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The Model Student


The Ideal Student


By themaneloco


I have absolutely no idea what I was thinking!? I guess I could just go with the classic clich? ? it was a good idea at the time.? A good idea it was, but it certainly wasn?t my idea, at least I didn?t think it was.? You see, I am a first year student at a respectable university studying mathematics.? Of course, my parents are very proud of this, as am I.? They knew that I was destined for great things from an early age and, along with their encouragement, I really started to believe in myself.? This may all seem well and good, but this is where my recent problems started.? I would later find out that my parents weren?t the only ones that were aware of my capabilities.


I am a rather shy boy, always have been, and the first day of university was very daunting for me.? Lacking a lot of confidence I have never found it easy to make new friends and I spent many a sleepless night worrying about how I would fare without my parents.? Once all of my stuff was moved into my dorm my parents set off back for home.? I guess they thought that leaving me alone would help me to get out and make some friends straight away.? The truth was, two days later it was time for my first lecture and I still didn?t know anyone.


I entered the lecture centre clutching my books against my chest, knowing fully well that this made me look unapproachable.? I briefly scanned my fellow students, then found a seat that wasn?t close to anyone in particular and settled down.? Everyone else was busy chatting away, obviously having no problem mixing amongst themselves.? I on the other hand was sat alone in silence, which didn?t really bother me.? The lecturer hadn?t arrived yet so I just opened my books and began sifting through some of the basics required for the course.? It was all stuff I found fairly easy but I?d always enjoyed revision.


?Ummm, excuse me, but do you mind if I sit here?? said a female voice, drawing my attention away from my reading.


I looked up and saw a magnificent sight before me.? Standing right before my eyes was one of the few perfect creatures that God had created.? I estimated that she stood at just over five feet tall with shoulder-length brownish hair framing her face.? And what a face it was, almost completely symmetrical.? She had deep blue eyes that contrasted nicely with her tanned skin.? I lost my bearings for a moment and completely forgot what she had asked.


?Ummm, I uh? I mumbled like an idiot.


An amused look came across her face and I knew I had already blown it.? Here was my chance to actually get to know someone and what a person she was.? She had come up to talk to me completely out of the blue and I?d ruined my chance.? Girls like this never spoke to me even though I?m a fairly decent looking guy.? It?s just that I have zero confidence so they never bother with me.? Why she had chosen to talk to me out of everyone in the room was beyond me, but it didn?t matter now as I?d already opened my mouth and put her off.


?Are you alright?? You seem a bit flustered.? She said adorably while cocking her head to one side.


I was quite shocked that she hadn?t just walked off.? Most of the other girls would have given up on me already, but she seemed different.? She was nice, a good looking girl that was actually nice.? A rarity if I?d ever seen one.? Her tone helped to relax me and gain back at least some composure.? My face had been bright red since her initial question and it was starting to settle down now. ?Thankfully, I managed to remember her question somehow and replied quickly before the uncomfortable silence went on for too long.


?Ummm, yes I?m fine, sorry.? You can sit here.?


?Cool! Thanks so much, I?m Danielle by the way? she said while taking the seat next to me and outstretching her hand towards mine.


I grasped her tiny hand and gently shook, gazing into her eyes the entire time.? I must have held on for too long as she giggled and pulled her fingers from mine.? Once again I proved how much of an idiot I am when it comes to people skills.


?I?m uhh Matthew.? I said quietly, barely louder than a whisper.


?Nice to meet you Matty?is it alright if I call you that?? She asked.


The truth was I hated to be called Matty.? My parents had called me it from a very young age and I?d never liked it.? However, the way it sounded from her lips was kind of cute so it didn?t bother me that much.? Who was I kidding?? She could call me whatever she liked.


The rest of the lecture actually went quite well and I think I pulled it off.? Of course, we had to keep pretty quiet throughout so I didn?t have a chance to say anything stupid, but she seemed happy enough.? On a few occasions she queried me on some of the work and I helped her out, which she was grateful for.? Mathematics was my strongpoint and I was sure that if she was having problems with this simple stuff then she would really struggle later in the course.? Maybe I could be the one to help her out for the rest of the year.


At the end of the lecture she simply thanked me for the help, gathered up her books and left.? I was really disappointed that she didn?t hang around, as I was going to suggest that we grab a coffee and get to know each other a bit better.? I reasoned that she wasn?t as keen as I was.?


The next day I found out why she was in such a rush to leave.? Coincidentally we both turned up to the lecture twenty minutes early, so this allowed us to have a decent chat.? She explained that she wasn?t being rude the day before, but she was unable to secure a dorm room on campus as she had applied late.? As a result she had to commute to the university from home every day, which took her about an hour by train.? She mentioned that she?d been looking for somewhere closer to live but everywhere was already taken.? It was a real hassle for her, but until she found somewhere nearer she would just have to make do.? She joked that perhaps she could move into my dorm with me and I had to laugh.


I felt quite sorry for her having to spend two hours on the train everyday, but there wasn?t really that much that I could do.? I would have offered her the occasional lift home in my car, but I couldn?t afford the petrol.? I just hoped that she would find a place sooner rather than later.? If she lived on campus then I would probably get to see her more often.


Over the next few weeks we actually became pretty good friends.? It was quite clear that she was a bit out of her depth with some of the work that we were doing, but with my help she got along just fine.? I didn?t mind helping her out as she was always nice to me and she had taken a chance on me right at the start, whereas most girls would have just ignored me.? Obviously I found her attractive, but I also enjoyed her company for her personality.? She was always friendly, had a great sense of humour and aside from the odd hiccup in the lectures she was very smart.


In the past I hadn?t been particularly keen on socialising as I didn?t really know anyone and I always felt that people were laughing at me.? Danielle convinced me to go to the student bar on a few occasions and I actually had a pretty good time.? I could see that all of the other guys were constantly looking at Danielle and they must have wondered why she was hanging around with a guy like me.? She was always getting guys coming up to her, but she never paid them any attention.? I guess she liked me too.


Even though we had known each other for a fair while, the commuting was still causing quite a lot of problems.? I could feel myself really falling for Danielle and it frustrated me that I couldn?t see her as often as I would have liked. So, when one day she missed her train, arrived an hour late and missed the only lecture of the day too, it was all too much for her.? She broke down crying and I wasn?t sure how to react.? I?d never had to comfort an upset girl before so I said the first thing that came to my head.


?Well, uh, I guess you could stay with me.? I mean, we?d have to be careful as it?s not allowed, but I?m sure we could work something out.? You could sleep on the floor until you find somewhere nearer.? I said without really thinking about the drivel escaping my lips.


I was just being polite as usual and I didn?t actually think that she?d take my offer seriously.? My dorm room wasn?t large enough for myself, never mind a nineteen year old girl as well.? I?d just said it to cheer her up and I hoped that she would see the funny side like the last time she mentioned it.


I knew I?d made a mistake when I caught the ends of her lips curling into a smile.? She then leant in and planted a warm kiss on my cheek, which made me blush involuntarily.


?Oh Matty, you?re the best.? I knew I could rely on you to help me out, when can I move my stuff in?? she said, making my stomach turn.


I couldn?t believe that she was actually being serious when she had mentioned it before.? There was no way that two of us could share my tiny dorm room, but it did mean that I would get to spend pretty much all of my time with her.? I could make do with the lack of space if it meant that I got to sleep in the same room as Danielle.


There was no turning back now anyway as I?d already made the offer, so I arranged with her to move in the next morning at three am.? I knew that the campus security would get suspicious if they saw us moving a whole load of new stuff into my dorm mid-semester.? The early hours seemed a logical time to get everything in without being caught.? Danielle agreed with me, but mentioned that she had already made arrangements for the following evening.


The result was I found myself moving her stuff in the next morning on my own.? I had to drive for one hour to her parents? house, pick her stuff up and then drive back.? With the easy part out of the way I then had to take all of her stuff to my dorm without getting caught.? I actually managed to pull this off, but I soon realised that I didn?t have a lot of room to store anything.? I just left all of her stuff piled up in the room and went to sleep.


The next day I had planned to drive home to see my parents, but I was a bit unsure of whether I should leave Danielle in the room by herself.? She thought the opposite though, and she assured me that she would sort all of her stuff out while I was gone.? She seemed kind of eager to get rid of me, but I guess she just didn?t want me in the way while she was unpacking.


I decided to go ahead with the trip and it was quite pleasant.? I told my parents about Danielle and they appeared quite pleased that I had made a friend, especially a girl.? Of course I thought it was wise not to mention the recent changes in our living arrangements.? I spent the weekend catching up on their lives back at home and then headed off back to university on the Sunday night.


I arrived back at the dorms in the early hours of Monday morning, and I was a bit shocked when I entered my room.? Danielle had done quite a job unpacking and her stuff was everywhere.? It actually took me a few minutes to find something in the room that belonged to me.? She must have put in quite a lot of effort as she was soundly asleep in my bed, which I didn?t mind as I hadn?t been here to sleep in it anyway.? I decided that I wouldn?t disturb her, so I made myself up a bed on the floor and tried to get to sleep.


I awoke the next morning with a strange smell assaulting my nose.? I couldn?t make out what it was so I opened my eyes and was greeted by the sight of a foot in my face.? Danielle must have rolled around a lot in her sleep, as the covers were off her and her leg was hanging off the edge of the bed.? Her foot came to rest just above my face and I realised that this was probably the closest I had been to her bare skin since our initial handshake on our first meeting.? I leant forward and took a quick whiff of her foot.? I didn?t know why exactly as I hadn?t really thought of feet as a turn on.? I guess it was just because it was her foot that made it so appealing.? The smell wasn?t actually that bad now I thought about it so I proceeded to sniff away while she slept.


After a few minutes I became quite bold and for some reason I leant up and placed a kiss on the sole of her foot.? The kiss must have been carelessly applied as she sat up in bed just as my lips left her foot.? In response I quickly closed my eyes pretending to be asleep and I hoped that she hadn?t caught me.? Suddenly I felt her trace the outline of my face with her toe and then she softly giggled to herself, pulled the covers over her legs and went back to sleep.? I prayed that she was just being playful and hadn?t actually caught me kissing her foot.? I would have been so embarrassed if she had.


Danielle didn?t mention anything about me kissing her foot the next day, so I assumed that I had got away with it.? I vowed never to put myself in that position again, regardless of how much I liked her, as it could have been really humiliating.? However that night, when it was time to go to bed, Danielle climbed into my bed without even asking.? I thought this was a bit presumptuous as I had mentioned when I first made the offer that she could sleep on the floor.? I didn?t really want to seem like an ass though, so I thought that since she was a girl it would be ok if she took the bed.? Being a gentleman I would take the floor.? She openly smiled as I made a makeshift bed on the floor for myself, then she said goodnight and settled down comfortably in my bed.? I on the overhand found it hard to sleep.? It was bad enough for the one night, but now that I was going to be the one sleeping on the floor I was secretly hoping that she would find a place for herself pretty soon.


Over the next few weeks of this arrangement I started to notice a few peculiar things.? Initially it was only little things, like whenever we watched my television we always watched what Danielle wanted to.? I didn?t mind this so much as I wasn?t a big fan of television anyway, but it?s not like I had a choice.? She always just changed it to something she liked.? I?d be watching a program and she?d just pick up the remote and change the channel without asking.? I couldn?t really be bothered to bring this up as it wasn?t that big a deal.? However, this wasn?t the only thing.


Danielle had mentioned when she first moved in that she couldn?t cook, so I offered to do all of the cooking as I was actually quite good.? She seemed pleased with the arrangement as she got to have a warm meal for herself whenever she wanted.? I thought that it was only fair that since I was doing the cooking, Danielle should clean the dishes.? She acted a bit reluctant when I mentioned this to her, but she agreed anyway.? This didn?t last long though, as the next time I went to prepare dinner after she had cleaned the dishes I noticed that a lot of them had dried food stuck to them.? I decided that I would just clean them myself from then on since she couldn?t do it properly.


Also, Danielle?s clothes slowly started to take over the majority of the wardrobe and I found this rather odd because my clothes were just disappearing.? I questioned her on it a few times and she just shrugged and said that she didn?t know what I was talking about.? Eventually I was down to one pair of jeans, a white t-shirt and a pair of sneakers.? I had to wash and iron these every day as I didn?t have the time or money to go and buy new clothes.? Danielle suggested that since I was washing and ironing every day then I may as well do hers as well.? I objected at first, but she found some way of smiling at me that broke me down, then she just talked me around and I found myself doing all of her washing and ironing for free.? This was on top of her living rent free in my dorm room and taking my bed.? I noticed that she was getting a lot more out of this arrangement than I was.? I decided that I would mention this to her and try to come to some agreement where she would at least offer me some money for all of the services that I was doing for her.?


It was becoming clear that Danielle was manipulating and taking advantage of me, and I didn?t like it.? I thought that she was a nice, honest girl, as this is the way that she had always acted towards me.? However, from her recent attitude it appeared that she was very lazy and expected to be waited on hand and foot.? I had to admit, I did like her company, but I didn?t know whether I was prepared to be her servant.? I wasn?t sure of how to approach her on the matter, so I just decided that I would go for it the next time I saw her.


The next time turned out to be as I returned from the supermarket with our groceries.? Danielle was relaxing on the sofa as I made my way to the kitchen and she made no attempt to help me with the bags.? This had to be the time to speak up now.? I finished packing the shopping away and then approached her by the sofa.


?Danielle, we need to discuss something.? I think things have become a bit one-sided, I pretty much do everything.? I do your washing, ironing, cook your meals, let you watch whatever you want on tv, umm you sleep in my bed and uhh you pay no rent.? I think it?s only fair that you should at least compensate me in some way, don?t you think??


I tried to sound fairly assertive, but even though I was familiar with her company, I still felt a bit inferior to her as I spoke.? It was all down to my low self-esteem, I just felt like hanging around with a girl as beautiful as Danielle was a privilege and I figured this is why I had let her get away with doing nothing for so long.? She continued watching the television and barely paid me any attention.? Eventually she spoke up, although she didn?t bother to look at me.


?Oh, I?m sorry if you think I?ve been taking advantage, but things have just been so hectic with the move and everything.? You?ve been looking after me so well, you?re such a star.? I promise I?ll pay you as soon as I can.?


She sounded so sweet and sincere that I just nodded and walked away.? I felt as if I had made some progress and she really did seem genuine.? My worries had been aired, I?d made a simple request and Danielle had agreed to meet it.? Problem solved.? I didn?t mind doing the odd thing for her, as long as she contributed to the living expenses.


A week later and I still hadn?t received anything from her and to be honest, it was really starting to piss me off.? I decided that enough was enough and I hastily marched up to her as she lounged on the sofa.? Before I could get a word in she perked up and asked me if I would massage her feet.? I found this to be a bit of a strange request, particularly since it was obvious that I was not in a happy mood.? I agreed for some reason and with her suggestion I found myself kneeling before her, softly soothing her soles.


?I guess you want to talk about the payment don?t you? Well we?ll get to that in a minute, but first I have some things I want to say.? She said in between her gentle sighs.


She closed her eyes for a few moments as I couldn?t to caress her feet, alternating my fingertips between her toes and soles.? She did have nice feet and it wasn?t unpleasant to rub them, it was just further humiliating that she wanted me to kneel before her while I did it.? I worked my fingers over her ankles, which brought a smile across a face.


?I?m a lazy person Matty and I don?t like to do meaningless things like chores when someone else could do them for me.? I need someone to look after me and obey my every command.? Why should I have to lift a finger when I have someone like you to do it for me?? I?m a beautiful girl, and you should be grateful that I let you serve me.?


What she was saying really hit home with me.? All of my deep-rooted insecurities were being brought out by her words.? I?d always felt inferior to her because of how beautiful and perfect she was, but now that she was actually acknowledging her superiority I suddenly felt quite sick.? There were a lot of thoughts circulating in my head.? If I wasn?t prepared to continue serving Danielle the way I had been then would she just up and leave?? I?m sure there are plenty of other losers around like myself that would jump into my position if they had the chance.? Danielle wouldn?t find it difficult to replace me.? The thought of losing her was a lot worse than doing her laundry.


I decided that from this point on Danielle would make all of the decisions and I would just go along with whatever she said.? It wasn?t like there was any chance for me to disobey her anyway.? All she had to do was look at me the right way and I would crumble and give in to her wishes.? I didn?t have the confidence to even try to stand up to her, so it just made sense to do whatever she wanted.? Plus, if I didn?t do what she said, she would more than likely leave and I would have no friends once again.


?Now, I?m not a bimbo Matty, I know you need something in return and if you keep being a good little boy then maybe I?ll let you have it.?


I perked up at this as I assumed that she was going to let me have sex with her.? This had been on my mind since the first moment I met her, although it had only ever been a fantasy. ?The truth was I was a virgin and I hadn?t ever come close to having sex with a girl and even if Danielle was interested, I knew I wouldn?t have the confidence to initiate anything.? Besides, my assumption was completely wrong anyway.


?From the way that you were sniffing and kissing my feet the other night I guess that you really like them.? She said, making the hairs stand up on the back of my neck.


Fantastic, so she did know all along.? It crossed my mind that perhaps her hanging her foot in my face was actually a trap, which I had fallen straight into, but that seemed a little too far fetched.? Anyway, the important thing was that she had caught me and I was in real trouble now.? There was no way of denying what I had done and I couldn?t justify it either.?


?It?s ok, don?t be shy Matty.? You?re not the first guy to fall in love with my feet.? If you do a good job of pleasing me then I may let you kiss and sniff them a bit more.? And if you?re really good, maybe even a little licking and sucking.?


She winked at me while giving a cheeky grin, then lifted her feet in front of my face so she could wiggle her toes under my nose.? I caught a quick sniff of their odour and they were actually quite strong.? They may have just been her feet, but because they were attached to her I began to get a little turned on.? I guess getting to kiss her feet was better than not kissing her at all.?


?Ok, now for some rules. ?First of all, I expect you to always be at my beck and call.? I shouldn?t have to wait for anything; I want you always eager to serve me.? The first thing on your mind everyday should be ?how can I make Danielle happy???


I nodded in response while listening intently.? I wasn?t surprised by what she was saying, this is how I had been treating her for the last few weeks anyway.? She?d pretty much taken the dominant role in our friendship from the beginning.? It dawned on me that every time we went out, it was Danielle?s idea.? If we went to the cinema, Danielle chose the film.? At the student bar, I had been the one to pay for all the drinks.? My fascination with her had completely blinded me of all this at the time.?


?You will continue to pay all of the rent, but make no mistake, this is my room now and it is up to me whether I let you sleep here or not.? Also, you alone will be responsible for all of the chores, but I guess you already know that.? If you want to keep hanging around with me then you need to prove that you are of some use.? You can keep on washing and ironing my clothes, cleaning the room, cooking my meals, driving me around in your car and drawing my bath.? Also, I may call on you to fulfil some of my more personal needs, but we?ll get to that later.? Understand?? She said full of authority.


?Yes Danielle? I replied, briefly looking up from her feet.


Fulfilling her personal needs?? This part of the agreement didn?t actually sound too bad.? Having never actually pleasured a girl before I wasn?t sure of what was required, but I would give it my all so that Danielle would be happy.? Although I may have actually been jumping the gun, she hadn?t been very specific about what her ?personal needs? were.? Going from the previous example of my ?rewards? for serving her, I could be required to do anything.


?I don?t think I like you calling me Danielle anymore.? We need something a bit more appropriate for our roles, how about Princess?? ?She queried.


?Yes Princess? I responded immediately.


Danielle smiled, leant forward and lightly patted me on the head.? She seemed a bit surprised that I had accepted everything she had said so readily.? Obviously, she wasn?t aware of just how low my self-esteem was.? I had let people walk all over me throughout my life and it was a real effort for me to stand up to someone.? Obeying was a lot easier.? I continued to rub the soles of her feet obediently as she carried on with her demands.


?Good boy.? I can see that this arrangement is going to really work out for the both of us.? I receive the treatment I deserve and you get to remain in my presence.? Now, we have some more important things to discuss.?


I found it amusing that she had chosen to use the word discuss, even though this was a completely one-sided conversation.? However I knew my place and I had no right to speak up against her.?


?As you know, you?re a lot better at this course than I am.? So as well as making full use of your physical abilities, I?m also going to let you use your brain to benefit me.? My parents are the ones that want me to study mathematics, but I?d just rather go shopping or to the beach.? I have no intention to attend class anymore.? So from now on you will do all of my assignments and you better make sure that I receive As every time, got that?? She ordered, sounding increasingly more dominant with every word.


This part would be fairly easy.? None of the work gave me any problems and I wouldn?t really struggle to complete double the amounts of assignments.? This didn?t mean that I was happy with the situation, she really was taking advantage of me in every way.? I should have just got up and told her to get out, but kneeling their massaging her feet, I felt as if I finally belonged.? Danielle really was a princess and I would do everything in my power to please her.


?Yes Princess, I?ll make sure you get top marks.? I replied.


?I know you will my little study buddy.? She said in a patronising, yet strangely arousing tone.


She wriggled her feet free from my fingertips and gently raised them so that they hovered just in front of my lips.? I glanced up at her peering eyes, not sure of exactly what her gesture meant.? She obviously picked up on my confusion as she winked, mouthed the word ?kiss? and then wiggled her toes.? I obeyed at once.? She shuddered as I let my lips slowly trace the grooves between her toes, not entirely sure of how to proceed.? Realising that I needed to please her I began passionately placing delicate kisses on each of her feet, kissing every toe individually.? I really started to enjoy the experience.? However, she was only teasing me as she removed her feet shortly after my kissing episode started to get exciting.


?See, aren?t I good to you?? she said.? ?Ok, now I want you to get my bath ready for me, make sure the water is just the right temperature.? Then while I?m relaxing you can make me some hot chocolate and prepare my bed.? Don?t bother with your floor bed thingy, I want you to rub my feet while I sleep tonight.? I think it?s the least I deserve for letting you stay the night.?


?Yes Princess, thank you for letting me kiss your feet.? I replied.


Later that evening I considered my current situation as Danielle relaxed in the bath.? Having her in control of my life was a lot better than not having her in it at all and I guess this was the reason that I had always been so timid.? I was a submissive at heart and I needed someone like Danielle in my life to serve.? It made sense, and I couldn?t have asked for a better mistress.

Over the next few days I really tried to as much effort as possible into pleasing Danielle.? Being useful to her meant that she would keep me around.? I thought that if I sucked up to her then she would let me kiss her feet more often.? If it was the only way that I was going to get to place my lips on her exquisite body, then I was going to take every chance that I was given.


This scheme actually worked as the more I pleased Danielle to her satisfaction, the more time she allowed me at her feet.? I was mostly given permission to kiss and sniff between her toes, but occasionally if I was extra good she would allow me the odd lick.? After two weeks I pretty much loved her feet and I became aroused at even the mention that I would be allowed to worship them.? Danielle had trained me at a skilled and fast pace.


One time while I was kneeling before her, tenderly lapping at her soles as she read a magazine she glanced down at me curiously.? I had always struggled to meet her gaze when we had first met, and now in our current positions it became even more difficult.? She gently ran her fingers through my hair as I soothed her tired feet and then began to speak.


?Oh Matty, I knew from the start that you would make an excellent slave.? That?s why I picked you out in that first lecture.? You looked so shy and pathetic sat on your own and I knew right then that you were the one.? You see, all you?ll ever be good for is to lick my feet and do whatever I say.? If I hadn?t been the one to put you in your place, then some other girl would have.? Just be glad that you get to worship someone as hot as me. You really don?t know how lucky you are, so many other guys would love to be in your position.?


I did know how lucky I was, but what I didn?t know is that she had always been intent on enslaving me.? I guess she knew how perfect she was and she expected to be obeyed, but the fact she had picked me out of everyone actually made me quite proud in a totally pathetic way.? If Danielle hadn?t decided that I was suitable slave material then I would probably still be sat in that lecture centre alone every day.


?If I hadn?t put you to good use then you would still be wasting your time trying to be an accountant or something silly.?


I had to agree with her.? Getting a good job didn?t seem so important anymore.? As long as Danielle was happy then so was I.? Whether she planned on keeping me as her slave after we had graduated I was not sure, but I would gladly beg her for the opportunity if she allowed it.? Serving Danielle for the rest of my life was better than any job I could ever hope to gain.?


Danielle decided that she didn?t have enough money to spend when she went shopping every day, so I was required to find a job.? I started work at a local environmental centre doing night security three times a week, which meant that I pretty much got no sleep at all those days.? After working for twelve hours, I had to return to the dorm ready to serve my princess her breakfast in bed as she liked it.


The security job actually paid pretty well due to the rubbish hours.? Of course, I never got to see any of it.? Pay day involved me crawling on my knees and kissing Danielle?s feet until she took the money.? She liked to humiliate me a lot and I could think of nothing more effective than being forced to beg her to take my hard earned cash.? My assignments also suffered with all of the time I spent alternating between working the job and serving Danielle.? Her assignments were first priority after serving her, and then came mine, so I rarely had any free time to work on them adequately.? As a result, my grades really started to slide.


Also, my sex life was completely controlled by her and therefore it did not exist.? Of course I never had a sex life before anyway, but I had always enjoyed masturbation.? Danielle put a firm stop to this and she made it clear that the only person that would be receiving any pleasure was her. ?She found it very amusing that I would sit there with a hard on with my head between her legs pleasuring her while receiving nothing in return myself.? I think it actually added to her arousal that she could control me so easily.




Danielle graduated from university with a first class degree in mathematics.? I on the other hand barely passed at all.? Due to my raw ability in math however I did manage to find a pretty decent paying job.? It wasn?t the kind of thing my parents were expecting me to get and they were more than a little disappointed.? It mattered not anyway, as my entire salary went to Danielle.? With her degree, she had managed to land a very flash job and she earned about double what I did.? With my salary going into her pocket too she was really raking it in.? She bought a house with the money and moved me in as her unpaid servant, well I say unpaid but I guess I was paying her.? She really was the definition of a modern woman.


My day pretty much began in the early hours and I would serve Danielle breakfast in bed.? She would then lounge around for a few hours while I did menial chores, occasionally requiring me to massage her feet or tongue some part of her body.? By ten o?clock I would drive her into work and then pick her up later in the day, after I had finished my job.? Danielle brought most of her work home with her, which obviously I was required to complete.


From the beginning she had drilled into me that being at her feet was a privilege and that if I wanted it I would have to earn it.? This was a very clever way of her ensuring my obedience as over time I became obsessed with her feet. I found them to be quite a turn on.? Her toes gradually decreased in length from the biggest outwards and overall they had a very cute look to them.? She liked to have her toenails painted and the colour varied depending on her mood.? I was required to pedicure her feet every day and I became used to alternating the colour each night.?


I looked forward to the pedicure as once I was finished I was allowed to blow her toenails dry.? Once they were dry, she would give me permission to suck each of her toes, which I would do eagerly.? As I slipped my tongue between them she would moan and shuffle in her seat while delicately patting my head.? Occasionally she would whisper that I was a good boy between her sighs.? It was often during these times that she would require me to satisfy her ?personal needs? that she had mentioned earlier on in my enslavement.? Having me at her feet and degrading me really seemed to turn her on and I would often tongue her pussy and asshole to many orgasms after a thorough foot service.


More recently, Danielle expanded upon her empire when she announced that we would be moving into a new house.? I didn?t understand how this came about as she had made no mention of it prior to the move.? It turned out that we were actually moving into a mansion and Danielle was greeted at the door by a butler.? He was very obedient, just like most men were around Danielle and I assumed that he wasn?t being paid.? Danielle never seemed to pay for anything.


A maid in her forties wearing a traditional uniform took care of all of the household chores.? I was happy with this arrangement as it meant that all of my attention was completely focused on Danielle.? All day was spent massaging and worshipping her feet, tending to her wishes or pleasuring her with my tongue.? I noticed that Danielle only ever referred to her new servants as Maid and Butler.?


I later learned that the maid used to be Danielle?s boss at her accountancy firm and that slowly she had been manipulated and eventually enslaved.? Danielle had taken over complete control of the company and the woman?s house.? Rather than hating Danielle for this, the maid seemed to be utterly devoted to her.? Also, I found out that the butler used to be the woman?s husband and Danielle once casually mentioned to me that he had been far easier to turn over than his wife.??


I didn?t actually know what their names were before Danielle had taken over their lives.? Danielle deemed that neither were worthy of anything other than a generic title.? She claimed that since I was her first enslavement, I was special, so therefore I was always referred to as Slave Matty, which I liked.? Also, since I was her special slave I was always called upon to meet her personal needs, which made both maid and butler very jealous.


I often caught sight of their envious gazes as I kneeled in front of Danielle, licking her tasty feet.? She had always been a tease and she occasionally let them sniff her toes, which I would have been grateful for, but I could only imagine their torment.? Despite their pleas she never ever gave them permission to touch her feet.? If they were really good, then sometimes they were allowed to lick her shoes or slippers clean, but that was the height of their rewards.? Having me around to service her feet whenever she required meant that she could tease her other slaves as much as she wanted and she really got a kick out of the power.


Eventually Butler was unable to control his urges and attempted to lick Danielle?s feet without her permission.? This resulted in me being ordered to remove him from my Princesses house and he never returned.? Danielle also considered getting rid of his wife too, but after many hours of begging she was allowed to stay.? As a gesture to her inferiority to Danielle, Maid was required to sign all of her savings over to her.? This was the last of her possessions as Danielle had already secured control of her company and her house.? It amazed me that she so easily accepted that she would never see her husband again and this series of events also made clear how unforgiving Danielle was.? It crossed my mind whether she would so easily throw me aside when the time came and this only made me strive to please her as best I could.


As Danielle was now the owner of an endless amount of money, I was no longer required to keep my job.? My whole day now revolved around tending to her every need.? She really had the best life, two slaves working their asses off so that she didn?t have to lift a finger, neither of which were bitter, but rather totally devoted to their work.? I think it?s pretty obvious that some people are just born better than others in life and if you?re one of the bottoms then there isn?t much that you can do about it.? You can try to ignore it and kid yourself, but eventually someone like Danielle will come along and expose you as the slave that you were born.? When this happens, you?ll find that just like me, you will not be able to resist.


So that?s how my life is now.? That sweet girl who came to talk to me in my first lecture became the most important person in my life.? I would do anything for her and all that matters is that she remains happy. ?She lives a life of luxury as being the head of her own company she doesn?t actually have to do any work.? All of her day is spent sunbathing and being waited on hand and foot.? She has kept Maid around for domestic duties, but I think the real reason is that Danielle loves to rub her nose in the fact that she has taken everything from her.


I?ve often noticed that whenever Princess Danielle requires the bathroom, she simply snaps her fingers.? Maid will then get down onto her hands and knees so that Danielle can straddle her back.? It?s actually quite amusing watching Maid struggle to carry Danielle to the bathroom as she digs her heels into her sides and pulls at her hair.? I don?t know what goes on in the bathroom, but Maid is always required to go in with our Princess and I can only assume that she is responsible for some of Danielle?s other ?needs?.? It?s amazing how low a person can sink when they encounter a completely superior goddess.


She really is a Princess and deserves everything that she has so cleverly obtained.? She?s mentioned to me that she has her eye on the girl that lives next door, a cute twentysomething blonde with nice firm breasts.? I think it?s the girl?s pool and car that she is really after, but having another slave will only make her life even easier.? I will do everything in my power to ensure that my Princess gets what she wants.



The Ideal Student


By themaneloco


I have absolutely no idea what I was thinking!? I guess I could just go with the classic clich? ? it was a good idea at the time.? A good idea it was, but it certainly wasn?t my idea, at least I didn?t think it was.? You see, I am a first year student at a respectable university studying mathematics.? Of course, my parents are very proud of this, as am I.? They knew that I was destined for great things from an early age and, along with their encouragement, I really started to believe in myself.? This may all seem well and good, but this is where my recent problems started.? I would later find out that my parents weren?t the only ones that were aware of my capabilities.


I am a rather shy boy, always have been, and the first day of university was very daunting for me.? Lacking a lot of confidence I have never found it easy to make new friends and I spent many a sleepless night worrying about how I would fare without my parents.? Once all of my stuff was moved into my dorm my parents set off back for home.? I guess they thought that leaving me alone would help me to get out and make some friends straight away.? The truth was, two days later it was time for my first lecture and I still didn?t know anyone.


I entered the lecture centre clutching my books against my chest, knowing fully well that this made me look unapproachable.? I briefly scanned my fellow students, then found a seat that wasn?t close to anyone in particular and settled down.? Everyone else was busy chatting away, obviously having no problem mixing amongst themselves.? I on the other hand was sat alone in silence, which didn?t really bother me.? The lecturer hadn?t arrived yet so I just opened my books and began sifting through some of the basics required for the course.? It was all stuff I found fairly easy but I?d always enjoyed revision.


?Ummm, excuse me, but do you mind if I sit here?? said a female voice, drawing my attention away from my reading.


I looked up and saw a magnificent sight before me.? Standing right before my eyes was one of the few perfect creatures that God had created.? I estimated that she stood at just over five feet tall with shoulder-length brownish hair framing her face.? And what a face it was, almost completely symmetrical.? She had deep blue eyes that contrasted nicely with her tanned skin.? I lost my bearings for a moment and completely forgot what she had asked.


?Ummm, I uh? I mumbled like an idiot.


An amused look came across her face and I knew I had already blown it.? Here was my chance to actually get to know someone and what a person she was.? She had come up to talk to me completely out of the blue and I?d ruined my chance.? Girls like this never spoke to me even though I?m a fairly decent looking guy.? It?s just that I have zero confidence so they never bother with me.? Why she had chosen to talk to me out of everyone in the room was beyond me, but it didn?t matter now as I?d already opened my mouth and put her off.


?Are you alright?? You seem a bit flustered.? She said adorably while cocking her head to one side.


I was quite shocked that she hadn?t just walked off.? Most of the other girls would have given up on me already, but she seemed different.? She was nice, a good looking girl that was actually nice.? A rarity if I?d ever seen one.? Her tone helped to relax me and gain back at least some composure.? My face had been bright red since her initial question and it was starting to settle down now. ?Thankfully, I managed to remember her question somehow and replied quickly before the uncomfortable silence went on for too long.


?Ummm, yes I?m fine, sorry.? You can sit here.?


?Cool! Thanks so much, I?m Danielle by the way? she said while taking the seat next to me and outstretching her hand towards mine.


I grasped her tiny hand and gently shook, gazing into her eyes the entire time.? I must have held on for too long as she giggled and pulled her fingers from mine.? Once again I proved how much of an idiot I am when it comes to people skills.


?I?m uhh Matthew.? I said quietly, barely louder than a whisper.


?Nice to meet you Matty?is it alright if I call you that?? She asked.


The truth was I hated to be called Matty.? My parents had called me it from a very young age and I?d never liked it.? However, the way it sounded from her lips was kind of cute so it didn?t bother me that much.? Who was I kidding?? She could call me whatever she liked.


The rest of the lecture actually went quite well and I think I pulled it off.? Of course, we had to keep pretty quiet throughout so I didn?t have a chance to say anything stupid, but she seemed happy enough.? On a few occasions she queried me on some of the work and I helped her out, which she was grateful for.? Mathematics was my strongpoint and I was sure that if she was having problems with this simple stuff then she would really struggle later in the course.? Maybe I could be the one to help her out for the rest of the year.


At the end of the lecture she simply thanked me for the help, gathered up her books and left.? I was really disappointed that she didn?t hang around, as I was going to suggest that we grab a coffee and get to know each other a bit better.? I reasoned that she wasn?t as keen as I was.?


The next day I found out why she was in such a rush to leave.? Coincidentally we both turned up to the lecture twenty minutes early, so this allowed us to have a decent chat.? She explained that she wasn?t being rude the day before, but she was unable to secure a dorm room on campus as she had applied late.? As a result she had to commute to the university from home every day, which took her about an hour by train.? She mentioned that she?d been looking for somewhere closer to live but everywhere was already taken.? It was a real hassle for her, but until she found somewhere nearer she would just have to make do.? She joked that perhaps she could move into my dorm with me and I had to laugh.


I felt quite sorry for her having to spend two hours on the train everyday, but there wasn?t really that much that I could do.? I would have offered her the occasional lift home in my car, but I couldn?t afford the petrol.? I just hoped that she would find a place sooner rather than later.? If she lived on campus then I would probably get to see her more often.


Over the next few weeks we actually became pretty good friends.? It was quite clear that she was a bit out of her depth with some of the work that we were doing, but with my help she got along just fine.? I didn?t mind helping her out as she was always nice to me and she had taken a chance on me right at the start, whereas most girls would have just ignored me.? Obviously I found her attractive, but I also enjoyed her company for her personality.? She was always friendly, had a great sense of humour and aside from the odd hiccup in the lectures she was very smart.


In the past I hadn?t been particularly keen on socialising as I didn?t really know anyone and I always felt that people were laughing at me.? Danielle convinced me to go to the student bar on a few occasions and I actually had a pretty good time.? I could see that all of the other guys were constantly looking at Danielle and they must have wondered why she was hanging around with a guy like me.? She was always getting guys coming up to her, but she never paid them any attention.? I guess she liked me too.


Even though we had known each other for a fair while, the commuting was still causing quite a lot of problems.? I could feel myself really falling for Danielle and it frustrated me that I couldn?t see her as often as I would have liked. So, when one day she missed her train, arrived an hour late and missed the only lecture of the day too, it was all too much for her.? She broke down crying and I wasn?t sure how to react.? I?d never had to comfort an upset girl before so I said the first thing that came to my head.


?Well, uh, I guess you could stay with me.? I mean, we?d have to be careful as it?s not allowed, but I?m sure we could work something out.? You could sleep on the floor until you find somewhere nearer.? I said without really thinking about the drivel escaping my lips.


I was just being polite as usual and I didn?t actually think that she?d take my offer seriously.? My dorm room wasn?t large enough for myself, never mind a nineteen year old girl as well.? I?d just said it to cheer her up and I hoped that she would see the funny side like the last time she mentioned it.


I knew I?d made a mistake when I caught the ends of her lips curling into a smile.? She then leant in and planted a warm kiss on my cheek, which made me blush involuntarily.


?Oh Matty, you?re the best.? I knew I could rely on you to help me out, when can I move my stuff in?? she said, making my stomach turn.


I couldn?t believe that she was actually being serious when she had mentioned it before.? There was no way that two of us could share my tiny dorm room, but it did mean that I would get to spend pretty much all of my time with her.? I could make do with the lack of space if it meant that I got to sleep in the same room as Danielle.


There was no turning back now anyway as I?d already made the offer, so I arranged with her to move in the next morning at three am.? I knew that the campus security would get suspicious if they saw us moving a whole load of new stuff into my dorm mid-semester.? The early hours seemed a logical time to get everything in without being caught.? Danielle agreed with me, but mentioned that she had already made arrangements for the following evening.


The result was I found myself moving her stuff in the next morning on my own.? I had to drive for one hour to her parents? house, pick her stuff up and then drive back.? With the easy part out of the way I then had to take all of her stuff to my dorm without getting caught.? I actually managed to pull this off, but I soon realised that I didn?t have a lot of room to store anything.? I just left all of her stuff piled up in the room and went to sleep.


The next day I had planned to drive home to see my parents, but I was a bit unsure of whether I should leave Danielle in the room by herself.? She thought the opposite though, and she assured me that she would sort all of her stuff out while I was gone.? She seemed kind of eager to get rid of me, but I guess she just didn?t want me in the way while she was unpacking.


I decided to go ahead with the trip and it was quite pleasant.? I told my parents about Danielle and they appeared quite pleased that I had made a friend, especially a girl.? Of course I thought it was wise not to mention the recent changes in our living arrangements.? I spent the weekend catching up on their lives back at home and then headed off back to university on the Sunday night.


I arrived back at the dorms in the early hours of Monday morning, and I was a bit shocked when I entered my room.? Danielle had done quite a job unpacking and her stuff was everywhere.? It actually took me a few minutes to find something in the room that belonged to me.? She must have put in quite a lot of effort as she was soundly asleep in my bed, which I didn?t mind as I hadn?t been here to sleep in it anyway.? I decided that I wouldn?t disturb her, so I made myself up a bed on the floor and tried to get to sleep.


I awoke the next morning with a strange smell assaulting my nose.? I couldn?t make out what it was so I opened my eyes and was greeted by the sight of a foot in my face.? Danielle must have rolled around a lot in her sleep, as the covers were off her and her leg was hanging off the edge of the bed.? Her foot came to rest just above my face and I realised that this was probably the closest I had been to her bare skin since our initial handshake on our first meeting.? I leant forward and took a quick whiff of her foot.? I didn?t know why exactly as I hadn?t really thought of feet as a turn on.? I guess it was just because it was her foot that made it so appealing.? The smell wasn?t actually that bad now I thought about it so I proceeded to sniff away while she slept.


After a few minutes I became quite bold and for some reason I leant up and placed a kiss on the sole of her foot.? The kiss must have been carelessly applied as she sat up in bed just as my lips left her foot.? In response I quickly closed my eyes pretending to be asleep and I hoped that she hadn?t caught me.? Suddenly I felt her trace the outline of my face with her toe and then she softly giggled to herself, pulled the covers over her legs and went back to sleep.? I prayed that she was just being playful and hadn?t actually caught me kissing her foot.? I would have been so embarrassed if she had.


Danielle didn?t mention anything about me kissing her foot the next day, so I assumed that I had got away with it.? I vowed never to put myself in that position again, regardless of how much I liked her, as it could have been really humiliating.? However that night, when it was time to go to bed, Danielle climbed into my bed without even asking.? I thought this was a bit presumptuous as I had mentioned when I first made the offer that she could sleep on the floor.? I didn?t really want to seem like an ass though, so I thought that since she was a girl it would be ok if she took the bed.? Being a gentleman I would take the floor.? She openly smiled as I made a makeshift bed on the floor for myself, then she said goodnight and settled down comfortably in my bed.? I on the overhand found it hard to sleep.? It was bad enough for the one night, but now that I was going to be the one sleeping on the floor I was secretly hoping that she would find a place for herself pretty soon.


Over the next few weeks of this arrangement I started to notice a few peculiar things.? Initially it was only little things, like whenever we watched my television we always watched what Danielle wanted to.? I didn?t mind this so much as I wasn?t a big fan of television anyway, but it?s not like I had a choice.? She always just changed it to something she liked.? I?d be watching a program and she?d just pick up the remote and change the channel without asking.? I couldn?t really be bothered to bring this up as it wasn?t that big a deal.? However, this wasn?t the only thing.


Danielle had mentioned when she first moved in that she couldn?t cook, so I offered to do all of the cooking as I was actually quite good.? She seemed pleased with the arrangement as she got to have a warm meal for herself whenever she wanted.? I thought that it was only fair that since I was doing the cooking, Danielle should clean the dishes.? She acted a bit reluctant when I mentioned this to her, but she agreed anyway.? This didn?t last long though, as the next time I went to prepare dinner after she had cleaned the dishes I noticed that a lot of them had dried food stuck to them.? I decided that I would just clean them myself from then on since she couldn?t do it properly.


Also, Danielle?s clothes slowly started to take over the majority of the wardrobe and I found this rather odd because my clothes were just disappearing.? I questioned her on it a few times and she just shrugged and said that she didn?t know what I was talking about.? Eventually I was down to one pair of jeans, a white t-shirt and a pair of sneakers.? I had to wash and iron these every day as I didn?t have the time or money to go and buy new clothes.? Danielle suggested that since I was washing and ironing every day then I may as well do hers as well.? I objected at first, but she found some way of smiling at me that broke me down, then she just talked me around and I found myself doing all of her washing and ironing for free.? This was on top of her living rent free in my dorm room and taking my bed.? I noticed that she was getting a lot more out of this arrangement than I was.? I decided that I would mention this to her and try to come to some agreement where she would at least offer me some money for all of the services that I was doing for her.?


It was becoming clear that Danielle was manipulating and taking advantage of me, and I didn?t like it.? I thought that she was a nice, honest girl, as this is the way that she had always acted towards me.? However, from her recent attitude it appeared that she was very lazy and expected to be waited on hand and foot.? I had to admit, I did like her company, but I didn?t know whether I was prepared to be her servant.? I wasn?t sure of how to approach her on the matter, so I just decided that I would go for it the next time I saw her.


The next time turned out to be as I returned from the supermarket with our groceries.? Danielle was relaxing on the sofa as I made my way to the kitchen and she made no attempt to help me with the bags.? This had to be the time to speak up now.? I finished packing the shopping away and then approached her by the sofa.


?Danielle, we need to discuss something.? I think things have become a bit one-sided, I pretty much do everything.? I do your washing, ironing, cook your meals, let you watch whatever you want on tv, umm you sleep in my bed and uhh you pay no rent.? I think it?s only fair that you should at least compensate me in some way, don?t you think??


I tried to sound fairly assertive, but even though I was familiar with her company, I still felt a bit inferior to her as I spoke.? It was all down to my low self-esteem, I just felt like hanging around with a girl as beautiful as Danielle was a privilege and I figured this is why I had let her get away with doing nothing for so long.? She continued watching the television and barely paid me any attention.? Eventually she spoke up, although she didn?t bother to look at me.


?Oh, I?m sorry if you think I?ve been taking advantage, but things have just been so hectic with the move and everything.? You?ve been looking after me so well, you?re such a star.? I promise I?ll pay you as soon as I can.?


She sounded so sweet and sincere that I just nodded and walked away.? I felt as if I had made some progress and she really did seem genuine.? My worries had been aired, I?d made a simple request and Danielle had agreed to meet it.? Problem solved.? I didn?t mind doing the odd thing for her, as long as she contributed to the living expenses.


A week later and I still hadn?t received anything from her and to be honest, it was really starting to piss me off.? I decided that enough was enough and I hastily marched up to her as she lounged on the sofa.? Before I could get a word in she perked up and asked me if I would massage her feet.? I found this to be a bit of a strange request, particularly since it was obvious that I was not in a happy mood.? I agreed for some reason and with her suggestion I found myself kneeling before her, softly soothing her soles.


?I guess you want to talk about the payment don?t you? Well we?ll get to that in a minute, but first I have some things I want to say.? She said in between her gentle sighs.


She closed her eyes for a few moments as I couldn?t to caress her feet, alternating my fingertips between her toes and soles.? She did have nice feet and it wasn?t unpleasant to rub them, it was just further humiliating that she wanted me to kneel before her while I did it.? I worked my fingers over her ankles, which brought a smile across a face.


?I?m a lazy person Matty and I don?t like to do meaningless things like chores when someone else could do them for me.? I need someone to look after me and obey my every command.? Why should I have to lift a finger when I have someone like you to do it for me?? I?m a beautiful girl, and you should be grateful that I let you serve me.?


What she was saying really hit home with me.? All of my deep-rooted insecurities were being brought out by her words.? I?d always felt inferior to her because of how beautiful and perfect she was, but now that she was actually acknowledging her superiority I suddenly felt quite sick.? There were a lot of thoughts circulating in my head.? If I wasn?t prepared to continue serving Danielle the way I had been then would she just up and leave?? I?m sure there are plenty of other losers around like myself that would jump into my position if they had the chance.? Danielle wouldn?t find it difficult to replace me.? The thought of losing her was a lot worse than doing her laundry.


I decided that from this point on Danielle would make all of the decisions and I would just go along with whatever she said.? It wasn?t like there was any chance for me to disobey her anyway.? All she had to do was look at me the right way and I would crumble and give in to her wishes.? I didn?t have the confidence to even try to stand up to her, so it just made sense to do whatever she wanted.? Plus, if I didn?t do what she said, she would more than likely leave and I would have no friends once again.


?Now, I?m not a bimbo Matty, I know you need something in return and if you keep being a good little boy then maybe I?ll let you have it.?


I perked up at this as I assumed that she was going to let me have sex with her.? This had been on my mind since the first moment I met her, although it had only ever been a fantasy. ?The truth was I was a virgin and I hadn?t ever come close to having sex with a girl and even if Danielle was interested, I knew I wouldn?t have the confidence to initiate anything.? Besides, my assumption was completely wrong anyway.


?From the way that you were sniffing and kissing my feet the other night I guess that you really like them.? She said, making the hairs stand up on the back of my neck.


Fantastic, so she did know all along.? It crossed my mind that perhaps her hanging her foot in my face was actually a trap, which I had fallen straight into, but that seemed a little too far fetched.? Anyway, the important thing was that she had caught me and I was in real trouble now.? There was no way of denying what I had done and I couldn?t justify it either.?


?It?s ok, don?t be shy Matty.? You?re not the first guy to fall in love with my feet.? If you do a good job of pleasing me then I may let you kiss and sniff them a bit more.? And if you?re really good, maybe even a little licking and sucking.?


She winked at me while giving a cheeky grin, then lifted her feet in front of my face so she could wiggle her toes under my nose.? I caught a quick sniff of their odour and they were actually quite strong.? They may have just been her feet, but because they were attached to her I began to get a little turned on.? I guess getting to kiss her feet was better than not kissing her at all.?


?Ok, now for some rules. ?First of all, I expect you to always be at my beck and call.? I shouldn?t have to wait for anything; I want you always eager to serve me.? The first thing on your mind everyday should be ?how can I make Danielle happy???


I nodded in response while listening intently.? I wasn?t surprised by what she was saying, this is how I had been treating her for the last few weeks anyway.? She?d pretty much taken the dominant role in our friendship from the beginning.? It dawned on me that every time we went out, it was Danielle?s idea.? If we went to the cinema, Danielle chose the film.? At the student bar, I had been the one to pay for all the drinks.? My fascination with her had completely blinded me of all this at the time.?


?You will continue to pay all of the rent, but make no mistake, this is my room now and it is up to me whether I let you sleep here or not.? Also, you alone will be responsible for all of the chores, but I guess you already know that.? If you want to keep hanging around with me then you need to prove that you are of some use.? You can keep on washing and ironing my clothes, cleaning the room, cooking my meals, driving me around in your car and drawing my bath.? Also, I may call on you to fulfil some of my more personal needs, but we?ll get to that later.? Understand?? She said full of authority.


?Yes Danielle? I replied, briefly looking up from her feet.


Fulfilling her personal needs?? This part of the agreement didn?t actually sound too bad.? Having never actually pleasured a girl before I wasn?t sure of what was required, but I would give it my all so that Danielle would be happy.? Although I may have actually been jumping the gun, she hadn?t been very specific about what her ?personal needs? were.? Going from the previous example of my ?rewards? for serving her, I could be required to do anything.


?I don?t think I like you calling me Danielle anymore.? We need something a bit more appropriate for our roles, how about Princess?? ?She queried.


?Yes Princess? I responded immediately.


Danielle smiled, leant forward and lightly patted me on the head.? She seemed a bit surprised that I had accepted everything she had said so readily.? Obviously, she wasn?t aware of just how low my self-esteem was.? I had let people walk all over me throughout my life and it was a real effort for me to stand up to someone.? Obeying was a lot easier.? I continued to rub the soles of her feet obediently as she carried on with her demands.


?Good boy.? I can see that this arrangement is going to really work out for the both of us.? I receive the treatment I deserve and you get to remain in my presence.? Now, we have some more important things to discuss.?


I found it amusing that she had chosen to use the word discuss, even though this was a completely one-sided conversation.? However I knew my place and I had no right to speak up against her.?


?As you know, you?re a lot better at this course than I am.? So as well as making full use of your physical abilities, I?m also going to let you use your brain to benefit me.? My parents are the ones that want me to study mathematics, but I?d just rather go shopping or to the beach.? I have no intention to attend class anymore.? So from now on you will do all of my assignments and you better make sure that I receive As every time, got that?? She ordered, sounding increasingly more dominant with every word.


This part would be fairly easy.? None of the work gave me any problems and I wouldn?t really struggle to complete double the amounts of assignments.? This didn?t mean that I was happy with the situation, she really was taking advantage of me in every way.? I should have just got up and told her to get out, but kneeling their massaging her feet, I felt as if I finally belonged.? Danielle really was a princess and I would do everything in my power to please her.


?Yes Princess, I?ll make sure you get top marks.? I replied.


?I know you will my little study buddy.? She said in a patronising, yet strangely arousing tone.


She wriggled her feet free from my fingertips and gently raised them so that they hovered just in front of my lips.? I glanced up at her peering eyes, not sure of exactly what her gesture meant.? She obviously picked up on my confusion as she winked, mouthed the word ?kiss? and then wiggled her toes.? I obeyed at once.? She shuddered as I let my lips slowly trace the grooves between her toes, not entirely sure of how to proceed.? Realising that I needed to please her I began passionately placing delicate kisses on each of her feet, kissing every toe individually.? I really started to enjoy the experience.? However, she was only teasing me as she removed her feet shortly after my kissing episode started to get exciting.


?See, aren?t I good to you?? she said.? ?Ok, now I want you to get my bath ready for me, make sure the water is just the right temperature.? Then while I?m relaxing you can make me some hot chocolate and prepare my bed.? Don?t bother with your floor bed thingy, I want you to rub my feet while I sleep tonight.? I think it?s the least I deserve for letting you stay the night.?


?Yes Princess, thank you for letting me kiss your feet.? I replied.


Later that evening I considered my current situation as Danielle relaxed in the bath.? Having her in control of my life was a lot better than not having her in it at all and I guess this was the reason that I had always been so timid.? I was a submissive at heart and I needed someone like Danielle in my life to serve.? It made sense, and I couldn?t have asked for a better mistress.

Over the next few days I really tried to as much effort as possible into pleasing Danielle.? Being useful to her meant that she would keep me around.? I thought that if I sucked up to her then she would let me kiss her feet more often.? If it was the only way that I was going to get to place my lips on her exquisite body, then I was going to take every chance that I was given.


This scheme actually worked as the more I pleased Danielle to her satisfaction, the more time she allowed me at her feet.? I was mostly given permission to kiss and sniff between her toes, but occasionally if I was extra good she would allow me the odd lick.? After two weeks I pretty much loved her feet and I became aroused at even the mention that I would be allowed to worship them.? Danielle had trained me at a skilled and fast pace.


One time while I was kneeling before her, tenderly lapping at her soles as she read a magazine she glanced down at me curiously.? I had always struggled to meet her gaze when we had first met, and now in our current positions it became even more difficult.? She gently ran her fingers through my hair as I soothed her tired feet and then began to speak.


?Oh Matty, I knew from the start that you would make an excellent slave.? That?s why I picked you out in that first lecture.? You looked so shy and pathetic sat on your own and I knew right then that you were the one.? You see, all you?ll ever be good for is to lick my feet and do whatever I say.? If I hadn?t been the one to put you in your place, then some other girl would have.? Just be glad that you get to worship someone as hot as me. You really don?t know how lucky you are, so many other guys would love to be in your position.?


I did know how lucky I was, but what I didn?t know is that she had always been intent on enslaving me.? I guess she knew how perfect she was and she expected to be obeyed, but the fact she had picked me out of everyone actually made me quite proud in a totally pathetic way.? If Danielle hadn?t decided that I was suitable slave material then I would probably still be sat in that lecture centre alone every day.


?If I hadn?t put you to good use then you would still be wasting your time trying to be an accountant or something silly.?


I had to agree with her.? Getting a good job didn?t seem so important anymore.? As long as Danielle was happy then so was I.? Whether she planned on keeping me as her slave after we had graduated I was not sure, but I would gladly beg her for the opportunity if she allowed it.? Serving Danielle for the rest of my life was better than any job I could ever hope to gain.?


Danielle decided that she didn?t have enough money to spend when she went shopping every day, so I was required to find a job.? I started work at a local environmental centre doing night security three times a week, which meant that I pretty much got no sleep at all those days.? After working for twelve hours, I had to return to the dorm ready to serve my princess her breakfast in bed as she liked it.


The security job actually paid pretty well due to the rubbish hours.? Of course, I never got to see any of it.? Pay day involved me crawling on my knees and kissing Danielle?s feet until she took the money.? She liked to humiliate me a lot and I could think of nothing more effective than being forced to beg her to take my hard earned cash.? My assignments also suffered with all of the time I spent alternating between working the job and serving Danielle.? Her assignments were first priority after serving her, and then came mine, so I rarely had any free time to work on them adequately.? As a result, my grades really started to slide.


Also, my sex life was completely controlled by her and therefore it did not exist.? Of course I never had a sex life before anyway, but I had always enjoyed masturbation.? Danielle put a firm stop to this and she made it clear that the only person that would be receiving any pleasure was her. ?She found it very amusing that I would sit there with a hard on with my head between her legs pleasuring her while receiving nothing in return myself.? I think it actually added to her arousal that she could control me so easily.




Danielle graduated from university with a first class degree in mathematics.? I on the other hand barely passed at all.? Due to my raw ability in math however I did manage to find a pretty decent paying job.? It wasn?t the kind of thing my parents were expecting me to get and they were more than a little disappointed.? It mattered not anyway, as my entire salary went to Danielle.? With her degree, she had managed to land a very flash job and she earned about double what I did.? With my salary going into her pocket too she was really raking it in.? She bought a house with the money and moved me in as her unpaid servant, well I say unpaid but I guess I was paying her.? She really was the definition of a modern woman.


My day pretty much began in the early hours and I would serve Danielle breakfast in bed.? She would then lounge around for a few hours while I did menial chores, occasionally requiring me to massage her feet or tongue some part of her body.? By ten o?clock I would drive her into work and then pick her up later in the day, after I had finished my job.? Danielle brought most of her work home with her, which obviously I was required to complete.


From the beginning she had drilled into me that being at her feet was a privilege and that if I wanted it I would have to earn it.? This was a very clever way of her ensuring my obedience as over time I became obsessed with her feet. I found them to be quite a turn on.? Her toes gradually decreased in length from the biggest outwards and overall they had a very cute look to them.? She liked to have her toenails painted and the colour varied depending on her mood.? I was required to pedicure her feet every day and I became used to alternating the colour each night.?


I looked forward to the pedicure as once I was finished I was allowed to blow her toenails dry.? Once they were dry, she would give me permission to suck each of her toes, which I would do eagerly.? As I slipped my tongue between them she would moan and shuffle in her seat while delicately patting my head.? Occasionally she would whisper that I was a good boy between her sighs.? It was often during these times that she would require me to satisfy her ?personal needs? that she had mentioned earlier on in my enslavement.? Having me at her feet and degrading me really seemed to turn her on and I would often tongue her pussy and asshole to many orgasms after a thorough foot service.


More recently, Danielle expanded upon her empire when she announced that we would be moving into a new house.? I didn?t understand how this came about as she had made no mention of it prior to the move.? It turned out that we were actually moving into a mansion and Danielle was greeted at the door by a butler.? He was very obedient, just like most men were around Danielle and I assumed that he wasn?t being paid.? Danielle never seemed to pay for anything.


A maid in her forties wearing a traditional uniform took care of all of the household chores.? I was happy with this arrangement as it meant that all of my attention was completely focused on Danielle.? All day was spent massaging and worshipping her feet, tending to her wishes or pleasuring her with my tongue.? I noticed that Danielle only ever referred to her new servants as Maid and Butler.?


I later learned that the maid used to be Danielle?s boss at her accountancy firm and that slowly she had been manipulated and eventually enslaved.? Danielle had taken over complete control of the company and the woman?s house.? Rather than hating Danielle for this, the maid seemed to be utterly devoted to her.? Also, I found out that the butler used to be the woman?s husband and Danielle once casually mentioned to me that he had been far easier to turn over than his wife.??


I didn?t actually know what their names were before Danielle had taken over their lives.? Danielle deemed that neither were worthy of anything other than a generic title.? She claimed that since I was her first enslavement, I was special, so therefore I was always referred to as Slave Matty, which I liked.? Also, since I was her special slave I was always called upon to meet her personal needs, which made both maid and butler very jealous.


I often caught sight of their envious gazes as I kneeled in front of Danielle, licking her tasty feet.? She had always been a tease and she occasionally let them sniff her toes, which I would have been grateful for, but I could only imagine their torment.? Despite their pleas she never ever gave them permission to touch her feet.? If they were really good, then sometimes they were allowed to lick her shoes or slippers clean, but that was the height of their rewards.? Having me around to service her feet whenever she required meant that she could tease her other slaves as much as she wanted and she really got a kick out of the power.


Eventually Butler was unable to control his urges and attempted to lick Danielle?s feet without her permission.? This resulted in me being ordered to remove him from my Princesses house and he never returned.? Danielle also considered getting rid of his wife too, but after many hours of begging she was allowed to stay.? As a gesture to her inferiority to Danielle, Maid was required to sign all of her savings over to her.? This was the last of her possessions as Danielle had already secured control of her company and her house.? It amazed me that she so easily accepted that she would never see her husband again and this series of events also made clear how unforgiving Danielle was.? It crossed my mind whether she would so easily throw me aside when the time came and this only made me strive to please her as best I could.


As Danielle was now the owner of an endless amount of money, I was no longer required to keep my job.? My whole day now revolved around tending to her every need.? She really had the best life, two slaves working their asses off so that she didn?t have to lift a finger, neither of which were bitter, but rather totally devoted to their work.? I think it?s pretty obvious that some people are just born better than others in life and if you?re one of the bottoms then there isn?t much that you can do about it.? You can try to ignore it and kid yourself, but eventually someone like Danielle will come along and expose you as the slave that you were born.? When this happens, you?ll find that just like me, you will not be able to resist.


So that?s how my life is now.? That sweet girl who came to talk to me in my first lecture became the most important person in my life.? I would do anything for her and all that matters is that she remains happy. ?She lives a life of luxury as being the head of her own company she doesn?t actually have to do any work.? All of her day is spent sunbathing and being waited on hand and foot.? She has kept Maid around for domestic duties, but I think the real reason is that Danielle loves to rub her nose in the fact that she has taken everything from her.


I?ve often noticed that whenever Princess Danielle requires the bathroom, she simply snaps her fingers.? Maid will then get down onto her hands and knees so that Danielle can straddle her back.? It?s actually quite amusing watching Maid struggle to carry Danielle to the bathroom as she digs her heels into her sides and pulls at her hair.? I don?t know what goes on in the bathroom, but Maid is always required to go in with our Princess and I can only assume that she is responsible for some of Danielle?s other ?needs?.? It?s amazing how low a person can sink when they encounter a completely superior goddess.


She really is a Princess and deserves everything that she has so cleverly obtained.? She?s mentioned to me that she has her eye on the girl that lives next door, a cute twentysomething blonde with nice firm breasts.? I think it?s the girl?s pool and car that she is really after, but having another slave will only make her life even easier.? I will do everything in my power to ensure that my Princess gets what she wants.



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Ideal "You girls have it so easy," Evan said to all in the basement. "Besides bleeding and carrying a baby, which I admit is a lot of work, you just seem to have such an easier time at life." Evan and a few of his friends who were girls were all hanging out in Kara's basement, playing Ping-Pong and cards. "Well, is that the way you really feel?" this came from Brianna, one of Kara's friends. "If you could, would you want to be a girl?" "I... I just don't know anymore," Evan...

4 years ago
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Ideal bi MMF

My ideal bi MMF 3some would be..................for starters, my lady and I would place a posting on adult sites and C.L. casual encourages. Looking for a bi male, single, not looking for the drama with cheating husbands but a couples forsure (but that's an other story). Build doesn't matter, what does is that he has a thick cock atleast 6.5 (my size) AND yes pictures are needed after a few emails. If I'm gonna suck a cock, I want a thick, clean shaven cock, 7 plus inches with a nice large head...

2 years ago
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Thelma and Me Summer of 65 part 2

After tea on the Friday evening Thelma stopped me as I was going into upstairs to my room. Her eyes looked wild and her breathing was heavy. “I’m going to a party,” She said in a low voice, “do you want to watch me getting undressed?” I nodded like a puppet. “Wait in my room…I’ll be up in five minutes.” I skipped up the stairs two at a time! I nervously let myself into my sister’s bedroom. I’d been in many times before – borrowing her dirty knickers and stuff to use...

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Harry and Rob sat in the local pub in their usual spot in the corner by themselves. They were having a discussion about what to do with Ethel. Rob has been adamant that he wants to hang Ethel by her ankles and butcher her. Harry strongly disagrees with him. Harry is convinced that if he talks to Ethel he can persuade her not to go to the authorities and they will be able to use her the same way the other men. Rob agrees to try Harry's way first but he says" if she wants to argue I'm going to...

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kEthel sat with her tits nailed to the work table. Her tits were swollen to twice their normal size from the beating they had received from Harry and Rob and the axe handle. Ethel sobbed both from the pain and the feeling of despair and hopelessness. She knew she would not be able to sweet talk the men into letting her go without anymore abuse. Harry and Rob arrived and again Ethel begged and pleaded with them to let her go. The men laughed and told her they still had a few more things they...

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Thelma and her brother

Note : This story is completely fictional!In nineteen forty six Thelma Lou Anderson was married with three kids. Linda was the oldest. She was sixteen. Guy and George was ten and Guy seven. Thelma owned a beauty shop in Kansas City. She suspected her husband Lawerance was cheating on her again. She followed him one day when he thought she was at work and saw him go into a house. A woman opened the door and he went in. That was all the proof she needed. She went home and packed her suitcase and...

3 years ago
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My Wife Affair To Her Student

Dear ISS readers I am Mohan from Bangalore presenting this story for the first time in my life. I hope all my dear ISS readers would enjoy the story and give positive comments about the story and so as to encourage me to submit few more stories for the benefit of the readers. The story is about my sexy wife Vandana’s name changed secret relationship with my neighbour. This has happened during 2009 it was in the month of May during which my 2 kids had gone to their granny’s house in Hyderabad...

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It is the annual alumni reunion event at the Lauderton High School, which they hold in the large gymnasium in the main school building. The events in these stories take place at various times during the evening, and to different characters; they are not chapters of the same story, but a series of separate takes. We are the invisible camera, panning around the scene and then zooming in for a close-up ... TAKE ONE Nashiko Giancona had graduated from the high school five years ago, and...

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The Student

The Student Belladonna Eric Prince stared at his wife as she berated him once more for losing his job. While Eric had been laid off from his teaching position because of the economy, he was slated to be let go regardless because of his poor evaluations just as he had from his prior teaching position. Eric was not able to effectively teach his students and he was generally considered to be unable to relate to them despite the fact that he was a young teacher. Given the cut backs...

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The Professor and His Student

I'm a settled retired man. I share my life with the mother of my sons, we have a comfortable sex life, nothing fancy, but we are both happy with it. I never cheated on her, well, not until I met Nikki that is...Before retiring, I'd been teaching science at local university. I taught several content areas related to the biological sciences. One year around 20 years ago I was given the task to develop a class to introduce pre-med students to innovations in medical technology. Though a little out...

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Thelma and me Summer of 65 part 1

Thelma was 22 and like all of the young women at that time was still living at home with me and our parents in rural Kent; even though she had a good job in local Department Store. I was 15 and had just left school. The summer of 1965 was particularly fine so it wasn’t uncommon for me to sit around our secluded garden reading a Detective novel when my parents were at work. The difference today was that Thelma was on the first day of her annual holidays and had joined me wearing a very...

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Ethel hung by her wrists while Harry and Rob left to get some rest. She nodded off from time to time but the fog of her mind cleared she realized that other than when they punched her she actually enjoyed the way they that fucked her so hard and so brutally. She enjoyed the helpless feeling as they ravaged her body. She believed that she could talk to the two men and they would release her without too much more abuse. She was wrong.As Harry and Rob drove back out to the warehouse they talked...

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Ethel hated her name. She was born during the tenure of I Love Lucy. The beloved Ethel Mertz from the television show was the bane of the real life Ethel's existence. There were the jokes about her having to marry Fred. There was only one Fred in her high school class. He wasn't her type; not even if he was the last man on earth. Ethel was every bit the epitome of her name. At five feet even her looks, dress and vocabulary mimicked the character she despised. Although she fought to break the...

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Ethel 1921

Ethel's Pa was telling a story. "A man comes into the garage wanting a new horn for his Dodge. The old bulb was torn. Well, we have horns; but they don't fit his brackets..." "What did he want with a horn?" Ma asked. "Dodge cars don't need them. They have 'Dodge, Brothers' written clearly on the front." "Oh, Nellie," Pa said, but -- at least -- he dropped the story. Ethel couldn't decide which was worse, Ma's jokes or Pa's stories. Pa was fascinated by anything mechanical,...

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Katherines Style

Damn Katherine and her classy fashion sense... Once again my Mother-in-law had a new skirt suit which would work for brunch, mother-of-the-bride or some other fancy occasion, it was simply lovely. Tonight was one of those other occasions. The suit was perfect for the work awards dinner that my wife Veronica has dragged me too. Katherine, on the other hand, who was looking just so, was all too happy to attend. Katherine's suit is simply irresistible to me. The color, the style,...

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How I Got Seduced By My Student

Hello beautiful people. I am here to tell you how I got seduced by my student. I hope you are in a good state of health. I hope you got both your vaccine shots done. Let me quickly introduce myself. I am Aryan, 26 years old, from Delhi. I hail from a well-to-do family and am a qualified professional. I am 5’8” tall with a 6” long tool and 2.5” in thickness. I have an athletic body and looks that you can’t ignore! Let me introduce you to the characters of the story. Aryan: Yours truly. Dipali:...

2 years ago
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Gunther The Reindeer Handler Does Candy Claus

Let me say right up front that Gunther was definitely not a young man.I knew he had been around the Santa operation at the North Pole long before I arrived with my bright ideas for cost reduction. I was called in to promote increased toy production by the easily distracted Elves. Those little imps preferred being silly rather than busy little workers focused on their quotas like dedicated employees. As a small-sized human male, I was able to relate easily to the female Elves because they liked...

Fantasy & Sci-Fi
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Loyal Student

Schools are fun for most of the students. They study together, play together, eat together and learn all kind of things in school. And for some of them, the school become there unforgettable memory. The memory they would cherish forever. My memories of school are also unforgettable... but in a painful way. I was the an earnest student. 'Good in everything' this is what my teachers used to say. Academics, sports, curriculums, I was good in every field. Always the center of attraction. Always the...

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Absinthe Seduction

from my supernatural~romantic novel set in Regency England from the diary of Betsy Corning, Darlington, England, September 1815 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ I am undone! I have given into temptation and trod the left-hand path. I did not tarry there long, I yet have a semblance of a conscience. But little good will it do me – I will be punished for it sooner or later. But oh, should any ladies read this, perhaps you, at least, will understand what provocation I had endured and grant me some...

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The New Student

There is a theory that girls make better students than boys do. This the story of what happened to me when I started at college (OK - some details have been embellished here and there)... When I gained a place at University, my mother was worried about where I would live, and within a few weeks announced that she had arranged with a family friend for me to have a bed-sit. "Apparently there are a few other students in the house, so you won't be lonely," she explained. The weeks passed...

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An Exchange Student

An Exchange Student By Paul G. Jutras In what was otherwise a typical peaceful block, there was one menace. Fourteen year old Chris Jones. As the sounds of his skateboard headed down the sidewalk, everyone in the way was moving aside as fast as they could. Some climbed street lamps and others leapt into near by stores. Those who couldn't make it were bowled over like a bunch of pins at the end of an alley. Those laying there looked up and saw Chris karate kick a garage can into the...

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EstherChapter 3

When we entered the dining salon, all conversation stopped. I had changed from my travel clothes earlier, but was still in black. Esther was in a peach colored evening gown. As I said before, she was ravishing. Martha and Hatty walked behind us in their evening gowns. It was plain that everyone wondered who this girl was with the Royal Executioner and the Guild Master for companions. Certainly most of the apprentices and the other Guild members had not met, or been introduced to Esther. None...

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EstherChapter 2

“Are the statements, that the Lord Executioner made, true?” the Village Chief demanded sternly. “Yes, Un ... Uncle,” the young man finally answered very quietly. “A week in the stocks,” the Village Chief pronounced, “and the same for those two friends of yours.” The Village Chief then turned to me to apologize. “I am sorry I doubted you, Lord Executioner. It would appear that I need to pay closer attention to what is going on with the workers in the fields.” “An excellent idea,” I replied,...

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