A Man and His PetsChapter 5 Pet Training Begins
- 4 years ago
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A Day in the Life of Pet Owner
Coming home from a long day at work, I enter the door and my pets, gem, candyand luke, bound up to me to greet me. I pet each one and let them know I lovethem. Each one gets their own special moment with their owner. Then I go upstairsto change, with my pets following me. As I change, gem keeps trying to lickmy cock. But I have to take the other pets for a walk, so I push her away witha stern word. Candy and luke are excited because I will take them for a walk.But gem must stay behind since society just doesn't understand about humanpets. So she pouts a little. I swat her behind gently, because I know she isdisappointed. I make myself a silent promise to take her walking in the woodstomorrow morning. She loves her walks.
As I put leashes on candy and luke, gem goes to her bed and curls up, watchingme as I leave. ?Good girl, gem, I will be back soon.? I take the dogs for anice long walk, watching as they explore the world at the end of their leashes.When I get back from my walk, I see gem looking out the front window and Icall to her. She bounds to the door and is there to greet me once again. Itake the leashes off the dogs and put gem's leash on. She gets very excitedabout this since she knows I am going to pay attention to her now, it is hertime with her owner. But first it is time to feed the dogs, so I fasten herleash to a hook I have put there just for that purpose. Walking into the kitchen,the dogs bouncing around my legs, I see that gem has prepared their dinner.That is good, yesterday she neglected to do it and I had to discipline her.I know she was jealous of the time I spend with my other pets. But that isno excuse for ignoring my commands. Eventually, I will take away her dutiesas I gradually dehumanize her. But for now, she has her tasks around the house.
Once the dogs are fed, I lead gem upstairs to my bedroom and tell her to geton the bed. I take off my pants and lay down, pulling gem over by her hairand putting her face in my crotch. She eagerly starts licking my cock, quicklymaking me cum. While she is doing this, I start playing with her nipples. Iam pleased with how quickly milk starts to flow. I stop since I don't wantmilk all over my sheets. Also, I don't want to waste any of her sweet milk.After I have cum and gem has cleaned me with her tongue, I lead her back downstairsfor her milking. I command her to get on her milking table and stand on allfours, like the milk cow she is. I place a pan under her breasts and startto milk her. I love the feel of her nipples as I pull on them as well as thesounds of milk squirting into the pan. She is easy to milk; her nipples area full inch long making it easy to squirt milk where I want it. She had rathersmall nipples when I first met her, but I she consented to having them lengthenedeven before we were in an M/s relationship. They were already very sensitiveand lengthening has made them more so. In fact, now she regularly cums whileI am milking her. It took a month of regular pulling and suctioning, but nowthey were the perfect length for milking.
Soon I have finished milking her. I am pleased with how much milk she hasproduced this time. She seems to be producing more every day since she startedlactating 2 months ago. It won't be long and I will have to find a market forher milk since I cannot use as much as she is producing. I have to milk herthree times a day to keep her breasts from becoming painfully full, so I havea lot of milk.
After I have finished that chore, it is time to feed her. I get her bowl andfill it with food with a special mix that I make. It makes her milk particularlyflavorful and it contains extra vitamins and hormones to encourage lactation.I put her bowl down on the floor and she begins to eat. It took her a weekto get used to eating without her hands, but now she does it like she has beeneating that way all her life.
That is a little ironic. When I met her ten months ago, she was only intolight bondage and a little spanking. I remember her saying on one of our firstdates how she could never imagine being kept as a pet or even a 24/7 slave.Now she was a 24/7 pet and loves it. The change had been gradual. First gettingher used to wearing a collar and obeying orders without questioning them. Gettingher to accept discipline. Then some role playing and weekends as my slave andthen as my pet. Next, her agreement to let me modify her body by lengtheningher nipples. Finally, quitting her job and becoming my 24/7 slave. From softwareengineer to human pet in ten months. Amazing!
I begin to prepare my dinner but it is hard getting around in the kitchen,gem keeps getting in the way trying to lick my cock and also begging for scraps.Finally, I spank her very hard and tell her ?NO!? She goes and curls up inher spot under the kitchen table, looking at me fearfully. It is her fault,she knows better than to get under foot. But she is just a pet and doesn'twant to know better.
Finally, my dinner is ready. I set the table and sit down. As I eat, I realizegem is beside me and looking hungrily at my plate. I sigh, and point to mycock, ?gem you may have your treat now.? She crawls under the table and beginsto lick me. I spoil her so, but she is worth it. Besides, she is a good cocksucker.I cum quickly from her expert licking, so I pick up a piece of my dessert andlet her take it from my fingers. It is rather sticky, so she spends a coupleof minutes licking my fingers and getting them very clean. I notice the otherpets are now staring at me. I don't want to play favorites since that causesproblems. So I give the other dogs some scraps from my dinner. Then candy andluke start to play. But gem stays out of it; she doesn't know how to play withmy other pets very well. I stroke her hair as I finish my dessert.
After dinner, I put my plate and the pans I used to cook with on the floor.All three pets get something to lick and go at them with their tongues. Butgem is not as quick at cleaning her plate as the other two, while her tongueis very talented; it is not as big as my other two pets.
After I have cleaned up from dinner, I retire to my bedroom to watch tv. Allthree pets follow me. I get undressed and climb into bed. I flip on the tvand look for something to watch. Gem kneels beside the bed and begs to climbup with me. I relent and she jumps up, lying with her head on my crotch. Iknow she just wants another cum treat, but I am not ready to cum yet and don'twant to spoil her more than she already is. But I start to watch a porno movieand quickly get hard. So I let her start to lick me. As she licks me, I strokeher hair without really paying attention to her. But as I get excited, I pushher head down until my cock it is in her throat. She tries to pull back butI just push her head down again. This goes on for a few minutes as she triesto get some air. Finally, I feel myself start to cum, so I let her up a littleso I can fill her mouth with the treat she loves. Now I turn on the news andcatch up on the day's events.
Finally, it is time to go to sleep. I let gem take my cock in her mouth asshe does every night. I like the warm wet feeling on my cock as I fall asleep.
When I wake up in the morning, I realize it is Saturday. I feed the pets andstart my coffee before letting them outside to do their business. It took gema while to get used to doing it outside. I have a very high fence, so no onecan see her as she walks out and squats in ?her? spot. While they are doingthat, I wander out front and collect the newspaper. Pouring myself a cup ofcoffee, I open the back door and let my pets in before settling in my easychair to read the paper. I call gem over and put my cup under her breast, squeezingsome milk into my coffee. I used to drink my coffee black but have grown veryfond of her milk in my coffee in the last month.
Finishing the paper, I decide to enjoy the beautiful day and take my petsfor a walk in the woods. I own a large piece of land about 30 minutes away.I may build there someday, but for now it is a private place to walk. I graba breakfast bar and wolf it down before starting toward my bedroom to get dressed.
Before I get to my room, I hear gem whimpering. I stop, realizing I have forgottento milk her fully. So I detour into the kitchen where she bounds up on hermilking table without being told. She must really be full this morning. AsI put my hands around her breasts, I can feel the fullness. If she keeps uplike this, I may have to start milking her four times day. That could be inconvenient.I will have to consider that. Perhaps an automatic milker for when I am atwork. I have been able to make it home for her lunch milking but adding anothermilking could be a problem. That is a problem to be considered. Owning a milkcow is a responsibility. One that I enjoy. All this goes through my mind asI am milking her.
I finish milking her and put her milk into the refrigerator. Then go and getdressed for our outing. After I am dressed, I put together a light picnic lunchfor myself with something extra for each of my pets.
Opening the garage door, I grab the leashes and signal for my pets to followme. They bound eagerly into the garage where I open the side door on the vanfor them to get in. The van has tinted windows so no one can see what is insidebut my pets can see out. I pull out of the garage and set off. As I pull offthe road onto the little track that serves as my driveway to where I sometimescamp, the pets start getting very excited and bounce around the car. I letthem do it, knowing this is a big treat for them.
I park the van and open the side door for them to get out. The dogs leap outand start rushing around checking out the smells. But gem just waits patientlyfor me to put her leash on. She loves her leash and much prefers being walkedon a leash to be let free. To tell you the truth, I prefer it too. There arefew things more erotic than a nude woman on a leash. I keep gem nude exceptfor some special moccasins I had made for her that match her skin so she appearsto be completely nude as we stroll through the woods. I don't want her to hurther feet nor do I want them all calloused, that is why I use the moccasins.
I put on my backpack containing my lunch. Sometimes I put it on gem, but Iwanted to enjoy the sight of her naked body this time. Fastening her leashto her collar, I begin to walk down the path, knowing that gem is followingtwo paces behind, just as I have trained her to do. We walk along for about30 minutes until we come to clearing with a little meadow with a large treelaying on its side in the middle. I walk over to the tree trunk and stop. Bendingdown I take one of gems nipples in my mouth and start to drink. Once I havemy fill, I take another mouthful and move up to gems mouth, where I place mylips on hers and squirt the milk into her mouth. I do this a couple of timessince I know she is probably thirsty. It is a glorious day! The weather ispleasantly warm and the air so fresh. As I stand there enjoying the day, Ipush gem down onto her knees. Knowing what I want, she opens my pants and takesmy cock in her mouth. Without thinking about it, I take her head in my handsand begin to move her mouth up and down my throbbing shaft.
Soon I stop moving her head up and down, pulling her off my cock. She resistsuntil I slap her lightly on the side of the head. She looks up to see the sternlook on my face. She knows I am going to punish her; it both makes her nervousand excited. I grab her shoulders and push them to the ground, leaving herass raised in the air. Slipping my belt from my pants, I begin to administerher punishment. Just five lashes this time. The sight of the stripes acrossher ass make me really horny, as she knew they would. So I plunge my cock firstinto her pussy to get it lubricated, then into her ass where I thrust it tothe hilt. Then, my balls slapping her pussy, I piston my cock in and out ofher asshole until I cum explosively deep insider her bowels. Finally sated,I pull my quickly softening cock from her ass. Then I pull her around by herhair and have her lick me clean again.
Zipping up my pants, I take her leash and begin to hike again. The dogs, whohad wandered away during my little interlude, came trotting back. I greet themand they happily move down the path ahead of me hoping to surprise some unwittingsquirrel.
Finally I reach my goal, a spur of rock rising above the valley floor. Pullingoff my backpack, I settle down to enjoy the view. My pets array themselvesaround me, knowing that I will be eating lunch soon and they will get sometoo.
Realizing that it is milking time, I call gem over to me. Knowing what timeit is, she stands on all fours in front of me. I put a small bowl under onebreasts and begin to milk her. Finishing that one, I milk the second breast.I prefer to milk them both at the same time, but did not want to carry a largeenough bowl on my hike. When I am finished, I tell gem to lie down again. Settlingback against a convenient rock, I start to sip the warm fresh milk.
After a while, I get out my lunch as well as the treats I brought for thepets. As I eat, I throw the treats to them. At first, gem seems reluctant toeat off the ground. But a stern look from me prompts her to overcome her oldhuman reluctance to eat off the ground. After all, she is a pet now not a humanbeing.
After lunch, I succumb to the pleasant warmth of the afternoon sun and dozeoff. I awake after an hour to find my pets still slumbering. I enjoy the viewof these beautiful animals for a while before noticing the dew on gems pussy.She seems to be in a constant state of arousal since becoming a 24/7 pet. Imean, she was a pretty sexual woman before being made into my pet. But nowshe seems constantly in heat.
These thought make me horny again. So I rouse her from her slumber and throwher over a low boulder before burying my cock in her pussy. It doesn't takeme long to cum, now does it take gem long. We both cum loudly, screaming outour sexual release to the world.
Stepping back, I notice luke coming up to stick his nose in gems pussy. Heis not fixed but I have never let him mount gem. Deciding this was as gooda time as any to introduce gem to the next phase of her dehumanization, I letluke have his way. First he licks her pussy with his big tongue. This producedan immediate reaction from gem. She starts to rise and turn around angrily.But catching the stern look on my face which is emphasized by my pointing finger,she turns around and places herself back over the boulder, resigned to whatis to happen. Luke goes back to his licking for a minute before rising up onhis hind legs and planting his front paws on both sides of gem. His cock isalready sticking out and he quickly plunges it into her pussy. It is not longbefore I can tell from the sounds gem is making, that his knot has fastenedhis cock into her pussy. It doesn't take him long to cum and when he cums shescreams out. It is almost a primal sound of animal lust. Clearly she is cummingharder than she has ever cum before. As quickly as he entered her, he pullsout and moves off, sated. She collapses in a faint for a few minutes. I cansee the mix of human and dog cum dripping from her gapping pussy.
A little later, I rouse her and put her leash back on before setting off ona different trail back to the car. She seems both lethargic and somewhat disgustedby what just happened. When I look back at her, I can see tears trickling downher cheeks. But I can also tell she is incredibly turned on by the event. Thewarring emotions flicker across her face before a small smug smile appears.She must be remembering how hard she just came.
As we come to a small stream, I stop and slash water over her body to cleanup the cum dripping down her legs. As her owner, it is my responsibility tokeep her clean. As I am washing her, the dogs come up and start playing inthe water further downstream from us.
With her now clean, I once again take her leash and lead her back to the van.I don't bother to dry her off, knowing that she will dry quickly in the warmweather. When we get to the van, I open the side door and my pets all pilein for the ride home. They are all tired from the day as am I.
As we drive home, I begin to hear the unmistakable sounds of luke mountinggem again. I ponder this development. I don't mind letting luke follow me inusing gems body, but I refuse to get sloppy seconds after my dog. I guess Iwill have to start controlling his use of gem. Not now, as we are pulling upto my house.
When we get inside, I bustle around getting dinner ready for myself and mypets. We have all worked up an appetite today.
Dinner done, I wander into my office to get a little work done. My pets allfollow me in there, but lie down quietly as they know I do not want to be disturbedwhile I am working.
After a couple of hours, I rise and go upstairs to my bedroom. After gettingundressed, I lay down on the bed and turn on the TV. Of course, gem is sittingbeside the bed begging to get up. I signal that it is all right and soon Ilet her suck my cock. Before she gets too far though, I decide to mount heragain. So I pull her off my cock and flip her around so her ass is pointingat me. I plunge into her wet pussy and pound away with energy I didn't realizeI had left today until I cum deep inside her pussy. Currently she is on thepill, but I am considering whether to breed her. She would make good broodstock, but I am unsure whether I want to produce a child with a pet. Then theimpact of motherhood on her training and dehumanization would be hard to predict.So I will probably just continue down the path I am taking now.
Sated, I lay down and start to drift off to sleep. Tomorrow is another day.I realize that gem has a training session then. I am training her to be a ponygirland she needs to learn the proper gaits. There is a pony show coming up ina few months put on by the local BDSM club and I want to show her. So I amtraining her hard since I want to win the contest for best ponygirl. But thatis another chapter.
They then drove directly to the airport and took off. Trina sat in the co-pilots seat. Being the smart little critter that she was, she soon saw they were heading north by northeast, not west toward home. She asked. "Where are we going, Sir?" We're going to New York City to see The Westminster Dog Show. And yes Trina, we may pickup a new pet. I want my pets to see how other pets obey commands. You girls have been a little lax lately. Trina whispered in Jim's ear. "We're a little lax...
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This is a compilation of my series Mother's Owner ... Enjoy! This is another story from my imagination. If you do not appreciate such, don'ttake offense. Just go on to the next posting.If you're under age or immature forget the following.If you're offended by non consensual sex, violence, S&M ... ETC then go on tothe next posting. You've been warned!!! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Mother's...
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WARNING! THIS IS A WORK OF EROTIC BDSM FICTION. IT IS ADULT ORIENTED MATERIAL OF A SEXUAL NATURE. DELETE NOW IF YOU DO NOT WISH TO VIEW THIS TYPE OF MATERIAL.The Author does not condone any of these actions, this is fantasy, make believe, ya know day dreaming. COPYRIGHT 2006: This story is copyrighted by the author, Stillbehindblueeyes. I?d love to hear from you Stillbehindblueeyes (at) yahoo (dot) comIf you post this story else ware please let me know and give me access to it....
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This is continued from my previous stories, and is about next day with my pet. Again any and all comments are welcome, and I hope you enjoy. I woke the next morning, the memoriesof yesterday still fresh in my mind, as I lay still, holding my pet close to me and wishing I'd never have to let her go. Glancing at the clock, I saw it was about time to get up. I reached over turning the alarm off and went back to holding my pet until it was time for the alarm to have gone off. I gently leaned over...
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Milford Boys Academy was not a typical private school. For one thing, it was incredibly isolated in a remote mountain region. Combined with its 5 year program, most students were enrolled for the duration and didn't leave school grounds in the entire curriculum period. The other thing which made the Academy different was the programs it offered; Milford Boys Academy was a School of Magic. Like most of the boys at the Academy, Brad had arrived after his powers manifested at age 16....
“Peta, I asked you for this chat, this talk because you’re heading for trouble in this office. Your male coworkers complain you don’t socialize with them, not here or outside, with a drink or even a cup of coffee. Since you’re a beautiful girl, I don’t miss their point. They want a chance to flirt and some to lay you in bed. But your great trouble comes from your female coworkers. They said it’s ok you’re shy, but some are openly hostile against you for they think you’re a closet lesbian and...
The Pink Pet - The Bus and the Mistress (Part 2 of 3) I got to the bus terminal and thanked god that I hadn't crashed my car on the drive over. The panel in my crotch was vibrating more and more frequently and with building intensity. Each pulse made me ache a little more for release but I was trapped in this infernal outfit! I was finding it harder and harder to think as my hormones continued to cloud my mind. I was so desperately horny! I have been playing this game for a few days...
You wake up your very own cat bed, on the bedroom floor next to daddy's own double bed. You're naked, apart from your tagged little collar with your name tag on it, and you're wearing a decent size plug in your tight little ass.. A plug with a long, fur tail on it... You've been sleeping well. Having some wet dreams... The room is hot enough that you can sleep comfortably naked, just like daddy does on the bed. You can feel the sticky wetness on your fingers, and you know you've touched...
You take my phone turn it off and tell me to Strip naked and put my clothes in trash bag on floor You ask if all my toys are in bag I brought I reply yes sir You hand me a eye mask and tell me to put it on then you grab my head an pull it to your lap and say suck my cock good and while you are sucking my cock, I want you to take and finger your pussy and get yourself wet for me. I do what you ask and finger my pussy while sucking your cock naked and blindfolded I don’t know where you...
Title- Visiting her pet Author- Jayden McZimmer Copyright 2008The time had come for Eve and Sophie to meet. The two women had been friends for a year now. The online playing had come to its peak and both knew they needed more. Their hearts and bodies ached for more than chat. Sophie had gone back to school for the year and Eve was also leaving her city to head back home. She thought many times of making a stop at Sophie's house on her journey but never had enough courage to bring it up. Eve...
Marcus went out on dates, but they never ended with dorm room sex or sex anywhere. It began to weigh on his mind, the feeling of being just average and of being just another guy friend. Little did he know how things would change, change not only for him but many others on his next trip back home. It was a brisk late autumn day when he arrived home. His parents and sister were not at home when he came, so he decided to take a walk in the mountain forest close to his house, a luxury of where...
Wanted Part Time PetThe ad read: Wanted Part Time Pet. Mature gentlemen seeks pet part time for nurturing and companionship. For further information and details e-mail [email protected] read the ad a couple of times. It didn't make any sense – does he want a cat or dog sometimes? A pet is a commitment you don't just get one, play with it for a while and send it away. Did he expect that somebody was going to loan him their pet. That idea didn't gel either.For some reason, I could not let the idea...
FetishMy Very Own Pet Tentacle Monster I was working on my computer late one night just skimming different videos and some inappropriate sites. The ones you only view when you are alone. It was on one of those sites that I came across one that seemed a bit different. “Perfect Companion”, it read and had a form to select different characteristics for your pet. I found it interesting because the theme was featured around silly tentacle monsters. They may not be my favorite style of porn, but I didn’t...
Introduction: White teacher submissive is seduced by black dominant parent. Straight White Girls: A Pet Teacher Summary: White teacher submissive is seduced by black dominant parent. Note 1: Thanks to goamz86 and Robert for editing this story. Straight White Girls: A Pet Teacher Jasmines last parent-teacher interview was scheduled for nine at night, a full hour after the evening was supposed to end. Janet Jones, the mother of Bethany Jones, couldnt make it until this late time because of...
Mike pulls the leash up stupid boy iam, loud speaking about how he likes his pet back home before midnight every friday night .Undress in the loby , naked and on all 4 like a dogLooking at mike bbc i sucked yesterday after the bar bulging under his boxer , not aware i was filmed , drunk draining his bbc for a lift home , he had me obeying like a pet if i dont want people to knowin silence crawling to the basement, listening to my Master who pull me down the stairs i gulp as we got down 3 little...
I knew surprisingly little about the woman I was meeting. I'd never seen a picture of her and I'd never even be given a rough deion of her, so while my eyes searched for her, I had to acknowledge the relative futility of the task. All I knew was that she was in her thirties, that she was very dominant, and that she was there to meet me. When a woman walked alone into the bar and started scanning, I felt my body tighten with anticipation. I wondered if I should wave, or make some kind of...
Since people have enjoyed my first story, I've decided to write more. Thanks to everyone who commented on it for their support. I enjoy hearing from readers. This is continued from my first story "My First Pet" and follows from where that left off. Again, please give any comments and I hope you enjoy. After what had happened a few moments ago, I was almost dancing round the kitchen as I prepared dinner. I was ecstatic, I couldn't believe things had gone as well as they had. My beautiful Jane...
LesbianMy little Slut for you my pet may your pussy get wet every time you read this *purr* ??????????????????????????????????????????????? ????????? You have come again to me seeking what you love from me so much you love what I do to you every time you see me the thoughts that make you wet and cum fill your head, your in the position that I make you greet me in every time we come to this little room, your on all fours your collar around your neck your eyes looking up at me, oh your eyes pet...
This is Tofu. She has brown hair. She has two green eyes. She has a pink tongue.Tofu is my pet. She is not a cat. She is not a dog. What kind of pet is Tofu?She has short hair on her head. She has a very fuzzy cunt. The rest of Tofu is bald.She is twenty-six years old. She has breasts that fit in my hands. She has a soft belly.Tofu is my pet girl! I love Tofu very much. Tofu is my best friend. She has been my friend for a long time.Last year, Tofu’s name was not Tofu. Last year, she was not my...
FetishShe forced herself to hold still. Made herself take a deep breath. She turned her attention to Maria instead. Maria smiled at the girl reassuringly. "Don't be nervous Katie cat," she said trying to calm the girl with the old pet name. "I'm trying Maria," Katie said quietly dropping her gaze to the floor. "I'm just worried that..." "I told you not to worry," Maria cut her off gently. She crossed the room and took the girls hand. "I have been in your...
Really sorry to al those that have patiently waited on this, some real life things got in the way of my writing. but here it is now. I hope it was worth the wait. This story is about the first time I had to discipline my pet. As always, any and all comments are welcome, enjoy. It had been two weeks since my pet had agreed to be mine, to give herself completely to me and do anything I told her to. We had spent the time trying out more of the things Steven had taught me, as well as a few things I...
LesbianAs she started up the back porch steps, her characteristic trepidation reasserted itself. All night before bed and every moment since she had awoke, Katie had felt happy and excited. Her mind had spun round and round, wondering what else she was going to learn. She had felt an unfamiliar confidence in her ability to meet the challenge. Suddenly, she was nervous. Confidence was wiped out by nagging doubt. What if they didn't really enjoy yesterday as much as I thought? What if...
TRAINING DAYI heard Julie's car pull around the side of the house. We had decided upon Sundays, 3:00 to 6:00, as Julie's usual service time. I headed back to the pet dressing room and closed the door to the kitchen behind me. I waited for Julie to come in the back door.When she entered, I said, "The first thing you do when you come in is to strip completely. Here are hangers and shelves for your clothes. Did you bring your knee pads?""Yes.""Good, set them on a shelf, strip and then go to...
Incest(A little background information to make the story make more sense) This is loosely based on my first experience as a mistress and details like names have been changed , neither me or my pet are into excessive amounts of pain in our relationship (only light bondage). This happened a few weeks after I started going out with her and was my first time staying at her place. Any comments or criticism are appreciated and I may write more based on if people enjoy this or not. This is an early draft...
LesbianPansy woke to the sound of whimpering and opened her eyes to the sight of her husband fucking their pets arse. She loved to see her husband fuck the pet that had once been her number enemy. Once upon a time the pet would resist and fight back but over the years she had been broken and was now happy to be used in any way her owners wanted. Having woken up properly. Pansy moved to the edge of the bed,spread her legs and watched as the pet moved her face to her mistress' pussy....
Note : This story is completely fictional!In nineteen forty six Thelma Lou Anderson was married with three kids. Linda was the oldest. She was sixteen. Guy and George was ten and Guy seven. Thelma owned a beauty shop in Kansas City. She suspected her husband Lawerance was cheating on her again. She followed him one day when he thought she was at work and saw him go into a house. A woman opened the door and he went in. That was all the proof she needed. She went home and packed her suitcase and...
IncestPete was pretty wasted with two teens on him and coming twice into Erin.Erin and Erica were fresh from their shower and decided to elegantly quit Pete.Re-living in his dreams what just had happened to him, Pete sported a hard-on.The teens giggled and with an eye-wink decided to wake up Pete by small Pete.The teens giggled louder when Pete gasped. And woke up with pets on his prick.The teens whispered unisono in his ears: "Wake up big Pete and small Pete.It´s time to freshen up and shower. We´ll...
Note: In the year 2033, all unskilled labor, such as receptionists, flight attendents, concierges etc have all been replaced by AI. Even navigating computers had replaced pilots. It worked mostly fine unless a completely unexpected situation came about and their programming couldn’t handle it, then they would default to whatever they considered closest to normal. This will be one of those unexpected situation. ***** Samantha and Tiffany are two sisters who live together and have desperately...
I come home from a long day at work, and find that my pet is there waiting for me like the good pet she is. As I walk through the door she is waiting for me with her collar and leash like she does every day, but today is different. Today was a day from hell. Although my pet does not know it yet she is going to be pushed to her limits.As I take off my jacket and hang it up I go to the bedroom and head to the showers after a nice long hot shower I am relaxed but not fully, not yet. As this is...
Theo had been changing into the squirrel too much, he knew that now... as a pulse of heat raced through his body from his groin. He realized that he shouldn't have come to the office.He had been spending most of his days at the squirrel in his home deep in the countryside. Teleworking most of the time, as the squirrel he felt no need for clothes, his heavy furred balls resting between his thighs as his paws raced over the keyboard. The sharp claws on his paws clattering loudly as he typed,...
Fantasy & Sci-FiAt their home...Anna and the pet come screaming and laughing into the huge central room. Master sits in his big chair looking at the big flat screen TV that hangs from the ceiling. A black stack of electronics next to it. Sound coming from all around the room.His chair is flanked by two black leather couches. Two more back two-thirds of a circle. The TV and electronics at the far end."I Love This Place!" Anna says as she flops onto the couch just to his right. Her shadow follows and nuzzles...
Rocco finished his whiskey and watched the ladies nursing their glasses of wine. The three of them had retired into the living room and sat down to relax with a couple of drinks. Sarah and Jolene sat on the sofa across from Rocco. Sarah was still naked. Jolene was wearing her jumper dress without panties and she had been flashing Rocco quite often the entire evening through dinner and drinks.His cock twitched every time Jolene caught him staring at Sarah. Each time, she winked and spread her...
BDSMIt was time to bitch out my agent. When he said 'hello,' I launched into a speech about wasting my time. I know any struggling model and actress has strengths and weaknesses. My weakness doesn't seem fair. My tits are too big. I keep hearing 'We are looking for a younger girl.' That is a nice way for them to say I have tits like a porn star. I know my face is young and fresh. Busting out of a 34 DD means I look too sexual to be a commercial success.It is ironic, that I announced my decision to...