Solomon's Daughters: Liz's Chapter free porn video

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WARNING: This chapter contains incest and lesbianism (if that is a word ???) so if you were too stupid to read the tags and got here by accident and don’t enjoy reading about such things leave now!

Also sorry for the long wait for this chapter but i have a really short attention span and this ended up being longer then i had originally planned for it to be.

Solomon’s Daughters: Liz’s Chapter

Liz walked from the bus stop towards her and her brother’s house happy about how her sleep over had gone and regretting that she hadn’t been able to convince her brother to go with her. She thought back to that party and the only night she had ever been the target of his anger.
She knew he didn’t go over there anymore since the party where Cassie had thrown herself at him, and then her boyfriend had come over to surprise her and caught her in the middle of trying to get his pants unzipped. Anthony being as smart as he was realized what had happened immediately had push her hand from him and left.

“Sorry, didn’t know she had a boyfriend,” he said as he passed on his way to the door. Cassie’s boyfriend had looked at her with sadness and disgust plain on his face and she began to cry. Dropped the bouquet of roses he was holding on the floor turned and left her there sobbing on the floor.

“She doesn’t,” was the boy’s reply as he walked away. Liz had walked in from Cassie’s pool fifteen minutes later and she was sitting there on the floor against the bed with knees pulled up to her chin and her armed wrapped around them crying in heaving sob. Liz got her calmed down and into bed and sat there till she fell asleep and seethed with anger. She’d only managed to get the part where her brother had rejected Cassie from the weeping girl not the why.She had gone home and confronted her brother trying to keep her anger hidden under a calm face.

“Hi Ant,” she greeted him.

“Hi little one, did you have fun at the party?”

“Yeah up until you left Cassie crying sitting on her bedroom floor,” her calm façade cracked and her anger pour out.

“Why would you reject her and then leave her crying like that without at least coming to get me to comfort her.”

With each word his back stiffen in indignation, at her accusation and the rebuke in her voice, anger flashed in his eyes. He stalked forward towards her and she backed away from him. She knew he wouldn’t hurt her but her instincts backed her away from the anger she could read in his eyes and the tenseness of his body. When her back hit the wall he stopped in front of her raised his hands to the wall on either side of her pinning her in place, He leaned in so his face was directly in front of her and glared at her.

“I didn’t reject her and leave her there,” he hissed in fury. “She had my zipper half way down and her boyfriend walked in. I didn’t know she had a boyfriend, but you knew Liz. I walked out and came home. Then you come and start accusing me of… What exactly Liz? Am I a bad person because I would not help her act like a slut? Or maybe I’m a bad person because I didn’t stay there and yell at her and insult her for being a slut, is that it little sister,” he hissed at her.

She flinched at each of his questions as her anger drained from her.

“She’s not a slut’s,” she shot back weakly. “Why is it ok for a guy who sleeps with multiple women, but not for a girl to have multiple guys?”

“You know full well the argument won’t apply here little sister, unless he was screwing around on her as well. I saw his face, Liz, he was crushed he wasn’t cheating I know that. She isn’t a slut for wanting multiple guys. If she slept with every man in the western hemisphere she wouldn’t be a slut. Hell if her boyfriend knew about what she was doing and was ok with it would have been ok with me. But he didn’t know she betrayed him,” he said his voice rising with the last statement.

He leaned in even closer and allowed his anger to twist his face.

“She betrayed him and she tried to use me to do it, would have used me to do it if he hadn’t walked in right then,” he growled.

“And you my loving little sister,” he mocked then pain flashed across his face as tears rose to her eyes. He backed away from her toward the hall to his room and his voice dropped to a normal decibel and went flat as his face when utterly blank.

“And you, after your friend tries to use me, you come home and accuse me of insensitivity. And you are angry at me because I didn’t help your friend that I didn’t cooperate in her betrayal of someone for all I know has never done anything to deserve such a humiliation.”

While he talked he backed away from her like you would back away from a rattle snake about to strike. When she raised a hand to stall his retreat he spun and took the five long strides to his room and slammed the door.

She snapped back to the present as her hand touched the knob of her front door and she dug in her purse for her keys, she knew her brother would be sleeping, trusting her to be back when she said she would. That night long ago she learned never to accuse anyone without having the whole story first. The day after that fight she had apologized and he had kissed her forehead forgiven her and never mentioned it again, but he barely been to Cassie’s house in three years since that night, even though Cassie had apologized and he’d forgiven her he was always stiff and withdrawn around her.

Liz pushed open her front door and walked in closing and locking it behind her. She kicked off her shoes and made her way through the house only lit by the glow of the stove light, which Ant always left on at night in case someone needed to get up and get something from the kitchen. She came to Ant’s door first and cracked it. There being no moon outside and his computer screen off it was pitch black inside but she heard the rustle of his flannel sheets and his soft snoring. With a small smile she resisted the urged to go and lay down with him, to touch his skin and hold him close to her. She closed his door softly so as not to wake him and went to her room changed into her pajamas, a pair of flannel pants that would look like something a pirate would wear if they weren’t pin striped and a t-shirt. Both she a gotten one day when she had to clean out Ant’s closet because she lost a bet. She also had a pair of his boxers she wore when it was to hot for the pants. She drifted off to sleep thinking of her big brother and how much she loved him.

Sar-Rah watched as Liz looked into the room but knew she couldn’t see them on this moonless night. She watched the longing, love, and lust crawl across Liz’s beautiful face. Sar-Rah realized that Liz’s face showed her emotions as much as Anthony’s did. She looked into the girl’s mind to make she was correct and was swamped with the girls obsessive love of her brother. The girls feelings of lust for her brother matched his perfectly the only thing holding her back from running to the bed, waking him, and begging him to take her was her love for him, and not wanting him to reject and hate her. Liz’s sighed softly, and with a small smile on her face shut the door.

Sar-Rah sat in the dark stroking Anthony’s muscled chest and listen to his sister move around in her room.

Sar-Rah thought of the love the two siblings had for each other and grinned thinking that though her powers were only of the servant aspect and couldn’t help maybe a little scheming would be able to fulfill one of Anthony’s wishes. With that thought she laid back and snuggled into his warm body and drifted softly into oblivion thinking of ways to get the two siblings to give in to their desires.

Anthony woke slowly from his exhausted sleep feeling well rested and with the most amazing feeling on his cock while something weighted his hips to the bed. He was close when his eyes open and saw her he came taking her over the edge with him. She screamed in pleasure while biting her lips to keep the sound in he barely heard the sound but he could feel it through her whole body. She was straddling his hips impaled to the base of his cock pinning him to the bed, while the tip of his cock touched her deepest part and he unloaded directly into her womb. She was panting above him and with each spurt into her she let out a soft moan and shook like a leaf in the wind. When he was done she slowly came back from orgasm she collapsed on top of him.

“Well that was most pleasant wake-up call I have ever gotten,” he told her as he ran his hand all over her body.

“I know I woke ten minutes ago and you were already doing me,” she replied. “I was surprised to find you asleep and you just kept going.”

“I was dreaming out you,” he said with a blush and she smiled lovingly down at him.

Just then pounding on his door brought his head jerking around so fast he almost gave himself whiplash as panic flooded his body.

“Big brother, wakey wakey eggs and baky,” Liz called in a singsong voice.

“I’m up,” he called back to her.

“Well you had better take care of that before you come out for breakfast, I’m making waffles.”

“Make me four and for the love of all that is holy use the toaster so you don’t immolate yourself.”

“Don’t worry love, I’ll take care of it for you,” Sar-Rah whispered into his lips as she squeezed his cock with her pussy. He moaned into her open mouth has she kissed him. He grabbed her ass, causing her the moan, and lifted her off him while she tried to push down with her hips.

“Sorry Sar-Rah but we have to take a shower then go eat breakfast and explain you to my sister, then we go to school.”

“What’s a shower? I can’t wait to see what you tell your sister, that should be entertaining. You’re taking me with you, outside?”

“Are you reading my thoughts?”

“No, it takes too much energy so unless I’m looking for something specific or I’m concentrating on it I can’t.”

“That’s good to know. Anyway a shower is like small water fall you can stand and wash under except it is made from pipes and you can control how hot and cold it is. Your enjoying my discomfort at what to tell my sister a little too much. Of course I’m taking you with me, I wouldn’t leave you alone in an empty house all day with nothing to do.”

“Most people keep their genies locked up so no one else sees them,” she replied softly to the indignation in his statement.

“Well I’m not most people I’m weird,” he said with false pride and puffed up his chest. She giggled at his silliness.

“Plus, it’s not like you have blue skin the only thing that people are going to see is some hot babe on my arm,” he told her as he led her to the bathroom and turned on the water. She watched in fascination as the water warmed and steam started to rise. He stepped under the spray and pulled her to him kissing her at the same time. She shivered and goose bumps pebbled her smooth skin as she made the transition from the cooler air to the steam filled shower.

He grabbed the shampoo and began to massage it in to her scalp as she lean back against him pressing her body to his. Once he was finished with her hair and had all the soap washed out he began on her body. She washed his hair copying his earlier actions as he cleaned from her neck to her feet. Then he slid his hand and the wash cloth back up her inner thigh to her pussy and rubbed her gently with the cloth cleaning away their combined fluids as they leaked from her. She moaned and gripped his hair in her fists and tried to grind down against his hand. His hand rose and he smacked her on the ass, with a squeak she jumped and her face flushed.

“Stop that I’m trying to washed you here,” he said but couldn’t keep the smug grin off his face.

“You’re going to pay for this,” she said mock glaring down at him.

He ignored her and kept cleaning her when he got all of his juice that was going to come out she was soaked. He looked up at her and waited till she looked down into his eyes. When their eyes connected he slowly slid two fingers all the way into her. She moan but didn’t break eye contact. He withdrew his fingers and then pumped them into her a few more times then drove them deep into her and curled them up into a hook so he could rub the inside of her tunnel and he slowly dragged them back out. With this she closed her eyes closed and she tensed closed to her orgasm he did it a few more times going slow enough not to push her over but fast enough to keep her right on the edged. Then with his fingers buried as deep in her as they would go, he paused waiting for her eyes to meet his again. When she looked down at him with open pleading on her face he grinned evilly back up her. He hooked his fingers again and he jerked them out dragging them across her sensitive tunnel and entrance. With that swift burst of pleasure her orgasm that he had purposely been suppressing exploded inside her and her mouth opened in a silent scream and with her eyes still locked on his he raised his hand and sucked the two fingers he was using to pleasure her with into his mouth. She exploded in orgasm again before the other could even subside and it drove her higher. Her vision blackened and she started to list to one side.

“Well that was fun but we have to hurry,” he said as he sat her on to the tiled floor of the shower out of the spray and quickly washed himself. He turned off the water and turned to find her slumped there against the wall. He grinned as he bent and picked her up grabbing a towel on his way out of the bath room he laid her on the bed. He dragged her hair up above her head and dried her back, ass, and legs then flipped her on to her back. When he finished drying her he then dried himself and did a quick dry of her hair it would be damp for hours probably but it wouldn’t leak. As he was getting dressed she stirred and then rose till she was watching him leaning back on her elbows.

“What happened?”

“You passed out,” he replied with a satisfied grin spinning to look at her as he pulled a shirt that was way too big for him on.

“I’ll need new clothes,” he said looking down at himself. Sar-Rah laughed the site was comical him standing there in clothes that were about to fall off. He looked like a little kid trying to wear his father’s cloths. She waved her hand at him and his cloths fitted themselves perfectly to his body. He looked down smiled at her and kissed her quickly on the lips.

“Hurry breakfast should be done by now she usually burns the first batch that’s why she isn’t in here screaming about me being late yet.”

“Don’t you want to plan for what you’re going to say to her about me,” she asked.

“Nope, plans are for the battlefield, world domination, and people who worry about things far too much.

That’s too stressful so I live my life by the motto “If you can’t do anything to fix it then don’t worry about it.”

“That is a pretty laid back way of life.”

“You’d think so wouldn’t you but people focus on the said part to much and missed the unsaid half the motto.”

She thought about it for a second but she didn’t get it.

“What’s the unsaid part?”

“If you can’t fix it means you’ve already considered every action available to you and couldn’t come up with a solution to fix it so let it go and don’t worry about it. Now I’m going to say something I’d never have believed I would have said to a beautiful naked woman. Hurry up and put your clothes on.”

She pouted at him and began to dress.

“Okay I’ll go in and try to explain to her you wait in the hall until I call you. Got it?”

At her nod he leaned down kissed her again and walked out toward the kitchen, with her right behind him. She stopped in the hall and listened.

“Hey little one,” Anthony said as he leaned down and kissed the top of Liz’s head. Her back was to him with her head down concentrating on her food and he walked over to the cabinet and grabbed an extra plate and fork and went back to the table and shifted two of the four waffles his sister had made for him onto a third plate. At the click of the third plate on the table Liz started to raise her head.

“Ant I already got you a pla…” her voice cut off suddenly as her eyes found her brother. She could tell it was him but it wasn’t. He wasn’t skinny exactly but he wasn’t fat anymore and her lust for him rose up to a new height and it was all she could do just to sit there and not throw him on the floor and rip his clothes off. The clatter of her fork and knife against the table as they slipped from her shock numbed fingers brought his head up from putting butter and syrup on the two plates of waffles. Seeing here staring at him as if he grew a third head he looked down at himself to make sure he had remembered to put pants on, he had. Then he realized it was that body modification that shocked her.

“Sorry I completely forget about that,” he told her, hearing a strangled laugh come from around the corner but Liz in her shock didn’t hear it.

“Look Liz I have some things to tell you.”

She just nodded at him still unable to fight her desire and speak to him without begging her to take her right there on the table.

“Well you remember that bottle you got me Saturday?”

At her nod he continued.

“Well there was a genie inside.”

“A genie?”

“Yes, well to be completely truthful there were seven genies in the bottle but only one came out so far.”

Slowly as they stared at one another his words began to sink in and her fear for his sanity began to push its way between her mind and her libido allowing her to think.

“Um okay that’s nice Ant, can we go see Dr. Wallace?”

“I am not going to a shrink Liz I’m not crazy.”

“You just told me there was a genie in that bottle and you believe what you’re saying, so how aren’t you crazy,” she snapped back worry and fear for him etching her pretty features.

“Liz look at me, really look at me you saw me less than two days ago and I am a completely different than when you left. By the way how did your party go? Did you have fun?”

“Yeah it was great,” she said with a blush looking at him and just thinking.

“Alright where is this genie that came out of the bottle?”

“She’s standing in the hall waiting for me to call her. Sar-Rah you can come in now.”

“She,” Liz asked as she turned in her chair to see the hall to see a beautiful girl walk around the corner.
Liz looked at Sar-Rah for a few seconds without speaking, stunned at the other girl’s beauty. Then she noticed that Sar-Rah’s hair was wet and her eyes flicked back to her brothers wet hair and jealousy and suspicion crept into her mind.

“It’s good to meet you, Liz,” Sar-Rah said.

“It’s Elizabeth only people I like call me Liz,” she coldly replied.

“So you are the genie, huh? So what now, you going to pull a rabbit out of a hat? Do you perform card tricks too,” Liz sneered.

“Liz! What has gotten into you, that’s extremely rude,” Anthony exclaimed at hearing such venom filled words come from his sister.

“Be quite you jerk,” Liz shot back at him as tears filled her eyes. With a small sob she whirled and ran to her room and slammed the door.

When he started to follow Sar-Rah laid her hand on his arm to stop him. He halted and looked at her with eyebrows raised in question.

“Let’s eat and give her time to cool off. After, you go to college and don’t worry I’ll make sure she gets to school. I’ll go with her and I’ll talk to her I know what’s wrong.”

“Are you sure,” he asked after a few moments of hesitation his eyes lingering on Liz’s door.

“Yes, I got this.”

“Okay well let’s eat than I’ve got to go.”

After they ate at her insistence he left the dishes in the sink for her wash, gave her a kiss and head out to catch the bus for school. With a sigh as the door closed behind him she turned back and started the dishes.
Just as she was putting the last of the dishes away, having picked up from Anthony’s mind where they went, she heard the rustle of cloth and footsteps in the hall.

“You’re not going to go away, are you,” Liz asked.

“Seeing as how Anthony and I and my sisters are getting married, no,” Sar-Rah replied with a sympathetic wince.

“M-m-married? You and your sisters? As in plural how many are there?”

“Well if you include me there are seven of us.”

At her statement Liz stood the staring at her silently mouthing the word seven to herself.

“You need to go get dressed for school, Liz. I’ll be going with you today so we can talk and so I can register myself for class.”

Liz turned in a daze and went to her room. Before she knew it she was standing on front porch locking the door behind her. She looked over at the genie standing next to her and gasped in awe jerked from her daze by the small girl’s beauty and what she had dressed herself in.

“Where did you get those clothes,” Liz asked feeling plain in her t-shirt and jeans.

“Don’t they look good? I picked up the image from Anthony’s mind.”

Her black leather pants riding low on her hips and a tight black shirt with vampire bunnies
stretched across her chest showed off her figure. The blood red tip hair, black lipstick, and black nail polish accentuated her pretty face and delicate hands.

“I didn’t realize my brother had such good taste in women’s cloth or that he liked that gothic look. You look gorgeous,” Liz replied truthfully before it came back to her that she wasn’t supposed to like this girl and a frown formed on her face.

Sar-Rah smiled ate the girls slip. Her smile deepened when the frown appear knowing Liz had realized she had forgotten her anger if only for a second. Sar-Rah, feeling mischievous reached out and touched Liz’s arm. The warm feel spread from where Sar-Rah had touched her clothes shifted and became an exact duplicate to Sar-Rah’s. She pulled a compact mirror out of her purse and looked into it and realized her makeup was gone except for her lipstick which was black along with her nail polish. The only difference between herself and Sar-Rah was her hair tips were still blond.

“Turn it back,” Liz said sourly, even though she liked the look.

“Why don’t you try it out for a while, it looks good on you and Anthony will love it when he sees
it,” Sar-Rah replied.

At the mention of her brother liking it she looked at the genie suspiciously and saw Sar-Rah staring back intently with a knowing grin on her face. Liz’s shoulders slumped as her anger flowed out of her and was replaced by despair.

“You know then, how do you know?”

“I know more than you think, I can read your mind if I concentrate,” Sar-Rah said with a grin.

“For instance I know what you were doing this weekend at your friend’s house with those two other girls and Cassie and her mother who all seem to be in love with Anthony. Bad girl,” she said as her grin took a wicked cast.

“What do you want to keep quiet,” she asked quickly looking around to be sure no one heard as panic surged in her.

“I don’t want anything. Don’t worry I won’t tell anyone I was just telling you I understand why you are acting the way you are. I am not going to take him away from you. As a matter of fact I may be able to bring you closer,” she said as her eyes ran lustfully down Liz’s body.

Liz felt a shiver run up here spine at Sar-Rah’s hungry appraisal. They reached the corner were the bus stopped and saw it a stop or two down. Liz flicked the dyed tips of her hair.

“Why didn’t you turn my hair red tipped like yours?”

“Cause Anthony thinks yours looks better with blonde tips and I agree. It sets off the lighter brown strands in your hair making it look like you’ve got gold strands tied in it.”

The bus stopped in front of them and they got on and Liz ran her pass through the reader. Sar-Rah just ignored it and followed her. No one seemed to notice her until they were both sitting down. See Liz’s look Sar-Rah leaned close to her ear.

“I can go unnoticed if I chose, after all servants aren’t supposed to be seen if they’re not summoned.”

“So why are you enrolling in school, by the way how old are you exactly?”

“I am 15 but I’m going to enroll in the same grade as you. I picked most of the knowledge from this level of schooling from Anthony’s mind but I might as well get it from someone else who may know things about each subject that he missed.”

“Does Anthony know he slept with a 15 year old?”

“No I don’t think my age came up at all,” Sar-Rah said with a grin.

“But it is all ok I’ve got a birth certificate, social security card, state id, and court papers legally
declaring me emancipated. I also have my transcripts stating that I’ve jumped ahead two grades so I can be a senior with you.”

“What can’t you do with your powers?”

“Oh there is a lot I can’t do I can only do these things outside my aspect because they fall into the category of self-defense.”


“Yes, Anthony said not to tell anyone else or let them discover what I am because they would try
to take me from him and dissect me or lock me in a lab and do experiments to harness my abilities.”

“I see, what is an aspect?”

As Sar-Rah finished explaining what aspects were the bus came to their stop and they and the other teens on the bus got off. Sar-Rah head swiveled back and forth her pretty black eyes opened so huge to would have been comical to Liz if the awestruck look on her face didn’t make her even more innocent looking, like a little kid who saw Santa Claus. Liz looked around and tried to imagine what it would have looked like here three thousand years ago. As she realized that this place would have been wilderness or some dinky village she admired the way Sar-Rah seem to be accepting the changes of the world around her.

“Kind of different then your time, huh,” Liz asked.

“Yes, very different. I picked up some of the difference from Anthony’s mind but to know that your high school is 3 stories high and to see it is a different thing entirely. Also before going into the bottle the biggest building I had ever seen had been my father’s castle and the temple. This high school is nearly the same size and it’s not even an important building.”

“Just you wait until you see the empire state building, it is 102 stories high,” Liz said with a chuckle. When Sar-Rah looked at her in disbelief, she smiled and swore it was the truth.

“I need you to show me where the administrative office is,” Sar-Rah said looking around furtively.

Following the line of the genie’s eyes and saw that there were a lot of guys staring at them and talking to each other. While Liz was pretty, and got her fair share of attention from men she rarely dresses in anything overly sexy. She realized the Sar-Rah was twitching nervously alongside her waiting for her to lead the way to the office.

“Don’t be so nervous. They are only looking because we look hot dressed like this.”

“I’ve never been around this many people and they are all staring at us.”

“Don’t worry about it just ignore everyone around you unless they talk to you specifically and they are staring at you because your hot.”


“Sexy,” Liz replied to her questioning tone.

“So what did you mean you can bring me and my brother closer,” Liz ask trying not to let hope
overwhelm her. Ignoring the blush the rose in Sar-Rah’s face at her backhanded compliment she grabbed her hand and began leading her into the building towards the office.

“Well actually I meant you and all those girls at your party you went to. But you specifically could have had him anytime you wanted him he’s been lusting after you for years and you already know he loves you. But since your too timid to seduce him I’m going to get him really hot and tie him to his bed then you’re going to come in and do him.”

“You think that will work?”

“Yep, he already wants you. He’s only been holding back taking you because he thinks it would
be a betrayal of trust to seduce you when he is the only support and family you have. Plus he said I could have female lovers if I wanted as long as he could also.”

Liz looked at Sar-Rah sideways form the corner of her eye.

“What does you having other lovers have to do with me,” she asked cautiously.

Sar-Rah stopped abruptly gripping Liz’s hand tightly jerking her to a halt right next to her. She stepped in front of her and reached her hand up to the back of Liz’s neck and pulled the taller girl down until they’re faces were so close they could almost kiss. Sar-Rah moved her head so she could whisper into Liz’s ear.

“After you’ve had your brother inside you,” she breathed into Liz’s ear causing her whole body to tremble. Sar-Rah started to gently stoke her neck with the fingertips of the hand wrapped around the back of her neck.

“After he has been inside you, and filled you to over flowing, I’m going to crawl between your beautiful thighs and eat you till you beg me to stop. Once you do I’ll have you return the favor.”

As Sar-Rah pulled back and smiled at Liz her trembling continued and her knees became watery as she imagined the upcoming fun with her brother and his new fiancée. The cat call behind her pulled her back to the here and now. Her trembling stilled as she recognized the sound and realized who it must be. A sneer lifted her lip as she once again grabbed Sar-Rah’s hand and started leading her toward the office. Sar-Rah seeing the distaste flash across her face looked over her shoulder at the large boy hurrying after them to try and catch up to them.

“Who is that,” Sar-Rah asked.

“He and all his friends are assholes. Stay away from them and their girlfriends. You’ll find in the school most of the football players aren’t dating the popular girls. They are dating the slutty ones. The girls who’d spread their legs for anyone. They’re not good people to hang around.”

“What did he do to you,” Sar-Rah asked her again looking over her shoulder at the boy who was seconds behind them as they hurried toward the door clearly label administrative office.

“Not me personally. Those girls who were ah…, at that party I went to this weekend,” she said as
embarrassment made her blush.

“Well Cassie was throwing a party, she loves parties, well about three and a half years ago before they were banned from all her parties and everyone started to shun them. The football and soccer teams showed up they brought alcohol with them. Well needless to say they all got wasted. They grabbed Cassie, Sasha, and Nina. They started groping and trying to get them to take their clothes off when the girls refused they started to get pushy. Everyone else was just ignoring what they were doing afraid to speak up. Well Anthony came to pick me up to take me home, he wouldn’t let me ride the bus by myself back then, well he saw what was happening and he spoke up.”

“What happened,” Sar-Rah asked feeling dislike for the teen rushing to catch them up.

“He told them to let them go and to get out. They laughed at him and started to turn back to the girls. He grabbed a full plastic cup of beer and dumped it on John Sloan’s head. He’s the leader of those assholes and he would also be the loser following us. Well anyway they all jumped Anthony he manage to give John and a couple of others black eyes and a few split lips but it was one on eight they beat him up bad he was bleeding a lot. They broke his left arm and when I rushed to him to see if he was alright John grabbed me. I was struggling trying to reach Ant and I kicked John in the shin. He punched me and made me cry. I’ve only seen my brother in that kind of rage once before.”

“The night that your father struck you.”

“He told you about that,” Liz asked.


“Well anyway he stood up and punched John square in the face broke his nose with one shot. John stumbles back and trips screaming with the pain from his nose. Anthony followed him down driving the breath from his lungs and then just kept pounding his fist into John’s face until he stopped moving. When he stood up and turned to face the rest of them they backed away from his anger. He told them to take their loser leader and get the fuck out and they weren’t allowed near this house again or he’d come find them when they were alone. They picked up John and ran like the devil was chasing them. Ant spent two days in the hospital after that, and weeks healing the arm. We had to eat takeout the entire time his arm was in a cast since I can’t cook.”

“I see so, that’s why you girls are in love with him, what about Cassie’s mother?”

“He took his bat to the guy she was dating when he found out the guy was molesting Cassie.”

“I see.”

Liz looked over at Sar-Rah and saw her face twisted with hate as she looked over her shoulder at John and her eyes were starting to take on an eerie purple luminescence.

“Uh Sar-Rah you need to calm down your eyes are starting to glow.”

“Oops,” she said putting her head down and started taking deep calming breaths.

John stepped in front of them not ten feet from the office doors.

“Hello, Liz and her pretty friend. How are you doing today?”

“We were doing well then I saw your face and it started to suck. But don’t worry as soon as you leave it’s sure to take a turn for the better.”

He gave her a nasty look and turned his attention to Sar-Rah. He ran his eyes over her his desire for her growing her each inch of her he took in.

“And who is your friend Liz,” John asked.

“None of your business and its Elizabeth to you fuck face.”

When Sar-Rah looked up having got her anger under control so her eyes wouldn’t glow she looked up into his eyes keeping her face completely blank and expressionless.

“My name is Sar-Rah,” she said flatly her voice devoid of emotion.

“My name is John,” he replied.

“I know.”

“Interested in getting to know me better?”

“No, will you please step aside so we can go into the office” came her reply still flat.

“Why aren’t you interested, you a lesbian?”

“How did you get your nose broken John,” Sar-Rah asked.

He blinked in surprise at her unexpected response having expected her to get defensive or to
admit to liking girls. The people around them were taking notice of what seemed to be a verbal fight taking place between a jock and a new girl dressed in all black.

“I got it in a fight,” he hedged.

“Who were you fighting John? Why were you fighting him?”

“I was fighting her brother,” he replied gesturing to Liz, who was now standing a couple inches
behind Sar-Rah watching the exchange in amusement. He tried to completely ignore the second question.

“I asked why you fighting him John,” Sar-Rah asked in that flat, cold voice.

“He was interfering in our fun,” John said his eyes flicking to the people around them. He was
beginning to regret approaching them surrounded by so many people intending to humiliate Liz.

“So you find it fun to sexually assault woman John,” she asked and mutters went through the
crowd as more than just Sar-Rah waited for his answers.

“We weren’t assaulting them, we were just playing around.”

“They weren’t having fun John, only you were. If her brother hadn’t been there how far would
your “fun” have gone John? Are you a rapist at heart John?”

John’s face blanched at her question and mutters where constantly running through the crowd
now. He saw disgust on the faces of most of the guys and fear and revulsion on some of the girls.

“I am not a rapist you stupid bitch,” he hissed his reply at her.

“You “fought” her brother eight on one for interfering in the sexual harassment of three teenage
age girls and you still got your nose broken and your face pounded in till you fell unconscious didn’t you
John? Had to have your buddies carry you away cause a boy with a broken arm kicked the shit out of you,
didn’t you John?”

“Stop saying my name like that bitch, it was not assault,” he spit his reply as he saw the crowd
nearest to him putting space between him and them not wanting to be accidently associated with him.

“Sure it was John. They said no, but you didn’t listen and you touched them in a sexual manner
after it was obvious they didn’t want your filthy hand on them didn’t you John? So taking into account your
actions and your hideous visage I have to say, no I do not wish to get to know you better. I think I know you
quite well enough and it saddens me that a human being like you walks the earth and breathes the same air
as me. So scurry back to whatever hole that spawned your foul existence and let us pass.”

Her words enraged him and he reached for her. His reach for her stopped however when
someone cleared their throat behind him. He lowered his hand and slowly turned to face the principal.

“Is there a problem here Mr. Sloan,” Ms. Yearling the principal asked. She looked down her nose
at the boy, face pleasantly blank but you could tell from her voice she disliked the boy. At six feet tall long
blonde hair, a toned gymnast’s body, her breasts no more than a handful and the blue ice chips that were her
eyes she made a very intimidating sight. She looked like some ancient amazon warrior woman dressed in
dress pants and a silk blouse staring down at the boy as if trying to push him from existence by the force of
her will.

As John turned to her he raised his hands in the universal sign of surrender and put an innocent
expression on his face.

“No Ms. Yearling no problem at all I was just welcoming the new student and saying hello to my
friend Elizabeth.”

“That is a lie,” Sar-Rah said as she refuted his words immediately.

“He came over here to try and publically humiliate Liz with his less than stunning wit and to hit on
me,” she fumbled at the slang but picked up her speech at Liz’s nod that she got it right.

“Also this foul creature is no friend of Liz’s and I have twice asked him to move from out of the
way of the door so we could get to the office. The first time more politely then the second and both times was

His face darkening in embarrassment and anger as her harangue came to end he lowered his
raised hands. As he opened his mouth to deny the accusations the principal cut him off.

“Mr. Sloan, do not bother to deny it. I was close enough to the door to hear the whole altercation,
you have detention after school today now get to class or it will be all week.”

He gave Sar-Rah and Liz and murderous look and then stomped off down the hall without
looking back. With a sigh, her face softening slightly, the principal turned the two girls after watching till he
disappeared around a corner.

“Liz, aren’t you supposed to be in Calculus in two minutes,” she said looking down at her watch.

“Yes, ma’am I was just bringing Sar-Rah to the office to register for classes she is transferring in.
Now that you’re here I’ll leave it to you and get to class. See you later Sar-Rah,” she said and ran off to class
trying to get there before the bell.

“Well Sar-Rah, let’s see about getting you set up,” Ms. Yearling turned around and taking three
long strides Sar-Rah had to practically run to keep up with she pulled open the office door and ushered her in.

“This is Ms. White, Jen this is Sar-Rah she is apparently a new transfer student.”

“Nice to meet you Ms. White,” Sar-Rah stuck out her hand to shake with the elderly woman
across the counter. True to her name her hair was all white, she had on a friendly smile and it was obvious
this was her natural expression from the deep laugh lines around her eyes. The woman took Sar-Rah hand in
a firm two handed grasp with her bright smile.

“It’s my pleasure dear, but call me Jen everyone does,” Jen said.

“Well then, it’s nice to meet you Jen,” Sarah replied returning her smile.

“Alright Sar-Rah where are your parents so they can fill out your paper work,” Jen asked.

“No parents, here you go Jen,” Sar-Rah said handing the elderly receptionist her birth certificate,
transcripts, and court papers legally declaring her an adult.

With a slight frown Ms. Yearling moved around the counter to read the papers over Jen’s
shoulder. Jen read for a few minutes with the principal looking over her shoulder reading along then shuffled
through the papers making sure she had everything she would need to put Sar-Rah into the system.

“That’s good dear with all of these I can fill out the paper work for you I just need to know the
address of where you are staying and I have you in class in half an hour.”

“Sure, my current address is 13 Witching St.,” Sar-Rah told her still smiling.

“13 Witching St. that is where Liz Caine and Anthony Caine live isn’t it,” Jen asked as she input
Sar-Rah’s info into the computer his fingers flying across the keyboard.


“Are you related to them,” Jen asked just keeping up small talk while she typed from habit.

“Sort of.”

“How can you be sort of related to someone,” she asked only half paying attention while the
principal was watching what she did also only half listening to the girls reply.

“Well I’m sort of related to Liz cause her big brother Anthony is my fiancée.”

Jens hands froze as both hers and the principal’s heads snapped to look at Sar-Rah in surprise
and shock. You could have heard a pin hit the carpet it was so silent for a second.

“F-fiancee, dear your only…,” she started while looking through the papers for Sar-Rah certificate.

“I am fifteen years old.”

“You can’t get married at fifteen years old,” Ms. Yearling stated has if her statement of the fact
made it law.

“Well, actually if I remember the laws correctly at fifteen, I can with a parent or guardians consent
and since I am my own keeper I give myself consent to get married.”

“When exactly are you getting married dear,” Jen asked as Ms. Yearling stood her mouth
opening and closing, in a way very much like a fish, while she tried to come up with something to say.

“We haven’t set a date yet he only asked me two days ago.”

“That’s nice dear,” Jen replied and went back to inputting the girl’s info. She had seen the
amusement on the girls face at their reaction to her statement. She suppressed her own desire to giggle at
the small strangling noises coming from the woman behind her. She had never seen Patricia Yearling so
thrown off balance since the woman had taken the place of the last principal; it was actually quite amusing
that the fifteen year old girl across the table with a mischievous grin on her face was more composed than
both of them.

“Here you go dear,” Jen said handing the papers and everything back to Sar-Rah for her to slip
into her bag.

“Well, Sar-Rah aside from Calculus and English IV I don’t see any class you actually need to
take. What would you like your electives to be?”

“Um I don’t know,” Sar-Rah said sheepishly. It was the first sign of uncertainty to enter the girls
face since she walked into the office and Jen was sympathetic.

“What is the most advanced computer or electronics class,” Sar-Rah asked.

“We have a computer programming class that can get you college credits. But Sar-Rah you’ve
never taken a computer class before don’t you think you should start off in a beginners class?”

“No, Jen I’ll be fine with the advanced class I’ve never had less than an A and won’t start now.
Also do you have an advanced physics class?

“Yes we do. So Adv. Computer Programming and Adv. Physics what else?”

“I have no idea. I heard one the girls we were walking past say you had a pool. If I left one of the
classes open could I use it?”

“No, students are not allowed to use the pool by themselves it against school policy.”

“Oh, okay well I’ve got no idea what to take then.”

“Well sixth period the senior swim team uses the pool. Since we are only a week into the year, I
could talk to the couch and get her to let you join not to compete if you don’t want to but just to do laps or
whatever off out of the way. She’s a friend of mine and if I ask I’m sure she’ll let you if only to boost the teams

“Thanks that would be really nice of you,” Sar-Rah gushed at Jen and smiled wide with
happiness and gratitude. Jen flush with pleasure at the girls obvious joy but was a little suspicious because
Sar-Rah seemed too happy..

“How about you take a foreign language,” Ms. Yearling asked finally regaining her composure.

“Thanks but no need I’m fluent,” she replied.

“Which are you fluent in? We have German, Russian, Japanese, Chinese, Spanish, French,
Swedish, and Polish.”

“I’m fluent in them all,” Sar-Rah said still beaming.

Jen lowered her head to hide her smile and tried to disguise the amused snort at the girl’s subtle
playful needling the principal as a sneeze.

“Bless you,” Sar-Rah said to Jen still beaming although with more of a trickster’s grin then a
happy one now.

“You wouldn’t have a robotics class would you,” Sar-Rah asked innocently her face changing to
look like an angel’s.

“No dear, we don’t,” not asking what the girl who has never taken a computer class would need
in a robotics class and not trusting the sudden innocent look the girl was putting on. Patricia though didn’t
catch the signs though.

“What do you want to take a robotic class for you have never even taken a computer class,” the
principal asked curiously.

“I don’t want to say it is kind of embarrassing,” Sar-Rah replied lowering her head to hide her
sudden mischievous grin from the women, though from her lower vantage Jen caught it and wondered what
was coming.

“It is okay Sar-Rah, it only the three of us here and no one will laugh at you.”

“Well,” she said as her head raised back us her innocent façade firmly back in place.

“I want to make a life like robot as a sex toy for my fiancée as a wedding present,” she said
innocently looking the principal dead in the eye.

Jen looked over her should at Patricia’s face, she looked like she had swallowed her own tongue,
and burst into laughter so hard tears started running down here face.

“You said you wouldn’t laugh at me,” Sar-Rah said trying to put a hurt look on her face but it was
plain that she was trying not to laugh as well. Getting over the shock of her words and her being the butt of
the joke even Patricia gave a slight smile.

“I know,” Sar-Rah said, “Is there a study hall or something where I can just sit in the library and
read for the whole time?”

“Well we could just leave your fifth and sixth periods free and you could do whatever you want for
the fifth but if I pull strings and get you a filler spot on the team so you can use the pool sixth period I expect
you to be there every day they are unless you have a good reason for missing.”

“Of course Jen,” Sar-Rah said her expression going somber.

“Good, well here is your class schedule and a school map. You have Calculus now then English
IV then Adv. Computer Programming then lunch and finally Adv. Physics. After that you have your free period
and then the swim team meeting at the pool after that. I’ll find you at lunch and tell you what the coach says.
You’ll be happy to know that your two classes and your fourth will be together with you future sister-in-law.”


“Well you have a good day and I’ll see you at lunch with the coach’s reply. Oh do you have a
swim suit with you?”

“Yes I’ve got one I was planning on going over to the college if I ended up with too many free
periods to talk Anthony into skipping class and going to use their pool with me, I have to corrupt him a little he
to goody-goody,” Sar-Rah said with a wicked grin and with one last wave walked out of the office head for
her first class and Liz.

“I have a feeling that Anthony may be in over his head with that one,” Patricia said to herself
absent mindedly.

“No it’s a good match it’s the quiet ones who turn the world on its head. They don’t really bother
till you motivate them but once they get going you can’t stop them. Anthony was like that you remember the
day John came back to school after that party they were talking about? His own mother wouldn’t have
recognized him with all that swelling not to mention the concussion. I think him and that girl make a good
match she’ll loosen him up a bit and he’ll keep her out of trouble, the boy always did radiate a sense of
protection, that’s why so many girls hung around him,” Jen rambled.

“Yeah well you had better get ahold of Cynthea you told her you’d ask about joining the team.”

“Oh I know what Coach Shell will say, she needs one more for a complete team so they can
compete this year. They only get to have six place but they have to have nine members to compete it doesn’t
make any sense to me.”

“You witch you pretended like you were doing her a favor.”

“Well you never know when someone owing you a favor will be helpful plus I’m almost certain
she was onto me she was a little too overjoyed that I could help her. I think she was laying it on that thick
there at the end so I would know she caught it but would go with it,” Jen mused.

“Well she is a smart girl I hope she does ok in that advanced computer class having never been
in one of the beginner ones. I’m going to my office to get my paper work caught up hopefully.”

“Alright see you later Patricia and I think that girl would ace the class even if she never saw a
computer before. She was serious about being fluent in every language even though she was taunting you,”
turning back to her computer and pulling up her own work.

Following the map which was confusing the hell out of her, till she realized she was holding it
sideways, Sar-Rah finally made it to class and looked in the window. There was a young teacher stand in
front of the class his back to the door and her. She could see Liz sitting in the back seat of the class looking
bored with her chin in her hand listening to the guy talk. Liz opened the door and walked in. The teacher
missed the sound of the door opening and closing but he did notice when his entire class stopped paying
attention to him and looked over his shoulder at her.

“Hi,” Sar-Rah said smiling up at him.

“Hello, and you are,” he asked turning to face her.

“I’m Sar-Rah Solomon, a new transfer student,” she replied handing him her schedule. He read it
for a second then handed it back and she slipped it into her backpack.

“Well Sar-Rah I’m Mr. Shawl this is Calculus why don’t you tell the class a little bit about
yourself,” he phrased it as a request but Sar-Rah got the feeling it wasn’t.

“What would you like to know about me?”

“Just tell the class whatever you feel comfortable revealing about yourself,” he replied. Immediately after he
said that a wicked grin crossed her face and died instantly. It was replaced with an innocent wide eyed
expression as she turned back to the class. She bounced on the balls of her feet for a second then just as he
was about to tell her she didn’t have to if she didn’t want to she began to speak.

“Well first thing is my name I’m Sar-Rah Solomon, I’m fifteen but I’m emancipated. I like reading,
swimming, pizza, and sex doggy style.”

At that there was a thud behind her as Mr. Shawls chair tipped over with him in it. As giggles and whistles
erupted around the class Sar-Rah still holding her innocent expression looked questioningly at Mr. Shawl
over her shoulder but kept up telling the class about herself.

“I’m joining the swim team, I’m fluent in every spoken language and almost every written one I’m staying with
Liz Caine and her brother who happens to be my fiancée and my six sisters will be his moving in and will be
his wives also. Although do to this countries laws they wont be married in the eyes of the laws but honestly
who cares what the government thinks about our personal lives. Is that enough,” she directed the last
question to Mr. Shawl. At his nod she pointed to the empty seat next to Liz and he nodded.

As she turned backed to the class she let the innocent face drop and let her wicked grin spread across her
face. The class saw and snickered at the teacher as Mr. Shawl tried to get his thoughts back in order. The
class commenced after Sar-Rah took her seat. After class as Liz and her walked to their next class Liz asked
what classes she had Sar-Rah handed Liz her schedule.

“So we have first, second, and fourth period together and then you get the day off.” Liz said.

“Not exactly, I get fifth period off but sixth is when I’ve got swim team practice. I’m only a filler so I can use
the pool but I suspect they are only letting me do it because they don’t have enough people to compete even
though I won’t be competing.”

“Having a period off must be nice though,” Liz asked.

“Not really that’s when I’ll do all the learning for the day as soon as I meet each teacher I just absorb their
knowledge on the subject they are teaching and then the classes are useless except for the entertainment
value and the actual experience of going to school.”

“I wish I could do that it would sure help with my grades.”

“I’m sure it would make Anthony happy if your grades improved so,” Sar-Rah’s hand shot out and firmly
gripped her arm and pulled Liz’s face down to hers and gave her a quick kiss right on the lips being careful
not to smear their lipstick. As quick as that all the knowledge the teacher had about Calculus was transferred
and she understood the problems she had been struggling with.


“Yeah, you taste really good,” Sar-Rah replied.

“That’s not what I meant.”

“I know but I’ll get to do that for every class we have.”

“You could just wait to the end of the day and do it then,” Liz pointed out as she started to walk so they
wouldn’t be late for English.

“True I could but it would cut down on my reward for helping you now wouldn’t it,” she asked smirking up at
Liz through her thick lashes. Liz just shook her head and pulled open the door to their English class.

The day passed and Sar-Rah absorbed the knowledge from the English teacher along with the computer
teacher and headed to lunch. Coming into the big cafeteria she stopped a little daunted to see all the people
in the trying to talk over one another. Looking around and trying to decide where to sit and saw some of the
kids from her classes trying to wave her over, until she spotted Liz. She was sitting at a table dead center of
the room with what looked to be all the beautiful kids in the room. Sar-Rah began wending her way to Liz,
feeling Sar-Rah’s eyes on her looked up and saw her and smiled. She jabbed the guy sitting next to her in
the ribs with her elbow and made him scoot down so Sar-Rah could squeeze in on the end. There was no
food in front of Liz.

“Are you not eating Liz,” Sar-Rah asked with a disapproving frown.

“The cafeteria food sucks and I was so distracted this morning I forgot to make lunch.”

“Well, I may have the solution for that food falls into the servant’s aspect. What is your favorite sub,” she
asked flicking looks around to make sure no one was listening to their conversation.

“Meatball with mozzarella cheese and mushrooms,” Liz replied looking hopefully at her.

“Enjoy,” Liz exclaimed and reached into her backpack and pulled two of the subs out and placed one in front
of Liz. She also reached in and pulled out a bag of ranch Doritos and two bottles of ice cold Pepsi.

“I love you,” Liz giving her a quick hug and then tearing into her sub barely waiting until she removed the
waxed paper from around it. Sar-Rah unwrapped her own sub and tentatively took a bite and gave a little
moan of pleasure at the taste and began devouring hers as swiftly as Liz was. Sar-Rah and Liz finished their
subs at exactly the same moment and both reached for their sodas and cracked the seals and took a drink in
unison. They paused looked at each other and reach for the bag of chips. Before their hands could reach the
bag another hand shot down and grabbed the bag and snatched it away.

Sar-Rah turned to see John Sloan standing there hold their bag of chips. She stood up and faced him the
people around them slowly started to quiet down curious as to what was about to happen.

“Hello Sar-Rah,” he said with a nasty smile on his face. When she said nothing and just stared at him with
hate in her eyes he began to fidget.

“What nothing to say cat got your tongue. Or maybe your lesbian lover Liz bit if off,” he sneered already
having heard the rumors she was engaged to Liz’s brother. With a smile Sar-Rah turned around to Liz who
was still seated, straddling the bench ready to stand if she was need. Sar-Rah stepped to Liz and threw her
leg over the surprised girls lap and sat down facing her. She sensuously ran her hands into Liz’s hair and
gripped her head. Grinning wickedly up into Liz’s eyes she pulled her down and brought Liz’s lips to her own.
This time as the information from all Sar-Rah’s classes filled Liz’s mind it wasn’t just a peck on the lips. Sar-
Rah’s tongue licked along Liz’s lips until she opened her mouth then it dove in exploring and tasting her.
Suddenly Liz’s arms wrapped around Sar-Rah’s back crushing the girl to her and she returned the kiss with
equal passion. They held the kiss until they both needed air and they broke apart panting forehead pressed
together. After a few moments of regaining her breath Sar-Rah stood disentangling herself from Liz and turn
back to John, who was standing there with his mouth agape and lust fogging his brain. Sar-Rah’s hand shot
out and before he could stop her snatched the bag of opened chips from his hand. She took one step over to
the trash can that was in the middle of the isle and up ended the bag pouring the chips into the garbage.

“As if I would put something someone so filthy touched into my mouth,” she sneered at John, snapping him
out of his daze with the venom in her voice.

“See you are a dike I knew it, that’s why you don’t want me,” he shot back.

“I don’t want you because you’re an idiotic filthy pig, and a disgrace to your entire gender. You’re childish and
petty, taking our chips as if that’s going to make us believe you a better person then us. That makes you a
thief, and a bully, along with a prick who sexually assault teenage girls,” she refuted, turning back to face the

“Did everyone like the show,” she asked and was answered with a roar of approval and whistles, along with
some scattered clapping.

“Well, giving a round of

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Me And My Daughters Became Sluts 8211 Part I

Hi readers, I’m Urmilla 42 years old and my husband is a rich Nri based in Dubai he only comes to country once in two or three years and that too for a few days. we had two girls Nisha 24 and navya 22 even though I was a mom of two I’m still looking young and many of my friends commends that three of us are like sisters. My daughters were also sex bombs like me and was having huge tits and big ass like me as I was living away from my husband many of my neighbors and family members were having...

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My daughters turn me on Part III

The next morning Amber rolled over to find her mother nestled in bed beneath the cold morning sheets with her. They were both still naked from the night before. ‘OMG’ she thought. ‘I really did eat my own mother last night; and she ate me out’. Amber rose out of bed and snuck off to her room to lie down in her own bed for the rest of the morning. First though, she had to stop in the bathroom. She had to piss so bad, it being first thing in the morning. Her thighs were still sticky with the...

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Futa MILFs and Their Hot Daughters Chapter 6 FutaMommies Love Their Daughters

Chapter Six: Futa-Mommies Love Their Daughters By mypenname3000 Copyright 2020 Note: Thanks to Alex for beta reading this! Jolene Harland had a great time with her new futa-dick, but she was eager to see what her sexy mother had gotten up to. She wanted to compare notes with mommy dearest. Humming to herself, she left eighteen-year-old Ingrid Morales to scamper upstairs with a tummy full of cum. That girl was eager to see what her futa-mother was up to. Dressing quickly, Jolene Harland...

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Daddys MindControlled Daughters 3 Daughters Pleasing Daddy

A Story of the Institute of Apotheosis Research Chapter Three: Daughters Pleasing Daddy By mypenname3000 Copyright 2017 Note: Thanks to wrc264 for beta reading this! I groaned, my orgasm shivering through me, my dick lodged in Crystal's pussy. She was the second daughter I'd fucked today. My fantasies of taking my daughters, using their barely legal cunts, had come to life today thanks to an impossible device. The Halo. A ring of gold housing nanites. They'd changed my mind,...

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My daughters turn me on Part II

Sam pulled her daughter Amber down the hallway, leaving Amy in her bed, still shoving the black rubber cock in her pussy. Once they entered Sam’s bedroom, Sam spun around, grabbed her eldest daughter Amber by the waist and threw her on the bed. “Give me that pussy baby!” said Sam. Sam grabbed Amber by the ankles, lifted both her feet into the air, and reached down, pulling her daughters panties off and throwing them on the floor. Sam had already shed off her own clothes. Sam then spread her...

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Helenes daughters part two

as are ideas for the chapters to come.You may contact me at [email protected] Helenes Daughters Chapter Two Helene woke and stretched, she had hardly slept the night before. Excited by the previous nights sexual fun With her friend Faye and her daughter. She had also been thinking about her own two daughters who she had found having their own intimate fun the day before. After meeting up with Faye and Anna, Helene had decided that she too would become much much...

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Helenes daughters part two

Introduction: second part This is a work of fiction and nothing more. Feed back is more than welcome as are ideas for the chapters to come.You may contact me at [email protected] Helenes Daughters Chapter Two Helene woke and stretched, she had hardly slept the night before. Excited by the previous nights sexual fun With her friend Faye and her daughter. She had also been thinking about her own two daughters who she had found having their own intimate fun the day before. After meeting up with...

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A story in part related to Busted By the Lawnman After finishing my story of "Busted by the Lawnman" of her daughters "discovery" a ultimate pleasure from their own pet. The entirety of the story is all together so read it please: Anyway after having written the story about how her daughter got actually "busted" by me having pleasure with their pet at their home. And having written chapter 7 on the end of that finally and finishing with how her "Mom" nearly "busted her"...

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Gloria and Her 2 Daughters The Ultimate Gift

Introduction: This is as close to reality as you would get – if you meet a young mother who has a fetish for kiddie porn.. Ever get the chance to help a mother educate her 2 young daughters in the art of love making? I did. I was 20, going on 17. A baby. And though I didnt know it at the time, I had all 3 girl age groups at my fingertips – 1. Girls under 12 (at summer camp for example) would get a crush so big they would swarm around me in groups, trying to impress. 2. Older teenage girls...

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The Mind Control DeviceChapter 24 MindControlled Pregnant Daughters

Vivian Bailey My freshman concubine, Michelle, was happily munching at my pussy. Under the mind-control device, she was thrilled to be my lover. I had a harem of sexy girls. They were all around my loft. My girlfriend, Britney, was having fun on the bed getting fucked by both our mothers. Those two sexy women loved coming by to visit. They got to have so much fun eating out underage pussy, including their daughters. Other girls in the harem were busy doing programming. They had all been...

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Things Mothers Do for their Daughters

   THINGS MOTHERS DO FOR THEIR                           DAUGHTERS         Olivia Miller is a single mother raising twolovely daughters the best way she knew how. She has struggled working two differentjobs to make ends meet and give the two girls a good home life since her husbanwalked out on them over twelve years ago, althouugh  she tried datingonce and during the few weeks of courtship she did have one occation to havesexual relations with the man but just like the many years with her...

1 year ago
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African seduction of three white daughters

Note : This story is completely fictional! African culture regards the seduction of sexually active women totally different that that of the western hemisphere. Sadly, there are few laws enforced to protect women in some countries and this appalling practice of sexual humiliation has torn families apart. A lot of kidnapped teen women, wives and daughters, have been forced into prostitution and sex slavery.... especially the young white ones. Many rich black African men lust for white women and...

Erotic Fiction
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Swapping Daughters Pounding Daughters

Ever had that nagging promise in the back of your mind you never kept. Well I had one. For years I had promised my daughter Sophie an outback camping trip. I mean I had looked back fondly to my own freedom days in my youth with my best mate Tom, our Harley’s, our sleeping bags under the stars and the great outback, all ours for adventures. Then there was everyday life: the corporate ladder, marriage, family and a stinging divorce a few years ago.Here now, however, was my gorgeous blonde Sophie...

4 years ago
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Two loving daughters

Two loving daughters I was single again. After twenty years in what can only be described as a disastrous marriage, I had separated from my wife. For the time being I was staying with my two daughters who had just rented a big new apartment together. An apartment which, luckily for me, just happened to have an extra bedroom. One night, I was up late with my daughters, just fooling around in the living-room, reminiscing. We were sitting on the couch, talking about the good old times. I...

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Brothers Incestuous BetChapter 9 Daughters Ready to Breed

Maria Reenburg I trembled on the exam table in Dr. Wilson’s clinic. The busty OB/GYN smiled at me as she lifted up my hospital gown. She arched an eyebrow at me as she stared down at the hairless flesh of my pudenda, my thighs pressed tight, only the top of my slit peeking out. “Someone forgot her panties,” Dr. Wilson said, an amused smile on her lips. “She didn’t forget them,” said my brother. He sat in a chair next to the bed. Mom was sitting in the corner, shaking her head at me. I...

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Daddys MindControlled Daughters 2 Two Daughters Double the Fun

A Story of the Institute of Apotheosis Research Chapter Two: Two Daughters Double the Fun By mypenname3000 Copyright 2017 Note: Thanks to wrc264 for beta reading this! James Maxwell, head of the Department of Scrying at the Institute of Apotheosis Research, groaned as he pumped his cock in and out of his nineteen-year-old daughter's newly deflowered cunt. Mindy gasped and moaned into her twin sister Cindy's pussy, lapping through incestuous folds to clean out James's jizz. Thank...

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Trading Daughters Fictional

From: QlickIntroduction: My friend Robert and I are raising daughters alone. At 16 they present us with a birthday request My daughter Casey and I have been on our own for 5 years. Her mom left when she was 9, telling us she didn't want to be tied down any longer. It took Casey several months to accept her mom wasn't coming home, but when she did she began to grow close to me. As she grew and hit puberty I noticed her starting to fill out. It fell to me to give her the facts of life talk....

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Daddys MindControlled Daughters 6 Daddy Cuckolds the Cheater

A Story of the Institute of Apotheosis Research Chapter Six: Daddy Cuckolds the Cheater By mypenname3000 Copyright 2017 Note: Thanks to wrc264 for beta reading this! There was nothing like having a young girl's cunt on your dick while driving. Just feeling that hot, tight snatch clenching and relaxing, shifting as the car drove over any bumps, the way she whimpered in pure delight as my dick stirred around inside her. I had my arms wrapped around Pina, a nineteen-year-old Hispanic...

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My Daughters Faith And Cheyanne

"I don't have any plans; what about you, Cheyanne?" "Me either, Faith," she added, shaking her head no. "Really, you're twins, but you don't have that mind-reading power?" "I guess not, Daddy," Cheyanne replied, glancing at me. "Too bad, so if I ask you two if either of you will be introducing me to someone soon, would I get an answer?" "I'm afraid not, Dad," Faith responded. "Really, you're both beautiful, but neither of you has anyone on the radar to report on or...

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Dads MindControlled Daughters Chapter 7 Daughters Exam Turns Wild

Chapter Seven: Daughter's Exam Turns Wild A Belt Buckle Mind-Control Story By mypenname3000 Copyright 2021 Notes: Thanks to WRC264 for beta reading this! “Okay, Janelle, hop up into the stirrups,” said Nurse Alexis, her bob of black hair swaying about her youthful face. “I'll go let Dr. Sharma know that you're here.” “Sure,” Janelle said. She rose from the chair she was sitting by me with a groan. My eldest daughter, twenty-one and very pregnant, waddled to the chair, leaning back to...

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Daddys MindControlled Daughters 1 Virgin Controlled by Her Daddy

A Story of the Institute of Apotheosis Research Chapter One: Virgin Controlled by Her Daddy By mypenname3000 Copyright 2017 Note: Thanks to wrc264 for beta reading this! Deidre Icke, President of the Institute of Apotheosis Research, marched through the halls of her office building, the florescent lights flickering, the walls painted a mellow beige. At a first glance, it could pass for any office building in America. But Deidre knew differently. From here, the world would change....

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Daddys MindControlled Daughters 5 Daddy Daughter Orgy

A Story of the Institute of Apotheosis Research Chapter Five: Daddy Daughter Orgy By mypenname3000 Copyright 2017 Note: Thanks to wrc264 for beta reading this! “Eager to find out the next way cheating wives are punished?” asked Deidre Icke's ex-husband, something almost malicious in his grin. He sat naked on his office chair, cradling their eighteen-year-old daughter Alexis on his lap, her pussy leaking with the incestuous proof of his passion. Deidre swallowed, her ass still...

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Things Mothers do for their Daughters

Olivia Miller is a single mother raising two lovely daughters the best way she knew how. She has struggled working two different jobs to make ends meet and give the two girls a good home life since her husban walked out on them over twelve years ago, althouugh she tried dating once and during the few weeks of courtship she did have one occation to have sexual relations with the man but just like the many years with her husban she found no fullfilment and was always left empty. The long hours...

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Father Daughter And Daughters Girlfriend Bonding Take 2

Introduction: FAMILY GUY Part 5 FAMILY GUY Part 5 Father, Daughter And Daughters Girlfriend Bonding – Take 2 Note for readers This carrys on from the end of part 3 Peter awoke later in the night to the sounds of his wife and daughters steamy love making and the sound of the family bed creaking it was such a still and silent night you could hear a pin drop and they where getting so carried away with what they where doing that they didnt know how much noise they where making and how loud they...

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For My Daughters

For My Daughters by shalimar Chapter 1 Esther and Grace played with the tea set Albert had set out for them on a small table in the corner of the room. He had placed their tiny table there so he could keep an eye on them as he scrubbed the counters. Al had washed the dishes the two girls had used for dinner, and then he made sure the kitchen sparkled before he gave them his full attention. Rebecca entered the kitchen from the living room where she had been reading a steamy...

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Daddys Mindcontrolled DaughtersChapter 3 Daughters Pleasing Daddy

I groaned, my orgasm shivering through me, my dick lodged in Crystal’s pussy. She was the second daughter I’d fucked today. My fantasies of taking my daughters, using their underage cunts, had come to life today thanks to an impossible device. The Halo. A ring of gold housing nanites. They’d changed my mind, allowing me to rewrite the brainwaves of others and control them. I imposed my will upon two of my daughters and Crystal’s friend/lesbian lover Jessica. First, I deflowered...

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A mother and her two daughters vacation together on a women8217sonly tropical island

I disembark from the watercraft and get my bearings. I am standing on a long dock that juts out into the bay where our seaplane recently set down. The dock ends at a smooth white beach, beyond which is a tropical forest and a group of structures rising up among the vegetation. On the far side of the bay sits a stone keep, a lighthouse at its apex. The sun is warm on my skin, the sea breeze cool and inviting. The travel agent was right about this place it’s paradise. With me are my two...

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My Daughters Faith And Cheyanne

"So, now we're done eating dinner; what are you two up to tonight, ladies?" I pondered, peeking at both of them."I don't have any plans; what about you, Cheyanne?""Me either, Faith," she added, shaking her head no."Really, you're twins, but you don't have that mind-reading power?""I guess not, Daddy," Cheyanne replied, glancing at me."Too bad, so if I ask you two if either of you will be introducing me to someone soon, would I get an answer?""I'm afraid not, Dad," Faith responded."Really,...

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My Daughters Made me Cum

I am a freelance therapist and a single dad. I live with my two daughters which has always been fun and interesting. My daughters who are now in their twenties, and if I do say so myself, are beautiful both inside and out.They mostly take after their mom (who passed away when they were younger) in the physical department. Long shampoo commercial quality hair, the kind of skin that you want to touch and voluptuous bodies. The developed early and always looked older than they were because of...

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My Daughters Made me Cum

I am a freelance therapist and a single dad. I live with my two daughters which has always been fun and interesting. My daughters who are now in their twenties, and if I do say so myself, are beautiful both inside and out.They mostly take after their mom (who passed away when they were younger) in the physical department. Long shampoo commercial quality hair, the kind of skin that you want to touch and voluptuous bodies. The developed early and always looked older than they were because of...

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Dads MindControlled Daughters Chapter 4 Mommy Helps Her Virgin Daughter

Chapter Four: Mommy Helps Her Virgin Daughter A Belt Buckle Mind-Control Story By mypenname3000 Copyright 2021 Notes: Thanks to WRC264 for beta reading this! In a week my daughters had set up Best Dad's Daughter Services. “Showing young girls how to love their daddies!” Sarah set up the website, Tonya did the banner and other graphic designs, and Janelle did the marketing. I couldn't believe how excited they were for me to teach other daughters how to love their daddies, and to teach...

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Two Loving Daughters

I was single again. After twenty years in what can only be described as a disastrous marriage, I had separated from my wife. For the time being I was staying with my two daughters who had just rented a big new apartment together. An apartment which, luckily for me, just happened to have an extra bedroom. One night, I was up late with my daughters, just fooling around in the living-room, reminiscing. We were sitting on the couch, talking about the good old times. I looked at them and felt...

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WHACK A MOLE My three daughters

Introduction: Three teenaged daughters decide their father needs a sex life-them God I was beat, it’d been a rough day, I do elevator repair and installation for a national company so I do have to travel occasionally but with service contracts and other jobs here in the city I’m usually able to make it home by five. I’m gonna be just a little late tonight, I had a repair job today, the work area was confined, I had to be a contortionist to get into the space. Ok when I was a bit younger but...

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Futa MILFs and Their Hot Daughters Chapter 1 MILFs Throbbing Futa Surprise

Chapter One: MILF's Throbbing Futa Surprise By mypenname3000 Copyright 2020 Note: Thanks to Alex for beta reading this! In the basement laboratory, Jolene Harland held up the glass vial staring at the reaction happening in the solution. What had started out as a deep blue liquid was now transforming into a bright, almost hot, pink. The twenty-year-old girl pushed up her glasses with her free hand as she waited for the reaction to come to an end. The solution settled into that pink hue....

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Solomons Daughters Patricias Chapter

[b]WARNING: This story contains lesbianism and incest if you were to stupid to read the tags and do not like these subjects then DO NOT proceed any further. Solomon's Daughters: Patricia's Chapter After their romp in the theatre Eliza and Anthony cleaned up in the bathroom and got outside and to the bus stop just in time to see it pulling away. Sitting on the bench they waited in comfortable silence, Eliza leaning against Anthony's shoulder. Eliza a...

1 year ago
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My 3 daughters

100% fiction! God I was beat, it’d been a rough day, I do elevator repair and installation for a national company so I do have to travel occasionally but with service contracts and other jobs here in the city I’m usually able to make it home by five. I’m gonna be just a little late tonight, I had a repair job today, the work area was confined, I had to be a contortionist to get into the space. Ok when I was a bit younger but my birthday’s tomorrow, February 21st, Valentines Day and I’m gonna be...

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Incestuous Tales of the Quarantine 8 Dads Incestuous Daughters

Story Eight: Dad's Incestuous Daughters By mypenname3000 Copyright 2020 Note: Thanks to WRC264 for beta reading this! “Daddy!” Linda moaned as she worked her pussy up and down my cock. “Yes, yes, Daddy!” The week since we'd started our incestuous relationship had been wild. I couldn't believe the things we'd done in my office while the rest of the family was busy in other parts of our large house. Quarantine was still on, and here I was savoring my eighteen-year-old daughter's cunt...

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My little naughty daughters

My Name is Stan and I'm a member of our neigboorhood „Teeny Bangclub“. What? You never heard of it? Almost all male citizens in our community are members of this club! Once a month one or two daddys bring their cutest little teenage daughters to the club. But there are three important rules for the choice of the girls: First, they have to be not older than 13 years old. Second, only the cutest little girls have the opportunity to participate. They have to be slim or...

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Daddys Mindcontrolled DaughtersChapter 5 Daddy Daughter Orgy

“Eager to find out the next way cheating wives are punished?” asked Deidre Icke’s ex-husband, something almost malicious in his grin. He sat naked on his office chair, cradling their sixteen-year-old daughter Alexis on his lap, her pussy leaking with the incestuous proof of his passion. Deidre swallowed, her ass still burning from the spanking her daughter administered earlier. Her eyes flicked to the monitor showing the feed from the spy cams planted at the Alamogordo Church of Christ where...

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Dads MindControlled Daughters Chapter 6 Best Daddys MotherDaughter Consult

Chapter Six: Best Daddy's Mother-Daughter Consult A Belt Buckle Mind-Control Story By mypenname3000 Copyright 2021 Notes: Thanks to WRC264 for beta reading this! “The doctor's running a little bit behind,” the nurse said as we sat in the waiting room of Dr. Sharma's office. She was my daughter's OB/GYN. Since they were all pregnant, they all had to go see her. But never at the same day, of course. Dr. Sharma was too busy to get them all in at the same day. I had been here two days ago...

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Caitlyn And My Daughters

This is Caitlyn. Caitlyn is 19. She's my oldest daughters friend. My oldest is also 19. Caitlyn and I fuck. Often. Caitlyn is my 19 year old daughters girlfriend. Yes...sexual, intimate relationship girlfriend.This is Felicia. My 19 year old. Long story short, I caught Felicia in her bed one day, and on her 55" TV was me, on my PornHub channel...fucking an ex of mine, and at the moment I caught her...I was ass fucking this ex girlfriend... Felicia was wearing heels and white stockings clipped...

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Three DaughtersThree Rules

By: PABLO DIABLO Copyright 2018 Chapter 1 Who am I? Well, I’m a Dad with three beautiful daughters. They are: Jane-22, Jill-20, and my baby Jesse (18 as of yesterday). I have been doing my best trying to raise them, provide them a safe home, and instruct them as best I can. My wife of 23 years passed away a couple of years ago. She was beautiful. A free-spirit who, in my opinion, was way out of my league. I never understood what she saw in a blue-collar guy like me. Janice was my dream...

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Wife whores out daughters to pay off gambling debtPart 1

Introduction: This is the first chapter of how my wife got sucked in by a mob controlled casino, and forced into being a call girl to pay off her debts. Unable to generate enough cash to satisfy the boss, they force her to bring our daughters into the act. Before I start this story, let me tell you a little bit about my family. My wifes name is Krystal, and she has a very nice body (34B-25-35). She works out at our local gym. Our sex life over the years has been quite steady, and she does a...

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Fun With My Adopted Asian Daughters Part 2

This is a continuation of an earlier story. To recap, I have two adopted Asian teen daughters, Jasmine and Vina, that I’ve raised from the beginning to be good little sluts. Vina is only 5’ tall, and Jasmine is even a few inches shorter. Both have beautiful long black hair and sensual almond-shaped Asian eyes. Their tummies are flat and their titties tiny, not even enough to fill out A-cup bras. And both have nice round tight little butts and smooth, hairless pussies.I had just had my friend...

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Tenant Mother and 2 Daughters

Part of the Sunrise Apartment ComplexSocial service (sis) had just called and asked if he had a 2 bedrooms or larger unit available. Actually he had 3 empty units and so offered as was his custom. He had a standing agreement with the social service department that if they need a place for a domestic abuse safe house they can have it. Well it seems that there was a woman with two teenage daughters that needed a place. Jane from sis said they needed to move fast and it sounded like life or death,...

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Bad Mans Good Daughters Edited

I hope that you will enjoy it better. I've added a few story elements to add interest for those who have read my first version. It should make it worth the read. The following story is all fiction, with none of the events or characters based in reality. Not to say that the same the events written here do not occur in reality; there may be someone out there whose life resembles this story. It does contain sex with teenagers; if you find this offensive please discontinue reading. This...

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