Having a brazilian waxing
- 4 years ago
- 28
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My husband has written stories for Lush but he insisted that I write this one since I was the one who was involved. It was our son who the event is about. But, as I expected, a cool teen would not want to be writing a story for grown-ups, especially about his coming of age. I am not even sure that others would be that interested in one small incident in our family’s nudist and swinging lifestyle especially since this was no big deal for my son. But to make my husband happy, here is his story.
Our son, Danny, like most boys when arriving at the required age for a driver’s license (sixteen in our state), was looking forward to getting that first license. But unlike most other boys, he had also been anticipating his first Brazilian waxing at our preferred salon, Bliss Salon, and they also had an age minimum of sixteen.
The reason for the waxing was our family would be headed south to Missouri to our annual vacation at a family nudist resort. This would be his first visit to the resort and we wanted him to transition in the best he could. Most males and females at the Four Corners’ Resort in Missouri sport bare midsections so that was the need for the waxing.
Nudism is our lifestyle since my husband and his parents were all raised as nudists. I knew the marriage came with the lifestyle. The transition for me was quick and smooth with the help of my mother-in-law who made me feel at ease. The in-laws introduced us to swinging only after I was comfortable with the public nakedness. We used to belong to a swingers’ club in a larger city an hour away. They met monthly at a member’s home or in a motel. But, now as my husband aged, we just enjoy the occasional get-together with some of our former club friends. I should add we have another child, a daughter, who has to wait until next year until she can qualify for her first waxing.
The reason for this background on nudism is that a majority of regular goers to nudist camps are completely hairless in their mid-sections. Most who go often, not surprisingly, have bodies that are golden and smooth. If a person is only going to check out or a resort or just visit occasionally, a genitalia trim, such as a landing strip for females or a short trim for males would be adequate. Also, at least some body-tan would be good.
My husband and both have our massages and waxing done at the Bliss Salon and love their atmosphere and professionalism. The Salon tells me that they do not often get calls for waxing teens but they still are glad to have the business. As mentioned, they do have an age limit of sixteen and require a parent’s permission. What most parents don’t know, since Bliss does not advertise it, is that parents can watch the service behind a two-way mirror if the person consents to be watched.
Danny has agreed to let me observe his first waxing with his aesthetician, Mrs. Aviles (pronounced “a vee’ less”). Mrs. Aviles was fine with it too since she serves both my husband and me with waxing, plus she told me that she especially enjoys introducing teen males to it. She is aware that we are discreet nudists (she doesn’t know that we swing) and that waxing, like any opportunity for physical intimacy, can include some playful teasing to make for a more pleasureful process.
A major advantage of waxing is that removing the hair lasts four to six weeks compared to shaving where the stubble returning in days.
A few words about my son, Danny. He is a mostly Caucasian, muscular guy who is about 5’8’ at about 150 lbs. Since my husband’s father was Hispanic, that gives him a little darker skin. Today, as per usual, he is wearing tight jeans with a couple of little stylish cuts that many of us parents could pass on, and a T-shirt with a soccer logo of his school. He loves sports, especially soccer, and he likes books about people who have done heroic acts or are have been major figures in history. He is a quiet kid who gets along with others well. Since he is from a family with mature sex habits, he is very comfortable with his body except for his large penis size. It seems most young men are sensitive to their cock being too small but he is the rare male who fears he is abnormally big (I have to admit it is a turn-on to me but that would be natural for any mom). The only complaint I have as his mother is that I wish he would show more emotion - he just takes everything calmly.
Two days after his sixteenth birthday, Danny and I are the way for his first waxing. Even though he got his driver’s license the day before, I am driving our Audi since I fear he may be too excited to concentrate on the road. What he is looking forward to now is getting his body ready for the resort. He has always been proud of his body and being hairless in his midsection intrigues him.
We arrive at The Bliss Salon at 5 pm which is normally their closing time. However, the shop recommends that late time to avoid public questions such as why a parent would come into a salon with a young family member.
When we check in with the receptionist, she gives Danny, then me, what seems to be a knowing smile. Mrs. Aviles immediately comes in to escort us into the observation room. As we leave the reception room, the receptionist turns on what I assume must be their answering machine and then turns off room lights and leaves through the entrance door.
Now, there are only three of us in the building. In the observation room, Danny confirms with Mrs. Aviles that it would be okay for me to observe behind the two-way mirror. She tells us that the person who is being waxed soon forgets that they are being observed. She says Bliss Salon justifies the mirror by saying they use if for “quality control,” especially with new massage therapists and aestheticians.
Mrs. Aviles and Danny then leave me and they go into the service room. I take a seat on a high stool, look down to see my wrinkle-free tan slacks, then my feet nicely meeting the carpeted floor. I can easily see any activity through the large mirror/window.
I should describe the attractive Mrs. Aviles. She is about a 5’ 6,” a brunette, with smooth tan skin, and she is wearing thick black-rimmed glasses. She has large breasts which, in my opinion, do not call for her wearing a short-sleeved white blouse which is one size too small. (Yes, I am a little jealous.) She also goes a little heavy, in my estimation, with the fire-engine red lipstick and matching nails.
She tells Danny to strip and points to the hooks on the wall for his clothes. In removing his T-shirt, his tan body displays sculptured biceps and the six-pack abdominals. Then he unbuckles his belt and removes his jeans, then shoes and socks. Finally, he hooks his thumbs into the band on his white briefs and slides them off. I see tight buttocks that are perfectly formed. I note that Mrs. Aviles is getting the full-frontal of his fully mature, over-sized circumcised penis and a sack holding what I would say are nearly plum-size testicles. They are nestled in some short blondish/brown hair. He has a body that any mother would have been proud of.
Mrs. Aviles smiles at me. I expect that since she serves my husband too, she recognizes that my son’s cock is larger than my husband’s which is itself bigger than average. She is looking forward to her task. I had given her permission to be as creative as wants to be, since, as I informed her, there is no pleasure we have denied our family members. I certainly have been looking forward, probably as much as my son, to this day for a long time.
Danny slides onto the massage/waxing table which was covered with a sheet of disposable white paper. He is lying supine with his feet toward me. Mrs. Aviles puts a white cervical pillow under his head. With those hands with tipped red polished nails, she grips his ankles and then separates his legs. She once again turns and smiles at me as she goes to the counter to get the waxing gel. My son’s penis is limp, partially hanging over his thigh. From my angle, I cannot see all of ’s face since his head is at the far end of the table, resting on the pillow. However, I can see well enough though that he is comfortable.
I can detect a mild scent, possibly lime or lemon, in my observation room. The only sound is the quiet drone of the air conditioner. I can easily hear the dialogue in the other room.
“Danny, I appreciate that you have not shaved your groin before this visit. When I apply the wax, I can grip the hairs. Did your mother tell you that there is some pain involved?”
“My mom had told me that, that there is some pain,” he replies.
“Yes, Danny, males have thicker hair than females down here, so there is a little more sensitivity with a pull. Your mom said you want to be like the men and the boys at the resort your family attends.”
“That’s right. I really like the resort but I don’t want to be the only guy or girl with hair down there.”
The specialist dips a wood applicator that looks like an over-sized popsicle stick into a dark green gel. She applies it. After about a wait of about five seconds, “zip!” off comes some dark hairs. Danny’s head slightly jerks and he slightly arches his back. Then more wax, it dries, and zip again. The young man remains in his position and has not jumped after the first two or three pulls.
She discards the strips in a basket at her side.
After a few minutes of this action, she says, “Danny, just a check-in. Your mom said you decided just to remove the hair around your genitals and below your navel, right here. ” She flattens her hands on his skin with the tips of her thumbs meeting below the scrotum and the tips of her pointer fingers meeting above his penis. She then presses in so he can confirm the area.
“Yes, please. Umm.”
After zeroing in on the area she begins to work in a slow but steady counter-clockwise routine around his penis. It is reddish and looks nearly full of blood to me but still, it is not greatly extended. I have to admit is difficult for me to only observe this woman taking care of my son. I know it goes with being a parent but still is tough having to share our sons and daughters as they move on to adulthood.
“Danny, Now, let’s spread our legs,” she instructs as she moves into his right-side. With her disposable thin translucent gloves, she spreads the wax below his navel and then rhythmically works her way down then around his shaft and scrotum.
“Okay, Danny, I’ll be careful with these,” as she grips his scrotum and applies some gel on each bulge of a ball. “It might hurt a little but I will work fast, okay?” Danny nods.
With these words of hers, I feel my nipples harden under my blouse.
After a few seconds of letting the wax dry, “rip!” Danny hardly reacts. But I am hopeful she is not too rough on my son’s share of the family jewels.
In a counter-clockwise motion, she works her way from the top to the bottom of the stretched sack.
The penis is now is no longer limp as the natural reaction is taking place for a young male with the blood now having engorged his dick. Mrs. Aviles begins from time-to-time squeezing and pushing it and when she does it flops back. She maintains a professional demeanor, but I feel I may need to get out my wet-wipes since I feel the moisture beginning to pool in my panties. I think it began when Danny got on the table but his stiffy now is getting me soaked.
Now with the tips of her fingers on her left hand, she grasps the mauve-colored head of his hard penis and pulls it back toward the navel, and applies the gel, pause, and rip!
After several extractions, she bends his member down to get the hairs. It appears his organ wants to spring back. She then stretches his ball sack and applies the strips and goes from counter-clockwise to clockwise and vice versa. Of course, Mrs. Aviles says nothing about the boy’s erection since it comes with the treatment, besides, I am sure she sees it as an indicator that she is satisfying her customer. (She told me in a follow-up discussion that it is only a few adult males who are embarrassed with this and those are the ones who only come for the waxing at the insistence of their wives or girlfriends. She also commended me in that feedback for having a son who found the service so natural that he did not ejaculate in the first minute or two as do most sixteen-year-old boys on their first waxing.)
Mrs. Aviles continues in a rhythmic pattern applying the dark-green gel around the ball sack. She returns to the cock and pulls the head back toward his naval to once again seek some hairs she missed. She then takes several clean wipes to go over the whole area below the navel, between his thighs, and then the ball-sack and penis. I frankly think she is dwelling on his penis and his sack, but can’t begrudge her.
For the first time, I hear Danny emit a “Hmm” which is a sound of contentment.
“Danny, you are doing fine.” Mrs. Aviles’ head retreats while the palm of her hand pushes down on his cock to increase the intensity which comes from the blood having to work harder to move through the arteries.
At this point, Mrs. Aviles, reaches for some clear oil, and applies it to his cock and then strokes it a few times. With this Danny arches his back thus thrusting his front up. The smile on the woman’s face tells me both that she does not care that I am the mother in the adjacent room and that she likes the power of making males squirm.
Mrs. Aviles continues to work at a steady pace and Danny lays there on his back, eyes closed, and without moving. But he does make a soft moan now and then. With her fingers, Mrs. Aviles grasps the head of the circumcised penis and pulls it down so she can look for any missed hairs. When she finds one, she applies the gel, and, rip! off it comes. I note that since his shaft is so bare, even I can see the bulging red arteries and blue veins.
Mrs. Aviles releases the boy's prick and reaches for a tissue to wipe off what must be some precum. She resumes manipulating and then releases it and it flops this time in a different direction. She then applies wax to some hair on his inner thighs. From time to time she stops and wipes the whole genital area with some type of clear liquid.
Pausing to examine her work she seems satisfied. She then steps to the counter and returns with some yellow oil. She liberally sprinkles it over his genitals. She then steps into him until the nipple in her tight blouse spears his chest. In what I think must be in deference to me she still faces me so I can observe her and the whole of my son’s bare supine body. I have to ask, “What mother would not love to be in such a position with a son who she loves?”
Danny’s feet are toward me. His cock is still completely extended at an angle aiming at his chin. I am pleased with his maturity not being embarrassed about his erection.
“Danny, how are you doing, honey?”
“It feels good, Mrs. Aviles.”
“That is great. I need a little air,” she says as she undoes the top two buttons on her white blouse. Even I can see from my vantage point that this mature woman is only wearing a push-up bra with tits that need no enhancement. A large brownish aureole with an erect nipple is only partially covered. I see Danny looking up to get a better view. “Good for you, son!” and, “Thank you, Mrs. Aviles!” are my thoughts.
Holding his blood-full penis, she stretches so she can reach some tweezers on the counter. Now with tweezers in her right hand, she focuses on what must be a small hair and plucks it. Flipping the boy’s cock around and stretching the scrotum she finds a couple more to remove. She cups the balls and manipulates them to check further until she is satisfied. I do not see on his fluorescent-lit bare skin any hairs but I am at a distance.
She returns the tweezers to the counter but does not drop the boy’s cock. Oh! when she turns back to the table, I see her blouse now shows a third button is undone and the taut brownish nipple is just caught by the seam edge of her blouse. The devious woman! She must have done that one-handed when she turned away!
She adjusts her position, and now, with the tips of the red-nails of her left hand, she surrounds the cock head and makes what appears to be a final check on her work. She starts slowly stroking his now well-oiled shaft.
Whoa! I never asked how far she would take my boy but now I will find out. She keeps focusing on his eyes as she strokes. Danny begins to squirm. She intermittently moves his penis back and forth to find any hairs she missed. She stops for one and this time she reaches for tweezers on the counter. She moves her face close in to examine the follicle and removes the hair. After finding a couple more hairs she returns the instrument to the counter.
She takes off the transparent glove of her right hand, tosses it, and now with this hand, she rings his manhood and rhythmically, slowly slides her hand up and down. Danny has arched his back some so I can no longer see his face as I could before, however, I see his body tightening and twitching.
This makes some muscles in my pussy begin to spasm and I massage my labia through my slacks. As Mrs. Aviles speeds up her stroking and then stops and removes her hand from his penis. She cups his balls, a spurt of a ribbon of grey/whitish semen travels a little more than a foot, some landing on the woman’s blouse. I have never seen him shoot that far! (He has left the door to his bedroom open at times.) Then seconds later another spurt, the same length as the first, then a short one.
With a look of contentment, Mrs. Aviles releases his cock, takes a tissue, and wipes what she can of the splashed semen off his chest but ignores what lit on her white blouse. She does this as if it is routine.
She then sprays his genital area with some type of topical spray and says, “Well done, Danny. You can rest a minute.” While still on his back, she steps over to the counter and returns with a white washcloth. She applies it to his genitals, and with the palm of her hand, she puts some pressure on the cloth. He is squirming. I am thinking, “What a clever way to remove the last of the ejaculate!”
With her hand locked in place, she asks, “Danny, how was your first waxing? Is there anything I should do differently next time?”
Danny stutters and says “It-it was great and I would like it the same way next time if you could.”
“Of course, hon. You can get up now.” She removes the soiled washcloth.
Danny puts his hands on the edge of the table and rises. He sits on its side of the table. Mrs. Aviles says, “Remember that not all young men get the full service like you got today. Most families are not as liberated as yours. You can discuss anything with your folks but otherwise, you need to be very discrete and not share the release you received with your classmates and friends.”
“Of course, Mrs. Aviles.”
“The last thing I should tell you, Danny, is to keep your crotch away from the sunlight for two days. Your mon said you won’t be leaving for your nudist resort until the end of the week so you should be fine. Just don’t sit out in your back yard exposing your private area in the next two days while your skin is still sensitive.”
Mrs. Aviles puts her hand on Danny’s elbow and says, “Danny come over here now and show your mom how we did.”
Danny exclaims, “Oh! I forgot Mom was watching.” The two take a couple of steps to the right, and then a step forward, he smiles and waves at the two-way mirror. I am thinking. “What a moment! - a son with a beautiful fit body, a hairless penis with ball-sack, being comfortable exhibiting himself to two mature women – one, his own mother.” I was more than satisfied with his first waxing.
Mrs. Aviles hands him his shirt and then briefs to help him dress. She helps by adjusting his now still blood-full cock for a comfort fit in his briefs. I murmur, “Yes, she is quite a devious woman.”
As I walk back into the vacant but still lit reception room, I note I need to soon employ some wet wipes or remove my panties. Before I can act, Mrs. Aviles, with her blouse now rebuttoned to the top, and Danny enter.
She says, “Mom, I recommend you get him in the shower when you get him home since even though we washed him it is a good idea to once again wash off any possible residuals of the chemicals we use. You may need to check him over.” She winks at me. “Best of luck to all of at your resort. No sun is allowed upon the private area for a couple of days. Bye!”
We head out the door to take our Audi home. As I get into the passenger seat, I see a handsome newly-licensed driver with a smile on his face. I place my purse over my crotch to hide any pussy juice that may have escaped into my slacks. I am in anticipation of getting these clothes off and stepping into the shower. I will certainly need to see that Danny washes off any residual chemicals. Next stop, Four Corners’ Resort.
That is my story. I am glad my husband encouraged me to write it since I got to enjoy the delightful experience once again.
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Note to readers. This is a continuing story told to me by a friend who is strictly “trade.” He will permit me to tell of his gay affairs only if I don’t change his name, Verne and do change the name (s) of his partner (s) in that affair. If you have the uncontrollable desire to embellish this story, do so but do not make Verne into any person other than a guy who is so much a top with gay guys that he has never allowed a penis in his mouth or anal opening. You should note I am like a gay Dr....
Heidihad almost forgotten what dry clothes felt like. Two months in the rain forest had been an unbelievable experience but the constant heat, humidity and hammering rain was wearing. She knew how lucky she was to be here – in her first year at Cambridge and invited to join one of the most important studies into Pre-Columbian anthropology, spear-headed by Randall: the foremost authority on the subject, best-selling author and History Channel heart-throb. He also happened to be a top grade...
Ami pulled the zip open on her rucksack and fished out a bottle of lube, a small tin and what looked like a fabric belt with a rubber attachment at one end.I looked quizzically at the last item that Ami had placed on the table."Excellent!" Laura exclaimed. She had the look of giddy excitement and expectation on her face reminiscent of a young girl on Christmas morning.Ami's hands groped around trying to find another item before finally locating what she had been searching for. Before extracting...
Bisexual"Bora la amigos!" I shouted as I bombed into the water.The pool in the garden was a bit shallower than I had bargained on, though my crash to the bottom of the pool wasn't as abrupt as it might have been.When I surfaced again, I heard Alex heckle to me, "Did you learn that in your travellers' phrase book?"He'd clearly been bemused by my attempts at ingratiating myself with my language skills. "Who the fuck says shit like that?”Whilst I was distracted by the heckles, Leandro launched his...
BisexualRealising that Leandro had told Alex about how horny a fucker I was during his trip to visit my family in England made me remember the horny things we had got up to. It forced open a sluice gate that unleashed a torrent of intense memories locked up in my head. It was a tap that I had turned open many a time to fill my reservoir of sexy memories when needed, however this time the raging torrent couldn't be held back. All attempts to keep the memories from flooding back into my mind failed, as I...
Gay MaleI was on a trip to Brazil to see family I hadn't seen for many years. At the start of the trip I had arranged to meet up with my cousin Leandro, his boyfriend Alex and some of his friends in a small holiday home he'd rented for a few days in a small town called Bonito, not far from the border with Paraguay.By the time my bus arrived from the nearest airport and I had unloaded my massive eighty-litre backpack, it was already a while past midday and the February sunshine was unrelenting and...
BisexualI lived in Brazil for a number of years, and a certain beach in a certain city was one of the best places to hang out.I was on the beach, chilling with a beer and watching the world slip by. My glasses were hiding my eyes, which are scanning the beach for female flesh. There are lots of it around as it was a nice Friday and lots of female flesh of all ages was on show. Some old wrinkly grannies, some MILFs, some 20-somethings and a lot of younger girls too. I had to turn over to hide my growing...
Ela entrou no carro e j? disse "Abaixe as cal?as at? o joelho e a cueca tamb?m". Obedeci e segui o caminho para o motel dentro do carro, n? da cintura pra baixo. Achei que ela iria me tocando no caminho mas nem sinal. Ao chegar no motel, quis colocar a roupa mas ela n?o deixou. Felizmente a mo?a da recep??o n?o tinha o ?ngulo de vis?o correto, com exce??o talvez quando chegamos quando ela talvez possa ter visto pela frente do carro. Isso pode explicar porque ela parecia um pouco inquieta. Ao chegarmos na gara...
What a beautiful morning, Molly thought as she looked out the spacious picture windows of their new home. She had awakened happy and with a strange feeling of exhilaration as she remembered last evening's delightful activities. Just thinking about it, she could feel the tingling of a slight arousal. I feel like I need to go in, lie on the bed, and do myself, she thought, laughing at how her sensuous thoughts of last night had aroused her. The phone ringing in the kitchen interrupted her...
My sons friends had always been quite pervy towards me, I had had my bum pinched a few times and always the rude comments about my boobs when I wore a tight top. I knew they fancied me, but as they got older the innuendo's got even more dirty, suggesting they wanted to 'do' me!My son and hubby were out when there came a knock on the door, it was 4 of my sons friends who I told that my son was out, they said he was on his way back and my son had said to wait for him, so thinking nothing of it I...
There was something raw, and primal about being Pansy Pumpscock. Each mincing step embodied Dasein. With each mincing step, the sidewalk and her platform Fuck Me Pumps acted in perfect concert. Her expression indicated no signs of deceit; only the pure representation of a sissy faggot committed with every fiber of her being to making men cum, OMG. The lips of her open mouth were made to be painted with cum. The way that her high limp wrists flailed about as she took every purposeful step...
Chapter 1 – Piling on Straws"Brock!"Oh shit, I was busted again. My mother, Roseanna, stared at me with a fiery gaze, her eyeslike penetrating lasers."How many times Brock! How many times do I have to tell you not to fist that, that, that bigfilthy prick in my living-room!" mother yelled.I sat completely still, silent and stunned with my mouth and eyes wide open. Mother must'vebeen really heated. I had heard her curse a few times already, but not regularly, and only oncebefore was it directed...
Hi Hun Hope you had a good night sleep well and I’ll see you later love Michelle xx I boiled the kettle and made myself a cuppa and chucked some bread in the toaster I then turned and made my way upstairs taking two at a time reaching the landing I made my way to the bathroom and turned the taps on. I pulled my t-shirt off over my head and removed my trousers now semi naked I ran back down stairs as I had heard the toaster pop up. I buttered my toast and ate it as I stood in my...
SONS GIRLFRIEND PART 2The story continues . Those who did not read part 1 this is about Clare my sons girlfriend, we stopped in a field while on a trip were she wanked my cock and i fingered her pussy licked her out and she gave me a blow job from heaven.Well we picked up my new car which was the purpose of the trip and on the return we stopped in a hotel for lunch , this place had rooms to let and we both knew were we were going to end up. Room paid for, key in hand and we couldn't get in fast...
That’s strange the lights are still on at the house, this was odd since mom and dad never stay up pass ten. So I open the door ever so quietly and sneak into the house, I was sneaking up over the stairs when I hear a strange sound “please daddy fuck my ass just like you fuck moms”, needless to say this peeked my interest, so I walk into the living room to a sight that took my soft cock and made it rock hard. There was dad naked getting ready to put the biggest cock I had ever seen in my...
As many of you know, I’m a married 45 year-old mother with two sons, one 25 off on his own now, one 23 in college, and a daughter. I am 5’6” tall, with nice long brown hair, brown eyes and weight just right I think for my build. I have 34C boobs with large firm nipples. My husband Nick is a police officer and is away from home from time to time for different reasons. We have a very good and open sex life and I have had many different men since I met my husband Nick and we started enjoying our...
AT HOME AFTER HOLIDAY[sex heaven]My day off Wednesday and this week is when a girl comes round for her spanking session . Clare my sons girl is at home also mmmmm this could be difficult as Clare doesn't know about this spanking thing .Anyway Clare comes down dressed very sexy in tight jeans , a backless shirt with a plunging neck line in pink and a pink lacy bra , with her bronze skin and long blonde hair she was sex heaven. Hi Clare what you doing today babe"waiting for my friend Maya to come...
THE HOLIDAY ; The last time i fucked Clare, my sons girlfriend was about two weeks ago in a hotel bedroom on the way back from buying my new car and it was more like passion, sex and lust all in one steamy, naked, sordid afternoon.Well here we are in Spain ,the whole lot of us are here for a week . My son went out to ride off road bikes for the day and dropped the wife in town to shop , leaving Clare and me alone miles from anywere in a gorgeous house with pool and sun terrace , don't forget...
I drove back to my hotel with vivid images of my freshly committed infidelity running through my mind like a movie. I really wanted to hate what had happened , but instead I felt quite an annoying sense of pride. I’ve had so many friends that cheated on their wives and suddenly found themselves single again in their forties. Then, after a couple of years of shooting their seed into whatever they could lay their hands on, end up spending the rest of their lives trying to find someone to spend...
HOLIDAY CONTINUESSo here i am on holiday "today i am alone with Clare my sons girlfriend " we have been fucking and wanking round the pool [read part 3]. At present my cock is sliding up and down Clare's cunt while she licks the pool girls pussy, and as i fuck faster and faster Clare goes into her oh so sexy moaning fuck me more mode . The Spanish girl who is 19 yrs old an angel on legs with long black thick hair , bronzed skin "those Spanish eyes" quite small petite firm young tits with...
My sons girlfriend is stunning , very slim ,blonde hair,pretty face , 36/23/34 figure and 21 years old. Such a sexy girl with her personality is a delight to know. Now she lives with us as her dad has never liked her, god knows why but thats family.She is a tease that's for sure, always coming down stairs with a short house coat on only, and is nude under it, she makes sure i get a peek every now and then . I have seen her in the shower and when she saw me looking she put her fingers in her...
Kate dropped her robe and stepped into the hot shower. She moaned as the hot water hit her back and began soaking her long dark hair. She bent her head back and lathered her hair with the shampoo. She had a high pressure shower head and the strong spray of water did it's work rinsing her hair while she rubbed her buxom figure down with body wash. The forty year old wife and mom couldn't help herself and started singing as her hands lathered up the largest pair of breasts in the neighborhood....
Totally out of the blue my son rung me up and suggested that we aii go out for dinner.He went on to say that he had a new girlfriend and was it alright for him to bring her down with him, of course we said yes.and so a couple of hours later they arrived and we met Tash for the first time.Tash was’nt paticulary pretty but she did look very nice in the skirt and blouse that she was wearing.i poured all of us a drink which was soon followed by another one.Susan had already had a few drinks and by...
Totally out of the blue my son rung me up and suggested that we aii go out for dinner.He went on to say that he had a new girlfriend and was it alright for him to bring her down with him, of course we said yes.and so a couple of hours later they arrived and we met Tash for the first time.Tash was'nt paticulary pretty but she did look very nice in the skirt and blouse that she was wearing.i poured all of us a drink which was soon followed by another one.Susan had already had a few drinks and by...
Change of Seasons Addendum Seasons Universe Recurring Characters I. Jane Thompson A. Introductory Story: Seasons of Change by Joel Lawrence B. Married to Art Thompson Philips (AKA Diana) C. Character Synopsis 1. Every story (obviously!) 2. School Mistress of Seasons House 3. Originator of Theme's Victorian Petticoat Discipline Reform Program 4. Program goal is to force young males to find...
this story is about how seduced my mom and ended up loving her from head to toe. I am in the first year college doing my engineering. Natasha is my mom’s name and she is a 44 years old hot and sexy woman. Not that I always fantasized about mom but my first semester in the college changed everything.My friends introduced me to this i****t concept and I heard a lot of stories about how they fucked their cousins and aunts. Hearing those used to give me a hard-on. What I didn’t realize was that...
This is Varun here and this story is about how seduced my mom and ended up loving her from head to toe. I am in the first year college doing my engineering. Natasha is my mom’s name and she is a 44 years old hot and sexy woman. Not that I always fantasized about mom but my first semester in the college changed everything. My friends introduced me to this incest concept and I heard a lot of stories about how they fucked their cousins and aunts. Hearing those used to give me a hard-on. What I...
IncestSTILL ON HOLIDAYWell were two days on from fucking each other and having the pool girl join us "never got her name " and wow what an afternoon that was [read part 3].Its 1am we have been out for dinner all four of us, and i am in bed with my wife listening to Clare fucking our son "so lying there thinking about those boobs bouncing up and down with each stroke gets me hard " my dear wife touches my cock and starts to wank it slowly while licking the end "she is calling me a dirty old man for...
My son had been with this girl Lucy since school, but having joined the Navy, was away from her for long periods of time. Lucy a stunning girl, very beautiful and had an awesome body, Could remember him ringing her home when they were still at school, I could remember having all kinds of rude thoughts about her.Anyway I was out driving one night and saw her by the road coming home from a night out, when I looked again I noticed she was walking hand in hand with this bloke. I pulled over ahead...
Night of Many Firsts 3Don Abdul ©Eddie is still caressing her tits, and rubbing his way up and down her torso when he feels her gentle movement, as she sways her hips opening up her ass to take in more of his cock. When he reaches in between her legs and rubs her clit, her rhythm changes and he begins to fuck her ass more actively. They continue to move together in blissful harmony and in enjoyment of their shared anal dance. The thought, and the pleasure of his cock live and breathing deep...
I invite all my fine female dear readers to respond to this sweet sexy survey of their number #1 erotic experience. I invite you to write me the best possible sex you dream to have in the future, or maybe it better stays only fantasy?I invite you to tell us as much as you like about the ideal circumstances needed and the sexy scenario you long for.I invite you to share your feelings about your favourite fantasy. Why is it so special? A secret? A taboo? A fetish?I invite you all to check as well...
Night of Many Firsts 3Don Abdul ©Eddie is still caressing her tits, and rubbing his way up and down her torso when he feels her gentle movement, as she sways her hips opening up her ass to take in more of his cock. When he reaches in between her legs and rubs her clit, her rhythm changes and he begins to fuck her ass more actively. They continue to move together in blissful harmony and in enjoyment of their shared anal dance. The thought, and the pleasure of his cock live and breathing deep...
BDSMIntroduction: 13 year old Jessica comes home from school and her brother wants her to play a little game in the backyard. Jasons Game Story: #UA-1 Copyright 2005 Written: February 03 2005 A Story By: KaosAngel Proofed by: Piasa_Troll Please send any comments about this story to ([email protected]) ************************************************************************ ~~!! Warning!!~~ The below story you are about to read is not only cannibalistic in nature but also contains a female victim...
My 19th birthday fell on a Friday. It was 2 years ago when I was 17 that I noticed this weird attraction I had. I knew it wasn't right immediately, but I liked the thoughts I was having. I always liked welcoming different things into my life, especially if I didn't know what the outcome would be. That was the thrill of it.My mom had me when she was a teenager. I think she might have been 18, which was the age I was about to leave behind. My dad ended up not sticking around back then and I've...