Neira free porn video

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      Pulling on the chains holding her hands above her head, Neira sighed loudly as they once more refused to give way despite her best effort. Shifting her knees so as to alleviate the uncomfortable feeling created in them by the hard metal floor, she looked up and around the cargo bay, surrounded by a number of other women, all in a similar predicament as her. A couple of men, probably from the same group of pirates that had attacked her ship, were moving among the numerous rows of captives in the hold, one roughly handling the women while the other entered something into a datapad. The sight made Neira frown: she had been doing something similar just yesterday, except with the cargo on the freighter of which she was a crew member.

      ?Or used to be,? she muttered as she thought aloud. Taking a deep breath, another irritated sigh followed, just in time for the pair of men to approach her, the frustration evident in her posture and expression only making them laugh.

      ?What?s the problem, greenie? Don?t like your new position in life?? the first of the two asked mockingly, one of his hands reaching down to grab the ponytail her long hair was kept it and pull it back harshly, making Neira yelp a little.

      ?What kind of creature is this bitch? Dark green skin and shiny green hair?and those cute little angry looking golden eyes,? the second commented, punching in something onto the device in his hands. ?I?ve never seen one of her kind.?

      ?I think they?re called ?Helopalans? maybe. I don?t really care. You don?t need to know slaves? names or anything else about ?em.?

      ?Just as long as you can fuck them?? the second questioned his friend, amused grin on his face. Seeming to have finished with whatever they had been doing, the two moved on to the girl to her right, this one a blond and very scared looking human, who merely whimpered and looked away as the men started their routine with her. Neira growled lowly at the other woman?s sniveling attitude, though she knew that she was just as scared on the inside.

      The pirates? ?inspection? continued for another hour, moving from each person to the next, and then finally leaving the cargo bay, the women inside shrouded in complete darkness once again. Shutting her eyes as there was nothing to see, Neira tried to get some sleep, despite the constant pain in her stretched arms.


      And she remained that way for what seemed at least another couple of days, as she judged when a portion of the women were let out twice during the journey, to be fed and allowed to relieve themselves. Then, when it appeared the same would occur for a third time, instead of just a few nonchalant guards coming in, a large number entered the hold, armed and lacking the non-serious demeanor. Business-like and efficient, the others were unchained, though their wrists remained shackled, and escorted out one at a time.

      When Neira?s time came, she thought about resisting, but the stun prods in the two gruff men?s hands, their effectiveness proven on a resistant girl early on, convinced her now was not the point for struggling. Standing up when her wrists restraints were unlatched from the chain, she followed after the leading guard as the trio moved through the ship?s corridor and to an airlock, and then through the passageway into the next vessel, which upon further review was most definitely a station, as the area which she was ushered into was far too big to be one on a starship.


       Directly in front of her a very bored looking man sat a desk, leaning back in his chair, head supported on an upraised palm. Standing to his side, an equally bored, though trying to not show it, timid man held a datapad. One of her fellow captives, a purple-scaled woman with a tail, and another pair of pirates stood in front of the desk while the sitting man and his assistant exchanged some words. With a dismissive wave of his hand, the man in charge shooed them away, and Neira was guided to the desk.

       ?What is this one?s designation?? the weary-looking one asked to no one in particular.

       ?The pirates have?H75 down in the information, sir,? the other, standing man responded, eyes fixed on his pad.

       ?That?s fine. Put her with the other exotic ones and prep her for the auction tomorrow. And make sure she?s cleaned thoroughly. This thing?s stench is unbearable.?

       Neira?s eyes narrowed on the man behind the desk, but she had no chance to rebuke him or explain the smell on her clothes, as she had no time to wash from moving freight when she had been abducted, as she was pushed away and to the left through a door, the mechanical entryway swishing shut behind her. A short walk, and then into a small, sterile room, white and bare except for a drain and yet one more chain hanging down above it. Shoving her reluctantly moving body forward, her hands were again pulled above her head and then one of the guards produced a knife.

       Gasping quietly before she could contain the sound, Neira clamped her lips tightly closed, eyes following suit as her gray and dirtied jumpsuit was cut and ripped from her. The tanktop and panties underneath it follow soon after, the tattered scraps left lying at her feet, exposing her thin, toned body. The men with her ignored the opportunity to molest her in her vulnerable state, and focused a stream of tepid water at her, Neira twisting as the high-powered spray knocked her around. Left dripping, a few loose strands of glistening hair plastered to her face, the escorts exited the room, door locking behind them, as if she actually had any chance of reaching it.

      Maybe fifteen minutes later, a single, balding man entered the room, dressed in a white labcoat, old-style frames over his eyes. Grinning a bit in Neira?s direction, he wheels in a tray with him, a number of items on it, the most prominent, and disturbing to her, a thin golden-colored metal band: a collar. Pushing the cart to her side, the man looked over her nude and still wet form, droplets of waters running down her dark, verdant skin. Gritting her teeth, a slight blue flush coming to her cheeks, Neira remained silent as she was examined.


      ?They were certainly right to put you in the exotic section of the auction, H75? were the first words spoken, the man chuckling at what he must have thought was quite the intelligent observation.


      ?My name is Neira.?


      ?It may be, but that doesn?t really matter any more, H75. Please try to keep quiet while I work,? the man giving little care for her attempt at defiance, which only infuriated Neira more than she already was. Growling lowly as her body was poked and prodded, she kept quiet, though her breathing became increasing huffy, cheek twitching as she strained to keep herself under control. A small cylindrical object of some kind was run over, humming loudly in the otherwise noiseless room, as the technician removed any hair on her body below her neck, leaving only a small tuft directly above her sex, which he trimmed down neatly. Setting the device down, he reached for the collar, Neira immediately taking a step back, tugging at the chain stretching her arms together and upwards. Laughing, the man slid it around her neck, and it snapped obediently in placed, the weight readily apparent even from the smallish thing as it was let go.


      ?Settle, settle, girl,? the labcoat wearing man offered with a smile and a pat to Neira?s ass. ?It looks very nice on you?matches right up with those eyes, too.?


      Clenching her teeth and turning her head away from him, Neira was not quite so impressed with the metal about her throat. The man spent a few more seconds feeling her up, much to her chagrin, but eventually gathered his tools back onto the cart and wheeled it out, leaving her alone once more, a few parting words of warning to be good over his shoulder. Cursing him out in futile anger, she screamed at the top of her lungs, the yell rebounding back and forth through the small, empty room. Left panting, she sagged against her aching arms, waiting.


      This time the wait was longer, at least an hour before two more guards arrived, dragging her out and along another passageway, only to toss her into a smaller cell, the floor at least padded to break her fall. Sliding up onto her knees, grimacing as the motion causes pain to shoot through her strained arms, Neira peered about the tiny room and noticed a ball in the darkened, back right corner. Seeing the pinkish hue of human flesh, she frowned and moved to the opposite side of the cell, leaning back against the wall, golden eyes focused on her cellmate. The compact mass did not move for the first two hours.


      Tired of the almost constant silence she had been treated to throughout the day, and perhaps getting some information as well, Neira called out.


      ?Hey! You! Wake up!?


      A little stirring was evident.


      ?C?mon?dammit. WAKE UP!?


      The last exclamation made the girl jump out with a start, flipping around to face Neira and rising up onto her knees, bowing her head.


      ?I?m?sorry, Miss. I didn?t mean to be lazy,? the female human murmured, not even bothering to look up to see who she was addressing. Arching an eyebrow in startled curiosity at the woman?s behavior, Neira sighed.


      ?Calm down?I?m stuck here just like you?get your damn head up,? Neira barked at her, the girl shivering but slowly raising her head. Upon seeing both Neira?s nudity and the gold collar around her neck, the young woman?s body relaxed and she nodded once.


      ?Sorry?I didn?t know who you were. I?um?I am Katherine,? the girl said meekly, still having trouble making eye contact.


      ?I?m Neira. I guess you?ve been in this place quite a while?or at least, a slave for some time.?


      Katherine nodded rapidly. ?Yes, I have been both here and a slave for a long time. But?my last Master got tired of me, or so he said, and sent me back to the authorities for resale.?


      Rather than respond, Neira frowned deeply, wringing her hands around as her wrists were still shacked to one another in front of her. The movement caught Katherine?s eye and she shuffled a little closer, inspecting the alien and her binding closely, her own limbs free from any restraint.


      ?You are new, then, if they keep you bound in here,? the human girl noted, hesitantly sitting next to Neira, gaze studying the Helopalan in some awe. ?I haven?t seen someone like you on the station yet, slave or free.?


      In return Neira shrugged lightly, though her golden eyes widened some at the confirmation of her current location in fact being a space station. Stations could be hidden on?and escaped from much easier than a ship. Standing, she walked over to the door of the cell, looking through the barred window allowing the only light into the space, but only seeing empty corridor in either direction. A light pull at her ankle, and she peered down to see Katherine tugging at it weakly.


      ?They don?t like when we do that. Please sit back down??


      ?Fine.? Neira moved from the door and sat back down against a wall, resting her wrists upon her risen knees and her chin upon them. Katherine followed along after her, continuing to stare at the alien woman openly. The constant presence on the eyes on her naked body finally got to Neira and yelled at the human girl again. ?What is it?!?


      Katherine flinched and slid back a couple steps, lowering her head. ?Sorry. I just think that? That you?re very different and pretty looking. I?m sorry.?


      Shaking her head at her unnecessary outburst, Neira turned and looked at the girl closely. She was thin, brown-haired, pale skinned, all very normal for a female human. And for clothing, a ragged, short dress that might have once been nice looking but had since been torn, stained, and generally fallen apart. Her long hair was unkempt and fell about her face and shoulders haphazardly as her head stayed bowed in supplication and a little fear. All in all, the picture of an abused slave Neira had unfortunately come across from time to time in her travels, and now looked to be on her way to becoming, unless she managed to find a way out soon. Very soon.


      ?Sorry, Katherine. I didn?t mean to scream at you,? Neira said with the best smile she could managed, putting out her restrained hands to lift the girl?s head up to face her once more. ?And?thanks for the compliment, I guess?I heard something about an auction tomorrow??


      Beaming with the sudden kindness, Katherine nodded quickly. ?Yes, there is an auction tomorrow! Hopefully a kind Master or Mistress will buy me. My last Master wasn?t very nice?but one time a nice man bought me. He was gentle and fed me well, and got me pretty clothes, too!?


      Neira smiled and nodded back as the human continued to describe her ?nice Master? from long past, trying to hide the horrible dismay building within her mind, and the sickness developing in her stomach. All she could think about was whether she would end up like this poor girl as well, or perhaps worse. But, she would not let it get to her. Not yet, not only after a couple days. There was still time, still a chance some idiot would ?buy? her tomorrow. She could lull him into a sense of safety, and then try her escape once she knew more about where she was stuck for the time being. Raising her hands and putting on a fake smile once more, she addressed Katherine.


      ?That sounds really nice, Katherine. But I?m tired, so I want to get some sleep alright?? she explained, before carefully moving onto her side and resting her head on the padded floor. Katherine nodded, almost apologetically, and scrambled to the other side of the cell, fiddling quietly the end of her shabby dress, pulling absentmindedly at the torn ends and glancing over to Neira, who had shut her eyes, chest rising and falling slowly.


      In her thoughts, Neira went over her hastily made and rather uninformed plan, knowing as it was it stood little chance of success, especially with the professionalism shown by most of the workers at whatever facility she was in. That, and that it also depended on whether or not someone would try to buy her tomorrow at the auction, and what type of person that would be. In the end, she could only hope some miracle would prevent her from ending up like the girl sitting across from her?

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We got back to the house and I paced, while Jonathan made his calls. It took some time, since his contact was actually involved in the raid, and couldn’t respond right away. Eventually, Jonathan’s phone rang, and it took every ounce of my willpower to keep from hovering over his shoulder while he talked. When he finally finished and turned around, I could immediately tell the news wasn’t good. “They missed Richards.” “What happened?” “As best they can tell, he took off, late this morning....

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Arlene and JeffChapter 377

The Prison Planet Morales had continued shelling peas long into the night, but Lobo had lost interest when his master had turned the computer off. Damn, my brain feels like mush, the human thought as he cleaned up his work area, throwing the pea hulls in a pile near the entrance. I still have a few more peas to shell, and all the beans. As he stood looking at the peas he had shelled, his mind continued to go over his immediate problems. I might just as well give up, saw out more lumber and...

3 years ago
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It Is Easy To Fuck Mother 8211 Part 4 Final

You read in the previous part of the sex story that Alka not only fucked with Rajesh, a book shop owner near her house she joined shop as his assistant. She continue to fuck with son Vinod at home and at the same time she instilled a high level of confidence in him. She agreed for fuck with customers of Rajesh, she desired to have gangbanged. To further instill confidence in him she visited shop on sunday also. She did not express any shame or resistance when one of cousin sister of Rajesh and...

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Tell and Show

It started out as a during and after-dinner chat about all things right and wrong in the world. Jacinta and I had been sent away on a work assignment together. No one would have ever suspected that I would be laying on a bed with my face in very close proximity to her cum-covered pussy - her cum only at the moment. I had had a lot to do with her cums - just tongue and fingers so far. Jacinta was 25 years old, tall and slim with firm rounded tits and a sexy shapely ass. Me, on the other hand...

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One of the hottest teacher

When I was in college, my Math teacher was one of the hottest little teases you could imagine. She was about 5’5″ with true black hair, well that we find out about later, nice tits and an ass that could stop the world. She had to be no more than 23. Her name was Ms. Megha Patel. Ms. Patel knew she was hot and did everything she could to drive all the horny 18 year old studs in her classes absolutely wild. She wore little skirts with thigh high stockings and those little black rimmed glasses...

2 years ago
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Day And Night Sex With Mami

Hello dear ISS readers, in this story I’m going to tell how I seduced my aunt and made her my sex slave/machine for the rest of my life. This is my second story and please bare with me if there is any grammatical error and this incident happened a few months ago. This is Akshay from Chennai 21 years old, doing my final year at a reputed university. Talking about my physical look I’m a bit chubby and have an average dick of 5.8 inches. Coming to the main MILF of my sex story, her name is Prema...

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Demigod of WarInterlude 2

World number 6,626,070,041,034 Day 140: Welcome back Traveler, please note that your Visitor status remains defunct. You and your companion have met the Traveler criteria for World number 6,626,070,041,034. You both will now be transported to that destination. Sygraid’s massive form disappearing from the platform was the only indicator that he’d arrived. He looked around at the uniform, unfathomable darkness for a clue, and noticed that the flames on the portal arch were now a complete...

4 years ago
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The Valley Clan Saga Part 1Chapter 8 The Pool and Tickle Torture

At 900 hours, the day after departure, the AI informed me that the CS office already had fifteen calls from sponsors demanding that the CS office take concubines from them. They were told they had to wait until 1530, but the AI estimated that at least five of the calls should not wait that long. The AI also had two sponsors placed into custody for assaults on a dependent and their concubines and dependents were already in the CS concubine pod. The AI informed me that day after departure was...

1 year ago
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Sugar Daddy Chapter 2

Paul and I finished our trip to St. Louis and as soon as I secured a hotel room for us, I kept my promise. It was a three-hour drive to St. Louis from the restaurant and we got there around 5:00 pm."Hello?" she said when the phone rang that afternoon."Is this Michelle?" I asked."Yes it is, who is this?" she asked."This is Roger, I'm just calling to let you know I made it to St. Louis okay," I said."Oh, hi, Daddy!" she said, her voice brightening. "I didn't expect to hear from you...

1 year ago
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Roommate Fucked my Sweetheart

We started dating sophomore year of high school. We met through some mutual friends and I had a crush on her right away. I think a lot of guys did. So I asked her if she wanted to get dinner some time and I was honestly really surprised when she said yes. I wasn't sure if she saw it as a date but I definitely did.I'll use fake names for privacy reasons. We'll call her Mary Jane and me Batman.Mary was always super friendly to everyone, and had a glow to her that made everyone in the room...

3 years ago
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Marathi Aaichi Vaasana Part X

Ravivaari holi hoti.Holi mhanje amchya gaavat mottha utsav asto.Sarvajan agdi natun-thatun holi chi raatra saajri kartat.Tasa aamcha gaav faarach chota hota,Jemtem 50 ghara astil milun.Pan ghara tashi ekmekanpasun door hoti tyaamule gaav 5-6 km paryanta pasarlela hota.Aamchya gharashejari fakta Sundarchach ghar hota.Teesra ghar javlpas 1 km antaraavar hota.Gaavat madhomadh ek mandir hota tithech gaavachi sarvajanik holi pete.Akkha gaav jama hot ase. Mandiraat ek pujari kutumbasobat rahaat...

2 years ago
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Sexy Wife Enjoying With Honey All Over Her Pussy And Boobs

Hi ISS readers.. hope everyone enjoying their sexual passions.. I have received fantastic response from readers and here is my other experience with my lovely sexy wife.. sree.. We live in Bangalore and very good whether here.. I passionate about my sexual desires and we both enjoy different ways of sexing regularly.. We do read kaamasutra techniques and try them whenever possible.. it give utter pleasure to experiment them and enjoy your sexual life.. I reached home from work around 9PM and...

1 year ago
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PenthouseGold Khloe Kapri Thrills In Kinky Massage

Penthouse hottie Khloe Kapri heads to the aptly named Kinky Spa for an interview after masturbating, her perfect pussy wet and juicy. Rampant owner Tommy Pistol is a fan of the hands on (dick) approach, checking the teen blonde’s gag reflex with a facefuck. This saucy sex kitten has no problem deepthroating his long shaft and loves it! Khloe proves she’s perfect for the job, fucking wildly in cowgirl as she screams with pleasure, taking that cock like a pro until he explodes into...

2 years ago
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The JaysChapter 4

They were up early the next morning and Jenny was out of the house with the flyers by eight. In addition to the invitation to the opening party each one stated that there were staff vacancies and that people should drop by anytime to apply. James set about sanding down the tables. That took him all day apart from half an hour to arrange beer deliveries for Thursday. He applied the first coat, stain, on Tuesday morning and the second, gloss, on Wednesday morning. He was well pleased with his...

2 years ago
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Anita white slut wife for BBC

Anita white slut wife for BBCTwo days after coming back from our Caribbean vacation, my sweet wife Anita confessed me that she had always fantasized about being a slut whore for a big black cock.I told her that I already knew her greed for black cocks, because I had witnessed how she had been fucked by that nigger during that morning at the resort, just one week ago.She was a little bit surprised, but also confessed me she had been fucked by Markus every day during the rest of the whole week...

1 year ago
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The Roommate

Teal thanked the fates that her parents were rich. If they weren't, she might've had to share a room with four or five girls, but thankfully, she would only have to deal with one. Teal unlocked the door to her new dorm room, and surveyed the living conditions with some distaste. The furniture consisted of a long table with two chairs (most likely for studying), two chests of drawers, and a wardrobe. There were two beds, (full sized, not , but still not as large as her queen at home) one on the...

4 years ago
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The Perfect SolutionChapter 43 Lucifers Love

awake and listen all of god's children for the fleeting rapture of joy and the heavens confess to joy and of bliss but the moment of truth lies hidden in shadow for true evil it seems is not just a dream called forth from the ether of dusk but molded to man ever wan and unplanned embroidered in his tarnished husk now bring out hell's choir to chant to the pyre of depravity spiraling ever higher beware of this night and stay hidden from sight for lucifer's love burns bright with desire as...

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SamChapter 17A

In the morning, I was so hungry that I didn't even bother to brush my hair or pull on a robe over my gauzy nightgown before hauling my butt downstairs to breakfast. I should have eaten something before I went to bed the night before, but I had been way too tired. Now, I was running a deep energy deficit for all the quick healing I had done and I craved anything with sugar and fat in it. Mom eyed the big puddle of syrup around my stack of pancakes, but said nothing. She just went back into...

4 years ago
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Husband become a slave

I had my husband tied to the bed, as he claimed he loved to be. I timed mybobs to correspond with his thrusting hips. John's cock, purple with need,slid in and out of my wet, red-lipsticked lips effortlessly. My fingersencircled his shaft, stroking in time with my mouth and urging him to cum."Oh God!" he cried. "I am gonna cum!" My response wasn't spoken, becausethat would require me to break suction from his cock. Instead, I hummed apleasurable sound that conveyed my willingness to accept...

2 years ago
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Nova Gets Her Wish

"So, how was your day with Nova?" he pondered, sitting next to me and putting his left arm around me.I smiled and failed to peek at him. "It was okay.""What about down here?" he inquired, bringing his other hand to my stomach. "Do you think there might be a tiny baby in there now?" he asked, rubbing my belly."I have no idea, Dante. It only happened last night, so I don't think there is any possible way to know for sure," I answered, prior to looking back at him."What's wrong, you seem...

3 years ago
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The night we will never forget

My fiancé Aidan and I have this friend, his name is Jake and I have a pretty bad crush on him. He’s just moved over here from another country and he’s staying with us for a while until he gets on his feet. He’s been here three to four weeks now and each day my urge to have him is growing stronger by the day. I make my mind up and decide that tonight will be the night. I’m having a long hot shower and a shave, in all of the right places. I finish up, straighten my hair and put a little make-up...

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The 2 girls and the bedroom

Holy comes home from work super tired. She knew her roommate Karen was home because her Toyota Corrola was in the drive way. Holly came into the house and walked into the kitchen and poured herself some Captain Morgan into a shot glass and chugged it. She then walked into her room and immediately crashed on the bed. When Holly awoke she couldn't believe what she saw. She found her roommate Karen named and masterbating next to her on the bed.

3 years ago
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Lust at First Site

I first met Rene when I was working for my uncle’s company throughout school. The company was a maintenance company that took care of those “honey do’s” that women have, but can’t get taken care of. This soon grew into full-blown property maintenance while continuing our residential customers. Being the boss’s nephew had some benefits. During summers I got experienced at most areas of the business. When I finally graduated high school and started college, I got a lot of high paying jobs that...

1 year ago
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Spreading Seeds Chapter 7

Chapter 7 - Able and Amelia I awoke in the morning in warm sunshine. Audrey was in my arms. I kissed her before slipping away and thought I’d made a clean get away when Audrey said, “Don’t go.” “I have to,” I said. I really did. I had to pee so badly. She got up and took my hand and led me to a door and inside was a urinal and a toilet. I didn’t even wait for her to close the door before I started to drain the dragon. She hadn’t left but was peering over my shoulder. I reached for...

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Tits on Display Chapter 2

The Women in the Red BlouseOkay, I am 70, so all of you guys that are middle 40’s and below have this image of an old grampa that can’t get it up can move along and find another story to get you hard. The rest of you that want to hear the fantasy produced by my shopping trip read on.Yes, it was a trip to the grocery store for a loaf of bread. I suppose if I was a professional porn writer I would have changed the loaf of bread to a grocery shopping trip for a sausage, but it really was a loaf of...

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You’ve seen one JAV site; then you’ve seen them all. From the lands of rice and loud women comes yet another porn site that specializes in women with a serious case of little girl face. These bitches are nubile, horny and they all look like they just came out of high school, even though most of them are old enough to retire from porn. But, you’d never guess their real age from what you see in these videos. That is the appeal of Japanese women. They all look like they just had a fight with...

Asian Porn Sites
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Out Of The Shadow Chapter 1

My name is Jonathan, although I prefer to be called Jon. I am 23, a high school graduate and had no steady job. I was satisfied to live at home with my parents and play video games, watch anime and TV between jobs. My parents fussed at me about getting a career that I can get involved in and finding an apartment of my own, but I was in no hurry. I don't have any girlfriends and few real friends due to a severe case of shyness around new people. The doctor who had examined me at the...

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