The Priest Teaches His Flock
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Author: Powerone
Title: The Priest TeachesHis Flock
Part: Chapter 1-3
Summary: Father John istransferred to his third parish. Each time he was caught molesting his parishioners.This time we find him in a small parish in the Bible Belt in the 1950's.
Keywords: M/f, oral, anal, humil, nc,
By Powerone. Copyright2004.
Author may be contactedat [email protected]
Chapter 1 Sally is Punished
Itis the late 1950's in the farming region of the Bible belt. The economyis booming, with bountiful harvests. Even in good times farm life is stillhard. The farmers in this region have a deep religious background and thispermeates from the job into the family life and upbringing of the children.The church has an enormous hold over the lives of the people.
FatherJohn, the local Catholic priest had only been in this part of thecountry for about a month. He was just starting to get use to the rurallife, his other parishes being in very large cities. He had been on a"retreat" forthe last six months, the church forcing him to undergo aforced re-indoctrination training. It was because it was his third offense. Hehad been caught two other times for "sexual misconduct”. The othertwo times he was just transferred to a new parish, in a new part of the country.The Bishop usually admonished him for his sins and made sure that he was nolonger his problem. When transferred, his new parish never knew about his past “sins”.The last time involved some thirteen year old girls, Father John preferringthem younger and younger each time. He had to undergo a period of “meditation” ata seminary for “trouble priests.” He had played the game well,confessing his sins, humbled by his transgressions and acted genuinely repentiveof his sins. The church welcomed him back, a new man with a new parish. Buthis new parish was no longer in a big city, no longer a large church, theyhad moved him to a small town in the bible belt hoping that he would have lesschance to re-engage his past problems.
Thechurch had about 100 members including all of the children. It was over 150miles to the nearest good size city. In this town, Saturday night was themovies and then home. Sunday was set aside for church and family. FatherJohn was welcomed graciously by the town folk, them being without a parishpriest for over six months since their last one passed away of old age. Tothe town, Father John was their savior, a fairly handsome man in his midforties, intelligent, personable with the entire town folk, especially thewoman and a wise, religious man.
Thefirst thing Father John did was to begin giving private religious trainingafter school and on the weekend for some of the children. Some of the parentshad spoken to him about their rebellious children, especially some of thegirls. The 1950’s had brought rock and roll, Elvis Presley and televisionto the heartland. The parents had been brought up strictly and continuedto raise their children in the same tradition. Many had been punished usingbelts and severe spankings and thought nothing of continuing that in raisingtheir children. Some had even given Father John permission to punish theirchildren if they misbehaved.
Sallywas the oldest daughter of Stan and Mary. She had a younger sister, Beckyand an older brother, Mark, who had already graduated from high school andwas helping his father work the farm. Becky was the level-headed girl inthe family, with Sally seemingly always getting into trouble. She followedher heart more then her head and that usually that got her into trouble.
Sallyis a very pretty girl, 5 feet, 4 inches tall, a bouncy pony tail always inher light brown hair. Her breasts were 34-C’s, creamy white flesh accentedby dark brown areola’s about the size of half dollars and her nipples,a deep red, grew to a inch long when hard and erect. She had shapely legsdue to the exercise she got in helping her family on the farm doing chores.Her ass was firm and pert. She was still a virgin. Almost everyone in thissmall town was a virgin until they married, or at least were engaged. Noone could suffer through a scandal in a small town if caught engaging inpre-marital sex, especially good Catholics.
Sallywas sitting on the big desk. Her legs were spread wide, her skirt had riddenup her thighs, way above her knees. Her thighs ached, her legs wanting toclose but Father John had placed a cross in a small hole on the edge of thedesk. He made Sally place her legs outside the cross. She was ordered notto touch the cross with any part of her body. If she did, God and FatherJohn would punish her.
“PleaseFather John, it hurts,” Sally cried.
“Now,now, Sally. The Lord requires you to suffer for him.” He stepped infront of her, gazing down at her half naked legs. His cock bulged out thefront of his pants, but Sally was too interested in her own problems to gazeat him. His hands reached down and rested on her knees. He could feel herbody trembling, her muscles pulling to keep her legs spread so wide. “Fifteenmore minutes. You must be punished for not remembering your lessons.” Helet his fingers slowly move over her knees, stroking the young flesh. Shedid not protest his seemingly innocent touching.
Herparents had already admonished her when she had tried to protest that FatherJohn was being inappropriate with her. Her Mother had slapped her face, tellingher that she was imagining it and was just a young girls foolish thoughts.A priest does not have impure thoughts. Sally was told to do everything thatFather John wished. He would teach her the ways of the church. They had evengiven him permission to punish her in whatever manner he saw fit. That wasthe end of the conversation forever.
FatherJohn saw no resistance on Sally’s part so he increased his fondlingof her young flesh. “I can feel your muscles straining. I know it ispainful. You must not touch the crosses or you will have to suffer furtherpunishment. Here let me help you.” His hands slid down to the insideof her knees and began to apply pressure. “Now don’t touch thecrosses, but let your legs part open, yes, such a good girl,” watchingas her legs began to bow open. His hands moved up her inner thighs, feelingthe taut flesh, the muscles straining from the obscene position her had placedher in. He had done this many times before, using the crosses to force younggirls into spread positions, their young, nubile bodies open for his fondling.He had many more position that he would place Sally in, each time using thecrosses to keep her open and available.
Sally’sthighs ached, her muscles trembling in pain. It had been over forty fiveminutes, the clock in front of her slowly ticking off the time. Father Johnhad placed her on the desk, making her slide back. She was leaning back,her arms outstretched behind her keeping her upright. He had her open herlegs, first her right one, opening it all the way until it hung over theside edge of the desk.
“Very good Sally,now I’m going to place a cross in the hole in the desk. I want yourleg on the outside of it. Don’t touch it with your leg. If you touchthe blessed cross I will have to punish you severely.”
He had to help herwith her left leg, his large hand grasping her slim ankle, slowly spreadingit over to the other side of the desk. It immediately began to hurt. No matterhow young her body was, it was just not that limber. “Please FatherJohn, that hurts,” she begged him, but he continued to pull her open,feeling like she was being split up the middle. She did not even notice herskirt rising up high on her thighs.
When her left leghung over the side of the desk, he got out another shiny cross, placing itin a hole in the desk. She had not noticed the holes. Her thighs ached, hergroin felt like it was splitting up the middle as she watched the clock slowlycount out the seconds.
Father John watchedher strain, her face grimacing in pain as the minutes passed. The positionshe was in forced her young breasts up, straining the buttons on the schoolblouse she was wearing. He could see some naked flesh between them. Soonhe would have her stripped to the waist, her breasts available for him tofondle but also to punish.
He was now enjoyingthe feeling of her young flesh beneath his fingertips as he caressed hernaked, inner thighs. He stood between her outstretched legs, his arms underher skirt, his fingers clenching and unclenching on her tender flesh. ‘Almostfinished Sally, just ten more minutes,” his hands moving up higher,her skirt slowly rising. He caught the first glimpse of a pair of white cottonpanties. His hands moved to the top of her legs, sliding up and down fromher knee up until it reached under her skirt.
Sallywas to busy trying to survive the next ten minutes to worry about his fondlinghands of her naked legs, her lips clenched tightly, straining to keep theobscene spread of her legs. Father Johns hands actually almost felt goodas the rubbed her tired muscles. She looked down, her face flushed as sherealized how high her skirt had ridden up. He had his hands high up underher skirt, feeling the rough, calloused hands rubbing over her tender innerthighs. He was running his fingers close to the spread of her legs, feelingthe fingers begin to pinch her tender flesh. “OOOW, that hurts FatherJohn, OOOOW,” his fingers feeling like he was bruising her thighs.She let her legs spread wider, the pain in her groin increasing.
“Goodgirl Sally,” pleased that she spread her legs wider, thinking thatshe was allowing him even greater access beneath her skirt. He pushed herskirt up high onto her stomach, her white panties now completely exposedto his glaring eyes. His hands grabbed her legs on each side of her exposedgroin, his fingers resting tightly against her pussy lips, pushing down ontothe virgin flesh.
“FatherJohn, it’s time, I’ve finished the hour, please let me up.”
FatherJohn looked at the clock, she was correct, the hour was up. He moved outfrom beneath her legs, pulling the crosses from the corner of the desk.
Sallyclosed her legs as soon as she saw the crosses removed, sitting up quickly.
“Sally,pull down your skirt!” Father John admonished her. “This is achurch!”
Sallylooked down, realizing that her skirt was not even covering her panties,pulling it down quickly, her eyes staring at the floor, not wanting to evenlook into his eyes.
“Youmay go now, Sally. I will see you tomorrow at the same time. Now this time,make sure you learn your lessons.” He watched her as she ran out ofthe room.
Sallywalked into the house, hearing her mother on the phone. She walked into theliving room, her mother sitting down talking on the phone.
“YesFather John. Thank you very much. She did? I can’t thank you enough.If she misbehaves again, you have our permission to deal out whatever punishmentyou think is appropriate. Thank you, Father John, see you in mass on Sunday.”
“FatherJohn says you were bad and had to be punished.”
“Yes,Mother, but let me explain.”
“Nothingto explain. Father John told me how well you took your punishment. He wasvery proud of you. Says you are doing very well, except for a few cases ofyour misbehavior. But he says that he has devised some very clever punishmentsto make sure that your behaviors do not repeat themselves. As I told him,he has our permission to do whatever he feels is necessary. We have completeconfidence in Father John to do what is right. Now go upstairs and changeyour clothes, I need some help with dinner. Hurry now, the men will be insidesoon and they will be hungry. You know how your father doesn’t liketo wait for his dinner.”
Father John waited for Sally, his cock already hard at the thought of her tight body. It would soon be time to fuck her. He planned on taking her virginity today, not with his cock but a large dildo. It would be God's will that she relinquish her virginity. Sally dreaded going to see Father John again today, but there was no way she could get out of it. Her parents thought Father John was God, or at least Jesus, if not the next best thing for her. It was getting more difficult talking them...
He moved around in front of her, watching her expression as she sat there, her breasts pushed up by the bra still tightened beneath them, the twin peaks rising and falling with her ragged breathing, her eyes showing the humiliation of having to submit to the fondling and abuse of her youthful breasts. "Look at what the tempting of your body has done. My penis is swollen and hard. Your naked breasts and your soft hands have filled my testicles with the demon seed of sperm. You must purge the...
"Over her Sally, it is time you drained the evil seed from my sword. Leave all of your clothes off. The sight of you naked body will make it easier to empty my sword." Father John pulled off his pants and shorts and sat down in the large chair. His hand reached down to his cock, stroking it to even greater hardness as he watched her walk over to him, her young breasts bouncing as she walked. She moved towards the chair, Father John motioning her to kneel at the foot of the chair. She...
Charlotte could barely eat, wanting to slip her hands under her dress and masturbate. She had been aroused too many times by Bishop Samuel and Father John, each time she wasn't allowed to have an orgasm. She still remembered how Bishop Samuel had made her cum when he was giving her private lessons. She wanted to serve the Lord and Bishop Samuel in whatever manner they wanted, even if it meant giving up her virginity to him. In fact she almost welcomed it. It was the ultimate gift in serving...
The Summary: Father John is transferred to his third parish. Each time he was caught molesting his parishioners. Bishop Samuel and Father John take the sisters Sally and Charlotte for a weekend retreat of serving the Lord and his servants, their bodies used in many ways in the Lord’s work. *** Charlotte could barely eat, wanting to slip her hands under her dress and masturbate. She had been aroused too many times by Bishop Samuel and Father John, each time she wasn’t allowed to have an orgasm....
EroticFather John waited for Sally, his cock already hard at the thought of her tight body. It would soon be time to fuck her. He planned on taking her virginity today, not with his cock but a large dildo. It would be God’s will that she relinquish her virginity. Sally dreaded going to see Father John again today, but there was no way she could get out of it. Her parents thought Father John was God, or at least Jesus, if not the next best thing for her. It was getting more difficult talking them out...
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"Not the desk, you're not going to make me spread my legs wide again are you. That hurts soo much." "You must learn, Sally, you must learn to obey. You disappointed God. You're suffering shows that you are truly repentant. You want to repent for your sins, don't you Sally? The more you suffer the punishment, the more you show God you want to repent for your sins." Sally knew she had no choice. She was going to be punished by Father John and she knew that he would make her suffer. "I...
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This story is fantasy and never happened and is only written for the enjoyment of the readers. My first story can be found under: Aunty Teaches Virgin Nephew – Part 1 which provides a detailed background that relates to this Part 2 story. Greetings ISS readers, the story will for the most part be written as a narrative since I am not an expert in writing good conversational English. My name is Raj and am 18 years of age, slender build, tan colour skin, and an average student attending school in...
IncestAunty teaches the route to heaven -2 Well friends! Thank you all for the wonderful response and nice comments. I had a couple of chat request and have made nice friends. Thanks for this WONDERFUL site. I apologise if I have not replied to any mail of yours. Hope you all had an enjoyable time with your loved ones. In continuance to my may previous one “”Aunty teaches the route to heaven -1″” here I narrate the second part. Readers are very kindly requested to write the comments to Next day...
Zeeta's Swansong We had just finished showering when Megan arrived and she must have heard Zeeta's last remark. "I thought we made it clear on Sunday what our position was." Megan said angrily. "The Rev Small body - I thought he had been retired." Zeeta said "Yes but they are so short of experienced priests so he has been called out of retirement." Megan was obviously angry. "I think it is about time that we involved the Church council in all this don't you?" Zeeta and I...
So anway it all started when my parents invited him out to dinner at our place as a way of saying thank you for all he had done for me, helping me settle into school, being new and all. My parents really liked him and trusted him because they are such devout catholics, they think nothing wrong of priests, thats why mum was all keen to let mike take me out for a driving lesson that night. It was pitch black out side and it was a muggy evening still in the summer time, i drove to the top of a...
She'd sat through the mass. Heard the Latin. Smelled the incense. It had been a long time since she'd been in a church. She was conscious of the inappropriateness of her summer dress, with its bare shoulders and too-high hem. It was too warm to wear panties. The church ladies had stared at her. But it was so hot in the sanctuary; a line of perspiration gathered at the base of her neck, under her short red hair, and ran, tickling, down her spine. She hadn't taken her eyes off the priest...
The Irish Cutie and the Viking Priest My Irish Cutie from New York will remember this well! ------------------ Standing before the Viking tent in full costume I had a great view of the crowd. Lots of people were in costume and it was plain that that beer vendors had been having a banner day as groups of revelers made their way from shop to shop and venue to venue. I pulled up the two foot cow’s horn and blew a mighty call that echoed through the village of Lesser Willy Nilly. I watched as a...
Zeeta's Swansong We supposed that Richard had passed away in his sleep as Megan and I were making passionate love in his bed. I felt really very bad about it, and I think so did Megan. I realised that Richard himself would probably not have minded as much as we did, but we both felt really guilty. Megan obviously had thought about this very deeply and she said told me, after collecting the death certificate. "According to the doctors death certificate Richard passed away about an hour...
The girl likes going to church and listening to Father K, but this time she wants more and stares at the priest. Father K's glance at the girl is longer than it should have been. After a few moments he quickly turns away from the girl's eyes. The girl looks back at him, at his long black gown, his face, his lips. Father K lets himself feel the pleasure of the situation, the pleasure of being watched by a vulnerable creature, something he does not normally do. He waits for the congregation to...
SpankingHi, readers, my name is Vinay, currently staying @ Hyderabad. I am a 23 years guy from Kurnool, Andhra Pradesh. 5.8ft tall, fair complexion, with an average built body. This is my first story, hope u all like it. Without wasting much of your time straightly coming to the sex story. The sex story is little lengthy, in order to bring the natural cuisine I have penned each and every detail. The incident happened in July of this year. After finishing my B-Tech in July, I went to Bangalore for a job...
Dear Ladies & Gentlemen. This is my first incident which I would be posting on the internet. I am from Bangalore running my own business, this is about a lady who is the wife of a priest in a temple right next to my office. It started about a few months back, she would glance at me whenever she would be at the temple and her house which was located in the temple compound. I did not bother much about it since I was married happily for over 10 years now but she continued this glances which soon...
had never thought my mind capable of such imaginings. My dream was of a young girl at the school at wich I teach. She is so young and beautiful. Her youngness makes all of this seem so evil, yet the beauty of her innocent age, I believe, is what drew me in, and captivated me. I saw her for the first time in the classroom of an associate teacher. Immediately upon entering the room I noticed her sitting at her desk, her dark eyes softly studying mine. I looked away quickly but was so...
Coming out of the elevator Bunny was headed to her desk. She had been on the job for two weeks now and already exceeding everybody's expectations. Her big bust a couple of days ago was Bigzzy. He was a high roller mob boss extorting the casinos for protection money. When she got to her desk Yuri was already there. "Hey girl some hottie from room service was looking for you." Bunny just shook her head knowing it was Kevin. Looking over at Yuri she said "what happened to the...
In the car back to the Club Alicia had been quiet and thoughtful, cuddling in Angique's embrace, kissing and calling her Mistress. After making sweet and lazy love, she slept soundly, and the next morning found her as playful as quicksilver; she acted sweet, dancing on her feet and giggling all the time. A weight seemed to have been lifted from her shoulders. During the next days and nights, Angique never pushed her for training purposes or even reminded her of the ongoing Journey. They...