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24 hours


24 hours

Chapter 1




Jill knew she had fucked up, leaving the safe house to get a pint of milk on Sunday morning seemed so easy, and why not let her minder Sgt. Tim Roberts have a lie in.

The supermarket was just a few minutes away and most of the small N. Ireland town was still sleeping. No one was in the place except one teller. She heard the door open and a few muffled words, then silence.????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? ? ??


Jill reached for the milk, and then things happened quickly, she felt the muzzle of the gun at the back of her neck. ?Don?t move a muscle, or you?ll have a third ear?. The reflection of two large hooded men appeared in the door of the cooler.

Her hands were quickly pulled behind her and fastened very tightly with plastic ty-wraps. Then her arms were grabbed and she was hurried out the door and into the backseat of the waiting car.

She was thrown on the floor and as the car roared away the men bound her ankles with more ty-wraps. Her nose was pinched shut and when her mouth opened for air a rag was shoved? in, and secured with a rope wrapped several times round her head, then a bag was pulled over her head, not a word was spoken as the car moved further into hills of South? Armagh.


Captain Jill Hannah of the British Army intelligence corp. had been in Ulster for three months gathering intelligence on the local IRA groups. It was a dangerous assignment, as South Armagh, better known as bandit country was one of the most dangerous places in the world.

Jill had been picked primarily because she grew up on the streets of Belfast and possessed the smarts to survive in the guerilla warfare arena. Now because of a pint of milk her life was in very grave danger. She had heard what happened to prisoners in the hands of the IRA. Part of her training had involved been questioned ?by teams of experts with some minor rough stuff thrown in. but nothing like what was going to happen to her now.

The optimum time was 24 Hrs It gave the Army time to find her, and to contact other operatives in the field, that they might be compromised. She knew it wouldn?t be easy but somehow she had to hold out that long.


Sgt Roberts woke with a feeling something was wrong, the bed beside him was empty and so was the tiny apartment. Besides being her minder and a very good intelligence officer, he was also her lover. Three months living in danger had pushed them close together; she had a body to die for and a face to match. ?Jill you there?. He called.

Putting on his trousers he dashed out the door, just in time to see the Rover car speed away from the Supermarket, the sight of the three hooded men sent a chill through him.

Racing back indoors he called HQ.


Jill?s discomfort lasted another hour, the feeling had left her hands and feet, as the ty-wraps cut into her wrists and ankles. Finally the car stopped, the door opened and hands grabbed her arms and hauled her out, without stopping she was dragged across a gravel path and then inside a building, finally being dropped on the floor.

?Bring her over here? a voice said, her ankles were grabbed and she was pulled a few feet further, a hand reached down and the cloth sacking was pulled off.

Blinking at the sudden light, Jill glanced round and saw she was in a farm shed, empty except for some bales of hay, and obviously hadn?t been used for many years.

Four men still hooded stood above her ?Well well well the Brits are definitely improving on there personnel. This is a real bonus.? The others chuckled and made small talk. ?Lets see what?s under these clothes, get these ties of and stand her up, and for Christ sake hold on tight, we don?t want to lose her before himself comes.

Hands grabbed her arms and held tight as she felt the Ty-wraps being cut, she couldn?t have fought if she?d wanted to, as the blood rushed back into her limbs the pain started, she glanced down and saw her? purple hands, finally her gag was removed swallowing? to get some saliva back into her mouth. ?


Two of them held her, the other started to cut of her clothes, the leader stood back and watched. Her sweatshirt was cut up the middle, then the sleeves cut off, it fell at her feet.

Next her sweatpants were pulled down and off to join her shirt leaving just her bra and panties. ?Jesus Jimmy what a find lets get the rest off.? The knife slid between her breasts and snipped the fabric then the straps followed, her large firm breasts swung free, she heard the intake of breaths, the knife slid down her belly and went under the waistband of her panties, two quick cuts and except for her sneakers Jill was naked.

The leader was now speaking on his cell phone, and after a few minutes he hung up. ?Well miss, my boss wants to have a word with you; it?ll be a few hours before he gets here meanwhile he says we can make a small start.? A backhand crashed across her face, followed by another she felt the trickle of blood from her nose on her lip, and her head sang. A closed fist thudded into her stomach, she doubled up, but a hand grabbed her hair and pulled her erect, a second punch followed and Jill gagged as bile filled her throat. ?Get some rope and string her up no point in wasting our energy it?s going to be a long day.?






One of the men brought a reel of binder twine, the type the farmers used to hold the hay bales together, coarse and very strong, they cut a length off and pulling her hands together in front and tied several loops around her wrists, then looped between the wrists, pulling the whole lot tight, and knotting the two ends. A second rope was looped around the wrist ropes and pulled up and tied to a hook connected to pulley that was connected to one off the overhead beams. Obviously this place has been used before thought Jill, she felt her arms rising till they were stretched high above her head, another pull and she was on her toes the rope was tied to an upright post nearby.

The leader had returned carrying a piece of electrical cable about 1 inch in diameter and about 3 feet long; he swished it through the air then approached Jill. ?Let me introduce you to my favorite tool I stole it from the electrical company didn?t cost a penny and it?s dammed efficient.? Standing close Jill swung her foot and caught him full in the nuts. He gasped and doubled up staggering back it probably was a mistake but it felt good and it was probably her only chance to fight back. ?You fucking bitch you?ll regret that. Get her higher I want her feet of the ground.? The rope tightened and Jill was pulled higher till she was clear of the ground, her already sore wrists and her shoulders ached, a piece of board about 6ft. long was placed below her and with her legs pulled apart her ankles were tied to it, hanging helpless Jill waited for the worst.

?Still want to kick? Now it?s my turn.? Disappearing behind, Jill had no time to prepare, because the first blow exploded across her upper back, seconds later a second just below the first, and so it went on working his way down, several blows across the kidneys, and Jill felt the urine trickle down her legs. He carried on down her hips and then the back of her legs, the heavy rubber leaving dark welds where it landed.

Jill bit her lip till the blood ran, but did not cry out. Finally the beating stopped, breathing heavily the leader appeared out in front.? You?re a tough one I?ll give you that lets see how you take the front being worked on.?

?O.K Jimmy my arms tired you have a go?, the big one called Jimmy shuffled forward, and reaching out grabbing the whip, swinging backhand the blow landed on Jill?s stomach, then immediately forehand, the next blows landed increasingly higher, until the first hit on her breasts, UHHH, the first sound came from Jill. The next slashed across her nipples AAAH, pain came in never-ending waves as blow after blow crashed across her body. Oh god please let it stop, finally the beating stopped, tears and snot running down her face.

The leader took the whip from Jimmy, and pushed the end into Jill?s mouth and pushed her head to face his. ?This is a warm-up missy hope you enjoyed it. Oh and just incase you thought I?d forgotten, It?s pay back time. Reaching back he swung underhand and the whip came up between her legs and crashed unto her cunt. AAAAAAAH. Jill screamed for the first time, and then as waves of pain came over her, she mercifully fainted.??? ????????????????????










??? ????????????


24 hours

Chapter 1




Jill knew she had fucked up, leaving the safe house to get a pint of milk on Sunday morning seemed so easy, and why not let her minder Sgt. Tim Roberts have a lie in.

The supermarket was just a few minutes away and most of the small N. Ireland town was still sleeping. No one was in the place except one teller. She heard the door open and a few muffled words, then silence.????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? ? ??


Jill reached for the milk, and then things happened quickly, she felt the muzzle of the gun at the back of her neck. ?Don?t move a muscle, or you?ll have a third ear?. The reflection of two large hooded men appeared in the door of the cooler.

Her hands were quickly pulled behind her and fastened very tightly with plastic ty-wraps. Then her arms were grabbed and she was hurried out the door and into the backseat of the waiting car.

She was thrown on the floor and as the car roared away the men bound her ankles with more ty-wraps. Her nose was pinched shut and when her mouth opened for air a rag was shoved? in, and secured with a rope wrapped several times round her head, then a bag was pulled over her head, not a word was spoken as the car moved further into hills of South? Armagh.


Captain Jill Hannah of the British Army intelligence corp. had been in Ulster for three months gathering intelligence on the local IRA groups. It was a dangerous assignment, as South Armagh, better known as bandit country was one of the most dangerous places in the world.

Jill had been picked primarily because she grew up on the streets of Belfast and possessed the smarts to survive in the guerilla warfare arena. Now because of a pint of milk her life was in very grave danger. She had heard what happened to prisoners in the hands of the IRA. Part of her training had involved been questioned ?by teams of experts with some minor rough stuff thrown in. but nothing like what was going to happen to her now.

The optimum time was 24 Hrs It gave the Army time to find her, and to contact other operatives in the field, that they might be compromised. She knew it wouldn?t be easy but somehow she had to hold out that long.


Sgt Roberts woke with a feeling something was wrong, the bed beside him was empty and so was the tiny apartment. Besides being her minder and a very good intelligence officer, he was also her lover. Three months living in danger had pushed them close together; she had a body to die for and a face to match. ?Jill you there?. He called.

Putting on his trousers he dashed out the door, just in time to see the Rover car speed away from the Supermarket, the sight of the three hooded men sent a chill through him.

Racing back indoors he called HQ.


Jill?s discomfort lasted another hour, the feeling had left her hands and feet, as the ty-wraps cut into her wrists and ankles. Finally the car stopped, the door opened and hands grabbed her arms and hauled her out, without stopping she was dragged across a gravel path and then inside a building, finally being dropped on the floor.

?Bring her over here? a voice said, her ankles were grabbed and she was pulled a few feet further, a hand reached down and the cloth sacking was pulled off.

Blinking at the sudden light, Jill glanced round and saw she was in a farm shed, empty except for some bales of hay, and obviously hadn?t been used for many years.

Four men still hooded stood above her ?Well well well the Brits are definitely improving on there personnel. This is a real bonus.? The others chuckled and made small talk. ?Lets see what?s under these clothes, get these ties of and stand her up, and for Christ sake hold on tight, we don?t want to lose her before himself comes.

Hands grabbed her arms and held tight as she felt the Ty-wraps being cut, she couldn?t have fought if she?d wanted to, as the blood rushed back into her limbs the pain started, she glanced down and saw her? purple hands, finally her gag was removed swallowing? to get some saliva back into her mouth. ?


Two of them held her, the other started to cut of her clothes, the leader stood back and watched. Her sweatshirt was cut up the middle, then the sleeves cut off, it fell at her feet.

Next her sweatpants were pulled down and off to join her shirt leaving just her bra and panties. ?Jesus Jimmy what a find lets get the rest off.? The knife slid between her breasts and snipped the fabric then the straps followed, her large firm breasts swung free, she heard the intake of breaths, the knife slid down her belly and went under the waistband of her panties, two quick cuts and except for her sneakers Jill was naked.

The leader was now speaking on his cell phone, and after a few minutes he hung up. ?Well miss, my boss wants to have a word with you; it?ll be a few hours before he gets here meanwhile he says we can make a small start.? A backhand crashed across her face, followed by another she felt the trickle of blood from her nose on her lip, and her head sang. A closed fist thudded into her stomach, she doubled up, but a hand grabbed her hair and pulled her erect, a second punch followed and Jill gagged as bile filled her throat. ?Get some rope and string her up no point in wasting our energy it?s going to be a long day.?






One of the men brought a reel of binder twine, the type the farmers used to hold the hay bales together, coarse and very strong, they cut a length off and pulling her hands together in front and tied several loops around her wrists, then looped between the wrists, pulling the whole lot tight, and knotting the two ends. A second rope was looped around the wrist ropes and pulled up and tied to a hook connected to pulley that was connected to one off the overhead beams. Obviously this place has been used before thought Jill, she felt her arms rising till they were stretched high above her head, another pull and she was on her toes the rope was tied to an upright post nearby.

The leader had returned carrying a piece of electrical cable about 1 inch in diameter and about 3 feet long; he swished it through the air then approached Jill. ?Let me introduce you to my favorite tool I stole it from the electrical company didn?t cost a penny and it?s dammed efficient.? Standing close Jill swung her foot and caught him full in the nuts. He gasped and doubled up staggering back it probably was a mistake but it felt good and it was probably her only chance to fight back. ?You fucking bitch you?ll regret that. Get her higher I want her feet of the ground.? The rope tightened and Jill was pulled higher till she was clear of the ground, her already sore wrists and her shoulders ached, a piece of board about 6ft. long was placed below her and with her legs pulled apart her ankles were tied to it, hanging helpless Jill waited for the worst.

?Still want to kick? Now it?s my turn.? Disappearing behind, Jill had no time to prepare, because the first blow exploded across her upper back, seconds later a second just below the first, and so it went on working his way down, several blows across the kidneys, and Jill felt the urine trickle down her legs. He carried on down her hips and then the back of her legs, the heavy rubber leaving dark welds where it landed.

Jill bit her lip till the blood ran, but did not cry out. Finally the beating stopped, breathing heavily the leader appeared out in front.? You?re a tough one I?ll give you that lets see how you take the front being worked on.?

?O.K Jimmy my arms tired you have a go?, the big one called Jimmy shuffled forward, and reaching out grabbing the whip, swinging backhand the blow landed on Jill?s stomach, then immediately forehand, the next blows landed increasingly higher, until the first hit on her breasts, UHHH, the first sound came from Jill. The next slashed across her nipples AAAH, pain came in never-ending waves as blow after blow crashed across her body. Oh god please let it stop, finally the beating stopped, tears and snot running down her face.

The leader took the whip from Jimmy, and pushed the end into Jill?s mouth and pushed her head to face his. ?This is a warm-up missy hope you enjoyed it. Oh and just incase you thought I?d forgotten, It?s pay back time. Reaching back he swung underhand and the whip came up between her legs and crashed unto her cunt. AAAAAAAH. Jill screamed for the first time, and then as waves of pain came over her, she mercifully fainted.??? ????????????????????










??? ????????????


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And the Award for Best Kitty Goes To

Sometimes a story just writes itself and you have to run with it. I never planned on writing Kitty Girl stories. The first one just happened, and after that, well, it just felt right to share adventure after adventure, or at least the ones that I felt comfortable sharing. So, here we are again, a few days after the Academy Awards, sitting at the kitchen counter with a half full (notice I didn’t say half empty) glass of orange juice and a slice of toast with raspberry jam, typing furiously as I...

2 years ago
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Weekend Chores

     When mom went back to working  double shift weekends it left me to my own devices as far as entertainment.  At least at first it did.  You know those old sayings, "Idle hands are the Devils tools."  Someone must have whispered them into her ears, because she began loading me up with chores whenever she pulled a double so's I wouldn't get into any trouble.  She had another saying that she also believed in, "Spare the rod, spoil the c***d." Believe me, she wasn't having any spoiled k**s...

2 years ago
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Changes Ch 04

‘Now, Keith, I’m going to take your gag off. In fact I’m going to take everyone’ gag off. Remember, now that the collars are designed to correct bad behavior, so it really would be better if everyone kept their mouth shut, unless I ask you a direct question. Oh, and I do so insist that each answer be completely truthful, and end with either a Sir or Doctor.’ The gags were removed, and immediately Keith and Robert shouted out, which brought instantaneous electric shocks from the collars. ‘Now,...

4 years ago
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Desperate luck

Hey guys my name is Rahul. Age 24, height 5ft 11in, huge built (stout) and a very normal looking person. I am a voice and accent trainer in an American call center (not a very good writer so plzz excuse me if u don’t find this story interesting). I live in Bombay with my mom, step father, brother and a maid. Well I’ve been a regular visitor of this website right since I was in 9th std!! Never really trusted any story to be true but still found most of them fascinating. Since my childhood I was...

3 years ago
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Memoires of the Marquis dAmour 8

8 - Exploration The court room was empty, on the auction list was a tattered estate and a horse cart in desperate need of repair, and a servant named Candela. Because the deceased owner was a sailor for his entire life I could imagine dark ports in Africa where he could have found this bargain. As she was presented her dull black frock and her greased plaited hair repelled first my attraction, but then considering her hight - towering eight foot - and her mystic african eyes I reserved her...

3 years ago
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It was another Saturday afternoon in the Morley household, and like the last few weeks there was an argument going on. As usual it centred around fourteen year old Frank Junior, known as FJ, and his mother Susan. "Do I have to? But I did it last week, and the week before." "Yes, and you did it the week before that and the week before that, and you'll do it next week and every Saturday until you finally leave for college when you're eighteen." "But why? I want to go and play football...

2 years ago
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My wifes firstblack cock

We've been married to my wife Ann for 52 years, although l've known her since we were 12 when a group of about 8 girls and a similar number of boys hung around together, the boys got a "stinky finger" from most of the girls, we all got one from Ann, when we reached the age of 15 the group began to drift apart as we started work and made other friends, l didn't see Ann again until we were 18, but that another story, we married when l was 20 and she had just turned 21, she was still enjoying a...

2 years ago
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Home From University Part III

In seven days, my sister would return to university and things would never be the same ever again. By returning to university on this next occasion, she would effectively be leaving home for good. This summer would never be repeated and all I could think about was one thing: would I get the opportunity to fuck her?Was she prepared to go that far? I say ‘that far’ when actually, we had come pretty fucking far over the summer! My cock ached at the thought of sliding into her warm wet vagina....

3 years ago
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Janeys Grocery Lust

OK, it's only 10 o'clock. Bob gave me a couple of very clear signals earlier this evening so I figure I know what he's got on his mind, but it sure isn't on mine and I have this horrendous day coming up and I want to go to sleep but I'm wide awake anyhow, practically so rigid I can't even feel the bed, thinking about the stuff I have to do tomorrow. I absolutely have to go to the grocery store or we starve. I've got to pick up Alan at school at 2:30 and take him to the mall and force...

4 years ago
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BusherChapter 4 Dave

After we beat Potomac handily and had cleaned up and dressed, I was grumbling to Alex on the way out of the locker room about the fact that I hadn't brought anything decent to wear on this road trip, and the only sports coat I had with me, after our nine days busing around North Carolina, was almost too grungy to wear on the team bus -- much less in a Horse Country private club. "You look fine," Alex said, with all the sincerity of Martha Stewart interviewing a crack addict. "Don't...

3 years ago
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Das Tor 6

Panikerf?llt zog ich an meinem Bein, und tats?chlich l?ste sich der Absatz. Puh, das h?tte schief gehen k?nnen. Aber der halbe Weg lag noch vor mir. Ich ging jetzt sehr langsam und vorsichtig, und kam tats?chlich wohlbehalten in meinem Haus an. Ersch?pft setzte ich mich hin und ruhte ein wenig aus. Dann zog ich mich aus. Das hei?t, ich wollte mich ausziehen. Ich bekam mit den Handschuhen die Verschl?sse nicht auf. Nach einiger Zeit gab ich es auf, sinnlos. Was nun? Ich konnte versuchen S...

1 year ago
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WildOnCam Mandy Rhea Horny Newbie MILF Mandy Rhea Is Down To Fuck LIVE

Horny MILF Mandy Rhea noticed you checking out her ass in her tight blue jeans. She will be more than willing to show you some more though. Just wait until she unbuttons her top revealing one sexy orange bra and you better bet that she has skimpy panties to match too! Mandy peels down her pants and puts her ass right in your face so you can admire her pussy and curvy MILF body in all its nakedness. Give those nipples a pinch and devour her wet pussy with your tongue while she wraps her legs...

3 years ago
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Return To Pleasant Street Ch 14

Chapter 14: A SURPRISING INTERVIEW Eric Workman lives on Pleasant Street and, like me, he’s a writer. He’s a freelancer, and does a lot of ‘personality’ type stories about famous people. He generally writes about people who are prominent in various fields and who are famous because of the contributions they’re making to society. Lynnette Abrams, a prominent feminist, is conducting a seminar at our local college and Eric has an appointment to interview her. He mentioned to me a few weeks ago...

2 years ago
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Mums Friend Dorothy

Twenty years had passed since that terrible evening. Twenty years in which lives had been repaired, if not healed, and had branched off in different directions from how those involved had intended.I had moved away, because I had been about to do that anyway. I wasn't running from anything, or at least I didn't think I was. I just had a life to lead. I was 20 when it happened and I had ambitions to pursue – ambitions which could best be pursued in London, not this small town on the Norfolk...

2 years ago
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Diggin It

Skyler pulled the truck over to the side of the gravel road and stepped out. He didn’t have much of a cell signal to begin with, and he knew it was worse inside the truck. The call went through, and his father answered in a weary voice, “Hello?” “Sorry to call, but I accidentally deleted that map you emailed me with the landmarks. I’m somewhere near the place, but I just can’t find it.” “I’ll send it again.” There was a brief pause and he heard his father say, “Thanks. Your mother is sending it...

Group Sex
2 years ago
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Purgatorys ChildrenChapter 10

Benni could no longer leave the family compound alone. A few days after the assassination, platoons of Enforcers began to patrol the corridors of Level Eight, sometimes stopping individuals for questioning. They appeared in the morning as everyone was rushing for the day shift and they returned in the evening when day shift returned and night shift began. They always walked in platoons of ten men. At least one of the Enforcers carried several scanners and a face recognition cam attached his...

4 years ago
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Lauren GisalChapter 32

A further three people, as far as Lauren could tell, came across to the altar and felt her body, paying special attention to her breasts and vagina. She kept her eyes tightly closed, which helped to mask the continuing abuse she received, but did nothing to reduce her shaking and the misery she felt within. Occasionally, she glanced sideways to Nikki and Rebecca, still huddled in the corner but now under the food tables almost out of sight. She ached all over, and even though her legs had...

2 years ago
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A Tall Drink of Water

He stands a staggering 6’4, blond curly hair that falls just to his shoulders and frames his face like a halo. Bright green eyes find my dull brown ones and his gaze is penetrating, seeking out something more and setting my body on fire in the process. If just his gaze could do this to me, I wonder what the rest of him can do. A chill runs down my spine as I think of his long fingers dragging down my skin, his lips slowly following while tasting every inch his fingers caressed. A smile crosses...

1 year ago
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ExploitedCollegeGirls Autumn 12222016

The face of an angel and the sex drive of a street whore, 19 year old Autumn is exactly what the doctor prescribed. Supposedly without a boyfriend for 2 years (yeah right!), Autumn doesn’t mind that in addition to getting paid for her first b/g shoot, she also gets to play with TC’s big cock. She admits to being nervous, and even says this whole porno thing is awkward. That’s ok, she’ll get used to it (*see notes at the end*. But she does seem pretty excited about...

1 year ago
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FamilyStrokes Sofie Reyez Stepsister Easing An Erection

When brainy beauty Sofie Reyezs horny stepbrother gets a migraine, he accidentally takes some of his old mans dick pills instead of aspirin! He is so embarrassed, he will not even come out of the bathroom, but luckily Sofie is understanding. She wants to help her stepbro out, so she wraps her fingers around his massive boner, jerking him sensually. When that does not work, she takes it a step further, giving him a deepthroat blowjob! Finally, she goes all the way, bending over for the lucky guy...

1 year ago
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My First Time and a Little More Part 7 Sucking Straight Guy

Please read the true story leading up to this point. Unfortunately, the story titles are similar, but not exactly the same. I hope you will find all of them under the following titles. (1) “My first time and a Little More,” (2)“First Time and More: part 2.” (3)“My First Time and a Little More: Part 3 Anal,” (4)“First Time and a Little More: Part 4 Cum,” (5)“First Time and a Little More: Part 5 foursome,” (6) “My First Time and a Little More: Part 6 Swallow.” Now, Part 7. If you read from the...

1 year ago
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The Breeders Life 4 Traffic Stop

I was left alone for the first few weeks after my procedure, at least while I was at work the vibrator was turned on. A mic at the desk well hidden so I could not see it and another one in the office which were both connected to the vibrator in question, meant their were moments in the day when I'd be brought to a juddering halt if I was lucky or I'd end up crying out either in pain or pleasure, depending on what was being said at the time. People had taken to walking by and calling me...

2 years ago
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Accidental Swingers

My wife and I had been in New York for a few months. We were adjusting to our new jobs and (sort of) to our new lives, but friends hadn't quite made it into the equation yet. So we were quite excited when one of our friends finally cajoled us into going out and meeting with a few of his friends. He was of the flamboyantly gay variety, so we met up at a packed gay bar in Chelsea. The first few people to join us were various acquaintances we knew, but as I came back with our second round of...

2 years ago
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Guinevere's penis throbbed and pulsed in her fist as she furiously pumped it up and down, the hardness and warmth of it as wholly tangible as the straining in her testicles as her semen readied itself for its ultimate release. If this wasn't real, what was? It certainly felt real to Guinevere, as it always did when she masturbated, something she did as often as she could and something for which, like all hermaphrodites in the world, she had a remarkable facility. The semen when it came...

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Self Isolating With MomChapter 3

Dani was stunned. She couldn’t believe what she’d just seen. She was sitting in front of her computer, her mouth gaping open. She’d just witnessed her mother sucking her brother’s cock, and then taking a monster facial! Watching what was happening in her brother’s room was nothing new to Dani. Being the techie that she was, her brother had come to her months ago, asking if she could help him set up a webcam on his computer. It wasn’t so much asking her to ‘help him’, but to flat out have her...

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Hotel Heaven

I had been lonely for a while, no one special in my life, living alone had its benefits but sometimes you need to feel wanted and to really want to pleasure someone. Searching the internet one evening, thinking about past experiences, I ended up on a transsexual escort site, searching through the different pictures and profiles, who were saying they were in my area. In all honesty I was doubtful about some of the pictures being genuine, but then I came across a link to a lady who called...

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Inspiration Ch 06

DISCLAIMER: All and any Breath Play displayed in this story and all MY stories should NEVER be attempted without the proper education and caution and precautions and trustworthy partner. EDUCATION IS KEY! Author Note: This chapter is dedicated to a particular correspondent I’ve had the recent pleasure sharing feedback with. She’ll know who she is! MUCH LOVE & ALWAYS PLAY SAFE! ***** Around and around, wrap by snug wrap the red silk rope bound Rosangela’s wrists. It was the first...

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outdoors is best

From an early age, Being naked outside was fun. Having to do it secretly was key, and the thrill of avoiding being caught made it even better. After that age when I discovered jerking off, the reward of cuming made the experience something to remember. I was at the 'barely legal' age when I decided to push the boundrys. At one of my prefers locations, a streak length of a half mile was possible, as it was dense forest. Many times made it without being scene, but with some close calls.One day,...

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Wife and I Discover a new Desire

My sexy wife and I had just finished having sex. Many nights after sex, we would talk about what turns us on. For years, I had been eating my own cum. My wife loved to watch me eat it. I loved to eat it. Tonight, after filling my wife's shaved pussy, she sat on my face and I cleaned my cum from her bringing her to an explosive orgasm. My wife loved having me suck and lick her freshly fucked pussy clean. Tonight, she asked me if I had any new fantasies. I have for years fantasized about watching...

2 years ago
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I ordered a pizza and the app said it would be about 25 minutes. I ran to the bathroom to grab a quick shower before it arrived. I stripped out of my work clothes, leaving them on the floor where the fell. The water felt nice against my skin. Cool, but not cold. I lathered up the lufa and began washing the day off. The soap felt good sliding across my body. I hung the lufa on it’s hook and finished lathering up by hand. The feel of my breasts, heavy in my hands. My palms sliding across my...

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