Timothy free porn video

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Moments later, Timothy was being led through the corridors of the grand house.Gail was leading him by the arm as Susan followed behind. Timothy was tremblingwith embarrassment feeling utterly gauche and awkward as he was herded throughthe opulence of the ornately panelled corridors. His face was still suffusedin a blush of bright red. His skin felt goose-pimpled at the embarrassmentand indignity of his humiliating examination by Susan's mother. He could stillfeel the effect of her cool hands as she had handled his genitals in such anintimate manner. Had he known of the preparations the girls had made for hisday at Gail's house, he might have fled there and then.

Both Gail and Susan had taken great care with their preparation for the dayahead. They had dressed carefully, knowing full well the effect that theirgood-looks had on Timothy. They both chose summer dresses from Gail's wardrobe.The quality and French cut of the dresses had impressed Susan so much thatGail had to laugh.

"I can't help it if mummy always insists on buying me the best… justlearn to enjoy the luxury." They had decided that both of their dresses lookedfar sexier without a bra. Susan had bent low over the dressing table as Gailwas carefully applying her makeup. The glimpse of bare breast through the veeof her neckline made Gail laugh out loud.

"My god, the boy won't know where to look if you bend over him like that." Theyboth giggled as Gail opened one of the drawers of her dressing table and handeda pair of sheer French panties to Susan. "Put these on, they are so wonderful,it is like wearing nothing at all." Gail could not help admiring the perfectform of her friend as she lowered the small white cotton panties she was wearing.Lazily she stroked her hand over Susan's shaven pubis as the girl daintilystepped out of her own panties and put on the pair Gail had given her. Susanheld her dress above her waist as she admired the tiny triangle of lacy material. "God,if you don't look sexy Susan." Gail rolled her eyes as Susan twirled in frontof the mirror, her buttocks were completely bared, the wisp of material atthe rear was completely hidden between the cheeks of her bottom.

Later, impeccably dressed in their summer dresses, they had paraded themselvesin front of Gail's mother. They both wore freshly applied makeup and theirhair was brushed to a shine as they twirled around.

"I must say that you both look absolutely stunning. I hope that he doesn'tfaint at the sight of two such beautiful girls. That dress looks so good onyou Susan, that I am sure Gail will agree with me that you should keep it." Gailnodded enthusiastically before Susan had chance to protest at their generosity. "Don'tsay a word… the dress is yours… now I think we just have timeto add a little perfume… remember you might want to arouse all of hissenses." They all laughed, the girls knowing full well that perfume would indeedassail the boys senses even further.


Timothy hardly had time to appreciate the luxury of the furnishing and tapestriesthat adorned the wide corridors as he was led through the large house. Gailheld his arm in a firm grip as she led him like a small child. They turnedright and left several times until they reached the large sitting room.

Constance was seated, her beautiful figure poised gracefully with her armsresting on each arm of her chair. Behind Constance, stood Pat and Geraldine,her two secretaries and to the side of the room stood the two maids. Both Amiand Jessica were dressed in short black silk skirts that showed off much oftheir shapely thighs. They stood primly with their hands clasped in front ofthem as if waiting to be of service.

To Timothy, Constance Goodman appeared regal and serene as she sat in thelarge ornate chair. He felt awkward and ill at ease as Gail led him to thecentre of the large room. He blushed to a bright red as she made him standin the centre of lavishly patterned carpet. Her deliberate positioning of himenabled everyone to have a perfect and unobstructed view of his trembling formand at the same time instilled in Timothy a feeling of humiliation. It wasa perfect example of a young boy being 'on the carpet', an expression wellknown to many an English schoolboy who has fallen foul of the school rules.

Constance was dressed impeccably in a navy blue suit. Her face was beautifullymade up; her hair beautifully styled and brushed away from her face accentingthe exquisite bone structure of her face and the firm line of her jaw. Timothylooked down at his own clothes, feeling utterly inadequate in his loose shirtand gym shorts. He shivered as Constance spoke to him, her voice sounding sowell modulated and cultured that it further added to his feeling of inadequacy.

"So you must be Timothy. Welcome to my house young man. My daughter tellsme that you are a very nice little boy, so I hope you are going to enjoy yourday with us." Timothy could only blush as Constance spoke to him. Her referralto him as a nice little boy made him feel even smaller and more humiliatedthan he could have ever imagined.

It was no accident that Constance had chosen to address him as a little boy,or that she had earlier suggested that Gail should place him in the centreof the room. She could see by his blushing cheeks that this combination washaving her desired effect upon the young boy.

She was able to examine him at her leisure as he stood before her with hishead bent looking down at the floor. She could immediately see that his faceand physique were perfect in every detail. He was she thought, the most delightfullooking young boy that she had ever seen. She remembered the fragile and delicatebeauty of his mother and understood where much of his good looks and rare physicalform had come from.

His shirt was tucked into his shorts, accenting his slim waist. The shortsthemselves displayed much of his legs and Constance delighted in the fact thatvery soon she would be able to examine his body without the hindrance of clothes.

Gail and Susan were standing to the side of the room and Constance lookedat their young faces as they in turn watched Timothy. It was difficult forConstance not to smile as she glanced around the room. The two maids were watchingthe boy in an almost predatory fashion. She looked up over her shoulder, notingthat there seemed to be similar interest in the boy by her two young secretaries.In fact, Constance thought that the atmosphere in the room seemed expectantand poised.

She looked across at Ami as the delicate and tuneful sound of the door chimesechoed within the room. She had no need to speak as Ami was already walkingtowards the double doors that led to the main corridor.

"Tell me Timothy," she continued, "would you like a drink of something? Ihave some fizzy drinks, or perhaps a glass of milk. I know little boys needtheir milk if they are to grow up to be strong and healthy." Constance watchedhis cheeks blush with redness as he raised his head. Rather than wait for hisreply she looked across at Jessica and spoke softly to her. "Would you be sokind as to fetch our young guest a glass of milk dear?"

Timothy blushed again, this time his cheeks deepening in colour to an almostpurple hue. He felt utterly embarrassed and humiliated. Not merely at the belittlingand humbling experience of being addressed as a young child, but also of beingthe centre of interest of so many beautiful young women. Each time he lookedup at Constance Goodman he was aware of the interest of her two young secretaries.He looked down at the floor again, acutely aware that his stature in the eyesof Susan and Gail would be further diminished by the condescending words ofGail's mother.

It was in a haze of humiliation and trepidation that he heard Ami returnto the room and announce, "Nurse Bishop has arrived Madam. I have taken herthrough to the main bathroom and left her to make her preparations as she requested.I will go and give her a hand and then bring her through to introduce her toyou."

Constance looked up as her maid spoke and then smiled at her benevolently. "Thankyou Ami, yes do bring her through as soon as she has finished, I would liketo talk to her."

Timothy could not help himself looking across towards the young maid. Herexpression told him instantly that she already knew why the nurse was here.He felt his cheeks burning with utter embarrassment as she looked him up anddown, her eyes openly lingering on the area below his waist. He shivered involuntarilyas he saw the glint of amusement in her eyes and the sardonic look upon herface. He watched her as she turned to leave, her short skirt swaying with themovement of her hips, a movement which deliberately attracted his attentionto the beauty of her long legs.

Constance watched the young boy's display of utter embarrassment. She wasdelighted that the nurse had arrived early. What could be better than his presentposition as she asked the nurse about his treatment. She looked to her rightas Jessica entered the room carrying a silver tray upon which was placed atall glass of milk. Constance smiled to herself as she saw that the glass helda brightly coloured plastic straw. She watched as Jessica approached the youngboy, enjoying his further embarrassment as Jessica stood next to him and gentlystroked his cheek as if he were a small child. Jessica bent her head so thather face was close to his and spoke softly to him." Here you are Master Timothy,I've brought you a straw so you don't spill it"

Constance could see his indignation and embarrassment as Jessica took holdof his hand and raised his arm to take the glass from the tray. "There youare sweetie; take the glass in both hands now like a good boy and hold on tightso that it doesn't slip... there, that's the way." Jessica put the tray downon one of small coffee tables and watched the boy take the glass.

Constance Goodman was delighted with the performance of her maids. It wasa masterly stroke for Jessica to bring him a straw and make him hold the glasswith both hands. The boy's abject humiliation was manifested in the tremblingof his hands as he put the straw to his lips and sucked. She could see thathe was so embarrassed that he did not know what else to do. His blushing cheeksand trembling lips were a delight to behold as she leaned back in her chairand watched him in his discomfort. He shivered visibly as Jessica causallyplaced her hand on the nape of his neck and ran her fingers upwards throughhis hair, tousling it as one would to a very small child. Constance thrilledas the boy blushed again, his face colouring quickly with an abrupt flush ofshame.

To her delight Jessica stood over him and watched him drink through the straw,her delicate fingers caressed his neck as he half emptied the milk. He loweredthe glass and looked at the pretty young maid. His bottom lip was tremblingas he proffered the glass to her. She spoke gently but firmly, her eyes lookinginto his as he stood holding the glass towards her.

"Now, be a good boy and drink it all up. You want to grow up to be a bigstrong boy don't you?" Before he could answer she took the glass from him andstepping behind him and brought her arms around either side of his body, holdingthe glass next to his face.

Timothy's arms were effectively pinioned to his sides as she teased his lipswith the tip of the straw. She pressed her cheek next to his as she whisperedsoftly to him, her perfume assailing his senses with a delicate aroma as shespoke.

"Now sweetie, drink your milk like a good little boy. There you see I amholding it for you so you need not worry about spilling it." She brushed herlips against his cheek as she pressed her body closer to his and teased thestraw into his mouth.

Timothy was in turmoil as he involuntarily drank from the glass until itwas empty. His body trembled and shivered as Jessica deliberately held himclose.

"There you are sweetie, you drank it all up like a good boy." She brushedher face against his cheek before taking the glass away and stepping backwards.She smiled as she observed the fresh flush of red which suffused his cheeksand the tremor which ran through his body.

Constance disguised her delight at the maid's management of her young guest.Instead she looked into his blushing face, ignoring his shame and embarrassment.

"Well Timothy, what would you like to do today? It is already quite warmoutside, so perhaps you would like to play in the pool. It is quite shallownear the steps. I know that little boys enjoy splashing about in water." Shedid not wait for a reply but instead raised her arm and indicated Pat and Geraldine. "Ihaven't introduced you to my secretaries. This is Miss Patricia Foster andthis is Miss Geraldine Drew. They are both excellent swimmers so they willbe able to keep an eye on you when you are in the water. You can simply addressthem as 'Miss' if you are unable to remember their names.

Timothy was blushing with shame and quite ready to protest his maturity whenhe was interrupted by the return of the Ami who ushered the nurse through intothe room. "Nurse Bishop Ma'am." She announced as Penny walked towards ConstanceGoodman and held up her hand in greeting.

"Please call me Penny Ma'am." Penny was dressed in a white tunic which finishedjust above her dainty knees. The thin fine-cotton tunic had buttons at thefront which covered the entire length of the garment. Constance noted thatseveral of the buttons were undone at the hem, revealing much of the girl'sthighs as she moved and also that the buttons at her cleavage were also undone.

Penny moved forward and stood by Timothy's side. "Thank you for the facilitiesMa'am. I will be able to manage quite well. I will just need some help as wedon't have stirrups for his legs."

Timothy blushed profusely as Penny casually mentioned his impending treatment.He shivered as Penny continued. "If it is alright with you, I will take himand give him his enema… er and I think he will need shaving again."

All eyes seemed to descend on Timothy's shorts as Penny casually announcedthat he was to be shaved again." He started to tremble visibly as Constancespoke.

I was hoping er… Penny, that you might explain his treatment to me.What exactly is the matter with Timothy?"

Penny smiled, knowing full well how shameful it would be for Timothy to listento a detailed explanation of his treatment. "Well ma'am… he has beenproducing semen at quite a high rate, He has never ejaculated until the otherday and his testicles were so full that his scrotum was stretched to the pointwere it had become painful. Doctor Ashcroft has decided that until he can befurther examined that he should be drained at regular intervals and observedto see if he gets down to a normal level of production."

"I see, so is his scrotum still swollen and painful?" Constance looked atTimothy as she spoke, watching him quickly drop his eyes and look down at hisfeet.

Penny smiled at the question, noting that Constance showed no embarrassment. "Noma'am. He is very much better and the amount of semen I have extracted alreadyshows signs of decreasing in volume. Would you like me to show you, it willbe easier and more precise that my just telling you." She moved the boy forwardby his arm until he was standing in front of Mrs Goodman.

Timothy began to shiver as the nurse moved in front of him and dropped downon to one knee. She reached for the shoelaces of his white Gym shoes and beganto undo them. To Timothy's utter dismay she held his ankle and made him lifthis foot, quickly divesting him of both his shoe and sock.

"er plea..se NO Miss."

Timothy tried to protest as Penny quickly removed the shoe and sock fromhis other foot and tucked both his socks into his shoes and placed them tothe side. She stood up so that her face was only inches from his and spokefirmly.

"Now Timothy, be a good little boy and let us have no nonsense." He blushedimmediately. His bottom lip trembled and a tears appeared in his eyes as herealised that his body was to be bared in front of everyone..

He was about to plead again when he heard Gail's voice. "Now Timothy, don'tbe awkward. You know jolly well that Hazel has instructed both Susan and Ito punish if you are a naughty little boy. Now you wouldn't want everyone towatch you while I took you over my knee and smacked your bare bottom wouldyou?"

Timothy blushed mightily. His face turning a deep purple as the shaming wordswere spoken. He watched as Susan and Gail moved to stand next to the Gail'smother. He shivered as they watched him, their faces showing no signs of sympathyfor his embarrassing predicament.

Tears welled up in his eyes as Penny took his arms and lifted them abovehis head. He trembled as she pulled his shirt up out of the waistband of hisshorts and deliberately slipped the palms of her hands under the material,sliding the garment upwards. All eyes were upon him as she bared his torso.She pulled the shirt up over his head and folded it neatly. It was Pat whostepped forward and took the item of clothing, bending as she turned away toalso take the shoes and socks. She placed the items on one of the coffee tables.Quickly she returned to her position behind Constance, careful not to missany of the proceedings as Penny gently cupped her hand under the boy's chin.

She looked straight into his tearful eyes and smiled benevolently at him. "That'sthe way… just do as you are told and you will be fine. You may put yourhands down and keep them by your sides."

Timothy looked at her, his eyes pleading for her to halt the embarrassingstripping of his body in front of everyone. Instead she patted his cheek andthen took hold of his wrists and placed his hands at either side of his body. "Juststay like that and hold your head up so that everyone can see you. It is notgood for little boys to slouch." Timothy could never have envisaged the utterhumiliation he felt as he looked up. He could see that the maids seemed openlyamused at his obvious embarrassment and that both secretaries were watchinghim intently.

Penny moved around to his rear and bent down on one knee. Deliberately sheplaced a hand on either side of his waist, making him shiver as her cool handstouched his bared flesh. Slowly, almost ritualistically she slipped her fingersinside the elasticised waistband of his shorts, making sure that everyone waswatching as she slipped them downwards. She could feel his body shiver as theshorts cleared his buttocks. Her face was almost touching the smooth moundsof flesh as she heard his gasp of anguish as his penis and testicles were suddenlybared to the view of everyone in the room. She deftly pushed them down overhis thighs to his ankles, before standing upright and moving around to hisside. She bent down and took his ankle, making him lift each leg in turn tostep out of the shorts.

She could see that his penis was swollen although not erect. She quicklyglanced upwards, noting the look of terror on his face as he managed anothermighty blush. Penny took the shorts and placed them with his other clothes.She was pleased to see that the boy had not tried to cover his penis althoughshe was certain that he was fighting a hard battle to keep his arms by hissides.

His legs were pressed tightly together and he was shivering as they all examinedhim from head to foot. There was an audible sigh from Geraldine as she admiredthe boy's perfect physique. Penny made sure that she did not obstruct anyone'sview as she moved to his side and tapped his buttocks lightly. "Stand withyour legs wide apart and place your hands behind your head for me there's agood little boy." She placed her hand upon the back of his leg and almost sensuouslyslid her fingers in-between his thighs, pressing against his flesh until hereluctantly parted his legs. The coolness of her fingers and the embarrassmenthe felt caused him to shiver as slowly he raised his arms and clasped his fingerstogether behind his head.

To his utter dismay he felt his penis twitch, the warning throb that he hadbeen dreading so much suddenly pulsed through his penis. Whether it was thecool touch of Penny's hands, or that his body had been bared in front of suchbeautiful girls he did not know. He trembled as a further pulse ran throughthe shaft of his burgeoning penis. He dare not look down, but was acutely awarethat his penis was erecting. Penny stood behind him and looked around him,making sure that everyone had a perfect view of his naked body.

Gail and Susan watched as Penny repeated the tapping of her fingers againstthe inside of his thighs until the boy was standing with his legs spread widelyapart. Susan was fascinated by the gradual lengthening and thickening of Timothy'spenis. She watched it as it pulsed, the foreskin retracting backwards fromthe mushroom shaped head. It twitched and grew until it was pointing outwardsand upwards from between his thighs.

Both Pat and Geraldine smiled with amusement as the boy's turgid member extendedto a full and throbbing erection.

Suddenly the embarrassment became too much for Timothy. In a fit of acutetrauma his hands quickly darted to his groin. He grasped his penis and pulledit against his tummy, his hands flattening as he hid his genitals from view.

Penny did not seem the least bit perturbed by the action. Her voice was cooland measured as she addressed Mrs Goodman and the girls. "Oh dear I am afraidlittle boys seem to want to play with their penises at any opportunity. Itis an unfortunate and dirty habit. I think perhaps Timothy is a little boywho needs taking firmly in hand."

Timothy could not help shivering with embarrassment as Penny spoke as ifhe were a small child. He was about to protest that he was merely coveringhimself out of modesty when Gail and Susan moved to stand at either side ofhim. Without a word they gently took his wrists and pulled his hands away fromhis groin. They held his arms outwards at almost at shoulder height.

Gail managed to hold his arm in position while she moved to stand behindhim. She bent his arm upwards until his fingers were touching the back of hisneck and then beckoned for Susan to place his other hand in the same position.

"Now keep your hands clasped together like the Nurse has instructed."

Timothy gasped as Gail smacked him firmly upon his bare bottom.

"Do you understand me Timothy?"

He gasped, hardly managing to speak with the sudden indignity of being smackedby the young girl. He blushed and hung his head in shame.

I'm sooooo sorry …er … misss"

"You may well hang your head you naughty boy. I should think you are… verysorry indeed. Now we will have no more nonsense while my mother inspects you.You are a very lucky little boy to have so many people take an interest inyou. So my young man you will do as you are instructed… do I make myselfclear?"

Timothy groaned in anguish, his voice tremulous as he replied. The shameand utter humiliation had drained him of any further resistance as he turnedhis head to look at Gail. Tears rolled down his cheeks as he spoke.

"I am so sorry miss… er I promise."

Gail delighted in her authority over the beautiful young boy. Deliberatelyshe looked him over from head to toe, making sure that he was aware of hercasual inspection of his naked form. She stood back and admired the red markher hand had made on the soft flesh of his bottom before she accompanied Susanto stand next to Pat and Geraldine. She spoke to Penny who was standing backseveral feet behind Timothy.

"Please proceed with whatever you were going to do. I am sure Timothy willbehave like a proper young man now."

Penny delighted in Gail's handling of the young boy as she stepped forwardand without preamble slipped her hand between his buttocks, sliding her fingersdown between the pliant mounds of flesh and then forward slipping them betweenhis legs until she was able to cup his testicles. She slid her other hand aroundhis waist so that her fingers rested on his tummy. She could feel the youngboy shiver at the intimate contact of her fingers.

She addressed Mrs Goodman deferentially. "If you would like to feel his testiclesyou will notice how large and swollen they are compared to other little boysof Timothy's age."

Penny had been careful in her description of the boy, taking her cue fromthe Mrs Goodman and the girls. She continued, her tone nonchalant as if itwas perfectly normal to have a young boy stripped naked and standing with hishands clasped behind his neck and his legs splayed wide apart while his testicleswere being held forward for everyone to see.

Timothy shivered as Penny casually rolled his testicles within his scrotalsac. His nakedness was accentuated by the cool breeze that wafted through thedouble glass doors which were opened to the outside patio and pool area. Helooked at Mrs Goodman as she spoke. His cheeks blushing as she stood upright,her graceful body only inches from his own nakedness.

"I have some medical knowledge and I think this would be an excellent opportunityfor me to examine him."

Although Penny was surprised that Constance had not immediately taken holdof the boy's testicles, she smiled as she realised that Constance intendedto examine the young boy far more thoroughly. She let go of his testicles andletting her fingers trail between his legs, stepped backwards and stood tothe side.

She watched as Constance placed her hand under the boy's chin and held hishead so that he was forced to look at her. She spoke softly as she looked himin the eye.

"Now Timothy… open your mouth I want to have a look at your teeth.His chin was trembling with emotion as he opened his mouth. Constance movedcloser to him and immediately felt the tip of the boy's erect penis press againsther thighs. Deliberately she let the material of her skirt play against thetip of his penis as she examined his opened mouth. She moved his head fromside to side as she looked into each side, noting the whiteness and the symmetryof his teeth.

Gently she placed her hands on either side of his head, feeling the bonestructure of his cheeks and moving her hands gently around his small ears.Constance was already quite sure that she had never encountered a young boyof such perfect proportions and such good looks. Apart from the obvious sexualpleasure of having a young boy naked and obedient to do with as she willed,Constance also had a purpose to her examination. She was sure that Gail hadalready had an opportunity to examine the boy closely, but Constance was keento see if he was really as perfect as he appeared at first glance.

Timothy was in turmoil he could feel his penis throbbing wildly with theconstant stimulation from the contact with Mrs Goodman's body as she movedto and fro. The touch of her hands was soft and gentle upon his face and head,almost a caress as her fingers traced downwards on to his neck. The sexualstimulation to his senses was so great that he felt a fierce throbbing betweenhis legs, a jolt of sensation that seemed to travel upwards from deep insidehis bottom to the very tip of his penis..

Constance was well aware of the effect she was having upon the young boy.Fearing that he might suddenly ejaculate, she stepped back abruptly and placedher hands upon his chest. Watching his blushing face carefully for signs ofsexual emotion, she allowed herself the luxury of smoothing her hands overhis young torso, her fingers played around his nipples causing the sensitivenubs of flesh to stiffen. She continued her exploration of his body, lettingher hands gently trail down over his tummy and then ultimately slide aroundhis slim waist.

She looked at his throbbing penis, marvelling at the stiffness and size ofthe straining flesh. She was aware that he had followed her gaze and she quicklylooked into his face, seeing his cheeks flush with redness as she caught hiseye.

She smiled at him as one would to a small child and spoke in a gentle voice.

"Now Timothy I want you to keep very still while I examine your penis andyour testicles. Do you think you can do that for me?" She delighted at thetremor of embarrassment that ran through his body as she sat down on the edgeof her chair and placed her knees daintily together between his legs.

She looked into his eyes, waiting for a reply. She observed a second shiverof embarrassment as he struggled to speak.

"Er… y'yes er… miss."

No sooner had he spoken than Constance leaned forward and delicately tookhold of his penis. She placed her thumb beneath the pulsing shaft and her fingersin a row upon the top of it as if she was holding a clarinet.

"Now keep very still while I retract your foreskin."

Timothy shivered and shook as Constance gently smoothed the outer skin ofhis penis backwards towards the base of the shaft. He groaned as the foreskinslid away from the glans, revealing the entire head of his throbbing member.He watched in horror as she placed the forefinger and thumb of her other handgently against the rim of the glans and stroked the end of the foreskin backeven further until it was stretched tight.

The sensation of her cool fingers against penis was almost too much to bear;he could not help but look at what she was doing as she spoke to him, her voicebright and matter of fact.

"Well you are nice and clean behind your foreskin Timothy. Did you manageto wash yourself, or did your niece have to wash you?"

The Question embarrassed him so much that he looked around as if for help,only to see that Gail and Susan were both looking down at his throbbing penisas indeed was everyone else in the room. He expelled his breath in burst ofexasperation and abject dismay as his humiliating experience continued.

Constance looked into his eyes, her pretty lips pursed as she waited forthe boy to reply. "Well Timothy… were you able to manage to wash yourpenis yourself?"

He groaned inwardly, his face turning bright red and his fingers clenchingtogether behind his head in anguish. He could feel his penis throb as she heldhis member delicately between her fingers, her gentle touch keeping him erectand in utter humiliation.

There was a trembling in his voice as he looked at the beautiful face ofMrs Goodman.

"… oh… er…please…. er …it was urm Hazelmiss…that washed er… me."

Constance smiled at him as his bottom lip began to tremble. Her beautifulfeatures held an expression of kindness and care as she spoke gently to him.

"I thought as much, she was obviously very thorough. Little boys should bediscouraged from touching their own penises. It is a disgusting habit and onethat I am sure your mother would never condone. I am sure that your niece willtake you in hand while your mother is away. Gail tells me that she is a verycompetent young lady."

As she finished talking she let go of his penis and then casually tappedit with her fingers as if to emphasise the point. She watched the rigid fleshwobble and sway as she tapped it once more. She waited a moment, delightingin his embarrassment before taking a much firmer hold of his member with herright hand, gripping it tightly while she scraped the tip of her perfectlymanicured finger nail over the opening of his urethra.

His immediate reaction was to push his bottom backwards and gasp loudly ashe tried to escape the acute sensation. Constance held him firmly and repeatedthe procedure, ignoring the frantic gyration of his hips as she teased thesensitive opening. She paid no attention to the boy's acute dilemma, insteadshe addressed Gail and Susan as she held his penis tightly.

"Have you both noticed how beautifully he has been circumcised? The foreskinhas been cut so that it still extends over the glans but leaves the skin quitefree to travel backwards and forwards. If you ever need to bathe him, you willfind it quite easy to retract the skin so that you can wash him thoroughly.Most little boys are not as lucky as Timothy to have someone to wash them properlyand make sure that they are absolutely clean."

Timothy could not help but look at Susan and Gail as he heard Mrs Goodman'sdemeaning comments. There was a look of pure horror on his face, almost a pleato the girls that what she was suggesting must never happen.

Casually Constance tightened her grip upon his penis as she placed her lefthand beneath his testicles. She delighted in his tormented movements as hetried to stand on tiptoe to escape the acute sensation of her fingers. It wasto no avail as her fingers enveloped his scrotum. She squeezed the soft orbsfirmly, but not hard enough to cause him pain although the anguish upon hisface was there for all to see.

"Well Penny he seems in very good order. His testes are very large aren'tthey? I am sure he will feel better after you have made him ejaculate. Wouldyou turn him round for me and bend him over so that I can look between thecheeks of his little bottom?"

Timothy blushed again… an immediate and violent reddening of his cheeksas he heard Mrs Goodman's words. Like all young boys he had a fearful dreadof having his bottom stretched and bared for everyone to see. He shudderedas she squeezed his testicles and stretched his foreskin backwards once more,holding him completely captive while she looked into his blushing face andaddressed him.

"No nonsense now young man. Do as Penny instructs you, promise me now!"

She held him firmly by both his penis and testicles as she looked into hisface. His lips were trembling visibly and his cheeks were flushed with crimsonas he fumbled for words.

"Arrggghh… ooohhh… I er… promise miss."

His voice was tremulous, his nervousness and sense of utter humiliation waswritten all over his face. Constance could see at a glance that he was almostin tears as she let go of him and leaned back in her chair while she watchedPenny manipulate him into position. The young nurse spared him no modesty asshe moved and adjusted him until he was well bent over with his legs wide apart.Penny had deliberately made him spread his legs far wider than necessary andto add to his humiliation she had made him grasp his ankles like a schoolboywaiting for punishment.

She looked satisfied with her final positioning of the young boy, observingthat his penis and testicles were hanging down freely from between his legs.His penis, although engorged, was not erect.

Constance could see his bright red face, which was partly obscured by hisgenitals as she leaned forward and studied him intently.

The sound of his breathing had become quite laboured, partly because of hisbent position, but more, Constance thought, because of his feeling of acuteembarrassment.

She had heard the quick intake of breath from the girls behind her as theboy was made to assume his position. Even with this undignified position, therewas no denying the symmetry of his form. Constance had a sudden urge to stickher finger straight up into his bottom, although outwardly she appeared cooland clinical as she leaned forward and placed her hands upon each cheek ofhis bottom.

Gail watched with delight as her mother lifted her elbows so that the fingersof both hands met exactly over the deep crease of his buttocks.

"Now Timothy… just relax your bottom cheeks while I examine you."

Her voice was soft and caring as she pressed the tips of the fingers betweenthe crevice of his bottom cheeks. She thrilled at the sudden quaking of hisbuttocks as she pried open the firm flesh. She could see from between his legsthe sudden blush to his upturned face as she stretched him wide.

"argggghhhhh… oooh please…er noooo."

He could not control his involuntary plea as his buttocks were forced apart.He began to shiver, not just with the physical discomfort he felt, but alsowith the utter embarrassment of having the very core of his bottom exposedfor everyone to see.

Constance was delighted with the small and neat rosebud of his sphincter.She would have liked to impale him on her finger there and then, but had alreadydecided that there would be plenty of opportunity later.

"I see that you are clean here too Timothy. Am I to presume that your cousinwashed your bottom for you?"

Timothy was in turmoil, his humiliation complete and utter. His buttockswere stretched widely apart and he could feel the cool air from the open doorwayagainst his sphincter. He knew that everyone in the room was watching his intimateand humiliating inspection. He heard the question through a haze of abjectembarrassment and anguish. He hardly recognised the sound of his own voiceas he replied.

"er… Hazel washed er… me miss."

His words were so soft and tremulous that they were almost inaudible as headmitted the embarrassing fact to Mrs. Goodman.

He shuddered involuntarily, feeling a huge shiver running through his body,as her fingertips moved further in-between his buttocks. He moaned suddenlyas he felt the first contact to the sensitive opening of his bottom.

"Arggghh… oooOOOH… please noo… no"

His gasp of anguish did nothing to deter Mrs. Goodman from proceeding totease his sphincter. Deftly her neatly manicured nails traced over the puckeredentrance to his anus, causing the flesh to recoil and constrict violently eachtime she touched it.

"Keep still now, I am not going to hurt you, but I will smack your littlebottom if you are going to behave like a baby."

Her words completely defeated the young boy. He shivered in shame as shecontinued her probing.

"Now just relax your buttocks and give me proper access. Sometimes I despairat the antics of little boys."

Constance looked up at Penny who had been enjoying watching her competentexamination of Timothy. Constance spoke to her as if the boy were not present… althoughshe still held his buttocks apart and was completely ignoring the squirmingand shivering of his naked body.

"I will not examine inside his bottom until after he has had his enema. Iam sure that Ami and Jessica will help you prepare him and then perhaps Patand Geraldine can come through and help you when you are ready to extract hissemen. Does that sound alright to you?"

Penny smiled to herself; she thought that Constance would have loved to havepenetrated his bottom with her finger. She resolved to make sure that she providedher the right opportunity.

Timothy listened in horror as they discussed him. He felt so belittled andhumiliated that tears welled up in his eyes. He felt Constance remove her handsfrom the cheeks of his bottom and then a light tap on both of his buttocksas she bade him stand up.

"Come along Timothy up you get and off you go with the nurse." Constancewatched him struggle to an upright as she beckoned her maids to come forward.Ami and Jessica did not need any further prompting as they quickly moved toeach side of the boy and took his hands in theirs. Timothy blushed once moreas the pretty maids looked down at his swollen penis. Neither of them botheredto hide their amusement at his embarrassing nakedness.

Penny could not help smirking as Timothy shamefacedly looked down to seethat his penis, although not fully erect, was pointing outwards towards theyoung nurse.

"If you will bring him through, I will get him ready." Penny announced tothe young maids as she turned around and proceeded towards the corridor whichled to the large downstairs bathroom.

Gail and Susan watched with delight as Timothy was led out of the room, theyoung maids walking at either side of the naked boy as they followed the nursetowards the door.

Same as Timothy Videos

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My 18 year old wife fucks my best friend who is b

I took a photo of my young hairy wife Dee Dee naked in 1974 when she was 18 years old. She was a senior in high school and getting ready for class when I asked her to pose naked for me. She asked why and I said I wanted it so I could remember how she looked naked when she was in high school. She thought that was a good idea and posed for me in a position they used in cheers, as she was a varsity cheerleader at school. I also wanted the photo to give to my best friend Willie, who was black...

3 years ago
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Goodnight My Love 2

Goodnight My Love 2 Part 2 Previously – On impulse, I kissed her ear. Sandra sighed contentedly and settled back into my arms. The thunderstorm continued unabated. After a couple of minutes, she leaned her head back onto my shoulder, enjoying the storm and my embrace. Sandra turned her face slightly, pressing her cheek against mine and wiggled her buns against my insanely exhibitionistic boner. She had my full attention, so I heard her when she said, sotto vocce, “I’m having very naughty...

1 year ago
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Shedding Spite

I’m a vindictive bastard. Not all the time of course. You don’t get to run a chain of convenience stores without a degree of likeability. In fact if you met me, that is the first thing you would note. I am extremely affable. Just don’t cross me. I will extract vengeance on you. Not revenge, vengeance. OK you want examples. I used to play rugby, still do occasionally. I was a lock, one of the second row forwards, tall, well set, fairly quick on my feet. So I was chasing down a high and this...

2 years ago
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Family vacation2

Great I thought. A whole week stuck with my patents and sister. I didn’t even have my own cabin. I had to share it with my sister. My friends your be going to parties and getting laid. We had set sail Saturday morning and spent the first day at sea. The four of is spent the day basically touring the ship and getting to know where everything was. We finally went to diner early that evening. After what I must admit was a great meal my parents announced they were going back to their...

2 years ago
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Der Fotograf und seine Nichte

Ich bin Fotograf und meine Leidenschaft ist es gefesselte Frauen zu fotografieren. In meinem Keller habe ich mir eine Werkstatt eingerichtet, in der ich immer wieder Gegenstaende konstruiere, an denen ich meine Modells fesseln kann. Als ich letzte Woche wieder mal in der Werkstatt arbeitete klingelte es an meiner Haustuere. Es war meine Nichte Melanie. Sie frage mich, ob sie in meinem Pool ein paar Runden schwimmen doenne. Ich erlaubte es ihr. Da ich aber meine Arbeit beenden wolle, ging ich...

2 years ago
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Seema Mera Pahla Pyar

Hi friends mera nam salu hai aur me navsari dist ke ek bilimora gauv se hu. meri age 23 he aur me muslim hu. me bachpan se hi sex ka deewana hu koi bhi ladki mujse chudwana chahti hoto muje jarur mail kare mera Email ID he . bat usdin ki he jab me share market me jata tha Aur uske uper hi ek computer class chalta tha waha pe ek seema naam ki ladki jo 19 years sayad hogi wo bhi waha pe basic sikhne ati thi aur me roj use dekh ke smile deta aur wobhi muje roj dekh kar smile deti. Kuch dino tak...

3 years ago
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Slutty Sophie the College Student

It’s the first day of class of my first semester in college. My first class was computer science, ugh. I wish that I didn’t have to take classes I’m not interested in. There is a cute girl in the class though, her name is Megan and she has short black hair. I don’t know if this class will be fun or not. My second class is Spanish! Thank you past Alex for taking Spanish in high school, this class should be easy. Nothing too much to report, the teacher seems okay. Oh but there is this one...

3 years ago
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Office WorkloadChapter 8

Characters introduced in this chapter: The Author(me): A 27 year old single male who just got a new job after few months finding for one Mrs Patel: The supervisor who is assigned to guide the author on the daily routine of a HR personnel Setting for the current chapter: Mrs Patel House: House where Mr and Mrs Patel lived. Its a double storey terrace house Authors home: A 3 bedroom apartment where the author lives alone The music did what it was supposed to do. I was hard as a rock by...

3 years ago
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In der Kuche der Teufelin German

Es roch nach Zigarettenrauch, Schweiß und Pisse. Sehen konnte der Gefangene nichts, denn sein Kopf steckte unter einerdunklen, schmutzigen Kapuze. Handschellen fesselten ihm die Hände aufden Rücken und seine Arme befanden sich im eisernen Griff zweier brutalerWachen. Man zwang ihn vorwärts und lachte über seine vergeblichenVersuche des Widerstands, während er zum x-ten Mal das Last-Minute-Ticketverfluchte, dass ihn in dieses kleine lateinamerikanischen Land gebracht hatte- zwei Tage vor einem...

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