Dr Yadav’s Conquests – V free porn video

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“That was a great meal, Maria, thank you. After you’ve cleared the dishes, you can leave. We’re having a guest over tonight.”

The maid began taking the dishes into the kitchen as Atharva and his wife took their after dinner drinks out onto the patio behind the mansion. He slipped his arm around Ali’s waist and hugged her as they looked out over the lake.

“Who is this mystery guest, darling?” Ali asked him again. He’d told her they would to entertaining someone but had not told her who or what was the occasion. His wife was wearing a shiny silver evening gown with a low cut neckline which clearly showed the upper swells of her augmented breasts.

“You don’t know her. But you remember the questions I asked you this afternoon? Well, there’s no hypotheticals tonight, Ali. I’ve invited another woman over to be with us. I want to experience both of you together. Upstairs. In our bed.”

Atharva felt her body tense. Even after being conditioned to want to participate with him in any sexual act he desired, there was still some deep hang-ups in her about either being with another woman or seeing her husband with another.

“Are you sure that is what you want?” Ali asked.

“Definitely. And I know you want me to be happy, so you will join us. Imagine the hands and mouth of another woman pleasuring you while I watch.” Alisha relaxed in his arm. “Imagine her mouth on your nipples while I fuck you.”

Yadav sat his glass on the patio balustrade and ran the palm of his free hand over the swell of her breasts and onto her tanned breastbone. Ali’s eyes were now full of desire, for him and for the other woman, whoever she was. He wouldn’t have to put her under again to make her go along with the threesome.

He kissed her tenderly as his hand slid down to squeeze a breast while his other hand slid down her bare leg exposed in the dress’s high side slit. She molded her body to him as his hand traveled up under her dress. She was wearing a pair of thong undies to minimize any lines in the tight dress and Atharva was able to feel her bare bottom.

He was thinking about sitting her on the balustrade, hiking her dress up around her waist and using his mouth on her familiar womanhood. But at that moment, car headlight beams swept over them. A portion of the winding driveway in front of the house was visible from where they stood and Yadav saw a red Porsche approaching the house.

“It looks like our guest is here, darling. Let’s go welcome her,” Yadav said as he grabbed Ali’s hand and let her back into the house.

The doorbell rang as they walked through the living room toward the front foyer.

“Atharva, I can’t believe we’re going to do this,” Ali said as her other hand gripped his arm. She was not unwilling; only nervous and excited.

“I think you’re going to enjoy this evening very much,” Atharva promised as they entered the foyer. “Just let yourself go. Nothing matters tonight except enjoying our guest.”

He left her standing in the middle of the foyer and went to open the front door. As he began to open the door, the doorbell rang again. As it swung wide open, there was Jasmine Takagi pressing the ringer again.

The sexy Asian gave Atharva a wicked smile as he offered her his hand and she came into the foyer. His patient looked absolutely ravishing in a long black latex trenchcoat which matched her jet black moussed hair. The black of the coat and her bright red lipstick contrasted nicely with her pale body.

“Jasmine, you’re right on time,” Atharva said as he pushed the door closed behind her.

Jasmine didn’t say anything or look at Ali, she just pressed her body against her doctor and pulled his head down to kiss him. Her delightful tongue wormed its way into Atharva’s mouth and he sucked the pink appendage as she ran it over his teeth and gums. Jasmine finished her kiss and took a step back from Atharva. She then looked at Ali who was shifting from foot to foot about six paces away.

“Jasmine, may I introduce my wife, Alisha.” Atharva said as he moved behind Jasmine, watching his wife’s somewhat surprised expression.

“Uh, welcome to our home, Jasmine,” Ali said, a little shocked and a little excited at the way her husband had kissed the strange woman.

“Darling, take her coat.”

Jasmine uncinched the belt of her coat and Atharva’s hands came over her shoulders, gripped the lapels and he pulled it open and off her. Yadav watched his wife’s face take on a shocked look when she saw that Jasmine was nude beneath the coat, just as he had ordered her.

Yadav threw the coat on the foyer bench seat and drank in Jasmine from them back. Her black hair came to almost mid-back. Her back looked strong but was slender at the same time; Yadav loved the faint outline of her spine. Her bottom was heart-shaped and had very nice dimples in each tender cheek. Her dancer-like legs were nicely accentuated by a pair of short, lace-up, high heeled black boots; the heels made her calves stretch upward.

Alisha put a hand over her chest as she eyed the woman her husband had convinced to join them in a night of carnal pleasures. Her legs were graceful looking and slightly parted as the woman seemed to have nothing to hide.

Ali’s gaze hung on the woman’s crotch as she studied her shaved pussy, the first she had ever seen she realized. Jasmine’s hands slid around her hips to just over her sex and Alisha realized she had been staring at the woman’s sex longer than she thought.

Jasmine began to move her hands upward and Ali followed Jasmine’s hands up her frame until they cupped her lovely tits. Jasmine’s tits naturally seemed as if someone were pulling them to the sides like waterwings; the center of her chest was flat. The Oriental’s eyes met hers and Jasmine smiled as she walked toward Alisha.

“Good evening, Alisha,” Jasmine said as she moved close, her eyes seeming to mentally undress the tall Italian women. Dr. Yadav had made it totally clear to her that she was to focus her attention on his wife until he said otherwise. Jasmine had been with many women in her sordid past. Initiating Alisha would be sensational reintroduction to the behavior she had been involved with before coming to Dr. Yadav’s care.

“You are beautiful,” Jasmine said as she came within reach of Ali and her hands moved onto Ali’s arms and began stroking them. “We are going to be very good friends tonight.”

Jasmine moved closer, encircling Ali’s body with her arms. Ali’s arms were inside Jasmine’s so she did not have anyway to react as Jasmine began nuzzling one of her breasts with her alluring face. The only thing she could do was hold Jasmine’s hips as she ground herself against her. Without thinking, Alisha kissed Jasmine’s forehead near her hairline.

Yadav shifted uncomfortably as his cock began to grow. No sense standing down here while upstairs they could be having much more fun.

“Ladies, let’s go upstairs,” Atharva said as he walked over and stroked both their backs. “Jasmine, please walk up the stairs ahead of us. My wife and I would like to get a good look at what you have to offer.”

Yadav circled his wife’s waist with his arm and they followed Jasmine up the staircase. Jasmine took her time, moving her ass seductively to and fro as she held the banister.

Atharva got his first view of her hairless genitalia and he couldn’t wait to push her labia wide with the wide girth of his prick. Yadav felt his wife’s hand move onto the bulge in the front of his pants and he slid his hand from her waist further up to grab a tit as he pulled her closer.

“God, Atharva, where did you find her?” Ali whispered, her voice husky with passion now.

“I’m treating her for nymphomania,” Atharva said loud enough for Jasmine to hear and she looked back over her shoulder at the soon-to-be swinging couple. Her hand reached back and stroked her ass brazenly.

“A patient?!” Alisha said. It was apparent that her husband was going way beyond the normal professional standards. She envisioned her husband banging away between Jasmine’s lovely legs on his psychiatric couch. She should have made her mad but it only excited her more. She actually wanted to see her husband fuck his patient!

Before she knew it they were in their bedroom. Atharva told Jasmine to turn down the bed and he held Ali from behind as they watched her pull the covers off the end of the bed. Atharva saw that his wife had had Maria put the fancy black silk sheets on the bed in expectation of a night of sex with her husband. Jasmine pulled the sheets down and turned back to her hosts.

“Come here, Jasmine,” Atharva said as he found the zipper on the back of his wife’s dress and pulled it all the way down to the crack of her ass. His fingers moved inside the thin straps on her shoulders and he brought them off and the dress pooled at his wife’s ankles.

Atharva saw Ali’s hands instinctively cover her breasts in front of Jasmine’s hungry gaze. He wanted Jasmine to have a free rein with his wife’s tits to begin with; he knew Ali would be swept away in the moment once she felt Jasmine’s lips and tongue on her sensitive knockers.

“Ali, put your hands up and hold my head,” Atharva ordered as he pulled her against him, his stiff cock pressing into her ass through his pants. Ali slowly brought her hands up and reached behind her head to encircle his as he looked over her shoulder.

“Keep them there, darling,” he further instructed her. Ali’s perfectly round implants rode higher on her chest in this position and Atharva could see Jasmine’s tongue wet her round lipsticked lips as she focused her attention on Ali’s jutting nipples.

Jasmine didn’t wait for any instructions from her doctor. She gripped Ali’s tit-globes and brought her lips down on one of Ali’s brown nipples. Jasmine felt Mrs. Yadav’s body shudder as she began sucking the nipple strongly.

Ali felt like Jasmine’s lips and tongue were sending an electric current from her tits to her pussy. The sexy Oriental had total control of her tits as she kept her hands up behind her head. She wanted to grab Jasmine’s head and pull her face tightly against her tit but she had to obey her husband.

Atharva watched over his wife’s shoulder as Jasmine sucked away at the teat and then switch to the other. Ali was obviously enjoying Jasmine’s ministrations. Her ass ground back against his cock and she was making gasping noises as the woman in front of her lashed her nipples with her snaking tongue.

Atharva ran his hands down his wife’s heaving sides and slid them into the front of her thong undies. He found her pussy wet and ready for the two fingers he worked inside her, stroking into her delicate tissues.

“MMMMMmmmmm, ooohhh, Atharva! Atharva! Sooooo goood. Suck my tits, like that! Like that! Hmmmmm, mmmm, mmmm, oh God, God!” Ali babbled as the two of them worked her sensuous body into a frenzy.

Jasmine brought her face off the woman’s tits and stood on her tiptoes to kiss Ali on the mouth.

With her eyes closed, Ali opened her mouth and welcomed Jasmine’s tongue as it flicked inside. The kiss of another women thrilled Ali who had been a straight-laced heterosexual until that night. She sucked on Jasmine’s tongue like it was a miniature penis. The feminine tongue exploring her mouth, the smell of Jasmine’s perfume, the small hands kneading her titflesh and pulling her hard nipples, Jasmine’s soft belly against hers, the feeling of her husband’s erection against her backside, his thick fingers probing her sexhole – all these set Ali off and her body arched as her loins burst into her first orgasm of the night. She moaned around Jasmine’s tongue as stars went off before her eyes and her knees became weak.

“That’s it, baby! Come for us, oh yeah, I got you….I got you,” Atharva encouraged his wife as he looped an arm around her midriff and held her up as she threatened to keel over. He could feel the oils of her cunt lubricating his fingers.

Jasmine broke their long kiss and began kissing Ali’s neck as she gasped for air following her climax. Atharva nibbled on her ear as Ali murmurred, “Ohhh, God, Atharva!”

“Liked that, huh, baby?” Her hands were still holding his head and he told her she could let go. They came down to hold Jasmine’s nuzzling head that was lodged in her deep cleavage.

Once he was sure that she could stand on her own, Atharva backed up and began stripping his clothes off as he watched the two women once again kissing each other. Things were going better than he could have hoped.

* * * * * * * * * *

“Good God, Atharva, how can she get that much in her mouth?” Ali asked her husband as she stroked his muscular chest. She lay at his side, her head on his shoulder as they both watched the sexy Asian bob her head on her doctor’s thick veiny prick. Ali was impressed that Jasmine was getting six inches of her husband’s cock past her pursed lips.

“Lots of practice!” Atharva groaned as his cockhead rode back up into her clutching throat. “Isn’t that right, Jaz?”

His cocksucking patient continued her oral worship as if she had not heard him. Of course, she had. But to take her lips off of him would have broken a direct order he had given her to suck his dick until he told her to stop. Her conditioning would not allow her to disobey such an instruction.

“Are you going to make love to her?” Alisha asked.

“I’m going to fuck the shit out of her, baby. And you’re gonna help me.”

“Atharva! Really. . . . such language.” Alisha wasn’t used to words like “fuck” or “suck”; instead she use words like “love me” or “let me pleasure you.” Atharva decided that she was going to use a more flavorable language that evening. Soon he’d have his prim and proper wife talking like a downtown hooker. It would turn him on more and it wouldn’t hurt her to express herself better.

“Ali, go down and see if her pussy is wet. Ooh, yeah, keep sucking just like that. Honey, I said go down and look at her puss.”

Ali slowly rose from his side and walked on her knees around Jasmine’s kneeling form until she was behind Jasmine’s upthrust ass. Her legs were wide apart and Ali had a clear view of Jasmine’s slit.

“How’s it look, baby?”

“It looks wet, Atharva,” Ali replied as she stared slack-jawed at the woman’s wet gash. It looked much smaller than hers. “Touch it and find out for sure,” Atharva said.

Ali gave him a weak smile and he saw her hand slowly move behind Jasmine’s ass. He could tell when his wife’s fingers touched Jasmine’s sex by the little “mmmphf” sound that his patient made as she continued sucking his dick.

“It’s definitely wet, honey. It’s so soft. I can’t believe how soft she is,” Ali said as she continued to strum her fingers on Jasmine’s rubbery lips. Feeling another woman’s pussy began to turn her on. She knew the delicious feelings that she got when she masturbated when her husband was unavailable. The girl had given her so much pleasure a few minutes ago that she wanted to return the favor.

Ali placed her left hand on the top of Jasmine’s tush and ran her right hand into the delicate folds of the Asian’s pussy and felt the hard nub of her clitoris. She began rubbing it and Jasmine began to give her pelvis a rolling motion in appreciation.

Jasmine was back in her element after so long and was loving the stroking hand polishing her clit with her feminine juices and the musky skin-covered pillar of her doctor’s cock stretching her lips wide.

For the last year and a half, she’d been fighting re-entering the world of orgies and degradation that had embarrassed her family. But now her doctor was leading her back into that world.

“Ali, whatever you’re doing, she likes it. Her little mouth is humming like a bumblebee around my dick. Enough, enough, Jasmine!” Atharva pulled the sucking girl off his cock and she looked at him, her chin wet with spit.

“Hmmmm, Doctor Yadav, your wife is rubbing my pussy sooooooo good! She’s got it nice and juicy. It needs a good hard fucking and you’ve got the cure!” She gave his hard dick a long, slow pull and Atharva knew he was going to acquiesce to her wishes.

His wife would just have to wait. It was time for the first of many fucks with his new concubine!

He rose up on his knees while Jasmine rolled over on her back and moved up the bed until her head was on the pillows, her shiny black hair framing her smoldering face. She lifted her right leg high in the air to allow Yadav to knee-walk his way into position to mount her. Yadav’s dick was painfully hard as he gazed down on Jasmine’s bald crotch; it looked exposed and vulnerable, almost childlike.

Alisha moved up behind him and her left hand stroked his back and buttocks as her right hand and chin rested on his right shoulder. Jasmine, wanting to put on a good show for the horny couple, lifted her shapely legs straight up in the air. They were like a dancer’s; sleek and well defined. Jasmine brought them back toward her face and parted them as she pulled her knees back against her shoulderblades. Her perfect crotch opened up for him, beckoning his manhood.

“God, Atharva, what are you waiting for?” Ali whispered as she nipped his ear with her teeth. His wife wanted him to lay the wood to their Oriental plaything.

“You don’t mind if I fuck her, Alisha?”

“It’s what you want. You want me to watch. So do it to her,” Ali said as she pushed him down onto the waiting Jasmine.

She remained on her knees to the side of them as her husband kissed Jasmine hotly, their tongues moving back and forth between their mouths. She watched as his hands roamed over the other woman’s ass and legs, watched as Jasmine pressed the end of his hovering cock down into her pink split, watched as her husband drove his wide girth down into her satiny fuckhole. And she did not mind. There was no jealousy.

Atharva stopped with half his prick in his pinned patient. Her hard calves rested against his collarbones as he looked down between her V-ed legs at her sultry eyes. Jasmine hunched her hips up at him, eager for the fucking he was going to give her neglected pussy.

“Fuck me, Doctor Yadav,” Jasmine whimpered. “I like it hard and deep.”

The feeling of her doctor’s mighty Caucasian cock-pole opening her sex up was what she’d been waiting for in her apartment the last couple of days. She’d been unable to think of anything else since she sucked him off in his office. Her trusty dildo had helped her dampen her fuck-lust the last few days but it couldn’t compare with the feeling of a man’s weight over her body, strong hands gripping her waist, flesh-and-blood lodged in her shaved pussy. And to have his wife watching them, while not a first for Jasmine, was the icing on the cake.

“Oh, yeah, baby. Hard and deep it is!” Yadav thrust mightily down into Jasmine’s snug pussy and his length drove home past the ring of her tight cervix.

Beneath him, Jasmine moaned loudly as he filled her cunt to capacity.

Little slut wants it hard. I’ll give you hard! Atharva thought as he began pounding her pussy with long hard thrusts.

“AAH! AAH! Yessss, fuck me!” Jasmine hissed between Atharva’s thrusts. “FUCK ME! OOOOHHHHHH! YES!” She pulled Atharva’s head down and kissed him, licked his face as he continued his fierce plunging. She felt her pussy rip open as the first of her orgasms shot through her body.

Yadav could feel Jasmine’s pussy quake around his spearing manhood. He knew he’d driven her into ecstasy and he continued lunging into her writhing body as his wife watched. He leaned farther over her, tilting her legs back more as his hands rode up and grabbed her tits.

“AAAAHHH! AAAAHHH! AAAAAHHHHH!” Jasmine gasped as her climax continued on and on. Her doctor was rutting her body like a wild beast, throwing his stiff spike in and out of her spasming sex.

She felt her nipples being pulled and her lover began slowing his thrusts. Her body went into a series of small sexual aftershocks as Yadav leaned away from her. He moved her legs down off his shoulders and she wrapped them around his waist as she kept him inside her.

“You needed to be fucked,” Atharva said down to his perspiring sex slave.

“Oh, yes. It felt so good! I want more. Fuck me more like that!” Jasmine pleaded as she ran her red nails on his back.

“You bet I will. But I’m gonna have Ali join us.” He looked back at his wife, still on her knees behind them, one hand working her pussy. She looked incredibly turned on. “Come here, darling. Jasmine wants to pleasure us both.” Yadav turned his face back to Jasmine as he felt his wife move closer.

“Can you guess what I’m going to have you do to her while I shoot my cum deep in your belly?” he asked Jasmine.

“Mmmmm, you want me to suck her pussy. . . you know I like that. Have her sit on my face while you fuck me,” Jasmine suggested, reading his mind.

Yadav leaned back on his knees and pulled his wife to him.

“You heard her, honey. She wants to taste your pussy.” Ali shivered in excitement. “I’d like to see that. I’ll have a ringside seat this time. You ready for that?”

“Yes, Atharva, whatever you want, darling.” Ali leaned down and kissed Jasmine before she moved over her, her knees on either side of the woman’s head, facing away from Atharva. Ali gripped the headboard and Jasmine’s hands slid up Ali’s asscheeks as his wife lowered her sex down onto Jasmine’s mouth.

“Uuuuuhhh!” Ali gasped as Jasmine’s tongue buried itself in the lips of her pussy.

“Ali, that looks so hot, baby!” Atharva said as he watched his wife’s labia flatten out over Jasmine’s mouth. His wife’s hips hunched once, then again. Each time she dragged her pussy on Jasmine’s tongue and mouth.

“That’s it, Ali, fuck her mouth with your pussy!” Atharva ordered her and his wife’s hips began undulating erotically as she ground her gash on the Oriental’s face, covering her chin, mouth and nose with her juice’s and Jasmine’s spit.

Yadav began screwing Jasmine’s hole in time with his wife’s movements; nice long, slow penetrations up to his balls. His hands squeezed the Asian’s tits together and he used his thumbs to rub her hard nipples. Looking down he could watch his prick pump in and out of Jasmine’s bald pussy.

He knew he was going to shoot soon. He didn’t care. He could begin the whole thing over again later. They had all night.

He began thrusting harder into Jasmine’s buttery crease as her boots scraped against the back of his thighs.

Several minutes later, their threesome culminated in a series of climaxes that could not have been better planned. Ali was the first to go. She’d ran both hands under Jasmine’s head and was holding it tight against her gash as she continued to fuck the woman’s mouth.

“Uuuuuhhhn, UUUUHHHHH, UUUUHHHHHHH! OOH, GOD, OH MY GOD!” Her wails of release filled the bedroom as her juices flooded out onto Jasmine’s tongue and cheeks. Yadav could see and hear Jasmine slurping away his wife’s pussy nectar. His pent-up need to explode became uncontrollable.

“Oh fuck! AAAAAAAAAAAHHHHH!” Yadav bellowed as he slammed his boner deep in Jasmine’s cunt and leaned his head against his wife’s jittering bottom as he let his cum pour out in his patient’s womb. His balls danced against the Asian’s ass as they spouted their sticky lotion in the nympho’s sweaty body.

Jasmine squealed into his wife’s smothering pussy as she herself got off at the feeling of the hot jizm coating her insides. The Asian’s talented box milked his rod, greedily welcoming the jets of spunk that slammed into the back of her cunt. He continued to jab his cock in Jasmine as his wife slumped off her face and leaned against the headboard beside them. As the last drops of his cum leaked out of his cock into Jasmine’s soupy hole, he kissed her, tasting Ali’s essence on her butterfly tongue.

Soon after that they retired to the bathroom and all three got in the Jacuzzi bathtub and enjoyed each other’s bodies further. . .

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However, this night, things began to get a little interesting in the life of Clark. Lenny, his neighbor across the hall, who had been divorced for over a year came by. Lenny went through a similar situation. Lenny also happened to be a decent business man, so he blew all his extra money on hookers and strip clubs. Poor guy. Lenny came by with the usual “Clark get off your ass and come to this club with me! We’re getting laid!” routine. Clark, already buzzed decided he’d gone too long...

2 years ago
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unexpected conquests

So tonight was the night. I had finally, after much searching, stumbled across the tickets I had fawned over for so long. The show was hanging in my perceptible future, I was so close to him. It felt ridiculous to be as excited as I was. I was going to see him, sure, but from a safe distance, untouchable as always. Almost as if there was no difference between our proximity now than if I had stayed at home 30 miles away. I walked through the entrance to the cosy bar, looking around awkwardly,...

1 year ago
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Maximas Conquests

Maxima is lonely. Maxima is angry. Maxima wants a mate. Not just any mate will do, however- she must have a super-hero or a super-villain. Superman. Batman. Green Lantern. Lex Luthor. The Joker. She must have a strong, powerful man who can best her. The problem: they keep rejecting her. They won't say why, but they always seem to turn her down. She must get to the root of the problem. The women- of course! They couldn't possibly reject her beauty, majesty or power. They must have some women in...

2 years ago
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Conquests The Work colleages wife

The year was 1992 and I had been given notice at the house which i was renting with 2 other guys. It was a real Bachelor pad with many great parties taking place there in the few years we all lived together. But now the owners wanted to sell up so we were all looking for a new home. One guy moved back home and the other moved in with his at the time girlfriend. With a week to go before we needed to move out i still had not found a place to live, then by luck a work colleague offered me a room...

2 years ago
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unexpected conquests

So tonight was the night. I had finally, after much searching, stumbled across the tickets I had fawned over for so long. The show was hanging in my perceptible future, I was so close to him. It felt ridiculous to be as excited as I was. I was going to see him, sure, but from a safe distance, untouchable as always. Almost as if there was no difference between our proximity now than if I had stayed at home 30 miles away. I walked through the entrance to the cosy bar, looking around awkwardly,...

Love Stories
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Dr Yadav8217s Conquests 5

The next morning, Dr. Yadav arrived at his office around 9:30 a.m., a good hour late. He’d forgotten to wake Ali out of her trance sleep and she had not woken him as she usually did. Luckily he had only an 11 o’clock appointment on that Friday morning. Even the emotionally distraught and the certifiably insane liked to take long weekends.Pooja looked like she’d been to a beauty parlor before coming to work. Her long fine auburn hair looked like she’d given it a thousand strokes. Her eyeliner...

3 years ago
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Dr Yadav8217s Conquests 2

As always, feedback always welcome at sat in the back of his limo and watched the scenery outside slip by on a subconscious level. Again he thought about the workings of his own mind. Was it the power that he had harnessed? Was he just a weak man? Whatever the reason he knew he would continue. Knew that he had to continue. The limo pulled through the gates of his driveway and approached his home. It was a large brick home patterned after a French villa. It sat on a lakefront lot in one of...

3 years ago
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Dr Yadav8217s Conquests 8211 I

The Lufthansa 747 touched down at Logan International Airport at 1:30 p.m.. Waves of heat simmered from the runway as the plane taxied into the terminal. In the first class section, the passengers prepared to disembark. Dr. Atharva Yadav sat quietly in thought. It was good to be home after his extended stay in Europe. He was a respected psychiatrist with a thriving practice in Boston. His beautiful new wife and stepdaughter were waiting for him at home. And his own daughter from his first...

3 years ago
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Conquests of Eric RochetChapter 3

Minutes later Eric's friend Kevin was sharing a beer with the graduate psychology student. "Did you get her to put out?" "What do you think?" smiled Eric, holding up Tish's bra and panties which the younger, relatively inexperienced man fingered as if he were holding sacred vestments. "Damn, Tish Armstrong: Cheerleader and Homecoming Queen 2003," he breathed. "And other than that high school majorette you had me lay a few months ago, the easiest piece I've ever gotten." "But...

4 years ago
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Conquests of Eric RochetChapter 5

"Mrs. Travers?" asked Eric as the attractive young woman answered the door. "Yes, I'm Tammy Travers. You must be Eric Rochet. Please come in." As the self assured young man entered the small frame house he surreptitiously gave the young housewife the once over and turned on the small recorder which lay concealed in his pocket. Not bad, he thought, not bad at all. The honey blonde was even more beautiful than her high school picture. Her bright blue eyes were large and expressive, her...

1 year ago
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Conquests of Eric RochetChapter 6

That night as she lay next to her husband, Tammy Travers could not keep her mind off the events of that afternoon. She tossed and turned long after Michael was sound asleep and when she did finally fall into a fitful sleep, the dream returned, the dream she had experienced scores of times except now the stranger had a face and a name and as he took her, she screamed his name while begging him to take her again and again until her wish, her secret wish was fulfilled. The next morning after...

1 year ago
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Conquests of Eric RochetChapter 8

Eric smiled as he looked through the security peephole to see Jeanne Conn standing in the hall nervously glancing about. "I... I wanted to repay you," she said, offering a check. "I found my wallet in the floor of the car when I got home. I guess it must have slipped out of my purse." "Come in," he said smiling faintly. "No, I... I just wanted to repay..." "So you wouldn't feel indebted?" he asked. "I guess so. I... I have to go." "Surely you could come in for just a...

3 years ago
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Conquests of Eric RochetChapter 9

Having seduced Jeanne, Eric had already won the second part of the bet, but his intrinsic hatred of women drove him far beyond. He had humiliated Tammy by impregnating her then leaving her in a position sure to cause major problems in her marriage and he was determined to do the same with Jeanne. She had already shown that her sexual desires were so strong as to overpower her sense of reason. Eric wondered just how far into depravity he could take the beautiful wife and mother. He knew he...

2 years ago
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Conquests of Eric RochetChapter 10

They were seated in a private booth in a small intimate restaurant far across town. She and Phillip had never eaten there nor did she recognize any faces as they had entered, so Jeanne relaxed and enjoyed the delicious meal and wine. Eric drank in the beauty of the woman sitting across from him. She wore her auburn locks high in a twist, her eyes accentuated by a hint of shadow. She wore a black satin evening gown cut low and revealing not only very attractive cleavage, but also the fact...

3 years ago
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Conquests of Eric RochetChapter 11

Eric and Devon had been awake for some time sharing a cup of coffee and Devon relating how amazed he had been at the auburn haired vixen who had all but worn him out before falling asleep from sheer exhaustion. "She's some kind of woman, Eric. You know that most women can't even get it in them at all. She not only took it but she took it all and then rode it like a cowgirl on a bucking bronco." "I told you she was a hell of a lay, didn't I?" "Beautiful. A body to die for and one of...

2 years ago
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Conquests of Eric RochetChapter 12

A week later Eric had called her to arrange another tryst. "With you and Devon?" she asked expectantly. "No someone new and quite different." "Really? How so?" "Let's just say that he'll be introducing you to a side of yourself that you haven't as yet discovered." "Being a bit mysterious aren't we?" "No, not really. It's just time that an adventurous woman like yourself found a purpose in life." "I don't..." "It will all become clear on Friday... that is the night...

1 year ago
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Conquests of Eric RochetChapter 13

The auctioneer rapped the gavel, selling the Tiffany lamp to an older couple near the back. "Our next series of items will be sold as a lot. Thirty-six books from the Franklin estate." Eric glanced across the room, as the auctioneer described the collection in more detail, noting the rather mousey woman who had yet to place a bid, but who now sat forward on her chair. Lorene Crutcher was small in stature, standing only five feet tall. Her vivid green eyes offset her pleasant but...

1 year ago
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Conquests of the Dragon

A/N: Please note that for the purposes of this story, all characters being portrayed are above the age of 18, even if their book counterparts are not. In this universe, Hogwarts started at 13. As Draco stepped into the Ministry atrium, leading his new slaves behind him on their leashes, he decided he was unsatisfied with the ritual. There were too many terms of the girls’ enslavement that were unsatisfying to him, and more that were completely impractical. He wanted the option to breed his...

4 years ago
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Author: nandu എന്റെ മൂന്നാമത്തെ കഥ ആണിത് ..ആദ്യ രണ്ടു കഥയും ആദ്യ ഭാഗങ്ങള്‍ മാത്രമാണ് എഴുതിയത് .പിന്നീട് എഴുതാന്‍ മനസ്സ് വന്നില്ല..ഞാന്‍ നന്ദു ഇരുപത്തി അഞ്ചു വയസ്സ് ..എന്റെ ജീവിതത്തില്‍ നടന്ന ഒരു കാര്യം ആണ് എഴുതാന്‍ പോകുന്നത് .ഇന്നത്തെ മലയാള സിനിമ കണക്ക് നായകന്റെയും നായികയുടെയും പോയിന്റ് ഓഫ് വ്യൂ വില്‍ മാറി മാറി ആണ് കഥ എഴുതുന്നത് ..രസിപ്പിക്കുന്ന രീതിയില്‍ തന്നെ പോയി കളയാം …. നന്ദു-1 ”വൈ സൊ സീരിയസ്” ഫോണ്‍ ജോക്കറിന്റെ ശബ്ദത്തില്‍ അലറി വിളിക്കുക ആണ് …പണ്ടാരം ഒരു നല്ല ഞായറാഴ്ച വെളുപ്പിന്...

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Author: nandu എന്റെ മൂന്നാമത്തെ കഥ ആണിത് ..ആദ്യ രണ്ടു കഥയും ആദ്യ ഭാഗങ്ങള്‍ മാത്രമാണ് എഴുതിയത് .പിന്നീട് എഴുതാന്‍ മനസ്സ് വന്നില്ല..ഞാന്‍ നന്ദു ഇരുപത്തി അഞ്ചു വയസ്സ് ..എന്റെ ജീവിതത്തില്‍ നടന്ന ഒരു കാര്യം ആണ് എഴുതാന്‍ പോകുന്നത് .ഇന്നത്തെ മലയാള സിനിമ കണക്ക് നായകന്റെയും നായികയുടെയും പോയിന്റ് ഓഫ് വ്യൂ വില്‍ മാറി മാറി ആണ് കഥ എഴുതുന്നത് ..രസിപ്പിക്കുന്ന രീതിയില്‍ തന്നെ പോയി കളയാം …. നന്ദു-1 ”വൈ സൊ സീരിയസ്” ഫോണ്‍ ജോക്കറിന്റെ ശബ്ദത്തില്‍ അലറി വിളിക്കുക ആണ് …പണ്ടാരം ഒരു നല്ല ഞായറാഴ്ച വെളുപ്പിന്...

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Jeth ki bibi bani 8211

Hello dosto. Meena again… Part 1 se aage yaha shuru karti hu. Part 1 me aapne padha ki kaise mene apne jeth ji ka lund dekha aur kaise mene anjaan ban ke unko apne boobs dikhaye… Ab aagey – mujhe malum tha ki jeth ji jarur plan bana rahe honge ki mujhe kese hasil kiya jaye, par wo plan kya tha ye mujhe nhi malum.. Mujhe intazar karna tha mouke ka. Ek din ki baat hai. Sunday tha. Sab ghar me thay. Pati ke sath main 1st floor par thi… Dopahar ko jeth jethani ko lunch khilana tha. Mene pati se...

2 years ago
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My neighbour sisters 8211

Only few days back when I was working in the suburbs of chennai as a marketing executive. I am a 6’ man white in colour and having a good figure. One of my college girl friend told me that I am a sexy figure for them. It was my first job. Our family is a middle class family. My father was well business. My mother a housewife. My father was very strict, but then also he provide everything we want, within his limited incone. He has very clean habits. Never drink or smoke and after office he spend...

2 years ago
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The Rain Festival in Pre Conquest America

“Eyewitness History: Essays in Contemporary Pre-Conquest Literature” November 201-- Journal of Pre-Conquest Studies University of -- Xóchitl Ana María Ferguson, Ph.D., Editor EDITOR’S NOTE: This is one of a series of papers the Journal presents for scholars of pre-Conquest indigenous cultures and ceremonies in the Americas. Every effort has been made to verify the authenticity of alleged contemporary accounts. While the authenticity of the document itself presented here is not in doubt,...

4 years ago
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Conquest of Elysium Chapter 05

- - A warning to readers. - - This story features the themes of sexual slavery, bestiality, among with others that are not always liked by many individuals. If these are not things you wish to read about leave now so your not offended by the above mentioned contents of this story do not continue reading. Farther more don't fill up the comments section with ones like *bestiality sucks" or " your sick" and so on. _ _ Also absolutely no character engaging in any sexual act is to be...

2 years ago
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PromiseChapter 7 The Rain Festival in PreConquest America

EDITOR’S NOTE: This is one of a series of papers the Journal presents for scholars of pre-Conquest indigenous cultures and ceremonies in the Americas. Every effort has been made to verify the authenticity of alleged contemporary accounts. While the authenticity of the document itself presented here is not in doubt, i.e., that it was written at or around the date of the activities it describes, the events chronicled therein are at significant variance from other sources and contemporary...

1 year ago
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Barbarian Conquest

She is his captive. His prize for winning the battle. He strips her. Puts her in his Chinese fish net swing, ignoring her pleas and screams. Entangling her naked body in the net. He winds up the huge rope that suspends her. Naked himself now, laying beneath her. His hot hard cock only inches from her delicious pussy. He begins to unwind the rope slowly. Turning her, winding her down to his waiting throbbing cock. He watches her terrified eyes. Hears her screams for mercy and for help....

3 years ago
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Swords Spells Tales of Sex Conquest

Welcome to Swords & Spells universe and the world of Gaian and the continent of Eurya! Gaian is a world very similar to ours, geographically speaking. In it, multiples races coexist in a fragile state of peace. Particularly, in Eurya, mankind flourished in the last centuries, and its clans spreaded all over the world, sometimes coexisting peacefully with other races, like beautiful but vain elves and the stubborn dwarfs, but also clashed with other races, like the warlike orcs and ogres, whom...

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Warlords Conquest

You are the son of a Lust demon. Your mother had been impregnated with you by your demon father after she performed a dark ritual to summon him forth. She had done this because she wanted eternal youth and had read about Lust demons being able to grant wishes. What she hadn't realized was that those wishes often came with a price and when he sprang forth, he agreed to her wish with the stipulation that she must bear him a child. Not being able to resist his lusty ways, she agreed readily and on...

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Morrigans conquest of the Marvel Universe

Morrigan Aensland, succubus and Demon Queen of the Makai, slammed her hips against Dmitri's one last time as an eruption of sperm spilt into her vagina. The sensation, far from merely arousing and deeply satisfying, fueled her demon spirit as it drained energy from her partner. Dmitri, demon and long-time adversary of Morrigan, shuddered in exhaustion and pleasure as more life flowed from him into his bitch-queen, Morrigan. Dmitri had fought nobly against Morrigan, holding the Succubus at bay...

1 year ago
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Sex Lies and Conquest

Summary: In years long past, Jianna's family had ruled over the rich and plentiful lands of Quilan before being ousted by the conquering forces of the Highlanders. Since that time, Jianna has led a life on the run and was raised by a handful of her bodyguards who groomed her to retake her throne. Now she leads a rebellion against the Highlanders and is on the cusp of a major victory, and she will not let any barrier, physical or moral stand in her way. Chapter 1- First Strike:The two guards on...

Fantasy & Sci-Fi
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Best conquest

I admit that I'm a predator. Women are my prey, especially eighteen or nineteen year old virgins or inexperienced sweet young things. After fucking a new twat a couple of times, I normally dump them despite the fact that most have become emotionally involved with me. Three, Betsy Smith, Cheryl Thompson, and Rebecca Simpson, took it particularly hard and dropped out of the college that we mutually attended. I heard through the g****vine that Betsy may have attempted suicide. I thought that maybe...

2 years ago
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Sallys First Conquest

My name is Sally, I am forty three .I guess if you were a stranger and ask me about my sex life, I would tell you to mind your own business. Honestly, that part of my life until recently has been as pedestrian as any. I got married to a decent guy right out of high school, had a k** by the time I was 20 and had two more before I turned 25. Time flies while you are busy. Between work, k**s and house work, romance was on the back burner. My husband Paul was not very demanding, we usually had sex...

1 year ago
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Sex Lies and Conquest

Summary: In years long past, Jianna's family had ruled over the rich and plentiful lands of Quilan before being ousted by the conquering forces of the Highlanders. Since that time, Jianna has led a life on the run and was raised by a handful of her bodyguards who groomed her to retake her throne. Now she leads a rebellion against the Highlanders and is on the cusp of a major victory, and she will not let any barrier, physical or moral stand in her way. Chapter 1- First Strike:The two guards on...

3 years ago
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Mellissas Second Conquest

Melissa's Second Conquest by Michelle X Hello, it's me again. Melissa, remember? I'm the one who makes a living out of turning men into women. A few weeks ago I told you about how I turned my jerk boyfriend Steve into a pretty secretary named Stephanie who now has a gorgeous husband. Well, I thought you all would be interested in hearing about my second conquest. I had figured that my feminization of Steve would be my first and only one, but another challenge soon...

1 year ago
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A Mentalist Sexual Conquest

She probably never fully comprehended what happened. She made a choice to come into this particular coffee shop, I made all the rest of the choices that day for her. This particular coffee shop is the one I love, near the college campus, where I find some of my favorite young conquests. Her name was Lena and I saw her right away from my strategic chair that was stationed perfectly to see anyone coming in either door before they saw me. I saw right away she was chesty and slim, wearing tight...

4 years ago
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Conquest of Elysium Chapter 07

- - A warning to readers. - - This story features the themes of sexual slavery, bestiality, among with others that are not always liked by many individuals. If these are not things you wish to read about leave now so your not offended by the above mentioned contents of this story do not continue reading. Farther more don't fill up the comments section with ones like *bestiality sucks" or " your sick" and so on. _ _ Also absolutely no character engaging in any sexual act is to be...

2 years ago
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Conquest of Elysium Chapter 06

- - A warning to readers. - - This story features the themes of sexual slavery, bestiality, among with others that are not always liked by many individuals. If these are not things you wish to read about leave now so your not offended by the above mentioned contents of this story do not continue reading. Farther more don't fill up the comments section with ones like *bestiality sucks" or " your sick" and so on. _ _ Also absolutely no character engaging in any sexual act is to be...

1 year ago
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Conquest of Elysium Chapter 02

- - This story features the themes of rape, sexual slavery, bestiality, and incest among with others that are not always liked by many individuals. If these are not things you wish to read about leave now so your not offended by the contents of this story do not continue reading. Farther more don't fill up the comments section with ones like *bestiality sucks" or " your sick" and so on. _ _ Also absolutely no character engaging in any sexual act is to be considered under eighteen...

4 years ago
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Sean A NightClub Conquest

I was on one of my visits to Liverpool, one of my favourite cities in the UK and one for which I have long had a sentimental affection. The people are sometimes a little wayward, in a cheeky, loveable way but they are so friendly and I never feel at risk walking the city streets late at night – even though, perhaps I should not be so naive. It’s always more fun to be ‘naughty’ when you’re on holiday, rather than on your home turf, so tonight I decided to go against my usual instincts by...

3 years ago
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Prowling for new Conquest

I discovered a large group of women in North Texas ranging in age from 18 to 40 that willing throw themselves at me. D magazine in Dallas published a story about me. In the story they described me the most eligible divorced bachalor in Dallas. They listed the restaurants, nightclubs, and bars in North Texas that I own and frequently visit. They also listed the social events I attend. I refused to be interviewed for the article. After this article was published I decided not to travel out of...

3 years ago
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Beach Conquest

“Why hello there, stranger.” I greet in a husky voice. “Hello Miss. How are you this fine day?” He asks with a grin. He’s almost painfully handsome. “All things considering, I could be better.” I respond, tugging suggestively at the band of my shorts. “Anything I might help with?” His replies, his voice playfully seductive. “I’m not sure… let me check.” I saunter closer to him, feinting innocence in my ocean blue eyes. I reach out to feel...

3 years ago
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the long conquest of my sister

That night we were all sitting in the living room watching a movie and I kept looking at Sybil but when she looked at me, I turned away quickly. This went on till the movie ended and Dad suggested that we watch something a little different. With out waiting for a response he got up and went to his locked cabinet. He opened it with a key and retrieved a dvd. I looked at Sybil and her eyes got real big. Dad winked at me and then slipped the disc into the player. On the way to his seat next to...

3 years ago
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Barbarian Conquest Part Three

His right hand feels its way down her bare flat stomach. Stops at her matted and sticky muff. He leans down and kisses her cheek gently. 'I know you are still in some pain but you will recover soon'. 'Like it or not I am your man now'. She says nothing, just stares at the wood ceiling. He begins to rub her, softly stroking her pussy. She tenses a little realizing he will take her again soon. His cock, rock hard again pressing against her bare thigh. He loves the way she feels...

2 years ago
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Barbarian Conquest continued

Yes, she is still hanging in the swing. She cannot help but look at his face. He smiles, were it not for where she was and what he had already done to her he would seem almost friendly but as he closes and locks the door she knows that nothing has changed. The humiliation and pain will continue. He walks over, turns her till she is off the chamber pot then moves it aside while holding her so she does not turn and get lower. He moves the nasty cloth away from beneath her too. 'I...

3 years ago
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World Conquest

So war begins again…. Bear arms, let your weapons clash. Battle, fight, and drag not only others, but also yourself into the spiral of chaos! World Conquest set in the fantasy world of Riviera, which is divided into three major warring kingdoms and many small tribes. To the east, Draynia, the Kingdom of Human, ruled by King Leon. To the north, Silvalona, the Kingdom of Elf, ruled by Queen Atidnils. To the west, Ignard, the Kingdom of Orc, ruled by Koughat, War chief of the Horde. Also home to...


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