In the Parking Garage
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In The Parking Garage
Dr. Mabeuse ? 2006
rap of her boot heels echoing off the concrete walls was the only sound as she
walked down the long line of cars, looking for where she'd parked. She'd been
sure this was the row?13-D?but where was her car? She shifted her bags to her
left hand where the black leather glove would keep the handles from biting into
her and looked back over her shoulder through her blonde hair. Perhaps she'd
walked past it? But there was no red Peugeot.
She stopped. The yellowish green fluorescent lights bothered her eyes. The
floor was damp?wet in places with puddles of black water?and the peeling
concrete walls were crumbling in places. This underground garage was a dump,
decrepit and depressing and disorienting too. It stunk of gasoline and diesel
fumes and wet cement and mold, and in her good gray wool skirt and white blouse
and black leather coat and gloves she felt out of place. Her boots were already
muddied and possibly ruined. Maybe 13-D was where she'd parked before? 13
something. Maybe 13-B?
A car engine started somewhere in the distance but with the echoes in the
cavernous place it was impossible to tell where. The garage went on forever.
She wasn't even sure where the exit was now, so she walked till she found a
pass through and then turned right, the pace of her footsteps picking up. No
cars passed her. The place seemed utterly deserted, though she could hear an
occasional bang or slam in the distance.
At last, a wall. A pedestrian walkway. She skipped up on it and walked through
to 13-C. Down the row?nothing, no red Peugeot. She returned to the sidewalk and
pressed on and came to another blank wall with a door in it. It said
"Aisles 20-A through 22-D" and had an arrow pointing down. This was
She stopped now and looked around in confusion. She put down her packages and
pulled on her right glove, the one she'd taken off so she could get her car
keys when she thought she knew where her car was. She had her cell phone. Would
it work down here? And who would she call? The police? What would she say? I'm
lost in the underground parking and I can't find my car?
She felt fear, and then anger. She remembered when she'd left the car there'd
been a bunch of men in overalls sitting inside a barrier of yellow safety tape
casually eating their lunches and reading newspapers like they had nothing
better to do. They'd looked at up at her approvingly as she'd passed and she'd
heard their comments and low laughs Where were they now? Where was that barrier
of yellow safety tape? Where was anyone?
Moving towards the pass through again, she spotted a flashing light, a yellow
light, sweeping over the concrete walls?a wrecker or some safety vehicle, maybe
one of those golf carts the garage staff rode in. She ran to intercept it, her
packages bumping against her knees.
It was a big step van, the kind usually used for deliveries, painted official
city blue, with a yellow dome light flashing on its roof, barely low enough to
clear the concrete lintels of the concrete garage supports.
"Thank God!" she breathed, waving her arm to flag it down.
The van stopped opposite her and she peered inside. The passenger door had been
removed and replaced by an outward-facing tool cabinet. She looked over the top
at the driver, though his face was in shadow.
"Listen, can you help me? I'm lost! I can't find my car! Can you just
drive me around till I find it? It's around here somewhere."
For a moment he said nothing and she looked at his big hand on the steering
wheel, the muscles in his forearm where his sleeve was rolled up, a smudge of
grease on his wrist.
"Can't," he said. "Against the rules."
He shifted into gear and the truck started forward. She grabbed hold of the
"Please!" The desperation in her voice startled her. "No one
will know. I'll pay you. I'm really lost!"
Again the silence. She ducked her head slightly, trying to see his face in the
"Okay. You'll have to get in the back though, and stay out of sight."
"Thanks! Yes, of course!" She ran to the back of the truck and pulled
the door open, stepped up into the interior and pulled it closed behind her.
The inside was hung with quilted moving blankets and bungee cords hung from the
ceiling. There were tools boxes behind the front seat and cans of paint and
other maintenance equipment.
Ellen bent down and walked up behind the driver. The engine was right in the
center of the truck, making a big hump next to his seat, and she leaned over
it, staring out the windshield as he drove.
"It's a red Peugeot 607. A two thousand five. It shouldn't be hard to
find. I really appreciate this."
The van rolled slowly along, and she noticed that the section numbers seemed to
make no sense. 13-D, 14-C, 13-E, 14-F. The driver wheeled the truck around
several turns then killed the yellow light, turned down a spiral ramp and
entered a lower level that was darker and more deserted.
"I really think it was up on the other level," she said.
He said nothing. He drove through a labyrinth of deserted halls and vast empty
rooms lit by dim, flickering fluorescent bulbs, some not lit at all. This seemed
to be a totally unused part of the garage, probably some shortcut or way to a
central office, and when he pulled the truck into a dim and remote corner up
against a dead end and threw it into gear, she assumed he'd taken a wrong turn
and was going to back up and turn around. He turned around in his seat as if to
see out the back doors and so she turned around too, and so when he grabbed her
by the coat and suddenly stood up and pulled her violently back over the engine
housing it caught her totally by surprise.
"What are you??"
He pushed her down on her back and held her there as he quickly stepped around
her and into the back of the truck so he was looming over her, in complete
control, his hands gripping the front of his coat. Fear surged through her body,
fighting with utter disbelief. She could feel the strength in his hands and
arms and feel the heat from his body but she couldn't quite accept what was
happening. The only light in the van was the thin, watery light that seeped in
from the windshield so his face was still in shadow, though now she could see
his white tee-shirt and the hairs on his chest peeking through his coveralls.
"I strongly suggest you keep quiet," he said, his voice a deep, low
whisper. "I don't want to have to hurt you."
She felt a thrill of horror and she automatically tried to push him away, but
he quickly yanked the top of her coat halfway down her arms, efficiently
trapping her in her own garment. The strength and expertise of his moves
instinctively told her she was dealing with a professional, someone who had
done this before.
"Wait! Wait!" she cried. "Do you want money? I'll give you
money! There's money in my purse. Just don't hurt me!"
That seemed to give him pause and she took that as an encouraging sign. She
froze, not daring to move.
"Really. Take it. Take what you want. If it's not enough I can get you
Another brief silence, then he said. "I don't want money. What kind of man
do you think I am?"
His answer panicked her, and she tried again to reach up and at least claw at
him but he got his hand beneath her and yanked her coat from behind, making it
into a tourniquet that bound her arms tight against her sides and rendered her
helpless. She was deep underground, hundreds of feet from anyone, and when his
hand went to her throat she knew she had no choice but to lie absolutely still,
well aware that he had enough strength in that one hand to choke her to death
right there.
She watched as his hand went to the buttons on her blouse and opened them, and
she felt the fabric give and collapse onto her skin like something defeated.
There was a pause, then he slowly opened the delicate silk of her blouse like a
man unveiling a meal, exposing her chest and her bra. His entire head was still
in shadow, but she could feel his eyes on her, taking her in, and then his hand
reappeared and closed experimentally on her breasts, first one, then the other.
She felt the strength in his fingers, the tension as he fought the urge to
crush them in his hands, a perverse kind of gentleness, and that made her bold.
She summoned all her strength and tried to free her arms again but he held her
now with embarrassing ease, as if he were consumed with her breasts and hardly
even aware of her struggles. He wasn't an especially large man, but he seemed
terribly strong and focused, and yet she sensed through his touch that his
intention wasn't to hurt her. He was almost worshipful.
His hand left her breasts and slid back up to her throat and he pushed her face
gently up and to the side as if to examine her face. He caressed her cheek
tenderly, perhaps trying to calm her, but if so, his touch had the opposite
effect and she suddenly began to panic as she realized the seriousness of her
predicament, lying on her back in a deserted garage with her arms trapped and
blouse open, being touched by a stranger. She suddenly couldn't control her
breathing and her breasts began to heave as she began to pant and
hyperventilate and there was nothing she could do about it.
"Hush," he whispered, his lips right next to her ear. "Nothing
to be afraid of."
He put his hand lightly over her mouth, not so firmly that she couldn't
breathe, and by some miracle, she calmed down almost immediately, or perhaps
she just gave up.
He removed his hand and his fingers slid down over her chest to her breasts. He
traced the edge of her bra over her mounds and she lay absolutely still, her
attention drawn reluctantly to the soft touch of his fingers on her skin. He
repeated the motion, this time sliding his finger inside the cups, insinuating
himself between into the warm, humid space between her flesh and the brassiere.
She closed hr eyes in denial. Her breasts were exquisitely sensitive and
erotically charged, and yet this was rape and there could be nothing
pleasurable about it. She wouldn't even think about letting it feel good.
And yet he dipped his finger deeper into her bra like some curious visitor to
the depths, and as he swept it slowly along, his nail brushed the circumference
of her areola, and she was shamed by the sudden splash of interest they seemed
to feel.
He grasped the top edge of the cup and slowly slid it slowly down over her
breast as if ejecting a piece of fruit from its peel, apparently fascinated by
its slow exposure. She tried to control herself as the fabric dragged over her
nipple but it was maddening, or the sense of outrage was too much, or something
prompted her to try one more time to resist this violation of her privacy and
she twisted on the engine cover and raised her shoulders to protect her
breasts, tried to kick at him or get a knee against his chest, but again, he
thwarted her efforts with humiliating ease, yanking her coat tighter to pin her
arms and brushing her legs aside. All his attention was on her body now, and it
was if she herself were nothing more than a minor irritation, easily disposed
Ellen groaned with impotent anger and fear. She raised her head like a witness
to her own rape and watched as he pulled down the other cup so that both
breasts spilled free, and then closed her eyes as his head came down and his
tongue touched her nipple.
His breath was on her flesh, then his tongue was circling her nipple in slow,
wet circles, and despite herself, Ellen felt the surge of salacious pleasure
between her legs. His lips formed a ring around her areola and sucked, and she
felt the breath from his nostrils on her skin. It was filthy and disgusting,
and she dropped her head back on the engine cover as if she could deny the
terrible pleasure she felt. She couldn't allow herself to feel this, but she
couldn't deny it either, and besides, what choice did she have? Her arms were
trapped in her coat and she was bent back over the engine housing as this
stranger hunched over her like a vampire with his victim, slowly gorging himself
on the warmth and tenderness of her breasts.
She didn't know what to feel. It was assault?rape?but her shock and her
disorientation were too great, and his physical strength and desire were
overwhelming, like a physical force or a wave holding her down. He had an
uncanny sense of just where and how to touch her, as if he could read her mind
or already knew all her secrets?a strange kind of physical intimacy that spoke
directly to her body and cared nothing what her mind thought. The way he
lingered at her breasts?sucking, licking, teasing, catching her nipples in his
teeth?was far more than was necessary if he were simply going to rape her. He
seemed to know just what she liked, just how she operated. He seemed to know
instinctively how erotically charged her breasts were and exactly how she liked
them treated, just how to squeeze, just where to touch. He knew just when to
punctuate the cloying sweetness of a tongue teasing her nipple with the sharp
spear of his teeth.
One nipple then the other?the slow circles, the fluttering tongue, the long,
lurid licks, and finally sucking her tit into his mouth and biting and sucking
it, his urgent, animal sounds of pleasure, his urgent, kneading hand. He
released her throat and now as he teased one breast with his mouth, he pinched
and rolled the other nipple with his hand, smearing his saliva around the
areola, dragging his nails over the fleshy dome until she was covered with
goose bumps and quivering with need. When she thought she couldn't stand the
stimulation to her nipples anymore, he began to kiss and lick her breasts from
armpit to sternum, planting soft bites on the full undersides or rubbing his
rough, unshaven face on the upper slopes, holding her arms back and making her
fight the urge to press herself harder into his mouth, wallowing in the
softness of her tits until she'd totally forgotten her pledge to let herself
feel nothing.
"Oh! Oh!" She raised her head. The stimulation of her breasts was
becoming more than she could bear. Her nipples were stiff and aching, and her
tits felt full and swollen. She looked down at him to try and determine his
attentions but still all she could see was the top of his head and his strong
hands holding her arms, arms that to her own shame had stopped struggling.
She couldn't just surrender like this, so she tried to writhe and twisted on
the engine cover, trying instinctively to escape the maddening licking and
sucking of her naked breasts, but all she could move was her legs, and all she
succeeded in doing was making her skirt slide up her thighs. He noticed this,
and let go of one of her arms and slid his hand up under her skirt, sliding up
the inside of her leg, as if to show her that there were any number of ways to
broach her defenses.
This assault on her sex was too much, took the whole thing to another level,
and she began to fight, but it was a strangely tense and silent struggle?her
labored panting and struggling for breath and occasional groan of resistance;
the soft creak and rustle of her leather coat; the lewd suck of his mouth on
her flesh or his hot animal growl of lust that gave her a weird, lewd thrill,
as if she were watching herself be devoured.
The struggling got her nowhere, but suddenly he stopped and straightened up. He
was on his knees next to the engine housing where her legs couldn't get at him,
one hand still holding the back of her coat, but lightly now, and as he
straightened up his face disappeared into the shadows again. She thought maybe
he'd stop now, that maybe he'd taken her far enough to get her all hot and
break her spirit, and that that's what he'd wanted. Maybe now he'd stop and
figure he'd taught her a lesson and humiliated her, laugh, tell her to get
dressed and drive her to her car, but he showed no sign of letting her go.
She lay there nervously, confused and ashamed at her sudden feeling of
anticlimax. Her clothes were a mess, her blouse open and bra down, her breasts
red and chaffed from his beard and her nipples painfully erect, her skirt up
around her thighs.
She realized though that he had no intention of stopping. He was just stopping
to admire her, to let her feel her own helplessness. His hand reached out and
slid up her leg under her skirt and touched the soft skin next to her pussy and
she cried out with a sudden and renewed sense of outrage and violation. When
he'd straightened up she'd managed to work her right arm free and she tried to
push him away with it but he laid his weight back on top of her and reached
behind her head with his left hand, caught her right wrist and held it easily,
leaving her defenseless. He still had one hand free to plunder her body and his
mouth returned to her naked tits as if his work wasn't finished.
"Relax now," he said. "Just relax..."
With his weight upon her she now couldn't avoid feeling the rock-hard stalk of
his cock stabbing against her hip like a cold chisel, and she didn't know why
she was so surprised, but she was. Taken was the word that flashed into
her mind. I'm going to be taken. He won't be able to control that prick even
if he wanted it too! His dick was like a force of nature, something
separate from him, urging him on, controlling him, not to be denied. It was
inevitable, beyond restraint, and for the first time, Ellen felt really
"No! No!" she cried, and she tried to writhe away from him again, but
he had her so securely pinned with his one arm that he took his other hand from
beneath her skirt and casually finished unbuttoning her blouse down to her
waist, taking his time, confident that she had absolutely no way to stop him or
get away. Despite her struggles he began to sensually caress her bare stomach,
dragging his fingers over the sensitive flesh and making the muscles clench. He
slid his hands down over her hips, then found the button on the side of her
skirt, opened it and pulled the zipper down. He pulled the skirt open and
pushed skirt and slip down till they were below her panties, and then his hand
began to graze teasingly over the bare skin of her thighs and her panty-covered
mound, caressing her, tickling her, coaxing into arousal, as if he had all the
time in the world. The feel of his fingers on her mound, the ease with which he
touched her and the casual way his hand toyed at the juncture between fabric
and flesh made her start to throb with physical desire.
She pushed and heaved and bucked her hips, but he was like a piece of iron?too
strong, too heavy?and she realized that her gyrations were sexual and
suggestive. They were only making her look more eager and hungrier. Finally she
just stopped, gave up. She would save her strength for when she really needed
it, for when he tried to shove his cock into her. Maybe then she could raise
her knees and push him off, or get a knee into his balls. Meanwhile his kissing
and sucking of her tits had never stopped, but the focus of both their
attentions had shifted to the area between her legs where she was even more
hungry and more needy and the feelings ran deeper and harder to control. She
was throbbing with shameful and painful need.
He seemed to be in no hurry to fuck her though. He played with her belly and
hips, slid his fingers under the waist of her panties and reached down, teasing
her, playing in her pubic hair, teasing her until her pussy needed his touch,
until she wanted to feel his hand there against her empty hunger. She closed
her eyes in frustration and anger and finally, finally, his hand left her
panties and slid under her skirt and touched her pussy from below.
His fingers pressed the moist crotch of her panties up against her sensitive
flesh and Ellen bit her lip to stifle a cry of fulfillment. Her body arched and
quivered in response, but she fought it, trying not to move, trying not to give
him the satisfaction of seeing the effect he had on her, but his fingers seemed
so curious, so fascinated with her, and the places he touched were so right,
the pressure, the stroke so perfect. For all the furious passion of his mouth
on her breasts, his fingers on her cunt were like those of a fearful
boy?curious, worshipful, and yet quick to learn which spots made her respond
with a quick jerk of her hips or a little moan, a sharp intake of breath or
subtle shiver?a soft massage of her labia, a teasing finger sliding up and down
her slit or probing into her opening, gliding in circles over her clit or
pressing firmly and rhythmically against it, or occasionally taking her entire
pussy in his hand and squeezing in an act of mannish possession that touched
something deep and primitive inside her and made her want to cling to him. He
was clever and perceptive, masterful and patient, and soon she felt the sharp
and jangling adrenaline-soaked fear leaving her muscles and being replaced by
the deep and profound ache of pure sexual tension, a delicious sexual
tightening that both relaxed her and made her harder and more solid. His hands
knew her pussy intimately now, as well as she knew it herself, and she gave up
struggling against him, gave it up entirely.
felt him moving the crotch of her panties to the side and she spread her legs
for him as much as she dared, as much as was permissible without it looking
like she was doing it intentionally. She hungered for a kiss but she knew she
wouldn't get one, so she turned her face to the side as if she were denying him
herself. Her concentration was on her body now, on his fingers in her cunt and
his lips and face on her tits, and her hands hung limp in her sleeves, her legs
might as well have been filled with sawdust. She lay in the engine cover like a
half-naked rag doll
With her panties out of the way the intimacy of his touch was even more
intense, flesh on flesh, all her secrets revealed, and she felt as though she
were in the hands of a relentless master who played her like a fine violin,
bringing forth high trills of thrilling pleasure and low, rich tones of
soul-shuddering desire. This dark, shadowy man in coveralls was the maestro and
she was the instrument, and she had no more control or responsibility than a
violin has in the hands of a virtuoso. He played her and she soared with sexual
music, and meanwhile the hot, animal throbbing of his hard cock against her hip
was like wild obscene metronome, setting the tempo, urging her on, higher and
Her hips began to move. She couldn't stop them and what did she care anyhow?
She was being raped by a stranger and who would ever know or give a damn? Why
shouldn't she milk it for all the pleasure she could? She didn't care what he
thought of her, and he already seemed to be able to read her mind and wasn't
going to stop till he drove her over the brink, so why not? Why not join in?
Why not fuck his hand since he wanted it so much and she did too? Raise her
knees and open her legs? Let him push her skirt up so he could see her naked
pussy humping up at his plunging finger as his thumb slid over her clit. Why
not let him see her pant and gasp through her teeth as her orgasm rumbled down
upon her, as it bore down upon her like big, fiery, incandescent, blinding
wave, something selfish and glorious and all for her?
"Oh! Oh! Ohhhh! OHHHHH!!!!!!"
She arched her back, thrusting her cunt up and opening her legs obscenely,
knees up, her toes curling up in her boots as pleasure gushed inside her like
an obliterating fountain. She felt it in waves like an internal ejaculation, as
if she were coming into herself, and she let herself wallow in a pure
selfishness she'd never allowed herself with any other lover, entirely her own,
not giving a damn about pleasing the man who lay upon her.
He never stopped but stayed with her right through her orgasm, somehow knowing
when to ease up, when to back off and slow down so that the insistent
stimulation became the soothing caresses of comfort, and when Ellen had calmed
down sufficiently, when her shuddering and spasming had stopped and she at last
opened her eyes, half afraid of what she might see, he was on his knees, his
face bisected by a sharp diagonal shadow, pulling down the zipper of his
She couldn't say anything. In some weird, perverse way, she knew she owed
him?he'd just seen her come, made her come, and she could hardly claim rape
And there was something else. She wanted him now. She wanted to know him,
wanted to know who he was, why he'd done this to her, how he knew her so well.
But still, she'd just climaxed. She was too sensitive to take him now, surely
he knew that. She'd always been that way. She needed at least a few minutes...
He pulled the zipper all the way down and she saw the two-strapper tee-shirt he
wore beneath it, the star of David and golden cross on a chain around his neck
as if he was everyman, the broad plates of his pecs. He reached down and hooked
his thumbs into the waist band of his white boxer shorts and peeled them down
till his cock and balls spilled over the top and hung there, looking like
puppets posed against a curtain on their little stage. His cock was impressive,
erect and angry as only a cock can be, and it made her shamefully proud to see
how hard he was for her. He had a thin triangle of hair that led up to his
navel, like a symbol of a beast turning into man.
"Wait," she said, stalling for time to catch her breath. "Wait.
I can make it good for you. Just give me a minute..."
She still couldn't see his face, but with him on his knees and with her on the
engine cover, his dick was at the perfect height. The elastic of his boxers
pushed his balls out aggressively and Ellen watched as he fished a condom out of
the pocket of his coveralls and tore it open. She sat up and pulled her arms
from her coat at last and pushed her tangled hair back from her face, and
something about the way he unrolled the prophylactic onto his dick suddenly
made her feel ill. It was sticky, lubricated. She didn't want this anymore. She
knew she should be thankful that he at least used protection, but what kind of
man carries a prophylactic with him in his pocket?
"No," she said suddenly. "No, that's all!" As if she'd made
a deal with him and had already fulfilled her part.
She raised her knees, preparing to kick at his chest, but he grabbed her right
ankle and his hand was like a steel clamp. She felt his fingers through the
leather of her boot, unmovable. Her other foot kicked out at him, but he
knocked it away, and then he was between her thighs, his latex-shrouded cock
piercing the air like a spear. She half-sat and clawed at him but he pushed her
right knee so far back that she couldn't use that arm, and grabbed her left
wrist with his other hand and held her as she twisted and tried to hump him off
with her body, but rolled into a half-ball as she was she could barely move,
and her knee was almost against her shoulder, totally opening her pussy to him.
She thrashed beneath him, reaching up at one point to try and bite the hand
that held her wrist, but he was too strong and knew how to fight and she
didn't, and his big, heavy dick kept on bumping against her cunt as if
battering against it. Somehow in the melee she suddenly felt his hand on the
back of her panties, tugging so hard her hips jerked into the air, then pulling
again until the panties ripped and then tore completely, part of them sliding
down below her right knee and the rest hanging like a useless, shredded garter
on her left thigh.
The ripping of her panties shocked her almost more than anything else. These
were her good panties, her favorite pair, and the man tore them to pieces as if
that meant nothing. Tears sprang to her eyes. He was a maniac!
She looked down at his cock now?the turgid length in that obscene latex sheath
in the dim light, straining in a backwards arc like a snake about to strike,
his balls heavy and potent like two evil henchmen?and then up at his face, but
again, all was shadow?darkness. Just that hairy chest with the gold chain, the
broad pecs and knotted shoulders. He slid forward on his knees and the hand on
the ankle of her boot pushed even harder. With his other hand he threw her
skirt up over her waist. He rocked forward and the naked crown of his dick
touched the bare lips of her pussy.
No, she didn't want this, she didn't want this. That's why he was holding her
down, holding her one leg bent up and her other wrist down. Her free hand tried
to claw at his chest but she could hardly reach him like this. She got her hand
inside the leg he was holding and clawed at him but it was like trying to get a
purchase on stone. She dug into his cotton tee shirt and felt it rip but his
muscles were like marble. He was too close for her to use her free leg, and now
his dick was touching the flesh of her cunt and it was too much. She tried to
squeeze herself shut but there was a part of her that wanted this, that wanted
it so much and wanted it just like this, with his hands on her holding her down
and her clothes ripped and shredded, her will violated, her body used and
exposed, but she didn't want it and she did and she wanted him to make her do
it and she didn't, and her mind whirled and his cock pressed against her and
then she had no choice whatsoever anymore.
"Owwwww! No! Damn it!"
Her back arched, her pussy opened, the thickness of his impossibly hard cock
slithered into her with the immutability of fate itself, a power stronger than
what she wanted or didn't want. It slid into her, it slid into her, deep,
merciless, till she was filled with him, entire with him, completed by him, his
prick filling her and making her desires whole, his balls pushed by his shorts
against the crack in her buttocks, their load of precious masculine come
pressing against her asshole.
He pushed into her and left it there, made her choke on his fullness?left it
there as he hung over her breathing deep and gasping with pleasure for a long,
long, moment, and she felt him throbbing inside her, felt the beat of his heart
inside her body, hot and excited. Then he relented. His strength pulled back
like an ebbing wave and he slid it slowly out so she could breathe again, and
then as if acting with deliberate cruelty, he pushed it back into her again. He
did this several times, overcome with the sheer pleasure of being inside her
tight, quivering sheath, and finally, when this savage, brutal spearing had
taken all the fight and resistance out of her, he began to fuck her?long, sure,
fulfilling strokes, as if savoring every millimeter of her, memorizing every
angstrom of her cunt. How did he know it was just what she wanted as well? Slow
like this, deep like this, full and entire. Time to study him too and feel for
once the sheer physicality of fucking? To get to know every bump and vein and
ridge, every sensitive spot and gasping point on his penetrating tool? To feel
the excruciating, shuddering knife-edge control behind every thrust, his
tension and tremble and open-mouthed groan?
And yet it was rape. She had never consented, never invited, never offered.
Everything was taken from her. She owed him nothing but hatred and contempt.
She was free to lie there, letting him do as he wanted; taking every deep,
mind-shattering thrust, every trembling shove, every quivering grasp of his fingers
on her ass as he worked himself off in her passive, violated body. He was a
selfish pig, using her for his own swinish pleasure. Why shouldn't she be
selfish too and take it for what it was worth?
She stopped all pretense of resistance. She threw her hands back over her head,
exposing her breasts to him, and he fell upon them like a slavering dog in an
orgy of bestial carnality, sucking, squeezing, biting. His cock was right where
she liked it, and then he lifted his legs and spread them outside hers and
squeezed her legs together to make a tighter channel for his plundering dick,
trapping her thighs between his legs so that his shaft rumbled over her clit,
piercing her that way too, the salacious juice of their coupling greasing her
thighs and wetting the fine nylon of her ruined stockings. He fucked her just
like she needed it. His mouth was on her tits again, famished, starving for
her, and Ellen felt that bone deep, subhuman primitive masculinity ravishing
her flesh, taking without asking, fucking her, filling her, and she threw
herself into it, giving as good as she got, raping as well as being raped. She
closed her eyes and felt the primitive freedom of being used. No one could
blame her for this filthy pleasure. No one.
He lost patience with the limitations on this male-outside position, and opened
her legs with his knees again and plunged back into her, fucking her with
animal ferocity just as her orgasm started, and Ellen went delirious with need.
Yes! Yes! Yes! Harder, you motherfucker! Harder! Get it! Get me off! Fuck
that hot cunt?fuck me, you perverted prick! You cunt-slave! You know you want
it! You want to spit that dirty cum in me! Give me your filthy shit you filthy
She felt his ribs heaving like bellows between her knees as he fucked her hard
and fast on his knees, his ass flexing and tightening like a dog's as he sent
that big log slipping and sliding in and out of her greasy sheath like a
slicked-up piston, his fingers tightening frantically in the smooth globes of
her ass. At a certain moment he froze, but by then Ellen was choking in her own
insensate come, her head back, eyes sightless, body quivering spastically as
she felt the powerful contractions of her womb bear down on his deep-sunk,
invading shaft. She couldn't scream, couldn't breathe, couldn't make a sound as
she felt him shove deep, mashing her ass against the engine housing and
grinding his pubic bone against her clit, and he made a strangled and strangely
pitiful sound in his throat as she felt the rubber jerk inside her as it caught
the spastic jets of his thick, eager seed. She let herself go, let go of
herself totally and slid over a waterfall of sensation onto a pool of bursting
light and glorious sensation that was reserved for her alone?the filthy exudate
of life injected into her body, condom be damned?and she floated there for a
long, eternal instant before returning once again to the grim reality of the
guilt and blame and the parked truck and the moving blanket over the engine
cover, the groaning, sweating man between her legs, the condom coming loose
from his deflating penis.
He removed himself from her body without a word, rather as if he'd finished
some thankless job, moved into the darkness into the back of the truck and she
heard the snap of latex as he removed the rubber. She didn't see what he did
with it, nor did she care to look.
She was in no hurry to move now or cover herself up. She had the moral
authority of a victim and she was his problem now. She lay there with her skirt
up, her legs apart, her labia still gaping from his penetration, her blouse and
bra a mess. He came to her and picked her up under the arms and sat her on the
floor behind the engine housing. She didn't object. She heard him zip up his
coveralls and then he got back into the driver's seat without a word. He turned
on the lights, turned on the yellow dome light, and pulled out of the space.
Up, up, to the previous level and the rows of cars, neither of them speaking.
Ellen glanced up at him occasionally as she fixed her bra and buttoned her
blouse and skirt and saw the lights sweeping across his face, but she really
couldn't get a complete picture of his face. It was like seeing a face through
a slit, and, oddly, she wasn't interested any longer. Things had changed between
In a matter of minutes they were there at her car, the red Peugeot. He stopped
the van and put it into park and said nothing.
As she turned to get out of the truck, she noticed a rack against the back door
that held a stack of cardboard stencils?13-E, 13-F, 12-C, 14-B, 15-D,
10-A...?an entire deck of numbers and letters, all of them used and used
recently, judging from the odor of spray paint. She looked at the stencils and
then up at the inscrutable "13-F" that marked the row in which her
car stood.
The truck idled as she opened the back door, picked up her packages and stepped
out onto the concrete. She watched him as he took a cigarette from a pack on
the dashboards and put it in his mouth, and she could see his eyes in the flare
from the lighter in the rearview mirror as he lit it.
"You don't really work at the garage, do you?" she asked. "You
don't even work for the city at all."
The cigarette illuminated his face as he drew on it. "Nope," he said.
"Then why?"
He sucked in some smoke, then let it out. She saw him check the rearview
"I like women," he said. "Some people get lost and need help. I
do what I can."
He reached over and gave her a grimy business card. It had a name and a phone
number on it.
"Call me if you ever get lost again," he said. "Call me if you
ever need anything."
He shifted the truck into gear and drove off down the row of parked cars, the dome
light revolving, splashing lurid yellow light into the dark shadows of the
In The
Parking Garage
Mabeuse ? 2006
rap of her boot heels echoing off the concrete walls was the only sound as she
walked down the long line of cars, looking for where she'd parked. She'd been
sure this was the row?13-D?but where was her car? She shifted her bags to her
left hand where the black leather glove would keep the handles from biting into
her and looked back over her shoulder through her blonde hair. Perhaps she'd
walked past it? But there was no red Peugeot.
She stopped. The yellowish green fluorescent lights bothered her eyes. The
floor was damp?wet in places with puddles of black water?and the peeling
concrete walls were crumbling in places. This underground garage was a dump,
decrepit and depressing and disorienting too. It stunk of gasoline and diesel
fumes and wet cement and mold, and in her good gray wool skirt and white blouse
and black leather coat and gloves she felt out of place. Her boots were already
muddied and possibly ruined. Maybe 13-D was where she'd parked before? 13
something. Maybe 13-B?
A car engine started somewhere in the distance but with the echoes in the
cavernous place it was impossible to tell where. The garage went on forever.
She wasn't even sure where the exit was now, so she walked till she found a
pass through and then turned right, the pace of her footsteps picking up. No
cars passed her. The place seemed utterly deserted, though she could hear an
occasional bang or slam in the distance.
At last, a wall. A pedestrian walkway. She skipped up on it and walked through
to 13-C. Down the row?nothing, no red Peugeot. She returned to the sidewalk and
pressed on and came to another blank wall with a door in it. It said
"Aisles 20-A through 22-D" and had an arrow pointing down. This was
She stopped now and looked around in confusion. She put down her packages and
pulled on her right glove, the one she'd taken off so she could get her car
keys when she thought she knew where her car was. She had her cell phone. Would
it work down here? And who would she call? The police? What would she say? I'm
lost in the underground parking and I can't find my car?
She felt fear, and then anger. She remembered when she'd left the car there'd
been a bunch of men in overalls sitting inside a barrier of yellow safety tape
casually eating their lunches and reading newspapers like they had nothing
better to do. They'd looked at up at her approvingly as she'd passed and she'd
heard their comments and low laughs Where were they now? Where was that barrier
of yellow safety tape? Where was anyone?
Moving towards the pass through again, she spotted a flashing light, a yellow
light, sweeping over the concrete walls?a wrecker or some safety vehicle, maybe
one of those golf carts the garage staff rode in. She ran to intercept it, her
packages bumping against her knees.
It was a big step van, the kind usually used for deliveries, painted official
city blue, with a yellow dome light flashing on its roof, barely low enough to
clear the concrete lintels of the concrete garage supports.
"Thank God!" she breathed, waving her arm to flag it down.
The van stopped opposite her and she peered inside. The passenger door had been
removed and replaced by an outward-facing tool cabinet. She looked over the top
at the driver, though his face was in shadow.
"Listen, can you help me? I'm lost! I can't find my car! Can you just
drive me around till I find it? It's around here somewhere."
For a moment he said nothing and she looked at his big hand on the steering
wheel, the muscles in his forearm where his sleeve was rolled up, a smudge of
grease on his wrist.
"Can't," he said. "Against the rules."
He shifted into gear and the truck started forward. She grabbed hold of the
"Please!" The desperation in her voice startled her. "No one
will know. I'll pay you. I'm really lost!"
Again the silence. She ducked her head slightly, trying to see his face in the
"Okay. You'll have to get in the back though, and stay out of sight."
"Thanks! Yes, of course!" She ran to the back of the truck and pulled
the door open, stepped up into the interior and pulled it closed behind her.
The inside was hung with quilted moving blankets and bungee cords hung from the
ceiling. There were tools boxes behind the front seat and cans of paint and
other maintenance equipment.
Ellen bent down and walked up behind the driver. The engine was right in the
center of the truck, making a big hump next to his seat, and she leaned over
it, staring out the windshield as he drove.
"It's a red Peugeot 607. A two thousand five. It shouldn't be hard to
find. I really appreciate this."
The van rolled slowly along, and she noticed that the section numbers seemed to
make no sense. 13-D, 14-C, 13-E, 14-F. The driver wheeled the truck around
several turns then killed the yellow light, turned down a spiral ramp and
entered a lower level that was darker and more deserted.
"I really think it was up on the other level," she said.
He said nothing. He drove through a labyrinth of deserted halls and vast empty
rooms lit by dim, flickering fluorescent bulbs, some not lit at all. This seemed
to be a totally unused part of the garage, probably some shortcut or way to a
central office, and when he pulled the truck into a dim and remote corner up
against a dead end and threw it into gear, she assumed he'd taken a wrong turn
and was going to back up and turn around. He turned around in his seat as if to
see out the back doors and so she turned around too, and so when he grabbed her
by the coat and suddenly stood up and pulled her violently back over the engine
housing it caught her totally by surprise.
"What are you??"
He pushed her down on her back and held her there as he quickly stepped around
her and into the back of the truck so he was looming over her, in complete
control, his hands gripping the front of his coat. Fear surged through her body,
fighting with utter disbelief. She could feel the strength in his hands and
arms and feel the heat from his body but she couldn't quite accept what was
happening. The only light in the van was the thin, watery light that seeped in
from the windshield so his face was still in shadow, though now she could see
his white tee-shirt and the hairs on his chest peeking through his coveralls.
"I strongly suggest you keep quiet," he said, his voice a deep, low
whisper. "I don't want to have to hurt you."
She felt a thrill of horror and she automatically tried to push him away, but
he quickly yanked the top of her coat halfway down her arms, efficiently
trapping her in her own garment. The strength and expertise of his moves
instinctively told her she was dealing with a professional, someone who had
done this before.
"Wait! Wait!" she cried. "Do you want money? I'll give you
money! There's money in my purse. Just don't hurt me!"
That seemed to give him pause and she took that as an encouraging sign. She
froze, not daring to move.
"Really. Take it. Take what you want. If it's not enough I can get you
Another brief silence, then he said. "I don't want money. What kind of man
do you think I am?"
His answer panicked her, and she tried again to reach up and at least claw at
him but he got his hand beneath her and yanked her coat from behind, making it
into a tourniquet that bound her arms tight against her sides and rendered her
helpless. She was deep underground, hundreds of feet from anyone, and when his
hand went to her throat she knew she had no choice but to lie absolutely still,
well aware that he had enough strength in that one hand to choke her to death
right there.
She watched as his hand went to the buttons on her blouse and opened them, and
she felt the fabric give and collapse onto her skin like something defeated.
There was a pause, then he slowly opened the delicate silk of her blouse like a
man unveiling a meal, exposing her chest and her bra. His entire head was still
in shadow, but she could feel his eyes on her, taking her in, and then his hand
reappeared and closed experimentally on her breasts, first one, then the other.
She felt the strength in his fingers, the tension as he fought the urge to
crush them in his hands, a perverse kind of gentleness, and that made her bold.
She summoned all her strength and tried to free her arms again but he held her
now with embarrassing ease, as if he were consumed with her breasts and hardly
even aware of her struggles. He wasn't an especially large man, but he seemed
terribly strong and focused, and yet she sensed through his touch that his
intention wasn't to hurt her. He was almost worshipful.
His hand left her breasts and slid back up to her throat and he pushed her face
gently up and to the side as if to examine her face. He caressed her cheek
tenderly, perhaps trying to calm her, but if so, his touch had the opposite
effect and she suddenly began to panic as she realized the seriousness of her
predicament, lying on her back in a deserted garage with her arms trapped and
blouse open, being touched by a stranger. She suddenly couldn't control her
breathing and her breasts began to heave as she began to pant and
hyperventilate and there was nothing she could do about it.
"Hush," he whispered, his lips right next to her ear. "Nothing
to be afraid of."
He put his hand lightly over her mouth, not so firmly that she couldn't
breathe, and by some miracle, she calmed down almost immediately, or perhaps
she just gave up.
He removed his hand and his fingers slid down over her chest to her breasts. He
traced the edge of her bra over her mounds and she lay absolutely still, her
attention drawn reluctantly to the soft touch of his fingers on her skin. He
repeated the motion, this time sliding his finger inside the cups, insinuating
himself between into the warm, humid space between her flesh and the brassiere.
She closed hr eyes in denial. Her breasts were exquisitely sensitive and
erotically charged, and yet this was rape and there could be nothing
pleasurable about it. She wouldn't even think about letting it feel good.
And yet he dipped his finger deeper into her bra like some curious visitor to
the depths, and as he swept it slowly along, his nail brushed the circumference
of her areola, and she was shamed by the sudden splash of interest they seemed
to feel.
He grasped the top edge of the cup and slowly slid it slowly down over her
breast as if ejecting a piece of fruit from its peel, apparently fascinated by
its slow exposure. She tried to control herself as the fabric dragged over her
nipple but it was maddening, or the sense of outrage was too much, or something
prompted her to try one more time to resist this violation of her privacy and
she twisted on the engine cover and raised her shoulders to protect her
breasts, tried to kick at him or get a knee against his chest, but again, he
thwarted her efforts with humiliating ease, yanking her coat tighter to pin her
arms and brushing her legs aside. All his attention was on her body now, and it
was if she herself were nothing more than a minor irritation, easily disposed
Ellen groaned with impotent anger and fear. She raised her head like a witness
to her own rape and watched as he pulled down the other cup so that both
breasts spilled free, and then closed her eyes as his head came down and his
tongue touched her nipple.
His breath was on her flesh, then his tongue was circling her nipple in slow,
wet circles, and despite herself, Ellen felt the surge of salacious pleasure
between her legs. His lips formed a ring around her areola and sucked, and she
felt the breath from his nostrils on her skin. It was filthy and disgusting,
and she dropped her head back on the engine cover as if she could deny the
terrible pleasure she felt. She couldn't allow herself to feel this, but she
couldn't deny it either, and besides, what choice did she have? Her arms were
trapped in her coat and she was bent back over the engine housing as this
stranger hunched over her like a vampire with his victim, slowly gorging himself
on the warmth and tenderness of her breasts.
She didn't know what to feel. It was assault?rape?but her shock and her
disorientation were too great, and his physical strength and desire were
overwhelming, like a physical force or a wave holding her down. He had an
uncanny sense of just where and how to touch her, as if he could read her mind
or already knew all her secrets?a strange kind of physical intimacy that spoke
directly to her body and cared nothing what her mind thought. The way he
lingered at her breasts?sucking, licking, teasing, catching her nipples in his
teeth?was far more than was necessary if he were simply going to rape her. He
seemed to know just what she liked, just how she operated. He seemed to know
instinctively how erotically charged her breasts were and exactly how she liked
them treated, just how to squeeze, just where to touch. He knew just when to
punctuate the cloying sweetness of a tongue teasing her nipple with the sharp
spear of his teeth.
One nipple then the other?the slow circles, the fluttering tongue, the long,
lurid licks, and finally sucking her tit into his mouth and biting and sucking
it, his urgent, animal sounds of pleasure, his urgent, kneading hand. He
released her throat and now as he teased one breast with his mouth, he pinched
and rolled the other nipple with his hand, smearing his saliva around the
areola, dragging his nails over the fleshy dome until she was covered with
goose bumps and quivering with need. When she thought she couldn't stand the
stimulation to her nipples anymore, he began to kiss and lick her breasts from
armpit to sternum, planting soft bites on the full undersides or rubbing his
rough, unshaven face on the upper slopes, holding her arms back and making her
fight the urge to press herself harder into his mouth, wallowing in the
softness of her tits until she'd totally forgotten her pledge to let herself
feel nothing.
"Oh! Oh!" She raised her head. The stimulation of her breasts was
becoming more than she could bear. Her nipples were stiff and aching, and her
tits felt full and swollen. She looked down at him to try and determine his
attentions but still all she could see was the top of his head and his strong
hands holding her arms, arms that to her own shame had stopped struggling.
She couldn't just surrender like this, so she tried to writhe and twisted on
the engine cover, trying instinctively to escape the maddening licking and
sucking of her naked breasts, but all she could move was her legs, and all she
succeeded in doing was making her skirt slide up her thighs. He noticed this,
and let go of one of her arms and slid his hand up under her skirt, sliding up
the inside of her leg, as if to show her that there were any number of ways to
broach her defenses.
This assault on her sex was too much, took the whole thing to another level,
and she began to fight, but it was a strangely tense and silent struggle?her
labored panting and struggling for breath and occasional groan of resistance;
the soft creak and rustle of her leather coat; the lewd suck of his mouth on
her flesh or his hot animal growl of lust that gave her a weird, lewd thrill,
as if she were watching herself be devoured.
The struggling got her nowhere, but suddenly he stopped and straightened up. He
was on his knees next to the engine housing where her legs couldn't get at him,
one hand still holding the back of her coat, but lightly now, and as he
straightened up his face disappeared into the shadows again. She thought maybe
he'd stop now, that maybe he'd taken her far enough to get her all hot and
break her spirit, and that that's what he'd wanted. Maybe now he'd stop and
figure he'd taught her a lesson and humiliated her, laugh, tell her to get
dressed and drive her to her car, but he showed no sign of letting her go.
She lay there nervously, confused and ashamed at her sudden feeling of
anticlimax. Her clothes were a mess, her blouse open and bra down, her breasts
red and chaffed from his beard and her nipples painfully erect, her skirt up
around her thighs.
She realized though that he had no intention of stopping. He was just stopping
to admire her, to let her feel her own helplessness. His hand reached out and
slid up her leg under her skirt and touched the soft skin next to her pussy and
she cried out with a sudden and renewed sense of outrage and violation. When
he'd straightened up she'd managed to work her right arm free and she tried to
push him away with it but he laid his weight back on top of her and reached
behind her head with his left hand, caught her right wrist and held it easily,
leaving her defenseless. He still had one hand free to plunder her body and his
mouth returned to her naked tits as if his work wasn't finished.
"Relax now," he said. "Just relax..."
With his weight upon her she now couldn't avoid feeling the rock-hard stalk of
his cock stabbing against her hip like a cold chisel, and she didn't know why
she was so surprised, but she was. Taken was the word that flashed into
her mind. I'm going to be taken. He won't be able to control that prick even
if he wanted it too! His dick was like a force of nature, something
separate from him, urging him on, controlling him, not to be denied. It was
inevitable, beyond restraint, and for the first time, Ellen felt really
"No! No!" she cried, and she tried to writhe away from him again, but
he had her so securely pinned with his one arm that he took his other hand from
beneath her skirt and casually finished unbuttoning her blouse down to her
waist, taking his time, confident that she had absolutely no way to stop him or
get away. Despite her struggles he began to sensually caress her bare stomach,
dragging his fingers over the sensitive flesh and making the muscles clench. He
slid his hands down over her hips, then found the button on the side of her
skirt, opened it and pulled the zipper down. He pulled the skirt open and
pushed skirt and slip down till they were below her panties, and then his hand
began to graze teasingly over the bare skin of her thighs and her panty-covered
mound, caressing her, tickling her, coaxing into arousal, as if he had all the
time in the world. The feel of his fingers on her mound, the ease with which he
touched her and the casual way his hand toyed at the juncture between fabric
and flesh made her start to throb with physical desire.
She pushed and heaved and bucked her hips, but he was like a piece of iron?too
strong, too heavy?and she realized that her gyrations were sexual and
suggestive. They were only making her look more eager and hungrier. Finally she
just stopped, gave up. She would save her strength for when she really needed
it, for when he tried to shove his cock into her. Maybe then she could raise
her knees and push him off, or get a knee into his balls. Meanwhile his kissing
and sucking of her tits had never stopped, but the focus of both their
attentions had shifted to the area between her legs where she was even more
hungry and more needy and the feelings ran deeper and harder to control. She
was throbbing with shameful and painful need.
He seemed to be in no hurry to fuck her though. He played with her belly and
hips, slid his fingers under the waist of her panties and reached down, teasing
her, playing in her pubic hair, teasing her until her pussy needed his touch,
until she wanted to feel his hand there against her empty hunger. She closed
her eyes in frustration and anger and finally, finally, his hand left her
panties and slid under her skirt and touched her pussy from below.
His fingers pressed the moist crotch of her panties up against her sensitive
flesh and Ellen bit her lip to stifle a cry of fulfillment. Her body arched and
quivered in response, but she fought it, trying not to move, trying not to give
him the satisfaction of seeing the effect he had on her, but his fingers seemed
so curious, so fascinated with her, and the places he touched were so right,
the pressure, the stroke so perfect. For all the furious passion of his mouth
on her breasts, his fingers on her cunt were like those of a fearful
boy?curious, worshipful, and yet quick to learn which spots made her respond
with a quick jerk of her hips or a little moan, a sharp intake of breath or
subtle shiver?a soft massage of her labia, a teasing finger sliding up and down
her slit or probing into her opening, gliding in circles over her clit or
pressing firmly and rhythmically against it, or occasionally taking her entire
pussy in his hand and squeezing in an act of mannish possession that touched
something deep and primitive inside her and made her want to cling to him. He
was clever and perceptive, masterful and patient, and soon she felt the sharp
and jangling adrenaline-soaked fear leaving her muscles and being replaced by
the deep and profound ache of pure sexual tension, a delicious sexual
tightening that both relaxed her and made her harder and more solid. His hands
knew her pussy intimately now, as well as she knew it herself, and she gave up
struggling against him, gave it up entirely.
felt him moving the crotch of her panties to the side and she spread her legs
for him as much as she dared, as much as was permissible without it looking
like she was doing it intentionally. She hungered for a kiss but she knew she
wouldn't get one, so she turned her face to the side as if she were denying him
herself. Her concentration was on her body now, on his fingers in her cunt and
his lips and face on her tits, and her hands hung limp in her sleeves, her legs
might as well have been filled with sawdust. She lay in the engine cover like a
half-naked rag doll
With her panties out of the way the intimacy of his touch was even more
intense, flesh on flesh, all her secrets revealed, and she felt as though she
were in the hands of a relentless master who played her like a fine violin,
bringing forth high trills of thrilling pleasure and low, rich tones of
soul-shuddering desire. This dark, shadowy man in coveralls was the maestro and
she was the instrument, and she had no more control or responsibility than a
violin has in the hands of a virtuoso. He played her and she soared with sexual
music, and meanwhile the hot, animal throbbing of his hard cock against her hip
was like wild obscene metronome, setting the tempo, urging her on, higher and
Her hips began to move. She couldn't stop them and what did she care anyhow?
She was being raped by a stranger and who would ever know or give a damn? Why
shouldn't she milk it for all the pleasure she could? She didn't care what he
thought of her, and he already seemed to be able to read her mind and wasn't
going to stop till he drove her over the brink, so why not? Why not join in?
Why not fuck his hand since he wanted it so much and she did too? Raise her
knees and open her legs? Let him push her skirt up so he could see her naked
pussy humping up at his plunging finger as his thumb slid over her clit. Why
not let him see her pant and gasp through her teeth as her orgasm rumbled down
upon her, as it bore down upon her like big, fiery, incandescent, blinding
wave, something selfish and glorious and all for her?
"Oh! Oh! Ohhhh! OHHHHH!!!!!!"
She arched her back, thrusting her cunt up and opening her legs obscenely,
knees up, her toes curling up in her boots as pleasure gushed inside her like
an obliterating fountain. She felt it in waves like an internal ejaculation, as
if she were coming into herself, and she let herself wallow in a pure
selfishness she'd never allowed herself with any other lover, entirely her own,
not giving a damn about pleasing the man who lay upon her.
He never stopped but stayed with her right through her orgasm, somehow knowing
when to ease up, when to back off and slow down so that the insistent
stimulation became the soothing caresses of comfort, and when Ellen had calmed
down sufficiently, when her shuddering and spasming had stopped and she at last
opened her eyes, half afraid of what she might see, he was on his knees, his
face bisected by a sharp diagonal shadow, pulling down the zipper of his
She couldn't say anything. In some weird, perverse way, she knew she owed
him?he'd just seen her come, made her come, and she could hardly claim rape
And there was something else. She wanted him now. She wanted to know him,
wanted to know who he was, why he'd done this to her, how he knew her so well.
But still, she'd just climaxed. She was too sensitive to take him now, surely
he knew that. She'd always been that way. She needed at least a few minutes...
He pulled the zipper all the way down and she saw the two-strapper tee-shirt he
wore beneath it, the star of David and golden cross on a chain around his neck
as if he was everyman, the broad plates of his pecs. He reached down and hooked
his thumbs into the waist band of his white boxer shorts and peeled them down
till his cock and balls spilled over the top and hung there, looking like
puppets posed against a curtain on their little stage. His cock was impressive,
erect and angry as only a cock can be, and it made her shamefully proud to see
how hard he was for her. He had a thin triangle of hair that led up to his
navel, like a symbol of a beast turning into man.
"Wait," she said, stalling for time to catch her breath. "Wait.
I can make it good for you. Just give me a minute..."
She still couldn't see his face, but with him on his knees and with her on the
engine cover, his dick was at the perfect height. The elastic of his boxers
pushed his balls out aggressively and Ellen watched as he fished a condom out of
the pocket of his coveralls and tore it open. She sat up and pulled her arms
from her coat at last and pushed her tangled hair back from her face, and
something about the way he unrolled the prophylactic onto his dick suddenly
made her feel ill. It was sticky, lubricated. She didn't want this anymore. She
knew she should be thankful that he at least used protection, but what kind of
man carries a prophylactic with him in his pocket?
"No," she said suddenly. "No, that's all!" As if she'd made
a deal with him and had already fulfilled her part.
She raised her knees, preparing to kick at his chest, but he grabbed her right
ankle and his hand was like a steel clamp. She felt his fingers through the
leather of her boot, unmovable. Her other foot kicked out at him, but he
knocked it away, and then he was between her thighs, his latex-shrouded cock
piercing the air like a spear. She half-sat and clawed at him but he pushed her
right knee so far back that she couldn't use that arm, and grabbed her left
wrist with his other hand and held her as she twisted and tried to hump him off
with her body, but rolled into a half-ball as she was she could barely move,
and her knee was almost against her shoulder, totally opening her pussy to him.
She thrashed beneath him, reaching up at one point to try and bite the hand
that held her wrist, but he was too strong and knew how to fight and she
didn't, and his big, heavy dick kept on bumping against her cunt as if
battering against it. Somehow in the melee she suddenly felt his hand on the
back of her panties, tugging so hard her hips jerked into the air, then pulling
again until the panties ripped and then tore completely, part of them sliding
down below her right knee and the rest hanging like a useless, shredded garter
on her left thigh.
The ripping of her panties shocked her almost more than anything else. These
were her good panties, her favorite pair, and the man tore them to pieces as if
that meant nothing. Tears sprang to her eyes. He was a maniac!
She looked down at his cock now?the turgid length in that obscene latex sheath
in the dim light, straining in a backwards arc like a snake about to strike,
his balls heavy and potent like two evil henchmen?and then up at his face, but
again, all was shadow?darkness. Just that hairy chest with the gold chain, the
broad pecs and knotted shoulders. He slid forward on his knees and the hand on
the ankle of her boot pushed even harder. With his other hand he threw her
skirt up over her waist. He rocked forward and the naked crown of his dick
touched the bare lips of her pussy.
No, she didn't want this, she didn't want this. That's why he was holding her
down, holding her one leg bent up and her other wrist down. Her free hand tried
to claw at his chest but she could hardly reach him like this. She got her hand
inside the leg he was holding and clawed at him but it was like trying to get a
purchase on stone. She dug into his cotton tee shirt and felt it rip but his
muscles were like marble. He was too close for her to use her free leg, and now
his dick was touching the flesh of her cunt and it was too much. She tried to
squeeze herself shut but there was a part of her that wanted this, that wanted
it so much and wanted it just like this, with his hands on her holding her down
and her clothes ripped and shredded, her will violated, her body used and
exposed, but she didn't want it and she did and she wanted him to make her do
it and she didn't, and her mind whirled and his cock pressed against her and
then she had no choice whatsoever anymore.
"Owwwww! No! Damn it!"
Her back arched, her pussy opened, the thickness of his impossibly hard cock
slithered into her with the immutability of fate itself, a power stronger than
what she wanted or didn't want. It slid into her, it slid into her, deep,
merciless, till she was filled with him, entire with him, completed by him, his
prick filling her and making her desires whole, his balls pushed by his shorts
against the crack in her buttocks, their load of precious masculine come
pressing against her asshole.
He pushed into her and left it there, made her choke on his fullness?left it
there as he hung over her breathing deep and gasping with pleasure for a long,
long, moment, and she felt him throbbing inside her, felt the beat of his heart
inside her body, hot and excited. Then he relented. His strength pulled back
like an ebbing wave and he slid it slowly out so she could breathe again, and
then as if acting with deliberate cruelty, he pushed it back into her again. He
did this several times, overcome with the sheer pleasure of being inside her
tight, quivering sheath, and finally, when this savage, brutal spearing had
taken all the fight and resistance out of her, he began to fuck her?long, sure,
fulfilling strokes, as if savoring every millimeter of her, memorizing every
angstrom of her cunt. How did he know it was just what she wanted as well? Slow
like this, deep like this, full and entire. Time to study him too and feel for
once the sheer physicality of fucking? To get to know every bump and vein and
ridge, every sensitive spot and gasping point on his penetrating tool? To feel
the excruciating, shuddering knife-edge control behind every thrust, his
tension and tremble and open-mouthed groan?
And yet it was rape. She had never consented, never invited, never offered.
Everything was taken from her. She owed him nothing but hatred and contempt.
She was free to lie there, letting him do as he wanted; taking every deep,
mind-shattering thrust, every trembling shove, every quivering grasp of his fingers
on her ass as he worked himself off in her passive, violated body. He was a
selfish pig, using her for his own swinish pleasure. Why shouldn't she be
selfish too and take it for what it was worth?
She stopped all pretense of resistance. She threw her hands back over her head,
exposing her breasts to him, and he fell upon them like a slavering dog in an
orgy of bestial carnality, sucking, squeezing, biting. His cock was right where
she liked it, and then he lifted his legs and spread them outside hers and
squeezed her legs together to make a tighter channel for his plundering dick,
trapping her thighs between his legs so that his shaft rumbled over her clit,
piercing her that way too, the salacious juice of their coupling greasing her
thighs and wetting the fine nylon of her ruined stockings. He fucked her just
like she needed it. His mouth was on her tits again, famished, starving for
her, and Ellen felt that bone deep, subhuman primitive masculinity ravishing
her flesh, taking without asking, fucking her, filling her, and she threw
herself into it, giving as good as she got, raping as well as being raped. She
closed her eyes and felt the primitive freedom of being used. No one could
blame her for this filthy pleasure. No one.
He lost patience with the limitations on this male-outside position, and opened
her legs with his knees again and plunged back into her, fucking her with
animal ferocity just as her orgasm started, and Ellen went delirious with need.
Yes! Yes! Yes! Harder, you motherfucker! Harder! Get it! Get me off! Fuck
that hot cunt?fuck me, you perverted prick! You cunt-slave! You know you want
it! You want to spit that dirty cum in me! Give me your filthy shit you filthy
She felt his ribs heaving like bellows between her knees as he fucked her hard
and fast on his knees, his ass flexing and tightening like a dog's as he sent
that big log slipping and sliding in and out of her greasy sheath like a
slicked-up piston, his fingers tightening frantically in the smooth globes of
her ass. At a certain moment he froze, but by then Ellen was choking in her own
insensate come, her head back, eyes sightless, body quivering spastically as
she felt the powerful contractions of her womb bear down on his deep-sunk,
invading shaft. She couldn't scream, couldn't breathe, couldn't make a sound as
she felt him shove deep, mashing her ass against the engine housing and
grinding his pubic bone against her clit, and he made a strangled and strangely
pitiful sound in his throat as she felt the rubber jerk inside her as it caught
the spastic jets of his thick, eager seed. She let herself go, let go of
herself totally and slid over a waterfall of sensation onto a pool of bursting
light and glorious sensation that was reserved for her alone?the filthy exudate
of life injected into her body, condom be damned?and she floated there for a
long, eternal instant before returning once again to the grim reality of the
guilt and blame and the parked truck and the moving blanket over the engine
cover, the groaning, sweating man between her legs, the condom coming loose
from his deflating penis.
He removed himself from her body without a word, rather as if he'd finished
some thankless job, moved into the darkness into the back of the truck and she
heard the snap of latex as he removed the rubber. She didn't see what he did
with it, nor did she care to look.
She was in no hurry to move now or cover herself up. She had the moral
authority of a victim and she was his problem now. She lay there with her skirt
up, her legs apart, her labia still gaping from his penetration, her blouse and
bra a mess. He came to her and picked her up under the arms and sat her on the
floor behind the engine housing. She didn't object. She heard him zip up his
coveralls and then he got back into the driver's seat without a word. He turned
on the lights, turned on the yellow dome light, and pulled out of the space.
Up, up, to the previous level and the rows of cars, neither of them speaking.
Ellen glanced up at him occasionally as she fixed her bra and buttoned her
blouse and skirt and saw the lights sweeping across his face, but she really
couldn't get a complete picture of his face. It was like seeing a face through
a slit, and, oddly, she wasn't interested any longer. Things had changed between
In a matter of minutes they were there at her car, the red Peugeot. He stopped
the van and put it into park and said nothing.
As she turned to get out of the truck, she noticed a rack against the back door
that held a stack of cardboard stencils?13-E, 13-F, 12-C, 14-B, 15-D,
10-A...?an entire deck of numbers and letters, all of them used and used
recently, judging from the odor of spray paint. She looked at the stencils and
then up at the inscrutable "13-F" that marked the row in which her
car stood.
The truck idled as she opened the back door, picked up her packages and stepped
out onto the concrete. She watched him as he took a cigarette from a pack on
the dashboards and put it in his mouth, and she could see his eyes in the flare
from the lighter in the rearview mirror as he lit it.
"You don't really work at the garage, do you?" she asked. "You
don't even work for the city at all."
The cigarette illuminated his face as he drew on it. "Nope," he said.
"Then why?"
He sucked in some smoke, then let it out. She saw him check the rearview
"I like women," he said. "Some people get lost and need help. I
do what I can."
He reached over and gave her a grimy business card. It had a name and a phone
number on it.
"Call me if you ever get lost again," he said. "Call me if you
ever need anything."
He shifted the truck into gear and drove off down the row of parked cars, the dome
light revolving, splashing lurid yellow light into the dark shadows of the
I am 30 years old and have been married to the man of my dreams for 5 years now. My husband and I have a very good sex life and have sex on average about 3 times a week. I love to give my husband blow jobs and to be fucked regularly, but 3 times a week is not always enough for me. I have an insatiable appetite for sex and like it a little rough. I also have voyeuristic fantasies and love porn. Around the middle of September, I just couldn’t get enough sex. I...
Group SexThe rap of her high heels echoing off the concrete walls was the only sound as she walked down the long line of cars, looking for where she'd parked. She'd been sure this was the row—13-D—but where was her car? She shifted her bags to her left hand where the black leather glove would keep the handles from biting into her and looked back over her shoulder through her blonde hair. Perhaps she'd walked past it? But there was no red Peugeot. She stopped. The yellowish green fluorescent...
I hadn't seen Ryan since that last encounter in the hotel but I'd thought about him every now and again in the last couple months. I knew it wasn't going to be an every week deal, and I like for my random hook ups to be few and far between due to the chance of catching a disease so I asked my husband to call him again and to arrange a meet.A few days later my husband said we were going out Saturday night. He said Ryan was very busy but had agreed to meet us on the roof of a parking garage...
I had been waiting for just the right time and this seemed like it. You were so turned on after our bathroom activities I think you would have done just about anything I asked. I had you drive back to the house. That way I could run my fingers through your hair and rub your thighs and anything else I could do to keep you turned on. I wanted to be able to wring your juices from your boxers when I got the off of you. I think I was doing a good job. I then reclined my seat and pulled down my...
This story as told to me by my real life friend and my husband's ex Wanda. This is what she wrote to me. I had set up with a guy on a web site to take me by surprise ...kind of a role play real bad guy having his way with me. I had never met him before and thought this would be very exciting done by a total stranger rather than some guy that you had a relationship with.I am in the Circus Circus parking garage in Las vegas. .I am bent over the back of my suv in the trunk and my...
This is a story of something that happened to my wife a few months ago. My wife is 42 years of age, she is thin and has a nice shape to her body. I have worked really hard at molding her into becoming that sexy wife that she currently is, I would tease her as we made love, tell her how it would be better if she had a larger cock abusing her and stretching her out. She finally started to surprise me wearing tighter tops and showing more skin. My wife came home one day after work telling me how...
It was a warm summer night and we just had a wonderful nighton the town. Nice dinner, a few games of pool, and a lot ofdancing close all night. Teasing each other with soft kissesas we dance close and enjoy eachothers touch. Walking backto our car at the top level of the parking garage you put yourarm around me and keep me close. Once we get to the car, youunlock my door first. Before you open it, you push me up againstthe car and plant a long wet soft kiss on my lips. Then as youpull away to...
It was early in the day, about 11 in the morning, and I was finishing up some errands I had to run on campus. I hadn't figured on it being a very interesting visit to campus, do some paper work, run a few errands, head home. But this day had much more in store.I was walking across the campus grounds when I felt my phone vibrate. I was surprised to see that the number was my ex's sister. She and I hadn't been all too close, but we hung out a few times along with my girlfriend and some other...
Quickie Sex" Come to my place then?" I ask, winded. I pull up to a Luxury apartment complex in the exclusive part of Dallas. The car is hardly parked before she is out of it, hurrying around to meet me. I unlock the front door and it is shut behind us. She is very nervous now ... jittery with sexual excitement. Her heart is beating faster, and her breathing increases with the palpably erotic situation. I then pin her against the wall, my chest pressed tight against her back, my hands seizing her ribs...
Copyright© 2005 by Jefferson My name is Jack. I was born and raised in Blacksburg, Virginia. When I was eighteen years old I joined the army as a forward observer for an artillery unit. I swore to myself as I flew to Oklahoma for training, that I would never live with my parents again except for short visits. I did three years in the Army, I got lucky and stayed stateside the entire time and with the exception of a trip to California immediately after an earthquake to support the local...
“What’s wrong? What’s wrong?”Anthea looked up at her mum as she sat down at the dining table. “Nothing is wrong,” Anthea responded watching as her mum hurriedly dried her hands with a tea towel.“Is the baby okay? Are you okay? Is Jack okay?” she asked as her husband came into the room and pulled up a seat at the table.“We’re all fine Mum,” she responded exasperated with her mum’s anxiety. “I have something to tell you.”“Sit down Helen,” her dad snapped. “Give the lass a chance to speak.”Anthea...
Uther By Ellie Dauber (c) 2006 Introduction According to the legends of King Arthur, Merlin changed Uther Pendragon into a double for Duke Gorlois, so he could spend the night with Ygraine, the Duke's wife. Ygraine and Gorlois had three daughters: Elaine, Morgause, and Morgan le Faye. During their time together, Ygraine became pregnant with the child who was to become King Arthur. Uther's men killed Gorlois that same night. This is my TG (of course) version of what...
The the wind howled around the quayside as I stepped onto terra firma for the first time in weeks, the wind threw sharp shards of ice to sting our faces as we looked up at the sails as they were finally furled and stowed as our captain grinned at our discomfiture, "Au revoir!" he joked as if he knew we should soon be recalled. Those such as were left, and we were few enough, I shuddered. My best uniform packed securely in my Valise, awaited me, and just a few more duties before I...
There is making love... and I love it. There is sex... no emotional connections... just great fun. Then there is down and dirty sex. That last one is when lust and passion take over your brain in the heat of the moment and you end up doing things that are so blistering hot that you masturbate over them again and again and again. That's what happened yesterday.Jodi got home from work around 4:45. She was more horny than she's been in weeks. That's not to say that we haven't screwed hard and...
Do you know of the porn site You should. I’ve reviewed it a few times on my site, The Porn Dude, although it was for different genres every time. This time around, I’m going back to this place and looking at a specific and niche little category many of you are just begging me to cover. We’re looking at vintage porn today. While it doesn’t have the same resolution and quality as the porn you can find today, it’s definitely a genre of porn that has a lot of personality to it and...
Vintage Porn SitesI should have known better. I should have remembered that old saying, "If it looks too good to be true, it is." I was in love. She was damned near all I thought about with the exception of my studies and it didn't make sense to me. I prided myself on my intellect and my ability to think logically, but there wasn't anything logical about the way I felt about Althea. She was beautiful, smart and very popular and I was not. I wasn't a bed looking guy, but I was nothing exceptional. I was...
"Look it's half empty, and this is the ground floor. I was right, no one comes downtown on the weekend. Farther up the garage is probably empty." I kept driving, up a couple more levels, but the garage was still only half empty. In fact, there were some people walking around as well. Beverly said, "Brian I don't think this is a good idea, look at all the cars." "I think there are still several more levels, let's see how the rest of it looks." As we got closer to the top it thinned out a...
HardcoreI came early and a bit tired from work that afternoon.My beloved husband had flown out of town the day before; so I had the entire week end to enjoy at home alone by myself.First thing to do on arrival, was taking a warm relaxing shower. As I was drying my hair, I heard a noise coming from the garage.I went downstairs and thought there was a dog inside the garage.He was not barking; he was whining just outside the kitchen door. When he noticed my presence there, the dog started to scratch at...
I hope you have enjoyed my first 3 stories. It’s been a while since I’ve written but I want to share more of my experiences in my past. This is another true story. I hope you enjoy it It was Winter break and Dana had flown home from school. She was gone for about 2.5 weeks and told me that I could not masturbate when she was out of town. She said she would know if I had because when she flew back she was going to fuck me in the airport parking garage when I came to pick her up and she wanted to...
I was gathering up my tools from the job site, getting ready to call it a day when my phone rang, “Danny, this is Mom. You got a minute?” my mom asked“Sure Mom, what’s up? I asked.“Danny, your Grandmother and I were talking today on the phone and she wanted to know if I knew a good contractor to build a garage next to her house. I told her ‘Ma, my Danny’s a contractor. I don’t know how busy he is, but he could at least give you a fair price.’ So I told her you would call her this evening.” And...
Motherless. A one-word website title that says everything it needs to say. This is a site where the rules are, more or less, completely thrown out the window, morality means absolutely nothing, and there is nobody to save you from it. Hedonism is God here.The site likely is also called this due to the fact that the girls who end up on likely have no positive female influence in their lives to keep them from it. Motherless is the place parents spend their whole lives fearing that...
Porn Pictures SitesI always considered Motherless the “4chan” of porn. Not only because Motherless was somewhat popularized there, but because Motherless also encourages users to share their own content in a very open way. This means minimal bullshit like moderation and censorship, and a strong “anything goes” attitude that leads to free and extreme content. It encourages people to create and upload their own homegrown content, like videos of their girlfriend pissing or spycam videos of their cousin....
Amateur Porn SitesWhat is it about Motherless that makes me fucking cum every time? Maybe it is how raw and amateur the porn on the site comes across as, or the content is just that fucking hot. Perhaps it is the fact that there is an astronomical amount of pornography just waiting for a dumb fuck like you to beat off to! I really don’t know, and frankly, I’m not going to pretend that I do.But what I do know is that if you love BBWs, the homepage will not be of much use! Preferably, head on over...
BBW Porn SitesHave you ever heard about a website called Motherless? Home to all kinds of kinky porn niches, with a side of the mainstream crap? If you are into some questionable fap content, you might want to check this website out. Plus, Motherless is a free porn website, so you can browse as much as you fucking want. Now, I am not really here to talk about the website in general… I am here to tell you about their amazing category, called voyeur porn.The world of voyeur fucking is a rather interesting one....
Voyeur Porn SitesWhen I was small my mother used to say that after God made me he broke the mould. She lied. There are thousands like me in every town and village and you can find us all waiting at the school gates every afternoon ready to pick up our two point four children and take them back to our identical new build boxes on the new estate in the leafy suburbs in the nicer parts of town. We’re the wives, the mothers, the carers and I’m a fully paid up member of the club. School plays, violin practice, cubs...
The Five Kingdoms of Arstoria had been embroiled in the Great Ancient War for centuries. The war came to an end when Kalace, the Wizard King conquered the five lands and brought them under his rule. Kalace, the Wizard King of Arstoria, conquered all of his opponents who were unable to deal with his overpowering magic. When Kalace had united the five kingdoms, he brought peace to the warring kingdoms and was revered and celebrated by his later generation. Kalace, however, had a dark weakness in...
FantasyWoah, did get a facelift? I know I suggested it in my review, so I guess they listened to me! Well, I’m not going to brag too much about it, and instead, I’m going to focus on what I’ve set out to bring you today. We’re looking at an amateur website, and I just know that many of you are begging for amateur creampie content, so that’s what we’re looking at. I know how much you think Motherless can look sickening and pretty gruesome at times, but the creampie content can be quite...
Creampie Porn SitesNo matter what type of porn you may be in the market for, Motherless has an ample supply of it, and cucking is no different. Actually, this might help to explain how you ended up being such a pussy little cuck.The journey that brought you to my website reading cuck porn reviews started in your childhood. A fair portion of my readership is actually motherless. Why, you ask? Your guys' moms chose a life of cucking and riding cock instead of raising you fucks properly.Don't worry, gents. I'm in...
Cuckold Porn SitesI browsed the horror stash at Motherless all morning, and now I don’t know if I should jack off or go hide in the closet until the danger has passed. Then again, hiding out might give me the perfect opportunity to rub one out in the peace and safety of the dark. Who knows who—or what—might be peeping in the windows with nefarious intent if I sit at my desk and shake my dick at the screen. Just like when I masturbate at the local Starbucks, I’ve got to be sure to balance the potential pleasure...
Extreme Porn WebsitesI had just bought a motorcycle. Actually, I bought 2 motorcycles, but one was a parts bike. Neither was running, so I had to enlist two friends; Mike because he knew motorcycles, and Fred, because he had a truck. The guy I bought the bike from was about 2 hours away, so by the time we got there, loaded everything into the truck, and got back home it was dark outside.I was excited to show off my purchase to my wife, Mary, so while the guys unloaded the truck, I went inside to get her. Inside I...
Incest porn has been a staple of pornography since the very first incel caveman realized that he couldn’t find fresh pussy out and about. He resorted to sniffing a whiff of his mother’s loincloth when she wasn’t looking, and beating his old cave meat into a leather sock.Now personally I’m not into the whole mommy-son dynamic – I’m a classy guy. But it’s no secret people like to get freaky when the lights go out, and if you’ve got a stiffy in your hand and you’re on Motherless, you gotta go...
Incest Porn SitesThis is a real short recap of a cute little situation my husband and I had a few weeks ago. It was during the week and my husband had a vacation week so he was home and doing a lot of fixit up stuff around the house all week. I, on the other hand, have been working some really long hours as it’s been incredibly demanding at work. So occasionally I come home and go back to work in the evening after a few minutes with the family. This evening everyone was out of the house although I new my...
This is a real short recap of a cute little situation my husband and I had a few weeks ago. It was during the week and my husband had a vacation week so he was home and doing a lot of fixit up stuff around the house all week. I, on the other hand, have been working some really long hours as it’s been incredibly demanding at work. So occasionally I come home and go back to work in the evening after a few minutes with the family. This evening everyone was out of the house although I new my...
Quickie SexThanks to my usual cast and crew of Editors and Advance Readers, most of whom prefer to pretend that they don’t know me and wisely wish to take no responsibility for any part of my addled writings... Il n’est rien de réel que le rêve et l’amour - Nothing is real but dreams and love (from Le Coeur innombrable, IV, Chanson du temps opportun by Anna de Noailles) She was my one true mistress and ever faithful lover, my Green Lady and guardian of my dreams and now that I was back home...
When the car with Jake in it became a dot on the horizon, Thea turned to go back in the house. Suddenly Floyd appeared. “Mrs. Thea, how you be?” Smiling, she knew immediately what he wanted. He had that look and a glance at his crotch confirmed it. The imprint of his cock was prominent as it pushed against the material. “Looks like everyone is gone.” Floyd said. His eyes looking out over the farm. “Yes, I am by myself for at least the next few days.” She replied in an...
“Well, hell,” Thea said as she wiped the beads of perspiration from her face. “I guess ‘spring’ is here, huh?” “Yeah. It’s supposed to be cooler at higher elevation,” I replied. We took a few minutes in the shade by the rocks before rejoining our boyfriends. The four of us had driven up into the pass to hike. According to the weather report, the last coolness of a fading winter was supposed to continue through mid-week, but they were wrong. Actually, from our view from Eagle Point, where we’d...! What an original name for a porn site, don't you think? The title doesn't fuck around: your mother would never allow you to watch the kind of filth they’ve got on tap. They pride themselves on being a moral-free zone for sick fucks, where you can find damn near anything. I’m talking about desperate chicks fucking anything that resembles a dick and crazy bitches literally eating shit. When you’re done fapping to the weird vids, you can even find "normal" porno to pass the time....
Free Porn Tube SitesAh, motherless, here we are again. A site known for offering such a variety, that no matter how fucked up your needs are, there is a high chance that you will fulfill them here. However, I am not here to blab about the site in general; I am here to talk about one particular category, interracial. As for those who want to know more about the site, there is a whole different review on my website instead.As for those who came here to learn more about that interracial lovemaking, I got your back....
Interracial Porn SitesTheo had been changing into the squirrel too much, he knew that now... as a pulse of heat raced through his body from his groin. He realized that he shouldn't have come to the office.He had been spending most of his days at the squirrel in his home deep in the countryside. Teleworking most of the time, as the squirrel he felt no need for clothes, his heavy furred balls resting between his thighs as his paws raced over the keyboard. The sharp claws on his paws clattering loudly as he typed,...
Fantasy & Sci-FiIt’s time to go to the land of chocolate fountains and golden showers. That’s right. Scat, piss, shit, and every fluid in between. Ever fuck a chick in her ass and freak out when you see that little bit of shit on your dick? Then I’m sorry to say that scat isn’t for you buddy. Were you the only one of your friends that saw two girls one cup and didn’t get grossed out? If so, it’s time to celebrate it! Don’t get pissed off, get pissed on! Scat porn has the craziest, kinkiest chicks and dudes...
Scat Porn SitesI’m not saying anything controversial when I say men love seeing women naked. It’s a fact of life as fundamental as gravity. It’s a force of nature that cannot be stopped by beast, man, or God. It’s an eternal truth and a divine mandate. As sure as the sun will rise, men will attempt to view as many women naked as they possibly can. Any man not doing so is either a sad or a gay one.This means that any woman a man sees regularly is mentally stripped down during every interaction. If any women...
The FappeningSometimes, just for the heck of it, I do household chores naked. This time, I had a few things to put away in my garage, organize some shelves, etc. The garage door (the one through which the car goes) was closed but the people-size door has a window in it. What are the odds of an unexpected visitor? Well, you guessed it. As I was walking around with only a t-shirt on, I noticed their shadows on the floor of the garage, they were peering through the window at me! I expected to hear a knock but...
‘To me it’s not really a green. When I think green, I think of grass. That’s more like lemonade color.’ Erica’s nose was far too close to the glasses for my taste. Pouring the nearly clear absinthe over the rough-cut, cane-sugar cubes I favor, I tapped my spoon for a second to get her to back up. I wished I had my full setup here like I have at home, my Absinthe fountains water drippers are missed when I began to try and slowly pour water over the sugar cube. ‘Don’t you light it on fire?’ she...
Have you ever heard about a wonderful site called “Motherless”? I have a feeling that was a dumb question, of course, you fucking have. Well, I am here to talk about Motherless, but I shall also pay special attention to their Arab category. If you think Arabian sluts are hot, well you are in for a tasty treat, believe me.First, I should probably warn you that the name of this place comes from the fact that their content might be a bit too hardcore or questionable for some of you. Back in the...
Arab Porn SitesFuck yeah, life’s a bitch! So here I am, awake at 3:45 AM, after dreaming I was fucking this freaking hot MILF neighbor with heavy boobs, a flat tummy, a nice bubble butt, and sexy long legs. It was all hot and steamy, up until when she was sucking me off and just as I was about to obliterate her cute face with hot cum canon, my dream cut right off and I woke up with a tent on my pajamas.That dream ain’t coming back, but damn it! I sure gotta cum, so I boot up my laptop and type “cum facial” in...
Facial Cumshot Porn SitesUnd draußen schallte wieder Punkmusik aus dem Ghettoblaster – von der Eisenbahnunterführung bis zu seinem Haus! Punks und Skater hingen da ab. Das war diese Art von Jugendlichen, die ihren Eltern das Leben schwer macht , die von Arbeit nichts hielten, sich an keine Regeln hielten, ständig auf Party machten. Die soffen viel zu viel und kotzten dann in irgendeine Ecke. Denen bedeutete doch nichts und niemand etwas. Wahrscheinlich nahmen sie auch Drogen und trieben weiß-Gott-was mit...
BDSMMotherless is the mother of all porn sites. Motherless has no conscience or moral guide. Motherless will show you the stuff that all other porn sites are afraid to put up. Motherless will do this for free. This is seriously one of the nastiest and raunchiest sites out there and Motherless/Fetish is perhaps one of the dirtiest places on the web that are well within reach. Sure you can scan the dark web and find something even more naughty or puzzlingly gross, but why do that when you’ve got...
Fetish Porn SitesAbsinthe 2: The Absinthe of Malice By Morpheus The flight from Seattle to Boston had been extremely long and uncomfortable, even with the two hour delay in Chicago where I got to stretch my legs and change flights. My book had given me something to do during the countless hours in the air, though admittedly, Collin had been my largest savior from boredom. The two of us had ended up talking for over half the flight, and by the time we finally landed, I was even starting to consider...
Hai indian sex stories readers. Im chaitanya from andhra pradesh. I’m a regular reader of iss. This is my 1st story in iss. So please forgive my mistakes. I’ll narrate my story in telugu from now onwards. Na peru chaitanya. Nadi vizag. Ma intlo 4members vuntam. Ma house 2floored house. Ground floor lo garage vuntadi. Na height 5.5inches and weight 665kgs with muscular body. Nenu apudu inter 1st year complete chesi holidays lo 2nd year records rasukuntuna. Ma inti aeduruga oka family vundaevalu....
Surprise In The Garage Hi. My name's Wayne, and I'm 19 years old. And for some reason I've had an overpowering urge to try on nylon stockings and a garter belt. Yeah, I know that sounds really weird, but it's true. Actually I've fought it for a long time but can't seem to stop thinking about it. And then about a week ago I was looking for some baseball stuff in the garage when I saw a box on a shelf that was partially hidden by some old paint cans. I wondered what it was, so decided to...
It was early in the day, about 11 in the morning, and I was finishing up some errands I had to run on campus. I hadn’t figured on it being a very interesting visit to campus, do some paper work, run a few errands, head home. But this day had much more in store. I was walking across the campus grounds when I felt my phone vibrate. I was surprised to see that the number was my ex’s sister. She and I hadn’t been all too close, but we hung out a few times along with my girlfriend and some other...
Man, you guys will not believe what just happened to me. I'm sitting in my car, at the University just minding my business, looking at porn how I usualy do, while I'm waiting for my girlfriend to get done with class. Well usualy I'm more alert, but today I was so horny, looking at this little blonde girl sucking a big black cock, usualy I would turn it off as I seen someone coming. But I was so caught up that I didn't notice, beautiful, dark haired student walk up behind my car, I guess she...
InterracialAfter tea on the Friday evening Thelma stopped me as I was going into upstairs to my room. Her eyes looked wild and her breathing was heavy. “I’m going to a party,” She said in a low voice, “do you want to watch me getting undressed?” I nodded like a puppet. “Wait in my room…I’ll be up in five minutes.” I skipped up the stairs two at a time! I nervously let myself into my sister’s bedroom. I’d been in many times before – borrowing her dirty knickers and stuff to use...
Harry and Rob sat in the local pub in their usual spot in the corner by themselves. They were having a discussion about what to do with Ethel. Rob has been adamant that he wants to hang Ethel by her ankles and butcher her. Harry strongly disagrees with him. Harry is convinced that if he talks to Ethel he can persuade her not to go to the authorities and they will be able to use her the same way the other men. Rob agrees to try Harry's way first but he says" if she wants to argue I'm going to...
kEthel sat with her tits nailed to the work table. Her tits were swollen to twice their normal size from the beating they had received from Harry and Rob and the axe handle. Ethel sobbed both from the pain and the feeling of despair and hopelessness. She knew she would not be able to sweet talk the men into letting her go without anymore abuse. Harry and Rob arrived and again Ethel begged and pleaded with them to let her go. The men laughed and told her they still had a few more things they...
Note : This story is completely fictional!In nineteen forty six Thelma Lou Anderson was married with three kids. Linda was the oldest. She was sixteen. Guy and George was ten and Guy seven. Thelma owned a beauty shop in Kansas City. She suspected her husband Lawerance was cheating on her again. She followed him one day when he thought she was at work and saw him go into a house. A woman opened the door and he went in. That was all the proof she needed. She went home and packed her suitcase and...
IncestThelma was 22 and like all of the young women at that time was still living at home with me and our parents in rural Kent; even though she had a good job in local Department Store. I was 15 and had just left school. The summer of 1965 was particularly fine so it wasn’t uncommon for me to sit around our secluded garden reading a Detective novel when my parents were at work. The difference today was that Thelma was on the first day of her annual holidays and had joined me wearing a very...
Ethel hung by her wrists while Harry and Rob left to get some rest. She nodded off from time to time but the fog of her mind cleared she realized that other than when they punched her she actually enjoyed the way they that fucked her so hard and so brutally. She enjoyed the helpless feeling as they ravaged her body. She believed that she could talk to the two men and they would release her without too much more abuse. She was wrong.As Harry and Rob drove back out to the warehouse they talked...