Jean Black Cock Slut
- 3 years ago
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??????????????????????????????????? JEAN AND JOHN
??????????????????????????????????? CHAPTER 1
??????????? I was at my wits end. The hotel I had been working for as a housekeeper had been burnt down and I had lost my job. I didn?t have anywhere to live as I had lived-in and I was sleeping at a friend?s house for a very short time-she had two children and I had been given one of their rooms so they had to sleep cramped up in the same room which for young teenagers was not ideal. I had broken off with my boyfriend after I found he was sleeping with another girl. My prospects of getting another job in a very short time were not good. What on earth could I do? Then I remembered reading in a paper I had picked up in the hotel, which had adverts for partners for sex and companionship and even some for live in slaves and Housekeepers! Perhaps I could get a position through there-although I realized it was a bit way-out to say the least of it!
??????? I found the latest issue in an adult bookshop. I read the adverts but none seemed what I wanted as none mentioned live-in arrangements. So, greatly daring, I decided to put in an ad for myself. I took a long time deciding on the wording for I knew that I would be expected to perform sexual duties as well as housekeeping and it seemed that if I showed willingness to be punished I would get the attention of more people
. Eventually, I came up with the following:-
?????????? ?? Housekeeper (30) needs position as live-in to a strict Master.? Excellent cook and home manager. Submissive and willing to serve in any way desired ?
??????????? I sent it off to the newspaper and awaited results with trepidation. Within a week, ?
I had four replies.? Three were obviously cranks wanting to get their rocks off by replying to my ad and I ignored them. But the fourth one intrigued me- he said he was looking for a person about my age to keep his house tidy and to pay bills and so on. He said he would keep me in line with punishment but didn?t dwell on that aspect at all. He suggested we met somewhere where we could discuss the position and even went as far as suggesting a time and place where we could meet without drawing attention to ourselves. He suggested that we met? "Under the Clocks? at the main station and that I should wear my name pinned to my coat although he didn?t know my name! This seemed a bit fishy but I decided to play along with him.
??????????? The day came and I dressed as sexily as possible-no bra and, daringly for me, no panties! I wrote a big label with the one word ?JEAN? on it and went to the place he had suggested. I put on the label and stood waiting. After about 5 minutes a rather dishy well-dressed man came up to me and said that I had done as he instructed. He told me his name was John and invited me to go to the coffee shop with him. I put my arm through his and we walked into an up market caf?. After we had ordered, he said how nice it was to meet me and he felt sure we could reach a satisfactory agreement. He asked lots of questions about my past and then he told me that he had his own quite large business
and needed a good housekeeper at home and one who was willing to go along with his sexual desires and made it plain that he would expect to punish me for any mistakes. He said he wanted me to know what to expect before I agreed to ?work? for him. He also outlined the benefits-reasonable pay for an all-found job, some time off after a settling period, even holidays away. He asked whether I was interested and what notice I would have to give. I looked at him and asked if he had forgotten that I had no job and I was sponging on a friend and therefore was available immediately. He laughed and said that I had obviously agreed to take the job. We were in the back of the caf? and there was no one else around, so he put his hand on my tits and smiled as he realized there was no bra. ?A girl after my own heart ? he said, ?Is it the same down there?? I blushed and nodded so he felt my pussy. Things were going almost too fast for me but I was really enjoying his wandering hands!
??????????? So I became his housekeeper that very day! He said he would come and collect me and whatever I wanted to bring the next morning at 10.30. He kissed me passionately as we parted and I could feel his erection pressing against me! Damn it, it felt good, but I was still a bit worried if I had done the right thing.
??????????? I went home and told my friend I had got myself a live-in job and that I would be leaving the next morning. She was pleased for me but, at the same time, obviously relieved at having her house back to normal.
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??????????????????????????????????????????????? CHAPTER 2
??????????? So the next day arrived and sure enough John drove up in a flashy looking car.
He came to the door and helped carry my rather meagre bits and pieces. I said goodbye to my friend and told her I would write to her once I got settled.
??????????? We drove to a rather opulent area of the city and as we approached the massive gates opened in response to John?s automatic opener. There was a long driveway so I knew John must be quite a rich man. We got to the front of the house and John stopped the car. He said that my first test of obedience was now. He told me to get out of the car, go up to the front door, strip naked, fold my clothes, kneel on the doormat and ring the bell. I was puzzled about the bell ringing, as John was with me so what was the point of it. I did as he ordered, knelt on the mat and rang the bell. To my surprise, I heard footsteps on the inside and then the door opened. A beautiful woman stood there, dressed very fashionably. She looked down at me and said ?Ah, so you have arrived. John told me about the slut he was bringing home for our mutual pleasure. What?s your name, girl?
You?re quite a good looker-just hope you can handle the house-keeping-I hate cleaning!?
??????????? I replied ?My name is Jean-and I know how to keep house as I worked in the hotel industry for the last dozen years and I also pride myself on being a good cook I do hope you will let me have a trial here as you have such a beautiful home.?
??????????? John came from the garage. He walked past me and took his wife in his arms and kissed her passionately. He said, ?I see you have met our new housekeeper. What do you think of her, Brenda??
??????????? Brenda said, ?What I have seen of her and the few words I have had with her, I think she?s just what we needed. But enough of her, come here! I want you NOW.? She got hold of John?s arm and pulled him. I went to get up from my kneeling position; but John asked who had given me permission to move and to stay there until they came back for me. They shut the door and I could hear them giggling and soon I heard her shouting out and realized that he was fucking her, whilst I still knelt naked at the front door!
??????????? About 10 minutes passed then John opened the door. He said one word ?In!? I rose with some difficulty as my knees had got cramp from kneeling so long. I carried my clothes into the house and saw a large wooden seat. John pushed me over it and produced a cane. He said ? When I give an order you will carry it out or be punished. You didn?t remain kneeling so I am going to give you 10 strokes of the cane for disobedience.?
??????????? He slashed at my bum with the cane. ?OOOOOH, IT HUUURTTS!!? I cried out as he rained blow after blow with all the strength he could muster. After the 10 strokes I felt terrible- I went to rub my bottom but he pushed my hands away. ? No-you are to leave it alone. Now thank me nicely for your punishment>?
??????????? I sobbed and muttered ?Thank you, John.????????
??????????? He said ?What was that? A slave calling her Master by his first name? Oh no, we?ll have none of that. You will call me ?Master? or sometimes ?Master John? but never just ?John. My wife, Brenda, you will address as Mistress. As a slave, you should have known that, so to impress it on your memory. I?m going to give you another 5 strokes>?
He did this right away and once again I was crying out as the pain shot through me. Afterwards I thanked him ?properly?!
??????????? He then told me that, as I had suspected, he had just fucked his wife and he
hadn?t cleaned his cock and that I was to clean it with my mouth. He got out his cock,
which was very big, although quite limp. He pushed my face into it and I opened my
mouth and took it in. I had done this many times before on my boy-friends and I actually
enjoyed licking him clean. Then it happened. Without any warning, he started to piss in.
my mouth. I tried to pull back but he pushed my neck so I had to keep his cock in my mouth until he was finished. It was horrible- I had never drunk piss before and thought I would be sick. Eventually he relented but took a firm hold on my arm and took me to their bedroom where his wife was lying naked with her legs open.
??????????? ?Here we are darling,? he said. ? I gave our new slave the beating I told you I was going to for disobedience and had to give another 5 for being disrespectful. She?s here to clean your cunt, she?s just cleaned my cock and made a good job of it even though I pissed in her mouth. She?s having quite a busy first day, isn?t she??
??????????? He shoved me down and soon I was licking my Mistress clean. I hadn?t done this to a woman before but it was just wonderful to feel her soft cunt-lips with my tongue.
??????????? After I had finished they invited me to sit on the bed with them. They asked what I thought of the goings-on. I hesitated before I answered for I had only been at the house less than an hour and I had knelt naked outside for nearly half that time, been severely caned, sucked a cock, been forced to drink piss and licked out another woman?s cunt. I thought what the hell had I done to be so silly as to accept the job without knowing what I would have to do. I had burnt my bridges as I had moved out from my friend?s place and all my possessions were here. I realized I had no option but to accept the situation so I told them that it had been very painful and humiliating but I hoped I would make a good slave and that I would try my best at everything and would accept whatever they decided to do to me
??????????????????????????????????? JEAN AND JOHN
??????????????????????????????????? CHAPTER 1
??????????? I was at my wits end. The hotel I had been working for as a housekeeper had been burnt down and I had lost my job. I didn?t have anywhere to live as I had lived-in and I was sleeping at a friend?s house for a very short time-she had two children and I had been given one of their rooms so they had to sleep cramped up in the same room which for young teenagers was not ideal. I had broken off with my boyfriend after I found he was sleeping with another girl. My prospects of getting another job in a very short time were not good. What on earth could I do? Then I remembered reading in a paper I had picked up in the hotel, which had adverts for partners for sex and companionship and even some for live in slaves and Housekeepers! Perhaps I could get a position through there-although I realized it was a bit way-out to say the least of it!
??????? I found the latest issue in an adult bookshop. I read the adverts but none seemed what I wanted as none mentioned live-in arrangements. So, greatly daring, I decided to put in an ad for myself. I took a long time deciding on the wording for I knew that I would be expected to perform sexual duties as well as housekeeping and it seemed that if I showed willingness to be punished I would get the attention of more people
. Eventually, I came up with the following:-
?????????? ?? Housekeeper (30) needs position as live-in to a strict Master.? Excellent cook and home manager. Submissive and willing to serve in any way desired ?
??????????? I sent it
off to the newspaper and awaited results with trepidation. Within a week, ?
I had four replies.? Three were obviously cranks wanting to get their rocks off by replying to my ad and I ignored them. But the fourth one intrigued me- he said he was looking for a person about my age to keep his house tidy and to pay bills and so on. He said he would keep me in line with punishment but didn?t dwell on that aspect at all. He suggested we met somewhere where we could discuss the position and even went as far as suggesting a time and place where we could meet without drawing attention to ourselves. He suggested that we met? "Under the Clocks? at the main station and that I should wear my name pinned to my coat although he didn?t know my name! This seemed a bit fishy but I decided to play along with him.
??????????? The day came and I dressed as sexily as possible-no bra and, daringly for me, no panties! I wrote a big label with the one word ?JEAN? on it and went to the place he had suggested. I put on the label and stood waiting. After about 5 minutes a rather dishy well-dressed man came up to me and said that I had done as he instructed. He told me his name was John and invited me to go to the coffee shop with him. I put my arm through his and we walked into an up market caf?. After we had ordered, he said how nice it was to meet me and he felt sure we could reach a satisfactory agreement. He asked lots of questions about my past and then he told me that he had his own quite large business
and needed a good housekeeper at home and one who was willing to go along with his sexual desires and made it plain that he would expect to punish me for any mistakes. He said he wanted me to know what to expect before I agreed to ?work? for him. He also outlined the benefits-reasonable pay for an all-found job, some time off after a settling period, even holidays away. He asked whether I was interested and what notice I would have to give. I looked at him and asked if he had forgotten that I had no job and I was sponging on a friend and therefore was available immediately. He laughed and said that I had obviously agreed to take the job. We were in the back of the caf? and there was no one else around, so he put his hand on my tits and smiled as he realized there was no bra. ?A girl after my own heart ? he said, ?Is it the same down there?? I blushed and nodded so he felt my pussy. Things were going almost too fast for me but I was really enjoying his wandering hands!
??????????? So I became his housekeeper that very day! He said he would come and collect me and whatever I wanted to bring the next morning at 10.30. He kissed me passionately as we parted and I could feel his erection pressing against me! Damn it, it felt good, but I was still a bit worried if I had done the right thing.
??????????? I went home and told my friend I had got myself a live-in job and that I would be leaving the next morning. She was pleased for me but, at the same time, obviously relieved at having her house back to normal.
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??????????????????????????????????????????????? CHAPTER 2
??????????? So the next day arrived and sure enough John drove up in a flashy looking car.
He came to the door and helped carry my rather meagre bits and pieces. I said goodbye to my friend and told her I would write to her once I got settled.
??????????? We drove to a rather opulent area of the city and as we approached the massive gates opened in response to John?s automatic opener. There was a long driveway so I knew John must be quite a rich man. We got to the front of the house and John stopped the car. He said that my first test of obedience was now. He told me to get out of the car, go up to the front door, strip naked, fold my clothes, kneel on the doormat and ring the bell. I was puzzled about the bell ringing, as John was with me so what was the point of it. I did as he ordered, knelt on the mat and rang the bell. To my surprise, I heard footsteps on the inside and then the door opened. A beautiful woman stood there, dressed very fashionably. She looked down at me and said ?Ah, so you have arrived. John told me about the slut he was bringing home for our mutual pleasure. What?s your name, girl?
You?re quite a good looker-just hope you can handle the house-keeping-I hate cleaning!?
??????????? I replied ?My name is Jean-and I know how to keep house as I worked in the hotel industry for the last dozen years and I also pride myself on being a good cook I do hope you will let me have a trial here as you have such a beautiful home.?
??????????? John came from the garage. He walked past me and took his wife in his arms and kissed her passionately. He said, ?I see you have met our new housekeeper. What do you think of her, Brenda??
??????????? Brenda said, ?What I have seen of her and the few words I have had with her, I think she?s just what we needed. But enough of her, come here! I want you NOW.? She got hold of John?s arm and pulled him. I went to get up from my kneeling position; but John asked who had given me permission to move and to stay there until they came back for me. They shut the door and I could hear them giggling and soon I heard her shouting out and realized that he was fucking her, whilst I still knelt naked at the front door!
??????????? About 10 minutes passed then John opened the door. He said one word ?In!? I rose with some difficulty as my knees had got cramp from kneeling so long. I carried my clothes into the house and saw a large wooden seat. John pushed me over it and produced a cane. He said ? When I give an order you will carry it out or be punished. You didn?t remain kneeling so I am going to give you 10 strokes of the cane for disobedience.?
??????????? He slashed at my bum with the cane. ?OOOOOH, IT HUUURTTS!!? I cried out as he rained blow after blow with all the strength he could muster. After the 10 strokes I felt terrible- I went to rub my bottom but he pushed my hands away. ? No-you are to leave it alone. Now thank me nicely for your punishment>?
??????????? I sobbed and muttered ?Thank you, John.????????
??????????? He said ?What was that? A slave calling her Master by his first name? Oh no, we?ll have none of that. You will call me ?Master? or sometimes ?Master John? but never just ?John. My wife, Brenda, you will address as Mistress. As a slave, you should have known that, so to impress it on your memory. I?m going to give you another 5 strokes>?
He did this right away and once again I was crying out as the pain shot through me. Afterwards I thanked him ?properly?!
??????????? He then told me that, as I had suspected, he had just fucked his wife and he
hadn?t cleaned his cock and that I was to clean it with my mouth. He got out his cock,
which was very big, although quite limp. He pushed my face into it and I opened my
mouth and took it in. I had done this many times before on my boy-friends and I actually
enjoyed licking him clean. Then it happened. Without any warning, he started to piss in.
my mouth. I tried to pull back but he pushed my neck so I had to keep his cock in my mouth until he was finished. It was horrible- I had never drunk piss before and thought I would be sick. Eventually he relented but took a firm hold on my arm and took me to their bedroom where his wife was lying naked with her legs open.
??????????? ?Here we are darling,? he said. ? I gave our new slave the beating I told you I was going to for disobedience and had to give another 5 for being disrespectful. She?s here to clean your cunt, she?s just cleaned my cock and made a good job of it even though I pissed in her mouth. She?s having quite a busy first day, isn?t she??
??????????? He shoved me down and soon I was licking my Mistress clean. I hadn?t done this to a woman before but it was just wonderful to feel her soft cunt-lips with my tongue.
??????????? After I had finished they invited me to sit on the bed with them. They asked what I thought of the goings-on. I hesitated before I answered for I had only been at the house less than an hour and I had knelt naked outside for nearly half that time, been severely caned, sucked a cock, been forced to drink piss and licked out another woman?s cunt. I thought what the hell had I done to be so silly as to accept the job without knowing what I would have to do. I had burnt my bridges as I had moved out from my friend?s place and all my possessions were here. I realized I had no option but to accept the situation so I told them that it had been very painful and humiliating but I hoped I would make a good slave and that I would try my best at everything and would accept whatever they decided to do to me
CHAPTER 4: OFFICE TRAININGSomething woke Abby up. It was still early but not too early. The light outside the window was showing the early signs of the new day, the birds were just rousting the night and beginning their calls and songs. It was that, though, and it was the weekend so a longer sleep would be normal for her. She fully opened her eyes and turned onto her back.“What are you doing?” Her mom. Her mom was lying next to her with her head braced with her bent arm. She was just looking at...
Jean stood back from the mirror to look at her new outfit. It was just what she wanted to turn on any man.It was a hot pink wrap around micro-mini that clung to her 34-inch hips, leaving a bare 20-inch waist and midriff that exposed soft pearl white skin from just below her 34B tits to just above her red bush. Jean liked to wear low riding skirts to show off her white, flat abdomen. She smoothed her skirt down with her hands and then slowly moved her hands up to her filmy top. Carefully, slowly...
By Roger with a nod to Nin and Mel ‘20 Chapter the First…A P L A Studio in Calais In the northeast section of the city of Calais and very near the channel waters was a small colony where there lived many painters, writers and sculptors, including a particular artiste, our young, innocent Jean. The colony near Calais was known by the residents as La Petite Artiste or simply as LPA. It was a gay part of CalaIs whereat music and laughter were often heard as there were many small...
CHAPTER 6: PROMOTIONS“Ladies, how are you each doing this morning?” It was 9:00 and Jacob had just arrived to the office. As he walked briskly past their desks, he asked them to come to his office. They sat in guest chairs opposite him across his desk as properly as possible in very short, tight skirts and blouses unbuttoned just below the nipples. As had become common for the office, they didn’t have underwear on, though some days that was all they wore for the day.“Good, sir,” they both...
CHAPTER 8: DARK KNIGHTSOnce arriving back in town and pulling their carry-on bags through the airport, Jacob suggested, instructed really, Jean and Abby take the afternoon off. They arrived shortly after noon so their was an entire afternoon left.“Take the afternoon off. Spend more of my money at ForePlay or in bed with each other … you deserve it.” He looked down at Abby as they exited the airport building and waited for the chance to cross to the parking structure and their cars. “And, no,...
CHAPTER 5: BBQ & BBC“Jean and Abby … what will it be today, ladies?”“Hi, Wendy.” Jean and Abby called out at the same time as they entered ForePlay, the erotic women’s shop. They had been in enough lately, especially since Jacob had provided them with an account there, that they were on first name basis with the shop owner. “We’re undecided. We’ll look around for a bit.”Ten minutes later Wendy found them, again. “Anything I can maybe help with? Do you think you are interested in intimate,...
Mommy can be Such Naughty Fun!It had been a couple of years since Jean had started teaching her son Billy and I about sex and how to please and fulfill a woman's sexual desires. And Jean liked it Hardcore,Dirty and Kinky!Alot had changed over those two years.Six months after my first sexual encounter with Jean and Billy,Bill Sr. moved away. It was very sudden and there was no real fanfare. One week he was the Minister of the town's church,and the next? He was moving two states away,to become...
CHAPTER 9: DARK KNIGHTS BANG“Wall of fame? I don’t get it. Doesn’t look very honored.” Jean and Abby had been escorted through the Dark Knights club to the manager’s office behind the bar area. This was the third visit to the club for Jean and Abby. This time with just Caleb and Terrell. Each time they came to the club they felt more comfortable in the environment. They continued to meet other men who had invested like Caleb and Terrell and continued to find themselves on the dance floor with...
Jean: Total Exhibitionist Slut. The complete story.This is the actual events my wife Jean and I encountered just a few weeks back. We’d stopped off at the Hotel closest to our nearest Airport for a quick drink before we headed off home. What we didn’t expect when we entered the bar, is that the entire bar was full of bored business men waiting for their next connection flight. Some of the guys were in their mid fifties, the majority in their forties and a small amount of very arrogant looking...
CHAPTER 2: THE INTERVIEWJacob Collins sat in the firm’s conference that served as a ‘war room’ for formulating strategy for new clients and major projects but was also a real conference room for the Monday morning update and planning meetings he held with the three salesmen that rounded out the firm. He was blessed with working with three of the best and hardest working people he had ever encountered. Of course, as also being their father, he felt blessed that he could honestly say he had their...
CHAPTER 1: HOW IT STARTEDJean Evans suddenly pulled her white Honda Accord sedan to the curb in front of a dark strip mall on the quiet avenue leaving the downtown area to the eastern suburbs and home. She turned in her seat belt and reached across the center console to a surprised young woman in the passenger seat, her daughter, Abby Evans.Abby looked around outside the car, even checking the car’s dashboard for some sign of trouble. “What’s wrong, mom?”Jean just stared at her daughter. Her...
Justin The weeks passed quickly. Jean had set a pattern to keep everyone satisfied. Herbie liked to fuck her mornings before work during the week. The boys always woke up horny so as Herbie went out the door, they both went in Jean. HS made his usual stop just before lunch and if by chance Herbie came home for a noon-er, she was wet and ready. The boys made their afternoon hits around 2:30 and 4:00. They even managed to slip up behind her and drop a load, with Herbie in the next room. A slow...
Jean: Total Exhibitionist Slut.This is the actual events my wife Jean and I encountered just a few weeks back. We’d stopped off at the Hotel closest to our nearest Airport for a quick drink before we headed off home. What we didn’t expect when we entered the bar, is that entire bar was full of bored business men waiting for their next connection flight. Some of the guys were in their mid fifties, the majority in their forties and a small amount of arrogant guys in their twenties and thirties. I...
No wonder I'm a Perv! LOL All I could do was stare at Jean's beautiful ass and walk as fast as I could on my tip toes. Her hips swayed back and forth and I saw that her ass had pink splotches,from where my face had been grinding into it. The tight grip she had on my dick began to turn it purple and there was a tingling sensation pulsing between my hairless balls and asshole. At the foot of the stairs She let go of our dicks. Even holding onto each other,like we were,Billy and I almost...
CHAPTER 7: THE SWANSON AFTER PARTYAfter servicing the Swanson team from under the table while they ate, Jean and Abby stood flushed with unsatisfied arousal. Between the two of them they had taken seven loads of cum and the orgasmic juices of two pussies. They had received applause that added to the awkwardness for them. Jacob came with their coats just before the door of the room was opened to cover their bodies. Their mouths and cheeks glistened with the mixture of cum, pussy juice and...
All the stories you are about to read are all true the only things that have changed are the names of the participants and the time line which has been compressed as the stories start in the 1980’s and continue into the 2000’s.The stories feature exhibitionism, voyeurism, sex play and group sex.Jean Part 1.I meet Jean who is the love of my life and we have been married for 30+yrs this is the story of our sexual adventures together. Where my first wife Kate was a natural exhibitionist, Jean...
It was a warm spring midday in a southwestern desert city. I had been relaxing with a tall glass of iced tea when the phone rang. It was Jean, a married friend of mine. She wanted to know if I would meet her somewhere for a drink. She said she wanted to asked me something very personal.Having nothing pressing at the time, I agreed to meet with her. I suggested a neighborhood bar about halfway between our respective homes.On the way to the bar, I couldn't help but wonder what she wanted to ask...
First of a series in my attempt to write. There are several segments. It is naughty, explicit, kinky and taboo! Herbert Sheldon Sr. Herbert aka “HS” was making his usual stop at Herbie's home. Jean and her boys were the apple of his eyes. She and Herbie married young after an unexpected pregnancy. They had grown to love each other. HS had been their “rock” supporting them financially and in every way they needed. HS had met Jean when Herbie brought...
Second segment of Jean Comes out Peter and Paul The years passed rapidly. Babies, boys to near young men in a flash. Herbie's twin boys, Peter and Paul were nearly identical. Paul had brown hair, Peter red, Paul was more business like, Peter more the player. Paul was a miniature HS and Peter a mini Herbie. They knew that they were an accidental pregnancy, but they were loved and wanted. They were closer to Jean. She was always there, as Herbie...
"The temperature's ninety-seven. It's another scorcher, folks," the radio blared from the back porch. Jean Brown lay face down on the beach towel by the swimming pool in her back yard. She released the bows holding her bikini top in place and pulled her brown hair up to let the sun tan her neck. Because of the rock and roll thumping from the radio, she didn't hear the click of the gate lock as two men entered the yard. They stopped to admire her. Jean was thirty-nine and the mother of...
All names have been changed to protect those involved.This is mine and about my first time. When I was about seven years old my best friend and I did everything together. In fact we were closer than most brothers I knew were. Since my mother worked full time,if he wasn't at my house I was at his and that is where it all began. Bills' mom Jean was in her early thirties,pretty,with dirty blond hair,just over five foot tall and had a slight pot belly. Her tits were big(at least to me)and...
Jean, the Gem and me By Zedd To all the readers who so graciously gave me their favorable comments. It was a tremendous confidence builder and am happy to say I'm writing almost constantly now. I hope everything I submit is interesting to everyone, but I know that isn't realistic. Too many people with too many tastes. I do know that to all the people who so enjoyed my other stories, you're going to love this one! Enjoy, and I look forward to reading your comments...
It was the summer of 1958, and I had just pissed-off my C.O. at Camp Pendleton by going over his head to get transferred the hell out of that miserable desert landscape. It had cost me an additional year on my enlistment, but I had considered that a cheap price to pay. My next duty station was to be at Subic Bay in the Philippines, and I was leaving base with three and a half weeks delay in reporting to Treasure Island in San Francisco - this was to be spent with my parents and brother in...
Jean-Paul By Pappy27 Copyright© 2009 by Pappy27 A 22 year old soldier stationed in Germany meets a 19 year old French girl and they spend a romantic weekend together celebrating his twenty-second birthday. The following short story is true, the names have been changed to protect the innocent or not so innocent. The mistakes in spelling are due to individual languages e.g. Guasthaus (German name for a bar which may also function as a Bread and Breakfast in small villages) Bas Rhin (French...
Jean-Paul By Pappy27 Copyright© 2009 by Pappy27 A 22 year old soldier stationed in Germany meets a 19 year old French girl and they spend a romantic weekend together celebrating his twenty-second birthday. The following short story is true; the names have been changed to protect the innocent or not so innocent. The mistakes in spelling are due to individual languages e.g. Guasthaus (German name for a bar which may also function as a Bread and Breakfast in small...
Straight SexCHAPTER 3: FIRST DAY“Take a deep breath.”Abby turned to look at her mom as they sat in the car in front of the office of Collins Sales. They were asked to park in the back row and there were other cars parked there they guessed were the Collins men and the other businesses.“Did you say that for me or for yourself?”Jean smiled and as she pulled on the door handle, she said, “Both, I think.”Outside the car they straightened their short mini-dresses and nodded approval to each other. The first day...
This Is Based On My Own Personal Experience: Because I Had Discovered The "Adult Book Store/ Theater, And Basement Row Of "Glory Holes",I Had Skipped A Few Sunday School Sessions. The Monsignor Decided To Make Me Do Some Penance. If I Agreed He Would Not Involve My Mom. I Immediately Agreed. If I Stayed Out OfTrouble I Was Allow Allot Of "Freedom". He Ordered Me To Be A The Church Every Saturday Morning To Help Clear Out & Clean Up The Basement. I Had To Be There At 8am. When I Got There I...
Jean Comes Out #3 The Morning After Jean woke early, refreshed after a long shower and douche she dressed. She had one more day of privacy with the boys and planned to take full advantage of it. She chose a more “mom” style for today. A red, slightly sexy, clinging tube dress normal hem length, bra less with white lace panties. She completely shaved her cunt, for the first time in years it was bald and plump. Thinking about last night, she fingered her...
Paula,Tom,Jean and I had many sexual encounters over the next year. Jean and Tom would go off in the pool away from everyone else and play with each other. I remember one time Tom jumped out of the pool suddenly grabbing a towel and running into the house. Jean came over to Paula and I laughing. She said they were doing there normal thing which was Tom finger fucking her and she would play with his cock. This time though Tom got too involved and came in his swim trunks. We all laughed and of...
Sometimes it annoyed Jena to no end how people didn’t know how to shield their thoughts. As she and Scott walked down the street of Krakoa she could hear the thoughts as loud as if they were being shouted. ‘How can she be with him after what he did with Emma?’ ‘I’ll never understand how she forgave him.’ ‘You think he’s cheating on her still?’ For the first one the answer was simple: she loved her husband. Heart and soul. He was her other half and now that both of them were among the living...
Jean elder sister came to visit for 10 days during xmass time Jean sister was 6 years older than her, she was very attractive a few extra kilos but still very sharply body, nise big breast, smooth white skin, beauty full face, I liked her from the first day we meet She has been a widow for two year's very friendly always with me. Jean told me to be careful about our relationship with her and her husband, she did not want Maggie to know or suspect, I said will be careful durring her stay, Jean...
Jean elder sister came to visit for 10 days during xmas timeJean sister was 6 years older than her, she has been a widow for four year's she was very attractive a few extra kilos but still very shaped body, nice big breast, smooth white skin, beauty full face, I liked her from the first day we meet, and she was very friendly always with me.Jean told me to be careful about our relationship with her and her husband, she did not want Maggie to know or suspect, I said will be careful during her...
Arrival John came to he felt fuzzy, he remembered fragments from the night before, a white light, falling, just some terrible dream. His head felt like it was swelling like bad popcorn and cracking out of this skull. "Hay you,hay you", John heard a man's voice. This wasn't his bed he realised. "Huh?" "What's your name?" "John, John Evans" "My name is Richard Shuttleworth. Look we haven't got much time. I know it sounds strange but you've fallen through a rift in space time...
Introduction: Chapter 4 John and I get together for the first time with out Kim. I last left you with having spent Friday night at Kims place hoping John would come over. Read my last story if you want to know more. But here is the next chapter. We both slept in till late afternoon Saturday. We talked some more and Kim told me that she was feeling better about John but I could tell that she was not telling the truth because it showed in her eyes and on her face. Kim was just making me sad as...
The following story is written from different points of view of the various characters. To find out what happened to a different character check out their story on my profile (when written). IntroductionJohn is a 52 year old man living in Newcastle in the UK. He resides with his wife of 12 years, Anne 43 years old, her daughter Saria who has just turned 18, and his son Daniel who is 19. They belong to a little known religion called Darmanian which has a few churches around the country, although...
We both slept in till late afternoon Saturday. We talked some more and Kim told me that she was feeling better about John but I could tell that she was not telling the truth because it showed in her eyes and on her face. Kim was just making me sad as well so I told her I was going to head home. When I got home it was almost 6 o’clock at night. I walked in through the front door my head hanging down and I guess with sadness showing on my face. I walked into the living room where my dad was...
Introduction: Kim and I spend Friday night with John at his place When I had last left you John and I had just ran into DeRonda at the store. We were there to pick up some munchies in case we got hungry later tonight. John and I talked about DeRonda on the way to pick up Kim. So will you take me to DeRondas next party? I asked John as he drove. I will if you want me to, But dont get mad or jealous at me if the ladies there all come running to me, John replied with a smile. Yeah right, I am...
This is a story I have had in my head for a while and decided to act on it, please let me know where I can improve as I am not a writer by trade. Thank you The story is going to be a long story with multiple parts in the end with each part adding to Tori's sexual experiences. It's starting with an older guy and Tori at age 16 so if that is not your thing don't bother. She may get to be 20+ in the story when all is said and done. The story is not a 3 paragraph nonstop sex text fap story...
“So will you take me to DeRonda’s next party?” I asked John as he drove. “I will if you want me to,” “But don’t get mad or jealous at me if the ladies there all come running to me,” John replied with a smile. “Yeah right; I am sure that they all just have to have this cock of yours,” I said as I rubbed my hand over his cock. John did say anything back he just drove. I laid my head against his arm as I thought about what he had just said. I had never been jealous when I watched him...
When I did start hanging out at the game room with friends again, I saw that John was now taking other boys out for lunch and breakfast. Seeing this made me a little jealous, to the point where I eventually wanted to approach him to see if he might still be interested in me. Over time, I got up the nerve and when I went up to him and we greeted each other, I hoped he’d suddenly ask me if I’d like to go out for lunch. Well it worked, and when he suggested going to get something to eat, I tried...
My name is Coline, and I am a 25 year old woman. But I did not always called Coline, my real name was John, and I was a man. I'll tell you how it all happened. As far as I can go back in my memory, I always felt woman. A woman trapped in a man's body. When I have had 4 or 5 years old, I remember having put the heels boots of my mother during a family reunion, something that was fun for everyone that day. Yet what everyone was considered for a game, for me it's became over the years...
Natasha hadn't been with John in a very long time. They’d chatted online, and exchanged emails, but anything physical had been absent since their split. John hadn’t fucked her in months and she really fuckin’ missed it. Bad. Even the two men Natasha used for part-time 'cocks on the side' didn’t help. She tried to use them to feed the flame of burning need for sex and sin John had ignited, but even two guys and Hans her husband couldn’t 'feed the fire' the way John did.They only made her...
Group SexIt’s Friday, I always look forward to Fridays, well not so much Fridays but Friday nights. Friday nights are camera night. Janet normally poses for me in different dresses and sometimes, if I’m lucky she may show some leg above her knee. Once I caught a glimpse of stocking top but I wasn’t quick enough to catch it on camera. On several occasions I have captured the view down on her cleavage when she has bent over but this is the closest I have ever come to taking a picture of her body apart...
I first met Debbie during year one at the university. We shared some classes and lived in the same accommodation block, but weren’t close, just acquaintances. We lost touch in year two because I moved off-campus into a small flat that I rented with Maria, another classmate. This flat-share worked well and continued into my third year. However, during the spring semester, love or lust must have been in the air; Maria decided to shack up with her boyfriend. I would probably have done the same had...
MatureSometimes I would call at the club on Saturday night and meet my parents to walk home together, that when I met John who seem to take a shine to me unknowingly to me at that time. From the time I use bump into John regularly became friendly with him, I didn’t think much about it at the time, but John use to put his hand on my shoulder. When touch or massage my bottom accidently on purpose. I didn’t object though I must admit I liked it. Some evening I’d meet John in town by chance, he’d...
By: PABLO DIABLO Copyright 2019 CHAPTER 1 When I woke Thursday morning, I was energized thinking about the event scheduled for tonight and the potential for the ‘after' party. Looking at either side of me, both Dakota and Jennifer were facing away from me. Jennifer had kicked off all the covers off her body, whereas Dakota was all cocooned up in them. As stealthy as I could be, I got up for my morning duties in the bathroom. I decided while I was in there that I would take a shower to...
John was a HGV driver and spent most of his working week away from home sleeping in his lorry at night. From Monday morning to Friday evening, his only means of contact with Julie, his wife of eight years, was either by phone or video calling, which he did nightly. This tale took place in the middle of summer. It was a Wednesday and John was collecting goods from a regular customer in south east England and would be delivering them to a customer in Manchester the following day. At his...
CheatingChapter 1?A car just pulled up,? announced my cuckolded husband, Richard, standing at the front window. My new client, John, had arrived promptly on time.?He’s carrying a gift bag.? John noted.John and I had been communicating via email for several weeks. He knew what was expected of him. Arrive at my address precisely at the assigned time, enter the opened garage door then close it. Strip naked. From the shoebox on the table, put on the blindfold then grab the handcuffs and cuff yourself with...
A 22 year old soldier stationed in Germany meets a 19 year old French girl and they spend a romantic weekend together celebrating his twenty-second birthday. The following short story is true; the names have been changed to protect the innocent or not so innocent. The mistakes in spelling are due to individual languages eg. Guasthaus (German name for a bar which may also function as a Bread and Breakfast in small villages) Bas Rhin (French town meaning Lower Rhine, in the Alsace Lorraine area...
I'm pissed. My damn internet service has been down for days now. I called them on Thursday and was promised a service call on Friday, well it is now after five in the afternoon on Friday and still no service call. I called my ISP and they tell me now that they had an emergency with a tech and he couldn't make the call. A nationwide company and they don't have an extra tech for one call? What, they couldn't contact me to let me know? I know BS when I hear it. I might have to switch companies,...
Group SexAs a young man, I worked at the construction site after school to earn some money. Many guys of my age did that and there was a lot of work. We drove across the country to the various construction sites and earned good money until it went to the next construction site. As foreman John had been assigned to us. He was then a man of about 35 years and about 15 years older than us guys. John was a tall man, very muscular. He had very broad shoulders and a narrow hips with a small muscular ass. His...
My last account was an introduction to me, Tom, my girlfriend Mary, her roomie, Karen, and Karen's boyfriend, John. I had switched universities my senior year (from the BigTen to the MVC), and ran into Mary, a girl I had gone to prep-school with 3 years before. She was very athletic, tall, very trim, short dark red hair, porcelain skin, small-tited, acrobatic in bed, and an incredible lover. She loved everything about sex (like me), the smells, tastes, and textures. She truly got off on my very...
BisexualJohn knew from a young age he liked cock. When he was young he always was rubbing his and playing with it. In his teens his friend Mike and he would get together and suck each others cocks and jerk them. As they learned more they would fuck each other in the ass. They lived in Las Vegas and when they started driving they would go to a male sex club. The men there loved the young guys and every Saturday they would suck cock and get their asses fucked many times. One Saturday as Mike was sucking...
Ranger JohnDay in the Life of a Park RangerThe distant sound of the Jeep scrunching the rocks and twigs on the dirtroad woke John Ulrich up."Shit! So early?" he moaned, writhing his beefy ex-pro-linebacker frame inthe too-narrow cot and looking over at the windup clock which must havebeen part of the cabin's furnishing since the 1950s.9:45 already! This was one part of the job John never got used to, theearly mornings. At least it was Tuesday and his official rounds didn'tstart til noon. But...
“Vanessa, come on, we were supposed to go out tonight,” my friend Dave was saying to me. “I know, I’m sorry, but you know how my dad is with work. He likes to include his family with everything, so I have to go to the dinner. I shouldn’t be out late.” I smiled into the phone. “Maybe, if you’re lucky, I’ll swing by afterwards to give you a little treat.” He chuckled. “Alright babe, tell your parents I said hey.” “Will do.” I hung up the phone and wondered what to do about Dave. I’ve been seeing...
Straight SexThe Next Step With JohnThings have been a bit mixed up for me for a few days. I could not believe what was happening. My whole world was turned upside down. I was 100 precent straight and loved girls. I never even wondered what it would be like to touch a guy or have a guy touch me. Yet here I was loving having my buddy jack me off, and what was even more amazing to me is that I loved jacking him off. I never in my wildest imagination did I think that I would touch another guys cock. But...
Megan and John had been friends for a few years they got on well with each other and were like best mates. They had their own friends, Megan with hers and John with his mates. But they seemed to have more of a connection and John always thought he could talk to her more, being female, than he could with his own mates. John was in his mid forties and Megan ten years his junior. John was quite shy and not an overly confident person, especially around women. Megan was very pretty with lovely...
CheatingSomeone once said that when it hurts to look back, and you're scared to look ahead, you can look beside you and your best friend will be there. Isn't that the best feeling in the know that someone will always be there? The bond is impenetrable. It's one soul that inhabits two bodies. It's like a marriage when you think about it. Through thick and thin, through better and worse, in sickness and health....well, you get the point. We met in the third grade when my dad, a successful...
Love Stories