Lessons In Submission free porn video

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Lessons in Submission

Lessons in Submission

Copyright Ed Edas 2006 All rights reserved



???? ?Emma was lying on her front on her bed, she was watching TV, naked apart from a pair of brief panties.? The door was flung open, she smiled at Kurt?s somewhat dramatic entrance, and then realising that he was in a serious mood, she got quickly off the bed and knelt before him.? She spread her knees wide apart and with her arms behind her back grasped one of her elbows in each hand.? This caused her to arch her back and push out her small but shapely breasts.? Kurt bent forward and took her nipples between the finger and thumb of each hand, he squeezed hard and pulled until he heard a gasp from the girl.

???? ?Look at me.?

???? Emma raised her eyes to look at him.? She felt his grip tighten even more and winced at the pain.? Kurt?s eyes bored into hers.

???? ?I want you dressed in heels and stockings, made up like the tart you are and downstairs in ten minutes in the lounge.? Greg is downstairs and you are going to please both of us.? You will do exactly as you are told.? Do it right and you will have the lovely Anne to play with.? Remember her?? You watched a video of her being used one night.?

???? Emma did indeed remember the video.? She had been kneeling, tied to a bondage frame while she watched and Kurt had taunted her with every perfection of Anne?s body comparing it, unflatteringly, to her own.? Even then she had been powerfully aroused by the sight of the other woman.? Oh Yes, she remembered.

???? ?Do it wrong and I?ll torture you every day for the next week and you won?t have a woman for three months.?

???? He glared down at her and then, pulling and twisting her nipples even more, forced her to her feet and then onto tip toe.? The pain was almost more than she could bear.

???? ?Do you understand me slave??

???? ?Yes Master, I?ll be ready and will obey.?

???? Kurt relaxed his grip and smiled.? He lifted her head and kissed her almost tenderly on the lips and caressed the cheeks of her backside through the silken fabric of her panties

???? ?Good, we?ll be waiting in the lounge.?

???? He left the room and went down stairs.? Emma stood, removed her panties and walked across her bedroom.? As she sat in front of the dressing table she rubbed her nipples and realised how hard they were.

???? Bastard! He always manages to make me horny when he hurts me.

???? She quickly began to apply her make up.? As she did so she was thinking about what Kurt had said.

???? Anne?? He must mean Greg?s slave I wonder what that?s all about.

???? Even as she thought it she was thinking of how she would love to have the luscious Anne in her grasp.? She squeezed her thighs together before rising and smoothing on a pair of red hold up stockings.? Red stiletto heels with an ankle strap and a set of red and black leather wrist and ankle cuffs quickly followed.? Finally she fixed a red and black leather collar round her neck, lightly perfumed her breasts and pubic mound before taking a critical look at herself in the mirror.? What she saw caused her to smile briefly.? Small and slim 160cms in height and 52kgs, a size 8 with a pretty elfin face, red hair, blue/grey eyes and a strikingly attractive smile.? Her slim body with it?s small breasts had prominent nipples each pierced with a gold ring. Her completely shaven pussy had the labia pierced with two rings each and a further piercing through her clitoral hood.?? She turned slightly and looked at the reflection in the side mirrors of the two globes of her bottom, perfect orbs, peachlike and smooth.

???? I bet they won?t be unmarked by the end of tonight.

???? She shuddered at the thought and walked downstairs to the lounge where she knocked on the door and waited the command to enter.

???? Greg and Kurt were looking at some pictures of Emma in various bondage positions they heard the knock and Kurt called out for her to come in.? When she entered the room neither man took any notice of her.? Taking her cue she? walked to where Kurt was standing and knelt at his side, knees spread, hands clutching elbows with her eyes fixed firmly on the floor.?? After a few more minutes of conversation on Emma?s fleshly attributes Kurt changed the subject.

???? ?Well the drinks service has arrived.? What would you like to drink?

???? ?I?ll have a Vodka and coke thanks, with ice.?

???? ?Slave make that two vodka and cokes both with ice but put your tray on and bring the ice in a bucket.? Oh and plenty of ice.?? There was more than a hint of malicious amusement in his tone. She made as if to rise but Kurt?s hand pushed down on the top of her head.

???? ?Crawl slave.?

???? Emma turned and crawled away from the two men towards the kitchen.

???? ?Keep your knees apart slave, I want Greg to see that pussy and arse.?

???? She dutifully parted her knees and crawled awkwardly from the room.

???? Greg looked at Kurt.

???? ?She?s certainly got the looks and seems to be obedient, but how does she behave when under duress??

???? Kurt smiled at him.? Greg managed to keep a straight face, the problem was that a smile from Kurt was always slightly sinister.? Kurt was 42 years old 190cms tall and weighed 95kgs.? His black hair was slicked back from his forehead, that and a small well trimmed goatee beard, thin pencil line moustache and brown eyes gave him an almost oriental appearance.? Kurt was well aware of this effect and, in fact, cultivated it.? He worked out at a local gym on a daily basis and liked to show off his well toned muscles, which was why on this mild autumn evening he was wearing a tight fitting black ?T? shirt and black leather trousers.

???? ?That?s what this evening is about, I?m going to demonstrate to you just how well trained and obedient she is.? When she came to me she was a handful.? She liked being a slave but only after a battle of wills, I had to subdue her each time we met and then there is the Lesbian thing.?

???? ?Lesbian thing??

???? ?Yes she?s bisexual but with a female she?s more dominant than submissive, I use that on her now to keep her under control.?

???? ?How do you do that??

???? ?I let her dominate other women as a reward for good, that is obedient, behaviour, and keep her celibate, so to speak, if she misbehaves.?

???? Greg smiled at this.

???? ?Seems a good system.?

???? ?Emma was in the kitchen preparing to take the drinks to the lounge.? She took a small ice bucket from a cupboard and filled it with ice from a compartment in the freezer.? A bottle of Russian Vodka and two bottled cokes came from the fridge.? Turning she went to another cupboard and pulled a tray from it.? The tray was round with a rim of about twenty five mm in height, a leather strap of the same width was rivetted to the rim.? On the opposite side of the tray to where the strap was attached were two chains also attached to the rim some 20cms apart.? She quickly put the strap round her waist, adjusted the buckle until it was a snug fit and the rim of the tray pressed against her belly.? She picked up the first of the chains and using the hook on it?s end hooked it? to her right nipple ring before repeating the process with the other chain and her left nipple ring.

???? The tray was now standing straight out from her body, she checked that it was level and? loaded it with the glasses, bottles of coke, and the vodka.? As she added each item the weight on the chains increased pulling on the rings and distorting her breasts until they were stretched painfully out from her rib cage.? She looked down at her tortured nipples, carefully placed the ice bucket onto the tray and? gasped as the extra weight took it?s toll.? She checked the balance of the tray and walked carefully from the room back into the lounge, each step causing the weight to pull on her distended nipples and breasts.? She walked into the lounge and stood before her Master and his guest with her hands clasped behind her back.? Kurt looked at her and smiled.? He took a piece of ice from the bucket and invited Greg to do the same.

???? ?Now let?s cool those nipples down, they look a bit sore.??

???? He smiled then reached forward and rubbed the ice on Emma?s straining right nipple.? Greg took his cue from Kurt and the two men rubbed the ice first on the painfully stretched nubs and then around the straining breast flesh.?

???? ?That?s enough, I think a drink is in order, put that bit of ice you?ve got left into her arse and I?ll put this bit in her cunt.? That should keep her cool for a while, she get?s so excited when she?s naked with men looking at her.?

???? Emma was in agony but managed to hold her position while the two sadists pushed the two pieces of ice into her anal and vaginal openings.?

???? ?Now pour our drinks slave.?

???? Kurt sat down into a low arm chair motioning Greg to do the same.? Emma spooned some ice into both of the glasses and then poured the vodka onto the ice.? She struggled to hold herself upright and balance with the tray while she levered the tops off the coke bottles.? Approaching Greg she very carefully keeping her back straight bent her knees until she was squatting to his left with the tray level with the arm of his chair.

???? ?Would you like all the coke with your Vodka sir??

???? Greg smiled as her looked at her straining tortured nipples and breasts.? He ran a nail across the top of her right breast and watched the look of alarm in her eyes as she struggled to maintain her balance.

???? ?No just half the bottle for the moment.?

???? She poured the required amount of coke into the glass and handed it to Greg.

???? ?Would that be all sir??

???? Greg transferred the drink into his right hand, she felt his left hand stroke her thigh and a finger brushed the lips of her pussy before pushing on one of her rings.? Greg looked her in the eyes, a mischievous smile on his lips.

???? ?All for the moment slave.?

???? He pulled the ring sharply and she fought for her balance, narrowly avoiding spilling the contents of the tray onto the floor.? She rose and made her way to the side of her Master and once more sank into a squat with her trembling thighs wide apart.? Kurt reached out and stroked the top of her stretched tortured breasts.? His fingers flicked the rings set into her nipples and she fought to stop herself screaming at the pain flaring through her upper body. Kurt laughed and tweaked the rings again.

???? ?You may serve my drink now my slut, all the coke and then go and get me another bottle for the next one.??

???? His casual cruelty made Emma seethe with repressed anger at the same time as she felt a deep welling up of arousal.? She could see Greg sitting sipping his drink and enjoying her suffering while Kurt began to rake her thighs with his nails.? She knew he could sense how near she was to collapsing and fought to maintain her position while the tray and it?s contents pulled on her tormented breasts and nipples.? Finally Kurt relented.

???? ?Go and get that other bottle of coke.?

???? She rose shakily and made a slow but dignified exit to the kitchen where she removed the contents of the tray and stood panting and trembling until Kurt?s voice rang out summoning her back to the lounge.? She hurriedly replaced the bottles and ice bucket on the tray, breathing deeply as the pain signals tore through her overstressed nervous system.? Kurt called again and she walked back into the lounge.

???? ?You took a long time to get a coke slave I think you need a taste of the whip to sharpen you up.? What do you think Master Greg, would you care to assist me giving this slut a taste of the lash??

???? Greg grinned back at Kurt.? He knew what the other man was doing but ?what the hell? it would be churlish of him to refuse the offer of making the delightful Emma squirm and scream.

???? ?Why not.? Here or in the dungeon??

???? ?Here I think, she can go and fetch the whips for us.?

???? He turned to Emma.

???? ?Put the drinks on the table and then go and fetch a selection of whips, make them heavy I want you well marked tonight, at least one single tail.?

???? Emma repressed a shudder at his mention of a single tail but hurriedly unloaded the drinks and ice onto the coffee table before leaving the room.? As she left she heard Kurt call after her.

???? ?Don?t forget a chain for the ceiling hook.?

???? As Emma departed and both men sipped their drinks Greg was thinking about the reason for his being at Kurt?s house that evening.? Earlier in the evening he and his partner/lover/slave had been involved in a row. It wasn?t the first row they?d had but he wanted to ensure it was the last.? He was thinking of his relationship with Anne and with Kurt.? It could not be described as a conventional relationship, he had for several years been a practising dominant and Anne was the latest submissive.? Greg, at thirty-five years old,195cms and 100kgs, was a fit and powerful man.? Blue eyed, intelligent, handsome,? with a mass of blonde hair and a ready smile, he had no problem attracting willing partners. He was also a successful businessman with an apartment overlooking the Thames in Greenwich and a more than comfortable life style.? In all a great catch for the right woman but he was also a? practising and experienced sadist and? highly skilled in the myriad techniques of sexual torment.? The sound of his whip impacting on female flesh and the sight of their bodies as they writhed with the pain he was inflicting never failed to arouse him.?

???? Anne, however, was different, she submitted but there was always a clash of wills, he usually found this a challenge but when she rebelled totally as she had earlier in the evening he wondered whether it was worth the effort.? The reason for the row was that he had arranged to have another female present to take part in their play.? Anne had agreed to this in advance and the evening was progressing in the direction he had planned when she had refused to lick the pussy of the other woman.? She had refused to do this in the past.? They had discussion before he had invited the other girl Anne had said that she was ready now to perform this act, and in fact wanted to do it because she knew how much it would please him.? He had sent the other girl away and then the row had started.? He had told her that enough was enough and that either she submitted to his will or she must leave.? She had told him that she wouldn?t submit and left the room.? He had then left the house.?

???? Emma was hurrying down a corridor in the basement of the building, heels clicking as she made her way to the dungeon.? The empty tray bounced up and down in front of her, tugging at her nipples and she raised it up pushing it against her breasts.?

???? Oh hell he want?s a single tail, this is going to hurt.? I bet he has a competition with Greg to see who is the most accurate.

???? The thoughts raced through her mind as she entered the dungeon and turned on the lights revealing the forbidding bare walls, pieces of restraint equipment, and instruments of torture.? It was nothing new to her and she made her way quickly across the room to a wall which was festooned with whips of all kinds.? She paused and thought for a moment before selecting a pair of heavy floggers each with nine tails about half a metre long.? She wasn?t sure if they were going to whip her together or take it in turns but thought to be on the safe side she had better take two of each.? A pair of braided leather cat of nine tails followed and she paused to rub the tails along her right thigh.? A shudder ran through her body from head to foot as she thought of the ordeal to come, but she placed the two whips on the tray and her right hand stole down to her pussy.? The index finger slipped between the wet and swollen labia and she moaned softly to herself before quickly pulling the finger out.

???? Damn, why do I let the bastard do this? He?s going to whip me, probably torture me, let another man use me and I?m excited and playing with myself.

???? She smiled ruefully to herself and made the final selection of a braided leather single tailed whip of about one and a half metres in length. ?She carried that in her hand and turned to leave the room remembering as she did so Kurt?s instruction about the chain.? Several pieces of chain hung from a rack further down the wall and she quickly selected a piece about a metre long.? She placed it on the tray together with the whips and had to bite back a cry of pain as the extra weight tugged mercilessly at her breasts and nipples.? She made her way back up the stairs slowly and carefully, trying to ease the pain from her tortured nipples.? Finally she stood in front of the lounge door again, she took a deep breath, knocked firmly and waited.

???? Greg and Kurt relaxed in their chairs talking quietly.? Kurt was a free lance web designer and worked from home which was a large detached place in Maida Vale that he had inherited from an aunt.? He had converted several rooms in the place into a dungeon, with cells, a torture chamber and his latest creation ?the wash room?.? He was quietly explaining this addition to Greg.

???? ?It?s basically a tiled room about five metres square with a self draining floor, various attachment points on the floors ceiling and walls and a powerful hose with a variable temperature control that `can go from just above freezing to just below the point where it will scald.??

???? Greg smiled and nodded.

???? ?I see.?? He grinned some more.? ?I take it you?ve tried it out??

???? ?Of course. I hung Emma by the ankles in the middle of it the other night and hosed her down until she begged to be whipped between the legs and then buggered.?

???? ?Did that take long?? You said that she doesn?t like being buggered and pussy whipping is hard.?

???? ?About ten minutes till she cracked and then I whipped her while she was wet, not just her pussy, it seemed a waste not to whip her all over.? Dried her off as well.?

???? Greg laughed

???? ?Nothing?s changed then??

???? ?No she still doesn?t really like men but gets off on loads of pain and humiliation and I?m only too willing to assist.? You must try my new room at the next party.? I?m sure Anne would love a cold shower.?

???? Kurt must have noticed some small change of expression on Greg?s face.

???? ?I take it you still have the lovely Anne.?

???? Kurt had never met Anne but had seen several extremely explicit photos of her being used as a slave and had also seen a video of her taken by Greg where she was whipped, tortured and used sexually by three men.? Mutual acquaintances within the scene had also remarked upon her beauty and ability to take punishment.? She was as, Greg had said earlier, ?drop dead gorgeous? and he was becoming more than a little bored with Emma.

???? Greg paused, how much to tell Kurt?? He enjoyed the other man?s company but somewhere in the back of his mind there was a cautionary twinge.

???? ?She?s as lovely as ever,? was the non committal reply

???? Kurt had tried to raise the question of Anne a couple of times earlier in the evening but Greg had not been forthcoming.

???? Don?t push it, he?ll talk during or after our session with Emma, Kurt cautioned himself.?

???? Kurt had already decided that he wished to gain control of Anne and he sensed that she was almost within his grasp.? He resolved to move very slowly towards his goal. They both heard the knock on the door and Greg raised his eyebrows quizzically at Kurt who smiled and whispered softly.

???? ?Lets build up the tension a bit, keep the slave waiting, that tray will be playing hell with her tits.?

???? Greg was genuinely amused by this and raised his glass in a salute.? Both men sipped their drinks.? Emma stood outside the room, the tray as Kurt had surmised was indeed ?paying hell with her tits?.? She was in a quandary.? Had they heard her?? She was very reluctant to knock again but if they hadn?t heard her Kurt would give her even more pain for being slow.? She was in mental and physical agony and about to knock again when Kurt called loudly for her to enter.? Entering the room Emma crossed quickly to kneel in front of Kurt.? She raised her hands in front of the tray and held up the single tail whip keeping her eyes lowered.? Kurt took the whip from her and looped it around her neck crossing it in front then pulling it tight.? It was almost choking her and he forced her head back until she looked into his eyes.

???? ?Slave I wish you to show your submission to my will by accepting the pain Master Greg and I will inflict on you.?

???? Emma heard herself respond as though she had no control of her own voice.

???? ?Please Master my body is yours to use as you see fit, I hope my pain will give you pleasure.?

???? As she said the words Emma felt a wash of erotic arousal surge through her body from her abused breasts to her pussy.? She could feel the juice of that arousal starting to ooze from her labia and could smell the musk.

???? Kurt lay the whip to one side and picked the chain from the tray.? He stood on the heavy coffee table in the centre of the room and hooked the top link of the chain into a? black iron hook fixed into the ceiling.?? Stepping off the coffee table, Kurt grabbed Emma?s hair and roughly pulled her to her feet.? He walked behind her, pushed her forward and she cried out in sudden pain as he roughly pulled her arms up into the air.? This movement pulled violently on the tray and sent waves of pain through her nipples.

???? ?Stand on the table.?

???? She quickly complied with his command.? Kurt stood on the table behind her and raised one of her arms, there was a click followed by another as both of her wrist straps were attached to the chain.? Kurt removed the rest of the whips from the tray, undid the waist strap and finally unhooked the chains from her nipple rings.? He tossed the tray to one side on a chair.? Stepping off the table he pulled out a small drawer that was set the side of it, and took out two lengths of rope about 2 metres long, each of them had a loop at one end.? Kneeling down Kurt reached under the table at each end and pushed the looped ends upwards.? As he did this he explained to Greg that there was series of hooks under this inside edge of the table.

???? ?It?s all so innocuous but it turns it into a great torture bench.?

???? Greg smiled and agreed that it is was ingenious and very simple.? Kurt fed each rope through the ?D? rings on Emma?s ankle straps and pulled them tight until her feet were some 70 centimetres apart. Emma tried to make herself as comfortable as possible in her new position.? She was stretched in an inverted ?Y?, her feet just rested on the table but at least her breasts and nipples were no longer being tortured.? She knew, however, that this was only short lived, all too soon one or both of them were going to start using her helpless stretched body as a target and she could hear their laughter in her mind as she closed her eyes and waited for the first blow.? It didn?t come, instead she felt a body against her back and hands encircling her breasts then Kurt breathed into her ear.

???? ?Are you ready my slave?? You look so beautiful and inviting spread up there like that.? So vulnerable too.?

???? Emma shuddered visibly at these words and both men laughed.

???? Kurt raised his glass and gave Greg a mocking smile.

???? ?Here?s to all the female slaves in the world, may they scream prettily.?

???? Greg smiled, it was an old toast between them and he raised his glass.

???? ?Female screams. Nothing like it for rasing a smile.?

???? ?Only just a smile.?

???? They both laughed again, and Kurt turned to Emma

???? ?We are going to be kind to you, we will use the floggers first just to warm you up, after that the cats, and then the single tail.? When we are finished you can have a reward.???????

???? Kurt chuckled and squeezed her nipples.? As he did so a finger pushed it?s way into her cunt, she opened her eyes and gazed at a smiling Greg then gasped in surprise and pleasure as he massaged her clitoris.? Both men pleasured her for some time before stepping back leaving her gasping with her hips heaving involuntarily as she responded to their attentions.

???? There was no warning, the heavy floggers impacted brutally across her belly and arse simultaneously causing her to cry out and writhe.? The two men gave her no time to recover, the whips struck again, this time across her tits and the back of her thighs.? A third set of strokes hit the front of her thighs and her back.? Her body began to feel warm as the whips plied across it.

?Spread your legs wider slave.?

She struggled to obey Kurt?s command forcing herself to rise on tip toe to spread her legs as wide as she could.? As a reward the whips slashed upwards between her spread thighs, the tips of one of them caught the lips of her cunt and she screamed.

???? ?Silence slave, that?s just the beginning.?

???? Emma bit her lip and whinnied through her nose as the two floggers were again brought brutally up between her thighs.? Her two tormentors settled into a routine whipping breasts, belly, thighs, back and pussy.? The only change was when Kurt suggested they swopped over and he then whipped her front while Greg worked on her back.? After several more minutes of this treatment Emma hung from the chain, her body heaving under the impact of the whips and the occasional grunt escaping form her lips as a particular blow inflicted more than usual pain.? Her skin felt on fire, sweat dripped from her hair, ran down her face and dripped from her nipples.? Greg who was now whipping her front again found it amusing to whip the tips of her nipples, each stroke making her breasts bounce and produce, what were to him, satisfying squeals of pain.?? Kurt smiled across the room at him and signalled a halt in proceedings.

???? Kurt ran his hands over the hapless slave?s reddened sweat covered breasts.? He stood behind her, squeezed her nipples and then ran his hands down her front, over her belly to her pussy.? A finger pressed on the sensitive beaten labia and he smiled as she pushed against it.? He probed a little more and his finger entered her causing a sharp intact of breath and her backside to push against his groin.? Emma groaned as he began to work his finger in and out of her cunt.? She squealed when Greg began to suck and bite her nipples, first one then the other.? Kurt?s finger had been joined by another and they brushed her clit, causing her to grind herself against his hand.? She was now in a haze of lust, the pain of the flogging had faded to a general warmth and she ignored the ache in her shoulders as she ground her hips back and forth trying to reach a climax whilst pushing her breasts into Greg?s mouth.? Kurt suddenly pulled his fingers from her cunt and pushed them against her lips. He pulled her head back by the hair, his grasp was brutal as he pushed his fingers against her lips.

???? ?Lick my fingers clean you filthy little slut.?

???? Emma moaned in frustration but opened her lips and began to hungrily lick her own juices off his fingers as Greg continued to suck and tease her nipples.? Suddenly both men left her and she opened her eyes in time to see Kurt, standing in front and to one side of her, raise one of the braided cat of nine tails.? His arm flashed down and it was if someone had poured burning liquid over the front of her left thigh.? She screamed and then screamed even louder as the other cat added it?s evil caress to the back of her right thigh.? The sound of her screams became almost continuous for several minutes as both men found new soft targets for the leather strands.? Kurt?s voice cut through her pain filled haze.

???? ?Open your legs wider slave we want to whip your cunt.?

???? ?No please Master. Please not my cunt.?

???? The words were sobbed through dry lips but Kurt was implacable.?

???? ?We want to whip your cunt slave.? Open your legs wider I won?t ask again.?

???? Using all her will power Emma forced herself to open her thighs wider and stood teetering on tip toe waiting for the first stroke.? Kurt walked forward smiling and grasped her pussy with his hand, squeezing it gently.? He kissed her lips and forehead before standing back and looking at her.? There was a mocking expression on his lips.

???? ?Slave.? Who?s slave are you??

???? ?I?m your slave Master.?

???? ?Good, now beg both of us to whip your cunt.?

???? She moaned and took a deep breath.

???? Oh god why do I love this bastard so much?? This is going to hurt like hell but here goes, the thought almost made her smile.

?Please Master would you and your guest honour your poor slave by taking the time to whip her cunt??

???? ?Since you ask so nicely slave I?m sure Master Greg and I can spare a little time.?

???? Emma closed her eyes and prepared to start screaming again.? She was not to be disappointed, the first stroke was delivered by Kurt from in front of her.? The leather tails struck her labia and she screamed.? Above the sounds of her pain Kurt was telling her to spread her legs even more and she struggled to comply.? A second stroke from behind lashed up between her thighs, the tips of the tails just catching her clit.? She screamed again but her torturers showed no mercy, just a call from Kurt ?keep your thighs spread slut? and the pain continued.??? A dozen strokes of the braided leather reduced Emma to a writhing, sobbing wreck.? The strokes had been delivered remorselessly and accurately, the only pause between them being Kurt?s instructions to her to keep her thighs apart and present her poor tortured cunt for more abuse.

???? The blows stopped and she hung sobbing from the chain. Greg looked on, he was impressed with Kurt?s control.? Emma was such a good little pain slut, it was a pleasure to inflict such treatment on her helpless body.? His cock was rigid inside his trousers and he hoped that it wouldn?t be long before Kurt invited him to make use of her to give him satisfaction.? Kurt picked up the single tail and approached Emma.? He wrapped the whip round her neck and used it to pull the hapless girl?s head back until she was blinking back tears and looking into his eyes.

???? ?Now slave, Master Greg and I are going to test you a little more, twelve strokes of this single tail, six each.? We will take it in turns and you will present your body as instructed do you understand??

???? Emma shuddered but managed to whisper that she understood.? Kurt released the whip from her neck and handed it to Greg.? Kurt bent down and released the ropes holding her ankles and with a deep sigh she closed her legs a little.? The respite was only going to be for a short time, however.? Kurt looked at Greg and spoke again.

???? ?Be my guest, front of thighs, back of thighs, arse, belly, tits, and back.? The slave will ask for each stroke, present herself for it, and thank you before asking for the next stroke.?

???? Greg took the whip and smiled.? If it were possible he was even more excited than earlier.? Emma looked at him, she seemed to draw herself up and then she arched her back pushing her breasts out, and forcing her head back.? There was a brief pause and then Greg heard a shaky voice call out.

???? ?My tits please Master.?

???? Greg saw her close her eyes, he stepped back and to one side, raised the whip and with a practised flick of his wrist sent the vicious braided tail across the proffered breasts leaving a fiery red welt on the top slope of each.? Emma shrieked in agony.? She was no stranger to the brutal caress of the single tail but each time the pain seemed even more intense than she remembered.? The breath left her lungs explosively and she pulled ineffectually against her wrist straps as she writhed from the savage blow.? Gasping for breath she forced herself to speak.? Once she had not spoken quickly enough and Kurt had decreed that she should endure the blow again.

???? ?Thank you Master, please whip my belly now.?

???? She thrust herself forward and closed her eyes again.? Greg smiled, impressed by this stoic behaviour.? He brought the whip back and once again launched the wicked braided tail at the helpless girl so invitingly displayed before him.? The whip struck and left a line across the centre of the girl?s belly, broken by the dimple of her navel.? Her scream was piercing and Greg felt an answering twinge in his groin as the girl?s suffering contributed further to his arousal.? Emma was sobbing bitterly but somehow forced herself to raise her head and look at Greg blinking back her tears.

???? ?Thank you Master.? Please whip the front of my thighs now.??

She closed her thighs thrust them forward, and stood trembling with her eyes tightly closed.? Greg raised the whip again and took care to deliver the next blow halfway up the smooth thighs presented so dutifully before him.? Another red welt sprang into view and the poor tortured girl howled in pain.? The sound once again caused her tormentor?s cock another to give another pleasurable twinge.? Greg waited patiently whilst Emma fought to regain her control.? It was obviously a great effort but she finally opened her eyes and looked at him.

???? ?Thank you Master, please whip my back now.?

Greg walked slowly round behind the trembling girl.? He brought the whip up and rubbed the braided tail across Emma?s back and then downwards.? He smiled as the muscles of her bottom clenched reflexively.? Holding the whip against her clenched cheeks he brushed her neck with his lips.

???? ?Three more to go slave.?

???? With the whip in one hand he used the other hand to stroke down across her back, bottom and thighs.? He smiled broadly as Emma pushed against his hand and then stepped back.? The whip hissed through the air and he watched a thin red weal erupt from just below her left shoulder to just above her right cheek.? Emma?s body rocked with the impact and her howl of agony echoed round the room.? There was a period of almost total silence broken only by the harsh breathing of the young woman who hung limply from her bound wrists as she tried to regain control.? Finally Emma spoke.? It was almost a whisper and Greg called on her to speak more loudly.

???? ?I didn?t hear that slave, repeat it, louder.?

???? ?Thank you for the last stroke Master, please whip my arse Master?

The reply wavered a little but was louder, Greg decided to accept it and raised the whip again.? He smiled as the slave dutifully pushed her arse out.? The whip left it?s mark across the smooth peach like orbs and her wail of pain serenaded both men.? His cock throbbed and he wanted to finish his set of strokes and have Kurt deliver his, the two men could then sate their desires by using Emma?s mouth, arse or cunt as they saw fit.? He waited impatiently while Emma struggled again to speak the fateful words that would unleash his last stroke.

???? ?Thank you Master please whip the back of my thighs now.?

???? Greg wasted no time, as fateful words were said, the whip sliced through the air leaving it?s agonising mark of passage as a straight clear line across both thighs just below the cheeks of Emma?s arse.? Once again a howl of pain rent the air.? Greg handed the whip to Kurt.

???? ?All yours thanks, have fun, I did.?

???? ?I can see that.?

???? Kurt was looking pointedly at the bulge in Greg?s trousers and smiling.

???? ?Yes I will need some relief soon.? So give her those strokes, and then can we fuck the bitch please??



???? ?Of course my friend I think it?s time.?

???? Emma heard the conversation and bridled.? It never failed to anger her when Kurt offered her to another man.? Other than Kurt, whom she loved, she really wanted only women to be involved in their relationship and his casual assurance that Greg could use her as he pleased made her angry.? She forced herself to remain silent knowing that she had to face the other six strokes from Kurt and that while Greg had hit her hard he had not hit her as hard as an angry Kurt would should she show any sign of defiance.? She steeled herself for the next strokes and consoled herself with the thoughts of what she could do with Anne if Kurt?s plans worked out. ?Kurt pulled her head back by her hair and kissed her lips before putting the handle of the whip to them.

???? ?Hold this slave.?

???? Emma dutifully opened her mouth and grasped the handle of the whip between her teeth.? The whip dangled down between her breasts and she gasped as Kurt began to suck and tease her nipples alternating from one to the other.? His hand stroked down across her belly and she winced as his fingers touched the weal placed there by Greg.? Kurt?s hand travelled on and he grasped her pussy in his hand.? He continued to suck and tease her nipples.? She felt a finger slip into her pussy and moaned as it found the hard bud of her clit.? Kurt smiled to himself as he heard the moan and felt Emma push against his hand.

???? She?s such a little slut, whip her, torture her, then a few seconds of playing with her nipples, touch her clit and she?s ready to come, or ready for a few more strokes.

???? He stopped his ministrations and took the whip from the slave?s mouth.? Emma moaned again, this time in frustration and with the realisation that her ordeal was going to start again.? She looked at her Master who stood smiling at her, he cocked his head to one side and raised his eyebrows.? Emma forced herself to speak

???? ?Please Master, whip my tits.?

???? Kurt raised his arm and the pain started again. The whip rose and fell, six strokes each parallelling, or in the case of the stroke to her back crossing, the first six.? Each stroke brought out it?s cry of anguish and required it?s hapless victim to thank her tormentor and request the next blow. By the time Kurt had finished Emma was sobbing pitifully, a fact which caused him to smile and wonder how long it would take her to recover.

???? They detached her from the chain and, as her trembling legs offered her scant support, they lowered her carefully to table top.? However, even such assistance came with a price, Greg used a hand between her thighs and cupped her so recently beaten pussy in it whilst he helped lift her.? She moaned at this additional pain but then felt strangely bereft when, having laid her down on the coffee table, he removed his hand.? Kurt knelt beside her and kissed her, his tongue forcing it?s way between her teeth.? As he did this his hands began to knead her breasts forcing a gasp of pain as he touched the weals left by the single tail.? Greg roughly pushed her thighs apart and began to kiss her labia.? Kurt?s fingers had found her nipples and she gasped into his mouth as he teased them until they hardened.? A tongue pushed between the lips of her pussy she pushed herself up against the invader and felt the familiar stirring of an orgasm.? The two men continued to tease her and then suddenly stood back leaving her writhing and gasping on the table.

???? ?That?s enough slave.? Turn over and kneel up on the table.? Come on be quick or I?ll use the whip.?

???? Kurt?s voice, cold and implacable, cut through her near orgasmic haze like a knife.? She turned over and struggled to kneel on the table.? The two men looked down at her.

???? ?Which hole would you like Greg, arse or mouth?? You are the guest so pick.?

???? Greg smiled at his host.

???? ?Most kind, I think I?ll stretch that tight little arse.?

???? ?Fine.? Move back a little on the table slut, spread your thighs present your arse to Master Greg.?

???? Emma, inwardly fuming at her frustrated orgasm, obediently carried out her Master?s instructions as both men removed their trousers and underwear.? Greg used her hair to lift her head and pushed his cock against her lips.

???? ?Get me wet slut it?s for your own good.?

???? Emma?s mouth opened and she began to lick and suck at Greg?s cock.

???? ?I?ve just had an idea,?? Kurt?s voice interrupted.

???? ? I hope you don?t mind waiting for a moment but I think we can make this even more entertaining??

???? She heard Kurt walk quickly from the room? Greg withdrew his cock from her mouth and wiped it through her hair.? She knelt wondering what new devilry her Master had in mind while Greg was musing on the different approaches to being a dominant.? He had always preferred the more subtle approach, not that the application of pain to soft female flesh didn?t have its allure, it did, but he found it all the more exciting when they begged for the pain and submitted willingly as Emma was at this moment.? He had , however had several experiences with Kurt where he had seen Kurt deal with the kind of behaviour shown earlier in the day by Anne.? Kurt?s way of dealing with the refusal would have been to whip the offending slave until they begged forgiveness and then made them beg for a further whipping as a punishment.? After that Kurt would have had them beg to perform whichever perverse act had been the cause of the original act of disobedience.?? He was beginning to think now that Kurt?s approach was more relevant to Anne, and wondering if she was even worth the effort.? His thoughts were interrupted by the sight of Kurt coming back into the room.? Kurt stood in front of them smiling and Emma?s heart fell as she saw the long thin chain with two clover clamps in one of his hands.? In the other hand he held two more clamps each with a heavy lead weight attached.

???? ? A little decoration for you my dear.?

???? He walked behind her but she knew better than to turn her head.? She felt the chain across her back and then Kurt asked Greg to attach a clamp to her right nipple while he attached the other.? The clamps bit fiercely into the already sore nubs and she had to bite her teeth together to suppress a scream.?

???? ?Now the pussy lips I think.?

???? Fingers brushed her labia as first one and then the other of her swollen labia felt the vicious bite of the clover clamps.? In spite of all her resolve she howled as Kurt released the weights and they stretched her tortured cunt lips.? Greg was standing before her again, he pushed his cock against her lips.? She dutifully open her mouth and swallowed his cock, gagging as he forced it deep into her throat.? After a minute he withdrew and his cock was replaced by that of Kurt.? She felt fingers pushing at her labia and was thankful that Kurt?s cock held back her screams as the a finger was pushed deep inside her, agitating the weights before being drawn out and trailed across the narrow divide between her pussy and the puckered ring of her anus.? The finger pushed against the muscle and then forced it?s way into her bowel.? Kurt rammed his cock into her mouth and down her throat as the finger was withdrawn and she felt Greg?s cock push against her anal ring.? Kurt withdrew his cock a little and she gasped for breath as Greg pushed the rim of his glans past her sphincter and deep into her gut.? Kurt thrust again and the hapless slave felt herself skewered on the two poles of male flesh as both men began to slake their lust on her.?

???? Emma felt the chain being lifted from her back, she just had time to realise what was about to happen when Kurt pulled hard on the chain.? She screamed in agony as her breasts were pulled outwards by the brutal clamps but Kurt merely thrust his cock further down her throat.? Greg was savagely pounding his cock in and out of her arse and each movement brought more agony as the weights rocked pulling at her cunt lips.?? Both men were fucking her violently now with no thought for the agony they were inflicting on the helpless young woman.?? Kurt pulled harder on the chain and she felt his cock expand even more as his come jetted down her throat gagging her screams, and nearly making her pass out.? She barely felt Greg pump his hot seed into her arse and across her cheeks before they released her and she fell forward resting on her forearms, sobbing and panting for breath.? Greg rubbed his come into her arse cheeks and then presented first his hand and then his cock to her lips.? Emma had no strength left to resist, she licked first the come covered fingers then the cock.? Finally Kurt raised her head and looked at her tear stained face.

???? ?Well slave haven?t you anything to say??

???? Emma forced herself to think

???? What did he want?

The answer slowly surfaced

???? ?Come slave we are waiting.?

?Thank you Master and Master Greg for using me and showing me my true place I am most grateful.?

???? God, I hope that does it.

?Very good slave I am sure Master Greg has been impressed by this first demonstration of my training abilities.?

???? First demonstration, oh shit, they?re going to do more to me, she almost screamed as the realisation hit her but wisely remained silent.

???? ?Yes she seems to be very obedient will it last?


???? ?We?ll soon find out I think it?s time we went to the dungeon and put her through her paces some more.?

??????????? The chain was again lifted from her back and Emma stifled a scream as Kurt pulled it over her head and let it dangle over the edge of the table pulling on her, by now almost numb, nipples.?

???? ?Stand up slave.?

???? Oh no I can?t do this.

???? Kurt?s hand was in her hair, lifting her up, pulling her body upright, the chain snagging as it dragged on the edge of the table sending agonising pain through her breasts.? He looked into her eyes, bending forward he kissed her gently and then forcefully, his tongue thrusting into her mouth.? She felt herself returning the kiss, her tongue twining with his and the pain being pushed into the back of her consciousness.? Suddenly he stopped.

???? ?Now stand up.?

???? She gently moved her knee to the edge of the table and tried to ignore the jagged shafts of pain from her cunt as she moved and the weights did their brutal work.? Finally she managed to get first one foot then the other onto the floor and stood trembling with her legs spread wide.? The chain swung lazily from the nipple clamps and the weights pulled obscenely at her labia but she was standing.?? Greg watched with what he hoped was an impassive look on his face, he wasn?t going to show it but Kurt?s mastery of Emma had impressed him deeply.



???? ?Good now let?s go to the dungeon and show Master Greg how a good slave behaves.?

???? Emma?s heart sank.

???? I hope Anne can take a lot because I?m going to need a lot of compensation for this.

???? The thought flashed through her mind before she screamed again as Kurt grasped the chain and pulled her from the room by her nipples.

???? Greg followed the pair from the room watching Emma?s still delightful, if somewhat battered, rear as she tottered on her heels with her thighs kept wide apart and the weights swinging from her pussy lips.? He smiled at the way she had automatically put her hands behind her back and grasped her elbows.? There was no doubt about it in his mind, Kurt had the young woman perfectly under control.? The question was how would Anne react to the same regime?? He would wait and enjoy the rest of the show.? After all it was enthralling, very satisfying and free.? He smiled at the thought as they finished ascending the stairs and neared the dungeon door.

???? The trio stood in the dungeon, Emma was panting and swaying, the pain in her cunt and tits was only bearable with the greatest effort of will and she was near to passing out again.? Kurt looked at her and smiled.?

???? ?I think our little slut needs a rest.? My thought is that she should take the weight off her feet for a few minutes, say about ten minutes on the ?pony??.?

.? Emma?s head drooped at the thought of the coming ordeal.

???? The bastard, the ?pony?, my poor cunt.

???? She winced as the thought of what was coming made her try to close her thighs and the weights gave her a savage reminder of their presence

Both the men saw her reaction and burst into laughter at her discomfort. Kurt took hold of the chain again and pulled the unresisting slave over to ?The Pony?. It? was a wooden trestle made of two triangular ends about 60 cm at the base, a metre high and about a metre in length.? The ends were joined at the base on both sides and at a height of about 50cm from the floor. A deep rail about 2 cm wide and 15 cm deep joined them at the top.??? The top rail was clearly adjustable and was some 40 cm from the top most point of the frames. Kurt pulled Emma until she was alongside the frame.

Emma looked at her Master and the innocent looking wooden frame, she dreaded his next command.

???? ?Kick your shoes off slave, then straddle it, you know what to do. What are you waiting for??

???? She licked her lips nervously before removing her shoes, each movement bringing further agony as the weights and chain continued to pull at her tortured pleasure centres. She reached one hand behind her to hold the top rail before gingerly swinging her right leg over the rail.? Her efforts to move slowly and carefully were in vain and the weights swung violently, distending her already stretched pussy lips.? Both men smiled at her pain.? Emma was now stood with the rail between her legs. The bottom and middle rails forced her legs apart and her pussy was about 2 cm from the top of the rail.? Kurt reached down and casually lifted the weight attached to her right labia over the top rail before letting it go and watching with an amused grin as Emma howled at this latest cruelty.? As she knew worse was to follow.? Kurt raised her arms above her head and clipped them to a chain hanging from the ceiling.? The chain was attached via a cable through a? pulley system to an electrically operated winch bolted to the wall.? He began to operate the winch, hauling her arms tight until she was forced to lift her heels and stand on the balls of her feet.? Kurt returned to the ?Pony? and began to pump on a handle which, Greg realised, was connected to a small hydraulic pump.? As Kurt pumped the top rail rose inexorably, forcing itself between the tortured young woman?s cunt lips until the poor girl was forced to raise herself even further on her toes.

???? Kurt pulled up a high stool and invited Greg to do the same.?

???? ?Riding the ?Pony?, some say it?s the most evil thing you can do to a female.? It?s certainly very effective and makes them squirm most interestingly don?t you think??

???? ?I?ve seen it before and yes it?s very effective but may I make a suggestion???

???? ?By all means.? What have you in mind??

???? ?Stretch the nipple chain out in front of her and use a rubber band to tension it down to the front of the ?Pony? that should really test her.?

???? Kurt clapped his hands with genuine glee.

???? ?Wonderful why didn?t I think of that? Where?s a rubber band slave??

???? Emma could have screamed but this time in rage.

???? The bastards how can they, and now he wants me to tell him where the next instrument of pain is!

???? She forced herself to speak through gritted teeth.

???? ?There are some in the second drawer of the chest Master.?

???? Kurt crossed the room and returned with a rubber band and a drawing pin.? Ignoring Emma?s wails of pain and anguish he looped the band into itself at the centre of the chain before pulling and stretching the band and then fixing it to the end of the rail with the drawing pin.? The effect was, for Emma, brutal.? Before the band was attached she had been struggling to keep her weight off the mound of her pussy and her clitoris by pulling herself up on her hands or raising up even more on her toes.? Her shoulders were on fire and her calf muscles burned with the strain but to this agony had been added the final searing pain of having her tits stretched out away from her by the terrible metal clamps squeezing her nipples.? She only dimly heard Kurt explain that she had another five minutes.

???? The two men sat silently feasting their eyes on the spectacle of the pain wracked woman before them.? Her back was arched and her eyes tightly closed.? They could see the muscles in her shoulders and calves trembling as she tried to find an accommodation between her needs. The weights dangling on either side of the top rail rattled against it as the young woman?s muscles trembled with the strain. To rest her tormented muscles or to stop her cunt grinding on the wooden rail between her sweat covered thighs?? Either option caused searing pain.? The addition of the rubber band tensioning the clamps had made the pain even more difficult to bear and she tried to blank her mind to the, what seemed to her incredibly slow, passing of time as Kurt thoughtfully counted down, minute by agonising minute.? Her muscles finally gave up the uneven struggle and she sagged forward grinding her clit into the wood. The resulting screech of pain made both the men roar with laughter and her anger at this enabled her to restore her position for another thirty seconds before she began to sag again, this time to remain in agony as her cunt took almost her full weight.? The last minute was absolute agony before her Master announced that the ten minutes was up.? There was, however, a twist even to this bit of welcome news and she listened in a haze of pain as he gave her a choice.

???? ?Now slave you have a choice, I can remove the clamps and you will be given 18 strokes of the cane, twelve across your lovely arse and six across your tits.? The alternative is for the clamps to stay on and for each minute that you remain on the ?Pony? we will deduct three strokes.? So if you stay there for another six minutes you won?t be caned.? What is it to be??

???? Emma didn?t hesitate, she knew that she could take no more of the clamps, or the ?pony? the cane would be terrible but at least it would be quick.

???? ?The cane now please Master.?

???? Kurt walked to her and pulled her head back, the movement caused further agony in her tits and cunt and she screamed into his mouth as he kissed her.? Her screams grew even louder as first one and then the other nipple clamp was removed followed by a desperate wailing as her Master removed the two weighted clamps from her pussy lips. Kurt caressed her breasts and buttocks smiling at her gasps and moans of pain.

???? ?The cane then slave, nine from me, nine from Master Greg.?

???? Kurt nodded to Greg and the two men walked to a rack on the wall which was festooned with canes and crops.? They selected a thin cane and stood for a moment each giving it an experimental swish before returning to stand just behind the pain racked slave.? Kurt handed the cane to Greg and gave a low bow.

???? ?Guests first.?

???? Greg stood back and tapped the thin rod against Emma?s delightfully presented rear, she flinched and her clit ground on the wood producing another wail of agony. Greg raised the cane and struck.? A thin red line erupted across both cheeks and the slave raised herself on tiptoe screeching with pain.? The cane raised and fell again leaving another mark of it?s passage and raising yet another agonised wail.? Greg moved to stand in front and the one side of Emma.

???? ?Raise your head, show me your tits.?

???? Slowly the slave raised her head and gazed through tear filled eyes at her tormentor.

???? ?Right, keep like that I don?t want to miss this stroke.?

???? He rubbed the cane across the upper part of both her breasts as Emma fought to keep the pose.? Greg raised the cane and brought it down sharply.? Another line marked the defenceless girl?s flesh, crossing both breasts and causing another shriek of agony.? Emma hung from her wrists no longer trying to protect her cunt from the terrible board grinding against it.? Greg returned to stand behind her and delivered two more swift blows to her arse. ?Each left another clear mark but Emma?s cries were muted now, the terrible assault had taken it?s toll and all she could do was sob helplessly as Greg moved again to assault her breasts.? She did not raise her head and Kurt moved swiftly to pull it back savagely by her hair, holding her in position while Greg delivered a merciless stroke to the underside of Emm?s tits.? Two more strokes left their marks on the, by now well marked arse before Greg took his position to deliver his final blow.?

???? ?Head up slave.?

???? Emma hardly heard the instruction her whole being was a mass of pain signals but slowly she raised her head and looked as Greg raised the cane.? She guessed what was coming and tried to look defiantly at her torturer.? The cane slashed down and, as she had known it would, impacted across her nipples.? For a moment there was no sound from her and then a high pitched scream rent the air, keening and echoing round the dungeon.? Emma?s body was locked in a pose with her head thrown back, mouth wide open before she sank froward sobbing bitterly.? Greg was slightly surprised to see Kurt move quickly to her and begin to kiss her gently while talking quietly.

???? ?Well done slave, your Master is proud of you.?

???? Kurt held Emma?s face in one hand and gently kissed her eyelids, neck and lips.

???? ?Will you take the other strokes from me??

???? As if I had a choice! ?The thought was, wisely, left unspoken and Emma blinked back her tears to look into Kurt?s eyes.

???? ?Master I gave you my body for you to use as you please. You offered me the choice of the strokes or the extra time, please cane me.?

???? Kurt smiled and looked at Greg.? Greg had no difficulty in recognising the triumph contained in it or the unspoken message.? Kurt took the cane and positioned himself to one side and behind the hapless young woman. The first stroke slashed across the weal marked flesh of her buttocks.? Kurt didn?t even wait for the screams to die down but delivered a further five strokes to the beautifully presented globes.? Emma?s screams echoed continuously round the torture chamber as she ground her clit on the mercilessly wooden rail and the cheeks of her arse flexed under the assault of the cane.? Greg watched with amazement, and he had to admit, envy.? He found the whole scene a powerful ?turn on? his cock was rock hard again and Kurt?s violent abuse of Emma was a revelation.? Kurt?s voice interrupted his thoughts.

???? ?Hold her head back please Master Greg.?

???? Greg Stepped forward and took a grip of Emma?s sweat soaked hair.? He pulled her head back and up and then, on an impulse, kissed her open tear stained face and lips.? Kurt laid the cane across the top of Emma?s breasts before raising it. Greg watched the cane lash down onto the defenceless tit meat and his cock jumped at the sight of the cane biting deep into the flesh and the sound of yet another scream from the tortured woman.? As before Kurt gave Emma no time to recover.? With Greg still holding her head back he delivered first one stroke to the underside of her breasts and then the final stroke across her nipples.?


??????????? The two men lifted the shivering pain wracked body off the ?pony? and, on Kurt?s instructions, carried her unresisting form to a horizontal ?St Andrew?s Cross?.? They positioned her face down with the cross section supporting her lower rib cage and belly leaving her head and breasts hanging down.? Her wrist and ankles were quickly clipped to ring bolts set into the arms of the cross.? Kurt stood between her whip marked thighs and suggested that Greg positioned himself in front of her head.? He slapped Emma?s cane and whip marked buttocks.

???? ?Now slave I?m going to fuck your wet little slit while you suck Master Greg.? When we have both come the session is over.? You may not come until I tell you is that clear??

???? Another meaty slap to Emma?s abused arse cheeks produced a shriek of anguish which was followed by even more screams and howls of pain as Kurt buried his cock deeply into Emma?s tortured cunt.? The screams stopped when Greg lifted her head by her hair, pushed his cock deep into her mouth and began to fuck it.? Both men began to use the tormented pain filled body, oblivious to the cries of distress which escaped from Emma?s mouth whenever Greg removed his cock.? They continued to thrust deep into mouth and cunt but, as Greg watched he noticed that Emma?s arse was starting to rise and fall in time with Kurt?s brutal thrusts.? He continued to fuck the girl?s unresisting mouth and throat while watching the tell tale signs of Emma?s arousal.? Greg reached down and began to caress and then maul at Emma?s beaten tit?s.? Her arse started to buck frantically and Greg thrust even deeper into her throat until his balls were touching her chin.? Kurt suddenly slapped Emma?s arse.



???? ?Don?t come yet slut.?

???? Greg felt himself letting go as the sperm boiled up from his balls and then deluged the back of Emma?s throat.? Kurt gave a great roar and slapped the girl?s arse again.

???? ?Come now my slut.?

???? Greg had pulled his cock from Emma?s mouth and released her head.? She suddenly uttered a curious high pitched wail and at the same time Kurt pulled his cock from her cunt and sprayed the beaten cheeks of her arse with come.? Both men stood looking at each other along the whip marked trembling body.? Greg came to a decision.

???? ?I would like to talk to you before I go.?

???? ?Ok let?s release this slut, she can clean us up and then we can talk.?

???? As he spoke Kurt rubbed his come into Emma?s arse cheeks.

They released the girl and stood, as on her knees before first one then the other, she licked the remains of their sperm from their cocks before drying them with her hair.? When she was finished Kurt spoke.

???? ?Now slave I think you have something to say, after that you can go and have a shower then rejoin us both in the lounge.?

???? Emma Knelt before Greg with her hands behind her back holding her elbows.? With some difficulty she bent forward and kissed his feet before rasing her head and looking at him.

???? ?Thank you Master Greg for punishing this worthless slave.?

She turned and repeated the same actions and words to Kurt before slowly getting to her feet and leaving the dungeon.

???? As they were making their way to the lounge Greg was finalising his thoughts.? Kurt?s demonstration, and that he had no doubt was what is was, had a powerful effect on him.? Anne, in spite of or maybe because of her stubborn streak, was the best submissive her had ever known.? Her sexuality and her capacity to take and enjoy the painful side of s/m play was unparalleled.? Would sending her to Kurt undermine that and turn her into just another submissive ?pain slut??? He doubted that.? After all if she was with Kurt, what could he really achieve in the week that Greg was minded to give him?? That was, of course If Anne agreed.? Come to that, if she was still there when he got home!? With luck Kurt, aided by Emma, would break her of this reluctance to engage in bisexual activities which she said she wanted but always refused at the last moment.? He resolved to make an agreement with Kurt to send Anne for one week?s training with clearly defined rules.? He didn?t really trust Kurt but thought that he could make the rules carefully enough to cover all eventualities. What he was blissfully unaware of was, of course, the powerful inducement that Kurt had given to Emma to ensure that she would cooperate fully in her brutal torture and sexual abuse of the past two hours.

???? They arrived back in the lounge.? Kurt offered Greg another drink but he declined and both men sat facing each other across the coffee table which had so recently been decorated with Emma.? Kurt decided to take the offensive.

???? ?Well were you impressed?? Is that not the perfect example of a submissive slut, especially when you consider that she is predominantly a lesbian?

???? ?It was very impressive, but she?s not Anne.? Anne has a wild rebellious streak that I?m not sure Emma has, lesbian or not.?

???? ?Ok my friend.? I presume Anne will do your bidding.? Send her to me for a couple of weeks and I?ll send her back ready for anything, and I do mean anything.?? Kurt gave a broad knowing smile as he said this.

???? Greg smiled back while keeping his reservations about Kurt?s ideas of ?friendship? firmly to himself.? He decided to state his position but keep a few cards up his sleeve.

???? ?For the most part I?m in control of Anne.? The two subjects, firstly? of her wanting to experience lesbian sex, and secondly, her rebelliousness are what?s at issue here.? I can?t go along with two weeks for lot?s of practical reasons, the principal one being that Anne has a very well paid and responsible job and couldn?t take that length of time off. I can and will send her to you for one week, that?s five days.? I would want a clear agreement between ourselves as to her treatment, and my having access to her during those five days.?

???? Kurt was silent for a long time and then he spoke.

???? ?I don?t think five days is enough, and I don?t think you having access during that time is reasonable or sensible.? I?m going to be devoting a lot of time to this and I wouldn?t want you visiting here during that time to interfere with the process.? You obviously think I can be of some assistance, so please don?t ask me to try to accomplish it with one hand tied behind my back.?

???? Greg had to admit to himself Kurt had a point.? His visiting during Anne?s time of training would probably be a ?bad thing?.? It had been a negotiating point anyway, he decided to concede and move on.?

???? ?Ok, both points taken, and accepted.? I think a full seven days is appropriate, and I won?t visit during that time, merely check with you as to progress.? My other stipulation is, and this is totally non-negotiable, that she must not be in any way

Lessons in Submission

Copyright Ed Edas 2006 All rights reserved



???? ?Emma was lying on her front on her bed, she was watching TV, naked apart from a pair of brief panties.? The door was flung open, she smiled at Kurt?s somewhat dramatic entrance, and then realising that he was in a serious mood, she got quickly off the bed and knelt before him.? She spread her knees wide apart and with her arms behind her back grasped one of her elbows in each hand.? This caused her to arch her back and push out her small but shapely breasts.? Kurt bent forward and took her nipples between the finger and thumb of each hand, he squeezed hard and pulled until he heard a gasp from the girl.

???? ?Look at me.?

???? Emma raised her eyes to look at him.? She felt his grip tighten even more and winced at the pain.? Kurt?s eyes bored into hers.

???? ?I want you dressed in heels and stockings, made up like the tart you are and downstairs in ten minutes in the lounge.? Greg is downstairs and you are going to please both of us.? You will do exactly as you are told.? Do it right and you will have the lovely Anne to play with.? Remember her?? You watched a video of her being used one night.?

???? Emma did indeed remember the video.? She had been kneeling, tied to a bondage frame while she watched and Kurt had taunted her with every perfection of Anne?s body comparing it, unflatteringly, to her own.? Even then she had been powerfully aroused by the sight of the other woman.? Oh Yes, she remembered.

???? ?Do it wrong and I?ll torture you every day for the next week and you won?t have a woman for three months.?

???? He glared down at her and then, pulling and twisting her nipples even more, forced her to her feet and then onto tip toe.? The pain was almost more than she could bear.

???? ?Do you understand me slave??

???? ?Yes Master, I?ll be ready and will obey.?

???? Kurt relaxed his grip and smiled.? He lifted her head and kissed her almost tenderly on the lips and caressed the cheeks of her backside through the silken fabric of her panties

???? ?Good, we?ll be waiting in the lounge.?

???? He left the room and went down stairs.? Emma stood, removed her panties and walked across her bedroom.? As she sat in front of the dressing table she rubbed her nipples and realised how hard they were.

???? Bastard! He always manages to make me horny when he hurts me.

???? She quickly began to apply her make up.? As she did so she was thinking about what Kurt had said.

???? Anne?? He must mean Greg?s slave I wonder what that?s all about.

???? Even as she thought it she was thinking of how she would love to have the luscious Anne in her grasp.? She squeezed her thighs together before rising and smoothing on a pair of red hold up stockings.? Red stiletto heels with an ankle strap and a set of red and black leather wrist and ankle cuffs quickly followed.? Finally she fixed a red and black leather collar round her neck, lightly perfumed her breasts and pubic mound before taking a critical look at herself in the mirror.? What she saw caused her to smile briefly.? Small and slim 160cms in height and 52kgs, a size 8 with a pretty elfin face, red hair, blue/grey eyes and a strikingly attractive smile.? Her slim body with it?s small breasts had prominent nipples each pierced with a gold ring. Her completely shaven pussy had the labia pierced with two rings each and a further piercing through her clitoral hood.?? She turned slightly and looked at the reflection in the side mirrors of the two globes of her bottom, perfect orbs, peachlike and smooth.

???? I bet they won?t be unmarked by the end of tonight.

???? She shuddered at the thought and walked downstairs to the lounge where she knocked on the door and waited the command to enter.

???? Greg and Kurt were looking at some pictures of Emma in various bondage positions they heard the knock and Kurt called out for her to come in.? When she entered the room neither man took any notice of her.? Taking her cue she? walked to where Kurt was standing and knelt at his side, knees spread, hands clutching elbows with her eyes fixed firmly on the floor.?? After a few more minutes of conversation on Emma?s fleshly attributes Kurt changed the subject.

???? ?Well the drinks service has arrived.? What would you like to drink?

???? ?I?ll have a Vodka and coke thanks, with ice.?

???? ?Slave make that two vodka and cokes both with ice but put your tray on and bring the ice in a bucket.? Oh and plenty of ice.?? There was more than a hint of malicious amusement in his tone. She made as if to rise but Kurt?s hand pushed down on the top of her head.

???? ?Crawl slave.?

???? Emma turned and crawled away from the two men towards the kitchen.

???? ?Keep your knees apart slave, I want Greg to see that pussy and arse.?

???? She dutifully parted her knees and crawled awkwardly from the room.

???? Greg looked at Kurt.

???? ?She?s certainly got the looks and seems to be obedient, but how does she behave when under duress??

???? Kurt smiled at him.? Greg managed to keep a straight face, the problem was that a smile from Kurt was always slightly sinister.? Kurt was 42 years old 190cms tall and weighed 95kgs.? His black hair was slicked back from his forehead, that and a small well trimmed goatee beard, thin pencil line moustache and brown eyes gave him an almost oriental appearance.? Kurt was well aware of this effect and, in fact, cultivated it.? He worked out at a local gym on a daily basis and liked to show off his well toned muscles, which was why on this mild autumn evening he was wearing a tight fitting black ?T? shirt and black leather trousers.

???? ?That?s what this evening is about, I?m going to demonstrate to you just how well trained and obedient she is.? When she came to me she was a handful.? She liked being a slave but only after a battle of wills, I had to subdue her each time we met and then there is the Lesbian thing.?

???? ?Lesbian thing??

???? ?Yes she?s bisexual but with a female she?s more dominant than submissive, I use that on her now to keep her under control.?

???? ?How do you do that??

???? ?I let her dominate other women as a reward for good, that is obedient, behaviour, and keep her celibate, so to speak, if she misbehaves.?

???? Greg smiled at this.

???? ?Seems a good system.?

???? ?Emma was in the kitchen preparing to take the drinks to the lounge.? She took a small ice bucket from a cupboard and filled it with ice from a compartment in the freezer.? A bottle of Russian Vodka and two bottled cokes came from the fridge.? Turning she went to another cupboard and pulled a tray from it.? The tray was round with a rim of about twenty five mm in height, a leather strap of the same width was rivetted to the rim.? On the opposite side of the tray to where the strap was attached were two chains also attached to the rim some 20cms apart.? She quickly put the strap round her waist, adjusted the buckle until it was a snug fit and the rim of the tray pressed against her belly.? She picked up the first of the chains and using the hook on it?s end hooked it? to her right nipple ring before repeating the process with the other chain and her left nipple ring.

???? The tray was now standing straight out from her body, she checked that it was level and? loaded it with the glasses, bottles of coke, and the vodka.? As she added each item the weight on the chains increased pulling on the rings and distorting her breasts until they were stretched painfully out from her rib cage.? She looked down at her tortured nipples, carefully placed the ice bucket onto the tray and? gasped as the extra weight took it?s toll.? She checked the balance of the tray and walked carefully from the room back into the lounge, each step causing the weight to pull on her distended nipples and breasts.? She walked into the lounge and stood before her Master and his guest with her hands clasped behind her back.? Kurt looked at her and smiled.? He took a piece of ice from the bucket and invited Greg to do the same.

???? ?Now let?s cool those nipples down, they look a bit sore.??

???? He smiled then reached forward and rubbed the ice on Emma?s straining right nipple.? Greg took his cue from Kurt and the two men rubbed the ice first on the painfully stretched nubs and then around the straining breast flesh.?

???? ?That?s enough, I think a drink is in order, put that bit of ice you?ve got left into her arse and I?ll put this bit in her cunt.? That should keep her cool for a while, she get?s so excited when she?s naked with men looking at her.?

???? Emma was in agony but managed to hold her position while the two sadists pushed the two pieces of ice into her anal and vaginal openings.?

???? ?Now pour our drinks slave.?

???? Kurt sat down into a low arm chair motioning Greg to do the same.? Emma spooned some ice into both of the glasses and then poured the vodka onto the ice.? She struggled to hold herself upright and balance with the tray while she levered the tops off the coke bottles.? Approaching Greg she very carefully keeping her back straight bent her knees until she was squatting to his left with the tray level with the arm of his chair.

???? ?Would you like all the coke with your Vodka sir??

???? Greg smiled as her looked at her straining tortured nipples and breasts.? He ran a nail across the top of her right breast and watched the look of alarm in her eyes as she struggled to maintain her balance.

???? ?No just half the bottle for the moment.?

???? She poured the required amount of coke into the glass and handed it to Greg.

???? ?Would that be all sir??

???? Greg transferred the drink into his right hand, she felt his left hand stroke her thigh and a finger brushed the lips of her pussy before pushing on one of her rings.? Greg looked her in the eyes, a mischievous smile on his lips.

???? ?All for the moment slave.?

???? He pulled the ring sharply and she fought for her balance, narrowly avoiding spilling the contents of the tray onto the floor.? She rose and made her way to the side of her Master and once more sank into a squat with her trembling thighs wide apart.? Kurt reached out and stroked the top of her stretched tortured breasts.? His fingers flicked the rings set into her nipples and she fought to stop herself screaming at the pain flaring through her upper body. Kurt laughed and tweaked the rings again.

???? ?You may serve my drink now my slut, all the coke and then go and get me another bottle for the next one.??

???? His casual cruelty made Emma seethe with repressed anger at the same time as she felt a deep welling up of arousal.? She could see Greg sitting sipping his drink and enjoying her suffering while Kurt began to rake her thighs with his nails.? She knew he could sense how near she was to collapsing and fought to maintain her position while the tray and it?s contents pulled on her tormented breasts and nipples.? Finally Kurt relented.

???? ?Go and get that other bottle of coke.?

???? She rose shakily and made a slow but dignified exit to the kitchen where she removed the contents of the tray and stood panting and trembling until Kurt?s voice rang out summoning her back to the lounge.? She hurriedly replaced the bottles and ice bucket on the tray, breathing deeply as the pain signals tore through her overstressed nervous system.? Kurt called again and she walked back into the lounge.

???? ?You took a long time to get a coke slave I think you need a taste of the whip to sharpen you up.? What do you think Master Greg, would you care to assist me giving this slut a taste of the lash??

???? Greg grinned back at Kurt.? He knew what the other man was doing but ?what the hell? it would be churlish of him to refuse the offer of making the delightful Emma squirm and scream.

???? ?Why not.? Here or in the dungeon??

???? ?Here I think, she can go and fetch the whips for us.?

???? He turned to Emma.

???? ?Put the drinks on the table and then go and fetch a selection of whips, make them heavy I want you well marked tonight, at least one single tail.?

???? Emma repressed a shudder at his mention of a single tail but hurriedly unloaded the drinks and ice onto the coffee table before leaving the room.? As she left she heard Kurt call after her.

???? ?Don?t forget a chain for the ceiling hook.?

???? As Emma departed and both men sipped their drinks Greg was thinking about the reason for his being at Kurt?s house that evening.? Earlier in the evening he and his partner/lover/slave had been involved in a row. It wasn?t the first row they?d had but he wanted to ensure it was the last.? He was thinking of his relationship with Anne and with Kurt.? It could not be described as a conventional relationship, he had for several years been a practising dominant and Anne was the latest submissive.? Greg, at thirty-five years old,195cms and 100kgs, was a fit and powerful man.? Blue eyed, intelligent, handsome,? with a mass of blonde hair and a ready smile, he had no problem attracting willing partners. He was also a successful businessman with an apartment overlooking the Thames in Greenwich and a more than comfortable life style.? In all a great catch for the right woman but he was also a? practising and experienced sadist and? highly skilled in the myriad techniques of sexual torment.? The sound of his whip impacting on female flesh and the sight of their bodies as they writhed with the pain he was inflicting never failed to arouse him.?

???? Anne, however, was different, she submitted but there was always a clash of wills, he usually found this a challenge but when she rebelled totally as she had earlier in the evening he wondered whether it was worth the effort.? The reason for the row was that he had arranged to have another female present to take part in their play.? Anne had agreed to this in advance and the evening was progressing in the direction he had planned when she had refused to lick the pussy of the other woman.? She had refused to do this in the past.? They had discussion before he had invited the other girl Anne had said that she was ready now to perform this act, and in fact wanted to do it because she knew how much it would please him.? He had sent the other girl away and then the row had started.? He had told her that enough was enough and that either she submitted to his will or she must leave.? She had told him that she wouldn?t submit and left the room.? He had then left the house.?

???? Emma was hurrying down a corridor in the basement of the building, heels clicking as she made her way to the dungeon.? The empty tray bounced up and down in front of her, tugging at her nipples and she raised it up pushing it against her breasts.?

???? Oh hell he want?s a single tail, this is going to hurt.? I bet he has a competition with Greg to see who is the most accurate.

???? The thoughts raced through her mind as she entered the dungeon and turned on the lights revealing the forbidding bare walls, pieces of restraint equipment, and instruments of torture.? It was nothing new to her and she made her way quickly across the room to a wall which was festooned with whips of all kinds.? She paused and thought for a moment before selecting a pair of heavy floggers each with nine tails about half a metre long.? She wasn?t sure if they were going to whip her together or take it in turns but thought to be on the safe side she had better take two of each.? A pair of braided leather cat of nine tails followed and she paused to rub the tails along her right thigh.? A shudder ran through her body from head to foot as she thought of the ordeal to come, but she placed the two whips on the tray and her right hand stole down to her pussy.? The index finger slipped between the wet and swollen labia and she moaned softly to herself before quickly pulling the finger out.

???? Damn, why do I let the bastard do this? He?s going to whip me, probably torture me, let another man use me and I?m excited and playing with myself.

???? She smiled ruefully to herself and made the final selection of a braided leather single tailed whip of about one and a half metres in length. ?She carried that in her hand and turned to leave the room remembering as she did so Kurt?s instruction about the chain.? Several pieces of chain hung from a rack further down the wall and she quickly selected a piece about a metre long.? She placed it on the tray together with the whips and had to bite back a cry of pain as the extra weight tugged mercilessly at her breasts and nipples.? She made her way back up the stairs slowly and carefully, trying to ease the pain from her tortured nipples.? Finally she stood in front of the lounge door again, she took a deep breath, knocked firmly and waited.

???? Greg and Kurt relaxed in their chairs talking quietly.? Kurt was a free lance web designer and worked from home which was a large detached place in Maida Vale that he had inherited from an aunt.? He had converted several rooms in the place into a dungeon, with cells, a torture chamber and his latest creation ?the wash room?.? He was quietly explaining this addition to Greg.

???? ?It?s basically a tiled room about five metres square with a self draining floor, various attachment points on the floors ceiling and walls and a powerful hose with a variable temperature control that `can go from just above freezing to just below the point where it will scald.??

???? Greg smiled and nodded.

???? ?I see.?? He grinned some more.? ?I take it you?ve tried it out??

???? ?Of course. I hung Emma by the ankles in the middle of it the other night and hosed her down until she begged to be whipped between the legs and then buggered.?

???? ?Did that take long?? You said that she doesn?t like being buggered and pussy whipping is hard.?

???? ?About ten minutes till she cracked and then I whipped her while she was wet, not just her pussy, it seemed a waste not to whip her all over.? Dried her off as well.?

???? Greg laughed

???? ?Nothing?s changed then??

???? ?No she still doesn?t really like men but gets off on loads of pain and humiliation and I?m only too willing to assist.? You must try my new room at the next party.? I?m sure Anne would love a cold shower.?

???? Kurt must have noticed some small change of expression on Greg?s face.

???? ?I take it you still have the lovely Anne.?

???? Kurt had never met Anne but had seen several extremely explicit photos of her being used as a slave and had also seen a video of her taken by Greg where she was whipped, tortured and used sexually by three men.? Mutual acquaintances within the scene had also remarked upon her beauty and ability to take punishment.? She was as, Greg had said earlier, ?drop dead gorgeous? and he was becoming more than a little bored with Emma.

???? Greg paused, how much to tell Kurt?? He enjoyed the other man?s company but somewhere in the back of his mind there was a cautionary twinge.

???? ?She?s as lovely as ever,? was the non committal reply

???? Kurt had tried to raise the question of Anne a couple of times earlier in the evening but Greg had not been forthcoming.

???? Don?t push it, he?ll talk during or after our session with Emma, Kurt cautioned himself.?

???? Kurt had already decided that he wished to gain control of Anne and he sensed that she was almost within his grasp.? He resolved to move very slowly towards his goal. They both heard the knock on the door and Greg raised his eyebrows quizzically at Kurt who smiled and whispered softly.

???? ?Lets build up the tension a bit, keep the slave waiting, that tray will be playing hell with her tits.?

???? Greg was genuinely amused by this and raised his glass in a salute.? Both men sipped their drinks.? Emma stood outside the room, the tray as Kurt had surmised was indeed ?paying hell with her tits?.? She was in a quandary.? Had they heard her?? She was very reluctant to knock again but if they hadn?t heard her Kurt would give her even more pain for being slow.? She was in mental and physical agony and about to knock again when Kurt called loudly for her to enter.? Entering the room Emma crossed quickly to kneel in front of Kurt.? She raised her hands in front of the tray and held up the single tail whip keeping her eyes lowered.? Kurt took the whip from her and looped it around her neck crossing it in front then pulling it tight.? It was almost choking her and he forced her head back until she looked into his eyes.

???? ?Slave I wish you to show your submission to my will by accepting the pain Master Greg and I will inflict on you.?

???? Emma heard herself respond as though she had no control of her own voice.

???? ?Please Master my body is yours to use as you see fit, I hope my pain will give you pleasure.?

???? As she said the words Emma felt a wash of erotic arousal surge through her body from her abused breasts to her pussy.? She could feel the juice of that arousal starting to ooze from her labia and could smell the musk.

???? Kurt lay the whip to one side and picked the chain from the tray.? He stood on the heavy coffee table in the centre of the room and hooked the top link of the chain into a? black iron hook fixed into the ceiling.?? Stepping off the coffee table, Kurt grabbed Emma?s hair and roughly pulled her to her feet.? He walked behind her, pushed her forward and she cried out in sudden pain as he roughly pulled her arms up into the air.? This movement pulled violently on the tray and sent waves of pain through her nipples.

???? ?Stand on the table.?

???? She quickly complied with his command.? Kurt stood on the table behind her and raised one of her arms, there was a click followed by another as both of her wrist straps were attached to the chain.? Kurt removed the rest of the whips from the tray, undid the waist strap and finally unhooked the chains from her nipple rings.? He tossed the tray to one side on a chair.? Stepping off the table he pulled out a small drawer that was set the side of it, and took out two lengths of rope about 2 metres long, each of them had a loop at one end.? Kneeling down Kurt reached under the table at each end and pushed the looped ends upwards.? As he did this he explained to Greg that there was series of hooks under this inside edge of the table.

???? ?It?s all so innocuous but it turns it into a great torture bench.?

???? Greg smiled and agreed that it is was ingenious and very simple.? Kurt fed each rope through the ?D? rings on Emma?s ankle straps and pulled them tight until her feet were some 70 centimetres apart. Emma tried to make herself as comfortable as possible in her new position.? She was stretched in an inverted ?Y?, her feet just rested on the table but at least her breasts and nipples were no longer being tortured.? She knew, however, that this was only short lived, all too soon one or both of them were going to start using her helpless stretched body as a target and she could hear their laughter in her mind as she closed her eyes and waited for the first blow.? It didn?t come, instead she felt a body against her back and hands encircling her breasts then Kurt breathed into her ear.

???? ?Are you ready my slave?? You look so beautiful and inviting spread up there like that.? So vulnerable too.?

???? Emma shuddered visibly at these words and both men laughed.

???? Kurt raised his glass and gave Greg a mocking smile.

???? ?Here?s to all the female slaves in the world, may they scream prettily.?

???? Greg smiled, it was an old toast between them and he raised his glass.

???? ?Female screams. Nothing like it for rasing a smile.?

???? ?Only just a smile.?

???? They both laughed again, and Kurt turned to Emma

???? ?We are going to be kind to you, we will use the floggers first just to warm you up, after that the cats, and then the single tail.? When we are finished you can have a reward.???????

???? Kurt chuckled and squeezed her nipples.? As he did so a finger pushed it?s way into her cunt, she opened her eyes and gazed at a smiling Greg then gasped in surprise and pleasure as he massaged her clitoris.? Both men pleasured her for some time before stepping back leaving her gasping with her hips heaving involuntarily as she responded to their attentions.

???? There was no warning, the heavy floggers impacted brutally across her belly and arse simultaneously causing her to cry out and writhe.? The two men gave her no time to recover, the whips struck again, this time across her tits and the back of her thighs.? A third set of strokes hit the front of her thighs and her back.? Her body began to feel warm as the whips plied across it.

?Spread your legs wider slave.?

She struggled to obey Kurt?s command forcing herself to rise on tip toe to spread her legs as wide as she could.? As a reward the whips slashed upwards between her spread thighs, the tips of one of them caught the lips of her cunt and she screamed.

???? ?Silence slave, that?s just the beginning.?

???? Emma bit her lip and whinnied through her nose as the two floggers were again brought brutally up between her thighs.? Her two tormentors settled into a routine whipping breasts, belly, thighs, back and pussy.? The only change was when Kurt suggested they swopped over and he then whipped her front while Greg worked on her back.? After several more minutes of this treatment Emma hung from the chain, her body heaving under the impact of the whips and the occasional grunt escaping form her lips as a particular blow inflicted more than usual pain.? Her skin felt on fire, sweat dripped from her hair, ran down her face and dripped from her nipples.? Greg who was now whipping her front again found it amusing to whip the tips of her nipples, each stroke making her breasts bounce and produce, what were to him, satisfying squeals of pain.?? Kurt smiled across the room at him and signalled a halt in proceedings.

???? Kurt ran his hands over the hapless slave?s reddened sweat covered breasts.? He stood behind her, squeezed her nipples and then ran his hands down her front, over her belly to her pussy.? A finger pressed on the sensitive beaten labia and he smiled as she pushed against it.? He probed a little more and his finger entered her causing a sharp intact of breath and her backside to push against his groin.? Emma groaned as he began to work his finger in and out of her cunt.? She squealed when Greg began to suck and bite her nipples, first one then the other.? Kurt?s finger had been joined by another and they brushed her clit, causing her to grind herself against his hand.? She was now in a haze of lust, the pain of the flogging had faded to a general warmth and she ignored the ache in her shoulders as she ground her hips back and forth trying to reach a climax whilst pushing her breasts into Greg?s mouth.? Kurt suddenly pulled his fingers from her cunt and pushed them against her lips. He pulled her head back by the hair, his grasp was brutal as he pushed his fingers against her lips.

???? ?Lick my fingers clean you filthy little slut.?

???? Emma moaned in frustration but opened her lips and began to hungrily lick her own juices off his fingers as Greg continued to suck and tease her nipples.? Suddenly both men left her and she opened her eyes in time to see Kurt, standing in front and to one side of her, raise one of the braided cat of nine tails.? His arm flashed down and it was if someone had poured burning liquid over the front of her left thigh.? She screamed and then screamed even louder as the other cat added it?s evil caress to the back of her right thigh.? The sound of her screams became almost continuous for several minutes as both men found new soft targets for the leather strands.? Kurt?s voice cut through her pain filled haze.

???? ?Open your legs wider slave we want to whip your cunt.?

???? ?No please Master. Please not my cunt.?

???? The words were sobbed through dry lips but Kurt was implacable.?

???? ?We want to whip your cunt slave.? Open your legs wider I won?t ask again.?

???? Using all her will power Emma forced herself to open her thighs wider and stood teetering on tip toe waiting for the first stroke.? Kurt walked forward smiling and grasped her pussy with his hand, squeezing it gently.? He kissed her lips and forehead before standing back and looking at her.? There was a mocking expression on his lips.

???? ?Slave.? Who?s slave are you??

???? ?I?m your slave Master.?

???? ?Good, now beg both of us to whip your cunt.?

???? She moaned and took a deep breath.

???? Oh god why do I love this bastard so much?? This is going to hurt like hell but here goes, the thought almost made her smile.

?Please Master would you and your guest honour your poor slave by taking the time to whip her cunt??

???? ?Since you ask so nicely slave I?m sure Master Greg and I can spare a little time.?

???? Emma closed her eyes and prepared to start screaming again.? She was not to be disappointed, the first stroke was delivered by Kurt from in front of her.? The leather tails struck her labia and she screamed.? Above the sounds of her pain Kurt was telling her to spread her legs even more and she struggled to comply.? A second stroke from behind lashed up between her thighs, the tips of the tails just catching her clit.? She screamed again but her torturers showed no mercy, just a call from Kurt ?keep your thighs spread slut? and the pain continued.??? A dozen strokes of the braided leather reduced Emma to a writhing, sobbing wreck.? The strokes had been delivered remorselessly and accurately, the only pause between them being Kurt?s instructions to her to keep her thighs apart and present her poor tortured cunt for more abuse.

???? The blows stopped and she hung sobbing from the chain. Greg looked on, he was impressed with Kurt?s control.? Emma was such a good little pain slut, it was a pleasure to inflict such treatment on her helpless body.? His cock was rigid inside his trousers and he hoped that it wouldn?t be long before Kurt invited him to make use of her to give him satisfaction.? Kurt picked up the single tail and approached Emma.? He wrapped the whip round her neck and used it to pull the hapless girl?s head back until she was blinking back tears and looking into his eyes.

???? ?Now slave, Master Greg and I are going to test you a little more, twelve strokes of this single tail, six each.? We will take it in turns and you will present your body as instructed do you understand??

???? Emma shuddered but managed to whisper that she understood.? Kurt released the whip from her neck and handed it to Greg.? Kurt bent down and released the ropes holding her ankles and with a deep sigh she closed her legs a little.? The respite was only going to be for a short time, however.? Kurt looked at Greg and spoke again.

???? ?Be my guest, front of thighs, back of thighs, arse, belly, tits, and back.? The slave will ask for each stroke, present herself for it, and thank you before asking for the next stroke.?

???? Greg took the whip and smiled.? If it were possible he was even more excited than earlier.? Emma looked at him, she seemed to draw herself up and then she arched her back pushing her breasts out, and forcing her head back.? There was a brief pause and then Greg heard a shaky voice call out.

???? ?My tits please Master.?

???? Greg saw her close her eyes, he stepped back and to one side, raised the whip and with a practised flick of his wrist sent the vicious braided tail across the proffered breasts leaving a fiery red welt on the top slope of each.? Emma shrieked in agony.? She was no stranger to the brutal caress of the single tail but each time the pain seemed even more intense than she remembered.? The breath left her lungs explosively and she pulled ineffectually against her wrist straps as she writhed from the savage blow.? Gasping for breath she forced herself to speak.? Once she had not spoken quickly enough and Kurt had decreed that she should endure the blow again.

???? ?Thank you Master, please whip my belly now.?

???? She thrust herself forward and closed her eyes again.? Greg smiled, impressed by this stoic behaviour.? He brought the whip back and once again launched the wicked braided tail at the helpless girl so invitingly displayed before him.? The whip struck and left a line across the centre of the girl?s belly, broken by the dimple of her navel.? Her scream was piercing and Greg felt an answering twinge in his groin as the girl?s suffering contributed further to his arousal.? Emma was sobbing bitterly but somehow forced herself to raise her head and look at Greg blinking back her tears.

???? ?Thank you Master.? Please whip the front of my thighs now.??

She closed her thighs thrust them forward, and stood trembling with her eyes tightly closed.? Greg raised the whip again and took care to deliver the next blow halfway up the smooth thighs presented so dutifully before him.? Another red welt sprang into view and the poor tortured girl howled in pain.? The sound once again caused her tormentor?s cock another to give another pleasurable twinge.? Greg waited patiently whilst Emma fought to regain her control.? It was obviously a great effort but she finally opened her eyes and looked at him.

???? ?Thank you Master, please whip my back now.?

Greg walked slowly round behind the trembling girl.? He brought the whip up and rubbed the braided tail across Emma?s back and then downwards.? He smiled as the muscles of her bottom clenched reflexively.? Holding the whip against her clenched cheeks he brushed her neck with his lips.

???? ?Three more to go slave.?

???? With the whip in one hand he used the other hand to stroke down across her back, bottom and thighs.? He smiled broadly as Emma pushed against his hand and then stepped back.? The whip hissed through the air and he watched a thin red weal erupt from just below her left shoulder to just above her right cheek.? Emma?s body rocked with the impact and her howl of agony echoed round the room.? There was a period of almost total silence broken only by the harsh breathing of the young woman who hung limply from her bound wrists as she tried to regain control.? Finally Emma spoke.? It was almost a whisper and Greg called on her to speak more loudly.

???? ?I didn?t hear that slave, repeat it, louder.?

???? ?Thank you for the last stroke Master, please whip my arse Master?

The reply wavered a little but was louder, Greg decided to accept it and raised the whip again.? He smiled as the slave dutifully pushed her arse out.? The whip left it?s mark across the smooth peach like orbs and her wail of pain serenaded both men.? His cock throbbed and he wanted to finish his set of strokes and have Kurt deliver his, the two men could then sate their desires by using Emma?s mouth, arse or cunt as they saw fit.? He waited impatiently while Emma struggled again to speak the fateful words that would unleash his last stroke.

???? ?Thank you Master please whip the back of my thighs now.?

???? Greg wasted no time, as fateful words were said, the whip sliced through the air leaving it?s agonising mark of passage as a straight clear line across both thighs just below the cheeks of Emma?s arse.? Once again a howl of pain rent the air.? Greg handed the whip to Kurt.

???? ?All yours thanks, have fun, I did.?

???? ?I can see that.?

???? Kurt was looking pointedly at the bulge in Greg?s trousers and smiling.

???? ?Yes I will need some relief soon.? So give her those strokes, and then can we fuck the bitch please??



???? ?Of course my friend I think it?s time.?

???? Emma heard the conversation and bridled.? It never failed to anger her when Kurt offered her to another man.? Other than Kurt, whom she loved, she really wanted only women to be involved in their relationship and his casual assurance that Greg could use her as he pleased made her angry.? She forced herself to remain silent knowing that she had to face the other six strokes from Kurt and that while Greg had hit her hard he had not hit her as hard as an angry Kurt would should she show any sign of defiance.? She steeled herself for the next strokes and consoled herself with the thoughts of what she could do with Anne if Kurt?s plans worked out. ?Kurt pulled her head back by her hair and kissed her lips before putting the handle of the whip to them.

???? ?Hold this slave.?

???? Emma dutifully opened her mouth and grasped the handle of the whip between her teeth.? The whip dangled down between her breasts and she gasped as Kurt began to suck and tease her nipples alternating from one to the other.? His hand stroked down across her belly and she winced as his fingers touched the weal placed there by Greg.? Kurt?s hand travelled on and he grasped her pussy in his hand.? He continued to suck and tease her nipples.? She felt a finger slip into her pussy and moaned as it found the hard bud of her clit.? Kurt smiled to himself as he heard the moan and felt Emma push against his hand.

???? She?s such a little slut, whip her, torture her, then a few seconds of playing with her nipples, touch her clit and she?s ready to come, or ready for a few more strokes.

???? He stopped his ministrations and took the whip from the slave?s mouth.? Emma moaned again, this time in frustration and with the realisation that her ordeal was going to start again.? She looked at her Master who stood smiling at her, he cocked his head to one side and raised his eyebrows.? Emma forced herself to speak

???? ?Please Master, whip my tits.?

???? Kurt raised his arm and the pain started again. The whip rose and fell, six strokes each parallelling, or in the case of the stroke to her back crossing, the first six.? Each stroke brought out it?s cry of anguish and required it?s hapless victim to thank her tormentor and request the next blow. By the time Kurt had finished Emma was sobbing pitifully, a fact which caused him to smile and wonder how long it would take her to recover.

???? They detached her from the chain and, as her trembling legs offered her scant support, they lowered her carefully to table top.? However, even such assistance came with a price, Greg used a hand between her thighs and cupped her so recently beaten pussy in it whilst he helped lift her.? She moaned at this additional pain but then felt strangely bereft when, having laid her down on the coffee table, he removed his hand.? Kurt knelt beside her and kissed her, his tongue forcing it?s way between her teeth.? As he did this his hands began to knead her breasts forcing a gasp of pain as he touched the weals left by the single tail.? Greg roughly pushed her thighs apart and began to kiss her labia.? Kurt?s fingers had found her nipples and she gasped into his mouth as he teased them until they hardened.? A tongue pushed between the lips of her pussy she pushed herself up against the invader and felt the familiar stirring of an orgasm.? The two men continued to tease her and then suddenly stood back leaving her writhing and gasping on the table.

???? ?That?s enough slave.? Turn over and kneel up on the table.? Come on be quick or I?ll use the whip.?

???? Kurt?s voice, cold and implacable, cut through her near orgasmic haze like a knife.? She turned over and struggled to kneel on the table.? The two men looked down at her.

???? ?Which hole would you like Greg, arse or mouth?? You are the guest so pick.?

???? Greg smiled at his host.

???? ?Most kind, I think I?ll stretch that tight little arse.?

???? ?Fine.? Move back a little on the table slut, spread your thighs present your arse to Master Greg.?

???? Emma, inwardly fuming at her frustrated orgasm, obediently carried out her Master?s instructions as both men removed their trousers and underwear.? Greg used her hair to lift her head and pushed his cock against her lips.

???? ?Get me wet slut it?s for your own good.?

???? Emma?s mouth opened and she began to lick and suck at Greg?s cock.

???? ?I?ve just had an idea,?? Kurt?s voice interrupted.

???? ? I hope you don?t mind waiting for a moment but I think we can make this even more entertaining??

???? She heard Kurt walk quickly from the room? Greg withdrew his cock from her mouth and wiped it through her hair.? She knelt wondering what new devilry her Master had in mind while Greg was musing on the different approaches to being a dominant.? He had always preferred the more subtle approach, not that the application of pain to soft female flesh didn?t have its allure, it did, but he found it all the more exciting when they begged for the pain and submitted willingly as Emma was at this moment.? He had , however had several experiences with Kurt where he had seen Kurt deal with the kind of behaviour shown earlier in the day by Anne.? Kurt?s way of dealing with the refusal would have been to whip the offending slave until they begged forgiveness and then made them beg for a further whipping as a punishment.? After that Kurt would have had them beg to perform whichever perverse act had been the cause of the original act of disobedience.?? He was beginning to think now that Kurt?s approach was more relevant to Anne, and wondering if she was even worth the effort.? His thoughts were interrupted by the sight of Kurt coming back into the room.? Kurt stood in front of them smiling and Emma?s heart fell as she saw the long thin chain with two clover clamps in one of his hands.? In the other hand he held two more clamps each with a heavy lead weight attached.

???? ? A little decoration for you my dear.?

???? He walked behind her but she knew better than to turn her head.? She felt the chain across her back and then Kurt asked Greg to attach a clamp to her right nipple while he attached the other.? The clamps bit fiercely into the already sore nubs and she had to bite her teeth together to suppress a scream.?

???? ?Now the pussy lips I think.?

???? Fingers brushed her labia as first one and then the other of her swollen labia felt the vicious bite of the clover clamps.? In spite of all her resolve she howled as Kurt released the weights and they stretched her tortured cunt lips.? Greg was standing before her again, he pushed his cock against her lips.? She dutifully open her mouth and swallowed his cock, gagging as he forced it deep into her throat.? After a minute he withdrew and his cock was replaced by that of Kurt.? She felt fingers pushing at her labia and was thankful that Kurt?s cock held back her screams as the a finger was pushed deep inside her, agitating the weights before being drawn out and trailed across the narrow divide between her pussy and the puckered ring of her anus.? The finger pushed against the muscle and then forced it?s way into her bowel.? Kurt rammed his cock into her mouth and down her throat as the finger was withdrawn and she felt Greg?s cock push against her anal ring.? Kurt withdrew his cock a little and she gasped for breath as Greg pushed the rim of his glans past her sphincter and deep into her gut.? Kurt thrust again and the hapless slave felt herself skewered on the two poles of male flesh as both men began to slake their lust on her.?

???? Emma felt the chain being lifted from her back, she just had time to realise what was about to happen when Kurt pulled hard on the chain.? She screamed in agony as her breasts were pulled outwards by the brutal clamps but Kurt merely thrust his cock further down her throat.? Greg was savagely pounding his cock in and out of her arse and each movement brought more agony as the weights rocked pulling at her cunt lips.?? Both men were fucking her violently now with no thought for the agony they were inflicting on the helpless young woman.?? Kurt pulled harder on the chain and she felt his cock expand even more as his come jetted down her throat gagging her screams, and nearly making her pass out.? She barely felt Greg pump his hot seed into her arse and across her cheeks before they released her and she fell forward resting on her forearms, sobbing and panting for breath.? Greg rubbed his come into her arse cheeks and then presented first his hand and then his cock to her lips.? Emma had no strength left to resist, she licked first the come covered fingers then the cock.? Finally Kurt raised her head and looked at her tear stained face.

???? ?Well slave haven?t you anything to say??

???? Emma forced herself to think

???? What did he want?

The answer slowly surfaced

???? ?Come slave we are waiting.?

?Thank you Master and Master Greg for using me and showing me my true place I am most grateful.?

???? God, I hope that does it.

?Very good slave I am sure Master Greg has been impressed by this first demonstration of my training abilities.?

???? First demonstration, oh shit, they?re going to do more to me, she almost screamed as the realisation hit her but wisely remained silent.

???? ?Yes she seems to be very obedient will it last?


???? ?We?ll soon find out I think it?s time we went to the dungeon and put her through her paces some more.?

??????????? The chain was again lifted from her back and Emma stifled a scream as Kurt pulled it over her head and let it dangle over the edge of the table pulling on her, by now almost numb, nipples.?

???? ?Stand up slave.?

???? Oh no I can?t do this.

???? Kurt?s hand was in her hair, lifting her up, pulling her body upright, the chain snagging as it dragged on the edge of the table sending agonising pain through her breasts.? He looked into her eyes, bending forward he kissed her gently and then forcefully, his tongue thrusting into her mouth.? She felt herself returning the kiss, her tongue twining with his and the pain being pushed into the back of her consciousness.? Suddenly he stopped.

???? ?Now stand up.?

???? She gently moved her knee to the edge of the table and tried to ignore the jagged shafts of pain from her cunt as she moved and the weights did their brutal work.? Finally she managed to get first one foot then the other onto the floor and stood trembling with her legs spread wide.? The chain swung lazily from the nipple clamps and the weights pulled obscenely at her labia but she was standing.?? Greg watched with what he hoped was an impassive look on his face, he wasn?t going to show it but Kurt?s mastery of Emma had impressed him deeply.



???? ?Good now let?s go to the dungeon and show Master Greg how a good slave behaves.?

???? Emma?s heart sank.

???? I hope Anne can take a lot because I?m going to need a lot of compensation for this.

???? The thought flashed through her mind before she screamed again as Kurt grasped the chain and pulled her from the room by her nipples.

???? Greg followed the pair from the room watching Emma?s still delightful, if somewhat battered, rear as she tottered on her heels with her thighs kept wide apart and the weights swinging from her pussy lips.? He smiled at the way she had automatically put her hands behind her back and grasped her elbows.? There was no doubt about it in his mind, Kurt had the young woman perfectly under control.? The question was how would Anne react to the same regime?? He would wait and enjoy the rest of the show.? After all it was enthralling, very satisfying and free.? He smiled at the thought as they finished ascending the stairs and neared the dungeon door.

???? The trio stood in the dungeon, Emma was panting and swaying, the pain in her cunt and tits was only bearable with the greatest effort of will and she was near to passing out again.? Kurt looked at her and smiled.?

???? ?I think our little slut needs a rest.? My thought is that she should take the weight off her feet for a few minutes, say about ten minutes on the ?pony??.?

.? Emma?s head drooped at the thought of the coming ordeal.

???? The bastard, the ?pony?, my poor cunt.

???? She winced as the thought of what was coming made her try to close her thighs and the weights gave her a savage reminder of their presence

Both the men saw her reaction and burst into laughter at her discomfort. Kurt took hold of the chain again and pulled the unresisting slave over to ?The Pony?. It? was a wooden trestle made of two triangular ends about 60 cm at the base, a metre high and about a metre in length.? The ends were joined at the base on both sides and at a height of about 50cm from the floor. A deep rail about 2 cm wide and 15 cm deep joined them at the top.??? The top rail was clearly adjustable and was some 40 cm from the top most point of the frames. Kurt pulled Emma until she was alongside the frame.

Emma looked at her Master and the innocent looking wooden frame, she dreaded his next command.

???? ?Kick your shoes off slave, then straddle it, you know what to do. What are you waiting for??

???? She licked her lips nervously before removing her shoes, each movement bringing further agony as the weights and chain continued to pull at her tortured pleasure centres. She reached one hand behind her to hold the top rail before gingerly swinging her right leg over the rail.? Her efforts to move slowly and carefully were in vain and the weights swung violently, distending her already stretched pussy lips.? Both men smiled at her pain.? Emma was now stood with the rail between her legs. The bottom and middle rails forced her legs apart and her pussy was about 2 cm from the top of the rail.? Kurt reached down and casually lifted the weight attached to her right labia over the top rail before letting it go and watching with an amused grin as Emma howled at this latest cruelty.? As she knew worse was to follow.? Kurt raised her arms above her head and clipped them to a chain hanging from the ceiling.? The chain was attached via a cable through a? pulley system to an electrically operated winch bolted to the wall.? He began to operate the winch, hauling her arms tight until she was forced to lift her heels and stand on the balls of her feet.? Kurt returned to the ?Pony? and began to pump on a handle which, Greg realised, was connected to a small hydraulic pump.? As Kurt pumped the top rail rose inexorably, forcing itself between the tortured young woman?s cunt lips until the poor girl was forced to raise herself even further on her toes.

???? Kurt pulled up a high stool and invited Greg to do the same.?

???? ?Riding the ?Pony?, some say it?s the most evil thing you can do to a female.? It?s certainly very effective and makes them squirm most interestingly don?t you think??

???? ?I?ve seen it before and yes it?s very effective but may I make a suggestion???

???? ?By all means.? What have you in mind??

???? ?Stretch the nipple chain out in front of her and use a rubber band to tension it down to the front of the ?Pony? that should really test her.?

???? Kurt clapped his hands with genuine glee.

???? ?Wonderful why didn?t I think of that? Where?s a rubber band slave??

???? Emma could have screamed but this time in rage.

???? The bastards how can they, and now he wants me to tell him where the next instrument of pain is!

???? She forced herself to speak through gritted teeth.

???? ?There are some in the second drawer of the chest Master.?

???? Kurt crossed the room and returned with a rubber band and a drawing pin.? Ignoring Emma?s wails of pain and anguish he looped the band into itself at the centre of the chain before pulling and stretching the band and then fixing it to the end of the rail with the drawing pin.? The effect was, for Emma, brutal.? Before the band was attached she had been struggling to keep her weight off the mound of her pussy and her clitoris by pulling herself up on her hands or raising up even more on her toes.? Her shoulders were on fire and her calf muscles burned with the strain but to this agony had been added the final searing pain of having her tits stretched out away from her by the terrible metal clamps squeezing her nipples.? She only dimly heard Kurt explain that she had another five minutes.

???? The two men sat silently feasting their eyes on the spectacle of the pain wracked woman before them.? Her back was arched and her eyes tightly closed.? They could see the muscles in her shoulders and calves trembling as she tried to find an accommodation between her needs. The weights dangling on either side of the top rail rattled against it as the young woman?s muscles trembled with the strain. To rest her tormented muscles or to stop her cunt grinding on the wooden rail between her sweat covered thighs?? Either option caused searing pain.? The addition of the rubber band tensioning the clamps had made the pain even more difficult to bear and she tried to blank her mind to the, what seemed to her incredibly slow, passing of time as Kurt thoughtfully counted down, minute by agonising minute.? Her muscles finally gave up the uneven struggle and she sagged forward grinding her clit into the wood. The resulting screech of pain made both the men roar with laughter and her anger at this enabled her to restore her position for another thirty seconds before she began to sag again, this time to remain in agony as her cunt took almost her full weight.? The last minute was absolute agony before her Master announced that the ten minutes was up.? There was, however, a twist even to this bit of welcome news and she listened in a haze of pain as he gave her a choice.

???? ?Now slave you have a choice, I can remove the clamps and you will be given 18 strokes of the cane, twelve across your lovely arse and six across your tits.? The alternative is for the clamps to stay on and for each minute that you remain on the ?Pony? we will deduct three strokes.? So if you stay there for another six minutes you won?t be caned.? What is it to be??

???? Emma didn?t hesitate, she knew that she could take no more of the clamps, or the ?pony? the cane would be terrible but at least it would be quick.

???? ?The cane now please Master.?

???? Kurt walked to her and pulled her head back, the movement caused further agony in her tits and cunt and she screamed into his mouth as he kissed her.? Her screams grew even louder as first one and then the other nipple clamp was removed followed by a desperate wailing as her Master removed the two weighted clamps from her pussy lips. Kurt caressed her breasts and buttocks smiling at her gasps and moans of pain.

???? ?The cane then slave, nine from me, nine from Master Greg.?

???? Kurt nodded to Greg and the two men walked to a rack on the wall which was festooned with canes and crops.? They selected a thin cane and stood for a moment each giving it an experimental swish before returning to stand just behind the pain racked slave.? Kurt handed the cane to Greg and gave a low bow.

???? ?Guests first.?

???? Greg stood back and tapped the thin rod against Emma?s delightfully presented rear, she flinched and her clit ground on the wood producing another wail of agony. Greg raised the cane and struck.? A thin red line erupted across both cheeks and the slave raised herself on tiptoe screeching with pain.? The cane raised and fell again leaving another mark of it?s passage and raising yet another agonised wail.? Greg moved to stand in front and the one side of Emma.

???? ?Raise your head, show me your tits.?

???? Slowly the slave raised her head and gazed through tear filled eyes at her tormentor.

???? ?Right, keep like that I don?t want to miss this stroke.?

???? He rubbed the cane across the upper part of both her breasts as Emma fought to keep the pose.? Greg raised the cane and brought it down sharply.? Another line marked the defenceless girl?s flesh, crossing both breasts and causing another shriek of agony.? Emma hung from her wrists no longer trying to protect her cunt from the terrible board grinding against it.? Greg returned to stand behind her and delivered two more swift blows to her arse. ?Each left another clear mark but Emma?s cries were muted now, the terrible assault had taken it?s toll and all she could do was sob helplessly as Greg moved again to assault her breasts.? She did not raise her head and Kurt moved swiftly to pull it back savagely by her hair, holding her in position while Greg delivered a merciless stroke to the underside of Emm?s tits.? Two more strokes left their marks on the, by now well marked arse before Greg took his position to deliver his final blow.?

???? ?Head up slave.?

???? Emma hardly heard the instruction her whole being was a mass of pain signals but slowly she raised her head and looked as Greg raised the cane.? She guessed what was coming and tried to look defiantly at her torturer.? The cane slashed down and, as she had known it would, impacted across her nipples.? For a moment there was no sound from her and then a high pitched scream rent the air, keening and echoing round the dungeon.? Emma?s body was locked in a pose with her head thrown back, mouth wide open before she sank froward sobbing bitterly.? Greg was slightly surprised to see Kurt move quickly to her and begin to kiss her gently while talking quietly.

???? ?Well done slave, your Master is proud of you.?

???? Kurt held Emma?s face in one hand and gently kissed her eyelids, neck and lips.

???? ?Will you take the other strokes from me??

???? As if I had a choice! ?The thought was, wisely, left unspoken and Emma blinked back her tears to look into Kurt?s eyes.

???? ?Master I gave you my body for you to use as you please. You offered me the choice of the strokes or the extra time, please cane me.?

???? Kurt smiled and looked at Greg.? Greg had no difficulty in recognising the triumph contained in it or the unspoken message.? Kurt took the cane and positioned himself to one side and behind the hapless young woman. The first stroke slashed across the weal marked flesh of her buttocks.? Kurt didn?t even wait for the screams to die down but delivered a further five strokes to the beautifully presented globes.? Emma?s screams echoed continuously round the torture chamber as she ground her clit on the mercilessly wooden rail and the cheeks of her arse flexed under the assault of the cane.? Greg watched with amazement, and he had to admit, envy.? He found the whole scene a powerful ?turn on? his cock was rock hard again and Kurt?s violent abuse of Emma was a revelation.? Kurt?s voice interrupted his thoughts.

???? ?Hold her head back please Master Greg.?

???? Greg Stepped forward and took a grip of Emma?s sweat soaked hair.? He pulled her head back and up and then, on an impulse, kissed her open tear stained face and lips.? Kurt laid the cane across the top of Emma?s breasts before raising it. Greg watched the cane lash down onto the defenceless tit meat and his cock jumped at the sight of the cane biting deep into the flesh and the sound of yet another scream from the tortured woman.? As before Kurt gave Emma no time to recover.? With Greg still holding her head back he delivered first one stroke to the underside of her breasts and then the final stroke across her nipples.?


??????????? The two men lifted the shivering pain wracked body off the ?pony? and, on Kurt?s instructions, carried her unresisting form to a horizontal ?St Andrew?s Cross?.? They positioned her face down with the cross section supporting her lower rib cage and belly leaving her head and breasts hanging down.? Her wrist and ankles were quickly clipped to ring bolts set into the arms of the cross.? Kurt stood between her whip marked thighs and suggested that Greg positioned himself in front of her head.? He slapped Emma?s cane and whip marked buttocks.

???? ?Now slave I?m going to fuck your wet little slit while you suck Master Greg.? When we have both come the session is over.? You may not come until I tell you is that clear??

???? Another meaty slap to Emma?s abused arse cheeks produced a shriek of anguish which was followed by even more screams and howls of pain as Kurt buried his cock deeply into Emma?s tortured cunt.? The screams stopped when Greg lifted her head by her hair, pushed his cock deep into her mouth and began to fuck it.? Both men began to use the tormented pain filled body, oblivious to the cries of distress which escaped from Emma?s mouth whenever Greg removed his cock.? They continued to thrust deep into mouth and cunt but, as Greg watched he noticed that Emma?s arse was starting to rise and fall in time with Kurt?s brutal thrusts.? He continued to fuck the girl?s unresisting mouth and throat while watching the tell tale signs of Emma?s arousal.? Greg reached down and began to caress and then maul at Emma?s beaten tit?s.? Her arse started to buck frantically and Greg thrust even deeper into her throat until his balls were touching her chin.? Kurt suddenly slapped Emma?s arse.



???? ?Don?t come yet slut.?

???? Greg felt himself letting go as the sperm boiled up from his balls and then deluged the back of Emma?s throat.? Kurt gave a great roar and slapped the girl?s arse again.

???? ?Come now my slut.?

???? Greg had pulled his cock from Emma?s mouth and released her head.? She suddenly uttered a curious high pitched wail and at the same time Kurt pulled his cock from her cunt and sprayed the beaten cheeks of her arse with come.? Both men stood looking at each other along the whip marked trembling body.? Greg came to a decision.

???? ?I would like to talk to you before I go.?

???? ?Ok let?s release this slut, she can clean us up and then we can talk.?

???? As he spoke Kurt rubbed his come into Emma?s arse cheeks.

They released the girl and stood, as on her knees before first one then the other, she licked the remains of their sperm from their cocks before drying them with her hair.? When she was finished Kurt spoke.

???? ?Now slave I think you have something to say, after that you can go and have a shower then rejoin us both in the lounge.?

???? Emma Knelt before Greg with her hands behind her back holding her elbows.? With some difficulty she bent forward and kissed his feet before rasing her head and looking at him.

???? ?Thank you Master Greg for punishing this worthless slave.?

She turned and repeated the same actions and words to Kurt before slowly getting to her feet and leaving the dungeon.

???? As they were making their way to the lounge Greg was finalising his thoughts.? Kurt?s demonstration, and that he had no doubt was what is was, had a powerful effect on him.? Anne, in spite of or maybe because of her stubborn streak, was the best submissive her had ever known.? Her sexuality and her capacity to take and enjoy the painful side of s/m play was unparalleled.? Would sending her to Kurt undermine that and turn her into just another submissive ?pain slut??? He doubted that.? After all if she was with Kurt, what could he really achieve in the week that Greg was minded to give him?? That was, of course If Anne agreed.? Come to that, if she was still there when he got home!? With luck Kurt, aided by Emma, would break her of this reluctance to engage in bisexual activities which she said she wanted but always refused at the last moment.? He resolved to make an agreement with Kurt to send Anne for one week?s training with clearly defined rules.? He didn?t really trust Kurt but thought that he could make the rules carefully enough to cover all eventualities. What he was blissfully unaware of was, of course, the powerful inducement that Kurt had given to Emma to ensure that she would cooperate fully in her brutal torture and sexual abuse of the past two hours.

???? They arrived back in the lounge.? Kurt offered Greg another drink but he declined and both men sat facing each other across the coffee table which had so recently been decorated with Emma.? Kurt decided to take the offensive.

???? ?Well were you impressed?? Is that not the perfect example of a submissive slut, especially when you consider that she is predominantly a lesbian?

???? ?It was very impressive, but she?s not Anne.? Anne has a wild rebellious streak that I?m not sure Emma has, lesbian or not.?

???? ?Ok my friend.? I presume Anne will do your bidding.? Send her to me for a couple of weeks and I?ll send her back ready for anything, and I do mean anything.?? Kurt gave a broad knowing smile as he said this.

???? Greg smiled back while keeping his reservations about Kurt?s ideas of ?friendship? firmly to himself.? He decided to state his position but keep a few cards up his sleeve.

???? ?For the most part I?m in control of Anne.? The two subjects, firstly? of her wanting to experience lesbian sex, and secondly, her rebelliousness are what?s at issue here.? I can?t go along with two weeks for lot?s of practical reasons, the principal one being that Anne has a very well paid and responsible job and couldn?t take that length of time off. I can and will send her to you for one week, that?s five days.? I would want a clear agreement between ourselves as to her treatment, and my having access to her during those five days.?

???? Kurt was silent for a long time and then he spoke.

???? ?I don?t think five days is enough, and I don?t think you having access during that time is reasonable or sensible.? I?m going to be devoting a lot of time to this and I wouldn?t want you visiting here during that time to interfere with the process.? You obviously think I can be of some assistance, so please don?t ask me to try to accomplish it with one hand tied behind my back.?

???? Greg had to admit to himself Kurt had a point.? His visiting during Anne?s time of training would probably be a ?bad thing?.? It had been a negotiating point anyway, he decided to concede and move on.?

???? ?Ok, both points taken, and accepted.? I think a full seven days is appropriate, and I won?t visit during that time, merely check with you as to progress.? My other stipulation is, and this is totally non-negotiable, that she must not be in any way


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A Reason To Live 8211 Blissful Submission

Hello guys, I am your Anand back with the third part of the story about blissful submission. Thank you, guys, for your support and love. Just like the title suggests, this part is the most erotic of the three parts involving a lot of humiliation, cum, and a lot more submission. Let me give you a quick tip. Guys – a Dom-Sub relationship does not always involve humiliation, badmouthing, etc. It is a special form of lovemaking that requires deep trust in each other. In the story, people relinquish...

4 years ago
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A Reason To Live 8211 Blissful Submission

Hello guys, I am your Anand back with the third part of the story about blissful submission. Thank you, guys, for your support and love. Just like the title suggests, this part is the most erotic of the three parts involving a lot of humiliation, cum, and a lot more submission. Let me give you a quick tip. Guys – a Dom-Sub relationship does not always involve humiliation, badmouthing, etc. It is a special form of lovemaking that requires deep trust in each other. In the story, people relinquish...

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The Pleasure Of Submission

The Pleasure Of SubmissionSubmissive Exploration – Day OneBy Jazz Brodi He was the type that talked very openly about sex a long with what was going on in his life. He was straight to the point and always spoke his mind but never in a mean or cruel way. He spoke with passion about what he believed in and how he felt about life in general. His humor is what most people loved about him. It was not only his humor but how he carried himself. There was something about him that just made you feel...

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Incestuous Harem 9 Incestuous Submission

Chapter Nine: Incestuous Submission By mypenname3000 Copyright 2016 Vicky Samuels I loved how Pam Hiragawa trembled as I led her into my dark classroom. Trickles of light bled through the closed Venetian blinds, painting stripes across the neat rows of desk. The nineteen-year-old, Japanese girl trembled, hands clasped before her, pale-olive cheeks flushed. Her silk-black hair was gathered in a French braid falling down her back. She was the type of Japanese girl Clinton would love. I...

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The Dare Book 2Chapter 6 Submission

Early the next morning, unable to sleep, Talia got up and wrote about the rest of the previous evening. She interrupted her story when she got a reply from Mason, and they went back and forth about the wisdom of what she was doing, and how she was so brave, but for her to be careful. She continued to think about what might happen, and she resolved to call in and work from home again, unable to imagine spending a whole day at work while wondering what Peter would do to her when she got home,...

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Sandras Submission

Sandra's Submission Chapter 01: Sandra's Problem"I get hit on plenty, it's just not by the right kind of guys." Sandra shifted in her chair, adjusting her sandy blonde hair as she spoke. Her friend, Laura, stared at her intently through dark-rimmed, rectangular glasses."What kind of guy are you looking for?" she asked."Oh, I don't know. Not what I find. The kind of men I attract are all weak, wussy dopes. They want me to make all the moves.""I figured you'd like that.""Just because I'm...

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Lessons from Duddy Lesson two

Lessons from Duddy (Lesson two)A play on the story written by tuggit4me.https://xhamster.com/stories/lessons-from-duddy-9745876It was one week after my first lesson that duddy asked me to join him back in his office.I was a tad less enthusiastic about going back in, because the taste of his sperm was still lingering in my mouth, and I did not particularly enjoy it that much.However I obeyed like a good girl and entered promptly when he called me over.He sat in his chair behind his big wooden...

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The Teachers Submission

// credit for this story is due to the original author, apparently TOD. The Teacher's Submission by TOD Chapter 1 Let me take a brief moment to introduce myself..... and tell you of my shame. My name is Mrs. Barbara Jones. I am 35 years old; married to a rather submissive man named Jim and teach Jr. High math. I also serve as the department head. I do not have what is considered a knock out body but I can turn a man's head when I dress to please. I weigh 119 pounds; my...

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Lisas Black Submission

Lisa Keller groaned, as much in shame and humiliation, as in budding pleasure as she thought about the chain of events that had brought her to this place of her incipient adultery. She had not wanted to go to this party, but her husband had insisted. They had only been married for six months, and they had moved into this country club neighborhood, into a home that they really couldn't afford. Her new husband, Brad, had stressed to her how important it was that he succeeds in his new job, as the...

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An Experiment in Submission

Ahhh, Dragon*Con. Fantasy and science-fiction mecca for the freaks, geeks, nerds, and their groupies. Once a year, this ever-growing crowd of introverts and odd near-geniuses congregates in the hotel center of downtown Atlanta to pay cult-like homage to games, literature, art, music, and films of the weird and strange variety. Essentially, it's three days of LARP-ing. What a blast. I was standing by the pool at the center of it all, the Hyatt Regency hotel, a cigarette poised between my lips,...

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Stephanies Submission

Stephanie's Submission Part 1 ? The Restaurant By Rilawild Stephanie was nervous as she walked down the street towards the restaurant.It was early, she'd just left work, and she knew that the restaurant wouldnot be full at this time of day. Her anticipation was tempered by her nervousnessat the thought of what she was to do. Her on-line ?master' had ordered hergo to a restaurant, have a meal and at some point, she must go to the ladiesroom, remove her panties and fasten them around her...

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chastity submission

Chastity and Submission of a HornThe story of a married, cuckolded, chaste, submissive and controlled man, who lives a cuckold relationship with a dominating wife. I tell here my day to day, of the relationship of domination and submission. I live locked in a chastity belt and I only have ruined orgasms. We practice role reversal and see my wife having sex with other men. She practices tease and denial, without me In my last post I talked about the beginning of chastity. Now I’m going to talk...

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Service and Submission

Service and Submission The evening play party was winding down, and I was still on the "X" frame in the main room. It had been a most memorable evening, having been on display, available to play for whomever wanted to use me. The leather corset I was cinched into had warmed over the last few hours, so it was reasonably comfortable particularly with the way my chest was heaving in exertion from the whipping. I was cognizant of the feel of the nylons covering my long legs, and the...

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Weekend Of Submission

Weekend of SubmissionSix weeks had passed, since my 1st encounter with Camille (Cami) and her roommates in my ?Lesbians and Unicorns? story. Cami had me tied naked and spread on her bed. Time after time, Cami mercilessly teased and tormented my pussy, with her tongue, bringing me higher and closer to my 1st orgasm that I so desperately needed. But each time, she would stop just before I could have my release. Shortly after Cami began her 5th diabolical assault on my wanting clit, I became...

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A TRANS Formation Chapter 15 Allies Submission

Allie sits naked, in front of her vanity mirror, thinking about how her life has changed since she met Jill. She fondly remembers the night she and Jill got high on the psychedelic drug LSD, and went on a life-changing trip that began their journey together. A trip from which they could never return to the place from where they had started.Her hair is still wet from the shower she's just taken, and she lets her mind wander as she dries and brushes her long locks. She has never forgotten the way...

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Lesbian MILF Seductress BrideChapter 8 The Wedding Day the Final Submission

Susanne was at the church, dressed in her white thong, white garter, white bra, white stockings, white heels and, of course, white dress. Her hair was immaculate and she looked radiant. Outside she looked ready for the wedding that was to begin in one hour. Inside she kept nervously looking at the clock that seemed to have stopped moving, worried for the impending and assumed arrival of Bree. Almost as if on cue, there was a knock on the door and Bree came in, dressed in a beautiful aqua...

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Jacks Submission

Jack?s SubmissionBy Master IncChapter One(How It Started)Melody lay quietly on her bed.  She was nude and in a very relaxed state.  Buried between her legs was Jack's head.  He had been gently kissing and licking her cunt for the last thirty minutes.  Melody had experienced at least three strong climaxes during this time and was now basking in the afterglow.  As Melody looked down on Jack and the difficult position she had tied him in while he pleasured her, she thought back to how Jack came...

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Submissive Incest Mind ControlChapter 6 Daughterrsquos Ultimate Submission

Notes: Thanks to WRC 264 for beta reading this! Such pride surged through me as Daddy led us out of the massage parlor, his hands clutching our leashes. Every time he tugged on it, my clit flared with pleasurable pain. The black leash clipped onto the thick, gold ring pierced through my bud and nestled between my folds of my snatch. Proof that I was Daddy’s sex slave. I walked between my submissive mother and my half-sister Georgia. All three of us were naked (well, Mom wore her black...

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Dominance and Submission

Dominance and SubmissionA young man learns the pleasures of submitting to "Aunt" Shelly."Dominance and Submission"On my 15th birthday I went to live with Shelly. Shelly was a family friend who agreed to adopt me indefinitely. She was a beautiful 28 year old and quite independently wealthy. We got along well - I gave her no cause for complaint and respected her for letting me live with her. I did everything Shelly asked and in return she was like a big sister to me.After I had lived with Shelly...

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Sassys Forced Submission

                               Sassy's Forced Submission                                                                                                                                                                                                                I come by my nick name honestly. My dad nicknamed me Sassy. I grew up with it, even in school it stuck. I was always mouthing off. Seemed to be my nature. Not a  smartass just feisty. I loved flirting, and sassing the guys back when...

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++++++ I’m Donna, and I guess this is the story of how my life changed big time for the better. I had met my future husband just after he had started his commercial real estate company. He was engaging and funny, but I could tell that he was also driven for success. We were married only a month after I had graduated with a Bachelor’s Degree in Business Administration, honeymooning in Maui for two idyllic weeks. I’d had a job lined up, but I never went to work because I was four months...

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Lessons In Life

This story is basically about my first lessons in sex and maybe my appreciation of mature women to this day. At the time I was sixteen and had my second girlfriend. Second girl I had had sex with that is. The first one was a girl who lived on the other side of Birmingham who was more of just a sex thing than anything else. The second one was closer to home who I sometimes took out on dates and we acted in proper boyfriend/girlfriend manner.One day Mrs Hood ( changed for obvious reasons ) was in...

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Lessons From The Librarian

Codes: M/f, caning, school setting, BDSM, real, romantic, consensual, Real Life Synopsis: Shannon routinely gets into trouble at school, until she finally meets her match, in the form of the school’s librarian. Her lessons eventually extend beyond those the school teaches. Author’s notes – This story started based on a photo as a task for Qmoq. I enjoyed writing it so much that I’ve continued working on it. There are more chapters to come. I have to thank Q for being the inspiration behind...

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My submission

Season : Rainy Niyol stands for inner energy, passion, fire as told to me by my elders. I am Niyol, a 29 years young, single Indian male who has been brought up in traditional environment until I was 17. Then in a Hostel in my college days, I learnt the competition, the speed, the adulthood of real world. In the quest to know more new things and with the latest fad of Internet, I also learnt the art of chatting, surfing and got introduced to a very sensual different side of the world of kink,...

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Louises Weekend of Lesbian Submission

[b][u]Louise's Lesbian Submission Weekend - a true story related by her husband[/u][/b][b]The Cast[/b][b]Louise [/b]- submissive bisexual wife, in her mid 50's. Huge tits, overweight [b]Mary[/b] - dominant bisexual black woman, mid 30's. Slim build [b]Jane [/b]- dominant lesbian white woman, possibly early 40's.[u]Prelude[/u]Louise has been very submissive since her early teens. She loves being abused by dominant black women. She has hd trysts with Mary before. This weekend tryst was set up...

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My story of domination and submission

My story of domination and submission My story of domination and submission. At 23 years of age I was finally on my way.?? Life to this point had been full of tough choices and anything but easy.? My father was a truck driver who did the best he could raising me as a single parent.? We moved a lot but Dad always found away to keep me in school as well as find good folks to look out for me when he was on the road.? ?That all changed the day before my sixteenth birthday.? ?Dad was in...

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A Step into Submission

This story is dedicated to Lady Orchid, Mystress, the Domme Corps and MystressWorld.comI spent a great deal of time in that strange place between awake and asleep trying to convince myself I was not dreaming. The muscles in my shoulders and legs were clearly suggesting this was reality, I would never dream this kind of discomfort.  The worst was I could not move to get comfortable.  The little bit of motion I actually had only seemed to make it worse. The piece of fabric in my mouth, now well...

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First Submission

The Note Sophie was intrigued by the note that must have been slipped into her pocket while she was on the tube. She hadn’t noticed anyone put it in, but she was sure it wasn’t there when she left the office just 30 minutes earlier. It must have been someone she knew, the details were too accurate, her name was on the outside of the small envelope, and the accuracy of what the note said meant it was someone who knew more about her than she realised. As she read the note again for the...

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Dominance to Submission

His heated body had goose bumps rise as the chill of shock froze up his muscles. He never believed he would give up his dominance for a woman he barely knew. She was something else though, her body so mesmerizing none could stop from staring, and yet her mystique never lost its edge. She had begged him to give up his control for her and he had foolishly agreed; he just couldn't say no to her pouting face.So here he was, bound by warm, rough leather with a cold cylinder gag clamped tightly in...

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My fascination and addition to bondage, submission, and sex began when I almost 14. It began when my 20 Yr old first cousin from up north came to visit my grandparents for a week. My other first cousins includimg one wild female one all came to see him. They decided they all wanted to go to town and I wanted to go too. They said I was too young and couldn't go.I told them I was going to have grandpa make them take me with them, and they said I wasn't. They grabbed me, holding a hand over my...

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Kristys submission

“How much more time will this meeting take?” Derek’s voice was bored. “Excuse me?” snapped Kristy Anderson. She spun around to glare. Her legs, heightened by another new pair of designer 4-inch pumps, spread slightly making the slit in her skirt rise up a firm thigh. She did not get to be the head of ForEx Trading by putting up with arrogance such as this. No one had ever taken power from her. “Yes,” he stated. “I need to know much longer you intend drone on about the fate of the dollar.” He...

Straight Sex
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First Submission

The Note Sophie was intrigued by the note that must have been slipped into her pocket while she was on the tube. She hadn’t noticed anyone put it in, but she was sure it wasn’t there when she left the office just 30 minutes earlier. It must have been someone she knew, the details were too accurate, her name was on the outside of the small envelope, and the accuracy of what the note said meant it was someone who knew more about her than she realised. As she read the note again for the...

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Holidaying into Submission

The time has finally come and I am throbbing all over with excitement. I am going on holiday with my Master, 9 days and nights with him, alone, vulnerableand submissive. I receive my email on time, the evening before we leave. The instructions areclear... be shaved clean, wear no underwear, wear t-shirt top with a collarand trousers and meet at the money exchange counter at the international terminalat a set time. The mid afternoon time engaged my curiosity as I was aware thatwe were on an 8pm...

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Sarahs Submission Ch 04 Submission

Sarah got to school the next morning having no idea what the day would bring. The first couple of classes were uneventful. 3rd period found her back in math class. She laughed at how she used to look forward to math with Mr. Sheahan. Flirting with him seemed like so long ago. Of course, he still looked hot, but she had dealt with so much in just the previous weeks. Her infatuation seemed innocent by comparison. Jenny attacked her right after class. Sarah thought she knew what to...

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Catherines Black Submission

Catherine's Black Submission byblackandwhitewriter©Roy drove his huge cock deep into Catherine's sopping wet cunt, her moans filling the air. They'd been at it for almost an hour and she'd had four intense orgasms. Once again, her breathing picked up, longer and faster, as she neared yet another climax. Sure enough, with a few more of Roy's powerful strokes, Catherine exploded for a fifth time, her screams signaling complete satisfaction...and near exhaustion.Roy was a handsome black man and...

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11. TOTAL SUBMISSION.A snuff by consent story, reissued by special request in memory of the lady it was built round and who “vanished” just after this was originally issued.Warning if you don’t like terminal BDSM, leave now She had had a rough life really, she had been orphaned in her early teens, distant family didn’t want to know, so she had been in local authority care till she was too old for them but by then she had learnt to use her body for both pleasure and gain. She was no shapely...

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Training my little slut to complete Submission

While I was still a bit unsure if my new sub/slave was what I am really looking for I will defiantly know by tonight. I have so many wonderful things planned to do with her that if she knew now she may not show up. On Wednesday I challenged her to 15 orgasms for me from me starting at 5am till 830 Pm. Well she started earlier at 330am I believe so there is one I could have taken off. She was well aware of the consequences if she failed. 1 Stroke of my choice on her smooth ass, long story short...

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Submission By: Erapuer - [email protected] THE FOLLOWING STORY IS 100% FICTION, IT WAS WRITTEN BY ME AND MEANT TO ONLY BE DISPLAYED ON FICTIONMANIA.TV. IF YOU WOULD LIKE TO USE MY STORY ELSEWHERE PLEASE CONTACT ME AT MY EMAIL ADDRESS LISTED ABOVE. I had been married to Candis for approximately 2 ? months and we still had not had sex. To be more accurate, I had still not had any sex. She was free to sleep with whoever she wanted, which meant I was not an option. Our...

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Sex and Submission

Sex and Submission - A Story in Two Vignettes Vignette One - Her It was last Saturday morning, and I was getting ready for Doris' afternoon fetish party when I got an email telling all of us that the affaire was cancelled, sorry, maybe next weekend, yadda, yadda. I had intended to make the "Grand Entrance" in full fetish regalia, and was assembling my outfit; tight leather corset with chrome studs and buckles, lace top sheer nylons held up by a 6 strap garter belt, ?cup bra that...

1 year ago
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Book of Common Prayer Prayers For Weekdays Tuesday ACT OF SUBMISSION

ACT OF SUBMISSION Hail My King- My Masculine, Virile, Absolute Ruler, You are full of strength and deserve my absolute submission. I am Your servant, Your devout servant And I am Yours always. In eternity. My mind belongs to You, My heart belongs to You, My female body is Your temple And You are my only God. My eyes are Your eyes, My ears are Your ears, My hands are Your hands, I walk ten feet behind You And follow You everywhere. At Your feet I kneel and pray, That...

2 years ago
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The Greatest Submission

The Greatest Submission The Greatest Submission Written by Hawk_Fann and Sbbe, his SlaveStillbehindblueeyes (at) hotmail (dot) com WARNING!? THIS IS A WORK OF EROTIC BDSM FICTION.??  IT IS ADULT ORIENTED MATERIAL OF A SEXUAL NATURE.?? ?DELETE NOW IF YOU DO NOT WISH TO VIEW THIS TYPE OF MATERIAL.??The Author does not condone any of these actions, this is fantasy, make believe, you know day dreaming. ??Copyright 2006, Hawk Fann & Sbbe.? All rights reserved.?We would love to hear from you...

4 years ago
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A Journey into Submission

A Journey into Submission A Journey into Submission Summery: This is a story about a woman named Elizabeth who comes home to an intruder in her home. The events that follow lead her into the world of D/s. At first Elizabeth is confused by what she is experiencing and feeling. By sudburyhousewife [email protected] Author?s homepage and self-introduction; (recommended for new author) I don?t currently have one. I?ll update when I do Story Code: M/f, toys, spanking, D/s,...

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Lessons in lust from Allison part 2

Lessons in Lust From Allison Part 2 Allison grinned up at me as my boxers landed on the floor. She wrapped her hands around my hips and my skinny adolescent ass and practically shoved me backwards onto the couch. My cock jutted out rapidly in front of me, and she eyed it hungrily. She moved up the couch until her lips were on my cheek. Her hand ran gently through my hair as she whispered, “ I think you’ve earned a reward for all your work tonight Greggy. You like the sound of that?” I nodded...

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I remember my feet drumming on the mattress as a huge cock tried to get inside my little pussy I was trying so hard to keep him out but I seemed to be losing the battle...One night when I was sleeping he came to my room and I woke up with my pajamas off and on my belly my legs were spread wide and he was trying to get his huge thick man cock into my young virgin pussy well I was determined to keep him out and had been successful so far but then he reached under me and began to feel my clitty...

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