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Madame Greta perused the list of new admissions


Institute Kleist



Madame Greta perused the list of new admissions. Six this week, an abnormally high number for the time of year, she thought. Her gaze alighted on number 15; 22 years old, slim, well built but not bulky, nicely proportioned penis. But it was the handwritten note appended to his description that interested her. During his examination and appraisal number 15 had shown quite extreme fetishistic tendencies, displaying a strong erection throughout. Madame Greta?s staff noted that 15 was particularly responsive to high heels and leather, as well as illustrations of male submission.


As Director of the Kleist Institute for Male Obedience Training Greta had overall responsibility for all staff and patients. Her days were generally taken up with administration and meetings, ensuring that the Institute functioned smoothly. The day to day work of the Kleist, mainly based on intensive one to one sessions with patients, was carried out by a large and highly experienced team of Disciplinary Therapists and nurses. From time to time, however, Greta liked to work with patients herself. As a highly qualified Therapist Greta found that there was no better way to keep herself in touch with the work of the Institute.


Fortunately the Kleist was a relatively small operation, giving Greta ample opportunity to practice. Even when the Institute was full there would be only twenty males undergoing training at any one time. The average patient would stay for three to four months, leaving the Institute as a submissive suitable for use as a slave or servant in a female run household. Most ?graduates? of the Kleist found employment in the home of wealthy ladies, mainly widowed or single, who wished for male company but entirely on their own terms.


As for the patients themselves, they came from all strata of society. Some had fallen on hard times or were in trouble with the authorities. Others, and Greta was certain that number 15 fell into this category, were natural submissives wishing to live the life they dreamed of. A small number were sent by wives or girlfriends wishing to educate their partners to be more compliant.


Set in the middle of a large agricultural estate and hidden in a dense wood, virtually no one outside a select circle knew of the Institute?s existence. Staff and patients were contracted to strict secrecy; the latter?s cooperation being ensured by a library of compromising video evidence of their training kept in the Kleist?s extensive vault. Once inside the Kleist a patient effectively ceased to exist. One great advantage of the Institute?s network of powerful sponsors and friends was that records could be altered, lost or deemed never to have existed.









Madame Greta informed the staff of her intention to train 15 personally at that morning?s departmental conference. Apart from the odd raised eyebrow and a mental note to examine 15?s file more thoroughly, the announcement provoked little response. Once the meeting had ended Greta asked Nurse Anna to come to her office. Anna was to assist Greta in the training.


Anna arrived promptly and Greta asked her to study15?s notes.


?Unless you have any other suggestions, Anna, I intend to begin his training with a session with my whip and boots,? said Greta. ?The boy is obviously a confirmed fetishist and I see no reason not to exploit this. At least we shall see if he is as promising as his notes suggest.?


?Yes Madame,? replied Anna, ?he certainly looks the type to respond well.


?Very well. The time is now 10.00 am. Bring him to Training Room 3 in half an hour. I?d like him clean, naked, collared and harnessed. Make sure his wrists are cuffed and clipped to his thigh rings. I shall meet you there.?


Anna left the room to prepare 15 for his first training session with Madame Greta. Greta herself retired to her dressing room to change. Greta was a very experienced Discipline Therapist and knew that the initial impression she made with a new patient was vital. What happened in the first ten minutes of the first session would often set the pattern for the weeks and months to follow. She therefore chose her wardrobe carefully.


Greta was a mature woman of 46. Her beautifully styled hair, which she wore quite short, had turned silver grey but she did not colour it, feeling that her age confirmed rather than diminished her authority with most submissives. She was of medium height, slim but with a 37 inch bust that, through regular exercise, was still very firm. Greta was, she admitted herself, not conventionally attractive. Her nose was rather pointed and her mouth quite large, but she had high, well defined cheekbones and piercing green eyes that, when in full make up, lent her face a distinct air of command. Submissives knew immediately they met her that Madame Greta was not a lady to be trifled with.


Slipping out of her clinical coat Greta selected a black leather corset from her wardrobe. The corset emphasized her large breasts and trim waist. She then selected a pair of fully fashioned sheer black nylons, attaching them to the corset suspenders. Over these she decided to wear a pair of high cut black leather panties. Then came the choice of boot. Nothing too obvious she thought. After a few minutes Greta settled on a pair of plain black leather thigh boots with a five inch stiletto heel. These were an old favourite, fitted her well and were still in immaculate condition though almost four years old. To match her boots Greta chose a pair of soft black leather opera length gloves. And to wear over her ensemble, for it would not do to expose herself to the patient too soon, Greta selected a thigh length, long sleeved, black latex housecoat left open at the front.


Greta had a large collection of whips and canes in her dressing room. From the rack she removed a dressage whip, thirty nine inches long, with an ivory and sliver handle. Greta tried the whip, swishing it through the air a few times. It made a suitably menacing sound and felt well balanced in her hand. It wasn?t the most brutal whip she had in her repertoire by any means but well capable of inflicting the amount of pain she would need.


Greta admired herself in the large mirror on the wall of her dressing room. There was no doubt; she thought to herself, she still had that indefinable something. They might be younger, fitter, prettier, but they all lacked her natural elegance and authority.


After applying one final coat of deep vermilion lipstick Greta had another look in the mirror. Satisfied, she removed her leash from the wall, and made her way to Training Room 3.






As she entered the Training Room 15 was waiting patiently with Nurse Anna. As instructed he had been harnessed and collared, his wrists pinioned to his sides. Anna had ensured 15 was naked and kneeling, head bowed. From his short time at the Institute he knew sufficient not to move or speak unless given permission to do so.


Greta?s stiletto heels clicked menacingly on the hardwood floor as she entered the room, whip in hand. She handed her leash to Anna, who quickly clipped it to 15?s collar and held it awaiting Madame?s instructions. The room was quite small, some fifteen feet by fifteen and had no windows. Light was provided by a single bulb suspended from the high ceiling. It had an oak floor and no furniture other than a large, high backed wicker chair in one corner and a small chest of drawers. Three of the walls were covered with light grey leather into which were set several eye bolts; the other was mirror reaching from floor to ceiling.


?Now 15,? Greta began, ?my name is Madame Greta. You will address me as Madame. I am the Director of the Kleist Institute and you will have the great privilege of being trained by me personally. There is only one purpose to your training and that is to teach you to obey. I shall teach you to obey me. You will learn to obey me instantly and unquestioningly. Over the coming weeks I will teach you to place obedience at the centre of your life. When I am in the room you will not think, you will not speak, you will simply obey.?


?I have only one method of teaching obedience 15, and that is through discipline. Everything is very simple, simple enough for even you to understand. You will notice that I am holding a whip. If you disobey me I shall whip you. I shall whip you until you learn to obey me. I hope that is clear. If not you will soon learn.?


?This morning 15, I am going to give you your first lesson in obedience by teaching you how to carry out a very simple but very important task. You will notice that I am wearing a pair of high heeled boots. Now as befits a lady of my standing my boots are elegant and nicely polished. However, as any lady will tell you, a pair of boots can never be clean enough. There is always more that can be done to make them cleaner, shinier, more beautiful. And that?s where you come in 15. I?m going to teach you how to clean my boots. Unfortunately we have no polish or brushes in the room so you will have to use what you have; your lips and your tongue. I?m sure you understand.?


Greta moved across to Anna and took the leash from her. ?Come back in?. 50 minutes Anna.? And Anna left the room.


Greta walked slowly round 15, his leash in her hand and swishing her whip. Her heels echoed around the room.


?Kneel up 15 I want to look at you,? ordered Greta, curtly. 15 lifted himself but kept his eyes to the floor. Greta placed the tip of her whip under his chin, raising it. 15 was blond, clean shaven and in good shape. He was lightly tanned and looked a little younger than 22. It occurred to Greta that he may have lied about his age, not an uncommon occurrence with applicants to the Kleist. Although obviously disoriented and frightened 15 had all the signs of the beginning of an erection, something Greta noticed with great pleasure. And the file was right, his penis was well formed, circumcised and both longer and thicker than average.


?Well 15, I think we should begin, don?t you? Unfortunately we only have a short time together this morning, so we shan?t be able to accomplish a great deal. However, training time is precious, so shouldn?t be wasted. For the purpose of this session you will be allowed to say two things 15. Those are ?Yes Madame? and No Madame?. If you say anything else I shall whip you, do you understand??


?Yes Madame,? came the somewhat tentative voice at her feet.


?Good. You learn quickly 15. Very well boy, you may start to clean my boots.?


15 hesitated, not sure exactly what to do. WHIP! WHIP! WHIP! Greta?s dressage whip struck cruelly on 15?s thigh, leaving three thin, bright red weals across his skin.


?Did I not tell you to start cleaning my boots boy? Exclaimed Greta angrily. ?When I tell you to do something you will obey without hesitation. Get your nose on the floor boy, this instant!?


15 dropped forward on his face, unable to break his movement with his hands. Greta stood to one side, tapping his bottom with her whip. ?Six strokes for impertinence.?









Each stroke of Greta?s whip sliced through 15?s flesh like a searing hot wire. His bottom quickly became two crimson globes of pain. He struggled not to make a sound but on the fifth and sixth strokes was unable to control his muffled shrieks of agony.


?What?s that 15?! Are you apologizing to Madame for your insolence, WHIP! for your disobedience? WHIP! My WHIP! boots WHIP! need WHIP! cleaning!!!!?


15 thrust his mouth onto Greta?s boots and began feverishly to lick them. His tongue pressed hard against the black leather, covering their polished surface with a sheen of saliva. Greta tugged at his leash and her whip whistled down again.






?Madame wants her boots cleaned not washed, you pathetic creature. WHIP! Lick properly boy! WHIP! WHIP! Bottom up for Madame. Lick my boots while I whip you.







?A little better boy, a little more energy. Madame likes her boots to be licked with respect. WHIP! WHIP! The heel now, lick Madame?s stiletto heel. WHIP! Get your tongue WHIP! under the heel tip boy. Suck the stiletto heel. WHIP! Take the heel in your mouth. WHIP! WHIP! WHIP! Deeper boy! Now the sole of Madame?s boot. Lick harder!! WHIP! WHIP! WHIP! Now back to the leather boy! WHIP! Too slow. Keep licking while I whip you.?







?Lick harder you miserable boy!?





?Kneel up boy!? Greta pulled roughly on his leash and 15?s neck snapped back violently, almost causing him to lose balance. His bottom was a quivering red jelly, the flesh criss-crossed with the lacerations from Greta?s whip. Tears streamed down his reddened face. However, to Greta?s considerable pleasure, 15?s penis was powerfully erect, globules of glutinous precum forming on its head.


?That attempt was, to say the least, highly unsatisfactory 15. You clearly have a great deal to learn. Fortunately you have an excellent teacher and we have as much time as we need. And I will take my time 15. You are going to become very well acquainted with Madame?s whip and boots.?


?Look at my boots boy. Would you call them clean?? 15 looked at Greta?s elegant boots. They were spotless and gleaming, not a speck of dust or dirt to be seen.


?No Madame.?


?No Madame. Exactly. After five minutes of licking my boots are still dirty. And that simply is not good enough. Madame Greta told you to clean her boots properly and you have not done so. You have been disobedient, and so you need to be disciplined. I?m going to whip you again and then we shall have another try.?


Greta placed her left boot in front of 15. ?Lick my boot while I whip you. Sixteen strokes for disobedience.?






15 was unable to control himself as Greta?s whip bit into his bottom. Each cut was indescribably painful. He could not help but cry out.


?Please, please Madame, I will try to be better. Please stop Madame I beg you.? 15?s voice trailed off into pathetic silence, punctuated by mewling cries.


There was a pause. Greta took her whip and swishes it through the air. ?Oh dear. Oh dear. I had hoped that your disobedience might be confined to your inability to clean Madame?s boots. But it seems I was mistaken. I distinctly recall instructing you that the only words to pass your lips this morning would be ?Yes Madame? and ?No Madame?. And yet, while I am punishing you, I find you mumbling something about trying to do better.?


?I?m afraid it won?t do at all. Kneel up!? 15 slowly came upright, his body quivering but with his penis still erect. ?I had intended to be lenient with you this morning as it is your first session. However, your impolite outburst has convinced me that you need to be disciplined more severely. Madame Greta does not tolerate disobedience. Madame Greta punishes disobedience. You need to learn from the outset that you are to obey instructions. Now, Madame Greta is going to punish you by whipping your penis. Anna, will you come in please.?


Anna returned to the room and was instructed to place 15 in a straitjacket and ballgag. Once fitted the jacket made movement of the boy?s upper body impossible and the gag prevented any sound. Anna held 15 securely.


?Six strokes on the penis for gross disobedience. Hold him tightly please Anna.?








?Yes, that?s much better. Taking your punishment without fuss or noise. That?s what Madame Greta likes to see. And your penis is still nice and hard for the whip.?








Six thin lines of red were now traced across 15?s erect penis. Tiny trickles of blood issued from two of them, running down onto the dark wood floor. In spite of the punishment it had taken his penis was as stiff as ever. Greta asked Anna to remove the gag but to keep 15 in his straitjacket. She took the business end of her whip, already covered in blood from the earlier beating, and touched it to the head of the boy?s penis, coating it in the sticky fluid that was seeping from it. Greta, smiling, placed it in 15?s mouth.


?Clean the whip!? 15 complied, licking the mixture of his own blood and semen from the whip.


Greta jerked 15 back to work. ?Boots!?


15 got to work with a will. His body was tired, aching and his penis and bottom lacerated from the whip, but his tongue licked and licked Madame Greta?s boots. The leather uppers and five inch heels gleamed from his attentions.


Greta had him lick her boots for the last twenty minutes of the session, pulling him this way and that with the leash and every now and again using her whip to keep his tongue working hard. This one, she thought to herself, showed real promise. Few patients were able to maintain such a strong erection through a penis whipping. Such a pleasure to train a true boot fetishist.


Eventually there was a knock on the door of the Training Room. Another nurse informed Greta that she was needed in one of the punishment cells.


Greta turned to 15. ?Tomorrow at ten. I shall continue your training in boot cleaning. Let us hope I see an improvement. Take him away Anna.? And with that Madame Greta left the room, whip in hand, her stiletto heels clicking, having thoroughly enjoyed her time with 15 and looking forward to the next session.













Institute Kleist



Madame Greta perused the list of new admissions. Six this week, an abnormally high number for the time of year, she thought. Her gaze alighted on number 15; 22 years old, slim, well built but not bulky, nicely proportioned penis. But it was the handwritten note appended to his description that interested her. During his examination and appraisal number 15 had shown quite extreme fetishistic tendencies, displaying a strong erection throughout. Madame Greta?s staff noted that 15 was particularly responsive to high heels and leather, as well as illustrations of male submission.


As Director of the Kleist Institute for Male Obedience Training Greta had overall responsibility for all staff and patients. Her days were generally taken up with administration and meetings, ensuring that the Institute functioned smoothly. The day to day work of the Kleist, mainly based on intensive one to one sessions with patients, was carried out by a large and highly experienced team of Disciplinary Therapists and nurses. From time to time, however, Greta liked to work with patients herself. As a highly qualified Therapist Greta found that there was no better way to keep herself in touch with the work of the Institute.


Fortunately the Kleist was a relatively small operation, giving Greta ample opportunity to practice. Even when the Institute was full there would be only twenty males undergoing training at any one time. The average patient would stay for three to four months, leaving the Institute as a submissive suitable for use as a slave or servant in a female run household. Most ?graduates? of the Kleist found employment in the home of wealthy ladies, mainly widowed or single, who wished for male company but entirely on their own terms.


As for the patients themselves, they came from all strata of society. Some had fallen on hard times or were in trouble with the authorities. Others, and Greta was certain that number 15 fell into this category, were natural submissives wishing to live the life they dreamed of. A small number were sent by wives or girlfriends wishing to educate their partners to be more compliant.


Set in the middle of a large agricultural estate and hidden in a dense wood, virtually no one outside a select circle knew of the Institute?s existence. Staff and patients were contracted to strict secrecy; the latter?s cooperation being ensured by a library of compromising video evidence of their training kept in the Kleist?s extensive vault. Once inside the Kleist a patient effectively ceased to exist. One great advantage of the Institute?s network of powerful sponsors and friends was that records could be altered, lost or deemed never to have existed.









Madame Greta informed the staff of her intention to train 15 personally at that morning?s departmental conference. Apart from the odd raised eyebrow and a mental note to examine 15?s file more thoroughly, the announcement provoked little response. Once the meeting had ended Greta asked Nurse Anna to come to her office. Anna was to assist Greta in the training.


Anna arrived promptly and Greta asked her to study15?s notes.


?Unless you have any other suggestions, Anna, I intend to begin his training with a session with my whip and boots,? said Greta. ?The boy is obviously a confirmed fetishist and I see no reason not to exploit this. At least we shall see if he is as promising as his notes suggest.?


?Yes Madame,? replied Anna, ?he certainly looks the type to respond well.


?Very well. The time is now 10.00 am. Bring him to Training Room 3 in half an hour. I?d like him clean, naked, collared and harnessed. Make sure his wrists are cuffed and clipped to his thigh rings. I shall meet you there.?


Anna left the room to prepare 15 for his first training session with Madame Greta. Greta herself retired to her dressing room to change. Greta was a very experienced Discipline Therapist and knew that the initial impression she made with a new patient was vital. What happened in the first ten minutes of the first session would often set the pattern for the weeks and months to follow. She therefore chose her wardrobe carefully.


Greta was a mature woman of 46. Her beautifully styled hair, which she wore quite short, had turned silver grey but she did not colour it, feeling that her age confirmed rather than diminished her authority with most submissives. She was of medium height, slim but with a 37 inch bust that, through regular exercise, was still very firm. Greta was, she admitted herself, not conventionally attractive. Her nose was rather pointed and her mouth quite large, but she had high, well defined cheekbones and piercing green eyes that, when in full make up, lent her face a distinct air of command. Submissives knew immediately they met her that Madame Greta was not a lady to be trifled with.


Slipping out of her clinical coat Greta selected a black leather corset from her wardrobe. The corset emphasized her large breasts and trim waist. She then selected a pair of fully fashioned sheer black nylons, attaching them to the corset suspenders. Over these she decided to wear a pair of high cut black leather panties. Then came the choice of boot. Nothing too obvious she thought. After a few minutes Greta settled on a pair of plain black leather thigh boots with a five inch stiletto heel. These were an old favourite, fitted her well and were still in immaculate condition though almost four years old. To match her boots Greta chose a pair of soft black leather opera length gloves. And to wear over her ensemble, for it would not do to expose herself to the patient too soon, Greta selected a thigh length, long sleeved, black latex housecoat left open at the front.


Greta had a large collection of whips and canes in her dressing room. From the rack she removed a dressage whip, thirty nine inches long, with an ivory and sliver handle. Greta tried the whip, swishing it through the air a few times. It made a suitably menacing sound and felt well balanced in her hand. It wasn?t the most brutal whip she had in her repertoire by any means but well capable of inflicting the amount of pain she would need.


Greta admired herself in the large mirror on the wall of her dressing room. There was no doubt; she thought to herself, she still had that indefinable something. They might be younger, fitter, prettier, but they all lacked her natural elegance and authority.


After applying one final coat of deep vermilion lipstick Greta had another look in the mirror. Satisfied, she removed her leash from the wall, and made her way to Training Room 3.






As she entered the Training Room 15 was waiting patiently with Nurse Anna. As instructed he had been harnessed and collared, his wrists pinioned to his sides. Anna had ensured 15 was naked and kneeling, head bowed. From his short time at the Institute he knew sufficient not to move or speak unless given permission to do so.


Greta?s stiletto heels clicked menacingly on the hardwood floor as she entered the room, whip in hand. She handed her leash to Anna, who quickly clipped it to 15?s collar and held it awaiting Madame?s instructions. The room was quite small, some fifteen feet by fifteen and had no windows. Light was provided by a single bulb suspended from the high ceiling. It had an oak floor and no furniture other than a large, high backed wicker chair in one corner and a small chest of drawers. Three of the walls were covered with light grey leather into which were set several eye bolts; the other was mirror reaching from floor to ceiling.


?Now 15,? Greta began, ?my name is Madame Greta. You will address me as Madame. I am the Director of the Kleist Institute and you will have the great privilege of being trained by me personally. There is only one purpose to your training and that is to teach you to obey. I shall teach you to obey me. You will learn to obey me instantly and unquestioningly. Over the coming weeks I will teach you to place obedience at the centre of your life. When I am in the room you will not think, you will not speak, you will simply obey.?


?I have only one method of teaching obedience 15, and that is through discipline. Everything is very simple, simple enough for even you to understand. You will notice that I am holding a whip. If you disobey me I shall whip you. I shall whip you until you learn to obey me. I hope that is clear. If not you will soon learn.?


?This morning 15, I am going to give you your first lesson in obedience by teaching you how to carry out a very simple but very important task. You will notice that I am wearing a pair of high heeled boots. Now as befits a lady of my standing my boots are elegant and nicely polished. However, as any lady will tell you, a pair of boots can never be clean enough. There is always more that can be done to make them cleaner, shinier, more beautiful. And that?s where you come in 15. I?m going to teach you how to clean my boots. Unfortunately we have no polish or brushes in the room so you will have to use what you have; your lips and your tongue. I?m sure you understand.?


Greta moved across to Anna and took the leash from her. ?Come back in?. 50 minutes Anna.? And Anna left the room.


Greta walked slowly round 15, his leash in her hand and swishing her whip. Her heels echoed around the room.


?Kneel up 15 I want to look at you,? ordered Greta, curtly. 15 lifted himself but kept his eyes to the floor. Greta placed the tip of her whip under his chin, raising it. 15 was blond, clean shaven and in good shape. He was lightly tanned and looked a little younger than 22. It occurred to Greta that he may have lied about his age, not an uncommon occurrence with applicants to the Kleist. Although obviously disoriented and frightened 15 had all the signs of the beginning of an erection, something Greta noticed with great pleasure. And the file was right, his penis was well formed, circumcised and both longer and thicker than average.


?Well 15, I think we should begin, don?t you? Unfortunately we only have a short time together this morning, so we shan?t be able to accomplish a great deal. However, training time is precious, so shouldn?t be wasted. For the purpose of this session you will be allowed to say two things 15. Those are ?Yes Madame? and No Madame?. If you say anything else I shall whip you, do you understand??


?Yes Madame,? came the somewhat tentative voice at her feet.


?Good. You learn quickly 15. Very well boy, you may start to clean my boots.?


15 hesitated, not sure exactly what to do. WHIP! WHIP! WHIP! Greta?s dressage whip struck cruelly on 15?s thigh, leaving three thin, bright red weals across his skin.


?Did I not tell you to start cleaning my boots boy? Exclaimed Greta angrily. ?When I tell you to do something you will obey without hesitation. Get your nose on the floor boy, this instant!?


15 dropped forward on his face, unable to break his movement with his hands. Greta stood to one side, tapping his bottom with her whip. ?Six strokes for impertinence.?









Each stroke of Greta?s whip sliced through 15?s flesh like a searing hot wire. His bottom quickly became two crimson globes of pain. He struggled not to make a sound but on the fifth and sixth strokes was unable to control his muffled shrieks of agony.


?What?s that 15?! Are you apologizing to Madame for your insolence, WHIP! for your disobedience? WHIP! My WHIP! boots WHIP! need WHIP! cleaning!!!!?


15 thrust his mouth onto Greta?s boots and began feverishly to lick them. His tongue pressed hard against the black leather, covering their polished surface with a sheen of saliva. Greta tugged at his leash and her whip whistled down again.






?Madame wants her boots cleaned not washed, you pathetic creature. WHIP! Lick properly boy! WHIP! WHIP! Bottom up for Madame. Lick my boots while I whip you.







?A little better boy, a little more energy. Madame likes her boots to be licked with respect. WHIP! WHIP! The heel now, lick Madame?s stiletto heel. WHIP! Get your tongue WHIP! under the heel tip boy. Suck the stiletto heel. WHIP! Take the heel in your mouth. WHIP! WHIP! WHIP! Deeper boy! Now the sole of Madame?s boot. Lick harder!! WHIP! WHIP! WHIP! Now back to the leather boy! WHIP! Too slow. Keep licking while I whip you.?







?Lick harder you miserable boy!?





?Kneel up boy!? Greta pulled roughly on his leash and 15?s neck snapped back violently, almost causing him to lose balance. His bottom was a quivering red jelly, the flesh criss-crossed with the lacerations from Greta?s whip. Tears streamed down his reddened face. However, to Greta?s considerable pleasure, 15?s penis was powerfully erect, globules of glutinous precum forming on its head.


?That attempt was, to say the least, highly unsatisfactory 15. You clearly have a great deal to learn. Fortunately you have an excellent teacher and we have as much time as we need. And I will take my time 15. You are going to become very well acquainted with Madame?s whip and boots.?


?Look at my boots boy. Would you call them clean?? 15 looked at Greta?s elegant boots. They were spotless and gleaming, not a speck of dust or dirt to be seen.


?No Madame.?


?No Madame. Exactly. After five minutes of licking my boots are still dirty. And that simply is not good enough. Madame Greta told you to clean her boots properly and you have not done so. You have been disobedient, and so you need to be disciplined. I?m going to whip you again and then we shall have another try.?


Greta placed her left boot in front of 15. ?Lick my boot while I whip you. Sixteen strokes for disobedience.?






15 was unable to control himself as Greta?s whip bit into his bottom. Each cut was indescribably painful. He could not help but cry out.


?Please, please Madame, I will try to be better. Please stop Madame I beg you.? 15?s voice trailed off into pathetic silence, punctuated by mewling cries.


There was a pause. Greta took her whip and swishes it through the air. ?Oh dear. Oh dear. I had hoped that your disobedience might be confined to your inability to clean Madame?s boots. But it seems I was mistaken. I distinctly recall instructing you that the only words to pass your lips this morning would be ?Yes Madame? and ?No Madame?. And yet, while I am punishing you, I find you mumbling something about trying to do better.?


?I?m afraid it won?t do at all. Kneel up!? 15 slowly came upright, his body quivering but with his penis still erect. ?I had intended to be lenient with you this morning as it is your first session. However, your impolite outburst has convinced me that you need to be disciplined more severely. Madame Greta does not tolerate disobedience. Madame Greta punishes disobedience. You need to learn from the outset that you are to obey instructions. Now, Madame Greta is going to punish you by whipping your penis. Anna, will you come in please.?


Anna returned to the room and was instructed to place 15 in a straitjacket and ballgag. Once fitted the jacket made movement of the boy?s upper body impossible and the gag prevented any sound. Anna held 15 securely.


?Six strokes on the penis for gross disobedience. Hold him tightly please Anna.?








?Yes, that?s much better. Taking your punishment without fuss or noise. That?s what Madame Greta likes to see. And your penis is still nice and hard for the whip.?








Six thin lines of red were now traced across 15?s erect penis. Tiny trickles of blood issued from two of them, running down onto the dark wood floor. In spite of the punishment it had taken his penis was as stiff as ever. Greta asked Anna to remove the gag but to keep 15 in his straitjacket. She took the business end of her whip, already covered in blood from the earlier beating, and touched it to the head of the boy?s penis, coating it in the sticky fluid that was seeping from it. Greta, smiling, placed it in 15?s mouth.


?Clean the whip!? 15 complied, licking the mixture of his own blood and semen from the whip.


Greta jerked 15 back to work. ?Boots!?


15 got to work with a will. His body was tired, aching and his penis and bottom lacerated from the whip, but his tongue licked and licked Madame Greta?s boots. The leather uppers and five inch heels gleamed from his attentions.


Greta had him lick her boots for the last twenty minutes of the session, pulling him this way and that with the leash and every now and again using her whip to keep his tongue working hard. This one, she thought to herself, showed real promise. Few patients were able to maintain such a strong erection through a penis whipping. Such a pleasure to train a true boot fetishist.


Eventually there was a knock on the door of the Training Room. Another nurse informed Greta that she was needed in one of the punishment cells.


Greta turned to 15. ?Tomorrow at ten. I shall continue your training in boot cleaning. Let us hope I see an improvement. Take him away Anna.? And with that Madame Greta left the room, whip in hand, her stiletto heels clicking, having thoroughly enjoyed her time with 15 and looking forward to the next session.













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Institution for boys

Afterwards in the cell Robin handed me the dildo, ?You know what to do man, come on?? I looked at the menacing object between his fingers and it did nothing to make me feel better. At each end were spiralled spikes that protruded outwards. Not just that but it must have been around nine inches long. ?Please man I’m not putting that thing in my ass, no way man seriously.? He looked at me with a menacing glow, his face lighting up red within the room.?Get down on the floor now and fucking put it...

3 years ago
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Picking Up A Truck Driver

The summer was coming to an end.  Lisa and her best friend Maddie were not looking forward to going back to school.  It would be their last year at that dump.  They had no idea what they wanted to do with their lives.  For one thing, they both wanted to move.  They were sick of all the kids that they grew up with.They had been just hanging around at the town pool and going to parties in the evening.  They both were trouble when they were together.  They liked danger and were always hitchhiking...

1 year ago
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Unloading Like A Canon Inside Her

The little girl who longed to be a woman inhaled sharply with each incessant plunge of his cock. He pulled it out from time to time and tapped the head of it against her overheated clit just to watch her twist in tiny paroxysms of pleasure. He allowed her this movement, albeit it be brief, by the compassion of a heavy hand encircling her neck and holding her there. Slut. Little tiny slut laboring under his cock that split her open and then went to her mouth so she could taste herself before...

3 years ago
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Traveling With Mom 8211 Endgame

Hi guys, I hope you enjoyed previous episodes of ‘Traveling With Mom’. I am back with the continuation of the story. Here you are going to read the final episode of the series. If you are new to this story, please go through my previous episodes linked to this series. That night I enjoyed a lot watching my mom wearing only a panty beside me. Later we both went into a deep sleep. We don’t know when the power came back. In the morning, I woke up at 7:00 am. I saw my mom was still asleep beside...

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Mein Bani Apne Bhai Ki Raand

Hi Doston, Mera naam Arpita hai mein aaj aapko apni kahani sunane jaa rahi hun.Pehle mujhe lagta tha ki net mein bhai bahen ka sex jhoota hi hota hai aur log aise hi likhtein hain but mere bhai rahul ke sath sex karne ke baad ab mujhe yakeen ho gaya ki,un sab stories mein at least 10% to sachi hi hogi .socha mein bhi apni ghatna ke baarein mein aap logo ko bataun. mein hydrabaad mein rehti hun.Mera bhai us samay pune mein ek software company mein job karta tha.Meri height 5’4″ hai,color very...

3 years ago
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The summer after I graduated I would get to be a foreign exchange student. To live in another country, with another family, in another life - the idea had haunted me throughout my somewhat alienated high school career. I was never the tallest, the most attractive, or the most charismatic boy in my grade, and I always dreamed of the chance to try things again somewhere else, if only for a year. Canada had been my first choice of places to go to, of all the nations in the world. I was...

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NubilesPorn Alex Blake Can8217t Control Myself

We are excited to present a new potential series for Nubiles-Porn and we want your input! Please tell us in the comments what you enjoyed about this scene. What are possible points for improvement? Stay tuned for the photo set that accompanies this video, coming in March 2019. We wanted to release the video as soon as possible to start getting some feedback about the scene, but we didn’t want to compromise the quality of the photos, so they are being delayed slightly. Please tell us your...

2 years ago
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The Binding RingsChapter 14

Author’s note: some of the events referenced at the start of this chapter occur in a side story - nothing essential to the main plot is missed. Jason begrudgingly trudged his way to school in a foul mood. He had woken up late; entwined in his mothers soft limbs he hadn’t had enough time to do anything with her. He knew he could have pushed the issue and she would have acquiesced, but that would’ve made her late for her class. Besides; she had promised him a surprise for that night and he was...

4 years ago
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The Hem of His Garment

The Hem of His Garment Based on Math. 9:20-22, Mark 5:25-34, Luke 8:43-48 Twelve years. Twelve long, miserable years. And she was at the end of herself.... She could still vividly recall the first time she realized she was different. She also remembered praying about it every day, trying everything she could think of to hide her "sin". She had feared the difficulty it would cause, and her father, who was a member of the Pharisee sect fulfilled her fears, and then some. His...

3 years ago
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The Circle of Love

This story is a work of fiction. All of the characters and events are fictional. This story portrays some graphic sex. If you are in an area where reading this is illegal or you are offended by any of this then please stop reading now. While the description may have you think that there is some incest in this story, there is none. Also, the erotic scenes don’t come quickly and although the story is a little lengthy, I tried to keep it moving and there are erotic scenes, which I believe enhance...

4 years ago
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First Gay experience

I was young and like all teenage boys, all I thought about was sex. I wanted someone to suck my cock so bad that I began to realize it didn’t matter too much who did it. It wasn’t long before I met Eric. He was much older, mid twenty’s I think and seemed to be attracted to me right from the start. It started with a touch, just his hand on my thigh, but it was electric. His touch shot bolts and tingles through my body and mind that I had never experinced before. This was a state of arrousal on a...

2 years ago
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The Broken Girl of Shade Fields

This story contains NON-CONSENSUAL SEX and VIOLENCE, and depending on how well received this is, it will contain TORTURE and EXTREME contents in the following episodes. *READ ON YOUR OWN DISCRETION.* The rest of you, enjoy it and leave me comments if you have any constructive criticism, would like this to keep going, or have your own ideas on how you would like this to follow. I pay attention to what my readers have in mind. (If you are worried about the other stories, don't. I will keep...

1 year ago
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HandsOnHardcore Natasha Teen Sexy Latina DP Fantasy

Horny little hottie Natasha Teen gets her wish when David Perry and Thomas Stone treat her to double penetration in this hot and heavy DDF premium porn exclusive. The gorgeous blonde Colombian glamour pornstar is right in the middle of blowing Thomas when David joins the room and pulls his schlong out to get in on the multidick sucking shenanigans. After deep throating them both, the orgasmic oralist peels out of her booty shorts and offers up two tight holes for a MMF hammering. See the lusty...

2 years ago
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My GF Broken Me In Part 2

Three weeks had passed since Jamie had visited us and left me fucked and full of his cum. Katie had been so turned on by what had occurred that she became obsessive almost about me being taken anally by another man, even saying that she didn't need to be there, just knowing what was happening was enough. I could understand what she meant as I felt the same when Katie was going out to meet and fuck another man; I would sit at home horny as hell until she came back to me, normally with a pussy...

1 year ago
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SweetSinner Avery Moon The Male Masseur

Lola (Adrian Maya) starts massaging Malia (Avery Moon) and it doesn’t quite seem to have the desired effect. Malia asks for Alex (Tyler Nixon), the male masseur, who starts kneading and manipulating her every aching body part. Malia is writhing on the massage table and Alex eases her sexual tensions by tasting and licking her sweet honeypot! Soon she’s sucking his throbbing rod until he can stand it no longer. He uses his big hard cock to massage her tight pussy thoroughly. After...

3 years ago
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The Second Coming of Man

The Second Coming of Man By Lana B. This story may not be re-posted without the permission of the author. *** PROLOGUE It was the year 2172 and the last man in the United States had just died. The end of the line for American males was hardly unforeseen. In point of fact, it was largely anticipated. Nevertheless, foreknowledge of the outcome did nothing to assuage the shock that ensued when the final death occurred. It was an indisputable fact that this catastrophic event...

4 years ago
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Tenant Rachel Wins Daughters Man

Rachel is a 45 year old widow whose college student daughter lives with her during the time she is not in school. Rachel moved into a 3 bedroom unit in the complex after her lawyer husband died at 58 from lung cancer. Between the medical bills and the crazy business deals he had made there was not much left of the life insurance or the estate. He was millions in debt. She still thought and acted like she was rich but she was just hanging on. The reason she choose the complex is it had a...

3 years ago
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Seduced By An Entity 8211 Part I

Hello all, this is my first submission to this very website. This is a series of story and pure ficition. Please enjoy this if u like I will write more and complete the story. Cheyenne decided to spend the first day back swimming when a bottle nosed dolphin came up to her talking in dolphin language and trying to get Cheyenne to follow him. Ok boy show me what’s wrong.” She said as she held on to his fin where he took her to another dolphin that was injured. Oh no, it’s bad boy.” She said to...

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The Tale of Two Girls Part 8

The Tale of Two Girls Part 8 Dear readers, I have included a list of the characters which will help you keep track of all the people in my story. It's basically in order of appearance. New readers please read the preceding chapters of this story and the two preceding stories, Chrissy's new life and Chris's surprise prize. Please enjoy my writings; it gives me such great pleasure to write about a subject that is so close to my heart I can be emailed at...

3 years ago
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A Twisted Reality

One day the world was exposed to nanomachines made by an evil scientist and the rules changed for everyone on earth. He had always had a kink for stretching so made it everyones. The first rule that changed was that women could no longer ever say no, every person was perfectly healthy thanks to the Nanos, and even women in their 60 look like they are 20 again. The second was that it hyperstimulated all men and gave them massive cocks. they were to always be sexually aroused and capable of...

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Hello people. Hope you are doing well out there in Fantasy Land. What, you say you are not in Fantasy Land? Oh you will be soon. Don't worry, because we are going deep into Fantasy Land. So deep, we may never return. And believe me, you will go to Fantasy Land with me. Even if I have to pick you up and sling you over my shoulder. So come with me, to Fantasy Land.It all started innocently enough one fine day back in the eighties. If you recall from a previous story, Rich and I ventured into the...

Straight Sex
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my best friend Raul

a new story:my best friend,Raul and his family,wore doing very bad with money so my parrents wanted to help them but they didn't agree so they came with a solution:his mother to be our maid(his mother was 44 years old and a very good looking woman.i knew Raul all my life but i didn't knew this about his:one day we wore at my house and we wore waching a movie and we saw a sex scene in the movie and i got turned on and i propose Raul to wach some porn(i didn't taught about what was about to...

2 years ago
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Mistis Adventures Part 44

The drive home was uneventful. Cathy had done the driving, something she always enjoyed, and it had only taken about 3 hours. She had seen that Billy was nearly worn out, in spite of his strength and stamina. Robbi had woke him during the night for more sex, and then he had had a hard workout with her Mom. She had noticed that he was less than up to speed when he had walked to the truck. She had insisted that he either lay his seat back, or, preferably, get into the back seat, and lay down and...

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Thanks Cuz

"You're kidding me, Jason, tell me you're kidding me," my cousin Mel said as we were sitting on my bed playing a videogame. "Well, I'm not, that's all there is to it. It just hasn't happened." "Shit, man, I was fourteen. She was sixteen, she lived next door and one day, I was outside and she just invited me inside and up to her room." "Well, lucky you," I told him but he continued. Of course. "She just came out with it. 'Have you ever fucked a girl?' she asked me. I told her...

2 years ago
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Beth 1Chapter 8 Thursday

Beth was waiting at my locker when I got out of my final class, "Hey, there, big boy, you wanna have some fun?" She sounded like somebody out of a 1930's film noir movie. "Sure, dollface. What'cha got in mind?" That broke up both of us. "How can you guys be so damn happy?" This from Cindy who'd just come around the corner. "Don't you remember what tomorrow is?" "Sure we do," I answered, "But worrying about it isn't going to change anything, so why not enjoy our last hours...

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Sunshine After the Rain

August. The summer was hot and the days oppressive. Nick stood by the open window smoking yet another cigarette, watching the sky darken with an approaching storm and listening to the distant rumbles and grumbles of thunder. Perhaps a good downpour would clear the air and dispel the sticky lethargy that had enveloped him. He had taken this little cottage on a six month tenancy after the breakdown of his marriage and while two sets of divorce solicitors agreed between them just what he would be...

2 years ago
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learning about pussy

I was shocked by the sight to say the least. I had no idea that girls played will themselves, or each other then. My only sexual experience was with another guy, my uncle, so I thought it was a guy only thing. But my little dick got instantly hard which both excited and confused. I must of made some sort of noise because Kailey and Karissa stopped and looked at the door. I don’t know why I did this but I opened the door and walked into the room. All three girls quickly pulled their hand away...

4 years ago
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Ashley III Carry and ChrisChapter 12

Chris takes over the Narrative: Newly named character appearing in the remaining chapters: Greg Hawthorn Gray suit man, Agency insider, 5’-10” tall, 165 pounds, 38 years old, dark brown hair, blue eyes, walks with a bit of a limp Roy and I awoke late on Sunday morning. I was still snuggled up against him, but I was also still upset because of the start of my period the previous night. Roy still had a hard-on, and I needed to do something about that. “I’m sorry, Roy, but I’m way too...

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HeatherWillow Book IIChapter 3

Live Eye Witness 8 News The bomb exploded around one AM outside the Nimitz Hotel and Casino located on Treasure Island just outside of the city of San Francisco. It is believed that the explosives were hidden in a delivery truck that was approaching the service area of the hotel. It had been stopped by security at a checkpoint about two hundred feet from the southeast corner of the casino and entertainment section of the building. It appears that when the driver realized his truck was to be...

4 years ago
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My Mexican Guardian Angel

I got a text from my friend telling me about a huge party in the desert this coming weekend. I thought about it and decided to go. It had been a long time since I'd been out of the house to have a good time. But I remembered that I didn't have any party favors. I packed my car and headed for the border to get some. I hit the border, and the line was so long that I contemplated on heading home. But finally the line started to move along nicely. I hit the local hot spot to get what I was looking...

Quickie Sex
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Bird SongChapter 4 Release

Shafiq and her companions sat on a park bench for thirty minutes to give the members of the Glasgow cell time to arrive and pick them up. When they walked to the entrance to the park, a black cab moved down the road and pulled in beside them. "Get in. Hurry, we can't hang around," said the driver of the cab. "I'm sorry, we didn't order a cab," Shafiq responded. "Shit! Okay, bird song. Now, get in, quickly," the driver urged. Shafiq relaxed when she heard the code words and...

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Highway Slut

Donna had dinner with friends.  Her best friend had told her about some website she had found.  She said it was a hook-up site.  Donna and the other women giggled, but were quite intrigued.  Their friend told them that she created a profile and had talked to a few different men. She had arranged to meet one of the men she had talked to. She told her friends that the man she met was much younger than her.  She was living the dream about being a cougar.  She went on to explain that they met at a...

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My First Sex With An Unknown Aunty

Hi friends I am regular reader of ISS. my name is Umesh I am new to Bangalore . I am working in some mnc company. And my sex gorgeous name is Pavani. Her sizes is 36-30-36. Awesome round boobs. Coming to story I was traveling to Bangalore from Hyderabad. As it was festival season I was did not get the ticket. I went to the apsrtc counter request the manager as it was urgent for me to come for Bangalore. As it was double cost I agreed then I got the seat. First boarding point I get into the...

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My wife did me a favor

After convincing my little wife Andrea to take a lover I have been adding ideas into beautiful blonde head. After she and Keith had fucked for well over a year she asked it was OK to fuck Tim, a buddy of mine. I said sure he has committed to me lots of times how sexy you are. She worked it out so Keith fucked her three times a week and Tim fucked her three times and I got the one day . Both of those cocks are thicker and longer than my thin penis. Even though I could start feeling a difference...

1 year ago
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We have recently enjoyed a range of sexual experiences including, two men for me while my man watched, two women to share and we both blew a drop dead gorgeous tranny while the other watched. Janine arrived late on her first night with us so we had little contact with her. My recollections of her were correct, she is not at all good looking, but she appears to still have a wonderful feminine body. Brunette, size 12, sixty-eight inches tall and a friendly smile. And very uninhibited with a...

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Gotta love a bomb threat, it got us out of school at ten. If it hadn't been so cold outside I would have headed for the mall to hang out but instead I just went home figuring to play some video games. I hadn't seen Becky on the bus so I thought I'd be home all alone but I was wrong. Becky could be bossy sometimes and I didn't want to deal with her telling me what to do all day so I though I'd just sneak up to my room. Entering the back door I could hear her typing away on the computer. I...

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Pauls RedemptionChapter 15

Alice answered the phone. "Hello?" "Alice, this is Jane. Will you have lunch with me?" "Sure, it'll be fun. Can Barb come with me? It'll just be us girls." "I need to speak to you alone. It's about Paul. Please, it's really important." "Alright, let me call Barb." "Thanks." They met at the greasy spoon near the campus. "Sit next to me so we can whisper," Jane started. Alice was surprised Jane wanted her that close. Something big was up. "Paul took me fishing." "I...

2 years ago
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The Dramatic Saga of Peter Q KleeshayChapter 5

Pete stood outside the trailer in sheer panic. He had managed to slip the drug to Reese Servingspoon but before he'd had time to do any programming whatsoever, her handlers, who insisted that she needed a two and a half hour nap to prepare for her next scene, had swept him out of her dressing trailer. He couldn't believe that he had finally, after all these months, slipped his favorite movie starlet a dose of hypno-juice and he couldn't give her the simplest command. Who knew when he would...

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Himura Battousia Book 2 Kenshins PastPart 187 The Tides of the Battle

Banjin (punching Sanosuke again): Ha--ha! Otowa (to Kenshin): Protecting them when you have to fight will be difficult, don't you think? Megumi: Sanosuke... Kaoru: Kenshin. Enishi: Action and calm in a state of deadlock. The course he chooses now will determine the state of the battle. Well, I leave this to you, Mr. Gein. (Gein cuts the rope suspending his box from the balloon. It hits the ground and bursts.) Gein: Well, it's my turn. I and my Sangou Iwanbou Moushuu-gata! (The dust...

2 years ago
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Sandra Joins In Fun At Uni 2

My roommate Shelley had given me two big orgasms. As I was recovering, she said, "Now about this Sandra..." She was referring to the note that someone had passed under our door after seeing us together.The note read, "You two were so hot. I didn't mean to perv, but I couldn't resist once I had a peek. We should have a threesome sometime. Sandra 205""I wonder who she is. I mean, we've probably seen her around," Shelley mused.I roused myself and took the note from her and read it. "I...

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Bang Bang In College Festival

Hello friends, I have been an avid reader of ISS stories for a long time. I used to masturbate hard with some of the stories. So I thought I must share few of my experiences here, maybe more depending on the responses. I’m Parth, of course not a real name, man 31 from Gujarat. If any women who seek NSA fun can contact me, please be assured of the safety, women’s safety is my first priority. About me, I am a businessman based in Ahmedabad, Gujarat, doing fine in life. Married with two kids, have...

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Jaya Wants To Try Lesbian

Hi to all ISS readers, this is varun back with another experience and I thank you all your response for my last story. For those who don’t know me I am varun 23 years old guy from Chennai with average body 6 feet height with a 6 inch tool. Any ladies from can contact me through This is my experience with my sex angel jaya trying threesome and lesbian. Jaya was my collage made who turned to my sex mate and she was a wild cat and she desired sex more and she was not good looking but her size of...

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Old Neighbor

My neighbor is an old lady 71 years old. I help her with her house all the time.She is just a typical older woman,greying black hair and she wears clothes that are not revealing at all, so I can't tell you what her body is like.I was watching football one Sunday when the door bell rang.It was my neighbor.She told me she had water running out from under her kitchen sink.It sounded serious so I went over in my sweat pants and tee shirt.No under wear.There was water on the floor and I fixed the...

3 years ago
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and me makes three

So my gorgeous Marisa and i are sitting by the pool catching some sun. We've been talking about letting another girl join our love making to take things a bit further and have some more fun and who am I to complain, Marisa likes a bit of pussy anyway. She has been trying to get one of her friends to join us by dropping hints. She hasn't taken the bait yet but tonight its sink or swim as we've invited her around for some dinner. So after coming up with a plan to tempt Lisa into our game's I move...

1 year ago
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Facebook Wali Aunty Ko Uske Ghar Jake Choda

Hi all friends i m raj from Surat looking fair and average body height 5.8 i always read story on ISS. So this is my first experience or my first story on ISS if will you like my story so must mail me on Now coming to the story Meri age 20 me surat me 1 bachelor boy hu .Co. Me job krta hu or 4 bje k bad free rheta hu to is free time me mera fb using jyada hota h vese iss pe story read krte krte muje sex ki bhot i6a hoti thi pr koi parter thi nai kafi muth mare bt life real experience chahiye...

2 years ago
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Her name was Camelia. It was such an old fashioned Southern name that fit her perfectly. For most of her adult life, she had taught music at a local school but after her husband passed away, she abruptly quit her job and began teaching piano to students in her home."It's not because of the students," she once told me. "It's the paperwork and the lack of support from the administration. I"m sixty and just can't see myself hanging on there even another week."And why should she? She and her...

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Maybe Mom Should Do It TooChapter 12

"The last time we were on the phone," Jenna continued. "Not when I called and asked you to meet me, but the time before that. I think you were turned on! I think you were jerking off! And you're turned on right now, aren't you?" Mike felt like a middle school boy whose mother caught him with a dirty picture. He turned several shades of red. He tried to deny what Jennifer had correctly observed; knowing any effort at cover-up was futile. And yet, he had to give it his best...

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BBC Office Paint Delivery

My friend told me the incredible time he had and now I need to order some paint LOL! Enjoy the story he told me I run a small business where I am normally the only one there for several hours in the mornings. On this particular day I was expecting a delivery from the paint store and they usually delivered between 8 am and 9 am. I had arrived around 7:30 am and did my normal opening routine; around 10 minutes to 8 I saw the delivery van pull to the rear of our office. I went out back to show...

1 year ago
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Blessed with bliss

Hello fellow readers, I am a 27 yr old doctor working in Mangalore and have been very impressed by the content posted here and I am here to share my experience with a couple which was a first time for me. I prefer to call them Mr. And Mrs. Das. This happened when I was in the obg posting, Mr. and Mrs. Das had come there as out patients and their complaint was that they were married for 4 years and had been trying for a baby ever since, so I send them for evaluation by which I can discuss their...

4 years ago
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After the MonstersPrologue

No one in the entire world predicted the attacks. Or at least, no one with any proof in evidence after it was all over, despite the later claims of visions by a few psychics. After all, who could know that giant monsters from the ocean depths would emerge and attack mankind? Even after they were finally defeated, some people (who lived far inland) denied their existence, arguing that such creatures, standing anywhere from five to thirty stories tall, could not even physically survive on...

2 years ago
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Best Summer

I could not believe how this summer started. I tried to a big jump on my bicycle the first week out of school and crashed. I broke both my wrist and had cast on from hands to my elbows. I could not do anything, not even hold my dick to pee. Mom took off time from work to help me. After a few days the pain wore off but the cast keep me from doing much. Mom had to help me do everything. It took some getting used to. The second week mom thought I should have a bath as I was starting to stink....

3 years ago
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Demonstration of Submission

You asked me to demonstrate my submission. At first, I froze. My head swam with all the ways that I might please you. I could sense your impatience as I second-guessed myself, wondering exactly what it was that you wanted. Finally, you took pity on me. Holding my chin firmly in your hand, your eyes were not unkind as you spoke. "Breathe. You can do this." This was new to me. It was something I'd only recently discovered about myself. You'd seen it, and gently drawn it out, patiently teaching...

4 years ago
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Meeting Rob Part 1

It was my birthday, I had just turned 21 I met with family and few friends and celebrated like normal, I was happy but painful bored of life 'same shit different day' I would think to myself even on my birthday I couldn't be excited about the day ahead, I knew as soon as I had opened my cards and gifts which took about 15 minutes it was back to the same old routine of my boring dull life. Now I had finished opening my gifts and putting up my cards everyone had gone as quickly as they came,...

1 year ago
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BraceFaced Eli Luxx Beautiful Blinding Braces

Eli Luxx is an exotic young teen who just got braces. She‘s sitting outside taking selfies of her new metal when the glare from the sun gets into the eyes of a handsome stranger who is working on his car. The gentleman walks over to Eli to inform her that her braces are causing a blinding glare. She is apologetic and says her braces make her self conscious. He insists that they are adorable. Eli is certainly hot as fuck. She is not smart as fuck though. She invites the stranger over and while...

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Girl FagChapter 6

Matt's parents were cool and we got a bunch of pizzas and sodas and hung out in the recreation room they'd built downstairs. It had old comfortable furniture, a TV and DVD player, stereo, even an old foosball table, but there were only three balls for it and the red players were sort of loose. John and Kyle came over about seven. So we had more pizza and sodas and sat around playing foosball mostly and we had a couple movies to watch. Freddie vs. Jason, of course, and 28 Days Later, so that...

2 years ago
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Last Day With My Sexy Housekeeper

By : Suhail10 Hi! Again,  I am here to share my last day experience with my sexy housekeeper Poonam. I was all packed up I was to leave the next morning, I was woken by her ringing the bell, I let her in and went to bed after a while she woke me up for my tea, she was looking as crisp as a flower in the morning and that gave me hard feeling between my legs, I asked her to sit she refused saying that she had to finish work and went out, I had my tea and went for a bath. Later I was sitting my...

4 years ago
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Meeting my future husband

I was finishing my second year at university. Somehow, despite all the partying…the booze… the sex and the travel trips…I managed to keep a good GPA. I was still a sort of a rock and roll hippie…these were the golden days of GnR, Metallica and all those bands…and I felt privileged to have been able to assist to some of those concerts. We were still hanging around with friends…partying mainly on Friday nights…or even on weekdays. Sex of course…but also drinking, joint smoking…playing music and...

2 years ago
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Golden GuardChapter 6

Paula Clothed And Roberta Still Naked It was dawn on a crisp and very frosty winter's day. Paula was warmly dressed to protect her from the icy cold. The pair had earned plenty of money as a result of Roberta's strength and will to work hard. Roberta was still naked, of course. They had spent the night under the stars with the hardy Golden Guard sleeping apart from her assistant, disdaining to take any advantage of the warmth of her body. Even after all this time Paula still marvelled at...

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