A Spy Too FarChapter 5 At Gestapo Headquarters
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The Standard Disclaimer: This is a work of fiction with content suitable onlyfor adults (and stable ones at that). If you are prohibited from reading suchmaterial by the laws or standards of your community please depart immediately.Likewise, if you can't tell the difference between reality and fantasy getthe heck outta here.
Copyright is claimed on this work by the author. Since I may wish to publishit again at a future date permission to copy, republish or distribute it inany form is expressly prohibited with the sole exception of personal, non-commercialuse.
At Gestapo Headquarters
von Hentzau
It was nearly midnight, near the end of her last performance, when the Gestapoarrived. Two of them, tall, broad shouldered, unmistakable in their arrogantbearing, walked into the small night club. Had they wanted to be unobtrusivethey still could not have escaped notice. The club was nearly empty. Very fewof the normal patrons of the club dared to be on the streets of occupied Rouenlate at night.
A few of the handful customers attempted to quietly slip out the back whenthey realized who had just come in the front. They returned just as quietlyand resumed their seats, followed by a pair of uniformed, helmeted SS men.
One of the Gestapo officers motioned towards Suzanne.
"You will come with us," he said quietly. He added a perfunctory "Please" atthe end. It sounded odd.
Numbly Suzanne stepped down from the stage and walked towards the Gestapoagents. The moment she had feared for so long had come. How much did they know,she wondered. Rene had always said not to be afraid. Often they picked peopleup at random, just to shake the tree and see what would fall out. Oh, please,she prayed silently. Let them just be shaking the tree.
Suzanne passed between them. They fell in behind her and followed her outthe door. Outside she saw their black Mercedes parked at the curb. Behind itwas a military truck. A squad of heavily armed SS men were positioned on bothsides of the street. One of the Gestapo officers opened the door of the Mercedesand slid onto the back seat. The other held the door open for Suzanne. Sherealized he'd positioned himself to block her if she made a break for it. Obedientlyshe slid onto the seat. The Gestapo agent followed.
Once they were in, Suzanne sandwiched between the Gestapo men, the driver,without command, slowly pulled away from the curb and accelerated down thestreet. Neither of the men said a word.
Suzanne wanted to cry out, confess that she had passed notes for the Resistance.Her lover Rene had coaxed her into doing it. As she worked the crowd at theclub a patron, usually someone she'd never seen and would never see again,would whisper a phrase. She would pass a small sealed envelope to him or receiveone to give to Rene. What was in them? How should she know?
"If you know nothing, there is nothing you can tell," Rene had saidmany times.
"I know nothing," she wanted to cry out. "All I did was passlittle envelopes."
But she kept quiet. Rene had told her not to volunteer anything. Once theystarted you talking, it was over. You couldn't stop. They wouldn't let you.So Suzanne sat in silence as the car navigated the narrow streets.
Fifteen minutes and many turns later the car turned into a gated entryway.Guards, machine pistols at the ready, stopped the car, shone flashlights onthe occupants, then waved it through. The car moved forward, pulled up alongside a rambling brick and stone building. Suzanne recognized it. It was theheadquarters of the local German security services. The building housed offices,barracks, prison cells and, it was whispered around Rouen, a torture chamber.
They entered the building through a side door and went down several passageways,the Gestapo agents flanking her and indicating turns with a light touch onthe arm. Finally they stopped in front of a solid looking wooden door, markedonly by an anonymous number. One of the Gestapo men opened the door and allthree entered.
Suzanne glanced fearfully around. The room was sparsely furnished. It wasan inside room. There were no windows. Another blank wooden door was centeredin the wall opposite the entry. On either side of the room a wooden desk waspushed up against the wall. A black uniformed guard sat at either desk, oneapparently doing paperwork while the other clearly had been waken from sleep.A heavy straight backed wooden chair was centered in the room. One other chair,alongside one desk, completed the furnishings
The two guards stood up and approached. One of the Gestapo men handed a documentto the guard who had been doing paperwork.
"Very good," he muttered. Then to Suzanne he said "Have a seat,mademoiselle." His french was passable, but he could never have passedas a Frenchman.
Suzanne seated herself. Before she realized what was happening the other guardhad stepped behind her and grasped her by the shoulders. She squeaked out inprotest but he ignored her. The other guard then came over and strapped herwrists into leather cuffs at the back edge of the seat. Then he knelt downand strapped her ankles into cuffs fastened at the base of each leg. With Suzannesecured the guards went back to what they had been doing when she arrived.
She sat and waited. And waited. And waited. There was no way to tell whattime it was or how much time had passed. There was no clock on the wall. Infact, there was nothing, no pictures, paintings or other decorations on thedingy yellow walls. Nothing to distract the eye. The two guards were totallyignoring her. One had dropped his head to the desk and gone back to sleep.The other was busily examining papers and periodically scrawling upon them.
Suzanne wondered at the delay. The Germans were famously punctual. Then sherealized it was all part of their method. Let her stew. Let her worry. Sheresolved not to give in to them. The minutes passed slowly. She lost all senseof how long she'd been waiting.
Finally the door opened. An older, somewhat grand fatherly looking man entered.He was dressed in a civilian suit rather than a uniform but the two guardssnapped to attention when they saw him. One of them stepped forwards.
"Herr Oberst," the guard said smartly, handing the older man a folder.The colonel motioned him back, then opened the folder and glanced quickly atit.
"Ah, Suzanne," he said in a tone that an old family friend my use. "I'vebeen expecting you for some time, you know. We've been watching you, of course.More than one of your fans has been working for us. So let's make this easy.Just tell us everything you know about the Resistance and nothing will happento you."
The Colonel waited expectantly.
"But I know nothing," Suzanne said quietly. She almost added "AllI did was pass notes back and forth." But she caught herself. To admitthat would be to admit complicity.
"Very well," the Colonel said. He turned to the guards. "Stripher."
The guards quickly unfastened Suzanne and stood her up. It took only momentsbefore she was standing completely naked before the Colonel. He eyed her upand down. She was a splendid young woman. Tall, with an exquisitely feminineframe, full pendulous breasts, round, firm buttocks.
The guards went over her clothes, checking for anything hidden. Then one ofthe guards inspected Suzanne. He forced her mouth open. She blushed as he forcedher to bend over and spread her sex.
"Microfilm," the Colonel said. "It can be hidden in the mostingenious places."
Upright once again, Suzanne glared as the Colonel slowly walked around her,admiring.
"Such a shame to have to risk damaging such a magnificent body," hesaid. He brushed the fingers of one hand along the curve of a buttock. "Ifyou force us to resort to more severe measures, young lady, there is no guaranteeyou will be quite as beautiful when we've finished."
He returned to face her.
"So, tell us now. Everything you know about the Resistance." Hewaited. Suzanne stood silent, looking past him. "Prepare her for interrogation," TheColonel said to the guards and left the room.
Suzanne was pushed down into the chair against and strapped in place. Oneof the guards brought out a pair of clippers. Quickly and crudely he clippedoff her long blonde hair. Then she was released from the chair. Her wristswere pulled behind her back and cuffed together. The guards then led her fromthe room.
They led Suzanne down a nearly deserted passageway to a shower room. A men'sshower room. Two surprised occupants were just finishing their showers. Theyfinished dressing and stood back to watch.
Suzanne was taken into the showers. One of the guards pushed her down to siton the cold, wet tile floor. The other left briefly, then returned with a paira leather cuffs. These were strapped around Suzanne's ankles. Then each guardgrabbed an ankle.
"Give us a hand here, eh?" one of them called to the onlookers.They came over and each grasped an ankle.
Suzanne was upended, lifted by her ankles. Rings on the cuffs were slippedover hooks mounted in the ceiling of the shower room. Suzanne was left danglingupside down, legs wide spread. The onlookers stood back, gawking and snickeringat her predicament. Several more men came in to watch the proceedings.
One of the guards had gone rummaging around the row of sinks and returnedwith a shaving mug, brush and razor. He lathered Suzanne's crotch and thenbegan shaving it.
"Albrecht isn't going to like your using his razor like that, you know," oneof the onlookers called out.
"So how's he going to know?" the guard replied, continuing to removeSuzanne's pubic hair with short, precise strokes.
"Well, maybe because he doesn't have blonde pussy hair on his face hemight be just a bit suspicious when he finds it stuck in his razor."
"We all have to make sacrifices for the Fatherland," the guard replied,finishing his task.
The other guard had brought over a hose. He gave Suzanne a good blast of waterbetween the legs, rinsing off the soap scum and severed hair. Then she waslifted up and set back down on her feet. The guards removed the ankle straps.Then they positioned her over one of the drains and forced her to squat.
"Do you have to go?" one of the guards asked.
Suzanne shook her head, no. Actually she did, but she couldn't pee with thesecrude soldiers watching.
"I think you'd better if you can. You won't get another chance for awhile."
Suzanne closed her eyes, tried to shut out her surrounding, the leering facesand snickering laughs. Finally she was able to relax enough to relieve thepressure on her bladder. The crude comments of her audience drowned out thesound of urine trickling down the drain.
As her stream tapered off one of the guards hit her again between the legswith a spray of water. Then they lifted her to her feet. Thoroughly humiliatedand dripping Suzanne was led out into the corridor again. Several of the spectatorswalked along behind them, keeping up a stream of nasty comments. From the snatchesof French and the slang that peppered their German Suzanne concluded that mostof the discussion concerned the motion of her bottom as she walked.
At the end of the corridor they made a turn and stopped briefly at a gatemade of metal bars. One of the guards fished out a key, opened the gate andlet them through. They descended to the basement of the building.
It had been converted into a prison, two rows of cells to either side of along passageway. Some sells were closed off with solid metal doors. Otherswere merely barred. Most contained occupants.
They led Suzanne to a solitary, empty cell and put her in it. They left thehand cuffs on. She motioned to one of the guards with her arms, trying to drawattention to them.
"No," he said. "Those stay on. Can't have you committing suicideon us."
And he closed the barred door. The lock made an audible, metallic groaningsound as he turned the key. Suzanne sat despondently upon the rusted metalbed, the sole furnishing of the cell. The cell opposite hers was crowded withmen who looked liked they'd been swept up off the street in the worst quarterof town, filthy, drunken swine. Some of them began to stir and noticed thenaked woman in the cell across the way. It wasn't long before the crude remarksand catcalls started. One of them undid his trousers and exposed himself toher, accompanying the act with utterly disgusting descriptions of what he wantedto do to her in slurred gutter French.
These didn't seem like the kind of prisoners that should be in a Gestapo prison.These seemed like common scum from a drunk tank. She wondered, was this justpart of their interrogation technique? To put her under pressure from the humiliationof being exposed to them? She lay down on her side on the thin mattress andpulled her legs up, making as tight a ball of herself as she could, as if itwould give her some protection. The mattress smelled of urine. Eventually shefell into a fitful sleep.
At mid-morning two different men, in undecorated black uniforms, came forher. She was taken from the cell, led back upstairs and into the same room.This time they continued into the next room.
Once glance old Suzanne what it was and her heart sank within her. There wasno question but that it was a torture chamber. Various implements lined thewall. The probably uses of some was obvious. Others she didn't understand,and didn't want to think about.
They wasted no time. Suzanne was positioned in the middle of the floor andturned around to face the door. The handcuffs were removed. She was given afew brief moments to shrug her arms and get the kinks out before her wristswere strapped into a pair of leather cuffs in front of her. A rope with a hookat the end was lowered from the ceiling and the cuffs fastened to it. Thenher arms were raised up. They stopped when her elbows had come up to eye level.One of the torturers then knelt down and strapped cuffs around her ankles,fastening them to a ring set in the floor. Then she heard a crank turning andher arms began to rise again. They didn't stop until she was stretched tight,only the balls of her feet still on the floor.
The she waited. Ten minutes. Maybe fifteen. Her arms began to ached from thestrain. Finally the door opened and the Colonel walked in.
"Good morning, Suzanne," he said brightly, as if just coming intothe office and greeting his secretary. "And how did you sleep? Well, Ihope." He paused, as if expecting an answer. "Now, what have youto tell us?"
Suzanne dropped her eyes to the floor and said nothing. She heard a strangewhooshing sound and suddenly pain exploded across her butt cheeks. Her eyesgrew wide and mouth dropped, but she managed to stifle the cry that tried toemerge.
"A rattan cane, Suzanne," the Colonel said, an amused look on hisface. "The nuns at your convent school never employed one? I'm surprised."
Another blow came, this time across the backs of her thighs. It brought tearsto her eyes.
"Most unpleasant, as I'm sure you've noticed. Georg here is quite expertin the use of it. Perhaps we could place a mirror here so that you can admirehis technique, no?"
Another blow fell, across her shoulder blades. Suzanne began to wonder howmuch of this she could take. Blow after blow landed as Georg moved up and down,from thighs to shoulders, only avoiding her kidneys.
"But I don't know anything!" Suzanne finally screamed.
The Colonel signaled to Georg, then stepped up close to Suzanne.
"I don't believe you," he whispered. He stood there, intently watchingher frightened eyes. The seconds ticked off. Suzanne feared he was about toorder the beating to continue.
"It hurts, doesn't it?" the Colonel said softly. He began to strokeSuzanne's breasts, softly, like a lover. His hands moved to her nipples. "Youknow, this position really does display your charms in a wonderful manner." Inspite of herself, or perhaps because of the strange tension of the moment,Suzanne felt her nipples begin to react to the attention. "Can you imaginewhat we could do to your more sensitive areas if we chose?" One hand dropped.Fingers began to stroke her pussy lips. "Can you imagine the amount ofpain we can inflict? Just tell us everything you know about the Resistanceand you won't have to find out."
He stepped back, watching her expectantly. Suzanne remained silent, staringpast him at the bare wall.
"Ah, well. Perhaps you need some time to think about it," the GestapoColonel said. He issued orders to his assistants. A metallic click and thetension on her arms disappeared. Surprised and still shaken from the beatingSuzanne collapsed to the floor. The straps around her wrists and ankles wereunbuckled and she was helped to her feet. Then she was led from the room anddown a hallway. They passed several people, some in uniform, some not. Noneseemed overly surprised to see a stunningly attractive naked woman being ledthrough the offices.
They turned down a side passage and passed through a door into a small courtyardformed by the U shaped building. Along the open side of the courtyard ran ashort length of wire fence, of the sort formed by lengths of vertical and horizontalwire. The wires formed a pattern of small rectangles. The two assistants hadpositioned themselves on either side of Suzanne as after passing through thedoorway. Now they each seized a wrist.
Suzanne was led to the fence, then around one end and turned so she was facingthe building. They stopped her at the middle of the fence and roughly shovedher up against it. Her wrists were raised up and out and tied to the fence.The assistants stooped and grabbed Suzanne's ankles. Her legs were spread wide,uncomfortably wide and her ankles were tied to the fence. Two more ties passedaround her thighs several inches below her crotch.
Her torturers then went around to the other side of the fence. Suzanne's amplebust was pressed up against the sun-warmed, rough metal. Each of her torturersseized one of Suzanne's nipples between thumb and forefinger. They pulled themthrough the openings in the wire. Suzanne's breasts were considerably largerthan the openings. Slowly they worked more and more of her boobs through thesmall openings. As they got more through they were able to grab larger amountsof flesh and tug still harder. The rough surface of the unyielding wires scratchedand gouged her skin cruelly. After much tugging and twisting they had as muchof her breasts pulled through the fence as possible. The poor globes, restrictedat their bases by the small rectangles, bulged out as if inflated. As a finaltouch they tied a length of rope from the fence around her back, to ensurethat she couldn't pull her breasts back out through the fence. Then they returnedto the building.
Suzanne closed her eyes and tried to pretend this wasn't happening, that shehadn't been picked up by the Gestapo, that she wasn't stripped, shorn and spreadout on display for all to leer at. When she opened her eyes she could see peopleat the windows looking down at her. Every so often she heard footsteps as people,men in uniform mostly, passed by. Some stopped to inspect her. As few daredto fondle her privates that were now on public display.
Three young women came out of the building, none beyond her early twentiesat most. All three wore the uniform of the German army women's auxiliary. Theywere clerks, no doubt. Suzanne watched as they lit cigarettes and chatteredamong themselves. Then they casually walked over to the chain link fence andinspected Suzanne.
The girls continued to banter back and forth in German, which Suzanne didnot understand. But each comment from one of the girls elicited titters oflaughter from the others. They seemed to be looking Suzanne up and down, fascinatedby the naked, helpless female body tied to the fence. Two of them walked aroundto inspect Suzanne's battered hindquarters.
"Nice ass," one said in French. Then she gave Suzanne's right buttocka hard slap. Suzanne jerked involuntarily, more from surprise than pain, thoughthe impact of the hand was made worse by landing upon the welts previouslyinflicted. Suzanne's reaction caused all three girls to giggle like schoolgirls.They inflicted three more slaps, left, right, left again. Then Suzanne feltfingers probing the folds between her legs.
"I think she's wet," a girl said in heavily accented French. "Ithink she likes it!"
"Let's see what else she likes," the girl still facing Suzanne said.
She reached out and grasped Suzanne's right breast, cradling it in her hand.The other two girls came out from behind the fence to watch. The girl gentlybegan to squeeze the breast, watching Suzanne's face for reactions. She slowlybegan to dig her nails into the tender flesh. Her face had taken on a devilishaspect, like a schoolgirl about to do something wicked and taking delight inthe prospect.
She took the cigarette from her lips, shook the ashes from the tip. Slowlyshe brought it towards the upper curve of Suzanne's breast. Suzanne watchedhelplessly as the girl threatened her captive member. With a quick motion thegirl brought the tip of the cigarette down lightly upon the bare skin and justas quickly withdrew it.
"Aaaaah!" Suzanne moaned, trying to stifle the reaction to the suddenpain.
A smirk of victory crossed the girl's face. She allowed her hand to slidealong the curve of Suzanne's breast until she'd trapped the nipple betweenthumb and forefinger. She took several drags on the cigarette, making the tipgrow red. Then she carefully positioned the cigarette, the tip bare centimetersaway from Suzanne's nipple. Suzanne braced herself.
"That's enough, girls," an authoritative female voice said. "Backto work with you."
The three girls came almost to attention at the sound. They dropped theircigarettes, grinding them out with the tips of their shoes, and hurried backinside the building. The source of the command came into Suzanne's view. Itwas an older woman, dressed in a black uniform dress with the insignia of theGestapo on the lapels. Her face was thin, razor sharp, her graying brown hairpulled back into a tight bun.
She approached Suzanne. She reached out, grasped the tortured breast and inspectedit. There was a small red spot where the cigarette had touched.
"Yes, Renate has a nice touch," she said, though Suzanne wasn'tcertain if she was being addressed or the woman was speaking to herself. "Torturetakes finesse. One should always inflict the maximum pain with the minimalamount of damage. One wants the subject to last. And Renate enjoys it. I mayhave to give her some instruction and then perhaps an assignment to see howshe does. One always wants to promote promising young talent.
"I see by your predicament that you have not yet elected to talk to us.Or you would not be here."
She had released the right breast and now had placed the palm of her righthand against the left breast. She was pressing it backwards, mashing it slowlyagainst the rough wire of the fence.
"Herr Oberst Pflueger told me you were not being cooperative. My dear,I suggest you change your mind or the Oberst, who is too kind hearted to bereally, really cruel, will give you to me. And I will greatly enjoy seeingjust how much pain it will take to break you."
She was pressing very hard now, flattening out the breast. Suddenly she pulledher hand away. The breast resumed its normal shape, as much as it could withthe base compressed by the wire fence. The woman turned as if to leave butsuddenly swung around, delivering a stinging open handed blow to Suzanne'sbreast. Then, without a backwards glance at Suzanne's tear stained face shestrode into the building.
To be continued...........
Copyright is claimed by the author. Permission is given to copy solely forpersonal, non-commercial use.
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IncestPicking his way carefully through the gravel along the ridge of the hill, Harper had a quick look around him over the undulating countryside covered with patches of woodland, trying hard not to look back at the swamp behind him. Satisfied that there was nothing out of the ordinary he turned around to see the rest of his Fist stark against the skyline as they followed him. Taking a bearing from the sun again he tried to work out the best route over the next hill to the river. The plan was to...
The anticipation was built over time. Patience. Persistence. Foreplay. Gradual growth and teasing. Dirty pictures. Almost dirty pictures. Dirty thoughts. VERY dirty thoughts. All without judgement and with total understanding and respect of desires and boundaries. At least the ones that weren't meant to be pushed. None of that could prepare for the actual excitement and rush of lust that was visible on both of your faces, and I am sure mine when I walked up in person. The first hug and...
Nobody understands. Except Chrissy and she can’t do anything about it. I’m Mallory, Mal for short, and I’m tired of people looking at me “like that” and stereotyping me. So I’m going to tell the story of how things got the way they are. Then maybe people will understand. And if they still don’t? Well, then fuck ‘em. Because I’m happy about how things turned out, whether other people like it or not. Chrissy was my best friend growing up. We weren’t like other best friends, who got in fights...
“You know tonight is the formal dinner and there is dancing there”, I told her. It made her think. My wife loves to dance. She was going to miss this opportunity. She agreed to go on one condition. If they said anything about our sex at the pool, we are leaving. I agreed and we started to get dress. I put on my suit and sat back to watch my beautiful wife get ready. She was trouncing around the cabin naked. I love watching her body. She is a big woman but she has awesome...
*badum* *badum* *badum*. Es dauert nicht einmal eine Sekunde bis mein Gehirn die Erfahrungswerte der Vergangenheit abruft und entscheidet das es mein Vater ist, der die Treppe herauf marschiert und meiner Zimmertür am Ende des Flurs anvisiert. Mit Sicherheit könnte ich es nicht mehr sagen, aber in meinem Kopf geistert die Erinnerung umher, dass mein Vater schon ein paar mal nach mir gerufen hat, was ich in dem geilen Traum den ich gerade nicht mehr greifen kann als sehr störend zur Kenntnis...
TeenTO CANE A NEIGHBOUR he was born in 1957 and over the years developed an interest (perhaps an obsession) with spanking and especially caning since way back, in fact he said; “I guess the first time I can definitely attach a date to this ‘obsession’ was 1967. My elder sister (6 years older than me, she in the seniors and me in the juniors) went to the same school and at the end of one lunch break I saw my sister’s best friend, Sandra Fletcher, standing outside the Headmaster’s study sobbing...
Disclaimer. I do not own either One Piece or Ranma 1/2 and have no rights to the characters. All characters in these stories are eighteen years of age or older. Prologue: A heavy set man slams his fist down on the head of a small crying boy who is knuckling his eyes with his small hands. “Wa, wa, wa! You want your mommy! What are you, a girl?” The boy glares at the man, his cheeks covered in tear tracks as he yells, “I’m not a girl!” **************************************************** A couple...
As an outside contractor I am used to not being trusted and working in a nursing home was not so much different. I had a job to do and needed to be everywhere…literally. So the administrator gave me a bodyguard. She was just there to see to it that I didn’t steal anything too big or expensive and that I didn’t m***** any of the sexy senior citizens…as if that would happen.Kimberly was a cute but flabby Certified Nurse Aid. She had a round face, a bit of a belly, and an ass that rolled around in...
Throughout the night, all four awoke at various points, again stirring their libidos into action, enjoying the other's body. The next morning, both couples awoke and joined together for breakfast. They were all naked, as after the experience of last night, everyone was open and unafraid about their bodies. "So, how was she?" Sarah asked Jack in front of the other couple. Chris looked over intently, ready for every word. Rachel, on the other hand, looked down at her feet in...
I had finally reached that point when I realized that my age was counting against me. Even though I was in top physical shape, my hair was thinner and grayer; my chest was a bit softer and my waist had begun to thicken. Men my own age were looking for younger men. Younger men were looking for their own. And I was not ready to move to those older than myself. What had I left? An escort. I scoured the paper, and telephoned several possibilities. One struck me more than the others. For one, he...
GayThe lights flickered, then one computer system after another began to shut down. The engine of the anti-grav hover tank shut down and we slammed into the surface of the partially terraformed moon colony. Somewhere out there was a rebel base. Then the oxygen generators shut down and we REALLY knew we were in trouble. Michelle, Frankie and me (Jake) had launched from the cargo lander an hour ago and given our search area. Rebel activity was light in this area, so four anti-grav tanks were...
It was during this time that I met a friend of mine, Robert. I was subbing and had a domme who was friends with Robert. He is a very distinguished older man who has turned his entire basement into the most elaborate dungeon you could imagine, with a prison cell, cages, hoists, a sling, medical bed with medical restraints, spanking benches, crosses, torture wheel, and two bedrooms right off the dungeon. Robert was a very experienced player, and is well known across the country in the BDSM...
Please note all people in this story are over 21, as well as fully consenting adults December 31 My day starts off like any other day 7 am the alarm goes off and I reluctantly roll out of bed. As I slowly awaken I can feel the wetness between my thighs, aroused from my erotic dream. The same dream I have been having every night for a month, since meeting Emily. The vision is still fresh in my mind. My hand drifts slowly down my body. I stop at my breasts, slowly, caressing them. Pinching each...
LesbianThe night with Zelena wasn’t just a one night thing. Somehow, it had developed into a two night thing and then a three night fling. That’s was several weeks ago. Azelia finds herself alone on the weekend in the human’s bed. Zelena is out shopping with a friend, leaving the alien to sleep in. After all, last night was pretty much an all-nighter. Azelia can’t figure out how the girl can be so energized, especially enough to go shopping. But maybe that is just the way human women work. Or maybe...
You always loved video games. You really loved the women in them. You had a crush on some of them ever sense you were a kid. You knew they weren't real. One day you decided to go for a walk. You are walking down a street one day when you pass a train station. You see a woman knocked out on a track. It is a little old woman. The train is coming down on here fast. You leap on the tracks and pull her out just as the train passed. You woke her up and tell her what happened. "Thank you kind...
The time that I spent with Lynn, the girl I had met at the gym after my divorce, was rather blissful in many ways. Not only was she fun to be around and a great conversationalist, but she loved to try new things. This I consider a very positive attribute in a woman. Not just new restaurants and the like, but actually learning new things. Expanding our horizons, so to speak. One of the things we did together as a couple was to take ballroom dance lessons. Prior to this time, my idea of dance was...
Wife LoversI had heard about swinging since I was a teen in high school, but had no idea how prevalent it was. I was intrigued with the idea and was determined to find out more about it. I started doing research on the internet and found websites dedicated to the swinging lifestyle. My favorite was Swinglifestyle.com.I joined the site and would visit it early in the morning while my wife Monica was still sleeping. When you joined, the first thing you did was create a profile complete with pictures. I did...
Swingersby Vanessa Evans Before you read this part I strongly suggest that you read the previous part. It will give you the background that will make this part a lot more enjoyable. Part 06 DAY 10 – The fourth day of my ‘enslavement’ ****** Harry woke me with a start, my whole body moved and I woke up as he thrust his cock quick and hard into my pussy. His subsequent hard and deep thrusts quickly made me cum. He later told me that my pussy was dripping before he started and asked me what I was...
A distinct smell permiated the dark dingy halls of Jabba's palace. Leia hadn't really noticed it earlier when she was first brought to the harem, but as they were leaving to go back to the main audience chamber she paid closer attention to her surroundings. The air was stale and reeked of some kind of fungus growing on the walls around her. The hard stone floor was dirty and damp with a few puddles of water here and there, obviously caused by old worn out plumbing in this ancient...
While the local Gestapo chief was stamping his authority on Castle Rumstahl. I was getting closer to his mistress, the alluring Lexi. THE CROSSING - part 20 by BobH (c) 2016 - 46 - Helmut's face was impassive as the servants removed his personal files and effects from his study, replacing them with Grost's, but I knew him well enough to see that inwardly he was fuming. "Ah, Lexi, come in, come in, my love," said Grost as we appeared...
Seven took his earphones of and turned on his tv. Only to be dissapointed by the many bullshit tv shows that are on these days. "No wonder people become more stupid every year" Seven said to himself and thought it would be better to go outside with this nice weather. It was still early on Saturday but it was getting warm already. He took of his shorts to change them for his swimwear and went downstairs. In the kitchen his twin sister Isabella (Bella) was making breakfast for herself and...
I answered a Craigslist ad asking for help on adjusting to a woman’s husband’s request to start being nude. I suggested going to a local nude beach and check things out. That didn’t really fly. She said her husband wanted to be nude at home, in front of her and their daughter. Okay. That’s not unheard of. I asked if he walks around with a full erection. She said sometimes. But, mostly semi hard. I asked if her daughter knew about all this. She said they had the sex talk years ago. Besides she...
GUILTLESS Sleazy Blonde, 2021 My phone rang. I looked at the number. It was him. I drew a breath and then another and another. Anticipation. Expectation. Muscles, powerful muscles. And confidence, that oozing of tough, rugged masculinity all through his body. I grew wet. I hurried in the bedroom. I was running late. 30 minutes. I looked in the mirror: pumps, hose, mini, tight blouse, earrings, watch, bangles, blush, lipstick, eyes, hair. Perfect. A quick touchup. Seducing but...
Book One: Naughty Fantasies Created Chapter Two: Hottie's Naughty Thanks By mypenname3000 Copyright 2018 Note: Thanks to WRC 264 for beta reading this. Steve Davies I closed the app. Time unpaused. The angel faded away as I shifted in my chair, glancing around at my students. The sound returned, the scratching of pencils as they continued their test, only the wheezing breathing of the old Kyleigh wasn't present. None of the students sitting by her seemed to noticed that the formerly...
Author's note: This actually takes place between chapters 4 and 5. She got home from school and threw down her backpack beside the door. Again, no homework that day, so Jessa could relax. Next she stripped off her tshirt and skirt, leaving her wearing nothing but panties. Jessa looked at herself in the mirror, wishing that her boobies would start growing like the other girls in her grade 6 class. But she knew that she had genetics working against her, as her older sister Jia was 15...
I don’t yet know why I should be writing this story or I'm not certain, but to tell you the truth, I’m comfortable with this. These facts happened when I was 19 yo. as I still was attending high school and, ocassionally, used to go to a classmate place and finish my homework there. It was here where I met Mrs. Lozano, my classmate's step mother and I instantaneously got gripped by her beauty, impressed, indeed, despite her 45 yo. She was the owner of a well built , robust and...
ReluctanceThey both ate the popovers, neither having tasted them before. A woman from Maine had taught me to make them, among other goodies. Cynthia said, "Damn, Charles, I'm glad you don't make these all the time. I'd never stop eating them." "Good. I won't make them often, but this is a celebration. It's too early for champagne, although I could have made mimosas." Laura said, "No. Coffee's fine. This is a celebration. I hope everyone feels as good as I do." We agreed that the night...
My name is Shakthi. I am female from Chennai, Tamil nadu. I am now 25 years old and I am going to narrate a true story of how I lost my virginity to a 52 year old man when I was 18. About me, I am based in Chennai, working in an advertising firm. I am short and appear plump and have full boobs. 36E-31-36. I am just 5 feet tall and so my boobs appear hugely disproportionate for my body. I am interested in older men, bus or train sex and exhibitionism. This happened when I was in school, 12th...
Vanakam nanbargale, indru tamil kama kathaiyil ilamaiyaana kathaliyai veetirku santhika sendru irukum pozhuthu sexiyaaga mulai vaithu irukum aval ammavudan eppadi kama uravu seithen enbathai ungalidam pagirugiren. Sexiyaana kathali ammavai eppadi oothen enbathai solugiren, vaarungal kathaikul selalam. En peyar saundar vayathu 22 aagugirathu, intha vayathile naan kaathal seiya aarambithu irunthen. Ithu en kalluriyil iruthi aandum aagum, enaku oru kathali irunthaal, aval peyar suba parka azhagaga...
THE NEW YEAR: Kelly primly sat in a stretch limo with six other young women dolled up to celebrate New Year's Eve. She wore a white strapless dress with an almost scandalously short skirt and royal-blue Fendi pumps. Kelly's attire hardly stood out, because the other young women, all members of Brooke's "crew", had "dressed to impress" on the last night of 2007. Kelly had cringed with uncertainly when Brooke had informed Kelly that she intended to bring Allison James and Erin...
I was starting to think about starting my own company and offering my services on a consulting basis instead of trying to find work when I checked my email and found a note from Linda’s friend, Eve. I’d heard from her a few times since Linda’s visit. The first contact had been her congratulations on making it hard to track me. I thanked her and told her that if I’d known I was in a game of hide and go seek, I’d have made it even harder. After that, there’d been a bit of a flirty conversation...
The computer-generated, letter-sized sheet of florescent orange paper was tacked to the telephone pole near the local Middle School. It was far enough away from the school for teachers and administrators to miss but bright enough to catch a student's eye walking to or from school. There was not another one posted anywhere else and dangling from the bottom it had only two telephone number tear off slips left. The other seven slots for phone numbers had been removed before posting, giving the...
I am a 32 year old hardcore fucker looking for any hole on a female body to let my dick in. This is a true incident about the maid working in my office. She used to come to office at 10 in the morning and leave by 12.30. She will first sweep and later mop. I am the boss and my chamber is fully covered. When she asks me to get up to mop my room, I will ask her to just continue without me getting up as I will be busy on my computer. She will come closer and I will just try to touch her buttocks...
The journey begins... The cave wasn’t hard to find. It was just a few miles from the small village of Jhäsk, and the reward for this little “sidequest” would be well worth your while. Your legs started to hurt from all the crouching down in the foliage. You were waiting for sundown to ambush the small colony of Lamias who were terrorizing the men of Jhäsk, if you could even call it terrorizing... the Lamias were kidnapping hunters and using them to breed, sometimes killing them in the process....
FantasySiobahn and her boyfriend Brian have decided to give their friend Michelle a very special birthday gift. They’ve just returned from Michelle’s birthday party at the local bar to Michelle’s house. ‘Oh, someone’s been naughty tonight! Look, honey, she hasn’t beenwearing any panties,’ Siobahn said to her boyfriend Brian as she pushed up Michelle’s skirt. ‘Mmm and she’s’ very wet. Come taste.’ The tall black man was immediately on his knees between the legs of his girlfriend’s best friend. As...
With her short, platinum blonde hair and her wintery blue eyes, Skye Blue is an absolute stunner. Those big natural titties are certainly an asset as well. Today, Skye’s auditioning to fuck on film, and she definitely looks like she’s going to get the part as she lounges seductively on our casting couch. She lets her gorgeous boobs hang loose as she rides my thick cock, masturbating while I drill her tight pussy. By the time I’m ready to bust a nut, she’s drenched my rod in her delicious pussy...
xmoviesforyouHi, this is Mahesh from Pune . This is story about most sexy creature in the world… “saali”Yeh ek sacchi kahani hai, jo meri shaadi ke kuchh din pahle hui thee. Main us waqt 26 saal kaa tha. Achhi personality aur educated hone ki vajah se meri personality attractive thee. 5’8”, around 80 Kg.Meri shaddi ki koshish chal rahi thee aur Nasik se ek proposal aaya. Ladki ko 6 bahne thee aur bhai nahin thaa. Maine socha ek saath 3.5 biviyan milegi (Ek poori aur chhah aadhi). Baki sab baaten pasand ane...
Creating A Hellion Elizabeth Parris Lonnie wasn't going to allow herself to go down the hopeless dead-end path that her mother and aunt had been forced to follow. They weren't forced she thought to herself. They were both smart, but they just couldn't imagine another life. Well, once every now and again Aunt Chloe talked about getting' out of here, but Ma always told her to shush up less she wanted trouble. That ain't going to happen to me. Gonna go down to the recruiter in the...