Comfort in Her Time of Need
- 4 years ago
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The aching in her breasts alerted her that it was almost time for Him to arrive home.? Her face, had anyone been there to see that sweet, lovely countenance, lit up, the blue eyes brilliant and soft as she contemplated His imminent arrival.?
She had been busy all day, scrubbing and cleaning and cooking up a storm, a delectable feast for His palate.? Hurrying now, she gave a quick glance around, nodding unconsciously at the spotless house.? The odour of beeswax from lovelingly polished furniture wafted across the still, cool air of the house, twining with a hint of sweet vanilla in the background from the pure wax candles she loved.
Hurrying to their room, Linny shed her workaday clothes as she headed for the luxuriously appointed bathroom.? Every time she looked around, she was reminded of His generous heart, His thoughtfulness, and love.?? Pulling her tee shirt over the silken blond tresses, she shook her head out, a shower of golden sunlight settling around her shoulders and spilling down her back.? The fine boned narrow shoulders almost seemed too delicate for the heavy, pale breasts which stood so proudly on her narrow torso.? Translucent skin, networked by a delicate blue tracery of veins, the large areoles, and the swollen engorged rosy nipples were breathtaking.? The heavy underhang of her large breasts begged to be cupped and licked, something He did frequently and with great pleasure to both.? Linny?s waist was narrow and slender, sweeping out to rich hips, a beautiful belly and long, gorgeous legs.? Her buttocks, full and heart shaped bore the marks of His love, fading stripes, delicately pink yet obvious on the pale Nordic skin.
Bending, her heavy breasts swinging, Linny started the shower.? A twinge in her breasts concerned her for a moment, and cupping one large orb, she squeezed its heavy flesh tentatively.? God, she was so ready!? Looking down, Linny could see the tiny raised bumps encircling the jutting nipple, each swollen duct full of sweet rich milk.? As she squeezed carefully, a droplet of translucent milk squeezed out of one tiny little duct, hanging enticingly at the edge of the crimson bud.
Stepping in, Linny was careful to keep the shower fairly cool and to keep those warm, full breasts away from the direct spray.? He would be expecting His little girl to feed her Daddy when He arrived home, tired and stressed from a long day?s work and the last thing she needed was hot water teasing her swollen breasts into letting down their bounty to uncaring porcelain.
Efficient, a fluttering in her stomach presaging His arrival, Linny washed with the rich emollient soap He bought her, carefully cupping and rubbing a cloth softly over her heavy breasts and between the long legs.? Spreading her thighs, she ran a quick razor over the long, pink slit with its pale pretty lips and deep red gash, ensuring that her entire cunt was smooth and slippery, just as He liked it.
In the adjoining bedroom, the clock radio clicked on, classical music wafting through the steam of the bathroom.?
As she stepped out of the glass enclosed shower staff, Linny paused.? Picking up the heavy Egyptian cloth towels He insisted on (?my baby only gets the best next to her pretty skin?), Linny?s heart felt as if it would overflow.? Life had not been easy, a soft heart and a naive soul had lead her to trust where trust should never have been offered. In her 40+ years, pain, disillusionment and unhappiness had been her lot, alleviated only by the love and joy in her daughters.
Then He came.
A big, handsome man, with blue eyes that could soften and make her heart melt, whose big soul knew how to soothe and whose love and sweet concern soothed cracks in her soul she hadn?t know existed.? Like herself, His earlier years had been hard ones, a bleak existence whose only bright spot was his beloved child.
And as her dearest Danny, her very own Daddy-Dom, enveloped her in his big arms, despite being a grown woman, Linny had felt for the first time, enveloped, protected and adored.? Her heart and soul expanded as together they soothed each other?s scars and learned to love again.? Sometimes, lying wrapped in His arms at night, His quiet breathing in her ear, Linny wondered how two adults who had already lived a lifetime, could have been so lucky as to find their other half.? It was as if they had had to suffer the indignities and the agony of their earlier years in order to embrace and appreciate the magnitude of what they now had.
Shaking herself, she stepped into the bedroom, padding to the closet, breasts jouncing, and the smooth apple cheeked buttocks flexing.? He had emailed her earlier, telling her that tonight He wished her naked, shoes and stockings only but her breasts and cunt, His property, free and accessible to His gaze and touch.
As she thought of His mouth and that delicious sweet prick, Linny felt herself moisten between her legs.? A little ashamed at how quickly even the thought of Him aroused her, she allowed herself to reach between her thighs and ran a long, slender finger along the length of her tight slit, pausing at the apex of the tight vee, and touching gently, the swelling clitoris which began to raise its impudent head between the labia.
Then sitting down on the bed, she pulled a silken stocking up the shapely calf, careful not to snag, the legs smooth and waxed, nothing marring their pale creamy surface.? Then the other one and standing, fastened the pink garter belt around her narrow waist, snapping the stockings to its dangling ribbons.
Opening her cupboard, she contemplated the array of stilettos critically, settling finally on a sexy strappy concoction of narrow straps and 4 inch stiletto heels.? Bending, she savoured the feel of her breasts hanging freely from her chest, their aching fullness starting to sting.?
Carefully making her way downstairs on the tippy heels, her breasts jouncing with each careful step, Linny quickly checked the oven, put the kettle on to boil and uncorked the wine.? Then entering the living room with its rich aubusson carpet, luxurious and deep piled, the comfortable wide seated couches piled with cushions in rich silks and vibrant brocades, she sat, the long shapely legs crossed demurely at the ankles.? Waning sunlight sent tendrils of liquid gold to spark on the deep blue of the carpet through mullioned windows, muted and soft on her pale skin as she sat quietly on the couch.? Content, almost dozing, she was aware in a quiet part of her mind of the increasing fullness of her breasts.? Her nipples, engorged and crimson glistened as almost translucent drops slowly oozed from their yearning tips.
Linny opened soft, unfocused eyes as the grandfather clock in the hallway marked the hour.? Pain began to intrude on her almost meditative state but before she could get agitated she heard His key in the door.
Joy leapt in her big warm heart as her Lord and Master, her Daddy entered.? Closing her eyes, she took a deep cleansing breath, the smell of His cologne drifting to her very soul.
Entering the quiet room, strains of classical music drifting from the bedroom upstairs, Danny saw His little girl waiting patiently for His return.? The silky golden hair spilled over the pale narrow shoulders, framing the fine boned face and huge blue eyes which blazed out their love and devotion, making Him catch His breath.? He marvelled, as He took in the sight of His beautiful pet, His precious little girl, her sweet curving waist, the swelling beautiful hips and those long gorgeous legs, silken and smooth in pale white stockings.? But most of all, His gaze was drawn to those big beautiful breasts, now swollen and firm.?
Standing in front of her, He drank in the sight of those life giving organs, the pale translucent skin with its tracing of blue veins and pink striations, the large areoles and engorged shining nipples.? Leaning, He ran a yearning hand over their bounty, feeling with sensitive fingers the bumps and swellings of each swollen duct.
Smiling up at Him, her big gorgeous Daddy, Linny felt her heart overflow.? His handsome face was tired, she noted, but still the soft brown eyes paternal and loving, caressed her face with their soft gaze.? The full moustache framing His sexy mouth made her stomach clench as unbidden, she thought of that soft hair tickling between her legs.? Unseen, a translucent stream squeezed out of her tight warm cunt to trickle down between her thighs.
?Is Baby Girl ready to feed her Daddy??
His voice, resonant and deep, touched Linny to her soul and she shivered, as excited as a puppy at its Master?s voice.? Her breasts seemed to yearn toward him and suddenly a small stream trickled out of the crimson nipple to drip on her stockings.
?Yes, Daddy, your little girl is all ready to feed her dearest.?
Linny?s voice was sweet and high, a child?s voice almost, its innocence and beauty striking awe in His soul as His baby girl gazed trustingly up at him.
Sitting beside her where she sat at the far right of the couch, Danny almost groaned as the stress of the day began to recede.? He could smell the soft, milky scent of His baby and His mouth began to water.?
Linny reached to her right and grabbed the nursing cushion her Daddy had bought her to ensure no undue strain disturbed His little one.? Settling it under her right arm, she reached for her beloved Daddy and with a sigh, He stretched His big masculine length along the roomy cough, settling His head on His baby?s lap.?
Carefully, Linny cupped one heavy breast.? The pain was sharp now as her ducts strained to release their fragrant bounty.? A throbbing and almost feverish ache made her a little light-headed.? He was a bit late tonight and her breasts were overdue.?
Danny?s head was pulled tight against her right breast, the left breast, heavy and engorged lay against her Daddy?s chest.? Carefully, Linny put a towel under its warm weight.
Then, skilfully, cupping the breast, her fingers squeezing the heavy nipple, Linny brushed the rubbery teat against her Daddy?s mouth.? Playfully, Danny kept His lips closed.? Using her left hand, Linny pretended to be cross.
?Come Daddy, you have to drink your milk, like a good boy!? Your little girl?s titties have to be drained.?
Tangling her long slender fingers in the thick hair, Linny turned His beloved face towards her breast, again pushing the nipple against the sensuous mouth.? Unable to resist, Danny opened His lips.
Sighing, anticipating the release and feeling the throbbing increase, Linny carefully pushed the nipple up against the back of His tongue, His lips fastening on the dusky pink areoles, their sensitive surfaces feeling the throbbing ducts.? Experienced, he made sure to pull the entire nipple into his mouth, the tip tilting to touch his upper palette, closing his mouth gently around the large swollen areoles.
Closing His eyes, Danny began to suckle strongly, pulling that long spongy teat to the back of His mouth, His lips working strongly on the looming breast flesh now filling His mouth.? Linny used her fingers to push the swelling breast away from Daddy?s nose, holding the breast firmly against the suckling mouth but giving him room to breath over its burgeoning flesh.
Closing her eyes, she waited as synapses crackled and snapped and message was sent to her brain at the feel of His beloved mouth suckling her swollen tit.
She groaned, as with a gush, the damn opened and her milk let down.
Danny almost choked as suddenly long hot streams of delicious liquid began to spurt down the back of His throat.? Gurgling, He began to swallow, His mouth working strongly at the throbbing breast filling His mouth.? He could taste each individual spurt and would pause for a moment, letting His mouth fill, then swallow, His throat working convulsively, determined not to lose a drop of this elixir.
Lost in ecstasy, He nuzzled into the soft fragrant breast, sucking strongly, making little noises of contentment in His throat.? Distantly, He was aware of a dampness on His chest, as Linny?s milk spurted out of the left breast as well.? His pants began to strain as His prick began to thicken and lengthen.
Linny sat back against the couch back, her arm cupped comfortably on the nursing pillow, the heavy warm head of her Daddy against her breast, suckling strongly.
The relief from the aching and throbbing of the past hour was indescribable, a sensuous letting down that made her breath catch and her womb contract.? With each strong suckle, Linny felt as if a live wire attaching her nipple to her womb suddenly grew taut and hot.? Almost unaware, she felt her cunt swell and expand, moistness springing up between the taut thighs.
As the first strong spurts of milk began to subside and as Danny drank His fill, the milky scent of His darling?s lactating breast filled His nostrils.? But faintly, first, His sensitive nose began to scent something else, a musky clean odour that wafted to tickle His sense and cause His heavy prick to stiffen further.?
Moving slightly, He got His hand under His body, pushing it insistently between His darling?s thighs.? Obediently, Linny parted her legs, giving her beloved papa access to her cunt.
Still suckling strongly, Danny was able to run His fingers along His little girl?s moist slit.? He was pleased to find her wet and grunted over the mouthful of heavy breast.? Barely touching the swollen clit which He readily found poking its impudent head from between her plump labia, Danny slid His finger down further to her centre.?
Pulling back, Danny smiled up at His little girl. Her eyes, soft and dreamy, gazed down at her Daddy suckling at her breast.? Letting go of the swollen nipple, Danny pulled back.? A fine spray of milk arched out of the swollen tip to splatter against His cheeks and leave pale ivory droplets in His thick moustache.
Cupping her throbbing breast, Linny grinned and faking sternness, directed the swollen teat toward her Daddy?s mouth yet again.
Sighing, taking a deep breath, Danny fastened His mouth over the tip of the moist breast and at the same time, sank two fingers deep within His little girl?s warm, clinging cunt.
Linny groaned as the dual sensations of her Daddy?s warm sucking mouth and strong, blunt fingers pushing deep into her almost triggered an orgasm.
Almost blindly, her hand drifted down from her spewing breast to rub the swollen front of her papa?s pants.? Trembling, eager, she unzipped and unbuttoned and then reaching in, with some difficulty pulled out the swollen throbbing cock of her Daddy.
Precum leaked in a translucent stream from its swollen tip, the little eye winking wetly.? Eyes slitted, Linny ran a soft finger along the glistening tip of Daddy?s prick, scooping up some of the sticky liquid and bringing it to her lips, opened her mouth, her pink tongue lapping eagerly at the tart, musky taste.
Danny?s prick felt as if it were an iron bar.? Throbbing, almost painful, He sucked almost desperately, swallowing big gulps of sweet breast milk, relishing the feel of its warm bounty spurting down the back of His throat.? His fingers, coated with His little one?s hot, sticky juices, thrust harshly in that warm clinging cunt.
With a pop, Danny released His suction on the warm breast.? Pulling back and ignoring Linny?s inarticulate cry of distress, He swung himself up and stood, His prick?s crimson tip trembling, white swollen shaft with its tracing of bulging veins staring straight at His baby?s face.
Linny, blindly reached for that delicious cock, her mouth watering.? Milk, still spurting weakly now from the heavy breasts, which were softer and hung lower with their delicious bounty trickling away, glistened as they dripped rivulets of pale bluish milk down her sweet waist.
Danny took His baby?s shoulders and shoving and moving her, had her swing round, her head down and that sweet succulent ass in the air as she knelt on the couch.
He stood back for a moment, drinking in the sight of His little girl, helpless and open to whatever He chose to do.? Her entire cunt and ass were visible and open to him ? the long pink slit with its deep red gash gaping slightly, trickles of clear liquid running in rivulets down its pale smooth lips.? The rosy furled beauty of her fundament beckoned His finger and tongue, but resisting, Danny took His own throbbing member in hand and pushing close, poked its swollen crimson head at the mouth of her womb.
Linny moaned as she felt the warmth of her Daddy?s cock against her cunt.? Wiggling that delicious ass, she tried to push back.
Danny brought a strong heavy palm down hard against the soft flesh of her ass.? Linny cried out as the slap stung and echoed.? He admired the imprint of His palm and fingers for a moment before bringing His hand down on the other pale cheek.
Slap, slap, slap.? Pink bloomed and faded, crimson finger marks appeared then died back and all the while Linny?s cunt grew more swollen, the moisture running down the luscious thighs to her knees.
Then judging her ready and unable to wait, Danny held the warm, vibrant hips tightly in His strong hands and surging forward, thrust His throbbing prick right up the warm clinging folds of her cunt.
Lin cried out as the hot swollen member pierced her.? She felt rent asunder and her breasts, still leaking hot milk, throbbed in sympathy as her Daddy pushed His cock up into her most secret place.
Danny rested for a moment, closing His eyes and relishing the feel of His prick so warmly enclosed and squeezed in a delectable cunt.? It was almost too tight, and felt a bit like His prick was in a delicious vice.? Then pulling back, He grinned as He heard His pet?s inarticulate cry of distress.
Harshly now, He thrust back in, long measured strokes that sheathed His cock as deep as it would go to the point where He felt the swollen mushroom tip hit His little girl?s cervix.
Rhythmically, Danny began to fuck His little girl, relishing the feel of her clinging lips, the throb of His prick in its tight prison, the moans and grunts of a little girl getting well and truly fucked.
He could feel His balls drawing up into His groin, while His prick seemed to swell even more.? Reluctantly, but determined, He pulled His glistening cock out of its delicious prison.
Linny looked up, the long hair spilling along the cushions of the couch, her eyes glazed and inward looking.?
?Daddy?? she asked plaintively.
Crooning, Danny ran a now gentle hand along the soft buttocks, where bruises were already beginning to form.? Her long pink gash was slippery and wet, drooling clear liquid.? Looking closely, He could see the swollen engorged clit pushing out from between her lips.
?Time for baby to have her milk.? He said gently.
Linny?s eyes lit up.? Eagerly, she scrambled to lean against the back of the couch, making room for Daddy.
Stripping off His pants, His swollen prick bobbing, Danny arranged it so that He and Linny were opposite, His mouth at her luscious cunt, her mouth breathing warm breath on His eager prick.
?Drink your milk, baby, drink it up for your Daddy.?
Linny happily complied, and opening her soft mouth wide, engulfed His reeking prick in her warm cavern.? Her tongue eagerly licked the combined juices from its swollen, veiny surface, teasing the swollen tip and dipping into the winking eye.
Pushing her thigh up, Danny pushed His face between His baby?s legs, taking a deep breath of her woman?s musk.
With a broad sweep, His tongue licked up the drooling bounty from between the swollen labia, pushing His tongue deep inside then moving up to concentrate on the greedy clit.
Lin moaned, small inarticulate cries as she sucked feverishly at her Daddy?s prick, her cheeks hollowing as she tried to pull its length right down her throat.
She could feel her breasts leaking and throbbing against her Daddy?s chest and her thighs tightened against His beloved head as her excitement began to reach a fever pitch.
Danny felt His balls tighten.? The combination of His baby?s scent and taste, the warmth pouring from between those delicious lips and the feel of her warm mouth on His throbbing cock was bringing him over.
Moving His head back, He said breathlessly.
?It?s coming, baby girl, your Daddy?s milk is coming.? Now drink it all up.?
With that, a surge of pure ecstasy roiled up from His very soil, and with a yell of elation, Danny?s cock erupted.
Long hot spurts, burning and stinging erupted down Linny?s throat.? Choking, her throat worked convulsively as she struggled to swallow all her delicious man milk.
Feeling the hot tangy sperm filling her mouth, the liquid hot feel of her Daddy?s cum slashing at her tongue, filling her throat, Lin began to shake and suddenly, as she felt her Daddy?s sucking lips at her clit, tightened her thighs and with a gush of hot liquid, came into His mouth.
Shaking, trembling, Daddy and His little girl pushed harshly against each other, emptying their lust and love into each other?s willing mouths.? Choking and drinking, Linny eagerly swallowed all her Daddy?s warm, delicious cum.? As the spurts began to weaken, the throbbing cock emptying its hot treasure into her mouth, Linny was able to roll the thick, creamy milk around her tongue, teasing out the taste and essence and teasing her palette with its delicious flavour.? Her own thighs fell open from their stranglehold around Daddy?s head and Danny licked and sucked His baby?s cunt thoroughly, making sure to lick up the hot creamy cum which had gushed from her warm cunt.
Breathing heavily, Daddy and His little girl rested, their eyes closed as a delicious lassitude of total contentment enveloped them.? Pushing himself around, Danny pulled himself up slightly and gathered His little one into His strong arms.? Linny, delicate and sweet, her limbs relaxed and soft nestled into her Daddy Dom?s lap, protected and loved and safe in his arms forever
The aching in her breasts alerted her that it was almost time for Him to arrive home.? Her face, had anyone been there to see that sweet, lovely countenance, lit up, the blue eyes brilliant and soft as she contemplated His imminent arrival.?
She had been busy all day, scrubbing and cleaning and cooking up a storm, a delectable feast for His palate.? Hurrying now, she gave a quick glance around, nodding unconsciously at the spotless house.? The odour of beeswax from lovelingly polished furniture wafted across the still, cool air of the house, twining with a hint of sweet vanilla in the background from the pure wax candles she loved.
Hurrying to their room, Linny shed her workaday clothes as she headed for the luxuriously appointed bathroom.? Every time she looked around, she was reminded of His generous heart, His thoughtfulness, and love.?? Pulling her tee shirt over the silken blond tresses, she shook her head out, a shower of golden sunlight settling around her shoulders and spilling down her back.? The fine boned narrow shoulders almost seemed too delicate for the heavy, pale breasts which stood so proudly on her narrow torso.? Translucent skin, networked by a delicate blue tracery of veins, the large areoles, and the swollen engorged rosy nipples were breathtaking.? The heavy underhang of her large breasts begged to be cupped and licked, something He did frequently and with great pleasure to both.? Linny?s waist was narrow and slender, sweeping out to rich hips, a beautiful belly and long, gorgeous legs.? Her buttocks, full and heart shaped bore the marks of His love, fading stripes, delicately pink yet obvious on the pale Nordic skin.
Bending, her heavy breasts swinging, Linny started the shower.? A twinge in her breasts concerned her for a moment, and cupping one large orb, she squeezed its heavy flesh tentatively.? God, she was so ready!? Looking down, Linny could see the tiny raised bumps encircling the jutting nipple, each swollen duct full of sweet rich milk.? As she squeezed carefully, a droplet of translucent milk squeezed out of one tiny little duct, hanging enticingly at the edge of the crimson bud.
Stepping in, Linny was careful to keep the shower fairly cool and to keep those warm, full breasts away from the direct spray.? He would be expecting His little girl to feed her Daddy when He arrived home, tired and stressed from a long day?s work and the last thing she needed was hot water teasing her swollen breasts into letting down their bounty to uncaring porcelain.
Efficient, a fluttering in her stomach presaging His arrival, Linny washed with the rich emollient soap He bought her, carefully cupping and rubbing a cloth softly over her heavy breasts and between the long legs.? Spreading her thighs, she ran a quick razor over the long, pink slit with its pale pretty lips and deep red gash, ensuring that her entire cunt was smooth and slippery, just as He liked it.
In the adjoining bedroom, the clock radio clicked on, classical music wafting through the steam of the bathroom.?
As she stepped out of the glass enclosed shower staff, Linny paused.? Picking up the heavy Egyptian cloth towels He insisted on (?my baby only gets the best next to her pretty skin?), Linny?s heart felt as if it would overflow.? Life had not been easy, a soft heart and a naive soul had lead her to trust where trust should never have been offered. In her 40+ years, pain, disillusionment and unhappiness had been her lot, alleviated only by the love and joy in her daughters.
Then He came.
A big, handsome man, with blue eyes that could soften and make her heart melt, whose big soul knew how to soothe and whose love and sweet concern soothed cracks in her soul she hadn?t know existed.? Like herself, His earlier years had been hard ones, a bleak existence whose only bright spot was his beloved child.
And as her dearest Danny, her very own Daddy-Dom, enveloped her in his big arms, despite being a grown woman, Linny had felt for the first time, enveloped, protected and adored.? Her heart and soul expanded as together they soothed each other?s scars and learned to love again.? Sometimes, lying wrapped in His arms at night, His quiet breathing in her ear, Linny wondered how two adults who had already lived a lifetime, could have been so lucky as to find their other half.? It was as if they had had to suffer the indignities and the agony of their earlier years in order to embrace and appreciate the magnitude of what they now had.
Shaking herself, she stepped into the bedroom, padding to the closet, breasts jouncing, and the smooth apple cheeked buttocks flexing.? He had emailed her earlier, telling her that tonight He wished her naked, shoes and stockings only but her breasts and cunt, His property, free and accessible to His gaze and touch.
As she thought of His mouth and that delicious sweet prick, Linny felt herself moisten between her legs.? A little ashamed at how quickly even the thought of Him aroused her, she allowed herself to reach between her thighs and ran a long, slender finger along the length of her tight slit, pausing at the apex of the tight vee, and touching gently, the swelling clitoris which began to raise its impudent head between the labia.
Then sitting down on the bed, she pulled a silken stocking up the shapely calf, careful not to snag, the legs smooth and waxed, nothing marring their pale creamy surface.? Then the other one and standing, fastened the pink garter belt around her narrow waist, snapping the stockings to its dangling ribbons.
Opening her cupboard, she contemplated the array of stilettos critically, settling finally on a sexy strappy concoction of narrow straps and 4 inch stiletto heels.? Bending, she savoured the feel of her breasts hanging freely from her chest, their aching fullness starting to sting.?
Carefully making her way downstairs on the tippy heels, her breasts jouncing with each careful step, Linny quickly checked the oven, put the kettle on to boil and uncorked the wine.? Then entering the living room with its rich aubusson carpet, luxurious and deep piled, the comfortable wide seated couches piled with cushions in rich silks and vibrant brocades, she sat, the long shapely legs crossed demurely at the ankles.? Waning sunlight sent tendrils of liquid gold to spark on the deep blue of the carpet through mullioned windows, muted and soft on her pale skin as she sat quietly on the couch.? Content, almost dozing, she was aware in a quiet part of her mind of the increasing fullness of her breasts.? Her nipples, engorged and crimson glistened as almost translucent drops slowly oozed from their yearning tips.
Linny opened soft, unfocused eyes as the grandfather clock in the hallway marked the hour.? Pain began to intrude on her almost meditative state but before she could get agitated she heard His key in the door.
Joy leapt in her big warm heart as her Lord and Master, her Daddy entered.? Closing her eyes, she took a deep cleansing breath, the smell of His cologne drifting to her very soul.
Entering the quiet room, strains of classical music drifting from the bedroom upstairs, Danny saw His little girl waiting patiently for His return.? The silky golden hair spilled over the pale narrow shoulders, framing the fine boned face and huge blue eyes which blazed out their love and devotion, making Him catch His breath.? He marvelled, as He took in the sight of His beautiful pet, His precious little girl, her sweet curving waist, the swelling beautiful hips and those long gorgeous legs, silken and smooth in pale white stockings.? But most of all, His gaze was drawn to those big beautiful breasts, now swollen and firm.?
Standing in front of her, He drank in the sight of those life giving organs, the pale translucent skin with its tracing of blue veins and pink striations, the large areoles and engorged shining nipples.? Leaning, He ran a yearning hand over their bounty, feeling with sensitive fingers the bumps and swellings of each swollen duct.
Smiling up at Him, her big gorgeous Daddy, Linny felt her heart overflow.? His handsome face was tired, she noted, but still the soft brown eyes paternal and loving, caressed her face with their soft gaze.? The full moustache framing His sexy mouth made her stomach clench as unbidden, she thought of that soft hair tickling between her legs.? Unseen, a translucent stream squeezed out of her tight warm cunt to trickle down between her thighs.
?Is Baby Girl ready to feed her Daddy??
His voice, resonant and deep, touched Linny to her soul and she shivered, as excited as a puppy at its Master?s voice.? Her breasts seemed to yearn toward him and suddenly a small stream trickled out of the crimson nipple to drip on her stockings.
?Yes, Daddy, your little girl is all ready to feed her dearest.?
Linny?s voice was sweet and high, a child?s voice almost, its innocence and beauty striking awe in His soul as His baby girl gazed trustingly up at him.
Sitting beside her where she sat at the far right of the couch, Danny almost groaned as the stress of the day began to recede.? He could smell the soft, milky scent of His baby and His mouth began to water.?
Linny reached to her right and grabbed the nursing cushion her Daddy had bought her to ensure no undue strain disturbed His little one.? Settling it under her right arm, she reached for her beloved Daddy and with a sigh, He stretched His big masculine length along the roomy cough, settling His head on His baby?s lap.?
Carefully, Linny cupped one heavy breast.? The pain was sharp now as her ducts strained to release their fragrant bounty.? A throbbing and almost feverish ache made her a little light-headed.? He was a bit late tonight and her breasts were overdue.?
Danny?s head was pulled tight against her right breast, the left breast, heavy and engorged lay against her Daddy?s chest.? Carefully, Linny put a towel under its warm weight.
Then, skilfully, cupping the breast, her fingers squeezing the heavy nipple, Linny brushed the rubbery teat against her Daddy?s mouth.? Playfully, Danny kept His lips closed.? Using her left hand, Linny pretended to be cross.
?Come Daddy, you have to drink your milk, like a good boy!? Your little girl?s titties have to be drained.?
Tangling her long slender fingers in the thick hair, Linny turned His beloved face towards her breast, again pushing the nipple against the sensuous mouth.? Unable to resist, Danny opened His lips.
Sighing, anticipating the release and feeling the throbbing increase, Linny carefully pushed the nipple up against the back of His tongue, His lips fastening on the dusky pink areoles, their sensitive surfaces feeling the throbbing ducts.? Experienced, he made sure to pull the entire nipple into his mouth, the tip tilting to touch his upper palette, closing his mouth gently around the large swollen areoles.
Closing His eyes, Danny began to suckle strongly, pulling that long spongy teat to the back of His mouth, His lips working strongly on the looming breast flesh now filling His mouth.? Linny used her fingers to push the swelling breast away from Daddy?s nose, holding the breast firmly against the suckling mouth but giving him room to breath over its burgeoning flesh.
Closing her eyes, she waited as synapses crackled and snapped and message was sent to her brain at the feel of His beloved mouth suckling her swollen tit.
She groaned, as with a gush, the damn opened and her milk let down.
Danny almost choked as suddenly long hot streams of delicious liquid began to spurt down the back of His throat.? Gurgling, He began to swallow, His mouth working strongly at the throbbing breast filling His mouth.? He could taste each individual spurt and would pause for a moment, letting His mouth fill, then swallow, His throat working convulsively, determined not to lose a drop of this elixir.
Lost in ecstasy, He nuzzled into the soft fragrant breast, sucking strongly, making little noises of contentment in His throat.? Distantly, He was aware of a dampness on His chest, as Linny?s milk spurted out of the left breast as well.? His pants began to strain as His prick began to thicken and lengthen.
Linny sat back against the couch back, her arm cupped comfortably on the nursing pillow, the heavy warm head of her Daddy against her breast, suckling strongly.
The relief from the aching and throbbing of the past hour was indescribable, a sensuous letting down that made her breath catch and her womb contract.? With each strong suckle, Linny felt as if a live wire attaching her nipple to her womb suddenly grew taut and hot.? Almost unaware, she felt her cunt swell and expand, moistness springing up between the taut thighs.
As the first strong spurts of milk began to subside and as Danny drank His fill, the milky scent of His darling?s lactating breast filled His nostrils.? But faintly, first, His sensitive nose began to scent something else, a musky clean odour that wafted to tickle His sense and cause His heavy prick to stiffen further.?
Moving slightly, He got His hand under His body, pushing it insistently between His darling?s thighs.? Obediently, Linny parted her legs, giving her beloved papa access to her cunt.
Still suckling strongly, Danny was able to run His fingers along His little girl?s moist slit.? He was pleased to find her wet and grunted over the mouthful of heavy breast.? Barely touching the swollen clit which He readily found poking its impudent head from between her plump labia, Danny slid His finger down further to her centre.?
Pulling back, Danny smiled up at His little girl. Her eyes, soft and dreamy, gazed down at her Daddy suckling at her breast.? Letting go of the swollen nipple, Danny pulled back.? A fine spray of milk arched out of the swollen tip to splatter against His cheeks and leave pale ivory droplets in His thick moustache.
Cupping her throbbing breast, Linny grinned and faking sternness, directed the swollen teat toward her Daddy?s mouth yet again.
Sighing, taking a deep breath, Danny fastened His mouth over the tip of the moist breast and at the same time, sank two fingers deep within His little girl?s warm, clinging cunt.
Linny groaned as the dual sensations of her Daddy?s warm sucking mouth and strong, blunt fingers pushing deep into her almost triggered an orgasm.
Almost blindly, her hand drifted down from her spewing breast to rub the swollen front of her papa?s pants.? Trembling, eager, she unzipped and unbuttoned and then reaching in, with some difficulty pulled out the swollen throbbing cock of her Daddy.
Precum leaked in a translucent stream from its swollen tip, the little eye winking wetly.? Eyes slitted, Linny ran a soft finger along the glistening tip of Daddy?s prick, scooping up some of the sticky liquid and bringing it to her lips, opened her mouth, her pink tongue lapping eagerly at the tart, musky taste.
Danny?s prick felt as if it were an iron bar.? Throbbing, almost painful, He sucked almost desperately, swallowing big gulps of sweet breast milk, relishing the feel of its warm bounty spurting down the back of His throat.? His fingers, coated with His little one?s hot, sticky juices, thrust harshly in that warm clinging cunt.
With a pop, Danny released His suction on the warm breast.? Pulling back and ignoring Linny?s inarticulate cry of distress, He swung himself up and stood, His prick?s crimson tip trembling, white swollen shaft with its tracing of bulging veins staring straight at His baby?s face.
Linny, blindly reached for that delicious cock, her mouth watering.? Milk, still spurting weakly now from the heavy breasts, which were softer and hung lower with their delicious bounty trickling away, glistened as they dripped rivulets of pale bluish milk down her sweet waist.
Danny took His baby?s shoulders and shoving and moving her, had her swing round, her head down and that sweet succulent ass in the air as she knelt on the couch.
He stood back for a moment, drinking in the sight of His little girl, helpless and open to whatever He chose to do.? Her entire cunt and ass were visible and open to him ? the long pink slit with its deep red gash gaping slightly, trickles of clear liquid running in rivulets down its pale smooth lips.? The rosy furled beauty of her fundament beckoned His finger and tongue, but resisting, Danny took His own throbbing member in hand and pushing close, poked its swollen crimson head at the mouth of her womb.
Linny moaned as she felt the warmth of her Daddy?s cock against her cunt.? Wiggling that delicious ass, she tried to push back.
Danny brought a strong heavy palm down hard against the soft flesh of her ass.? Linny cried out as the slap stung and echoed.? He admired the imprint of His palm and fingers for a moment before bringing His hand down on the other pale cheek.
Slap, slap, slap.? Pink bloomed and faded, crimson finger marks appeared then died back and all the while Linny?s cunt grew more swollen, the moisture running down the luscious thighs to her knees.
Then judging her ready and unable to wait, Danny held the warm, vibrant hips tightly in His strong hands and surging forward, thrust His throbbing prick right up the warm clinging folds of her cunt.
Lin cried out as the hot swollen member pierced her.? She felt rent asunder and her breasts, still leaking hot milk, throbbed in sympathy as her Daddy pushed His cock up into her most secret place.
Danny rested for a moment, closing His eyes and relishing the feel of His prick so warmly enclosed and squeezed in a delectable cunt.? It was almost too tight, and felt a bit like His prick was in a delicious vice.? Then pulling back, He grinned as He heard His pet?s inarticulate cry of distress.
Harshly now, He thrust back in, long measured strokes that sheathed His cock as deep as it would go to the point where He felt the swollen mushroom tip hit His little girl?s cervix.
Rhythmically, Danny began to fuck His little girl, relishing the feel of her clinging lips, the throb of His prick in its tight prison, the moans and grunts of a little girl getting well and truly fucked.
He could feel His balls drawing up into His groin, while His prick seemed to swell even more.? Reluctantly, but determined, He pulled His glistening cock out of its delicious prison.
Linny looked up, the long hair spilling along the cushions of the couch, her eyes glazed and inward looking.?
?Daddy?? she asked plaintively.
Crooning, Danny ran a now gentle hand along the soft buttocks, where bruises were already beginning to form.? Her long pink gash was slippery and wet, drooling clear liquid.? Looking closely, He could see the swollen engorged clit pushing out from between her lips.
?Time for baby to have her milk.? He said gently.
Linny?s eyes lit up.? Eagerly, she scrambled to lean against the back of the couch, making room for Daddy.
Stripping off His pants, His swollen prick bobbing, Danny arranged it so that He and Linny were opposite, His mouth at her luscious cunt, her mouth breathing warm breath on His eager prick.
?Drink your milk, baby, drink it up for your Daddy.?
Linny happily complied, and opening her soft mouth wide, engulfed His reeking prick in her warm cavern.? Her tongue eagerly licked the combined juices from its swollen, veiny surface, teasing the swollen tip and dipping into the winking eye.
Pushing her thigh up, Danny pushed His face between His baby?s legs, taking a deep breath of her woman?s musk.
With a broad sweep, His tongue licked up the drooling bounty from between the swollen labia, pushing His tongue deep inside then moving up to concentrate on the greedy clit.
Lin moaned, small inarticulate cries as she sucked feverishly at her Daddy?s prick, her cheeks hollowing as she tried to pull its length right down her throat.
She could feel her breasts leaking and throbbing against her Daddy?s chest and her thighs tightened against His beloved head as her excitement began to reach a fever pitch.
Danny felt His balls tighten.? The combination of His baby?s scent and taste, the warmth pouring from between those delicious lips and the feel of her warm mouth on His throbbing cock was bringing him over.
Moving His head back, He said breathlessly.
?It?s coming, baby girl, your Daddy?s milk is coming.? Now drink it all up.?
With that, a surge of pure ecstasy roiled up from His very soil, and with a yell of elation, Danny?s cock erupted.
Long hot spurts, burning and stinging erupted down Linny?s throat.? Choking, her throat worked convulsively as she struggled to swallow all her delicious man milk.
Feeling the hot tangy sperm filling her mouth, the liquid hot feel of her Daddy?s cum slashing at her tongue, filling her throat, Lin began to shake and suddenly, as she felt her Daddy?s sucking lips at her clit, tightened her thighs and with a gush of hot liquid, came into His mouth.
Shaking, trembling, Daddy and His little girl pushed harshly against each other, emptying their lust and love into each other?s willing mouths.? Choking and drinking, Linny eagerly swallowed all her Daddy?s warm, delicious cum.? As the spurts began to weaken, the throbbing cock emptying its hot treasure into her mouth, Linny was able to roll the thick, creamy milk around her tongue, teasing out the taste and essence and teasing her palette with its delicious flavour.? Her own thighs fell open from their stranglehold around Daddy?s head and Danny licked and sucked His baby?s cunt thoroughly, making sure to lick up the hot creamy cum which had gushed from her warm cunt.
Breathing heavily, Daddy and His little girl rested, their eyes closed as a delicious lassitude of total contentment enveloped them.? Pushing himself around, Danny pulled himself up slightly and gathered His little one into His strong arms.? Linny, delicate and sweet, her limbs relaxed and soft nestled into her Daddy Dom?s lap, protected and loved and safe in his arms forever
-->Dark came early in winter, and she lit a fire for ambiance in the redwood paneled room. She glanced at the crystal clock above the mantel, and then out the window to the driveway. She had planned this evening for several months, waiting for the perfect situation – timing, weather, and opportunity. The stone house had been meticulously crafted, every detail scrutinized as she personally directed its construction. She ordered fine natural wood – cherry, oak, redwood, cedar, mahogany – using the...
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hello, hey, hi, … hello. hey. hi. how are, or is y'all, or you's doing everybody? well hopefully everyone however said is doing at least okay, if not better yet to be said feeling alright, or best of all to be said feeling blessed than stressed, more blessed than stressed, or too blessed to possibly become, or be stressed, & hopefully I myself being of that of my person am likewise, or as well feeling like at least that being of the first mentioned status if not of the last two to be...
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You are dressed in a secretarial outfit with suit jacket - white blouse - calf length boots, with your hair up, glasses and lovely black tights.The camera surveys an empty room and you enter through the door.You say you are here to take dictation for the letter which needs to go out.You sit opposite me on a chair, lean forward to show your cleavage and begin taking notes....out of the blue you ask if I am looking down your cleavage and call me a naughty boy for taking advantage of the view!!You...
I woke up with daddy sitting on the sofa next to me gently rubbing my bare thigh. “Are you awake baby?” he asked. I smiled and wrapped my arms around his neck as he picked me up and carried me to my bed room. He smiled at me as he laid me on the bed. Daddy stood looking down at me; he immediately began to slip out of his shirt and slacks. Daddy never wears any underwear when we are alone. His hard cock stuck out in front of him jumping up and down with excitement. He said: “Mom is staying at...
The accepted revolutionary rule of thumb is that one of the first things you've got to get control of is the media. Radio, newspapers, television and I suppose nowadays that would also include the internet, though how you'd go about that escapes me. Lucy, who was by that point going by the name Laurie Tran, insisted that it was possible, but hardly worth the effort. I tended to agree. Besides, I wasn't conducting or even contemplating a revolution. A coup was more what I had in mind; a...
--BIG UPDATE-- I realized, very recently, that I had made a big mistake while creating the story. This story is going to be inactive (until I can find a way to remove it from the site), but expect a new, very similar story to pop up soon! The ceiling is ugly. It isn't dirty, or anything, just the texture's weird. Or, more like, it looks weird. Like tiny mountains stretching across the entire thing. I can't really reach it from where I am, so maybe it's not as bad as the light from my computer...
FetishI woke up in a pleasant daze, a bit later than I usually would, confused in that wonderful morning way about why the light through the windows was so bright. I made a guess that I must have been pretty tired last night to have forgotten to even close the blinds in my bedroom. I became even more aware of the open blinds as I realized that I was naked under my heavy comforter and soft sheets. Why did I sleep naked? I stretched, and remembered. It all came rushing back as felt the touch of...
This story starts out with a little about me. I'm a crossdressing hubby, been married for ten years. My wife knows about my dressing up, even helps once and a while even though she doesn't like it too much. Sherri my wife went to work at 6:00 am she's a nurse at a local hospital working 12 hr shifts... so that leaves plenty of time to indulge in my deep dark fantasy. I love to dress up and smoke those long Virginia slims menthol light 120's It makes me feel so...
(Note from the author: So I did not expect this to take off as much as it has, but it has been great. If you like it please consider leaving a like it lets me know that people actually like what they are reading and I will continue. Two things people are asking: Yes, I will be fleshing out the different paths but it takes a while. Second, if there is anything that you would like to see let me know I am always looking for new ideas.) (Update 5/4/2020: It has been one week since I published this...
TeenWelcome to Elira, a thriving city-state that from a distance looks like a beautiful place to live. At least until you get to the gates, then you quickly understand that this place is a five tiered monarchy where your only upword mobility depends solely on how much the royal family likes you. This wouldn't be such a big deal had you not decided to touch the Queen's robe after playing with mud...when you were five. Imagine that, all you did was dirty one of her thousands of robes and the short...
Jennifer and Jason entered the master bedroom. Eric, his cock fully erect, was directing Angela to suck it. Sherry sat in the hanging chair in the corner, fucking herself with a dildo. ‘That’s it, whore,’ Eric was saying to Angela, ‘Suck my cock until it is hard as iron.’ ‘Whore’ was Angela’s pet name during sexplay. ‘Slut’ was Jennifer’s. Jennifer snuck up on Eric, reached between his legs, and gave his balls a mighty squeeze! Eric cried in surprise, disengaging Angela’s mouth from his...
I can’t believe it… in a few short weeks it will be an entire year since I first met him. Although I share him with you, the readers of my stories, only 1 person knows about my secret lover… my best friend, solely because she was with me when he and I first met. She has truly remained loyal to me and our friendship having told no one and interestingly treasures the secret she has been able to keep. Although, as I look back on the year, I wonder… How has this relationship lasted a year… a...
The next morning Willow received a note from David. He needed to see her about her house. So Willow and Prue went to see him before going to the Auction house where Willow needed to sort out the sale of her nadack. They also had to see Mr Gary Snidel, the wedding planner. Willow’s grandfather had left her his huge house. It was practically outside the gates of the palace. It was supposed to have been rented for the Season, but the family who had rented it hadn’t been able to make the...
On the night we were to meet I got myself pumped up by watching blowjob porn and jacking off while thinking about tonight. About 22:00 I took a prepared myself and took a shower, and at 22:25 I was at the meeting point. He would be there at 22:30, so I waited patiently for some minutes. After about a quarter of an hour I started getting annoyed and started walking around to see if maybe he had mistaken the exact meeting point. Around 23:00 I was about to go home when I decided to first check...
“Excuse me, how big are you?”I looked down the hotel bar at the two young women, mid-twenties, clearly out after work. Both pleasingly full figured, with one a bit on the mousy side, boring blouse buttoned up and holding in what might have been an impressive chest; the other dark hair, a bit more make-up, blouse open enough to invite a man to get caught looking—my questioner. At least 15 years their senior, I had no problem playing it cool and looked her right in the eye and said “I am six one...
Born in the mid fifties, I was comfortable with sex with women only. In the Seventies I began to watch porn movies a lot. I found oral sex and anal sex to be the hottest videos. I found myself watching the cocks not the women. Big hard cocks really got me hot. In early 1980 I went to an adult bookstore to rent a movie to watch cause my wife was going out again. Cheating bitch. In the bookstore I had seen hundreds of times before, the back area where the video booths were.The clerk asked me if I...
Tammy had to wait two weeks until her appointment with the specialist. The three of us had agreed that if Sara and I were going to have sex we would get my wife’s permission. It only took us a week before we first violated the agreement.Tammy had to work that Thursday, something about inventory. Sara and I were alone in the house for the first time since that first weekend.I had just gotten home from work when Sara asked for some help with a box in her bedroom.She had a bathrobe on with the...
Wife LoversThe Shopping Trip Amazing everyone, there was no line, and procuring the marriage license went quickly. The lady behind the counter even gave them a cheap folder to keep the documents in and went over what the person carrying out the marriage ceremony was to do with the license after the wedding. In other words, complete the officiant’s section by having the witnesses, the marrying couple and the person authorized to perform the marriage, all sign the document, then bring it back to be...
My friends mom Sneha By: Crazy boy Hi guys, I am going to tell you a story of my experience, when I was 20 years old Studying in FYBsc. I had a friend in my class, Ankita. She was good looking and had a great body, big boobs, well shaped ass. But her mom Sneha aunty, 39,was looking much better than her & was look like TV acter smriti irani. She had big milky boobs and ample ass that seems almost came too much out of her body from profile. I bet that was un-ignorable for any one. Ankita had...
Whew! I thought, it's hot! Stepping inside the large Bookstore, I paused for a moment to wipe the sweat off my face. The cool air begins washing over me. It's so nice and cool in here, I thought as I started indulging one of my favorite pastimes—book browsing. I saw her come in a couple minutes later. Being one of the first really hot days of summer, she was not immune to the heat anymore than the rest of us. She had a fine sheen of sweat on her face. Her dark hair was just starting to...
Surprise Visit Working in my studio above my carriage house last week a voice came over the intercom “Miss Michelle can I come up it’s Jimmy” (jimmy is one of the teens that does some of my yard work Have posted a couple of stories about him and his friend). I buzzed him in and opened the door as he came up the steps. “Hi Jimmy what’s up” I asked. “Just wanted to see you” he said he was visibly nervous. I was wearing a red sweater dress and black tights and bra and started to walk back to my...
We are a couple of age 41/38. We are rather a bit tall. I’m 5’9″ and she is 5’8″. We are from Kerala and settled in Dubai. We have been married for 15+ years and have found sex to be too monotonous. We had tried many different things to spice up our sex life, like porn, toys, fantasizing etc but nothing seemed to work after a the first couple of times and we started to have uncomfortable sex. I always had a fantasy of swap but she was hell bent against it as she was from a very conservative...
Ben Johnson and Juliet Catherine were the hottest couples in their college Ben Johnson and Juliet Catherine were the hottest couples in their college. Both belonged to rich families. Both of them had their own talents. While Juliet was very good in studies, Ben was very good in sports and athletics. He was also good at other activities like mimicry, dancing and car racing. And needless to say both were extremely beautiful and handsome. Both fell in love with each other at first sight....
Hi friends i love you.muje aapka mail mila aur apka call b aya.iske liye thanks, aapko meri story pasand ayi, mera name hai atul main mumbai me rahata hu, muje aurton ke sath sex karne me maza ata hai, lady ki chut chatane me aur uska nipple chusane me khub maza ata hai. Kya aap me se koi aurat ( lady ) ya girl mujse uski chut chatwana chahati ho to muje mail karen. My mail id is ….. Muje mail kare aapko jarur mail (reply ) karunga. Ab jo mein story likh raha hu meri ek sachi hakikat kahani...
On the surface, Martin was your typical once married, once divorced, middle aged loner. But the kinds of things most people never mention aloud, except in rumor circles, are curiosities about people, Martin in particular, and things that he did (or does) that make them uncomfortable. Martin was an ogler. He didn't leer or be suggestive, or even make kissing sounds, or whistling noises. He just happened to be a sexual "Walter Mitty", imagining himself with female after female in a variety...
Stunning Alex Grey is cooking dinner for her boyfriend Jessy Jones and teasing him by wearing nothing but her panties. His dick immediately gets rock hard from the sight of his gorgeous girlfriend and he decides to spice things up. He demands that she removes her panties and do everything he tells her, starting with getting on her knees and begging for his monster cock. First he fucks her mouth and then her soaking wet pussy. Nothing like a home cooked meal and a kinky fucking session in the...
xmoviesforyou= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = WARNING! All of my writing is intended for adults over the age of 18 ONLY. Stories may contain strong or even extreme sexual content. All people and events depicted are fictional and any resemblance to persons living or dead is purely coincidental. Actions, situations, and responses are fictional ONLY and should not be attempted in real life. All characters involved in sexual activity in this story are over the age of 18. If you are under the age of...
by Larry Malone (Copyright 2016) I was never much of a drinker, but by the time I was a sophomore in college and a member of a national fraternity, that all changed. For awhile I was drinking so much it almost became a second college major for me, but in a way my fraternity provided me with a unique and unexpected cure. It was during “rush week” when all the fraternities held open house parties to impress and recruit new members, that my drinking got out of hand and got the better...
I was a young tall smart boy with sexy looks. We had a part time maid. Though married and a bit heavy yet she was quite good looking . She was 19 where as I was just 17 and had no experience of intercourse. She started taking interest in me. I noticed she passed smile whenever she find me alone or passing by me. It embarrassed me in the beginning but one day when I thoroughly looked at her physic I find, her boobs were very sexy and appealing. It molded me towards her. Now I also started to...
(another original flight of fantasy by Me the first in a series of stories. In this context Daddy is a Daddy Dom and it is Role Play with people over the age of consent)I was getting ready for a party, wearing a halter neck dress that plunged deeply almost but not quite showing off my ample breasts and taking advantage of my bountiful cleavage, it was short enough that when I bent over the boys would get a look at the sexy mesh and lace panties that whilst they covered all the important things...
"Cindy, we need to talk," I said. "What about?" she said, smiling sweetly. I stopped by the library where I knew she had a study group that afternoon, and once they were all gone and we had some privacy, we sat down, facing each other very seriously and grownup-like. "About last night," I said. "What about it?" she said. Um, the rubbing your pussy for total strangers for money part? "You know, after we said we were going home for the night, and I went to the peephole place,...
As an undercover security guard at a department store, I have the advantage of seeing all the beautiful co workers on the cameras without them seeing me. Out of all the gorgeous girls, there was one that always seemed to catch my eye, let’s call her Vanessa. Vanessa is what you would fantasize about when you close your eyes and imagine a gorgeous Hispanic, perfect, soft, light brown skin, big brown eyes, curly brown hair, and a perfect petite body. She wasn’t built huge in the chest, but she...
The heat of the night was suffocating, and I lay sprawled on top of the covers of my bed. My bed, and now my brother’s. It had been weeks since he moved in, and since we became closer than any brother and sister should be. I knew it, he knew it, but neither of us cared. We were living as lovers now, and we had no intention of stopping. The frantic lovemaking of the early days had finally died off, our passions not fading, but changing from the urgency of needing to fuck each other to death, to...
IncestHe had finally met her husband who actually is the father of Maxine but he never knew it, and he wouldn’t know that until that week. He discovered Mary was going out of town with him. The woman who he had fornicated with a few times and loved doing it with him too was on her way out of town for about a month. He didn’t know why but he decided to stop in anyway. Mary and her husband had been making plans to head east and see family. It was to be a short vacation for her and as usual business for...
MatureAfter a long day at work dressed in her conservative business attire, she'd come home, let her long auburn hair down, allowing it to cascade over her shoulders and well down her back. All she'd put on was a thin tank top and a sarong tied around her hips. She would pause just for a moment ,the breeze coming through the kitchen easily blowing through her clothes caressing her body. The breeze felt like gentle fingers as it briefly, and ever so lightly, teased her nipples making them hard...
Man oh man, I can remember the first time I saw her. Mmm,m. SHe had brown hair, nice tan body, maybe about 5"7. Ooo-we, I was getting my haircut from her once, I couldn't stop staring at her magnificent 36Cs. I think she noticed me staring her up and down, when she finished my hair up, I saw her smile, I smiled back. She licked her lips, By then I had a Bone, she began stripping off her T-shirt. I smiled, walked up and propped her up on the kitchen table, unzipped my pants. She seemed amazed...
By the time we returned from Florida, I was at peace with my plans. I wanted to avoid giving the girls a false hope, so I planned on waiting a few weeks and then setting up a meeting with Annie. Then life intervened. The one thing that I never expected, occurred. It changed all of my plans. I fell in love. Her name was Jean and I met her on the job. My team had been assigned the job of designing a new corporate headquarters/factory for a client that was expanding into our region. Jean worked...
Sometime ago a girlfriend of yours told me one evening after a long discussion over drinks which got a bit naughty, that she and her boy-friend had taped themselves fucking and playing, and she confessed that it was a terrific turn on to think of seeing herself on tape. As it turned out, they did this several times, getting better at it each time, but she also said that the results weren't what they wanted. Laura and Eric, found themselves stopping to move the camera, or to change positions,...