Sucker Mom free porn video

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Sucker Mom               


1. CommunityService


?How did it come to this,?Melanie Ashworth muttered to herself. Here she was, a 39 year old soccer momstanding on the stage of Wickersham High School in front of 900 teenagers. Hereshe was, with cuffs on her wrists and her hands pulled upward by chains. She wasclothed . . . so far. Next to her were Annie Armstrong, Janet Parelli, andSophie Smith. They were all between the ages of 38 and 42. And they were allsentenced to nine months as sex objects.


It was gambling that did it.The urge to play the lottery led to on-line gambling and then to video poker atbars and convenience stores. They dipped into savings. And then they began totap the treasuries of the PTA and the Little League. They knew it was wrong, andthey couldn?t stop. One day they were making casseroles and the next day theywere in court, convicted of embezzling from the community?schildren.


?The normal sentence in caseslike this,? said Judge Turner, ?is restitution and community service. In thiscase, the school district tells me that they are experimenting with a new sexeducation curriculum. So the sentence for all four of you is to spend the comingyear assisting at the High School.?


?Great,? Melanie had thought.?Passing out tests, reading papers, what a breeze.?


Now, in the front of theauditorium the horrible truth was unavoidable. Melanie, Annie, Janet, and Sophiewere to spend a year as the demonstration subjects?sex education labrats.


Principle Jones called JamieDoe, the head cheerleader, to the stage. ?Take off all their clothes, if youwould be so kind, Jamie.?


With a big grin, Jamie went tothe end of the line and started Sophie?s strip tease. With her hand pulled tightabout her head, the mortified 40-year-old was helpless. Off came her shoes. Herskirt. Her stockings. Jamie proceeded down the row and the assembly audiencelaughed and pointed. Then she took a pair of shears from the Principal andsnipped off their tops, then cut their bra straps one after the other, leavingeight middle-aged boobs dangling in the breeze from the air conditioner.


Now it was the turn of AliceAdams, the drum majorette. Stepping on stage with her ass twitching perkily, sheaccepted the shears and snipped off four pairs of underwear.


Annie, it turned out, was a bitof a hippie and didn?t shave anything, from bushy pits to hairy legs. Janet hadbig breasts with wide brown circles around her nipples. Sophie was small andpert. Melanie?s lustrous dark hair and wide hips made her a schoolboy?s wetdreamcome true.


After giving the students a fewminutes to point and giggle, Principal Jones took the microphone and listed offthe rules.

?You will be naked at all timesfor the next nine months.?


?You will normally wear a metalchastity belt with a metal waistband and a hinged metal strip that passesbetween your legs.?


?Each of you will have threesenior girls who act as your keepers. They will have the key to the chastitybelt and they will lead you from place to place with a leash attached to a ringat the bottom of the belt.?


He paused to call the keeperson stage and waited while they fitted and lock a belt on each woman. The girls,who were the among the most popular in the school, took their time, runningtheir fingers over the middle-aged bodies and shouting some comments to theaudience: ?A bit of a belly here . . . . watch those big tits swing . . . turnaround so that can see your big butt.?                           

The Principalcontinued.


?When not in use, you will livein a cage in the main hall.?


?If you fail to perform yourduties as sex demonstrators satisfactorily, you may be punished by whipping,pimping, and/or sexual inserts.?


?That is all. Assemblydismissed. Keepers, unhook their hands and lead them to their firsttask.?


2. NippleClass


Their keepers had linkedMelanie, Annie, Janet, and Sophie together in a row with a light chain from oned-ring to at the bottom of their chastity belt to the next. They prodded theminto motion with flicks from riding crops, steering them into Miss Trahn?s ninthgrade classroom.


The twenty boys and girlsstared eagerly as the petite Miss Trahn announced that the day?s topic wasnipple stimulation.


?A woman?s nipples are sexuallysensitive,? she said. ?When you stimulate them, they get hard and the sensationis multiplied. Hot nipples start to make the cunt feel warm and sexy, so they?realways a good place to start the foreplay, especially if you want top get intosomeone?s pants.?


She proceeded to demonstratewith Janet?s right tit. She fingered the nipple, she tongued it, she nipped itgently, she gave it a little snap with her thumb. The women were supposed to bestanding still, but Janet began to wiggle, earning a quick slap on the rump fromher keeper. Meanwhile Miss Trahn continued to tongue Janet?s nipple while herleft hand slid down the front of her own tight jeans to give herself a bit ofpleasure.


?Okay, kids, your turn. Five ofyou on each of the objects and start playing.?


To Melanie?s horror, one of thefive kids surrounding her was Joey King from down theblock.

?Hi Ms. Armstrong-slut,? hesaid, ?This will be fun.? Melanie remembered that she?d once scolded him fromtracking mud into her house. Now he was twisting and biting her nipple, cuppingher breast, stroking her back with the other hand, drawing a line down her spinewith his fingernail.


?Give Judy a chance,? said theteacher, and a girl took Joey?s place. She sucked like she was two years old.Melanie rocked from side to side as one student after another licked her erect.The lesson went on for the full 45 minutes. The women were moaning and twisting,but their keepers had locked their hands behind them when their fingers hadstarted to feel around the edges of their chastity belts. In the back of theroom, several girls had lifted their sweaters or opened their blouses forclassmates to play with their tits?boys on some, girls on others. Miss Trahnmade sure than no zippers got unzipped, but she offered pointers on sucking,especially to the girls.


BRRRINGGG . . . saved by thebell, at last.


3. ScienceClass


As the keepers traded off,Annie and Janet complained that they had to pee.


?No problem, follow us.? Thesame strange procession of naked housewives snaked through the halls . . . andout the front door! ?There you go. Pee on the lawn. You can do it through yourchastities. We?ll hose you off.?


A bus was pulling up and peoplewere pointing out the window, but Mel had no choice. She squatted with the restof them, right out in public . . . like . . . like a sex object. One of thekeepers turned on a garden hose and douched the women off.


Back inside, Mel and Sophiewere detached and led into the science lab. With their belts removed, they werestretched out on examining tables that the school had recent installed, withtheir legs high in the stirrups.


?The topic is pheromones,?intoned the teacher. ?We will smell their armpits and cunts now at the start andmake notes about the smell and our arousal. We?ll also take swabs of secretionsfor analysis. Then we?ll have each of them bring herself to three orgasms in arow and repeat.

The girls will check thearousal of the boys by measuring the length and straightness of their prick atthe start and finish. The boys will stick their hands inside the girls?underwear to see how wet they are.?


The students all dropped theirpants or skirts and stood in line in their underwear to get the first sniffs,half from Mel and half from Sophie. They had not showered since they had beensentenced four days earlier, and fear and sexual excitement had added more sweatto their bodies. The boys were soon popping through the slits in their boxersand briefs and the girls were measuring like mad, only to be fingered in turn.


The teacher handed Mel twovibrators, one for her ass and one for her cunt. She inserted them and turnedthem on, and started working her clit with her fingers. After a very full day,the build up to the first orgasm was quick. She bucked against the stirrups andstarted again, taking it more slowly and blissfully. The third took even longer,a full half-hour into the class period. As instructed, the boys and girls hadbeen standing quietly with their hands behind their backs, but their pricks werebouncing and glistening with moisture and the girls were rubbing their legstogether.


At long last, the class did thesecond sniff test and wrote their observations in their lab books, then measuredeach others? responses. The results were impressive. ?Wow, cried one girl,? Samwas five and a half inches earlier but now he?s seven pointing up to theceiling.? A couple boys came in the girls? hands. The boys similarly found thatthe girls would need to put their undies through the dryer.


When the dats was in the labbooks, the boys took their turns with quick fucks of Mel and Sophie. HelpingMelanie off the table, the instructor told her to kneel between Sophie?s legsand clean her up, dribbling cum and all. Then she was told to hold the cum inher mouth and kiss all the girls with the gift of cum. Only then did the teachergive the girls permission to go down on each other. Everyone pronounced it animportant learning experience.


Meanwhile, the other two womenwere taken to meet a visiting class from a private girl?s academy. Their job wasto demonstrate strap-on fucking. Janet fucked Annie in the cunt and then Anniepushed her dildo into Janet?s ass and banged away.


The teacher then issued astrap-on to each of the girls. They practiced on Janet?s and Annie?s cunts. Theimpatient ones began playing with each other. It was a strict school thatexpected its students to remain virgins, but assholes were fair game. It wasanother great class.


At the end of the day, thekeepers led the four women them to a large cage in the main hall. There was abucket for waste, futons and blankets on the floor, and an alarm bell to callthe janitor in case of emergency. ?Crap now or regret it,? a keeper said. Meland the others took turns squatting over the bucket. Then the belts went back onthree of them. ?Annie, you?re coming with us, said the keeper, grabbing thebushy hair under the woman?s arms. ?We think we?ll have fun with a hairy slut,We?ll have you back in the morning.?


4. PimpedOut


On Friday afternoon, aftertheir first full week as high school sex objects, Melanie and the other womenwere led back to the auditorium. The most fun had been teaching boys how to suckeach other, and then supervising to make sure that each boy got three loads ofcum in the face. But Mel hadn?t liked th enema demonstrations. Now their handswere secured behind their backs, rubber ball gags were tied in their mouths, andthey mounted to stage to find four sawhorses with padded crossbars. Off came thechastities. ?Staddle the horses,? said Principal Jones. At the count of five,start to frig yourselves off.?


The audience this time were adozen or so men. They were wagering as to which woman would reach orgasm firstand which next, etc. The man whose four picks were most accurate would get firstchoice of the women for the weekend, and so on through the topfour.


After a week of non-stop sexualaction and instruction, Melanie was on fire. She?d never been so horny. As shehumped back and forth drool leaked from her gag along with moans and chirps ofexcitement. Faster. . . . faster . . . and then a shuddering climax. The roomburst into applause. She was the first.


The businessman who led Melfrom the stage waved off the chastity belt. ?Won?t need that, she?ll be toobusy.? Outside the school, he shoved her into the back of a minivan, locking herwrists to the wall, and off they went to his suburban house. Her parked in thedriveway so that anyone passign by could see him help Melanie out of the van.First thing inside, he shoved her to her knees and pulled out his cock. ?Suck itfast, sucker mom, you got me hot.? Mel did as she was told, and cum was soondripping off her breasts. Only then did she notice another middle-aged woman,also naked and tied into a chair. ?Meet the wife. Come on over so she can cleanyou off.?


Before she knew it, the man hadbeen joined by his fourteen-year-old son. Father and son untied mom and forcedher onto hands and knees. The kid popped into the kitchen and came back with anenema bag. He proceeded to grease the nozzle and stuck it up his mom?s ass! ?I?dnever let him fuck her,? the man said, ?but he can help with the preparations.?


?Hold it in,? the kid told hismom as he slapped her ass and then moved on to give Mel the same treatment. ?Runoutside,? he commanded when he?s finished. Mel and the other woman staggeredthrough the back door clenching their butts and gratefully relieved themselvesin the flower bed.


?Stay here,? the man said. Hegot eight stakes from the garage, pounded four of them into the lawn making arectangle, and pushed his wife into her hands and knees, with wrists and anklestied to the stakes and her ass high in the air. Mel got the sametreatment.


?Watch, son,? he said spreadinglubricant around his wife?s asshole. ?I?m going to fuck her in the butt, and youcan do the same with Mel.? Before she know it, a small hard prick was glidingalong her crack and then plunging into her ass. The kid pumped, pumped, and hewas done. Ten minutes later, he was inside her again when the doorbell rang. Hepulled out, grabbed a robe, and was soon back with the rest of his ExplorerScout troop. For the next four hours, the scoutmasters and dad took turns on themissus, while the gang of teens reamed out Mel.


?If you thought this was fun,wait till tomorrow,? said the father, as he locked Mel into a buttplug chastitybelt for the night and chained her at the foot of his bed.


To becontinued.


Sucker Mom               


1. CommunityService


?How did it come to this,?Melanie Ashworth muttered to herself. Here she was, a 39 year old soccer momstanding on the stage of Wickersham High School in front of 900 teenagers. Hereshe was, with cuffs on her wrists and her hands pulled upward by chains. She wasclothed . . . so far. Next to her were Annie Armstrong, Janet Parelli, andSophie Smith. They were all between the ages of 38 and 42. And they were allsentenced to nine months as sex objects.


It was gambling that did it.The urge to play the lottery led to on-line gambling and then to video poker atbars and convenience stores. They dipped into savings. And then they began totap the treasuries of the PTA and the Little League. They knew it was wrong, andthey couldn?t stop. One day they were making casseroles and the next day theywere in court, convicted of embezzling from the community?schildren.


?The normal sentence in caseslike this,? said Judge Turner, ?is restitution and community service. In thiscase, the school district tells me that they are experimenting with a new sexeducation curriculum. So the sentence for all four of you is to spend the comingyear assisting at the High School.?


?Great,? Melanie had thought.?Passing out tests, reading papers, what a breeze.?


Now, in the front of theauditorium the horrible truth was unavoidable. Melanie, Annie, Janet, and Sophiewere to spend a year as the demonstration subjects?sex education labrats.


Principle Jones called JamieDoe, the head cheerleader, to the stage. ?Take off all their clothes, if youwould be so kind, Jamie.?


With a big grin, Jamie went tothe end of the line and started Sophie?s strip tease. With her hand pulled tightabout her head, the mortified 40-year-old was helpless. Off came her shoes. Herskirt. Her stockings. Jamie proceeded down the row and the assembly audiencelaughed and pointed. Then she took a pair of shears from the Principal andsnipped off their tops, then cut their bra straps one after the other, leavingeight middle-aged boobs dangling in the breeze from the air conditioner.


Now it was the turn of AliceAdams, the drum majorette. Stepping on stage with her ass twitching perkily, sheaccepted the shears and snipped off four pairs of underwear.


Annie, it turned out, was a bitof a hippie and didn?t shave anything, from bushy pits to hairy legs. Janet hadbig breasts with wide brown circles around her nipples. Sophie was small andpert. Melanie?s lustrous dark hair and wide hips made her a schoolboy?s wetdreamcome true.


After giving the students a fewminutes to point and giggle, Principal Jones took the microphone and listed offthe rules.

?You will be naked at all timesfor the next nine months.?


?You will normally wear a metalchastity belt with a metal waistband and a hinged metal strip that passesbetween your legs.?


?Each of you will have threesenior girls who act as your keepers. They will have the key to the chastitybelt and they will lead you from place to place with a leash attached to a ringat the bottom of the belt.?


He paused to call the keeperson stage and waited while they fitted and lock a belt on each woman. The girls,who were the among the most popular in the school, took their time, runningtheir fingers over the middle-aged bodies and shouting some comments to theaudience: ?A bit of a belly here . . . . watch those big tits swing . . . turnaround so that can see your big butt.?                           

The Principalcontinued.


?When not in use, you will livein a cage in the main hall.?


?If you fail to perform yourduties as sex demonstrators satisfactorily, you may be punished by whipping,pimping, and/or sexual inserts.?


?That is all. Assemblydismissed. Keepers, unhook their hands and lead them to their firsttask.?


2. NippleClass


Their keepers had linkedMelanie, Annie, Janet, and Sophie together in a row with a light chain from oned-ring to at the bottom of their chastity belt to the next. They prodded theminto motion with flicks from riding crops, steering them into Miss Trahn?s ninthgrade classroom.


The twenty boys and girlsstared eagerly as the petite Miss Trahn announced that the day?s topic wasnipple stimulation.


?A woman?s nipples are sexuallysensitive,? she said. ?When you stimulate them, they get hard and the sensationis multiplied. Hot nipples start to make the cunt feel warm and sexy, so they?realways a good place to start the foreplay, especially if you want top get intosomeone?s pants.?


She proceeded to demonstratewith Janet?s right tit. She fingered the nipple, she tongued it, she nipped itgently, she gave it a little snap with her thumb. The women were supposed to bestanding still, but Janet began to wiggle, earning a quick slap on the rump fromher keeper. Meanwhile Miss Trahn continued to tongue Janet?s nipple while herleft hand slid down the front of her own tight jeans to give herself a bit ofpleasure.


?Okay, kids, your turn. Five ofyou on each of the objects and start playing.?


To Melanie?s horror, one of thefive kids surrounding her was Joey King from down theblock.

?Hi Ms. Armstrong-slut,? hesaid, ?This will be fun.? Melanie remembered that she?d once scolded him fromtracking mud into her house. Now he was twisting and biting her nipple, cuppingher breast, stroking her back with the other hand, drawing a line down her spinewith his fingernail.


?Give Judy a chance,? said theteacher, and a girl took Joey?s place. She sucked like she was two years old.Melanie rocked from side to side as one student after another licked her erect.The lesson went on for the full 45 minutes. The women were moaning and twisting,but their keepers had locked their hands behind them when their fingers hadstarted to feel around the edges of their chastity belts. In the back of theroom, several girls had lifted their sweaters or opened their blouses forclassmates to play with their tits?boys on some, girls on others. Miss Trahnmade sure than no zippers got unzipped, but she offered pointers on sucking,especially to the girls.


BRRRINGGG . . . saved by thebell, at last.


3. ScienceClass


As the keepers traded off,Annie and Janet complained that they had to pee.


?No problem, follow us.? Thesame strange procession of naked housewives snaked through the halls . . . andout the front door! ?There you go. Pee on the lawn. You can do it through yourchastities. We?ll hose you off.?


A bus was pulling up and peoplewere pointing out the window, but Mel had no choice. She squatted with the restof them, right out in public . . . like . . . like a sex object. One of thekeepers turned on a garden hose and douched the women off.


Back inside, Mel and Sophiewere detached and led into the science lab. With their belts removed, they werestretched out on examining tables that the school had recent installed, withtheir legs high in the stirrups.


?The topic is pheromones,?intoned the teacher. ?We will smell their armpits and cunts now at the start andmake notes about the smell and our arousal. We?ll also take swabs of secretionsfor analysis. Then we?ll have each of them bring herself to three orgasms in arow and repeat.

The girls will check thearousal of the boys by measuring the length and straightness of their prick atthe start and finish. The boys will stick their hands inside the girls?underwear to see how wet they are.?


The students all dropped theirpants or skirts and stood in line in their underwear to get the first sniffs,half from Mel and half from Sophie. They had not showered since they had beensentenced four days earlier, and fear and sexual excitement had added more sweatto their bodies. The boys were soon popping through the slits in their boxersand briefs and the girls were measuring like mad, only to be fingered in turn.


The teacher handed Mel twovibrators, one for her ass and one for her cunt. She inserted them and turnedthem on, and started working her clit with her fingers. After a very full day,the build up to the first orgasm was quick. She bucked against the stirrups andstarted again, taking it more slowly and blissfully. The third took even longer,a full half-hour into the class period. As instructed, the boys and girls hadbeen standing quietly with their hands behind their backs, but their pricks werebouncing and glistening with moisture and the girls were rubbing their legstogether.


At long last, the class did thesecond sniff test and wrote their observations in their lab books, then measuredeach others? responses. The results were impressive. ?Wow, cried one girl,? Samwas five and a half inches earlier but now he?s seven pointing up to theceiling.? A couple boys came in the girls? hands. The boys similarly found thatthe girls would need to put their undies through the dryer.


When the dats was in the labbooks, the boys took their turns with quick fucks of Mel and Sophie. HelpingMelanie off the table, the instructor told her to kneel between Sophie?s legsand clean her up, dribbling cum and all. Then she was told to hold the cum inher mouth and kiss all the girls with the gift of cum. Only then did the teachergive the girls permission to go down on each other. Everyone pronounced it animportant learning experience.


Meanwhile, the other two womenwere taken to meet a visiting class from a private girl?s academy. Their job wasto demonstrate strap-on fucking. Janet fucked Annie in the cunt and then Anniepushed her dildo into Janet?s ass and banged away.


The teacher then issued astrap-on to each of the girls. They practiced on Janet?s and Annie?s cunts. Theimpatient ones began playing with each other. It was a strict school thatexpected its students to remain virgins, but assholes were fair game. It wasanother great class.


At the end of the day, thekeepers led the four women them to a large cage in the main hall. There was abucket for waste, futons and blankets on the floor, and an alarm bell to callthe janitor in case of emergency. ?Crap now or regret it,? a keeper said. Meland the others took turns squatting over the bucket. Then the belts went back onthree of them. ?Annie, you?re coming with us, said the keeper, grabbing thebushy hair under the woman?s arms. ?We think we?ll have fun with a hairy slut,We?ll have you back in the morning.?


4. PimpedOut


On Friday afternoon, aftertheir first full week as high school sex objects, Melanie and the other womenwere led back to the auditorium. The most fun had been teaching boys how to suckeach other, and then supervising to make sure that each boy got three loads ofcum in the face. But Mel hadn?t liked th enema demonstrations. Now their handswere secured behind their backs, rubber ball gags were tied in their mouths, andthey mounted to stage to find four sawhorses with padded crossbars. Off came thechastities. ?Staddle the horses,? said Principal Jones. At the count of five,start to frig yourselves off.?


The audience this time were adozen or so men. They were wagering as to which woman would reach orgasm firstand which next, etc. The man whose four picks were most accurate would get firstchoice of the women for the weekend, and so on through the topfour.


After a week of non-stop sexualaction and instruction, Melanie was on fire. She?d never been so horny. As shehumped back and forth drool leaked from her gag along with moans and chirps ofexcitement. Faster. . . . faster . . . and then a shuddering climax. The roomburst into applause. She was the first.


The businessman who led Melfrom the stage waved off the chastity belt. ?Won?t need that, she?ll be toobusy.? Outside the school, he shoved her into the back of a minivan, locking herwrists to the wall, and off they went to his suburban house. Her parked in thedriveway so that anyone passign by could see him help Melanie out of the van.First thing inside, he shoved her to her knees and pulled out his cock. ?Suck itfast, sucker mom, you got me hot.? Mel did as she was told, and cum was soondripping off her breasts. Only then did she notice another middle-aged woman,also naked and tied into a chair. ?Meet the wife. Come on over so she can cleanyou off.?


Before she knew it, the man hadbeen joined by his fourteen-year-old son. Father and son untied mom and forcedher onto hands and knees. The kid popped into the kitchen and came back with anenema bag. He proceeded to grease the nozzle and stuck it up his mom?s ass! ?I?dnever let him fuck her,? the man said, ?but he can help with the preparations.?


?Hold it in,? the kid told hismom as he slapped her ass and then moved on to give Mel the same treatment. ?Runoutside,? he commanded when he?s finished. Mel and the other woman staggeredthrough the back door clenching their butts and gratefully relieved themselvesin the flower bed.


?Stay here,? the man said. Hegot eight stakes from the garage, pounded four of them into the lawn making arectangle, and pushed his wife into her hands and knees, with wrists and anklestied to the stakes and her ass high in the air. Mel got the sametreatment.


?Watch, son,? he said spreadinglubricant around his wife?s asshole. ?I?m going to fuck her in the butt, and youcan do the same with Mel.? Before she know it, a small hard prick was glidingalong her crack and then plunging into her ass. The kid pumped, pumped, and hewas done. Ten minutes later, he was inside her again when the doorbell rang. Hepulled out, grabbed a robe, and was soon back with the rest of his ExplorerScout troop. For the next four hours, the scoutmasters and dad took turns on themissus, while the gang of teens reamed out Mel.


?If you thought this was fun,wait till tomorrow,? said the father, as he locked Mel into a buttplug chastitybelt for the night and chained her at the foot of his bed.


To becontinued.



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POV: PeteJoe and I suddenly bit down on our bottom lips and made eye contact just for a few seconds. Needless to say, my hard-on deflated just a tad. No one said a word for over a minute, but we both surely knew they wanted to see the sight, judging by the looks on their faces.Then both of them came to us, but they went to each other's sons, so I had London press the front of her body onto mine. "We fucked each other for you two, solely to please you," she admitted, wrapping her arms around...

2 years ago
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Scott and his Stepmom

Scott's had recently turned 18, for his birthday his father and his stepmom decided to get his own laptop so he didn't have to share the family computer no longer. Scott resented his stepmom, he hated the way she made him address as her as Mom or Mommy. Scott's real Mom ran out on him when he was little boy, so now he lives with his father (40), stepmom (52) and two half sisters both younger.Scott was a total nerd, top of all his classed, member of the chess team, and the AV club. He had never...

3 years ago
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Sucker for Mom Chapter 9

Chapter 9"But, Mom..." Terry said haltingly as his lovely mother led him by theshaft of his sperm-covered cock out into the slanting rays of themorning sun. "We can't do this outside ... can we?""Certainly we can, Terry! We can do anything anywhere! You don't mindfucking little Wendy on the beach, do you? I don't see why we can't foolaround on our own private sun deck!" Sheila said in mock amazement,rubbing her thumb over the extremely sensitive head of her son's swollendick, making him jump...

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Sucker for Mom Chapter 8

Chapter 8Terry turned, facing her, looking down at his mother's lovely face, theface of a wildly exciting woman. He still couldn't believe that she wasactually kneeling between his legs, still couldn't believe that she wastalking to him so obscenely, so teasingly, still couldn't believe thatshe would really do any of the things she was suggesting.When he felt the touch of her soft hand on his upper leg, he realizedthat he wasn't dreaming any more.Sheila felt her young son's legs become stiff...

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Sucker for Mom Chapter 7

Chapter 7Terry was surprised in the morning to find his sheets covered with driedsperm. He vaguely remembered having had the wildest dream that night,but it took some remembering to coax his dream to the surface of hisconsciousness. It was almost as if he had tried subconsciously to forgetthe dream that had made his cock squirt sperm all over his bed.When he finally forced himself to remember some of the details of thedream, he realized why he had tried to forget it. He had had lots of...

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Sucker for Mom Chapter 6

Chapter 6By the time she reached the safety of the quiet beach house Sheila hadmanaged to regain some semblance of self-control after her terribleordeal. Her experience had been not only a physical ordeal but anemotional one as well. Not only had she suffered physical torment at thehands of the brutal r****ts, but her image of herself had suffered too.In the years since her divorce, Sheila had considered herself too goodfor the many men who had lusted after her, had considered herself apartfrom...

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Sucker for Mom Chapter 5

Chapter 5Sheila tried desperately to move her face when the r****t unzipped histight Levi's and hauled out a huge half-hard length of cock. Sheilashivered when he grabbed his rubbery dick and rubbed the hot thingagainst her cheek. The monstrous uncircumcised cock grew and grew as herubbed it against her silken face. She tried to pull away, but someoneheld her head fast and hard.The lips against her twat were working wildly now, driving her crazywith uncontrollable sexual heat. Her pussy ran...

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Sucker for Mom Chapter 4

Chapter 4While Wendy and Terry were writhing in the throes of their wild orgasms,Sheila was walking the streets, not knowing what to do with herself. Shehad more or less promised the two young lovers that she would leave themalone for the night. She wondered how long they would take fucking eachother, wondered how untiring their passion was. She couldn't take therisk of going home early and interrupting them at their lovemaking. Thatwould be horribly embarrassing for them and horribly tempting...

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Sucker for Mom Chapter 3

Chapter 3"You gotta be k**din'! We can't do that! Jesus Christ, Wendy! I can'tfuck a girl in my mother's bed! I'd feel ... kinda ..." Terry stammered,feeling a strange stirring in his nuts when he thought about hersuggestion."Don't be silly, Terry. I think you'd like to fuck me in your mother'sbed. I'll bet Sheila's bed is softer than yours, more comfortable. Iprefer nice silk sheets, Terry. And besides, doesn't it turn you on justthinking about it? Wouldn't it be nasty?"Terry wanted to deny...

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Sucker for Mom Chapter 2

"Mom. Mom ... Mom..." Sheila heard someone say as if from a distance.She wheeled about and found her son, who had apparently been trying tocatch her attention for quite some time.Sheila had been wrapped up in her thoughts, daydreaming about Terry andher lust for him. She flushed uncontrollably when she was forced to lookhim in the eye. She hadn't been spying on him for three days now, havingforced herself to put a stop to her pussy-diddling, but her mind wasstill on him and her pussy oozed...

5 years ago
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Copyright © 1997 and 2002, Phil Phantom I am a mother with a problem child in that my fourteen-year-old son has a shit fetish. I know all kids go through that stage, but he didn't get through and has it bad. He has become a major problem, because he won't behave himself or hide his fetish. He has suffered every type of punishment there is and is currently grounded until the year 2034, but he refuses to submit to potty training and will not leave the tits in our family alone. I have had...

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Sucker For MomChapter 2

"Mom. Mom... Mom..." Sheila heard someone say as if from a distance. She wheeled about and found her son, who had apparently been trying to catch her attention for quite some time. Sheila had been wrapped up in her thoughts, daydreaming about Terry and her lust for him. She flushed uncontrollably when she was forced to look him in the eye. She hadn't been spying on him for three days now, having forced herself to put a stop to her pussy-diddling, but her mind was still on him and her...

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Sucker For MomChapter 3

"You gotta be kiddin'! We can't do that! Jesus Christ, Wendy! I can't fuck a girl in my mother's bed! I'd feel... kinda..." Terry stammered, feeling a strange stirring in his nuts when he thought about her suggestion. "Don't be silly, Terry. I think you'd like to fuck me in your mother's bed. I'll bet Sheila's bed is softer than yours, more comfortable. I prefer nice silk sheets, Terry. And besides, doesn't it turn you on just thinking about it? Wouldn't it be nasty?" Terry...

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Sucker For MomChapter 4

While Wendy and Terry were writhing in the throes of their wild orgasms, Sheila was walking the streets, not knowing what to do with herself. She had more or less promised the two young lovers that she would leave them alone for the night. She wondered how long they would take fucking each other, wondered how untiring their passion was. She couldn't take the risk of going home early and interrupting them at their lovemaking. That would be horribly embarrassing for them and horribly tempting...

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Sucker For MomChapter 6

By the time she reached the safety of the quiet beach house Sheila had managed to regain some semblance of self-control after her terrible ordeal. Her experience had been not only a physical ordeal but an emotional one as well. Not only had she suffered physical torment at the hands of the brutal rapists, but her image of herself had suffered too. In the years since her divorce, Sheila had considered herself too good for the many men who had lusted after her, had considered herself apart...

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Sucker For MomChapter 8

Terry turned, facing her, looking down at his mother's lovely face, the face of a wildly exciting woman. He still couldn't believe that she was actually kneeling between his legs, still couldn't believe that she was talking to him so obscenely, so teasingly, still couldn't believe that she would really do any of the things she was suggesting. When he felt the touch of her soft hand on his upper leg, he realized that he wasn't dreaming any more. Sheila felt her young son's legs become...

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Sucker For MomChapter 9

"But, Mom..." Terry said haltingly as his lovely mother led him by the shaft of his sperm-covered cock out into the slanting rays of the morning sun. "We can't do this outside... can we?" "Certainly we can, Terry! We can do anything anywhere! You don't mind fucking little Wendy on the beach, do you? I don't see why we can't fool around on our own private sun deck!" Sheila said in mock amazement, rubbing her thumb over the extremely sensitive head of her son's swollen dick, making...

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Sucker For MomChapter 10

Terry's heart skipped a beat when he took Wendy's hand and helped her out of his car. She was looking her luscious best in the clear moonlight, her blonde hair catching the silver glow, her white dress sparkling, her perfect lips shimmering wet and lusty. She breathed slowly, deeply, her big tits rising and falling beneath her smooth dress, catching Terry's attention and holding it even though his mind was in turmoil. Until yesterday Wendy's big smooth tits had been the most beautiful he...

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Roses video Chapter 10 Maria and Rose swap moms

Both Rose and I kissed each other's moms for about twenty minutes straight. I couldn't help, but to look at Rose and my mom from time to time. It all created the perfect storm of sexuality where the taboo aspect of it still made it quite hot. 'Even as I'm not actually related to Kate, it still feels like incest. Maybe it solely because she is my godmother or that my mom is making out with Rose right now. Who the hell knows? Kate has always been like a second mom to me, and she never had...

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Roses video Chapter 10 Maria and Rose swap moms

POV: Maria Both Rose and I kissed each other's moms for about twenty minutes straight. I couldn't help, but to look at Rose and my mom from time to time. It all created the perfect storm of sexuality where the taboo aspect of it still made it quite hot.'Even as I'm not actually related to Kate, it still feels like incest. Maybe it solely because she is my godmother or that my mom is making out with Rose right now. Who the hell knows? Kate has always been like a second mom to me, and she never...

2 years ago
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Oh Hello Stepmom

Hello, my Dear Readers. I have been writing incest themed stories, focusing mainly on mom-son relationships, for some time now. I wanted to try something light-hearted, featuring a young & naive stepmom and her stepson, who is expecting nothing sexual from her. This is my humble attempt on the same. Happy Reading! Sidharth was both bothered and excited. He had just landed back in Mumbai, after completing his studies from a university in the UK. He was on his way home, and he was going to meet...

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Eating at Moms

100% fiction! My name is Mike and I live with my 60 year old mom. I never knew my dad, and my mom had an endless string of men visiting her over the years. Mom was a drinker and a party girl and a slut that always tried to please the men in her life. She's a little woman with dark brown hair that she keeps short. She has nice tits for her size but her perfect bubble butt is her best feature. She wears granny glasses and looks sort of innocent. moms pussy and lower plump belly is now covered...

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Uncontrollable Cock 8211 Part 1 My Sexy Stepmom

Hi everyone, my name is Pratyush, and I am from Nepal. I have been a regular reader of ISS (especially after meeting my sexy stepmom) for more than 7-8 years now. When I first came here, I was a virgin, and now, I do not even know how many girls I have slept with. Finally, I realized why not post my stories here in ISS, the same ISS that has taught me so many things. Before starting, I would like to thank every writer here in ISS who has shared their stories and helped people relieve their...

5 years ago
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The white teenage boy who as 2 pitch black moms

Hi everyone im Brandin. My mom name is Kisha and my other moms name is Latosha. Yes I have 2 black moms.Oh yea they are lesbos by the way. I dont even know my real parents are. any way ill let you read the story now.It was sunday after noon when my mom latosha walked in with the londry wearing a black spandex dress shirt and black spandex pants.she had huge watermelon tits and a big round nice hipo ass real thin abbs thick legs and strong arms when she bent I stared.I dont know why tho she my...

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Tennis Moms

Linda and Stacy were both the same age–thirty-six–and looked great. But they were like night anvisit my msg board it got pics and you can post there to day: Linda was a tall, six-foot platinum blond, with small tits, and a runway models body, Stacy was Italian, five-four, with huge breasts and long black hair. Her body was thin, but more curvaceous. They just got finished with a morning of tennis, and now they were in the locker room. They only went there to dry...

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Dinner at moms

We had just got back from holiday a week before and mom had invited us round for dinner, Elaine wasn't feeling too good so i went alone to see mom Tina. I had told mom the night before that Elaine wasn't coming so she wasn't surprised when I turned up with just a bottle of wine for the two of us. When we was on holiday mom promised an all day fucking session and I think today was that day . I let myself in Moms house, she was upstairs getting changed, so I went to have a sneak peak. She had...

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Blackmailing My Stepmom

“I’m in love with my stepmom. I don’t live with my Dad, but I stay with him and her two weeks a month. I swear, those two weeks are constant masturbation for me. She’s 18 years older than me, I’m 18. But, for some reason I always wanted to fuck her. I’ve known her all my life. She stays home and takes care of my half baby sister, while my Dad goes to work. I’m always sneaking around trying to catch her bending over or something. Taking a shower. Lying out in the sun with a bikini on....

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Ever since I learned what masturbation was, my stepmom Pammy became my #1 jerk off subject. After every weekend I spent with my dad and stepmom I would come home and my dick would be so sore from jerking it off all weekend. I was in high school when I really started to notice Pammy; she was 37 at the time. I don't know if she would qualify as hot to most k**s in my school, but she drove me wild. Pammy is average height with a slender body. Tits were 34B, I knew from always looking at her bras,...

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Caught by My Stepmom

I thought my stepmom was hot, but I never expected this!I was watching porn in my bedroom one day and wanking off when my stepmom came in and caught me! I tried to hide my cock, but it was too late.“What are you doing, Joey? Are you watching porn?”“Yep. You caught me. So what? I’m not hurting anyone.”My stepmom is about thirty-five, has long blonde hair, big boobs, and I’ve often thought she’d be a nice fuck. But to have her catch me with my cock in my hand was not what I’d envisioned ever...

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Getting To Know Joys Moms

 POV: DarceeAs we got to the front door, Kaylee didn't even knock, we both went in there and headed straight for the living room."She's not here, maybe she's in her bedroom," she pointed out, before heading to Joy's bedroom. "Her door is open, though, so she's not in there.""This door is closed, sweetie," I mentioned, in front of it."That's her parents' room, though, Mom."I put my ear to it, but brought it off a few seconds later. "I don't hear anything."She bit down on my...

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Golfing with Mom

Golfing with Mom I was the youngest of three siblings growing up. My older sisters Kat and Debbie were both older by a few years. My mom Joanne, and dad John were products of the war generation which made my siblings and me 'baby boomers'. I grew up in a suburban neighborhood and had a middle-class neighborhood upbringing. My mom and dad were quite athletic in their youth and still were very active and loved to golf. My sisters were never into sports, but dad and I used to have fun...

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Trapped In Paradise With My Mom

"Honey,are you coming home this Christmas...???”my Mom asked at the other end.I looked reluctantly at the phone in my hand.I had no intentions of going home.There could be no better way to ruin a holiday than to go to my hometown,a remote little hill town far off in the north.People say it's a beautiful place,maybe.But in this season,the end of December,when the whole town will be covered under tons of snow and with its sub-zero temperature;it does not look like a dream holiday to...

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I love to fuck my mom

This is not my story I read it from another site and like it very much so I have decided to post this story on ISS This is real story of my life. I fuck my mom. My is too sexy, I could not give justice to portray her more vividly. She is amazing. I am crazy for her. You may enjoy this story, give your comments. Don’t forget to rate as high as you can, so that I can write next chapter of this This is true story of my life. I am very happy to write this and put on thread for sharing my heavenly...

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mdash How I lost my virginity to my mom

I lost my virginity to my mom when I was twenty.I was going to college at the time and although my studies went pretty well, I was a bit of a wallflower, and had never dated anyone.I am an only c***d. During my school years, my parents, both musicians, were often on tour for months on end, and my parents took turns to take care of me, or I stayed with my aunt and uncle if they were both away from home. Also the holidays I would often spend with one of my parents.My mom, aware that I was alone...

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The Sex Encounters Of My Mom

It was the funeral of my father Ramesh. . …….. He was the owner of a hypermarket and had married my mom when he was 24. …My mom was crying. .. She was 30 …… Her name was smitha. .. I am their son Gopal studying in 11 the standard … My mom delivered me when-whenjust 14 years old… It was a c***d marriage….My father was very dominant in his family… He didn’t care about the relatives….But he financially helped them … My uncle had taken money from dad and one time when he didn’t return it …It forced...

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Piano Mom

First Sight I'm an accomplished piano player for my age. I won't say pianist because I'm not that talented but I've had many years of training, starting with lessons at the age of five from my piano teacher mom. Mom is a stay-at-home wife who always supplemented our family income through piano lessons, provided (mostly) to the members of our parish which produced a fresh crop of students each year. For years, I watched Mom teach other k**s, from beginners to graduates just surpassing their...

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Like any teenage boy I jerked off a lot. I had my secret stash of adult movies and magazines I would masturbate too on a daily basis; as well as to all sorts of porn I would find on the internet. I had never thought of i****t in any way, shape or form but one of my friends told me about this website that had every genre of porn, pics and stories. At first I never looked at or read any of the i****t topics but I guess curiosity finally got to me and I began to read the i****t stories. The more I...

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sexy mom

Like any teenage boy I jerked off a lot. I had my secret stash of adult movies and magazines I would masturbate too on a daily basis; as well as to all sorts of porn I would find on the internet. I had never thought of i****t in any way, shape or form but one of my friends told me about this website that had every genre of porn, pics and stories. At first I never looked at or read any of the i****t topics but I guess curiosity finally got to me and I began to read the i****t stories. The more I...

2 years ago
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As usual mom returned home at 11p.m on Saturday night. Her face showed she was tired and wanted to hit the bed early. Knowing this, I quickly heated up our dinner and placed it on kitchen table. I went to living room and mom was watching Seinfeld. ‘Mom, dinner’s ready. You need to hit the sack early right? Come on.’ Mom looked at me and smiled. She got up from her couch and walked up to me slowly. She put her both rough hands at my cheeks and kissed my forehead. I closed my eyes and...

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Painting Mom

Hi, I'm Ben. This is the story about my mother and me. It begins with the familiar return from college and a difficult re-insertion into the home life that I had left four years earlier and had not been part of except for Christmas holidays and the summer after my first year. Each summer after that I had worked a dream job as part of the crew for a company chartering sailboats in the Caribbean. I did that for the first two months after graduation but, due to the sagging economy, the company was...

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Hi, I'm Ben. This is the story about my mother and me. It begins with the familiar return from college and a difficult re-insertion into the home life that I had left four years earlier and had not been part of except for Christmas holidays and the summer after my first year. Each summer after that I had worked a dream job as part of the crew for a company chartering sailboats in the Caribbean. I did that for the first two months after graduation but, due to the sagging economy, the company was...

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Where to start? I don't know. Well, my mother was a legal secretary, one of many attractive women working in a large law firm. Most of the women were on the lookout for a husband and dressed to the nines, in full battle competition, going breast to breast with their coworkers. A lot of lawyers were aware of the situation, of course, and used it to their advantage to get laid regularly while being careful not to pay a price. What most of those lawyers didn't realize, being blinded by lust and...

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I had nearly finished question 19. My two and a half hours of writing were about to come to an end. This was my third practice exam paper of the day and I was exhausted. Summer had just started and I had just turned 18. I longed to be outdoors doing something rather than cooped up inside all day studying but the upcoming exams were important. At times I felt like giving up but my mom Samantha was very supportive even though it was just the two of us and she had no extra help. Mom was a hard...

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Best Friend Fucked My Mom

Hi indian sex stories dot net doston Yeh story likhta hua agar mein emotional ho jau to please ignore. Yeh story aaj se 4 sal pehle ki hai jab mein aur mera dost mohit aur ache dost hote the. He was like my best friend. Ek class mein the ek hi coaching jate the to ofcourse lag bhag roj hi milna julna hota tha. Vo mere ghar par ata notes lene aur mein uske ghar jata notes lene kabhi kabar. Ham sath hi cricket khelte aur uska ghar hamari society mein honi ke vaja se vo kai baar mere hi ghar par...

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Getting To Know Mom

I have to admit that coming home for my sophomore Christmas break wasn't thrilling me. I did briefly toy with the idea of just not coming home, but I knew that would be wrong. With Dad and Mom's divorce now final she would probably need me through the holidays. I knew this wouldn't be the merriest Christmas I had ever spent.I hadn't been home except for a couple weeks here and there in close to a year. During last year's Christmas break, I could tell things were tense between my parents. They...

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What Mom Knows Fucks Her Mom

Summary: Nana is seduced and dommed by daughter and grandson. Note 1: Thanks to Robert, Wayne and goamz86. Note 2: This is part 7 of a continuing incest series (although it is much more complex than a simple incest story). I highly recommend you read the first six parts as the layered subplots may be confusing without the background information...but here is a very brief primer of the series so far: In WHAT MOM DOESN'T KNOW WILL FUCK HER 18-year-old Curtis goes to a Halloween party...

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It is one thing to have your mom catch you jacking off but it is something total more embarrassing to have your mom find you and your friend both jacking off in your room while looking at porno magazines. It was one of those boring summer days, my friend had come over. We got bored with playing video games and Matt asked me if I had any porno magazines. Of course being a horny 18yr old I had several. We started to flip through them and before we knew it we both sitting there in our own fantasy...

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Strip Games With My Mom

This story is imagination story. My family consists of dad, mom, sister and me. We lived in the apartments in Mumbai. My dad works in the private company in Mumbai as supervisor. He was busy with work in developing the company. He was the right hand to boss in that company so he was always busy with the work. He regularly goes to gym to maintain the good physique and was fair and tall. My dad married my mom when he was 25 years and mom was 22 year. Next the mom was the house wife. She is the...

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Strip Games With My Mom

This story is imagination story. My family consists of dad, mom, sister and me. We lived in the apartments in Mumbai. My dad works in the private company in Mumbai as supervisor. He was busy with work in developing the company. He was the right hand to boss in that company so he was always busy with the work. He regularly goes to gym to maintain the good physique and was fair and tall. My dad married my mom when he was 25 years and mom was 22 year. Next the mom was the house wife. She is the...

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Tribal Son Fucks Own Mom

Part I. Tribal son sex with own mother in police lock up I am an automobile engineer, working in Mumbai. I am very much interested in son mother incest stories as, I have also sexual relation with my mother since my teen age. I am sharing a great incest love story of a mom and son which ended with marriage between son and mom, having five children and living in Mumbai. This is not my own story, real life of one of my best friends in Mumbai (Mr.Ranpal). He is from a tribal village of Gujarat....

3 years ago
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Sex experience with my sweet mom

Hay friends my name is john. I am from kerala. now I am working here me 25 . Now I will tell about my experience. This happened 7 years back. First I will tell about my family. My father I in gulf and I have one sister and my sweet mom. My sister is married and she is in her husband home. My dad will come only alternate 2 years. So while this happen I am at the age of 18 years.Now I will tell about my mom. Mom age is 50. it this happen when mom was 44. mom is little fat but she looks very nice...

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My Fun With Mom

My fun with momChapter 1As Mom and I walked back to the car after dropping dad off at the airport, she put her arm around me and pulled me close. She had been doing this whenever we were together and alone. She giggled as I placed my arm around her shoulders pulling her toward me. I was a little taller than Mom so I kissed the top of her head as we walked. Why I did, I couldn't tell you, except I loved my Mom and at that moment felt a little sorry for her because Dad would be gone for the next...

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