass dressed and out of
here.? Go practice on your husband's sex
toy and I want to see some improvement tomorrow."? Spanking her ass, Jean jumped to his command
and in short order was kissing him goodbye at the door.
Flushed and
excited, Jean drove home wondering where Ray hid his dildo.? Ray went to the video system and after some
nice editing had the first tape to a collection he would label, 'Jean, my black
cock slut."
One afternoon out of the blue Mike rang me. I was so excited! He said he had been traveling and that he was back in town and wanted to throw himself a welcome home party. Of course I agreed and got all the info on where and when. Mike wanted me and Melissa to come so I told him that I would call her and find out if she was available. I knew that she had to work that night so I called her and left her a message on here machine, giving her the address and time. As was instructed I dressed very...
Jean stood back from the mirror to look at her new outfit. It was just what she wanted to turn on any man.It was a hot pink wrap around micro-mini that clung to her 34-inch hips, leaving a bare 20-inch waist and midriff that exposed soft pearl white skin from just below her 34B tits to just above her red bush. Jean liked to wear low riding skirts to show off her white, flat abdomen. She smoothed her skirt down with her hands and then slowly moved her hands up to her filmy top. Carefully, slowly...
Introduction: If you squick easily, my stories arent for you. Consider yourself warned. I met the cutest guy at the club last Saturday night. His names Mike. We really hit it off. Now, I dont usually go back to a guys place when we first meet, but he was really cute, and wouldnt take my number, saying its either now or never. I didnt want to miss my chance at him. So I text my friends not to wait up for me and he drives me to his place. Its a bit out of the way. Its got one of those really...
Steph lay naked between the sheets waiting for Jack to come to bed. It was Saturday night, their designated date night. The kids were spending the night out. Jack and Steph had gone out to dinner at a new restaurant in town, and sat at a table in a two-level room with brick walls, a black iron staircase, and a curved ceiling painted to look like the night sky. It had been as if they’d been dining on a Venetian terrace. It had been a nice night.Jack came into the room, naked. His dick was...
Wife LoversAs they lay naked in their bed, the sun slowly rising and sending yellow-orange rays through the curtains, wakefulness ever-so-slowly creeping through their bodies, Jack slowly dragged his fingertips along Steph’s thigh. Jack drew his lips to Steph’s ear and whispered, “I had an interesting dream.”Steph mumbled in response, unsure of whether she wanted to allow herself to cross over into wakefulness. She was warm and cozy under the covers and sleeping felt pretty damned good.“I was sitting at a...
Wife LoversI never dreamed I would be able to write about the fulfilment of a fantasy of mine. For years I, that is James, have secretly wanted my wife to have sex with another man. Erica my wife is 36 years old. She has an attractive figure with firm stiff breasts, with large nipples that she loves having sucked and tweaked. She has always been able to keep herself in good shape, as when I met her she was a cheerleader in school and college, she still visits the gym most days.Although she now works as a...
F*rced To Be A Slut (for BBC)forced to be a Slut Story from the perspective of a mom who is forced to become a slut for their neighbor's daughter. The mother’s daughter also becomes her mistress and mom gets nigger fuckedTears ran down my cheeks as the nigger cock rammed my pussy from behind. Jessica watched with a smile on her face as she often did. Here I was, in the back of a van in a mall parking lot, getting my white pussy violated by a nigger buck while the woman who had become my...
To start of with I'm a 19 years bi white male from london I'm a crossdresser t,girl fem boy what ever you want to call it and i loveto dress as a sexy girl/women wear womens sexy clothes skirts stockings panties thongs heels wigs makeup purfume the hole lot.anyway i have had a black cock fetish for a few years now i have never been with a black man and have only ever watched video's andlooked at pictures on porn sites i love the look of a black cock hot big and fat they are and how they so sexy...
Wendy has been managing to put in one extra session at the gym each week for some time now. She was beginning to notice how toned that she looked and how well defined her legs were, especially when she wore any kind of heel. The extra sessions had been on different days and times than Wendy's normal routine and deeper had experienced how quiet the gym could be at times, or there were times that she could feel all the eyes on her, undressing her as she revelled in the attention. Wendy had become...
"No, I'm not doing it, now please shut up," said anexasperated Tracey to her husband who for thehundredth time that day had asked her to fuck a big THICK COCKED BLACK HUNK"You're fucking sick, do you know that, now leave mealone and let me get on with dinner."Tracey was a very attractive thirty four year oldhousewife, she was married to Davie, a successfulbusinessman, they had c***dren,Tracey and Davie had an open marriage, both were havingaffairs, Davie liked her to fetch her boyfriend's...
What a beauty. She was in a slim cream bikini which did not leave much to the imagine. With her black hair, Italian features of slim face, sharp nose and angelic smiling lips. When she looked at you, she captured you with her deep blue eyes. Her body shape of 34d 26 and 32 hips and a slim 170cm gave her a genital hour glass look. I then recognised her from the show which she just attended and I was showing my models. I smiled at her and waved. Walking towards her she realised who I...
CHAPTER 4: OFFICE TRAININGSomething woke Abby up. It was still early but not too early. The light outside the window was showing the early signs of the new day, the birds were just rousting the night and beginning their calls and songs. It was that, though, and it was the weekend so a longer sleep would be normal for her. She fully opened her eyes and turned onto her back.“What are you doing?” Her mom. Her mom was lying next to her with her head braced with her bent arm. She was just looking at...
By Roger with a nod to Nin and Mel ‘20 Chapter the First…A P L A Studio in Calais In the northeast section of the city of Calais and very near the channel waters was a small colony where there lived many painters, writers and sculptors, including a particular artiste, our young, innocent Jean. The colony near Calais was known by the residents as La Petite Artiste or simply as LPA. It was a gay part of CalaIs whereat music and laughter were often heard as there were many small...
CHAPTER 6: PROMOTIONS“Ladies, how are you each doing this morning?” It was 9:00 and Jacob had just arrived to the office. As he walked briskly past their desks, he asked them to come to his office. They sat in guest chairs opposite him across his desk as properly as possible in very short, tight skirts and blouses unbuttoned just below the nipples. As had become common for the office, they didn’t have underwear on, though some days that was all they wore for the day.“Good, sir,” they both...
CHAPTER 8: DARK KNIGHTSOnce arriving back in town and pulling their carry-on bags through the airport, Jacob suggested, instructed really, Jean and Abby take the afternoon off. They arrived shortly after noon so their was an entire afternoon left.“Take the afternoon off. Spend more of my money at ForePlay or in bed with each other … you deserve it.” He looked down at Abby as they exited the airport building and waited for the chance to cross to the parking structure and their cars. “And, no,...
CHAPTER 5: BBQ & BBC“Jean and Abby … what will it be today, ladies?”“Hi, Wendy.” Jean and Abby called out at the same time as they entered ForePlay, the erotic women’s shop. They had been in enough lately, especially since Jacob had provided them with an account there, that they were on first name basis with the shop owner. “We’re undecided. We’ll look around for a bit.”Ten minutes later Wendy found them, again. “Anything I can maybe help with? Do you think you are interested in intimate,...
Mommy can be Such Naughty Fun!It had been a couple of years since Jean had started teaching her son Billy and I about sex and how to please and fulfill a woman's sexual desires. And Jean liked it Hardcore,Dirty and Kinky!Alot had changed over those two years.Six months after my first sexual encounter with Jean and Billy,Bill Sr. moved away. It was very sudden and there was no real fanfare. One week he was the Minister of the town's church,and the next? He was moving two states away,to become...
CHAPTER 9: DARK KNIGHTS BANG“Wall of fame? I don’t get it. Doesn’t look very honored.” Jean and Abby had been escorted through the Dark Knights club to the manager’s office behind the bar area. This was the third visit to the club for Jean and Abby. This time with just Caleb and Terrell. Each time they came to the club they felt more comfortable in the environment. They continued to meet other men who had invested like Caleb and Terrell and continued to find themselves on the dance floor with...
My first marriage was a bit of a disaster. It turned out that I was too small for my wife (who didn’t tell me until several years after we were married). At first the sex just became less and less frequent. I was a late developer and so my first sexual outlet was porn, so it seemed natural to turn to it again so that I could stay faithful to my wife. I was a buff personal trainer and self-defense expert – a black belt in Gracie Jujitsu (no small feat) and a 4th dan in Tae Kwon Do; but...
John and Amy have been married for almost 5 years now. They have had a good sex life,John is 23 years old, and Amy is 24 years old. John stands 6’2″, with dark brown hair and blue eyes, weighing about 200 lbs. Amy stands about 5’4″, with long brown hair and green eyes. She weighs about 190 lbs, with 42D tits.They had hired a local lawn company to do their yard work for them. Roger is a 40 year old. He stands 6’4″, with dark skin, a shaved head, and dark brown eyes. He had a muscular build,...
Jean: Total Exhibitionist Slut. The complete story.This is the actual events my wife Jean and I encountered just a few weeks back. We’d stopped off at the Hotel closest to our nearest Airport for a quick drink before we headed off home. What we didn’t expect when we entered the bar, is that the entire bar was full of bored business men waiting for their next connection flight. Some of the guys were in their mid fifties, the majority in their forties and a small amount of very arrogant looking...
CHAPTER 2: THE INTERVIEWJacob Collins sat in the firm’s conference that served as a ‘war room’ for formulating strategy for new clients and major projects but was also a real conference room for the Monday morning update and planning meetings he held with the three salesmen that rounded out the firm. He was blessed with working with three of the best and hardest working people he had ever encountered. Of course, as also being their father, he felt blessed that he could honestly say he had their...
CHAPTER 1: HOW IT STARTEDJean Evans suddenly pulled her white Honda Accord sedan to the curb in front of a dark strip mall on the quiet avenue leaving the downtown area to the eastern suburbs and home. She turned in her seat belt and reached across the center console to a surprised young woman in the passenger seat, her daughter, Abby Evans.Abby looked around outside the car, even checking the car’s dashboard for some sign of trouble. “What’s wrong, mom?”Jean just stared at her daughter. Her...
My wife, Moni and I liked to watch adult videos as part of our sex life. She liked to be restrained and spanked, then fucked silly. She said that she really liked the feeling of being controlled for the sexual gratification of another. One day we were watching a new film in which a white housewife was being used and dominated by several black men. Moni's pussy was sopping and she couldn't take her eyes off of the scene unfolding in front of her. As the men roughly shoved their cocks into the...
Justin The weeks passed quickly. Jean had set a pattern to keep everyone satisfied. Herbie liked to fuck her mornings before work during the week. The boys always woke up horny so as Herbie went out the door, they both went in Jean. HS made his usual stop just before lunch and if by chance Herbie came home for a noon-er, she was wet and ready. The boys made their afternoon hits around 2:30 and 4:00. They even managed to slip up behind her and drop a load, with Herbie in the next room. A slow...
I never dreamed I would be able to write about the fulfilment of a fantasy of mine. For years I, that is James, have secretly wanted my wife to have sex with another man. Erica my wife is 36 years old. She has an attractive figure with firm stiff breasts, with large nipples that she loves having sucked and tweaked. She has always been able to keep herself in good shape, as when I met her she was a cheerleader in school and college, she still visits the gym most days.Although she now works as a...
Jean: Total Exhibitionist Slut.This is the actual events my wife Jean and I encountered just a few weeks back. We’d stopped off at the Hotel closest to our nearest Airport for a quick drink before we headed off home. What we didn’t expect when we entered the bar, is that entire bar was full of bored business men waiting for their next connection flight. Some of the guys were in their mid fifties, the majority in their forties and a small amount of arrogant guys in their twenties and thirties. I...
I have just returned home from a two week vacation where I learned my grown daughter is a black cock slut and her master decided to enjoy my wife's services.My wife and I were on the last leg of a two week long road trip and decided to stop in Jacksonville North Carolina and visit my 34 year old daughter Jamie. I called her the day before and told her to pick a restaurant and we would take her out to dinner. She asked if her "boyfriend" could come along and of course I answered in the...
No wonder I'm a Perv! LOL All I could do was stare at Jean's beautiful ass and walk as fast as I could on my tip toes. Her hips swayed back and forth and I saw that her ass had pink splotches,from where my face had been grinding into it. The tight grip she had on my dick began to turn it purple and there was a tingling sensation pulsing between my hairless balls and asshole. At the foot of the stairs She let go of our dicks. Even holding onto each other,like we were,Billy and I almost...
Let me start by telling you a bit about myself. I am 18 years old, tall with a slim waist but have a larger than average arse, and little natural titties developing. My hair is shoulder length and blonde because I am a fem boi. It all started when my mother broke up with my dad and she started having boyfriends again. I am an only c***d and so get lonely, and like most people, when I'm bored and lonely it ends up with me masturbating to porn on the internet. Now normal porn began getting boring...
CHAPTER 7: THE SWANSON AFTER PARTYAfter servicing the Swanson team from under the table while they ate, Jean and Abby stood flushed with unsatisfied arousal. Between the two of them they had taken seven loads of cum and the orgasmic juices of two pussies. They had received applause that added to the awkwardness for them. Jacob came with their coats just before the door of the room was opened to cover their bodies. Their mouths and cheeks glistened with the mixture of cum, pussy juice and...
All the stories you are about to read are all true the only things that have changed are the names of the participants and the time line which has been compressed as the stories start in the 1980’s and continue into the 2000’s.The stories feature exhibitionism, voyeurism, sex play and group sex.Jean Part 1.I meet Jean who is the love of my life and we have been married for 30+yrs this is the story of our sexual adventures together. Where my first wife Kate was a natural exhibitionist, Jean...
It was a warm spring midday in a southwestern desert city. I had been relaxing with a tall glass of iced tea when the phone rang. It was Jean, a married friend of mine. She wanted to know if I would meet her somewhere for a drink. She said she wanted to asked me something very personal.Having nothing pressing at the time, I agreed to meet with her. I suggested a neighborhood bar about halfway between our respective homes.On the way to the bar, I couldn't help but wonder what she wanted to ask...
First of a series in my attempt to write. There are several segments. It is naughty, explicit, kinky and taboo! Herbert Sheldon Sr. Herbert aka “HS” was making his usual stop at Herbie's home. Jean and her boys were the apple of his eyes. She and Herbie married young after an unexpected pregnancy. They had grown to love each other. HS had been their “rock” supporting them financially and in every way they needed. HS had met Jean when Herbie brought...
Second segment of Jean Comes out Peter and Paul The years passed rapidly. Babies, boys to near young men in a flash. Herbie's twin boys, Peter and Paul were nearly identical. Paul had brown hair, Peter red, Paul was more business like, Peter more the player. Paul was a miniature HS and Peter a mini Herbie. They knew that they were an accidental pregnancy, but they were loved and wanted. They were closer to Jean. She was always there, as Herbie...
"The temperature's ninety-seven. It's another scorcher, folks," the radio blared from the back porch. Jean Brown lay face down on the beach towel by the swimming pool in her back yard. She released the bows holding her bikini top in place and pulled her brown hair up to let the sun tan her neck. Because of the rock and roll thumping from the radio, she didn't hear the click of the gate lock as two men entered the yard. They stopped to admire her. Jean was thirty-nine and the mother of...
If my husband, Paul, had known how things were going to turn out, I don’t think he would have gotten himself into the situation he now is.Paul and I met at college, married soon afterwards and have been together for 18 years. He is 42 and I am 41, but people tell me I look ten years younger. I guess I’m lucky in that I’m naturally slim and the little weight I have put on over the years has gone straight to my breasts, giving me a 36C 25 36 figure. I would be naïve if I didn’t admit that most of...
If my husband, Paul, had known how things were going to turn out, I don't think he would have gotten himself into the situation he now is. Paul and I met at college, married soon afterwards and have been together for 18 years. He is 42 and I am 41, but people tell me I look ten years younger. I guess I'm lucky in that I'm naturally slim and the little weight I have put on over the years has gone straight to my breasts, giving me a 36C 25 36 figure. I would be naïve if I didn't admit that most...
All names have been changed to protect those involved.This is mine and about my first time. When I was about seven years old my best friend and I did everything together. In fact we were closer than most brothers I knew were. Since my mother worked full time,if he wasn't at my house I was at his and that is where it all began. Bills' mom Jean was in her early thirties,pretty,with dirty blond hair,just over five foot tall and had a slight pot belly. Her tits were big(at least to me)and...
Jean, the Gem and me By Zedd To all the readers who so graciously gave me their favorable comments. It was a tremendous confidence builder and am happy to say I'm writing almost constantly now. I hope everything I submit is interesting to everyone, but I know that isn't realistic. Too many people with too many tastes. I do know that to all the people who so enjoyed my other stories, you're going to love this one! Enjoy, and I look forward to reading your comments...
It was the summer of 1958, and I had just pissed-off my C.O. at Camp Pendleton by going over his head to get transferred the hell out of that miserable desert landscape. It had cost me an additional year on my enlistment, but I had considered that a cheap price to pay. My next duty station was to be at Subic Bay in the Philippines, and I was leaving base with three and a half weeks delay in reporting to Treasure Island in San Francisco - this was to be spent with my parents and brother in...
Jean-Paul By Pappy27 Copyright© 2009 by Pappy27 A 22 year old soldier stationed in Germany meets a 19 year old French girl and they spend a romantic weekend together celebrating his twenty-second birthday. The following short story is true, the names have been changed to protect the innocent or not so innocent. The mistakes in spelling are due to individual languages e.g. Guasthaus (German name for a bar which may also function as a Bread and Breakfast in small villages) Bas Rhin (French...
Jean-Paul By Pappy27 Copyright© 2009 by Pappy27 A 22 year old soldier stationed in Germany meets a 19 year old French girl and they spend a romantic weekend together celebrating his twenty-second birthday. The following short story is true; the names have been changed to protect the innocent or not so innocent. The mistakes in spelling are due to individual languages e.g. Guasthaus (German name for a bar which may also function as a Bread and Breakfast in small...
Straight SexCHAPTER 3: FIRST DAY“Take a deep breath.”Abby turned to look at her mom as they sat in the car in front of the office of Collins Sales. They were asked to park in the back row and there were other cars parked there they guessed were the Collins men and the other businesses.“Did you say that for me or for yourself?”Jean smiled and as she pulled on the door handle, she said, “Both, I think.”Outside the car they straightened their short mini-dresses and nodded approval to each other. The first day...
I’ve always just been an average girl. All through high school and all through college. I married an average guy who was successful in middle management and we lived in an average house in a good neighborhood. We were both working, paying the mortgage and saving some money. Like everything else about me, my body was just average. My tits were a handful, but no more. I was “tight” enough for my husband and he was big enough for me. All of this changed three years ago on Christmas, but I...
This Is Based On My Own Personal Experience: Because I Had Discovered The "Adult Book Store/ Theater, And Basement Row Of "Glory Holes",I Had Skipped A Few Sunday School Sessions. The Monsignor Decided To Make Me Do Some Penance. If I Agreed He Would Not Involve My Mom. I Immediately Agreed. If I Stayed Out OfTrouble I Was Allow Allot Of "Freedom". He Ordered Me To Be A The Church Every Saturday Morning To Help Clear Out & Clean Up The Basement. I Had To Be There At 8am. When I Got There I...
Jean Comes Out #3 The Morning After Jean woke early, refreshed after a long shower and douche she dressed. She had one more day of privacy with the boys and planned to take full advantage of it. She chose a more “mom” style for today. A red, slightly sexy, clinging tube dress normal hem length, bra less with white lace panties. She completely shaved her cunt, for the first time in years it was bald and plump. Thinking about last night, she fingered her...
“Oh god! Yes, yes, do it baby! Fill me. I’ll cum again when PhalPal lets go.”“Soon lover, real soon!”Mike held Chrissy’s hips tight as she squatted over him. Having already driven her to a number of orgasms, he was ready for his. Pumping hard and fast, his phallus began spurting as he shouted, “Now baby, now!”Feeling his release, her body began to quiver as her final orgasm ran through her.“Fuck Mikey! Oh god it is so good! I love my PhalPal! I love all of you.”She sunk down into a long,...
College SexPaula,Tom,Jean and I had many sexual encounters over the next year. Jean and Tom would go off in the pool away from everyone else and play with each other. I remember one time Tom jumped out of the pool suddenly grabbing a towel and running into the house. Jean came over to Paula and I laughing. She said they were doing there normal thing which was Tom finger fucking her and she would play with his cock. This time though Tom got too involved and came in his swim trunks. We all laughed and of...
Sometimes it annoyed Jena to no end how people didn’t know how to shield their thoughts. As she and Scott walked down the street of Krakoa she could hear the thoughts as loud as if they were being shouted. ‘How can she be with him after what he did with Emma?’ ‘I’ll never understand how she forgave him.’ ‘You think he’s cheating on her still?’ For the first one the answer was simple: she loved her husband. Heart and soul. He was her other half and now that both of them were among the living...
There isn't a married man alive who would not jump at the chance to enjoy sex outside of marriage, at least that's my opinion. My name is Rob, 48 and have been married to my wife, Jodi for twenty years. Jodi is a very attractive woman, she is 46 5'8", 128lbs 36C-24-36. She has firm tits for her age, a nice round ass and shoulder length blonde hair. I make my share of comments, in regards to other women, just so Jodi will know what I am thinking about. I am the type of guy who would definitely...
I have been very pleased to notice that she has been in a good mood these past few weeks. Recently the stress of life seemed to be getting to her. I think that part of the reason for the recent uplift in her mood is that her work is going well. Her company has finally listened to her and hired an assistant for her. So now, when she comes home, she is smiling and telling me what has happened and how Pierre, her new assistant, is settling in. At first I didn't think much of this; it's only...
Jean elder sister came to visit for 10 days during xmass time Jean sister was 6 years older than her, she was very attractive a few extra kilos but still very sharply body, nise big breast, smooth white skin, beauty full face, I liked her from the first day we meet She has been a widow for two year's very friendly always with me. Jean told me to be careful about our relationship with her and her husband, she did not want Maggie to know or suspect, I said will be careful durring her stay, Jean...
Jean elder sister came to visit for 10 days during xmas timeJean sister was 6 years older than her, she has been a widow for four year's she was very attractive a few extra kilos but still very shaped body, nice big breast, smooth white skin, beauty full face, I liked her from the first day we meet, and she was very friendly always with me.Jean told me to be careful about our relationship with her and her husband, she did not want Maggie to know or suspect, I said will be careful during her...
I was still Mike’s number one until selection. Normally he would have been with me but this morning I had little choice but to wait for him to appear. Finally, at 07:40 out came Jay, Pam, and Mike. There were two couples ahead of Jay in the serving line. As I approached, Pam stepped backward gently pressing into Mike. Mike took the opportunity to hug Pam from behind. Although I was behind Mike, it looked from my angle that Pam put his hands on her more than ample boobage. Both started...
Mike Trains a SlutbyColdfinger©Mike smiled to himself as he gazed at the bare ass of his Aunt Beth, u*********sly stroking his hard cock straining against the material of his running shorts. Beth was bent over the big oak desk in his grandfather's office, waiting for ten strokes from the switch that lay on the desk next to her. As he stroked at his cock, Mike reflected on the events that had led to this situation.Mike, now a strapping nineteen year old, had been orphaned fours years earlier...
A 22 year old soldier stationed in Germany meets a 19 year old French girl and they spend a romantic weekend together celebrating his twenty-second birthday. The following short story is true; the names have been changed to protect the innocent or not so innocent. The mistakes in spelling are due to individual languages eg. Guasthaus (German name for a bar which may also function as a Bread and Breakfast in small villages) Bas Rhin (French town meaning Lower Rhine, in the Alsace Lorraine area...
This is my account of how my eyes were opened up, and body and senses awoken to the world of black cock. I knew I could never go back to a white dick ever again.Anyway, firstly let me tell you a little bit about myself. My name is Sarah and I am 22 years old, I have a killer body that is toned and athletic without being too muscly as a result of going to the gym at least four times a week. All mixed in with curves is all the right places. I know I have a cracking ass that is round and peachy me...