Excepting a Ride With An Older Man
- 4 years ago
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Helen stared at the computer screen in disbelief at what
Ruth had just
>Hels, I think I found the answer to our cash problems...look at this:
Jeopardy!? Helen shook her head.? She enjoyed the show, and so did other
viewers...millions, tens of millions of other viewers.? But for Ruth to
actually want to take the money and sit in the live audience...what was she
The phone rang, interupting her contemplation of Ruth's silliness.?
"Helen! It's Babs, how's things?"
Helen laughed: Barbara was eternally cheerful and very funny, but was a level
head in any argument, and Babs could do a far better job of shooting down
proposal than Helen would.
"Same as usual over here...by the way, have you seen Ruth's mail?"
"Sure, sounds like a good idea, huh??
You're as poor as a church mouse, as are
both me and my parents, and even if we all got a job tomorrow we'll never have
enough saved by the time we have to go."
Helen breathed out in a low whistle, stung as always by Babs unthinking
reminder that Helen was an orphan. "Babs...you know what can happen on
show...don't you?" Helen had just caught up on last nights show from the
website, and more than one image was still strong in her mind.
"Yes, babe, I know, but you know how many people are in that
chance of any of us getting picked is pretty low.? And you know they stopped
doing the pretty girls since less of them were showing up to be in the
Laughing despite herself, well, mathematically we're pretty safe, I
suppose, she thought.? Still, the thought
of the spotlight shining down on her
relentlessly did not appeal.? "What
about Ailsie?? I can't imagine her being
for it, can you?? It's not like she needs
the money anyway."
"She's here now, she thinks it's a great idea!? She says she'll split her
share with the rest of us for spending money."
Helen wondered if this was what rabbits felt like in the final few seconds
staring at the bright lights.? Not just
Babs, but Ailsie as well...the whole
gang.? She knew if they were all set on
it, she would go along too.
She read the webpage again.
????? The Jeopardy crew are filming in
Knox City all this week and next.
????? We're looking for live audience
members between 18 and 80, all fit,
????? healthy, who enjoy watching the
Jeopardy show.? As always, all members
????? of the Jeopardy audience will be
(extremely) well paid for their
????? troubles, except of course the lucky
few who get to star in the
????? show ;)
????? If you'd like to be part of the most
exciting television and web show
????? of all time, get yourself down to
City Hall by 6.00pm, Monday to
????? Saturday, this week or next.? Don't wear too much, as the studio lights
????? are warm, and girls, you don't need
any make-up, as all audience members
????? are made-up by our specialist team
for the cameras.? Please don't be
????? disappointed if you are asked to
come back later on in the week, as
????? membership of the Jeopardy audience
is extremely sought after!? Happy
????? viewing, from the Jeopardy
Team...we'll see you soon.
Helen shook her head again.? It seemed
incredibly sadistic that audience
members chosen to participate went unpaid.?
Of course, selling their story
subsequently often recompensed them, but still...
"Look, Babs, I just don't want to do it.?
Just the idea...it's freaking me out.
?I won't do it."
"Woah, Hels, chill for a minute...nothing's decided yet.? What?"?
Helen heard
Ailsie muttering.? "OK, that's an
idea.? Do you want to meet up at the
coffeehouse this afternoon?? I think
Ruth's free as well, she said she was
going to bunk off work today."
Helen reflected that if Ruth had worked all the hours she was marked down for
she would not have needed kooky ideas to finance their trip.? She nodded to
herself, quietly, thinking that she might have a better chance at persuading
them face to face.
Thanking the girl behind the counter, Ailsie walked over from the counter with
tray of tall coffee mugs, and handed them out with a professional waitress's
that came despite never having worked in her life.? Ailsie was a rich daddies
daughter, an only child but surprisingly well adjusted to having serious money
at her command. She made it clear early on in her friendships that she would
spend more with her friends than they would, something that frustrated some,
Helen, Ruth, and Barbara had long accepted it and had found it had made their
friendship stronger over the years. Ailsie wasn't the most attractive of the
group, but she had a poise and confidence that seemed to make her the most
interesting to men. Having dealt out the coffees like a hand of five card stud,
she flopped into a chair and looked at Helen.
"Well what?" asked Helen, knowing exactly what Ailsie meant.
"Are you coming?"
"No!? Look, the idea is just
crazy...I know none of us are likely to be chosen,
but if we were..."? Her voice
trailed off, as she thought of those images again.
Ruth looked at Ailsie, and Helen caught a glance between them that was fraught
with meaning.? What was going on?? She took a gulp of her coffee, suddenly
embarrassed at being the centre of attention.?
Helen was attractive, perhaps
the most attractive of the group, but painfully shy, and her shyness had not
been improved as a young girl when lifes lottery had awarded her at puberty an
unusually large pair of breasts.? She was
drawn to keeping out of the limelight
and disliked having to agree with her friends so strongly, particularly as she
knew her argument was not so strong.
Babs leaned over and took her arm as she sipped again at her coffee.?
"Hon, don't feel you have to...you know you don't have to come if you
want to, don't you?"? Helen looked
at her silently, and put down her coffee
mug, which Ailsie seemed to be fascinated by.?
Ruth studied Helen's face
"Yes...I know...but if you all went in there, you know I'd have to
don't you?? And I really don't want to do
it, I really don't."? Helen
speaking softly, and Ruth realised her friend was almost on the verge of
She shot a glance at Ailsie, who was still studying Helen intently.
The group went quiet, all locked in their own thoughts.? No-one seemed quite
sure what to say next, and they sat each with their own thoughts,
sipping coffee, Ruth looking at Ailsie with a worried face.
Helen stood up. ?Ailsie jerked with
"I need to go for a walk, I think, it's so warm in here...are you guys
"Let me finish my coffee," said Ailsie, holding up a half full
mug.? "I'm
enjoying this."
"I'm not," sid Helen, "This is the worst coffee I've ever had
here."? She took
another sip, though, not wanting to walk away from her friends.
Ailsie said nothing, but Helen noticed that look flashing again between her
Ruth.? Babs took a deep swallow of hers
and wiped her lips.
"Don't know what you're on about, babe, this is fine.? You must be on drugs or
A suspicion flashed across Helen's mind, and she caught Ailsie wincing at
Barbara's joke. She took another sip and felt the kernel of suspicion
and grow in her mind.? Her mind played
images to her, webcasts,
spotlit faces, the chairs and the big stage with the encircling audience
the fleeting stagecrew who seemed to lack no expertise called of them.? She
didn't even hear the mug smashing on the floor as she stumbled towards
door, the girls boiling off the chairs and hounding her across the floor.? She
heard fragments of frantic dialogue:
"How much...should be OK...maybe fifteen minutes...oh
The door swung open unheeded and the girls flowed out the street, panicking
they saw a patrol car, with a cop standing looking across the road
into a cellphone, his partner munching on something in the drivers seat.
Ailsie headed Barbara off from them, and Barbara and Ruth laughed and
gaily as if they had just been struck by the ancient Britney Spears
that spilled out of the cafe next door to the coffeehouse.? They got halfway
down the street when Helen, who had seemed not to realise that her friends
still with her turned suddenly to Ailsie and said bitterly,
"I would have gone with you, didn't you know that?"? Ailsie felt tears sting her
cheeks as she caught her friend who was swaying.? It had been Ruth's idea, and
Ailsie had known where to find something that would produce the right effect.
She hadn't been prepared to be caught before the drug took hold, though.
She held her friend tightly, holding her steady as Ruth and Barbara
anxiously.? Barbara had not been happy
with the idea, but had only found out
when the practicalities had already been dealt with.? Turning away, she saw the
patrol car cruising slowly down the street, the driver catching her eye as
slowly looked her up and down, his attention caught more by the length
perhaps lack of length) of Barbara's skirt and her legs than by any
about the scene.
Helen gave a sniff and stood up a little.
"Hey, I'm sorry, I over-reacted a bit there...what was that anyway?"
she asked,
sounding a little tipsy.
Ailsie couldn't look at her as she explained the nature of the drug she
slipped into Helen's coffee.? Helen
rubbed her eyes a little and giggled like a
schoolgirl as Ailsie told her how she would feel a little light headed for
while, but it would soon fade.? She would
still remain receptive to suggestion
for a while after that, though.
"Cool!" laughed Helen giddily.?
She looked around.? The car had
come to rest a
little further up the street, and the driver was still looking at the
girls.? An idea flashed into Helen's
head.? Before her friends could stop
she strode off towards the car.?
"Oh shit," spat Ailsie as she saw Helen bearing down on the driver,
whose eyes
were getting wider by the minute.?
"Should we go over?"
No-one replied, as Helen bent down to the drivers door and said something.? The
driver turned and looked at his partner and back at Helen and said something
her.? Taking a pen, she wrote something
on the driver's hand, then looked
briefly at the group before saying something to the passenger, and
nodding.? She
smiled at the driver then blew him a kiss, looking over her shoulder once
twice as she sauntered back towards her friends who were trying to control
staring at Helen's new-found breezy confidence.
"Girls..." said Helen, "I have...a cop's telephone
number!"? She held out her
hand as Ruth let out a low whistle.?
"I wonder if he'll spot me in the
audience?"? Helen paused.? "Are we going or are you guys just going
to look at
me all evening?"
Ailsie shook her head as they all walked down the street together, Helen
leading the way and letting out the occasional whistle whenever she saw a
that took her fancy, and on one occasion a girl too.? It wasn't far to City
Hall, and they arrived early, but there was still a large queue gathered on
front steps.? A camera, escorted by a
boom mike and some sort of director,
cruised up and down the line, pausing for some time on the friends as
arrived at the end of the slow moving queue.
"Sarah!" called Helen to a solitary girl a few places ahead of
them.? The girl
turned and looked, and waved back, then?
skipped out of her place to where
Helen stood at the head of the group.?
"You too, girl?"
Known far and wide as a girl who would try anything once, Sarah had first
to her high school's attention by (reputedly) being the first of her year
lose her virginity.? Although that was
never proved for sure, there was no
doubt about her being caught performing fellatio on a math teacher some
later.? Rumours circulated about her
interests, sexual and otherwise, and
tongues had wagged when she was seen about town wearing a top that
her need of a good spanking.? Certainly,
there were no shortage of suitors, and
there were many boys who had been heard to observe that they wouldn't
giving Sarah's attractive bottom a god warming, and much else as well.
"Sure...this is going to be so cool!"?
Barbara noticed with amusement that
today's top read 'need2btamed'.?
"I've been waiting for this ever since I heard
Jeopardy was coming to Knox City!? Do you
think I look alright?"
Ailsie blanched.
"Do you actually want to be chosen, Sarah?" she asked.
"Well...I know if I am I won't enjoy it at all, but I've watched it so
recently, it makes me really imagine being part of it, and I think about
so much and now I have a chance, I just know I wouldn't forgive myself if I
the chance go."
"I so know what you mean, Sarah...I was scared stiff about coming, but
guys are so cool...they made me want to come!" said Helen
breathlessly.? The
line shuffled forward and the camera went by, pausing for a moment on
face, which was now shining with excitement.?
"And it'll be so cool to see it
live and in person, it must make it so much more real."
They had reached the door, and inside each girl was handed a single slip
"Hi girls, thanks for coming!? These
are the disclaimers, which you can read
while the queue moves forward.? You don't
have to sign them just yet, in fact
you can wait right up till you take your seats if you want."? The speaker was
young, male, and more than a little handsome.?
Helen spoke to him.
"Do you have a pen?"
"Sure, miss, here you are.? But you
don't need to -"? Helen placed the
against his chest and looked into his eyes as she signed the paper in a
lazy series of loops.? She handed the
paper back to him and walked on, as he
stared in disbelief.
The queue was moving a little more quickly now, a gentle shuffle forwards
much bumping as people tried to decode legal formalisms and recall long
forgotten Latin phrases.? Ailsie managed
to interpret the first paragraph, and
feeling that it was mostly in her favour, gave up on the rest.? Most people,
she noted, were doing the same.? They
came to a series of channels, where the
qeue split into several files.? A large
sign directed that if you wished to sit
with anyone, you should go throught the same channel.? The girls headed for the
one at the left which seemed to be moving a little more quickly,
Sarah, who by unspoken agreement seemed to have become part of the group.
"Are you all together?" asked an attendant.? They all nodded and agreed in a
welter of voices which varied in confidence and happiness.? Barbara was looking
decidedly ill, and Ruth was sweating, feeling her armpits pinch as the
antiperspirant fought back.? The
attendant opened the gate of the channel and
guided them all in together.? Beyond the
gate, there were a series of desks,
with young, relaxed looking people at each one.?
The young woman at the first
desk smiled.
"Who's first?" she asked, her voice seeming to suggest that this was
more than a routine health test, perhaps a height and weight measurement.
Sarah and Helen started forward together.?
After a little politeness was
exchanged, Helen sat down, and quickly answered a barrage of
questions, firing off her date of birth, her social security number, her
three addresses, her income, her preferred payment method, her health.? "Have
you taken any drugs or alcohol today?" asked the woman, in a final tone
voice. Helen just laughed and shook her head slightly as Ailsie turned pink.
"OK, Helen, just head on up to the next desk where we'll just do a
interview like we do for all audience members."
"Who's next?"? she asked
sweetly as Helen sat and flicked her hair out of her
eyes.? Ailsie set her teeth and beat
Sarah to the seat.? It was too late
dissuade Helen without exposing what they had done, and although Ailsie
feeling more and more uncomfortable by the minute, she knew she couldn't
abandon her friend.? She answered the
questions in a blur, spending most of her
time watching Helen tell the interviewer how she knew the odds of being
were so low, and she wasn't at all worried about it.? The camera desk was a
little quicker than the first, and so when Ailsie finished and got up to
Sarah finally take her place she saw Helen sitting at a desk set a little
further away than the others were, where she couldn't quite hear what was
discussed.? The camera operator, or
interviewer, stood up to shake her hand,
and invited her to sit down.
"So," he said, "the big question...why do you want to be in the
Ailsie shrank under the camera's cold and unblinking gaze.? "I...ah...well, my
friends and, uh, me, well, we all go to uni next years and we're all
different places, uh, and like we all want to have a big blowout
special, but, uh, we mostly haven't got jobs and most of us are strapped
cash, so, um, we like thought we'd come down here, yeah?"? She swallowed and
tried to control her breathing which was shallow and fast.? The interviewer
"Yeah, that's not unusual.? Probably
more than half of our audience just need,
or want, money.? You could sure have a
good blowout on what you'll earn today,
A weak smile.? "I guess".
"You seem pretty nervous, Ailsie...how do you think you'd feel if you
Her eyes closed, trying to screw them shut, trying to avoid the camera's
unfeeling probing.? "Shit.? I...uh...I can't even think about it".
"How will you feel when that spotlight is switched on, Ailsie?"
Ailsie felt a flash of anger at this lazy but tormenting line of questioning.
"I hope the bloody bulb burns out!" she spat at him.
The young man laughed.? "Well, it
has happened before." ?He reached
out and
touched a button.? "That's it,
Ailsie, thank you.? If I'm any judge,
segment will probably get shown tonight." He looked pleased at the
prospect, as
Ailsie got up and walked with fists clenched to the last desk, where a
and efficient looking woman sat with several pieces of paper to hand.
The girls shuffled through the line, some confidant, some not.? Barbara was the
last to be processed, and after speaking to the young woman, who spelt
clearly the terms and conditions of joining the Jeopardy audience, and
what the chances of her and her friends being chosen were ("Don't worry,
are hundreds in every audience"), handed over her signed disclaimer and
a small piece of paper telling her where she would sit, and walked through
door into the makeup room, where she found Helen, Sarah, and Ailsie fully
up and Ruth just going through the process.?
In what seemed like seconds, the
woman smiled at Ruth and turned to Barbara and said briskly,
"Just lift your chin, dear."?
She whisked a foundation on, and speedily touched
it up around the eyes with a sort of mascara.?
She pulled three lipsticks out
of her bag, and held them up.?
"Pink, red, or gold, dear?"?
Barbara stared,
rather shellshocked by the processing and the speed at which the makeup
worked.? "Red then, dear?? Very popular, and it suits you."? Most of the
sentence was spent in applying the lipstick, after which the group was
towards a stage door.? Ruth looked at
Barbara, both feeling strangely naked and
vulnerable.? Barbara smiled and they
turned and followed the rest of the group
into the main room of the City Hall.? All
of them had been in here before, but
they gasped to see the Jeopardy stage set out.?
It was huge, far larger than it
appeared on camera.? Ants seemed to
wander about the stage, pulling about
technical equipment and cameras.? Sarah
was the first to spot Anna, the host of
the show, fiddling with her outfit, which seemed to consist mostly of
heels, and shine. ?A stage hand directed
them to their seats.? Already the
place was three quarters full, and as Sarah sat down at the end of their row
seats, the audience was streaming in from doors placed all around the studio.
By the time Barbara had sat down next to Ruth at the far end, the stream
already slowed and most of the audience had arrived, if not quite settled.
Ailsie studied the rest of the audience and tried to figure out how many
there were, reflecting that the audience did not seem so numerous despite
studio's size.?
Helen sat in the middle of the group of five, Ailsie in between Sarah and
Helen.? Helen could feel the high
starting to wear off, but she knew she
wouldn't leave now.? The last of the
audience took their seats, shepherded
quickly by mercury stage hands who dissolved as soon as the last member
seated. Anna strode out onto the stage. She had presented the show since
start some years ago, and she had fitted the role perfectly. As Jeopardy
become more popular and more serious, her increasing maturity over the
seemed to enhance her role. Now, perhaps in her forties but still
shaped and with a magnificent presence, she strode over to the camera at
other end of the stage.?
"Welcome...to Jeopardy."
The words which sounded welcoming at home sounded like a whipcrack inside
heads of the audience.? It was coolly
speculative, able to command anything it
"Welcome also to our audience.?
Welcome, for example, to Sarah:?
Sarah is one
of the special few who come to our audience desiring to be chosen.? Here she is
just now."
A screen came on, showing Sarah smiling into the camera, explaining how
she was younger she had sneaked into the kitchen to watch Jeopardy, how she
secretly videotaped shows and how she had always imagined that moment when
finally realised...it was you.
"Best of luck, Sarah, let's hope all your wishes come true!"?
Sarah was not feeling so comfortable by now, and she suddenly reached out
grasped Ailsie's hand, feeling it clammy and cold in hers.? Ailsie looked at
her in surprise.
Anna showed a few more clips of audience members, including a young man
appeared utterly terrified at the prospect of being chosen.? There were a few
quiet giggles as he yelped at the camera.
Anna transferred her eyes from the screen to meet the eye of the camera,
"Well, viewers, I'm sure you're all familiar with what happens next.
Audience...I know you are."? She
smiled, and her teeth were briefly revealed.
"Please, ladies and gentlemen, put your wrists in the curve you'll find on
arms of your chair."
Ailsie didn't want to drop her hand from Sarah, and Helen had definitely
off the effects of the drug.? She knew
she could still get up and run, but
suddenly felt embarrassed at the idea of doing so.? The words 'crowd
psychology' flashed through her mind and she looked at Ruth as she placed
hands in the little rest.? Barbara was
the last of the group to do it, and she
came very close to running.? But the same
force held her and trembling, she
laid her wrists alongside Ruth's and shut her eyes.?
"Control room, restrain the audience, please."? Anna turned, surveying the
crowd.? This moment was the highest
watched of the whole show: even many people
who didn't enjoy the show watched this moment out of fascination and
some sympathetic fear.
Barbara heard a slight hum and tensed as she felt a metal restraint
out of a hole in the arm of the chair around her wrist, and realised that
was in for the ride.? The tension inside
her melted; she was no longer in
control of her own destiny and that knowledge allowed her to relax.? At the
other end of the line, Sarah, too, had restored some poise, remembering a
from only a week or two ago where only one audience member, a middle aged
had been chosen, and had spent the whole show under Anna's very close and
personal attention.?
Anna turned to the camera
"The audience has been restrained."?
She smiled.? "Control room,
spotlights, please."
Silently, each audience member was bathed in an individual spotlight.? Ruth bit
her lip, testing the restraint and looking at Helen, who had turned pale
was trembling violently.? The stage
couldn't be seen, although the other
spotlights and their transfixed victims could.
"Control room...show me who you have chosen..."?
Sarah realised something she had never realised before: the victims were
chosen, not randomly, but deliberately.?
A cold finger of fear brushed her
heart again.? A spotlight opposite
blinked out.? A few seconds passed,
another.? Sarah remembered that sometimes
the spots were taken away quickly,
occasionally instantly. Tonight, Ruth watched as a spot light winked out
perhaps every ten seconds.? The interval
seemed to vary.? Sometimes two would
in a few seconds and then there would be a long wait for the next one.? None of
the group had lost their spotlight yet, and perhaps a third of the audience
safe now. A choked sob of relief from behind Ailsie said that someone had
reprieved, and Sarah looked around realising that several groups of seat
to each other were still highlighted.?
Without warning, a row of six was
switched off together.? Although they
were a fair distance from Barbara, she
heard the gasp from the saved group, all men from the sound of it.? Slightly
more men than women were chosen from the Jeopardy audience, as a rule,
the audience showed a slight bias towards men.?
Sarah's light winked out and she cried out.?
Helen couldn't make out whether it
was gratitude or envy; perhaps it was both, she thought.? More lights went out,
and another row blinked off, one after the other in succession.? The rate now
slowed down, perhaps fifteen seconds before another light freed another
into the blackness.? Their's was the only
group left.? A light in front of
blinked out as she realised with a grim certainty that they had all been
chosen; the lights were snuffed remorselessly, hunting down their prey.
Barbara realised every light on her side was out.? She knew too, and watched
the remained lights disappear with a soul crushing certainty.? Helen was
sobbing quietly, and never saw the last light go out, brilliantly isolating
group of four friends who had been so confident about the odds.? A cameraman
worked his way into the row, and a quick viewer might have caught a glimpse
Sarah's stricken face before the lens focused on Ailsie, who looked nauseous.
Unable to look at the camera, she stared sightlessly as she weaved in her
restraints.? The camera panned over and
lingered on Helen sobbing bitterly,
realising finally what she had done.? She
tried to turn her wrist so she could
scrape the phone number from her hand, humiliated, and not able even to
that.? Ruth had had slightly longer and
when the camera turned to her she spat
hard at the lens and stared viciously. The cameraman laughed and pulled out
cloth and carefully wiped his lens clean before standing on Ruths foot,
putting his full weight on it as he focused on Barbara for a long shot,
listless, perhaps even unseeing, though her eyes were open.
The studio lights came back up, though the spotlights were not switched
and a weight seemed to lift from the audiences shoulders.? Sarah felt the
restraints curling back, but she heard a click from her left and as she
she saw Ailsie's chair move forward an inch: it was obviously on wheels and
lock had been released.? She turned to
Ailsie and grabbed her hand as Anna
began speaking again.
"Ladies and gentlemen, viewers at home, may I present, Ruth, Barbara,
and especially Helen!"
The audience thundered, roaring out their joy at their escape.? Sarah sat
silently, slumped and in tears as she held Ailsie's hand, still strapped
that sinuous restraint.
Anna turned to the camera as the applause finally died down.
"We'll be back after this commercial break.? Don't go away."
Helen stared at the computer screen in disbelief at what
Ruth had just
>Hels, I think I found the answer to our cash problems...look at this:
Jeopardy!? Helen shook her head.? She enjoyed the show, and so did other
viewers...millions, tens of millions of other viewers.? But for Ruth to
actually want to take the money and sit in the live audience...what was she
The phone rang, interupting her contemplation of Ruth's silliness.?
"Helen! It's Babs, how's things?"
Helen laughed: Barbara was eternally cheerful and very funny, but was a level
head in any argument, and Babs could do a far better job of shooting down
proposal than Helen would.
"Same as usual over here...by the way, have you seen Ruth's mail?"
"Sure, sounds like a good idea, huh??
You're as poor as a church mouse, as are
both me and my parents, and even if we all got a job tomorrow we'll never have
enough saved by the time we have to go."
Helen breathed out in a low whistle, stung as always by Babs unthinking
reminder that Helen was an orphan. "Babs...you know what can happen on
show...don't you?" Helen had just caught up on last nights show from the
website, and more than one image was still strong in her mind.
"Yes, babe, I know, but you know how many people are in that
chance of any of us getting picked is pretty low.? And you know they stopped
doing the pretty girls since less of them were showing up to be in the
Laughing despite herself, well, mathematically we're pretty safe, I
suppose, she thought.? Still, the thought
of the spotlight shining down on her
relentlessly did not appeal.? "What
about Ailsie?? I can't imagine her being
for it, can you?? It's not like she needs
the money anyway."
"She's here now, she thinks it's a great idea!? She says she'll split her
share with the rest of us for spending money."
Helen wondered if this was what rabbits felt like in the final few seconds
staring at the bright lights.? Not just
Babs, but Ailsie as well...the whole
gang.? She knew if they were all set on
it, she would go along too.
She read the webpage again.
????? The Jeopardy crew are filming in
Knox City all this week and next.
????? We're looking for live audience
members between 18 and 80, all fit,
????? healthy, who enjoy watching the
Jeopardy show.? As always, all members
????? of the Jeopardy audience will be
(extremely) well paid for their
????? troubles, except of course the lucky
few who get to star in the
????? show ;)
????? If you'd like to be part of the most
exciting television and web show
????? of all time, get yourself down to
City Hall by 6.00pm, Monday to
????? Saturday, this week or next.? Don't wear too much, as the studio lights
????? are warm, and girls, you don't need
any make-up, as all audience members
????? are made-up by our specialist team
for the cameras.? Please don't be
????? disappointed if you are asked to
come back later on in the week, as
????? membership of the Jeopardy audience
is extremely sought after!? Happy
????? viewing, from the Jeopardy
Team...we'll see you soon.
Helen shook her head again.? It seemed
incredibly sadistic that audience
members chosen to participate went unpaid.?
Of course, selling their story
subsequently often recompensed them, but still...
"Look, Babs, I just don't want to do it.?
Just the idea...it's freaking me out.
?I won't do it."
"Woah, Hels, chill for a minute...nothing's decided yet.? What?"?
Helen heard
Ailsie muttering.? "OK, that's an
idea.? Do you want to meet up at the
coffeehouse this afternoon?? I think
Ruth's free as well, she said she was
going to bunk off work today."
Helen reflected that if Ruth had worked all the hours she was marked down for
she would not have needed kooky ideas to finance their trip.? She nodded to
herself, quietly, thinking that she might have a better chance at persuading
them face to face.
Thanking the girl behind the counter, Ailsie walked over from the counter with
tray of tall coffee mugs, and handed them out with a professional waitress's
that came despite never having worked in her life.? Ailsie was a rich daddies
daughter, an only child but surprisingly well adjusted to having serious money
at her command. She made it clear early on in her friendships that she would
spend more with her friends than they would, something that frustrated some,
Helen, Ruth, and Barbara had long accepted it and had found it had made their
friendship stronger over the years. Ailsie wasn't the most attractive of the
group, but she had a poise and confidence that seemed to make her the most
interesting to men. Having dealt out the coffees like a hand of five card stud,
she flopped into a chair and looked at Helen.
"Well what?" asked Helen, knowing exactly what Ailsie meant.
"Are you coming?"
"No!? Look, the idea is just
crazy...I know none of us are likely to be chosen,
but if we were..."? Her voice
trailed off, as she thought of those images again.
Ruth looked at Ailsie, and Helen caught a glance between them that was fraught
with meaning.? What was going on?? She took a gulp of her coffee, suddenly
embarrassed at being the centre of attention.?
Helen was attractive, perhaps
the most attractive of the group, but painfully shy, and her shyness had not
been improved as a young girl when lifes lottery had awarded her at puberty an
unusually large pair of breasts.? She was
drawn to keeping out of the limelight
and disliked having to agree with her friends so strongly, particularly as she
knew her argument was not so strong.
Babs leaned over and took her arm as she sipped again at her coffee.?
"Hon, don't feel you have to...you know you don't have to come if you
want to, don't you?"? Helen looked
at her silently, and put down her coffee
mug, which Ailsie seemed to be fascinated by.?
Ruth studied Helen's face
"Yes...I know...but if you all went in there, you know I'd have to
don't you?? And I really don't want to do
it, I really don't."? Helen
speaking softly, and Ruth realised her friend was almost on the verge of
She shot a glance at Ailsie, who was still studying Helen intently.
The group went quiet, all locked in their own thoughts.? No-one seemed quite
sure what to say next, and they sat each with their own thoughts,
sipping coffee, Ruth looking at Ailsie with a worried face.
Helen stood up. ?Ailsie jerked with
"I need to go for a walk, I think, it's so warm in here...are you guys
"Let me finish my coffee," said Ailsie, holding up a half full
mug.? "I'm
enjoying this."
"I'm not," sid Helen, "This is the worst coffee I've ever had
here."? She took
another sip, though, not wanting to walk away from her friends.
Ailsie said nothing, but Helen noticed that look flashing again between her
Ruth.? Babs took a deep swallow of hers
and wiped her lips.
"Don't know what you're on about, babe, this is fine.? You must be on drugs or
A suspicion flashed across Helen's mind, and she caught Ailsie wincing at
Barbara's joke. She took another sip and felt the kernel of suspicion
and grow in her mind.? Her mind played
images to her, webcasts,
spotlit faces, the chairs and the big stage with the encircling audience
the fleeting stagecrew who seemed to lack no expertise called of them.? She
didn't even hear the mug smashing on the floor as she stumbled towards
door, the girls boiling off the chairs and hounding her across the floor.? She
heard fragments of frantic dialogue:
"How much...should be OK...maybe fifteen minutes...oh
The door swung open unheeded and the girls flowed out the street, panicking
they saw a patrol car, with a cop standing looking across the road
into a cellphone, his partner munching on something in the drivers seat.
Ailsie headed Barbara off from them, and Barbara and Ruth laughed and
gaily as if they had just been struck by the ancient Britney Spears
that spilled out of the cafe next door to the coffeehouse.? They got halfway
down the street when Helen, who had seemed not to realise that her friends
still with her turned suddenly to Ailsie and said bitterly,
"I would have gone with you, didn't you know that?"? Ailsie felt tears sting her
cheeks as she caught her friend who was swaying.? It had been Ruth's idea, and
Ailsie had known where to find something that would produce the right effect.
She hadn't been prepared to be caught before the drug took hold, though.
She held her friend tightly, holding her steady as Ruth and Barbara
anxiously.? Barbara had not been happy
with the idea, but had only found out
when the practicalities had already been dealt with.? Turning away, she saw the
patrol car cruising slowly down the street, the driver catching her eye as
slowly looked her up and down, his attention caught more by the length
perhaps lack of length) of Barbara's skirt and her legs than by any
about the scene.
Helen gave a sniff and stood up a little.
"Hey, I'm sorry, I over-reacted a bit there...what was that anyway?"
she asked,
sounding a little tipsy.
Ailsie couldn't look at her as she explained the nature of the drug she
slipped into Helen's coffee.? Helen
rubbed her eyes a little and giggled like a
schoolgirl as Ailsie told her how she would feel a little light headed for
while, but it would soon fade.? She would
still remain receptive to suggestion
for a while after that, though.
"Cool!" laughed Helen giddily.?
She looked around.? The car had
come to rest a
little further up the street, and the driver was still looking at the
girls.? An idea flashed into Helen's
head.? Before her friends could stop
she strode off towards the car.?
"Oh shit," spat Ailsie as she saw Helen bearing down on the driver,
whose eyes
were getting wider by the minute.?
"Should we go over?"
No-one replied, as Helen bent down to the drivers door and said something.? The
driver turned and looked at his partner and back at Helen and said something
her.? Taking a pen, she wrote something
on the driver's hand, then looked
briefly at the group before saying something to the passenger, and
nodding.? She
smiled at the driver then blew him a kiss, looking over her shoulder once
twice as she sauntered back towards her friends who were trying to control
staring at Helen's new-found breezy confidence.
"Girls..." said Helen, "I have...a cop's telephone
number!"? She held out her
hand as Ruth let out a low whistle.?
"I wonder if he'll spot me in the
audience?"? Helen paused.? "Are we going or are you guys just going
to look at
me all evening?"
Ailsie shook her head as they all walked down the street together, Helen
leading the way and letting out the occasional whistle whenever she saw a
that took her fancy, and on one occasion a girl too.? It wasn't far to City
Hall, and they arrived early, but there was still a large queue gathered on
front steps.? A camera, escorted by a
boom mike and some sort of director,
cruised up and down the line, pausing for some time on the friends as
arrived at the end of the slow moving queue.
"Sarah!" called Helen to a solitary girl a few places ahead of
them.? The girl
turned and looked, and waved back, then?
skipped out of her place to where
Helen stood at the head of the group.?
"You too, girl?"
Known far and wide as a girl who would try anything once, Sarah had first
to her high school's attention by (reputedly) being the first of her year
lose her virginity.? Although that was
never proved for sure, there was no
doubt about her being caught performing fellatio on a math teacher some
later.? Rumours circulated about her
interests, sexual and otherwise, and
tongues had wagged when she was seen about town wearing a top that
her need of a good spanking.? Certainly,
there were no shortage of suitors, and
there were many boys who had been heard to observe that they wouldn't
giving Sarah's attractive bottom a god warming, and much else as well.
"Sure...this is going to be so cool!"?
Barbara noticed with amusement that
today's top read 'need2btamed'.?
"I've been waiting for this ever since I heard
Jeopardy was coming to Knox City!? Do you
think I look alright?"
Ailsie blanched.
"Do you actually want to be chosen, Sarah?" she asked.
"Well...I know if I am I won't enjoy it at all, but I've watched it so
recently, it makes me really imagine being part of it, and I think about
so much and now I have a chance, I just know I wouldn't forgive myself if I
the chance go."
"I so know what you mean, Sarah...I was scared stiff about coming, but
guys are so cool...they made me want to come!" said Helen
breathlessly.? The
line shuffled forward and the camera went by, pausing for a moment on
face, which was now shining with excitement.?
"And it'll be so cool to see it
live and in person, it must make it so much more real."
They had reached the door, and inside each girl was handed a single slip
"Hi girls, thanks for coming!? These
are the disclaimers, which you can read
while the queue moves forward.? You don't
have to sign them just yet, in fact
you can wait right up till you take your seats if you want."? The speaker was
young, male, and more than a little handsome.?
Helen spoke to him.
"Do you have a pen?"
"Sure, miss, here you are.? But you
don't need to -"? Helen placed the
against his chest and looked into his eyes as she signed the paper in a
lazy series of loops.? She handed the
paper back to him and walked on, as he
stared in disbelief.
The queue was moving a little more quickly now, a gentle shuffle forwards
much bumping as people tried to decode legal formalisms and recall long
forgotten Latin phrases.? Ailsie managed
to interpret the first paragraph, and
feeling that it was mostly in her favour, gave up on the rest.? Most people,
she noted, were doing the same.? They
came to a series of channels, where the
qeue split into several files.? A large
sign directed that if you wished to sit
with anyone, you should go throught the same channel.? The girls headed for the
one at the left which seemed to be moving a little more quickly,
Sarah, who by unspoken agreement seemed to have become part of the group.
"Are you all together?" asked an attendant.? They all nodded and agreed in a
welter of voices which varied in confidence and happiness.? Barbara was looking
decidedly ill, and Ruth was sweating, feeling her armpits pinch as the
antiperspirant fought back.? The
attendant opened the gate of the channel and
guided them all in together.? Beyond the
gate, there were a series of desks,
with young, relaxed looking people at each one.?
The young woman at the first
desk smiled.
"Who's first?" she asked, her voice seeming to suggest that this was
more than a routine health test, perhaps a height and weight measurement.
Sarah and Helen started forward together.?
After a little politeness was
exchanged, Helen sat down, and quickly answered a barrage of
questions, firing off her date of birth, her social security number, her
three addresses, her income, her preferred payment method, her health.? "Have
you taken any drugs or alcohol today?" asked the woman, in a final tone
voice. Helen just laughed and shook her head slightly as Ailsie turned pink.
"OK, Helen, just head on up to the next desk where we'll just do a
interview like we do for all audience members."
"Who's next?"? she asked
sweetly as Helen sat and flicked her hair out of her
eyes.? Ailsie set her teeth and beat
Sarah to the seat.? It was too late
dissuade Helen without exposing what they had done, and although Ailsie
feeling more and more uncomfortable by the minute, she knew she couldn't
abandon her friend.? She answered the
questions in a blur, spending most of her
time watching Helen tell the interviewer how she knew the odds of being
were so low, and she wasn't at all worried about it.? The camera desk was a
little quicker than the first, and so when Ailsie finished and got up to
Sarah finally take her place she saw Helen sitting at a desk set a little
further away than the others were, where she couldn't quite hear what was
discussed.? The camera operator, or
interviewer, stood up to shake her hand,
and invited her to sit down.
"So," he said, "the big question...why do you want to be in the
Ailsie shrank under the camera's cold and unblinking gaze.? "I...ah...well, my
friends and, uh, me, well, we all go to uni next years and we're all
different places, uh, and like we all want to have a big blowout
special, but, uh, we mostly haven't got jobs and most of us are strapped
cash, so, um, we like thought we'd come down here, yeah?"? She swallowed and
tried to control her breathing which was shallow and fast.? The interviewer
"Yeah, that's not unusual.? Probably
more than half of our audience just need,
or want, money.? You could sure have a
good blowout on what you'll earn today,
A weak smile.? "I guess".
"You seem pretty nervous, Ailsie...how do you think you'd feel if you
Her eyes closed, trying to screw them shut, trying to avoid the camera's
unfeeling probing.? "Shit.? I...uh...I can't even think about it".
"How will you feel when that spotlight is switched on, Ailsie?"
Ailsie felt a flash of anger at this lazy but tormenting line of questioning.
"I hope the bloody bulb burns out!" she spat at him.
The young man laughed.? "Well, it
has happened before." ?He reached
out and
touched a button.? "That's it,
Ailsie, thank you.? If I'm any judge,
segment will probably get shown tonight." He looked pleased at the
prospect, as
Ailsie got up and walked with fists clenched to the last desk, where a
and efficient looking woman sat with several pieces of paper to hand.
The girls shuffled through the line, some confidant, some not.? Barbara was the
last to be processed, and after speaking to the young woman, who spelt
clearly the terms and conditions of joining the Jeopardy audience, and
what the chances of her and her friends being chosen were ("Don't worry,
are hundreds in every audience"), handed over her signed disclaimer and
a small piece of paper telling her where she would sit, and walked through
door into the makeup room, where she found Helen, Sarah, and Ailsie fully
up and Ruth just going through the process.?
In what seemed like seconds, the
woman smiled at Ruth and turned to Barbara and said briskly,
"Just lift your chin, dear."?
She whisked a foundation on, and speedily touched
it up around the eyes with a sort of mascara.?
She pulled three lipsticks out
of her bag, and held them up.?
"Pink, red, or gold, dear?"?
Barbara stared,
rather shellshocked by the processing and the speed at which the makeup
worked.? "Red then, dear?? Very popular, and it suits you."? Most of the
sentence was spent in applying the lipstick, after which the group was
towards a stage door.? Ruth looked at
Barbara, both feeling strangely naked and
vulnerable.? Barbara smiled and they
turned and followed the rest of the group
into the main room of the City Hall.? All
of them had been in here before, but
they gasped to see the Jeopardy stage set out.?
It was huge, far larger than it
appeared on camera.? Ants seemed to
wander about the stage, pulling about
technical equipment and cameras.? Sarah
was the first to spot Anna, the host of
the show, fiddling with her outfit, which seemed to consist mostly of
heels, and shine. ?A stage hand directed
them to their seats.? Already the
place was three quarters full, and as Sarah sat down at the end of their row
seats, the audience was streaming in from doors placed all around the studio.
By the time Barbara had sat down next to Ruth at the far end, the stream
already slowed and most of the audience had arrived, if not quite settled.
Ailsie studied the rest of the audience and tried to figure out how many
there were, reflecting that the audience did not seem so numerous despite
studio's size.?
Helen sat in the middle of the group of five, Ailsie in between Sarah and
Helen.? Helen could feel the high
starting to wear off, but she knew she
wouldn't leave now.? The last of the
audience took their seats, shepherded
quickly by mercury stage hands who dissolved as soon as the last member
seated. Anna strode out onto the stage. She had presented the show since
start some years ago, and she had fitted the role perfectly. As Jeopardy
become more popular and more serious, her increasing maturity over the
seemed to enhance her role. Now, perhaps in her forties but still
shaped and with a magnificent presence, she strode over to the camera at
other end of the stage.?
"Welcome...to Jeopardy."
The words which sounded welcoming at home sounded like a whipcrack inside
heads of the audience.? It was coolly
speculative, able to command anything it
"Welcome also to our audience.?
Welcome, for example, to Sarah:?
Sarah is one
of the special few who come to our audience desiring to be chosen.? Here she is
just now."
A screen came on, showing Sarah smiling into the camera, explaining how
she was younger she had sneaked into the kitchen to watch Jeopardy, how she
secretly videotaped shows and how she had always imagined that moment when
finally realised...it was you.
"Best of luck, Sarah, let's hope all your wishes come true!"?
Sarah was not feeling so comfortable by now, and she suddenly reached out
grasped Ailsie's hand, feeling it clammy and cold in hers.? Ailsie looked at
her in surprise.
Anna showed a few more clips of audience members, including a young man
appeared utterly terrified at the prospect of being chosen.? There were a few
quiet giggles as he yelped at the camera.
Anna transferred her eyes from the screen to meet the eye of the camera,
"Well, viewers, I'm sure you're all familiar with what happens next.
Audience...I know you are."? She
smiled, and her teeth were briefly revealed.
"Please, ladies and gentlemen, put your wrists in the curve you'll find on
arms of your chair."
Ailsie didn't want to drop her hand from Sarah, and Helen had definitely
off the effects of the drug.? She knew
she could still get up and run, but
suddenly felt embarrassed at the idea of doing so.? The words 'crowd
psychology' flashed through her mind and she looked at Ruth as she placed
hands in the little rest.? Barbara was
the last of the group to do it, and she
came very close to running.? But the same
force held her and trembling, she
laid her wrists alongside Ruth's and shut her eyes.?
"Control room, restrain the audience, please."? Anna turned, surveying the
crowd.? This moment was the highest
watched of the whole show: even many people
who didn't enjoy the show watched this moment out of fascination and
some sympathetic fear.
Barbara heard a slight hum and tensed as she felt a metal restraint
out of a hole in the arm of the chair around her wrist, and realised that
was in for the ride.? The tension inside
her melted; she was no longer in
control of her own destiny and that knowledge allowed her to relax.? At the
other end of the line, Sarah, too, had restored some poise, remembering a
from only a week or two ago where only one audience member, a middle aged
had been chosen, and had spent the whole show under Anna's very close and
personal attention.?
Anna turned to the camera
"The audience has been restrained."?
She smiled.? "Control room,
spotlights, please."
Silently, each audience member was bathed in an individual spotlight.? Ruth bit
her lip, testing the restraint and looking at Helen, who had turned pale
was trembling violently.? The stage
couldn't be seen, although the other
spotlights and their transfixed victims could.
"Control room...show me who you have chosen..."?
Sarah realised something she had never realised before: the victims were
chosen, not randomly, but deliberately.?
A cold finger of fear brushed her
heart again.? A spotlight opposite
blinked out.? A few seconds passed,
another.? Sarah remembered that sometimes
the spots were taken away quickly,
occasionally instantly. Tonight, Ruth watched as a spot light winked out
perhaps every ten seconds.? The interval
seemed to vary.? Sometimes two would
in a few seconds and then there would be a long wait for the next one.? None of
the group had lost their spotlight yet, and perhaps a third of the audience
safe now. A choked sob of relief from behind Ailsie said that someone had
reprieved, and Sarah looked around realising that several groups of seat
to each other were still highlighted.?
Without warning, a row of six was
switched off together.? Although they
were a fair distance from Barbara, she
heard the gasp from the saved group, all men from the sound of it.? Slightly
more men than women were chosen from the Jeopardy audience, as a rule,
the audience showed a slight bias towards men.?
Sarah's light winked out and she cried out.?
Helen couldn't make out whether it
was gratitude or envy; perhaps it was both, she thought.? More lights went out,
and another row blinked off, one after the other in succession.? The rate now
slowed down, perhaps fifteen seconds before another light freed another
into the blackness.? Their's was the only
group left.? A light in front of
blinked out as she realised with a grim certainty that they had all been
chosen; the lights were snuffed remorselessly, hunting down their prey.
Barbara realised every light on her side was out.? She knew too, and watched
the remained lights disappear with a soul crushing certainty.? Helen was
sobbing quietly, and never saw the last light go out, brilliantly isolating
group of four friends who had been so confident about the odds.? A cameraman
worked his way into the row, and a quick viewer might have caught a glimpse
Sarah's stricken face before the lens focused on Ailsie, who looked nauseous.
Unable to look at the camera, she stared sightlessly as she weaved in her
restraints.? The camera panned over and
lingered on Helen sobbing bitterly,
realising finally what she had done.? She
tried to turn her wrist so she could
scrape the phone number from her hand, humiliated, and not able even to
that.? Ruth had had slightly longer and
when the camera turned to her she spat
hard at the lens and stared viciously. The cameraman laughed and pulled out
cloth and carefully wiped his lens clean before standing on Ruths foot,
putting his full weight on it as he focused on Barbara for a long shot,
listless, perhaps even unseeing, though her eyes were open.
The studio lights came back up, though the spotlights were not switched
and a weight seemed to lift from the audiences shoulders.? Sarah felt the
restraints curling back, but she heard a click from her left and as she
she saw Ailsie's chair move forward an inch: it was obviously on wheels and
lock had been released.? She turned to
Ailsie and grabbed her hand as Anna
began speaking again.
"Ladies and gentlemen, viewers at home, may I present, Ruth, Barbara,
and especially Helen!"
The audience thundered, roaring out their joy at their escape.? Sarah sat
silently, slumped and in tears as she held Ailsie's hand, still strapped
that sinuous restraint.
Anna turned to the camera as the applause finally died down.
"We'll be back after this commercial break.? Don't go away."
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SpankingRandy and went to the river to fish it got dark on use> Randy said it be better to stay overnite by river. Than to try to find way back at nite> He had a 2 man tent is his backpak he set it up I wanted to go back to cabin he foght me down to the ground strip off my colths and started drinking beers he was siting on me as he was drinking after about 3 beers that he drank. He made me drink one (I was drunk i mean i was only 14). he sat on my chest and shove his huge cock down my mouth...
(Conclusion) The bogus cabin boy Grace was well accustomed now to physical demands of the Captain from Castile. In fact, she was more than satisfied with his constant pestering for either anal or oral delights whenever the mood struck him. The mood struck him often. She was in a bit of a quandary about informing the handsome young Captain that he was riding a sex-starved eighteen year old female and not some addled cabin boy with a liking for cock. She wanted desperately to advise him of...
His was a tale of desperation, a tinge of sadness and a libido that just wouldn’t quit. Hers was one of similar circumstances and they’d “met” in a chatroom on Lush. They both tended to frequent the picture rooms, and every now and then they’d lurk in the background of the dungeon or just exchange messages on Tumblr, seeing who could “outsmut” the other. It was fun and they both needed it.They didn’t know each others name, they didn’t need to and they maintained a healthy respect for each...
Straight SexI know you wouldn’t believe anything that happened later on, if I didn’t start from the very beginning. First time I met her, it was a pretty hot morning in May. I was having breakfast in the usual café and I already knew about the Oath: I was aware that my life could possibly change at any moment, but I had decided to blatantly ignore that feeling and keep on going with my normal life as much as I could. The girl behind the bar was the main reason I’d ever come to that Café, to be honest....
This story is a bit experimental; I decided to write my previous story ‘Extreme measures' from Alexa's point of view. You don't have to have read the previous story to grasp this one, but it would be more fun if you read both regardless of which one you start with. So here we go. I looked at her as she danced to the music. Her body seemed balanced as she rocked her hips. She danced amongst a group of girls but I only seemed to notice her. I wanted to approach her but I don't want...
Lydia is a simple girl. Yeah she’s pretty AF but not stuck up at all. Lydia only needs 4 things to be happy, really. The 1st? A big fat black diq. That’s a requirement. Cuz the 2nd thing she needs to be happy is that big black dick deep in her throat. BALLS DEEP. She can take it. The 3rd? That phat BBC deep in her asshole. No pussy neccessary cuz her asshole is better. You can pound her shiihole out just like a pussy after all. It’s what she needs. And the 4th and final thing...
xmoviesforyouMy first experience with shaving my pubic area was started more out of necessity than for the reasons I do it now. I was twenty years old, my girlfriend Amy and I had just returned from my first nudist experience at “Black’s Beach” near San Diego, and had to wait a couple of hours to shower off the sand and salt. I learned from my neighbor the reason for the wait was due to a water-main break near my house. The build-up of sand/salt in my pubic area was so itchy it was driving me nuts (pun...
Straight SexThis isn't one of my best ones, but it was what I wanted to write at the moment. I came up with the idea for this one around the time I did the Bimboizer, and as you can tell from the Mad Scientists Club and the preincarnator there, I do like to use ray guns occasionally. SRU: The Reverso Ray By Morpheus Elsa Summers sighed and rubbed her slightly arthritic hip wishing that the mall wasn't so big. Carefully the old woman shifted the glasses on her nose into a better...
It was the next morning. Caroline heard her sister's voice from the front door, "Hi, Mum! Hi, Cari!" Caroline got up and stomped into the hallway. "You BITCH!" she shouted. "Huh?" was Marianne's response, coming at the same time as her mother's reprimand, "Caroline! Language!" "Do you know what you've done?" she shouted at Marianne. "You blithely went off with your new fella, assuming Simon would just pick up with me, didn't you!?" Marianne was looking at her sister in...
Control Part IIJulie Anderson returned from the bathroom feeling confused. She had just had her first sexual orgasm in over two years and it was very intense. However, she felt strange as if she had done something wrong. In the past when she used to have a sex life she never felt guilty like she did this morning. Also she could not understand why she suddenly became so sexually aroused. This was very unlike her and it worried her but on the other hand it had been fantastic.Julie locked her...
And we are there having dinner. I am eying him suspiciously and he is returning the favor. When I arrived the buss on the cheek was quick, but pressed a little harder than friendly. In his house later on. Watching movies and being awkward. Hoping to drink enough to loosen up some. He leans back against my legs, I part them and my skirt rides up. Past what is decent. I rub his shoulders, letting my fingers linger, drag against his soft skin. He turns to me and asks if he should return the favor,...
#1, Kristine. A cute redhead from a job I was working at as a truck stop hand. Changing truck oil, fueling, etc was my job, but it wasn't long after she started working there that I was fucking her. Kristine was a naughty girl, a typical truck stop whore. I fucked her ass so hard at the counter of work one night, that she dribbled cum down her legs until sun up. We worked the graveyard shift together and one evening she looked so good in her little skirt. I went up behind her and slipped...
"Hey Levi," Kyla said, "we're all in your bed, waiting for the orgy to start." Then she flung the blanket back revealing that they were all naked. Derek was in the middle, with Kyla and Marti on either side of him. Derek had a hardon and Marti tried covering her lovely bits as best she could and Kyla lay spread eagle, fingering her hot pocket. "Y'all are goofy as hell," I said. I got behind the wheel and watched in the rear view as Marti and Derek struggled with Kyla over control of...
In my first story we heard me mention that me and my best friend had gotten the set up for a 3some with my wife but he backed out. Well my friends just a year after we first talked about it he was back in.About a month ago my best friend john(whom I've known for like ever and is hot!) Began texting my wife to be again. He brought up that fact that he is married and hasn't has sex in over a year and no blow jobs in over 9! Jessica and I had been talking about, and he want her to stop by on her...
Months passed, and winter finally released its grip on the land, patches of snow could still be seen in places where there were significant amounts of shade during the day as well as up on the mountains where the air was colder. Only a handful of conifers were starting to show signs of budding and the forests continued to be bare of leaves except for the occasional evergreen dotted here and there.The winter had come and gone with little fanfare, only one bad snowstorm had made the two-hour...
Fantasy & Sci-FiZachary South lived with his father, in a nice house on an a small family farm, out a ways from town. Zack didn’t remember his mother, she’d disappeared long long ago, when he was just two or three. Stupid bitch, from what little his father had ever told him about her. They were better off without her. He got along well with his father, except for a few years when he was thirteen or so, but now that he was sixteen, everything seemed to be fine. Zack felt sorry for his father at times, the guy...
One afternoon, I was asleep with my youngest cousin sister in a room of our grandparents’ bungalow suddenly and I woke up hearing a violent sneeze from the other room. It was my dear grandpa unable to sleep anymore and I just lay on the bed and gaped at the ceiling hoping I would fall asleep again. All of a sudden I looked to my side at my sissy sleeping. Her face was so serene and calm and her eyes and lips at perfect places all of which just won my heart and unable to control myself, I kissed...
First please forgive any miss spelling or grammar; this will be my first attempt at telling my stories. Let me begin with a little about me. I am average build, nice mannered, southern guy. I have an extreme sex drive I have never hidden from my lovers. Now I will tell you about my wife of the time. She is a tall girl of 5'9 a little thick not fat, but nice and thick. Nice well rounded ass, firm enough to bounce a quarter off of. She has small firm breast A cup, half dollar size nipples...
Group SexIt had been a few days since my trip to the laundry, and the Black Dogs had decided to give me a break to let me catch my breath. Master and I moved deeper into the prison, deeper into black country - not a white man for blocks. That's just fine by me. I kept hearing how they wanted to kill me to make an example of me, but the Black Dogs weren't going to let that happen. Like a good bitch, I'd been taking the time to actually build my master a home in our cell by keeping it swept, mopped and...
InterracialThe island of Bermuda lies well within the south western edge of the Sargasso Sea. Bermuda is also the northern tip of the infamous Bermuda Triangle, what some call the Devil’s Triangle. The other two tips of the triangle are the end of Florida and the island of Puerto Rico. The Sargasso Sea is noted for the floating brown sea weed. The actual base, well where the Temple of the Air had originally been entombed for those thousands of years was 100 miles north east of Bermuda and had nothing...
he kept looking at me when suddently a small smirk appeared on his face, realizing i wasnt caught i returned to my test. when my head looked up again, i saw my teacher looking straight at me, His eyes were just staring at me with his eyes. my gut reaction was to flirt with him. I licked my lips and nibbled gently on the top of my pencil and he winked back. I looked all around and saw all the other students with their heads down. While playing with my hair, I uncrossed my legs. I took the...
A continuation of: https://xhamster.com/stories/on-a-train-home-1005885... Rather than fucking me like the wild man he had been before, he took my ass gently. Slowly working that huge 10-inch cock into my boy cunt. Letting me get used to its girth. Before tenderly making long and loving strokes in and out my hole. Letting his hands wander playfully over my back and shoulders. Whispering dirty words to me and moaning softly. That did not last. After a few minutes, his hands had found a tight...
William was in love with his wife, Kimberly. They were newlyweds on their honeymoon and spent most of their time in the bedroom. William was obsessed with Kimberly’s breasts. Every morning William spooned his wife. He loved to gently fuck his wife’s pussy. Her pussy was always quite juicy because they made love a lot. William loved to hold Kimberly and kiss her neck while making love.William loved her big breasts. Her breast size was forty-double d. Her breasts were more than a handful...
Straight SexWatching Her Grow Pt. 2 by LordDaddyz This is a work of complete fiction. There is little truths to this story. If you have any comments or critiques, don’t be too harsh, it’s my first time posting anything I’ve written. As you may have already read, things between my God-Daughter and myself have begun to change. She’s a few days away from 18, and just recently, I began to see her as more then the little girl I raised, but as a wonderfully well developed woman. Just the other day, when her...
Preface: I shall say right of the bat, I wrote this story in a heightened state of sexual arousal. So much comes into it as I write and take a moment to touch myself, inspiring more feminine illusions of what makes females different to men when wanking, yes I wanked myself as I wrote this story, so you can imagine as you read, we are as one, and if that inspires you to touch yourself, then the story has done its job, and we have been mentally coupling during this sexual one on one encounter...
You're traveling through another dimension, a dimension not only of sight and sound but of mind; a journey into a wondrous land whose boundaries are that of the imagination. Next stop: THE TWILIGHT ZONE. - Rod Serling The Haunted Room - A TWILIGHT ZONE story By Anon Allsop Max Kleebler has inherited a lovely old vacant building from his Uncle. Only, he's unaware that the house also comes with its own history. A history far stranger than what he could possibly...
“Come in,” I told her, motioning towards the door. She walked in and I followed carrying Sarita. When we were inside Rosalia strolled around the room looking. “You haven’t changed anything,” she said. “No,” I simply said. She walked to the mantle where the picture of us together at Christmas sat in a frame. She picked it up and turned to me. “This was the happiest time of my life,” she said. “Mine too,” I choked. She looked at it for a moment and then placed it back, picking up the...
Hello ISS readers, here I am with another story, this time the sexstory is about a girl Riya & her cousin brother Pankaj, this story is a true story as narrated by Riya to me, so I am writing this story on behalf of her, the whole story is her narration of her words, you can get in touch with her on, but don’t forget to cc it to me on , the story follows in riya’s words. Hello, I am riya, thanks to my friend to write this story for me in my words, this story is about me 26 now & my cousin...
IncestI walk into the five star hotel and restaurant where I work, wearing my black tie with my white button up shirt and black knee length skirt. I check in with the boss man and go to my assigned tables. There aren't as many people tonight since it's the day after Thanksgiving. People are probably having turkey through the weekend. I do my rounds on the tables. "Hi my name is Hannah, I will be your waitress for tonight. What can I start you off with?" I grab their drinks then take the orders back...
Group SexRecently I had cause to go into hospital - a chest infection, which turned into Pneumonia. As there were no spare beds in the breathing ward, I was put next door in the ENT ward. On the third day in hospital, the antibiotics had done their stuff and I was feeling 100% better, but had another five days until my intravenous antibiotic was removed and I could go home.My bed was in a room of four, and luckily I had the bed by the window. The other three beds all had women in them. There was talk of...
CheatingBy the way, did I mention we are going to Fantasy Land? Giddy up Fantasy Horse, because we are going to ride into town with both guns blazing. Oh yea... To tell you my latest story we do have to go back in time a bit. I know, I'm sorry. We have to go all the way back to the late eighties. If you recall, I was engaged to a nice girl named Kim. Kim and I seemed to get along real well. After a while we fell deeply in love. So, after a couple of years of dating we did the inevitable. We got...
A story in DM's Universe - A Library Short It was it was past time for my union mandated afternoon break. Fifteen minutes during a four hour stretch, or something like that. I really don't usually need much of a break. After all, the hardest thing I usually do is pilot a desk and computer, and push a pencil or two. I guess I might have to lift a small stack of books now and then, but again, not really very taxing. Today I had been involved in creating one of the interminable reports that I...
Sammy was still working hard on her brother's cock, the head now fully inside her mouth, touching her cheek as she swirled her tongue around and around, her fingers rubbing the cloth of her skirt against her pussy. He reached behind her and lowered the plastic zipper of her cheerleading uniform until he had uncovered her back all the way down to her waist. He pushed the top down over her shoulders, exposing a tan satiny bra. He kept working the material down, realizing she was helping him...
A friend of mine wrote this about his first time having sex with another man. Thought I would share. (with his permission)My first experience with gay sex was with my next-door neighbor. He was in his fifties and I had just turned eighteen. I would graduate high school in about two weeks. He'd been coming on to me for a while but I'd always resisted because I had a girlfriend. I'd be lying if I said I wasn’t curious about what he would do to me or want me to do to him. Maybe if my girlfriend...
Hello Everyone, I’m back with a new story. I hope Whoever reading this has read all of my previous chapters. If not, you have some catching up to do. Let’s get started now. I picked up my phone and call Virat. I was a bit nervous about what to say or what he’ll say to me. He picked up the call. H: Hey Virat, Harshita, this side, how are you? V: I’m fine. Why have you called me now after all this time? H: I want to clarify things with you. V: What do you wanna clarify now? H: Please listen to...
By Evangelina Vargas {Several months ago, I posted "Guidelines for Happily Married Hotwives." Here is my advice for the rest of you.} OK, many of you have heard about "hot wives," married white women who take lovers, generally hunky young black studs. It sounds sexy but a little scary, too. You have lots of questions and uncertainties and many of you have written to my brother, Homer Vargas for advice. Well, he has asked me to respond because this is something better handled between us...
Marybeth becomes a Ham YL My name is Marybeth Greene, and I was always a quiet kid, much more interested in science and technology, reading, and just vegging rather than sports. What was also different about me was that even from an early age, I knew that I really wasn't a boy. I knew that from a very early age, living in an apartment in a large North Jersey City, with only two other girls to play with. Hopscotch, jumprope, jacks, dolls, tea parties, whatever. My mom even let me...
It had been about a month since Sally and Jack had visited and we had had our weekend fuckfest. What wonderful memories I have of their visit. It was like an orgy. Jack would fuck Sally and then I would follow up with my turn. Sally loved it and I didn't think anyone could have that many orgasms in such a short time. Jack seemed to enjoy it as much as Sally. I think he really enjoyed watching Sally being fucked by another man, and I certainly enjoyed pleasing them both. My mind kept wandering...
Straight SexThe MeetingDawn lay back on the apartment bed. From the window she could see castles and spires, clusters of majestic rooftops with sun rouged tiles. She had been posted the keys and with these had made the long journey to meet him in the old city.Once so fantastically far, now perhaps only miles away, she was destined to meet him, to feel his flesh inside hers. Her belly tingled, still unsure, but she also tingled elsewhere. She’d wanted this to happen, maybe from the first email, sensing a...
Three weeks had elapsed since Lisa and I reached the monumental though long overdue decision to call time on our eight-year relationship. Yet to sink in fully, particularly as we still shared the flat, neither of us had had the inclination to seek alternative accommodation, happy to drift along like rudderless ships. And that, I'm afraid, was indicative of our relationship in recent times, the passion and desire of old replaced by staleness and lethargy. For me, it was easier to move into...
Your opinions matter, so comments with your thoughts are welcome. Constructive advice preferred, of course. Each chapter is labelled with the themes in that chapter. There are a lot of other themes to this tale as the chapters progress, including: anal, BDSM, blowjob, BDSM, bondage and restriction, cheating, discipline, domination/submission, first time, group, humiliation, incest, lesbian, oral sex, pregnant, romance, teen, threesome, toys, voyeurism, virginity, wife, young. XNXX doesn't...
We were unceremoniously ripped awake from a very deep sleep some time later by shouting and the sound of the castle's metal alarm being rung. We both bolted upright in the dark, and I quickly went to the arrow slit window facing the bawn to hear what was going on. I could see a fire in the bawn and men rushing to the walls. "WOLVES!!" I heard someone shout. "Wolves are attacking the village!" There was a pounding on the screen wall, as I quickly dressed, since we had gone to bed naked....
Looking back, 1993 was one of the best years of my life. Nirvana, Radiohead and Pearl Jam all released fantastic new albums. Jurassic Park was at the theaters and The X Files began running on TV. The Cowboys, after winning only one game in the 1990 season, won their division in 1992 and went on to blow out the Bills in the Super Bowl in 1993. My Rangers looked like they were going to be killer in the NL West, with Pudge, Juan Gonzalez, Jose Cansceco and Raffy Palmeiro poised to destroy opposing...
IncestJessica called Heather early Saturday morning. Heather was up before her husband and kids, as usual. She excitedly answered the call, as she made her way to the laundry room in the basement. “Hello,” she answered in a dry emotionless voice, toying with her friend. “Fuck the hellos! Spill it!” Jessica chuckled in to the phone. Heather replied as a giant grin formed on her face, “Two words, Jessica. Multiple, mind blowing orgasms,” Heather teased. “EEEK!” Jessica whispered her squeal, “Told...
BDSM"Ok," Kiyone was saying evenly, halting as she was passing through and under the Torii. "Now repeat it back to me." "No touching, no button pressing, no lever throwing." Mihoshi sighed, taking the final step up. "No cable disconnecting, no tying or untying for that matter." She continued after pausing beneath the Torii's arch, reciting in a sing song voice complete with rocking her head back and forth in time with the meter of her words. "And if I see anything in my way higher than...
Petite, bubbly young porn starlet Liz Jordan loves stretching open her tight asshole. The darling girl poses and strips off her scanty lingerie, and then she shows viewers the inside of her anus! She pries open her sphincter with a glass dildo, and when she pulls the toy out, her butthole gapes! Director Jonni Darkko’s POV-style shooting puts viewers in the middle of the action. He helps Liz along, eventually replacing her toy with his throbbing erection. Liz whimpers lustfully as Jonni...