Caitlyn’s Treatment Ch. 10 free porn video

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Just Before the Auction

I got to BTS national house right before 3 just like I was supposed to and rang the bell. No one answered so I ended up going around back to this service entrance where the door was open. I went into a hallway where I ran into – almost literally ran into – a kind of old but not really old, like 30 maybe, not too bad looking, medium build but not very tall guy dressed very casually who was carrying these big heavy looking cases of bottles . He had short sandy hair and a kind of cute little crooked grin. A white guy, so I figured not one of the BTS execs (duh!)

Right away he was really friendly and put down the box to introduce himself and shake my hand. His name was Jack and he worked sometimes for BTS. He broke into a happy smile when I told him I was there as one of the girls working the event. I mean his face really lit up. Which was a nice welcome.

We chatted for maybe like 1 minute and he seemed really excited. I got the feeling that he wanted to stand there and flirt with me – girls can usually tell – but that he was nervous about it too. Like looking over his shoulder to make sure we were alone. Then he broke it off and told me I should go into the kitchen area at the end of the hall and find Beth, who he said was the lead girl for the event. I thought it was funny coincidence though cause ‘Beth’ is my Mom’s name too. Then I thanked him and went inside.

I could feel his eyes on my backside as I walked away, he was definitely that sort of guy, but then most other guys are too. I heard him say ‘Good luck Caitlyn, enjoy it’ as I went through the door. Which was very nice of him.

I found Beth in the kitchen and introduced myself feeling kind of nervous, and not just because it was my first meeting with who it sounded like was maybe my boss, but for 2 other reasons. The first one was that I realized I had way overdone it in Cindy’s yellow dress. Beth had on jeans and some old looking flannel shirt, a man’s shirt. No makeup. Scruffy tennis sneakers. Hair all frizzy from humidity. I could see a bit of perspiration on her forehead.

She didn’t have to say that I was overdressed, I knew I was. So embarrassing after I’d made such a big deal in my head about looking nice for them. But men! That Jevon should have told me that the girls had work detail before the entertainment began. Sometimes men don’t think things through the way we girls do. Which I mean no disrespect to Jevon.

But the second reason I got nervous was the real reason: she was the most gorgeous girl I’d never seen in my life. I mean absolutely stunning! I thought Cindy was beautiful, and that Janice was lovely and that Kim was like the top girl in maybe the universe. Until then I mean. Cause Beth was in some other universe compared with all of them and especially compared with me.

No matter if she was dressed for housework and had frizzy hair, I could she was perfect. Perfect face, perfect body, perfect boobs (even covered up by a man’s flannel shirt), perfect smile, perfect hair, perfect lips and nose and throat and – well perfect everything, at least everything I could see right then (lol and just kidding.) If she was an example of who I’d be working with then I’d have to get used to being the ugly girl.

Not a nice feeling. It made me uncomfortable that she was so perfect, like when you first meet her it’s overwhelming. It’s too much.

But at least it didn’t last long. She seemed super busy, cutting and arranging flowers, checking something in the oven and texting with someone all at the same time. It made me feel really silly to be standing there in my prissy little party dress, even though I do love it. But pretty soon she brought me into the dining room at BTS, which I’d seen the day before, and introduced me to the 3 other girls, Kayla, Kristen and Maureen.

And I got to feel a little better. All of them were dressed down too for work. I could see that Kayla was vacuuming while the other 2 set the table. But they were much more normal cute, pretty types like me I suppose which may sound more conceited than I actually mean. It was just nice to get a break from perfection and to be with my own people.

Kristen especially I thought was pretty – tall for a girl, long blonde hair, fair features and what looked like a nice figure. She was introduced as Kayla’s sister, on a visit from Seattle where she was going into her junior year. Kayla was going to be a sophomore next year at the U – just 1 year ahead of me! – and was really cute although definitely not as pretty as her sister. And Maureen was, well I hate to put it this way, but at least I wouldn’t be in last place in the looks department.

Still even Maureen was sort of pretty in her own way, kind of dark and short and pretty thin and wiry looking. But I could see that she had a nice figure cause she had those big boobs on a thin frame that men love. And her curly black hair was nice. But in terms of her face it was like when you hear someone say it was ‘more interesting than beautiful’ (and I hope she never reads this.) It’s maybe why she had her tongue pierced, you know to add something, and it was cute on her. But I’m trying to be honest. Maybe she was Greek? Like some of the girls in high school?

Beth had gone and found me some work clothes so I could help out, which was really sweet. Brought me some water too to keep me hydrated and it turned out it was the same kind that John always gave me. The jeans were a little big on me but had a belt and the old sweatshirt said BTS on the front and ‘Better Than Sugar’ on the back. Pretty cool!

I changed in the bathroom and handed Cindy’s dress and my bag over to Jack who had reappeared. I kept the panties and bra on cause it seemed like the other girls were wearing bras. I figured we’d change together later on.

They put me to work on vacuuming the front hall and a couple of side rooms off the dining hall and I tried to do a really good job. Then I dusted some and worked up a pretty good sweat due to the humidity. But it didn’t take long and by around 4:15 Beth called me and Maureen into one of the private rooms for a talk. She said that all the new girls got ‘the talk’ if they were ‘virgins.’

That meant that we were doing an auction for the first time and she wanted to let us know what it would be like so we wouldn’t be too nervous or freak out. Which she said did happen but hardly ever and not for a long time, not since Jevon had been in charge. Because he really knew how to select the right girls.

First she just asked us both some questions about what we liked to do and how we spent our time, like our hobbies I guess. So I told her about running and exercising and dancing, and Maureen told her she played the piano and liked to sketch things and was the girl singer in a rock band for a while. Maureen was going to be a sophomore at State next year studying art and music and I was going to be (as you know) a freshman at the U. I told Beth I didn’t know what I would study so she asked me what subject I liked best in high school and I told her writing because Mr. V. our teacher had been so nice to all of us girls.

Then she went on to telling us about the auction and it was really helpful. Now that she wasn’t so rushed I could see how sweet and caring Beth was. She told us about the French maid uniforms which I already knew about. And about the funny slave bikinis we would wear for the auction itself. About how the guys would be yelling and screaming and cracking jokes and singing BTS songs and would be using some rough language which we should ignore since it was for charity and really all in good fun to begin with.

And that we shouldn’t worry about what the other girls were doing or how they looked cause it totally wasn’t a competition among us, that we should just focus on our men, making them happy. And not to worry about our auction prices especially cause we were virgins and Jevon would
understand if we didn’t raise a lot.

And that we were totally free to decide what we would do or would not do once a guy won us in a bid, that we were totally free to say no or to walk out or leave or whatever because no girl should have to do things she wasn’t comfortable with, which is exactly what Mrs. Randolph had taught us in Health in the 10th grade.

Not that the guys would ask for much. If we wanted to do something for our guy that was a different story and she knew each and every one of them would appreciate it.

And how she’s done this event like 4 times before and believe her it was a huge honor to be invited back. And that we would want to get invited back too once we saw how much fun our first time was. But just to remember that this was for a good charity and that the guys were really nice when you got to know them and some of them made for excellent connections and even references like later when we were trying to get a job. Like after college.

And to be appreciative of guys who would spend all this money on a good cause when really all we had to do is be with them and nice to them and such, maybe run to get them a drink sometime or whatever.

And especially not to worry about the rough language cause we weren’t children and had all heard the words ‘cunt’ and ‘slut’ and ‘tits’ and ‘cocksucker’ before. And to remember that these were grown men who in addition to supporting the charity were blowing off steam from high powered jobs where they earned a lot cause they worked so hard for themselves and their family and their communities. And that we were 19 (Maureen) and 18 (me) and we weren’t babies and we should just get over it. Which was a little unfair since it’s not like we had complained about it or anything.

And then she told us it would be our obligation to be discreet after the event had ended because people’s reputations were at stake and no one should be punished for trying to do a good thing like raise money for orphans. And that if we couldn’t handle that then we needed to get out now and no one would ever think the worse of us cause all the BTS brothers were very understanding people.

She really emphasized it and looked at us carefully as she asked if we knew what she meant.

Maureen and I said we thought we did but that was just a way of saying it cause we both knew exactly what she meant: that we couldn’t talk about the event afterwards. It was private.

Beth looked at us carefully again but in the end nodded ‘OK.’ And then she asked did we have any questions of our own but we didn’t and she told us to have fun and to make the most of our opportunity. And that we should go to meet the other girls for dinner.

But Jack came in first and handed Beth a piece of paper, saying it was from Jevon. She read it and stopped me on my way out. Jack and Maureen were still beside us and listening as she said ‘Oh. Caitlyn. It’s for you. From Jevon or, I guess, really from John. John Venruil? You know him right?’

My ears perked up. John? But I just said ‘Yes I do know him.’ Kind of neutral, trying to be professional and all.

‘Well he sent a message that just says ‘Good luck, have fun and make us all proud.’ Nice of him. Oh wait, there’s more. It says ‘Whatever happens do not – it’s underlined here – do not use T-nodes as an excuse. Just try your best. It’s a great opportunity.’ Then ‘Love, John.”

My head was buzzing, trying to process it.

Maureen was the one to ask ‘What are T-nodes?’

I could see that Beth was confused by that too, you could tell just the way she read the words. But all she said was ‘Shush now. That’s their private business.’

Maureen looked embarrassed because Beth had put her in her place. Even so she had the guts to say ‘I did think of one question’ which I could never have in her situation. But at least it took the focus off the T-node issue.

‘Of course.’ Beth smiled.

‘Well. I’m just wondering. What about lez? Cause when I met with Jevon yesterday he said something about it and I just wondered…’

Beth interrupted before she could continue. ‘Oh, yes. Good question.’ She paused and searched out my eyes.

Maureen had seemed pretty matter of fact in asking, like she just wanted to know so she’d be ready, but I think Beth could see that the subject made me a little anxious. I had to look away from her and took a quick sip of water.

She said ‘Oh that? Don’t worry. It’s like anything else, just up to you if you want to do certain things.’

Beth smiled then at both of us to let us know that that was the entire answer. Which was good by me. It’s what I would have wanted her to say. Especially after I had felt so much shame over the incident the day before with Janice. It was up to me. Just like Mrs. Randolph said.

So then we started to leave but Beth said one more thing as we got to the door.

‘Still, it’s often a way to get really good tips. Some of the brothers love it.’

And Maureen and I walked out. Jack grinning at us like a madman.

At dinner it was really nice to relax with just us girls. So far I hadn’t seen Jevon or any of the BTS brothers, and even Jack was busy somewhere and left us alone. I think sometimes girls really actually enjoy themselves more when there are no men around cause we don’t have to worry every second like how we look or if we are saying the right thing.

Beth turned out to be a total sweetheart, the kind of girl you can’t really hate for being so delicious looking and perfect because she is so nice and puts you at your ease and tells you how pretty you are. And how she’d kill for nice full lips like mine (although hers are gorgeous too and usually everyone ends up complimenting my lips which are like my Mom’s.) And she complimented all the other girls too in a really nice, genuine, sweet way. Beth was one of those girls so perfect you had no idea how old she was till it turned out she was she said ‘the old lady’ of the group cause she was 23, which is cool because I think my boss, or any girl’s boss, should be a little older at least. And if you just looked at her you might have guessed 20 like I had.

And Kayla was this pretty funny girl who cracked jokes all the time. She served us all some iced tea and little crackers which were delicious even if Beth made me finish all my water before I got any. I thought Kayla was pretty too, but kind of tall for a girl. She had dark brown hair and small boobs maybe about the size of mine. She called herself our ‘plain Jane’ till Beth shushed her on that even though I could imagine it would be hard for her since she was going to be compared to her sister.

Her sister Kristen was the quiet one, although she seemed really nice and did loosen up after about 10 minutes. She wasn’t as tall and had this beautiful long blonde hair below her shoulders and a really pretty face and looked curvy all over from what I could see. She told us she had experience with a black frat out at her school in Seattle. Which was why Jevon accepted her for the job even though they’d never met till the night before. Somehow Jevon had had the mistaken idea that Kristen was the younger sister and for some reason this cracked them both up and Beth had to tell them both to shush with the kind of look she had been giving me and Maureen earlier. Then the two sisters were pretty funny about how weird it would be to work together cause they never had before. Except when they were kids at some ice cream stand where they fought all the time.

And I told them how Jevon had given me a tour of the house the day before, but I skipped the fooling around part cause I thought they might get jealous or think I had a big head about it. Beth kept giving me this really pretty smile of encouragement and it gave me confidence. Which is not my strongest suit, confidence I mean. And only Beth had ever actually been in the BTS national house before so I felt like that was pretty cool. Cause I had seen a lot of it with Jevon. And the other
3 girls asked lots of questions about what the rooms looked like that we would be in, which I did my best to answer accurately and Beth only had to correct me like twice.

And Maureen was funny too about some guy named Giamella who was her boss in her job outside of this one. How he was counting on her to make his business successful but that she doubted it would work. Only she said it in a pretty funny way even if you didn’t really know what she was talking about. She seemed like a pretty humble girl. And Beth was so nice to her too and told her that she was lovely and would do just fine at our event, which maybe missed the point Maureen had been making about Giamella. So no one is actually perfect.

Between Maureen and Kayla we were all laughing our heads off for almost an hour and I felt like I already liked all of them. Then Jack came in and things turned a little weird.

Jack Becomes the Collector

Jack knocked twice really fast then came right in. He walked over to Beth and said ‘Jevon wants me to collect this time.’ He said it in kind of a proud, look-at-me way which seemed a little strange to me even if I usually try not to judge.

‘What?’ Beth went blank, she looked confused at what he’d said.

‘Collect. You know from the guys? The bids?’

‘I know what collecting is. But Billy does that.’

‘Not this time, not according to Jevon. I just saw him out front He wants me to do it.’ Now you could really see how proud he felt to be able to say this in front of all of us girls. Seemed like he wanted to show off in front of us for some reason.

Beth seemed a little upset then. Both at him and what he had just said.’ But why? Why not Billy? Or at least why would it be you?’

Jack had a big grin on his face and looked somehow kind of shiny and kind of oily then. ‘Said Billy is sick of it. Needs to relax. Said you’d tell me what the game is. I mean how to do it right. What the rules are. It can’t be that hard.’

‘Are you serious? You?’ Which, Beth is lovely, but did seem a little mean. Especially since Jack, even if he did like to show off, seemed like a pretty nice, sweet, harmless guy who wanted to be helpful.

The 4 of us girls listened in, but then it was right in front of us and there was no way not to listen. I saw Kayla whisper to her sister who looked shocked. This was when Beth was busy questioning Jack. Then Kristen mouthed the words ‘her husband’ to me and Maureen, and then we were shocked. I didn’t know if I believed it but after about 2 seconds of watching them together I decided that I did believe it. And it turned out it was true. Beth was Jack’s wife even if you could tell that she was totally the one in charge.

There was some more back and forth between them till finally Jack said ‘Listen. You’re his girl. If you don’t believe me then just go ask him. Told you he’s around somewhere. He told me what to do and to get you to give me the instructions.’

Which took her edge off and I could see that she was calculating in her head whether to keep questioning him or do what we all now believed Jevon wanted. Also his words ‘his girl’ were ringing in my head, the other girls’ too I bet. Beth made up her mind.

‘OK then’ she said with a sigh of resignation ‘sit down and let me explain it and – Jack….’ She glanced at us girls like trying to decide if she wanted to say this in front of us and then realized that yes she did. ‘Jack…If you fuck this up, and I mean fuck it up in any way, I mean fuck it up even a little, then you and I know Jevon is going to cut your nuts off. And I’ll be the one behind him handing him the clippers. Got it?’

We were all shocked and sat there not knowing where to look. I don’t really care for it when a girl curses cause it’s not very feminine, but I guess Beth really needed to emphasize her point. Plus it was also not very feminine to be judgmental of Beth, who was my boss. So I tried not to think about it.

I could see that her words took Jack off his high horse and he started to look kind of worried then. But in the end what could either of them do if that’s what Jevon had decided?

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Penis Enlargement Treatment

I had been considering for some time looking into one of the various penis enlargement methods that are constantly advertised on TV, the radio and of course, the constant stream of email spam promising me three more inches in just days. My cock is only five inches long, so the advertisements are constant reminders of my inadequacy. I really want to experience the power of pushing a big, thick cock—MY big thick cock into a girl and watching her squirm and groan, trying greedily to accept every...

4 years ago
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Physiotherapy Treatment

Hello everyone, I am Shravan,23 year old guy living in Bangalore, Karnataka…. I would like to know u all out here. I am open to friendship and any relationship with ladies. Please do mail me at my Email id. Secrecy and Good relationship is promised. Waiting to hear from u all. Please mail me your response to my mail id, don’t forget—> A few months ago I was driving on the freeway heading home from work when suddenly, a careless person who was talking on a cell phone and not paying attention to...

1 year ago
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Sex Treatment

I am new to the site and my story hope my story will be interesting, I am married and we are three sisters now we are married for three years and this happened one year after our marriage, all three of us have a age difference on 2 years and I got married just 8 months after my elder sister got married. after marriage she went to the place where her husband was working and then we got married and we also moved to Agra, we moved to agra immediately after marriage with in one week and we were...

2 years ago
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Late Night Treatment

When Laura Ford-Ramsey removed her coat and handed it to Karen, it was no surprise that underneath she wore only bra and knickers, suspender belt, stockings and high heels. Mrs Ford-Ramsey had been a client at Valentino for more than a year and for most of that time it had been her custom to arrive for her fortnightly beauty treatment semi-undressed. She knew she had no reason to be embarrassed; even as she approached fifty, her body was in a shape that could only be maintained by rigorous...

1 year ago
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Dr White Begins Chastity Treatment

Published by JustFourInches on 10.8.20“Dr. White will see you now.”I looked up to see a pretty blonde nurse with a cordial smile and the expected clipboard. I followed her to Exam Room 5, where she motioned for me to enter and asked me to wait for a few minutes. This was my first time meeting Dr. White. First time for a lot of things these days. My wife and I had just moved to Cleveland, Ohio for work, and I was due for my physical. Dr. White was listed on my insurance website as an option, and...

2 years ago
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Dr White Begins Treatment

Published by HornyHubby05 on 12/5/20“Dr. White will see you now.”I looked up to see a pretty blonde nurse with a cordial smile and the expected clipboard. I followed her to Exam Room 5, where she motioned for me to enter and asked me to wait for a few minutes. This was my first time meeting Dr. White. First time for a lot of things these days. My wife and I had just moved to Cleveland, Ohio for work, and I was due for my physical. Dr. White was listed on my insurance website as an option, and...

4 years ago
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Living a CAP Based PresentChapter 17 Alien Medical Treatment

The attendant was someone new. This young man looked a bit frustrated as we entered the room. “Who are you?” “Citizen Mark Parker,” I replied crisply. “The AI told me that I was to show up with two concubines.” The man looked at me and the three women with me. “You seem to have three,” he said. “Lenore already visited a pod,” I replied. “But when the call came I was not in my home pod, so she escorted Aine here.” The attendant looked surprised. “You weren’t in your pod? Why not?” “I want...

1 year ago
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Tough Treatment

Carlton Adams, Carl or 1 ton to his rugby friends was a pro rugby player and had just completed qualifying as a sports physio, dietitian and trainer when he crashed a friends Harley. Taking a girl for a ride, a speeding car had run them off the road, the girl had minimal injuries but Carl had rolled with the huge bike sustaining back and leg injuries. After 12 weeks in hospital he was wheeled to the physio unit to start work on walking and regaining mobility. His assessment was a shock, in...

Adult Humor
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Salvation Ch 18 Cruel Treatments

As he drew nearer, he was able to admire its architecture. It stood three stories high and over eighty feet long, and had windows that were heavily draped. The dark roof gleamed from the recent downpour and the windows reflected the sunlight, moving from pane to pane as he approached. The building stood well back from the street and had a doorman always in attendance for added security. Built for up to fifty patients, who were accommodated in their own private soundproofed rooms situated...

3 years ago
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Daughters Incestuous Therapy 2 Therapists Incestuous Treatment

(An Incestuous Harem Story) Chapter Two: Therapist's Incestuous Treatment By mypenname3000 Copyright 2019 Note: Thanks to wrc264 for beta reading this! Session 12 with Mercedes Daniels I kissed my patient, Mercedes Daniels, with hunger, my body burning from telling her about my earlier romp with my husband. My brother. Clint had come in here and fucked me and my previous patient, a naughty mother I was guiding into seducing her son. Mercedes Daniels shuddered as I pressed atop her...

2 years ago
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A Suitable Case for Treatment

I was feeling stressed. I needed to do something about it. Everything had got on top of me. Too much work, too much travel, too much socialising. I asked Zoe for advice. She was a long-time friend who I knew had taken time off work several months before and had come back shining. She looked happy and relaxed. I gave Zoe a ring.Zoe looked at me. "You do look a bit washed out, what have you been doing?""Not much, I just seem to be rushing around trying to keep things going.""Well you're...

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Pamela gives me a special treatment

My sensual wife had asked me to purchase some sexy outfit for her, since those days she was in the mood for wild hard sex…But then, as I was entering a lingerie store in the shopping mall, I just bumped on a very sexy beautiful babe in her early twenties.She was hot; she apologized because she was looking backwards when she was walking out of the store. I helped her to pick up her bags and she then told me her name was Pamela…She went back inside with me and helped to pick up some sexy stuff...

2 years ago
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The medical assistant to the Urolog treatment

If you have been following my stories, you know that I am a young, attractive female medical assistant who works for a leading urologist in a major city. As this is written, I have had this position for three years which makes me 27. Not many women work in this field but frankly I chose it because of my fascination with the penis. And I get to see a great many of them. While most of our patients are older, we get enough young men and even virile middle-aged men, to keep it interesting for...

3 years ago
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Sruthi Wants The Exact Treatment

Hai to all ISS readers, I’ve gone through this site since long back and i feel that this site is the very best site to spend our time and loneliness.After reading many stories i thought why should i keep my mouth shut.So i am also posting my real life story.This is my first time so please pardon if any mistakes.You can send me your feed backs to my email id “” Coming to the story.My name is sting(name changed). I am a male,doctor age 34 working in a private hospital in pathanamthitta...

3 years ago
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The Sissy Treatment

"The 'Sissy' Treatment" I walked into the lounge and quietly took a seat near the corner of the bar. I heard the familiar swishing zip of my sheer vintage hosiery as I crossed my legs and smoothed my skirt. "Can I help you Miss?" came the voice of the bartender as he put the napkin down in front of me. "I'll have a cocktail," I replied. I looked around the dimly lit lounge. The place was upscale, mostly folks from downtown who after having a few drinks at their usual...

3 years ago
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special treatment

   Lucia was in her early thirties, a latin hipped brazilian living in Manchester.  Her neck had been giving her grief since she strated her new job a few months back.  Work insisted she go to see a doctor and then a physiotherapist, she didn't see the point but they were paying so what the hell.   When she arrived at the clinic after work she became even more pissed off when she rang the bell and there was no answer.  'fuck, what a waste of time' she thought as she turned to leave, 'hi there,...

Straight Sex
3 years ago
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The best treatment

It was nine at night and someone knocked on the door and when I checked, it was one of the known faces I always adored much, she was my student in college Anu. She was a perfect blossom with the perfect body I like, 30-24-34 and wheat complexion. I preferred such girls because I always imagined putting their tiny boobs in my mouth and suck them hard. Few days remained for their final exams and she happened to visit me for clearing her doubts regarding some questions she found difficult to...

3 years ago
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Silent Treatment

It was Friday night when my wife, Maxine, came into the room where I was watching TV. I recognized from the way that she was dressed that she intended to do some serious partying. This was news to me, for as far as I was aware, this was just going to be another night for both of us spent in front of the telly. "I'll probably be back late, Darling, so don't bother waiting up for me. I have to go, that's my cab." "But where—" was all I managed to get out before she was out of the room...

2 years ago
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Jungle Treatment

© 2000 This is a witness report filed by Sergeant Michael Sands of the Irish Rangers. It is compiled concerning the events in Sierra Leone in September 2000 when he and other UK personnel were held captive in the village of Masuri in central Sierra Leone. This concern the treatment during captivity of Captain Jackie Ward, Jackie is a Territorial Army medical officer with the British Army in Sierra Leone, a blonde statuesque nurse of 24 years, she is very polite, kind and gentle, Jackie...

4 years ago
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Daddy Avenges His DaughterChapter 6 Pressure Treatment

Yvonne and Sue were giggling together, excited by their developing sexuality, or bisexuality I supposed, as my wife Sally helped the post-orgasmic Becky towards one of the armchairs. Sally looked over at me, smiled, and blew me a kiss. A slight concern crossed her face. “Rog, how many fucks is that today?’ “Er, Seven? Eight?” I was struggling to remember. “Right. Bed.” Sally was so in charge. “You’re exhausted. We all are.” “I’m not exhausted,” Vonnie piped up, grinning. “I’m not...

3 years ago
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Daddy Avenges His DaughterChapter 10 Shock Treatment

And so it did. They put both Vonnie and Sue through the thermal shock treatment – four minutes in the hot tub, alternating with four in the butt of icy water – swapping them over through three cycles. They dried them, drove four stakes into the lawn in the late morning sunshine, and tied the two naked girls down by their wrists. “So Roger,” the twat Thomas addressed me, “you understand what you have to give us and why, don’t you? So let’s get started. Fuck your underage daughter with your...

1 year ago
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The candle treatment

Dr. Sierra Clark sat quietly while Ethan and Sydney Harmon related their failed attempts at sexual intercousre for the past week!!! ", I just don't know what else we can do," Sydney offered softly, "we tried everything you suggested, but nothing, it just didn't work!!!" "Is that true, Ethan," the doctor asked quietly?!? "I'm afraid so," he replied sadly, "I just can't seem to be able to attain an erection firm enough to have sexual intercourse with Sydney!!!" "What did you do then," the doctor...

4 years ago
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Missy Day Sixteen Spa Treatments

"Shhh, shh little one," Abuela murmured, twisting her four fingers counter-clockwise in my pussy. "It's a good hurt." I sagged back onto the gynecological table and tried once again, unsuccessfully, to close my spread legs. When I had entered the smaller treatment room earlier to see a gyno table, I wasn't surprised. When my feet were put into stirrups, my legs were spread wide and then were strapped down I didn't even utter a sound of protest. But now, they made it impossible to...

2 years ago
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Spa Treatments

Joe lay on the massage table waiting for the sweet young thing to return. The girl giving him the massage had a slender body, firm boobs that he wanted to fondle and a sweet ass that he wanted to dive into. He was growing hard thinking about her, and she was due to return any minute. She had given him the option of stripping nude or leaving his boxers on. He took the option of nude, hoping that something else might happen. She returned. He was under the sheet waiting for her as he had been...

2 years ago
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Spa Treatments

Joe lay on the massage table waiting for the sweet young thing to return. The girl giving him the massage had a slender body, firm boobs that he wanted to fondle and a sweet ass that he wanted to dive into. He was growing hard thinking about her, and she was due to return any minute. She had given him the option of stripping nude or leaving his boxers on. He took the option of nude, hoping that something else might happen. She returned. He was under the sheet waiting for her as he had been...

Group Sex
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The Pet part 5 Debbie gets some special treatment

When Sally, Lorraine and Liz had told her that they’d arranged to borrow Ashly’s slave Kim for the weekend, she’d literally begged them to let her join them. They’d agreed, on one condition – that she told absolutely no-one about their plans, to which she’d agreed. They’d warned her that if she did tell anyone she’d be in serious trouble but she didn’t truly believe that they’d do anything to her so, in true “best-friend” style, she’d told Debbie, her friend from the stables. Well, her and...

4 years ago
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Harry Potter and the Unusual Medical Treatment

The war was over and though grief at the sheer number of those lost was tempering the enthusiasm of the victors, there was still an all encompassing sense of relief across the country. Voldemort was dead, permanently this time, and the general consensus was that this time around, his followers were all going to be dealt with appropriately. No matter how great this news was however, none of it could do much to lift the spirits of one Ginny Weasley however. The cost of the war had hit her hard,...

2 years ago
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Personal Professionals Vol 2 The VIP Treatment

I once spent a short time working in a ‘gentlemen’s club’ as a bouncer. Not because I’m particularly large, but because I’m strong enough to calm down the drunks if necessary. I had the pleasure of working in this club with a lovely girl named Ginger. She was the most popular stripper in the place and it’s not hard to see why. She stood 5’8′ and had long red hair all the way down to an ass that drained the patron’s wallets in no time flat. She had 38DD tits that made mouths water and dazzling...

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Nurse April and Jessey give special treatment

JJ wanted to try something new. He wanted to be with two big beautiful women. He also liked to film his sexual escapades. One day JJ decided to find two nurses that would be willing to fulfill his fantasy. He ran an ad in the paper saying he wanted two big beautiful woman who were interested in becoming a star. The girls had to play the role of a nurse. It didn’t take long for JJ to get his two candidates, April and Jessey. Both girls had 38DDD breasts, with one quick turn could knock you out...

4 years ago
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special treatment

   Lucia was in her early thirties, a latin hipped brazilian living in Manchester.  Her neck had been giving her grief since she strated her new job a few months back.  Work insisted she go to see a doctor and then a physiotherapist, she didn’t see the point but they were paying so what the hell.    When she arrived at the clinic after work she became even more pissed off when she rang the bell and there was no answer.  ‘fuck, what a waste of time’ she thought as she turned to leave, ‘hi there,...

1 year ago
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Spa Treatment

They sat near each other. Neither speaking, just looking their fill and sizing each other up. She tried to relax, but couldn’t despite the swirling heat and the privacy of the sauna. He stood up and went over to inspect the crystals lining one wall, she followed him with her eyes, taking in the broad shoulders and back that narrowed at the waist to the smallest Speedo she had ever seen. Despite not being a fan of them, she was glad that she had told him to bring one, it gave her the...

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Hamilton Center for BDSM Treatment

Cover photo taken from Jesse Flanagan Photography, 2017 You are running late, since you have an appointment at 10 o’clock, in 44th Hamilton Street, and its 9:45 AM. Almost running to the place, you hope to arrive at time and not have to make another new appointment. After a tremendous rush, you finally reach Hamilton Street. Like any other day, the street was empty and very quietly at that moment of the day. That let you walk calmly and think about what will happen in the session. While your...

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Executive treatment

She was a college student working as a chauffeur for an Advertising exec in the big city.Lightly tanned, blonde, Sandra Dee in the 60's fresh looks w/ a hairstyle to match. Perky smile, tits, and ass as well. All of which looked smart in her driver's uniform: formal looking cap, silky-smooth white blouse and slacks stretched thin over her supple curves.Her charge was a middle-aged 50-something w/ a trim, athletic build. Salt `n pepper hair, stylish pinstriped suits. Not the President of his...

4 years ago
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Harry Potter and the Unusual Medical Treatment

The war was over and though grief at the sheer number of those lost was tempering the enthusiasm of the victors, there was still an all encompassing sense of relief across the country. Voldemort was dead, permanently this time, and the general consensus was that this time around, his followers were all going to be dealt with appropriately. No matter how great this news was however, none of it could do much to lift the spirits of one Ginny Weasley however. The cost of the war had hit her hard,...

1 year ago
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tamil mother need son treatment

Hi all readers, i have been reading here for the past 5 years but i never posted a story here. But now i got one real experience with my own mother to post. Forgive me for my long description bcoz this is not a story, this is my real experience. Ok, let me come to the point. Am d*****p from a Tamil family staying in Tamil nadu. My family is very orthodox middle class family and my mom is very devotional. I have one elder brother too. My father is a business man, and he drinks daily. Because of...

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