Toilet Slave Training
- 4 years ago
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Chapter 1: Toilet Lady.
Svetla lived in a village near Kryvyy Rith. Like many other Ukrainians, sheworked in the agriculture sector. Her life was hard. The girl wanted to explorethe world and earn a substantial amount of money. She was petite, she had smallbreasts. Her dark hair was in ponytail. She was like most women in the area,she was stubborn. She was determined to find her luck in the richer countriesof Europe . One day, she decided to leave her country and to build a life inthe United Kingdom . She thought, like many others, in U.K. you could liveanonymously. Why do many immigrants think that? No one has a definite answer.
She couldn't afford the money for the costs of the trip; she had to work topay back the money. After a long journey, early in the evening, she climbedout a truck. Sergei waited for her. He was convicted several times for humantrafficking. He was also a part of the Ukrainian mob, active in several Belgiancities.
?Welcome to Brussels , I'm Sergei.? The man said dryly. ?Do you've your passportwith you?? She showed him her documents. Sergei took possession of it. ?Untilyou can pay me back, this is mine. When you have enough money, you can to theU.K. and earn a fortune. Belgium is a transit country.? Svetla was too shyto respond. She looked at him; he wore a nice costume and was well groomed.
In Sergei's luxurious car the conversation continued. ?I've arranged accommodationand a job for you. Firstly, let me show your new home.? She never saw a BMWbefore. She looked amazed at the leather seats. To her, it was miracle to seehim to push a button and the window goes down. Belgium is truly the place ofthe rich. ?When you earn money in Brussels , you could afford a car like this.?
?Thank you.? Finally, Svetla said something. She thought Sergei was her saviour.He was her ticket to freedom and a fortunate life.
They got out in front of a small derelict house. They entered. Many girlsapproached them. They obviously recognised Sergei and welcomed him with openarms. ?This is Svetla.? He said to the girls. They greeted her. The bunch lookeda mix of Russians, Ukrainians and Poles.
?Hello.? She uttered.
?You'll have plenty of time to get to know the girls.? Sergei said. ?But nowit's time for your vitamins, girls. Please line up.? Svetla didn't know what'sgoing on. ?The vitamins help to bring your metabolism in balance and makessure you aren't malnourished. It's a liquid because pills are too little effective.Don't be scared.? He said to Svetla. The girl doesn't know anything about vitaminsbut it sounded plausible. Back home, they didn't have time or money to read.She only could utter a few words French, Dutch or English.
Pretty fast, they lined up. The gangster prepared his only needle with heroine. ?Youcan go first, Svetla, you seemed tired from your long journey.?
?But she gets more then we usually get.? One of the other girls said in brokenEnglish. Svetla felt special she's getting more than the others.
?She had a long journey. We always treat newcomers this way, don't you remember,Krista??
Without waiting for a response, he attached the rubber band around Svetla'sarm.
?Don't worry sweetheart. You may feel relaxed once it starts to kick in.? Hesaid while he injected the brown substance into her veins.
The poor girl didn't object. She was happy because she had a home where shecould rest. She felt safe. Svetla started to feel light headed. She felt relaxedand lay down in one of many beds. Soon, she noticed a warm glow inside herbody; it seems to cover her entire body. She began sweating, like her temperaturewas actually warmer than normal. Her pupils were dilated. Now the feeling waseuphoric. She wasn't worried, she was in good hands, she imagined. She wasunaware what's happening in her environment. Her eyes weren't fixated at oneparticular point. ?I feel so free,? she said ?I want to feel so free as a bird?I?mypussy?it's?it can't be?it's?damp!?
When Sergei finished injected all his girls, he decided to have some restafter a day of work. He didn't have condoms. It didn't matter to him. He fuckedhis new asset with pleasure. She didn't moan but he was pleased her walls werewell lubricated.
When Svetla woke up, she saw Sergei talking to his girls. There were fewergirls now in the house. She must have slept for a long time. ?They must beworking.? She thought.
?Good morning.? The gangster said. ?Get something to eat or you'll be latefor work.? After ten minutes, they got into the car. She ate a snack in thecar. She didn't remembered what happened to her. ?You'll be working as a toiletlady in a café. Don't worry; it belongs to one of my buddies. Your jobis quite obvious. You have to clean the toilets and receive some money fromclients who use your service.?
They got out at an obscure café which didn't seem to have a name. Theyentered the building and Sergei showed her the toilets. In the small hall adjunctto toilets, it had a little table and a chair. Each client had to pass thehall before entering the toilets. ?The money you earn, you'll give to me. You'llget your passport back when you paid me back. I expect at least five hundredeuros a week. I have some other work to do now. I'll pick you up when the café closes.Every week, you'll get extra vitamins.?
Svetla sat down. ?This is an easy job to do.? She thought. After half a day,she realized how stingy people are. ?I need to get at least a hundred eurosa day. How can I get more money? A thought came to her. ?Why not suck a guy'spenis after he peed? It's not like giving him a blowjob; just like cleaninghis dick.? She reasoned. In broken French she asked five euros from men beforethey entered the toilet. Some men refused, other men reluctantly paid her.At first, they seem to be upset at the price to use the toilets. But afterwards,they seemed glad to have done it. She didn't taste the pee anymore or the smellafter while. She got used to it. Some clients even requested a thorough cleanup. It was evident for her; they didn't wash their penis daily. Some clientspreferred to make usage of the toilet several times.
At the end of her workday, she only had the half of what she's suppose toearn. Sergei was not amused when he counted the money. ?If you want to survivein Brussels , you need to earn more money. You'll never have a car like this.You'll never have your passport back. I've the feeling you didn't give me allof the money! Show me your pockets!? He said agitated. Svetla started to sob.
?I'm telling you the truth! I have you all the money! This is how much I couldgive you today! I promise to give you more the next time.? She said while gaspingfor air. ?I'll do anything to make it up to you! Just give me a chance.?
They got out of the BMW and they entered her new acquainted home. Many girlswere asleep. Sergei took her into a room which had a bed, a desk, a clothingrack and a table.
?I shouldn't have been so hard on you, Svetla? The man said while caressingher knee. ?Here, twenty euro. Do with it what you want. Extra vitamins costa hundred euros a shot.?
?Thank you.? She silently said.
?You know what we're going to do? Since, you seem to be a nice girl; I'llgive some vitamins for free.? Sergei responded. She hugged him and kissed himon the cheek. She felt happy her boss was attentive for her needs. ?It maysting when I inject it he said.? Soon, the girl felt warm and safe and fellasleep on his bed. The gangster, fucked her, it didn't matter which hole itwas. He was very proud because of his new asset. No other girl has made suchmuch money the first day.
Svetla woke up and joined table. Breakfast was being served. The girls wereall talking to each other. ?Sergei must be out of the house she realized.?
?You must be something very special. We aren't allowed to sleep in the boss'office.? Svetla recognised it was Krista who spoke. The woman who objectedSvetla got more ?vitamins?. She got to know all the girls but in a bizarreway, she felt closely attached to Krista. She seems to be the leader of thegroup and one of the oldest girls. Svetla didn't feel hostility now she gotmore familiar with the girls. After breakfast, she phoned her mom and she liedshe worked as a cashier at a supermarket. Her relatives wouldn't believe whatkind of job she has. Money is on the streets, they think.
Sergei entered the house and was furious when he saw her using his phone. ?Don'tyou have any idea how much that costs? This isn't the Ukraine , here everythingcosts much more. Today, you don't get money!? She started to cry, she put herhands before her eyes. It looked she wanted to say something but the gangsterspoke first.
?No time for crying! You'll get to work! Or else you'll end up on the streets,enjoying the company of rats!? The man said while dragging her into his car.He dropped her off at her workplace. ?Don't forget to earn more money! I'llcheck your pockets!? Sergei said while Svetla left his car.
She was still crying when she sat on her chair at the café. She wonderedhow to get more money. She seriously thought about giving men a real blowjobinstead of a clean up. She needed the money. She asked ten euros for a blowjob which is about thirty zlotych. That's a lot of money for someone in theUkraine but isn't worth much in Belgium . She swallowed the loads of the menwhich seemed for her the proper thing to do. They don't have sexual educationin her home country. At the end of the day, she earned enough money to payher saviour.
Soon, a week passed and it was time for her vitamin shot. She was gettingthe hang of her job. She was pleased Sergei allowed sending her mother somemoney. She worked hard to earn money. She sucked cocks and now she has sexwith her toilet clients. Sergei came once or while to check up on her.
A month later, a man entered the hall. He wore a costume; he was tall, a bitoverweight and looked angry. The man approached her. ?You, show me your papers!?
?I? don't have any.? She said.
?Where is your working permit?? He demanded. She raised her shoulders becauseshe didn't understand what he was saying. But she understood he was from thepolice. The man searched her pockets and found nothing.
?I'll send you back to your home country! If I would get a euro for everytime I caught an illegal, I would be rich.? He said. Svetla thought about themoney she sends to her mother. Her mother needed the money. What she receivedwas worth a lot. She didn't want her mother to lose the extra money.
?Please?don't send me home! I only worked here for a day! I'm new to thiscountry.? She sobbed. She used a handkerchief to wash out her tears. Her facewas red.
?You swallow?? He asked. Puzzled at his question she said yes. He lit hiscigarette.
?What are you waiting for? Open your damn mouth.? The man agitated said. Stillstanding, she obeyed.
?From now on, whenever I'm here, we'll have sex. You'll be fuck ready. You'llnot complain. If you don't do what I say, I'll personally throw you back toyour home country. You'll give me money.? He said. He dropped the ash of hiscigarette into her mouth.
?What are you waiting for, putain? You said that you swallowed!? the man said.
?But I?.? She stumbled. He smacked her. Next, he used his hands to close hermouth hard. She almost bit her tongue. She swallowed.
?God damn it! Do I really have to learn it to you? Open your mouth!? The mansaid. He had enough of it. He put out his cigarette on her tongue. She closedher eyes, it looked she wanted to puke. Again, he violently closed her mouth.Afterwards, she coughed for a while. He undressed her and started to fuck her. ?Youlike it anal?? He asked.
?I fucked many guys here. I need the money, I can't be picky.?
?Ah, like a good whore should be.? He said while fucking her anally.
?Open your mouth, sweetheart.? He said while jerking off in front of her.She obeyed. He came in her mouth. ?Swallow!? Again, she obeyed. ?And lick itclean!?
?Hey! What's this?? He asked while looking at her arms.
?That's from the vitamin shots.? She explains.
?Vitamins shot!? He laughed loudly. ?Yes, darling, you need vitamins. Youknow what? I can you give vitamins, too. Let me give you a shot.?
?No, thank you. I never use needles from other people. Only Sergei's needle.? Sheangrily said.
?This is no time for you to have big mouth! I told you to obey me! Who isSergei anyway?? He demanded.
?He helped me in this country, he got me a job! I never got a job back inthe Ukraine , only work at the farm.?
He injected his heroine into her arms. When she didn't realize what's goingon, he fucked her again. When he was done, he laid her body on the ground.Sperm dripped out her pussy. God knows if other men fucked her too in thiscondition.
After three months she wondered about her pregnancy. She didn't know who thefather was. She felt violated, carrying a baby she doesn't want. This isn'tthe time for a baby in her life now. She wants to get rid of it. She wishedshe could go to a regular hospital and gets it removed but she doesn't havethe legal documents. Later, she discovered there was an abortion clinic inLokeren. There, she could get rid of it without annoying questions. One day,Sergei drove her to the clinic.
Sergei waited in the car. At the helpdesk, she used a false name. She saidher name was Petra . Once, she heard her name, she followed the nurse intoa room which looked like an office. There was a couple of chairs, a table fullwith brochures, and a closet and typical office material. The nurse studiedabroad, she talked English to Svetla. ( Petra )
?First of all, Petra , we want to make sure you understand the consequencesthorough.? The nurse said. Svetla didn't paid attention to her, she only thoughtabout getting rid of her baby. ?You must understand, abortion feels reallybad. It is quite dramatic. You possibly need psychological help. And stay afew days at our clinic.? Svetla automatically nodded. ?Do you understand, Petra??
?Err?yes.? She said, surprised.
?How many weeks are you pregnant?? The nurse asked.
?About twelve weeks.? Svetla replied.
?When would like the operation? We recommend you wait a few days, to decide.? Thenurse said.
?I want to get rid of it now.? She calmly said. She was sure.
?Would you reconsider waiting a few days, please?? The nurse asked.
?No! I made up my mind. I want to have this done today.? Svetla angrily said.
?Are you really sure, Petra ?? The nurse patiently asked.
?Yes! Show me the room!? She demanded. Too bad, we can't deny patients thenurse ruminated.
The nurse used the intercom system, probably asking if the room is free. Next,she brought Petra in the room.
?You can lie down on the table.? The woman in the uniform said. ?You needto relax. Are you really sure you want to do this??
?For the final time, yes!? Svetla angrily said.
The doctor entered the room. ? Miss. Petra, I'll commence the procedure. Ifthere's anything, please ask me. It may hurt, don't be surprised.? He saidwhile inspecting the equipment.
Then he used an electric vacuum pump to remove the foetus. Svetla breathedheavily and she was gasping. She started to cry. Her face was red and wet.
After the doctor was done, she stood up rapidly. ?God damn you doctors! Can'tyou do anything right! It hurts like hell! Do you have any idea how this feelslike? Look at this! It's still bleeding. You doctors are all the same! Whydidn't you warn me?? She said. She tried to leave the room.
The doctor and the nurse stopped her. ?We did warn you it wasn't easy. Youcan't leave now! You need to rest here.? One of them said.
?I need to work to earn money. I really need it.? She said, while trying towalk normal.
They sighed and let her go. Sergei was still patiently waiting. Shakily, Svetlagot in the car and he drove her to her work. Once she was sitting on her chair,she was waiting for her next client.
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GayGladys wanted to stay in my room and I let her. I didn't know if she was afraid of Charlie or if it was for the reason she gave; she liked the way I fucked. "Did you mean what you said about my tits?" she asked, snuggling against me so I could feel her nipples bore into my chest. "Yes." "Charlie never says nice things to me the way you do." "I know." "You're sweet. But, God Damn, you can be mean, too!" "I know." "You're not generally like that, are you?" Remembering...
Samantha sat at her desk in english, the video on JFK played on, she however was distracted by something else, her mind wandered and as she looked up from her desk and she let her vision refocus she saw Tom staring at her from the other side of the room. "STOP LOOKING AT ME!" She let out, the class laughed and Tom looked away laughing. Simone made some comment about the two flirting, she muttered at this and turned to Tanya sitting next to her. "Damn it, like I am! Toms creepy, all the guys in...
LesbianAfter living in the Netherlands for 33 years I was ready for a big change. I had been toying withthe idea of moving to another country to get away from the stress of it all for a while.I had girlfriends in the Netherlands. Wives.I had one nighters and 2 nighters. I wasn't doing bad for myself.But, there was something missing on the girl side. I love variety. I think I've been withevery kind of girl I COULD be with in the Netherlands. I started thinking about other countries.Other girls. Other...
I needed to pee. I walked to my local toilets, you never know, there might be a cock I can suck today.The man standing at the long silver urinal when I entered was in his 40's, white, rugged, not handsome but very manly, thick shoulders, square head and the way he looked at me he was clearly assessing me.I stood to take a leak and he stayed there, waiting it seemed because he wasn't peeing at all. I figured I might be in luck here.I finished and shook the drips off, popped it back into my...
THE LANDLADY by BobH (c) 2011 -1- "How do I look?" I asked Cate. "You look just fine," she replied. "Honestly, Mike, I don't know why you're fretting so much." "Hey, it's not every day a guy gets to meet his girlfriend's Dad and I want to make a good first impression." "I'm sure he'll love you as much as I do," she said, coming over and adjusting my tie before...
I was taking a walk to stay--all right; I'll admit it--to get in shape, when I saw the "Going Out of Business" sign in the second-hand furniture store a block north of my condo. I wasn't in the market for anything, new or used, but I can't resist a bargain, and what was better for finding a bargain, I asked myself, than a store that was having a going- out-of-business sale? The store offered everything you could imagine, in every condition you could imagine--sofas, tables, chairs,...
Eighteen year old James Morgan was sitting across the desk from an attractive middle aged lady who was explaining to him that there was no accommodation in the Halls of Residence at the University of the Arts in South London. James had been delayed on his return to England after holidaying with his parents by striking French farmers and fisherman who had blockaded both the Channel Tunnel and the ports until their demands were met. Mrs. Heather Talbot was explaining that this year saw an above...
Well! let me go straight to the story. This is a story of how I got to fuck my landlady who was seeking a young and energetic dick. A few years back I enrolled for engineering in one of the colleges of Bengaluru. I didn’t get hostel at that college. So I had to stay as a PG in a house in Hebbal. There were only 3 people living in that house at that time: landlord, the landlady, and his son. His son was in the 11th standard. They also had a daughter who was studying CA in Delhi. Aunty, the...
My favorite Aunt and the Divorcee Landlady By Julie D Like most trannies it all started with a favorite aunt and progressed through a series of experiences such as sexy landladies. I have been an avid reader of FM for the last two years since I got a PC. I was told about the site from a fellow TV in one the London clubs I used to go to as Julie. I go into the site most days to see if their are any interesting stories as some are very rewarding when you are alone and feeling...
God did not bless me with looks, personality, features or riches which are all the pre-requisites for wooing women. But what he gave me as compensation were innumerable chances for satisfying my lust. I have had quite a few casual encounters of sexual intercourse with women. All women in my stories are above 26 yrs of age, quite beautiful with well-endowed feminine features. Today, I am narrating another true incident of mine, where I had a spontaneous sexual intercourse with a close family...
there is this lady that owns a ice cream truck that passes by my house. she is a hottie. mature old lady big tits nice ass omg i get hard thinking of her. a while back i went to go get a cone and when she was serving it she tippy toed to get some thing n her shirt went up and her pants went down a little and i saw her thong. any tips on how i can like flirt with her and get her to fuck???ima copy n paste so it can be seenthere is this lady that owns a ice cream truck that passes by my house....
After John retires he starts drinking wine all day. His wife tells him that he is starting to look like a glassy eyed little old lady. She requires him wear the clothes of a glassy eyed little old lady if he continues to drink wine and eventually he becomes one. Chapter One John and Teresa had been married many years. They never had children but took in some foster kids over the years. Teresa had always been a stay at home mom for the foster children and became very involved...
For the last two years I have worked at an manufacturing company on the assembly line making components for cars. The product that my company produced fit several makes and models. We had some job security even if the talk about tariffs did take place.It was decent pay I had my own sutdio apartment in a quite upscale area. No c***dren or girlfriend at the time. I was just working and rushing home to do nothing. I had an up to date American built truck, that blend in well with my southern white...
Soma, a beautiful busty young girl, got married two years ago to a well-known family in Kolkata. Soma and her husband Paresh have been separated from the family since the marriage. And 4 months ago, she had the good fortune to be a mother. For Soma, a 26-year-old young mother, it became increasingly difficult to work and look after her family. So, Soma’s mother decided to hire a housekeeper. Soon she found one. The housekeeper was an old-aged woman. Her age was around 56 or 57, a thin and...
LesbianSwappy Lady Olga Turlovna So, I'll start by saying I used to be a guy who secretly wanted to be a woman. The fact you've found this story means you're probably the same way and I don't need to explain my feelings to you. But I'm beginning with that admission to emphasise God didn't create all of us with female inclinations equal, and I never considered actually transitioning. I wasn't motivated to go through the ordeal of years of expensive hormones and...
"The Perfect Little Lady" I could hear my aunt downstairs at the kitchen door talking then heard the door close. I stood near the upstairs window looking out through the curtains and watched as my new friends walked across the back lawn talking, roughhousing and tossing the football around as they made their way down the alleyway and out of site. I then heard my aunt returning upstairs to her bedroom where I was instructed to wait for her. She entered the room with purpose and...
Demonde Scott woke up early most days.. He leaned over and kissed his girlfriend’s forehead. He threw on some basketball shorts, a tank top, and a pair of multicolored Nike Joyride Dual Run sneakers. The 5’11”; 200-pound man headed out of his small house on the compound where Westerners lived while working in the Kingdom. He stretched then launched into morning 2-mile run. The air felt thick on his skin. It was around 65% humidity at present, but the temp was good at a little over 80 °F.He...
“A fucking lady? No way; how, why?” I babbled, shocked.“Lady, darling; the word is always capitalised,” Cyn, my girlfriend of four months, clarified, “I’m Lady Cynthia Fortescue-Smythe, second daughter of Edward, the Earl of Battersea."“And you are me telling this, why?” I asked, as we lay, post-orgasmic, in her Knightsbridge apartment wrapped in sheets which were, apparently, cut from Egyptian cotton of astronomical thread count.“Royal Ascot silly; we are going tomorrow, and absolutely...
FetishAnother short tale. But only because my a.d.d. keeps me from writing long tales. As always, feedback is not only welcome but very much desired. To serve, and soothe, the Lady. The hour was late, or perhaps early as it was now past midnight, when she - who was not a she on the outside - closed and locked the door after the gentleman left. She liked this man, for he was not cold and cruel as some could be and treated her as a person with feelings. A servant, yes, but still a person....
Ever since I can remember I have been a sissy. As a very young boi, I loved playing with dolls and other girlie things. I avoided the company of other bois my age because to be honest, they frightened me. They just gave off a threatening and hostile vibe that I went out of my way to avoid them. Instead I preferred the company of the girls. I took a lot of heat all the way through school, and after puberty I began totally embracing my femininity, by overt means, such as, wearing makeup, girlie...
Oh god - I'm just sitting here, thinking about how lucky I am to have been born a femme! I love everything about femmes. Of course, getting to where I am today - a totally sexy and girly ladyboi - took a long and sometimes circuitous route. Being born male, and coming from the time and place I came from, announcing to the world (or even to yourself!!) was probably not the wisest thing to do. All I ever heard growing up were extremely negative things about anyone who wasn't straight sexually. It...
91 AVIS AND HER LADYFRIENDS My friend Carol called me up one morning and asked if I would like to meet for some shopping and lunch. Since Jon and I would have the day to ourselves, I agreed and we met at the local mall. Carol approached me and unexpectedly kissed me there in the entrance way to the mall. "Good morning" she said as I looked back in mild shock. "Did I shock you?" she asked. I said I was a bit surprised, but then let it go and off we went shopping. Around noon we stopped at...
Torrance Denkins was completely infatuated with transsexuals. He watched shemale porn constantly. He was married to his second wife. In total, he had five c***dren - three by his first wife and two by the current one. Torrance was forty-eight years-old. His betrothed was only 29. The homicide detective walked out of the precinct and got into his personal vehicle. He drove a black 2014 Cadillac CTS. Once he got settled in the car, Torrance started it up and then sent a text message to...
After a long day at work and a meeting with my boss that ended badly. I decided to dive into the local pub the young guys at work always talk about. I walk in and plat myself by the bar. Greeted by a young black woman. I pay no attention with my head down. Whiskey on the rocks.. Make that a double!! She slides my drink over asking.. Rough day? as I take off my tie. I reply with a negative voice.. You can only imagine. And that's when I make eye contact with her.. A pure beauty. Tied up hair in...
An awesome moment with the busty manager. Hello friends, I am from Kashmir my first story in ISS hope you ll like it. I have been an avid reader of iss. If any women who seek no strings attached fun, or friends with benefit fun can contact me on please be assured of the safety, women’s safety is my first priority. About me, I am a fair handsome looking guy I am a single guy have a decent tool whose sole aim to is to satisfy women, I’m on the heavier side, funny guy. This story goes back in...
I was just about finished cleaning the house for Mr. Gustavsson, the whole house had been out of a womans touch for years. I had recently got my driverslicense and this was my first real job. I lit lighter and waited for the familiar cloud of Smoke that came when i cigarrette fires up, while Mr. Gustavsson leanedaround the corner and asked if everything was O.K. "No problem Mr. Gustavsson all finished," I said,as i wiped my hand with an old rag , "I'll be out in a minute!"After gathering up...