Eternal Victim free porn video

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Emma was a prisoner. There were no walls, no bars, nor wire fences keeping her. She could travel far and wide, in fact she had tried, but it provided no escape. Police, friends, and family, none of them could help, not that she had not tried. She had begged and pleaded for help, but all to no avail. Her prison was everywhere, her keeper could be anyone, her fears kept it all locked tightly.

These are glimpses into the life of Emma, a perpetual rape victim:


Until today Emma had been a relatively normal 24 year old woman. Graduated from a decent state college she had moved into the city and a mid level starting position at a large company with a bright future. Young and pretty, with only a few extra pounds, she was making a few friends and living a relatively happy life?..until today.

The fall wind blew her wavy black hair in all directions as she walked from her office building. She was searching for a small diner her co-workers had recommended as having excellent deli sandwiches. Busy looking for street signs she was caught completely off guard when someone slammed into her from behind.

Off balance she could not resist as an iron grip locked onto her upper arm and collar. She was dragged into an empty, boarded up building.

She struggled and managed to wriggle out of her jacket and get free. ?What the hell?!? she shouted, rounding on her attacker.

Emma spun directly into an open handed slap to the face that spun her back the other way and knocked her to the ground.

?You can scream if you want. It won’t matter.? said a male voice that seemed much too calm.

On her knees Emma rubbed her face where she had been struck. She peered around looking to see who had attacked but still seeing stars from the strike and the gloom of the empty building all she could see was a vague humanoid figure.

?W-what do y-you want?? she stammered, trying to crawl away from his advance.

?You have 10 seconds to get naked. If I have to do it, it will hurt.? He kept walking slowly towards her, completely at ease, like he was taking a stroll in the park.

?HELP!!! HELP ME! IN HERE! HELP!!? she screamed at the top of her lungs.

?Five seconds.? He had backed her into a wall and stood just two feet from her. He dropped a large duffle bag from his shoulder. It made a muted but heavy *thump* as it hit the floor.

?four?three?.two?.one.? He lunged forward getting a handful of her hair even as she tried to scrabble out of his reach. A quick flick of his arm bounced the back of her head off of the wall hard enough to make a large dent in the drywall.

Knocked nearly unconscious by the pain the arm holding her up gave out and she lumped to the floor. Making no effort to be gentle he dropped to one knee, most of his weight landing on her stomach.

The wind being knocked out of her like that brought Emma back to terrified wakefulness. The first thing she saw in the dim light was the glitter of a blade as it plunged toward her hip.

?Heeelllllppp!!? she shrieked, or tried to. With his knee pressing into her abdomen she could not get a full breath. The blade slipped under the waist of her slacks and with one quick jerking motion sliced them down the right thigh to her knee, even cutting through her leather belt.

A detached part of her mind watched this and thought, ?Gee, that’s pretty sharp.? Out loud she was reduced to muttering ?No, no, please?.?over and over.

He flipped the blade and cut across her crotch and down her left leg as well, this time splitting the entire pant leg.

She tried to kick him as he pulled the ruined pants off of her, but only ended up doing most of the work for him. Tears started running down her face as he gently began to pet her pussy through her panties. One arm trapped behind her because of how she fell she tried to beat him away with the other. He hardly seemed to notice but caught her wrist in one hand as though in afterthought.

?You’re not screaming?.? He said like he was speaking of the weather, ?you will though.? The skimpy thong was torn from her hips.

Why had she worn those today she wondered as if wearing ‘granny panties’ would have protected her from was happening.

?EEeek!? she shrieked when he gripped a handful of her cunt hair and pulled.

?You’re a cunt. Cunts should shave their cunt.? He swiped the blade under his hand slicing through the taunt hairs of her bush and threw the handful of hair in her face. ?Say it.?

?S-s-say what?? she was shaking now, ?Just let me go please??

?You are a cunt.? He repeated, using the knife as a straight razor to roughly shave her mound. ?Say it or hair isn’t all I cut off.?

?What?...I-I-I cccan’t.? she whimpered.

?Last chance. Say it.? For emphasis he placed the edge of the knife a hairs width from her clit.

?WAIT!!? she screamed, trying unsuccessfully to fight her way free without wiggling her hips. ?I’macuntI’macunt!?

?Very good. Nice to see you’re not a stupid cunt? he stroked the uneven clumps of hair that covered her pussy. ?Take your shirt off, cunt.?

?What?? unable to believe what she heard.

He said nothing, simply slipping several inches of the narrow knife blade into her pussy.

She froze, eyes wide, afraid even to breathe. Then she felt him pushing even more of the knife into her. Her hands flew to her blouse, nervously fumbling with the buttons. He had to stop kneeling on her stomach so she could reach the last of the buttons but there were still three inches of sharp steel in her womb so she was not about to risk trying to run.

He rolled her onto her stomach, tore the sleeve from her discarded blouse and used them to bind her arms behind her back at the wrists and elbows. He kept tightening the bindings until her shoulders cracked and elbows were nearly touching.

?Please?let me go! what do you want from me?...gaahhkk!? she implored as he looped rough rope around her throat and used it to yank her to her knees.

He walked across the dirty room so quickly Emma was never fully able to regain her feet, several times stumbling and collapsing onto bruised and cut knees to shuffle and gag behind him.

Apparently finding what he wanted he stopped suddenly and through the bundled end of the rope up and over a thick pipe approximately 10 feet in the air. Catching the rope as it fell again he immediately started pulling.

Coughing and drooling, struggling for breath Emma felt the rope pulling her to her feet. He didn’t stop until the only way for her to keep from choking was to stand on her very tip toes.

Suddenly he was behind her, so close she could feel his breath on her bare shoulder. He reached around crushing her tits through her bra. ?Be glad you wore such a thin bra.? He breathed, licking her ear.

When he walked back into view he was still largely a silhouette. She saw his arm move in a blur and then her chest exploded in pain. In no time he had found a rhythm and was swinging the modified cat o’nine tails in a figure eight, catching her B-cups on the up swing.

?AaahhhEEEEahhEEE!? she screamed continuously yipping higher with each bite of the lash.

The last foot of each lash had been coated in glue and dipped in sand, effectively turning each thong into a flexible file. It took almost no time for the whip to tear her last remnant of clothing to shreds.

She spun and danced in agony and struggled not to choke herself. As she did he casually swung the whip at whatever bit of flesh she happened to present him with. Getting bored with the whipping but aroused by her squirming red welted body he tossed the whip to the side.

?You will fuck me now.? He dropped his pants. There was just enough light for her to see his huge, stiff prick pointing directly at her..

?Ggguurrgg noo....ppbblees? she gurgled face turning crimson, after losing her balance while trying to back away from him.

He grabbed her thighs and, prying them apart, wrapped them around his hips. Centering himself he let go allowing gravity to impale her on his prick. Only by squeezing her thighs to grip him with all her might prevented her from falling far enough to hang herself.

Chuckling to himself he took hold of the tied off end of rope and began pulling on it and releasing at a steady rhythm, forcing Emma to fuck herself on his prick to keep from choking. He finally came flooding he womb with seed.

Sated he released the rope holding her up. With nothing but her exhausted legs wrapped around him for support she fell, crashing hard onto the dirty floor and mercifully losing consciousness

Emma awoke in the basket of a shopping cart seconds before it hit a fire hydrant and spilled her onto the hard sidewalk. She hurt all over, was covered in scrapes, bruises and welts. Weakly she tried to stand but felt and uncomfortable pressure there when she tried to stand.

Slowly her senses returned to her. Arms were still bound behind her back but only at the wrists. Her breast hurt incredibly and when she looked they were bulging and a nasty shade of purple. She realized people were staring at her.

?Help me!? she cried but something was clamped painfully around her tongue, preventing it from working right, instead she sounded like ?Gelg GEE!?

Some of the more jaded people just kept walking by, muttering about ‘drunks’ and ‘publicity stunts’. Others simply stood and stared, nobody moved to help. After almost 10 minutes of her writhing and pleading in humiliated agony the police showed up.

Her arms were unbound, though they immediately handcuffed her ?for her own safety?, and the blood flowing back was shear agony. For the rest she had to be taken to the hospital. Beer bottles that had, apparently, been shoved in wide end first, were removed from her ass and pussy. The beer itself had apparently been doused all over her and used to douche her, as they found no trace of semen. The metal ring imprisoning her tongue had been soldered in place and needed to be cut away. So too had the wire coat hangers that had been wrapped around the base of her tits. They had been wrapped so tightly, she was told, that another minute or so would have probably resulted in permanent damage. Her driver’s license had been attached to her tit by three inch needles.

The police found the building where she described it but there was no evidence other than her ruined clothing and the rope she had been hung with.


Emma returned to work shaken but recovering. Friends and co-workers offered condolences and comfort. Finally making it to her desk she turned on the computer.

?AHhHHH-EEEEEE!!!!!? she shrieked.

People poured into her office to find her huddled in the corner of the room staring in horror at her computer screen.

?Oh my god?.? Someone muttered following her eyes. The computer was running a slide show, every scene was Emma during her rape: hanging, close ups of her whip marks, dripping with the beer that had been dumped on her, the bottles being forced into her. Over and over the pictures scrolled by with the message ?YOU ARE MINE? flashing between each image.

?Shut it off.? Said the older, grandmotherly, woman that was hugging and comforting Emma.

Several people tried, including the office’s computer techs, but nothing would work. Eventually the police showed up, confiscating the computer as evidence for analysis.


Tiffany and several other girls from work had finally managed to convince her she couldn’t hide at home and work.

?You can’t let something like that control your life! We’re taking you out!?

Emma finally caved in to their demands. Standing in the too loud, too dark club, leaning against one of the rails bordering the dance floor, she had to admit it was not entirely horrible. She sipped her drink and watched the people having a good time but refused to be dragged onto the dance floor.

She was watching her friends on the dance floor out of the corner of her eye as she prepared to fend off the third guy to hit on her tonight. Eyeing him up and down as he tried to look ?cool and uninterested? while walking towards her she thought ?He’s kinda cute.? Just the thought of being that close to a guy in that way still gave her the shivers.

He was just starting to attempt eye contact when his eyes went wide he shrugged, smiled drunkenly and turned away. She was puzzled by that for a moment, but was soon distracted as she felt an arm wrap around her hip from behind.

?He could see you were mine.? Said a horribly familiar voice.

She let out a scream but it was barely audible over the booming music. There was a sharp prick in her right shoulder, turning to look she saw a large male hand pull a syringe from her arm and vanish. ?Noooo!!!!? she screamed again, trying to spin to run away but her legs would not work properly.

With his arm around her waist she merely seemed to sway with the music. She tried to beat him with her fists but her movements were sluggish, uncoordinated. Her glass tumbled to the floor.

?I will have you any place, any time I want.? He yelled to her, his temple pressed to hers intimately. While she struggled and squirmed weakly he pulled her skirt up to her waist. Even if the lights were not so dark and erratic that it was impossible to see details of anything it hardly would have rated a second glance from anyone, sex on the dance floor was not unheard of here.

She was begging and pleading but even as close as he was even Emma’s attacker couldn’t hear her. He pulled her panties aside and drove his prick through her anus, pushing her against him with a death grip on her pussy.

Emma squirmed and tried to fight him off but whatever it was that he had injected her with had robbed her of nearly all her strength.

A small group of very drunk college jocks stumbled by and caught a glimpse of the cute girl being fucked. They stopped to watched, hooting and shouting encouragements. Pleading with her eyes, she groaned ?P-please?heumph! Please??

They either did not hear her or they did not realize that she was asking for help. They kept hooting and hollering. One shouted, ?Show us your tits!?

Her attacker took them up on their suggestion. He tore open her blouse with both hands and brutally massaged her tits, pulling them free of their bra. After a few minutes of that he apparently grew tired of the audience and dragged her back away from the dance floor by the throat.

She must have blacked out because the next thing she knew she was sprawled out on one of the clubs couches. First thing she noticed was the aching. Her ass hurt as did her tits, her pussy felt very full and extremely cold for some reason. Her blouse had vanished, leaving her in only her black lacy bra.

?Oh no?? she thought looking down, seeing why her breasts hurt so much. All the straps to her bra had been cut off, leaving only the cups behind. The cups were being held on her breast with safety pins. Metal handcuffs behind her back prevented her from taking the pins out of her breasts and the one holding her pussy lips together over her panties.

She tried to call for help and found her lips super-glued together. Emma lay in that dark corner for almost an hour, crying, before her friends found her and called for help.

Again the police found no evidence or reliable witnesses. The EMT’s separated her lips so she could speak to the police then removed an intact double shot glass that they assumed had been filled with ice from her pussy and treated the small puncture wounds from the safety pins.


Emma came home from the grocery store to find a manila envelope had been slipped under her door. There were no markings on it of any kind. Handling it carefully she tore open the end and spilled the contents onto the table. It was a pile of close-up pictures of her from the club after his abuse. There was a typed note also, ?Your family has been sent copies. You are mine, not theirs.?

She very nearly had a breakdown right then. When she could move again she called the councilor the emergency room doctor had given her after her first rape.


Emma had spent over a week in an institution with counseling daily then every other day for another week when she got out. Now almost a month after her second rape Emma had returned to work and was feeling almost normal.

Then one night she was doing dishes and the phone rang. It startled her so much the pan slipped out of her hand and crashed loudly into the sink.

?Hello?? she answered.

?Your doctors cannot help you. No matter what they say.? She began shaking, she had nightmares about that voice, ?I will not let them confuse you.?

?Please leave me alone.? She pleaded miserably, ?I won’t???.?  Her voice died as she caught the reflection in the window. Before she could draw breath to scream there was a large ballgag shoved in her mouth.

A thick black bag was pulled over her head and tied off around her neck. Unable to see Emma swung hard and fast trying to punch where she thought he was but connected with nothing except the wall, hurting her hand.

Making no attempt to hold her he simply started tearing her clothes off.. Taking advantage of the lack of restraints Emma tried to run. She smashed her shin on a chair, tripped and fell headlong into the dining room. Pinned to the floor the last of her clothes were ripped off, the tatters of her shirt were used to bind her wrists together.

He literally dragged her around the house finally ending in her bedroom. ?Just so you know this is one of your belts.? He said having tied her to her bed lying on her back. Saying nothing more he began whipping her. From collar bone to knees he slowly whipped every inch of her, not stopping until she was an even shade of crimson.

?You are a cunt.? He lashed her right across her nipples, ?You are mine to use as I wish.? He shoved three fingers into her pussy and began to fuck her with them. Through the night he fucked her in every whole several times, shaved between her legs completely, covered her body in clothespins then whipped them off. Finally he forced her to crawl through her entire house shouting degrading insults about herself while motivated by a cattle prod then tied her in her bed with a gigantic enema bag filling her bowels.

No longer gagged but still blindfolded it took her 20 minutes to reconnect the cordless phone and battery in order to call 911. Police found her handcuffed to the headboard lying among over 100 Polaroid nude pictures of herself with the camera at her feet.

?This is getting to be a habit Ms.? One of the younger cops had joked trying to lighten the mood. Nobody laughed.


Emma was given police protection. There were hourly drive by patrols through her neighborhood looking for suspicious persons and there was an officer in her house the entire night.

For five nights nothing happened. The sixth night she awoke to her mouth being stuffed with what she learned later had been several pairs of her own dirty panties. Several pieces of duct tape over her mouth sealed them in place. Trying to scream the tried to wriggle away but only got slapped twice across the face for her trouble.

?The police cannot help you, bitch. I told you. You are my property, nothing can stop me from doing anything I want to you.? He whispered in her ear before biting his way down her neck. Then, as though to prove his point, he fucked her hard and fast in both her ass and pussy. Her body reacted purely for self protection by getting wet as he did.

?I was only going to fuck you this time. However,? he beat her tits with every word, ?you called the police, tried to stop me. You will learn you can’t.?

He dragged her off the bed and forced her to kneel on the floor at the foot of it. Hand cuffs kept her arms stretched tautly to the beds post. As he bound her ankles together Emma could hear the police officer slowly patrolling the hallway just out side the door.

She tried to scream and get his attention. The bed itself was heavy, made of solid oak, a graduation gift from her grandparents, and she couldn’t get the leverage to move it an inch let alone thud into the wall.

He just chuckled as he wrapped half a dozen rubber bands around the base of each tit. A slip-knotted rope was looped around each breast’s base as well, then over her shoulders to be tied to her ankles. Now all her weight rested on her knees unless he was willing to cut off more circulation to her tits to rest her feet on the ground. A posture collar was padlocked around her neck and metal rods were shoved into her ass and cunt.

?This will show you I can make your body into anything I want, cunt.? Four needles were placed evenly around the circumference of each tit. The needles were attached to large saline filled bags. He opened the valves, turned on a nearby lamp, removed her hood and vanished into the night.

In the following hours she had no choice but to watch as her breasts grew darker from lack of circulation and nearly doubled in size from the saline injection. Police found her hours after dawn when they wondered why she had not been getting ready for work.

Furious that not only had they not been able to stop the break-in, rape, and torture but they STILL could find no evidence she refused further police protection.

?You’re useless!? she cried slamming the door behind them after kicking the officers out., ?He still got me!?.


Emma got herself on a waiting list for a gun, signed up for a self-defense course, and had taken to carrying a large can of MACE ready in her hand whenever in public. Her friends tried to be supportive but she withdrew from everyone. She had yet to see the face of her attacker and the police still had no leads, it was becoming impossible for her to trust anyone.

It was Friday evening, she had braved the video store to pick up enough movies to last the weekend. ?No, thanks. I’m just locking myself in the house and watching movies all weekend.? She had told anyone that had tried to talk her into visiting or going out that weekend.

Pulling into her driveway she gathered her bags, took several steadying breaths, verified the can of mace was armed and ready in her hand, and opened the door. Walking quickly she kept her eyes wide and searching, looking for anyone or anything out of place. Leaves rustled off to her, she spun bringing the MACE to bear, just in time to see a squirrel dash across the yard.

?Stupid squirrel.? She sighed.

?Weapons will not stop me.? Said a voice so close she could almost feel the breath on her ear.  She gasped, his huge hand wrapped around hers and quickly bent the arm so she was pointing the mace at herself. ?I’m everything a cunt like you deserves.? He pulled the trigger and covered her mouth at the same time .

?HHeeemmmppphhh!!!!? she shrieked into his hand as the burning chemical blinded her. She couldn’t fight it as he dragged her to the door by her hair, took her keys and let them both in. The door shut with a slam as he threw her to the ground. He didn’t even bother undressing her, simply pulling her pants down far enough and began fucking her.

He stayed with her the entire weekend, fucking and abusing her at random. When he was not using her directly she was left tied in one of a variety of slow tortures. The most common was for Emma to be mounted on a sybian running at full power while she was forced to watch a seemingly endless supply of very hard core bondage and torture videos, all with women victims. She was never allowed to look away, posture collar locking her in place, eyes taped open, and ring gag keeping her mouth available to him. The sybian was relentless driving her unwilling body to orgasm until the pleasure itself was torture

She was given a small handful of dry cereal a day, which she had to eat blindfolded off the floor using only her mouth, for breakfast. Dinner was something diced that had ?baked? stuffed in her pussy for several hours as he fucked and abused her. Those rare occasions he let her go to the bathroom she was made to crawl naked outside and go like an animal.

Saturday Emma’s mother called. Knife to her throat he made the raven hair beauty talk to her family normally for over half an hour as he fucked her ass and crushed her tits in a vice.

Motivated by the dog shock collar around her neck and rather severe caning she stared in a long home movie in which she ‘willingly’ masturbated with a variety of strange items (like a scalloped vase, chair legs, her TV remote, house phones, etc.), massaging her breasts with rough grit sandpaper and driving thumbtacks into her nipples and verbally abusing and degrading herself.

By Sunday night she was a quivering mass of over sexed, bruised girl flesh. She was so hoarse from screaming and crying that she could not talk any more. So she only cried silently when forced to gather every pair of pants, shirt he did not like, and skirt that was lower than mid thigh that she owned, threw them all in the trunk crawled in with them, and was driven to a nearby patch of woods. He forced her to douse the ‘unapproved’ pile of clothes with gasoline, and light them. He forced her to watch it burn as he fucked her and whipped her back with the sandpaper cat o’ nine tails.

He left her that night handcuffed in a hogtie with the key frozen into a very large ice cube sitting inches from her face. ?You have permission to free yourself when you can get to the key, cunt. Oh, but if see you in anything but the clothes you have left, this weekend will seem like a pleasant cruise.?

He removed her blindfold and was gone before she could struggle around to see who he was.

It did not take her very long to realize she didn’t need to wait for the ice to melt. Struggling and grunting with effort Emma managed to worm her way closer to the bowl of ice. Finally she managed to bite into the ice and nearly puked. Now she knew why he had made her piss in a bowl that last time?

Hours later she was finally free, rushing over to the phone she dialed 9-1, but then stopped. Memories flashed before her eyes. She had been attacked five times now, often within mere feet of someone else but no one had helped, ?Nobody could help?..they say they want to?..but they don’t?.? she muttered, hit the CLEAR button, let the phone hit the floor and shuffled off to the bathroom to bathe her wounds.


Emma withdrew even further from friends and family. At work she hardly talked and tried not to look anyone in the eye. Her work only suffered a little from this because she threw herself so completely into the job, trying to forget everything else.

Secretly she made plans. If no one could or would help her it was up to her. She needed time, time without fear. Things were temporarily held up when one of her co-workers found Emma stumbling back to her car naked, bruised, and with the fat end of a baseball bat hanging out of her ass. Against Emma’s protests the woman called the authorities.

Finally one Friday she walked into her boss’ office. ?I’m taking the next three weeks off.? She said staring at the floor.

?What?? Mr. Edmung looked up startled by the quiet girl. He looked her over, she was still pretty, if a tad overweight and a little haggard looking. The short skirts and tight shirts she had taken to wearing lately certainly helped her appearance.

?I’m taking all my vacation time?..I need go away for a while.? She shuffled getting quieter.

Edmung was quiet for a moment, the girl had become the target of a cereal rapist. That in itself justified some time off, honestly he was surprised she hadn’t asked sooner. There were rumors of course, the lack of evidence?.some skeptics said she was doing it for attention but you just had to look at her to see something was wrong. ?Sure, sure it’s your time to take after all.? He said warmly, trying to seem fatherly and comforting, not something normally his strong suit ?Where will you be going??

She shook her head, ?If I don’t say he won’t find me.? She turned and walked quickly from the room.


Everyone knew she was leaving but not when or where too. Quietly, before dawn Saturday morning before dawn she arrived at the airport. Most of the clothes she owned were packed in the one small suitcase she had brought. Of the clothes she hadn’t been forced to burn, several outfits had been destroyed in subsequent rapes barely leaving one weeks worth of clothing. Parking in the brightest lit, closest to the door spot she could find she got out of the car she hurried to the door into the airport.

She had not taken three steps from the car when she heard it a voice echoing through the parking garage. ?You cannot run from me, cunt.?

Emma dropped the bag and ran for the door. As she passed the last pillar an arm flashed out and dragged her into the shadows. There was the all too familiar sensation of a needle piercing her skin and suddenly her limbs were lead. The world began getting hazy and dark. She had a vague feeling of being lifted and dropped into a large crate then darkness consumed her.


Emma awoke with a cock crammed down her throat the suffocation is what woke her. She struggled but found herself unable to move. Hearing the chains rattled she guessed she was chained spread eagle on what felt like a very old, lumpy bed. Being blindfolded had become such a regular occurrence for her that it was the last thing to register in her mind, shortly after realizing she was totally naked.

Finally the invader in her mouth pulled out allowing her to gasp desperately for air. She wound up inhaling the first two jets of semen as her attacker came. Coughing and sputtering she could do nothing but swallow the jizz or choke.

?Enjoy it cunt. Jizz is now one of you primary food groups.?

She groaned, it was him again, not that she was surprised. Something hard and strange shaped worked it’s way into her pussy. There was a soft click.

?GHnnyaaiiee!? she shrieked as the cattle prod came to life in her womb.

?What are you cunt??

?Oh god?.I’m, I’m a worthless cunt?.a bitch in heat. I’m a-a-a whore? Yes a whore that needs beaten!? she struggled to remember everything he had made her memorize and repeat time and time again over that hellish weekend.

He continued for what seemed like hours to fuck her with the prod while making her repeat the series of verbal abuse over and over.

?Good cunt, wouldn’t want you to forget your place.? He gripped her breasts with crushing force, twisting until she thought they would surely rip off. ?You still thought you could run. You cannot, maybe you will learn that here.?

He released her aching tits and was gone. Nothing else to do she simply lay in the bed and let the tears soak through the blindfold. An endless time later the bed shifted as someone climbed onto it. Emma tensed as light kisses blanketed her pussy. Kisses were followed by a tongue, so light it nearly tickled.

To her horror Emma found that after the harsh beatings and torture such light, almost loving, touch had her body reacting instantly. The tongue worked its way up to her breast and slowly swirled around each nipple. She was so wet and horny that when the thick prick entered her hips rose to meet it and her moans were those of pleasure.

Her mind was in turmoil, she knew she was still tied down and had not asked for sex so it was rape, but?she could not bring herself to beg them to stop. She found herself kissing back as this new rapist, it could not be him they were much too gentle, brought their lips to hers.

Right in the middle of the kiss the blindfold was pulled off. Blinking in the sudden light Emma caught her first glimpse of her rapist. Laying on top of her was a slight built dark skinned girl. Emma broke the kiss screaming. The young girl, she looked no more than 17, laughed and smiled brightly. More laughter joined in drawing Emma’s attention to the rest of the room.

There were over a dozen other women crowded into the room. They looked to be all ages, from 16 to late 40’s, and very nearly if not totally naked. The girl currently on her have a final hard thrust and pulled out and mimed cumming with the strapon.

The other women laughed even harder and as she crawled off the bed three of them moved forward. One latched onto each breast as though they were babies trying to suckle themselves. The third licked between her legs from ass crack to clit as though it were the world’s best lollypop.

?Oh god stop it! Please! DON’T! You’re women!? another small part of her mind began to crack, it was men that were evil and did these things not women. She could not comprehend it.

?They cannot understand you, boceta. Most of my girls do not speak English.? Said a beautiful, matronly woman said. She was framed by the doorway and wrapped in a transparent silk robe, under which she was totally nude. Her accent was just noticeable, Portuguese maybe ?They are just welcoming another whore to our family. Sleep well, you work in the morning.?

?Noo?.? Emma wailed as the other woman left. She would have pleaded more but the strapon, still slick with her juices, was shoved in her mouth. Passing out later she, who had never even imagined being homosexual, was still the center of an all woman orgy with her face being ridden like a sex toy.

The next morning started her true nightmare. Shackled hand and foot she was shoved into an ice cold shower she was thoroughly scrubbed by one of the women until her skin was bright pink. Her hair was braided, makeup done and she was sent to work in the brothels bar wearing nothing but a mono-glove and a shock collar. A tray hung from her neck and braced against her ribs just below her tits. The tray would be loaded up with drinks and she would be sent to wander the room until all the drinks were gone and the process was repeated. This took some time because as many of the patrons grabbed her naked ass or tits as they did a drink.

Her protest and resistance quickly died away thanks to Miss Renate’s, the robe lady, liberal use of the shock collar. For lunch she was chained into a kneeling position with a wedge gag between her teeth keeping her mouth open. Any customer, male or female, could make use of her mouth for just a few coins dropped into the basket hanging from her nipples. So much cum, and not a little piss, was dumped down her throat that Emma miserably discovered that she never actually got hungry.

After lunch Miss Renate dragged her on a seemingly endless circuit of the whores rooms as their ‘clients’ left where Emma was forced to suck all of them to orgasm if their ‘client’ had been able to make them cum. Often Renate would take these opportunities to ream her asshole with a wide variety of strap-ons.

The brothel whores always ate dinner together and her dinner was whatever the other whores had left on their plates. Several of the girls, especially the older and more ethnic ones, would make her beg like a dog before scraping their leftovers to the floor for her to eat.

When dinner was done it was time for a show. Her hair and makeup were redone and often squeezed into a cheerleader outfit that was too small for her rubenesque form. She would then be strapped into a large ‘X’ frame while the other whores and select special customers would take turns whipping the costume’s thin material from her body. Once naked time was auctioned in 15 minute chunks to customers in which the winner could use violet wands, candles, feathers, or riding crops to torment the girl. For a finally every night her tits were inflated to twice their size by injections of saline solution.

The entirety of each day Emma was forced to listen to an auto repeating recording of her own voice calling her every imaginable insult and name.

When the final curtain fell she was unchained and her exhaustion was so great by that time there was no danger she could run. Renate would blindfold her and lead her away. Eventually they would stop, Renate’s hand would vanish and a few seconds later a door would shut.

?Did you have a fun day, cunt? He would say before taking hold of her, raping and tormenting her once again.

Somehow the exhausted Emma always found the strength to scream. Eventually she would pass out from exhaustion as he said, ?See you tomorrow, cunt.?

Day after day this was the pattern and, getting at best two hours of sleep a night and very little to eat, she started to lose weight and her mind lost focus. At some point she had found out that she was in Brazil somewhere but it didn’t matter, she could no longer remember what day it was, how long she had been there, barely even her own name. The last week she was there they took the shock collar off and she never realized it.


Emma awoke for the first time in recent memory without being pinched, bit, sucked, fucked, or whipped. That in itself was disorienting, but the room and bed were different too. A hospital, it finally dawned on her, she was in a hospital. What had happened? She didn’t remember being hurt THAT severely.

She was distracted when she noticed what was different about the room. ?A mirror? On the ceiling?? she thought aloud just as a doctor walked in.

?Why is there a mirror on the ceiling, doctor??

He was in full surgical scrubs, complete with face mask and dark safety glasses, and said nothing. Instead he gripped the edge of the blanket cover and ripped it off.

?Hey!? she shouted, trying to grab the cover but found medical restraints keeping her arms from moving.

The doctor pointed up, instinctively she looked up into the mirror. She was completely naked.

?I thought it would be fun for you to see what you used to be one last time.? He said.

?You’re HIM!!!? she shrieked and struggled hysterically to get away.

?Of course, you don’t still think it possible to escape do you?? he said and drove the syringe into her arm and her world went dark.

This time when Emma awoke her first thought was, ?Who is that girl?? Directly across from her was another woman, also naked and suspended by her wrists so her feet only just rested on the ground. Then the realization hit.

?Oh. My. God!? Her eyes went wide. It wasn’t another woman, it was a mirror! She hardly recognized herself. Gone were her love handles, her stomach now had just a slight swell to it. Bulging thighs had vanished; now her legs now flowed smoothly from ankle to suddenly pert, round bubble-butt. Her lips had become fuller, poutier and, she licked them to verify it wasn’t makeup, a much deeper red.

?Amazing isn’t it?? came HIS voice from the darkness behind her. She squinted into the mirror trying to see him but it seemed she was alone in the room’s only, tiny puddle of light. Arms reached around her from out of the darkness to cup her large breasts. He kneaded and shook them, ?See how they jiggle? Didn’t use implants, it’s a new technique just take the flab from here? he pinched the skin where her love-handles used to be, she could see the faint surgical scar. ?and use it to fill these!? He squeezed her tit, making it bulge in his hand like a water balloon.

She used to be a small B-cup but now, if she had to guess, she looked like a fleshy, very full ‘C’.

He lowered her to the ground, kicked her ankles lightly to spread her legs. She did not even try to fight it, spreading as wide as she could, giving him access to her pussy. It was not rape this time she thought later as he locked her in a car trunk, after all, she never said ?no?.


The car had stopped moving some time ago. Emma lay tense waiting, fully expecting the trunk to open and to be dragged to further torment. Nothing happened though; she lay there in the darkness so long she began to think he had abandoned her to die in the trunk.

Suddenly there was a click and the trunk opened slightly. She tensed, fully expecting to be to be forcibly dragged from the car. Nothing happened. Finally she worked up the nerve and hesitantly crawled out.

It was a surprise to realize she was standing in the airport parking garage.

?How long was I gone?? she wondered aloud, wrapping her arms around her nakedness, shivering, and noting the car had no plates. Looking around for something to cover herself with she found her purse in the dark recesses of the trunk. Suspicious she quickly rifled through it and found everything in its place.

?Weird.? She muttered and started off to find her car, sticking to the shadows as much as possible since she could not find anything to cover herself.

Luckily Emma managed to make it home with little incident, only a few truckers ogling her as she drove. Word had spread though and one of them paced her for almost a mile with a camera flash going off almost constantly. She half heartedly tried to cover herself and hardly cried at all.

She had to sit in her car for almost 15 minutes to wait for street and sidewalk traffic to clear out. Making it inside with no incident Emma noted vaguely that things looked somehow different but quickly dismissed the notion as things at home always look just a little different after a vacation.

?I need a shower.? she sighed dumping her keys and purse on the floor and heading for the bathroom.

She stayed under the steaming jets until the hot water ran out. Wrapping herself in the fluffiest most comforting towel she could find and shuffled to her room to attempt to find something to wear.

?Not that there will be much left.? Emma growled, she had searched her car but there was no sign of her suitcase.

The differences in her bedroom were so drastic that she froze in place. The wall and ceiling near her bed had been covered with a mirror. All of her old knick-knacks were gone and almost every flat surface held a sex toy of some kind. Eyes wide she rushed to her closet and dresser. Nearly empty when she left both had been partially restocked. Everything was made of latex, leather, lace or silk and could be described as kinky, tight, and/or revealing.

?Oh my god!? she cried, slumping to the floor after checking three times for any normal clothing. There were perhaps five outfits she would wear that would allow her to look merely like a slut rather than a whore or a stripper on stage. In shock she wandered through the rest of her house really seeing the changes for the first time.

Every photo, painting and family portrait was gone replaced with pictures of her, almost all nude or nearly so and always in some form of sexual torment. There were dildos, lingerie, and bondage toys strewn everywhere, even the in freezer.

Checking her computer found all her bookmarks had been changed to porn sites, mostly hard core torture, her bank accounts had been almost entirely emptied by large withdrawals, payments to sex and lingerie shops and porn site subscriptions. A ‘reminder’ popped up that reminded her that her vacation time was over in the morning.

Unable to take any more Emma slunk off to bed set her alarm and fell asleep. She had what she thought was a dream where HE appeared to fuck her in her sleep but when the alarm went off it woke her to find a running vibrator in her ass and her face sticky with jizz.


At a minimum he took her three times a week now. Sometimes just to torture her, sometimes just a fuck, often both. She no longer bothered wearing clothes at home, simply so they would not have to be torn off to fuck her.

Once while shopping for groceries she was dragged into the dark corner of a storeroom, fucked, a tube of icyhot emptied into both her lower holes and use to coat her nipples then left tied spread eagle with all 3 holes stuffed with phallic veggies. By the time she was untied in the morning she had also been fucked by 3 more men. One she assumed was the night janitor as she had heard the keys jingle and there were two young stock boys that stared a little longer and laughed a little more at her tightly latexed ass every time she walked by.

She started finding notes or being given instructions after each rape. Her lunches at work were much like they had been in Brazil, only now it was her coworkers cocks instead of seedy brothel patrons’. Her 30 minute lunch breaks were often 2 hours long and had her roaming from one man’s office to the other. Soon nobody even attempted to keep it a secret, men and many of the women simply walking into her office and dropping their pants.

Still this was not enough for him. Her entire weekend was taken under his control. He would abuse her all day, preferring needles and electricity for her torment as they left the fewest marks, then dress her in the sluttiest thing he could find and shove her toward some random strip club and tell her, ?Don’t come out until you’ve earned $400 and are dripping fresh semen from each hole.? It took 2 hours with the cattle prod, caining and two dozen needles per tit to convince her to obey.


It had been months, or maybe a year since returning from Brazil. She hardly fought him any more but occasionally there was something he would have to torture her into doing. It was Monday morning and she already had three ?lunch appointments? set before she made it to her office.

Her computer was already on with the e-mail program running and there was a message addressed to all the ‘regulars’ of her lunch time debauchery and it was waiting for ‘send’ to be clicked. It read:

?To all. It is time for me to move on. Effective immediately I am giving my two weeks notice. I thank all of you, my regular ‘Lunch companions’ for your?efforts. As a thank you, until next Friday from 8am-4pm every day I will be naked, kneeling, and available in my office. To help with my neccissary moving I am asking for donations: $1 for pictures, $2 to use my pussy and $5 for my ass. My mouth, as always is free. I look forward to these next two weeks. Thank You, Emma. P.S. You can even hurt me if you want.?

?Nononononononno.? She muttered, on the verge of tears she reached to delete the horrible message.

*Brrrriiinggg* the phone rang, startling her.

?H-hello?? she answered.

?Cunt, if you delete that message you will wake up back in Brazil. I hear they need a new girl for their donkey show.?

?Noooo??? it was more of a groan than a word.

?Send it and get your Cunt-ass naked.? The line clicked dead.

Hand shaking she clicked ‘send’ and began taking off what little clothing she had on. Just as she knelt, naked, before her desk her boss walked in with a handful of one dollar bills?.


It was a new city. With no warning or word to her family she had sold her house for much less than it was worth, bought a medium sized apartment and at HIS direction spent the rest of the money decorating it and buying new clothes. The only normal furniture was a small kitchen table with two chairs, a king sized bed, TV and DVD player (constantly running porn, an increasing amount of which was homemade and centered on her) and a computer desk and folding chair. Everything else was bondage and sex oriented.

No corner of the apartment was free of a web-cam’s view. He had started a website that she was the star of and a small pittance from which partially paid for her bills and groceries. At home she was always naked or, upon request of her ‘guests’, in some fetish costume. He arranged the ‘guests’ for her three days a week. Each would have an hour or two to use her for their rape/torture fantasies and leave. Some were nicer than others, giving her a tip, usually $20. He was there constantly from Friday through Monday and almost every night to use her for himself.

Sundown would find her at one of her 3 new jobs. First was a bondage club where she played the lesbian slave in a supposedly fake torture show and only was paid if she successfully brought her two mistresses to orgasm in each show. The other two were strip clubs, one very high class and the other the seediest HE could find. It only took one weekend of punishment to convince her that the seedy club, Down’nDirty, patrons had a right to grope her and demand handjobs.

In some ways the high class club, Class Ease, was worse. At Down’nDirty her co-dancers may have been druggies, whores and worse but here she was the whore. For a mere $10 any customer could use her mouth, $15 bought her ass. With every stranger she straddled fucked and pleasured she wondered if it was HIM. He could be any of them, she still had never seen him clearly. Not that it mattered, she had come to realize she had no choice, no control in her life any more.

Half of the money she made dancing was required to be spent getting dances herself and the rest on sex, toys, and costumes. There was rarely more than $50 in her bank account, but ?How much money does a cunt need anyway, as long as she is being used?? She would mutter, blushing. when the other dancers asked why so blatantly threw away her earnings.

Two months after she vanished a letter arrived at her parents’ home:

‘Dear Mom, Dad, everyone, I am sorry for leaving without saying goodbye but my Master decided it would be best. Please do not try to find me. Do not worry for my happiness; I am learning that it does not matter. Just know my life has purpose. Signed, Master Thommy’s Cunt (formerly Emma)’ Enclosed were copies of Down’nDirty’s publicity photos of her braced against the pole, mid orgasm with another dancer’s hand clearly visible entering her pussy.

Emma’s mother shook holding back tears as she read the letter again.

?Wasn’t ‘Thommy’ the name of the invisible friend when she was little?? Her father asked thoughtfully.


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Eternal Sex 2

It's been a week since the city of San tag Rae fell, over ran with demons. Right in the center is a gloomy looking castle now, where the demon queen resides , most of the time. The country has went into a s tate panic in nearby areas, for the demons have started leaving the City, now known as Sin City. The army., proving to be insufficient at droping them, has went to hiring specialists, known only as the D.S.A. It's a secret organization that the current president started, before he was...

1 year ago
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Eternal Supper

It was a simple night out right? A little drinking, dancing in the nightclub, and some flirting around, but as you look into the dusty mirror across your bed you can tell it anything but simple. You're taller now, only just by a little but you can tell easily, your body looks strong but feels incredibly weak. You have pale skin as if you were made of marble and moonlight, and deep black eyes that seem to bore into you. Of course, there are two small punctures on your neck, evidence of what you...

4 years ago
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Eternal Desire

*note to the writers: it is strongly encouraged to add or edit new chapters. this is my first story in writing this on a platform I'm unfamilliar with**art by: tincek marincek* as you gaze upon the starry night sky, you breathe in the cool crisp air. the wind gently caress your face, sweeping away your hair, revealing your red right eye. as you look around, you can only see trees and mountains. but beyond those vegetation and rock formations, you hear the bustling sound of a busy city. you...

1 year ago
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Eternal Slavery II Rape and Enlightenment

IIShe woke in the late midmorning, recalling a night of restless tossing and turning in the pillows. Then, in the first hours of the dawn, she remembered yawningly, sleep had come to claim her nonetheless. Stepping onto the cool marble floor, taking the first steps in search for a mirror, she felt the muscles of her upper body aching, as after a day of extended exercise. "Now, I’m dumb", she scolded herself. "There are no mirrors in this room..." She opened the white double door and tiptoed...

4 years ago
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Eternal Toilet SlaveChapter 2 The Proposition

Julie drove me in her black Jaguar out to the rich side of town that was speckled with large fancy homes on lots big enough to hold shopping malls. After driving through an ornate gate and up a cobblestone driveway longer than the New Jersey Turnpike, she parked in a six car garage that was also occupied by a Porsche, two Lexus', and a Cadillac, and walked up two fights of stairs to her bedroom. "Uh, mind if I use the bathroom?" I asked pointing to the master bathroom through a door in...

1 year ago
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Eternal Toilet SlaveChapter 4 First Week

I felt emotionally numb that night after they voted to keep me as their toilet slave. Damn! They have no right to keep me their slave because they voted to keep me! During the night, a thick muff, either Erica, Darcie, or Francesca came to me to shit. Then again some time later, maybe the same person even, came to me to pee. Then later still, a shaved pussy that I knew was Laurie came to pee. Once, Julie came to me to pee and lick her bloody pussy clean. I dozed between being used as a...

1 year ago
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Eternal Toilet SlaveChapter 5 Week 2

My second Monday as a toilet slave brought the customary weekday rush to the bathroom yet again. It was particularly busy that day since they all rose at roughly the same time and ended up all brushing their teeth at the same time. Five women to four sinks made brushing teeth a crowded affair. I groaned inwardly when Francesca came over to me, and knelt over me with a toothbrush sticking out of her sudsy mouth. She removed her toothbrush and pinched my nose. When I opened my mouth, she spat...

2 years ago
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Eternal Toilet SlaveChapter 6 Week 3

My third week as a toilet slave began, as usual, with a rush of naked women scrambling around me as I lay on my back in their special bathroom with my face framed in a toilet seat and most of my body hidden in an alcove behind the wall. Just a routine occurrence in the daily life of a toilet slave. Little chatting occurred in the bathroom that morning. Everyone was somber. I even said, "Thank you, Mistress so-and-so, for letting me drink your pee, and eat your shit, and suck down your...

4 years ago
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Eternal Toilet SlaveChapter 7 Week 4

Late one night during the next week, Francesca came running into the bathroom, completely naked, turned on the light, and slammed her ass on my face. Within a split second, her asshole gushed wide open, filling my mouth with syrupy, lumpy shit. Man, I never chugged shit down so fast as I did just then! If I hadn't, it would have forced its way down my throat, my windpipe, up my nose, and who knows where else. "Ugh," she moaned after I cleaned her. Then she went back to bed. She didn't...

4 years ago
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Eternal Toilet SlaveChapter 8 Week 5

No one mentioned the prospective housemates in front of me during the following week. Except for the time that Darcie got sick, the week passed as usual. Darcie, of course, rushed in one evening and rooted through that cabinet where they keep that leather strap. Shit! Why is she going to punish me for now? She looked ill, and I knew something was wrong the way she frantically pulled stuff out. She grabbed a large funnel and shoved the small end into my mouth. No sooner than she did that,...

3 years ago
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Eternal Toilet SlaveChapter 9 Week 6

Later in the week, I was coughing and gasping for breath after Leiko had just given me a piss and shit when Erica walked in. "Leiko, come downstairs," Erica said. "Darcie and Francesca want to call a vote on something." "What?" she asked. "I dunno." About a half-hour later, I felt that pipe lifted off my cock. A pair of hands started feeling me up, stroking my cock and kneading my balls. Was it Leiko? No one else had ever came into that room to fondle me, so who else could it be?...

1 year ago
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Eternal Toilet SlaveChapter 10 Week 7

Whoever has been putting ointment on me repaired my broken shackle Monday night. But I had already felt the terrible confirmation. I cried again all Monday night until Tuesday morning. And that terrible itch had returned with a vengeance, but my shackles were as tight as ever. Tuesday night, Erica came into the bathroom with a strange woman--a slender blonde about the same age as Erica. She wasn't dressed Goth either, she was wearing a black tube top with a short denim skirt. The view up...

4 years ago
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Eternal Toilet SlaveChapter 11 Six Months

I had been a toilet slave to these five women for so long that I had stopped counting the weeks. I had a vague recollection that I had asked Laurie to take another vote six months later, but I had no sense of how much time had gone by. I might have been there for just a couple of months, or I might have been there a year already. I no longer yearned to return to the corporate world of programming, and dealing with tyrannical bosses, nitpicking project leaders, office politics, political...

2 years ago
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Eternal Toilet SlaveChapter 12 20 Years More or Less

Weeks passed. Months passed. Years passed. I had lost count of the years that had passed, but I recollect quite a number of changing seasons from summer to winter to summer to winter. I sensed that I had aged quite a bit. Not once, even for a moment, had I been unshackled and removed from their toilet-slave mechanism since the day they installed me. Over half of my life had been spent inside a single room--a bathroom, subsisting on nothing except female human waste and other body excreta...

3 years ago
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A WellLived Life 2 Book 5 MichelleChapter 81 Victimized

May 26, 1992, Chicago, Illinois “You did the right thing,” I said when she finished the story. “You had no choice. You had to defend yourself.” “Yes, but I stabbed him in the eye!” “I know. Maybe you need to talk to someone else about that besides me. Do you want me to call your priest for you?” “Doctor Bethany called him. He’ll come by after lunch. That’s what I asked her to arrange.” “You told the police everything?” I asked. “Yes. Just how I told you. And they took pictures. It was...

1 year ago
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Traditional vampire sex story with two young female victims

The Ancient One had been existing in the run down house for almost a year, having arrived from Romania. With the help of his insane assistant, Gunther, and his two undead brides, he had come here to make a fresh start and find refuge from the old world. The local authorities were asking too many questions now, and once again it was time to relocate. The house had been purchased legally, Gunther telling the locals that a European millionaire recluse was moving in. The property had been ...

2 years ago
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The lesbian killer the first victims

I was thinking all of this while opening my apartment when I saw two girls about my age (I am 22) across the hall kissing and touching each other, one was a beautiful blond almost as tall as me, maybe a little bit taller than me, I couldn’t tell since she and her partner were far from my apartment I couldn’t see her front since she had her back on me but she had a nice figure, her waist was slender and her ass was perfect it wasn’t flat nor flaccid it was as I liked. The other girl (her name is...

1 year ago
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Jenny a lesbian rapist remembers her first victim

I can still remember the first time I raped another woman, it was a few years ago but the sexual thrill it gave me is still as vivid now as it was then. You notice I said “the first time” the thrill I got I’ve never been able to recapture with normal sex, so since then I’ve raped other women on numerous occasions. What surprised me then but doesn’t so much now is how easy it is to get away with. It’s certainly easier than if I was a male raping women. You see...

3 years ago
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The Perfect Victim

Introduction: A loving family woman is taken for a surprise A shorter story, and much different than my usual texts. If you like the tags, I hope you enjoy it. Jessica always loved the idea of a small town. Growing up in LA, she learned quickly that she wasnt the big city type at all. As soon as she was of legal age, she moved out of her parents house. It wasnt that she didnt get along with them, in fact, they were probably a lot closer than most families. She just wanted to start a family of...

3 years ago
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The Perfect Victim

Introduction: A woman gets a lesson about teasing Jessica always loved the idea of a small town. Growing up in LA, she learned quickly that she wasnt the big city type at all. As soon as she was of legal age, she moved out of her parents house. It wasnt that she didnt get along with them, in fact, they were probably a lot closer than most families. She just wanted to start a family of her own in the quiet setting that was the rural areas. Moving to the Oregon coast, she soon found out that...

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One Snow Leopard Four Willing Victims

One Snow Leopard, Four Willing Victims A. P. DamienAuthor's Note: I want to commission some cover illos for my stories.  If you are interested, and willing/able to draw hanging/snuff scenes, please see my journal entry: Almost all my hangings are consensual, and the hangee should look like he/she is enjoying (or expects to enjoy) it.Damien glided into the playroom and looked over his slaves. He was pleased with what he saw. Four young furs knelt...

3 years ago
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Curiosity Killed the CatChapter 33 Victimized

Monday, June 24, 1996, Sanford Maine I sat in stunned disbelief. From the moment that I had been placed into the back of the police car until the moment that they had me sitting in an ‘interview room, I was feeling pretty surreal. I couldn’t for the life of me comprehend a world where I was the one being arrested for assault when all I had done was save a friend from being raped. I looked up from where I was sitting as the door opened, and the Detective who had arrested me came into the room...

1 year ago
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Willing Victim

Sliding under the soft blankets, I hugged my pillow close to me, trying to pretend I was not alone. Knowing I needed to rest, I forced my eyes shut and tried to breathe slowly, hoping that a dreamless sleep would soon overcome me. Instead of blackness filling my world though , I swear I could hear your haunting laughter. Biting back a sob, knowing you weren’t really here, I still couldn’t get the feeling that you were lying beside me out of my mind. Half in anticipation, half in dread, I opened...

2 years ago
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Stepsister Seduction Chapter 3 Seducing a new Victim

Kelly was gone for the weekend, on business. John usually works weekends also, but requested to have it off, since his wife was going to be gone. John is 40, standing 6'1", with graying brown hair and green eyes, weighing a little under 215 lbs. Tim was gone for the evening, hanging out with some of his buddies. John was in the living room, watching tv, while Jenna was taking a shower. As she showered she was wishing Tim was home, or would be coming home soon. Her pussy was tingling and...

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