white girl rebecca with her black father inlaw
- 2 years ago
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Debbie is my 20 something sister in law. She is as described in thisstory, ultra thin, big tits (for such a small frame) long legs and a poutingarrogant mouth. I didn?t make enough reference to whom she was and how sheacted in the story and that's a shame. So I?m doing it now.
She?s a grade one-cock teaser; no boyfriend doesn?t need one but likes todangle men on her finger. Like puppets I guess. Most guys I know hate her butat the same time would love to bang her brains out. And she knows it that?s oneof the frustrations with her.
Her condescending tone of voice and bitchy attitude has got her into scrapesbefore, but she would never admit it was anything she did wrong; she'sperfect after all.
Every time I meet her and she acts all flirty and oh so coy and superior Ijust smile and know that this bitch has secretly given pleasure to thousandsof readers ? enjoy.
Debbie had blown out her third guythat night just before she decided to leave the club for the evening. He'dlooked at her incredulous. He'd been polite; charming even, and he'd beensure he was in here. But the longhaired brunette had suddenly turned cold, infact down right rude. He felt himself visibly shrink at her sarcastic putdowns and it was only after she'd sauntered out of the bar did he wish he'dthrown his drink over her.
Debs adjusted her heels as she stood in the city street. She balanced on oneteetering leg as she raised the other, hand holding her shin the heel uptouching her butt. She adjusted the straps bending her waist over in her bluefigure hugging dress; her cleavage exposed by the open plunging neckline.
There was a voice hailing her and she looked up to see a white cab slowingthen stopping. It was nearly 1 am and she sprang like a tigerto reach the car. She opened the door triumphantly as two other revellerssighed with frustration. They'd been waiting ages for a lift and some littletart just walks straight out into one.
"Tough!" Debbie thought to herself almost reading their minds, thefrustrated expressions on their faces so explanatory.
The driver, a mid aged Asian man just nodded to her in welcome then noddedagain as she told him her address. Debbie sat back her dress riding up, herlong legs crossed. She could see the driver glancing in the mirror. Shewriggled her butt on the seat her waif body stretching and yawing, her legscrossing and uncrossing flashing her white knickers.
She knew how much the fare should be, and reckoned she could get it for half.She would just be sooo sweet and innocent, confusedeven. The men all went ga-ga for that.
"Oh poor little me," she joked secretly to herself. "Littlegirl lost in the big bad city."
This man was staring more than usual and she thought maybe he'd not chargeher at all.
She looked out of the window and frowned. This was the wrong part of town!
"Hey excuse me you're going the wrong way."
The man shook his head saying this was the address. Debbie raised her voiceto a high and mighty tone.
"I don't think it is! What kind of taxi driv..."
It was at this point she realized he might not be a taxi driver at all as hiscar dropped down a ramp into a dark under house garage.
Debbie shouted, anger turning to fear.
?What the..? How dare you. I'll ohhhh!" Theman pulled her out of the back seat pushing her towards a cellar door.
"Get down there you white slut." He snarled, his hands on her armsgripping her tightly.
Debbie stumbled in her heels, her waxed legs shinning in the almost pitchblack. She struggled unable to see anything as suddenly he began to rope herhands, both wrestling bodies panting in the darkness. She was unable to stophim binding her wrists and screamed as she felt herself pulled up by a ropeso she stood stretched; her feet on tip toe the unseen ceiling pulleycreaking with rust.
Finally he turned on the light and she wriggled, her eyes blinking in theilluminated brick cell. She hadn't really caught a good look at him as he'dbeen facing away from her virtually all the time since she'd met him. And nowshe definitely couldn't.
The dark skinned man was wearing a rubber fetish mask his shirt strippedshowing his hairy fat stomach.
Debbie was moaning her eyes wide in horror. Around the room were racks andshelves with bizarre equipment on. The man came close to her putting hisfingers to his zipper lips. He then put touched her mouth putting a fingerover her own young lips as he spoke.
"Just one hour that's all I want, and then if you're good you cango."
She yelled up to the ceiling rafters and he shook his head.
"No one will hear you, and if they did no one comes to anybody?s aid inthis part of town."
She tried to pull her arms free but just grunted with pointless effort.
"What do you want?" She asked knowing already what his answer wouldbe. But even then she gave a desperate wail as he explained so graphically.
He'd smiled holding her cheeks in his hand. "What's your name?"
She answered.
"Well Debbie, I'm going to do and make you do disgusting things. Thenwhen I've finished I'm going to stick my cock up every hole you'vegot."? Her face froze her voice a exasperated cough of disgust.
She began to plead and try to rationalize with him. "But why me, I'venever done anything to..." The man stepped away leaving the gag out hewanted to hear her beg.
The taxi driver replied as he searched. "Sometimes there isn't a reason.You may deserve it you might not. I only saw your very hot body bent doublein the street and remember it was you who decided to jump in." He pickedup a little white kitchen timer setting it for 60 minutes, placing it on aself. "Shall we begin?" He asked as Debbie shook her head with ahorrified glazed stare.
T - Sixty minutes.
He started by ripping open the front of her dress. The soft blue fabric toreeasily the noise sending a shiver down her back. She'd not worn any bratonight and her excellent globe tits stood proud as always. Her brown firmnipples; so ideal for pressing out under her clothes to tease and tormentwere now goose pimpled. The cold air on her teats giving her a hair risingsensation.
He wasted no time in beginning to grope her, his fat thumbs pressing thenipple ends side ways then letting them spring back.
"There?re so lovely and firm. Umm. Uh yes! Is that good Debbie? Do youlike your big tits squeezed hard?" Debbie was biting her lips trying totwist her waist to loosen his grip. His head lowered and she groaned as sherealised she was going to suckle him.
He opened his mouth sucking one tit end then the other. Then he began to runhis tongue between both nipples his palms squeezing her cleavage together sothat he could almost get both of them in his mouth at the same time.
"Ugg stop no please!" She moaned lookingdown at his dark unshaven face, his lips nipping her boobs, tongue lapping.He squeezed the flesh admiring the softness of her skin. He then produced twonipple clamps out of his pocket.
Debbie raised her eyebrows in revolt she had never seen anything like thatbefore. Placing the suction cups over each nipple he sprang the latches down,her teats been held in a vice grip, the girl horrified.
"Oooooooaawwww! Oh! Oh God ugghh."
The clamps had a hoop attached to them and the man took a half-foot rod,which he pushed through each, connecting them together rigidly. At thedesired length he tightened the clamps so they now locked on the rod.Debbie's tits were now tugged together to give her an ultra-deep cleavage.
The clamps bit hard on her tits the devices locked on the rod about 4 inchesapart so her bust pointed straight ahead like some silicone bitch. Hecontinued to cup and squeeze, smiling, pulling the melons towards him as heexamined. He moved back to pick up a cane, swinging it in menacing swipes.
"No please no don't." She screamed the metal clamp rod rising andfalling in turn with her heaving terrified bosom.
The man nodded. "Very well but you must be good. I want to taste yourpussy and ass hole. And you better let me bitch or it's a caning first."
Debbie nodded back, what choice had she? His hands stroked down her body toher knickers. He hooked his thumb inside dragging them over her knees, Debbiepanting heavily. She could only whimper as he dropped to his knees his handson the inside of her thighs pushing out. She struggled to touch the floor hertoes pressing hard to reach as her legs parted exposing her dark bush.
He began to lick her slit his hands pushing her thighs out firmly andcommandingly.
"Keep your legs spread you witch!"
The masked man spread her dark haired hole, the pink flesh revealed inside. Debbiegave a moan as she felt his tongue flick her opening. Then he began to suckher bud and probe as deep as he could as he made slurping noises.
Debs groaned, his jaw pushing hard against her open pelvis. His hand pushedher thighs out wide and she looked down as she stood like a frog both longlegs bent at the knees on tip toe allowing him room for access. The dirtybastard had his tongue deep inside her now. She could feel it like a snakedarting around. His fingers had her flesh spread and his filthy deliberatenoises only added to the humiliation.
He went further down under her, running his tongue on the soft tender fleshbetween her pussy and her anus, his licking finally caressing her rear hole.She could see his eyes wide looking up at her, his nose almost buried in herpussy as he tasted her ass. He was kissing her anus gently, his expressionecstatic.
"Oooooooohhh!" She gave a high-pitchedcoo as she wriggled; the pulley creaking as it held her body taut.
His fingers pushed into her slit, and then pressed on her ass hole. He beganto jab two fingers into her pussy as he continued to make her spread wide.She grunted at the thrusts, biting her lip, closing her eyes, wishing it wasall just a dream.
"Uh, uh, uh, uh, uh! Oh god, oh god!"
He also grunted, but in satisfaction his eager fingers bending inside her,pressing her walls.
He looked up at her taking pleasure from her shocked expression. Her teethgritted as he stabbed home. Moving away he searched on the shelf finding astrange object. It was white with a long bent rod the end a bulge of ribbedrubber.
"What's that?" Debbie asked in panic.
The masked man positioned the tip as her pussy his fingers spreading herlabia.
"It's a love wand honey. It'll get deep up inside you and vibrate justat the right spots."
"No it's too long." She squealed the thing looking like surgicaldevice.
"Quite bitch!" He snapped. ?It has to be long to get all the wayup.?
With that he began to slowly ease the thin rod into her. She gave a whimperfeeling the rigid plastic stick stiff and deep inside. He turned it on andthe buried head began to vibrate. She moaned the sensations electric, herG-spot been pleasured.
"Ssstop pppleeeaseeee!"She shuddered; the wand was been twisted and rammed home. "Ugggggg shiiit ah, ah,ah!"
He began to bend it inside her. The wand itself was a crooked shape designedto reach were no cock could, and slowly she felt her canal explored andstretched.
The man was enjoying the view. The white stick was ten inches long and virtuallyonly his gripping hand remained visible. Her beautiful dark eyes were vividwith revulsion the humming tip making her pupils widen as he found the idealpressure spot.
Her legs were weakening her knees turning in, as she took most of her weighton her stretched arms. The wand was buzzing in places she never knew she had.He admired her tight pussy lips gripping the thin shaft, her face red withembarrassment and sensation.
"Ohh God uh, uh stop!"
Her tits ached, the clamps and rod heavy. Her cervix and G-spot were takingthe pressure from the vibrating head making her teeth chatter.
"Nnnnnnnnnnn! Oh oooohhhhshit stop, stop!"
He retracted the wand bringing in to the last few inches of pussy where heknew her clitoral nerves would be. "Your ass is so cute," he saidas she bucked unintentionally. "Tell me do you let anyone upthere?"
Debbie began to pant heavily the fear evident.
"No I didn't think so. Ok this might be a struggle."
She tried to pull her arms free as he moved behind her the buzzing tip on herfleshy butt cheeks. She felt her butt been spread by his fingers. The humminghead pressed on her anus sent a shiver up her spine. He pushed harder the endnudging her hole.
"Ooh God no uggh stop, stop." The terrorfilled her; the idea of that thing ten inches in was too much.
"No, no stop we can make a deal, sure, sure, just don'tdo anything to hurt me."
He looked back at his timer; nearly ten minutes gone, he still had a lot todo.
With a relieved sigh from Debbie he turned the wand off. He stroked hercheeks admiring the perfect white flesh her curved rear and hips sweatinglucky to have escaped the examination. Standing up he pressed into her backhis hands curling round to cup her clamped tits.
"Do you think you could take a cock up your rear?? He answered for her;?No? Well not yet anyway."
He lifted another strange object close to her face the tip almost touchingher cute upturned nose.
He had a black butt plug in his hand. The thing was made of rubber shapedlike a cone. It was 3 inches wide at its greatest width, narrowing to almostnothing then back out to a wide coned base. Like the shape of a spade onplaying cards. He moved down her back, the plug greased and large.
"Oh God no don't put that uh, ugggg oh, arggggg!!" Pop!
With one continuous pressure her rectal muscles struggled then parted. Shehowled as the 3 inch width spread her anus, her sphincter clamping downaround the narrow base once it was mercifully inside. She felt like she had ahuge dump ready to drop, her body trying to push it out, her anus refusing topart again to let it.
?Ohh please it's too uh much." She pleaded herbody arching in discomfort.
He ran his finger along her arse crack over the exposed rubber end smiling.
"You'll get use to it." He reassured her.
Debs was struggling to stand the plug painful in her ass. She wriggledputting her weight on one heeled foot then the other all the while her armstied above her head. The man began to unwind the pulley Debbie taking a morecomfortable spread legged stance. Her arms was tired and felt numb as shebrought her bound wrists down to her chest height. Around the room werepieces of furniture. Apart from the shelves there was a high backed chair anda single metal-framed bed. The man held her waist from behind as sheshuddered.
"Now Debbie you promised to be a good girl, well this is what I want youto do."
Debbie blushed as he explained. She'd only ever done that once before, andthen she was very drunk. She felt the big plug in her ass; it seemed to begetting more uncomfortable her gut aching. Her tits were hurting the nipplesgoing numb.
"Oh please, get these things off me," she moaned her body bendingher hips full, legs wide and long.
The man was now sitting on the chair his pants off his legs open.
"The quicker you get started, the quicker I might consider it." Hesuggested as he held his half aroused cock, the fat scrotum and oily cockskin dark and unwashed.
The rope was still around her hands but loose now and she gingerly kneltbetween his legs. He looked down at her; rod bound cleavage deep and invitingher hips curling out. He couldn't see the plug buthe knew it was still in place the expression in her eyes telling him it wasfeeling hot and intrusive. He pulled her head forward his cock now almosterect. To his surprise he didn't have to struggle with her, Debbie obedientlyopening her proud mouth and swallowing him.
He grunted, her lips sliding along his foreskin pushing it back so his purplecock head could touch her gums and teeth.
She wasn't taking enough! In fact she was been too submissive. He grabbed herhair holding it in a ball at the back of her head. He tugged her onto him hiscock sliding deeper. She gargled, and whined her lashes springing open hereyes worried.
She choked as he pulled her head with both hands. His cock was going deeperbut not deep enough. "Swallow, swallow!" he ordered. She coughedand spluttered. The man pinched her nose and she began to struggle forbreath. She was revolted; giving oral sex disgusting to her so much.
"Suck harder bitch, show me you mean it!" She momentarily pulledfree the cock springing out of her mouth spittle spattering her cute nosewith saliva. "Uhhh!"
He stood allowing his pelvis to thrust out, making sure she would now have toservice his full length. Debbie only had time to catch her breath before hepushed his wet saggy skinned cock back into her arrogant mouth. This time heheld her tighter pulling her head further and further onto his horizontalmember.
"Ug, ug good, good, ugggh yess."
He was feeling her tongue pushing back trying to stop his advance."That's it choke on it, choke and my dirty cock!"
Her cheeks bulged as she tried to accommodate all his length the salivadripping from her lips and chin. "Mggghhh!"She again broke free for an instant coughing and retching.
"Oh God, oh God!? She exclaimed the cock touching her tonsils that time.
The man grinned but didn't force back in. He pushed her shoulders back so sheknelt up straight her clamped tits pointing forward. Bent down she had easedthe pressure on her nipples; now the rod and clamps pulled her teats, thegravity trying to take them to the floor.
"Spit onto your tits!" He snapped. She looked confused. "Downbetween your cleavage; do it!"
She spat with difficulty the fluid running between her bosoms to the clenchedvalley. He too spat and she gave a disgusted grunt feeling the warm lubricantpepper her skin.
He spread his legs curling his cock under the tit bar pushing it between hermelons. She felt her breasts prized apart the cock tip appearing up like ananimal out of its nest sniffing just below her neck.
He began to thrust slowly back and forth the saliva making his clenched titfuck easier and more comfortable. Debbie could only stare down then aroundwhat could she do? Her hands were useless tied at her lap, the man didn'teven need to push her tits together the clamp and rod making sure his fleshy wank tunnel was already as tight as possible.
He groaned and grunted slowly increasing speed. As he tit fucked her hetaunted. ?I'm gonna come bitch all over your prettyneck. Yes I bet you'd like that uggh!? He cuppedher sore boobs and she moaned.
"Ah, ah, look down at it, look at it," he said talking about hisdirty cock. "Soon it'll be up your pussy!"
He began to thrust faster. He seemed to be talking to himself," that'sit, uh that's it come on, lets go uhh, uhhh yes, yes."
Debbie was panting heavily adding to his massage. She tried to pull back andhe almost affectionately held her in the small of her back keeping herupright.
"Nearly there Debbie, uggh, uggh oohh."
His cock now slapped up and down between her bust, the spittle long dried orrubbed away; sweat and his own pre-come was now doing the lubricating.
"Nearly there, after this there's something I've always wanted to do toa skinny chick like you." Debbie looked up at him an anxious captive. Atthat second he began to climax her innocent unknowing expression too much.
"Ooh uuggghh yes, yes that's it baby, uuggghh fuckkkk!"
He gasped his tip pumping franticly. The come splattered her neck, over hermounds some even hitting under her chin. The more runny content trailed inrivulets between her tits seeping down onto her tummy. Debbie adding to hisenjoyment with a schoolgirl like yelp of embarrassment.
He pulled from her, the cleavage hole he was exiting filling with whitefilth. She was able to relax and pushed her hands to the floor breathingheavily almost hyperventilating.
His timer told him he had 40 minutes left and he knew he could only rest fora few panting seconds. Within seconds he was refocused.
Debbie yelped as he roughly dragged her to the old mattresses bed. She wasflung back onto it, her arms tied above her to the metal bedpost. Heunclipped the nipple clamps each coming away with a relived sigh from thelithe bitch. He had his mobile in his hand and he made a call. He was talkingto some one, boasting about his captive. Debbie screamed trying to call outto the person on the phone. The masked man just nodded as he talked.
"Yeah, yeah ha you know I will, yeah sure ok!"
He looked at Debbie and put the phone to her ear.
"Hello said the voice." It was strong and deep." What's yourname honey?" The pinned girl just moaned. The voice repeated thequestion more angrily this time.
"D... D... Debbie," she stuttered.
The voice continued. "Nice to meet you Debbie; I coming over real soonand I hope you've been a good girl?"
Debs could only groan in despair, her chest rising and falling; her legscrossed trying to hide her dark pussy. The phone voice continued.
"Let me tell you what he's going to do while you're both waiting forme."
The masked man smiled enjoying the expression on Debbie's face, the phone manwas been so clinical and direct on the other end of the line. The colourwashed from her face, her eyes popping from their sockets in revulsion.
"Oh my God... Noooooooo!"
Twenty minutes had gone.
The brunette chick lay hands above her, tied to the metal bed board totallynaked. She was shaking her head, begging over and over. The masked man alsonow completely naked had yet another device in his hands. The thing was likea black sausage one end having a long 6 foot rubber tube dangling from it.Attached to that far end was a small compressed air canister. She alreadyknew what was going to happen, the phone man had explained and she shoutedand cried out for help.
?Please this isn?t; right you can?t!?
The man climbed onto the bed gripping her under her knees pushing her legswide. She clamped them shut again so he had to wedge his body between herthighs. Debs felt the thick rubber sausage been pushed into her. He'd greasedthe thing and with his stubby fingers forcing, it was soon buried deep insideher pussy. She looked down with horror the black rubber pipe snaking out ofher slit.
"No, you don't have to do this, please I'll be good." She begged ashe twisted the screw on the top of the canister. It was the type of aircylinder a diver may use to fill his life jacket.
With a hiss of pressurised air the black rubber sausage inside her began toinflate!
"Oooh God oooohhh!"Her muscles pushed back the sausage widening, turning into a ball.
"Awwwwwwwwww no, no, uggggggghhh!"
The continuous stream of air had no where to escape and the rubber ball shortenedbut began gaining in diameter.
"No too much uuggghh that's big enough!? Shesquealed feeling her flesh still yielding. Her tight young pussy musclesgripped the tube not allowing the ball exit and she thought she could see herpelvis swelling.
"Uuggghh this can't be happening!"
The sinister voice on the phone had explained what would happen. Once the manwas satisfied the balloon was big enough, Debbie then had to deliver it stillinflated onto the mattress. The masked fucker would help pull it from her,but she'd have to push real hard to get it over with quicker.
She was almost hysterical now her wrist sore from twisting the anal plugalmost irrelevant compared to the monster growing inside her pussy's canal.She couldn't tell but it felt enormous probably 5 inches wide. The manrealizing her body wouldn't stretch anymore stopped the valve.
Debbie had always been slim. Her size shifted from waif to almost anorexicfrom time to time, only her tits seeming to remain full and some what toolarge for her other portions. Her hips were shapely and curved but inproportion to her small frame and she now had to lay with her legs forced outin a birthing position unable to close at all, her pussy canal too full.
The man removed her heels caressing her raised calves stroking her paintedtoes. He was in no rush to start, enjoying the position she was in, open anddominated ready to begin and unable to stop him. Her pelvis was raised and hecould see her butt plug appearing to be ready to bust from her, the pressureinside her body encouraging her ass to squeeze.
When he began to pull he knew all her muscles would tense and maybe she'deven shit the plug out at the same time. He'd like to see that.
The rubber pipe was strong and he was confident it wouldn't snap. He pulledit taut, his biceps showing, Debbie her mouth open in horror. He then beganto tug with purpose, his brunette babe howling.
It hadn't moved. She'd felt it pulled against her cunt lips, parting theslightest fraction, but the strong flesh was resolute. He pulled again.
"Awwww shit, shit awwwwwww!S... S... Stop uuggghh oh no, oh no uhhhhh!"
The sweat was showing on her tits the red nipples fat and sore. Her skinnyframe showed the bone underneath as she tensed, her neck muscles straining.She screamed again.
It had widened her a little more. The man could see the first sign of theblack rubber; her pussy was a pink oval maybe half an inch wide the lipsdrawn back her clit pushed up.
"It's too big! Aww shit your hurting. Awe no,no stoppppp!"
He turned a valve half way down the tube and she felt herself pushing the airfrom the ball with a gentle hiss. But not for too long, only the slightestreduction in size. He began to pull again.
"Push bitch, breath, breath, that's it uhhpush!"
His hand was pulling with all his might the ball now maybe four inches wide.Her lips were stretching wider the thing visible her painful moansaccompanying each long tug. The ball was solid but not rigid; it would yielda little the rubber malleable enough to squeeze the air inside. He knew itwould come out; it was just a question of what gave first the ball or herfully stretched pussy.
Awwww you're splitting me ooooohhh!"He tugged harder.
"Then push it you slut lets see you force the big fucking thingout!"
She arched her back her legs still up knees back towards her chest. The buttplug was also trying to escape the massive girth opening her anus. He gaveanother painful tug and she went for it her body clenched forcing the thing.
Her mind raced thought desperate hoping the ball would give a little."Oh please, please oohh fuck please!" Itdid.
The rubber gave way her cunt seizing the opportunity to spit the wet blackthing onto the bed. Her lips closed but now not as tightly the inside fleshstill visible glistening. At the same time her ass had squealed in pain thebutt almost leaving but the size was just too much, the thing been suckedback in the instant her pelvis had relaxed. Debbiegrunted and sobbed feeling the plug lock back ytightlyup her ass.
The man still wasn't able to get an erection, and his acquaintance hadn'tarrived yet. He rolled her onto her front getting her to kneel and put herhead down. She groaned as this spread her butt cheeks putting added pressureon the plug.
He stroked her ass pressing on the plugs base as he whispered to her.
"When he arrives there isn't going to be any fucking him around, do youknow that?"
Deb was silent her eyes tight shut as he gave her a warning. "So youbetter start behaving." Debbie remained tight lipped.
The base of the plug had a strong leather hoop and the Asian placed hisforefinger through it.
He pulled and Debbie screamed.
Debbie had been with the man in the cellar for just under thirty minutes. Shethought back to the young guys she'd blown out that night. How she wished shewas with one of them now. This man had been methodical in his humiliation.Her firm tits had been cruelly handled, clamped and wankedbetween. Her mouth had been choked full of his dirty cock and... Oh god shecouldn't even bring herself to remember. Her pussy had been fucked with alove toy and then she was inflated wider than she could believe and forced todeliver a dirty big rubber ball.
Now she screamed again from this new indignity, her face down on the mattressher thin arms clenching the metal bed stand. She was waiting for some fuckingpervert to turn up to do God knows to her, while another one passed the timetrying to pull the massive butt plug from her sore ass. She gritted her teethgiving a long wine.
"Aaaawwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww!!" Plop!
He'd managed to pull it out, her sphincter burning with the effort. Therelief was evident in her gasps," ohh thankGod!" Then she looked back her eyes a blaze.
"You bastard!" She moaned seeing the big black monster in his hand;amazed it had ever gone in. Her anus was still slightly gaping, the musclestaking some time to stretch back into place. The man could see a slight blackhole ringed by red flesh.
She gave a surprise squeal his face buried into her crack his tongue insideher anus. She could feel his tongue muscle licking her rim and she buried herhead in revulsion. His hands kneaded her plump butt and he slurpeddisgustingly his finger clenching her flesh too hard making her whine.
There was a noise at the foot of the stairs. The other man had arrived!
This man was tall and black, dressin a leather trench coat. Mid aged, he was heavy framed, some could say fat.Though I doubt you'd say it to his face. He had a look of menace, streetcriminal about him. His eyes glowed with delight seeing young Debbie tieddoggie looking over her shoulder back at him.
The masked man turned to him also. "Your face man! He shouted.
The black thug approached the terrified girl. "I don't need a fuckingmask. No one ID's me if they know what's good for them."
He crouched down beside Debbie and gripped her face making her pout.
"My friend here knows where you live remember. You told him."
Debbie grunted realizing she had.
"Well any cops come knocking on my door and I've got a posse of blackgang bangers just ready to pay you and anyone else there a visit. Do you getmy drift babe?"
Debbie nodded beginning to sob again. "Good," he added." Justcall me Boss."
The masked hairy Asian spoke again, hurrying the man.
"We've only got 30 minutes left!"
The Boss began to strip cussing; "you and your fucking kitchentimer."
The big man continued to look down at her while he removed his clothes, hisbare deep black chest portly his fore arms massive. He admired her bronzedsweated skin, fantastic hard tits and ultra slender catwalk legs, herbrunette mane down her back, eyes looking terrified and out of her depth.
"Well half an hour is enough to give you the eye popping fuck of yourlife honey."
Debbie could only gawp stupidly as his fat thighs as he kicked off his pants.
"You see I just like to fuck, hot and hard. Where as my friend here,well you already know the stuff he's into. I love banging little mummy'sgirls like you. Be sure to squeal for me, you long leggedtart."
The masked man was back looking on his shelves. The Boss was down to hisbriefs, tucking a thumb in either side he stepped out of them his semi hardcock looking fierce, the bulbous head dark purple.
Looking at his rummaging friend he smirked." I'm sure he's got some moresurprises for you while we get it on."
He untied her hands letting her knell up.
"Please don't hurt me." She said nervously her chest heaving. Hegripped her hair tugging it back forcing her head up mouth open.
"Listen bitch, we're gonna do what the fuck welike, and you're gonna lets us right?" Hepulled her hand up to his cock. "Start jerking me baby, real well"
Debbie had his black cock in her hand, and she began to wankslowly the foreskin springing back making him grunt as it scraped his tenderhead.
"Uh, uh, uh yeah, yeah!"
She looked up at him her pretty eyes welling. The Boss grinned seeing whatthe other perv was up to behind her. She tried tolook over her shoulder to see the masked man.
"Keep on me baby, you'll find out soon enough." He growled, hiscock now solid and eager. "Press the eye with your finger." Heordered, and Debbie nail tip stroked the seeping hole. "Uhhh yeahhhhh!"
He nodded to his unseen masked friend and then pushed her down back intodoggie on the bed.
"Hold still, you little bitch."
Debbie shrieked.
The masked man had a big glass syringe about a foot long with a plunger onit. The tip was a big bore greased nozzle which he had forced into herupturned ass unannounced. Debbie bucked forward but strong hands pinned hersteady.
She felt her anus filling with water! The fat syringe must have been able tohold about a pint and a half, and as he pressed the plunger it flooded upinside her.
"Oooooooooo, shit oooooohhhhh!"
She squealed like a pig her hands instinctively reaching back to her butt.
"No uggh oh, oh, ohhhgod It's uggghhhh!"
The men knew what she meant. The water was temperate but sent shivers deepinside her. Like her pussy before she felt her inside swell, this time thepenetration far deeper into her gut.
"Uuggghh, that?s disgusting!"
Once the plunger reached the end he slowly removed the nozzle head. Herweakened anal muscles closed again temporally sealing the big fluid depositup inside her. She felt like she would shit the watery load as soon as shemade any movement. The Asian pressed her dribbling anus lightly and shemoaned embarrassingly.
"Oooh no, no uuhhhGod ah, I c... c... can't keep it inside!"
The masked man giggled. "We'll try Debs; otherwise you're going to havea dirty accident all over yourself."
Her own long finger touched near her crack, her cheeks already wet a slighttrickle running to her pussy. "Uuuhhhhhhh! Howembarrassing." She thought.
The Boss eased the girl onto her back, as she trembled expecting her ass tolet loose any second. Debbie winced as she felt the fluid gurgle inside her.He was climbing onto her, his big hand squeezing her tits, his other handguiding his cock towards her black haired pussy.
?That?s it bitch open up for me.?
Debbie protested and wriggled but only half heartedly. She knew there was noway of getting out of a real hard fucking. She felt the hungry tip at herhaven, the water dribbling from her tired ass hole. It was just after thehalf hour.
"Ohhhhh shit." She groaned.
Thirty one minutes had gone.
Debbie was hardly ever fucked. Sure she was hot, but that was a far as itnormally went. Men were easily manipulated; a bit of cleavage, slightly toomuch thigh etc. She found actual sex a bit crap, in fact the type of boy sheever let near her was normally the weak willed puppy dog type. Hardly thekind to set your bed sheets on fire, but you could keep them in their place,and that's what she liked. However this situation was very different.
Once again she felt herself having to lay in a squatting frog position herlegs out wide to allow the intruders big strong waist between them. His fatbelly was rubbing up her sweating flat tummy, his rough nipple touching herlarger tender teats as he went. He'd untied her and he didn't care if shefought back. She realized he could easily crush her with his strong arms. Hernails didn't scratch, instead just scraped down his flanks reaching his hugecar boot size butt.
He pushed forward with his pelvis his black invader opening her wellexercised pussy lips.
His cock was an inch inside her and rising. She could see the delight in hiseyes. Hers in turn widened as his adequate tool filled her. His hand hookedunder the small of her back making her thrust her chin and tits up. Debbieinstinctively gave a long gasp.
He jerked his hips thrusting deep.?Debs gritting her teeth her mind in overload. "Oh shit he washard!" Debbie a little surprise with her minds train of though at such ahorrendous moment.
His cock pressed deeper inside her, onto her struggling anal muscles. Shewidened her eyes even more. "Oooh, ooohh!" She felt her ass give a little spit of fluidas he hit deep inside her pussy, then another spit.
"Oooh uggh no, noyou're uggh makinnngg ugghhh!"
Debbie clenched hold of his sides the bed rattling. The Asian man was pushingher legs up, the Boss rising up a little taking each leg in his handsbringing the ankles up vertical in front of him. Her ass was been weakenedmore and more. In this position her rear hole was stretched fully pointing ata 45 degree angle to how she was laid, the man almost fucking straight downonto her upturned pussy.
?Thump, thump, thump!?
"Ooh, ohh I can't hold, oohhit innnnnnn!" With an ecstatic scream offrustration she let it go.
With each hungry grunting fuck down her anus began to spurt a stream of dirtyfluid. She was like a human fountain, the water bubbling and spitting as heliterally pumped it out of her.
"Oh, oh, oh, ugh, ugh. No, no, uh, uh oh god, oh god urrr!"
Her ass was giving way completely a torrent of slimy water bursting from itin a spectacular shower. The masked man was delighted, Debbie wailing fromembarrassment as much as hard deep cock pounding. The Boss was grunting, hislarge body rising and falling above her delicate features.
"Ugh, ugh yeah, let loose, yeah urrr that'sits baby spit it out uuggghh!"
She was pumping her ass's contents onto the bed, her relieved hole fartingwith each release. She grunted with a light head, her canal closing the painsubsiding, a feeling of been rinsed out making her blush and shy from lookingat the rampant thug mounting her. She was still full of cock and her thighsached, her slit starting to warm to the friction. He wasn't letting her outof this dominated position, and she wailed as she saw then felt the maskedman fill her ass again with another plunger of liquid.
This time there was no pretence at trying to keep her dignity. As soon as thenozzle had left her hole, in fact before it had left, her shitterwas coughing the slime back out in an explosive shower. It was like puttingyour finger over a hosepipe end the water hitting the hooded man, soaking theBosses pounding butt and making Debs wail in sensation and humiliation.
The Asian was now hard again his bizarre games stirring his cock back intoaction.
"My turn, my turn!" He cried like a kid. "Oh man, I've beenwaiting for this!"
The Boss extracted his length Debbie feeling her body unmolested in any wayfor the first time in over half an hour. The Boss pulled her hair draggingher up.
"Fuck her like hungry dog," he suggested to his eager friend."I'll hold her leash."
With that he dragged her to the floor holding her long dark hair like a rein.
She knelt on all fours naked sweaty and still dripping water. The mask manwas already knelling behind her guiding his cock for her busy slit. Her lithehipped body stretch before him and he was able to see the hairs on the backof her head raised in nerves.
"What a hot bitch!" He thought his cock painfully rigid now. Debbieseemed to be seeing hard cock everywhere, as the men moved their membersbouncing comically.
The Boss knelt next to her face and still holding her mane he put his mouthnear her ear. She felt the Asian ram up her without any attempt at softeningthe blow. She bucked and yelped annoyed at herself for giving the man thesatisfaction of knowing he had mounted her very uncomfortably. The Asian keptboth his feet on the ground squatting like he was taking a dump, his cockangling up inside her increasing the rubbing effect he was having.
"Ugh, ugh, ugh, ugh!"
She took each thrust with a corresponding grunt. What was the point inmasking the sensations he was giving her she had decided; with forlornresignation.
The Boss spoke softly but with power into her ear. "Is that good Debbie?I bet he's getting right up you, isn't he? You keep grunting you littleslut."
Debbie gave a whine her hands clenching the dusty floor.
"Fucking hell he's like a steam train! Announced the boss; tellingDebbie something she already clearly knew. The masked man was hammering herrear his pelvis slapping her wet butt creating a dirty fleshy echo.
Phut! Phut! Phut! Phut! Phut!
"Ah, ah, ah oh, yeah, oh yeah com'n you hornylittle slut."
Debbie was gagging the thrusts on her cervix earth moving.
"Still real tight eh? Your little games haven't loosened her that muchthen." The Boss observed, his friend so engrossed he couldn't responded.
The man had both his hands on her small waist and he felt like he wasplugging a big titted mannequin. Her breast hungdown swinging to and fro as her body took the rear pounding.
"Ugh, ugh, ugh, ugh, ugh!"
Debs looked over her shoulder at him, biting her lip and grunting as heslammed up her. Her expression was one of submission and sensation her darkeyes wide, her lightly painted face a sensual delight. If he didn't stop heknew he would fill her any second, and with a disappointed grunt he fell backaway from her gripping the tip of his cock just in time to stop hisejaculation. The big black guy was sitting on the chair his massive thighswide his cock pointing firmly skyward.
"Now back on me bitch!" He ordered.
Debbie felt relief at been free of the dirty Asian cock. Her ass cheeks weresore from his clawing, her inside also bruised from his lack of foreplay. TheBoss was sat totally exposed his fat purple scrotum large and baggy his cockveins visible, fully aroused the foreskin tugged back by the erectness. Hepointed to it repeating his order.
"Get on it bitch, move it."
Debs shook her head in protest a whine coming from her lips. The masked manwas picking up the cane again. Debs gave a horrified groan.
"Ok, ok!" She yelped. But now it was too late. Both men grabbed herone pulling her hair the other her tiny waist. She screamed as they forcedher over the chair seat her long legs kicking.
She screamed as the cane hit her across both cheeks.
She screamed again the masked man doing the swipes the Boss pinning her witha strong hand across her back.
"Eeeieeeeeeeeeeee stop, stop I said ok, ok,ok!" She squealed. The man gave a final howling swipe before speaking."Now do what your told you slut!"
She fell to the floor half pushed as the black guy re-straddled the chairtaking up the commanding position again. Debbie sobbing lifted herself upresting on his powerful knees. She straddled his wide legs her small feetresting tip toe on either side of the chair her hands on his shoulders andthen raised herself seeing the cock slide down her tummy towards her pussyhair.
"Not that way round," he grumbled, "Away from me, look athim."
Debbie obediently dismounted turning round and lifted herself back onto him.She could feel his cock at her pussy and he gave a slow thrust up as shegently lowered, at the same time his hands curling round her to grab her titslike they were handle bars of some fucking riding machine.
Debbie moaned as she felt him force up her. His hands squeezed her sore titshis cock like a spike pointing straight rigidly up. In this position she feltlike a toy, been groped legs wide over the sides of his spread thighs feetbarely touching the floor. Open, wanton, giving an erotic display to thewatching masked pervert.
Her butt rested on his lap; he was all the way up!
The Boss massaged her bosom as she stared red faced at the naked Asian hiszipper mouth curling a little his wet cock still erect his ejaculationthankfully stalled.
The Boss began to jerk up each thrust small but powerful his cock tip nudgingagainst her womb.
"Ug, ug, ug, yeah oh, ug, ug!"
He grunted in pleasure squeezing her nipples making her moan louder. Theother man could see the black monster flexing at her pussy hole her whitesweaty skin enhancing the menace of the dark probing flesh.
"Aw, aw, aw, aw uuggghh!" Debs waspurposefully riding the man, her head back her mouth open eyes still defiantbut full of dirty cock penetrating sensation. He increased his rate his handsnow on her waist jerking her body up and down her perfect tits bouncing likebeach balls.
"Uh, uh, uh, uh," she gasped falling slightly forward, this puttingeven more pressure deep on her nerve walls. The black bastard was cussing andhumiliating her as he fucked.
"Yeah, yeah, that's it baby uuggghh. I'm allthe way up ya, uggh. Ibet that pussy's real sore now, uggh! Bounce thosetits baby yeah! Oh God yeah I wanna comeyeah!"
Debbie moaned again her body aching from the constant exercise.
"Ohh God!" She was starting to feel feint, see spots before her eyes, her groin hot andactive.
The masked man realising his boss would come protested. "We're notfinished yet man!" The Boss gasping and bouncing shook his head."Don't ugh, worry ugh, about me man ugh, I've got a lot left in reserve."
He began to convulse his hands back on her tits pushing them together leavingher to sit hard down on his bucking cock, Debbie's moans reaching highpitch."
?Here it comes baby, hot and thick!"
Debs squealed, feelings the torrent shoot up inside her. One then two jerksof Blackman's come. He pressed hard on her globe tits lifting her. His cocksprang from her dripping pussy as her erupted for the third spurt the whitestrands hitting her lower tummy some almost to her belly button. Her darkhaired slit was awash with white as the forth and final jerk trailed clearliquid from his cock eye.
Debbie looked down disgustedly wanting to wipe her self clean her handsclosed fingers spread but then realizing she didn't want to dirty her longnail fingers with his deposit.? ?Ughhh!?
The Asian man had watched with delight and now was greasing his cock withwhat appeared to be KY jelly. The Boss man was panting with the exertion butknew he couldn't rest. He lifted Debbie up in his arms like a bride over thethreshold, carrying her back to the bed. He tossed her unceremoniously backonto the dirty mattress the masked man climbing over her. She felt him twisther waist her face hitting the pillow her arse raised.
The man sneered as his cock traced her butt nestling into her sweaty arsecrack.
"Now Debbie, I'm going to fuck you so far up your tight ass you'll thinkmy cocks going to appear out of your mouth!"
15 minutes left.
Debbie like to think she was sweet an innocent, but from the first fewminutes of been trapped in this cellar her darkest fears had been expectingthis. The idea of a man's cock up inside her pussy uninvited was beyondcomprehension but inside her anal hole revolted her to the point of beenrigid with horror.
?Oh heavens, please I don?t want?.?
As she knelt doggie, her hand reached back to try to fend off his waist. Theman just slapped her hand away his cock rubbing up and down the length of herbutt crack.
His pink weeping head felt sticky on her wet cheeks, his hands gently partingher flesh so her sphincter winked at him. The Boss man spoke as he watchedthe Asian get fully into position.
"You're going to get an almighty ass banging now. And you better like itand groan like a whore or it's the canning for you again."
The masked man felt his tip touching in the right place her firm butt cheekspushing his foreskin back as he tried to enter her. He felt her shudder ashis cock opened her up the greased end sliding with a little difficulty pasther ass muscles.
Her mind raced. ?No this was it ohuhhhhhhhh!?
Debs gnashed her teeth her head thrown back her shoulders tensed. The buttplug had been wider but passed inside quickly, this time it was a man's rod,and it didn't shrink back to a tiny base. This meant her ass hole remainedpainfully wide the rim feeling his cock flesh scrape along her inside, canalopening bit by bit as its tip delved deeper.
?Nnnnnnn!? She felt like puking.
The man was overjoyed. It felt so good, her tiny waist in his hands herbulging hips with full butt flesh quaking as he entered along the line of herspine.
He knew her type as soon as she'd flashed her knickers in the car. The typethat always got what they wanted, felt so superior and confident. He didn'tneed to know what a self centred bitch she was, he could already tell. Evenwhile he'd fingered and molested her she had talked down to him, indignantand scornful like he was dirt. But now she was more submissive, her arrogancefucked from her.
The sweat covered her back and the young brunette beauty who had been soconfident an hour ago could only whine in humiliation.
She gave along gasping cry, her body trying to buck but the deep rod holdingher in position. Debs was desperate her eyes closed her mind racing
"Oh God he hasn't evenstarted to pump and it feels so, ooooohhh eeeeeieeeeee!"
His pelvis began to take long stabbing thrusts her ass instantly beginning toburn and flex.
Debbie squealed as he increased his thrusting his flesh slapping against herbuggered ass.
"Phut! Phut! Phut! Phut! Phut!"
Debs was coughing, spit flying from her lips as she convulsed to each deepgut wrenching fuck. Her face was a picture of indignity her retching nowlooking like he was indeed so far in that she really was about to spew hiscock from her pretty lips.
"Ugh, ugh, ugh, ugh, urrrrrrggggg!"
Her ass was tight, hot and wet, his greased cock getting freer and freer witheach hard thrust up her. The bed was rattling loudly both men delighted. Themasked man was giving a running commentary.
"Ugh, ugh, oh fuck I'm deep, uuggghh yeah ah,ah, ah."
He lifted his waist to rub deeper getting a high pitch squeal from her."Yeah that's ugh better uuggghh,take it, take it, ugh, ugh, oh I think she's gonnasplit!"
The black guy made a triumphant fist. "Do itman, do it. Bust that shitter yeah!"
Debbie was shuddering, her head thrashing her eyes wide with terror and sheagreed with his diagnosis. "Oh God, uggh, aww, aww stop, stop!"
The Boss slapped her across the face making her squeal more. "Ride ityou bitch, I want to hear you beg for more."
The man was pumping frenziedly now the pain in her ass making her scream. Heslowed then increased over and over her tits swinging with the vibrations. Hewas panting heavily his cock a little sore his ball hardening.
He twisted her so he could lay on the bed along side her. She curled her legsinstinctively into a foetal position his pelvis arching up to fuck at a moresedate almost affectionate rate. This allowed him to spend more time molestingher hard mounds his mouth sucking the back of her neck, his teeth nibblingher ears.
Debs was whimpering the grunts still evident the sensation still awful butless painful. The Boss man went to his trench coat and removed a silverpistol. Debs looked at him her eyes wide as her body rocked with each assthrust.
"Your hours coming close baby. How you behave till then will decide if Iuse this on you, understand?"
Debbie gave a nod them gritted her teeth at a particularly intrusive thrust."Ugh!"
The Boss man put the weapon back.
"Good, now listen no more fighting or resisting, just fucking get onwith it. See it as paying your fare home."
The Boss was getting hard again, his black slug growing and climbing up hisportly stomach.
"You're a hot chick, just take you're fucking like a good girl maybeyou'll learn something."
The man moved to the bed putting his hands on her knees lifting and spreadingthem so he could see her dark triangle, and the other mans cock twitching upher rectum.
"Let's see how many positions we can get through before the timergoes!"
Debbie had given in now. What was the point? She'd been forced through somany indignities she hardly recognized herself. Her body was exhausted, themen so confident and forceful. Over the next fifteen minutes she experiencedsex like she had never imagined. Dirty, embarrassing, dominant all the whileher body ever so slowly becoming moist her groans bit by bit giving anevermore aroused noise.
How many positions, the men didn't know but they planned to find out.
First Debbie was sandwiched between the two as she lay on her side. The bigblack man pushed between her thighs and Debbie struggled to hook her legsaround his wide waist. Opening her thighs like this reduced her ability to clenchher ass muscles and both men slid their cocks in and out with ease. The menwere nearly twice the size of the young woman her tiny waist and adequatetits dwarfed by hot dark skinned flesh.
The hairy ass Asian was banging firmly from behind, the massive assed Bossbucking from the front. Debs with hands on the Bosses shoulders gritted herteeth the two cock rubbing against each other through her internal connectingwalls.
"Uggh, uggh, uggh, ugghh!"
She'd heard stories of sex like this, but never watched porn or reallydiscussed such details with her girlfriends.
The Boss then took her up the ass. Making her lay on her back he pushed herlegs together then back to one side of her face making her feet rest on hershoulder. His cock blurred in and out of her sphincter, her butt cheeksstretch back so the entrance was visible a rim of grease forming around thesore exit. He was ever so deep her canal squashed, his cock feeling like itwas racing all the way to her gut.
Now the Asian pulled her further down the bed. He lifted her legs up and onceagain and pushed them over her shoulders. This time he put her feet eitherside of her neck. He continue to push forcing Debbie to roll back to rest onher shoulder her body crumpled her shins eventually resting flat on the bed.She groaned struggling to get into this position but her thin body was moremalleable than she thought.
Her ass was now up in the air her head and shoulders on the bed. He straddledher, pointing his cock straight down and sat onto her upturned rear. His cockburied back into her pussy and he began to bounce up and down the bedquaking, Debbie getting a hard rod rammed straight through the middle of her.
"Ugg! Uug! Uugg! Uuug!"
His hand reached behind him his filthy fingers delved into her exposed ass afew inches, twisting and bending, Debs gasping in surprise and disgust at hisdouble internal examination.
Then the Boss wanted her ass doggie style on the floor. With his huge framerutting like a beast Debbie was almost been knocked onto her face by thehard, hungry thrusts, her long dark hair whipping as she thrashed.
"Ug, ug ug, ug, oh, oh, uggggggggg!"
She felt like her hole would explode the burning intense, his member seemingto grow inside her. He pulled all the way out and her muscles began to closeeach time before he forced himself back in. Over and over and over; hard andfast.
"Aeieie, aaieeee, aiieeeeee!"
The Asian grabbed her head as she was fucked on all fours, and pinching hernose drove his cock into her mouth. She half bit still struggling to bear thebuggering. Her tongue tried to push his cock head back, but after strugglinga little she began to slurp.
"Mnnn, mnnnn, mmnnnnn!"
His cock tasted disgusting, the slime covering it a mixture of grease, precome and her own pussy and anal juices. "Uggh!" Her cheeks bulged as he tried to get all of his member in her arrogant mouth.
The Boss then sat back on the chair and made Debbie sit back on his cock likeearlier facing from him, her knees over his spread thighs. This time hethundered up her ass bouncing the bitch hard her wails of sensationdelighting him.
"Yeah, yeah ugh up your ass baby all the way up!"
The Masked man now a hairy sweaty mess mounted her from the front to make aseated double penetration. With Debbie sat open like this and himselfstanding, he could ram incredible hard, so hard the Boss just lay theremotionless groping her tits as she bounced with each forward and upwardthrust of the Asian.
"Ugh aww God, ugh, ugh slower please uggh oohhh!"
Her clit was hardening her pussy making dirty noises as her own juices beganto flow.
"Slop! Slop! Slop! Slop! Slop!"
The Asian was coming he ground his cock into her. Groaning with delight andfrustration his member began to heat up, his ball shrinking to eject his wad.
"Yeah, yeah, yeah that's it Debbie you're bringing me off!"
He grasped her cheeks pulling her face towards him, their eyes met and theman?s widened as he erupted.
Debs looked back at him, her pupils growing as his come filled her tired soreshaft like the plunger had filled her ass making her scream in soreness.
The Boss lay back slightly lifting her thighs and making her spread her legsup and wide like she was some can-can dancer. The masked man dropped to his kneesseeing the dark haired slit dripping come the entrance loose, tired notwanting to close fully. Below it her sweaty foamed ass hole gobbled nearlythe full length of the Bosses cock. He no longer was bucking just letting thefat maggot sit up inside her wriggling. The Asian stroked her inside thighs,his hand caressing her calf down to one pointed foot.
His zipper mouth opened and he began to suck her delicate painted toes. TheBoss reached around her waist his large finger rubbing her clit in a circularmotion, his other hand cupping a tit, fingers on her nipple.
Deb was groaning from the four point attention; her ass felt so fulldominated, invaded and used. Her tits were sore the nipple hard but yelpingto the touch. Her toes now felt the hot man tongue; his teeth nipping, hersole tender and responsive to his caresses. And finally her clit was hard andswollen, the man's finger pressing in all the right places as you wouldexpect from an older more experience lover.
But above all it was the way that they talked filth to her. The masked manmade loud sucking noises, the Boss told her how hot his cock felt.
Did she feel full? He wanted to hear her come; he'd make her come.
He called her a bitch, a whore, a long legged skinny slut.
He made her look down at his buried cock, told her to herself touch aroundwhere it entered her.
He told her they'd bring her off, then she could doone final dirty act for him. The way she was been treated was humiliating yetliberating.
With each increased moan from her she gave away her growing sensations. Shecould do nothing to resist them, she felt ashamed, and she knew she wouldcome. She was a fuck toy and they knew it and so did she. Only a few minutesleft. The hour was almost up.
The cellar stank of sweaty bodies and spattered semen. Debbie closed her eyesbut the debauched smell still filled her head with grunting images.
Her clit had begun to swell; she could feel the bud hardening growing underhis finger. Her pussy loose and dripping now felt hotter still, her own bodybeginning to cream her insides. She was ever so wide her thighs almosthorizontal to her flat tummy as the Boss now sat with his knees as wide aspossible.
The masked man had stopped sucking her toes his hands now also pushing her tiredthighs wider still. His face was close to her slit staring in fascination asthe black man nipped and flicked her clitoris. The masked man's finger pushedunder her pressed hood into her hole, the tip instantly becoming encased inslimy precome juices.
Debs moaned pitifully. His finger was tiny compared to the insertions she hadtaken and ejected but the sensation and humiliation of him just been able toenter her on a whim made her feel debauched beyond belief.
Her clit was about to explode therubbing constant and just powerful enough to excite. The masked man now pokedher sloppy twat rapidly just one finger deep and rigid. The Boss's other handhad a tit grasped like a vice. His hand twisting like her bust was a dial ofa large radio. His cock remains horribly hard straight up inside her assfeeling like it was rubbing on the base of her spine.
"Come on Debbie lets hear you come. You know you want to."
His hand twisted her tits more. "Come on before I pull your tit rightoff!"
Debbie was bucking, yelping, her eyes glazed her mouth a cute pink circle asshe reached her peak.
She began to explode, her nipples hard, her butt electric, and her slitgasping in spasm after spasm.
"Ugh, ugh, ugh!"
The Boss groaned as he felt her ass muscles tighten clenching and unclenchingaround his rod. Her clit was soaking his finger slipping as he rubbed her offfor the last few screaming seconds.
"Uuugggggggggggghhhhhh! Oh, God, oh, oh, ohhhhh!"
Her body finally gave way her arms collapsing her back slumping and shenearly passed out the masked man holding her upright.
She was lifted almost lifeless off the Boss man?s cock her sphincter making aplopping noise as the air escaped her hole, able to finally close tight. Shewas laid back on the bed this time across it so her head hung down over theside of the mattress. She looked up the black mans ball sack casting her facein shadow. He was tugging his dick with a tight fist grunting at each jerk.
"I'm gonna come uh, now, uh."
He pointed to her feet and with the aid of the other pervtook an ankle each pulling them up over her chest so once again her feettouched either side of her shoulders. She didn't understand what they wanted,or really cared anymore.
Holding herself in this bizarre trussed position with her elbows she saw theman point his cock over her face. Then he grasped both her feet and twistingthem in, clasped his thick slug either side with the soles of her feet andbegan to pump.
"Ugh, ugh yeah, yeah wank me, wank me uuggghh!"
Debbie felt his cock rubbing on her soft under soles her feet forming adelicate sheath into which he pumped faster and faster.
"Ugh, ugh, ugh!"
He was climaxing from the forced foot wank, hiswrinkled cock sputtering white filth across her heels arching down to herchin and neck.
The final eruptions covered her soles and his cock trailed come back to hertoes as he withdrew from the foot fuck tunnel. Debbie groaned in disgust asher feet parted a web of solid come strands dripping between both, droopingon her face as her feet drew further apart. "Ughhhhhhhh!"
But she couldn't bring her knees back because the Boss gripped her shinspushing her feet down again to her astonished face.
"Suck the load of your own toes honey!"
Debs looked up pitifully eyes welling. "Ok!"
She felt her own toe pressed against her mouth the stink in her nostrils.Come was covering her nose, lots more hanging invitingly on her pink soles.He pushed down and Debs had no choice but to lick and slurp her spunked on toes clean.
The men made sure she sucked every toe deep into her mouth, wiping the loaddown to her lips with their fingers, rubbing it on her teeth. Finally shesighed as her legs were allowed to return to the bed, knees bending in feet redwith the licking and slurping, though very clean.
The kitchen timer began to buzz the hour complete the sound music to poorDebs ears. The two men were huge filthy messes; the sweat caked on them,bodily fluids of all mixed in. The young woman didn't move, not sure whatwould happen next.
"Time to leave Debbie," announced the masked Asian. "You'vebeen a good girl."
Debs gave a relieved pant and began to rise.
"Just one thing," the man added." Before we take you homethere's something we need to do. Its important Debs, something to rememberthe next time you cock tease or treat someone like shit."
Obediently she did what they asked knelling hands on knees in front of themboth, her sexy figure glowing with sweat in the dim electric light.
The men felt the relief of a hard bladders emptying as both showered over hergasping face. The piss hosed forth; one over her tits the splashing urinegoing everywhere. The other squeezing her cheeks her lips forced open hispiss showering her nose, eyes and inside her mouth. The torrent of water randown her neck in rivulets between her deep cleavage,along the rim of her tit dripping from her nipples. The final rivercollecting in her lap, her dark triangle wet again, her thighs still stingingfrom the rough mauling. Until finally both men could pump no more out.
"Now get dressed you witch!? They laughed smugly.
"Consider your fare home paid in full."
Debbie is my 20 something sister in law. She is as described in thisstory, ultra thin, big tits (for such a small frame) long legs and a poutingarrogant mouth. I didn?t make enough reference to whom she was and how sheacted in the story and that's a shame. So I?m doing it now. |
*************************** Debbie had blown out her third guythat night just before she decided to leave the club for the evening. He'dlooked at her incredulous. He'd been polite; charming even, and he'd beensure he was in here. But the longhaired brunette had suddenly turned cold, infact down right rude. He felt himself visibly shrink at her sarcastic putdowns and it was only after she'd sauntered out of the bar did he wish he'dthrown his drink over her. This man was tall and black, dressin a leather trench coat. Mid aged, he was heavy framed, some could say fat.Though I doubt you'd say it to his face. He had a look of menace, streetcriminal about him. His eyes glowed with delight seeing young Debbie tieddoggie looking over her shoulder back at him.
Her mind raced. ?No this was it ohuhhhhhhhh!? "Oh God he hasn't evenstarted to pump and it feels so, ooooohhh Her clit was about to explode therubbing constant and just powerful enough to excite. The masked man now pokedher sloppy twat rapidly just one finger deep and rigid. The Boss's other handhad a tit grasped like a vice. His hand twisting like her bust was a dial ofa large radio. His cock remains horribly hard straight up inside her assfeeling like it was rubbing on the base of her spine. |
My wife and I have been married for six years when her father died. Her mother had left after giving birth to Casey, my sister inlaw.Casey was s*******n and a total knock out. 5 ft 8 in tall long auburn hair small hips and waist , long legs and 38 C cup tits. She was very good looking and very athletic. She was the star of the HS volley ball team and had scouts talking to her dad before the wreck. Casey went into a shell afterwards. She had fought with her dad and said how she hated him as he...
Day 1I was really horny and Little Dicks brother cam to visit us. He lives a few hours away and rarely visits. Little dick was working late, so I told my brother In Law I was going for a dip in the hot tub. . I wore my pink bikini into the hot tub,,, He joined me a few minutes later. We talked a while,, he knows how sore my shoulder is because of an injury I had. I kept rubbing it, and pretending to try to line my sore spot up to the jets. I rubbed it more,, and sighed,,, he asked me if I was...
When I was 19 I had to pick susan my sister inlaw up from her xmas party as she was not a big drinker she was more then drunk after 5 hrs at party she was 6 yrs older then me she had a real nice body an all ways dressed very smart an she would come across as she was better then u she was wearing a short dress that had a split up the front. After I got her in the car her dress had raised up above her thigh an I could all most see her under pants which when I put in car I caught a good look at...
4/22/2016 This was just a one time thing, it was a mistake it ever happened, I m not like that! I keep telling my self that but I m going to see her tonight ! She now owns my ass and enjoys using me as her toy/pet slave. Call it what ever you want I will do as she says or my life will end when she shows the pic / vids of me .. It all started when I went over for a Forth of July party. It was a warm day and the beer was cold. Every one had fun and when it was dark we went to watch the fire...
4/22/2016 This was just a one time thing, it was a mistake it ever happened, I m not like that! I keep telling my self that but I m going to see her tonight ! She now owns my ass and enjoys using me as her toy/pet slave. Call it what ever you want I will do as she says or my life will end when she shows the pic / vids of me .. It all started when I went over for a Forth of July party. It was a warm day and the beer was cold. Every one had fun and when it was dark we went to watch the fire...
My wife, Loni, and I have been married for about twenty years. We have been swingers, done swapping, and most recently we have taken up dogging. We both love it! It started out when some swinger friends of ours suggested we try it with them. First my wife just jacked off some guys, then she let some guys cum on her chest. Then she went to blowjobs and swallowed. Then Loni fucked a guy and made him pull out and spew on her bush. Then she went for one guy fucking her and cumming inside. Then she...
My first enema was givin by my 65 year old mother inlaw when I was 18. I could not stop running to bathroom all day. A nd when my wife was gone she came over and told me what I need. She came in and made a pot of coffee and then pulled this douche bag out of a case she had with her. She filled it with coffee and then hang it on shower rod in bathroom.Then she told me to take off my cloths and get into tub. what I said, I don't need you in there with me. she said fine. but let the whole bag fill...
At the age of 23 my mom wanted to get me married. One broker brought a match from Hyderabad. They are very rich family. Her name is Jayalaxmi, 50 years old lady. Her daughters pallavi, and madhavi. Pallavi got married with a engineer. She has one son, name sailendra, white chap 23 years old. They got down from the car. Mom welcomed them. She ordered me to carry their luggage and kept in side. I took their luggage. Jayalaxmi angrily told me “you stupid. Take all luggage carefully. If any thing...
IncestChapter 1 "What the hell am I doing here?" Joe said out loud as he negotiated his way past the groups of teens and mothers with strollers cruising the mall. Joe hated malls, not just the actual buildings and stores, but the whole concept of mall consumerism that seemed to inspire people to spend whole days shopping. He had read somewhere about the largest mall in the world. Somewhere up north, he thought, somewhere people didn't have anything else to do but buy things they didn't need in...
Amber stared again at the downpour and wondered if she should just stay home. No. She was close to having enough cash to leave, so she took out the black silk short-shorts, the pink cut off t-shirt that said "The Playful Pussy" and grabbed the knee-high black silk socks and threw them into her backpack. The piece of shit stalled twice, and Amber made a point to count the mailboxes she saw as she drove towards Dallas. At least there seemed to be four or five families living along the drive –...
My sister-in-law, Terri whom I have fucked several times recently admitted to me that she had been having a fantasy of being fucked by two guys. I told her I knew someone who I was sure would jump at the chance. She told me to set it up and that she couldn’t wait. I called my buddy Chris whom I had been having three ways with him and his wife. I told him that Terri wanted to be fucked by two guys and since we had already tag teamed his old lady that I figured he would like to try it with Terri....
I confess, I fucked my Mother-in-Law. It was some of the hottest sex I've every had. She is a gorgeous cougar, great tits, a stunning smile, flirtatious, and witty. She looks to be 10 to 15 years younger than she actually is and has a very youthful personality. Every man who knows her young and old wants to fuck her.She's in a sexless marriage. She has volunteered that many times. Her husband is morbidly obese and is an alcoholic. Why she stays in the marriage, no one knows.She and I have...
It all started one morning when we had spent the weekend at my Mother In Law’s apartment. I woke up to my wife getting dressed for work as usual. I stared at her as she walked around the room practically naked. All that was covering her was her purple panties. ‘Why are you staring at me like that?’ She asked as she was combing her hair in front of the mirror. I replied, ‘Because you have an amazing body and I enjoy looking at it.’ She giggled and then turned to me and started to strut over...
So a few months back there i was seeing a 25 year-old the two of us were getting on really well she was a little chubby with nice big tits just the way i like it . So at first she would just come over to mine at the wkends where the 2 of us would have dirty sex all wkend she would let me fuck her until her pussy was sore.Sometimes she would appear at my door with a little skirt on with no knickers on tits hanging out and tell me to take her across the street to the park and fuck her up against...
Mother-in-Law By Cheryl Lynn Paul Wimple's life was going nowhere. He just graduated from collage with a degree in history. He was slight of build, had brown eyes and brown hair hanging slightly past his collar. He wasn't smart enough to be a nerd and with his scrawny looks seldom ever had a date in all of his twenty-three years of life. Raised by a doting mother, he was a momma's boy. His mother's influence was probably the cause for him dating then marrying Ethel Primrose, the...
Jagdamba, my Amba: This is a true story of me and my mother in law, but I have not been very graphic as I don’t want to be very lengthy but I hope you like it. I would also request all those who are in India and are looking for partner swaps to contact us or leave comments. I live in a town in north India with my mother in law and wife as my father in law is dead. My parents live in Gujarat. We had been taking care of my mil for 4 years. Last month, while my wife was out of town, I had a...
IncestEvery six months my wifes family gets together somewhere and they have have a good time and drink and do other goofy stuff. Not everyone shows up to every event. It can be alot of fun. This time we were meeting in a large city, getting a room in a fancy hotel with a club in the basement are the girls wanted to go to, it was supposed to be all hip and shit. Well it ended up being me and my wife, my mother inlaw and father inlaw, and my wife's granny. Due to a mix up we got one room but it was a...
My husband had to be out of town and I was staying at my inlaws house. Jon had very sexy looking parents and it was fun to be with them. I just woke up on Sunday morning and his mom Liza called out to me to come chat with them in their bedroom. I was not sure as I slept in a very sheer nightie but I went in to see what they wanted to chat about. As I walked in I could tell both were naked under the covers. Liza had huge DDD tits and they were mostly uncovered. Her nipples were huge and I got...
(An Incestuous Harem Story) Chapter Four: Twin Sisters' Anal Delight By mypenname3000 Copyright 2018 Note: Thanks to wrc264 for beta reading this! “Come on, onee-chan,” a voice called as I walked with my friend through the streets of Tokyo. “Get up.” The laughter around me abruptly ended as my eyes opened. The dream faded away. I wasn't in Tokyo but staring at my naked twin sister kneeling over me on our futon. I blinked, sleep falling away from me. My eyes felt so heavy. I let out a...
(An Incestuous Harem Story) Chapter Three: Twin Sisters' Incestuous Secret By mypenname3000 Copyright 2018 Note: Thanks to wrc264 for beta reading this! I trembled atop my twin sister, Kimiko, my body buzzing from my orgasm, Clint's cum leaking out of my pussy and coating my bush. I stared at the new person who entered Clint's basement, my stomach roiling at being caught having sex. Incestuous sex. How had my life gotten to this point? My twin sister, Kimiko, desired it. It was all...
Thank you everyone for the comments and compliments for my 1st story. This is a continuation of my story “Real Sister Become Real Girlfriend”, for those who have not read it I suggest please read it so you can enjoy this. Like my 1st story even this is a real story. 31st December 2014 was the day when I & my sister Tina kissed for first time and later on same night we had sex for the first time at my friends place. Since then we were very shy to face each other and even if our eye contacts meet...
IncestPerhaps I should give you some background on my sister-in-law, Donna, before I start my story.Donna was the oldest daughter in her family and married when she was 17 and is still with the same husband to this day. Wanting to raise her c***dren "correctly" most of her time was spent being the prim and proper mother, wife, and organist at her church. Now in her late forties and 5' 7" tall with a trim figure and B cup breast and all her c***dren grown, another side of her makes a brief appearance...
Swinging Date with the In-lawsbycolecash©It all started on Saturday night when my wife (Patricia) and myself ( Ray) went out for supper and a few drinks with her sister Silenia and her husband Joesph. We went to this new BBQ type restaurant located not far from our place. We arrived a few minutes early at the restaurant and decided to grab a quick drink in the lounge before Silenia and Joesph arrived. We sit down and ordered our drinks. I look at wife and admired what she's wearing, a v-neck...
It all started on Saturday night when my wife (Patricia) and myself ( Ray) went out for supper and a few drinks with her sister Silenia and her husband Joesph. We went to this new BBQ type restaurant located not far from our place. We arrived a few minutes early at the restaurant and decided to grab a quick drink in the lounge before Silenia and Joesph arrived. We sit down and ordered our drinks. I look at wife and admired what she's wearing, a v-neck type blouse that's open enough to show some...
Before I get into the details of our next recreated character, I'd like to give some general updates and information on my women so far. One impression I'd like to correct is that we all got along all of the time. We actually do get along very well, given the variety of people living in the house, but there have been some noticeable arguments and even one catfight. However I hadn't recreated any characters who were mean-spirited or thrived on conflict, plus we had a special advantage when...
It was losing his mother that started the trouble for Joseph. They'd had a normal relationship, at least compared to other mothers and sons he had seen. She was affectionate, and he'd loved her, but he hadn't really had fantasies about her. At least, he convinced himself that he hadn't. But after she died, he grieved for her more than he expected to. Marla, his wife, displayed her usual selfish attitude, acting as if his pain was a personal attack. They're already strained relationship...
Hi guys, Thank you for reading the story and also for your feedback. I hope you enjoy the second chapter as well. T-Wnjk ********* Present Day ‘Anna? Anna?’ Ramone called looking concerned. ‘What?’ ‘You’re crying.’ ‘Oh,’ Anna said while wiping her tears. ‘Excuse me Ramone.’ Anna bolted to her bathroom and locked the door. Her heart was beating furiously and she rested her elbows on her sink with her head bowed down. She didn’t dare look at the mirror for fear of what she would see....
I’d like to thank michchick98 for her help in editing my story. Any grammatical errors found in the story are purely mine. Present day Anna and Ramone were eating ice cream in her apartment whilst reminiscing of their time together. They’d been friends for 20 years now and although life had pushed them into different directions, they remained the best of friends. It was November and they were discussing their plans for Christmas. They’d both turned 30 in the course of the year and were...
Kay spent a moment, considering what tact to take. "Tell me about Ramone Diaz." Monica blinked. "My fiance? We met in college. He is a resident at Chihuahua General Hospital." "He must be busy." "Very. He works eighteen to twenty hour days. The few days he has off he spends sleeping." "When did you last see him?" "I take the bus once a month to see him. I last saw him two weeks ago." "How do you think your new job will affect your relationship?" Monica shook her head. "I...
"Ok," Kiyone was saying evenly, halting as she was passing through and under the Torii. "Now repeat it back to me." "No touching, no button pressing, no lever throwing." Mihoshi sighed, taking the final step up. "No cable disconnecting, no tying or untying for that matter." She continued after pausing beneath the Torii's arch, reciting in a sing song voice complete with rocking her head back and forth in time with the meter of her words. "And if I see anything in my way higher than...
.a{fill:none;stroke:gray;stroke-linecap:round;stroke-linejoin:round;stroke-width:3px;} Bottom Honeys After the HoneymoonChapter 6: Bringing in kink, risk, and computersCopyright© 2014 by LughIldanach
This is my first try to write an erotic story so the story draft may seem raw. I welcome comments from everybody and you can write to me of what you thought at [email protected] ---------------------------------------------------------------- JUSTINS DECENT by hfernandez1983 ---------------------------------------------------------------- It was a nice summer morning. Justin had just woken up and went straight to the window. He opened it and could feel the fresh breeze of...
The trip to San Francisco, California, goes at a faster pace than Boone likes because Peter, the trader, is pushing to get there and back home. Boone has little choice about matching Peter’s pace if he wants to get the extra money for hauling the goods. At camp on the night after the first full day Boone walks over to Peter and ask, “Is this the pace you’ll be keeping all the way to San Francisco and back to Arizona City?” Peter looks up at Boone from where he’s sitting as he says, “Only on...
After Boone sees everyone in the camp is properly set out for their first night in Harrisburg, Pennsylvania, he goes over to the cooking fire for the Gray contingent, asks for both Olive and Nellie to walk with him, and he walks toward the horses. He stops short of the rope corral they’ve put up for the stock, turns to the two young ladies, and says, “A couple of weeks back your mother told me both of you want to be my wife and have insisted I’ll be your man for some years. Is that...
The trip of about five hundred miles to Santa Fe should take them about twelve to fourteen days to make the journey. After much talking on who’ll go Mary decides Nellie and Sam will accompany Boone and he’s to hire three or four of the Apache as scouts. After the decision is made preparations are made for the trip, the three family members will share the gold between them in their saddlebags, and the ladies will lead two pack-horses carrying their camping gear and food supplies. To ensure...
Bright and early on Monday July 1st, 1861 the doors to the barn are opened and the four wagons move out. Yesterday afternoon was spent cleaning up the barn and stables and now they’re leaving after several weeks of living there while getting ready to go west. Three of the wagons are fully loaded and the fourth is mostly loaded, they’ll finish loading it when they reach Columbus, Ohio, where they plan to buy a great deal of salt. Nellie is at the reins of the lead wagon pair with Heidi in...
When rolling into town mid-morning Boone has a stray thought of, Something must be wrong! This is a Tuesday, not a Monday. We never get anywhere except on a Monday. He’s amused by the thought. During the afternoon they talk while they unpack the wagons, and Boone says, “While in Council Bluffs I caught up on the news. There’s been a dozen or so battles between Army units in Missouri since April, hundreds of shootings and killings in Kansas, and militia attacking the people all over Kansas...
Following the talks in December 1859 Mary, Heidi, and Boone start their preparations to leave Virginia. Materials and things are bought and put aside, for now. The tensions and troubles increase with each passing month of 1860. Mary, Heidi, and Boone become more worried with each rise in the tensions between the two major political forces. Boone starts to build a wagon like his father made using his father’s drawings which Mary has. They don’t have a farm wagon so he builds two of the large...
Note: This story is told from two different views. The girl's view will be in standard character, the guy's view in italic. I could hear the familiar sonorous roar of Ryan's convertible Camaro. The first time my elder sister Amy had brought him home, I had immediately recognized what a great man he was. He was twenty-eight, around six feet tall, athletic, smart, funny – and he had a hell of a car. The wet dream of the teenage girl I was. Of course Amy couldn't stop rhapsodizing about her...
TabooThe trail west from Fort Laramie, Nebraska Territory, is well marked due to the many hundreds of wagons along the trail in the past twenty years. Many of the worst parts of the trail have been improved by earlier wagon-trains; which just means the trail is wide enough for the wagons, it’s well marked, also some water crossings have stones in them to stop the crossing from washing away, and some of the worst crossings now have ferries in place to make them easier. There are still some places...
Hey guys, thanks for reading the series and for your comments and votes! This chapter is shorter than the previous two. The next chapter will be up shortly and will be longer than this one. Enjoy reading and keep the comments/votes coming in! Tabzwnjk ******************************************* ‘Well it’s about time you got back home’, Ramone said. Anna jumped at the sound of his voice. She’d spent the whole day with Jamie and all she wanted was to get home and sleep. ‘What are you doing...
A Story of the Institute of Apotheosis Research Chapter Two: Baby Sister's Sweet Cherry By mypenname3000 Copyright 2017 Note: Thanks to wrc264 for beta reading this! Alex groaned a he pumped away at his twin sister's pussy. Alexis whimpered beneath him, her thighs locked around his hips as her hot, wet pussy welcomed his cock with her incestuous passion. The eighteen-year-old boy savored the thrill of pumping away at her cunt, to finally get to enjoy his sister. Thank you, Randy,...
Deep under the earth, in the realm of gloom, and death Hades sat contemplating his predicament. There on his thrown, sitting next to his three-headed dog Cerberus, was Hades clothed in dark robes, waves of silk black hair to his shoulders, a beard like most Greeks which showed his intelligence that was achieved over the many centuries, weaved with the muscles of a true male god, and the face of a warrior who has had to live an existence in the darkness far too long....
one day i visited my cousin sisters house. my cousin sister was three years older then me. all the people in her house went out for a tour. it was 10.00pm. myself and my cousin were alone and we were in one room.my cousin went to change her night dress in bathroom. she came out she was too sexy.her boobs were so tight in the dress. her ass was so sexy.i became so horny.she bent down to take something down i saw her cleavage and i became so horny.we started talking.i thought of touching her...
And yet, Boris always believed he was in control. How fool of him, and to that he could only agree, bound and sweating as he was, on the floor in the men’s bathroom of the night club, eyes closed so he could pretend he was not anticipating the moment he’d be finally pimped out in real life by a woman he had never met in the flesh before tonight. *** It all began with a simple click, as it always does, doesn’t it? Your usual ?Follow? button on twitter, one of hundreds accounts of dominant women...
A Story of the Institute of Apotheosis Research Chapter Three: Slut Sister's Anal Punishment By mypenname3000 Copyright 2017 Note: Thanks to wrc264 for beta reading this! I had never grinned with such excitement in my entire life. I would enjoy this. My cock slid out of my baby sister's eighteen-year-old pussy as I stood up. My body buzzed with the euphoria from deflowering her snatch. My eldest sister, the Twenty-year-old bitch who always got me in trouble with my abusive father,...
When I woke again, everything seemed very bright. Not the bright at the end of the tunnel, just bright, like a bright room. By the time I got around to opening my eyes, I fell asleep again. It seemed like this went on a few more times before I managed to get my eyes open enough to see where I was. I could see a white ceiling of some sort, and I tried to move, but I couldn’t move. I could feel things, but I couldn’t move. I was able to turn my head, and rise slightly, and it looked like I was...
Wishbone: Along Came Jacki By The Sympathetic Devil [email protected] Dave came home from work early, his bitchy boss having told him he wouldn't be needed there anymore. He hated his life! How was he ever going to get laid when he was unemployed and still lived in his mother's apartment at 25? Something was weird. His mother's clothes are scatted all over the living room. She pitched a fit if Dave so much as left his jacket on the arm of the couch, but now her bra is...
It's beyond me how some one as petite as my little sister could find clothes that were so form fitting, much less that she was wearing them at home while alone in our bed room we share, but I will never forget that evening, or any evening thereafter. Her music was blaring through the walls, while I was trying to take a nap, no less. So, after growing tired of hearing the same Red Hot Chili Peppers song played over and over, I knocked on our door. It was ajar, and I quickly realized that she...
It's beyond me how some one as petite as my little sister could find clothes that were so form fitting, much less that she was wearing them at home while alone in our bed room we share, but I will never forget that evening, or any evening thereafter. Her music was blaring through the walls, while I was trying to take a nap, no less. So, after growing tired of hearing the same Red Hot Chili Peppers song played over and over, I knocked on our door. It was ajar, and I quickly realized that she...
(An Incestuous Harem Story) Chapter One: The Slut Coaches the Twin Sisters By mypenname3000 Copyright 2018 Note: Thanks to wrc264 for beta reading this! “I think we should put our beds here, onee-chan,” my twin sister Kimiko said, her round face pointing at the right side of the room. She pursed her delicate lips, the same delicate lips that I had. Looking at my sister was like looking into the mirror. She had the same sleek, silky-black hair and pale-olive skin. We both possessed the...
I had never grinned with such excitement in my entire life. I would enjoy this. My cock slid out of my baby sister’s fourteen-year-old pussy as I stood up. My body buzzed with the euphoria from deflowering her snatch. My eldest sister, the eighteen-year-old bitch who always got me in trouble with my abusive father, had such a look of shock on her face. For once, the bitch was speechless. Her mouth worked. Her hazel eyes almost bulged out of her sockets. Her normally sultry face looked...
Alex groaned a he pumped away at his twin sister’s pussy. Alexis whimpered beneath him, her thighs locked around his hips as her hot, wet pussy welcomed his cock with her incestuous passion. The sixteen-year-old boy savored the thrill of pumping away at her cunt, to finally get to enjoy his sister. Thank you, Randy, he prayed to the newest god to be awakened by a Halo. Thank you for your teachings. “Oh, Alex,” moaned Alexis, her fingernails clawing at his back. “Oh, you’re as good as...
As I laid there I reached over and patted him on the head and he gave me that pleading dog look that they have. I couldn’t stand it and I started to pet him and rub his neck. As I rubbed his neck, he got a whiff of my fingers that had been rubbing my wet pussy a couple seconds earlier. This got Bone to licking my fingers and caused evil thoughts to enter my perverted mind. I reached down and slipped a couple fingers into my pussy and let them soak up the juices there. Then I reached out my...
This work is copyrighted to the author � 2005. Please don't remove the author information or make any changes to this story. You may post freely to non-commercial "free" sites, or in the "free" area of commercial sites. Thank you for your consideration. -------------------------------------------------------- Asian Girlfriends 1: Home Alone with the Indonesian Girl by Mike Cable ( ** ) *** My sexual experience with my first Asian girlfriend. She was Indonesian, 21, and I was 26....
WHEN PERSEPHONE RELEASED ME SHE turned her face up for a kiss, her lips soft, warm and inviting. She didn't move away, and after our second kiss I was breathing hard and I'm sure she could feel my heart pumping, even through her leathers. She certainly could after she put her hand on my shirt. "Hey, sweetie, what's up?" I opened my mouth to reply, but no words came out. I must have looked like a stranded fish. She laughed. "Cat got your tongue tonight, Sam?" My lips moved once...
To Break a Wishbone By Robyn Thanksgiving. Not my favorite time of year certainly. For most it is the time each year one gets to share the company of friends while eating a grand meal. For me too, Thanksgiving is the one day when all my family gets together from all over the country to celebrate together. Aside from being a time of turkey and talk, though, it is also the time of criticism and comparison. You see, I was born a twin. The "older one" as I'm constantly reminded of....
Dave came home from work early, his bitchy boss having told him he wouldn’t be needed there anymore. He hated his life! How was he ever going to get laid when he was unemployed and still lived in his mother’s apartment at 25? Something was weird. His mother’s clothes are scatted all over the living room. She pitched a fit if Dave so much as left his jacket on the arm of the couch, but now her bra is hanging from the ceiling fan. Her clothes weren’t the only ones either. A man’s jeans and...