Uncontrollable Cock 8211 Part 8 Flirting With All The 3 Women
- 2 years ago
- 29
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Blair and Jenn
(This is a continuous story in multiple parts. It will only make sense if you read it in order.)
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P r a c t i c e
‘I don’t understand why you won’t just stick it in my ass and get it over with. I thought you said all guys want it like that.’
‘Blair, if we did it like that, it would hurt, and you’d hate it. And I DON’T want that. If we’re gonna do it, let’s do it right.’
She sat, pouting.
‘Look, Blair, it’s going to feel incredible for me, either way. But I’ll enjoy it a hell of a lot more if it’s good for you, and you enjoy it too, and that’s going to take some time.’
‘Well, fine, as long as we get it done by Saturday, so I get to have you there before Jenn does.’
‘Blair, more than likely, that’s not gonna happen. If your parents were gone all week, like that first week, that’d be one thing — we could go a little bit at a time, night after night, work up to it. But I’m not having your dad find us in your room with two of my fingers up your butt.’
‘Oh, Brian, you say the sweetest things…’
They spent Sunday afternoon working on relaxing her ‘back there,’ but as the time grew near for her parents to get home, even stubborn Blair had to admit that she probably wouldn’t be ready by Saturday afternoon, and Brian’s ‘date’ with Jenn was Saturday evening…
Friday at band practice, Brian couldn’t help but notice an extra twinkle in Blair’s eye. He knew she was up to something, but he also knew that she wasn’t going to let him in on it until she was ready. When it came to finding things out from her, he had learned that he could slow the process down, but he couldn’t speed it up.
Well, maybe he could… When they got home, he refused to ask, pretending he hadn’t noticed anything. She tried not to fall for it, but he had her.
‘Aren’t you wondering what’s up?’
‘Oh, is something up?’ He tried to keep a straight face, but she was so eager, and so cute when she was eager, he couldn’t hold it, and he burst out laughing. ‘OK, I give, I’ve been wondering – what’s up?’
She turned her back to him, pulled her shorts and panties down to her knees, bent over, and pulled her cheeks apart. Brian gazed in amazement at what he saw: there, between her cheeks, where her little brown star used to be, was a 1 1/4′ blue circle, surrounding a classic yellow happy face. ‘Know what that is?’ she trilled.
‘You’re kidding me…’
‘Well, do you?’
‘You never cease to amaze me,’ he replied, in awe. ‘It’s a butt plug.’
She straightened up, ran to him in little panties-around-the-knees steps, threw her arms around his neck, and kissed him. ‘Surprised?’
‘Um, to say the least…’
‘I bought two of them after work Monday. I wore the small one all day Tuesday and Wednesday, and this one is the medium, I wore it all day yesterday and today. They had a large, but it was a monster… no offense, but it’s WAY bigger than you are. There’s no way you can say I’m not ready for you now, all you gotta do is pull it out!’
He did.
He carried her to bed, setting her down on her back. She finished removing her panties, and peeled off her top and bra, while he undressed.
He crawled into bed, and she began to turn over, onto her knees. ‘Not that way,’ he said, ‘let’s have you on your back.’
‘Yeah, based on what I’ve read, it’s easier to stay relaxed that way. And I’ll get to see your face.’
She blushed. He kissed her face, kissed her breasts, and continued kissing down her tummy, to her pussy. She was soaked. He barely applied his mouth, and she imploded into a colossal orgasm.
He pushed her knees up, and eased first one, then two, then three fingers up her ass, confirming she was sufficiently slick and loose. He thoroughly lubed his cock, and positioned it against her sphincter. He pushed, softly, meeting little resistance — the plug had done its job well. He eased half of his length into her.
‘How’s it feel?’
‘Fantastic, I had no idea… more, baby, give me more.’
Brian didn’t think he’d ever been this aroused, this hard. It was going to be an effort not to cum too quickly. He pulled back, leaving only the tip, surrounded by her anus. He paused, letting the immediate urge to cum pass.
‘Don’t tease me,’ she panted, wrapping her legs around his back, pulling his hips forward with her feet. He eased forward, filling her with most of his length. She moaned in pleasure.
‘Fuck me,’ she whispered.
He did.
He started slowly, then built speed, until their mutual rhythm felt perfect, the lush sensuality of her tightness all but overwhelming him. She continued to pull on his ass with her lower legs, then she crossed her ankles behind his shoulder blades, grabbing her feet with her hands. Her shift in position allowed him to sink his final inch into her.
He began to thrust with more intensity, and found himself in a zone, his cock a fucking machine, so engorged it ached, his orgasm distant. She met each plunge of his with a buck of her hips. Their entire universe became reduced to the stimulated nerve endings within the tiny areas of friction they were sharing, their brains consumed by the waves of pleasure being sent by the euphoric neurons.
‘I’m. . . going. . . to. . . cummm. . . ‘ she moaned, and her breathing quickened as her orgasm arrived. Her tunnel squeezed him even tighter as she surrendered to it, her opening constricting and pulsing, finishing him. He followed her into the most distant depths of bliss.
When his erection was gone and he slipped out of her, they held each other, side by side, their arms and legs intertwined.
Brian recognized this as her moment, so he didn’t say anything. When she was able to speak, she said, ‘There were so many things I didn’t know… my ass is SO sensitive, compared to my pussy. The sensations are so wonderful, so different, but not just different, so, um, so sensual, so intense. I just love it. It’s way more effort to cum, there’s not nearly the connection to the clit, and no g-spot, of course. I mean, let’s don’t do it that way every time, but I want to do it again, and again, and again.
‘I thought Megann and Jenn were out of their minds, allowing guys to do that to them, but they were right, it’s heavenly.
‘And I thought you were being ridiculous, making me wait, for some silly rule of being relaxed enough. But you were right — putting the small plug in the first time was, um, difficult. I mean, it hurt. But after working up to it, getting used to it, having you back there was just magical.
‘Let’s do it again.’ : : : : :
Brian did the simple thing with Jenn, he just called her, and invited her over. While the concept was simple, the call itself wasn’t, for Brian anyway. Even though he found other words to say other than, ‘Hey, you wanna come over and fuck?’ both he and Jenn knew that’s what he meant, and he felt very awkward.
Without consulting Blair, he realized it was obviously wrong to do it at her house. Fortunately, finding another location was easy — on Saturday night, Brian’s parents were driving to a town about an hour and a half away, to see the traveling production of ‘Wicked.’ He could have gone with them, but given the choice, he decided he’d rather fuck Jennifer.
Blair was visibly nervous. This was the only scenario that he hadn’t needed any of her help to set up, or any involvement from her at all. They both realized that this was the only one that posed any danger to their relationship, because it wasn’t based on any setup, play acting, or +pushing. Because of that, this was the first scenario that had any real chance of challenging their status quo.
Ironically, challenging the status quo is what she had initially wanted. ‘When you’ve had sex with all of them, and you still choose me, I’ll be able to believ
e that it’s your free choice,’ is what she’d said at the time. That was a long time ago, however, and their status had a lot more quo now. Her parents being away all weekend, every weekend, had given them a level of quality couple time that most teenagers don’t get, and they had grown a lot in a short while.
Brian wondered — if she had kept her doubts to herself at first, would she would still feel the need to test his commitment to her? As he prepared to leave her house for his ‘date’ with Jenn, he saw how nervous she was.
‘Baby, relax. I’ll be back. I’ll save some for you, I promise.’ There was nothing more either of them could say.
: : : : :
He was in the back yard, heating up the grill and cleaning it, when Jennifer let herself in the gate, five minutes early.
‘Hey Jenn.’
‘Hey Brian.’ She was wearing a tiny bikini top, a Wicked Weasel by the looks of it, and a pair of denim cut-offs cut so low it was obvious she wasn’t wearing panties.
‘You look great.’
‘Thanks, less to take off later.’
‘I’m just teasing,’ she laughed. ‘I mean, we both know why we’re here. Tonight we have no secrets, no hidden agendas — and because of that, there’s no bullshit to navigate, and I think that’s pretty cool. We’re gonna have a great time, right?’
‘One great time, coming up. I was going to throw some burgers on the grill.’
‘Sounds good. You still remember how to use this one?’ she teased. ‘It’s not too different from the one at Blair’s?’ He laughed with her.
: : : : :
The evening air was nice, so they ate sitting on a back yard glider in the shade. ‘That was great,’ she said. ‘You stay seated, I’ll clean up.’ She took the paper plates and paper towels inside.
‘I brought dessert,’ she hollered out the door.
When she stepped back outside and stood in front of Brian, her bikini top and shorts were gone. ‘Aren’t you a bit over-dressed?’
He carried her to his room, laid her down on his bed, and peeled off his clothes. Then he just stood there, feasting his eyes upon this unbelievable creature.
Her body made all existing adjectives inadequate, obsolete, defunct, useless.
She was perfection. She required an improved definition of the word ‘exquisite.’ She had hit the jackpot in the gene pool lottery. She had curves that the Venus de Milo would envy. She was soft, where soft is ideal, and firm, where firm is perfect. Even where she was firm, she was soft. He thought, ‘I bet she shits ice cream…’
‘Phil’s a lucky guy.’ he finally said.
She answered, ‘You are too. Maybe. But, are you just gonna stand there? I mean, jeez, what’s a lady gotta do to get some action around here?’
She patted the bed beside her. ‘Come here, right now, and bring your dick with you.’
‘I get it, I get it,’ he laughed, settling in beside her.
He drew his fingertips across her forehead, and down her cheek as he leaned in to kiss her lightly. He continued caressing her face down past her jaw, and slowly across her neck, lightening his kiss so that his lips barely brushed across hers, three of his fingertips slowly traced a line across her collarbone, her tongue reached out to pull his kiss back in, finding his mouth removed from hers, reaching nothing but the tip of his tongue.
His fingertips, now down to two, drew across the upper swell of her breast, circling her nipple a single time, the tip of his tongue barely contacted the tip of hers, now down to one fingertip, he traced the lower curve of her breast, their kiss was now nothing more than his breath meeting hers.
She sighed in pleasure at how unexpectedly light his touch was. His fingertip became only the tip of his nail, across her tummy, taking one tiny lap around her navel, then down to her slit, coming to rest right underneath her clit. ‘You have my undivided attention,’ she purred.
He drew tiny circles around her clit, and dipped the tip of his finger between her folds, finding her wetness, then withdrawing.
He leaned in to kiss her, and when she moved forward to meet his lips, she found his finger between her mouth and his. They kissed around it, both tasting her arousal.
He eased her onto her back, knelt above her head, and kissed her lightly, his face upside down to hers. He lingered his lips on hers, brushing them lightly from side to side, returning to kiss her a little lighter, then again, a little lighter still. He started to crawl down, delicately kissing her cheek, her chin, her upper chest, and then heading for her breast.
He barely touched her, the end of his tongue to the apex of her nipple. He circled it, then flicked his tongue rapidly up and down on its stiff extension, for just a second.
He drew a straight, dry line with his lips, to the other nipple, grasping it between his lips, stretching it out until it popped free.
He continued his upside-down trip down her abs, butterfly kissing, caressing her with his mouth.
He teased further down, past her navel, barely making contact with the skin of her tummy, until he reached her sex, which he also dry kissed, lips on outer lips.
Now his knees were on either side of her face, and she found the head of his cock with her mouth, emulating his touch, the skin of her lips barely contacting the skin of his glans.
He dry kissed her outer folds, she dry kissed his tip.
He reached around her hips and pulled her outer lips apart, exposing the moist, warm inner folds. He ran a long, slow, delicate lick with the point of his tongue down the length of her opening, following it with another, this one fuller, softer, using his full width, swirling it into her wetness.
She drew his tip into her mouth, swirling her tongue and lips across it, and pulled in more of his length, surrounding him in her soft warmth.
He returned his tongue to the top of her slit, licking it again, swirling again, this time pushing it deep within the inner folds.
She drew back off his erection, then pulled it in, filling her mouth with it, swirling and sucking around it. Despite the differences in their anatomy, they each felt as if they were giving head to themselves…
He surrounded her opening, holding her outer lips open with his mouth, and began slowly lapping his tongue across the sensitive inner lips. Each time he reached the end, he’d return to the top, stimulating her continuously.
She began to bob her head slowly over his erection, pulling out to the very tip, keeping it from completely escaping her mouth with increased suction, then drawing it in until it reached the very back of her throat. She matched his pace, giving him a stroke of his length for every one he gave her. He maintained constant suction on her, and she on him. He continued his oral onslaught, she continued hers. They both began to speed up.
As her mound and his shaft both began to quiver, he began to focus both the suction and the tongue massage on the area immediately around her clit. She began to draw him deeper into her mouth on each stroke.
He sucked her clit free of the folds that enveloped it, and drew his tongue across it, top to bottom, increasing his speed. She increased the suction on his cock, and increased her speed, to match his.
He could feel her imminent climax in the fluttering of her lower abdomen, she could feel his in the pulsating at the base of his shaft. Both their hips began to buck wildly, and their orgasms overtook them, and they both used all the suction they had to stay attached to the other.
They came, and came, and came, the electric sensations beginning at her pussy and his cock, radiating outward. Brian slowed caressing her clit, holding it between the softest parts of his lips, washing across it with the plush softness of his tongue, holding her at the peak for as long as possible. Jenn no longer bobbed along his cock, but still held it between the fleshy part of her lips,
maintaining her suction, swirling her tongue across the over-sensitized tip.
They both surrendered to the sensations, abandoning the here and now, awash in the abstract pleasure, the wordless sensuality of the moment, and then they found themselves back on his bed, her mouth still around his sex, his still around hers.
Neither released immediately, when they did, he reversed his position end for end so they could hold each other.
‘Holy moly,’ she whispered, ‘how’d you do that?’
‘Just made it up as I went along.’
‘I guess I have my moments.’
They may have dozed a bit, then they kissed softly, he gently stroked her back for a minute, all the way down to her bum.
‘Would you feel cheated if we called it a night? That’s the most incredible fuck I’ve ever- actually, no, I’m not saying that right –
‘That’s the best anybody’s ever made love to me, and I can’t imagine anything that would top it.’
‘Are you sure? We haven’t even inserted Tab A into Slot B…’
She laughed, ‘No, we didn’t. Do you want to?’
‘Oh, I guess your Slot B isn’t THAT different from anybody else’s…’
She laughed again, but then a serious look came over her face. ‘Tonight has been so perfect. Years from now, when I think of you, this moment is what I want to remember, how I feel right now.’
‘Actually, Jenn, I’m cool with that. This IS a pretty fine way to leave it…’
‘Blair is a lucky girl…’
‘I’m a lucky guy.’
: : : : :
‘Lucy, I’m home,’ Brian hollered.
‘Already? I wasn’t expecting you yet.’ Blair found herself expecting the worst. ‘Was, what, um, is everything OK?’ She couldn’t catch her next breath, panicking that he was here to gather his things, that he had chosen to be with Jennifer.
‘Yeah, it’s all fine. It was weird, knowing that we were just there to fuck. We got each other off once, and decided that was a great way to leave it. She doesn’t want to do anything that would affect anything, you and me in particular, and, obviously, I don’t either.
‘Let me shower, and let’s go to bed.’
As she heard the water running in the bathroom, tears leaked from her eyes, waves of relief washing over her. Brian had made his choice, and come home to her…
: : : : :
The next morning, they awoke, silently agreeing that warm, gentle touching said more than any words could. After half an hour, Brian broke the comfortable silence. ‘How do you feel?’
She squeezed him tight, and said, ‘Calm. Relieved. Glad we’re done. Glad you’re here.’
‘I’m glad I’m here, too. I was never going to be anywhere else BUT here, I hope you know that.’
She smiled. They cuddled awhile longer, got out of bed, and padded to the kitchen, where they put together some breakfast. They sat at the counter, eating.
‘In a way,’ she said, ‘it’s a shame that we’re done. Some of those scenes were pretty hot.’
‘They were. I’ve thought of four or five more.’
She looked alarmed. ‘You want to do all the girls again?’
‘You have more girls in mind?’
‘Oh. So the new scenes are just imaginary?’
‘No. I’m going to do them.’
‘You’re not making any sense.’
Brian suppressed a laugh, he was enjoying stringing her along. ‘Sure I am.’
‘But you said you’re not doing the girls again, and there’s not any more girls.’
‘That’s right.’
‘So how are you going to do any more scenes?’
‘Just like we did the first five — you and I will discuss them, organize them, fine-tune the details. Then, when the plans are perfect,’ and he paused for effect, ‘WE do them. You and me. We do them all.’
She grinned and slugged him, lightly, on the chest. ‘Brilliant. You’re on. We’ll do them. All of ’em. But, um, I’ve got more.’
Now it was Blair’s turn to suppress a laugh, and Brian’s turn to look alarmed. ‘More, again?’
She said, ‘There’s a scene I want to do. It’s one we already did, early on. I want to do it again, right now.’
‘Um, OK. Which one?’
‘The one where you carry me to bed, and fuck me absolutely silly.’
‘We can do that.’
‘What are you waiting for?’
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Erotic“Yes, make it happen baby, would love you to watch, soon, very soon,” he groaned as his breathing quickened before he shuddered and had a huge climax. We are a well presented and attractive couple approaching forty, both with strong sex drives and an active sex life. My partner Jon is slightly older and he had never had a bi-sexual man blow him until I organised it for him. At least once a week I make a point of blowing him. He has the biggest cock I have ever had, eight inches and thick....
Francine posted a note on the lobby bulletin board, looking for help moving her belongings up the freight elevator to her new, smaller unit. I phoned her and volunteered to help out. After a couple weeks of moving furniture for three or four hours during the weekday evenings, and sharing dinners together in one of the many neighborhood restaurants, there was nothing left to move but her dining room table. As we both lay on the floor on our backs unfastening the bolts to remove the table top...
“Jac you have to go carefully and you will get to fuck Janice.” Jane said on her mobile. “How do I do that Jane?” “You have to go slowly. Next time you are out in the car. You need to start in the usual was with kisses and feeling her tits. Get her to feel your cock. After that I suggest you ask her if you can put your hand on her knee. Later ask if it is ok to slide your hand up her skirt. She will probably say yes. Don't try to fuck her then. Tell her that you want it to be special. You want...
Sniff. Shirt stinks. Stinks. Stinks. So smelly. So smelly. Stinks make me gurgle. Stinks make my brain spasm a little. Hands try to rip it from my body. No. No. As soon as my fingers grip the damp cotton I see a xenomorph through a small window in the cell door. His little hands grasp a knob on the wall, his little hands turn it slightly. The metal ring around my neck begins to throb a little. Suddenly I cannot think properly. My brain feels like it is being mushed a little. Little...
Now that Queen Moon lost all her spells and magic, her life seems pointless to her. In an effort to "fix her mood" she asks her ten-times grand-mother Queen Eclipsa for help. From her Moon receives a small, purple silk bag filled with "Xatsey" powder, a magical substance from the northern woods of Mewni. The promised mood-lifting ability of the powder does come with its own set of "side-effects". Commissioned story originally made for ddknight.
Mind ControlI told everyone under the veranda that I’d be right back. I was at a festival with some friends. I made my way past the food venders onto the lush green grass. The barely there jeweled sandals I was wearing allowed the grass to tickle my toes. I had on a pale green sleeveless cotton dress that matched my eyes. Large black sunglasses framed my face, while my dark brown hair spread across my shoulders in loose waves. I took some deep breaths trying to shake him out of my head. He was a total...
Jorge rang the bell at eleven-thirty on the dot. Sharon let him hand her into the limo and settled back to shake as the car moved smoothly through the traffic. What was Armand up to? Nora seemed to think he had some master plan -- no doubt with some reason, although she apparently wasn't at liberty to share... Sharon had NO idea, but things had been escalating steadily since the previous weekend, so there was no telling... Nora's introduction to sex had somehow upset the equilibrium they...
Communication can be difficult, especially when it's easy. As he stood up from the limousine, the first bellboy pounced. "Welcome, sir. Please follow me. Joseph, help them with the bags." (You look rich. So let Joe do the work, and give me the tip.) The young man introduced himself as he led them across the lobby past the front desk. "I'm Peter. Anything you need, just let me know, sir." (Keep the cash flowing, and I'll suck up just as much as you like.) He provided the essential...
We made it back to Manly Cove with time to spare and I even managed to get my bra back on straight. We went to the upper deck again, but this time we weren’t alone; there were a few couples already outside enjoying the summer evening and cuddling in the seats along the rail, so we separated into the toilets to tidy up and met back in the upper cabin amidships where we took a couple of adjacent seats. Just before departure, one of the crew came up to our deck and walked past us, making for the...
Straight SexCLASS My wife touched her lips to mine and slipped her slender hand onto the back of my neck. "This is the most romantic thing James," she whispered, "You've excelled yourself. You excel yourself every time." I smiled and pretended to blush. "It's a pleasure for someone as beautiful as you." Theresa's smile broadened and she hugged me even closer, pressing her cheek to mine. I wished for a moment that she were a little more passionate but that thought disappeared very quickly....
A divorce can be great with the right mindset. At least this is what you think when you wake up next to two gorgeous babes, Liya and Roxy; something that was unimaginable as a married man. But soon you have to realize that nothing is this simple and bright. Soon you meet your wife’s private detective, Sybil, who set you up to a little scheme. Now you have to convince her and your wife, Cherry too, otherwise all you’ll have left after the divorce is your pride. You don’;t want...
xmoviesforyouAn Uncle George – Adventures in The Philippines Story I’ve never been what you’d call “lucky” in love. I’ve made about every mistake possible in choosing a wife too. That’s why I had three exes’ when I left the U.S. to retire in The Philippines. None of my ex’s could be described as beautiful. Maybe cute in a quirky way, but never a woman who could have been a model or movie star. Part of that was due to the kinds of work I’d done where I had few opportunities to meet women. Most of it was...
Fiona sat on her desk, in a clean white button down shirt and her house shorts, staring at the rain drip off the ends of the leaves of a giant Mango tree outside her window. She hated the rain, it was always the heat that turned her on. Yet, the drops of rain running down the windshield of her car outside reminded her of the droplets of sweat originating from Vivian’s brow and running down his neck and athletic firm body. — Fiona met Vivian at her classmate Racheal’s 16th birthday party 4...
"The correct level today. I guess maintenance actually does help." I mumbled under my breath as I walked towards my apartment. A woman was sweeping the corridors, a pile of dust and dead leaves collected by the wall. She was one of my two neighbors. The apartment was a tall but thin structure built between two nicer ones, an oddity with only three units on each floor. The units were single file with a shared lift at the end. I lived in the unit furthest away from the lift, next to the fire...
For the young Jessie Harper having sex on the floor with her best friend’s father was just magical. Everything inside her mind started off telling her that this should not be happening. Everything about her standing in the church and the church choir also started off telling her that this should not be happening. But it only took a few minutes for all those misgivings to be completely dispelled as the pure ecstasy of the moment engulfed her from beginning to end. The ‘ecstasy’ of that moment...
I swallow my nerves, and look up at You. “As You wish, Master. I am Your slave and I exist for Your pleasure.” We have spoken about this quite a few times now, and I always thought I would be completely ready when the time came. But the time has come, and I feel as if everything is moving in slow motion. I desperately want You to do this – to be able to give myself to You in this way, but at the same time I am nervous. It’s one thing wearing a butt plug that is tapered for a...
BDSMI am bisexual. I love sex with men and women equally and I really love sex with another man and a woman at the same time.I am a big chub/fat guy. I do not have the biggest cock nor the smallest and I do know how to use it and enjoy sex.When I have sex with men I am versatile and love to do what feels good for the both of us and what we are both into. I like to both suck and be sucked and I love to fuck and be fucked. When I am fucked I prefer to be fucked bare back and for the other guy to cum...
Over the years I have had many sexual adventures, both as a swinger and as a world traveler meeting some interesting and exciting partners. I hope you enjoy this adventure and let me know me if you do. If you like please reply me I also arrange swinger party n m/f to CPL in all over India My wife and I had been working out of town for several months, and corresponding with several men that we hoped to have a 3 some with. Anjali was a very attractive lady, 5’4, about 30, very busty and long...
Kiara Strong is a social media vixen who gets tons of attention. Our boy noticed her too, and had to see her in person. He started to flirt with her and it turns out she also thought he was kind of hot. They agreed to meet somewhere public, but only from a distance. They made their initial eye contact from afar, and it was love at first glance! Kiara even felt confident enough to flash her chocha for our boy. He had to get closer, and once he did he invited Kiara back to his place where Kiara...
xmoviesforyouWe didn't have sex in the morning. We had to leave to leave early and ... okay, the main reason was that I was sore. My pussy had quite a workout and I didn't think it could handle any more at the moment. Actually Tochukwu's dick must have been sore as well. He didn't seem that interested even in a hand job. We talked on the way home. We agreed that we did not want a serious relationship."This is all new to me," I told him. "I don't want to make rash decisions. Plus, you're my boss!"He smiled....
I caught my stepmom in the bathroom taking sexy selfies for my father. She seemed embarrassed, but that did not stop her from asking me to help her take some pics. I needed some cash for the movies so I agreed. Stepmom removed her top and was all nude except for her bright red panties. She had a pretty nice body for an older chick. She started to get way too comfortable and removed her panties. She noticed the bulge in my pants and crawled over to me. She wanted to suck my cock. I let her...
xmoviesforyouHi, this is Abhay, born and brought up in Bangalore. I’m a very shy and reserved person. I have normal physic, with 5′ dick. Where I start masturbating in my childhood days and cum on actress cleavage pics or exposal pics. This incident happened in 2017, in my previous organization. As in organizations, we were having beautiful girls, sexy assets ladies, etc. There I saw this active lady, not that much beautiful, but still sexy and looks similar to my ex. Every time I see her I thought of...
Susan and I enjoyed each other’s company quite a few times while I was on that job. Needless to say she was very sad to see me go when the job was completed. The next opportunity came about four months later when the plant took another unit down and asked me if I wanted to be the Quality Assurance Engineer for the second shutdown. Of course with Susan in mind I said I would be glad to. Again I would be on nights and I was so looking forward to seeing my little slut Susan again. I settled into...
BDSM************************************************* Copyright Oggbashan May 2003/October 2013 The author asserts the moral right to be identified as the author of this work. This is a work of fiction. The events described here are imaginary, the settings and characters are fictitious and are not intended to represent specific places or living persons. ************************************************* Reginald was a nerd, a geek, a wimp. He was the man who had sand kicked in his face, who...
Holly woke up and she knew it was going to be a long day….again!She was in her eighth month of her pregnancy and getting bigger ever day! She needed to pee so often that it was crazy but the worst thing was she wanted to fuck all the time. Holly had always enjoyed sex but the last few months were the wrst. On the hand her husband Ron seemed to have no desire to fuck her. This left her to finger her pussy or use a vibrator.She went in the bathroom to use the toilet and after she tried to flush...
Ok so please go easy this is our first story to share so i am not sure how people explain these things but i wanted to share my horny and interacial holiday experience now before i start if you are offended by racial insults please do not be offended i love racial play and i love paki and nigger dicks i love to fuck them and i love them to racialy abuse me so again please do not be offended. Anyways it all started last year me and my partner decided to take a holiday to tenerife just the two...
When I arrived home she was in the kitchen finishing up dinner. I ask what we were having for dinner and she replied my favorite. I told her that didn't look like my favorite dish and she said who was talking about food. She took my hand and started walking toward the bedroom. She told me to get undressed. As I undressed she walked over to the corner and pulled out a kitchen chair.I ask what that was for and she replied for me to sit in. I couldn't imagine what kinky thing she had thought of....
Pink boys "Grandpa? Mom said ... mom said I need to hear the story about that picture of grandma and her baseball team." I looked at my grandson, and then said, "All right. Do you see that person standing beside her? That's me." "You? You wore a pink dress to play baseball?" "I did indeed, Alan. Let me tell you all about it ...:" Years ago ... "Hey coach, why is there a girl trying out for the team?" "Because she's the best pitcher I've ever seen." "Come on,...
Ahegao, a wonderful word to describe that retarded look on a girl’s face when she is getting fucked so hard her mind explodes. As her eyes roll over and her tongue hangs out like a dog’s, you know you can fuck the bitch for eternity without hearing a word of complaint.On Ahegao.online, you’ll find ahegao-faced bitches everywhere. These hentai videos all feature extreme sex scenes where bitches both young and old get fucked until their insides are coated with cum.It’s not just fucking either....
Hentai Streaming SitesI was just 20 when I married Sally and we didn’t find it easy keeping our heads above water after we got our first house. We often found that we were short of money by the end of the month. Despite this we both sometimes bought stuff when we shouldn’t and we needed to find a way of controlling our spending. We’d tried a bit of role play spanking and enjoyed that but I wondered if a proper spanking might be worth trying to make us change our ways. The next month end was the same so we sat down...
SpankingOur return to the Valley of the Wind was brief. The ice had already broken in the river before we arrived. Master Jo had been riding pretty much non-stop while we were gone, and had relearned the comfortable manner atop a horse that he had as a young man on Temple. He certainly thought that the saddle helped. His home facet of Temple's idea of a saddle had been pretty similar to those of the Zadaru, a blanket and a leather pad. The northern post road was clear, and had been clear for a...
It’s that gadget that almost everyone has in their pocket nowadays. In the US they’re called ‘cell phones’ the Germans call them ‘handies’, and in the UK they’re just referred to as ‘mobiles’, and I expect they have other names in other countries. All those names are perfectly sensible, they do work on a cell system, there’s no doubt they’re handy and, unlike old fashioned phones they’re certainly mobile. But, alas, they don’t work everywhere. In towns and cities there’s no problem, the masts...
Standing together in bras and thongs, Gia Paige and Sydney Cole pretty themselves up for an afternoon of passion. They can’t help but tease one another with their makeup brushes, and soon those light touches result in Sydney’s bra being pulled down so that Gia can tease her lover’s nipples. That’s how Uma Jolie finds her girlfriends, and she’s instantly happy to join in on the fun! Leading Uma to the bed, Sydney and Gia climb on top of the comforter and watch as...
xmoviesforyounext week we started shopping and getting all ready for bangkok. mom bought too many one piece n stylish bras for beach while i kept suggesting her the most sexy ones as if i wud tear them myself n fuck her crazy. while we wer on the plane she slept on my shoulders and i was controlling my hands from reaching out to caress her sweet smelling hair. finally i did it and she dint mind. after sometime she strainghtened up and i went straight to the toilet to jerk off. Once we reached there we...
The air conditioner had kept the air temperature in my bedroom at a comfortable 72 degrees. But Lisa and I had both generated quite a bit of body heat while she gave me a masterful blowjob and I feasted on her boobs with my mouth while at the same time twiddling her twat with my fingers and pleasuring her clit with my thumb, until both of us enjoyed stupendous orgasms. Lust and sexual activities both generate heat… Some mentally, and some physically. Both Lisa and I had at least temporarily...
I woke up when the bed moved. I opened my eyes to see Cindy, naked, standing on her knees in bed beside me. She pushed hair out of her eyes. “The bed is wet!” she exclaimed. “I’ll change the sheets,” I mumbled. Guys always want to fix things, whenever a woman says something is out of kilter. “Stuff is leaking out of me!” she squealed, reaching between her legs. “Sorry,” I muttered. There wasn’t anything I could do about that. She leaned over and put one hand on my chest, her...