Like Mother, Like Daughter free porn video

This is intended for adult audiences, only for those
over 21 and NOT for younger ages and/or anyone who
finds this subject matter offensive or objectionable.
It IS fiction, entirely the product of imaginary
story form and any similarity to anyone anywhere is
strictly coincidence.
WARNING: Contains controversial explicit sexual
situations! DO NOT read any further if this kind of
material has no appeal to you.
Like Mother, LikeDaughter
A tale by DomMaster...
Joe Bradley sipped hiscoffee as he watched the young mother and daughter intently. From his seat, two booths away, he couldjust make out the gist of their conversation, which was mostly idle chit chatdetailing a rather mundane afternoon. He was nearly ready to leave the quiet coffee shop when the two had comein and garnered his attention. Themother appeared to be in her mid 30s, and the daughter maybe 15. The resemblance between them wasundeniable, and they could easily have passed for sisters. They shared a petite body type, short instature, but curvy. The mother?sbuild and facial features were somewhat fuller, but both were exquisitelyattractive, with well defined breasts, and they both had flowing, reddish brownhair draped across their shoulders. Joe?s cock stirred as he observed their casualinteraction.
Carla Jones had picked herdaughter, Jennifer, up from 4H, which had run late, and decided to stop at thelocal caf? for a quick dinner. Alocally owned joint, the food was good and she preferred the more personal feelcompared to the faster paced chain restaurants that had begun to spring up nearher house at the edge of town. Sheand Jennifer enjoyed a good relationship, due partly to the fact that she wasonly 17 years older, and that Jennifer was an only child. Carla?s boy friend had dumped her whenhe found out she was pregnant, and she could never bring herself to open up toother men, even though she made male friends easily. Her parents had helped her with youngJennifer while she went to cosmetology school, and now she made a decent livingfor herself and her daughter.
Jennifer enjoyed the timeshe spent with her mother. Shecould easily confide in her, although her life was rather uneventful, not givingher much to reveal. She was fairlypopular at school, and even though she had had a few ?boyfriends?, she didn?tfeel a strong urge to date or even develop a close relationship with any ofthem. She was proud of her body,but did not like to draw too much attention to herself. She usually dressed in jeans and sometype of layered top, but occasionally, she would wear something a little morerevealing, exposing just a hint of the firm cleavage which had recently formedbetween her breasts. She felt hermother was the most beautiful woman she new, and wanted to make herproud.
9 pm approached, and thecaf? was nearly empty as Carla and Jennifer finished their dinner. Joe had nursed his last cup of coffee aslong as he could while he feigned browsing a newspaper left by an earlierpatron. It seemed an eternity tohim as he watched the young mother painstakingly chew every bite of her chickenvegetable medley, the featured meal of the day. He focused his gaze on her pursed lipsas she sipped her diet Coke, and watched attentively each time she opened hermouth to ingest another bite. Hefollowed each mouthful down her throat as she chewed and swallowed. His hard cock was seepingprecum.
At long last, the pairgathered their things, stood up, and made their way to the cashier. Joe left a $5 bill on his table to coverthe $3.85 check, and skirted out the door, trying not to draw attention tohimself. Waiting at the side of thebuilding, he let the two almost reach their older model Chevy Impala, beforewalking up on them. The nickelplated .45 glinted in the waning sunlight as he held it to Jennifer?s temple,and with his free hand, he latched onto Carla?s right forearm, and forced herback against the car.
?Open the fucking door, orI splatter her god damned brains all over you.? Joe orderedCarla.
Urine ran down Jennifer?sleg as her little body seized with fear. Carla?s hands shook violently as she opened the unlocked passenger sidedoor, and followed the man?s orders to get inside. Joe slid in next to her and pulledJennifer in beside him on the big, bench seat.
?This is how it is. You two are mine until I sayotherwise. Accept that. If either of you do anything I don?tlike, I?m going to take it out on the other one.? The two captives took this in and hungonto his every word. ?If you don?timmediately do everything I tell you to do, I?m going to severely punish theother one. You will cooperate, oryou?ll both die an unimaginable death. Comprendes??
They both looked at eachother, hoping somehow they would wake up from this horrible nightmare as theyslowly nodded their heads.
?I hope you fuckingdo.? Joe continued. ?I?d hate to have to waste such a nicecouple of cum holes like you two. Jesus Christ, that?d be a fucking travesty.?
?Pull out and head east on 46.? Joedirected Carla. ?You. Get in the back.? he orderedJennifer.
Carla?s whole body shookas she fumbled with the keys and turned the ignition. Jennifer reluctantly climbed over theseat and began to panic as Joe climbed over after her.
?If you so much as run ayellow light or go 1 mile an hour over the speed limit, or do anything at all todraw attention, your little girl here gets a bullet in the face. Don?t fuck this up. Just stay on 46.? Joe was in complete control as he cuppedJennifer?s frightened face in his hand.
Joe positioned himselfbehind Carla, with his left foot on the floor and his right leg up in theseat. Since Carla and Jennifer wererather short, maybe 5?4? at most, the front seat was pulled way up and leftplenty of room to position Jennifer with her knees on the floor, between hislegs. He pulled her hands up to hisbelt, and manipulated her fingers to unbuckle it. Using the same technique, he had heropen his pants. Carla desperatelytried to see what was going on through the rear view as she heard theunmistakable sound of his zipper.
?Just watch the god damnedroad.? Joe ordered Carla, noticing her efforts. He thumped the back of her head with thebutt of his hand to reinforce his authority. ?Your little girl?s going to suck thecum out of my cock, right now. She?s going to swallow every drop and she?s going to keep sucking it?till the swelling goes down.? Tears ran down the desperate mother?s cheeks.
?Pull my pants down, youlittle whore, so you can suck my cock proper.? he ordered the younggirl.
Jennifer?s arms weretrembling as she pulled the man?s jeans and underwear down under his ass and tohis thighs. She had never seen anaked man, or boy for that matter, and was intimidated by the thick, pulsingcock in front of her.
?Don?t just look atit. Take it in your mouth and suckit.? Joe demandedimpatiently.
Carla?s heart raced at therealization that her little baby girl was about to be forced to suck off thisbrutal man. In her mind?s eye, shecould see her young mouth stretch open to accommodate the foul intruder. She had performed oral sex herself acouple of times, but did not care for it. There was always a musky smell that just seemed too perverted. And now her little girl was experiencingthat aroma first hand.
Jennifer?s hand hesitantlyclosed around the bottom of the thick shaft, barely covering half thelength. She looked at the bulboushead, now just inches from her face, closed her eyes and tepidly covered it withher mouth. An immediate rush ofsensations overtook her as her nose and mouth filled with the smell and taste ofhis sex. She could feel the vshaped contour of his glans as her tongue pressed against it. She could taste the salty precum and thebitter traces of smegma, and her nostrils filled with the smell of his sweatypubic hair. She began togag.
?You fucking puke, andI?ll throw you out of this god damned car, you little slut. Now start sucking my cock like you weretold. That?s it. Up and down. Use your tongue. Suck harder. Suck the cum outta my balls. That?s it, you littlewhore.?
Joe had grabbed onto afist full of hair with his right hand and was working Jennifer?s mouth up anddown the broad shaft of his cock. He could only get about half his length into her before he bumped intothe back of her throat, but he?d get her in a different position later and fuckher throat good. Normally hewouldn?t let a girl keep her hand on his cock when she was sucking him, becausehe felt like she was just trying to jack him off, something he could do forhimself. But this time, since shewas so inexperienced, he had her press her hand against her lips and used thecombined length of her mouth and fist. He began to buck his hips as his pending orgasmapproached.
?When I cum, keep yourlips tight or it?ll spill out, and we wouldn?t want that now, would we?? For emphases, he grabbed the back of hermother?s neck with his left hand and squeezed, eliciting a startled shriek. Joe held mother and daughter tight as hepumped his load of thick, hot sperm into the young Jennifer?s quiveringmouth.
Jennifer?s eyes welled upas her mouth filled with the foul, bitter fluid. She wanted desperately to spit thesticky substance out, but feared for her mother. She fought to swallow the flood of cumas it sprayed relentlessly into her mouth and throat, and it was all she coulddo to keep it down. It took severalswallows to down it all, and she worried that some of it had dribbled past herlips. The smell around her hand wasacrid.
?Keep the head in yourmouth and stroke your hand up and down. Slower.? Joe instructed theinnocent teen. ?Don?t suck toohard. It?s real sensitive after Icum.? Joe gently stroked the girl?shead, petting her, as he gently massaged the back of her mother?s neck. ?She?s not too bad.? he told Carla.
Carla couldn?t help butcry as the man behind her unloaded his cum into her baby?s mouth. She thought of ramming the car into thenearest bridge abutment, to put an end to this horrid nightmare, but she justcouldn?t bring herself to do it. Whatever it took, they were going to get out of this alive. That was more important thananything. Together, they could getthrough this.
Joe let Jennifer continueto suck his semi-flaccid cock as he got his bearing on the road. By now, they were well out of town andon a barren stretch of State Highway 46. Carla hadn?t seen another car for some time, and it grown quite dark, asit was a moonless night.
?Pull over.? Joe said flatly. Carla pulled off theroad.
To be continued?
This is intended for adult audiences, only for those
over 21 and NOT for younger ages and/or anyone who
finds this subject matter offensive or objectionable.
It IS fiction, entirely the product of imaginary
story form and any similarity to anyone anywhere is
strictly coincidence.
WARNING: Contains controversial explicit sexual
situations! DO NOT read any further if this kind of
material has no appeal to you.
Like Mother, LikeDaughter
A tale by DomMaster...
Joe Bradley sipped hiscoffee as he watched the young mother and daughter intently.
Carla Jones had picked herdaughter, Jennifer, up from 4H, which had run late, and decided to stop at thelocal caf? for a quick dinner. Alocally owned joint, the food was good and she preferred the more personal feelcompared to the faster paced chain restaurants that had begun to spring up nearher house at the edge of town. Sheand Jennifer enjoyed a good relationship, due partly to the fact that she wasonly 17 years older, and that Jennifer was an only child.
Jennifer enjoyed the timeshe spent with her mother. Shecould easily confide in her, although her life was rather uneventful, not givingher much to reveal. She was fairlypopular at school, and even though she had had a few ?boyfriends?, she didn?tfeel a strong urge to date or even develop a close relationship with any ofthem. She was proud of her body,but did not like to draw too much attention to herself.
9 pm approached, and thecaf? was nearly empty as Carla and Jennifer finished their dinner.
At long last, the pairgathered their things, stood up, and made their way to the cashier.
?Open the fucking door, orI splatter her god damned brains all over you.? Joe orderedCarla.
Urine ran down Jennifer?sleg as her little body seized with fear. Carla?s hands shook violently as she opened the unlocked passenger sidedoor, and followed the man?s orders to get inside.
?This is how it is.
They both looked at eachother, hoping somehow they would wake up from this horrible nightmare as theyslowly nodded their heads.
?I hope you fuckingdo.? Joe continued.
Carla?s whole body shookas she fumbled with the keys and turned the ignition.
?If you so much as run ayellow light or go 1 mile an hour over the speed limit, or do anything at all todraw attention, your little girl here gets a bullet in the face.
Joe positioned himselfbehind Carla, with his left foot on the floor and his right leg up in theseat. Since Carla and Jennifer wererather short, maybe 5?4? at most, the front seat was pulled way up and leftplenty of room to position Jennifer with her knees on the floor, between hislegs. He pulled her hands up to hisbelt, and manipulated her fingers to unbuckle it.
?Just watch the god damnedroad.? Joe ordered Carla, noticing her efforts.
?Pull my pants down, youlittle whore, so you can suck my cock proper.?
Jennifer?s arms weretrembling as she pulled the man?s jeans and underwear down under his ass and tohis thighs. She had never seen anaked man, or boy for that matter, and was intimidated by the thick, pulsingcock in front of her.
?Don?t just look atit. Take it in your mouth and suckit.? Joe demandedimpatiently.
Carla?s heart raced at therealization that her little baby girl was about to be forced to suck off thisbrutal man. In her mind?s eye, shecould see her young mouth stretch open to accommodate the foul intruder.
Jennifer?s hand hesitantlyclosed around the bottom of the thick shaft, barely covering half thelength. She looked at the bulboushead, now just inches from her face, closed her eyes and tepidly covered it withher mouth. An immediate rush ofsensations overtook her as her nose and mouth filled with the smell and taste ofhis sex. She could feel the vshaped contour of his glans as her tongue pressed against it.
?You fucking puke, andI?ll throw you out of this god damned car, you little slut.
Joe had grabbed onto afist full of hair with his right hand and was working Jennifer?s mouth up anddown the broad shaft of his cock. He could only get about half his length into her before he bumped intothe back of her throat, but he?d get her in a different position later and fuckher throat good. Normally hewouldn?t let a girl keep her hand on his cock when she was sucking him, becausehe felt like she was just trying to jack him off, something he could do forhimself. But this time, since shewas so inexperienced, he had her press her hand against her lips and used thecombined length of her mouth and fist. He began to buck his hips as his pending orgasmapproached.
?When I cum, keep yourlips tight or it?ll spill out, and we wouldn?t want that now, would we??
Jennifer?s eyes welled upas her mouth filled with the foul, bitter fluid.
?Keep the head in yourmouth and stroke your hand up and down. Slower.? Joe instructed theinnocent teen. ?Don?t suck toohard. It?s real sensitive after Icum.? Joe gently stroked the girl?shead, petting her, as he gently massaged the back of her mother?s neck.
Carla couldn?t help butcry as the man behind her unloaded his cum into her baby?s mouth.
Joe let Jennifer continueto suck his semi-flaccid cock as he got his bearing on the road.
?Pull over.?
To be continued?