Schoolgirl Cum Girl
- 4 years ago
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?Schoolgirl Sisters
Part 1
The two naked female bodies swung gently in chains hanging from the ceiling of the darkened chamber. The slim bodies were of two teenage sisters who were bound tightly together, hanging by cuffs around their wrists to the ceiling above. Both girls were crying ?please help me? but their cries were the sole sounds heard in the half-lit chamber. No one was going to help them in their ordeal. The two girls faced each other, their beautiful young bodies crushed together and their sweet faces wet with tears.? Their lovely naked bodies bore the marks of a recent heavy whipping. Their slim thighs and perfectly-rounded bottoms were covered in dark red welts, marking their nubile young flesh. They would hang there all night, bound tightly together with only each other for company. The morning would bring no relief but only fresh trials and ordeals for the sweet teenage sisters.
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?I want you to use strict discipline on my daughters.? the man said as he sat in front of the Mother Superior?s desk in her study at the Convent of the Perpetual Succour. His twin daughters, Melanie and Debbee, stood next to him, their heads bowed, not daring to say anything and holding hands in fear and trepidation. ?I?m afraid I?m all alone with my daughters as my wife is no longer with us. I?ve taken charge of their discipline so far but now I feel they need a stronger hand. I?ve heard that your convent practises firm discipline and this is what both my girls need.?
?You?re quite right and I think we will enjoy training your two daughters, or should I say educating,? replied the Mother Superior who sat behind her desk in her long black robes, looking very stern and forbidding. An ominous-looking bamboo cane lay conveniently on her desk.
old are your girls, sir? They look delightful beauties if I may say so,? she
asked with her eyes fixed on the luscious bodies of the two trembling girls.
?They?re just 13. They?re twins as you can see and they take after their mother
in looks. They?re beautiful but also wilful and in need of firm control.?
The two young sisters were real stunners with their fabulous blonde hair, tied in a pony tail, sweet angelic faces, blue eyes, long legs and the most amazing upright breasts. They had already turned many hot-blooded male eyes. For their interview at their new school their father had insisted they wore a very short skirt which barely covered their perfect little bottoms and tight white blouses which would have fitted a 10 year old. When the sisters had barely reached puberty their breasts measured already a good 32B; now at the still tender age of 13, they measured an ample 34DD and were still developing. As the girls stood passively in the Head?s study their large upright breasts were heaving as they strained at the tight thin fabric of their blouses. They had been told by their father to undo most of the top buttons as this would make a good impression at their new school. They didn?t dare disobey their strict disciplinarian father. The girls were still innocent of sex and didn?t realise the effect their luscious bodies were having on their father. The sisters were holding hands for comfort as they stood there submissively, not daring to look at the stern black-robed woman in front of them.
?Your lovely daughters look older, if I may compliment them, and I can see they are very well-developed for their age. They?ll fit very well into our first reception class, where all the girls are either 13 or 14, although I don?t think any of the other girls have such well-developed figures as your lovely girls,? she said eyeing up the sisters? ample breasts which were heaving up and down as both girls shook in trepidation. She thought that were very young to have such prominent female assets. They need to be taught a lesson, she thought to herself, and there are lots of fun we can have with gorgeous tits like these! She was eager to get her hands on the girls? perfect bodies and abuse them roughly. She touched the cane on her desk, fingering it with growing anticipation.
?I would like to stress that there?s nothing you can?t do to my daughters. You have complete free rein with them,? the man continued. ?They?re both no strangers to my discipline and I assure you they can take it without complaint. They both know what a strong hand across their bottoms feels like so you should have no trouble from them. They will do as they?re told! I?ve heard the convent has much harder methods to train wayward young girls. That?s what I definitely want. The harder the better is my motto and very strict discipline is what I want for my daughters.?
?We can certainly oblige in this school and here we know how to discipline girls very firmly. I like to practice firm discipline myself and we have a lot of equipment here for that very purpose,? she said licking her lips as she tapped her cane hard across the palm of her hand. ?I can also call on lots of help if I need it. Although we are a girls? school we have a very experienced older man, Father John Thomas, who assists me with the girls? discipline and he is helped by another male assistant, Father Benedick. I can assure you that both of them stand no nonsense from our girls. We have found that men are particularly good at disciplining teenage girls and all the women staff are happy to use them. They bring distinct advantages when we discipline our school girls. They enjoy their work and they are very strict with their methods. So just leave everything to us for the next few years.?
?Good that?s what I like to hear. I can leave my daughters in your very capable hands. It is difficult being a single parent bringing up lovely girls like my daughters and it?s not the same since my wife left us.?
The man was now a single parent and this what his two girls had come to accept. They assumed that their mother had gone missing either by accident or deliberately and felt the loss of their mother dreadfully. The truth was the man had a good idea where his wife was but he had to keep it to himself. He had recklessly gambled a lot of money and owed a huge amount of money, over 20,000, to a syndicate of some rather nasty people. He was offered a deal: his debts would be wiped out if he ?hired? his pretty young wife out to the group who said they wanted an attractive female to entertain some men. He had earlier showed a member of the syndicate a photo of his wife in a brief bikini and the men liked what they saw. They were very happy to accept such a beautiful wife as payment for the debt. His wife was a long-legged blonde model in her early 30s and although he loved her very much he had no alternative but to comply with their demands as he had no other way to raise the money. He agreed to tell the group when she would be home alone so someone could call at his house to ?collect? her. This was the deal so his wife would never suspect he had agreed to it. He was also told that his wife should not know of the deal. It was to be kept a secret. There was a pre-arranged time and he had deliberately taken his daughters out for the night to a show so that his lovely young wife was all alone. He had also given the group a key to get in the house.
Four men arrived at his house early in the evening and let themselves quietly in. They found his wife conveniently in the lounge dressed in a tiny bikini as she had been sunbathing outside that day. She tried to scream but she was no match for the men and they overpowered her, binding her in a tight hogtie and gagging her. They enjoyed handling her semi-naked body and she had such a stunning figure the men had to restrain themselves from raping her there and then. They wrapped her in a rug and quickly carried her to an unmarked waiting van. No one saw a thing. In order that her disappearance should look innocent the men filled a couple of suitcases with her underwear and clothes to make it seem as if she had gone away suddenly. There were no signs of violence and when he and his daughters got home they all accepted that she would be back in a couple of days.??
A few days later he received a video in the post. He played the video and was shocked to see his lovely young wife in a dungeon, stripped naked and bound in many different ways. It was a bondage video made for commercial purposes and he watched his wife endure various stringent bondage positions from hogties to being hung upside down. She was gagged and forced to wear all kinds of leather harnesses and bondage devices. She was visibly crying and in a lot of distress. He was fascinated as well as horrified as he watched it. The next week another video arrived and this time it was much worse. The video again featured his naked wife, now bound to an x-cross in a dungeon. A large group of Arab-looking men, all talking a foreign language, stood around her abusing her. He guessed now that she had been taken far away to another country and he was then shocked to watch her being brutally whipped for over an hour by all the men. The following week yet another video came and this one was even worse. He watched in shock as his wife was brutally tortured for hour after hour. She suffered brandings and piercings as well as other horrible tortures; various electro devices were used on the sensitive parts of her body which sent her into paroxysms of screaming. He even turned the sound down as she screamed so much. He hid the videos so that his daughters wouldn?t see them but he did look at them several more times, horrified but also turned on to see his wife cruelly abused and punished. He had never seen her since but wonders where she is and what kind of tortures she?s suffering now.
He looked after his growing daughters on his own and he was a strict disciplinarian. He insisted on going with his daughters on their shopping trips and would have even gone into the changing room with them had he been allowed. As he always paid the bills, they had to buy what he liked:? very short micro-skirts, tight jeans and skinny tops with spaghetti straps. He particularly liked choosing their underwear. He insisted they wear push-up tiny bras and thong panties, making them model for him in the lounge at home when they got back from the shopping trips. If they protested in the slightest or tried to cover their embarrassment as they stood before him in their skimpy underwear he would immediately spank them both.
He was a strict master as well as father and enjoyed his total power over them. He loved their punishment sessions and he would pull one of his daughters over his knee while the other one had to watch. He would make her kneel close by, her hands behind her back, waiting for her turn to be punished.? When he spanked them he would pull their skirts up or pull down their jeans so they were just wearing their tiny thongs. If they protested at all when he revealed their nakedness he would double the number of spanking blows.? He found excuses to spank them every evening for any minor infringement and always sent them off to bed with red swollen bottoms.
With his wife gone he relished taking over the discipline of his young daughters and he really enjoyed his daily evening spanking sessions. But every time he had one of them bent over his lap and he was slapping the tender unblemished flesh of her bottom and the tops of her thighs he would get a massive hard-on. He knew it wouldn?t take much to throw his lovely daughter on the floor and rape her. As his submissive daughter knelt before him he was seriously tempted to pull her forward, yanking out his hard cock and stuffing it into her innocent mouth. Fearing he would eventually rape both girls he decided reluctantly to enrol them in the strictest boarding school he could find and he took them to the Convent of the Perpetual Succour.
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?So Reverend Mother, I repeat that I want my two daughters subjected to the toughest discipline. I have to spank them every day but I am sure you have harder punishments if they are disobedient.?
we are experienced in teaching teenage girls the real meaning of hard
discipline. Before you go we?ll show you our Correction Centre and I?m sure
you?ll like it. It has all the equipment to teach naughty young sluts a lesson
they won?t forget, if you don?t mind me calling your lovely daughters sluts!
They do look like little sluts, wearing such revealing clothes at their young
tender age!? she answered. ?I must tell you that we do insist on having your
daughters all the time here so we have the complete freedom to teach them to
behave properly day and night. Parents give complete control of their daughters
over to us. Girls are never allowed out of the school the whole time they?re
with us. This is a convent boarding school and there are no holidays ever!
Girls stay here day and night until they?re 18 years old.?
?I?m very pleased with that and I am happy for you to do whatever you want with
my daughters for the next five years. And I mean that. You can do exactly what
you want with them. They are no limits as far as I?m concerned,? said the
father of the two girls as he sat in the head?s study looking contentedly at
his two frightened daughters. ?Once they reach 18, I expect they will be well
trained to embark on their careers and I am sure you can take care of that for
me as well.?
?Of course we can. We make suitable arrangements for all our girls once they
reach the end of their time with us. They are many places all across the world
which will be very happy to take our well-trained young girls. And after five
years with us all the time, your daughters will be very well-trained, I can
assure you. Shall I get them settled in now?? she said as she rang a bell on
her large desk. ?Then you can visit the Correction Centre before you leave.?
Two women dressed in black nun?s habits, complete with black hooded cowls, entered. They weren?t as old as the Headmistress but looked very stern and forbidding. They immediately frightened the two sisters even more as they not only looked very threatening dressed all in black but they also had leather riding crops hanging from their belts.
?Let me introduce you to Sister Isabella and Sister Angelica.?
They joined the Mother Superior behind her desk and eyed up the two young teenage beauties with great pleasure. The presence in the study of the three female figures in long black outfits sent shivers down the girls? spines. They squeezed each other?s hand even more firmly, desperate for any comfort they could get.
?Now girls, let?s see your real charms,? said the Head as she stood up to inspect the two sisters. ?You?re both wearing some very sexy outfits to show off your charms so let?s see them. Remove your blouses and skirts so we can see your lovely young bodies much better.?
?NNNNN?No, please, we can?t?can?t do that,? said one of the girls, Melanie, as they clasped each other closely, shaking in their humiliation. ?Please, we?re too shy. Daddy, please don?t make us take off our clothes here!?
?Don?t you dare be disobedient to me!? said the Head as she slapped the protesting twin girl very hard across her face. It was such a hard slap that the girl nearly fell backwards and there was left the red imprint of her hand on the girl?s cheek. Melanie cried with the hurt and shame and fearing more punishment, both sisters began quickly unbuttoning their blouses.
?As you can see, we don?t stand any nonsense from our girls,? the headmistress said to the father who was sitting in his chair and looking very pleased with what he was seeing unfold before his eyes. ?I hope as their father you don?t mind seeing their charms more fully revealed.??
?Not at all, I?m looking forward to it. Do carry on, I beg you. I insist on seeing them in their underwear at home and I must say my daughters are turning into right little tarts, I can tell you. They need to be taught a lesson for being such sexy little girls. Whatever discipline you inflict on them, I know they will deserve it. I must assure you that you can do exactly what you like with them. Nothing is too severe and I mean nothing!?
The sisters were sobbing quietly as they nervously unbuttoned their tight blouses and removed them. They then unzipped their tiny mini-skirts and let them fall around their ankles, stepping out of them. They had to hand over their clothes to the two nuns who immediately threw them into a waste bin.
?Now put your hands behind your backs!? ordered the Head.
Both teenagers blushed as they stood there in their skimpy underwear, holding their hands behind their backs. They were wearing a matching underwear set of bra and panties, chosen for them by their father. They had push-up bras in a pretty white and pink floral pattern with bows and laces in the middle of the cups. Their ample 34DD breasts were bursting out of the tiny demi-cups and with their hands behind their backs their bodies were thrust provocatively forward. Their other item of underwear consisted of matching tiny thong panties with a pretty lace waistband. It was very feminine underwear and showed off the twins? stunning bodies. The sisters were both wearing identical high heeled sandals with 3? heels which their father had also insisted on.
?Very nice indeed,? said the Headmistress as she surveyed the sisters? well-developed young bodies. ?You two little sluts are going to be real stunners and I can see we need to keep a close eye on you two. We can turn you into something very special which is definitely going to appeal to men.??
She inspected both girls closely. She picked up her slim cane from her desk and rested it on their heaving breasts, taunting both girls with her total dominance. She tapped her swishy cane on their well-formed nipples which were visibly protruding through their thin push up demi-bras. The sisters shook in fear as the Mother Superior played with them and they winced in pain as she gently tapped their hard nipples with her cane. Their innocent eyes filled up with tears.
?Please, don?t hurt us, please, I beg you,? cried the twin called Debbee. ?Daddy, I want to go home, please take us with you. Don?t leave us here!?
?Stop whining, you little tart! You?re here to stay and there?s nothing you can do about it!? barked the headmistress in a cold cruel voice. ?Open your legs, you little sluts? she ordered next and both girls were quick to obey at her harsh command. They kept looking at their father, pleading with him with their eyes, hoping he might intervene and take them home.?
The headmistress carried on with her inspection and moved around the lovely twins, who stood there with their legs apart and their hands behind their backs. She put her cane between their legs and pulled it backwards and forwards, rubbing it on their skimpy thong panties. The twins writhed gently at the intimate assault on their most precious area, but were too frightened to protest. Their father became more and more aroused as he sat there while his daughters cried softly as the cane was rubbed hard against their virgin pussies barely covered by their thin panties.
?Now get on your knees, sluts, right in front of your father! Show him how obedient you are!? she barked and the girls dropped to their knees, not daring to protest against the dominant black-clad woman. ?And keep your hands behind your backs, always!?
The man was delighted as he had both his teenage daughters clad in the skimpiest underwear, kneeling at his feet. It was like an old man?s perfect dream and he licked his lips in lust.
?Now, sluts, your father is about to leave you with us, permanently,? said the headmistress as she stood behind the two humiliated girls. ?I want you to show your appreciation of him and give him something to remember you by. I?m sure your father will oblige by getting out his manhood which I guess is pretty large by now! You?d better get your mouths and lips ready. Get working, you little cock-suckers, and if you?ve never done it before you?d better quickly learn!?
The two teenagers were still virgins and had never had a male cock anywhere near their mouths. In fact, they had never even seen one in the flesh. Now, as they knelt in front of their father he stood up and pulled his trousers down. He couldn?t believe he had his two luscious teenage daughters kneeling in their scanty underwear in front of him all ready to start sucking his cock. It was any man?s best wet dream. He slipped his tight black briefs down, revealing his huge hard cock. His massive, throbbing cock was thrust in front of their frightened young faces. Both girls gasped and their eyes widened in terror at the sight of their father?s huge cock just inches from their faces.
?Put your tongues out and start licking, you little sluts!? came the command from the cruel headmistress as she pushed their faces right down onto the waiting cock. The two girls looked at each other, terrified before they nervously pushed out their tongues and began licking their father?s throbbing red cock. They sobbed together in humiliation. They weren?t sure what to do but as they looked at each other through their tear-filled eyes they licked up and down the cock?s massive length, covering it with their saliva.
?That?s it, sluts, make your daddy?s cock nice and wet! Now, you go first, bitch, get it into your mouth!? the headmistress ordered. Debbee was the first sister to have to open her mouth wide. She seemed as if she was going to choke on it but slowly took the massive cock into her mouth through her outstretched lips. She didn?t know what she had to do but just opened her mouth as wide as she could, which was immediately filled to bursting with her father?s huge cock.
?Work your mouth up and down, slut!? a further command came from the headmistress, who was standing behind the girls and supervising their first experience of cock-sucking. Soon, Debbee?s head was bobbing up and down, her eyes streaming with tears and wide open in humiliation; her lovely long blonde hair was in disarray. Her father was groaning in pleasure as she took his massive organ deep into her mouth right to the back of her throat. After many minutes of working her mouth up and down his throbbing cock she was pulled off by the headmistress and her sister Melanie had to take her turn to go down on her father. She had watched her twin at close range and she was now very tearful at what she had to do. She shook her head but when the woman viciously pulled her head down by the hair she submissively opened her mouth and took her father?s cock as deep in her mouth as she could without gagging.
?Get your slut?s mouth open, and show your daddy what a good little cock-sucking tart you are!? said the woman as she shoved the girl?s head right down on the huge cock. Melanie worked hard, moving her mouth up and down his throbbing organ as her father groaned in his rising excitement.
?Ohhhhhhhhhhhhh!!! That?s so good you slut, keep sucking my cock! Make it so wet, you bitch! Ahhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!? the father moaned as he tried to hold the rising tide of his orgasm and prolong his supreme pleasure.
?When he comes, don?t swallow his cum, slut!? barked the headmistress. ?Make sure you keep it in your mouth. I want you to share his delicious cum with your slut sister!?
With a roar the father finally came, half pulling his cock out of his daughter?s mouth so that some of his cum sprayed onto her face and the rest in her open mouth.
?Now, you slut, get your mouth open and start licking up your father?s cum like a good little girl!? the woman addressed Debbee who was kneeling dutifully next to her sister, whose face was now covered in her father?s sticky cum. ?Let?s see some deep French kissing from both of you girls! You can show your daddy what real little sluts you are!?
Debbee obediently opened her mouth as her sister leant over her upturned face. Melanie spread her lips, letting the large quantity of cum in her mouth, run between her sister?s waiting lips. Both girls kissed each other, their mouths open as the thick cum filled them. Their full red lips were coated with the masses of cum and it swirled around their mouths, as their lips entwined. Debbee obediently licked the sticky cum off her sister?s face, transferring it back into her sister?s mouth on her lips. For several minutes the scene in the office was one of great excitement and intense humiliation for the two teenage sisters. Through fear, the twins were leaning how to be good cock-suckers and cum-sluts. The Mother Superior, her two Assistants and the girls? father all gathered close around the kneeling scantily-clad twin sisters, enjoying every moment of their degradation.
?Hands behind your back, sluts and don?t stop kissing each other until I tell you!? the headmistress barked and she loomed over the two young girls, visibly turned on by the lesbian intimacy of her new recruits. She made them deep kiss each other for over 10 minutes until their lips were sore and they had swallowed every last drop of the sticky cum. The father stood there watching his two daughters, revelling in the sight of their young nubile bodies and their intimate girl-on-girl kissing. His cock had subsided by now but was still red and glistening with sweat and cum.
?Now lick your daddy?s cock clean, you little sluts! Do it together!? said the woman as she pulled the girls? faces apart from their intimate kissing. She grabbed hold of their blonde hair and pushed their faces back down onto their father?s cock. The sisters obediently stuck out their tongues and began licking every inch of it together. They licked every inch of their father?s still-throbbing cock making it all wet again with saliva from their tongues.
?Mmmmmmmmmmm. I liked that! That was rather special,? said the father as he tucked his now limp cock back into his briefs and zipped himself up. ?I should have done that before. That was very good. They?ve learnt how to be cock-suckers pretty quick. God, I didn?t know my daughters were such sluts. I?m actually quite shocked that my daughters are really sexy little tarts!?
?They?re certainly quick learners and I can see they?ve given you a real treat,? she replied. ?I can also predict that it won?t be long before they go down on each other here and I?m sure many of our older girls will want to be serviced by some good cunt-licking from your two little beauties!?
a pity I won?t be here to see that! Anyway, I think after that tarty behaviour both my girls deserve a good spanking. I
wouldn?t mind punishing them one more time before I leave them with you, if I
?Oh, I think we can do more than a good spanking,? replied the Mother Superior,
licking her lips. ?Both these sluts deserve a harder punishment for being such
good cock-suckers and cum-sluts. I think we should give them the normal punishment
I dish out to any of my naughty girls in this school. This will be for them
just a taste of the kind of discipline they will get here. Although I am very
happy to spank a naughty girl I normally use special gloves lined with spikes
or leather paddles, again with some additional spikes. For punishments in my
office I must say I prefer to use the cane, if that?s all right by you. It?s a
traditional instrument in schools. As their first test, I?d like to see how
your lovely daughters like the cane on their pretty bottoms,? she said, picking
up the cane from her desk and tapping it across her palm. ?I think both of them
deserve a good caning right here and now. And I?d like you to join me. Girls,
get up and bend over my desk. It?s time you two received your first proper
punishment. Get nice and close to each other so we can cane you both at the
same time.?
The two sisters were sobbing and clasping each other close for comfort. They
didn?t dare look at the stern headmistress but looked imploringly at their father,
their eyes wide and full of tears.
?Please don?t hurt us. Please daddy, don?t do this to us. We?ll be good!? they cried as they knelt before their father, pleading with him desperately.
??Bend over the desk, you sluts!? barked the headmistress ?And take your punishment!? The other two black-clad women in the room pulled the young sisters roughly by the arms, dragged them sobbing to their feet and pushed them over the large desk. Their lovely pert bottoms were thrust into the air as they bent over.
?Put one hand over the other side of my desk and stick your pretty little bottoms in the air! And put your other arm around each other?s waist. I want to see you two sluts nice and close so we can cane you together!? barked the headmistress as she gloated over the two teenagers bent invitingly over her desk, all ready for their punishment. She fiddled with their tiny thong panties and made sure the skimpy vee of lace was pulled tight into their crotches to give maximum exposure of their perfect, round bottoms. The twins were quite tall for their age at 5? 5? and their long legs and slim thighs were stunning in all their nakedness. Their flesh was unblemished and glistened with young ripeness. Their luscious young bodies looked delightful as both girls huddled up to each other with their bodies closely touching. They were perched on top of their thin heels and their calves soon began to hurt as they were bent over the desk.
?Now here?s a cane for you. I always keep a good supply in my office, ?said the Mother Superior, handing a cane to the delighted and excited father. ?Let me just get more comfortable before I punish these little sluts!?
She pulled up her long, floor-length black habit and slid it over her head. The father was shocked and pleasantly surprised when he saw what the headmistress was wearing underneath her nun?s habit. She was clad in a black leather basque, black stockings with suspenders and knee high black leather boots with pencil-thin mistress heels. She was the epitome of a true domme and she clearly enjoyed this role, as she picked up her cane from the desk.
?Well I never!? gasped the father as he admired the new dominant figure before him. ?What a pleasant transformation! From nun to dominant mistress in a few seconds! I can see that my daughters are going to be in very good hands in this school. I?m only sorry I can?t stay here and watch you when you discipline them, which I hope you?ll do regularly. I can see you enjoy your work and you certainly look the part, if I may say so.?
?I?m glad you like my other side and I can assure you that in this convent school we specialise in harsh discipline. We?re all into domination and every kind of fetish. Sister Isabella and Sister Angelica here look very fetching in leather cat-suits and boots. And they look pretty stunning in skin-tight PVC and latex as well! I believe that when we discipline our girls it is important for us to look like really dominant mistresses. I can assure you that every class mistress in the school is an experienced domme with the outfit to match! We want to show our girls how submissive they are. We must invite you to intend some of our main punishment sessions in our Correction Centre.
?I?d like that very much as I can see you are good at your work,? the man continued as he keenly fingered the cane in his hand, itching to try it out across his daughters? bottoms.
?So are you ready to enjoy yourself? How about if we each give both of your daughters a dozen strokes of the cane? This?ll be a good introduction to their school life. We can take it in turns and let?s take our time. I like making girls wait for their punishment as it prolongs the agony nicely.?
?I can?t wait to teach my two young tarts a lesson they won?t forget in a hurry!? said the father as he swished his cane in the air just above their upturned bottoms. The sisters trembled in fear and anticipation as they heard the dreaded swish of the cane. They each put an arm round the other and snuggled up close which is exactly want the Mother Superior wanted. She wanted their lovely round bottoms to be as close as possible so she could cane both of them at the same time.
you two are perfect young beauties and what lovely pert bottoms you both have,?
she said as she ran her hands over both their bottoms closely touching. ?Shall
I start??
?Be my guest. I want to see your technique.?
The headmistress raised her hand high and brought her cane down across the girls? bottoms with great force.
?AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!? the twins screamed in unison as the cane immediately left dark red weals across both their throbbing globes.
?God you?ve got a heavy hand!? said the father appreciating the violence with which she delivered her first stroke. ?I can see you know what you?re doing!?
?A caning is only effective if it leaves permanent marks on nice tender flesh. Now it?s your turn, sir!?
He raised his hand and brought his cane down across both their throbbing globes as hard as he could. As the girls were close up to each other, one stroke immediately brought deep red weals right across both their bottoms.
?AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!? the young girls screamed together. He couldn?t believe the thrill he got as the cane landed and he saw the deep welts crossing their flesh. This was so much better than a spanking, he thought! He had always liked seeing his daughters with nice, red and swollen bottoms but this was even better. He really wished he?d caned them before!
The headmistress continued her heavy assault on their young tender globes,
followed then by the father.
Swish! Swish! The cane continued to land with a regular rhythm, from first one side then after a pause from the other.
?AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!? the twins? cries filled the office as the headmistress continued to beat her cane right across both their upturned bottoms.
?They are young and can take their first punishment so don?t be afraid to give them the full treatment! Now it?s your turn, sir.?
The father raised his hand right up in the air and when it landed with great force, more long weals appeared right across their quivering bottoms.???
?PLEEEEEEEEEEEASE, NOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!? Debbee pleaded and raised her outside leg as she tried to turn to one side to avoid the next stroke of the cane. That was a mistake!
?Stay still, you stupid little slut! That?ll mean an extra six strokes for moving!? barked the headmistress. ?And I mean six strokes for each of you on top of what we were already going to give you!?
?Nooooooooooooooooooooooo!!!? Debbee cried in helpless protest but kept her leg and bottom in position for the next blow.
The caning went on mercilessly until they had given the sisters a dozen hard strokes between them. The girls were crying a great deal, their tears running down their faces and were obviously in considerable pain. The headmistress and father stopped for a moment to admire their handiwork.
?As you can see, your daughters are nicely marked already and we?ve only just started on their punishment. Are you pleased, sir? We?ve worked a nice pattern on their pretty bottoms. Doesn?t the cane leave such perfect red marks? Now let?s change sides and give them the rest of their punishment. Of course, we mustn?t forget the extra 6 strokes from each of us. Let?s work our way down the top of their thighs now. I particularly like the area of their flesh where their bottoms and thighs meet. It?s so soft and inviting.?
?Yes I agree with you. I?d like to see them well-marked all the way down their thighs,? replied the father as he measured his next stroke by laying the cane across the top of their thighs. ?When I?ve spanked them I particularly liked this soft area of flesh here, just between their bottom and their thighs. I must admit I?ve been pretty turned on touching them here as their young flesh is so soft. It was all I could to stop myself fingering their little virgin cunts through their panties, I can tell you. Anyway, spanking them was such a great thrill and I looked forward to it every evening. I could always work up quite a sweat beating them just there but I agree that the cane is a perfect instrument of punishment.?
The father continued to bring his cane down with force across the tops of their thighs and deep red lines and raised welts immediately appeared.
?AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!? the girls screamed as the cane lashed across their tender, naked flesh.
Father and headmistress took it in turns to give the twins a slow and merciless beating. The girls screamed after every stroke but desperately tried to keep as still as possible to avoid even more punishment. They embraced each other very closely which made it easier to aim the canes to land across both their thighs at the same time. After another dozen strokes the tops of the girls? thighs were well-striped with lines of red weals and both girls were crying pitifully for mercy.
?OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!! Please don?t hurt me any more!? the girl called Melanie cried while her sister Debbee joined her in her pleas, ?AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!? she cried. ?Please Daddy, don?t beat us any more, please?
?Are you two going to be good girls from now on then??
Please no more, Daddy!!!? they cried in unison, cuddling up as close as they
could to each other for comfort.
?I hope, sir, you?re not going to be soft on your daughters. We said they
deserved another dozen strokes as an extra punishment to teach them not to move
and I never change my mind or show any mercy to my girls. I?d like to give the
young bitches their full punishment of the extra strokes, if I may.?
?Of course, and I will be pleased to join you. I can assure you that I am never soft on them and I want them severely disciplined, day and night in your school,? the father replied fingering his cane with eager anticipation. ?So, what are we waiting for? Let?s give them another half a dozen strokes each. I really want to teach them a lesson they won?t forget.?
With slow deliberation both of them continued to beat the two sobbing sisters, taking it in turns, from both sides. The canes landed on flesh already marked and the weals deepened in colour.
?Take that, you bitches! God, I bet that hurts!!? shouted the headmistress as she clearly enjoyed herself, thrashing the cane across the tops of well-marked thighs.
?AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!? the girls screamed in unison and their voices became more and more desperate and hoarse. ?Please, no more, Daddy!!!!! Please, have mercy. OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!?
?You can scream and beg as much as you like, you silly little bitches!? said the mistress as she wielded her cane again. ?We?re all used to hearing girls scream in this convent. We enjoy hearing the screams and it scares the other girls when they hear them. Anyway, if we get tired hearing you scream we can always gag you both!?
The beating went on until both sobbing girls had received another dozen extra strokes, all of them hard and well-aimed. Somehow the twins managed to remain fairly still as the canes landed, embracing each other as tightly as they could. Their young bodies were stretched over the large desk with their delicious round globes raised up invitingly in the air.
?Nice work, sir,? said the headmistress as she stood back to admire her work and inspected the well-whipped bottoms of her two new charges. She ran her fingers over the lines of the many deep red weals back and forth, causing both girls to sob in pain as she mauled their abused flesh. Their lovely young bottoms were delightfully marked as well as the tops of their tender thighs. She was pleased with her work.
was a lot of fun and I?m only sorry I can?t help you out on future occasions,?
said the father. ?I could get to like dishing out some heavy punishment and
domination. Now I?ll be all alone at home, I think I?ll have to get myself a
live-in slave girl to practise on.?
At that moment the man thought of his wife and wondered where she was now. He
knew she was in some dungeon thousands of miles away and although he knew he?d
never see her again he would have loved to have her back as a well-trained
slave. He also wondered whether he?d see any more videos of her being tortured.
He hoped he would and he thought, now that his daughters weren?t at home, he
could watch again the other videos he?d been sent, without them knowing. ?I?m
sure you?ll manage to punish my daughters very well whenever they deserve it. I
think this will teach them a good lesson and I expect my girls to receive lots
more discipline just like this in your school.?
?Of course they will, I promise you. Now, get up, you little sluts and make your farewells to your father,? the headmistress ordered.
Still with their arms round each other the sisters straightened up. They stood there shaking with humiliation and pain from their punishment. They looked really delicious in their skimpy white and pink floral underwear: their tiny panties complemented their very slim bodies and their demi-cup bras barely restrained their 34DD breasts. Their young bodies looked truly stunning as they stood there clinging to each other. Their faces were covered in streaming tears and their delicate mascara had run down their innocent faces. They looked imploringly at their father.
?Please, Daddy, don?t leave us here,? begged Debbee. ?We?ll do whatever you want at home. You can spank us as much as you like and we?ll serve you in any way you desire, but please don?t leave us in this awful school!?
?Hands behind your backs, and don?t you dare question what is best for you! You two are here to stay for a very long time so you?d better get used to it!? barked the headmistress.
The twins immediately obeyed and clasped their hands behind their backs which thrust out their heaving breasts even more. Their long blonde hair hung in damp strands because of all the tears and the sweat from their abused bodies.
kneel and kiss your father?s shoes? she ordered. ?And you?d better also thank
him for allowing you to come to this school!?
The twins dropped to their knees and bent forward together. They put out their
tongues and began licking their father?s shiny black shoes. After they had
licked his shoes for a few minutes they looked up at him through their
tear-filled eyes.
?Thank, thank you, Daddy for letting us come to this?.school. We hope we?ll be good obedient pupils?? they chimed together as they knelt at his feet.
?It?s now time your lovely daughters were taken off to their dormitory and introduced to the other girls in Class 1,? said the headmistress. ?Then we?ll fit them with their new school uniform which will look just as attractive as what they?re wearing now. By the way, before you go, would you like to see round our Correction Centre? I can assure you, it?s well-equipped and you can see for yourself what we do in there to discipline our girls.?
?I would like that very much and as I?ve said before, I hope you will deal with my daughters very strictly. I don?t want to know what happens to them although you might like to invite me to watch a session sometime in your Correction Centre if it involves my daughters.
course, we will. We often like an audience of men like yourself
who appreciate a well-disciplined young girl. Girls, now say good bye to your
?Goooood? Good bbbbbye,
Daddy, please come and see us?soon? stammered Debbee
through her tears.
?We?ll be ggggggood girls, Daddy?? chimed in Melanie.
The two assistants clad in their long black robes pulled the two sobbing girls to their feet and they took each of the sobbing twins roughly by the arm and led them off to begin their strict training in Class 1 of the Convent of Perpetual Succour.?
End of Part One
This story will be continued as the twins are initiated into the rules and life of the convent and meet their classmates and class mistresses. It won?t be long though before the girls infringe the rules and receive their next punishment. Any ideas of what exciting misadventures could befall our lovely twins in the next parts would be gratefully received by the author.??
?Schoolgirl Sisters
two naked female bodies swung gently in chains hanging from the ceiling of the
darkened chamber. The slim bodies were of two teenage sisters who were bound
tightly together, hanging by cuffs around their wrists to the ceiling above.
Both girls were crying ?please help me? but their cries were the sole sounds
heard in the half-lit chamber. No one was going to
help them in their ordeal. The two girls faced each other, their beautiful
young bodies crushed together and their sweet faces wet with tears.? Their lovely naked bodies bore the marks of a
recent heavy whipping. Their slim thighs and perfectly-rounded bottoms were
covered in dark red welts, marking their nubile young flesh. They would hang
there all night, bound tightly together with only each other for company. The
morning would bring no relief but only fresh trials and ordeals for the sweet
teenage sisters.
*??????? *??????? *??????? *??????? *
want you to use strict discipline on my daughters.? the man said as he sat in
front of the Mother Superior?s desk in her study at the Convent of the
Perpetual Succour. His twin daughters, Melanie and Debbee,
stood next to him, their heads bowed, not daring to say anything and holding
hands in fear and trepidation. ?I?m afraid I?m all alone with my daughters as
my wife is no longer with us. I?ve taken charge of their discipline so far but
now I feel they need a stronger hand. I?ve heard that your convent practises
firm discipline and this is what both my girls need.?
quite right and I think we will enjoy training your two daughters, or should I
say educating,? replied the Mother Superior who sat behind her desk in her long
black robes, looking very stern and forbidding. An ominous-looking bamboo cane
lay conveniently on her desk.
old are your girls, sir? They look delightful beauties if I may say so,? she
asked with her eyes fixed on the luscious bodies of the two trembling girls.
?They?re just 13. They?re twins as you can see and they take after their mother
in looks. They?re beautiful but also wilful and in need of firm control.?
two young sisters were real stunners with their fabulous blonde hair, tied in a
pony tail, sweet angelic faces, blue eyes, long legs and the most amazing
upright breasts. They had already turned many hot-blooded male eyes. For their
interview at their new school their father had insisted they wore a very short
skirt which barely covered their perfect little bottoms and tight white blouses
which would have fitted a 10 year old. When the sisters had barely reached
puberty their breasts measured already a good 32B; now at the still tender age
of 13, they measured an ample 34DD and were still developing. As the girls
stood passively in the Head?s study their large upright breasts were heaving as
they strained at the tight thin fabric of their blouses. They had been told by
their father to undo most of the top buttons as this would make a good
impression at their new school. They didn?t dare disobey their strict
disciplinarian father. The girls were still innocent of sex and didn?t realise
the effect their luscious bodies were having on their father. The sisters were
holding hands for comfort as they stood there submissively, not daring to look
at the stern black-robed woman in front of them.
lovely daughters look older, if I may compliment them, and I can see they are
very well-developed for their age. They?ll fit very well into our first
reception class, where all the girls are either 13 or 14, although I don?t
think any of the other girls have such well-developed figures as your lovely
girls,? she said eyeing up the sisters? ample breasts which were heaving up and
down as both girls shook in trepidation. She thought that were very young to
have such prominent female assets. They need to be taught a lesson, she thought
to herself, and there are lots of fun we can have with gorgeous tits like
these! She was eager to get her hands on the girls? perfect bodies and abuse
them roughly. She touched the cane on her desk, fingering it with growing
would like to stress that there?s nothing you can?t do to my daughters. You
have complete free rein with them,? the man continued. ?They?re both no
strangers to my discipline and I assure you they can take it without complaint.
They both know what a strong hand across their bottoms feels like so you should
have no trouble from them. They will do as they?re told! I?ve heard the convent
has much harder methods to train wayward young girls. That?s what I definitely
want. The harder the better is my motto and very strict discipline is what I
want for my daughters.?
can certainly oblige in this school and here we know how to discipline girls
very firmly. I like to practice firm discipline myself and we have a lot of
equipment here for that very purpose,? she said licking her lips as she tapped
her cane hard across the palm of her hand. ?I can also call on lots of help if
I need it. Although we are a girls? school we have a very experienced older
man, Father John Thomas, who assists me with the girls? discipline and he is
helped by another male assistant, Father Benedick. I
can assure you that both of them stand no nonsense from our girls. We have
found that men are particularly good at disciplining teenage girls and all the
women staff are happy to use them. They bring distinct
advantages when we discipline our school girls. They enjoy their work and they
are very strict with their methods. So just leave everything to us for the next
few years.?
that?s what I like to hear. I can leave my daughters in your very capable
hands. It is difficult being a single parent bringing up lovely girls like my
daughters and it?s not the same since my wife left us.?
man was now a single parent and this what his two
girls had come to accept. They assumed that their mother had gone missing
either by accident or deliberately and felt the loss of their mother
dreadfully. The truth was the man had a good idea where his wife was but he had
to keep it to himself. He had recklessly gambled a lot of money and owed a huge
amount of money, over 20,000, to a syndicate of some rather nasty people. He
was offered a deal: his debts would be wiped out if he ?hired? his pretty young
wife out to the group who said they wanted an attractive female to entertain
some men. He had earlier showed a member of the syndicate a photo of his wife
in a brief bikini and the men liked what they saw. They were very happy to
accept such a beautiful wife as payment for the debt. His wife was a
long-legged blonde model in her early 30s and although he loved her very much
he had no alternative but to comply with their demands as he had no other way
to raise the money. He agreed to tell the group when she would be home alone so
someone could call at his house to ?collect? her. This was the deal so his wife
would never suspect he had agreed to it. He was also told that his wife should
not know of the deal. It was to be kept a secret. There was a pre-arranged time
and he had deliberately taken his daughters out for the night to a show so that
his lovely young wife was all alone. He had also given the group a key to get
in the house.
men arrived at his house early in the evening and let themselves quietly in.
They found his wife conveniently in the lounge dressed in a tiny bikini as she
had been sunbathing outside that day. She tried to scream but she was no match
for the men and they overpowered her, binding her in a tight hogtie and gagging
her. They enjoyed handling her semi-naked body and she had such a stunning
figure the men had to restrain themselves from raping her there and then. They
wrapped her in a rug and quickly carried her to an unmarked waiting van. No one
saw a thing. In order that her disappearance should look innocent the men
filled a couple of suitcases with her underwear and clothes to make it seem as
if she had gone away suddenly. There were no signs of violence and when he and
his daughters got home they all accepted that she would be back in a couple of
few days later he received a video in the post. He played the video and was
shocked to see his lovely young wife in a dungeon, stripped naked and bound in
many different ways. It was a bondage video made for commercial purposes and he
watched his wife endure various stringent bondage positions from hogties to
being hung upside down. She was gagged and forced to wear all kinds of leather
harnesses and bondage devices. She was visibly crying and in a lot of distress.
He was fascinated as well as horrified as he watched it. The next week another
video arrived and this time it was much worse. The video again featured his
naked wife, now bound to an x-cross in a dungeon. A large group of Arab-looking
men, all talking a foreign language, stood around her abusing her. He guessed
now that she had been taken far away to another country and he was then shocked
to watch her being brutally whipped for over an hour by all the men. The
following week yet another video came and this one was even worse. He watched
in shock as his wife was brutally tortured for hour after hour. She suffered brandings
and piercings as well as other horrible tortures; various electro devices were
used on the sensitive parts of her body which sent her into paroxysms of
screaming. He even turned the sound down as she screamed so much. He hid the
videos so that his daughters wouldn?t see them but he did look at them several
more times, horrified but also turned on to see his wife cruelly abused and
punished. He had never seen her since but wonders where she is and what kind of
tortures she?s suffering now.
looked after his growing daughters on his own and he was a strict
disciplinarian. He insisted on going with his daughters on their shopping trips
and would have even gone into the changing room with them had he been allowed.
As he always paid the bills, they had to buy what he liked:? very short micro-skirts, tight jeans and
skinny tops with spaghetti straps. He particularly liked choosing their
underwear. He insisted they wear push-up tiny bras and thong panties, making
them model for him in the lounge at home when they got back from the shopping
trips. If they protested in the slightest or tried to cover their embarrassment
as they stood before him in their skimpy underwear he would immediately spank
them both.
was a strict master as well as father and enjoyed his total power over them. He
loved their punishment sessions and he would pull one of his daughters over his
knee while the other one had to watch. He would make her kneel close by, her
hands behind her back, waiting for her turn to be punished.? When he spanked them he would pull their
skirts up or pull down their jeans so they were just wearing their tiny thongs.
If they protested at all when he revealed their nakedness he would double the
number of spanking blows.? He found
excuses to spank them every evening for any minor infringement and always sent
them off to bed with red swollen bottoms.
his wife gone he relished taking over the discipline of his young daughters and
he really enjoyed his daily evening spanking sessions. But every time he had
one of them bent over his lap and he was slapping the tender unblemished flesh
of her bottom and the tops of her thighs he would get a massive hard-on. He
knew it wouldn?t take much to throw his lovely daughter on the floor and rape
her. As his submissive daughter knelt before him he was seriously tempted to
pull her forward, yanking out his hard cock and stuffing it into her innocent
mouth. Fearing he would eventually rape both girls he decided reluctantly to
enrol them in the strictest boarding school he could find and he took them to
the Convent of the Perpetual Succour.
*??????? *??????? *??????? *??????? *
Reverend Mother, I repeat that I want my two daughters subjected to the
toughest discipline. I have to spank them every day but I am sure you have
harder punishments if they are disobedient.?
we are experienced in teaching teenage girls the real meaning of hard
discipline. Before you go we?ll show you our Correction Centre and I?m sure
you?ll like it. It has all the equipment to teach naughty young sluts a lesson
they won?t forget, if you don?t mind me calling your lovely daughters sluts!
They do look like little sluts, wearing such revealing clothes at their young
tender age!? she answered. ?I must tell you that we do insist on having your
daughters all the time here so we have the complete freedom to teach them to
behave properly day and night. Parents give complete control of their daughters
over to us. Girls are never allowed out of the school the whole time they?re
with us. This is a convent boarding school and there are no holidays ever!
Girls stay here day and night until they?re 18 years old.?
?I?m very pleased with that and I am happy for you to do whatever you want with
my daughters for the next five years. And I mean that. You can do exactly what
you want with them. They are no limits as far as I?m concerned,? said the
father of the two girls as he sat in the head?s study looking contentedly at
his two frightened daughters. ?Once they reach 18, I expect they will be well
trained to embark on their careers and I am sure you can take care of that for
me as well.?
?Of course we can. We make suitable arrangements for all our girls once they
reach the end of their time with us. They are many places all across the world
which will be very happy to take our well-trained young girls. And after five
years with us all the time, your daughters will be very well-trained, I can
assure you. Shall I get them settled in now?? she said as she rang a bell on
her large desk. ?Then you can visit the Correction Centre before you leave.?
women dressed in black nun?s habits, complete with black hooded cowls, entered.
They weren?t as old as the Headmistress but looked very stern and forbidding.
They immediately frightened the two sisters even more as they not only looked
very threatening dressed all in black but they also had leather riding crops
hanging from their belts.
me introduce you to Sister Isabella and Sister Angelica.?
joined the Mother Superior behind her desk and eyed up the two young teenage
beauties with great pleasure. The presence in the study of the three female
figures in long black outfits sent shivers down the girls? spines. They
squeezed each other?s hand even more firmly, desperate for any comfort they
could get.
girls, let?s see your real charms,? said the Head as she stood up to inspect
the two sisters. ?You?re both wearing some very sexy outfits to show off your
charms so let?s see them. Remove your blouses and skirts so we can see your
lovely young bodies much better.?
please, we can?t?can?t do that,? said one of the
girls, Melanie, as they clasped each other closely, shaking in their
humiliation. ?Please, we?re too shy. Daddy, please don?t make us take off our
clothes here!?
you dare be disobedient to me!? said the Head as she slapped the protesting
twin girl very hard across her face. It was such a hard slap that the girl
nearly fell backwards and there was left the red imprint of her hand on the
girl?s cheek. Melanie cried with the hurt and shame and fearing more punishment,
both sisters began quickly unbuttoning their blouses.
you can see, we don?t stand any nonsense from our girls,? the headmistress said
to the father who was sitting in his chair and looking very pleased with what
he was seeing unfold before his eyes. ?I hope as their father you don?t mind
seeing their charms more fully revealed.??
at all, I?m looking forward to it. Do carry on, I beg you. I insist on seeing
them in their underwear at home and I must say my daughters are turning into
right little tarts, I can tell you. They need to be taught a lesson for being
such sexy little girls. Whatever discipline you inflict on them, I know they
will deserve it. I must assure you that you can do exactly what you like with
them. Nothing is too severe and I mean nothing!?
sisters were sobbing quietly as they nervously unbuttoned their tight blouses
and removed them. They then unzipped their tiny mini-skirts and let them fall
around their ankles, stepping out of them. They had to hand over their clothes
to the two nuns who immediately threw them into a waste bin.
put your hands behind your backs!? ordered the Head.
teenagers blushed as they stood there in their skimpy underwear, holding their
hands behind their backs. They were wearing a matching underwear set of bra and
panties, chosen for them by their father. They had push-up bras in a pretty
white and pink floral pattern with bows and laces in the middle of the cups.
Their ample 34DD breasts were bursting out of the tiny demi-cups
and with their hands behind their backs their bodies were thrust provocatively
forward. Their other item of underwear consisted of matching tiny thong panties
with a pretty lace waistband. It was very feminine underwear and showed off the
twins? stunning bodies. The sisters were both wearing identical high heeled
sandals with 3? heels which their father had also insisted on.
nice indeed,? said the Headmistress as she surveyed the sisters? well-developed
young bodies. ?You two little sluts are going to be real stunners and I can see
we need to keep a close eye on you two. We can turn you into something very
special which is definitely going to appeal to men.??
inspected both girls closely. She picked up her slim cane from her desk and
rested it on their heaving breasts, taunting both girls with her total
dominance. She tapped her swishy cane on their well-formed nipples which were
visibly protruding through their thin push up demi-bras.
The sisters shook in fear as the Mother Superior played with them and they
winced in pain as she gently tapped their hard nipples with her cane. Their
innocent eyes filled up with tears.
don?t hurt us, please, I beg you,? cried the twin called Debbee.
?Daddy, I want to go home, please take us with you. Don?t leave us here!?
whining, you little tart! You?re here to stay and there?s nothing you can do
about it!? barked the headmistress in a cold cruel voice. ?Open your legs, you
little sluts? she ordered next and both girls were quick to obey at her harsh
command. They kept looking at their father, pleading with him with their eyes,
hoping he might intervene and take them home.?
headmistress carried on with her inspection and moved around the lovely twins,
who stood there with their legs apart and their hands behind their backs. She
put her cane between their legs and pulled it backwards and forwards, rubbing
it on their skimpy thong panties. The twins writhed gently at the intimate
assault on their most precious area, but were too frightened to protest. Their
father became more and more aroused as he sat there while his daughters cried
softly as the cane was rubbed hard against their virgin pussies barely covered
by their thin panties.
get on your knees, sluts, right in front of your father! Show him how obedient
you are!? she barked and the girls dropped to their knees, not daring to
protest against the dominant black-clad woman. ?And keep your hands behind your
backs, always!?
man was delighted as he had both his teenage daughters clad in the skimpiest
underwear, kneeling at his feet. It was like an old man?s perfect dream and he
licked his lips in lust.
sluts, your father is about to leave you with us, permanently,? said the
headmistress as she stood behind the two humiliated girls. ?I want you to show
your appreciation of him and give him something to remember you by. I?m sure
your father will oblige by getting out his manhood which I guess is pretty
large by now! You?d better get your mouths and lips ready. Get working, you little
cock-suckers, and if you?ve never done it before you?d better quickly learn!?
two teenagers were still virgins and had never had a male cock anywhere near
their mouths. In fact, they had never even seen one in the flesh. Now, as they
knelt in front of their father he stood up and pulled his trousers down. He
couldn?t believe he had his two luscious teenage daughters kneeling in their
scanty underwear in front of him all ready to start sucking his cock. It was
any man?s best wet dream. He slipped his tight black briefs down, revealing his
huge hard cock. His massive, throbbing cock was thrust in front of their
frightened young faces. Both girls gasped and their eyes widened in terror at
the sight of their father?s huge cock just inches from their faces.
your tongues out and start licking, you little sluts!? came the command from
the cruel headmistress as she pushed their faces right down onto the waiting
cock. The two girls looked at each other, terrified before they nervously
pushed out their tongues and began licking their father?s throbbing red cock.
They sobbed together in humiliation. They weren?t sure what to do but as they
looked at each other through their tear-filled eyes they licked up and down the
cock?s massive length, covering it with their saliva.
it, sluts, make your daddy?s cock nice and wet! Now,
you go first, bitch, get it into your mouth!? the headmistress ordered. Debbee was the first sister to have to open her mouth wide.
She seemed as if she was going to choke on it but slowly took the massive cock
into her mouth through her outstretched lips. She didn?t know what she had to
do but just opened her mouth as wide as she could, which was immediately filled
to bursting with her father?s huge cock.
your mouth up and down, slut!? a further command came from the headmistress,
who was standing behind the girls and supervising their first experience of
cock-sucking. Soon, Debbee?s head was bobbing up and
down, her eyes streaming with tears and wide open in humiliation; her lovely
long blonde hair was in disarray. Her father was groaning in pleasure as she
took his massive organ deep into her mouth right to the back of her throat.
After many minutes of working her mouth up and down his throbbing cock she was
pulled off by the headmistress and her sister Melanie had to take her turn to
go down on her father. She had watched her twin at close range and she was now
very tearful at what she had to do. She shook her head but when the woman
viciously pulled her head down by the hair she submissively opened her mouth
and took her father?s cock as deep in her mouth as she could without gagging.
your slut?s mouth open, and show your daddy what a good little cock-sucking
tart you are!? said the woman as she shoved the girl?s head right down on the
huge cock. Melanie worked hard, moving her mouth up and down his throbbing
organ as her father groaned in his rising excitement.
That?s so good you slut, keep sucking my cock! Make it so wet, you bitch! Ahhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!? the father moaned as he tried to hold
the rising tide of his orgasm and prolong his supreme pleasure.
he comes, don?t swallow his cum, slut!? barked the headmistress. ?Make sure you
keep it in your mouth. I want you to share his delicious cum with your slut
a roar the father finally came, half pulling his cock out of his daughter?s
mouth so that some of his cum sprayed onto her face and the rest in her open
you slut, get your mouth open and start licking up your father?s cum like a
good little girl!? the woman addressed Debbee who was
kneeling dutifully next to her sister, whose face was now covered in her
father?s sticky cum. ?Let?s see some deep French kissing from both of you
girls! You can show your daddy what real little sluts you are!?
Debbee obediently
opened her mouth as her sister leant over her upturned face. Melanie spread her
lips, letting the large quantity of cum in her mouth, run between her sister?s
waiting lips. Both girls kissed each other, their mouths open as the thick cum
filled them. Their full red lips were coated with the masses of cum and it
swirled around their mouths, as their lips entwined. Debbee
obediently licked the sticky cum off her sister?s face, transferring it back
into her sister?s mouth on her lips. For several minutes the scene in the
office was one of great excitement and intense humiliation for the two teenage
sisters. Through fear, the twins were leaning how to be good cock-suckers and
cum-sluts. The Mother Superior, her two Assistants and the girls? father all
gathered close around the kneeling scantily-clad twin sisters, enjoying every
moment of their degradation.
behind your back, sluts and don?t stop kissing each other until I tell you!?
the headmistress barked and she loomed over the two young girls, visibly turned
on by the lesbian intimacy of her new recruits. She made them deep kiss each
other for over 10 minutes until their lips were sore and they had swallowed
every last drop of the sticky cum. The father stood there watching his two
daughters, revelling in the sight of their young nubile bodies and their
intimate girl-on-girl kissing. His cock had subsided by now but was still red
and glistening with sweat and cum.
lick your daddy?s cock clean, you little sluts! Do it together!? said the woman
as she pulled the girls? faces apart from their intimate kissing. She grabbed
hold of their blonde hair and pushed their faces back down onto their father?s
cock. The sisters obediently stuck out their tongues and began licking every
inch of it together. They licked every inch of their father?s still-throbbing
cock making it all wet again with saliva from their tongues.
?Mmmmmmmmmmm. I
liked that! That was rather special,? said the father as he tucked his now limp
cock back into his briefs and zipped himself up. ?I should have done that
before. That was very good. They?ve learnt how to be cock-suckers pretty quick.
God, I didn?t know my daughters were such sluts. I?m actually quite shocked
that my daughters are really sexy little tarts!?
certainly quick learners and I can see they?ve given you a real treat,? she
replied. ?I can also predict that it won?t be long before they go down on each
other here and I?m sure many of our older girls will want to be serviced by
some good cunt-licking from your two little beauties!?
a pity I won?t be here to see that! Anyway, I think after that tarty behaviour both my girls deserve a good spanking. I
wouldn?t mind punishing them one more time before I leave them with you, if I
?Oh, I think we can do more than a good spanking,? replied the Mother Superior,
licking her lips. ?Both these sluts deserve a harder punishment for being such
good cock-suckers and cum-sluts. I think we should give them the normal punishment
I dish out to any of my naughty girls in this school. This will be for them
just a taste of the kind of discipline they will get here. Although I am very
happy to spank a naughty girl I normally use special gloves lined with spikes
or leather paddles, again with some additional spikes. For punishments in my
office I must say I prefer to use the cane, if that?s all right by you. It?s a
traditional instrument in schools. As their first test, I?d like to see how
your lovely daughters like the cane on their pretty bottoms,? she said, picking
up the cane from her desk and tapping it across her palm. ?I think both of them
deserve a good caning right here and now. And I?d like you to join me. Girls,
get up and bend over my desk. It?s time you two received your first proper
punishment. Get nice and close to each other so we can cane you both at the
same time.?
The two sisters were sobbing and clasping each other close for comfort. They
didn?t dare look at the stern headmistress but looked imploringly at their father,
their eyes wide and full of tears.
don?t hurt us. Please daddy, don?t do this to us. We?ll be good!? they cried as
they knelt before their father, pleading with him desperately.
over the desk, you sluts!? barked the headmistress ?And take your punishment!?
The other two black-clad women in the room pulled the young sisters roughly by
the arms, dragged them sobbing to their feet and pushed them over the large
desk. Their lovely pert bottoms were thrust into the air as they bent over.
one hand over the other side of my desk and stick your pretty little bottoms in
the air! And put your other arm around each other?s waist. I want to see you
two sluts nice and close so we can cane you together!? barked the headmistress
as she gloated over the two teenagers bent invitingly over her desk, all ready
for their punishment. She fiddled with their tiny thong panties and made sure
the skimpy vee of lace was pulled tight into their
crotches to give maximum exposure of their perfect, round bottoms. The twins
were quite tall for their age at 5? 5? and their long legs and slim thighs were
stunning in all their nakedness. Their flesh was unblemished and glistened with
young ripeness. Their luscious young bodies looked delightful as both girls huddled
up to each other with their bodies closely touching. They were perched on top
of their thin heels and their calves soon began to hurt as they were bent over
the desk.
here?s a cane for you. I always keep a good supply in my office, ?said the Mother
Superior, handing a cane to the delighted and excited father. ?Let me just get
more comfortable before I punish these little sluts!?
pulled up her long, floor-length black habit and slid it over her head. The
father was shocked and pleasantly surprised when he saw what the headmistress
was wearing underneath her nun?s habit. She was clad in a black leather basque, black stockings with suspenders and knee high black
leather boots with pencil-thin mistress heels. She was the epitome of a true domme and she clearly enjoyed this role, as she picked up
her cane from the desk.
I never!? gasped the father as he admired the new dominant figure before him.
?What a pleasant transformation! From nun to dominant mistress in a few
seconds! I can see that my daughters are going to be in very good hands in this
school. I?m only sorry I can?t stay here and watch you when you discipline
them, which I hope you?ll do regularly. I can see you enjoy your work and you
certainly look the part, if I may say so.?
glad you like my other side and I can assure you that in this convent school we
specialise in harsh discipline. We?re all into domination and every kind of
fetish. Sister Isabella and Sister Angelica here look very fetching in leather
cat-suits and boots. And they look pretty stunning in skin-tight PVC and latex
as well! I believe that when we discipline our girls it is important for us to
look like really dominant mistresses. I can assure you that every class
mistress in the school is an experienced domme with
the outfit to match! We want to show our girls how submissive they are. We must
invite you to intend some of our main punishment sessions in our Correction
like that very much as I can see you are good at your work,? the man continued
as he keenly fingered the cane in his hand, itching to try it out across his
daughters? bottoms.
are you ready to enjoy yourself? How about if we each give both of your
daughters a dozen strokes of the cane? This?ll be a good introduction to their
school life. We can take it in turns and let?s take our time. I like making
girls wait for their punishment as it prolongs the agony nicely.?
can?t wait to teach my two young tarts a lesson they won?t forget in a hurry!?
said the father as he swished his cane in the air just above their upturned
bottoms. The sisters trembled in fear and anticipation as they heard the
dreaded swish of the cane. They each put an arm round the other and snuggled up
close which is exactly want the Mother Superior wanted. She wanted their lovely
round bottoms to be as close as possible so she could cane both of them at the
same time.
you two are perfect young beauties and what lovely pert bottoms you both have,?
she said as she ran her hands over both their bottoms closely touching. ?Shall
I start??
my guest. I want to see your technique.?
headmistress raised her hand high and brought her cane down across the girls?
bottoms with great force.
the twins screamed in unison as the cane immediately left dark red weals across both their throbbing globes.
you?ve got a heavy hand!? said the father appreciating the violence with which
she delivered her first stroke. ?I can see you know what you?re doing!?
caning is only effective if it leaves permanent marks on nice tender flesh. Now
it?s your turn, sir!?
raised his hand and brought his cane down across both their throbbing globes as
hard as he could. As the girls were close up to each other, one stroke
immediately brought deep red weals right across both
their bottoms.
the young girls screamed together. He couldn?t believe the thrill he got as the
cane landed and he saw the deep welts crossing their flesh. This was so much
better than a spanking, he thought! He had always liked seeing his daughters
with nice, red and swollen bottoms but this was even better. He really wished
he?d caned them before!
The headmistress continued her heavy assault on their young tender globes,
followed then by the father.
Swish! The cane continued to land with a regular rhythm, from first one side
then after a pause from the other.
the twins? cries filled the office as the headmistress continued to beat her
cane right across both their upturned bottoms.
are young and can take their first punishment so don?t be afraid to give them
the full treatment! Now it?s your turn, sir.?
father raised his hand right up in the air and when it landed with great force,
more long weals appeared right across their quivering
NOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!? Debbee pleaded and raised her
outside leg as she tried to turn to one side to avoid the next stroke of the
cane. That was a mistake!
?Stay still, you stupid little slut!
That?ll mean an extra six strokes for moving!? barked the headmistress. ?And I
mean six strokes for each of you on top of what we were already going to give
?Nooooooooooooooooooooooo!!!? Debbee cried in helpless protest but kept her leg and
bottom in position for the next blow.
caning went on mercilessly until they had given the sisters a dozen hard
strokes between them. The girls were crying a great deal, their tears running
down their faces and were obviously in considerable pain. The headmistress and
father stopped for a moment to admire their handiwork.
you can see, your daughters are nicely marked already and we?ve only just started
on their punishment. Are you pleased, sir? We?ve worked a nice pattern on their
pretty bottoms. Doesn?t the cane leave such perfect red marks? Now let?s change
sides and give them the rest of their punishment. Of course, we mustn?t forget
the extra 6 strokes from each of us. Let?s work our way down the top of their
thighs now. I particularly like the area of their flesh where their bottoms and
thighs meet. It?s so soft and inviting.?
I agree with you. I?d like to see them well-marked all the way down their
thighs,? replied the father as he measured his next stroke by laying the cane
across the top of their thighs. ?When I?ve spanked them I particularly liked
this soft area of flesh here, just between their bottom and their thighs. I
must admit I?ve been pretty turned on touching them here as their young flesh
is so soft. It was all I could to stop myself fingering their little virgin
cunts through their panties, I can tell you. Anyway, spanking them was such a
great thrill and I looked forward to it every evening. I could always work up
quite a sweat beating them just there but I agree that the cane is a perfect
instrument of punishment.?
father continued to bring his cane down with force across the tops of their
thighs and deep red lines and raised welts immediately appeared.
the girls screamed as the cane lashed across their tender, naked flesh.
and headmistress took it in turns to give the twins a slow and merciless
beating. The girls screamed after every stroke but desperately tried to keep as
still as possible to avoid even more punishment. They embraced each other very
closely which made it easier to aim the canes to land across both their thighs
at the same time. After another dozen strokes the tops of the girls? thighs
were well-striped with lines of red weals and both
girls were crying pitifully for mercy.
Please don?t hurt me any more!? the girl called Melanie cried while her sister Debbee joined her in her pleas, ?AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!?
she cried. ?Please Daddy, don?t beat us any more,
you two going to be good girls from now on then??
Please no more, Daddy!!!? they cried in unison, cuddling up as close as they
could to each other for comfort.
?I hope, sir, you?re not going to be soft on your daughters. We said they
deserved another dozen strokes as an extra punishment to teach them not to move
and I never change my mind or show any mercy to my girls. I?d like to give the
young bitches their full punishment of the extra strokes, if I may.?
course, and I will be pleased to join you. I can assure you that I am never
soft on them and I want them severely disciplined, day and night in your
school,? the father replied fingering his cane with eager anticipation. ?So,
what are we waiting for? Let?s give them another half a dozen strokes each. I
really want to teach them a lesson they won?t forget.?
slow deliberation both of them continued to beat the two sobbing sisters,
taking it in turns, from both sides. The canes landed on flesh already marked
and the weals deepened in colour.
that, you bitches! God, I bet that hurts!!? shouted the headmistress as she
clearly enjoyed herself, thrashing the cane across the tops of well-marked
the girls screamed in unison and their voices became more and more desperate
and hoarse. ?Please, no more, Daddy!!!!! Please, have mercy. OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!?
can scream and beg as much as you like, you silly little bitches!? said the
mistress as she wielded her cane again. ?We?re all used to hearing girls scream
in this convent. We enjoy hearing the screams and it scares the other girls
when they hear them. Anyway, if we get tired hearing you scream we can always
gag you both!?
beating went on until both sobbing girls had received another dozen extra
strokes, all of them hard and well-aimed. Somehow the twins managed to remain
fairly still as the canes landed, embracing each other as tightly as they
could. Their young bodies were stretched over the large desk with their
delicious round globes raised up invitingly in the air.
work, sir,? said the headmistress as she stood back to admire her work and
inspected the well-whipped bottoms of her two new charges. She ran her fingers
over the lines of the many deep red weals back and
forth, causing both girls to sob in pain as she mauled their abused flesh.
Their lovely young bottoms were delightfully marked as well as the tops of
their tender thighs. She was pleased with her work.
was a lot of fun and I?m only sorry I can?t help you out on future occasions,?
said the father. ?I could get to like dishing out some heavy punishment and
domination. Now I?ll be all alone at home, I think I?ll have to get myself a
live-in slave girl to practise on.?
At that moment the man thought of his wife and wondered where she was now. He
knew she was in some dungeon thousands of miles away and although he knew he?d
never see her again he would have loved to have her back as a well-trained
slave. He also wondered whether he?d see any more videos of her being tortured.
He hoped he would and he thought, now that his daughters weren?t at home, he
could watch again the other videos he?d been sent, without them knowing. ?I?m
sure you?ll manage to punish my daughters very well whenever they deserve it. I
think this will teach them a good lesson and I expect my girls to receive lots
more discipline just like this in your school.?
course they will, I promise you. Now, get up, you little sluts and make your
farewells to your father,? the headmistress ordered.
with their arms round each other the sisters straightened up. They stood there
shaking with humiliation and pain from their punishment. They looked really
delicious in their skimpy white and pink floral underwear: their tiny panties
complemented their very slim bodies and their demi-cup
bras barely restrained their 34DD breasts. Their young bodies looked truly
stunning as they stood there clinging to each other. Their faces were covered
in streaming tears and their delicate mascara had run down their innocent
faces. They looked imploringly at their father.
Daddy, don?t leave us here,? begged Debbee. ?We?ll do
whatever you want at home. You can spank us as much as you like and we?ll serve
you in any way you desire, but please don?t leave us in this awful school!?
behind your backs, and don?t you dare question what is best for you! You two
are here to stay for a very long time so you?d better get used to it!? barked
the headmistress.
twins immediately obeyed and clasped their hands behind their backs which
thrust out their heaving breasts even more. Their long blonde hair hung in damp
strands because of all the tears and the sweat from their abused bodies.
kneel and kiss your father?s shoes? she ordered. ?And you?d better also thank
him for allowing you to come to this school!?
The twins dropped to their knees and bent forward together. They put out their
tongues and began licking their father?s shiny black shoes. After they had
licked his shoes for a few minutes they looked up at him through their
tear-filled eyes.
thank you, Daddy for letting us come to this?.school. We hope we?ll be good
obedient pupils?? they chimed together as they knelt at his feet.
now time your lovely daughters were taken off to their dormitory and introduced
to the other girls in Class 1,? said the headmistress. ?Then we?ll fit them
with their new school uniform which will look just as attractive as what
they?re wearing now. By the way, before you go, would you like to see round our
Correction Centre? I can assure you, it?s well-equipped and you can see for
yourself what we do in there to discipline our girls.?
would like that very much and as I?ve said before, I hope you will deal with my
daughters very strictly. I don?t want to know what happens to them although you
might like to invite me to watch a session sometime in your Correction Centre
if it involves my daughters.
course, we will. We often like an audience of men like yourself
who appreciate a well-disciplined young girl. Girls, now say good bye to your
?Goooood? Good bbbbbye,
Daddy, please come and see us?soon? stammered Debbee
through her tears.
be ggggggood girls, Daddy?? chimed in Melanie.
two assistants clad in their long black robes pulled the two sobbing girls to
their feet and they took each of the sobbing twins roughly by the arm and led
them off to begin their strict training in Class 1 of the Convent of Perpetual
of Part One
story will be continued as the twins are initiated into the rules and life of
the convent and meet their classmates and class mistresses. It won?t be long
though before the girls infringe the rules and receive their next punishment.
Any ideas of what exciting misadventures could befall our lovely twins in the
next parts would be gratefully received by the author.??
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This happened long back. I was in college doing a degree course. And as a young boy, I was always horny and thinking of sex. The pastime at that time was going near our pond and watching girls and middle-aged women taking bath. Getting the glimpse of many naked pussies was a matter of great thrill at that time. Of course still, it is so. I had two sisters and they also used to take bath in that pond, which was in our compound. They knew I was hanging around the pond to see the bathing scene of...
IncestA Story of the Institute of Apotheosis Research Chapter Four: Mind-Controlled into Lesbian Sisters By mypenname3000 Copyright 2018 Note: Thanks to wrc264 for beta reading this! Deidre Icke, President of the failing Institute of Apotheosis, had to act. Her son, transformed into a new god by usurping the Halo from its proper owner, had broken out of the storage room they'd locked him in. With his powers, he could bend the Institute to his will. She had to buy time for the others to destroy...
Chapter Six: Breeding His Mermaid Sisters By mypenname3000 Copyright 2020 Note: This story was commissioned by Ultrasound 7 and has allowed me to share it with you. This may contain scenarios and acts that I normally wouldn't write. There will be a strong sex slave/domination theme. I will keep this from violating any cannon established in the world and I developed the mythology that drives this story. Kurtis – Coral Isle, Jyou Sea “Save our father?” I asked, shocked by the words of my...
Copyright© 1996-2003 "Said a lesbian lady, 'It's sad; Of All the girls that I've had, None gave me the thrill Of real rapture until I learned how to be a tribade.'" -author unknown "And she liked to lick my clit while pushing a small four inch vibrator up my ass!" "No!" Both ladies took a sip of wine, and the elder brunette again crossed her long silk covered legs again. The blonde continued, "You haven't had oral sex if you haven't felt this girls tongue between...
Hi friends this is vicky again from jaipur city, i m a manager 27yrs working in a reputed firm,i had submittedmy some experiences on this site n i got a wonderful response from u ,mujhe kyi calls aur bahut mails milli regarding problems n meets,if any girl or ldy from jaipur or around jaipur wanna meet me or wanna discuss her problem she can mail me its my assurance tht the meet will be kept a secret u can mail me at this is the story when i was at school I was seventeen and in last year of my...
SISTERS.TXT by Cindy V - femdom, TV, humiliation A fantasy story inspired by a two page ad for Loreal lipstick with two models with different looks who could be sisters. Sherry and Terri are two sisters getting ready for a double date. Their dates arrive to pick them up before the ladies are quite finished getting themselves ready. As they open the door to let their dates in, the sisters sigh in disappointment. The guys are in T-shirts and jeans; they didn't bother to get dressed...
Hello people, once again it’s Jatin with his new story. First, thanks to all the ISS readers to have taken interest in reading my real life incidents and coming to me with their feedback and also thanks for the emails and getting in touch with me. If you like my stories do email me on Those who haven’t read my previous story, here is some brief information abt myself. I am Jatin, 26 years old living in UK (soon returning to India), but I spent most of my life in India as my parents have a...
(An Incestuous Harem Story) Chapter Nine: Marrying His Naughty Sisters By mypenname3000 Copyright 2019 Note: Thanks to wrc264 for beta reading this! April 3rd, 2027 – Detective Nelson Tucker “Thank you for meeting with us,” my partner, Detective Sunny Savage said. “We really appreciate it.” “Anything to help out the police,” said the black-haired, green-eyed young woman when she opened the door to her home. She had a bright smile on her face, though there was that nervousness that most...
Three Pregnant Sisters I’ve just got to tell you what happened seven months ago. But first I guess I should tell you about us. I am a twenty-five-year-old male, my wife Ella is twenty-three years old, and then she has two younger sisters, Gina age twenty-one and Lily age nineteen. Well since all of the girls were June brides all three of us couples decided to go on vacation together one year. Lily was the newlywed celebrating her first year of marriage. Gina had been married...
Golden Locks And The Three Bear Sisters Formally known as Goldilocks and The Three Bears Players: Chuck, nicknamed Golden Locks for his curly blond hair; Sam, Chuck's best friend; Paula Bear, Mona Bear and Brenda Bear also known in wrestling as the Bear Sisters. Synopsis: Chuck is a huge fan of the huge sisters that wrestle as a tag team known as the Bear Sisters. A big enough fan to throw caution to the wind when he discovers they live near by. He missed a chance one night to get...
With the blessing of Mr.z I am transferring his story "Shrunken at home with Shemale Sisters" to this site. First thing you may have noticed is I changed the name slightly. I just like Futanari better than Shemale personally. If you know the original then you know the ages where lower then what this site allows, so I've gone to the liberty of upping the characters ages. While I don't think this will cause too much issue with the chapters, it does mean that the majority if not all of the younger...
TranssexualNote: This story was commissioned by Ultrasound 7 and has allowed me to share it with you. This may contain scenarios and acts that I normally wouldn’t write. There will be a strong sex slave/domination theme. I will keep this from violating any cannon established in the world and I developed the mythology that drives this story. Kurtis – Coral Isle, Jyou Sea “Save our father?” I asked, shocked by the words of my three mermaid sisters—and they were my sisters, they looked identical to Lasla...
Growing up as the only boy in a house with three older sisters and a mom can be a real drag. Every aspect of family life is female. Shopping, talking, even what they watched on television or what music they listened to. The girls got all of the easy inside chores while Norm was left with mowing the lawns, trimming the shrubbery, raking leaves, etc. He often wondered if life would have been different for him had his dad not been killed by a drunk driver when Jim was only 3. He barely remembered...
Sadie hugged her sisters, pulled the hood and face-covering back into place, and went with her sisters. Before they got to where I saw the woman who had to be Sadie’s mom, she said, “So you know, the only good thing that came out of her blinding me is David. He is why I didn’t kill myself during the darkest times. I’ve heard everyone talking about him. I knew him before any of them, and David hasn’t changed the least bit since then, except for getting bigger all over.” That caused all three...
Slutty SistersI was in heaven. Pure blow job heaven. Standing at the end of my bed in my typical bachelor pad flat wearing not a stitch of clothing. On her knees and a little to my right was Lisa Duncan, she was similarly naked, showing her curvaceous body (a short five foot five, long blonde hair and the kind of impish cute face that no-one could ever be annoyed at atop her excellently proportioned bosom and a round, firm ass) while she worked over my heavy balls in her mouth. A delightful...
Laura charged through the front door to meet her younger sister Alexis sitting on the sofa watching the TV. Alexis didn’t expect her sister home so soon and was dressed in a light tank top, no bra and tight pj shorts. Laura was looking just as hot as when Alexis watched her longingly leave only an hour before. Laura’s sweet body was poured into a pair of white jeans, that showed off her perfect bubble butt. Laura was wearing a bra under a nearly see-through pink top. Both girls had light blonde...
"I'm through with guys!" grunted Laura as she threw her jacket onto the floor. "Yeah, me too" mumbled Alexis through a mouthful of popcorn. Slumping down on the sofa Laura took a handful of Alexis's popcorn and began to watch the movie. She had a glazed expression on her face. Gulping down her last handful of popcorn Alexis gazed over to fifteen year old sister Laura. 'Fuck, sis is so cute when she eats.' Laura turned to face Alexis, who was smiling at her. "You okay Lex?"...
Gopi was 22 years old but while all his friends in the village who were of his age, had gotten married, Gopi’s marriage was in the distant horizon. The reason was he had to work for many more years to pay off all the family debt. His father had passed away due to pneumonia attack when he was 16 without marrying off any of his four daughters and he did not leave any money behind except the house they lived in. So as soon as Gopi passed out of high school, he wrote the public service commission...
IncestMy wife, Becky, has four sisters. The oldest, Janna, is forty-four and lives several states away so we don’t get to see her very often. She’s been divorced now for some years and teaches fifth grade. The next sister is Millie, she’s forty, she lives in England with her husband who is British and we only see them every four or five years. Then, there’s Melissa, she’s thirty-seven and she lives all the way across the country from us so she visits only rarely, Next is Becky at thirty-six, then...
My wife, Becky, has four sisters. The oldest, Janna, is forty-four and lives several states away so we don't get to see her very often. She's been divorced now for some years and teaches fifth grade. The next sister is Millie, she's forty, she lives in England with her husband who is British and we only see them every four or five years. Then, there's Melissa, she's thirty-seven and she lives all the way across the country from us so she visits only rarely, Next is Becky at thirty-six, then...
Group SexI hadn't seem him for six plus years but as soon as he entered the Kamikaze Topless Bar on Main St., Bowling Green, Ohio, on a beautiful early May evening I recognized him — Rod Munroe, aka 'Surfer Rod', aka 'Blond Rod'. Our paths had crossed in 1988/89 at OSU when Rod and I had lived in the same dorm during our freshman year at the University. Although we had never become close friends, we were acquaintances and due to an odd quirk of fate got to know quite a bit about the other during...
She would host team parties at her house and loved a good drink, always making sure everyone was enjoying one too. I was kind of new to drinking any kind of alcohol and she delighted in getting me drunk enough to make the room spin. Instead of having me drive home drunk, she had me stay the night at her place after the party ended and everyone else left. I thought I'd be fine just sleeping it off on the sofa with a blanket, but when she turned off the heat to the house, it got quite cold...
Sex Slave Sisters ???????????????????????????? ??????Sex Slave Sisters???????????????????????? ?????????????? ?????A work of total fiction by Taskmaster??????????????????????????????????????????? Part One?????????????????????????????? [email protected] For me she had always had that special indefinable something about her, even now after four years she looked so damm good. Sure the only reason she was speaking to me was because I am the father of her sister?s two boys and when...
Had Alice been her normal size, she might have run laughing down the garden path, stopping to push her nose into this bloom or that and inhale the wonderful bouquet of scents that they had to offer. Still, she could admire them from afar. Or rather, from below.“So many colors, some I have never seen or even imagined!” she exclaimed, turning in place until she’d made a full circle. “I wonder whose garden it is. Mostly likely a wealthy lord or even a Duke or an Earl. Dash and bother, I wish I was...
Group SexJULY 2001, SUMMER CAMP Dawn and I arrived at the table for lunch, both of us with warm smiles on our faces and twinkles in our eyes. How could we not be happy? We were in LOVE. And it wasn't just puppy love or teenage infatuation. I didn't feel the rush of "new love" like I had with Keira or Adrienne. It wasn't even the pleasant but slightly awkward transition from friendship to romance like with Megan and Cassidy. It just felt ... right. I'd literally known Dawn for my entire life,...
THE BEST SISTERS By ShannonQ PART ONE Synopsis--The Best Sisters are identical twins. They find that their beauty is beyond their control at times. They live through historical times. They are gorgeous, selfish, become wealthy and love only each other. Rated X Note--Transformation comes in Part Five. ONE The howling wind outside the tiny house chilled Melissa and Michelle...
This was some few years back when I lived with my whole family, 6 sisters and one brother in a beautiful Garden house in Hyderabad .I was only 18 yrs old, very strong and tall. We were a very close knitted family. At night we slept in one room all together. My sister was very pretty and sexy. All of them had big Breast and lovely body, this I notice when they would be sleeping. They use to wear sarees and blouse. At night my two married sisters would only wear petticoat and blouse, showing most...
Incest"My name is Eiko Moriyama. I have reservations, two rooms, together." I punched her name into the computer and, sure enough, two rooms with an adjoining door. As I entered her credit card information I looked her over out of the corner of my eye. She was in her forties, pretty but kind of conservative, her deep black hair cut straight across at her shoulders, parted on the side, and she wore a trim knee length skirt and blazer. I sort of compulsively flirt with women, and when I handed her the...
Chapter Five: Loving Mom and Two Hot Sisters By mypenname3000 Copyright 2020 Note: Thanks to WRC264 for beta reading this! “Yeah,” I agreed to Mom. “I'll give you dick whenever you want it. So don't worry.” Mom smiled as she was stroking my cock having woken me up with the usual fashion: sucking on my dick. Sleeping on either side of me were my sisters Jamie and Auburn. I had my little sister and her little titties rubbing into my right side and my big sister and her big boobies rubbing...
I remember the summer my sisters surprised me with their secret. I was the oldest c***d, and pretty much did anything I wanted. I was 2 years older than one of my sisters and 3 years older than the other one. I was a typical 13 year old male, high sex drive and all. I would steal panties from my sisters room to rub on my cock and balls as I masterbated. I went in and got a good dirty pair one day, and thought I would go to my shed and rub one out. I could smell the musk of the panties from my...
Chapter One: Blown by His Mom and Sisters A Belt Buckle Mind-Control Story By mypenname3000 Copyright 2020 Notes: Thanks to WRC264 for beta reading this! The Figure puts the last touches on its next creation. Its next way to have fun. A belt. Brown leather. A silver buckle with the words “Suck” on it. A simple concept. The Figure is thrilled by this. It knows just where to place it. Slipping through the mist into a mortal world, it slips into a department store. No one “notices” the...
Secret pact of sisters Thank you ISS for displaying my two previous submissions…” First time Blues…” and “…The Return Gift…” …this is the third part Hello readers…this is Kiran…please read on…for continuity please read ” First time Blues” and ” Return Gift ” …about a month and half passed…for the last few days Veni started looking pale and weak… ‘…let us go to doctor…’ I said with concern… ‘…it’s ok…I will do that today…on my way back…’Veni replied and visited one… ‘…what did your doc say…?’...
VOLUME-1 Chapter XII I had now passed my twentieth year. The new servants were sisters (how many times have sisters fallen to me!); the eldest who was cook was named Sarah; the youngest, Susan. Sarah was about twenty-six, Susan nineteen or twenty. I carefully arranged the key in the key-hole of their door the first night, but saw nothing for two or three nights. Then oh! fortune again. They rose later than my mother liked; she came up to their room one morning and found them locked in, so...
This is my first story. This really happened in my life and it is the first time I have told this story. My BIG HORSECOCK and my two older sisters. It all started when I was 10 years old. I grew up in a large family but I was closest to my two older sisters, their names are Julie who was 20 years old with massive tits and Lana who was 18 years old and huge double D tits. I had a big cock for a ten tear old boy at about 6 inches long and very thick. I loved to jerk off at night thinking...
Linda; I liked the part where you felt so nasty cummming, while sucking your brothers cock... I know you said penis, but that's a little girls word. Look at it this way, you are both grown-ups, what your doing is for nothing but unadulterated Nasty pleasure. Remember, this is the guy that know just how Nasty you like your sex. I'll never forget the first time I fucked you in the ass, that's one Cherry I'll never forget popping. There you where bent over in front of me, your long legs...
Deidre Icke, President of the failing Institute of Apotheosis, had to act. Her son, transformed into a new god by usurping the Halo from its proper owner, had broken out of the storage room they’d locked him in. With his powers, he could bend the Institute to his will. She had to buy time for the others to destroy all the research that went into making the Halos. They were never meant to be mass produced. Luckily, no one person could re-create them. Only their dead guru and his wife fully...
Hi,i’m Vivek staying in Banglore. I’ve 2 elder sisters(Arpana studin in 12th & vanita studyin in 11th) who r good looking and sexy.This is a true story.originally i’m Bengali.i live with my mom and my sisters and a dog.i started watching porn since my day as my mom had gone out of station for a week.i was watching porn in my pc.i started to watch by being naked without closing the door as i thought every1 were Sleeping.unfortunately arpana woke up and came into the room as there was...