Countermove Ch. 01 free porn video

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Okay, to wrestlers and wrestling purists please accept my apologies for any mistakes or inaccuracies in this story. I am not a wrestler and can only work through visualization so I’m sure there are many glaring deficiencies.

To wrestlers and wrestling purists (and anyone else) who is under the age of 18, along with anyone offended by stories of a sexual nature or containing sexual situations or offended by the idea of mind control in any fashion, please do not read this story.

This story takes place in the fictional town of Chrystal Heights. This is not significant in any way other than I hope to continue creating stories involving this town.

The people and events in this story are fictional and do not represent anyone or anything from real life.

Synopsis: Shannon dominates her wrestling federation through a combination of kick-ass-iveness and mental persuasion, and her colleagues will attest that losing to Shannon usually means losing more than just the match. But what happens when Shannon faces an opponent with the same abilities?


The redhead landed on her back with a thud that shook the ring and brought the beer-soaked crowd to its feet. It was an impressive reversal and the redhead, visibly dazed, obviously hadn’t been expecting it. Her dark-haired opponent kneeled down and cradled the redhead’s legs, pinning her shoulders to the ground. The referee went to a knee and slapped the mat in 3 quick bursts, signaling a successful pin.

The crowd burst into a raucous cheer. They knew what would happen next.

The redhead- her name was Debbie, better known as Wildfire- shook her head as if to clear it, then slowly got to her feet. Her emerald green bikini complemented her lovely green eyes and contrasted nicely with her fiery red hair. The referee had already turned to her with his hand out knowing, as the crowd did, what the pin signified. Debbie sighed and untied the top of her bikini, slipping it off and handing it to the referee. Her now bare C-cup breasts were not unimpressive and they jiggled as the girl made her way back to the center of the ring to the cheers and catcalls of the crowd. She assumed her position opposite her opponent and prepared to resume the match. This was part of what drew the hundreds of spectators that filled the auditorium to standing room only- losing her top did not mean the end of the match. It was only the beginning.

Her opponent was Shannon, also known as Onyx, and she moved with an athletic grace and economy of motion that was befitting for the defending champion 3 years running. Shannon wore a black bikini that displayed her athletic body admirably. Everyone yearned to see what was underneath, but that almost never happened. That was why she was champion.

Debbie circled Shannon now, hands moving, searching for an opening. She reached in and gripped Shannon’s wrist, attempting to control the champion’s arm. To Debbie’s dismay Shannon grabbed her wrist with her free hand, twisted around and flipped Debbie over her shoulder so that she once again slammed against the mat on her back with a thud. She felt Shannon twist her wrist then, forcing her to roll to her belly, and then Shannon was straddling her lower back but yanking both of Debbie’s arms up above her head. She felt Shannon wrap her arms around Debbie’s upper arms, pinning them above her head, and then Shannon simply leaned back, forcing Debbie’s bared upper body to be freely revealed to the cheers of the crowd. Arms pinned above her head and stomach muscles stretched painfully, Debbie could only grit her teeth as the referee timed the hold. After an eternity the referee finally yelled, ‘Break! Submission hold pin! Black’s point!’

Again Debbie got to her feet, the referee already standing with his hand out. Cheeks flaming, Debbie slid the bottom of her bikini over her hips and down her thighs, her bare feet finally stepping out of the bottoms. Her toenails were painted red. Bimbo red. She picked up her bikini bottom and handed it to the referee, blushing as she stood naked before the cheering crowd. Her sex was shaven completely smooth.

As she got into position she quickly perused her options. Wrestling naked was never easy, and wrestling Shannon- even when dressed- was even tougher. She couldn’t afford another pin- that would mean the end of the match- so she needed a plan. Of course, Shannon would be expecting a trick, but what if she went with a classic hold instead? Buoyed by her plan, she launched herself at Shannon, knocking her to the mat. Moving quickly, she planted her foot between Shannon’s thighs, grabbed the champion’s ankle and twisted, then scissored her own leg over Shannon’s now pinned ankle in a classic figure 4 leg lock. She felt a rush of exultation as she felt her legs take hold and she gripped with all her strength. But something was wrong. Too late she realized that she had been set up- Shannon had already begun the countermove by rolling to her side and then to her stomach. Debbie, now on her belly as well, felt the pressure shift and suddenly the pain in her locked legs was overwhelming. She gasped, eyes wide, and began squealing ‘Submit! Submit! I submit!’ The referee was already spreading his flattened palms, indicating a submission and end of match. The MC announced into the microphone, ‘Ladies and gentlemen….the winner by submission….Onyx!’

And just like that the match was over. But only the match. The fun was just beginning.

Her legs finally released, Debbie stretched her limbs out tentatively. They seemed to be in working order. And that was good given that Shannon already stood over her with a thick strap-on toy locked to her hips. Debbie bit her lower lip nervously. She suspected this wasn’t going to go well for her.

Shannon reached out and gripped Debbie’s hair, pulling the redhead to her knees. Debbie blushed but wrapped her lips around that thick toy and began to slide her mouth up and down the shaft. Debbie, of course, had no choice- the winner of a match always got to choose how the loser got fucked. Her lips sealed tightly around the shaft, she glanced up at Shannon’s eyes, hoping to receive a rare moment of mercy from Shannon. But Shannon’s eyes held hers and suddenly Debbie couldn’t look away. Something inside Debbie’s head shifted fluidly and all Debbie could think about was sucking cock. Yes…she had to suck cock. Tonight. No, sooner. Damn, she needed a cock in her mouth. And cum. In her belly. Yes….sweet cum. Soon. Perhaps Marty would let her….


I finished my shower and walked to my locker as I towel-dried my black hair. I had to give Debbie credit for balls. That last maneuver would probably have worked against a less experienced wrestler. Still, Debbie should have known better than to try that shit with me. I know all the counter-moves. All of them. I can reverse anything thrown at me and Debbie knows that. That’s why she now needed to suck cock like a slut in heat. I don’t like being insulted. Still, I did respect her balls, so I had limited her cock-sucking obsession to a week.

I studied my 23 year-old body in the mirror for a moment before I got dressed. Black hair just past my tanned shoulders. Slim and athletic. Smallish B-cup breasts. Trimmed pubic hair. Just the way I liked it. None of those bimbo curves on me, thank you very much. That was for the losers.

I pulled on jeans and a black tank top and glanced around the locker room. Some of the other girls were in various stages of undress but I grinned at one thing they all had in common. Every one of them was shaved smooth. The only one who had any pussy hair was me- only me. A trademark of mine, if you will. When you lost to me you lost on several levels. Every girl also sported bimbo red fingernails and toenails as well, simply because I enjoyed making them look girly whether they liked it or not. Petty? Well, yes, but there you are. I don’t apologize for it.

After I finished dressing, I walked down the
hall and opened the door to Marty’s office. No, I didn’t knock, so don’t bother asking. As I walked inside I could see Marty leaning back in his office chair, mouth open as a mass of red hair bobbed between his thighs. Debbie already at work, no doubt. I just crossed my arms and leaned against a file cabinet to wait.

I didn’t have to wait long. I heard a muffled squeal of pleasure from under the desk- Debbie getting a mouthful, I surmised- and Marty started to shake soundlessly. This went on for several seconds and I could swear I heard Debbie slurping and gulping. Marty then sat back, obviously breathless, and finally took in my presence.

He scowled and said, ‘Jeez, Shannon, couldn’t you have waited ’til I was finished to come barging in here?’

Marty was the manager of the wrestling show. Or, if you asked Marty, he was the president of our wrestling federation. You may have never met Marty, but if you’ve ever bought a car from a used car lot then you know him. He was barely my height- 5’8′- and he was a bit pudgy. Not really fat, but soft. His thin hair was just starting to recede and he had a grubby little mustache. He was a bit of a weasel, but not really a bad guy as long as you kept an eye on him. He had some brains, too. Not as much as he thought he did, but he could be clever at times. The wrestling show had been his idea, after all, and he was making good money from it. Well, we were making good money from it. That was the reason I was here to see him now.

I grinned at his comment. He was feeling too good from his blowjob to put any real heat into his words. Debbie stood up and wiped at her mouth self-consciously, cheeks blazing, and I only gave her a slight smirk as she made her way around the desk and passed me without a word. I waited until Debbie closed the door behind her before I turned back to Marty.

‘You’re welcome,’ I said.

He grunted. ‘Part of the deal. You hold me up for 30% of the gate, so I deserve a little side action from your….’ He waved his hand in a vague manner. ‘…whatever it is you do.’

‘Mental persuasion, Marty,’ I explained yet again. It wasn’t accurate, but it didn’t matter. He had never been able to fully understand what it was I could do. Hell, I had no real idea what it was I did, but I wasn’t going to let *him* know that. ‘I can mentally see their mind with my own and I can change their urges and drives and habits and even their orientation. I’m not adding anything, just rearranging what they already have.’

He hitched up his pants and pulled up his zipper. ‘Yeah, but you give ’em blonde hair and big tits and stuff.’

I gave an exaggerated sigh. ‘Yes, but I’m not growing them or changing their hair color myself. I’m just changing the cells and DNA that determine that stuff. No girls have ever left the ring with double D’s after a match with me or suddenly had blonde hair. No, they went home and over the next week or so those changes took place. So I’m not giving them big tits, their body is growing big tits.’

He pulled out a drawer and took out a bottle of Jack Daniels. ‘Jeez, you talk like a lawyer. If you’re giving ’em big tits, just say you gave ’em big tits. Don’t try to baffle me with that science shit.’

I grinned at Marty’s grumbling. His baffle remark was a reflection of his motto, ‘If you can’t dazzle ’em with brilliance, baffle ’em with bullshit,’ and it was an accurate description of how he did business. He didn’t dazzle all that often, but he could baffle with the best of them.

‘Besides,’ I said with exaggerated patience, ‘I don’t send them *all* home like that.’

‘No,’ he agreed, ‘Sometimes you do worse. Like that chick you made piss herself last week. In the ring.’

I shrugged. ‘She kept calling me ‘Little girl’. She looked like the little girl to me when she left.’ She wouldn’t have bladder control for about a year either, but Marty didn’t know about that part. No real point in telling him.

‘And the bitch you made play with herself last month? In the ring?’

I shrugged again. ‘She called me a cunt. I didn’t appreciate it.’ Marty hadn’t been real happy about that one. I was still undefeated after 3 years and Marty had trouble setting up matches for me against the other girls because I had beaten them all several times. Losing against me cost each of them their pussy hair and they all had the aforementioned bimbo red fingernails and toenails. They didn’t know how but they all knew I had done something to them to make them do it. Not that it mattered that they knew- they couldn’t do anything about it and they would continue to shave themselves and paint their nails until I let them stop. Still, it had created match-up problems for Marty because he couldn’t market his best wrestler if he didn’t have opponents for her. He finally solved the problem in two ways- one, every girl was required to wrestle against me in turns, one per night on an alternating basis, and two, Marty opened up audience participation night. Any woman in the audience could face me for a potential five thousand dollar prize. Like I said, occasionally Marty came up with good ideas. Many had tried their luck but no one had collected the prize yet. It was this last idea that had really started packing the house lately, everyone wanted to see a non-professional humiliated in the ring after losing to me. Still, making that bitch finger herself in the ring had shook up the crowd, there were no more volunteers to fight me that night and Marty had worried- needlessly, in my opinion- about the effect it could have on future attendance. He always worried about the business angle.

‘You’re getting wild, Shannon. You’re losing perspective. You’re supposed to keep a low profile, remember? You want everyone to know what you can do? And what if you get too overconfident and lose a match? Your mystique ends once you lose, you know. And your 30% bank from the gate doesn’t make you much if no one’s paying to get in, does it?’

I laughed out loud. ‘Lose? Me? You worry too much, Marty. That’s not gonna happen. And that 30% is why I’m here now. The crowds are getting bigger and you know damn well I’m the reason they’re here. I want 40% now. And a quarter of the profits from the concession stands. And I mean all the concession stands….that includes the beer and souvenir stand as well.’

Well, I have to say Marty couldn’t have looked more surprised if I had hit him in the face with a wet cat. He actually sputtered for several seconds before he could speak. ‘40%?!? A quarter of the concessions?!? Are you out of your fucking mind?!?’ he screamed.

I looked at him calmly. ‘This place is filling up every night, Marty. You’re not gonna go broke. You’re making a bunch of money off me and I just want my cut, that’s all.’

He screamed again. ‘But 40%?!? And a quarter of the concessions?!? That’s fucking highway robbery!’

‘No, it’s not, Marty,’ Then I narrowed my eyes and made my voice hard. ‘And stop screaming at me. Now.’

He opened his mouth to scream again, then apparently changed his mind. Instead his voice took on a wheedling note. ‘Aw, come on, Shannon, don’t be like that. We’ve worked together now for 3 years. I’ve always treated you fair. I’ve got people I gotta report to, you know that, I can’t just give you any fuck…um, anything you want without checking with them first!’

I spread my hands, palms down, like a referee indicating end of match. ‘This conversation is finished, Marty. 40% and a quarter of the concessions. That’s a statement, not a discussion question. I already know you keep two sets of books so that the people you report to don’t really know how much comes in, so quit trying to bullshit me, okay? And Marty…I have a good idea how much comes in, so don’t try to play games with the numbers on me or you might find yourself with blonde hair and big tits giving 5 dollar blowjobs…capice?’

I grabbed the latina’s bare hips as I pressed the strap-on toy into her tight ass. Conchita was a stuck-up little wen
ch who had insisted she was going to hurt me, so I decided taking her ass was justified. Her wrists were cuffed behind her back and she was on her knees, her cheek against the mat, her ass high in the air. I heard Conchita gasp as her rear opening suddenly relaxed and the dildo slid in. I could tell she hadn’t had it like that before. I slid the dildo all the way inside her and held it there, my lower belly against her ass. She was squirming, her ass wriggling, and I pushed my mind into hers. I could see her mind before me. I pictured the changes I was going to implement and I just pushed them into her consciousness. Conchita’s eyes widened as she felt the fluid changes taking place in her head- she knew I had just done something to her but she had no idea what it was, although she would in a week or so. She was going to shave her pussy as soon as she got home, and she would continue to shave every other day from now on. Since she was so arrogant, I fixed her with a nice little anal addiction- little Conchita was going to need to have a thick cock up her ass at least once every couple days or so. And to help her in that regard, I fixed it so that Conchita would find her bony little ass growing for the next few days. She was going to have a fully-rounded bubble butt in about a week, similar to the ones that several of my wrestling colleagues now sported. And of course bimbo red fingernails and toenails. Little Conchita was learning that telling me she was going to hurt me was really a bad idea.

I stroked my fake cock into her ass until my five minutes were up. I pulled out finally and unstrapped, handing the harness to the referee. I patted Conchita’s bare ass and left the ring to the overwhelming cheers of the crowd. Everybody loves a winner.

Marty stopped me on my way to the locker room. It had been nearly a month since our discussion. He was still angry but he made sure I got my money every night. Every penny, too….he didn’t seem to be skimming me at all. I wasn’t sure if that was a good sign, since I didn’t think Marty knew how to give someone else money without skimming it in some way, but he wasn’t stupid, either. He knew damn well what would happen if I caught him cheating me.

He nodded to me. ‘Nice match. You even gave it to the little chica in the ass. Not bad.’

I nodded. ‘What do you need, Marty?’

He held up his hands. ‘Hey, just trying to be friendly, okay? Yeah, I’m still pissed about the money, but it’s done, alright? You were kinda right anyway, tell ya the truth. You are filling up this joint every night, so I can’t complain.’

My eyes narrowed slightly. Marty was laying it on just a bit too thick. ‘Alright, Marty, what are you up to?’

His expression pleaded innocence. ‘Why do I have to be up to something? Jeez….’ He shook his head at his perceived injustice. ‘The shit I have to put up with, I’m going straight to Heaven. Anyway, I just wanted to let you know we’ve got a real moneymaker coming up. I just finished setting it up tonight, so it’s official. We’re gonna have a real tournament here next month. Only the best wrestlers, including you, are invited. Twenty thousand dollar first prize. 8 chicks. All championship-caliber. It’s gonna be good shit. You in or not?’

Yes, my eyes widened just a bit. Twenty thousand dollars! Hell, yes, I was in. I didn’t mind kicking 7 different asses to win twenty thousand dollars and I told him so.

He shook his head. ‘Don’t get cocky, Shannon. These chicks ain’t these local bitches. It ain’t even like fighting Debbie or any of the girls here. These chicks are all champions. You could get your ass handed to you.’

I laughed. Me, lose? Right.

I squirmed as Bambi licked my pussy. Her full golden blonde hair bobbed as her tongue snaked over my clit. Damn, she was good.

Bambi was the ring girl. She carried the sign with the round number on it around the ring between rounds. She was incredible- long legs, full E-sized boobs, rounded bubble butt, flat belly, wide curved hips and a head full of golden blonde hair. She had been the champion when I arrived here 3 years ago. Now she was the ring girl. And my personal pussy licker. To the victor goes the spoils, right?

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Saturday, November 26 (After Chapter 28 of Triptych) WHITNEY: Hey-ya! Knock-knock. You Dr. Aroslav? aroslav: Some people call me that. Welcome, Whitney. WHITNEY: Thanks. You really want to know about this little old Bayou girl? aroslav: No. I'm not really interested. There seem to be some people who believe you'll be important to the story sometime. They want to know about you. WHITNEY: Well, as long as it's not just you. What do you want me to tell you? Do you mind my Bayou accent? I...

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Mr.Peabody lived next door and he was always nice to me telling me stories and jokes making me laugh when I was sad he was a great guy and my friend! When I got to be a teenager things began to change for me I started getting horny all the time began looking at porno mags and stuff jerking off around the clock typical k**s stuff anyway one day Mr. Peabody invited me inside it was a hot day and he offered me some ice cold lemonade who could refuse that not me so we went inside and he made me a...

1 year ago
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Ninas Party

Nina got herself ready for her party, putting on her exquisite embroidered bra and satin panties, then her rich orange angel blouse and her black leggings which neatly hid the evidence of being spanked earlier by her Mum, finally slipping on her gold bracelet and putting on her earrings. Nina looked in the mirror and knew she looked a million dollars. People started to arrive and she waited for a few to be in the lounge before coming downstairs and making her entrance. Faces turned, her Mum...

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A fun weekend with teen sluts part 2

I called one of my mates, Alan, who I knew could boast of a respectable 8,5" manhood. I decided to let him help me with my next step in playing with the girls. Quickly filling him in on all the details, I did not have to persuade him much. He took no time in agreeing to help me and told me he would be there in two hours. I found the dvd I had made last night, and played it on my laptop for the two sluts, persuading them to keep quiet about our past endeavours and what were to...

2 years ago
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Into the Woods with My Mother

My eyes shoot open to the sound of hard rock blaring from the radio alarm clock sitting on my bedside table. 4:30 am, time to take a quick shower and load me and mom's gear in the truck. I walk down the hallway carrying two large back packs full of camping equipment when I am slapped with smells of coffee, bacon, eggs and pancakes. I stand by the front door now looking into the kitchen. I observe my mother, Elaine, who is already showered and dressed, and is in a calmed frenzy preparing a big...

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Heads or Tails

Heads or Tails. I was sitting on a fence with my mate Kev we were both doing nothing and just watching life traveling by. "Dave." "Yea wot," I replied. "Have you got any idea what you want to do this summer holidays?" "Nope," I said "why you asking?" "Well I was thinking that we could go camping for a couple of weeks in the lakes, I have a tent and everything." "Yea OK I said I will clear it with my step mum." Three weeks later I was in a field helping my mate...

3 years ago
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Inherit My Heart Ch 03

Chase and Elizabeth arrived in London around noon. They checked their bags at The Mayfair, and took the short walk over to the studio. When they arrived, Chase introduced Elizabeth to the producers and sound mixers as his ‘friend,’ and she smiled and greeted everyone cordially. Chase quickly got to work, discussing the song with these men. She noticed how different Chase was in the studio-serious and dedicated. She wasn’t necessarily surprised, being that he was a very successful artist, but...

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Auntie Susan and the young hotel voyeur

This really happened. My ex-husband and I went to Cornwall in England for a couple of days to relax as we had both been working very hard. We checked into a quiet hotel near Truro, the capital of Cornwall in the West Country of England. We noticed that there was a snooker room in the hotel and we both went there after dinner on the evening to play for an hour. I knew my husband was feeling randy and was ready for sex. We kissed for a while as we were alone in the snooker room. My husband asked...

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hot wife exppp

I've always been a very sexual person. My husband realized this and since then has encouraged me to continue to have fun as along as I let him know what I'm doing and even let him watch (smile) if he's around. I was very reluctant at first because I felt I was happy with my sex life.One day when we were coming home from a friends wedding and staying over night in a hotel, we struck up a conversation in the hotel bar with a salesman, who happened to sell wine, yum. The guy seemed nice enough and...

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Life Is a Soap OperaChapter 13

Andy woke up on Saturday morning promptly at six o'clock. He had never needed an alarm clock. Rolling out of bed, he threw on a pair of jeans and a t-shirt then went outside to feed the animals. He played fetch for a little with Bucky, the family's black lab. When he smelled bacon, he went inside. Joanne was in the kitchen. He walked up behind her and grabbed a handful of her backside. She playfully swatted his hands away and prepared two plates. He poured a glass of milk for himself and...

4 years ago
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Stewardess Cindy Sindy Ch 7 a Frankel Humour story

Original Story by Frankel Cindy was so excited. It was her kid sister, Sindy's first day as a stewardess and they were rostered on the same flight. Cindy was a little worried, though. Sindy was beautiful and friendly and everything that a stewardess should be. "She's not too bright, though," thought Cindy. She loved her little sister but Cindy knew she might struggle with some of the complicated things a stewardess had to do. "I got the brains," thought Cindy. "I...

1 year ago
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Playing with the naked guy at work

Adventures at Base Billeting I have decided to share some events at work. This is my first attempt, but not the first interesting evening at work. I will post more if it turns out well. It was a Tuesday night. Since voluntarily changing to work evening shift from 3 p.m. to midnight my evenings became much more exciting. The day shift supervisor and other workers started leaving around 4 and the evening started to slow down. The busy part of the year was finishing up, units were heading back to...

Cheating Wifes
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ManoJob Reina Rae Extracurricular Activities

Everyone say hello to the beautiful Reina Rae!! Seriously, Reina might be one of the most beautiful women I’ve ever shot! I’m gonna call her an “amateur” for this scene, only because Reina’s had maybe 10 scenes under her belt after we wrapped this. But make no mistake about it — Reina’s destined for Porn Stardom. Reina’s an 18 year-old Latina who hails from the great state of Arizona. True story: I like to ask the models for a favorite fantasy to...

2 years ago
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Catch 22 WifeChapter 7

I stood there impassive as Jenny was led from the room and then collapsed into a chair, crying. It was now clear that Shirley had completely seduced Jenny and used drugs to turn her into some kind of whore. I was a bit heartbroken but Debra calmly put an arm around me. "It's not your fault love. You did nothing wrong. She'll even confirm that later I bet." "But what if it wasn't the first time?" I moaned. "It sounds like she was not exactly practicing safe sex." Debra giggled....

3 years ago
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An Unexpected Lover Weekend at Brocks

After the first night together, Brock and I decided to slow things down. It wasn’t that we weren’t into each other, and believe me, we did get “into each other” quite often in the following months, if you know what I mean. Simply put; however, we decided we wanted a relationship built on more than just sex, regardless of how amazing the other was in bed. Instead of daily orgasms, we waited about a week or so between anything intimate. The good thing was that this made things highly...

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The War of the CrystalsChapter 27 Field Trip

Jack woke up the next morning to find the Solana women giving him a dueling blowjob, with one sucking his cock while the other licked his balls, and then switching off. He lay back and closed his eyes in enjoyment. When the two women finally pushed him over the edge, Jack gasped and opened his eyes to find his cock spewing cum into Valentina’s mouth, as Maria pumped him dry. After he got his breath back, he said, “Ladies, I don’t know if I can thank you enough! What a great way to wake...

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Sex And Strikes And Rock N RollWeek Thirty

BOWLING — THE STEPLADDER FINALS — WEEK TWO Friday — The fifth Final — 6th-The Eels v 5th-The Eagles After an afternoon spent the way I intended to spend all day Monday — More about that later — Brenda Cropp volunteered the use of her limousine free of charge to transport eight of us, Vikki and me, mine and Vikki's parents and Maria and Maddy to the bowl. While I was in the commentary box with Millie and whoever the special guest commentator was Vikki and our families would be special...

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The Problems With LoveChapter 7

Returning home alone on Friday evening seemed slightly odd to Robin. On the other hand, much as he loved Lottë, in her current state of excitement she was quite wearing. He looked forward to a quiet weekend which included a concert given by the London Chorus at St Alban's, Holborn on Saturday evening. Andrea was singing and Robin was going with Christopher. The choir was singing a number of pieces and Robin was particularly looking forward Franck's Panis Angelicus, the opening chorus from...

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Cruise Ship Cuckold Ch 05

I was worried about Angel. She had not come back from the Captain’s Dinner and it was late. Suddenly the phone rang. ‘Hello Darling!’ It was my precious Angel. ‘Listen my love,’ She continued, ‘I want to play a game. Are you willing?’ ‘Of course baby, anything you say.’ I replied relived that she was safe. ‘In my black bag you will find four pairs of handcuffs and a ball gag. Go and get them.’ My first inclination was to ask her where she was, who she was with, and when will she be coming...

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The Adventurers ClubChapter 4

The six girls went downstairs and into the dining room. There was a breakfast buffet of sorts laid out on a table along the side and Kelly led them to it. After they had filled their plates - Laura realized she had quite an appetite - they went to the round tables. Laura, Ashley, Kelly and Janet went to a table where they saw John, Brad, James, and another member, Peter. Laura and Ashley sat next to their sponsors and Janet joined her pledge, James. Kelly took the remaining place next to...

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First time with mum

It was the 70's and I was t******n at the time. My dad had just bought a Polaroid camera that would self-develop pictures just after taking them.He took several pics of the family and told my mum to put on a mini skirt and took a picture of her showing plenty of very shapely leg. He stopped taking pics and said that he was going to save the rest of the film for later so excitement over us k***s went back to our usual activities.We lived in a three bedroom house in London and a few weeks after...

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I Want to Play a Game The Sequel Pt 02

Chapter Five: The Game Continues Officer Reynolds sat through the whole video in a morbid silence. He had watched many of these games before of course, but only ever on recorded film, never live. The feeling of helplessness he felt just watching the two girls suffer and knowing there was nothing he could do to help made him feel sick right down to the pits of his stomach. He wanted to put a bullet through Michelle’s head right there and then but he knew the only way to save his sister was to...

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Jackies Family LessonsChapter 8

Downstairs the family reunion had progressed into an orgy. My relatives sat around stripped to the waist, shoes off, playing cards to see who would take off what next. The air was thick with the smoke of cigars and the growl of conversation had become a constant factor. I took the family car keys off the dresser and slipped out into the night. I had many changes of mind and heart on the way to Frank's place, and if it hadn't been for the fact that the car kept getting closer to him I might...

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Dees Naughty Descent Chapter 02

Dee’s Naughty Descent Part II By MrDeep© "Black fucked," she thought, "Now I know how it feels." Dee's fall into black slut-hood had begun. She was black fucked. This was the beginning of her blackening. Vic rolled off, leaving both lovers lying on their backs staring up at their sexy images in the mirror. Dee's dreamy eyes watched Vic reached for a table beside the bed, pick up a pack of cigarettes, take one out, put it to his lips, and light it. Turning to Dee, Vic took a deep draw and...

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A WellLived Life Book 3 PiaChapter 15 Aftermath Annie ABBA and the ABC80 Part III

October, 1979, Hovås/Göteborg, Sweden “First thing, I haven’t been to bed with him. I wouldn’t feel right doing that unless I had spoken to you about it first.” “Do you want to do that?” “I don’t know. Maybe. He’s a pretty decent guy and I enjoy being with him. But right now, I like being with you more. It’s difficult. I know you are leaving in nine months, and I’ll only see you once every three or four weeks, and that I could see him every day, but I don’t want to end what you and I have...

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Shackled Ch 14

She was bucking under him and he knew she was reaching her orgasm. The strength of her hands in his hair surprised him, but it made him lick her slit and probe her warm recesses even harder. His finger was working on her clit and he found himself trying to use everything to pleasure all of her. All the while her bucking and moaning was becoming more desperate and his own pleasure became linked to hers. He wanted her to cum, was willing her to cum. And finally she did. She let out a low scream...

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brotherly love

this story is from a boys perspective I remember it like was yesterday it was the best year ever!  FLASHBACK I was 18 going on 19 and I was finally returning home from college. Letting my parents know this over the phone they did'int seem to happy "hey mom and dad im going to be home soon!" I say over the phone grinning "Aiden you know me and your father are not going to be there! can't you just come once we come back from your father's business? you know what as long as you make sure your...

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The burning beauty

Hi there all you fans of ISS this SAJ again from Kenya remember THE BURNING BED well I must say you gave me a good rating and am thankful to all of you but my only disappointment is that though I got mails from some of you but unfortunately I did not understand how and why but they were all virus infected and was unable to read any I kindly request you instead of attachments please write to me formal emails. This was one of those funky weekends when we went to party out, Me and a friend called...

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Bring Your Master To Work Day Ch 01

Megan Divan heaved her usual sigh as she passed through the revolving doors that lead to the site of her daily drudgery. Like she did every day. Sure, maybe today was special, but the occasion was as ‘special’ to her as the memo about not pilfering post-its and paper clips was ‘urgent.’ I mean, Bring Your Master To Work Day? This was just idiotic – a classic testament to the idea that a committee was a life form with six or more legs and no brain. As the chair of the social committee, she’d...

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Sissys Humiliation 3

Sissy's Humiliation -3 by: SissyFellatrixFL From the author, thank you for the kind feedback and some fans from years ago, when I originally posted this as Cgown. Now modernized, with no Polaroid cameras and other dated things. Now, the story continues....... ------------------------------------------------------------------------- The next day, I attended my trade show, but I just could not keep my mind on business. Quite frankly, I had always fantasized about being a true...

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An account of cheating with Rach

Friends for years, we'd flirted for ages on the internet. Typing out what we'd do with each other if we ever had the opportunity. We both had partners, but both weren't sexually satisfied. So we tried to figure out ways to meet up, but everything was deemed too risky. And then out of the blue, when we were at her place, our respective partners were downstairs together... Quickly, she says, we've got maybe 3 minutes. As if prepared for this chance, she'd worn a skirt, and I immediately...

Group Sex
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I own JoyceChapter 4 Orgy at Hampton Hotel contd

Chapter 1 Sharon Smythe was Joyce's ( Mark Evans mom )bff. 49 year old , today , she was riding Mark's giant cock while , he sucked on the Indian woman's big tits . Jane (Raj's mom )was no longer wearing a saree instead she was waiting to suck on Mark's giant knob . Her big brown nipples were at attention as Mark kept sucking on her brown tits , they were delicious . As Mark came in Sharon's pussy , Jane got down & began bobbing on Mark's giant dong , to make him stiff once again ....

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(Straight Gay F/mteen M/mteen Cuckold Gangbang) By: XTALES All characters are 18+ Years Old. This story contains sex between adult teenagers and Male/Female. A couple is captured and abused by a lost tribe in the Amazon forest. But even in this unlikely scenario, a romance will blossom between the married man and the young guide, while his wife rediscovers an interest for sex. If you don't like this type of story leave right now, you've been warned. PS: I am not a native English...

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Photographic MemoryChapter 16

I sat quietly and drove the car, waiting to see if Heather might continue with the story. She was silent for a while, and when I looked up I could see the tears in her eyes. I started to pull the car over. She looked me in the eye before she spoke. "Don't you dare stop the car!" "Huh?" "If you stop, I won't tell you anything else." "Heather, you're crying." "I know! Look, you drive, I'll talk. I can't do this if you look at me." "Okay, sorry." "Go, go." "Just keep...

1 year ago
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Ed BiggersChapter 13

The next few days were spent keeping Harry alive and getting rid of the toxins in his system. For a full day, Harry suffered from hallucinations claiming on several occasions that he was surrounded by rattlesnakes or other dangerous animals. Susan spent a lot of time by her husband, reacting in fear each time he made a claim about a snake thinking it was true. It wore her down spiritually and emotionally. She wanted to ease his pain but there was nothing she could do. Ed and Kim took turns...

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Ease The Burn Three

Silvie spent the day lounging around the house in one of her dad's t-shirts. She figured her brother had already seen her naked, even though he was off playing baseball with his friends, and her parents wouldn't be home from work for hours. Besides, her sunburned skin was still very sensitive and the elastic from her panties just aggravated the burn. She thought back on the past day and a half and couldn't get over all that had happened. Her getting extremely sunburned while wearing a...

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