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Kavlas, king of the Dardrics, was happy today

Kavlas, king of the Dardrics, was happy today. News from the frontline had reached him, that the long running war with the Iceans was over. Their warrior queen had surrended to his forces, and was being transported back to his capital in chains. It had only been a matter of time of course. The Iceans were fools, allowing women equal status with men in their society. How could any army in which women fought alongside the men in equal numbers, hope to overcome his highly trained warriors. And led by a bitch queen. The Dardrics were a much more sensible society. They realised that men were the natural leaders of the kingdom. The women knew their place as domestic slaves in the household, and as sex toys in the bedroom.
Still, he had to admit, the Iceans had not been easily overcome. Their use of female assassins, who could blend into the streets among the Dardric people, had resulted in the loss of many fine officers, and caused havoc with his battle plans. He looked forward to the arrival of their queen, she would be punished for the trouble she caused. Feeling an erection stirring as he thought of the fun that could be had with female prisoners, Kavlas headed toward his chambers, in the large castle he occupied. His servant had earlier informed him that a young Icean assassin captured recently had been prepared for him. He could hone his skills on her in preparation for the queens arrival.
Passing the guards recreation room, he stopped. He could hear the sound of a prisoner being "interrogated". The muffled moans and cries of a young female were mixed with the grunts and laughter of his own men. As he looked inside, he saw a teenage girl at one end of the room, naked but for a blindfold. Her hands were bound above her head, by a rope leading to a hook in the ceiling. She was obviously being saved for dessert, as all the action was at the other end of the room. The source of all the moaning was another young girl, about twenty years old, who was bent over a torture bench. Her hands were tied behind her back, and she was completely naked. He could not see her face, as his view was blocked by the man known as Lars, who was enthusiastically forcing his dick down her throat. Without the cock gagging her, the screams would have been much louder, thanks to Soren, who was pounding her cunt from behind. With his hands gripping her hips for extra leverage, he seemed to be trying to knock her across the room with his thrusts. Had the bench not been securely bolted to the floor, he probably would have succeeded. Without a doubt this was the most brutal fucking the young cunt would have ever received in her life. The Icean concept of sex was of a loving coupling, dominated by the female?s pleasure. The Dardric society customs were diametrically opposed, the women existing only to serve and pleasure the man. This became even more obvious when the woman was from an enemy state. These polar ideas had served to inflame the war between the Iceans and Dardrics. The female dominated society of the Iceans considered Dardrics to be animals. Knowing how the Iceans viewed them however, only made their rape and humiliation more enjoyable to the Dardric warriors.
Kavlas caught his first look at the beautiful young womans face then, as Lars ceased his mouth fucking and stepped back. Her features were contorted in a grimace of humiliation, defeat and pain, as the vicious poling of her pussy continued unabated. It became even worse for her when Lars gave his cock a few quick jerks and then began spraying stream after stream of thick hot cum over her cheeks, her mouth and even into her eyes. To an Icean warrior, this was the ultimate insult, and the cheers from the men who stood watching the scene showed that they knew it. To not only be raped and abused by these Dardric animals, but then to have their jism splashed across her face was the worst humiliation possible. Lars grinned as he admired his handiwork. Globs of cum were splattered everywhere, and the revulsion the girl felt was well illustrated by the tears coursing down her goo coated face. To complete her degradation, he stepped forward, grabbed a handful of her blonde hair, and proceeded to wipe the remaining cum from his dick.
Behind her Soren pulled his huge cock out of her tender, battered cunt, eliciting a moan of relief from the abused girl. Her relief was short lived however, as she soon realised Soren was far from finished with her. Her eyes widened in horror, as she felt the head of his cock press against the tight young opening of her arse. She began begging with him,"No please, please stop, I can?t take it anymore".
Her desperate pleas were like music to the Dardrics ears. Soren decided to prolong her humiliation, "What?s the matter slut, don?t you like it up the arse? I thought all Icean bitches loved getting from behind."
Her proud warrior spirit was now broken, as she was forced to beg for mercy from these animals. She hung her head in shame, as she mumbled, "No, I?ve never done that. Please, you?ll hurt me."
Soren cackled with delight,"Did you hear that guys, this Icean fuck toy wants me to please hurt her. You?ve got it baby"
The men laughed with him, as he increased the pressure of his cock on her only remaining virginal orifice. He pulled her hair into a pony tail, and used it to yank her head up, forcing her to look at the other men surrounding her. He bent forward and muttered into her ear, "When I stick it to you bitch, I want you to look at all these other real warriors, and know that they?re all going to do you the same way. You wanted be a warrior, now you?ll feel what its like to be impaled on all our fuck swords."
Then with one sadistic thrust, he overpowered her sphincter muscles, and filled her arse with his huge cock. Watching from the doorway, Kavlas saw the girls face contort with agony, her mouth opened wide and she let out one of the most piercing shrieks he had ever heard. Looking to the other end of the room, he saw the other Icean trembling with fear, not being able to see exactly what was happening, but knowing it would probably soon be happening to her. Soren continued to make the bitch scream with his unmerciful reaming, as the other men prepared to join in the fun. With his own erection now raging, Kavlas moved on to his own chambers, as another man pushed his dick into the heaven that exists inside the wide open mouth of an unwilling girl.
Kavlas entered his chambers silently. As always, the walls of this room were lined with various whips, dildos, and chains. A table on one side of the room was fitted with restraints. What was different today, was the stunningly beautiful Icean girl, standing in the centre of the room. She was wearing only a blindfold, and the shackles that chained her hands to the beam above her. Her long blonde hair shone in the light, and her face looked noble and serene, despite her precarious situation. Her full, pouty lips were made to be wrapped around a thick cock. Her breasts were large and firm, and with her hands bound above her, they were lifted up high on her chest. Her slender waist and flat stomach was complemented by the flare of her hips and the smooth roundness of her tight young buttocks. Her legs were long and slender, and between them, her pussy was shaved bald, in the tradition of the Icean warrior. Without saying a word, Kavlas walked around her, studying her exquisite features. As he walked he accidently scuffed his foot against the floor. Instantly the girls head straightened, her buttocks clenched, and she seemed ready for action. Not a trace of fear showed in her face. "Interesting", thought Kavlas. Unlike the slut downstairs, whose spirit had been broken to the will of his men, this one still had her pride, despite being chained naked in the castle of her enemy. This would make her even more enjoyable, they were always more fun when they put up a bit of a fight.
At only nineteen years of age, Risa was already one of the Iceans top assassins. She had lead many forays into enemy territory, and had an extremely high success rate. She was highly trained in many forms of combat, but what gave her the edge over her fellow warriors, was her enormous hate of the Dardrics. When she was only nine years old, before the war had started, she had witnessed the brutal rape of her mother by a band of rogue Dardrics. Risa had the sense to hide in a tree with her younger sister, Micha, as her mother was grabbed and thrown to the ground just below where they hid. Helplessly she watched as her mothers clothing was torn away, rough hands groped her breasts, and fingers were pushed up between her legs. Risa had never seen a cock before then, but that day she saw many, large and erect, all being shoved into her mother. They forced her to suck them, while their friends knelt behind her, slamming into her cunt and arse. When they had finished, they took her mother with them, and she was never heard from again. Risa and her sister were then raised in an army camp, training every day in the art of war. Risa had taken her revenge during this war, killing dozens of Dardric scum. After her last mission however, high on the thrill of having killed a Dardric general, she walked straight into a trap. Surrounded by a dozen men weilding crossbows and swords, she had surrended meekly, knowing a chance for escape would present itself. Her captors had stripped her naked, but other than the occasional rough tit-groping, she had not been seriously molested. Today, they had arrived at this city, and she had been forced to parade naked through the streets, enduring the lustful gazes, and perverted suggestions from the local citizens. Arriving at the castle, she had been blindfolded and brought to this room, where someone had washed the dirt from her body, then left her chained here for the past few hours.
Hearing a sound beside her, Risa stiffened, readying herself for anything. Nothing but dead silence for the next minute, and she began to think she had imagined the sound. Then from directly in front of her, a deep voice growled, "You have a magnificent set of tits, slut."
"I am no mans slut", Risa replied,"and I tell you now, you will die for having brought me here."
There was silence for several seconds, then Risa cried out in surprise and pain, as teeth bit down hard on her left nipple.
"You don?t speak without permission", the voice growled again.
Risa felt hands on either side of her head, and then the blindfold was removed. The man in front of her was tall and muscular, and a large bulge in his trousers signalled his arousal. He said, "I am Kavlas, king of the Dardrics. You will call me Master."
"I am Risa, Icean warrior, and no man is my Master."
Kavlas reached out to the nipple he had just bitten, and taking it between thumb and forefinger, he squeezed hard. Risa gritted her teeth, but as the pressure on her already bruised nipple grew, she couldn?t help but groan with the pain.
"Foolish cunt", spat Kavlas as he released her bud,"You no longer have a name, you are no longer a warrior. You will answer to ?cumslut?, and you are nothing more than my fuck toy. I am going to enjoy breaking you down, but first I need a quick release." Bending forward, Kavlas ran his tongue over the girls breast. "I think I?ll start by giving these fantastic tits a good fucking."
Moving behind her Kavlas quickly shed his clothes, then stepped in close to her, pressing his erect cock against her arse. His hands wrapped around to reach between her legs, pulling her arse harder against his cock, and he rubbed her clitoris with his fingers. He felt her whole body shudder as he probed her pussy with his fingertips. His hands then traced a path up her body, cupping and squeezing her breasts, then going higher, across her face, and up her arms to reach the shackles that bound her. He removed the pins, and as her hands came free, Risa saw her opportunity. She drove her elbow backwards into his ribs, but having had her hands bound above her for several hours caused the blow to be weak. Kavlas took it with barely a flinch. Risa took two steps away from him. as if trying to escape, but then quickly spun, and launched a kick at Kavlas? midsection. The king was expecting it however, and using his superior strength, he caught her foot, and threw her to the ground. Seeing her land face down on the floor, he took the opportunity to straddle her, pinning her arms as he did so.
"Stupid cumslut. No woman can hope to defeat a man in combat. If you knew what punishments you were facing for that stunt, you would start begging for mercy now."
Risa continued to squirm beneath him, but made no reply.
The girls struggles aroused his erection to painful levels, and Kavlas flipped her over onto her back. Using his kness to pin her arms by her sides, he straddled her chest, placing his cock between her large firm breasts. What a magnificent specimen she looked, as she squirmed helplessly between his legs.
"Time for your tit fuck, cumslut!"
Kavlas put a hand on each breast, and pushed them together firmly, making a tight tunnel for his cock. Sliding back and forth, he roughly fucked her tits, quickly increasing his pace as he grew close to climax. Looking down at his prisoners face, he saw the disgust she felt at being used in this way, and that was enough to push him over the edge. With a roar of delight, Kavlas threw his head back, as his cock began spewing forth jets of cum. The first landed squarely in Risa?s left eye, the second splashed into her half open lips, and the rest sprayed across her cheeks, neck, and breasts. Still, even half blinded by cum, Risa?s warrior instincts sensed another opportunity for escape. With Kavlas?s head arched backwards in the throes of orgasm, Risa swung her legs upward and managed to hook her left leg around his neck, while her right locked it in tightly. Kavlas?s roar of delight was quickly choked off as Risa squeezed her legs together, cutting off the blood supply to the brain. Risa grinned as she saw his face turn purple, but then quickly shut her lips as some of his filthy cum dribbled into her mouth. Feeling the man struggling for his life between her legs, Risa?s cunt became hot and wet. Kavlas?s struggles grew weaker, and within ten seconds had stopped altogether. Risa disentangled her legs, and pushed the limp body off her. She had done it! The king of the Dardrics lay defeated before her, and her mouth, cunt and arse remained inviolate. Getting to her feet she gave her moist pussy a quick rub, then moved silently to the door, preparing for her escape.
Moving silently through the castle corridors, Risa?s senses were heightened to their utmost. Hearing the scuff of footsteps behind a door, she quickly ducked around a corner. Flattening herself against the wall she heard the door open, and footsteps heading down the corridor toward her. Standing perfectly still, she listened to the footsteps approaching, but her concentration was broken as she felt a glob of cum from her cheek slide down across her lips. Desperate to wipe it away, she could do nothing but clench her lips tightly shut as it dribbled down her chin, and then splashed onto her outthrust breasts. The footsteps were only metres from her now when they stopped suddenly. She heard a man curse under his breath, then he spun around and walked back the way he came. Taking the chance, Risa quickly wiped the remaining splooge from her face and breasts, smearing it onto the castle walls. The stimulation of being that close to discovery had left her panting with excitement, and she noticed her pussy was dripping wet. The sexual pleasure she gained from combat had gotten her into trouble before, most recently with her younger sister Micha. On that occasion, she had returned to camp from a successful mission feeling highly aroused. Grabbing the first infantryman she came across, she dragged him into her tent, and made him eat her pussy. Standard procedure really, only on this occasion, Micha walked in on them and was horrified to find her boyfriend with his face in her sisters cunt. Risa tried to explain she didn?t who he was, but Micha had never forgiven her. That had happened six months ago, and the sisters had not spoken to each other since.
Exploring another corridor, Risa found an open doorway, that she had to pass. Sidling up to the door, she allowed herself a quick look inside. She was shocked by what she saw. At one end of the room, her sister Micha was tied in the same way she had been in the room upstairs, naked and blindfolded. Looking around at the rest of the room, Risa saw it was also similar to the room upstairs. Dildoes, whips and various instruments of torture lay throughout. In the centre of the room was a line of six naked men. Before them knelt another girl, her hands tied behind her back, and her mouth filled with the cock of one of the men. She seemed to be willingly bobbing her head up and down on the cock, as if trying to please her captors. This was disgraceful conduct by an Icean, thought Risa, submitting before the enemy in this way. What she didn?t realise was that the poor girl had been given the choice of sucking off all the men or taking them all up her arse. While the humiliation of sucking a Dardric cock was terrible, the girl didn?t think she could endure another reaming of her tender, young arse. Risa?s survey of the room was interrupted when she heard a loud cry of "GUARDS!!!" from another part of the castle.
"Damn it", she thought, recognising the voice,"Kavlas isn?t dead."
From within the room most of the men sprang into action. They ran to a door on the other side, and raced away to help their king. Soren however, still had his dick in the young Icean captives mouth. "Shit", he swore, "I?m almost done, too". Saying that, he grabbed the sides of the girls bobbing head, and began fucking her throat the same way he had earlier fucked her arse and cunt. With his dick deep inside the choking slave, he gave a half dozen hard thrusts, before shooting his load down into her mouth. As he pulled out of her, she collapsed unconscious to the floor. Soren picked her up and slung her over his shoulder, cum drooling from her lips as he did so. Shackling her quickly to the wall, he ran to join his fellow guards.
Risa ran quickly across to her sister. She could see the terror on Micha?s face at the sound of footsteps approaching. Risa lifted the blindfold from her and was delighted to see the look of relief in her sister?s eyes when she realised she wasn?t about to be impaled on a hard cock. That look was quickly replaced by the more familiar glare of hate though, as Micha saw who her rescuer was.
"Please Micha, it was six months ago", pleaded Risa, "You?re my sister, and I?d never deliberately do anything to hurt you. We need to work together now to get out of here."
Micha nodded her head with reluctance, as Risa began struggling with the ropes that bound her sisters hands.
Soren didn?t get far down the corridor when he realised someone should probably stay and guard the prisoners. Returning the way he came, he was quite shocked to find another naked girl attempting to free one of the prisoners. Worst of all, it was the one that he hadn?t yet had to a chance to pork. Thinking quickly, Soren silently locked the door at which he stood, then made his way around the corridors to the other door. Finding Kavlas and the other men on the way, he explained the situation. Kavlas ordered three of his men around to the first door, while he and the others made their way to the second. His cumslut wasn?t going to have another chance at escape. When he reached the door, he saw Risa still struggling with the knots. His mouth widened into a wolfish grin as he stepped into the room.
"Stupid cumslut!"
Risa spun in alarm as she heard the words. Her heart sank as she saw both doors were blocked by three guards, while Kavlas stood in the centre of the room, holding a rattan cane the length of his arm, and about an inch thick. All of the men were still naked.
"You are going to regret your actions today. This castle will soon be reverberating with the sound of your screams."
Risa decided her only chance was to get hold of the cane the king held. With a weapon, she might have a some hope of holding off the guards. As she strode confidently towards him, Kavlas signalled to his men to stay back. He wanted to take this bitch down himself. When she was within range Risa launched a quick roundhouse kick at Kavlas? head. Kavlas was quicker though. Blocking the kick with his left arm, he saw the opportunity presented by her widely spread legs, and he lashed upwards with the cane in his right hand, striking her viciously across the cunt. Risa cried out with the pain, and fell backwards, dropping her hands to protect her delicate pussy. She saw Kavlas raise the cane to his mouth, and lick the juices that were left there by her already wet cunt.
"Already wet for me cumslut? You must be looking forward to feeling my dick inside you."
Risa struggled to her feet and launched another assault. She feinted a punch with her left hand, and followed up with right cross. Again, Kavlas was quicker. He blocked the punch and with a deft flick of his right hand struck Risa?s erect nipple with the tip of his cane. Again Risa cried out and stepped backwards. Kavlas now went on the offensive. The cane was a blur as he twirled it, flicking it out again and again. Risa tried to defend herself, but blow after blow kept striking her tits and arse. Kavlas had a malicious grin on his face, he was enjoying this. Each flick of the cane that struck the slut?s delightful young body was accompanied by a cry of pain from her, and a cheer from his men. Risa raised her arms as Kavlas aimed a strike at her head, realising too late that it had been a feint, and the cane was now whipping upwards at her unprotected cunt. The loud thwack as it struck directly between her pussy lips was drowned out by Risa?s scream of agony. She fell to the floor at her sisters feet. Kavlas stood over her, and placed his foot firmly on her tender breast.
"Do you wish to surrender now cumslut?"
Risa was too sore to continue fighting, and she meekly nodded her acquiscence.
"Then kneel before me!"
There would be other chances for escape, Risa knew, and she must now play along and bide her time. She pushed herself up to her knees. Kavlas signalled to his men, who bound her wrists behind her.
"Now cumslut, to show your complete surrender, you will suck my dick!"
She couldn?t bring herself to do it, her Icean pride was too strong. "You may have defeated me physically, but I will never surrender my dignity."
Kavlas shook his head in mock exasperation. Turning to Micha, he began running his cane up and down her body, pausing here and there to poke a nipple, or to rub it between her legs. Micha trembled in fear as he spoke to her,"My stupid cumslut won?t obey me. Perhaps I should just throw her to the orcs, and spend some time with you."
With that he reached out a hand and began twisting a nipple. Micha moaned, more with fear than actual pain.
Behind him, he heard Risa say with a quiet voice, "Stop. Leave her be and I?ll do what you say."
It was the weakness Kavlas had been looking for. His cumslut felt protective of this other girl, and he could exploit that.
"Too late I think, cumslut. I?ve decided I want to see this one take a cock up her arse." Kavlas called over to Lars, and gave him some quick instructions. Micha was untied from her position, but her hands were rebound behind her back. Lars led her to torture table, and pushing her forward, he bent her over it, exposing her arse and cunt to his sadistic gaze. Another man led Risa to the table, and made her kneel on the floor beside Micha. Kavlas spoke again, "Now cumslut, I want you to watch Lars? big dick, as it disappears into this sluts arse."
Lars stood behind Micha, and slowly began rubbing his dick down her arse crack, down between her pussylips, and back up to her anus. As he slowly increased the pressure on her sphincter, Micha?s whimperings grew louder and Risa again cried out, "No stop, I?ll do what you say, I?ll suck your dick."
"Beg me for it cumslut", Kavlas replied.
Another frightened whimper from Micha was all that it took. "Please let me suck your dick, Master." Risa?s head hung in shame, as Kavlas said, "Crawl to me cumslut."
On her knees, Risa shuffled her way across to where the king and his enormous, hard cock waited.
"Proceed slut. Do this well, and I will order the other bitch not to be hurt."
Leaning forward, Risa closed her eyes, and with a shudder, took the head of his cock into her mouth. Feeling Kavlas pushing forward, she allowed him deeper into her. "Open your eyes cumslut, you will look at me when you suck."
Looking up at him with his dick in her mouth was the most humiliating moment of her life. The king laughed at her distress, "So what happened to never surrendering your dignity, cumslut?"
His mockery served to focus her pride, and she spat the dick out of her mouth. Without a word, Kavlas looked over to where Lars was waiting beside Micha, with a whip in his hand. The whip lashed down across Micha?s bent over arse, making her scream loudly. Reminded of why she was doing this, Risa sobbed and quickly gathered the dick back into her mouth. "You?re a slow learner cumslut, but I think we?re getting there", laughed Kavlas. Risa decided her best bet was to get this over with as quickly as possible. Looking up at the king again, she began bobbing her head back and forth, taking him as deep as her inexperienced mouth would allow, and lashing her tongue across the head of his invading pole. Kavlas grinned at her. If there was a better sight than the disgust in an Icean warriors eyes as she was forced to suck a Dardric cock, then he hadn?t seen it. As his excitement grew, he began pushing his hips forward, forcing himself deeper into her mouth. His thrusts became faster, and she started making choking sounds as his dick hit the back of her throat. Watching the disgust in her eyes turn to terror as she struggled for air, Kavlas ordered, "You will swallow every drop of my sperm, cumslut!" Gripping her head now, he gave two firm thrusts into her throat, and blew his load in her mouth. Risa struggled to get enough air past the cock in her mouth, and allowed his cum to spill down her chin. Choking and spluttering as he withdrew his cock, Kavlas laughed as she collapsed to the floor at his feet, coughing up thick white globs of jism over her face.
"So you still won?t obey me cumslut. I told you swallow that sperm". Turning to his men he instructed, "Put her on the pole." The men picked her up and led her over to a device in front of the table where Micha was still bent over, with Lars behind her absently fingering her cunt. The pole was made of metal, about 2 inches thick and 4 feet long. It lay horizontally, about two feet above the ground. It was supported there by vertical posts at either end, to which it was attached by a ratchet device, allowing it to be raised or lowered, then locked into place. Bolted to the floor at the centre of the pole were a pair of shackles. Unaware of the torture she was in for, Risa was made to straddle the pole, which stood about knee height. Her ankles were then locked into the shackles on the floor. Only when the men began raising the pole did Risa realise what was going to happen. The pole moved upwards with a series of clicks, as the ratchet device locked into place every inch. Another click, and she felt the cold metal against cunt lips, initially soothing her beaten and bruised pussy. Another click, and it became uncomfortable. Another, and she was forced onto tiptoes to relieve the pressure. Another click, and the pole started to lift her from the ground. The pain in her cunt was incredible, and yet the men were struggling to lift the pole still higher. Risa heard another click as she was lifted completely from the ground, the shackles on her ankles at full stretch, pulling her back down against the torture device. Kavlas walked over to the moaning girl and began squeezing her tits. "You will learn to obey me cumslut."
Risa moaned, "Please let me down, I?m sorry I didn?t swallow your cum."
"Oh but this isn?t your punishment for that", replied Kavlas, "This is for daring to escape from me earlier. For failing to swallow, you will be made to watch the girl you were trying to protect take Lars?s cock up her cunt."
The horror that Risa felt as she heard this, was reflected on Micha?s face, who began crying, "No, please leave me alone. You can fuck her, she?s the one who fought you."
Kavlas laughed at this, and nodded his head to Lars. Lars lined himself up, and without warning shoved with all his might into the tight young cunt before him. Her scream delighted him, as the first five inches of his cock disappeared inside her. Not realising there was more to come, Micha squealed again with the next thrust, which forced the remaining half of the dick into her. Lars roared with pleasure as the whole of his cock was gripped in the sweet embrace of her tight pussy. "Yeah bitch, take my cock, take it hard".
Impaled on the Dardrics huge fuck sword, Micha lay helplessly before him, her slender young body wracked with sobs as he began poling her in earnest. He grasped her hips as he withdrew, then rammed it all the way back home, banging into her cervix. Ignoring the girls pleas for mercy, Lars continued the brutal fucking, shaking her entire body as his stomach slapped against her arse.
Initially distressed for her sister, Risa was now more concerned with own pain. She writhed around on the pole, trying to relieve the pressure, but it was useless. Kavlas still stood beside her, kneading her breasts, pinching the nipples, and occasionally bending down to chew her tender flesh. The pain in her abused pussy was too much for Risa, and she began to beg the king for mercy. "Please Master, I can?t take any more. Let me down and I will obey your every command. Please let me suck you again Master, I promise I will swallow all your cum".
"And the cum of my men too?", enquired Kavlas.
Risa gulped in trepidation, but nodded,"Yes Master, anything".
Looking across to where Lars was now ejaculating into Micha?s cunt, Kavlas gave some more instructions to his men. Micha was placed face up in the centre of the table and her legs spread wide, exposing the hole that Lars had just battered. Her cunt was filled with sticky white jism, and more was splattered over her mound and inner thighs. Kavlas released the shackles that held Risa in place, allowing her to fall off the pole. With her hands still tied behind her, she landed on her knees, then fell forward until her face hit the ground. Her moan of relief at being off the pole turned into a shriek when the kings swift kick connected with her pain filled cunt. "Quickly cumslut, on your feet!".
As she struggled to stand, Kavlas grabbed a bruised nipple, and tugging her along led her to the table on which Micha lay. When she stood against the table between her sisters wide spread thighs, Kavlas pushed her head forward, saying "Now is your chance to show you will swallow cum!"
Risa had no more resistance left in her, she would do anything to avoid going back on that pole. Despite the disgrace she brought to her family, she lowered her face to her sisters gaping cunt, and began lapping the foul sperm that flowed from within. Micha howled in disgust at this, but the men held her in place, laughing and yelling abuse to Risa, "Lick that cunt, bitch!, Yeah, drink that cum!"
After several minutes of cunt lapping, Risa was pushing her tongue deep inside Micha?s pussy, trying to get the last vestiges of cum, so her captors would have no reason to punish her again. She heard Kavlas? voice beside her, "Good cumslut, I knew you would learn to obey me. You have now earned a choice, either get back on the pole, or allow me to fuck your cunt."
"Please Master, fuck my cunt, I can?t take the pole again", begged Risa.
"And after I fuck your cunt, you?d like me to cum on this other bitches face, wouldn?t you?"
"Yes Master, please cum on her face after you fuck me."
Micha glared with hate filled eyes at her sister, but Risa was too ashamed to look at her. The men pulled Micha off of the table and proceeded to strap Risa into position, bent over with her legs spread wide. Her arms were tied to the corners of the table, stretching her tightly so her breasts were flattened against the rough wood of the table and she was unable to move. Micha was made to kneel beside her sisters arse, and she watched as Kavlas began fingering her. Risa cried with the pain he elicited from her bruised cunt and Micha smiled with satisfaction at the sound. Kavlas noted this with interest, it was something else he could exploit. Lining up Risa?s cunt, he placed the head of his cock between her pussy lips, then paused. "Are you sure you want me to do this, cumslut?"
Risa shuddered with revulsion as she said the words she knew he wanted to hear, "Yes Master, fuck my cunt, fuck me haAAAAARRRRRHHHH!!!"
The words turned into a scream with the first vicious thrust that filled her wet cunt, stretching the tender swollen lips, and making her whole body buck with pain. Kavlas wasted no time, but quickly pulled back and began slam fucking her with all the anger and hatred he felt towards the Iceans, and this girl in particular. He thought about how she had strangled him in his chambers, and his thrusts grew even stronger, crashing his hips against her arse. Risa couldn?t help but scream with each brutal pump of her cunt, which spurred the king on to even greater heights. The men watched with awe as the young Iceans body flopped like a rag doll in her bonds, tits slapping up and down on the rough table, erect nipples being rubbed raw by the wood. Micha watched the cock slamming her sisters cunt, it was incredible that she could endure such a pounding. The cock became a blur before her eyes, until suddenly it was no longer inside the pussy, but was pointing directly at her face. Before she could comprehend what was happening, the first jet of cum shot into her gaping mouth, followed quickly by more gushes which coated her face. Micha growled with anger at the insult that had been splooged all over her because of her slut sisters request.
Risa had collapsed onto the table, panting for breath, eyes glazed, staring at nothing. Pain radiated from her caned and slamfucked cunt, spreading throughout her body, then focusing again in her lashed, squeezed, pinched and chewed on tits. She even felt powerless to stop the cum from her earlier mouthfuck from dribbling off her cheek and onto her tongue. She heard but didn?t register the words that Kavlas spoke to her angry sister.
"You?d like to take revenge against her now, wouldn?t you?"
Micha nodded, with some confusion, unsure where this was leading. Kavlas signalled to Soren, who brought over a large, strap on dildo, ten inches long and as thick as a mans wrist. It was carved from wood in the shape of a penis, and three leather straps allowed it to be buckled onto the pelvis. While Soren untied Micha?s hands, Kavlas buckled the dildo in place, fixing two straps around her hips, then passing the third through her legs. Grinning, he pulled it tight so the strap dug up into Micha?s freshly tongue-cleaned cunt.
Coming to her senses now, Risa swallowed the glob of sperm on her tongue, then craned her neck to see what was happening behind her. She was shocked to see Micha wearing a huge dildo and glaring malevolently at her exposed arse. Kavlas?s deep voice instructed the girl, "I think you?ll find a satisfactory revenge in the hole I?ve saved for you."
Micha stepped up to her sisters backside, and wiping some of the cum from her own face, she used it to lubricate the end of the giant wooden cock. As Micha placed the bulbous head against her sisters tightly puckered orifice, Risa struggled against her bonds and began pleading with her, "Micha, no, please, its too big, don?t hurt me!!". Seeing the distress in her sister?s eyes, Micha hesitated. Then, remembering the rapture in those same eyes when Risa had sat on Micha?s boyfriends face, her mouth formed a snarl and she pushed forward with her hips. For several seconds, Risa?s anus refused to give way, but with a sudden pop, the head of the dildo was inside her, and the watching men all gave a cheer. Risa?s screams were as loud as before, as pump by sadistic pump, Micha forced inch after excruciating inch of the dildo into the tight opening. Finally Micha banged her pelvis against her sister?s arse, and the dildo was completely inside her. Micha was sweating with the exertion, it was hard work getting the dildo into such a tight tunnel. As Micha paused, Risa kept perfectly still, trying not to feel the huge piece of wood that stretched her bowel, hoping that her sister would have had enough. It was not to be though. Micha pulled back, removing half the dildo, only to slam forward again, bringing forth another squeal from Risa. As Micha settled into a steady yet brutal rhythm, the room was filled with loud sadistic grunts from Micha, alternating with various squeals, moans and cries from Risa.
Kavlas turned to Soren and whispered into his ear. Soren walked behind Micha, and reaching around her, began fondling and squeezing her firm breasts. Completely focused on dildo raping her sisters arse, Micha ignored the tit groping and continued her thrusting. Sorens hands then went down to her steadily pumping arse. With one hand he pulled the strap between her legs to the side, with the other, he pushed her upper body forward, until she was bent over her sister, tits mashed against Risa?s back. Micha looked around in confusion, wondering why she had been interrupted. The realisation hit her when she felt Soren?s own huge cock press against her arse. She opened her mouth to beg, but Soren didn?t even give her that chance. With a violent thrust, his dick entered Micha?s virginal arse, knocking her forwards which also slammed the dildo deeper into Risa. The sister?s screams sounded in unison, and Soren laughed with delight. He?d never arse raped two girls at the same time before. Starting slowly, he practised his movements. Pulling Michas hips back with his hands, he withdrew the dildo, simultaneously drawing his hips back, he extracted his own hard cock. Then, with an extra long thrust, he rammed his dick back into Micha?s arse, continuing on to crash her hips into her sister. Micha?s body squirmed and writhed on top of Risa, trying to escape the fuck sword that painfully impaled her arse, but it only had the effect of grinding the dildo harder into her sister. The cries of distress had aroused the other men, and Kavlas signalled that they should join in the fun. Two men climbed onto the table. One grabbed Michas hair, pulling her head up so he could force his dick into her mouth. The other knelt beside her, and bent forward so he could chew on her ripe young tits, which were bouncing delightfully up and down, thanks to Soren?s continued reaming. Another man waited eagerly beside Soren, anxious for his turn to simultaneously rape the two sluts. The last two stood at Risa?s face and began forcing both their cocks into her mouth at the same time. Kavlas watched the entertaining scene, listening to the harmonies of grunts, groans, and cock muffled screams. He had already cum three times in the past few hours, and needed to rest. He headed to his chambers, giving his final orders on the way out. "Use them for as long as you like, but when they cease to entertain you, place them both on the pole for the night." He wouldn?t have thought it possible, but the screams became even louder after that.
Kavlas left for his bed then. Tomorrow would be a big day again, and he wanted to be well rested for the arrival of the Icean queen


Kavlas, king of the Dardrics, was happy today. News from the frontline had reached him, that the long running war with the Iceans was over. Their warrior queen had surrended to his forces, and was being transported back to his capital in chains. It had only been a matter of time of course. The Iceans were fools, allowing women equal status with men in their society. How could any army in which women fought alongside the men in equal numbers, hope to overcome his highly trained warriors. And led by a bitch queen. The Dardrics were a much more sensible society. They realised that men were the natural leaders of the kingdom. The women knew their place as domestic slaves in the household, and as sex toys in the bedroom.
Still, he had to admit, the Iceans had not been easily overcome. Their use of female assassins, who could blend into the streets among the Dardric people, had resulted in the loss of many fine officers, and caused havoc with his battle plans. He looked forward to the arrival of their queen, she would be punished for the trouble she caused. Feeling an erection stirring as he thought of the fun that could be had with female prisoners, Kavlas headed toward his chambers, in the large castle he occupied. His servant had earlier informed him that a young Icean assassin captured recently had been prepared for him. He could hone his skills on her in preparation for the queens arrival.
Passing the guards recreation room, he stopped. He could hear the sound of a prisoner being "interrogated". The muffled moans and cries of a young female were mixed with the grunts and laughter of his own men. As he looked inside, he saw a teenage girl at one end of the room, naked but for a blindfold. Her hands were bound above her head, by a rope leading to a hook in the ceiling. She was obviously being saved for dessert, as all the action was at the other end of the room. The source of all the moaning was another young girl, about twenty years old, who was bent over a torture bench. Her hands were tied behind her back, and she was completely naked. He could not see her face, as his view was blocked by the man known as Lars, who was enthusiastically forcing his dick down her throat. Without the cock gagging her, the screams would have been much louder, thanks to Soren, who was pounding her cunt from behind. With his hands gripping her hips for extra leverage, he seemed to be trying to knock her across the room with his thrusts. Had the bench not been securely bolted to the floor, he probably would have succeeded. Without a doubt this was the most brutal fucking the young cunt would have ever received in her life. The Icean concept of sex was of a loving coupling, dominated by the female?s pleasure. The Dardric society customs were diametrically opposed, the women existing only to serve and pleasure the man. This became even more obvious when the woman was from an enemy state. These polar ideas had served to inflame the war between the Iceans and Dardrics. The female dominated society of the Iceans considered Dardrics to be animals. Knowing how the Iceans viewed them however, only made their rape and humiliation more enjoyable to the Dardric warriors.
Kavlas caught his first look at the beautiful young womans face then, as Lars ceased his mouth fucking and stepped back. Her features were contorted in a grimace of humiliation, defeat and pain, as the vicious poling of her pussy continued unabated. It became even worse for her when Lars gave his cock a few quick jerks and then began spraying stream after stream of thick hot cum over her cheeks, her mouth and even into her eyes. To an Icean warrior, this was the ultimate insult, and the cheers from the men who stood watching the scene showed that they knew it. To not only be raped and abused by these Dardric animals, but then to have their jism splashed across her face was the worst humiliation possible. Lars grinned as he admired his handiwork. Globs of cum were splattered everywhere, and the revulsion the girl felt was well illustrated by the tears coursing down her goo coated face. To complete her degradation, he stepped forward, grabbed a handful of her blonde hair, and proceeded to wipe the remaining cum from his dick.
Behind her Soren pulled his huge cock out of her tender, battered cunt, eliciting a moan of relief from the abused girl. Her relief was short lived however, as she soon realised Soren was far from finished with her. Her eyes widened in horror, as she felt the head of his cock press against the tight young opening of her arse. She began begging with him,"No please, please stop, I can?t take it anymore".
Her desperate pleas were like music to the Dardrics ears. Soren decided to prolong her humiliation, "What?s the matter slut, don?t you like it up the arse? I thought all Icean bitches loved getting from behind."
Her proud warrior spirit was now broken, as she was forced to beg for mercy from these animals. She hung her head in shame, as she mumbled, "No, I?ve never done that. Please, you?ll hurt me."
Soren cackled with delight,"Did you hear that guys, this Icean fuck toy wants me to please hurt her. You?ve got it baby"
The men laughed with him, as he increased the pressure of his cock on her only remaining virginal orifice. He pulled her hair into a pony tail, and used it to yank her head up, forcing her to look at the other men surrounding her. He bent forward and muttered into her ear, "When I stick it to you bitch, I want you to look at all these other real warriors, and know that they?re all going to do you the same way. You wanted be a warrior, now you?ll feel what its like to be impaled on all our fuck swords."
Then with one sadistic thrust, he overpowered her sphincter muscles, and filled her arse with his huge cock. Watching from the doorway, Kavlas saw the girls face contort with agony, her mouth opened wide and she let out one of the most piercing shrieks he had ever heard. Looking to the other end of the room, he saw the other Icean trembling with fear, not being able to see exactly what was happening, but knowing it would probably soon be happening to her. Soren continued to make the bitch scream with his unmerciful reaming, as the other men prepared to join in the fun. With his own erection now raging, Kavlas moved on to his own chambers, as another man pushed his dick into the heaven that exists inside the wide open mouth of an unwilling girl.
Kavlas entered his chambers silently. As always, the walls of this room were lined with various whips, dildos, and chains. A table on one side of the room was fitted with restraints. What was different today, was the stunningly beautiful Icean girl, standing in the centre of the room. She was wearing only a blindfold, and the shackles that chained her hands to the beam above her. Her long blonde hair shone in the light, and her face looked noble and serene, despite her precarious situation. Her full, pouty lips were made to be wrapped around a thick cock. Her breasts were large and firm, and with her hands bound above her, they were lifted up high on her chest. Her slender waist and flat stomach was complemented by the flare of her hips and the smooth roundness of her tight young buttocks. Her legs were long and slender, and between them, her pussy was shaved bald, in the tradition of the Icean warrior. Without saying a word, Kavlas walked around her, studying her exquisite features. As he walked he accidently scuffed his foot against the floor. Instantly the girls head straightened, her buttocks clenched, and she seemed ready for action. Not a trace of fear showed in her face. "Interesting", thought Kavlas. Unlike the slut downstairs, whose spirit had been broken to the will of his men, this one still had her pride, despite being chained naked in the castle of her enemy. This would make her even more enjoyable, they were always more fun when they put up a bit of a fight.
At only nineteen years of age, Risa was already one of the Iceans top assassins. She had lead many forays into enemy territory, and had an extremely high success rate. She was highly trained in many forms of combat, but what gave her the edge over her fellow warriors, was her enormous hate of the Dardrics. When she was only nine years old, before the war had started, she had witnessed the brutal rape of her mother by a band of rogue Dardrics. Risa had the sense to hide in a tree with her younger sister, Micha, as her mother was grabbed and thrown to the ground just below where they hid. Helplessly she watched as her mothers clothing was torn away, rough hands groped her breasts, and fingers were pushed up between her legs. Risa had never seen a cock before then, but that day she saw many, large and erect, all being shoved into her mother. They forced her to suck them, while their friends knelt behind her, slamming into her cunt and arse. When they had finished, they took her mother with them, and she was never heard from again. Risa and her sister were then raised in an army camp, training every day in the art of war. Risa had taken her revenge during this war, killing dozens of Dardric scum. After her last mission however, high on the thrill of having killed a Dardric general, she walked straight into a trap. Surrounded by a dozen men weilding crossbows and swords, she had surrended meekly, knowing a chance for escape would present itself. Her captors had stripped her naked, but other than the occasional rough tit-groping, she had not been seriously molested. Today, they had arrived at this city, and she had been forced to parade naked through the streets, enduring the lustful gazes, and perverted suggestions from the local citizens. Arriving at the castle, she had been blindfolded and brought to this room, where someone had washed the dirt from her body, then left her chained here for the past few hours.
Hearing a sound beside her, Risa stiffened, readying herself for anything. Nothing but dead silence for the next minute, and she began to think she had imagined the sound. Then from directly in front of her, a deep voice growled, "You have a magnificent set of tits, slut."
"I am no mans slut", Risa replied,"and I tell you now, you will die for having brought me here."
There was silence for several seconds, then Risa cried out in surprise and pain, as teeth bit down hard on her left nipple.
"You don?t speak without permission", the voice growled again.
Risa felt hands on either side of her head, and then the blindfold was removed. The man in front of her was tall and muscular, and a large bulge in his trousers signalled his arousal. He said, "I am Kavlas, king of the Dardrics. You will call me Master."
"I am Risa, Icean warrior, and no man is my Master."
Kavlas reached out to the nipple he had just bitten, and taking it between thumb and forefinger, he squeezed hard. Risa gritted her teeth, but as the pressure on her already bruised nipple grew, she couldn?t help but groan with the pain.
"Foolish cunt", spat Kavlas as he released her bud,"You no longer have a name, you are no longer a warrior. You will answer to ?cumslut?, and you are nothing more than my fuck toy. I am going to enjoy breaking you down, but first I need a quick release." Bending forward, Kavlas ran his tongue over the girls breast. "I think I?ll start by giving these fantastic tits a good fucking."
Moving behind her Kavlas quickly shed his clothes, then stepped in close to her, pressing his erect cock against her arse. His hands wrapped around to reach between her legs, pulling her arse harder against his cock, and he rubbed her clitoris with his fingers. He felt her whole body shudder as he probed her pussy with his fingertips. His hands then traced a path up her body, cupping and squeezing her breasts, then going higher, across her face, and up her arms to reach the shackles that bound her. He removed the pins, and as her hands came free, Risa saw her opportunity. She drove her elbow backwards into his ribs, but having had her hands bound above her for several hours caused the blow to be weak. Kavlas took it with barely a flinch. Risa took two steps away from him. as if trying to escape, but then quickly spun, and launched a kick at Kavlas? midsection. The king was expecting it however, and using his superior strength, he caught her foot, and threw her to the ground. Seeing her land face down on the floor, he took the opportunity to straddle her, pinning her arms as he did so.
"Stupid cumslut. No woman can hope to defeat a man in combat. If you knew what punishments you were facing for that stunt, you would start begging for mercy now."
Risa continued to squirm beneath him, but made no reply.
The girls struggles aroused his erection to painful levels, and Kavlas flipped her over onto her back. Using his kness to pin her arms by her sides, he straddled her chest, placing his cock between her large firm breasts. What a magnificent specimen she looked, as she squirmed helplessly between his legs.
"Time for your tit fuck, cumslut!"
Kavlas put a hand on each breast, and pushed them together firmly, making a tight tunnel for his cock. Sliding back and forth, he roughly fucked her tits, quickly increasing his pace as he grew close to climax. Looking down at his prisoners face, he saw the disgust she felt at being used in this way, and that was enough to push him over the edge. With a roar of delight, Kavlas threw his head back, as his cock began spewing forth jets of cum. The first landed squarely in Risa?s left eye, the second splashed into her half open lips, and the rest sprayed across her cheeks, neck, and breasts. Still, even half blinded by cum, Risa?s warrior instincts sensed another opportunity for escape. With Kavlas?s head arched backwards in the throes of orgasm, Risa swung her legs upward and managed to hook her left leg around his neck, while her right locked it in tightly. Kavlas?s roar of delight was quickly choked off as Risa squeezed her legs together, cutting off the blood supply to the brain. Risa grinned as she saw his face turn purple, but then quickly shut her lips as some of his filthy cum dribbled into her mouth. Feeling the man struggling for his life between her legs, Risa?s cunt became hot and wet. Kavlas?s struggles grew weaker, and within ten seconds had stopped altogether. Risa disentangled her legs, and pushed the limp body off her. She had done it! The king of the Dardrics lay defeated before her, and her mouth, cunt and arse remained inviolate. Getting to her feet she gave her moist pussy a quick rub, then moved silently to the door, preparing for her escape.
Moving silently through the castle corridors, Risa?s senses were heightened to their utmost. Hearing the scuff of footsteps behind a door, she quickly ducked around a corner. Flattening herself against the wall she heard the door open, and footsteps heading down the corridor toward her. Standing perfectly still, she listened to the footsteps approaching, but her concentration was broken as she felt a glob of cum from her cheek slide down across her lips. Desperate to wipe it away, she could do nothing but clench her lips tightly shut as it dribbled down her chin, and then splashed onto her outthrust breasts. The footsteps were only metres from her now when they stopped suddenly. She heard a man curse under his breath, then he spun around and walked back the way he came. Taking the chance, Risa quickly wiped the remaining splooge from her face and breasts, smearing it onto the castle walls. The stimulation of being that close to discovery had left her panting with excitement, and she noticed her pussy was dripping wet. The sexual pleasure she gained from combat had gotten her into trouble before, most recently with her younger sister Micha. On that occasion, she had returned to camp from a successful mission feeling highly aroused. Grabbing the first infantryman she came across, she dragged him into her tent, and made him eat her pussy. Standard procedure really, only on this occasion, Micha walked in on them and was horrified to find her boyfriend with his face in her sisters cunt. Risa tried to explain she didn?t who he was, but Micha had never forgiven her. That had happened six months ago, and the sisters had not spoken to each other since.
Exploring another corridor, Risa found an open doorway, that she had to pass. Sidling up to the door, she allowed herself a quick look inside. She was shocked by what she saw. At one end of the room, her sister Micha was tied in the same way she had been in the room upstairs, naked and blindfolded. Looking around at the rest of the room, Risa saw it was also similar to the room upstairs. Dildoes, whips and various instruments of torture lay throughout. In the centre of the room was a line of six naked men. Before them knelt another girl, her hands tied behind her back, and her mouth filled with the cock of one of the men. She seemed to be willingly bobbing her head up and down on the cock, as if trying to please her captors. This was disgraceful conduct by an Icean, thought Risa, submitting before the enemy in this way. What she didn?t realise was that the poor girl had been given the choice of sucking off all the men or taking them all up her arse. While the humiliation of sucking a Dardric cock was terrible, the girl didn?t think she could endure another reaming of her tender, young arse. Risa?s survey of the room was interrupted when she heard a loud cry of "GUARDS!!!" from another part of the castle.
"Damn it", she thought, recognising the voice,"Kavlas isn?t dead."
From within the room most of the men sprang into action. They ran to a door on the other side, and raced away to help their king. Soren however, still had his dick in the young Icean captives mouth. "Shit", he swore, "I?m almost done, too". Saying that, he grabbed the sides of the girls bobbing head, and began fucking her throat the same way he had earlier fucked her arse and cunt. With his dick deep inside the choking slave, he gave a half dozen hard thrusts, before shooting his load down into her mouth. As he pulled out of her, she collapsed unconscious to the floor. Soren picked her up and slung her over his shoulder, cum drooling from her lips as he did so. Shackling her quickly to the wall, he ran to join his fellow guards.
Risa ran quickly across to her sister. She could see the terror on Micha?s face at the sound of footsteps approaching. Risa lifted the blindfold from her and was delighted to see the look of relief in her sister?s eyes when she realised she wasn?t about to be impaled on a hard cock. That look was quickly replaced by the more familiar glare of hate though, as Micha saw who her rescuer was.
"Please Micha, it was six months ago", pleaded Risa, "You?re my sister, and I?d never deliberately do anything to hurt you. We need to work together now to get out of here."
Micha nodded her head with reluctance, as Risa began struggling with the ropes that bound her sisters hands.
Soren didn?t get far down the corridor when he realised someone should probably stay and guard the prisoners. Returning the way he came, he was quite shocked to find another naked girl attempting to free one of the prisoners. Worst of all, it was the one that he hadn?t yet had to a chance to pork. Thinking quickly, Soren silently locked the door at which he stood, then made his way around the corridors to the other door. Finding Kavlas and the other men on the way, he explained the situation. Kavlas ordered three of his men around to the first door, while he and the others made their way to the second. His cumslut wasn?t going to have another chance at escape. When he reached the door, he saw Risa still struggling with the knots. His mouth widened into a wolfish grin as he stepped into the room.
"Stupid cumslut!"
Risa spun in alarm as she heard the words. Her heart sank as she saw both doors were blocked by three guards, while Kavlas stood in the centre of the room, holding a rattan cane the length of his arm, and about an inch thick. All of the men were still naked.
"You are going to regret your actions today. This castle will soon be reverberating with the sound of your screams."
Risa decided her only chance was to get hold of the cane the king held. With a weapon, she might have a some hope of holding off the guards. As she strode confidently towards him, Kavlas signalled to his men to stay back. He wanted to take this bitch down himself. When she was within range Risa launched a quick roundhouse kick at Kavlas? head. Kavlas was quicker though. Blocking the kick with his left arm, he saw the opportunity presented by her widely spread legs, and he lashed upwards with the cane in his right hand, striking her viciously across the cunt. Risa cried out with the pain, and fell backwards, dropping her hands to protect her delicate pussy. She saw Kavlas raise the cane to his mouth, and lick the juices that were left there by her already wet cunt.
"Already wet for me cumslut? You must be looking forward to feeling my dick inside you."
Risa struggled to her feet and launched another assault. She feinted a punch with her left hand, and followed up with right cross. Again, Kavlas was quicker. He blocked the punch and with a deft flick of his right hand struck Risa?s erect nipple with the tip of his cane. Again Risa cried out and stepped backwards. Kavlas now went on the offensive. The cane was a blur as he twirled it, flicking it out again and again. Risa tried to defend herself, but blow after blow kept striking her tits and arse. Kavlas had a malicious grin on his face, he was enjoying this. Each flick of the cane that struck the slut?s delightful young body was accompanied by a cry of pain from her, and a cheer from his men. Risa raised her arms as Kavlas aimed a strike at her head, realising too late that it had been a feint, and the cane was now whipping upwards at her unprotected cunt. The loud thwack as it struck directly between her pussy lips was drowned out by Risa?s scream of agony. She fell to the floor at her sisters feet. Kavlas stood over her, and placed his foot firmly on her tender breast.
"Do you wish to surrender now cumslut?"
Risa was too sore to continue fighting, and she meekly nodded her acquiscence.
"Then kneel before me!"
There would be other chances for escape, Risa knew, and she must now play along and bide her time. She pushed herself up to her knees. Kavlas signalled to his men, who bound her wrists behind her.
"Now cumslut, to show your complete surrender, you will suck my dick!"
She couldn?t bring herself to do it, her Icean pride was too strong. "You may have defeated me physically, but I will never surrender my dignity."
Kavlas shook his head in mock exasperation. Turning to Micha, he began running his cane up and down her body, pausing here and there to poke a nipple, or to rub it between her legs. Micha trembled in fear as he spoke to her,"My stupid cumslut won?t obey me. Perhaps I should just throw her to the orcs, and spend some time with you."
With that he reached out a hand and began twisting a nipple. Micha moaned, more with fear than actual pain.
Behind him, he heard Risa say with a quiet voice, "Stop. Leave her be and I?ll do what you say."
It was the weakness Kavlas had been looking for. His cumslut felt protective of this other girl, and he could exploit that.
"Too late I think, cumslut. I?ve decided I want to see this one take a cock up her arse." Kavlas called over to Lars, and gave him some quick instructions. Micha was untied from her position, but her hands were rebound behind her back. Lars led her to torture table, and pushing her forward, he bent her over it, exposing her arse and cunt to his sadistic gaze. Another man led Risa to the table, and made her kneel on the floor beside Micha. Kavlas spoke again, "Now cumslut, I want you to watch Lars? big dick, as it disappears into this sluts arse."
Lars stood behind Micha, and slowly began rubbing his dick down her arse crack, down between her pussylips, and back up to her anus. As he slowly increased the pressure on her sphincter, Micha?s whimperings grew louder and Risa again cried out, "No stop, I?ll do what you say, I?ll suck your dick."
"Beg me for it cumslut", Kavlas replied.
Another frightened whimper from Micha was all that it took. "Please let me suck your dick, Master." Risa?s head hung in shame, as Kavlas said, "Crawl to me cumslut."
On her knees, Risa shuffled her way across to where the king and his enormous, hard cock waited.
"Proceed slut. Do this well, and I will order the other bitch not to be hurt."
Leaning forward, Risa closed her eyes, and with a shudder, took the head of his cock into her mouth. Feeling Kavlas pushing forward, she allowed him deeper into her. "Open your eyes cumslut, you will look at me when you suck."
Looking up at him with his dick in her mouth was the most humiliating moment of her life. The king laughed at her distress, "So what happened to never surrendering your dignity, cumslut?"
His mockery served to focus her pride, and she spat the dick out of her mouth. Without a word, Kavlas looked over to where Lars was waiting beside Micha, with a whip in his hand. The whip lashed down across Micha?s bent over arse, making her scream loudly. Reminded of why she was doing this, Risa sobbed and quickly gathered the dick back into her mouth. "You?re a slow learner cumslut, but I think we?re getting there", laughed Kavlas. Risa decided her best bet was to get this over with as quickly as possible. Looking up at the king again, she began bobbing her head back and forth, taking him as deep as her inexperienced mouth would allow, and lashing her tongue across the head of his invading pole. Kavlas grinned at her. If there was a better sight than the disgust in an Icean warriors eyes as she was forced to suck a Dardric cock, then he hadn?t seen it. As his excitement grew, he began pushing his hips forward, forcing himself deeper into her mouth. His thrusts became faster, and she started making choking sounds as his dick hit the back of her throat. Watching the disgust in her eyes turn to terror as she struggled for air, Kavlas ordered, "You will swallow every drop of my sperm, cumslut!" Gripping her head now, he gave two firm thrusts into her throat, and blew his load in her mouth. Risa struggled to get enough air past the cock in her mouth, and allowed his cum to spill down her chin. Choking and spluttering as he withdrew his cock, Kavlas laughed as she collapsed to the floor at his feet, coughing up thick white globs of jism over her face.
"So you still won?t obey me cumslut. I told you swallow that sperm". Turning to his men he instructed, "Put her on the pole." The men picked her up and led her over to a device in front of the table where Micha was still bent over, with Lars behind her absently fingering her cunt. The pole was made of metal, about 2 inches thick and 4 feet long. It lay horizontally, about two feet above the ground. It was supported there by vertical posts at either end, to which it was attached by a ratchet device, allowing it to be raised or lowered, then locked into place. Bolted to the floor at the centre of the pole were a pair of shackles. Unaware of the torture she was in for, Risa was made to straddle the pole, which stood about knee height. Her ankles were then locked into the shackles on the floor. Only when the men began raising the pole did Risa realise what was going to happen. The pole moved upwards with a series of clicks, as the ratchet device locked into place every inch. Another click, and she felt the cold metal against cunt lips, initially soothing her beaten and bruised pussy. Another click, and it became uncomfortable. Another, and she was forced onto tiptoes to relieve the pressure. Another click, and the pole started to lift her from the ground. The pain in her cunt was incredible, and yet the men were struggling to lift the pole still higher. Risa heard another click as she was lifted completely from the ground, the shackles on her ankles at full stretch, pulling her back down against the torture device. Kavlas walked over to the moaning girl and began squeezing her tits. "You will learn to obey me cumslut."
Risa moaned, "Please let me down, I?m sorry I didn?t swallow your cum."
"Oh but this isn?t your punishment for that", replied Kavlas, "This is for daring to escape from me earlier. For failing to swallow, you will be made to watch the girl you were trying to protect take Lars?s cock up her cunt."
The horror that Risa felt as she heard this, was reflected on Micha?s face, who began crying, "No, please leave me alone. You can fuck her, she?s the one who fought you."
Kavlas laughed at this, and nodded his head to Lars. Lars lined himself up, and without warning shoved with all his might into the tight young cunt before him. Her scream delighted him, as the first five inches of his cock disappeared inside her. Not realising there was more to come, Micha squealed again with the next thrust, which forced the remaining half of the dick into her. Lars roared with pleasure as the whole of his cock was gripped in the sweet embrace of her tight pussy. "Yeah bitch, take my cock, take it hard".
Impaled on the Dardrics huge fuck sword, Micha lay helplessly before him, her slender young body wracked with sobs as he began poling her in earnest. He grasped her hips as he withdrew, then rammed it all the way back home, banging into her cervix. Ignoring the girls pleas for mercy, Lars continued the brutal fucking, shaking her entire body as his stomach slapped against her arse.
Initially distressed for her sister, Risa was now more concerned with own pain. She writhed around on the pole, trying to relieve the pressure, but it was useless. Kavlas still stood beside her, kneading her breasts, pinching the nipples, and occasionally bending down to chew her tender flesh. The pain in her abused pussy was too much for Risa, and she began to beg the king for mercy. "Please Master, I can?t take any more. Let me down and I will obey your every command. Please let me suck you again Master, I promise I will swallow all your cum".
"And the cum of my men too?", enquired Kavlas.
Risa gulped in trepidation, but nodded,"Yes Master, anything".
Looking across to where Lars was now ejaculating into Micha?s cunt, Kavlas gave some more instructions to his men. Micha was placed face up in the centre of the table and her legs spread wide, exposing the hole that Lars had just battered. Her cunt was filled with sticky white jism, and more was splattered over her mound and inner thighs. Kavlas released the shackles that held Risa in place, allowing her to fall off the pole. With her hands still tied behind her, she landed on her knees, then fell forward until her face hit the ground. Her moan of relief at being off the pole turned into a shriek when the kings swift kick connected with her pain filled cunt. "Quickly cumslut, on your feet!".
As she struggled to stand, Kavlas grabbed a bruised nipple, and tugging her along led her to the table on which Micha lay. When she stood against the table between her sisters wide spread thighs, Kavlas pushed her head forward, saying "Now is your chance to show you will swallow cum!"
Risa had no more resistance left in her, she would do anything to avoid going back on that pole. Despite the disgrace she brought to her family, she lowered her face to her sisters gaping cunt, and began lapping the foul sperm that flowed from within. Micha howled in disgust at this, but the men held her in place, laughing and yelling abuse to Risa, "Lick that cunt, bitch!, Yeah, drink that cum!"
After several minutes of cunt lapping, Risa was pushing her tongue deep inside Micha?s pussy, trying to get the last vestiges of cum, so her captors would have no reason to punish her again. She heard Kavlas? voice beside her, "Good cumslut, I knew you would learn to obey me. You have now earned a choice, either get back on the pole, or allow me to fuck your cunt."
"Please Master, fuck my cunt, I can?t take the pole again", begged Risa.
"And after I fuck your cunt, you?d like me to cum on this other bitches face, wouldn?t you?"
"Yes Master, please cum on her face after you fuck me."
Micha glared with hate filled eyes at her sister, but Risa was too ashamed to look at her. The men pulled Micha off of the table and proceeded to strap Risa into position, bent over with her legs spread wide. Her arms were tied to the corners of the table, stretching her tightly so her breasts were flattened against the rough wood of the table and she was unable to move. Micha was made to kneel beside her sisters arse, and she watched as Kavlas began fingering her. Risa cried with the pain he elicited from her bruised cunt and Micha smiled with satisfaction at the sound. Kavlas noted this with interest, it was something else he could exploit. Lining up Risa?s cunt, he placed the head of his cock between her pussy lips, then paused. "Are you sure you want me to do this, cumslut?"
Risa shuddered with revulsion as she said the words she knew he wanted to hear, "Yes Master, fuck my cunt, fuck me haAAAAARRRRRHHHH!!!"
The words turned into a scream with the first vicious thrust that filled her wet cunt, stretching the tender swollen lips, and making her whole body buck with pain. Kavlas wasted no time, but quickly pulled back and began slam fucking her with all the anger and hatred he felt towards the Iceans, and this girl in particular. He thought about how she had strangled him in his chambers, and his thrusts grew even stronger, crashing his hips against her arse. Risa couldn?t help but scream with each brutal pump of her cunt, which spurred the king on to even greater heights. The men watched with awe as the young Iceans body flopped like a rag doll in her bonds, tits slapping up and down on the rough table, erect nipples being rubbed raw by the wood. Micha watched the cock slamming her sisters cunt, it was incredible that she could endure such a pounding. The cock became a blur before her eyes, until suddenly it was no longer inside the pussy, but was pointing directly at her face. Before she could comprehend what was happening, the first jet of cum shot into her gaping mouth, followed quickly by more gushes which coated her face. Micha growled with anger at the insult that had been splooged all over her because of her slut sisters request.
Risa had collapsed onto the table, panting for breath, eyes glazed, staring at nothing. Pain radiated from her caned and slamfucked cunt, spreading throughout her body, then focusing again in her lashed, squeezed, pinched and chewed on tits. She even felt powerless to stop the cum from her earlier mouthfuck from dribbling off her cheek and onto her tongue. She heard but didn?t register the words that Kavlas spoke to her angry sister.
"You?d like to take revenge against her now, wouldn?t you?"
Micha nodded, with some confusion, unsure where this was leading. Kavlas signalled to Soren, who brought over a large, strap on dildo, ten inches long and as thick as a mans wrist. It was carved from wood in the shape of a penis, and three leather straps allowed it to be buckled onto the pelvis. While Soren untied Micha?s hands, Kavlas buckled the dildo in place, fixing two straps around her hips, then passing the third through her legs. Grinning, he pulled it tight so the strap dug up into Micha?s freshly tongue-cleaned cunt.
Coming to her senses now, Risa swallowed the glob of sperm on her tongue, then craned her neck to see what was happening behind her. She was shocked to see Micha wearing a huge dildo and glaring malevolently at her exposed arse. Kavlas?s deep voice instructed the girl, "I think you?ll find a satisfactory revenge in the hole I?ve saved for you."
Micha stepped up to her sisters backside, and wiping some of the cum from her own face, she used it to lubricate the end of the giant wooden cock. As Micha placed the bulbous head against her sisters tightly puckered orifice, Risa struggled against her bonds and began pleading with her, "Micha, no, please, its too big, don?t hurt me!!". Seeing the distress in her sister?s eyes, Micha hesitated. Then, remembering the rapture in those same eyes when Risa had sat on Micha?s boyfriends face, her mouth formed a snarl and she pushed forward with her hips. For several seconds, Risa?s anus refused to give way, but with a sudden pop, the head of the dildo was inside her, and the watching men all gave a cheer. Risa?s screams were as loud as before, as pump by sadistic pump, Micha forced inch after excruciating inch of the dildo into the tight opening. Finally Micha banged her pelvis against her sister?s arse, and the dildo was completely inside her. Micha was sweating with the exertion, it was hard work getting the dildo into such a tight tunnel. As Micha paused, Risa kept perfectly still, trying not to feel the huge piece of wood that stretched her bowel, hoping that her sister would have had enough. It was not to be though. Micha pulled back, removing half the dildo, only to slam forward again, bringing forth another squeal from Risa. As Micha settled into a steady yet brutal rhythm, the room was filled with loud sadistic grunts from Micha, alternating with various squeals, moans and cries from Risa.
Kavlas turned to Soren and whispered into his ear. Soren walked behind Micha, and reaching around her, began fondling and squeezing her firm breasts. Completely focused on dildo raping her sisters arse, Micha ignored the tit groping and continued her thrusting. Sorens hands then went down to her steadily pumping arse. With one hand he pulled the strap between her legs to the side, with the other, he pushed her upper body forward, until she was bent over her sister, tits mashed against Risa?s back. Micha looked around in confusion, wondering why she had been interrupted. The realisation hit her when she felt Soren?s own huge cock press against her arse. She opened her mouth to beg, but Soren didn?t even give her that chance. With a violent thrust, his dick entered Micha?s virginal arse, knocking her forwards which also slammed the dildo deeper into Risa. The sister?s screams sounded in unison, and Soren laughed with delight. He?d never arse raped two girls at the same time before. Starting slowly, he practised his movements. Pulling Michas hips back with his hands, he withdrew the dildo, simultaneously drawing his hips back, he extracted his own hard cock. Then, with an extra long thrust, he rammed his dick back into Micha?s arse, continuing on to crash her hips into her sister. Micha?s body squirmed and writhed on top of Risa, trying to escape the fuck sword that painfully impaled her arse, but it only had the effect of grinding the dildo harder into her sister. The cries of distress had aroused the other men, and Kavlas signalled that they should join in the fun. Two men climbed onto the table. One grabbed Michas hair, pulling her head up so he could force his dick into her mouth. The other knelt beside her, and bent forward so he could chew on her ripe young tits, which were bouncing delightfully up and down, thanks to Soren?s continued reaming. Another man waited eagerly beside Soren, anxious for his turn to simultaneously rape the two sluts. The last two stood at Risa?s face and began forcing both their cocks into her mouth at the same time. Kavlas watched the entertaining scene, listening to the harmonies of grunts, groans, and cock muffled screams. He had already cum three times in the past few hours, and needed to rest. He headed to his chambers, giving his final orders on the way out. "Use them for as long as you like, but when they cease to entertain you, place them both on the pole for the night." He wouldn?t have thought it possible, but the screams became even louder after that.
Kavlas left for his bed then. Tomorrow would be a big day again, and he wanted to be well rested for the arrival of the Icean queen



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The online world is filled with all sorts of porn movies, including many popular fetishes. So if you are searching for something specific, I am sure that you will be able to find it. However, the process of searching for your favorite porn sites can be quite tedious, because a lot of porn sites are really not worth your time. That is why Fetish Porn Sites is all you really need.I am here to talk about a site that is filled with cuckold pornos. iWank.tv is a free porn aggregator that has...

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2 years ago
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BlitzChapter 6

"Well, well, well. What do we have here?" An elderly man with a rake and hoe looked at the frightened girls as they stared at the man who discovered them sleeping. He reached down and roughly grabbed both by the arms pulling them out of the shed. "What were you two doing in my toolshed?" he demanded. "We were sleeping," Carol answered, her voice shaking. "That is obvious, lass. But why here?" "We were tired," Emma stated less afraid than Carol. "And running from?" "No...

4 years ago
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Liz Gets Gangbanged

Liz was blonde, nineteen, petite, extremely busty and attractive. She was quite shy, but because of her looks, men came at her from every direction. If she would have been a little more wise, she would have side stepped a number of these men, but being the gullable girl she was, the clever men always ended up getting in her knickers. One Friday night she was out with her friend and a local sportsman came up to her with his friends and started chatting. He was well known and Liz was very...

1 year ago
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My Maid 48 Year Old Maid Rani

Hi, I’m Arjun, 26 years old living in Mumbai. The following incident took place with my maid who’s been working at my place for over 9 years. All this while she worked for us, I never had any sexual fantasies for my maid Rani, but all that changed one fateful afternoon in July. My parents were off to work, but due to a bad hangover I decided to stay back home and relax for the day. Rani came in as usual at 10 am in the morning. To describe her in one word she wasn’t great in looks, around 5’7...

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Whos the Bigger Slut

I was excited moving into my dorm to start freshman year in college. It took a lot to convince Mom to let me goinstead of staying home and going to the community college. She was worried about my safety. Ipulled all the crime stats I could find and showed her that it was safer at the University than it was athome. She finally relented and let me go. I was not very experienced sexually when I left for college. Ihad only slept had sex three times total; twice with a boyfriend and once with...

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Blacked at the Gym

I had known Aaron for sometime. We went to the same college, had him someclasses, were study partners, but that was the extent of the friendship.It was by complete coincidence that we ended up at the came company inColumbus. I was single and pretty happy at it, but Aaron had married somecute BBW that was nearly a complete bitch. He, often, would lie to her tocome and hang at my place. I did not mind. It was not like I had arevolving door of tail coming and going, but if I did he would duck...

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Fun With My Crush Colleague Sony

Hello, Greetings!! ISS and Readers, Sub: How I enjoyed with my colleague Ref: Hemo, I’m back with fresh story this is my first Office story, those who don’t know about me let me introduce to them. This is Hemanth from Hyderabad (South India) if you want to know more about me then read my previous stories (I don’t like to waste your time so that I said like that), I hope you like them. In this story I’m expressing the fun happened between me and my colleague. I was working in a social service...

1 year ago
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JapanHDV Megumi Shino Gets caught stealing from her office and now has to pay

Megumi Shino is the new office girl. She is sweet and young and tries her best to be a good worker and get along with everyone in the office. It is a tough job as there are so many men telling her what to do. She tries to make sure she does a good job and that all of her superiors are getting what they need. Her pay is very low and the hours are very long. There is no prestige in her job as she is the new office worker and very low on the totem pole. She is in a predicament here today as she...

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Seed of Horror The Series

Chapter One Mist filled the air in twisting fumes while catching the light of the moon like vaporized mercury, thickening the air of this frigid evening. With each step the man took, twigs snapped and autumn leaves crunched beneath his feet, making it exceptionally difficult to keep his footing in the dark forest. Further hindering him were the weights of the can of kerosene hanging in his grip and the tarp-wrapped body he was dragging behind him. The alcohol in his blood and...

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Pamelas Honeymoon

Pamela's Honeymoon by Janis Elizabeth Chapter 1 Sunday morning dawned bright and sunny. To me, it also seemed to have come too early. I lay there in my virginal (not any more) white, long, form-fitting satin nightgown with spaghetti straps that flowed from my shoulders to my ankles fitting over all of my curves, although it currently was not covering that much of anything. Karen lay cuddled up next to me wearing a black satin nightgown in a style...

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Steve and ChuckChapter 72

Chuck This was becoming one of the more bizarre days in my life. Julie had just told me she was giving me her island and home, if I would only take care of the island and the people who had tended it for so long. We had just embraced before she went into the kitchen for whatever she was doing. Ben and Beth quickly moved to the table I was at and Ben leaned over to me, "You have got to be the luckiest man alive. She's sincere; she's going to give you this island and this home. I can't...

2 years ago
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Meri Playboy Ban Ne Ki Story

Hi, I am rahul age 23 hai mai maharastra se hu. Mai ek college student hu.Meri average body 5.6 hight n 7.5 in long lund n 3 in mota hai.Mai bhot din se meri story share krna soch rha tha lekin himmat nhi ho rhi thi.Aj mai apse meri life me hui story share kr rha hu ki mai kaise ek student se playboy ban gya. (meri email id hai : ) daily bus se collage jatha hu. Aise hi meri life chal rhi thi.Ek din mai collage se nikal rha tha tbi barish chalu ho gyi .Barish bhot tej thi to maine socha thoda...

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Arlene and JeffChapter 320

Eileen's eyes had popped open shortly after 1:00 A.M. It took only a second for her to realize why; her stomach was clamoring for attention. Surely my stomach didn't growl loudly enough to wake me. Then the feeling of hunger hit. Oh, my. I thought the business about stocking my refrigerator for a meal during the night was bordering on the ridiculous, but now I understand what Diana and the others were talking about. Coming to her feet, she hurried to get rid of the tea she had drunk, then...

2 years ago
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Populationregulating slaughtering

Population-regulating slaughtering By RotnebSynopsis: Because of necessary population-regulation, a quarter of all girls aged eighteen years were selected as naked slaughter animals. After two month at the Meat Collecting Farm Tina were loaded to the slaughterhouse together with other naked slaughter animals.The story is only fantasy.The road to the slaughterhouse Tina was nervous as she was to exam. She and the other naked girls had spending two good months at the farm. Okay the girls have...

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Rebeccas Secret Ch 02

bigger breasts – breasts make – dick butt – orgasm experienced – pink hole – cock pointing-5-Rebecca lay in my arms, trembling after the most incredibly orgasm she’d ever experienced. Hell, it was the most incredible orgasm I’d ever experienced and I wasn’t even the one who’d had it! We held one another in the darkness, myself stripped of every article of clothing, Rebecca in nothing but her flannel pajama top. We lay together quietly, simply enjoying being together.I guess now would be the...

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No Georgia Peach

When we moved it was in middle of the summer and in the middle of the drought. It was getting close to the school year and I was not looking forward to it. The only thing that made me want to go to school was seeing all the Georgia Peaches there. School started a month later and my story begins The first day of school was very confusing but made it to homeroom. When I got there I had to say I was disappointed from what the girls looked like. None of the girls there were very good looking....

2 years ago
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Insatiable Night

I woke in the night to find you standing by the bay window, staring off, unaware that I am even awake. Tonight I take my time, letting my eyes drink you in, loving your muscled form in the moonlight and eyeing your sweet ass cheeks, that are just the right size for my hands, just begging me to feel, squeeze, touch and rub. Knowing that you are troubled about something, as you only do this late in the night, I silently pull the covers back and tiptoe up behind you. Ever so lightly, I rest my...

2 years ago
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Main Street Daddy

This is a true story that happened to me a few years ago. While my job is at an industry park in the suburbs, our company had a full-day meeting in one of the conference rooms in a major hotel. After the meeting, I left the hotel and started walking down the street to the parking garage where I had left my car. I happened to stop and look into one of the store windows that had a particularly interesting display of vintage leather furniture. At that time I was in my early 40s, clean shaven, 6...

Gay Male
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The Judgment of Sgt J Chapter 8 The One who became Carrie

Hi, I am Cathy. I am the other wife to the man you know as Sgt. J. he considers me trust worthy and loyal to him. The rest of our family believes that I am the centerpiece, the strong willed, emotionally balanced one in our loving family. The one who has a soothing effect on them all especially the one you know as Sgt. J. However when my story is finished you and they will find out this might not be true. While I am not his legal wife, I am devoted and supportive of the one we call John. I...

1 year ago
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Trophy Girlfriend Part 6

by Vanessa Evans Part 6 MONDAY They woke still spooning and continued where they left off before Caleb was forced to halt the fun so that they could get to work on time. Cora’s bathroom routine was a little rushed but her whole pussy was nice and smooth as she stepped into one of her summer microdresses. It was when Caleb slapped her butt that she remembered the previous morning’s spanking. She pulled up the back of the dress in front of a mirror, looked at her butt and said, “If I’m not...

3 years ago
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Anal AlisonChapter 9

Brad came in the door leading two huge dogs on leashes and followed by another guy with a satchel. "I brought two of Mary's friends and some toys for the girls to enjoy tonight!" Alison looked over and her face paled. Amanda looked over and blushed. Both girls panted a bit. The dogs headed for Mary who was lying on the floor still recovering from her double fisting of a short while ago. The largest put his head to her cunt and started licking her out. Mary began to moan and the other dog...

2 years ago
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Draft Photogenic

Alyson looked at her watch. Damn 4:30 she thought, I am never going to get a photo today. She dashed into the camera shop praying there was someone there who could do a passport photo."Hi," she smiled brightly to the young girl behind the counter. "Is it too late in the day to get a passport photo done. I'm in a bit of a jam.""Oh yes no problem we are here for another half hour. Only takes five minutes."She led Alyson around the counter to the back of the shop where the processing lab was....

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Trouble with Roxy Part I

The last few months have been tough for Matt, working long days at work and being without a girlfriend for the last few months. Everything seemed to be going fine with Rachel but then one day he got the "It's not you, it's me" line. Sure they could still be friends but she never did return any of Matt's calls. He really missed Rachel. She was a little wild, unlike Matt, who was a bit conservative in manner and not very out-going. She always said he should take more risks and be more fun. Rachel...

Oral Sex
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girls on film

If you’ve never had more than one naked pussy laid out in front of you to choose between, you probably can’t imagine the feeling in my cock as I looked down at the three naked girls on the bed in front of me. I told them to spread their legs wider for me as I stroked myself and thought about which one to fuck next. I’d spent weeks setting this up. Putting an ad online for new glamour models, emailing fake applications to the respondents and reeling them in until they’d each come over for an...

3 years ago
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New Hobby is Turning Straight Guys GayMaker

THERE IS NO SUCH THING AS A STRAIGHT MAN Oh sure, many men think they are straight and many men will never once in their life ever do anything sexual with another man, yet I strongly believe any man can be seduced. The reality is you just have to open up their minds to the idea by planting the seed and once it's there it will often flourish. I have seduced guys in under an hour, I have also seduced guys that took me three months, but they almost always submit eventually...curiosity is a big...

3 years ago
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evil slave girl

I'll start by saying, I have been in the local BDSM Scene now for some 20 odd years, about 3 years back, at HF, I was to cane a real pain puppy, as this was something she had worked herself up to for 8 weeks, the deal was I would give her 250 strokes, what I didn't know at the time was, she had a gf from another city with her that night.This gf is now my collared slave, my property. All that happened that night at our first meeting was I gave her a very nice little spanking on the A-Frame.We...

3 years ago
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So Innocent Chapter 1

"Down here sweety." he said, looking at the stairs. Jessica ran down them, her long brown hair flowing behind her. Her nice 34c breasts bounced up and down, as she came to a complete stop, "Is it ok if Janet sleeps over tonight?" She asked, looking into his eyes. "Well I don't know sweety, your mom and I are going out tonight. And your brother and sister are both going out," he said, standing up, looking down to her. "Pretty please daddy! With sugar on top?" she asked, giving him...

2 years ago
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Vacation In TerrorChapter 2

I felt the first stroking hand high on my leg just a few moments after I was tied up and left in this room. Voices were everywhere, crowds of people talking and laughing, disorienting me because of the blindfold that I was still forced to wear. I jumped and cringed away from the hand that caressed the silky skin of my thigh, bumping into someone else who was standing just behind me. Hands came down to my waist, forcing me to stand still. My head twisted back and forth, the gag in my mouth...

3 years ago
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My Second ChanceChapter 13 Trouble with girls

Next thing I knew it was time for the Valentine’s Dance. It is my first dance at this school, and I hadn’t been to a school dance since grade 6. I don’t know who to invite. If I ask either Dahlia or Carol, then the other girl would get jealous, I don’t want to show up alone. The week before the dance, we are sitting, having our lunch. I ask the two of them if we can talk in private when we are done eating. Usually, kids walk the hall when they want to chat. Instead, I take them to an empty...

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